THE COLUMBIAN. HLOOJlStll'IKI, ninnv, AITtU, S, USD Kail Itoail rime Tal.le. uACttA WANNA ULOOMSIIUIttl I.Alt, HUAI) NORTH. SOUTH Accommodation Train, 7 3 A. M Mall Train 7.31 A..M Fast Train M, 11.15 A..M Express Train .H) 1', M. CATAWISSA KAIL I10A1). NORTH, POUTH Accommodation Train o,ss a. M. lieiiutar Hx press 4.00 r. M. t,m p.m. 11,45 A.M. Thronsli cars on impress train cither to New York or ruilaUolpliU . Accommodation train runs between L'u,U w-lsi.t and Wtlllamsport. srAdi: links. Outrun an 1li.oosnBCiui.-Lcavo t'nmbra Monday, evuneiay nnu i-nuiiy nt, 0:30 n. in., arrheat Hloomsburif by Iavo ltlwmsburg on imiuc u.ija miti uiiifniui i IlliaueilJllia mall. llLOOMSBUBII AND 1.AlKDSTII.t.K,-IaVO IjllrdlVllte Tiiosdny. Timrsiiiv anil Haiurdav at t:so a. m., arrlvlnir at Uloomsburif by i m. Lento lilooms burs on namo dajs titter arrival of l'nrladelplila man naiiy man irum moomsnurir lO.MlllYllle. Denton and llloomsburir. A dally statrt l'no loavlnR nemon in mo mumiug nnu. returning in mo eve ning ot tho satno day. MAIL IIOUTK8. VniTB Hai.1. and llLoOMjntRO.- teiivo While Hall Tuesday, Thursday nnd Saturday at C:3ii a. in., Arriving at llloomsburir by 1o a. in. U-nvo lllonina burg on same da) s alter arrival ot l'hlladelphla mall. Bknton and IliWMSBCMi. leaves llenton Monday Wednesday nnu muay at 9 a. m nrrivinK at llloomsburir at i p. m. Leaves llloomsburir Tues day, Tnursday and daturday nt 8 a. in., ai rl) Ing Ub llIUOU Ut . 1. III. PUBLIC SALES. I). I'ranliJZnrr, Aelmini'lralorjof M. V, Is'iiss, ileceiseil, will sell valuable retl estate on llio prcmics in Hloom-burg on Monday April 12, 18S0. NOTICE TO SUBSCH1I1EUS OUTSIDE OF TI1E COUNTY. All subscribers outside of the county must nay in ntlvnnce. W'e liavo sent bills to all such, nnd hope to bavo nn immediate response, Those who do not nive nttenlion to our request nnd who are more than one year lihind will have llieir paper stopped and hill sent for collection unless they setllo by May 1st. The rtft'on why we must insist on advance payment out of the county is that tee have to pay postage, Hrd we cannot afford lo run the risk of losing the subscription price, and the postage too. 2.00 n yenr is tho price out of the county when net paid strictly in alliance. March 19, If. Snow fell on Sunday night. Deeds, mortgage", fas, at. this office. Mrs, K, W. Elwtll, of Townnela, is visiting friends in town. Harry Jr. I2r.nn lrn been appointed Post' master nt Kvansville Mr, Guy Jneohy is rendering valuable assist ance in this liceat present, Lutz& Sloan have moved in iheir new store, and a beauty It is. Go nnd see them. The Jonestown letter insertion. reached us too Into for Joseph Crawford, an employee of the Blooms burg Iron Company was severely injuied in the mines on Wednesday la-t. Col. S. Knorrand L, S. Winlcrsteen, K.qrs, have formed a partnership for the practice ot law. Their card appears in this issue. The list of lands to bo sold for taxes in June will be published next wcekbyTreasurerSftep penhiser. We arc indebted to the Department of Ag- ricultureat Washington forapackagtfof'Wnus. ' liakum" corn. A number af ihe churrhes were decorated t with flower on Knslcr. This beautiful custom is becoming more prtvalent yearly. Elegant gilt beveled tdged calling cards, in dillerent designs at this office. Jutt as fine a engraved plate. Call and see. John Aten, an old anil repected citizen ol Milllin township, was buried on Monday Inst i He was step fatherof County Treasurer Sep- penluscr, A. Lincoln Tustin, son ot l!ev. J. I'. Tustin, received the seconil price at ihe Lewi-elium University for Iheb-st prepiration on studie- necessary to admission lo college. If your child has worms giye it the Greai Mexican H.nietly, Herbaline Hitters, they are cisy ol ndmlnUtration, to take, nnd harmless as honey. They never disappoint. rreo to every reader. Dr. C. K. Livingston, 255 S iperior strtet, Toledo, Ohio, will mail n valuable book; Tee, lo every reider of this pa per, on receipt ol stump to piy postage. Sei d for it. See his adverli-ement in another column. Itebecca Carman, of llenton, has just icturned from ihe city with a Urge assortment ol Milli nery Goods and Notions to which she invite the attention of the public. She is prepared to sell all goods nt tld prices, MAIIANOY PLANE, Pa. The show in Dtegan's Hall, last night, by tin lilitz tioupe was the best that ever spptnted in this place. The troupe will exhibit again In night and we predict a full house. The admit. sion is but ten and fifteen cents. On Monday evening, nt a meeting of the congregation of St. Paul's Kpi-copal Clmrrli. the Vestry of last year was re-elected f.r the coming year. The report of the Treasurer t.l the I'ari!i. li. I'. IIartman,was read and accept ed, and a vole ol thanks tendered lo him for hi efficient services. Al Ihe regulir meeting of Crusade Com- mandery, Xo. 12, at this place on Tliiiri-tla evening of list week, 1". K. llrockway was elect ed Eminent Commander, Peter I' Knapp, Gen eralissimo, and Jf. 1'. M rare Captain General, for the ensuing Templar year. Nolice Miereby given that the County Audi tors will meet the Directors of the I'oor of Con yngliam nnd Central! Poor District, on Thurs day, April 15th, 1SS0, at the Poor House in Lo cust lownhip for the settlement of their tic counts for Ihe past yeur. Minnie, daughter of Mrs. liernetla Ent, and illlam M. I-.tit, now deceased, of Light Street died on Sundiy morning last, of drops of the Iieirt, niter an illnesss of several weeks. She was a very inleresling young lady of about nineteen years. Tho funeral took place en Tuesday, nnd was conducted by Key. N. Spear, FHEELAND.l'A. Professor Blitz has given two of his perform ances in Donop'o Hull, and on both nights had crowded houses. His performances are im mense. Enough cannot ho said in prai'0 of mem, lo-nlght will be your last chance to see Jililz, so tlo nol fail to go, His Punch and Judy alone is worth three limes Iho price of admis sion (ten cenls.) Dr. D. W. Conner, and Miss Mary Ella, eldest daughter of Dr. J. O. Hotter, all of iiioomsburg, were united in the bonds of holy mitrituony at tho residence ol iho bible's pa rents on Thursday U10I61I1 Inst., by llev. L, Zahner. Tho bridal parly left on tho noon train for Philadelphia and other cllles. Mav their voyage through Ufa be hsppy and pros- pcruej. SUMMIT HILL, PA. We had Ihe III iz combination here for llireo nights, nod candor compels us us to say It is mc nest organization of the kind now travel ing. A well-known German minister, Iter. Opltz, of Schlolsingervllle.Wls.. writes i I was n tuflerer with rheumatism for years. i-neous ricotnnienditl the i.e of St. JncdV 1 "'el It and must confess that the rosult was astonishing. Having hardly used up tho irsi ujitio, t tounil relief, and the second one cuieilme. I therefore feel under obligations, snd shnll recommend this effective remedy wncncveriliavo ii chance. The Easter services al tho Episcopal church ercoi an impro'slyc anil interesting character The eatlv service nt six o'clock wns well at tended, At the regular morning atrviro the rec tor prenched an able and appropriate discourse. The church wasbeaullfully decorated with (low ers ami plants, Hanging baskets were suspend- m between tho arches, Ihe music was well prepared and nicely execuled. 'I he choir con sists ol boys, young hdies, nnd Mr. P. E. Wirt, Miss EUcll presided at Ihe orgm. In ihe eve ning, at the chihlicns' service, the church wns crowded, I'ive male infants were biptlzcd. The lvistcr ollerlng of the Sunday School was soire. th ing over 530 00. Iiionis'o SiiiictEiio.nts.-Ii n first-class Inun- dry starch is made in the usukl manner; To a pail of starch a whole pperm candlo is used, When the linen is dry, it is dipped in the cold starch and ironed In ihe ordinary wavi then it is dampened with n wet cloth nd the polish iron passed over it. This isan ordinary smooth ing iron, ground off so tint the edges are all rounding. To this last niauipiil itlon the linen is indebted lor the peculiar laundry gloss which all admire so much, but which many house keepers have yainly striven to leave upon Ihe wristbands and bosoms ol their husbands' shirts. FISIllNOCHEEK 1TEM1. Ens. Coi.UMniAN : 1 failul to send in the Eishingcreek items latwcek, and can hardly get my mind com posed sufficiently lo get anything logelhtr ol any importance on account of a sudden shock liied from n big gun ncsr Stillwater last week, nnd hope you will make all due allow ance on account of injuries received therefrom, The above shock spoken of did not nffict my eyesight in the least, and think I will recover again wiihoul the application spoken of. Ihe "Snibbor"gun is not as large as the Stillwater one and daro not be loaded so heavy or it might kiik some one. SxiIiBor., A 0001) PIANO. Frank Leslie's Illustrated newspaper savs : A good piano at a fiir price is one of the wants of the times. An instrument (hat is durable. that is siibsluntially made, and has nil iho-o pialitics of lone which make a lirst-cltss piano cm l,e had from tho Mendelssohn Piano Co., N'ew York, from S1S0 lo 5100. For over G3 years their hctory has been producing pianos and adopting every new invention which has proved itself lo bo valuable. They can be com partd by an expert with instruments of the highest name and fancy price, and the result is surprisingly satisfactory. The piano is war- rat, ted for live years, and no purchaser has ever made a oompliint. From rersonal knowledge ind critical examination, wo can recommend my one to send for a citaljgue to "the above meutioned manufacturer s. Last Xoticg. All persons indebted lo ihe estate of Peter Ent, deceased, and to En Brothers are hereby noli fit d that thti-o accounts must bo paid by May 1st or costs will be in curred. Call tit my ollico nt ltlooni'-burg. March 5,tf. U. H. Ent, Adru, J. II. Lippincott A Co., of Philadelphia, have just published a work of real value lo ev ery one interested in literature. We refer In The Header's Handbook," by Dr. E C, Brew er, the author of several similar books. In re viewing tho volume iho Philadelphia Jiieninj litiltetin says : This surpa ses all lint we have seen in a hook of rclereiice for readers and wriiets, as it combines the best qualities of the encyclopjo li-i- bn graphical dictionaries and quotation books. Appended lo it is a lit of authors and diles of llamas nnd operas, numbering 2517, and a sei- ond appendix gives the elite of the noi ins. novels, etc-, refeired to in the book which i- qniteas thorough and complete. Altogether. The lteadcr's Handbook' wool I bo die ip at my price, and it will t ike a pl.ici in every well rdered libriry, smill or lirgo, that belongs to a person fond of leading or occupied in writing -is a profession." IlfCKlloit.v, March 10th, 1S30. Kds. Columbian : On Friday evening, ju't as Mr. Fred. 1! Ilariman and wile were ready to start to u neighbors to i-peud tho evening, a lirgo number if persons entered their liou-e, tho leailine me carrying a b:i.-ket which contained wood mil chips which were iinmtditiclyset on (irein the room stove. The ladies procteilel to set the table which when completed, did honor to hem and was fit meal for a king. Th invita tion to eat did not need to be repeated. Oe'ei ixtv prrsons did justice to the tnbl- and injus tice to themselves. Everybody t-cemed lo en joy theinselvas. Upon the eeltdj, wo think it was iIih finest 'Surprise puty" we ever attend- 1. "The fragments were gallierel up that nothing be lost" and such as llour, meat, pet titoes and groceries an 1 dry goods tein lined: for which the pirty will pleise accept ihe sin cere thanks and best withes of the recipients' I. Waxtkii. A girl for general house work. M'l'l be a good washer anil ironer, and of go, d c ear icier. Wages 2.00 a week. Apply residence of It C. Netil, Fiflh street between Iron and Centre. March 10, tf. POll JOB I'ltlNTEIlS, Theabsurditits connected with estimating for work hive been recently ill lslnted in this uite during the progress of a case in court. One printer was willing loelo fir$S77 whu another would not touch far less thin Jtilo, while a third thought ho was on Ihe right track at 11)3, As these figures were all wo.-n 10, tho pre sumption is that the witueses at least believed their calculations to be correct. But these dif ferences arc insigiiifiuanl to those brought lo lour notice within Iho past few days, w litre a Cleveland firm offered lo .print un edition of a pamphlet for less than cosl of paper und labor in any establishment where a fair livirg price is piid the wor kmen. Why there should be such discrepancies in price for woik in officios known to have equal facilities for it, is one of the problems of the trade. Until there be a radical overbuying of the loose modo of esiiiuviug uow so prevalent among us, no healthy improvement in business need bo looked for. Let 110 work bo undertaken without a fiir profit; Letter that machinery should lie idle than be run at a certain loss, The remedy U with Ihe printers iheni-elves Customers are presumed to know nothing of ihe details of producing work, and will petronize those whu oiler ihe best terms, caieles or nol binkruptcy is tho end of lit producers us it must ey tin, Hi U- under such a system or ruber no system, Look to jour osllmaies Do not agree lo work below cost, or even with oul profit jut becauto some on the does, for the purpose of gelling your competitors trade The Quadiat, THE COLUMBIAN AND Although many papets hnvo raised Ihe price of subscription lo$2.00, owing In the Increase In price ol material, our prico st'll reimlns S1.C0 when piid in nccoidmco with our lerms, thai Is in advance. After April loth llio'p whe have not paid for the present Jesr endlrg Octo ber lsl, 1830 will be charged f2 00, as ecu can not nllfiw longer than six months in which to pay In advance. Hereafter no payment will he considered ns In advance unless paid wlihln sixty-days nfier the beginning of llio current yenr March 10, 3w. BmtWICK LETTISH. Eds, Columbian i The WeMi (lice (Job of Hide Park held a musical entertainment here last Friday eye ning The singing wss excellent, particular; the choruses, A new store lia- been rpened 1 itely by Messis, 11. Opelptec and I). Thornton. They are doing busine-s under the cash sysicm, A fine assort ment of goods fill the rtnall room. Too many tin tubers ol llio Literary Society yielded to the musical attraction last Frielay evening; hence there was no meeting, The President and Secretary were fiithful, as they nlways arcs but Ihe loneliness of the hall moved llipiu to adjourn. Dr. Little nnd W. K Smith ci joycd a duck ing expedition last Monday afternoon in llieir portable canvas boat. Tleey reached Htipert In safety bj (1 o'clock. The wind was high and the waves violent, but the lijilit emit weathered nil ns easily ns the ducks weilncred the storm of shot from the guns of the hunteis. "Cc mplimenls of Mr. and Mrs. L T.Tboiup son, forThursiay evening, March 25th." took us to the lesideneo of Ihe ttboic tou lo on the appointed evenirg. One of ihe preliy little daughter of the hotisu opened the door for the guets, mid directed llietn up slairs, while the olher,at the head of tho stairs, guided us to the dressing rortn. Anon we descended lo the parlors wbeieull eocn biciiine meiry in gnmes, etc, but were finally interrupted lo pirlukcof the profusion of cake, cream, fruit, confection ery, codec and oilier delicacies, thrust be fine t c guests by nimble wnileis. Veiy ( ba'aully was the nllhir coniltnted, the jovial host and considerate lady sparing no nilis to insute llio happiness of the guests. Hi:i'0iiTi:u. llerivick Pa., MsreliSO, 'SO. THE VOLTAIC BELT CO., MA1UII.U.L, MICH. Will send llieir celtbraliel Eleclro-Voltaic Belts to the afflicted upon 30 days trill. Si etdy euros guaranteed. They me in wh it ilu-y say. rite to them without delay. .Nov. 2l-ly, A r'AVOUKI) TlMV.V. Bloomsburglns been especially favored dur ing the pa-t yenr willi pnblicgetherirg-;la-t but by no nitans lensl ami ng whie b,was that ol the Woman 's Foreign M i-sionary Society of Xotth- umberbind Presbytery held heio lnt work. The society met on Wednesday afternoon, nt lnlf-pil two Tho pliifirm was beautifully decorated with (lowers, for the occasion. The President, Mrs Young of Williamsporl, read suitable selections from the sctipHires. Followed with some very pertinent remarks and in tegard lo woman's work in the great cause of foreign Mis-ionnries. Praor was of lered by Mrs. Giegory of New Jersey, and the liOSlh lijmu was sung. Report of uii.ilary societies wtrc called for, but, as few ilehgu'cs were preset t, roll-call was postponed. Ad elres of welcome, by Mrs. I)r Mitchell ap propriate and well-timed. lte-ponec by Mrs Crumb of Lowisburg equally good and to the point. Minutes of the )a-t meeting, he Id at Orangeville in Oct., IST'J, rend and approved. Singing ofliynin 1,30. Bible reading by'JIlootns- burg Band of Hope.' Que-lionsnskcd by tho teacher, Mrs. William Neal, and nnswered by a text of Scripture read by the members of tho diss in turn, the ipiet-tions and answers nil bearing directly upon tho work of inis-ionar-ies. lteinaiksof Mrs. Henderson ot Mecban-ic-burg. Constitution amended so as to allow the election of officers otbtrwi-o than the bal lot. Reports of Societies being again called for, the following named Societes reported. Bloomsburg Auxili iry, 'Bloomsbiirg Band of Hope,'Bloomburg Willing-Worker". Will 11111 spoit 2nd church, L-ri' g b 11 el Ilnarcri-ek Soamokin,!, atus Lillie lunil, Milllii-burg Aux. iliary, Danville Auxiliary, liar leioit Auxiliary Wishing! 111 Auxiliary, Lewisbor,' Auxil'ury, Soul-Lovers bind of Lowi-b irg: Miltm Aux- ili try. Ruby-Blessing bend, Xoiburv Auxili ary. All reported a growing interest in iho 'nti-o offurvign Mis-ions. Fixing time and piece of next meeting. In vilations Iroiu Jersey Shore, D.mvido, nnd Willismspnrt wcrereecivednnd coi.siilewl. The vote was given in favor of .1, r-ey Sheir" imc to bs the la-t Wednesday in March I!S1. A pub be mtetii g was announced lor 7:30 11 ihe ev uing, to be addressed by Mrs. Mnite-r a re lume I missionary Adjourned till 0:00 Tliurs- d iv morning. Public meeting cuumenced a' 7: 30 Afer singing, reading of Scripmres I, I)r Mitiheli, Mrs. Mntteer, lift eon ymrs rciitl 111 lui-sie rv in China, gave us an inter, stm.' :i' d ins-ruct- ivo address Sho tried 10 impress Iter boners with iho importance of Hie work and need of laborers and iiieius lo carry it 011 s ice-s-fny. She is an easy, pl-asuut spoeker, and do, pfy in -:iriithl,tho-e who ft Hod to liuir h-r lost a treat. Prayer by Mr. Win. .Veil. Coll-i tiou ,r Fni-e-gu Mis-ions. Bo'iediction liy Dr Mm he I, Thursday met nt 0:00 a. m. p-irumt to adjounimeir. Sung Htilst hymn. .-cripiuri-re.idingby Presid-ni, i'reyer by Airs. Metteor. Evtraui ot a letier from Parent Suciuiv rmd, iisnin,' for the prayers of litis society l'-r llio ffictis of l'.irtnt sicirty. I'rayur in uiikw, r to this requesi, lend by Mis. Reaieloo, of Miffl n- burg, .Mrs. Malleer lequo-ted tho prayers of the society in behtlf of two lit tlo churches in China, that sho fi-ars arj in a declining con dition. Priyer according to ibis request, lead by Mrs Win. Xetl fillowed by .Mis Ciumbof! Lewi-burg. Here lMbwrd rem irks by the President upon tlu diHieultios-aud pleasures of mission work, Mrs. Young is a good talker and her rem irks were very pertinent. Then ctmo loreponol tho Secretary of the scct'ty, we only wish this report c tild bo given in full to the public. It was extollent, should be road by every one in the com munity, ll'is was lollowed by nsml-stii-ring address by Mrs. Gr-g irv o'l Xow Jersey. Her remarks were well celcul.iled to awaken the inlssioncry lire in any hoirt where it ovor tw isted, ami possibly to kindle ii in those bouts hitherto unwarmed by its inline nee. Es-ny by Mi-s. (1 liruitli of Danville. Subj cl,l!i-o and and I'rogross ol .maoa work in Imlii. 1 pons Irom sister 1 huichos being ca'.lnl lb', iho "Little omens" Band of the M K Churcli ,els the loreigu mission ery S ici-Uy of the M K church of Bleioni.biirg, and the Lutheran mis- sionery of Milllinvillo were reported, eijouin- eel lo 2:00 p. 111. Ujs,d by singing Doxolo- Society cilled to order soon nfier 2:00 p. 111. Singing of t'to dS',th lijiuii, Praier and read ing of scripture by piesidnit- .Singing o hymn U: 111. Any and nil of tho ladios of the audieiu-e weiorequestud tu repeal a pa-ssge of c ipture having refereuco tc the work of missions. Somo twenty or thirty ladies responded. Address by Mrs. Hendersin upon iho difficulties Donneu ted with tho great mission-try work. Wo will simply siy this address was unique While listening to her we could but feel thst she was one of th jso rare characters to seld nit m,t wiih in life, who have been Irinl In tho fur nace of ellliclion and "como firth nsg Id" Singing 607th hymn. Discus-ions on the sub. ject of wsysa d me ns of making mis-ionnry meetings more inlere-ting i cms of experi nco unci suygesiions 10 mat met MUi Harriet lilt pert read some extract, from a Utier written DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, n Mr. Montgomery who went nut from Danville In April 1821. to lott-li Ihe 0ago Indians 011 the bonier of Missnu'l, rhowlng thai n mission lo nur Western I'ldlms llieu, was utmost n niduousan tindtilaklog n ,1 mission tu China now. Election of officers for lh ensuing yenr. Af ter much discussion, it was decided In re'aln a'l the present officers, in .king no change, this wo e-on-idsred a wis decision, they all seemed to bo just the right persons for the places, By n unnniiiious vnto of ihe society, iis sin1 ctrennd harly Ihtuiks were teiulornl lo the ladies of Bloomsburg for their kind h"stillnli lly, slid iiUo to the t enkers frnmnbiend lor their exceedingly able, instructive and edifying addresses. The president mado some limtly remarks at Iho closing, which must have left n good im pression of her ability is a ptesullng nllic T, and ol her earncrlness nnd zeal in the mission sry caao. An Invitation was extended to all th ladies of tli cliurth mid congregation, nil dtlegntes neiel visitors, to mcel nt llie resilience of Dr, Mitchell ill the evening lor an informal so ciable. Adjourned to Intel as per jrevlniis arrange menl, nt Jers. y Slinre, Lvcoining county, the last Wednesday In March, 1881 A collection wns taken, nnd the meeting dosed by re pulling the Lord's Prayer in con cert. We did not ntlend the reception, but were lold ihey bad -t very pieasint time that in troductions were given and tit-quaintniices be gun, whlih lid filrtobc pltnsaut and prolila bio to nil concerned, A LooivKil-oN, BuMiioss isoticos 000 tons more of geiod dry rock ctnk bark wanted bySibis Young Light Street for which I will pay per ton cah, or $0.50 in gooels. 1 also buy Hemlock Bark nnd 1 will pay tS.UU per ton ca"h or jo. 50 per Ion in goods. Feb. J 2-in Jii-t what the farmer wnnls,thc Acme pul verizing Hnrrnw, cloil-crusher and lerclcr. Ceo to John Wolf, Illoomsburg. Call at I. Dress Goods. W. Ilartniati's for your nice N'eatsfoot Oil and Vacuum Oil for liar greiii' for .ile bv Silas Young, Light Street; also P.laek Oil, F sli Oil, Lin ted Oil. Whale Oil and Castor Oil March 10-2m O. C. Marr Is selling ihe new Improved American Sewing Machine. C.illaud see It beloro you buy. Little Onions wanted by Silas Young, for which he will pay a good price. apr2 2w Call and see our SO cent Black Cashmere. Clark & Son. If you want a good horse Hay Hake, self dumper or hand dumper, go to John Wolf, Blooinsburg. Call nt I. W. Hartmati's for your Grocer ies and Queeiisware. The latest Btitttrie-k it (Vs. Fa-liion Bonks and Patterns at Marr's. Lots of Good Clover-ecil and Timothy seed lor sale by Silas Young, Eight Street, aptil 2-hv Silks and Satins, plain anil brocade cut bias ior trimmings at low prices at Claik & Son's. McKiiinej'H House. Shoe Storo below Court Don't fail to see the) American Sewing .Machine, the best in the market. Sold by Marr. The new ltic line anil llraiiU at Clark & Sun's. Feather Edge For the beit Hay Fork, tho Harpoon, go to John Woll, lilonmsluirg. Table Linens, Towels, Xapkius, &c, at old prices tit Clark & Son's. Call at I. W. llartuiau's fur half-priced Shoes for Bojs, Misses and Children. Admission free at McKinuey's. Marr is still bujing Feathers, Butter, EggSj Corn, Oats and Flour. Try our -15 cent Syrups ami 23 cent roast ed Collie. (Jlark & Sun. .1. H Slee ker, having just received a IVe-li supply nt Groceries, will sell the' same in I'litiuet'titin wiih bis Fimir and Feed tit prices w h oil defy cuinpH item. Call at his store, 2 1 door btlo.v Klenn's elrug store, Main street, and examine his goods ai.d prices, You cm buy .Muslins, Print-, Gingham-, Tickings and all kinds nl Ditut-slic (i mils cheap ol Clark ,V Son. Hats! Hats!.' Hals!!! OA PS, CAPS, CAPS Litet slles. Lowest Prices nt the Pupil lar Clo'hing Store of I). Leiweiiherg. We have a few mure pices of Iho-e 11 cent Columbia Cheviot Shirlings. CI irk t Son. Dress Goods Clark ii Sun's. of all kinds very cheap at F.triiieis, look in sour interest. You can sue iinmey b) buying Ihe chll.t'd Plow- eir tlit 'iut'i lf-iid chilled I'low eil John Weill, I!!oiiin-burg. Wareronni comer Main and Ivt-t -ireet. Ituot headquarters at Me-Kinney's. You can spend your l-tul April money to advantage all. W. llariuian's, We have this eluy iii"tieil a line of Math er's lVrliiuieil ICu'l tilove-. Call and sec them. Cl.trk & Son. Cell at I. W. Hartmaii's fur your April ttootls. 1,001) pounds of nice elried apples wanted at Silas Youngs store Light Street for which 1 will pay Ihe highest market prices. December, 10. 1-ni. Climax Corset at Clark et Son's for fo cents. A wonderful assortment of all kinds of Goods at I, W. Ilartinan's Combination Store. Clark ii Sou bavo now open their si ring siock 01 dew'iry uati aim see It Cash paid for -1000 bii-hels eif good While r Yellow Uals at Silas Young's, Light or Street .MillC.1 1 'J oil! Cumu anil see emr Hamburg jiriccs. Clurlc A: ftuii. liJf-inys anil 1'urniers, buy the l'liuiniiuii Iteaper ami Menver, il you want the best nutl nuict tlura blu macliiiie of Joliu Wolf, Wureroum curner Mu'll ami Kait street, Uubbers at McKimify'n. I'ur fertiliser Gram Urill, llio only tlura. ble force ItteJ, the best in llie inartei, (arm er's lavorilc.go lo.lolui Woll', Ittouuisburif. Ulel yem eo llioso liar.tlains 23 cent lloe nl Ulark tM bum. Cusli palel leirgoo , llmtei at Silas Young's Light Street, lor aix Heels. .Maich Itl-Ovv e have tlia lurseat flock of Corsels in the couiiiy at lowest prices, Call atiel teee, eiark Bull. , I. W Seed., Ilariman r-elU I.auUretli's Garden Hoots and s-heies cheap at Jlclvinne'j. Silk l-riiiiies, Ornaments, Gimps, I,ooi,s It - . c , , ... . ' Lueiiitia, ixe-., ueev ut tviark' iV COU 8, Go el lluller 30 ceiitu per ptuinel at Sllaie louuij's, Light Sireet. mnrch U-lw rianliug I'eas by the quart at I. W. Hart Itlllmer Coals eelillH hii,M,I,-1- lilni uu l.HJBliigs, Gluve, Caps at llie luni.t pilces at I), l.oweiibertrV, by Call at MeKiuuey'r.or hoe B. KSOKIt. t S. W INTRRSrKKM. KNonu fi winters 1 i:i:.v, Attoi'iioj'K-nt-Ijnw. Ofllc In iLtrttnin'a Mock, Corner .Malo and .Mar ket streets, Bljonisburg, pa, Ut&rlhmhni nnd Ilounliet Oillcclcd Nreiraliiln Ciire-ii lly lir. Burr's NVurnlirlA nnd slrk- llenrlnshn Mlts A unlversil cure for Neuralgia, Mek lleadiclie, Ner lotis Ilium irhe, lijstiepsln, t'onstipnlloit, I'arabsls, Mci'plessiiess. I'alpalallonrftlie llenil, nnd Head aihi nrislig from ovrr stliiiultllng cither Irom opium or AieoliolleMlintilniits. Tl.l so Pills are asne-clal Pre ni-tllnn on v for llm cure of speel it diseases 1 nined and fnrtlii'SMiiisi-nss I hey am wollliy of a trial by nil Inn-Ill. i-t, I siitrerers. Iliey nro prepared expressly to turn Neuralgia, .--ies. iii-iteiin nr. .erTons iieaiiieue, nespepsl 1. t on sllpatloii, I'nraljsls, sleeplessness, aiid loss of Ner- Votls Kliertrv. Tliev urn nlessnnt t, Ijiki, film? olee In Ihe tnoiiih) liarinless, and e-ITeclually c ire nil diseases nrlsltigttoin a iterniiged Nervous Hestciu, Hiny eoi tain no opium or olio r nnrcnllc. iTipansi nv a. e;. iiurr, m. 11., M-ranfon, ra. rrt-neli Billiards K Co., Phllnda , agenls. cent by mall on receipt of pi Ice', rs, cents. ' . ... Lnrg Branch. Dec 10, ls'o. Dr. A. 1!. Burr, llenrslr' Vnlir 'nne.,lst t'lll n.n.l inc. and I was the greatest of Milterers. I hue since I'outtlit Hum for my sister and others nnd iiievciirn every case. tnpt croinweir, Uuig Branch Pier. , . I'lUston, Pa Ccbcttt, lSsfl. Dr. A. G Burr. Hear lr; Mv wlfo liml tlm 'siirtM, for ten diva anil her phi Mf Inn i-ao ber no relief. I called on Dr. Knit ip mid got a bnillo ot j our Neural gia Bills and they relleied her In a few hours. inginas rorti, Agt Dupont Powder Co. C A. Klelm. Bloomstlirtr. sues: I linen s,r,1,1 thkn PUIS 1)1 torn lltiil thl-V L-ll L'OliI n,! always euro. Fsr Silo C. A. Ehln, Elc:nslurg druggist. leu '.u, -so-siu EXEC CU'lOR'SXOTICE. KSTATR OK SAt.LV ANS YOUR, llf.CRASEP. lnltr-r-a tnvt n,nntnrv rn fltn nctnli! nf tL- Ann Yolie. late or Mltllln lownsliln. Column. cottntv. remise Ivtiuta, deceased, hate been gra ted in-tho lleglsitrol snid county lo .1 s. Yolie, .Mir tunc tile, t.M-eutor. All persons lia Inge laluis against the estate or the deceased 1110 requested to pre-mut them lor seltleinenl. and those Indebted to tho cs late to tnaku navtnt'iit Inthn underKlLrneit eelthoiit. delay. .1. re. oiik. Executor, MIllIlnMlle. feb 2", Cw. UDITOR'S KOTICK. t lll.UMIIIl eOLNTV, ss : Atnont-llio records and nroce-edlncs or llio rntirl "f Ct nur on Pleas ol said county Inter ulln It Is tints eontiiliu d. Iniliemttlerof tho assigned estate ot Uazletlne aml.M tl. Mnicii 12. lvi. on mollnn of W. L Kverlv. Court appoint Paul r, Win, nuuitor to ellstrlbtitc ihe 111011- cisiii 1110 nanus or t . 11. .M;ootc assignee as per re port of auditor In said estate, to anil among the pur- lll-., elitllleil llicieto. BY THE COt 11 1'. In nilrRtinnce of I tie above nnlr Iho nnilllor will meet ail ptirlles lnleresti'd 111 sild rtmd nt Ids olllce In lllndilsb'llg uisitl 1 he 71 h day of Apill ls-sl.nt it) ercliKUc In llio forenoon, when dtstitbutlon win lie made and all parties Interested are hereby notified toappeiirnttlionlioieglien time nnd place or be loreeer debarred from a share 111 stld fund. I'AUL E Wirt, Auditor. March 2(1, tw UIHTOIl'S XOTICK. h"lAlK II.' llr.UKIil-; 111LI.KK, 1I-LK SKl. The iiniicrsiffnrd niiilltor onnolnttcl bv tho r- pharis' Court df ('oluiiil)ta comity, to make Uistii hution cftho tuml In Hi' ImntI' of the executors of (It'oivi Miller, dn'piiM'it, to ihmI nmonff tho pirlU'a critl'lt'il then-to, will Mt nt lil onuv In llio' rnburK', on 'llmrlay, April ir.Mli, is-h nt tvu o'clock In tin forcno'tti toattfiifl to tin duties of nniroliitmiriit w lii'ii itm m!t' nil pel sons ilixIjil; i tulins utrnliist tilil i stale will npnear ami pruui the same orb ile uurieu iioin nuy Miareoi suuiiuiki. u. , ,mii., Auditor. March 2V ta. DMIXISTK-VTOISS' XOriCK KSTATK OK M. U. QUICK PECBASKP. ttrrsof AdmlnMration on the e.stato of Wm. . uulik. late of Montour tow nshln. Columbia co. deceased, lme been KNiMed by the lieclMer or said omitv in unders L'linl Admin Pilrator.s. .11 nerf-ons having rlalmsaLMlnst the estate are requested tc M'esent them for settlement and those indebted to make prompt payment. in w 11 if. oi lur., JAMES ('fCK, march 2tf, to-Cw Administrators. V, o. Uhk liupcrt Columbia county, I'a. rC0 CONSUMPTLVES. 'I he advertiser. ha'.ltiL lieen Permanently cured of drew 1 1 dUease. consumption, by a simple reme- iv, is anxious to maKu kik-wh 10 jus leuow-simeiers the means of cute, 'loall whodeslir It. hewlllsend n cop of Ihe prescription useU.tliee of th u'e,) with me uincuuus inr preparing unu umiii; iho hame, which thev will ilndasuro Cure for Consuinptlon, Aslhma, llronchltls, c. I 'a 1 lies wl-ihliiir the riescrlpllon, will please ad Uie-s, Kev. i;. A. IION, ivn I'emi St. Wllllam?- buryh, N Y. Rowell & Go's. Advc'a. BEAUTIFUL SEA SHELLS " l'oril in leirUt end letter, we will send two Abal- one 'hi. I is. I he me large, and eontaln all the col ors of Un rilnbow. I'trcesau bub stpi.ue sold ut the t fiitennlal tor 5a etnls. , & a. 11AM., Los Angeles, cm. r !!ar.1 Xit AWt "PeloockT Patent" Road Macbine Kt-e -v lilnhwa tle tl es bein r for hilf ihi liitu fiur in Ut pie-.ejl eo-l Is taptdh '' 'lulu uiid ouiitrv lllt-Ulat- fiet A. M L l'l..N' UK .V rM'.Ns., KCIHH II SipHI r Muichl , 4W. PfANOsS Muni, (.n.ciulill llOlkoilU $IOl4)UWl, liiMoli-.. j s-L Ifeed-,. ' Kme Us, Mool, l.uok,onl t'I'IlbMla- luHc. Address J)ANlt:i. 1 lti:Al l. W'ls'.dii.'inu, N. .1, r March "2 4w ciP7i77A YIMlifltn expense lo aeDts. out lit P''l'iee. Addic-s 1. O. VlCKKuV. AuguMa Maine. r Maich I'i-iw. A'II bv flddivsvlnir (iCO. 1'. KOWEU. tCi't. Hispmces" . n,m urk.ean barn lie e- mti' snifuio l Jpu-ed line of A HVi:i!T's S(i in Aiiii-i lean ew.-p ipers. iir lwi-p igc Pamphlet, luc Maicii lv4w r TUISr PKKl iVT AU, rrUli-i.' I! .,. 1,1 11 ',p- 1 -, tlslu,-,!iir.u 1 , m U m.iil lui-11 Ii li. U. '77-lt I in n:: viiiiii. Duuchy & Co'h. Advt's. IM'vl.Lllll.Y rrilKU with iwobiio.-ns of medicine In i 1 or Hirer hntt h For p.utk'Ul.iiK addrev wltliH.imo, 11 KRUIIUU.N o -1 st. .MUlK's Tuce, d sun so, U: AGENTS! Make (pilck sales nd lb beM proll's nil OUr N('W Jlook, il'lenThou-'litsou Mothir. llom'. nhil lleien, In ITuseand I'otirv by iutt iiuin r niU"iriiit d- 1if.1-.fH fiTttmdy, fi.V; iImi, "n ii 1 uuuMll-'Hot i itible. Si.::, midit'd (in re- ei tpi itrpilre. K. It. '1 liKAT, Publisher, vi." llroad- d March Iti, Uv. i elll souil our l.lrctru Vult.ele Hells nnU edlii-r i:ii-i-lrli' ppll.irici-t tljiol Irlal lur .",') tlas lolliusf -,'iitt ilu-' irum si nous Hi Willi. Hlit'uuwIMu. 1'ar ui si or uhj illM-u-vsor tliu I leer or Ktilu -vs. atiel nun nilii-i- lUifust's. A sun' e-iiro tjii.iruiiie'e-tt or iio pav 1l1llrs-. VoLl'Alt.' IIK1.T 1 u., Marsllull, Mle-li. M.llrll ntWlv d ORGANS- Iods .1 hi-t lle'i'ls 'I Kni-e) , Us -l,iu. Hook onl fi 1 1110s, Moot t o, f ,v Hook I-.IU Eto I1I1111 llluslr.ilfil e-aluloL'tle lit.'. Aildriba UAMIil. K. 1IKATTY S uslilii!;ton, N I. il li, in. A',' KM1 tt IM'DIl I ol- lltf Ilt'st anil KllSlt'SI- linn; 1'lt-iori.ii Honks mill hiiiIoh. I'rlues tlm ,-il . . h 1 i Nallui al I'ubllslillik' to., I'lillu etMpiiia. ra. il March 1., iw. TUT? TJ AP PVTTP I J,llb wlnstiument xiau uium -. aj . ninth mceiH a went lorn: it U b tlii- puMli' 'I he d lit lous muMe of the tun p iTt pitiuiu'i u o nu one man, woman or child t-en h uh t nilit lv ih'ut ran t inusie ihe htnncH are iiuniU-icd iiuin one to ten, und the mu- Kle whle t ueeompani- c ilu- instrument is numbeted mllkf tniiiuer ln-ltad or belnu dinted In nolex. Kt rylHjdy appretia eh the nuwle or ihe liurp; Il l- the klny ur muMi aMrisirunnniH, ai.d ihU Uu nr tiethurptu uilnatuie th siine dtlUio'ia tMict- una snoubi oe in eery iamu in the land. Any one whu can read this ndui llwment exn plav II ut ume an wi ll as Hie must ueeumpiShed inuiUltn. l-le-pantlj llnlMied, mul an unuijiein tu ttnv nun. We aiho eii'i wiui il u larire 101 or meiio ni'moeieti uh cxpiaineii aitme. int nu eiuiiL-!i 'Home, sweet Hume;"' l n Hoht uf Miumu-l :" 'wet b.e and live;" "Old t'olV'ttut Home "llehliliH Kurt ;"nnd nil Ihe lavullte meludleh ef llio da . IVlftct Sullb- raeiion uuaruutet i. i.-ri in e wiiu nuic eiM's t-n dorian them and iccummends thenito tlttlr tuiith- boii. l hi iik t r 11 no more ttdlou-t n.untb-i or kih.iv to maslt r tiiU'le lb-re Uu biipetb muaind lulru lueid, ml ready for ue pad r uuliinL' no uractlee to May pt ifeetl). send ut once, an 1 Inthe HAIti KITE jouwu uae aiiin u ci ieaui ami a joy toiexcr. sent prepaid In a rtvisteu-d paikatrevwhiiheiiburei iibstduie hale tielheij) on rttelpl ol price ti.w. l'e 111 It by pout oltlce onler or n-irtjilered letter. AiU drebs KKNDAtl. & Co., ii'i I runUlu t. Hoislon. siasa "An old established concern wnobo lo'labtllty 1 umiuebtlOLid.' N. V. World. w .March iy, im. FOR SALE A .VLlAHLK MILL FKOPERTY, LllNT.MNINU 28 Acrfis of Land Mill In BOOd coadlllon, 'llireo run of ktones, COD!) W.VTUlt IHJWUlt, '!' rms leatiouitliii. !r tuilher particulars apvly to John iikaoio:, ftlB.tC Nordannvllle,, N THE MATTER OP TUB AI'l'MCA- chi'it TIIIN III' lll'.MIV ItOIHMSTnl'K Tfl IIAVfi ItT IIIKhOT 1 III! HA r.M'Al"! ION OF A MOHT. tlAtlK. 1'iirsintit In nn net of Awmtilr '.il Hire 81st dav ol Mnrch, Isib. tir.llci-is lip'i-tn gleen to thole trill rt'pn nitMlvi' er re- rem nl .1 ves ef uiillsm llit-llhsrlli el-'f-ss, il, inlii'siiil nt the next - rsiitiLMi-iui of oiitiit nil 1 in ni.el fi r Hi" i-ount of l til'Huott lljun tin- tlist ,Mi,iilse ol Mm. A I', l"-"i, to show fieii-n If nnv llu-e tnieo wh hhIu e-otirl m,iy not ili-cruet ntnl ellre tt SHturiu lion lei tt-i rnle-n-el up. nn incirwiigo of mlel llt'tir Ittsrnstock to unlet tti' Hum lirt'ttljitrtli, ici'emlcil In saiil c-wiDty In mort- eilirt! tjrsik No. 7 nl tlllffP ATS 1 In .(fYirilsl.t'A with III - I'i'llllon ofsRlU Henry llwnsiHtk lo iho onlil court ( wnii iuiiii enni, biu-i inoritroire na ot-t'ii tury pnlil. I'AI'I, H. WIHT, f. IM.NT, Aitnrni'.v for it. ltoscnstock. Shcrirf of uol. to. .March 12, 4r. juTici-: i nT-a iifrrlox. iiitterAs nt on Orphans' court he-til 1 1 Illooms Innj; In ami for llio county of Columbia, llio 41 Ii d.iycf February, A. D. Isso, bt-fors tho Honorable William i:incll mill Ills Associates, Justices of tho Mid court, tlm petition ot Charles floncll, a son o Idoob tle'eee'll, late of t'attiwtssa township, I'olum bin county, I'eiinsylvnnl.i, tlecensoil, was pretecnte-el se-ttliiif forth that tho tld .Incob CIuhcII elled In April, s77, Intestate st-lpd In his demeino ns of feo ot nnd In certain reul estate situate In said county, In wild petition fully ilescrlbt-d. That the said .tncub Clcwelllift tonirlo hlin a w ldoiv nnd six children nil of whom reside In said county except .IcrcmlaU Clewcll w ho resides In tho stnto of Now York, but In what placo Is unknown lo Iho petitioner. Vou, the said Jeremiah Clewcll nre h"rcby notified thnt t will hold nn Inquest on Iho said picintscs, on yiitunluy, Ajiril 10, 1SS0, at nine o'clock In the Icrenoon, there to htnko partl Uon of the said tinds to and nmon the parties In Interest. When nnd where jou may attend If jou think proier. JlarU.VO lw. V. inilNT, Micrlll. UDITOIl'aXOTICK. In the matter of the Sherltl'a sale of llio real estate ot Ilttrmau tl. crctellntr Ihe Atiilllornpiiolnteil lir the Court (f Common I'lens tf ColuniMa county to ntstittuto the money nrlsini: Irom said sale tti unit nniomr the parlies. e-n lllli-il tlicrito will ntlend to ihe dullisof hlsnp-poliilme-iit nt Ids onleo In llleieinstur; on ssl urein, th srel Uhj t f Apnl, is n.nt 1uitm..when nt.d vehe-ie nil ierfons hnvliiB claims npilnst snld fund nre tt-eitilrttl to pre se tit the m or be foreicr do barretl from tiny share nf tho tome. I.. K. WAI.I.KII, Auditor. march fl, 80-4w QAUTION. All rersona nre berebj' eautlnnetl npalnst rccctv Inir or nepollutlnjr nnoie ho. W drawn bv tho liar rlsbtirir Car jtanuricturlni; r(jtnJ pi j able to Win. Neal .V !son, nml enilors-'il bv them, ilib-il March 11th 1 at live innnths fur M'J4 ; hh (-aid note be lnir mailed to iMnvlth National It ink on March IT. tsi), wnstlther lot or Moleti Irom tho malls and pa mentor said nute h is been Mtontied. Jiluomsburt'i I'a. Mnrch tfl, tf. Oil lJI LANS' COURT SALE Ol' vai.uahli: REAL ESTATE! riirsimnl lo nn order of tho Orphans' Court of Co lumbia county, l'cnna., III be solil at public saloon tho premises, In the to n of lilooinsburu, In said county, on Monday, April IL'tli, 18S0, atone o'clock p. m., the following described real estate, late of Martin W. Nuss, deceused, to-wlti Alt that houM and IjOT of ground situate In sahl lonn of liloowburt', 01 the west side of eat hireet of said town, bounded on the noitlibj lot (-t William Krlekbaum, 011 tho east by said Uast fjtieet, on tbe soulli by lot tr 11. riunk arrandon the wi&t by un allej, hug nboutv.l Tcet in v. Idlh and W) feet deep, on which ai u erect ed a two btory brick DWELLING HOUSE and oub-bulldlnpt, wiih a well of water on the line cf said lot and that of Wm Krlekbaum, '1 be following are the terms and cundltlons upon which said property will be sold, U : Ten per cent. of the one-fourth of the put chase money to be paid at tbe striking down of the properly ; theone-rourth less the ten ercciit.ut tho cotdli matlon of salc.and the remaining three-fourths In 0110 jeir thereafter with lntures.t from conUrmatkm nisi. The unpaid purchase money to be becured by bond anil morl gago (with foreclosure clause) on tho premises. Ueed to be made and deltmcd on confirmation of s.ilo and vujment of one-fourth purchase inonei and execution of bond and mortgjge. U. FllANKZAUIf, Admlnlstiator. March 12, ts. sp 12 Kirs SAP I scd In the pi Inclpal Churches for Communion purposes. i:s:ellskt fo; ladies aitd weasly rssso:;s awdths aged. Speer's Port Grape Wino ! FOUR. YEARS OLD. 'MiN e'ebr.itfd Nat he Win1 H inu-lf Horn the 1 Juler ot the uporlo tirape, rulied lu tlila ouiitj Its Invaluable Tonic aud ritrengtheniug Poperties are niiMirntn-eii by uny otli r Natif wine. Helm; tin p'ie J ii lee ot lb-1 (.tap. p minced undt r Mr. pc r'- own personal supcrllon, Hh purity -'nd x liulnciu sh Hie utiranb'i tl, 'llie oui dilld itM pa I ike of l.Hvn-'ut-.oii!-,Ua!ItvN .u.d il.rwuk est'lintiMd use It ! jid.iiitnL' . It Ii p nilculirly IjiMn lo the need and d'ilMtuteil. a d r-ulteil to the v rloUH ailment h that atTect the euk rscx. It la la oery ri.&p"Ct A WINino Hi: KKLlLDu. SI'KKirS r .1. slli:illlYlsn ttltinnr surs-rlor t'liiraoler. itliil i.irtnkt'K of the-trolili'll eiunlltles or thee irritrs.', rroru eelili'li It Is in tilt'. I-'nr I'urltj, IMclinesp. Klnvor ami Meaieluol I'ruperi !, It 'till be loutitl unexeelleJ. Sl'KKirS- This lilt NPV Wanils unrlvaleil In this Country ot'liit; lar huis-nor tor ini'iiie-iii.ti purposes. IT 1 A IT HI". rlWItlatlon Irotn tlf crane and con- isiu uutuii- iituuivt ia, ,i u.- itt-. II hits it ili'lli it,- fliroi. t,inliar to tliut of 1 1i' crape Iioin wlilcn II is UMIIIed, undlsln great fator uinotli; uiaL'i-iu iaiiiiue. K'C III It lilt Miniature-eir M.FIIEI) M'KKIl, 1'aiStle' ,i., ts uet-r tin' e-oru ol encn iKiitte. SOTl") HYO.A.KLEIM. Junes:, lsM-tr f -ff A; If, a BREECH-LOADING REPEATING RIFLE FOR $6.50. THE IMPROVED "CHICHESTER." Weight from B to G Pounds, F-cnEth of Barrel &2 Inches. Tint- n? r4 t"ei n( (his P(vr Imtrtr-nitrfmpmbpr dnrinrtr rtti t little-.,, .iuiiii ii lu H. K-w ". un- AiU,-'K i i l-.l lu i.iau ul in i ,.t Ot.f tl ' , hi li W " rI It lltati -Ir . i roiK ntlllOiUwort .vol il tli S l iif f , i utmt i .iu - i -rt. .i( lihUlItu'K l-ric4 i V g UtKV I "M.'t i "it I'nii te i i t e h .f ti csm to r ri-artnt ivr r . ,(! intho , I I Hi in. i i , i i ,,..,in.l i.llin' I i, . n. P,e,. lb. , . . .in,),! til, til., i,- ..rrtlut ' i. I tl, . l.tllt. fr. i .1 " "i i IW.'ir. .".."..,';l.V.'a1i''il 1 CHICHESTERl-U' i M 'i!?v.xz?!iiLy:v.?iiK!ii?v?i,z TIMSS..h'ii..i.i.',i.- .nd i. ii-OJii.i i nl e-Ull HUt Ie. ' . Kill C VteJiJ r I WE WILLSENn ONE CHICHESTEREVEN SHOT FtEPE ApNQ RlFLH (i 1 I H l.l VI r- i i fir eti , a ,. v I i' nil l Ij r-'er I 1 1 UiDT tfnt Il-fl un h. w V r--'- " wniwntioitn nira.iv PA. BACKACHE ZD .IS ONCE CURED BV BENSON'S UAPOINB POROUS PLASTERS, ir i.s Tin: u.vou.v itn.ui.ov tiiit .mju i"aii,s. Over 2000 JJrwfgisis have vigntd a, paper staling that Utt'if nrvln Evt:rv way Superior to tho Ordinary. Olowactinr Porous Flastrr. March vil, 4w il The ).( n hi WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT Corner .Main .mil Market Streets BLOOMSBURG, PA. Tho undersigned lit.vlng been In the IIOI,l.W,i: call llio attention of Ilk- puunc Keneruny. their lnrtfe and M consists of Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Patent Medicines, Spices, &c. Hie MiU BBaa'tiEeM BROWER'S BLOCK. Csiia hi ot bv SQnriPiiN.Mt'iH sasaywlaerc. W IT MAY BE FOUND A LARGE STOCK OF M'ONHE-t. CHAMOIS COLOd.NKs, I'Elll-'U.Mr.Iiy, C1UA1M, FANCY AUTICLES, TOILKT hOAI'S, room liitfsiiKS 1IA111 UIll'SlIES I.AMl't, und in fact every tiling Hint should reKuliiteil Dni"r Store. They are the pole JIainif';tcUiies of the Celebinteil Also tho Manufacturers and Solo Proprietors Dl. W. M. JilCKLEY'S Celebrated and J N VA L U ABLE i Ml EPA ATI ON S. Compound Aromatic Wine of Gentian and Iron. Improved Cream Camphor, Worm Killing- Agent, Improved lloso Pectoral. The Beset Remedies Made. Highly Recommended by Fliysicians. iiDYra, !Rii)i'iRni. Oct 17 ;) le', us. order business and when nrtlcle wanted, person. When talio them back. clerks, who nre able to wo aro enabled to gtvo customers who liave the cholco I mm H IM III wws wry twonty year3 at retailing, wo cannot afford to loso our good nnma by lank of proper Borvlco to absent customers, Wrlto plainly, and describe fully what Is wanted, unci about tho price desired Address, John Wanamaker, Largest Dry Goods House, Philadelphia. LkUi. 'r m u jr b m 1 Mailt nl iiir. Wind ntd Hutn. von al)i ncur hT.l such a elm ie nyaln. WV haw Hi" u v lmpro,'ed lumber Itolli'loth, W nnt r th- wild. I Mdllnc at !e-s than hat piU-o. i.ooit nt n-ei'i i auaranieca i:rj ihh i,re.ihoi' to ir-t om n I'ompeiiu m ; I U" im'si enanee or 'iir If' t i.i i I Make Montv. mumU'-. i.a t m til li h mm nri nirtleulais f.i'i'. AL'entn wlllliitr i. ik mUm t i ad.lress, PAUAiiuN UIM'.Klt U.. Nt N IU-d i loru, Miis-i. w MultU 1U .111. B9 H N S 8 J N S otiiaineel for ilinabli'd holdli-r., troin elite- e.r eiN ruarye-, 11 apri'i-a e ill l-e l,-u oe-r ill' .III V I-t I't-nslontt 1 iK-i ih,-i s mi post ii;,, tr 'n. blanks, ami I -,-t i u ttot s 4ii ir, s-,. l""!. I lavth. e e I r.i;'.e,n; 'lit- mi -j. I'n , i w .i-nini lie. :vultle si I'euliii irene) In tin- I i.iie-il sii . Van h in. -Jin oit' iidJrote. on u r-stal ml f -r ,i i-,iiii, , I ii-ii it. il p p, r, hosloll. M Is-. Man h t lm c ipv ol our h aiilllulle l iui 1 1 1 r lui.tit: i.iiiii via , int jr r it.e m ,n ,( m i -i, , W ,1 IU 111) t,t tUN tpHICH mind r-i'i..' ,r . VVif i 1 1 i ,i t !. n i , ai.i.uri'1 ie'Ilu il'i'.li.'.'.V''.'. ".?' "';." FINES SEV"!II ,fi rvrr.::. v:.'.?'. V;:'::'";'.'V" !,'i . t- .. - .r"..,..'hwa,. u.i.uu.y, i i 1 1 iif i J m, rt tBie ml rat I l I 1-illtU tilt llltl YkYi U I'J l e uu " nuin irai-f, Ut Maiiiiart lrt. J W I" fiir i.shiB JtriB' .Sfloi'c. lilt id bu!ren fort be pat eleven jeara would nnu i mmkv JiEALEUrt In particular, to uMi tl stock. bo opt in it complete and well Out of town people vlio con not conveniently trnvel, mnylinvo tnm- ples Bent them of Dry Good nnd all other gooda thntwo boll, If they will write No chnrgei nnd no need to if not Bulled. Wo make it a to attend to bucU letters quickly; ordera como we send tho exact and at exactly tamo prico other customers pay when hero buying In goods nro not as ordered, we Having trained and responsible uso discretion in filling orders. great satisfaction to tho many to us. With a reputation of "Il.'l" 'I.1 U VNI 1.11. lllilu ill Hi It, a t-ev Y win Men ntnl Indlfs to lH' li 'I ! yr' t he , u efienel Kit eMt lem llaranteed. 8d die.s veltli otuiiip. IlKl.l.l.N Ttl.!l,ltl'll i ll.. Ute itln, Ohio. w .Manli I'.', PENSI n TJP! !,r''i'i! Mr s ildlore dln rroiu ane e-mis,' ; ulvi, for li ir i r eli- . il soietlcia, eit dhi ll.i-i;e, and to dale ol the eleaih ol Un- bohlier. I'en-luib Increab eel t llounij and ne tllu'luirtres pru ured. Address Willi stump, MdliiiM.T k CO, Kotir.i No. 8 M t loiil Ilulldlnif, Valiln- oa. 1). c. " Ma-' It IS, lm. ToTlr i. eiKKI TO I' Willi) T.'K I.-llll TIIK KKI i'"l-' MIN'I- INM'Kt riH! u M mi liar i e in miiiiioii ,i i a' illitatos lm lit- omci rf I 1.11 1 (or w II In- lu-1,1 .i l',,tstl(. on tll bill llfK ,r .,. iiiim in nil? ill ill o i vx-k a. in. I, r ur,' to Im- io-,,ii,t,..l r ,r !, K. 'i'!i'rUi'U "'a,r'', si-'O'id or Mahanoy IIKIII'll s VMOMI'.SON. Jlaie-ll 19 It ri',M "' "' "'" "0jra 01 EX ""ere' 'Hll1 i.i.,,n' smr.i CHICHESTER RIFLC,"- 1. 1 r ,k bunt IU. , i l 1- t r ., 'ir 1 . ., , .1 i . , i l i a ) . .'il II I- l I 11 nil' . I I i, .i I ,,i el ,.ir - ih. CHICHESTER" ' " " ' W ,r.r...,i ,tiiii '. 1,1 .i ti ,.r , 't n -1, I'lt.iii... I, .,' ."l." 7,..,v,v;i".'.;, ' r putal tni. 4 i I it burr.t c! i..i. Kiitr -...r.,;, , .., . lu o , r . c 111. l tl, i, i i ru of u ti 'i r r.n.r tll'v It. y 11. 1 . i ,i hi r. i,l. 1 I) Ul il nlir-'t i f (i i, , ' Jrr(V Ik A -(.. 1