The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 19, 1880, Image 1

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BUNCONSOLtDATSn.) rin. lit. M,
IH. 6I, I'
la.oii ts.oo t(u
f..lfl s.tfl H.c,
J IPO is.
S in) 18.IM Hi '
1o.wi l.w I"
16.IKI tl.OO Ml 4
0.00 60.00 U'O.'s
Usuod weekly, every l'rtday morning, at
onclncl H.oo .to
:m,ootsnuno, Columbia county, pa.
I wo indies .... .w "
three Initios . .... 4.' IP 4.M
Ko ir inches .... . J.wi
.mow coiumi s.oo s.oo
llu It li'lutni! Iti.on IH.uu
Two hollars per year, 60 co nts discount allowcil
Dpai'lin IlUVUUlv', lunuuii-iiiniauuniiiire
ity thoternn are H por v car, strictly In ndvnnco.
i piper discontinued, oxcopt attho option of the
,iuit. until nil nrriitrAcrt!s aro raid, but lonif
One column .oo 5.eo
joewiMnucd crodlts after tlio expiration of tlio first
Uiirl ad crllMinents lajable quarterly. Trui
it aiirHi t im mints mutt be tiftld for befoi e- Inn I vol
t AH paper? sent out of tlio Htato or to distant post
OIBces must bo paid for In advance, limes'! a respon
sible person In Columbia county assumes to pay tlio
except win ro partus have aecounls.
Insertions, and at tliat rate tor additional imsimoLl
SUBSCrlptlou cllio on aemanu.
I rosTAii K Is no longer exacted from subscribers In
tna county.
wiinout rererenco 10 uiisiii.
Executor's, Amlntstrator'a and Auditor's notlco
tliree dollars. Must be paid for when Inserted
Transient or Local notices, twenty cents a lie.
pnmilar nrlrt.rtlftPnM.nt linlf rAteS.
"JOB 3?K,l3STTI3Sreh.
.ToMlncr Department of tlio Coi.nmtAN Is very L r ELWELL. 1 i
itti bvitot tholarco cities. All work dono on J. BITTEHBEHCEK, J r
uards in tbo "liusiness Directory" column
dollar per car for eacli line.
hi with thnlartre
i,'K , , , .. rtt' i rv
Uoiumoia oouniy niuiai u iruej.uiy.
IrrSldent.ludffC-VVllllam E well. ,,,
lAsoclnlo.ludges--I. K. Krlckbaum, l L.Shuman.
irrotlionotary, kc. William Krlckbaum.
ItJourt stenographer-si. N. Walker.
Rogtstcr.v. Recorder Williamson II. Jacoby.
fc lHSUaei .AUOI III-,, -liUWI. I, ..iii.v.
iuhArirri;. 11 l'nt.
JSurro.or -simucl Noyhirrt.
ITroasurcr-tl A. swcppcnbclscr. ,,.,
ronimlssloiicrs-stephen Polio, Charles Hlchart.
fAiB. Herring.
'Commissioners uu-rK-.i.iov.uni.j.
Auditors -s. II. smith, W. Manning, C. 11. See-
I jir'commlssloncrs--Ell Ilobblns, Theodoro V.
nnuntv sunerlntondont William II, Snyder. .
fBlooml'oor Dlstrlct-lilroctors-R. s. Ent, scon,
siWm.T Kramer, nioomsbitrg and Thomas llecce,
Mi . . .
Bloomsburg Official Uiroctory.
jrrcsldcnt of Town Council I, S. KU11N.
Icierk-l'aul K. Wirt.
S chief of Police 1. ljiycock.
SlTesldent of Has Company S. Knorr.
SHnnretnrv C. W. .Miller.
iuioonnbiirc llanklnv Company John A. t nnslon,
President, II. II. urntz, Cashier, John Peacock, Tel-
lyrajrirsT ..I'loniii ii.iiik l mines . iuaiuu,- it-smtu.
ifj."P. Tutln, ( ashler.
Sicniiiiiilila county Mutual aMnsr Fund nnd Loan
X.oclatlon-13. II. Little, President, C. W. -Miller,
-S Bloomsburg llulldln? and SaMngPund Association
Slwm. Peacock, President,.!. II. UoWson, secretory.
aiBloomsourg .Mutual r,aving tuna Aimmuuu .
', T.'Urower, President, P. E. Wirt, hecrctary,
liter. .1. P. Tustln. (unply.)
jBunday Sen lees-lii.H. a. m. and fix p. m.
Inuntiav rcnooi y a. in. ,
rraver Meeting Every Wednesday evening at OX
J Seats free. Tlio public are Invited to at tend.
b0i ST. M ITTHKw'S l.l'Tlt KHAN Ln t'KCU.
EMlnlster llev. o. I), s. .Matclav.
5 onndv 4nrlnQiav n. 111. nnd TUP. m.
'Al Rundav school 5 a. m.
I'-jPraverMeoilng-mery ,'ednesdayccnlngnl
Seats freo. Nopcws rented. All are welcome.
mmr riiK'.HYThiinr.i.Mi.iivii.
Mlnlsler P.ev. Stuart Mlt-ihell.
Sunday services lx a. m. and X P
Sunday school a. in. ,.,,,,
Prayer Meeting mery Wednesday evening at oyi
Boats'freo. No rows rented, strangers welcome.
Presiding Elder llev. W. Evans.
Minister I hi v. E. II. Yocum.
3umi.iv Scr Ices 1UM andiiM P. m.
Sundav hchool-'2 p. m. ...,.,,.
Blblo Class-Everv .Monday evening at c; o clock.
.Votimr Men's Praer Meotlng-Every Tuesday
.evening ni ox o'clock. A ,. nrnin
uonerai I'raycrieeiuig u,i;ij iuuiou..j v.w.
t o'clock.
Corner of Third and Iron streets.
f Pastor Hcv. w. E. Uiebs. Cnrner 4th nnd Cailiarlno sircets.
Sunday senlces ldx a. m. and 7 p. m.
SBunuav r.euoui u. hi.
Prayer Meeting-Saturday, 7 p. m.
All aro ln Ited There Is always room.
WMC ST. 1'AI L 3 CIlLlltll.
IPArtnr ttev I.. Zahner.
IBunday Services lox a. m., TJtf p. m.
3 Sunday school 0 a. m.
1 First s'unrtav In tlio month, Holy Communion.
3,. lr...a nnm.irnlnrr In (!nrnmllnIOn On trlday
evening neioru me M,r.iniu;ij m i-.ii.
jgPewH rented; but v ers bodv welcome.
apresldlng Elder Hev. A. L. lleeser
SMlnlster llev. George Hunter,
jjsunday Senlee 2 p. in.. In tho Iron street Church.
JSPraver Meeting Every sabbath at 2 p. m.
Sl; All aro lm lted. All aro w eleome.
'J Meets In "tho llttlo llrlek Chureli on tho hill,"
. 'known as tho Welsh Baptist Cliurch-on Hock street
' eist of Iron. ,
allegular meeting for worship, every Lord s day at-
'iternoon at x o'clock.
$ Rents frco; and the public aro cordlaUy Invited to
BCIIOOh OllDKUS, blank, it prinleil ami
dnenlly bound In small books, on hand and
gTSaiO UL IHO iULUJiitiAn uiuvi..
sDLANK DKKDS, on Parchment and I.inen
tSJlPaper, common and for Admlnlst rators, Execu-
aJiiiftlul Ii usices, lor saiu eueaiJui. mu vu......-
i"7iKN')UE NOTKS just iinnlcd and for sale
Xg cheap at tho Columbian ofllcc,
St fil llAllRLi'ii, Aiioriiey-ai-i.uw. uiuit
A" V l Brower's building, 2nd story, ltoouis 4 a t.
I!. HOIllSON', Office
In llartman's bulldlng.Malnstreet.
AJ1UKI, KNOIU1. Attorney-lit-Law, Office
Jin llartman's Building, Main street.
W.M. M. ltUIlUK. Surgeon and 1'livni-
clan. omco -Market iiccl. Above 6tli East
K. KVAXS, M. I)., Surgeon and l'liysi
clan, (unico and BeslJenco on Third street,
1!. McKKI.VY, SI. D., Surgeon and Phy
sician, north sldo Main btreet, below Market.
McIIi:XltY, M. I) Surgeon ami Phy
sician- tifilcu N W. C. Market nnd fifth St.
lasoa of tho cj o a specialty. aug. 2'J, cm.
omce, North Market street,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
!Maln street, opposlto Episcopal Church, Blooms
burg, l'a.
tr Teeth extracted w ltlibut pain.
,Oct. 1 lsT'J.
bowing Machines and Machlnerj-ot all kinds rc
dalred. orcaA IIoi'se Building, Bloomsburg, Pa.
"sTTk'AVID LOWEXKEUO, Merchant Tailor
111 Main st above Central Hotel.
jTie, KUIIN, dealer ii, Meat, Tallow, etc.,
L V Centro street, between second and Third.
rr liOSENSTOCIC, Photographer,
, over
Clark k Wolf's Store, Main stieet.
.fA'UOUSTUS FKEUXD, Practical liomeo
ilfXpathlo llorso and Cow Doctor, Bloomsburg, Pa.
ymlSb. 14, Ta-tf
RoomNo. 16, Oraiu Uocse Bciloiko, Bloomsburg.
rjl. L. EYEKLY,
" Catawlssa, Pa.
Collections promptly mado and remitted. Offlcu
opposite catawlssa Deposit Bank. Om-33
A T T 0 li X E Y-A T-L A W ,
catawlssa, Pa, '
Office, corner of Third and Main Streets,
Exchange Hotel Bloomsburg, Pa.
., 0,6110,000
. 20,1100,0110
. 13.500,000
. 10.000.1 no
--tna. Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut.
; Liverpool, London and (Hobo
"ltoyatnt Liverpool
' aDcanslilro
i'lra Association, Philadelphia
. 3.100,000
., l,0O0,(HHI
., 5,600,000
Farmers Mutual of Danville
uanvtllo Mutual
, Homo, New York
, , At mo agencies aro o rect. no c es are w rn ten tor
, ' the insured wltnout any delay in tho omce at ll'.ooms-
',, March s.'so-y
Lycoming of Muney Pennsylvania.
, North American of PhUadefphla, Pa
Franklin, of
M'ennaylvania of
. Formers of York, Pa.
t Hanover of New York,
- Manhattan of "
omco on Market Street No. 6, Bloomsburg, Pa,
oct, it, T-ly.
and how to obtain them. Pamphlet
tree, upon receipt of Stamp for post
ftffo. Address
&lMlor . Paw-,
A'.ar TaUiil OJa, iruAtMloa, D. O
p 11. I1ROCKWAY,
A T T O It N B Y-A T-I A W,
Coi.t'MBIAN lltlt.mso, lllocmsbvirg, Pa,
Member of the United Stales Law Atsoclatlon.
Collections mado In my part of America or Europe,
oct. 1, isio.
omce, Second door from 1st National Bank.
Jan. 11, l;s
J- U. FONlv,
Increase of Pensions Obtained, Collections
omco In Ent's lien piko.
U ci W.J.llUCKAf-KW,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
omco on Main street, nrpt door below court llouso
Bloomsburg, Pa.
ortlcc over Schuyler's Hardware store.
F. v-
Offick In Harman's Building, Main ttreet,
Bloomsburg, l'a.
11. L1TTLX.
H. & It. II. LITTLE,
Bloomsburg, 1
omco In Browcr'a building, second Boor, room No.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
nil.OO.MSIlUIiG, PA.
ornco in f.NANosT's UciLnisn, on Main street second
door nuoc C cntre.
(!nn be consulted in German.
Jan. 10, '$3-tt
Colcmbian Bcildino, Bloomsburg, Pa.
Slem.ber of tlio United states Law Association.
Collections made In any part of America orEuiopo
oct. 1, 1S79.
All Etj les of work done In a superior manner, work
wartnntidas represented. Tketii E.xtract
hi without Pain. Hood sets for fli).
omco Corner Main and Iron streets.
7! he mien at all hours tlurinn the dan.
Will be at tho onlco of Dr. I.. B. Kline In Cntaw lssa
on Wednesday of each week.
Nov. 2'-ly
II. 1'. SlIAUPLE'-S,
Cor. Centre and Hall lload sts., near L. & 11. Depot.
Lowest Prices will net to undersold,
Manufacturers of MINE CAU WHEELS, Coal Break
ei-and Bridie Castings, Water Pipes, stoes, Tin
ware, Plows, IKON' PENCE, and all kinds of Iron and
Brass Castings.
Tho original Montrose, Iron beam, right hand,
left hand, and side hill Plowb, tho best In the mark
et, and all kinds of plow repairs.
Cook stove-., P.oom stoves, and stoves for heating
stores, school houses, churches, Ac. Also tlio larg
est stock of repairs tor city stoc3, wholesale and
retail, such as Fire Erlck.drate.s, Cross Pieces, Lids
c. sc., stoio Pipe, Cook Boilers, skllllts, Cake-
Plates, largo Iron Kettles, i20 gallons to IX tarrels)
Farm Bells, Sled Soles, Wagon Bou-s,
"Allentown Bone Manure"
PLASTEli, SAlr, AC, ic.
Jan o, 'o-iy
The Greatest SBWiiio: Machine oftlie Age
Don't fail to see lliis wonderful piece of per
fection, the New Davis Vertical Feed
Shuttle Sewing Machine. Manufac
tured nt Wnte'town, Xew York.
All are cordially
invited to call nnd in
spect tho New Machine
nnd obtain samples of wort,
inoro beautiful una desirable than
ever before accomplished and utterly
impossible for uny other to duplicate,
Thousands witnessing the immeuto range
of work, and dicardlng tlieir old inachiniH
for the NEW M.H lllNE, is sufficient proof of
its superiority and bring lor the Davis n
trade tnnt runs tue iticiory to us iuiic-st ca
The Vertical Peed,
Which supercedes the under feed, is tlio
lii'ige upon which swings the unpap.alli:
Composed of only 13 Working Parts,
while others have from forty to seventy-live,
making the lean compucatcu, me most uur
able and most reliable machine in u-e.
It positively leads all others, away
with nil basting, end is the UfiiirEoT r.UN-
and gives general satisfaction. Will be sold
at tho recent popular iiehl'cp.I) scale or
PP.ICES. samples 01 work irec.
J.SAIrZKU, Oen'l Agent.
llloonisburg, Pa,
oct. 3, 79-ly.
'ihe.o oi n roRi'oiiATioKs nro well seasoned by ago
and mke TKSTtn und have tiewr itl had a loss set
tled by any court or law. Their assets are alllnu-st.
ed In oun siCL'RiTiEsand aro liable to tho hazard
tit . me nnl
Losses i ROJii'Ti.T and iiosfetly adjusted and paid
as soon as dttetnilned by Christian P. Knait, si te-
Tho people of Columbia oiunty tbould patronUo
the agency where losses If any are settled and paid
VY UUO 1,1 llll'ir linuvilliru.)
NOV, ID, '80,
O. 33. SAVAGE,
Silverware Watches.Jowolry.Cloela
All kinds of Wnb'iics. t iorks and Jewelry neat
ly repaired and wairanted.
may i. ,s-ii
P I A N II --(I It It A NX.
Chennrst House In America, tst-elass Instru-
mnls, nil new, for or Installments; warrant
ed six jears. Illustrated est.ilngue free. Agents
l i-t-.hiis i. r.n-., airu,
No. !s West 14IU Street, New York,
TOfiimio YE Ml. or lo $90 a
il.n In Miurown lacallt. Norltk
w omen do .ts welt n men. Many
m ike tnore'lmti the ainountstat
idabtie. so one can fall o make
mom- f.isu nyone can do the
work. You can tnek" from ci nts lo ti on hour Py
devotlngsoiir evenings and spue lime to the busi
ness. H tosts nolbP'g to tr the bu-lness. Nothing
like It, tor mown maklut; cut rileied 1 f ire. tiusi
ness pleasant and stric tly lnmorable. I end, r. If .ou
want to know all ntioiit the ln-st p ijtngmmti' ss ue
foie tliepiibllc, st-nd us our address an I we will
send sou lull particulars and private terms free;
samples worth ." nlsn tree ; ou can then i like up
jour mind for vuuiw If AdJiess tiEOIlcu: s I INson
lo.. l nruai a, .nun w ... ., ,j
Wlicreaa, the world renowned reputation of tho
Ariito Sowing
ludticps iniin uncrnniiloiiHromiH'litnrstn icsortto
all Mud- of inruu tritks to injiiiu Us ivput.itloij, v.e
U'iocutittou all luicuillnffiui'L'haserariot tu buy a
White Machine
pxce,it from lt3 regular anlhcrlcl (lenlcTS, who llt
White Shuttle Sewing: Machine,
PL.vrn NPMnnit m:i:i:in mil VXMU.Y lTUPO-
IN ltKl'AIK Toil T'i: TKIi.M OF TIVI- M'.AK
FKOl Tills 1) TE. niEEorciiAiuit;.
This warranty excepts the tieatnire oi neeilles
i'umuius mm riiuiiit'.
'lhiswairanti win not ie sustained unic-n ino
lale number ntiovo irUeii eonesputuls with tlie
umber on the Mini tie incelle. lieware or ticiaced
IIITH SfAVIVd Valium: co,
Tho "WHITE" SMitt o Sewing Mashico
Has iniFvTER cu-AciTV lhaniinv ether family sewing
-iaenine lor uomg eiciy vai n-i.v oi wurK.
.1. SALTZEU, ( Agent,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
oct. 3, ':a-iy.
Tho 'indi'rML'ncd ippbco ct the Er l'kirjinL'Mll
Is preparutt to do all Ulucla of mill work.
Doors, Frames, Sash, Blinds, etc,
mado to order on .hort notice.
-atlifacllcn evar
I'lliHt.ES KkU0,
lilncrti.sbunr, Y.
A WEEK In our own town, anil no crip-
IUUI11M. il, lUUlilll JjlU' lllf UU'MUt'!!'' U
tital without expend. 'I he Ium oppoiHi
ntty ever orfeied for tho-o wlllfmr to
ttoik. You t-houhl try nothlii(;elu unltl
uu see tor ourt It what .ou can do at
tho InislnoBS we ofTer. No room to explJlu here.
You can dcote nil jour time or only jour spaio
uiiu' tu uic uuMut'tn, rn.tM' KieiiL P; "Ji ;ery
hour Unit ou work. Wouit n inuke as mueh as men.
V'lul for special prlvati' ti uusaiidpartleulai-s.whtch
wo mall free, outilt fm lion'i eoniplaln at hard
times while you haw such a chance. Address II. a: lu roitiaiia.aino.
oct J, 'W-ly
rr DhtlieteM, ilrn el, Drn, Itil-'lH' UU
ente, I'lihi hi the Ituru, Imititlll) tit Itrliuii or the 1 rfne, t iiiurili or I lie llhiililer lliirn
luu tir I'iiIiiI'iii I rliiiitinu ItrlcU )ut liei'li,
Allei'lltnit ttf hi -ilurt Nfrtiiiim Ocliilll), l-'e-miile
t'iiltiM'HN( mid nil hUeaten ot'ihe
Kidney, Bladder and Urinating Organs.
It avoids liiirmul rnedltlne-i H comrurtablo to
tbupattent. Lertaln In ItHfirecl.and CI hen
nothing else vau, AuUI ull other IUilne 1'iuN, us
many woriliks linltat'tms aie hi in if furLed upon
the market. We will send LTrtllUMtesot cuics. and
our book, "How a lire wu-. fued,'' tree upon tho
receipt of jour udi a.
I'll) N sold by DruiUtorw.'ntbymaU
on nceipi or rnoe. oo.
Distributing Agency at tho
Hlodiiisliiii1, l'a.
Tho inner-, lm ui iU reniidi n I " of tin
eomnli Mini and uliiin vt iu,- ,,,, nains in thn
right bide nnd undi r the right Mn.ul.ler Li.ide,tuml
longue, high culmet uilni' naiioi a, vertlgn, d
pepblj, eoustlpulluii, luaMiii Ks ur then. ad, menu)
uuBiuiiueur,v,iiiKi t-M-i (iiiur iiHiiiir.'tni ion or ac-
cojiipantni' nt nf u dlsnriler- d e.idliMii t tho liver.
uw sKiiani ii, iurn ami Jvhiums ,.iao experience
their regulttlng nnd tonli- Intluehiv,
For talo by all Druggists uud B-'alcra bonerally.
OctJ, ly.
fob 53, JW
The In tilth of Lome In Icnmlng
With rows of ioh ligl l,
And lot elj ejen no gltnmlng
As falls tho Miotics cr night.
And while 1 lit- Hero ic lent Irg
The circle putc nnd bright,
A tender voleo, half grieving,
Siys, 'Don't stay Into to-night,'
The world In which tlion morest,
M tmy, brave nn 1 wl 1;
Tho world cf her llimi lovest
Is In Hie nliigloMdo.
Shownltstor thy warm greeting,
Thy smite U her delight;
Her gentle volsn, emreatleg,
, 'Don't stuy Into to-nlglit.'
Thn world Is cold, lnliumnn,
win spurn Ihoii In thy fall;
Tho lovo of one pure woman
outlasts and shames them I!,
Tlio children will cling round thee,
Let fate bo il irk or bright
At home no shaft shall wound thoo,
Then, 'Don't stay Into to-nlgnt.'
Yes, stone the woman let tlio mm go (foo I
Draw tun kyour skirts lest thoy porchanco may
ller garment ns she passra; but to htm,
Put forlli it n llllng hand to clasp with his
That led her to destruction slid dssgraco,
Shut up from her tho sacred ways of loll,
That she no more may win an honest tnsal;
But hope to him all honorable paths,
Where ho maj win distinction. (Hie to him
Pair, pressed down measure of ltte'a sweetest
Pass u r, t) maiden, with a puie, proud face,
it she puts out s imor, polluted palm;
But la thy hand In Ins on bridal day,
And swear to cling to htm with wifely love
And tender reverence. Trust hltn who lod
A bHtcr woman to a fearful fate.
Yes. stono tho woman lot tlio man go free!
ItoLe soul surfer for tho guilt of two
Is the doeti Ine of a hurried woild,
Too out of breath fur holding balances
Where nice distinctions and Injustices
Arc calmly weighed. But, all, how will It bo
on that strango day of Unal tlio and Haines,
When men shall w Itlu-rwltti a mystic fear,
Andull shall stand beforo the one true Judge?
lull sex make th'-n a difference In slu 1
shall lie, the searclu r of the hidden heart,
In hlseleinal and dhlii" deciee
Condemn tiio woman utidfjrglvo the in n?
Select Story.
toji's sisrix
Slio was IS when her mother tlitil ami
Tom win l", ami the baby barely ll vu hours
old. s31k never went lo school alter that
The liousokccpini; (ill u;ion her, ami slio
luul to be a little inot!.er to Hie inoiherleH
baby, ller father, who was a bookkeeper,
hail never earned ovtr a thousand a year,
hull's rearing, therefore, had been on ab.nii
ol simplicity and frugality.
People said the new duties would prove
tco heavy Jbr her, for there was hint of the
fragile in her slight little body, though
there was nothing tickly-lookiug about htr
There was a fresh, though delicate color in
her cheek, life in her blue eyes, and in all
her movements a freeneas which asserted an
elastic nature
When she was IS her father was found
dead at his desk. At once all the l.imily in
come was cut off. Tom, at that time, was
studying bookkeeping, and in ussistiu,
his father, hud somo practice in the work.
'You must ask for father's plac?, Tom
I vali said,
It was tho day after the burial. Tom had
his face in his hands tho picture of abandon
He rai-ed his head His eyes were awoolen
and very red with weeping.
'I don't see how you can bo ir to think of
such things iu our great sorrow,' said Tom.
'I want nothing but to lio down and die.'
Ivah's lace was white and pinched, but
her eyes seemed looking away to the guiding
star of duty
'Hut dear,' she said, 'we have got to go on
living. It would bo selfish an I cowardly
for either of us to die and leave the other.
And then, loo, (hero is our baby, There is
just one way. Tom; we must find where our
duty lies and go to meet it. Our duty is to
live for each other and for baby. To do this
we must work. Wo can't afford to loso
day from work. We owe for tho coIIin in
which our father is buried. I have been
making plans. 1 haye discharged Jlrs.
McGill. I can tako care of the baby aud
do housework, and I can keep our table ex
penses to j!i a week. Hut wo havpn't even
that to spend unless you can work. You
ought to go right away aud ask for papa's
place. If you prefer, I will go aud ask for
Ilrolhers would not pay mo a
thousand dollars,' said Tom.
'Of course not,' said Ivah 'You're a new
hand, l'crhaps they would not pay you
anything at the start; but it would be much
if you could even secure tho place.
They need an experienced bookkeeper.
I could not do their work,' Tom said, de
'I could help you, Tom,' said Ivah, cheer-
ingly. 'You could bring tho books homo
and wo could work together at night after I
get baby asleep.'
'I've no idea that they would givo mo a
'May I go ask them too?
Tom's silence gave consent, and Ivah
Her father had been in the employ of
Harris llrothers lor twenty-three years.
They were kindly dispo-ed toward her and
Tom; they would like it if lie could tako the
father's place; tliey hardly thought he could
llll it. Yes, they were willing ho should
Tom was a beginner; his brain was cloud
ed with sorrow; his heart ached. He felt
such a dread of tlio future with its sudden
responsibilities, that ho must have failed
but for Ivah's words of courage and hand of
In the most desponding mood, when ho
was ready to let g, to lot fate como in,
there was tho sister, patient nnd brave,
to bring forward reserve forces and save
the day.
Never a word had slio nb jtit her own
heartache; never a word of the hard day
passed nt washing, ironing or baking, with
baby's hindering little hands to he kept from
the scalding water or the hot irons or th
swelling dough,
Nover a word heard Tom of the sweeping
day, when slio went into every corner of tho
desolalo house; discovering reminders of tho
dear father, which brought sudden spasm
of pain, to bo borne alone. Juit a word did
ho hear of tho backachos and armaches in
soothing fretting baby to her atternoon nap;
nothing of the lonely time when she sat in
the silent, silent house, wearily patching
and darning; nothlug of the drudgery over
the hot stove, of the dishwashing and ol the
She planned Iter work and hurried It
along lo keep the unpleasantncfs nut of
Tom's sight and bearing.
Upturning at night ho would find the
baby iu bed, having had her bread-aiuhinilk
The little round tRblo would be set, look
ing cheery and Inviting with clean llntu
clear glass nnd polished silver, while per
chnnce Mowers on the mantle brightened and
swcclenrd the room.
itid when the supper table was cloared
Ivah would sit by Tom to ilo the multiplying
and dividing, and adding and verifying
tho drudgery of the bookkeeping.
,U length the axloiisly expected day came
when Tom was to hear the judgment as to
his trial.
When he returned at night Ivah scrutin
ized his face, her heart lull at perceiving
that it was not very cheerful, She refrained
from asking question', leaving him to choose
his time and manner of communicating the
'Harris Ilrolhers offer me the place at
forty dollars a mouth,' he said, after sup
per. 'Oh, Tom, how- glad wh ought to be!
how thankful I I've frit all tho time that
Old meant to lake care of if,' Ivuh said,
and then she broke down and cried.
llut If I can do the work of the place,'
said Tom, grumbling. 'I don't set- why I
shouldn't have the wages which belong to it.
l'o about decided t i tell Harris llrothers
that I will not w irk for half piy.'
'0!i, don't Tom, don't!' crid Ivah, taking
alarm. Think how much it is worth to
have secured the pkee. Tako what you can
get till you have giiued skill and have de
moiistrated your value. When you are pure
of your skill, and they are sure, you may
ask for a higher salary. Wo can manage
well with forty dollars. I find new naysol
economizing every day.'
On and on she went, till Tom was
persuaded to ilose willi Harris liiothers'
t IV r,
lie would not have been nble to deserve
this but fur his sister's walc'iful help.
1 veil alter ho had gained skill In the
wotk he still brought his hooks home fir
herald. Often she was left bendinj over
the figures while he went out to refresh
himself r.t sime plate of amusement or by
a call,
liefore the year was out Tom's salary had
been raised to $70 a month ; and a fiw
months later he auuounctd that he was to
have $1,000.
'Isn't it good, dear Turn?' Ivah said, cud
dling clo-o up to him. We can begin to lay
up something for baby's education.'
'I can't spare much money,' said Tom,
with his eyes downcast. There was silencn
for a moment, and then he went on with
some words that madj his sister's heart heal
in a dreadful way.
'Tlio fact is, I've been wailing for a raise
in my salary to to mako an importaut
change in my life.'
Ivah's heart stood still in terror.
Again Tom paused.
'What is It Tom? What change? You
are not going away?'
'No. I suppo-e I ought to have told you
before. I'm I'm engaged to l.o married.
She gasped 'Oh, Tom!' and then broke
into tears.
Tom was vexed at her emotion.
'I don't seo why you need tako on at this
rate,' he said, with petulance. 'I .should
think 'you'd rejoice at any happiness that
comes into my life of drudgery.'
'Yes, sobbed Ivah; 'but it was so unex
pected! Dear Tom, I am g'ad of anything
that will make you happier, Ot courro it
has been very dreary fur you since father
died, and you have had to work hard.'
She did not add, ns many another would
havo done, 'And I hao worked hard; and
your work, Tom, has taken you out into the
light and life and sunshine; initio has tied
mo to the lonely house. You have had
time and heart to mako lovo aud to win
She said naught of this, but asked the
name of tho woman who was lo take her
When Tom gave it t-he tahl: 'lhat
Rounds like a French name.'
'Slio is of Kreuch;parenlagc,' Tom sub
'When do you expect lo bo married?'
'Next Wednesday.'
'And this Saturday. 'I fear I can't get
things ready for you. Your room ought to
be rep.ipered.
No matter about my room,' said Tom,
with a nervous haste, for ho saw a chanca
in a natural connection what he dreaded to
ay: 'I think we had better go to Mrs.
Hill's for a few months at least, I want
Marie's honeymoon at least to be pleasant.
Iiaby's getting to be such a bother. It
would mako you much more woik, Iod,"
ho hastened to add, glad of so good an ex
What would the homo be without Tom?'
cried Ivah's pour heart. Then, too, the
prudent little soul trembled at the extrava
gauce of Tom's plan.
'I don't see, Tom, how you can alt'ird to
tako rooms at Mrs. Hill's. If wo divide wo
double the expense; I don't see how we can
manage on a thousand dollar).'
Tom rose from his chair and Hung himself
into another.
'1 don't suppose wo shall stay there a
year, ho tnen said, 'ut course l can't kee
up two establishment'; that isn't to bo ex
pected of a man. Other young men marry
and set up for themselves. You can't ex
pect that I fan stay tied up to you always
Ivah. I should thiuk you might do some
thing lo earn a living. You can't expect to
go through llfo without work. Why can'
you leach?'
Ivah replied with low, pathetic voico
'You ought to know why, Tom. I havo been
doing housework since 1 was 15. 1 have no
preparation fur leaching.'
well, sua lonijin nts easy way, "you
have a good head for planning. You'll bave
to think it over and determine what you'll
He went out an 3 left his elster altltn
with white face and wide eye.
It was not dismay that sho must go out
single-handed to the combat that kept her
silling there like a statue; it was that Tom
whs willing that sho should fight alone.
ilh a deserted feeling she went into
where baby was sleeping; sho dropped be
side tho bed; shekiwed baby's baud, thrown
Then she put hor eyes against the coun-
terpone and mado n v.-iw never lo desert
babyl She would a soon thought.of prom
islng never to dcert her heart. She prom
ised never to desert Tom. Slio had a vnguo
fear that evil was advancing upon Tom. She
knelt thero till she persuaded herst If that
sho IiriI no right to rensuro Tom. All young
men fell In love, and all wanted to marry.
She could not expect Tom to bo a sacrlfico
lo her and baby.
'When she had thus decided, she sat up
and began to plan her future.
There seemed only one thing for Ivah to
do; to take some boarders,
liefore going to bed, sho went to tho Trib
une olllco with an advertisement for the
morning paper.
Hy tho timo lhat Tom had vacated his
room and gone to Mr. Hill's, nit elderly
man and wife, were ready to movo Into it.
Table boarders also came. The first day Ivah
cooked for seven boarders. She had a young
girl to look after baby, wash dishes, run on
errands, etc.
Ivah's rule was to have a few dishes, well
prepared, and having a home flavor. As
she had reckoned, this pleased. The seven
boaidcrs brought in others, llcfore tho
mouth was out there were more applicants
than her table would accommodate.
At the month's end, with a throbbing
heart, Ivah ctrcfiilly cat up her nccounls.
When this was done she put up tho little
book, caught baby to her knee, kissing and
hugging the child. The llttlo landlady had
came out ahead. Thrre was a balance ol
$1!1 in her favor.
Sim knew that her hoarders wete so well
pleased lhat she could venture a small
advance on her prices. Very small it was,
only -eventy-five cents a head on the nek,
but it told on the returns.
liefore five months had passed, Ivah de
cided to take a larger and better house,
in "re conveniently situated for busines peo
ple, and to put up her prices. The housp
was nearer Tom's quarter?, and before Ivah
as settled, Tom came around with Lis
'It will lie so pleasant to have you near,'
he said.
Ivah discerned the sadness in his :ni!e.
she had remarked before that Tom was loos
ing thinner and more worn.
'Whenever jou are belated in your work,
you must ionic and let me help jou, Turn,'
she said, beginning to cist up a column of
When they had fiuishid tho work, sho in-
luiied about Marie.
she s at the theatre, sail Tom, with
a dash of bitUruess iu his voice and in his
face. '
Why didn't you go with her ?' Ivah
I couldn't afford it,' said Tom ; 'be-
ides, I have to work. You know I keep
Mrs. Weber's books besides Harris Ilro's
books.' .
'I suppose you're laying by something,
but you mu-n't overwork. Couldn't Marie
help you some?'
'Marie 1' Tom cried, with a derisive
Ivah was greatly pained that Tom could
use such a tone towaid his wife.
There is nothing Maiie can do except to
pend money. I am not laying up anything
;lie keeps me in debt every hour of my
life. Iam owing ninety-six dollars board
'Why,' Tom,' cried Ivah, shocked.
Why don't you go to a cheaper boarding
I can't get away from Mrs. Hill's till I
have settled arrears, unlets 1 leave my
trunks. Think of that humiliation!'
Oh, Tom, I would do nothing, I would
live on parched corn, beforo I would live in
'Hut you could not help tho debt it you
were bound to such a person ns my wife.'
lhat night sho lay awake, planning for
Tom, remembering her vow to stand by
him to desert him never. He needed her
Tho next day she called at Mis. Hill's,
and by becoming surety for tho payment of
Tom's arrears, sho had his belongings
moved lo her boarding house. As this was
now a stylish establishment, Mnrio made
no objection to the move, especially as some
of the ladies at Mrs. Hill's bad begun to
cut her.
Ivah believed with Tom that the secret of
Maiit-'s extravagance an I di-coiitont and
dissipation was tho want of useful employ
ment. Ivah set herself to meet this want.
The French women havo such a knack
at making things look their best, and vim
have such taste Marie, that it would be
real favor to me if you would see to the set
ting of the table,' Ivah said with her
prettiest manner, which was very pretty
fs i Marie, her skill and self c-teem flat
tered, went into the dining room aud did her
best at spreading the table, and Ivah praised
tho result, liy somo similar finesse Marie
wss induced to take charge of the ladies'
Then Ivah beguiled Marie, who was re
ally good nalurcd, to learn cake-baking,
Marie became positively infatuated willi the
work, and every morning, right after break
last, she would go to tho kilchen aud make
the cakes for the following day-
Time which belonged to her own affairs
ami to baby Ivah gave to attending Marlt to
lectures aud concerts and other amusements
less dissipating than the theatre.
To tell how Ivah's work for Marie was
drno would be to tell a long and wonderful
story of patient, persistent, watchful adroit
devotion, under many trying circumstances
in ilia uililst ot the training Ivan was
asked to become the wife of n man whom
she inueh esteemed, and toward whom her
heart had been tetidiug.
Ho was a talented young lawyer, well
stalled upon a promising practice. It was
very enticing to the girl for Ivah was not
yet 21 the thought of a ejuiet huiiio where
she ould have a rest, cherished and cared
for oho who had always been eating for
Hut she dared not let go of Marie and
Tom, and there might be such a thing as
baby btlng unwelcome.
Years passed, nnd Ivah ne-ll, when sho
saw clearly lhat Turn could do without his
si.ter she went to help a certain young
iHwjtr who declares) lhat he could not
without her. And 'baby' is Ivah's baby
yet, for her totreng boys, who came to
her in her happiness and prosperity, ean
never displace her mother's baby, with
wh' ui Ivah learned to bear the cross, whose
pall" He cry called her Into the sacred nath
- j of e'ulv, which leadeth toward the suiiri.iug,
- 1 'ot.' Cbnipumoii.
"13 lill'K WOllTIl LIVI.N!) !r"
Mr. Cuitis once akod Mr. Orectey, in rc-
sponso to a simitar question put to him by the
gnat editor, 'Hov do you know,Mr. Greeley,
when you havo succeeded in n public ad
dress?' Mr Greeley, not averse to tho tier-
petratioti of a joke at hi.s own expen-c, re
plied; 'When more slay in than go out.'
Mr. Mallock's famous (iuelion, answetod by
hitnelf in a weak way, and repeated by Pro
fessor Milrarl, and nn-ncred in a stronger
way, is practically voted on every day by the
entire human laco, nnd decided in the af
firmative. 'Moie stay in than go out,' for
teisoiH very much les important than those
consid-reil by Mr. Malloek and l'rofes'or
Mivart Thero are groat multitudes of men
who poess neither the ltotnau Catholic
faith nor Tightness of life nor love, who yet
livo out their lives in the linn conviction that
pays them to live men who are to no
high considerations, such ns would havo
weight witli tho Mallocks nnd Mivart.
There Is a great pleasure in conscious bo-
ing. bo universal is mis mat, wncn a man
occasionally takes his life, it is considered by
niso whom he leaves behind him as pre
sumptive proof that ho is insane. W o tai
nt' n man who designedly ends his life.that he
not in his right mind One of the most pa
thetic tilings nbout death is the bidding good
by to a Irdv that has been the uureory and
homo of the spirit which has chaiuied
rough the ministiy of so many senses.
'Por who. tod'im'itvgettti'.nemn prey.
This pleasing, anxious being 'ere resigned,
Ltfl tho wurni preetacts of the cheerful day,
Nor east one longing, llngerlu look behind..'
Men find their pay for living in varioi"
ways. Hope may no to tliem, out tney al
ways belicvo her, nevertheless. The bettn
tilings to como, of which sho tells all men.
become, indeed, tho substance of the thing
desired : lhat is, expectation is a constant joy
tid inspiiation. The pay of this day's
trouble and (oil is in the reward which is ex
pected to-moirow. That reward may novei
come, but tho hope remains ; and so long n
that lives, it pays lo live. It pays some men
to live, lhat they make tnnny, and command
the power that money brings To en
ormous toils aud sacrifices tlie love and pur-
uit of money urge a gicat multitude of urn!
The judgment ot thc.-o men as to whethei
life is vvoith living is not to be taken at life's
close, when they sum up their pnssesswn-
nd what they have co-t but while they art
living and acting. A man whoso life is ex
hausted may well conclude that what he ha
won is vanity ; but it was not vanity to him
bile ho was winning it, and, in full po'sess
ion of his powers, he believed that life was
worth living.
I.if'e is eiuife wortli living to all tho.-o who
find engaging objects of pursuit, and erpcc-
ally to those who win success in their pur-
uils. c repeat, therefore, that by almost
unanimous vote, the human race practical
ly decides that every day life is worth living.
Mr Malloek thinks it is worth living pro-
ided a man has faith in a great church ;
and Professor Mivart a Catholic himself
thinks life's highest values are in the eloing
of duty and in love. To do right, to sacri
fice one's self for lovo these aie better things
than pleasure. To lovo and to be loved
these are thiugs that pay. To bo conscious
of nobility of character and unselfi-hucss of
lifo ; to bo con-cions that our lives are
brought into affectionate relations with oth
er and harmonious life what aro those but
life's highct values ? What aro these but
tho highest satisfactions of conscious being ?
If this bo truo that character and
duty and lovo aro bolter than pleasure-
md belter thin any succo-s without
them then thero is no huiuau bo
ing who needs to say that life is not worth
living, llut tho peoplo who do not fucceed,
who are unloved, who live lives of pain aud
waDt and weakness what is there for tho.-o ?
A chance of conscious nobility of character
and life ; and if this bo not enough, as it
rarely is, a faiih, not in a great church, but
in a good God, and an immortality that will
right the wrongs and heal the evils nf tlie
present life and round into completeness aud
symmetry its imperfections aud deformities
Is it not foolish, ancr all, to raise tlio ques
tion of success or failuro in treating a life
that is only germinal or fractional ?
TllU AliT III' TAI.KIN'fi.
If wo notice closely we shall find tho peo
plo who are the mo-t popular in social lifo
aro those who understand not only how to
talk themselves, but hov lo make others
talk. This is a very valuable gift. To bo
able to direct conversation to diavv emt the
opinions and quicken tiie thoughts of tho-e
with whom you talk this j, an aceompli-h
incut indeed. It m ikes each a contributor
to tho enjoyment of all, and leaves with each
a pleasant sen'o of having said something
which others were glad to hear. Thero is
good deal of this sort of conversation nii-iou
ury work waiting to bo done, and the timo
which wo sjicnd chatting about tlie weather
might bo very profitably devoted lo it.
should bo Wno in mind that thero is scarce
ly any oue of average intelligence win can'
not, if he is dtawn out, talk interestiugly aud
instructively about at least ouo thing with
which he is practically most familiar or which
is connected with his regular labor. Who
over tall. thus much wiih specialist upon
their chosen department of labor or thought
will get together a fund of valu iblo informa
tion uot to bo learned from books.
'Mamma, It is time to take tint medicine
The medicine, referred to was Dr. Drown
ing s C. sx U. I ' irdial. Willi its wonderlul
healing pr- per'ies it is pleasant lo the tnte,
aim emmret! learn to love it. What Is mere
desirable when a child is sick than to hav
it lane meuieino ; ami where, in many or.'
ses, will yi i li-nl more trouble. Children
are very u-.c-plible to e-oughs and cold
and Dr. lirnwiiing's C. ,S; C. Coidial will do
moro good quickly and thoroughly than auy
medicine known. -Manufactured anil for
sale by ll.o proprietor at 111" Arch St
Phila., and sold by all druggUls. Piice on
lv SO cents
It was prjp'ned to erect a monument iu
the villain square In the Father of li
Country, nnd old Squire Hlgglns vvus fallen!
upon for a liberal donatim. "I e-un't giv
anthlni ibis time," he said, "but you insy
know thai I always esrry Washington in my
heart "Well,' answered the man w ilh il
subscription paper, "all that I can say i
that you've got the Father of hi. Country
in a very tight spot."
'Sellers' hiver Pills' never fall lo cure bil
ioiuuess, indigestion, or headache. Sold by
an uruggtets.
TlilKD KOIl HIS 1,1 IT.
A great ciiminal trial may bo likened (o a
great drama. Kach of tho opposing lawyers
strives to make a certain impression on Iho
twelve spectators in tho jury box, while tho
judgo presides to sec that all is done accord
ing to tho rules of (he lw. Ouo such triat
took place some twenty years ago in Indiana.
The lawyer for tho prisoner was Joseph O,
Marshall, a great orator. The successful way
in which he put tho evidence) for the defend,
and tho power ol a single sentence, are both
exhibited in iho following narrative of tho
Citrrio was an eccentric old man, who
coupled the profession of school master with
that of "'herb doctor." Ono night Currio'3
wife being laken violently ill, ho gave her
what ho took lo be caloniol, but which prov
ed to bo arsenic. In tho morning slit, was a
p eorpe.
Alarmed at onco what ho had dono,tho old
mm looked at his little cabin and fled from
the neighborhood. A week l iter tho suioJl
tf iho decaying body altractcd tlie attention
of passers, aud Currio was indicted lor mur
der. Marshall believing him innocent of any
wrong Intent, volunteered to defend hitu.
The only witnoss railed for the defence was
Dr. Uoruelt, a well known physician of Mad
ison. Mr. Marsha'l, without preliminary
questions, handed two it tic pap'rs, care
fully folded, and asked him to inform tho
jury of their euntenls. The physician took
tlie papers, adjusted his spectacles, he care
fully examined the contents. Not satisfied
willi this, ho took up a little of each sub
stance, sil'iod ihcui between his thumb and
forefinger, Finelt them, aud as a final test,
lasted the !cat bit of each.
'I lliink, sir, this is arsenic, and that calo
mel'' 'That is sufficient doctor,' said M. Mar
shall. The prosecution has nothing to
'ibis dosed the evidence, and Mr. Marshall
bowing to the emit, and turning to tlie jury,
thus addri'.s-1'il them :
'Your honor and gentlemen of tho jury,
you have noticed the absence of proof show
ing any ciiminal in'cnt. Now, if, in tho
broad light of day, aud aided by the delicate
sense of touch, and of taste, and of sight,
Dr. Cornett, learned iu his profession and
skilled in the use of drugs, decides with dif-
ucuity, ami some constucranio show nt tin-
r'ainty, which is the poi-on and which is
tlio calomel, what can you expect of this
po u-old man called fiom his bed at mid
night, his nerves unstrung with fear, his
heatt aching for a wil'o shaken witli a deadly
feaver, his eyes dimmed with age, his mind
overcome with dread.
Take him away and hang him, if your
con.cienco will allow you ?'
'The effect was instantaneous and complete.
Currio was acquitted.
-Maine Xevvs
Hop Bitters, which are advertised in our
columns, are a suro cure for ague, bilious
ness and kidney complaints. Those win
use them say they cannot bo too highly nc.
ommended. Those alllictcd should givo
them a fair trial, and will become thereby
nthu-iastic in the praise of their curativo
qualities. Portland Ad.
Contributions of original puzzles are so
licited from every reader. Address all com
munications relating to this department lo
W. II. nastman, Auburn. Me.l
I am composed of fourteen letters.
The 7, 12, 9, 10 is a snare.
The 1, 5, 11, 4 is aves-cl.
Tlie .1, S, 111, is lo fix firmly.
The 0, 2 is a negation.
The 11 is in vouthful.
I'lie wholo was nn important event con
nected with the history of our country.
I P-u-r-s-e o r-i spells what largo lake ?
2. N-o h-u-d spells what gre-at river?
3. ri o-r-e-w-e u 1-a-n spells what south
ern city?
1. I)-o d h-a-c k spells what salt water
A man wan went iuto a store aud said to
the psoprietor: "If you will give, mc as
much money as I have now, I will spend
six cents," Tho storekeeper cum tilled, aud
the man spent six cents, lie then went into
another store and made the same bargain.
He died Ihe thud store with the same re
sult, when he found his money all cone.
How much money had he when he entered
the fir-t store?
W. II. G.
An animal for my first you'll take,
A novel doth my second make;
X prepos'tion next is setr;
A prelly bird's my whole, I ween.
A. E. D.
i.ErrEP. ciiAxncs.
1, I am a small boy: ChangJ my initial,
I am a contest; change again, I am altitude;
ag.Uu I am to Illumine; again. I am dark
ness; again, I am correct; again, I am vis
ion; anain, I am oppo-cd to loose.
2. I tun to throw: Change my initial, I
am rapid; again, I am tlio final; again I am
a ship's spar; again, I tun immensj,
a I am a cake: Change my initial, I am
amusement; "gain, I am a weapon; again,
t am an inhabitant of a convent; again, I
am a witty saying; again, I am to proceed
Cron-word V.Wywa. Mississipi.
.S'yieia;. 1. Wear, war. 2.
pat. 11. Head, red. -1, Hard, bad.
CkaratU, Can-uou (.nun).
Hurled Cifm. 1. Saoo, 2. Hath
Macsin, -I Lancaster,
Diamond I'uule.
N P. T
11 A C O N
li IU) U I 1'T
W 11 I O 11
Josh Hilllugs' Almanac soys : 'About
this time look out for cold weather.' Acd
it should have added ; Keep Dr. Hull's
Cough Sytup In readiness,