THE COLUMBIAN. lll.llOMSllimfl, I lltlltY, MUltll 20, I'Sl) Kail Time Tnlilc. ACKAWANN'A & 1II-OOMS1IU1H1 UAlLHOAt) t.OUTU A ornmodatlon Train M ill Train 7.M A. M Fust Train H.ra M. Mpri'i Train t.'.O I', .M, t'ATAWISSA ItAIt, liOAU. r-'Olttll, Ac ommodatlon Train ess A, M. Itejular Bxprcsa P.M. Thronsli cars on Express train cither to New Yorl: or I'lill.idolphtr. Accommodation train runs between c.ilavvlssj ami WIlllam-Tort. south T A. SI. 4.411 I'. Jl 11.45 A. M south J,3 1'. M. 11,45 A.M. SI'Atlt. LINKS, r am 'ha and IIloomsiu'ihi. l.eao e'nmbra Momliv u cliie-wl.iv nnel Friday at r,:ia in., nirltual l,iooineuuri, uy uu'iie. cii. i,env3 luo-Mr.Minie; oa miiio d.ijs alter arrlvil of Philadelphia mall. HMiiivtBt'iici ami lAlicMMti.ii'.-le.ive Ijilrdnllle 1 cifiltj. 'lli'ir-ediv nucl je.itunl.iv at:3ei a. ,n., an Ivlnir nl liloniiwburir uy 'S in. lcn e llloom. Inn, on samo cl us iificr nrrluil of rnrl,iillnlil i mail I) illy mall from moonis-iur,? to .Mllliliic. l nl m nnd lllooinsburir.-A dally Rlajre I'lio leinliisr licnlcm In the mornlnir nnd returning lu the eic iiluir of tho Bamo ill. .mail norms. inn; IIai.i. avii Wlilto Hall Tucsdiy, Hiurslav and saturel iy nt can a. in., .utlilmrut lUoonisUure'liy Ion in, l.e.iic lllooins btu.f on Mine il.i)8 alter arrival of Philadelphia mall. Iikntox inii Hiiomsiii'im. leaves Iionton Mondav, Wedn-sil.iy and l-'rlday nts a. in,, arrulm; at Iiloomsburi" at 2 p. m. leaves Itlooin-tbnric? T noi. il.iv, 'Inursehij and rialurday nt 8 a, m nulling ptllinlonntip. in. s.M.Eis. n. l'r.inlZarr, Aelminilratorof M. W. Nn5, elecoiseil, will se-ll vnhmble roil tstate on llio premi-ei in l!ljotu-liurg on Monday April 12, ISM). Samuel Noylianl, Aelnitnislrnlor of Sarnli C. Hliult7, will Fell inlunblc real estate on tlio premises in Cenlrevillo, Columbia county on Saturday, 27, lSSll. .1 Draft Cole will oll'-r personal property nt public Fitlc ut his icsiilcnce in Sucrnrlimf town ship on Weelue-ilay, March 111, lSf-O, 1 K. Krickl num. executor of Anelrns I'el lows, of Huntit i;ton Valley, T.uuine eouniy will sell renl estate on 1 lie promises on Suttir diy, March 27, 1SS0. notici: to suii'-cmiinitf (iitmui. op the COl'NTY. All subscribers outside of the county mine piy in ndvanee. Vc have sent liids to all such, find hope to have an imuieiliitc ic-pon-e. Ttoec who do not (jive altenlion to our rtcUcsl and who arc more limn one year behind will have their piper stopped and hill sent fur cc lleclion unless they settle liy M.iy lst. The reason why we must insist on advance piyment cut of the eouuly is lliat we have lo pcy iot.ire, at d we cannot afford to inn the ri-1. of losinr ihe Buh'criptiott price, and tlie poslnire loo. 2.00 n vear is the price out of (lie comity when not paid itrietty m eiecYUice. March 19, If. Water has hucn lit into the canal. Dr. .1. 11. Valine, of Xumedia, was in town on Monday. I.ulz & .Sloan will ic novo to their new ft ire April lst. s Wesley Solleeler has moved into Mr-. Dill's building near the Court lions'. J, II'. Sleeker has removed his Hour anil feed store lo Slerner's building, Main heluw Maiktt. Several car loads of iron pipe for tho water woiks have arrived. Tho 1'hilologiau ciitorlaintnent hut S-iturcliy evening a an interesting uuo. JTr. I.ocli.ini Girton of I'ljinoutli is spending a few elays in town visiting his friends. He looks will. Mrs. h. Zuhner returned homo onTuesiliy after an extended visit at her father's in Dover, Delawaie. C. li, Ki's-der has removed hii shoo store lo room ic ..vans' building, lately occupied by. I. II. Sleeker. L11E COLUMBIAN AND DEM0CRAT,BJX)0MSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Mr. Ilml-on Owen of Uenvick was in town on TciOMlay, looking afcer t he business ol the I'ciini-jhuuin ('onipniy. We wish Mr. and Mrs. II. 1'. Cliamherliii a long und happy li!e. If Harry had informed the ljoyi in tune, ihcy would have had the baud out bcloic thi'. N irthuinherl mil county will have hut four ccurt-c per year hfi-ocfier, lioginuing llio fi r fat Monday of May, September, December and February. Thero is a, fre-li hras hind practicing not far from our domicile (dino-t nightly. 'Iheynre improving and with continued ell'.-rls will mi doubt became skilled bl muis, sonu diy. l'ruf. Williim Ilurris of llamiiiir;, l!-rks county, lormerly of lhickhoru, as in town last week. W'u are sorry not to hive seen him. Mr llarri-i is I'bairman of tho Democratic standing commitiee of llerks. It is said that tho l'i, 1 1 puzzle has been fairly solved hy several persons in town, though nono of them can tell how liny did it, Itsetlles the quc-tion lint it can he done however. I'ctcr I.uby fell down a mir.-way nt -lone" colliery at (iirardvillo hut Monday nnd was killed. I.uby was nil import lilt witness- in the Ilesttr eai-c. Tho Crompton Literary Society of Duck Hern, will giv-- an entertainment Tuesday cvo iiiugMaich liOlb, for the bendit of the soiiely. Admitslon 10 unci Ki cenls. Subscriber! who Intend changing their place of iesidcnce on the fir-t of pril should notify us of iheir old as null as th-ir new pent otllcj address. Tno number of men employed at the Milton iaincrk is one hundred nnd olghty. There re fiay nail machines In operation, producing four hundred lug, per day. The-e work, were 'lnrl.,1 In 1875 and have have continuid in tininlerrupudsnd sueccs.ful operation up to l'i- We-ont wrlilng, Me, (!o(lcm,ic9 A V" "! ll'e'l't '"--n In Ihe rlRbt place.-a- . ''"""l-iirg is going it stroiln ll.e fish bus- I . A lan asalinon have be,,, pined fn the &l,7j:e, l'cr'n,,J half iiuliciu u,v-'""ornm "-"""on nicely fi distil. We clip the above frcm nn enclnrge which tudiis Hi,, itcn, in ,l0 Mmlmr ,m(T,-ln --'light mistake somewheir, genilmien. llloouis. '"fg Ins no I'ubtic ',, nor Is there a hatch ng lioii.e anywhere in this vicinity that c know of. Manti:h. A girl fir neutral houo work. Mii-t he a goo I wa-h-r nml iroiur, and of qned character. Wages $2.00 n week. Apply at resilience of U fj. N'eal, l'ifih street between Iron and Ccnlre, March 19, tf. For nn-wcr lo Scriptural epiestion by As bury ltiporlerin Ccim-miiian March l'Jth.lSSO, would icftr lo Ihe 19lh chaHer of (!enei, Iht to .IStli verse, inclusive. Kent. Tho fimo an-wer has been given by Justus M. Johnson, ofhiglit Street. .IONKSTOWN ITEM-). The Dev. Win. II. Lilly will hold service liere next Saturday evening and Dev. T. O. Cleis on Siindiy nfiernoon. Mr. John D. Hosier of i'ounelryvllle was in townolerd y "giving bis views on our fu ture st ite and on a horse Ira le." Hci for Ihe we-t, Mr. John Kline, John D While, Win. Kline, C'lia. Carey and Al. Hack alew iiile-nd Hitting lo Michigan t.c.xl Moti' day. Mar they have surce-s. Mi" I.izicMiOuire left tliis place forllunls. villc, I.uzerne county, I'.i , lan Momlay. We wi'li her a pleasant lime nnd a cpiick return. 'Ihe members of ihe M. D. Church of thi c-ominunity have concluded that they lun-th.ive cliurtli The folioning n imed iiersom wen- .ipiointid tru-lees. Win. Mears, F. W. Jones. Ainns.M While, .1.11 lien, James K. . lone, V- D. Kvcland, l'etcr Thoni , Krvin Liuder" biugli mid John M. Huckale-w j making John M. Uuckalcw, l're-eiilint ; F. W. Jone", Secre tary ; W m. Mears, Treaeurer. Subscriptions are now in order. Mr. John II. Huff, returned from l'liihdel phia, Satuiday, wiiere lie had been purcha-ing a large stock of new spring goods That is the nlace for birgiins. Mr. Sam. Thomas anil Harmon J. lies, in- -end building each a new houe this suiunifr. hiving now mo-elof llie malcrinl on tlie ground. Mr. Frank King'bury cominenced lb is morn. irg as a ma-lier of the cereal wilh Mr, Trump at Jones Dro. mill. Mr. O. U. Hoslerof Ihe firm of Ilo-lor Dros. thinks he can pi ly checkers, but from our ex perience decide that as n checker player he is a fiilure. Xo one sick in tho neighborhood. l'ulilics very epiiet, with Grant ahead in this town. Kknt. l!i:itVICK I.LTlElt. AllhouRh imny papers have raised the prico of sub-crlpllon lo $2.00, owing lo the Increase in price oi material, our prico still remains $1.60 when paid In nccordinco with our terms, that is in niiWe. A fler April 15th tho.e wbc hnvenol paid for the present year ending Octo ber 1st, 1830 will be charged $2.00, as wo can not allow longer than six months in which lo bay In advance. Hereafter no piyment will be considered as In advance unless paid within slxly-days after Ihe beginning of tho current year March 19, .1-. Mr. Decmer Ilidliinnn, f .rnierly n composi tor In this city, has been tleclcd lo Ihe general secretaryship (,f the Scrnr.'on Ye.iirg Mens' Christian Association. Mt. lleiibemm Is well qualified for tho position and bhpisl re cold as a Christ) in worker augurs well for his ennntc tlem with tho Y. M. o A., of Scmnton. Utcnnl. THE VOLTAIC HKt.TtU, m77s1I.LL MICH. Will send Ibeir eelcbralcd Dleclru-Volla'c holts lo Ihe afllieled upon !!0 ebiys Irlil. Sieiely cures guir.inlce-,1. They mom wh it ihey say. rite to Ibeni without eH.iy. Nov. 21-1 y. An Iiusit Hum,. Tne fdlow itlg llifllogUO actually occurred uiient the lecent open winter : l'al "Molke did you ever seo a winter liko this wan?" Mike-"Indide I did." l'.it-Whln ?'' Jlike hadit summer, sliure and begone to jel" Call on Peoples Drug Storo nnd tliey will lell you how Days Kidney l'etd was dlscov ered, EASTI'.ll. hTII.LWAU:il NEWit Hrw. rou'MniAN i Fully thirty new houses are springing up in various parts of the town and jet Ihe demand is not satisfied. Dev. Day of Ashley lectured last night in lite Y. M. C. A., ball on "Courtship and inar riaie." The all'air was deserving of a Drger iiidicneo. Dev. Smyser returned from the Methodi-t confi-ience lo stay another year. The people .lie plea-el with ihis arrangement. The public schools will cloe this week, not lo en ngiin until -Monday after next. The itilonal will cic pupils the opportunity to help move and clean houses. The rage about the "l.'i, 15, 14" game, be gun iiei ly three months ago here, hasviitual ly expired, mid wo have recovered without haviiir Mi-tainid any serious Injury. Youi ' Another Reporter" of last week is the only d"iihlfiil cne wo have j the asylum may yet el iiin him, contrary to the hopes of his frieiub. Chess lias supcr-edal ihe above 'Sell," and lias many followers, the Intlepeiuknti Hire u-enis ti be Ihe hea hpntlcrs of ihe combatanls. An inti-reslirg ioiiriillalie.ii game was playrd al Ulenii's, lasi Siluidiy night, between Mers. lilenn ai el W. D. Sinilb and Messrs. Lihman llower and Sendeiling, resulting in tlie deft nt of the 1 liter couple. The coders of our business men nre overflow ing with gold, Mes-rs. Jaek-on i; Woodin hiv ing pai 1 out 1 lUUO doll us m this coin la-t Sal. urdny. 1i-t Friday evening, nt the literary Soeielei I.oliinan Dower, (1. Kesier, Dr. Freius and C. I!. Jackson disensnel Ihe question "i-houiil cd-iie-ilinn be a qunlilie.ilioii for the right of suf fniL-e the former two on the allirmilive, and ihe litter on ihe negative. The Judges decided in favor of tho nlliruialive. The s-ciely seems lo be thriving. On Tuesday evening uf lat week tho crys'nl wedding of Mr. and Mrs. C. 1!. Woodin was celebrated by llielr friends, firmed inlo a sur prise party. M my bciuliful pnseiils of erys lal ware glittered on a table in one of the par lors. The evening was i lensn.lly passed in 'nines, music, etc. l'roinlnenl nm-eng ihe pie-cnts was nn elegmi loilel set df silver am glass, presented by Ci. Military. l!r.roiiTt:i:. Dervvick I'a., Mutch 21, 'sO. Mr. h I. McIIenry, of l'enlon, has taken unto himself a wife, Miss Annie K. Appleman uf the same place. They were m irried at llie bouseof the writer on the 13th inet., and so it is tliat "Mdrrlago to maids Is Uko a war to men; The battle causes fear, but tin-sweet hopes Of winning at t ic last, si 111 draws 'em In." The business uf moving has already begin fur theSpr'uig, nnd Mr. Jamo J-ilg-ir has moved from here In A. Hunsinger's bit ne ir the Forks and (iiorgo Caiey, wbei is now i-ngiged in the miiiuracinreof fiirniiiire in T. II. Kdgar's mill, moved inlo the bmse thus Micated, Gc-oige is a good workmin cill and seo. Farmers, who loive things I iy around loo-e, are beginning lo look them up preparatory lo 'pring work- It saves time and luo-ey to have a proper place for every thing. Tho Grmgers of ibis seition slill hold their reguhr meetings in the lulloier tlie store re-oni of Mr. J. McIIenry. Two women lo one man, we would judge, from, is about the way it runs; same in church, u-uallv. to lr l'isbingereek correspondent, "Snibbor," (ralher n suggestive name, we lake it,) isecr canny not very complimentary lo the cailnr settlers of lb !s con tniinit,, , inn euteiyciungh so the M- D. churili. if tne wiiler is any judge. If the genii. man, unless he is like be has a'- slimed, obsolete , and e fear he is, will call soon, wo ill aiinciiiit bis eyes with a sahe thai willenalle him to seething a Utile moie in the light uf Irulb. Alihuiigh we h ive not been a resident in ibi township as long, peihap, a this self appointed "Snibbor" (reprimander o!is. ) yet we presume lo siy that he has ralher over Irawn hie st.itim.-nt of llieea-c, and hinr self neeels lo be "snibbc 1" (eiiecked;. The pi oneer of thisjegiju, though no tloubt sumo what ''depraved," were generally a noble race of men, and their descendants, though but lew of them members of the M. K. Church, are not only intelligent and sober, but goo 1 christian popie. of a njble and enterprising character, and noted for their epiiet, industrious, liberal mil soci il ejuilities. Perhaps wo have "nipp ed" (suibbeel) this matter sullicieut for the i resent. D. M. r-ee a woman on horseback in another col umn, riding near Speer's Vineyards, with n bunch of drapes from which Spier's l'oit drape Wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by ihe medical pioftssioii for tlie Use ol invalids weakly persans ami the aged. Sold by Druggists. June 27 1-y. AKOT11EI! IIAHK WliECKEIl. Poor .lack Is d-ail, ibat good old clog, We ne'er shall sec him mure. No longer wilt ho lull the stones Around upon the lloor. Xu more le-'ll dance and skip atou, All with the frisky bottle, l'or death with cruel hind has gone. And stopp.-d IPs little throttle. The above rclVrs to Jack, pnprly of W. 0 Holmes, which elie-d one eljy list week, aged about ten years. Wo are inf irmcd that tlireo fjur tears were stud at the funeral which was accompanied with eiuo eoicniiuty. AN EVENT IN PHILADELPHIA. There will be an early service at six o'clock Master morning at the Kpi-cni nl church. Also service at lu.lf past ten. The Sunday school Mister celebration will he held in tho evening at seven o'cleck. I hereby nckiiowled:o that in putting Mr- F. IC, (icalfiey out of the Opera House on tlie evening of February Hill, 1 ncled lutily nnd under excitement, and I nut sorry for my action in tho matter. It. It- Yansatta. Somebody says that a young lady should nl ways ask Ditr questions heforo accepting tho band of any young man, as fellows: "Is he honorable? Is he kind of boarl? Con be sup port me comfortably? Is be a paying sub-rcrb bcr for his com ty piper?" Last Xouci:. All n-rsons indebted to the estate of Peter I'll), elocca-cd, and to F.nt Ilrcrhcr nro hereby notlfiril III it these accounts must bo paid by May 1st or costs will be in curred. Cull at my ollico al llluom-burg. March C,tf. U. II. F.nt, Adm, A llEMAltKAHLE CASE. it is rumored that the Heading II. it. will shortly move the Dound hotiso ironi Cntawlssi to this idace. 1 f Ibis Is correct the mechanics nnd workmen will neirly all p'ohably, move to Danville, which will be quite nn accession to the population. Danville Jnhlligmcer. A littlo son of Mr. Fred. Hnrtmnn, of lluck- horn was run over by a load of coal on Tues day. He wns en ihe wagon and fell oil' be tween tho wheels, the hind wheel passing over hi stomach When picked up b was sup poseel to bo dead, but after a littlo while be re covered, and on Wednesday morning was up and around tho house. Tho ihild I" about six years old, mid there was over a ton of coal em the loud With tho except! u of a brui-ed tide no damogo was done. It was a remarka ble escape, Dr. Sperling, uf Kingston, bni cbargo ofa reitiarknhle case, in relation lo which he in forms a Union-Lender reporter that a daughter of W. H. Schooley, ufHiinlock'a Creek, called on hiui n few weeks ago to be treatesl fur a pain in the side. Sho s.ihl that she was latin down tho fimily washing, the ibtbes havlii; been pinned on with ordinary pins, which sho put inlo her iii'iiith ai d hurried hit ihe bouse Attempting to take a long breath, she swallow' ed about twt-tily-twe of llie pins, but said nolh in aboul it, and wi utull'on an excursion whiih she was lustily preparing lo join. Upon re turning she compl lined of feeling ill and soon became delirious. Physicians were called, but to them she said nothing of what had occurred, and as there were expectorations of blood they treated her for hemorrhage! of the lungs. Sho finally partially recovered and biibsiquenily came lo Dr. Sperling for Ireaiinent as nbovo stilled. The latter expressed considerable sur prise when infirine-el of the accident and said that he eould do noluing fur her nt lint late day, and would baldly bolieve It po-sihle that any person could live under sucli circumstances. The lady his since married, and witli the ex ception of frequent pains in the side and an occasional attack of what seems like colic, there aro no indications of trouble frcm tlie accident, the liko of which has never been known. Dr, Sperling credits the statement of Mbs Schooley and considers the cue a very rmnnrkablo one. by rea-on of ils extreme rarity and nen-fcial re suits, "tellers' Liver l'ills," tire tho secrete to perfect hea lib, Jong life, nnd absolute hnp pines, Bold by all druggists. About tlie lOlh of March, Messrs, Straw bridg' Clothier , llie well kn iwn mercliHiiti F.ighth and Market streets, Phihidslphia usually have their openings of tho fn'iries w deli, eluriug the seas in, nre to ho tilings for hi lies', To iheyj Openings, in in-rea numbers, ear by year, the 1 idies 11 -ck from far ami near, showing by their presence amount tf intere-t which i scarcely eve- excited by any other specticle. This year, nbiut tlie usual lime, lb- firm an nounce 1 t'nat the piessure from tholidieslu how llie new goods hid been so great, that for weeks before, as they as-eel ihe Cu-toni Ilou-e laiHyhey were shown tu the fivorid few. Knowing, huwever, that largo numbers of la His in city and tommy await their cusb mary a luouncemcnt eieli scn-on before doing any Jioppii'g, it was slalcel thai, although thev had leaded to have no formal opening, they would. about tho u-ual d ue, placo the-remainder of their importations on sale, ni.d inuugurato tho Ini'inC'S of H e season. Ilio day on which the inlormil opening was announced, turned out to bo intensely disagree able with almost the only snow- storm of the seuson. 0'iu would liaeo suppos-d that no Inly would have gouo out of bcr house unless com! o!ed to elo so by inexoriblu necessity, or drawn by sonio extraordinary nitrieeiiou. No moio striking instance of Messrs. Straw, bridge .4 Clothier's popularity has ever been given than tho feet that during this elay ol snow and sleet, lirgo numbers of 1 idles braved tho sturm and liisjiefttil witbgieat siitislaelion llio linmenso exhibition of fabrics which will be worn ill the noar future when iniieler shies prevail. It is our l urposs to mention the- e vent as a mn'ier of public interest only, not to give any detailed account thereof In feet it would bo imp I'sible within the limiis of nwspier ier- tides to give any adoquule nlui of the vast nr riv of new ai d novel fabrics and designs which t'0 lirm liayu luipiirleei direct hum llio J ans uinkcrs. We neiu informel lint it lonsidetublo number of the styles wero e infilled to tlieui and coull bo found in no other American llOll'C. During tho dull times Messrs Slruwhrhlge A Clothier's establishment was nlwujs thiungul because- we presume that people lelt it tub true economy to do their shopping there. Now with the revival of business what may we not expect of this great bouse with Us Immense fa cilities and tho numberless infractions it has lu oiler, leading us it undoubtedly does toulay the dry goceh trade of the .Middle Mates, The festival of the loairncllon of Jesus Christ, derives probably lis teutonic name from the festival of Ihe goddess 0tara, In Anglo Saxon, Kislre, which llio Saxons of old were w-otit to celebrate nbout the samo season nt which the Christian fe'tlvnl uf Diler occur, in the ancient church the celebration of ICas'cr lilcd elghteliys. After the Ulh century, how ever, it was limiled to three, ami In later times gene r illy t two diys. It wis firinnlly llio fa vorite time for perlormiii-t lbs riti of baptism The courts of I'IsiIcl1 were chseel nil ! iilms ells pcned to the poor and needy, who were even fealeel In the churches 1 cuslom which lid lo much di'nidiT. Slaves nlo recolvcd their free eloin it tb itscn'oni ami a tbcniKteritiesof Lent word over, the peopla gavo ihcni'clves up lo enj lyni'iil, hence tin eliy wa eilled tlie "rfun- elay of Joy", To the populir sporl and elances werendded exhibitions, in which even llie clergy joined in some phiec. lecliing from llio pulplis stories ami legend, with a view to slir the heirers to laughter. Agiinl this In- ilccency the reformer of the lGJi century loud ly and successful! raised their voices. During the whole! week bsfire Kislcr that is, the In terval between Palm Sunday and the beginning of tho Kisier festival daily services were hthl. On Fasltr day the popltf saluicil each other Willi ihe Diter kbs, and the exc ablation. "He- is iien; lo which the reply was, "He is risen indeed," The chief solemnity always consisted of the celebration ol t lie Lord's Supper. Tlie proper time for the celebration of D is- ter hn occu-i i.o l no Mill controversy. In the 2 I century n dispute arose on this point be tween the Kastern and Western Churches. The great nns of llie Distern Christians celebrated Ulster cm lbs licit elay of the first Jowi-h month or moon, considering it lo be eepiivah-i t o the f uirleiiilli day, holding that it was the cominenrra'ion of tho resurrection of Jos I. Tlie Council of Nice ("!' A. li. ) do i led in fi ler of the Vetern usnge, branding llie l'aslern us-ige witli tlie nuno of Ihe ' epinrtadceiin n" icrr-y. This, however, only se'tleei tho poin' ICistcr was to he helil, met up ill ncetlain liyoflhe month or moon, but on nSunelni1 The astronomical cycle I ir calculating the ec. currence of llie Disler moon wa ret determined hythis council. It appears, however, tliat the Melouic cycle (ij. v.) wa already in use in llie we-t for Ibis purpose: and it was on this cycle that the Gregorian Calend ir introdiiceel in 1852 was arranged. The inethoil em which this cal endar is constructed is loo complex for descrip tion here. An elaborule aecoiint of the whole miller was published by Prof. DeMorgin in llie Cumprtniontotlie llritUhAlmnnne in 1S15 and to this the reaeler is re 'erred. The time of Fa- ter being the most anc'uut ami important of all the movable fe-a-ts of the Ciirisli in Chinch, leterinine nil tlie le t. Ii was debated nt tin- time of the inlri ductitn of llio CJrogorinn C"l- eii lar, whctlur KiMer slK-uld e-outiuiie to be movable-, or whether a fixed Sunday afle r 21st of Mirch should not bendupleel. It was eltfci c ncc to the ancient custom that Del the e:clesi aslical authorities to n llicre to the I. nt'er of ele'erminition by tlie moon. It must be remem bered ho'iever. tint it is not tlie ncdinl moon ihe heiveiis, nor even Ihe inooii of astrono mer Ibat regul-.les llie time of Disler, but nn altogether imaginary moon, whose pe.-iods nre contrived that the new (calendar) moon al ways follows the new moon (eimeitmesby two or even three d iys). The effect of Ihis is, tliat tho 1 lib of llie cileiulir moon which hail from the lime uf Mo-es been conh!erd 'full moon," for ecclei.ilicil purposes bills cnerally on llio 15th or lGth of llie real moon, iinel thus after the real full moon, which is gen erally on the 1 Ith or 15lb day. Willi lliisex- pl inalion, then, of what i meant by "full moon," viz: that it is the 1 ltb day of tlie cul- endnr innnii, the rule i, tint Distcr day ii al ways llie first Sunday after the pischalfull moon, i. e., the full moon which happens upon or next afler the 21st of Mircii (tho beginning uf llie ecebsi istieal year); anil if tlie full moon happens upon a suiiehiy, Hnder Day is llie Sun elav nfeer. form. m oiisKisvAxct:. Many of the popul ir observances connected w'idt lvislcr are of papal origin. The gnehle-s O'tar.i or l.iliOH-enist) havc'licm thepo-s-m lie i lion of ihe morning or easr (ep v.) and also of Ihe opening year or pilrg. Tho Anglo S.ixou mine of April ivas Ksleiinnnalh; and it i still known in Germany as Ostirmiiiialb. The W'liship of ibis b-ing eems to havestruel; teep root in .Nonbcrii Uermnnv, and was liruiuht luln Dnglai.d by llie Sixons. It c. n- tinned lo he celebrated in inn iv parts in the iiurtb of my d iwn to llie begin u ing of tlie pie-ent e-ulury, bv llie kiuilliiig cf I. unfiles and numerous oilier rites, Like the May ob servances of Fngliiid it wns especiillv a fo-ti vnl of joy. Willi her usual policv, ihe Churili endeavei-eel to give a Clirietiin S'giiilicnuce lo siiih of llie rites a etiubl not be rooteel out: and in ihis ensa tlie convulsion was psitie'iilarly ejsy. Joy at llie rising of the natuinl sun, and llio awikenin' of n itura fioui the ileath o win'cr, b-.cinie Joy at llio rising of tli e Son n: Iiigli-eoii'iii s nt ihe resurrection of Chr si from the grave. The bonfire can be triied in the trie it "pi-c!ial tap r, " seuueliine weigh ing 8H0 pounds, willi whicli llie Hunches wele lighted on Fa-tor Dve. lu llie niicitut chinch of St. Mary-ai-Hill, in ihe c'ny of L'Hulon, there is even an entry "For a epiai ter of coles for the hallowed fire on Lister Fve. lid." The most characteristic Ivi-ter rile, and the one nio-t widely dilliised is the use of 7'usei (i e., Fester) egs. They are u-ually siiciueel o virions color witli dye woods and herbs am people mutually make presents of them, smiii limes they aro kept a amulets, sometimes eat en; gimes are also pliyeel by striking them against one another. In some moorland parts of Scotland, it used lo be the custom for youu; people to go out early on "Path Suiuhy" nnd senicli for wild f iwl' eggs for breakfast and ii wis thought lucky to find lliem. There can b little doubt that tlie ue of eggs at lhf season was originally symbol icul of the revivification of niiinre llie springing forth of life in Spring, The practice I not confined to Christian: the Jo ueel cgus in tlie fent of ihe Passover; ami weare told Hint the Periaiis, whin tin keep the of tho solar new year (in March) mutually present oich older willicol ore I ggs. From a Chrllhn point 1 view, this "Foist of Lggs" has b?en usually considered a om blcmitic of llio resurrection and ofa future life. Clitiutben' Vwiciceipcceei. ii ii r Country. Dr. Benson J, Insltig, the distinguished author of tho Field Hook of the Devolution, the War of 1812, The Civil War and 3 1 oth er histories nnd liiugrnphlo all perlulnliig to American subjects, Is niiv, In his "3rd year, engaged on what ho priiinl'cs lo be his master-piece, the work lo which lis hnsjiiv en tho nfrectlonale nnd palrhtlc title r.t the head of this nrtlcle. It l, ns the name 1m pllc,n complete ant (xhnuitl.'o hielo-ytf tho Vestcrii Continent from Ihe li rat discov eries nnd settlements by the Northmen in I002-IU0 years, before tho discovery of Co lumbus down to tho present lime. No man could perform this task more thor oughly than l)r Losslng -the task of pro ducing u correct nnd picturesque history of our country for nil the families of the land. The author's reputation nsn pleasing nnd trust-Horthy narrator is nlremly well estab lished; but it will be heightened by the his tory on whicli lie Is now engaged, Felix O. C. Darley has nddeel much lo tlie beauty nnd Intrinsic merit of tho book by his nrtitlc illuilr.itlous, of whicli there arc over five hundred. The publisher, Henry J. Johnson, has spared neither labor nor expense in making It one of the finest specimens: ol book mak ing recently issued from the press, Lysilug, D.trley nnd Johnson form a trio that promises n work of rare excellence. The general agents arc now in town nnd wili cnll on our lending citizens nnd meet, we doubt mil, tho liberal patronage that has been ac corded to this book wherever shown, The cost is a mere tri lie and the manner of pay ment Is ncco mine dated to nil. tfee uud jttdge. COO Ions more of gooel dry rock oak batlc wanted by Silas Young Light Street lor which J will pny $0.00 per Ion cash, or $0.00 in goods. I also buy Hemlock Hark nnd I will pny '5.00 per ton cash or 3.50 ir "in in goods Fell, 0 2-in If you want Nice ami Cbinp Dishes, go mid see I. V. llartmati's. Nentruot Oil niul Vacuum Oil for bar tits prense for mIo bv Silas YiuiDp, Light Strcci) nl.n lllnck Oil, F th Oil, Lltisied Oil. Whale Oil nml Castor Oil Mnrch 1!) 2m Shoe Store below Court McKlnncys House. If you want a good Clothes Wringer, go ti sec 1. W. llartinan's. Admission free nt McKlnney's. If you want Houc-kecplng Goods, go to I. W, llnrtman's. Hats! lints-1! Hats Ml CAPS, CAPS, CAPS. Litest style. Lowest I'liccs nt the Popu lar Clothing Ptoreof 1). Lowenberg. Stone W'arent I. W. llartmati's. Hoot headquarters nt McKlnticy's. 1,000 pounds of nice dripel apples wanted nt Silns Young) store Light Street for which I will pay the highest market prices. Dtcember, 10. 4-m. How Y . II Keinlile Slimthl lie Dealt Willi. W. II. Kcmble niiu his associate, under comiction for bribery by their own confes sion, have anticipated their sentence, whicli must by law include line and imprisonment, hy filing no application fir pardon with the .lribiniiig Hoard. The Pennsylvania, law quires public notice find n certain period alter nn application is I'l'eel with the Hoard before it can be granted. Kenible's precipi tate ha-le is taken to prevent the possibility that a bank president, a former State ollicer, and a pre-cnt pominent powerful l.epiiblican politician should have his head shaved oil' mil wear stripes before the legal formali ties of u pardon can be taken. It iinl'irtu natclv appears probable that be will succeed. His plea of guilty, witli that of his associ ite, se e ms to hae been given under nn un- lerstandinr Ihatn fine only would bo exact- I. Such a re-tilt is little le- illsgraccful an acipiiltal would have been. To a eiiuvlvnni,i politician, callous to the grace honorable tren would feel a seii-ronlesseii conviction, n line Is a mere- incident ill the poliue-U game, not a punishment. Hire conviction for "log roll- an offence prevalent cverywher?, is something, it is perhaps all that coull le obtained; but batgaiu and sale with a pow erful sinner over the extent of his punish- inent robs it of moral weight, llepubiiean 'eniisylvanii on tit to be able to deal as sharply with Kemble as Nov,- York dealt illi Tweed. Ho ought to be put to wind ing yarn with Morton, tlie Philadelphia de l.iulter, in the penitentiary. Springfield lie- publican. It matters not the age ufsiilTcrs from colds or croup, good for MNTLItK THANK,'. I BiillVrod f ir five joirs with Itheuiualbui Having been persu ideel by friends lo try the St. Jacobs Oil, I must acknowledge that it Is the best remeily I ever ued . In fact, it cured uiu entirely. Accept my lliienls. FlUNK Et'lIiVARZ, OS Ifintitcnth St., dntinnati, Ohio iMAliKE'JMtEPOJITS. HLOOMSnUDG MAllKET. Wheat per bushel 'a Itju " M e'orn, " w oats, " " H'lour per barrel M0 e'loee'ibceil 6-,MJ nutter i ; . W ' IftUOW Polatoca ;)rled Apples Hums sides A shoulders chickens Turkejs L u dyer pound May perton Ueeswax IJL'OTATIONS for. COAL. So. I on Wharf t a rci per Tot So. li " " 3 ' NO. " " I i.en r.iursLUiupcn ui'j-r s. u liltumlDOUs " J 4.S0 " l'HILADELl'FIA MARKETS. Wholesale prices at llie close of trade on Tucs- Clll. .4 .eel ."II .01 .111 .ns 1G em .'.3 lluekwheal Hour D r cwt 11 CHot2 em Uh-atilnur " " c ism " Wheat lur bushel i " e'orn " " 6 mi s " sX ' 1:50 " r Parley " " , To " ii'sseu nogs, per poauu ex muter ' " nccorelln,; to uua v " ' lU'irs pesdi7en 15' Poultry, Hie chickens ' chickens dressed II ' ceirk' j a ' I urkcy dressed lu -3 1 43 4I leo .'-l "Dr. Seller' Cough Syrup" is all alike. Price 25 cents. Ne-enaliibi Ceire-ei liv Iir. lturr s Nenrnlcu and sick Headache Tills. A unlve-rs il cine for NVuralifla. sick Hendaehe, Ner eous Hi-mi u'lii-. lijspe-psi.i, t'oiistipalloii, 1'arnlvsls, IitdIcssic ss. I ainatm Ion ef i he iietui. una Head iii-lie niMig from over silinulatlng cllhir troin eiplu-n or Alcoholic si luitllalits. These Pills are asneclal rremratlon nn'y for the cure of special dls-'ase-s Mimod niielforthesHdlsi-nses ill"l are wui iliv ol a eriai nv an ine-in.ciii suiii-eiTs, 'lli'-i iiie pie-pared epre-sly to cure Ne-uriilifla, sick, Neneius, lljspcpsla. c:on- silpalioii, rnrai.esis. sn-eliiesMii ss, ami loss ei .t-r-e oils III crev. Thi- nre nteasmt to,i-. (they dl - olu In I tie mouth) hirnifess, nnd e ITeetualty c ire all diseases nrtslng Iroin u deranireel Nervous satem. Hifi coi.talu mi iiplinn eirothe-riiarcotle. I repaien nv A. i.. liurr. ei. ii., serninoii, e n. Trench billiards .V Co.. Plillld l . nzents. sent by mall on receipt of pi Ice, ry cent.s. ljocg Ilrancli. Hec. 20, 1S-0. Dr. A. V.. T.uir, near Mr: -oeir .euraij'i.i i ins cun-ei me, and I wa tie' creatosiorsuneieis. I nae since bum-lit them for my sister aim oineis anei mey cure eiery case. eaye eiuiutee'ii. Long branch Tier. Tlttston. Ta Tcb Clu. 1SS0. Dr. A. r. Purr. De-ar sir: Mv wife bad tho N'euralzla tor ten ilns nnd her phislelan irave her no reller. I '.tiled on fir. Knnop and got a bottle of your Neural gia Tills and Ihey re-lleied 1 rr In a few hours. 1 uuiiia-i r lieu, Agt Dupont Towder Co. A. Ivlelm. lnoninsuri. sals: I havo sold these pills beiore and they Klie iro U satisfaction and niw ays cure. There must have been some mistake ns to the popularity in S.m Francisco ot cltma- lies uf the K.irney stamp. There was trouble about gelling a jury to convict one of his lieutenants ; and yet experience t- Sale br C. A. i.lcira. E.e.-n.birs druffrilt. I other cites slioiv Unit juries aro very apt teb so, su-sni lie iiillucnceil in their decisions on such piestiou by popular -enli'iient. The "hoot! linns" and idlers not niiinerou, but very noisy who take active part in excited pol itical and social n-cnibl!es in California and s -where arc too often assumed to icprrsnt the sentiments cf thousands of quiet ciu- t-iis who are busy altcuding to their home- nll'.iirs i.uil wcuking for a liiiu.', iiniiiindltii fibe fact that for tboir own gio.l nnd llie afe'ly of their homes might lo give son.i- little lime nn attention to pub lie allan- SaCZEAOIZQXS AT ONCE CURED BI BENSON'S UAPCINE POROUS PLASTERS. II' IS 'I'lli: O.VI.Y HMIHA' Itll.llllUV 'I'll 4T M.tll I'A U.S. l9i'e"7 .1000 Druggists havo signed a paper stating that they ii'' in Xlverr way Suporior to tho Ordinary. 810917-301111; Forona riaitcr. March !(!, 4w d Tiie mtl i:slallislicl lrnir Store. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT Corner Muiii iind iMarket Streets BLOOMSBUG, PA. Tlie undersigned l.vlng ten In the M 11(11. 1:-. II, 1: nil til Imslnefs for Ihe past eleven years would call tho attention ot the publlo pcne'riilly, nnel I'lt'MltY liEALKUS lu particular, to their large and varied stock. M consists of Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Patent Medicines, Spices, &c. BROWER'S BLOCK. CinaDBBDri, be QaBsaN.Ni'4l samywiicrc. IN IT MAY BE FOUND A LARGE STOCK OF SPONGES. (1IIAMOIS, rEltl'UMKUV, I'AXCV AUTICLES, COLOQS1.-1, C10A1t, TOILET SOAKS, HAIlt UltChellES. TOOIII lmUSIIES, L.MI'H, and in fact every thing tliat should ho kept in a complete and well regulated Drug Store. They are the solo Manufactures of the Celebrated OIL OF CLADISiESS. Also tho Manufacturers and Sole Proprietors m. W. M. BICKLEY'S Celebrated and J JST VA LU ABLE IMllSPAHATIONS. Compound Aromatic Wine of Gentian and Iron. Improved Cream Camphor, Worm Killing- Agent, Improved Hose Pectoral. The Beset Remedies Made, Highly Recommended by Physicians JsXr.CUTOK'S NOTK'K. e.STAl-.ue- r-All.l I'- eini,, i.r ir.ssr.j-. Letierri le-hti inenUrv en the esi.ite ot sally Aim Voile, Lite l .Mifflin tnwiiMi'li, t'eilil'lill I'lillnte. I'i'lllisi lianli, ele'ee-.lseel. ll.lle heen ura lei I III till' lletrtsierol Sill COUIilJ lo .1 S. lol.e-, .Mil Uln-lltc. I.eeil nr. All tK-i'sems. lu ln'-:i l.ilrus uicallisl I II- I'M llie ll Hie Ole'eiese u nil n 'Ull'sn , iie-r.-ii iiie'iti tlli'tni'iii, uiiil llieise Imlctitiel 10 ihe ci- e o inuKu n.unie'Ul tonic unui r-urueu iinuui el.l.ey. i:.'e c itoi', MUllilivliie. feu st, r.w. 'OB, S.L-H. iU'H'.s all Around. All the iron wcuk-i in Wilkcsbarro nre rutimiii- 011 lull time. lip.i. ImIz J0I111 1'iirter h u siiinil nititi. 1 r m limit, witli while iivui-iiiclie mid nili wlnskers. -New Yeirk City Jmlifp, Dislrict Allot- nov:i"il Kecorler eet encu lVW a vein anJ Ihe Stirr.ea.He the same. -11-rk eaiiintv "pent lust year $217,7211, inel re eel veil t21U,-.j;,wtli tS'.'Jii situ elu the county. Moliilelinsiiiir,ietlcini: lnnver,Mr. Jeilin A t'uilibert, nlui nun nn citlicer in ol 1.S12 anil 11 Coiiresiiiiiiii in IM'.). -A lunik t-liare uf etock was t raii-lerrril in I'roi iile-ncH nn s-.miriliv. uliicli liail re iii.iineil in one inline .since 17!Ij. -The Chinese eovcrnmciit, hm ele-tei inineil to c-tulilisli ceiusiil lies in llostnu. l'iiiliulelilii:i nii'i iSe-w lork, lor the betlir ji r itecllon ej lis sUfJeClf. -JiiiL-e l'eiir-on, ol Diiiplu-i coiiiity,n that in all c.i-ts where e-upervisoi neiflut to keep ro.iiN in oreler they cm be proccie!- c J UgelllUt i i tin 1 11:1 1 ly. -Snow on tlie Union I'ncilic Ituilroad in the Sierra niuuntfiini it U taiel to be from lu to Gt) teet deep, 'llio recent storm there was the iirenle-t br years, -The eouuly niperinteiieleiiU of public nclii'iiN tbieiiii;hiiut the ttale nre aineiiiL' the liurcl-iiiirklti',,' iillicinls ot Hie I iimiuoiiweallli, ;it lln.s tune, piiparlni; lur tlio u.-iial r-i 1 1 1 iijj CMiminations. A VAI.fAl'.l-t: MILL PKOrKUTY, I'llNTAlNINO ja.cirn:s of Xjand Mill In Koo-l eunUltlon. 'I hri-o ran of stiiies. c, 11 111 WATIll! l'0Vi:it. Tirms 1 e.ionabl. l'or rurlhcr parileuUrj.-ii))!) to .Mills llllAdU:, Morilansilllc. C' f"bl.', II 'B1 si: tu n .dd m Mk'.itnliiL'. Wind ni.d ru'n yu win new htu (injii'Ht 1 1 KHiihor liiiiu KiiiM's iiiiift 1 in wt riit, I tllM' ill h-h lli.ii) il 1 I Jiricf, ilium 111 r- II II.Hl!l" il l. IJUll V "It'll liul' lu u'( I owe' uMHtfiltt in : 'i Ih'M cliiinv t ir 1 r t in- MiiKc luii' . !iiui)'lf. t: i i In ill I-, iitui luii n r 1 1- iiLii I 11', AkVtits wllun,' lu in frnvlm J lulU, Muss. vi'icu iy, am. oM ihifd lur disabled boltllf-r, from d ite of dl cii iree, It iippl-oatiiui Is Ill-'d n Toiu .lu , l-t, wvi, rri!-tmi- nuri".st'd s-nu iinstHiru lur ntw Uw, iilui Us, ulu inirufUOLs. mi ms T iitsburir. I'a.. cr Wufshlniztmi. I. c. ;2Otdost Claim tfuiic In t lit) L'itUi'dMl s. w 3iuri.ii i, sin. iircvcurcd for boldk-rs dls- iiblnl lu L. St-rMco tCt. IT T'J.-tV, Q9 do ii -m, muTt ii.ntiiHn.sei i ,Tirrijiiii 14 'il mlnlWlllitkj Out of town peoplo who can not conveniently travel, mny havo aam- plea Bent them of Dry Goods nnd all other goods that wo Bell, if they will write .No charge, nnd no need to order If not Butted. We make It a buslno&sto attend to such letters quickly; nnd when ordera coma wa send the exact artlclo wanted, nnd at exactly fcamo price ns other customers pay when hero buying in person. When gooda nro not ns ordered, we take them hack. Having trained nnd responsible clerks, who nro able to uso discretion in filling orders, wo aro enabled to givo great satisfaction to tho many customers who Uuvo tho chotca to us, With n reputation of twenty years nt retailing, wo cannot nfford to loso our good namo by lank of proper service to absent customers. Vrlto plainly, and describe fully whnt is wanted, and about tho prico desired. Address, John Wanamaker, Largest Dry Goods House, Philadelphia. '"Ill Ml ill' 1 "I la I TU It. 1 II 1 1 . IH!I iWrji i 'h PEN.SIONS f r in uiiv eiiuso ; nlsn, for h-Ira ol ileceaM el so'illur-. All tunslons il.Uu liacl; tu il.iy ot illscliari,v, nnU to ei.ue ot the elealli ot the Hohller. I'ensloua tncrea!, eel; lioiuity nnel new ellse'liaryesiU'O'ureil. AiUlress v. Illi stump, htollIiAItT .t CO, Jiooin So. s M lin. llllill lli.itelv. ll few Yuunir Men anil l.mll.'H In t-'ulll 'le'le'iriiitihy, agooil hlt'lallOll I'llaraiile'i'el, act Ureal ullh blalu). '. HKItUN TU.Keni V'll III. uuuin, uiuo. .Murili in, nil. w Slirrmlnrss ami Aliilily. Hop llitlen no freely .nlvertUed in nil the papers secular anil reglgious, are bavin liriiosale, anil are Mippluiitiiii- all iithtr iiicillcines, There U no elenytiiR the vir tues of the Hop plant, nnel the proprietors. of tliee Hitters have t,hon e-reat Rhreinl- ne-a unci ability in compoiiniling a Hitter-), whoo virtues re so palpable to overy line's iibservation Exchange. An eihl v.-oni'iii- to be vere po r, livinj: near .Miil.llesex, llutler county, Houl liuliuiuir, Wajhlniiion, n.c. hVj MIH l.lhe-ie ii lueiiuiiei Mil n iee- iiiiys liei, anil nelifliborie, who went to the nbl womnii. ah, made search ol the premises, 1 hey liiiiiul tit least $1,000 hielilen In oill-it nt places. . Di'inocralie r-tata U invent iom will be IitM in tlie-e rilatei cm theso clays Nebraska Msrrhai vtrvlteU Ma u tjlltl April 7 I kllllbdsi Mie va le-uislaua Arpll 13 I south Ceiiulltu ..luiie 1 Texue. A III !li Al. Iiauitl linn- a re-mee'lvatili... Anrll .'s Arl.niisaK turn- V 111110 Mu 0 'Il'lllll'tusce June' Wleecuiislu May is 1 li illanu lune New Jcibey M.iy l'J I Kttituclijr June IT MM,lsrtJir.iSH-r.S.-.i..isSirsSS,.,il..,l iNotioos Your ttililreti on n P .ftnl Card for a f-amrlf or uur lii-iiuiinilly lUu-trutfii tnuir, oi nrs iiuMi; uim.UY,i.i.Ku.n, muU. w MiirtU iv, im von ltroncl.ltli, lluiir-.rn TirLllaif or I)rucbuf liao Thrum. Sorr Tliruntt C'uld Iti Ihr Ilrndt Indut'iiiM I in llui ll.irli Astliniittla Coil, li, An 1 relli f of Cunnumi-ih t' y - . Hn. imOTVNJXa Is & rcrul&r Kraauiitd f Eaeaicliie.a kVlllful I Lrmackt, aud & thorough ill ,-at IU"C(i:C."(Com,'U 6- lColsDCordiali Lot uiorcs. cu.t of xuero cliancv.but cf long dentiflo rc-carch ia chemifitry ami lueJidne, bd is Ululr wcu ly uia rat idity cf tis cctiaa tzii lu unjianJlcVel ecacy, Tbo fiIcnro la ltd mauufactureli at li'dHtra limn is preat as t!wt cf any othrr mciUclna upon Uia warUt, aa4 yt t it ii boM at th oscceilUiffly low vrtco of Oc. rKuuila Uif.lcj (for ft filwrt Uluo ci'y) t rta. W.CIIAIPION lHtOUMTi,.I. I).. Prnprlnor. 11 17 Arrli Strrrt, PM', pn, I UK SXl.I ! V I III' "'.ii! till Tim AND All. HHI'lKHST , Marriages. Ml.Mllil 'I'Al'sT. -At Iilooin.buri;, March 18, by llev. S. Miulieil, I). 1) , Mr. William .Mm ier, of I.iinlsvllle, Ljcoiiiine; (ounly, ai.el Mbs Mairule C. Fa in I, of llemlocl; townslilp, Co lumbia county. I)i:rrei:i. Ilci'lliut.. On Snbbilh eveniri;, Muuh 'Jlst, at the I.ullieran parsnnaife. by Itov O, I), S Marclay, .Mr Milton Havlnr Deltzel, of l'liilmlilphla, J'a , anU Miss Mary Alice uetntel, ol JJloouieburg, l'i. paiel (or '1000 lnuhels of gnoil While or l ellow Luts at cllai 111111; s, Light Heel. Mttrcn iy yni Itubhers atMcKliiney's, Cash paid for 2001 liuttertt tiilas Voiinc Light Street, lor six necks, Match 1'J-Civ HcoU nml sliucw tlieap nt McKiiiuey'j. Cionl Ilutti r B0 ciil per potinil at .Silas loungs, l.igiitnireet. uiarcii u-nv I. V. Uartmnnofli-u tlie liiiet Hue nf Cal- iccits in me town rr eouniy liu iinu no them. Uubteer Coats whilo nnel black-, lllantets. I.eugings, Oluveei, Caps at tho luiust )inco 111 ii, i.uueuueri; s. If you winlm Nice Dress, look nt I. W. t J 11 1 1 111 an s goons. rii tT Tr. Tf A P PIOTT P I 1h a 11 w Instrument s" . i a , -mien mil t u u,lt loin--11 11 In Ihe pul'lle. '1 he el.. Ik-loun muslr or 11 e- I'lir.i h, hi r-1'1'oellK-iel III 1111V utile l.uii,. eeiiiiin ,,i- ellllil e leli eh uiuh 1 iiilielv Ik-iii' c f lulls e. 'I tie siniiirs me- iiiiuiiieii'ii rroni one ti, ten. niul ihe. mu sic Mine 1 lie en limalile-M llie instrument is 1 intil, ,.-,1 111 Ilk..' 111 inne r in-stt-ml uf U'tnir irlnleel in iinii-s, I.ici.MhUi Hpnri'eiu en the music cf ihe li.rn; 11 Is He- Liuir or uiusieiii liisiruiiiiiiis. ui cl this Is a p-r-tcel haip In liilnalure- ll.e smile ctillilo'ls I lie's anil sheiul 1 ti.- In every f.iuitl lu the land. Any me nil1, 1 an ic-itil this ailn rtlse-uie ill c-eu yx It ut unt e asMell as me must! iiiihIiIui. lie K.1111I.V, u'Hl an ormimeni toany r cm We nlsn s, ti, t null tt u l.irifo lot uf uiusle nuuiberiel us CXPt.lllteil aUeic. 'Ihe ll(,t 1 Cllhlcs 4 Hullie', Slle'll iioine';- e si none 01; iiu-i pie nii'i IIH-:' "llM t'eell-seet lloll.l-:" -llljlil line S'nrl -',,eil nil llie f.euiiiti' lin-lodle-nof llio elji. I'elfi-ct setlv faelloli L-Uirunteeel. Klerioie lllio puich ises 1 11 itors'.e lie-in aii-1 rei'-iuimi'iuls ihetutu their ncl-rli- liors, 1 iiiiii; e.f 11110 inure le-Uious months of simii tuiiiasi'i mil le- He re Is a supeiu musical liislru- i.i. ti'i 1 -.ell for use ami ri-iiutrinc- nn i,rri,-ei,.' in sleei iif,-.ll. s-'iiel ali'iiee, an 1 llilue IIAlle I.ITU .MillMII lule i IhP g it liejllly nn-1 11 jil f.iii-nr. Sent l-i 1 ! ,M lu a 1 e't-iste re el paikiicedililihi usures uiie'iei- neiu iiei, j en 11 eeipi 1 1 pru e l..esi. lie- 11111 ,'. ,ssi uie-e-i en re-eislcll'U le-ller. AU- uiiss KiiNtiAi.i, x. 10., tli l'ruukltu si. liofctou. MllsS -An oil estauusti'-ti eateeern ulioisei n, i-eiiiutv i lllill,s-OllWl.VU. .s, I. ,UI114. w Slarct 19, 1111, xixirruifs notici:. Call nt McKiiincy s lur Shoes. If you wait Freeh Groceries, iro nuJ bee I. tUu -laairsik-uecl Kxecutor niihout Ue ia'. ' W.Unrtmaa's. j ,eWOw, -M.tLOAN, kSTATK Cl' VAhllll I'iM'OlST PFCEASKD. Ijllers 'restainenlary mi the estate of Vaslitl I'aiii eiiest late 01 tne town ot lih omsburir. I'olumtiia cil'iu, I'eiiiia, cli'ceaseel, halo 1-e'eu k'Unli'il ti ll.e 1,1 -lsl, r of sella e uuiily lu M.l' Nnuu. All iktsOUS u.iMiU'eliliiis utuliiM '11 eeslalc of the deceeleiet art' r -lu-steel to ore-en the-in rr.r k.-ieiornr,, ....r. those Inaeiileil to in.! estate to innke- pay meit 10 Eiccuior. Rov.'l Co'ts. Atvc'-. ' BEAUTIFUL SEA SHELLS l-'orfl In i.-l'M'TuI It'tt.-r. w.- will -.-ii'l two At..l- ont'h'l. Mit'j .m Urtfe, nnd (Mji.i.iln u 11 ilu-l-crdottli' r-lnbuw. I'lnva uu himr' "14 a tue i i i.ttMiuiai tor &o Ciiiih. , & a. lil-i., uub AUtfuio-', i ai, r nre u w, -. Mcks Patent-RoadT MacliinB- Keers Hi-1 l.huay llu- Itrcs Ik tier for hilt the. pre'seut e usi , ruplJly o.nlu.- lulu (uur In ilty anelei'Uliere. l ue-iil.irs free-. (A.M'1. I'h.NN l. .V hu.SS, Kenuett S.pure, I'll. r March u, 4w. Ul'lTD'tS .NOI'lCl'. .-. AIS OF llll 1-ElLKll 1'KCElStH. PIAHOSOg ii... oi in- Ire W' .S. J i stool L.ivi-r and lieici; only iio to fie o. id r-eujis, sri neeels, nnel) IIs,moo1, liuuk, oulj t:rv-iu,ira- Aclilreess HANII'.I. 1'. 1IKA1TV. I .Marili i in ft777 KM! ami exjieiifei to ageus. fiutnt Will t'ecv. AJUrees V. 11. VIl'KHi,, Aiiirust.i Maine. r JUieli ijW. a liVKitilsi:i.s, t "i- i'ii net c ' Aiie rl- ii .Mali u nel Ire s-liitr tiEei. P. nciWKi i i r-i , jurri, run i, urn ii.i- e. ill., 'l enseil llu, of AHVl.lll'iSlMI n, i i.-p4K-r. :-.i.jia(-e PalnphU-t, lee. r "vt uTici: to candidatks ron xi eim- Ae.r ,eii,s,r; i.-Nsrr.e'Tim. Tun An examination of eaiiin, e,,r ee,u .i.- .. Mine 1l,sK , tor 11 W In lei PuUslllle, c,n Uie Mil clay of April, lv-ii, , , mmi iii Idij at m o ei ie k. a in luspce tors nr. to be apieciuti-U for the i ririt or inMKU l"Slr"'1 "" lUa "JF Maicli , lfIre6lJeIlt ot 1110 UulrU - l-Jtsmlners. eee,' i- herehj clientlii. tlio einetera'irneel ap p einie it ny llie eirtiua''l'utirt if Columbia, county lo clisi ritmtes Urn f in, in t ie hands of Hlr im dealer nmn. if n iat' 1 i'eale.- us ailm. ele bunts lion of Ira, I'eaier, ami of money lu hu on n hmds as adm. il9 IioiiU iioti if sulel Ii.i IViler, U-ce-as-eel. to and anion.- tu ' parlies entitle el thereto ; will att-nel at hlsunle'e in 111 si nsburhf mi -utureliy, Mircii siih, Issei at v ei'cl ick lu Ihu f in-ncHiu ; when unit whero a'l peisons h 111111; cl,i ins ujeon the saKl fatd nru re ipilreel lo pies"hl them or be forever Uvburred from cumlui; In fur a share ut bald ruud. JOUN 11. KI1EK7.R, Ie-b.7,-lv. Auditor. FOR SALE ! A VAiA'AIlLE l'AUM Htuate InMacllson town ship, Columbia co, near New Cclumbli, contatolne 107 Aoi'PH of Lmul, here Is a TWO-S.TOUV Fit Ml! HWELUSO IIOI'SB, A Sprlnir ami HocU Well cf Water, a LAltGU NEW HANK llAltN, A YOUNO Al'i'LE OUCHAUD, and other Fruit T.vcs on tho pnmlses. For terias and particulars arply to AAltO.V SMITH, Jan. U.'t.o-sm lluck Horn, Pa. TIT IS PAPER! my l to fmnl mi tile at Geo. lirUU inny 1- Heivi ,.11 - i k. .... ... AJu-rllntnc Hu en 11 bpruou hir ( wh-pn aVuVr UUmoomrttcuiuay LomaUelurli IN NEW YOKK, leb. ii, iT-it y