THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKGr, COLUMBIA COlNTx, PA. 0. E. EL.WEL1, Elltor. J. K, BITTENBSHD2B, ruMlsaer. BLOOMSBURG, PA. F v I d n yTlviar. 10, 1880. Atulllor General Schcll lm presented us with a copy of Vila report for 1879, for which he has our Omnia. General Hancock appears to be growing In favor with the Democracy of this State, as a candidate for President. CENSUS SUPKKVISOK. On Friday Inst, the. name of C. 1 .Tad win, of Scranton, who was seat to the Sen' ate as Supervisor of the Census for tho Fifth Dis'rlct, was lfjccted, Jadwln is a Hepubll can. It Is likely that the name of Dr. Slur devnnt, of Wilkes liarre, will next be sent in, and there Is a probability that he will ba confirmed. If not, it will likely be some other Republican. John M. Clark, who wa first named for the office, is in eveiy way qualified fur it, a fact admitted by every body. The district, it was understood, wa to liavo a Democratic supervisor. If now ve are to liavo a Republican to till tlif place, wo shall be indebted to Senator Wil liam A. Walhco for it, Clark could have been confirmed without any difficulty but for Wallace, and we are assured on good au thority tha Wallace promised Klotz that he would make no opposition. How In kept that) promise we all novv. A Fl'.W MOKE rOXUXDKUMS. "Why Is It" that the subscription list of the Colu.mman is constantly increasing and expressions of friendliness como to u from good Democrats from all parts of the county? It is bccauo the Democrats know that we are not afraid to champion any man or principle which the party has endorsid, and that we do not fear to demand reloim of evils wherever they exist. "Why is it1 that the Republican party is weaker to-day In the county in proportion to the popula tion than it was some years ago? It is bo cause that party has no organ or leaders ii which they have any confidence, and never know when they will bo betrayed for a "111 tie public patronage." Who fought the new jail job and did mucli to brine about the overthrow of the first contract? The Columman. Who sat qui ctly by and said not a word while a con' spiracy was going on to rob the taxpayer,? The Ilepublican. What caused it to hold its tongue? About twelve dollars worth of job printing. History shows that a centralization ol power has always resulted lu the overthrow of the liberties of the people. Since the Republican party has been in power, it has been constantly aiming at centralization. It has defied the constitution, ignored thi rights of States, procured partisan construe tions of tho laws from Its judges, and ac corded to the Executive far more authority than was ever contemplated by the founder of the government. They have but two more steps to take; first, to elect Grant to the Presidency for a third term, thus over riding one of the most sacred of the unwrit ten laws of, and if they succeed this, to declare him Kmperor, thus securing to themselves continuous authority which will obviate the necessity of their running the risk of losing control every four years. Their programme has been fully disclosed and the tour of Grant around the world. forcing himself upon the notice of crowned heads with tho assistance of our foreig ministers who are parties to the scheme, only a part of the deep laid plot. Will free American citizens, regardless of party, allow themselves to be caught in such a net? DEATH (JF HON'. JOHN McKEVNOLDS. John McReynolds was born in Northum berland county, near Watsontown, April 3, 1788, and died in Iiloomsburg, Columbia county, March 14, 1880. He was a man of great probity and force of character, and was a politician of the el der type, when mere personal aggrandizs ment was not the main business of life, The political history of Columbia county for the last fifty years would be lirgely history of John Mclleynolds. Aud yet h did not come, even locally prominent, until he was a man of some age. He was adroit manager of men, so much so that his followers mostly believed that they were carrying out their own views am wishes. He represented the County of Columbia in the Legislature of Pennsylvania, with Eli Thornton in 1824 with Christian Probst in 1825-with William Jlcliride in 1820- wlth Christian Probst in 1827 with Joh Kobison in 1828. He was defeated in 1849 by Benjamin P. Fortuer, but was elected in 1850 over 0. 1). Iiowman. He was the Democratic candidate for Congress, in the district composed of tb counties of Columbia, Montour, Luzerne and Wyoming in the fall of 1858, but was beaten by George W, Scranton. He was nominated and elected to the of fice of Associate Judge of Columbia county and was commissioned November 23, 1SC1 for the term of five years, which office h filled with dignity to tho satisfaction of hi: constituents for its full period. He was a member of the Electoral college when Pearce was elected President, was Su pervisor of the North Branch of the Penn sylvania canal under Governor Porter for two years, was afterwards collector for the same for three years at Berwick; revenuo commissioner for two years, an office now abolished. Judge McReynolds is the last of a family of nine children, two of which were older than he. All lived to be over seventy years of age, except one sister, who died in infancy. Thus at the age of 78 years, Hon John AlcKeynolds, retired from active life. But retaining his faculties to tho last, he has en joyed constantly, the society of his friends, and the attention of his Immediate family. If there were ever any political asperities they have been long forgotten for his con freres have all gone before him, and the pol iticlans of to-day were, boys when John Mc- Reynolds was in the prime of his power and his mauhcod. It is a common expression, "There is a skeleton in every house." There are a few instances, however, where real human skel etons are found Imbedded within the closet walls, as was the case the other day in Bal timore. An old mansion was recently pur chased aud a portion of the walls demol ished. While making way with the mate rial the skeletons of a woman and infant child were found entombed, evidently placed there long years ago by the guilty actor in adomeitio tragedy, I WASHINGTON I.KHKR. Washington,.!) C. March, ISSO. Duiing the past week, betides listening to the I'll. John Porter debate, the senato has done little beyond passing General Bum side's amusing bill to provide Instruction In moral and social science In the schools of the Dl-trlct of Columbia under the di rection cf the Commissioner of Education. In the House Mr. Wood has been permitted to explain the new Funding bill, and has received a sharp intimation that tho inaction of his committee In regard to tho tariff Is not acceptable to a possible majority ol tho House. By far the most Important action, however, has been the passage of a bill amendatory of the act of March 3, 187C, regulating the removal of cases from State to federal courts. Its effect Is not only to restrict the facilities aflorded by that act, but, as one of its general supporters admit ted, to alter the Judiciary act of 1879, by limiting the original cognizance of the Circuit Courts In civil sults.whether at com mon law or in equity, so as to excludo those Inwhich a State Oirporation Is a party except when arising under the patent of copyright laws. The vote to strike out this provision was yeas 35 nays 95. The tendency of the bill Is still further Illustrated by the fact that It was advocated at length by Mr. Town shend, ot Illinois, who has a bill of his own pending to repeal utterly the law authoriz log removal', and whoso grievance is tho encroachment of tho Federal upon tho state judiciary. Thoso who expect an adjournment befoto the 4th ol July will probably be disap pointed. All the heavlcBt of the appropri ation bills are yet to be reported. Besides these bills tho House has before it a vast a-nount of other business. There are in the Committee of the whole House 109 bills and other propositions, on the House calen dar thirty-two bills, etc., nnd over 250 bills on the private calendar. There are on the table over 100 bills from the Senate. Some nf these bills are of great importance, and members interested in them will make a fight for them even as against the appropri ation bills. Among the most important bills in Committee of the whole are the printing bill, the bill to repeal tho taxes on leat tobacco In the hands of the producers, the bill to pension soldiers of tho Mexican ar, several bills relating to coinage, and large number for the construction of public buildings in different parts of the country, On the house calendar the bill for tho re lief of Gen. Fitz John Porter,the bills regu lating the inter-State commerce and othe important measures. Besides this it is not unlikely that in deference to sentiment of the House the Committee of Ways and Means will be compelled to reverse its action and report some tariff legislation, relating cs pecially to paper, sugar, and salt. Under the rules, precedence must be given to com mlttees to-day to make motious to suspend the rules. Hilton, WHY IS IT ? Editors Columbian : In the Colu.mman of the 12th Inst., ypu make tho above inquiry, and then proceed to give some thoughts in regard to old-time majorities in this county. I agree with you that the candidates depend too much upon a nomination, and do nothing afterward Why is it? In my opinion, in nine caseB out of ten, men get the nomination who can do nothing after the nomination. Men will travel the county for months, spend money freely, and perhaps fail and feel sore, and cry lraud. A man in this county, now dead told me he traveled weeks, stent seven hun dred dollars and got three whole delegates, Suppose we reverse the order of things: make a rule that no person, by himself or friends, that travels and solicits a nomina tion, shall be eligible to such office, aud that amau when nommated.whojrefusr s to travel hold meetings, or cause them to be held aud in every legitimate manner possible, works for the party shall not be entitled to a nomination. There was a time when a Democrat would be suspected of being un true to principle, if he was found working wuu tne opposition. iNovv how Is it? Democrats are found working with the opposition in every iiossi hie way to the hurt of their own party, now are you to nominate honest men? It can only be done by honest means. I hold that It is not honest to buy votes, whether it be by money or jugs full. Money left with farmertnerc'iantsor at hotels to be used ex cept as provided by law is dishonest. It can be'proveu that persons have trav eled this county with jugs of whiskey in their buggies and bottles in their pockets, It is a notorious fact that some at least of our nominations are conceived in sin. born in iniquity, and defeated through ras cality. I can not agree when you urge men to work for themselves. Let a man work for tho principles involved, and leave the result with the party. Our present Rules of Con vention are calculated to cure all tho ills of the Democratic party, but in the last can vass were entirely ignored, and the cry of fraud never investigated. I agree with you that something must be done, if wo expect to secure old-time majorities in this county To that end let there be a rallying of Demo crats who want no office. Let them see that no man is upon the ticket unfairly, or if upon the ticket, bring him to the bar of the rules of investigation. Make open public isiues, and ask candidates to stand or fall by them. There are principles involved in the coming campaign. How will we meet them? Will we stand firm, shoulder to shoulder, or will we act each for himself? Let there be a rallying of the men In this county who have been driven out of politics, by in trigues and office hunters, repair the breach made last fall by our enemies, aud pave the way for an old-time Democratic majority, iVs soon as our enemies fiud us united, all working for principle not men, then shall we cease to hear the question, "Why is it ?" E. M. TEWKsnunv. Catawissa. Pa., March 15, 18S0. It is a disgrace to the true spirit of patri otism for Republicans of the United States Senate to continue their partisan prosecu tion of Fitz John Porter, whose vote, and love of country and devotion to her inter ests, ranks him among her first citizens. Logan, who is a rebel sympathizer and worked to raise troops to assist the South iu 1SC0, is qualified to lead such an unjust, disloyal and dishonorable crusade, William' t'jori Banner. A Boston swindler advertised for "a lady or gentleman to address circulars evenings at home," and to the thousands of persons who responded by mall he sent letters say- ng he would pay 7 a thousand for address. ng envelopes. He added: There are many who answer advertisements for mere curios ity; to protect ourselves against such a bore, we are obliged to Insist upon a deposit of $1, which you can claim after the delivery of the first 1,000 circular." The pay offered was so liberal that the dollars poured Into Ids post-office box at the rate of 00 a day; but he got none of them for the postmaster refused to deliver them. From the report of tho Auditor General, wo glean tho following: There was paid In the Stale Treasury by corporations, fee, In this county, during last year, tax on stock, llloomsbtirg Iron Company $300.00 Berwick Rolling Mill Company 21 90 Hloomsburg Gas Company 202 Cii Kspy Li mo & Cement Co 03 00 Locust Mountain O. & I. Co 1,500.00 TAX ON LOANS. Columbia County , Bloomsburg TAX ON HANK STOCK. First National Bauk,ltloomsburg First National Bank, Berwick,... TAX ON NHT KARNINQS. Bloombur Hankinj Company Jackson, Wood I ii & Jackson SU0.70 47.03 $475 00 712.60 ?77 43 C0.00 TAX ON WHITS, WILLS AND DEEDS. B. F. Z.irr, Into l'rothonotary 195.65 W, Krlckbaum, l'rothonotary.., W. 11. Jaciby, Register & Re corder 133.93 311.93 TAX ON COLLATERAL INHERITANCE. W. II. Jacoby, Register & Re corder 700.00 IlUrAII.KRS' LICENSES. H. A. SweppenhUer, County Treasurer 1,013.43 "ONUS ON CIIARTKll. Bloomsburg Water Company 37 CO There has been paid during the year in aid of pupils who declared their iuteulion of becoming teachers in the common schools, totheSixtli district, $2,113 50. To school districts in this county, 2,478.82. Pensions and gratuities to persons In this county, $150 00. The total receipts at the State Treasury from December 1st, 1S7S to No vember 30th, 1S79, was $7,422,303,90. Pay ments during the sani9 peiiod were i0, 529,003 2i. A.STUI1Y OF LINCOLN. J. S. Brisbln gives the following to tho Philadelphia Times : Oue day not long after Mr, Lincoln is sued his Emancipation Proclamation, Mr. Wade came in, laughing all ever his face and said: "Well, Old Abe has just done tho damn edest thing you ever heard of. He has giv en out he has the small-pox to keep tho pol iticians and offici seekers away from the White House." The story ran tliu: Mr. Wade weutto the White Houo to see Mr. Lincoln, who had been ill. He fmid the President a lit tle pal-", hut j illy as ho could be. 'Sit down, Wade, I am glad to see yu. Oh, 1 have the funniost thing to tell you; it will make )ou laurli. 1 never did such a thing before in my life, and never will azain. Then the President laughed until the tears ran down his cheeks, "Now, Wade," ho mi.l, "ynti are not to repeat this outside, for it would give offense, aud it by no manner of means comports wi'h the dignity which Is supposed to hedge a President about. The doctor put nie up to it to rid mysell'of a bore; I ought not to have dune it, but I couldn't help It, it was so tunny. You know I have been ill, and a great many people have wondered what ailed me, but none of them could find out. The truth is 1 was worried to death and talked sick, pretty much by one man, the most everlasting bore you t-ver saw who wanted an office. I knew he would come again as soon as I was able to sit up, and the doctor put me to bed to get rid of him by saying I had the small-pox. I only go1 out j'tsterday,aud sure enough, this morn ing he called on me. I had determined to be polite to him, but he stayed so long, tho humor seized me and I determined to send for the doctor. Giving him the wink, I held out my hand and inquired : "Doctor, what marks are those on my hand?' "That's varioloid, or mild small-pox," said the doctor?" "Well," said I, "Its all over me. It's con, is it not, doctor?" "Very contagious, indeed," he replied, 'and you should see no one." "My visitor, who had been getting more and more nervous every moment, now could stand it no longer, and rising, said: " 'Well, Mr. Lincoln, I can't stop any louder. I just called to see how you were,' aud then he started to hurry out. " 'Stop a minute; I want to talk to you about that office. ' " 'Excuse me, Mr. Prtsiden'. You nre not well this morning, and I won't bother you,' said he, shoving toward the door. " 'Never mind, said I; 'don't be in a bur ry. It's all right, and if you are cniiig to get the varioloid you will get it now any how; so you might as well sit down.' " Thank you, sir, but I'll call again,' he replied, fairly turning livid and executing a masterly retreat from the fearful contagion with which he supposed me to be iiillicttd. " 'Now, said Uncle Abe," it will be all over the city in au hour that I have small pox, and you can contradict the story, but I want you to promise that you wl.l not re peat what I have just told you.' " Wade laughed until ho was weak and when he could get his bieath sufficiently to speak he looked at the clock as was his cus tom, and said: "Now for a little business and then I will go." "Don't an," cried Uncle Abe, and laying his bead in his hands on the desk in front of him, he laughed until he shook all over. Presently raising up his face from between his hands he wiped his eyes and blew his nose until the report sounded like the wind ing of a horn. Alteranother fit of laughter he said: "Wade, you should have seen him, and how scared he was. I'll bet that fellow nev er comes back here while I am President." As might have been expected, hardly had Mr. Wade quitted the White House, when he heard the President had the small-pox and was very sick. Wade promptly contra dicted the story, but that night It was tele graphed all over the country, and many people will yet remember the story of Mr. Lincoln's having the varioloid during the war; Commenting on the report, Uncle Abe said to Wade: "Some people said they could not take my proclamation very well, but when I get the small-pox, Wade, I shall then be happy to say I have something cv erybotly can take." Suicide or 0. CallicartTujlor. Charles Cathcart Taylor, city editor of the Philadelphia Txmei, died last Saturday from the effects of a pistol shot discharged iu men tal aberration by his own hand, Taylor has been in ill health for two months, and his physical disorder was supplemented aud ag gravated by accumulation of business trou bles, which brought on a mental disturbance involving depression of spirits, Sunday morning he awoke and, though very weak, proposed to accompany his wife to church. She persuaded him he ought to sleep longer and went down stairs to prepare some beef tea In tho hopes that It would strengthen him. White she was gone he fired the fatal hot. I Emll J l'etrofT, of Philadelphia, one of tho bribery conspirators, was ttled and con victed nt Hhrrlsburg lnt week. Col, V, II, Gowcn mado tho closing speech, It was n logical and earnest effort and repeatedly applauded. The applause, was so loud when ho ended that thu court rebuked the audlcnco for its want of de corum, Col. Goweu closed as follows : "For tho first time in probably twenty years, we havo been brought face to faco with au acknowledged crime with a crime that has sapped tho very foundations of so ciety; with a crlmo that has destroyed the grandeur and glory of this commonwealth, and has made this Stato In which I was born and hopo to die a by-word in tho other States of tho Union God knows how long wo would have had to wait until the good citizens ol this State would havo made an effort to euro this fes tering sore, which like a cancer was eating its way Into tho very heart of the Common wealth. At last we have met face to face sjme of the men who were shown to bo guilty of causing this stain. And now from eviry part of this State from tho shores of Lake Erie and the borders of tho Ohio, to tho waters of the broad Delaware, and from the pine forests of the north to our s.iulhern borders an eager people are look ing up to you as their savior; to mete nut justico to these men. If you bellevo these men to bo guilty, will you destroy the right eous expectancy of a great Commonwealth? Will you permit this unpunished wroDg, that has been casting Its black shadow and blight over the people of this State, for an indefinite length of time, to continue on un punished? Or will you lay your hands upon It nnd help to stamp it out forever from the pages nf this Commonwealth, My learned friend, Mr. Mann, has been referring to tho glorious career of this Slate, which during the last war sent her hundreds of thousands uf men to battle, and to die, if njed be, for a united aud liberty loving country, men who, in the soul thrilling days of Gettysburg, drove the invaders back from our borders. I tell you I have such faith in tho prido and glory of this common wealth, that it another such epoch should come, she would aaln bring to the fron her huodrcds of thousands of men who would meet and drive back tho invaders or be left "With their back to Uu Held and their feet to the roe; And leaving In battle no blot on their name, Look 'proudly to heal en troin the death-led of tame." And though we have been resting after the laurels won, with a triumphant victory and peace accorded by all mankind, we find right beforeus on our pathway to greater em inence and higher lame a foe ten times more disgraceful, ten times more to be feared than any that has been met. It has come upon us in the stillnss of the night, step by step, until it has wound its loathsome arms around this Commonwealth and its slimy form has extended out until the road to fame, once open to every honest man, seems closed forever; aud that laudable am bition which should bo in every citizen of this Commonwealth to take his place among our legislators, crushed, killed and bulled; until we have handed over tho government of this State, and our counties and our cit ies to people who are controlled by fraud to do such acts as those win control them require them to do. Now let us put a stop to this, let us re member that the open enemy of horsemen is not neaily to be so dreaded as the steady approach of one who saps the foundations o too government and undermines tne very fountain of justice- and law. Tho founder of Ibis Commonwealth, tin man to whom we are indebted for the gov eminent that was handed down to us from our forefithers, wrote upon bis escutcheon that which remains as the motto of Pennsyl vania, "Virtue, Liberty and Independence.' Let us remember, gentlemen, that withou virtue there can be no liberty; that without virtue there can bo no independence; and unless you aid rs in this crusade agalns vice, by endeavoring to strike it down, and again to substitute the banner of virtue In its will be worso than folly, for auy of us or our children to hope ever to recover and hold that virtue, liberty aud independence hauded down to us by our father." The penalty for coimpt solicitation is fine and impri'onment. The 2Stu inst has been fixed for imposing sentence in these cases. Already notice of appicaliou for pardon has been published, and the Board of Pardons will hear tho appeal at their next meeting, It is thought that they will grant the appli cation after the payment of a fine, so as to relieve this precious gang from imprisot ment. If they do not allow the law to take Its course in this matter there is no use in having a constitution, aud courts may as well be abolished. That Infernal Tariif, Governincut, butters the bread of the l'Evy; but it proves a commercial night maro to the many. We begin to look upon tho acts ot Congress imposing a lax of 20 per cent, on type, and tho same on paper, as a mortgage on industry and intelligence. In fact, it is a crimp, because a potent thing is done indirectly, (deceptively, which Is not good iu morals) which should be done di rectly. All tariff laws inure to the beufit of the few, and entails a huge burthen on the many. Reader, just think for a moment of enormous profits rated iu by the few un der the tariff laws of Congress, iu tho shapo of aud under the guise of a revenue tax, to support tho Government, Yct,all the reve nue collected during the past year at the various ports of tho Uniied States, from type and paper, will not piy the salary of one Congressman. fievertheless,the people of the United Stales havo paid to type founders and paper-makers millions of dol lars, which the latter have spent at the sea shore, White Mountains, Niagara Falls jaunts to the, Pacific cost, and trips to Europe nice indeed tariif on I Just reflect a mo ment what it costs for newspapers, school books, Bibles, and your letter paper, by ad ding 20 per cent to the manufacturers,prlce. Why does Congress not endorso blacksmiths carpenters, and the laboring man In a simi lar way ? If the Goverument assumes to stuff and protect a few of its citizens with Government pap, why not all ? Let us ig nore our manhood no louger ; and deny that our Government is a paterual one, aud say that all who are twenty-one years of age are freemen and are able to take care of them selves, Clearfield Jlepublican. The Democratic committee of Dauphin county at its meeting on Saturday unani mously adopted a resolution deprecating and diecouuteuauciiig "all attempts to breed strife and discontent lu the Democratic par ty ot Pennsylvania and especially assaults upoii prominent Democrats iu the Interest uf faction and lo the detriment of the party," and declaring that "the time has come when it should be the duty of every true Demo crat to frown down personal feuds aud fae tinus (liU'erences in tho party that a united front may be presented to the common ene my," This resolullou breathes the true Uemccrallo spirit and wo know will meet a hearty retnonse from all Democrats who have no interest to subserve except that of their party and their country, JWrtot, A l'roml llecont, The Democracy are proud of Wm. 1'. Schell's administration of the offico of Au ditor General, It Is such a plume iu the party's cap as tho Republican party has not once in tho entire history of Its domina tion In Pennsylvania entitled Itself to wear. It has been honest as the day Is long, and efficient, as the lullest appreciation of its importance and the most intelligent nnd scrupulous application of the law could make it. Mr. Schell entered upon thu du ties of his office with the intention to en force the law rigorously and with absolute Impartiality, and to do no thing nnd per mit tho doing of no thing for which there was not tho clearest warrant In the law; nnd to that intention he has lived constantly and wlthoutan lota of deviation, It will be remembered that a year or so ago It was charged against him that he had appointed, we think It was two of his sons, nt special attorneys to prosecute claims of the Stato against delinquent corporation, This nct,lt was s.iid,vas au act ofinexcusable nepotism, The fact that the annual report of the De partment just emitted shows that these two SchelN, jr., and thirteen others similarly employed, (not by General Schell as alleged but by the Board of Public works which iu- eludes the Governor, the Auditor General and btato Treasurer, havo collected nearly half a million dollars nf tax that were due and unpaid Dec. 1st 1878, and much of it due and unpaid years before that, justified the remark made at the time by some friend that it was a pity he had no more sons of the same soil for thai, kind of service. The business of the Auditor General's de partment is to-day in better shape than it has been iu any previous time- in the Slate's history. Old and defaced records have been restored or carefully duplicated. Old accounts have been gathered iu. Olllcinl'lu- terpretntious have been given to all debat able points of the law relative- to the assess ment and collection of Stato taxes and the payment and auditing of Stato expenses. Corporations and indlvidulas who under previous administrations successfully shirked tho payment of taxes legally due by them, have been hunted up and made to disgorge. Tho facilities for close collec tions in the hereafter have been greatly added to. Tho books and records have been made to show more clearly tho finan cial transactions and slatus of the state. Very many disgraceful and serious Trcas ury leaks have been effectually stopped up. The current work has never at any time been permitted to accumulate, but lias been industriously prosecuted as it came in to be done. Much valuable information has been collected and furnished tho Legisla ture and been made by it the basis of fresh and greatly better statutory regula tions of tho department, its business and generally of the tax levies and financial expenditures of tho state. Tho report just i'sued is the most complete and com prehensive ever yet put out by tho Auditor General's Department. In short.the busi ness has been proptly done, honestly done, well done, aud wholly done. If, as General Schell and Treasurer Noyes believe, the $2,000,000 deficiency in the State Treasury, the result of criminally extravagant Repub lican legislation shall be made up in two years, no small share ol the credit will be due General Scholl nnd tho efficient and gentlemanly corps of clerks in his employ. Edward Herrick, the chief of those subor dinates, is a candidate for the position Gen eral Schell will vacate in May 1881. lie has been a valuable- lieutenant to his chief, and if nominated and elected, can be de pended upon for an equally conscientious performance of his duties, and to still fur ther improve the efficiency of the Depart ment as the official supervisor of the receipts and expenses of tins great state Union Leader. A Portrait Out ufl'liu'e. At the banquet given to Gen. Grant in the Uily ol .Mexico I iy American rfMiietilf, among the decorations of (lie hall was a portrait of Georire Wa-h ingto-i. This portrait was entirely ou of place at a dinner to Gen. Grant. Almost eervheie in the presence of Ainciican citizens it would be appropriate. But Graut is the ouly President we have ever hud whohrs been found wauling in respect and appreci ation for thp character of Wa-hinut"ii, He is tho first and only incumbent of the rflieo of Chief Magistrate who lias ref'u-ed to fol low Washington's example and lav i finally down at the end ol eight years. It is this high exampln ol ashincton, followed, as it has been, bv his illustrious successors, that now stands iu the way of Grant s selfish and lnssliable ambition. es, the portrait nf the Father of his Giuntrr was wholly out ot place. Grant mti-t hate the sight of those grand, inujentic features as ho does the example rhich limits the Presidency to eight years. It is perhaps the first time the portrait of Wrs'iiiigton was ever nlaced in a nublie hall to bo dishonored. A'. 1". Sun. liottlers arc Wholesale Dealers, Judgo Butler in the United States District Court, in refusing a new trial to Thomas Clare, recently convicted of violating the revenue laws, decided that bottlers ol malt Honor who dispo-e of at one salo a number of hollies containing iu all over five gallons of malt liquor must pay annually a special tax lo t lie aovemment of filly dollar.-, addi tional to the retail tax nf twenty-six dollars. This was a test case, raised in order to as cerliiin the lepnlity of a recent order of the -internal lteveuue Uouimls-ioner directing tho collection of the special tax. Judge Butler, iu dt-liverini: his onii ion. stated that the defendant had been guilty of no in tention to evade the law. It should be the aim of every owner of IIorscs,Cuwi,ttf.,to make them as handsome and useful as possible. The German Horse and Cow Powder helps to develop all the powers of the anlmsl It improves its beau ty and iiicreas-s its usefulness. It makes milk, nuielo and fat. By using it a horse will do uiorfwork and a cow give more milk and be in better condition with less feed. Sold only by weight nt 15 cents a pound by A. Kleiin, BloomsburL'. Dee 12, '79-ly In tb great moral drama to be enacted by the rep bllean party iu Chicago next Junr,the urumatu pertonae will be represen ted as follows : Father Mr. J. D. Cameron. 1'rndlgal Son Mr. U. S. Grant. The Hoii-ehold Delegates to the Convention Fatted Calf. Mr. James G, Blaine. The grand climax iu this unusually fine programme will be.tho killing of the fatted calf. TIik IliM I Eur Knew (If . O. Starker a nrominent nml tiitiupnMni pitman Ottawa Ulty, until '1 halo had the liyuw-psla. anil LUrr Complaint tor nmerat yeais, auit luve used eieryt.emedv I could hear of, without any relief wlmleuT. until I saw tour shlloh's Vltalljer adver. Used In our paper, and was persuaded to try It, I am happy to stato that It has entirely Cured me. It Ucertalnli tho best Itemedr lever knew ot,' t'rlce Sllimil'S CATAlillll 11EMEI1V. A mnrn11nns Cure-for Catarrh, lilphtlurla, Canker mouth, and Head Acne, vtlth each bottle therelsan Int'cnlous nazal llilectur for tho lnoro sucrrhNrul trt-nttnut nr iho complaint without extra chariro, I'rlco w ecu's. Sold byj, II, Kin porta A Mollicr'J Uricr TlmnFMar.r,. l.ll,n. a , m . . liiw "Miirci. IHO II1U UUU JUJ UI U ilQIllU re hi r children, hence her irriff uimn fch-Wiefaw ..r era uud takes them atvat. Taka thn that sou aro running a terrible risk. If they hate a ougb. croup or Whooping Cough, which lead to 'onsumntlon. if tou do not utif nJmit nf nn m.i. loh'a conuumptlon cure Is guarantied to cure Uu iu i i i to iv uu vih. Huu 9 i.w, rename Jiack. bide, or chest, use bluioh'a ioroua Planer, I'rtce u wuu, bQia by J, 11, UliiporU A DREFCIRUADING REPEATIHU kRE MB S6.SI). UiE IMPROVED "CHICHESTER. WcMit from 0 o n PouikIb. LsnGt.': cf Cane! K2 flnclios. fa l4i. T( T-A Tin fTtunr m1-f (Mm rp--rli1 no AtmH rtmtmtr. 1 1 rmunn j Mi i il ft 'ii r in in Tir"i nunn," n ril a tn tnatniUI'rlKi ,ta nni-Hlls. tt tiriw fifT.-N ii m .11 ttnof m .rlf nMihUISK'Krrlce Mtafor. r Ut IMir hi- 1,1 A , BT ITtl, li.a. CMIUtlfc.5 1 fclt KlrLty " "I; "J i ' Itlr -M t Mi.ta1 -tt! Sf intKmllrttrtif 1i "Win frt Mil-, tlt iirllnilm I arU I- I Ut-frM ftl IIWrinr(!m I rl(1,-A In 1 fniul careful " t r-t r trie TIMES ii nii-l n w .1 ok M ,? t-irli,t .iu- Htn uMwi'hi nil I R M PAT E R t ml I .. V n 111 I ii lil i" a . l ii u l ti Ml rt-MConpDliftodeiTii;iirniMl t la I pf vlitrRii m in uo mwnni uivTireuvr i-itu ' WF. WILL GKNr ONE CHI -il r.,r wi I ii HOI- i & -' l 1 L7.I. . J. .... ... . .. . .. . r . nar rrtrfnilMHir " 'tr l'i Pl'llUSIIFK Of THIS PM'Ht nj to th rri . im Ufk-n.t FnrMrc.nirtilrl of J-if HI 1 llf.nrvur'ler.lirnri onN-wY.rfc -r If frrfi-rw.1 forH la tnt Mpf-M Ait-M in t'tt tMlrnwi nhriliiw 'rlrrlMntillWCMICHSSTIIR RIFLE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS IS7' JOTK'i; TO CANDIDATES l'Olt THE Or FIl j'. I IF MINK INS -nCTDlt. An f-xnmlnntlon ot rnnelhlfltps for tho oflleo of Mine tnsDt-ctor will Iks lit-ld In l'o(tsllto on llie 8th (lav of April, Isso, romtnrnclnir at 1(1 o'clock ft. m. inspti-iurs un- iu uu wppoinu'il lor uio i irsi or rc-ttnlilo District ntiil tor tho second or Mfili-uioy District. neurits. TIKIMI'SON, President ot the Iloird of Examiners. .March to tt Mirhtnlmr. Wind and ttntn. you will never hue suchaclu u'opiin. We hate tho t-esr lirffo sle, Improti-d Hiibbcr itoll Clothes Wringer In tlununlU, Belling ut leys than hair price. iuol leference guaranteed. Ilverjhoily "red hot" to get one! No competition ; 1 he ln'M, chauco of jour UTo time to .mum.! jiunt'Vt .uinpief, ?.v" circuiuis auu iuii free. Agents willing to ho convincrd, ndtliess, 1'MtAUUX WMMJUllCU., New Hod ford, .Mass. w Mnrch if, 8m. .! E W SIOW S obtained for disabled soldiers, from date of dis charge, If nprllcitlon Is Hied before July lsl, lsn. Tensions Increased S'lid postage- for new laws, blanks, und Instructions. Address, V. l IlKIIINOElt CO., I'lttsburg, Ta., or Wn-shlncton, I). V. E"01dest Claim Agency In tho United Mates. w March m,2in. T3 ci TVT CI T TNT C! procu red for soldiers dls- from any cause ; also, for heirs of deceased soldiers. All pensions date back today of discharge, and to dato ol tho death of the soldier. Tensions Increas ed : liounty and now discharges procured. Address with stump, .STOMUUT a CO, lloom No. 8 M Cloud Ilulldlng, Washington, D. C. w March 15, lm. WMNTKIl. Immediately, a few Young Men nnd Ladles to learn Telegraphy, u good situaiion ruaranteed, ad diess with stamp. uIli:i(Ll.N ThLWIlATII Co., oberUn, Ohio. .March 19, lm. w Your address on a Postal Card for a sampla eopv oi our oeauiiiuiiy uiusiraieii p-ipcr, Vornrs uojIU UUUAKY, Iioston. .Mass. v March lv, lm. THE HARPETTE I Is a nw Instrument which nveta a want long lelt by the public. The delicious music of the Harp Is here produced by nny one, man, woman or child, uten though entirely ignorant, of music. The strings nre numberedfiom one to ten, und the mu sic which accompanies the Instrument is numbered in like in inner Instead ot being printed In notes. Kverybody opprecU'estheinustc of the h.rp; It la the king or musical Instruments, and this u a per fect lurp In mlnature the saine delicious tines and should beln ccry family In tho hind. Anyone who can lead this advertisement can play It at once as well as tne most accomplished musician. Kle gantly llnlshed, nnd an ornament to any room. W'e also hend with It a large lot of music numbered as explained above. 'J he list li elude "Home, sweet Home;"") stltoso of summer;' "tviet ltjo and livo "Old rolt'snt Home ;" "Hold tho l-'ort ;'nrid nil the fat on to melodies of the dav. Peifect sitls faction guaranteed. Kcry oie who pui chased en dorses them and recommends them to their neigh bors, 'i hlnk of it no more tedious months of studv to master mulc. Here la a supeih musical instru ment, ail ready for uso and requiring no practice to slay perfectly, send at once, and initio IlAltelfiTTi; sou will hate a thlirof beautv and a lov forever. Sent prepaid lu a registered package (which ensures absolute bare dt Iheij) on lecelpt or ptleo $! j(e mlt by post oflleo older or rectsteied letter. Ad- uress hi.MJ.iLL x lu, wi i ranum m, iioston, Mass. "An old established concern whoso reliability Is uuiHiuBiiuutu, it, i, nunu. w- .March 1l, lm, E XKCUTOU'SNOTJCH. ESTATE OK SAM l PL I,AZAHlt, DfCEASKIi, Letters Testamentary on tho cstato li Samuel 1'ennsjltanla. decea-ed, hate been granted bt the i nzurus, iaie ui .Montour tw p.. Co umbia ctuntv HCKisitrui H.iiu couniy iu ine undersigned uxec- uiorn All persons having claims against the estate of the decedent nre requested to present mem ror settlement and thoso Indebted to the es tate to make payment to tho undersigned Kxeeutors uuuul ueiiiy. DANIRLLAZAIUTS, HKNitY LAaiurs, KxccutorB. feb 13-Cw. A DM I N 1STI t ATO K' S XOTJCE. KSTATK OK SAMUEL C. MCIIEN'IV, DECEASED, Letters of Administration on thoestato ot Samuel jMcnenry, uio or .teuton twn.. columb j co. n ty, deceased, hate been granted by the liegtstcr cf H.tiu cimniy 10 me unuersigntu administrator. Al, persons having claims airulmt tne estate nre ve- quested to present them for settlement and tfco&o iiiueuieu iu muhu puyiucm wiuioui ueiav. momis mciii:nky. Administrator, feb 13, 1$co-gw stlllwartr, Col. co- IFOie, SALE A VALUAULU MILL PltOPERTY, 28 Acres of Land Still lii gooil condition. Three run ot stones. (IOOD WATLIt row Eli, Terms reasonable, ror luitlier particulars iipvly to JOHN IICAOLL', eb)t t( MordanbVllle, THIS PAPER IS ICEPT ON FILE AT THE OFFICE OF TlMrs mm inn nun BuiLDiNo rniLAUELrniA Cur. Cliitliiiit unit Kiclith SU. no rc-icHo Aihirtl-pincnu i.,r this I'ancr FQTIMATTQ. '''t Ciuii Hun-. LO I mini L.0 lrp for ckinnpr ttlrprlMii?. fcin.l 3c. fur AYi:u & bOX'S MAXL'AJ- TI US PAVER P'ilRWKVH S,,5JS AUtt-rtiiliiic Hurt- tn uu h nii-i' Mi-m-Ij wlu'r,- n.her lUilin eimtracu may bo uiudo fur ll l.N NUN' VOItK, teU. 11, U-ll PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. W'holetate prieet at the close of trade on 'Jies- aaij. Huckwlieat Dour per cwt it r,oto2 no Wheat hour " c i! o 75 Wheat per bushel 1 jo 1 jj Corn " " 5j 'ata " " 4ta " 47X u, ' ' HI 0J llarley " ' ;o Hressed hogs, per pound 6 u cii llutter " according to quality sj " 23 T.itt per dozen 15 Poultry, lUochlckcn3 0 Chickens dressed ji ig 'c,. . iu juihey ures&eu in j) JilAltKE'lMtElJtTS. IILOOMSIIUKO JtAltKET. nneai per ousnei 41,33 IIJV .............. ...... Corn, " , Klour per barrel , ' sw Ml ..IUIIIMLU ,., ,,.,...,,, A f Ml nutter :: ' j Tallow ni I'otatoefi '.I Dried Apples 'm Hams hides shoulders "t ft, Chicken . Ul Turkejs 'M Lard per pound os llayperton 0"ui lleeswax j5 QUOTATIONS FOIt COAL. No, on Wharf 1 per Tot No. 0 " 8 5 No. I."..". 1 U5 lilackimlth'sLutupon Whart ... t 8.1D Ultumiaoua ,....... ,,to 11 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. lh-' -Vs- juim World "mlbl irf lroin-wpftrnlroB'boi,l tb roiinlr. , Nt"i"tn miIUiww Pbtil WR mFT mMPFI n I i N trcm fl' i Mwn illtt hi -h fricf mini It 1 1 r "I'll fl lifDM HICHESTER w"' wl ,ntfin!Trll 'U linn- W hi iw I'ltnlilntHMiJI .i r? nm-rfi -MjBnifhintil-a Tin 1 UUUMl Kim CHICHESTER hlrml la lUTHiUL n 1 wOKMAX'Wl.iinT iTHll L ftti I WOKKMAN-Mur I- iny r.HH in Manner. 1 h-I rlmmlfl " r ftjl T r"V . V V.V " "mo7 . . . ' llMidlr1lhr..;lch r- 'Mr? ' FIRES SEVEN thoUfU -f frrrfew tt tM,mt til n AIM!lT H for ,M V ft , , run. Ihtl tinn l l IK'it. ,who"rJ!!?r?" i r n r arm ccurfJ eitOT REPEATING RIFLE MrtwHb- bn,t mnfftllfcM rr on r;o, cart'tiHy (.MM. mi 1 . nwtntjirrj'p.iifr'm New Y k t'ltr ) It T" .- ftrqii.muti- In Xw 1 k or tHnuy, mK t.iia t nop liilt wr iftUroomi MMm,., ... ...... ...... ... iimnninri-Mii I trn well k no n ttiori CO.. ntP'K IT Tr-MU-r, III Wintffnriy-iirl.J' . untkr Ui of ib lyroTici-: i.v pautition. "wiiEnKAsatnn Orphans' Court held tt lilooms burg, In nnd for tho county of Columbia, tho 41 h day of February, A.H. ISsii, before- tho Honorable William EIh ell and Ids Associates, Justices of tho said court, thn petition ot Charles Clewell, a son o Jacob Clew ell, lato otcatawlssa township, Colum bia county, Pennsylvania, deceased, was presented setting forth that the slid Jacob Clewell died In April, lsjr, Intestate seized In his demesno as of feo of nnd In certain real cstato situate In said county, In said petition fully desertbeil. That the said Jacob Clewell left to sunlvc htm a widow ami tlx children allot whom reside In said county except Jeremiah Clewell who resides In Ilic state of Now York, but In what place Is unknown to the petlttoncr. You, the said Jeremiah Clewell are h'reby notlllcd tUat 1 w 111 hold an Inquest on the said prcmU s, on Saturday; April 10, 1880, at iitno o'clock In tho fcrenoon, thero lo inako pirtt tton ot the sil'l linds lo nnd nmon? the. paitles in Interest, When and w here on may atteni If jou think proper. M,irl2 sn iw. I". It. K.N'T, sheriff. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OK VALUAlU.i; REaL ESTATE I Pursuant to an order cf tho Orphans' Court of Co lumbia county, I'enna , will be sold at public f ale on Iher'cmNes, In the town of Itloomsburg, In bald county, on Moiuluy, April 12tli, 18S0, atone o'clock p. m the rolloulng described real estate, late of Martin W. Nuns, deceased, to-ult; All that house nnd j LOT OP GROUMD sttiuteln said town of llloomt-burg, on the west side of cast street of said town, bounded on the north by lot of William KUckbaum, on tho east by said East i,uet, on the south by lot cf M. 1'iank Zarrandon lie wtst by an alley, being about V5 feet in width and wi feet deep, on which arc erect ed u two story brick DWELLING HOUSE and out-bulldlngs, with a well of water on tho lino f said lot and that of Wm Ki lckbamn. Hie folio ning are the terms and cumlltlons upon which said property will bo sold, : Ten per cent, of the one-fourth of the purchase money to be paid nt tho striking down of the property ; tho one-fourth less the ten percent, at the continuation of sale.and the remaining three-fourths In ono year thereafter with Interest from confirmation nisi. The unpaid purchase money to bo secured by bond and moit gago (with foriclosure clause) on tho piemlses. Deed to bo nude and d'llveied on conllrmallon of salo nnd jnj merit of one-fourth purchase money und execution of bond und mortgage. li. Pit AN K ZAUU, Administrator. Hatch 12, ts. TX TI I tio: CTU'itr l MH MATTKIt OK TIIK Al'J'I.lOA- rios' up iii:.ity h k nsi'iick to iiavi: tl' lllltECTTHU hATlKl' VOl'IO.N Of A MllllT- W.MIIJ. Pursuant to an net of Assembly pwd tho 'flit day of .March, lsj.i, notice Is heieov irlven to tho le tral representatle or represenutltes of Wlllljm lireltbarth deceased, to bo and appear at the next -nsuliiKteim ot court held In and tor tlio county or Columbia upon the ilrst Monday ot May, A. Ii ls,o, to show cause II any they hao why s.ilil court inn not decrue and direct b.itltactlon to bo entered up on mortfrauo r-t said Henry IKenstock to said tll. tlnm lireltimrth, leeordeil lu slid eousty in mort gairo buok No. 7 at p.iiio 67 ; In accordance w Ith ttie petition of said Henry ltoseustack to iho said court sennit ionu iiui saia inoiigogo uas oeen lutiy puiu. I'Afl, K. Wlltr, U. II. ENT, Attorney for It. llosenstock. Sherllf ot col. co. March l'j, 4w, SHE1U ALE- lly Mrtuo ot sundry writs Issued out of tho Court ot Common l'leas of Columbia county and to mo dliecled, 111 bo expostd to public salo ut the Court Houc, Illoomsburrf, IW., ut 2 o'clock, p, in., on Saturday, March 27th, 18S0, all that cirtaln lot or p.'ece ot land situate In Locust township, Columbia county, aud stato of Abound ed und described as follows, to-lt: lleglnnlnff at ii stone on tho northwest corner of tho lot or tract ot land hereby comcyed, theneo south six dcgices east along me lands ol Michael Ulmmlck ulueU one and fuur-tentha perches to a stone, thence north seienty-seven and a halt degrees east along tho same iitty-two and three-tenths perch"s to a stone, theneo north four aud three-fouilhs degiees west along tho lauds ot, Adam Ulmmlck, of which this was a pai t, ulnety-ons uud four-tenths perches to n stone, theneo south seeuly-scen and one-h tit do grees west llfty-thrce aud elght-tenths perches to a stono tho place ot beginning, contalulugihliti acres unu. iorty-iour perches of land Krlcl measure. which nro necttd a one story and a halt duelling UUUSU 1IIIU oui-uunuiugs. Seized, taken in execution at tho suit ot Hellla lion eragal nst TJacob Myers aud to bo sold as tho property of Jacob .Miers. Freeze, Attorney. j j ALSO, All tlml eei tain tract ot laud situate In l'lno town, suip, Columbia county uud stale of l'ennsjlvanla, bounded and desciloed U3 follows, to-wlti on the north by land ot James Masters and Joacnu Shultz. on the east by land ot James .Wasters, on tho south by;iand of olUer Wright and on the west by land of olner Wiljhtnud Joseph Miultz, containing sixty actes mote or less, on which aro erected a dwelling nouse, uarn ana oui-buuu!ngs. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit ot Joseph W. Kcs assigned to Jos V. lieeeo against Cletnuel li, raikerund to bo sold as lha property of Clemuel It. Parker. lkeler, Attorney. vend Ex A Lit), All that certain tract of land sltuato In lleaver township, Columb! t couniy, l'enua., bounded as fol low s i On the north by a publl j road, west by laud or diaries t laher, soulh by land formerly owned by oainuel Klsher, and on tho east by lauds lormorly ow ued by bamuel Kbher aud Samuel llln derlltcr, contalulug slxtj-IIvo acres, whereon aro erected it two story f ramo dwelling houae, barn and out-ouuuings. Seized, taken In execution at the suit of Charles Usher against Jeremiah Derr and IKnry lllnterllter and to bo sold as tho proper-y ot Henry lllnterllter, Lames, Attorneys, Vend Ex, Terms cash on day of sale. I). II. IINT, feb, 0, lsS0U bhcritl. UMTOIt'S KOTlCIi COU'Mllli COfSTY S S : KST4TE OK JOSIlfi SAViOB, UlCkiSEl). In tho matter ot exceptions to tho account of tho executors of Joshua havago, deceased. Among the Hecords nnd proceedings of Iho Or. fauiid ' 01 81" J C0Ulity U'r alla 11 13 u"u eoo- And now Petinmre J 1bMl An ,.ir.nnn t lluckalew, Attorney for exceptants L. s. Winter.' steeu appointed auditor on exceptions. llYTUECOt'ItT. Certltied from the records this tutu day of Feb . A, I).,lssu. ' ' W.M.KIIICK1JAU.M, Clerk. "Iho auditor In pursuanco ot tho foregoing od. po ntiueutwlllatteudto thodutlis thereof at tlio onico of col. h. Knorr in Woomsburg, on Mturday. tho KJth U ,y of March, A. u. iso. ul lo o'clock a. m. when and where all parlies Interested will appear or bo debarred from coming In on said estate.. L. b. WlM'tlteTEEX. feb, -ta. Auditor, UDITOH'S NOTICE. ,UTtlZXXebim real cstat0 The Auditor nppolnted by the Court ot Common l'leas of Columbia couniy o distribute tho mone? arising from Bald sale to and among tho parties en. titled thereto will attend to tho duties of ils an polutment at his onico lu Uloomsburg ' on StC urduy, thi Urddayot April, lso,ai lo a.m., when and where all persons Inn lug claims against said In rjpnn ""V'i J V ""'hi- r 11 r-T-r lie CMICH C3TERwHH Utb Mw, ,j, 'ict arm, mm t i rw l i 1 ribont" miri on t I , fliT" Fllll'rariu iiiruirnuisirir, 1 lie I MSnit niM v ti n ami inoir; .roup a w ifl'Mi -1 i1UtilnlinninaiT nt MkM iiy tt munurvini-irii rittimf U irL lhii,. ' litndi itnHy tlMictir 1 1 r I rui.twr Mitol rrln. a t ... t mn In fir Wine nr Mnn lit It"rUtr- i i . ii ji f l in Kiilo, Mk !i l ft 4iTetl. K, At SPJ3E1VS nun i iuihim ihiiiik used lu tho principal Churches for Commui,iii purposes. H'wELLENT LAEIES AND WEAELV Spoor's Port Grape Wine! i FOUR. YEARS OLD. J 'I 'his Celebrated N'atlvo Wlno Is made from tr a L Juice ot tho oporto drape, raised In tlusium, j Its Invaluable 4 m . s, n i." - u xomo auu oireugtuBinug roperuess arc unsurrassed by any other Native lne l'.cli."H tho pure Julco of tlii (Irape, produced timlcr Xt speer's own personal supervision, Its purtn ir: genuineness are guarauteed. 'I'he yotuu'-'st -'lii 'w may partake of ltsgciierotisqualltlestaiidth w i.w est Invalid uso It to advantage, it is p-uU'ihr' 3 benellclal to the aged aud debilitated, at-il suttel ' the various ailments that affect t ho w eaker sex. It 3 In every respect A WINE TO III-: llKLIhl) ON. 9 SPEEU'S i 1B. JT. Slicrry. Tho r..T.SIinilUVlsn Wine of Superior ('lurncMJ nnd partakes of thopolden qualities or tlir f rap M from which It Is made. For Purity, inclines, v v m and Medicinal ITopertlcs, It will bo round uneee"el $ SPEEU'S P, .T. 1SraiBSy. This llltANDV stands unrivaled In this Couitrj ffl ueing iar superior ror medicinal purposes. IT IS A l'UIIE distillation from tho grape anOKti'. tains valuable medicinal properties. vj It has a delicate Ilavor. similar lo that it ft grapes from which It Is distilled, and Is In gieai ut 1 among families. Seo that tho Blgnaturoof AI.FIIEI) Sl'EEIl, I'assUl . .1., is ocr tno corK or eacn oottie. SOLD BY O. A. KLEIM. 1 J'ino 27, 1S73-U PUBLIC SALE OK VALUA11LK REAL ESTATE lly virtue of authority contained In tho last ncfl and testament of lletsey Kobison, lato ot I'.looL'-'f burg, deceased, the undersigned offers at pubm I . on the premises on Saturday, March 20, 1880, at 10 o'clock, a, in. that valuablo property . i tb .' coiner of Third and West streets, llloomsburf, IV as follows : l-'IltST. A lot ad Iho corner of oald streets ,v icuuiuy m wiuiuuu iniru street 04 leet ana urn,- es, and In depth 214 feeto Inches to nn alle), i talnlng lnoro than a QUARTER OF AN ACRE 1 ot laud und having on It a commodious TWO STORY BKICJK UOL'sfEi and other out-bulldlngs. Tho houso has nine ro-u J besides store-room, pantry, bath-room, halls . kitchen, largo. closets, a large high garret, good i inented cellar, porches, c, &c. Also good we water and cistern w ith pumps ; a largo and cii variety of EltUIT THEEs, together with au uu. danco of small trulls and ornamental shrubber; i he grounds aro well stocked with CHOICE Fl on j EltIN'1 and OHN'AMENTAL l'LAMTS. IholO'al . Is one of the most pleas int lu town and the it ; erty, with Its Improvements, such as Is seldom I '! sale In this place. hKCONI) A LOT or (IIIOUNI) between tin al ' described lot on tho one side and tho W est ni"i school lot on tho other, extending In front on lliiris street 64 feet a Inches and In depth to au ul!e feet i) Inches, Tho lot Is well stocked with cholco young irxl trees and In agood stato ot cultivation. Terms, ic., mado known on day ot sale. J. II. KOIIIsoX. Ex'r Estato of II. Itoblson, di , d -March 1, ts. PUBLIC SALE 1 i OF VALUAULfc ? REAL ESTATE ! l! lly vlrtuo of an order of tho Orphans' Court ( lumbla county, the undersigned tdmlnlvrai-ir Sarah C. Miultz, will exposo to public sale uihju i premises on Sattu'dity, March 27th, 18SU, ! o'clock In tho afternoon, all that certain Ui I LOT OP GROUND situate In Centrevllle. Columbia countv. Pa., boui.- ed on Iho north by un alley, on tho east by lot St J 32, on the south by second street and on the by lot No. 30, being lot No. SI according lo the - eral plan of said village of Centrevllle, nnd belt-, and 1-2 feet on Second street, on which aro ir-Mdl a one and a half story DWELLING HOUSE, an excellent well of w ater al the door, I TF.I1MS OP SALE. Ten rer cent, ot the at-1 louriu ot tuo purchase money to bo paid at striking down of th property, tlio one-fourth i the ten per cent, at the continuation of salo and ' rematnlug three-fourths In one year thereafter ' interest from connrinatlou nisi. 3AMUEL NEVIIAHD. Admlnbtrai-'r March 12, ts. FOR SALE ! A VALVA1ILE FARM situate In Madison lo"' ship, Columbia co. near New Columbia, conlauiUi' 197 Acres of Land. There Is a TWO-STOltY FItAME DWELLING UOl'bE, A Spring and Good Well of Water, a'LAHGE NE HANK JlAlIN, ' - A YOUNG APPLE OHCHA1U), andjother Fruit Ti-ees on the premises. For terms and particulars apply to A A DrtXT CKtTlt TC A lli. 1l.wq uijie,'M)-lia Duck Ilcru. ft, ' M