TILE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, LOOMSBUliG, COLUMBIA COlNTl, PA. Agricultural. IIKIXS AMI II BET SlHUK. tMlOFITAtJLF. I'KoriTt) Of THIS BUSINESS. Will bed uigar ever become n profitable product In America? ThU Is n question of considerable Importance, becmse tlio sue con of thli Intlmtry would be nccompnnliil by r wonderful change in our system of agri culture. Not only would our method of cultivation bate to be changed, but our manner of feeding nn.l roariiif? cattle nnd iheep would require modification, became n largo part of the proGt of growing beets i derived from the utillzitlon of tho proved pulps as fodder. It is vain to look for suc cess, either In growing belts or in disposing of them profitably, unless at least 20 tons per ncro of tho roots cm bo grown and omo methods of using the pulp are pro vided. Hut both of thco requirement" arc riot only possible but easy, fir, a9 at tho distance at which lite beets are grown viz., 22 by IS lnclie, 12,000 per ncro may be produced, and n moderate and very pos sible aizs oi r. ot Is three pounds, "3 tons per aero may be produced. At the price paid fir thcsi) rmts at the Maine factory, fO pjr ton of 2,210 pounds, an ncre would bring 150. Thlaahnuld baa lemunira tlva price ought to cover the cost of n vcrj llb;ral culture, ol which tho price of tbe siol, ?3 per aero for 12 pounds, and that i f 1,000 pounds of superphopbnle, or $20 would be the only cash outlay, leaving 127 per ncre fur thelibur and ue ol' the land and yet leavo an appropriated residue til fertilizer in the soil, of considerable value ; With regard to the utilization ot tho pulp this will be subject to.smo difficulty, ex cept in the cafe of those who grow a larcr quantity of roots, or unlets the pulp is fed to cattle at or near the factories' When a farmer grows say 100 tons of beets,the pull left, viz, 20 Ions or thereabout", will be a vry small item In feeding cattle.and will bar dly pay to male special business of it,nless s'leep are kept to consume it, as the rntiocs given 8 potinls per day to fattening sheet and 00 pounds to a steer would hardly go far enough for the latter to mnke the pur chase for the small t.umber of cattle thai can be fed, worth while. Seven steers ii 120 days would consume tho whole of the refuse from four or five acres of beets ; nnd there are few farms on which more than that acreage could be devoted to this crop. It is evident tha in the majority ol cases the growth of b'ets would uot have tbe ef fect of making much change in our system of culture, so far as regards the enrichment of the soil, if only 20 tons of refuse or enough fodder to feed only 7 head of cat tie could be made available on a farm of GO or 100 acres, unless by the use ol large quantities of fertilizers the acreage should be increased to 10 or 12, or even 20 acntt yearly. It is possible to feed about 1 head of catt'e to the acre or 9 sheep. With 12 acres a feeding flock of 100 heavy wether would help considerably in fertalizing tb land, but hardly any more than would tbe same breadth of corn. So that, so far the improvement of the soil by manuring, which is made so much of by some writer1 in this connection, the culture of sugar beet is a delusive mytbe, a fancy and n fantasy Unless the production of beets can be made profitable in itelf by growing large crop" and selling them to the proposed factories at ti or $5 per ton, there will be no other ad vantage, and we must consider this question In its naked view, and as we would a crop ol tobacco or cabbages. If farmers can realizt f 100 per acre, or even $70, the prospect for profit is sufficient to induce them to grow tho beets and work up to a product of 12 or 10 tons per acre at least, and aim at more if they can hit the mark. I must say that am notvery sanguine that wecan Bocn reach this necessary product, for which my ex perienco for the past two years I find it not eo easy to grow 0 tons, of sugar beet per acre as 25 or 30 tons of mangels. Three hundred bushels of sugar beots, or 9 tons per acre, is the largest yield I have measured on the best rows, while some rows where there were vacant places for a rod, and in which transplanted beets lived but did not grow, would not measure one ton per acre, and yet, adjoining these, the long red mangels, fro n 12 to 24 pounds per root, and kissed each. other. In tho rows ii, many places. So that there are roots, and one root dilTereth from another in glory, and the least jlor ious ot the root tribe is the sweet but modest sugar beet. thereUre, 1 am Inclined to doubt whether on the whole the culture of the beet will succeed, excepting upon soils that are especially adapted for it, and these soils are few and far between. Fur tbe sugar beet is an exacting root it'will not thrive on soils filled with vegtablc matter, or on clays, or on sand, unless they are mixed with argilaceous ; such soil n tbe Mohawk flats, the Connecticut river bottoms, the sandy loams underlaid with and mixed with clay as in the tidc-water Maryland and Delaware : they will uot thrive on soils as rich in potash as tho tan dy lands of New-Jersey or those of Long Island, or on the black prairio lands of the West. And besides, the land must be free from weeds, otherwise the hand labor in cleaning the crop in its early stages would be more than an average American farmer would bear WHAT IS IT AIIVISABI.K TO DO. The question then appears how any par ty wishing to invest tho f 150,000 or more needed for a complete factory, can satisfy himself that tbu locality upon which lie .may light is fitted for a successful beetcul ture. A few failures, such as that of Chats worth, 111., a few years ago, and that which seems imminent in Maine at the prtsen' time, will not encourage other investors to invest their capital, unless they can be sured thatjlhe betts will be furthcoming in sufficient quantities and proper quality. Tbe whole business Is in the hands of the farmers themselves. If anything is to be risked, It sbonld be hazarded by those who hope to be tbe ultimate gainers; and who will profit moro from a mccesful business than the farmers? To reach a product of even 20 tons per acra will be awork of lime. It required some years to plant tlio culture of tobacco in tho Connecticut valley, and the valleys of Lancaster county, I'a , but now there's millions in the business, Ju the same way we may, I feel sure, gradu ally work up to n prodilct of 20 torn tr more per acre upon such soils as are fit for the crop, and even more on thoe that are unusally adapted to it. And in the meantime, inch crops as may be growu will pay well for their cost and tho labor spent, for there are no roots so valuable lor feeding as sug ar beets, and In addition our fields will be preparing for future uso by I ho needed weedlngs given. A factory of the least size to be profitable needs 70 tons per day dur log 50day,or say 10,000 tons in the season Thero would be required to produce these at least 000 acres, whieb, taking one-tenth of each farm to bo in Leels, would cover a space of 0,000 acres or a tract equal to eight or iilno equare miles. A factory would then located 1 miles from (he outside borders ' O lt tributary producing area ; by no means I an inconvenient distance for a farmer to haul bis crops and deliver them. On the wbolo I bclclvc there Is promise enough to Induce us to engage In this culture, and success would bring a wonderful relief to our industry already over-taxed wilh the competition of the cheap wheat and grass lands o the fir tt'f.t. Suppose a township association were for med of CO or 100 neighboring-' farmers, the members of which would aj;reo to grow each one aero ol the liet kind of -iirar beets 'Very jrar, although each beet should be raisd ami nursed by hand, and continue until n product of 20 tons peracre was toadi ed, which might take five or six j ears with niiii. the effect would b? mist aluable l'hee beets are cheap at SO pi r ton for dalrj (ws.iucreaslng the milk and butter be) nnd all comparison with any othei food 1 have used so that (bo labor will be well repaid. then when the consummation is reached let h capitalist be sought and ofiered the bcels ihcreafter on permanent contracts. The reu!t will bo til's cstihlishnient ot a perma nent bns!nes, employing many men, and the yearly product of 1,0 HI tons of sugar 'he whole Va!u.3 of which will lu expended "i the locality where the beet-growers lie, and n( nil which eadi one will certalnl receive a s!iarc,ns t he money circulates again llut without sumo tiTirts on the part of those who expect to reap tho benefit, tho result will never be retched, if iva wait until loomsdny. im.vr i:.iiKiisrAXii him. Silas M. Sonrliill sat sob"rly In his office i lie other day, scaning a new-paper, Sud- lenly his eye scintillated as he red. "When you leave yo ir business, leavo your business care behind mt. lake in to the bosom of your family a smile of glad- now, a pleasant greeting, and a loving ca rem." 'He George I" said Sourball, as he rub bed a pimple on his bald Head ; "that's a giodidea. Hang me if I don't try it on. I guess my fjlks is as well provided for a anybody's ; but I han't douo mush in tin- niliug aud caressiugtline lately, thats cer tain. In the evening, Sourball commenced Miacticing a smilo before he got within a s iuare of the house, and when ho went into lie dining room, his face looked as wrink led as an old gum shoe that had been tluough tbe fire. "Hoorar I Sally, old gal, how are you anyhow," and he grabbed her around the aalst with one arm, and reached for his ol iest daughter with tlio other. Come give js a buss apiece," and giving them both a liug that cracked the stay laces like pea nut shells, he waltzed acrorss the floor like s. rheumaticsaw buck that had the jim j mis, and made an attempt to pat his son and heir in tbe head, but the youth dodged under the table. Mrs. Sourball gazed for one instant, and then Idt out a scream like a scared locomo tive, as she grabbed up a flat iron and waved it hatefully in the air." "Oh I you drunken old wretch; If you cime within a mile of me, I'll split you to -he waist bind with this. Where in the name of goodness did you get so aw ful Jrnnk?" urunk, my dear. I never was so sober in my life. I'm only throwing aside my cares and greeting you with smile." "Smiles; you idiotic old hippopotamus; do you call thata smile? why you look as though you'd been struck with pilsyandSt. Vitus dance. Do for gracious sake get into bed before anybody comes in and see you,' and she shoved him into a chair, and jerked bis coat off, shouting, "hero John, pull ofT his boot, quick. Martha get some warm salt and water, till I get this liquor out of him. I'new! you smell like a forty-year old bar room." It's a lie' shouted Sourball. Let me up f tell you, or I'll smear soma of you all over In floor,' and he sprang to his feet and hit John a kick that reaiinded bim of old times. "Clear out. Darn you, get around here live ly and let's have that supper. If you dou't know what kindnes is, I'll give you some thing you can understand.' "There now, said Mrs Sourball. "You act something like a christian; but oh! my goodness how you did frighten me, for I re- lly thought you were drunk or crazy or something." "Humph," grunted Sourball, a he Hooped himself down at the table. "I'll take blame good earo you ain't frightened that way again." uii'iiisiiXKi) rim iikist. In N illiain-port recently suit was broueht by l Hope Hepburn, of Cata-auqua, agaiust Hrank I'cteruian, of Muncy, Lycoming coun ty, under the act of July 12, 1S42, provid ing lor a warrant ot arrest in civil action, I lie facts are .- In 1S7S tho plaintiff and da fendant were employed in the construction of a railroad in Iirazil by tho Collins llrotliers, and wbilo thus engaged I'etcrinan was taken sick with tho fever, and appealed to Her burn lor money to cnablo him to return home, paying that his brother at Muncy wa prepared and would honor a draft upon him that ho was in a dying condition aud could not possibly enduro the climate of Iirazil , that it was a matter of life cr death with liuu ; that unle-s bo reached homo lie would bo a dead man, aud that a few dollars would savo his life. Under thco appeals Mr Hepburn was induced to endorse a draft for the requested to cnablo bim to return home Defendant received tlio money, returned homo and in duo time recovered. The draft however was, di.-hnnored by tho friends of I'eterman and returned to Iirazil protested Tn a subsequent conversation with Hepburn lie refused to return the money aud told bim he might get it the best he could. 1 lenbum resorted to tho law, after such an exhibition of ingratitude, is-ued a warrant for his rest, and I'eterman was brought before Judge Cummin Altera full hearing of the oi deuce defendant was found guilty and in do fault of ball was committed lo tlio county jail, whero ho now remains. A Cross ilaliy Nothing is so conducive to a man's ri maliilng a bachelor as Mopping lor one night at the hon-e of a married friend and being kept awako for five or six hours bv the trying ot a cross baby. All ios and crying babies need only Hop Hitters to make the in well and smiling. Young man re. member this IM. 1IIK Sl'II.NiT. (IK MIT.. The science of life consists in knowing hnw to make use of people, how to male the mn-t of yourself, and how to push your way in the word. These are the thlogs which very few people do know. How nev er to get sick, how to develop your'liealth and strength to the utmost, how to mako every man yovr friend all these aud man other things are to hi included in the science of living, and the pity Is that we appreciate it at its true valuo only when the bloom of life is gone. "Facta are stubborn things," and so are coughs and colds, but the latter will invar iably yield to Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup, which costs but 25 cents. 1 WORN EVIDENCE. Tho following Cure is probably tho most to tnnrknblacver effectod by nny medical preparation for tho trontment of Cntnrrht GintUmtn, I hereby certify that I hate hart Cfttnrrh for ten ''n, and for tlio 1nt nix y-fira havolx.-n n torr lino nflirer. I wiw romlrrpd turtlnHy .leaf, lirvl botslntc hi the hf ad, pnlm ncro-i ttio tempi-, tWrv rll. WPitk tir.d painful cyco, t-woltrn and uVrrm. d tonm , liard a tl cotitnm oigti. ii-vere pnin nirooa tlio client, and tvrry Indication of foiwnmpti"). Mi fi'-aa aiJiuil ii. I tholinip. The matter ar'-mmiluted m rapidly la my li"H.l a threat that l i utM not fc-p thrmlreo. trouuently nt nlht I would aprit-i 'it uf tod, It tHCTneit to me, nt Uio point of aunocntl u. 1 would lliun have recour-e in t ry mean in myi'uffrr to dinlodffotho nniLUB fruDimy thrnnt and ticali'tf ru I'Olna atiio to alert realm Fur a period of alt en-ram r tulvPsirereiilcetnt! audtrnmuefi lull tin - tliat 1 mi' I with difficulty HWritlou . I itimlly ci-n tilts l an cmim-iit furgeon In regard ! an f pLTtitfnn on tliuii.tuit nt id' request p ntpomd It. Tlio cntiitunt ,r iHmmsiinti i 1 1 BlccrMl'-fl lann thrmt cmiicd hy t'tc pulone.-i ti. i tsr (irt't'pi-tr dim n ik in my hvl Ii id i lrrlt.ui-i ri I Influn il nil luiiMtbiit I ct'iight .1 lnc n-itly, a d-1 hard emijrfi. Mtanwhie t-iyajMem hug m tophfv ft. rflertortlii!dleni't'ttiatlioft(lepili(i:rewpa1'' ai d rtipwid evi-ryaymptot'i tt an early death hj en i- p tioti. Whuntnatt'M d.id rachra th'i rtiw', cr a' .t it months ajro. 1 tuffau iho ao of BAVTor t' lUic vl lurr rone rnrn. After Ulnrf tlio first Nut it? I le n to inirru' ranldlr, Tie flint done ic nu-d torknf m y hi ad nn I Ind m t Vi'uun It to he for Ti ir. It kuemnd art u' Innliy t nrrefit the diarnarff It nt if- I wycftugh i 'i ti,ittt f'v. Pr tili g It n a kb'v'c I n n rt-ducod iho iiiftmuisitton nnd awolll' u of my t i $0 that tht y " ji cent, d to tru'l-M lm-. The across my cheat disappeared, tlio hnrzliyr hl 1 1 1 head ceased, titysi. lists of acelntr and - rh'-nrv v completely restored. and ererysyniptom r-r ii" i 11 . had reduced mo to the crre of theirravndi'upi 1 1, tt.n nri,iTnnn't MiMril. I fill Tr.it4 I t.! t ! 1 hire be.-n thus explicit bei ante, as n lni;j - I have seen a cit denl of sufferl'? from ratturn. it id hope to convlneo many that tl Is I a great n med. . I urn familiar with tno treatment of Catarrh a- pn. tlsed hy thn t"t physicians, and have consult, d t.i mot eminent about tnycan, hao nsed cve-i k d of remeilx and apparatus that have appeared lu-in a period of sit ear past, and have, while follow) nir tin lr use, tahen Kreat care or my feneralhealth, but ohtatncl no relie for enconrarement from any of them BoiTox. Ttb. 33, 1875, OEO. F. DIN8M01IK, errrouc, s. ' n-u t1.n r., more, util ma'i otth that thn f"ri K'd.itf f-tnt' nu 1 1 1 y tilm sujncrjlji.il 1 trtK . i for in , LLTJI HKMA-,.lut ceoftheKare. Eftfli pirViuf r t i'r Dr f-anfor pa I.nprovrd inl il lnrTuhi w ' f'l i"' fTtu.eii id 1- - I'm., ft U r" 1 M I H'( ij ' ; ! Ji-ntfL 1 I i flm utrl t 1. I -tun- J I h- v llTI U, t,nnn..Afci itt - it nri.tvi--.! i.Mu-- VOLTAIC FLUSTER Affords Iho most grateful relief in sll Af fections of tho Chest and Lungs. CHRONIC PLEURISY CURED. Mesrs. Wrm A- PoTTKn frat!rntr'.t Having for many iuontlntpiutaiTLicd ttli a vtry lama sidu, called hy my ploslcun Chronic I'iturly,c.iused by 1 tunncr It Jury and strain. and ior which 1 uet d many preecrlp thii.B and liniments, as mcU as tho socalled rli cum alio cures, without the least benefit, my physlcl m recom mended ono of jour Colli its' oltaio Pnrans, which, to my jrreat surprise, rellcvt-d tho pain and sore ncss almost Inuncdlatuy. and 1 hae been ablo to at tend to my household affulra ever lnco with perfect case and comfort, whereas, before tho nppllcailon of our lin aluablo l'latcr 1 wai scarcely able to do anv. thlnr.'. 1 consider them Inestimable, and shall with pleasure recommend them to the mulcted. Yours rc tpectfully, MPS. HIAXCLS UAHU1MAN. Ur.LiM, Me., April 21. Thcro Is no medical or protective appliance that will rrotc so frratetul and t licet he In lick liny Couphs, rrltatlon and horeni of the Chest nnd Lunir. Wo hello e them capable of rrmenUntf serious tiUcaeci ot thcie orgacs. PRICE, 25 CENTS. Do not confoond these Plasters with the ordinary Plasters of the day, that by comparison are absolutely w orthless. He careful to obtain CotTtsi Volt 10 PLASTPn. a combination of Ucitric or Volttlc Plates v, 1th a lilchly lledleated Platt r, bi seen In tlio ahorc cut. Sold by all Wholesale and lictail UruifRlsts throughout tho united States and Canada, and by WEEKS fc I'OT. TEH, Proprietors, l3o8ton.il ass. JUIif l.t, r:sly's ?uas milled moc Kx tract Hoc WITCH HAZEL 01!, HAMAMEUS VISGJX1CA Kqual In nuility to any mi', and oa'j hall tbe "pllcvos Ue.ulariip.Tnotliac'tx Karnchr, Sore Kyes None Pdffrt, I'M tllti I.tianH. 1'nlnful Men 'C;, V hltes AMbm.t Ki tlnet's wtdllllL'st 1 Uh. vie. curtK liruls e. v-flUH liur,!', sprains, Wounds HboumailMn, Eryf-iiKdas, I'hlPdJlnH, aricoo veins, euralel.i,.tc NAT UKK'S I'MVRUvMi IlKME Y POU IN . KHNAL am xn;itN4L isi;. IfyourtrJfe'ejist).asnotcotlthac.hlm order It vi iuo propneior, CUAIiLE r. IIIEY, Wholesale Druggist, C4 Courilandt St., New York, Jan M, 'to, m The well known c. 11. Will TK, Proprietor ot tho tJllVNOLVlLU: AUIMCL'LTUI!aL wokks lia.ssoi t n half Inreret In Iho s.tmo to, I. W. Conner. The pntnninv hao renaliLil'tlm works, arui are rut' pan il Ui ueoounmid it e nil who want uittlilty lu the line ft A1le11lu1r.1l ImpVrrctits. 'Ihty hae Just cornviei f'l a new u u iniim w ime jtiow ,uu nu po sHjI-, will lj-at th ilylit hand Ah 1 vurlaec plows or jMnners tor i if same, a new Mirt'Siirui.u uitun er with centre t-hake ol rid He Mine, e.d'ed the lVliItt! 'riirc!icr ami leaner, with lotntfter nnd railway p.iwcison a preatlv improved plan. Wo inuni.f.atuie I.ANlM(Oi,.Kl; with ow iron hot J 4. c irn Plows rtouhl ivu single Cuitlv dor bide hill Plows, Mill LWlt-ir-i. T lining 01 e r uwripiiuu uoih wim prninjuiiess. t kp ennst int K' ou han I a I irtfi nhMirlini nt of Plow Mum'4! roil' own and nmtjv other plows that are uvil In dim rotintrv - wiMmt Iv tmdt rsold In woiki'i !u t-TDil 1 f the Mitii"1 u'iainv. iliiirwnrk iswiirjnii 1 in j o il f eti in. 1 r (h moiiev rt- fun.lul. WKi.h-VchMH: II'IhN. rarnnTs and thi .ti.''i.-ii 1 n 1-..in -t d to tall and ex- amiiu u lot. p .'1 h -n 1; sew it n. WHITS & ONNER, J.n. Id, ' 0 lj 10. m.i:viu.i:, pa. COOLEY CREAMER. LU JIliDAIi, PAICIS, 1870. TKSn? " litTTEKmadoby this procoHB awarded International Ltalrv Fair, ls?s,andal.i urn A rand I I Its I' PHI! ?IH'.il at wrne Fair, ia riits'r i .illOl at lioyal Agrl cultural LihlbltiOD, Lon don. 1 ii requires no niiiu room. It ralt nil nfrreum beltee niDLlDg. It HQord Inner enlllutlou. It rti utrea Iva labor It l more tnoroiiuhly made. It ! cheitper, and Rlei better ltJt.fftCtlon lhan any other way 01 setting milk. 11IK HL'TfUt MADE BY TlIIS hVSlEM l!i UN. EXLt-LLKI) IN US KEEPING (UALtllEb. bind 1 I'ur. Ud cu ? twl riii'wJjua iutim'mtaU. VIUIMO.NT FAUU MAlll V. I ., Uctlomi f alia Vt. fch i. , Kw BEST Ui IKS WOk.J! AS I) SALER ATUS Which ii tho baino thing. Imp-ire Siilerntu orlll-t nil) Rodn i lilt L UthaauiiitttliliiCjUitfii mIIIiI y 1II1 ty hltf tului . It m it y uppf ur itlille, eitimliii 1 !' iUfll, lint u C'(MIAItlSO. AVI'I II ( III Ml M & t'O'i AU.M AM) II MMKlt' llllA.Mi win aiutw tiiu tinu ifiut See Hint your huli'i-iil 114 nul Ila; lii(; Soda In white it ml I'l III", 11 4 nhuiild Imi AI.I, NIMILWl IjIUI'.V.N Ci 11 t tl tor lujtl A simile but aeverotMt of tho conip-rativ valus ot different brands tf bodj ur nilnni! U to dissolve a di'ssert rpuuutul ol each kind u itU about a pint of waur (hot rrmerrmt) iu eltsr l'laitj,iitlrrli.guDtllalltHth .rouyldy tH"h u 'Iho duletertoUKiiiaolubloiiiktttr iu thulu 1 rl r hol w ill be show u am r M-ttliutf wmia twrtity loloutes or aunuer, by tho milky nie.irau m of the solution cud tbu quantity of tlatin &-tf matter aec irdiutt to quality. lie sure and (wk fur ChureUi ro.'s Sudaan Saleratut and ao that thhir liatue 1 cu thi package and you will ett the purest cud whitect made. Theuseot thlswithsourmilk.iu ireter cnee to Uakint; Powder, aavea twenty tUuw iu cost. Bee one pound package for valuable I u forma 00 and read carefully, SHOW THIS TO YOUR OROCER, Januaiy ic, jui. w" M. c. sloanYbro. iii.oo.ti.siuritri, 14, SlanuMcturera or Carriasc3, Buggies, Pha3t:no, Sleighs, rwxroiiM WAGONS, SC. rirot-claxa work Uwaya on hanl. ItEPAIHlNO NEATLV PONB. ITI'H rclnMMl losilll thH ttmiMl. PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at this Office O V SHOUT EST NOTICE A i AT THE MOST REASONABLE TEEMS DR. CLARK&fc ikk hi hni 77 W.3d St., How York City U.T3 or Jtnssr CITT. Tnrr. maes.1 TuverinTAvcv uwtasta. t-rvcriv 'lane, iiiittnnet- itlsm, Mlronvh llfari Dliritir. ItUlousnrns.iVereous DrhlHIy.ttc, Tho Best REMEDY E1T0V7H ts lian I ;o,oon agents katcsoi.d since is;o 9.000.000 Bottles. This Syntp Possesses Varied Properties, Jt Mlmnlntr Iho PytTntlnn In eh Hnllvn, rbleli coiiTprt IliOfttnrrli nnj niijnr nf tlio food Intn clucosc. A tleflclrner In PrtynUno rnnrM Vtnl nnd Fnurlnts of lit- food In Iho Ktomnrli. Jf tlm niodlrlnei H MUfti IminedU ntely nl'ier cnling Iho fcruicutaftuu of fuodU tirPtcntrd. It net upon thn I.Ivor. Itnctt upon ihn lUitner. It Itecnlnte tho Ilnuefj Jt I'll rifles tho Illnnd It luict tho frinui Kjttctn Itl'romntf I)Ij;rtleti It ourlIir Mrri'cMicrt nnd Tnvlaorntr. It entries ofTtlio Old lllootl nnd itinkrw nrw It opens iho pnres 1 f tho Milii nud Itiducrs Healthy rcrsplrnilon. It ncnfrilizei tho bcreUlary talrt, cr roison In the Uood, which fcnratcH Serefi.la.l-rysipila, nt.d all innnner of fekln dlsianea end internal humors. Thcro are no spirits cmplojod In its tnaniifactnre, and it can bo taken Ly t!io roost daliccte babe, or by the igo and fcoUo, tare only rcgai'reJ in at' ttntion to diretthnu nics or iAr.03 ioitlss, $1.00 ra::E or small edttlis, - - eo Raid tho VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS of Persons ho have been CURED by the ma of the BLOOD PURIFIER. !et Medicine Kver Ued. Kilon, wynmlnircoiinlr, r.i. Ii. urMr: I linl bi-i-n troubled ror a lonjr time with 11 t'.iln in tnv Monncii, nnrl fnund no reller until 1 Ix'iran uslr-gyour Inillin Mood Mrup. 1 llnd it the t-est meilleliiH In use. anil I can rectmmeiid It to nil, oil una younir It s-ives miny dollars In dociorn' bills, nnd one 3Xt bottle dl.l mo more good ttidn lle dolturs worth ot other medicine. Marlam Labirr. Aii Astoni-liiriK Cure. Monroe. Wyomlnir county, Pa. Peir sir: I hid been nllllctcd with a Coueh, Loss or Appetite and i.spe sla for ten j-ars. I could not pr.prly attend to mv business, and heniiuir or y our Justly celebrated Indlin liloodsyrup. I resoUed to try It, which I did, nd In a short time was much Improved, inowluven (rood Appc lite, birI hae enjoytd uood health ever Mi.ce I couiinenced Us use. J. Labarr. riick llf.idache Cured. llowmin's I'reek, Wyomlas county, Pa. Iiiirlr: l hid Mek llcndiche. aud bylhousoot yoi.rltillan lllood-jrup I was crently relieved. I r.-. o Linend all to try ita valuable nroncrtli . .1. V. liurnctt. The ltenicdy did more than she Expscted, Newt erry, I j comlnr county, Pa. Dear Mr: -Iho Indian Itlood Sj nip did more than T expected It would and It 1it.s cured me ot Liver Complaint. I uso It as a Medicine and would not be without It. Mrs. Mary Charman. Headache and Dizziness. Wllllamsoort. T.er,inlii!r enimtv. P.i. Dear 'Ir : Your Indian lilood siup lius cured me of Headache. Iilzzlniss nnd Loss of Appetlte.nothat . ..... uijiu m ..tiiK in my iai lory. .iy vne oe- rHed moro bvuellt II em Its use than from any other Henry ltusscl. Would not bo Without il. Wlli!ampert, Hcomlng county, Pa. Hear Mrs The Iml'an lilood 'yrup Is tho ilest I etr used and I would not be without It, It Is food for all complaints. John Uuikliart. Di-ea-es of the .Stomach, Eaton. Wyoming county, I'a IK'arMr:-ThHU lo ceitlfy that 1 had a Weak Moinacli and could eat no nie.it or any In ally food wh.iteuT. Iiya mend's adv ce 1 commenced the use ot your Indiui 111'hkI .sjirup which utter a Miorl tr.al. erf. eliulU nlleved me and I can now eat .'in v t ti I nu i choose. Your Mrup Elves uupiersil satisfaction. r.ll,iU-t!i HaJsall. All that it is recommended to be. Oliera llouce. Colnmni,!. IM. li...ir sr:-I have used your excellent Indian lilood -wii-i liuu u iius pioven jusi as repiesei.ttd. i can riwi.uu uid It to nil. Win. lhviiow, Wholesalo .Merchanl, 5th street. Unanimous Keivinnif mini inn Tiefillowlnsoddtlielrtcstlmony for Iho Indian Riirfid si rup; II. i:. nrt iifr. eneliiecr P It ir. '. il. miiIMi, ut liildnlns swi Works. Mrs sn dpr. or Columbia. llrem r, c f Wushlniflonburgli. .1 Jim Ken s, of S He llarbur. Would not be Without it. Pepton, Columbia co-ir.lv, I'a. 1.. r klr : I hae used oir ncellent Is'iuan lu - on m Kir mi I Ii ie re-lvedin'ih bi-netit there Iroui. I could not get ulong lthout It. Mrs. Uirber. Never Fails to Cure. Hast i.crnon Wynmini; Co. Pa, re,irsr: I wass'ck tor three years, and (toiler pr-'ft'Ssio'inl treitmi-iit most ' f the lime without be ln' teniilied, Ai las' 1 was induced in trv jour Indus' Union svnre mid aliera shoit irl.il. I found no self In betltr health than 1 ludbeen lor si x ears. .Mrs. Theron Wall Sure Cure for Liver Complaint. IlolirslmrL' Cnlninlil i Co. Pear Mr :-1 his Is to eeillly tha' jour Imia I'Looii syHtT has been used lie me, for Miercoin- ri- in, wuicu uju wen irouniincino ror a innir time I derived more iMdieilt from the use ot the Mrup than from any ithcr medicine. I heaitlly reeoui mend It, and adUse allsuiTereis to fhelt a trial, 1. P smith Loss of Appelile. Holirsburjr Columbia county Pa. lie ir sir : I havo used your ec leni Isnuv I'.ixioii sviiri-for Uiss of ppetlu and Wiakness of Hies oniac'a. with vi ry lieniilcltl nsifils. I Ullevc our inedii'inu to be the itreaigit blood nurltler known, and a iMseall who may busurreiliiL'us 1 was o slve It a speedy I rial. Mrs. K Avery I'ains in Shoulders. In hrsbur,', Columbia county, Pa. liearMr: This Is lo certify llut vour Isunv Ilujon vKfe lusnreatly rellewd mu of p.uns In Me lounl r uiid t'h-s(, which I had ! n allllcted w.th lor) cam. 1 recoinineiidlneryhlsrhU. .Mrs. .Miry Wtlsb. Kidney Compluint, l.i nr (i.n, Columlila cnunt . Pa. He ir sir My rather his iktii mro-rlni; with Kldtiet complaint f t a Ion,' llmi and h id been tin. d-rdi. iir ipMimoiit. but the doeiors could not I'lT-'. I -l euro I haui lo..i subject lo u NlliuliNe-ss nnd w i-ukiiess In in U-fi Arm. We ontatr.i il v m i f vour I ivVUible Imiiav IU.OOH M-Kir irom our cr i.t. Win. II potter, and it has cured lnr father cmioi.'tel. nn 1 my arm Ism u h netter. Ii dies not tr able me halt so much. our lm dlelne Is excel It i.t. Joslali.1 .hn. Female Complaints. lieartlap Columbia count, Pa, PeirMn This Is loeerllfyilui I purchased s me of our Imuan Iiijjoii (ivkit tor in wife for Inila nun I in an 1 t'euulo complaint, and It has uUen her relief. J K Ilerner 1'est Medicine Kver Ued. lieartlap, Columbia (nunty. Pa. PeirMri My llttlo sou was tioubled with ld w liter pasfclnir from him eonstantly, d iy and nlirht. I eoi suited two doctor-, and tram him iiiHdicliie. bui without effect, I bouuht some ot votirtelebrnteil Ivnus 111.0OU hviiie, a short trial ot which, cured lilin. I-ninbcri camp, Drspppsla nnd Indipestlnn, .NumldJ, Columbia County, in, liearMr '-V'or many jeara my win was allllcted Willi lijspeiwU, and we s.ienl eonMerublt) inone wl bout retdlriif ts-m nr. Wo protureit some ol onr imuan moon svare and she betan in Improve In leeiltli from the lime the oomene il us bolomon I) Mi) dor I.Iyer Complaint. ivi.lrolla, I'oluinbli l n Pa Ii.nr Mr : 'lids Is loci itlf Unit I w.i unwell and could H.'nixf I) attend to in aork I think in) IJer whHurfeeted. 1 pnicimd some i f our Iniuas Htjon svKt'e nnd now. alter a sl.oit tilil, loci hkeune In in. I itcoii.nu nd Its uctou'l. llanlel f lodinau. I)ypepiu nnd Neuralgia. lljrte Park, I.tuerue 1 1., Pa, pear Mr: Your valuail" IM'Ian UuionNviiielia1 effeetiNl a im i iiu' ent i lire lu in ea.e. 1 n h iv. n allllcted with llin i)ipja und heuralttla, but urn no,v entirely wtll. Mrs John Tin mton, Ildioiis Sioinach Ciirtd. lljrte Pdrtf, l-uwiie Co., Pa, Iiaur s'ri-I have lien tioubled Mini lililc u' Complaint and b) the uso if our Imuan JIiu- n Mill I' It has tiTeciuatl) tuitd me John N Williams. I (( p-ia Cured. Hid.! Park. Ituerneto, pa Pesr Mr i-Your vuiuabld im.uk liiiu kcp har .'Ulidlucot insiieiMla. Sirs, h II Adkln?, l.lver Ciimplaint. II) do Park, I.ncri.o Co , Pa. Pear Mr i-1 have loin Irnubled with UierC'om plaint, but I was permanently cured by uslni? ) our vuluuble Impuk lluiou bVKtr. Mrs. OPDsrllnjame. Deo 18, lsm-ly wico 1 5' )w S ctUi n Ffvl fr tfi 01 D SD B H IK B" il vs t v. - fs baa' tt . v. v f f - BLCOiVlSBlIHG STATE NORMAL S0U00L alXTJl .NORMAL SCHOOL DIoTlllCT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. TIII''Cllool..asatpre!k;nt constituted, oi'trs the vervbest fucllltlesfor Professional and Claislcai learning. li'illdln spneioulnvltliiK and comuiCKllous ; completely heated b) steam, well ventilated, Hunted by gas, iiuu furnlslied with a bountiful sunn, S'ls'l!uon,iiektlliriiI. ana easv or access. Tuachera experienced, I'lUclent. and alive to their work. Dlsclplln.', nrrn but kind, uniform and lliorou..a moderate, f'lft) ceiim a week ded'tctlon to all epecllm to teach, hludents admitted al auy time, ltooms reser. eJ when desired. Courses ot study prescribed by the Male i I. Mod. 1 School. II. l'reparnlory. III. Kleiiienlnry. IV, Clawical. Adjunct Courses : I Academic. lI.Coiiiniercl.il. III. Course In Music. IV. Course in Art. V. Course in Physical Culture. Tlie'niementarv Sep ntltie nnd Clas.lenl courses are I'l! iKKSslo.V I and siiudsnts sraduatnit therein, tccelve tate lilplomns, ronr. i rln corresiwiidlnKliettrees: Mailer of tii Kleim-iils: Master of thevlences; .Master of theLTasilos. tlraduaU-s In tho other Cour-.es rccelie Norma theiraitalnments,, slirned b the tinici n or the Hoard or Tustct". , , . ,, 1 e coiirii' ot Mud ? ni'eserli...d i 'he si,,t.. is lllieral. and th" ' Mentinc nnd Classical courses are not Inferior to those of our best Cn'lop s. The state rciulresa ntiflier order of i it leusiiip, Tlietlines deiiandlt. It n one ot th" prime objects of this school to help Insecure it. on rur'ii cent nnd eniclcnt l.-ncliers ror her schools. To tins end it souens youiu persons or (jooa aouiues anu roou puriioses. -i "", ", ""i " and their talents, as students. 1 o oh such It promises aldln developing their powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid labor alter lea In,; Cntn eigne, address ine rnncipai. 1 1 1 , . WII.I.IA.U i:i. I.I.I.. Presl.lciii Ilimrd sept.JiO v Hm Jjtit come at once and look through tho largest stock of M e ady-Made QlQ tiling IN THE IP WK CANNOT SUIT IN READY -MADE, WK CAN SELL YOU THE CLOTH, OH TAKE YOLTll MEASURE, AND .MAKE YOU A SUIT IX CITY STYLE HETTi:it AND THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN TOWN. '? OTS, CASMMEUES, SOLD BY THE YARD. Now sellinc at the REJiililBIaH STORE OP BAT1DD LOWlEMBlftGI-. ;; E N D 0 R S E D B Y O V C R T H I R T Y S E W 1 N G MBfe ; : I A MACHINE EXHIBITORS AT THE fA, OD EXPOSITIOII U-WIVERSELLC, sWkNj C01 Paris, 1878 SSwl AND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, jAWT 5 PHILADELPHIA, 1876, J&kTlr C U T " t Ai tdm:"VerySTRONG,SMOOTH,nd vWtT T B f EXCELLENT THREAD." jU tuwj ,77c'. 1f ENCOURAGE .VV'jrMAlJUFACTURElD at I hoAZ HDUSTRS.jt&T MOUNT HOLLY, N.J. l STt JmS&WtCDUMPms. PHILADELPHIA. . : --fg; rirw I NEW YORK U B0STOH. tisftximwOIIHIInH IKIKIII V MONTH cuaranlncd. in a day at homo mailu In tho IndiMrluiis Ciipltnl not rt-'qulred o mil niart jou Men, iioinui, lio)s anil irirls make ii.onc, faster at ork for us llslit and pleasant, aid such us nujone ran so iikiiiiii l llill liliuilll' jiu M'O III1S JIOIU'O lllsernl us their addresses nt onco niul set fur Iliemsi-Iies Costlj ouiiu i.nd terinsirei'. .Nowlstnu lime. 'I hcto luady nt voik me lojlng up jri;e nnnn U IUW.IJ lUUll llll b d. 11.. .lULT'lSltl, Maine. oct 3, V.) ly Warner's Safe Kidney and Ller Cure. A veffclable preparation and the uni, .uro ri'iuvilT iu the world fur llrlk'lil' III,, nV.'. i?i.,ivri.i;,.:!.:hK M,rt-" w" nv$'. vTr.!'? .'Ur.e "! ,,Ji',,'l'. call for lVur. aif1?' c,uro "r " lu''l' and tho otber .tTi;,,ri0r'.."UrU1r' f,a'" WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. r..V5 V!,e.,s! "!"1 IMrlllrr. and tllmuutrii fvrry function lo more lirallliful action, and la thusa bciiHU In alt dlseasn. ""'""i "uu liuu. and licenses, ucluding L'uurrr.. 11. rcrik and olber iMr'x. "" u. r.V..,.'l'!!" "'""' orilin Miininrl., t'oii.tlpnlli,,,, .,.! j,..,,,.'. Ilr. etc.. art, cured by tbe Sale lliliV,.. H i, U'H,'X;?!?1,"?'," PI'li.d rvKulVVISnl" lluttles of lo iltei i prlcea, oo and 61.00. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickly bIvm lint and Merii tnthosutretliif I ration brought on by exct-saivo drink. otir. uora, mental sbiicka, and olber causes. inrKSfUVJili1 ''""op I"l" nud soolbedls. !?i 2S? f,.e!VM I' " Injures tbe sistetu, wlielber taken In small or larue doses. ' ' Bottles of mo sues; prices, BO.. aud Sl.OO. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an Immediate and active sllniulus fnr a TrpiUviiir cure CeitlviDtil. Djif.piU. all" einuu. vir. ths, M.UrU, Ftv.r , aod Agui, and sbiiiild Ivr uwu n ueiie t r IUO lmels do not 0erate freely and reb'Ularly. K. btLrr t IIU rvi,ulr. .urh .mall Ave fur Iburuiigh .ura. , nr. rifc . bui. I llftfArr'. hfi- llrwrdlrtar. 1 Mil.l Ii, llrusil.L k li.l,r. .in. r.rr, Kiirr.. H. H.Warner &, Co., I'roprlrtwr. R0CUE3TEH, K, Y, Till remirktbl mJI. H,tn4 will cum hriviui. l fcp.int.turb, Ca!! ut, ir! 1 nr my n ary ukui, ki r m llm bin . m ttbout biliterii g or cut IliJt A Ml kl lm ily 1 c-rttliity oUillt.u uiHt-iv. J t.lniT lh1ani4Ts tt nd ri. tisovItiiT lh l,ur, h Vriru 1 1 ui. fcnl fur illui. J4rBtcil clnuUr Kit inft potltlvt proof, nil yuiti tietunl ajjeut'itdilriM. ICt-itlalNiu -n Cure U tuhl hy llriiuuUtti or MOYEH IlKOTUP:ilS, Bloomsburg, Pa. Jr itntlslJi nr Trusters. COUNTY. NOVF.LT1KS, Hats, Caps, ttc, For Men and Boys, Pearl Shirts, Under Clothing, Pretty suits for little hoys, Cheap suits for Men, Cheap Overcoats, Trunks, Satchels, Bags, etc. Gum Clothing, etc. nil KHHIIIDllrtW,,,),' I Highest HcJal it Viessa sad Philadelphia. i E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO., S01 Broadway, Kav York. JlanuMciurers, Importers & Healers In r.r. ( II i , i civci, j-iaiuBsviuumsjijrrapuoscopes, niflTlTirirtr.rtoTSTSr. . s. ! fiJ'fiitii.USLUl'JSS m VIEWS j Sntravings. Chr:mo:. Photographs. And kindred goodi-t'elebrltles, Actres.e3, etc., PhotographMaterials WeorelleadrmarteistorcverjUilngln the way of Storaopticons and Maris Lantoms, rnilisti.lii.n. iho best of .lnc!isjn the market lu-au Iful I'lioioyronhlc 'I'rausp ,re,,e. s of siati I an and Knsrrav cfs Jr n,e winilow. ( ("ile.s t.luss. Manur.ieturi rs ot Wlvit Frames for Miniatures and Cou.t'MlUss Picture" ' c.ilalosrues of Ijinterns and Hides, wliu Ulrcc. ..uuu .u. UH.,BIvuvuuiru-iii oi teu cents, J.ltl 0,'NM' Tiir. joiis.sov nr.voi.vixfi Mado of Iron, linnutifiilly orna mented. Adjustable) Hhelvc t heap and slrons Cinnut p out of ohIit I'.uir nui'4 H.'ii I r.ir compltin clreulir and prleo list, heiid 25 cents fur our new Illustrated Cat.iliifin, of Sohool Jlen-handlso. Knrn Aireilf er iiutur tltould Ante it. lAIIER, TEATT fi CO., Headqjarten for all School Supplies, lOOICCAvj;, 112 111 (HUM) STUEU, .F.VT VOIIK. Sepl 1, ly 9 V X'AI.I'l III T'til.ttn..... ' "rn"1:""' Hop IllllrreStilll t'llio Voit, Hup HUiviH wlllgrichtoro Von. fsf" .oniroioiibi us 1 ri, Mllll-iri'iiutliru Vnu. Hop lllllers illlIl..l, o Vim. if-V?.1;,.",!" I.1'" Bdiop, on tlio fara. at th. clcanaln, tuaiotf or Him tn.. nal Jour syste eeds jijiiu.-, sSIIUuilt lUlul. Whut You NcrJ. If younroolJ, anj your licr lh uiutcujy, aoJ j our WpuNa U fpt-Me, fifacultU'H wauluf, i7 - jwurBiacuiuea wauiuk', l!opinii..MllviMouNtI.irOH11avittor. lo'Wf!!;..';'"' '' KMner. 1 I "v". iK UrUtttiiitt J .auioVoniurtXc'a tii..4i.rJnMi.u. ii ,p una,, sir,. c.k a. u,, Jlay j.-io-tf, NEW CURE Soi'imPMon, Asthma. with sump 'llOilE'rroiaurir.Md. feb.o, i, 'w-iy w4co IS 9 of pure .soft l:pmsef i in f !'"wlr i. ii p.- -nth. ui' HI . Hi o t.mt S.'hooi. 1 ol , ,.,.,,,..,.,...,,,,,., v. I'. llli.LMv 1.11, secretary. Weaver & Oo'o Ads M a uirntr It In rrr rue, nmlifri tot ft hnw Irmr (ftnd Iiir it fc di-ci ly rooted It fhM lnlnt rrllf uAk im () ii nt ?i ttti i rf In Irrni flit k tb " na it'ti-rtnn'tr. t- t t L In I 1 r m 1 f ff tHti Hi u If ri. ,irmt tutnilenklaitt n . i i i ) Ml r n . id Late fi A s Id i i , , . . n -1 f ' "i r.i tr I ,Mt(illUl,TZ,(.fiirrlanit liirl s nnd (oj.n UUi I ninKIin M Italilniiiri-f Mu. .1 tt A C INSTITUTE, KatftbltBhciUnl'iTSfor tho euro of 'aiic'r, 'ItniMtrN, Lt'iTn, sc-rnlulii. nnd Skin lllsciifien. wltliout tlio iiBtmf kuifa or loss uf hm mid littlo Iatu. I'ur iuformattmi. circulars ntnl rrlercucrs, udUreea Ur. i". J 1'O.M), Auroru, Jvauo Co., 111. .1 V, , cu. THir. new ELASTIGTJtUSS nuKiiaa urnmri'oin Kitoiiim, i CMp-hMX( with hlf-A diluting H'l the Uern! li U id iorely fl,r ,f.i Bl.6t( ln,i t nlt.kl rarf orr Uia, Jt If aurt,lo anf chrp, hem t mail, tlroulurt ,m- ErjQlcston Truss Co., Chicarjo, III., bopt. 13, 'TH H. .1 & 0. c ON SUMPTION f.n be curi il by tin ronMniu ri hv if (I'-nrin'ri rntj Ltver oil nnd I.acio l"ioiili itc of Mm', u euro fO' ('(HKimpllnn. Ciniirhs Colds, Mhn.a. ltnntoli!ils. and all sen ful'itist (li-i ishk. ,tK oiir ilni'Si fm Osmiin'8 nnd laKr no oilier lr 1ms not i;ot If, I will sfiid 1 buitly nnwlK'iL' on im-lnl of I. -end Tor Circular. Vl.. ,.n-irN, va st'cnili Avi-nue, New York. Nov 21, 'Ty.-Cin j w icu. PI6N0S2 I'livrr. sioolniul II ii k nnlv ?ui f'.'l'i llriT'XIII, 1A M.ip. HM'tft ils, 1 Mii-c Mi-I s Slnul ami lino';, mil f-T.-'iii rn-sMon nr. iTJii. stool Hoot, onlv T" I'lrciilar nut Jice, acMivs. llfNNLLL .t Mll.l.klt. I.uuMjWD, I'll. J.ur.i sin wm OPIUM HABIT . Cured Painlessly. The ino'iWiii" sol.l ror a small mirulii nb.ni'iho rot of oninpniinilli.',' All im-i-s in'ili'il 1. n..i ,ii proscllrluli. ror lull i.iirul.ns uddl uk lliu Uh coc 0", 111! S I! Cfll.l IV ..r Mrs. s. II, I'oliins, La I'oilo Ind fib c-cin w tco FARMERS and rarnuT's sons wanteil $50 to 100 I'kB month .lurlnjj winter and sprlnu'. Vor full inr I t culais address, J. : MiCTHliV i. Co., 1'hll.idelplila , I jV A. CO-lbl ifi'ff' ftf AllKNTS I'llOUT I'FK WEKK Wll siJu.UU'r''. 1- I'llH.'M I' .t I'll,, 'J!s rulloii .-mil New York, N. Y. Jv & eo 4lu I Q .ilii.NTII'.fo.ineis Inire, Illiistratei " per f'l'JIMll.Niui'KUI'I i: i.ir, Adl'NTs NTi:a II. i. Ilisnsi.s, 4J CortlhlH IJMTUII. ,l. i REWARD BVfHS i lilnirt, It.'liii,nr UlnritM i 1'ilrMthfit Dt'llInKH 1'ila J ItfiiH'fty fiihtocure. (Jivus S ilimittiiiilH n iu f. rut-. j nf loiirf fctandiitK in 1 wtt-fc. i v r y i lull fir It tillnio vraj per i wmlril on Hlf A.irfc a lU nf front ti I Jr. J 1' HitUtU M'tnnturf. i hil.t. M lKtttn. S.U I !ldruririi.t. b--nt ty mail by J. 1' Alii 1 1 k M i). Propr., V,iur.'Iuiitli aud AxwU Mb., 1 uj,,!' G1LM0RE & CO., I.'lltlililll',l lsllA Pensions, Incicn-e of Pensions, jidull other cliis-esuft'laiius for soldh A nnd so and nil i.tln.r elm. Ulern' Hi Irs, pr. m cuted vuuitss un hlalup t.ll wii-i-. - i i, dl'O 5-If "" HasliliiBii.n. 11. t'. AN II Paper Hanging. WM. F. HODIXE, mus -t., nuunv .si: oxii, iii.ikimsiil'ko, ia Is prepared to do all kinds ot HOUSE PAI3JITI1VO Plain und (imamebral PAPER HANGING, HOTII 1)UC01IATIVE AND 1'Ul.N'. .ill UIikN il J urnlliiK' lli'iuilt to uml iiiiiiU' us K,ioil as nt.n-, ' NONE IlfT rillST-CLAWi WOllKMEN 1 JIPI.OYEI) Sstimatca lMado on all Work, WM. F. UOniNE. Oct. 1, 1ST9. gUSUVFiiS CAHD3 VISITIKa CAltUB, LKTTSK UBAD3 HILL HEADS, rosTKItS, c Neatly and Cheaply printed at the Colum bian Office. i .i 4 rirDFLiHr"" $1)r. SANrono'a liin:n Ikti ;a ; J is n Stumlnril Family lliiirt ily fi j $ iliscri3en of IhoLiri r. Stoinnoli . 1 ' 1 ii r. 1 - t. r jniiu aiuH uiu. i is i tircty jVcgctnblo. It novcr V i iyouiui.aw.tt it, la 5 Citli.irtic nnd 7Tonlo. 1 V r five'r VV Iiirigorator? 5 "ua uet-u US J in inv iirnrHn l.na . 9 PJ?nnd by tho public,; for more than 3.1 vr M with tinnrcccdontpil tic.i.'i) SEND FOR Cincill f.r, - S S, T.W. SANFORD, M.D., Jflw??.!' ' 1 t ixTiiRti.cisTniLi.Tr.ii.iofirsiifn riiim ' ' rIAIL ROAD TIME TABLT N .Toi:riii:i:. CENTl'.AI, HAILW W1KTKK TI.MF, TAIII.i:. On nnd nfler suridiy. .lime 'J5, 17?, the n i on tnel'liPadeiphlaA; Lrle i:.t IruidDliislonw. i u as rolloivs : WEsTWAlll). Eric Mall leacs l'lillndelohli 111 p. " " II irrlsbuiir 4 2.". at " " Wlill.nu jmrt .r. a . " " .lersey -hor u in a i " " hoek llaen li 40 1 u ' ' Hcnuo II 11 " arrive at Ih lo I p n Niagara Express le.iies I'hlladelpliU s no ., 1 ' " llarrlsftirir U in .1 . " arr. nt Wllllainspurt y.'". p n ' " lock llaen .1 p . Fast Line leaves t'lilladelt hi i II 10 a m " IhrrSljurir 3 ii.1 p 11 " arrive at vi:ilamsiiort 7 v.i p 11 " " l.wk llaen S 4i p n EASIWAUI). Pacific Express lean's Lix-k Haven 7 hi a n .icrsev. ioro , .1 . .1 1 . " " llll.imipoit " arrlc at Ilarrlstiuri: " " I'hlladclphla Hay Express loaves " " iMk Ilaen " V llil.iinsport " arrlieat llarrlbur,' Plilladelphl.i Erie Mall leaves llenovu " " lAtcklltcn " " Minitosnurt " crrliesat llariMiurs' " " I'hllfldelplila East Lino loaves v I'li.iiusport s is a 1 U"'. p 1 : 4i p i. 11 20 n 11. li 40 11 1 4 'o p II : z.i p 1 1 5 40 ll II l p 111 11 III I :. la.: tin ' 1 urnesai ii.ii 1 isuur " ' rhllaiiolpnla '" .1 111 7 4" 11 11. Erie Mall west and llav Exi ress East ln.ike conni ct Ions nt Northumberland wilh L. iV II. 11. 11. trains ior i'KOsb.trre mid f-ei anion, Erie Mall West, Niagara Express West and I 1-1 Llln1 West in ike elui. 1 ontiei linn nr WIMli.tnr.ori wilh N. u. It. trains liorih. Nl lL'ara Express Weht and Ilav Evr.rrws I nuke close toumcliun at Lock Haven with II. 1 V 1. ii. trains. Erie Mall east nnd Wes ronneet nt Fro. vlt!. trains on I., s. s M. ,s. It. u; at t'orrv Willi t). 1 . . V. It. 11. ; at, Lmporluiii wilh II. N. . a: 1". li. li. and at Ullftuood with A. V. II. li. Parlor ears win run between l'hl'.a lelphl 1 aid rtlllam-puit on Masraru Lxiuess west, and I)a E. press hast, s-icepiuir cars on nil nlht trains. -i. A. lini.inl, tieueral bui 1 . N JOKTIIi:i:X CKNl'KAI. ItAII.WAY UU.Ml'AN. o and nfler Novetubi r 20th, ls73, trains wld ica siinbury ustullos 1 NOI'.TIIWAKI). E1I0 .MalU.vo a. in., arrlt KUnlra II .r. " Can.indalgua. . 3,jftp. n llotliesler s.l.s " Niagara P tu " icenovo necominodai Ion 11.111 u. 10. ariUe i.iuiu port is Ai p. m. Eliulra .Mall 1.15 a. m., arrive Elmlra 10.20 a. tn. UuCalo Eipress 7,15 a. in. an 1 0 lluffalo s.50 a u SOL'TIIWAHD. ' Uurlalo Expreos 2.r.u a. m, arid e I larrlsburf " Jlaltlinore s.40 mintrajlall H.15 a. m., nrihe Ilarrlsburi; i.mi " Wiibhlnirtou 10.31 " IiaItlmoieo..io " Washington IlarrUburu accouimodatlon burt;lo,top. in, ' arrUe llalllmore " Washlnt'tOLCUi ti'rio Mall 12.55 a. m. arrive Ilarrlsburi; 3 05 a. ta " llalllmore 8.40 " " WaslUngton 10.35 " All dally except Sunday. U. M. UOYD, Jr., (icncral I'assencer A.'i 0 A. J. CASSATi'. General Maua- r piIILADKIil'IIA AND KKADING KOAI) AllHANGEMENT OF FASSKNGEJt .May II, 1S70. rKAIKa I.EAVK Hl'rEKT AS 1 OLI.O mtl'NDAT fcXCBrTHI Eor New York, Philadelphia, Heading, l'oilsillle Tninaqua, ftc, 11,15 a. m For Cattnlssa, 11,45 u. in, 7,21 and 7,35 p. tu, For Wllllamsport,ii,2S 9,05 a. m. and 4,oo p. m. TKAissroa nci uuT lkati: as ioiujwb, (sikpav ej I. SITED.) Leave New Y'ork, S.43 a. ra. Leave Philadelphia, 9,4.1 a. m. Leave lieadlos, 11,55 a. m I'cttsvllle, I2,sg p. n and Tamaqua, l,f5 p. in. Leave c'atawla, c,2u s,M a. ra. and 4,oo p. m. lJa; e WtUUinspui t,0 43 a.m,2,13 p. m. awl 4,60 p. tn I'oaai ns-ers to a nd from Now York and l'hlladil phla tu throug.i a ithout change ot cars. J. E. WUOTTEN, C. (1. HANCOCK, UCI1CrUl M'maffir (Jt-ntminckt't Asent. Jan. li, i70 tr. D E.I.AVAKE, IjACKAVt'ANNA AM HI..1IMI.S IIA11.1IUA1I, l!LO0MSUUll(i DIVISION. Tlme-Tablo No. as, Takes effect at 4:io A. M MONDAY, Jl'NI! 10, ISIS. MOUTH. bTATIO.Ns. hill Til p.m. p.m. a.m a.m. n m. p.u y so 4 12 u 2.1 a 11 O OS S is 3 51 s tl 3 40 8 46 3 4' 12 41 12 .11 8 33 3 80 b 13 3 10 II 111 sernnlin u n .. ., Itellevue ia tl ......Taj lorvllle . 9 43 2 21 i ' . .1 Jlt.k'IIU 1.111. o ., .. .. , t 37 30 0 21 9 19 9 11 HtlHtOU... "'. 0 6S Vli 0 40 .. wesintiston.,.1 2 41 0 41 .... njuiniUE 110 07 2 4J (I -ai Jlaltb.v Heunetl KlliKkton 10 IS .. .Klnifbion .in 33 ..I'll mouth .1 line. I i 5.1 5i , r.s o m 7 lo 7 i- ! 's 7 .5 7 .3 7 44 s 14 9 01 6 41 3 15 3 10 S 23 3 20 S 55 ...I'l.. tnoiiiu .... 10 20 3 13 $ 12 3 12 s 111 3 04 8 47 - .umtwio 'li' ai 8 20 i.f'.uunioi'k s reek. 10 41 ss -Milckhhlnuy 10 ri 8 III IllcK'B l iriy... 11 07 8 12 ....Ucaeli llinen... 11 13 S 00. llerulek .... u a llrlar t'reek 1 ...willow drou'.... . ! LlmeHlde J i .......Wy 11 ;,9 7 3 ...Iilooiiisbiiri: 11 43 7 38 Iiuifrt. ..ai 5 7 51 V M 7 34 7 2 7 21 7 is 7 14 7 10 7 02 C Ml 0 5l 0 43 0 27 3 50 s 25 8 13 S.HJ 3 84 2 2s 4 03 4 10 S 13 4 IS 9 "5 7 13 i 29 7 2J 4 8,1 4 il 4 49 4 ft-' 7 ."i I 44 s UI S i2 s 51 a i'i i ti 1 M 1 4l 1 27 . "Ainiinists iiriue.lll 51 6 O' 1 111 lunvlllo 112 IS 6 IS s 21 uumasuy , 9 is 9 51 t J Cameron.. .1 u m 111.1 0 5i.NorlhumberUud.l 45 6 45 11 hi C 15 C 110 1 00 P.m. p.m. a.m. cm, rum b.10 S'ipirlutendMt'8 OMoc.'i&iut'ou? Juiuo VisS . W. Y. HALM! HAD, iupl YAI.WVUIGHTACO,, WHOLESALE OKOCEllS, 1'UII.iliiLI'lllA, Dealers In TEAS, HYHUrS, COFFEE, SUOAlt, MOUSSES, BH K, hriCS, B1CABB SODA, tC., t N E. Corner Kecond and. Arch etreeta, urordera will receive prompt attention. i 1.4 U 1 LI V ' Ui Tit 9 tl -' 4 ..- . s i v nil rj u uw . i" .ift' -ti mmwm v w i i n n i n u am mm iWi. ..jfirjl