The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 12, 1880, Image 3

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    lull mnuvrs jjiiiiuwv ha i , o ivjUxMojd u itur, i - ".ua i, L'Sl.
iii.oonsnmtti, t itin iv, m tut 11 u, isn
Call Kotitt Time Talilc
..ACKAWANMA & lll-OOMSllMill ItAll. 110AD
Accommodation Train 13 A.M.
Mall Train 4.40 1. M
Fast 1 rain 1!.M M. IM.iA.M
Kxpri'Ss Train O.V) 1'. M.
' north, ftnrrit
Accommodation Train o,w A, M. 7,80 I'. M.
licsntnr Impress 4.1-0 l'.M. 11,45 A.M.
TlironKh cars on llxpresn train cltltcr to New York
or rniladclpltlc. Accommodation train runs between
"atawhsu and Wllllainsport.
f'Atintil and lli.ooMnriiti. Leavo L'umbra Monday,
W'dnondny HDd 1'tld.iy at f.:tn. m., nrrtvoat
Illootnsburif by tltatia. in. I.ea3 I'.liximsbuiK on
Kaino days arter arrival of 1'htlndelplil.i mall.
llLonustii'iul ani I.AiKitsvtitE, t.eavo I.alrdstllle)
Tit'-siley. 'Iliurstliv nnd Saturday ntTtBtt a. m
antvtnt? at Itloomsbtirer ty w m. I.oavo Hluonn
burtf on fiam(Ml.ija after arrival of PnrladHpMn
mall Pally mall from Hloomsiurg to .MUKIllt-.
lli'ntnn and Ulnoinsburff. A dally statte I'no loatlug
Denton In tho morning ami returning lntlio di
ning of the samo day.
Viiitb lleix ami litottMstinin.- T.oavo Vitt(i Hall
Tuesday, 'Ihurwlay and natunlay nt C:'i n. in.,
arriving nt llloomsli'irtr by 10 a. in. Leave Hlonms
burg un aauic da alter arrival of rtillndelplila
Iientov aip m.ioMnvKn. tmtves Henton Monday,
Wednesday nnd l rldiy ntfl a. in., arriving at
lilooinsburg nt 2 p. in. Leaves liluomsuiin Hies
dav, Tnursilay nnd ttaturaay ut 9 a. in., arriving
nt llsntonatap. in.
l't'DLlt,' SAUM.
.1. 11. ltnliisnn, esecittor of Iletpy itol.isult,
iteeeneJ, will nell roil estate in lJlucui-ti n g,
on Sntunlny, March 20tlt at 10 o'llock n. in.
1! 1' .arr, Ailinitii'lrn'or ol M. W. Xu,
ilecciseil, will S'll nlunble loil istue on tin
rtrcmi"Cs in llljonil)urg on
11!, ISM).
Samuel N'oylmnl, Ailiiiiiilstrntnr of Piirnit C
Sliiiltz, will sell valuabla loal etH! on tlie
premises in Ccntreville, Culumliin uuunty on
Saturday, Jlnnli 27, 1S50.
.1. Dean Cole will ieraoiil pinpe tv tv
public pale nt liis tcsidcnccin Sugarli'Kl tuv, n
pbip on We-ilue-tlay, .Man It !U, lSbO.
I. 1. Krickbnmn, pxtcntor c.l AmlrsT,!
low, of Huntu gton Valley, Luzoi nc couii y
will sell renl estate on the prtu.ises on Satur
day, ilnrcli 27, 1SS0.
S. . Smith Trustee of Catharine A. Lmnon,
will expo'e persjnal properly to Mile at tli r-et
idence of Win. I.iiinou in llrinrcteek township
on Wednesday, Match 17, IPSO.
Dr. Clyde next Tuesday evening.
Kastcr falls on Sunday, the 2Sth of litis
Petitions and bonds fur license for sale ai
this office.
Slow fell all day on Tuesday
id alto on
The omwer to the liibh
last week, was correct.
riddle, pnblidied
The Methodist Conference
Alloonn this week
is in pun inn at
Snow fell for peroral hours on Sunday,
melted ns fast as It readied the ground.
Ashland has conlr ibuled $31 to (he sttfle'
ers of Ireland, but the lown papers say they
intend to swell that amount to $1,0C0.
It is reported that the Kculing railroid com.
pany has leased the New .Jer.-ey Central tail
Handsome Window Cornices with patent
extension, mailt) to lit any sized window, lur
sale nt O. A. Clark's.
Stem winding watches ns low as five ilo'hrs
at L. Dentin ril'a Jewelry Slur-. Also, aline
t-election of cameo nnd nlher linger rings.
James Kiclly bus sol 1 his lurber shop uniler
the City Hotel, and intends going west. Ola'
co Cameron is running tho shop.
Itst week Friday was .1 genuine March day
The wind blew a prrftet gale. Chitnnt-ys were
blown down, tries broken and much damage
done in different parts of lite country.
That game of "Fifueii" Is piuz'ing fine 0
our people consulerihly. No one Iihs bei-n ie
moved to tho 1) tuvillo asylum yet on account
of it.
Oo and see "The Dtnilis" In-night nt the
Opera Ilou-e. ll is highly spolcn of by tin
pre. Ihe company contains many ociors o
Anifl'irl is being made to have the Sltauin
kin tiwn conn il order n ppicial eleeiion to tie
ride whether ihe borough shall be lighted up
with street lamps.
Counlv out of dibt, $S,7-10,.'tS in Ihe Tren--
nrv at the cotniiifnceiiienl t,f the yenr nntl SI
732 77 surplus in the t-heep fund a gonli-bovi
itiL' and bright prospects f tr the fulttie. Wyo
ming Democrat.
Now is the limn tn do vour wall paperinc
and at G A. Clark's is the place to mnkfymti
purchases, llo tins 011 lianil a new ami nut
.usirtinent of tho latest s yles in paper
Call early anil make your selections,
We nre pleased to announce that dpt. C. 11
llroekway is almost entirelv recovered from his
rtcenl severe illness, and will soon bo able to
attend to business. Ho is 0110 of tho few met
who have bad an opportunity of rending tbeit
own obituary nonces.
ltefolutions of condolence for publication
must In nil cases either bo accompanied with
$1 00 in ca-h, or the protubo of some respon
sible person to pay the same. Tho large mini
bcr of communication of this kind that come
in almost weekly requite m to adhere to thb
rule. We must either print all or refuse nil
This rule puts all on an equal footing.
Il has been discovered that the hold citttir
In II. I!. Chflin it Co's establishment in 'ew
York has been stealing goods from them for
the last tbiee yean, amounting in all to about
$40,0110. In cleaning up the fcrnps he put
silks and other fine coods In the rag bag and
sold them.
The l'hiladelphia and Heading railroad en
gineers have been surveying tho routo for n
new road from Shaniokin to Dniville : a link
which will materially rliorlf n the distance be
tween lite Mnbanoy coal field anil the west and
northwest. The route selected is said to be
about twenty miles long.
The managers of the Opera House are deter
mined to secure first class entertainments fo
the benefit of the people, and their efforts
should be appreciated. Powers' Dr. Clyd'
Company do not often play at places the size of
this lown, but wire got bote by (pedal tllor!
Kvcrybody in town, and all those In adjoining
villages ho enjoy fun should t-euio thlsoppur,
tunlly to tie Dr. Chile on the lfiih.
I,at week Thursday afternoon n llttlo boy
abotit three Tears old named Franklin Fotilk,
was found drownod in a barrel nt water at Da
vid llmbst's in Scolloun He had bten tni'st-d
for only a sboit time when loine member rf
the family went to look for him. and found bis
bat on tho top of lie water. Tho child was
dead when discovered, llo was a son of Har
rison Fotilk, and bis mother djing, Mr. llrob.t
whose wife is the child's aunt, look the little
boy to caro for. He is said to have been a
bright and interming child, The funeral 01
turrtd on Saturday.
It Is now taken for granted that the old Com
pany store, formerly owned nnd run by Water
man ft Co., of the I'ennnvlrinla Iron Wotk-,
Is to be nhnttti'ititil by the urn II in, who have
liiirchMod the right and title of the ad ve
workt, ns won ns nirarstiufnts can be nude
Mi.factory todoso.-7J(inn;;,'W.
Not Conm.-cr The following inrnjr.ipl.
his appeared In a number of pane's i 'The
pos'ma- ergrncia! ln ln-ntd a det t that no
more mt 'ab e innttrr cm be put upon the
train t il li fiim pa-m llnoogh ihe po-. oflin
f om wlir e it li wit.'
This ' not (onc , no such order luring
en -i id.
l.j'l T iday i'ttnoon while In Danville we
lleds' the Jmerifmi offlte. Th's Is a we'l
tet ked a ,d e rrgu' .tnl tstablishinenf Their
ni'tlt! e-v ' run by water power. As e con
trui 'a p i" i i g ;,i a water motor rs snon as
f ( i'i i' to wa a.-. Mr lishly the juu'o
lit ire helmf iron sU pltn ocej( oiii
h inks for cou ir-s euown and infnima'lon
, vhi rottcernin? tluli' water hel,
fa ma' 'i'v ef .he Town conrc'l
' " i n ith the w a i c m-a
in ntal
fn a v i
. v i w '" for fi a ivii pose, nte- s
iippr.i'.i i. n i : i la g nmjir '. t
ownets aid tt payirs. N K n e
n WO do n it believe the tu'tti vi,l
p' ,t
k- "
evi f be willing to have the Bnty cutoff,
sin ltl.0f ITEMS.
Mi. Wo'le 11a fftyho constable from I.sirI.
1", 't. s ed a man bv the nmna of lt i-ln-p.
ei g a ItotsH nntl ano bet t'liare on
Satniil' 1-tnbnr fiven'tb-tk p m, The mill
il' i'4 'lain tha.iie tt'pen e- and
hen the on-ta'dc t" ived be ws in the won.t.
. s 1 He w t rittireil a: er n long
i e si.d 1 1 '.nt sh..l at nn.e.
A pert of Is't weik, the North Mountain .
ai tiling w tb my iada of pigtons bat they
apparently have lei; aga.n.
, I-lTTLllJoV.
iM"or7AT to .irsTics op tiiu peaci:.
an i tb r'-'cti has hern itnni rtd bv
!' M n iitiicrv rnlintv, to the r-
! ei li
MWiifftj 'Kiiti) ate o't a ntd htfoie
- 'o w i, i on Ifbo , autlan appeal t.ihm
Itiitii tie tic. v.ih'. nil out! bv the (lebii-'an
u ' -tt d'd .tnd e. t up wltli 't afli id "g
n ' - tun f ile nv. b t hecau-e he ttt 'ti.
ni'tnt ce ens t ten tlr-re linn i unit hit ne-, nni
lit) it li't ti nt.
tod shnll not be mi
ie eosii. but for ma dtbt nntl cot. Th"
is In coini'litii t e with ihe Act ol Apiil 20 ll.
A cotrHnondent o' the Wishing' tit P i
givt n iiit'lliti'l ot sot tt'g 'tie i feu pi'71; e.
nit cb wu.le nut anSKcrini: tho leal ttt tie
Ulei'tsf.' llie ca-e riacltes a im1.i--h ' , cot.c'tl
ii It in fit'. "1 moves. The ioriep ii detit as.
iimos It. n : tho bocks are ill the 'n-oliil-Ie"
..... . . ' .1...
pi -itl'in, mat is. ttt regnnr u't'er, mic 111:11 ine
I .we-1 tie tent's 13, 1.1. 1-1. lie : 'Have
me box 0 Hand towant on ; ins- inme
lown, 1 to the right. 13 up, 12 to lite b .
biwit, 1 In the 1 'gin, 111 lip, S to the It I,
d wn. 5 to the 13 1111, 11 to the e . 0
l .wn, S 10 ihe, 15 up. and von Maud in
music Hive ordei w th the lut line 13, 1 1, 10.
Oeg in iiig v iib tho 1 in the 1 glit-lianit corn-
The te'ilir tiinntb'y meeting of the Tosn
t'liiin-il w., held on edntsdav tiening -Ms en
ltd. I S. Kt.hii President and all the mem
bers wi re present, tne tinnules of last nieei.
mar wete reid and Bin roved. Mi. Drinker
moved thai oidiniince N... 2-1 lelat've to the
e , 111 hrcnml -irtet lit tne u- r-
u 1 Si-" 1 htiil om "! "in inieiii'ts ' Detent
cr lT'.i atid J i' nnrv 15S0 ee pas-ed nnd pm
nt 1 .ti "I. ate mini hi M . Kv.nn and ta. r e"
, '.1, .in. '.s v. Mr. C W. Miller be ng pre.
snt as a. orney fir Henry Yost and J. S.
.irus who petition for the vacation ofStemet's
il.ev extending from Fifth street to Kat street
id-ging that by reason of the opining of Fiftn
-tni'i slid portion of said Sterner' ailrY ha
.ie.i me u-eless and inronveiiient, a-ks thai 11 1
Town t, 11 ,1 r il pa. an al this nice
11 g In vacate suit por.'.on of Sle-ner's In.
Mr Milhr al-nst'itm thai Yost 11 id Lixrn.
no the only pn lies who would be in'trr-ted in
inettii t on nf .a'.d alley, he Hurt-ore mski.
,ie r.ipts-t thai the sa d onliuanre be pi.-.d
11 'his meeting as afo'Ciid wiihout anv f . n-
,-r iioiit-, and 'tftbr that nil co-t and expi"
- . ioiurted hy the T"ivn Conttil In the pa
'gj.tiid ptiblieat on 1 f ordinance No 25 wi I be
'i 'tit, bv lb,- ti i,i nuking this app'teaiii 11
I r ugh him. On m. lion cf Mi-r. D'inkei
nil 1 11-bin' the i.rd it ante w as.ed nnnn
nousR On motion the fo lotting bill weie
ordned paid :
J. J. Itrowtr, reni, oath', Ac, S12 Jo
t'. O. Iiukley. soltci or, 6WU0
Kim 11 & lin eiibender, printing, 2.00
I!.ootiiburg Gas Co., street lamp', -11 3'-
' " eat and lamp til s, 73.20
M. C. Woodward, constable. 10.3:
I) unci Imock, po ice, f'.OO
Uettiin 01 Street Commls-loncr, &'-S
Secretarv's silarv. 10 00
Mr. Fun-Ion anil Mr. IJttle cotiiinitlie Irotn
the lllooin.btirg Water Cotupiur weio present
mil tupiclcd nclion of ihe Ctiuucil upon the
nutter of supplying tho town with water fot
protection iigiiust lire, saying that aition in
the premises is desired now for the n n-on that
ihe Water Company Is about dosing out their
contract lor the erection of the water works
and that they retpiesi Ihe determination of the
council before March 15, a. to ih'lhtr ll
town will tako water (or fire proteittoii : as nt
or before that lime ihe Walir Company must
lecide in litis rerpect. After some discussion
il was agreed upon inulion of Messrs. Drinker
tnd Holmes tint council adjourn to meet luet
I iv evening Mjrch !), at sevm o'clock to con
sbler the subject of w iter-
March Uth. Council met pursuant to ad
journtnent. Pre-ent, 1. S. Kiihii, l'rtBidcnt,
mil nil tho members. I ho object of tho men
ng being to tako into consideration the matter
of supplying tho town Willi water, lo bo a pro
tectton against fire, Mr. Holmes ottered the
following resolution: "Jieaoivs, Hint tho prop-
or officers ol the Council ate hereby authorized
to make n contract with the Illoomsburg Water
Company for the use of firo plugs and water to
protect ihe town ngaist lire 011 t'-o following
terms: Tho Wnter Company shall erect at
least forty plugs in dihVrent puts ot tho town,
to be located by their engineer and contractor,
in conjunction with a cotntnitiee selected by
thet to mi council, so as lo provide a proper
supply and distribution ol'nater from the plugs
for use upon an occasion of lire, and .hall pro-
vide a sufficient bend or lurce at all timoa, to
drive the water from the plugs, with at least
the force of an ordinary steam tiro engine Ann
the town shall pay therctor thu biiui 01 eigut
hundred dollars for n period of sir months
comitiencing on tho first elny of October next,
or such other date us tlto water company snail
havo sullicienily progressed in the con-truction
of their works to be prerared to supply water
I for tho puri'oses herein mentioned.
Mr. Shnrpless moved to amenu uy mnmng
the amount to be paid 0110 hundred dollars per
month for the period of six month, which
amendment was seconded by -Mr. hvana. t'pon
coiiBideiation, Jlr. hlmrpless wltlidrew n'
anienduient, and the original resolution was
voted upon wtiti me lottuwing resuti: ..lessi..
.1 .1 . i 11 ...t ..1. 11...,.-..
Kuhn, Ilolmoe, bharplo ami LocKaru voting
yea, ami Drinker, Itabo and f.van voting nay,
win reupon tho re-olution was declared adopt
ed. Ou motion adjournedt
TUESDAY, MAlHnn, 18S0.
Mil. .T"IIN 11. Mtilll Ittl liie the lmnor nn" pleas-
",re lB" BUh """ rn"
M ESTS Uo ,msl,urf. bj uir,rlaai h'sn eo-
lerulhmeut, tn titiiia.iiiT aid iHLiiiHtril.
which iiltlbpreen!e( e- n. '-in all ltaitstls
I' wm nrribicnl In Ne Vi .Boa and riillaiel
phla, It willliepu-HMedliv
a tltorouthlv good lii,.in.uio Company,
lite ltt Ihn! hiu reer n.MW ai in Wonmibiirg.
Mr, Mlrtler aMilroa tliennmion l)!t.
fifo itvH-en im'M Ihe JAW Ohnrmlnj Tfatchm
Kotl'htnd!ng taa nciwaw d( th'i company,
thero will ba no anvance 'a pnee-ssao.
OttillSANCR SO .
Tie it oninirt rmtl naelri hy rtf pivic'' f
the Tmn af W.wmsi.' ; mi i it haeby i
fcjt rt'' tit y hfiiht im,
.IXI01 1 I lift oil ! ' be riii-ppd snd
px end -I i all an ' al"- the P oi"- v lie
of M A.Sid, no own-.1 be J 1. Di on.
In aeftirilanro th the dm efSinmel Xey
ha'd ami the I' M. A. Siiyd-r. da l
the It'll tlav o''M', A. I) 1S75. as f-lovs :
1' r-', :i i t ex.nt ' "g a'ona ti o - of the
Xo tnllfeeimo- p'opc-v. sotith degiees.
e-i the wim e ' "gin o' he resr ! ii" or ti p
I Km ntal Kvnnu1 nore 'y and H ,y
Iter in the sntnfl !' -fftion t nlv, "1 01
;''"' g lie foulberli 1 ui U of lite Noun.!
S - cnOi' p iipe ty 10 the aiiic'. nlieady opened,
'i sa d street to be 60 tet In w nth. Sfronil
ft ten in tne nsture of an etlen- on of Secuid
tteet e watil of Ihe fMi'innl r-cnonl grountts
loeiieml -oat the eet al esdy meutinnid.
tne et'ti .e line of a:d s rut rtinn-encii g 165)
feet rom the outhat corner of the Normal
Scho ', prnpe ly, north 01 degree instand
of the niiitil of 52 fee1. 30 lee
SrcTto.v 2. 1 1n; the S ree. Cnuiii- o'ur be
sit'iio- ted io nn'ice o tee ownrrs ot ttte
Und to 1 tire 'it he'r hit il and to ictiuie tne
'encea- me end of 'he sine trw open on the
'Mini klile of lue Normal Seii"il grotint's In
.It tytlais .out the I'me of g i n? tho fote-
g "tr'ie.
A; t-i s I'tui. K. W'', 1. S Kt'HN-,
Sti'-titv. l'ribleitt.
Illooinahiir;, March 3d. 1S30.
an' immxANCK to v.u-iti: a roimov ok sti:i:-
.VI K' Al.l KY.
He it tirJdinM itnif eiote e, hy 1 -e 7'.,ww Council of
Ihe 'J'.'Vtn nf !lonmlmrt ami it in to eby enadetl
by ( 'Art. ily ot' the snmc
Skction 1 Tut th t po ion of Sterner'
Wei cxtt tiding fmm tne e-t side of Ks-t
S lert. tx.einlu'l to its lntc -ei ton 'Mill bif.h
.lieit, bo and Is herehv vaei ed.
A'te.. : Paul K. 1. S. Kuiik,
Ssi'i.i'y. Pre-ioent.
Ilboinsbti'g, Maich 3.1. 18e0.
II. J. C Ink is dividing the second Ibor of
stnie bnllilin,- into neat and conveniini
Will send their ceilt.,iul I.ltciro-VoHa'e
He t- to the afllicitd niton 30 days iriil. Spenly
cnies guaranteed. Tney moan what ihcy say.
Write to them wiihout dlv- Nov. 21-ly.
lilt. CLYDE.
lilooniillirg is 10 be treated to a first class
en ertsinmei't I lie play of "Dr. Chile" will
oe gTvett at 11 e Opeta II01 -0 on Tite-day cvut-
ng M irch 10 it. Speaking of lb s p. rloimance
an Alltntoun paper .ay : Kety ono expoct
ed to see an amusing and humorous perfor
mance, and in litis itsieet none were di-tp-
pon tod, as it pioveil to be lite most enjoyablp
en ertainment of the season. It abounds In de-
'gnt ul scene, and agncable situations to such
an extent that the spectator finds no leisure to
winittr ''what is coming next," but is kept
btt-y in noting the limui ous points and giving
ettt lo uncontrollable miith. The saying ot
II -gin-, though l'teqitc't'tlv commonplace, nre
invested w h a d oil. v anil ninth tnss, tb ti
enile s tbiiii iritsi-tib e, aid inst.nlv there
a-e loud roars of laiii.liiir throne. hoot the
Iton-e. Il cut safely be said that tune 1 hut
one Jo"ti F. Wifd, and that's ilivg it, the
h'ctni' man The character id' "Di'. ( ly tr"
was made reatis ic bv ihe nrtisttc iinpeisi a
ion "I'll T. Tmner, H ,td, e del.'hul
il tiucompromi-ing, th"!1' itghlv I'evon-d In
'b t:es imposed upon him bv Ivs ptot.ssion, yot
he I. a man of tnauv ii"b'e and gcoerous iut-
ptl se-. nnd his patbe ic d, script ton 1 fft death
bed scene was vvid anil impr, s-ive. Th' se are
the ten ml figines in tb ply. ami alwty in-
ily biol.fril for. The idher parts were well
stis all oil ispicinlly tho.u of Totbuny S'tnttis.
ilto ardent though b.shl''il lov.r, anil l-'mdy,
tho din tor' daughter, uh'-se capriciousit, ss in
lovo mtv be and to have tinelv portrayed the
condition of lite voung maiden of the period
hIicii siti'lleii wilb the lender passion. Many
of tho sketthes depicted nature In glowing col
ors See their announcement in another col
umn. AMiritY ITEMS.
Your reporter called the other day to sro
Mr Ileiijimiti Pealcr tortiierly of ibis place
who for several months has hetn Fullering with
scrofulous affection, and whose ricovery
wa despairi d of by her friends and all who vis
ited her. She is now ripidly regaining her
health under tho s'lillftil ctre nnd Irtattnmt of
Dr. C. W: Amcrman. of Orangoville.
S01110 of lite people of this place visited the
Methodist parsonage at Oiattgeville on Sittir-
dav 2slh nil., with the intention of surprising
their pitor, and the thing proved a success,
fur while their pastor and official members as-
seniblce! at the church tu fettle up the finances
of the church the ladies and gentleman met at
the parsonage and arranged ami spread the ta-
ble with the bounties of lletiven. Wo accom
pauied Mr. Clees home and expected to en'
0utc of his good buckwheat oakes for supper.
To our nmazcnient nntl surprise wo found In
stead plenty o. bread, cake and pies of all
kinds Ac., together with a purse of S15.13 with
w,it., l,e intends purchasing religious hooka.
t)10 n(.xt day our pislor found hi way to hl
appointment nt Asbttry, complained of feoiin
miserable in body. I do not wonder that he
fdt bail lite viny he moued away lite good
things, we did not expect to hear inuchprincli
I ng out of him. We weio agreeably illsnf
pointed for bo handled hi subject well and wo
think be will recover again without any
rious danger of body
We ia, anmii srpl-,0 M ,,,. l(m o( r.l
Jtobliin-i nenr Ihe above mentioned place for
tne purp0se of pnyh g respecl to Mrs. J.ytlia
I jtubblii ulioae litrtli day n 10-day making
ilf,r s;! ,car4 old. a good old nre. She Is very
tmtt rrmarkalily so for one of bcr age. May
,,0j UeJ, on, ,.r,mflirl ,e jow :., ,11 ilfr ar.
dictions and make her last due s her best and
iapnlest days that sho ti nv live hsnnv. die
forgiven, and one day meet nil her children
ttm ,er relative ami friend In Heaven
There was about 40 1 ersons whe celebrated her
birthday, the most of wbcm were corniclod
ll(,r Children, grand children and great grand
I .... . .
ci,iiare, bv a presented Willi unny pre.
enu logether with a nice sum of silver b und
u,ijer ,er p),te for whiih she returns to bcr
- umuy friends her siuceie thanks.
Mr. II. P. M. llirkitibinc c infractor with
Ihe Water Compsnj. is in town making ar
range me .la to l eg .i w rk
Nu 1 1 K,
All peain bo'd g n e-s 1 f the l'i-'i'ft-
cteek Sbool Dlsir 1 1 1 I 0 -e pre. in t ilnin
for paym'iit nn tn b foe Aim ll, IStO, a.
In, ft est ill cea. on lb t i'n e.
C, W. Miller K-q., iiii'king so tie tle'il" !
iiiiprovitne.ifs in In Is olllte h waln-co 1 ng
the s ties and laving n floor ofwlnnt and oak
in ol etna e ii . mil conipliled ii will be
th handsomest oiTlce In bum.
liAat XoTlcls A I p-r-on inlelfed to the
otate of Peter Kn , ilecen'cd and to Kut
flro her are hereby notifhd tint th"enccoiints
must be paid by May 1st or coi will be in-
our ed. ( all nt my office al IMoHmbtirg.
March 6 if V. II Kkt, Ail hi,
llllltU'lCK LITlTEIt.
Kn-. Ooi.fMBUN :
The mihjeet of l)ihp Iliwinan' Isclttro
lOine time since as "Itnlia" not "Judea" ns
our lei er Inst week had it.
The " retinescetns'' wete in town last
Thnrplftv ettfcjlng. Tueir siiiglti - was highly
l'oitnclryville w the oeno of a sanguin
ary enrottn er one day last week between
two men an nil onie trespassing hogs. A
gun In the bands nf ono and nn nx in the
bands of lite tr.her ctvorteel right vigorously
until bo: It agreed upon an armistice, retiring
from the fleltl with blotxly bead nntl bruised
Dr 1! r has aweakne for horse llesb,
especially fast hrrse, and generally has very
giiml mck, He know s a good horse by his
points, anil tho horse-dealer vainly trie to
bn I elnge him. He bought a 2.00 nag the
oilier day with which he hoped to nstonisli
tlio town, Ho succeeded ntlmirably. He
Is looking fur somebody who wants to buy n
2 50 steed.
Dr. Little nntl W. K. Smith claim tn have
the "boss" boat f ir 'Mucking" and bass fish
ing It I made of canvass, I twelve feet
long, we gbs forty. live pound nnd will carry
(HO pound- dinning four inches of water,
I maybe parked In a chest, tho size of a
suit trunk, nnd can be made ready for ue
in five iiiiiiutet- They gave it ft trial on
Monday lat, and fuiintl it lo be nil that
could be desired. Price, $3.1 00, delivered
at the nearest 11. 11, office. Dr. 11. H. Ut
ile is the ngeut.
The elegant home of Mr. and Mrs. 11. F.
Crispin was invaded last Friday evening by
a host of invited guests to make merry in
music, games and converse, nnd right well
was ihe ullitir ettjoytil. the hours passing
like moment. The moms wero brightly
illuminated mid gaily festooned with ground
pine. Tho table, laden with various trop
ical fruits, confectionery, cakes, cream, ices,
etc., weio arranged with all the exquisite
taste inquired by worliipper of the decora
tive art. The most fastidious epicure, ga
zing on tho scene, could have worn only a
watery smile. Hut stomach nre iconoclast
and art w:e, ere the evening clo-cil, (sacrificed
on Ihe nltar of appetite. Tho jovial host
nnd charming ho-tess know well how to en
tertain ami please.
lierwick, Pa , .March 10th, 'SO.
KVA.('Ali Cd.M Klir.Xl.'K.
llcporlcd for Ihe Columbian.
The Central Pennsylvania Conference of
tho Association met in lierwick
on Thursday, March 1th On the preceding
Wednesday an examination of the junior
preachers took place, evincing marked stutli-oitsne.-s
e'uring the year, itishop J, .1. Eshcr
opened the Conference with prayer and nn
appropriate nddre. Deacon orders were
granted to E. P. Leonard, K. Crumbling,.!.
II. Doulz, 11. Harrison and D. Shoemaker.
Honorable dismissal from this Conference
wi'li recommendation to another confer
ence were grunted tn John Kreamer and D.
Is. Leply. .1 I.. Ilrichter, Chn. Goodling,
James It Seebrist, II II llrennematijW. J
Davis,,! Yetikle, Millnnl Fussleninn, Ll
mer uteit crick-, 11. i nc anil d. .11. I'ich
were licensed to preach. F.hlcr order wi re
tell to ,1 sho.tib'.'.cb, J J. L'tlir, V.'. II
illy, ,1. II. Peter, (Se.,. Josephs, and P. C.
Weidentnoyer. On bridav, A. L Hee-er
a elected Pre-iJing Lhlir nntl U. F
we-ngel dected to a similar office vacated
by M. .1. Uiirother. The Presiding Elder
were stationed ns follows: William-port
I)istricf, A. L lt'i'ser; L-wisbur.' District.
W L Detwtlcr; .Iiiiiiatn Disttict, U. F.
wengel; York District, L Ivobr. Some in
teresting exeici-e were this day listened to,
besides tho btisine- transaction. On Sal-
urdtiv, bv a unanimous vote, Lock Haven
as selected as the dace for holding the
next annual conference. A large portion of
the day wa cnnnimed by the Anniversary
Mis-iouary meeting, wbo-e exercise were of
nn intcesllitg clnii'.icter On Monday and
tie-day many suggestion were beard con
cerning the duties of preachers, tho import-
liceof education, recommending tho Union
Seminary a an exce llent institution.
lteMilulions against intemperance were
pas-ed, and some excellent remarks listened
to from various ot the preachers and promi
nent visitors.
The following is a I'st nf theappointnicnts
forth! the Lewiburg District;
W. E., Presiding Elder,
1. Lcwi-burg -W. W. Cronian,
2. Jluffhlo . Hnrnbcrger.
3. White Deer G. W. Currin.
I. Danville-11. Hunter.
S. llloomsburg S. E D.tvis,
0. Columbia W. W ltboad.
7. Uerwlck-J. M. Ettinger.
8. Luzerne J. M Price.
0 Catawi-sft J. II. Hertz.
10 Wyoming II. If. Douty,
It. Lenoxvllle .1. A. Hollenbaucli.
12. Su-quelianna J W. Messenger.
13. Duslioroaud Ilemice 1! F. Kciici.
l i. Hughesville J. II. Peters.
10. XewColunibu W. II. Llllcy.
10. Milton S. P. Itemer.
17. Kington O. L. Ilurson,
S. T. lluck, nteuibcr of Lewisbtirg Quar
terly Conference,
H. W. Itemer, member of White Deer
Quarterly Conference.
The wrltor of the following lines must have
wandered into the Episcopal Iluryiug ground In
this town:
Out from the cltj's giant roar
You wanderttl through the open door
Paused at a llttlo put! and spade
Across a tluv hillock laid,
1 lien noted on 5 our dexter side
homo monejed magnate's "love or pride;"
And (so be-cml a haw thorn tiee,
-hollering It rain of rotey bloom
Alike on low and lofty tomb,
You onme upon It suddenly.
How strange: Tho very grasses' growth
Atuutiitlt seemed forlorn and loath;
'Die verj ivy setiued to turn
Askance that wren I Led the neighbor um.
Suuk was the slab; the head declined,
And left the rolls a w reck behind
No name you traced; a "0," a "T,"
Part ot "anilUlton" aud of "lleaicn,"
Midthen-O liritj austere,
You ri ad In letters -harp and clear,
"Though lost 10 bight to Memory dear, '
Auttin Xlobaon,
Van Camp, Pa., March IO1I1, 1880.
Elitlona Cot.i'.MntA.v :
llentlerlonn I a small village situated
south enslofVau Camp postnlllce, stiiroutid
ed by a beautiful farming co. entry. It coll.
tains thirteen families nntl ha n poulntloti
of sixty three, It ha a public school house,
Itoemnker shop, blacksmith shop nnd ft
store dwelling.
On Friday evening nf last week, the peo
ple of tin vicinity were entertained by n
Itlerary society held by the pupils uf this
school, Tho programme consisted of rtcitn
(toil, declamation., dialogues, music, ami n
twenty-lx page journal which wa success-
luUy read by MUs M, A. Weaver,
Mr, Lavlna lleisbline ha been quite ill
for several days, She 1 slowly recovering.
tiRtisttis Ilclsbllne's little daughter i
very sick, the cause having arisen from a
bad cold. We hope she may soon recover.
Ellni Yot, who ha been working in the
enrshop at Uerwlck during tho winter, came
heme on Friday of last week, not being
able to work.
People coming in this vicinity on special
business, can not bo too careful to put on
their own gum shoes.
St. Jacob's Oil cure Rheumatism; of this I
am convinced. For two years I suffered with
ltheiiuialism in my left shou tier aud right arm,
and lat fall t was Incapable of attending to my
iltities, ami lay many n night unable to sleep on
account of terrible p'lins. A few week ago a
severe attack of Ibis trouble struck lue. nnd
this time I c itcluilcd tu try the St. Jacob.
Oil, I must ackttovrleslge, with but Utile confi
dence in iti merits. 1 ficely confess that ihe
result has completely astonished me. The first
application relieved the pain very materially.
and the continued use of only two bottle ha
completely cured me of this chronic evil, nnd
that, after ihe most eminent physicians and
their prescription bad been of no avail. 1
tbciiforc consider it a duty to publish the above
or the I leu It t of nil still rcrs v. hit rheumatism
and kindred complaints.
O. A. Hilcman,
Editor lUjmbUmn, Pittsburg, li. Hills. Persons who intend having
sabs of personal property this sprirg should
get their bil's printed at tbi office for several
reasons. First, we give a local notice in the
paper and continue the same until the sale.thu
giving a 1 irger advertisement of the sale than
tiny other office in the county can give, Second,
we do the best kind of work nt the lowest rate.
We are prepared to print bills, from the small
est lo the large-l size, in the most nltrntthe
st les, free of errots, and at the shortest notice
pt ssible. Orders sent by mail will receive
prompt attention.
Editorial dead-heading is a subject intelli
gently and fce'inglv discussed by the DeWitt
Obi.crert It sav one of the beauties ami
1 lianus of art editor's life i in dead-headirg it
on all occasions. No 1 no who ha never talcd
of Ihe sweets of that bliss can begin lo litkc in
its glory and its happiness. He dors $100
worth of advertising for a railroad, anil gets a
p'is' fur a ytar, nnd rides V25 dollar worth :
and then he is looked upon as a dtail-bea'.
He 'pull's' a theatre or concert Coupe $10 woilh
itid get. $1 worth in coutpliiutntaries and i
pn-sed hi 'free.' If lite hall is crowded he Is
begrudged the room be occupies for if the
eoinpliiucntnric were paj ing tickets the troupe
would he so much in pocket. He blows and
pulls a church festival free to any tlesiied ex
tent anil dots the poster printing nt hnll rates
end inrelr gets a "thank jou" far it. It goes
in ns a part of his duty 11 an oJilor. lie does
uiore work gratuitously fir the town and 10111
itiittiiiy ihiu all the rest of the population put
toge her, anil get cursed for it all in many
in-tances, where a msn who donates a for
lite Fourth of .July, base ball club or church.
is greatly remembered. Oh, it is a sweet tiling
to be an editor. He 1 as-es "free," you know.
See a woman on horseback in another eel
umn, riding near Speer'a Yineyaitl, with a
bunch of Grapes from which Speer'a PortOrape
Wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by
Ihe medical profession for the use ol invalids
weaklv persjtts and the aged.
S"hl bv I 'ruggi-ts,
June 27 1-y.
The coii lili'iii of ill" strike at tho Lan
caster Gingham mill, at ('ntiloii, Ma--, t.
iiiii hanged. On Saturday nllerno' 11 lite ol
lii tajs ot the mill in IbMon sta'rel tit el the
null can bo 11111' bir-ix months, il nccj.sar.
so thai the wages of the -trikers will not In
advanced, ami that the'' wi'l it"' fiiiipr'i
111L" e. ii Ii tp? workmen Tin-'Hiker hid 11
ritivin S itttrtlay at'd were atblres-ed bv a
II i-toti agiininr, nicr- bo-e -pet e'h repnit' 1
were 1 AcludHil. The intention i f the strik
er is 1.1 form a labor union.
Juils-eiN U.tiu.. On the -It't Just., at
ll e rtsitlence ol Tnntna Seaborn, Kernvtlli-,
Pa , by lb v J fiiildin, Mr. Ieuc U John
.on an I Mi" Alice C Carl, both ot Locust
township, Columbia cunty.
SiMltil.T Sl.YllLlsT 1 n the !llh inst.
by the lti'V ,V the ii'irsnniige in
Centre, Mr. Hurry Se.-bolt and Mis Olnra
Seybert, both of Orange.
Itl.MIiY. In Jer-eytown 011 the l.rth ol
February, 1SS0, Eleanora, wife nf Sitnnei
Kiniby. aged 07 year, 11 month and U1
days. In Main township, February
ifi'lt, 1SS0, 'IVrissa D (laughter nf James
and Mercy Kie Her, agfd 1.1 year and I
DllUM At hi residence in Main town
ship, after a lingering illne-s, on the Itb
inst , Samuel Drum, age I about CD year
FltllKP.. At Calawls-a, March (lib. 1RS0
William, son of Jacob and Miry Fisher,
aged 9 years, 10 month and 19 days.
Business Notices
Ruhber- at rdCinney'i.
I. W. HnrtmanV Comliinallou Store
only single prices.
To mince t-tnek Itofnre thev inovo inln
their new wtore, Lutz & Sloan are feUliiL'
Dry Ciood-i verv chpap.
1,000 yanlnew Mylc ft Spring Trints to ar
rive this ueek at I. W. Hartman's,
The only rellahle )to Patterns are Hut-
teriek k Ctt's, iolil hy Marr.
Lutz & Sloan will wll vnu vet for n t-hnrl
time ttie bet quality of light or dark Calico
lor a cem-i n yarn.
IluntlngH for tire si-en at I, W, llartmanV,
Hoots anil Shoe cheap at McKinney'".
Mnmie Cloth, u new article of dregou!.
at 1, W, Hartman'8.
Marr pay SO tent for choice butter.
I. V, llartman offer something new e ers
Li'lz tS: Sloan my that there in no fuham v
in IMnt'k Ctn-liiiif rc- nntl that tluy cm. tr
a het(r quality now for the mine money
than they could a yonr ago.
I V. llartnian'i (irncery biiB!nPt-s hhi1-
tlpllcu two Joiu hi uce he opened the new
department, uoanu tee.
Hubhf r Coats white nntl black, Blankets,
Legging, Olove. Cup, nt the lowest prices
nt D, Lowcnberg s.
Justreceiicd a Urge consljiitnent of Salt,
Soiling fine salt bbl. of 2S0 lb. $2 00. Salt for
slock Co ee nis per hundred.
Jt. W.Atf.,
march S-2tv l.'l'y Station.
Call at McKliiney's lor Shoes.
Ma'rr is selling the goods he has on hand
nt old price.
Ileal Peal Skin Cap just received nt
Davltl Lowenberg '.
Hats I flatsi? IIats
Latest style. Lonet Price at tho Popu
lar Clollilng Storeof 1). Lowenberg.
I have n large lot of new Window Sash nil
sizes that 1 will sell very cheap for cash or
produce. Call coon. Write for prices.
II. W. At'L.
march G-2w Efpy, Pa,
Marr want Corn, Otts, Hotter, Egg,
Side, Shoulders, llaun, Feather., Hags,' Ac,
Shoe Store below Court
Highest mitket price paid for Ilnllcr and
Egg In cash. !! W. All!.,
match 5-2w Espy, Pa-
The best Head
Light Oil in town nt
Admission free nt McKinney'i.
COO tons more of good dry rock oak bark
wanted by Sila Young Light Street for which
1 will pay $0.00 per ton cash, or $C.C0 in
I also buy Hemlock Hark ond I will pay
$5,00 per ton cash or S5.C0 per ton in goods.
Feb. 0 2-m
Hoot headquarters at McKlnney's.
New Good at Marr's,
1,000 pound of nice dried apple wanted
nt Silas Young-) store Light Street fur which
I will pay the highest market trices.
December. 10, 4-m.
Nvsratxln Citri'tl
Ilv nr. I'.urr s Neurnlgla and Mil lleailactte 1111. A cure tor Neuralgia. Nek Headache, Nor
ton llt-iiiiiehe, ispepsu, e'oiiMtpatlou, I'urnljsls,
sleeplessness, Palprttallon of tlie llertit, nnd Head
tie lie arising from oter stimulating either troin
upmm or AteotiollcMlmtilsnts.
These Pill are a special Preparation nn'y for tlie
cure of special diseases 1 amed and for these diseases
titer arr worthy ota trial by all inlellUeat stirri rers.
I hey are prepared expressly to euro Neuralglt,
Met Headache, Nervous lleadeclte, Dyspepsia, Con
stipation, paralysis, -nee ples-ntss, and loss of Ner
miiis KtienrT. Iliev are tileasanl tn tike jttie .its.
die In the month) hariniois, mil effectually c ire all
niscase nrl-lrg irotn t deranged .terious .sjsteui.
.... , . '....Mil. .... I,.'...... ... uitte, milLllie.
I'teparea by A. I. Httrr. V. I)., s-crar.ton, Pa.
rreneh Klchird Co., I'luliii.t , agent,
sent by null on receipt of price, So cents.
Long Ilramh. Dec. 20, 15'0.
Dr. A. 15. Hnrr,
Hear Mn Xour Neuralgia Pills cured
me, mid 1 wa the greatest of sufferer. I haieslnce
iioutritt the 111 for my sister and other and they cure
every cose,
(.'apt Croniwe 11,
Long nraneh Pier.
I'lttston, Pa., Kcb cth, Kso.
Dr. A. K Hnrr.
Dear Sir: My wire had the Nettriiljla
for ten days and her phjslcl in gale Iter no relief. 1
called on fir. Kit p and sot s bottle of your Neural
gia fill and the relieved her In a few hours.
Thomas 1 ord,
, Agtlntpont Powder Co.
e". A. Klelm, lllootmturg. i-ajs: t havo sold these
1111 betore and they glie go.d satisfaction and
always cure.
For Sail by C. A. lids, Blesasiarj drngjist.
feb so, 'sm
lit tho matlerof the sheriff's Bale of tlto real estate
ui iiiirmuii .1. 1. reining
1 he Auditor annotated hp IbeC'nnrf r,f rnmmnn
1'leisf.f Columbia count? tn dfstrltnite Ibe tnonei-
arising front sul I sale to and amontr the parties en
titled thereto will attend lo the Untie or hts ap-
I'uiui mvtiL rti on uuiie 111 muuuisuuri; on mi.
tirday. tits 3rd day of April, 1 it, at 1111. m., when
and where all nersons haTtnc- etnlms nt-.tnst t,i
fund are reipiiridtoprei ntthem or bo forever do
barred from any share at tho mme.
march s, 'so-iw Auditor.
Letters Testatnetilnrv on Itio estnln vitnuol
tiuiius, late of Montour twp., colututila ctuntv,
Pentisivanla, deceased, luce been granted b ifte
Kegisterof sld county to the uuderslciied Eufc.
tttors All person haling claim against the
.'slute ot the decedent ate requested lo present
Hiem for si ttlenieiit and those indebted to tho es
tate lo muUi payment to tho undersigned Eaeeetors
w Ithotlt dela .
feb 13-cw.
XKCU'l OIl'S xotici:.
Letters test-incnt.irv (n the estate of Sall
A tin VulH', Ittu 01 .Mifflin township, CulU'ntU
mint . I'i nns ivniil u .(.. ciscit. luiu hoen lth titl
u rin ki'Kisnrof s.tM omtiti To .1 S. YhLi, Mir-
niuMiif, ni iir. ah im isim-i n:i nivi iamiia;iiiu''i
i-tiifcdl tin-ucit'i.M tt uit rt'duwit'd to tT-tt'it
tiiftii tor st til. uu nt, iitifl ti.t.M lutletiii u t.i thf !-
a'!.' lo mukt' p.i) inunt to iho uudir-ilt,'ifl u til out
.1 ! M-ii
J'xec j.or, Mit.l nvi'io.
ff b 27, fiw.
UDrro'.:.- .notice.
VntliV is ImrH'V clTtn tint Hip ui il rvi.-m ii mt
li'iiiim in ijic nrp- nv uurt ti i mum". un
id tli-' ili'tite Hi f .Ml In H v l.rttnli t.f lilr..iii u
fun. ir iMiii-1 iv iK-r its iiiin. i-ouN it"ii i i-u
I'-Mlit, ami i f nv ney In UU own li-ihii- i- . ilin i
in. iiU inoii (ff-Mltl im IV kr, U-mtx'ti. i n a
tni'mj: tliM iutitltwiitill(ltli''U'lo; wtM nil ui v
hi-. ontcH in lll'MDihtiuriC in -iitituljiV, Mhh li i..ih
"it al y u'eltrfk lit Hie nmm ; 1n.1l hihml
.1 ll-rsiijH li ixliiif cl.t Iha iiiKin Iho stilt! fuml .n- r
HUlii il tn itii-M-iit tlu lit or U' fo.tMtr urb,u m'U fr. in
Liiutm 111 lur a suaie vx miki nnia.
.km in (i.runt,1
f 1 27,-tu. Ainit' l
L'i-iruK'ri No TICK.
Notkt- is lu'ii-by L'lt'ti lb it tin MhitfihV'i ;l .ip
pfiiutni it A't'llior to IU- tirptuins' Cunt t .lut -"l.i
L'outity. to a -.tribute th in'iuci 1. in -.Ihii .1
Hit Iftiulb i.f I'wli rItr, now il- cmiim- j, .,iiu i
iratnr 1 1 Aiiilr.'W Lnhriu in, nil hutluf'tt.' U.i ib'i
it ti in n,(. Ut-UA ( r (ifi.iM Lohnn-ui anil the It r -f
Niepnen unirmiij. m the nifhlfrs reinut 10 wi
t I'l'ih. l-'tiit; to Hhl hiiu.iih' xiii It peiM.ui hi in i bi'
'illulli entitled thftvte; Will ntlettil 111 hl" m-elli
liUHMtiMiiirir. on ' nirsJn. Match .M i. nt
uVl'k m th fitre oun to pel fun n Hie iluHen ot his 1
utip ilntuiei.l Ut"'niicl when.' nil pitmius lutUK
1 1 ihii'. on s ihl Tuiid ure required to pieseni tit 111 tr I
1 t turever J bai red (rout coiuln, in lur u hharu ut I
nni u iniiu.
felj .tt.MMt .Tolls (1. 1'ltlXZi:. ulltnr
jXLt UIOIW noiki;.
l.ettfrstehtamentnrynn the estate of Hlljah Pu!
mer. late of Pine town-thin. 1 olumbhi fount v. tn.
deuHHseil have Uen eruiitt d by tho Ki'ifNter vt said to the r.ed KxecumrK, All nerstihi.
ImMnir ehilins uyaliiht the Chtitte cf the deceth nt ttic
teiri- ite'l to present them lor cttleiiu,iil,aud those !
ImMMtii to 'he es'ate In m-ike jiaj imnl to the un-
UersliflitU l.MfUtOM Wllhuul UeU.
J-.1IN V. l)i:ifl(. Herr'rt IM) cm id.
IIKNUY J. liUUUINh.Mlinille 0)1 1'o.
Jan 23, si-6v i o -utors
U-ttert- of AdmlnlstraM'-nomheehtnte ot .sitnttel I
r. vciietin, late 01 nentini iwn., t oiuinb.i -o 11
t , ileeeat-ed, have et 11 Ktuated by the HetM-uer f 1
h in count 10 ihe uin'tri-iyiieti atiiniiiifctrator.
neiKnns hnlnir claims iiHlnt tun tMale nre n-
quet-tet) to prei-ent Ihein for wtlleinent anil tiOLe
luntuiea io inuhe puj inem Minmu uei.iv.
feb 13, itwi ow fctlllwarer, Cul. co-
Is hereb trhenihat the uiule-slcmd. hp-
polntt l an Auultnr h ihe orphans Cuum of t'ulum-
lolnttd an .'
ni.ifuumy, ui iuuku uinrtutmuii tn uie
fund In tte
handi uf ihomaH Hut tt r, adtnlnlitirator ite
ttou, eum teaiaiiieiiio aniiexo of Kllauet 1 Mur.-jv.
lateGf Itcirv tovnthln. now in Montniir enii .iv
tlweu-e.l; wlllatttiid ut hi olllcu In lIUMnnshurir. Iti
Clu;nhl eouutj, Penn'a, on Wednesday the v-ith
na 01 Man. 11, a i- 10 v o eiocK in iheioienrKi'i
to perl .un the duties of hWapiKilutnunt; ut vhi"h
time and plaee till pprs.mshivfuLic'atni', uimn 8,i'l
fund un-n tpnri d to pn sent tin1 u. or Le fireerl
ucu.irnM irniu jimu in tur a feuiry or hita funil.
r b vk - -11 JtillS u. FUEEZli, Audit ir.
('UI . ('Ill fclllllf llllll Ill'lllll hi.
i. a rn, e ,v - ti i i ip ti, , p,ir.r,
fJT MATkC vniit i(iiit
LO I Win I COlrcft f..r .Ncwfci'-'D'r tilicrlMnir.
Mini 3c. lor AVUH ti, hOX'A 31 AM AU
1. 1 iii- i . i
U i'i . i ..y li. li).uti
feb. 11, 1? It
l r. unit i ,i nip ..t i
is m: vim ii,
m mi i
is tiii: oalv hmiw.v .bivii:v that rffi:Bi. VAIIM.
(Irnv 200(1, lists have signed (0 miner slalms!
Hud Physicians saij thvij arc iti wavy way Superior to
ihe ordinary slow acting Porous Plasters used for
tins purpose.
MlAllUJtY .v J
: JOHNSON', I'liarniacculicil
feb JT Jiv,
Corner Main nnd iMnrkct Streets
FT-l. eenAnelmlnrl 111 l-ltlff llfffl In
call tho attention ot th. ;i iMb- --'" nil .
( iUr lt w ttn(1
M cansjst,$ of
Paints, Oils, Glass, Pntty. Patent Medicines,
Spices, &c.
rnitFCMCitr, uio.m,
loom liuustiKS,
IIAlIt UItfMlE-1,
and in fact every tiling that should be kept in a complete nnd well
regulated .Drug Store.
They are the solo iMttnttfacturus of the Celebrated
Also the Manufacturer! and Sole Proprietors
DR. W. M. BICKLEY'S Celebrated and
Compound Aromatic Wine of Gentian .and
Iron. Improved Cro.un Camphor, Worm Kil
ling Agent, Improved Rose Pectoral.
The Beset Remedies Made.
Highly Reccmmendcd by Physicians.
IVt f Til-tv
nd when
rtlcle wanted,
ns other customers pay when hero buying in
person. when
take them back.
clsrka, who nro able to
we nro enabled to yivo
customers tcho Uav tho choico to is. With n reputation of
"twenty year-i nt retailing, wo cannot afford to loso our good
nnmo by lank of iropor sorvico to absent evistomors. Write
plainly, nnd describe fully what wunted, nnd about tho
price desired.
John Wanamaker,
Largest Dry Goods House,
I- I 1... I'K.1 ' " 1 T"7 I
TlcltllujorDrj tiet-uf litv
Sore ThriMitt
Co M In tho Ili-nd,
t'ulil In the lltmel-.,
Aitt.tuntlo t'uuhw.
ui.l relief ufu:ikiimpti 1 .
v. ciiA3;r
ON TU10MV(.,
tr'-t tin k k 1 1 1 .
-, II., t"ri:irl
't ' '
l r Mil i:
28 Acres ol Ijiirid.
I Mill In fii.-l i iiiutlt'.iiti. Tlirese run of aloue.. lililll)
WATCH r l..t. Ti rails roasou.ibie. l'eir (jiUht
particulars up, lj to jetu.N HEAtilE. nislile I'
febi.J, 't
"J7.r. news notki:.
MITIt t'l I .Mm 1-tNOOillT,
ItlteiH 'l,..l.iintutnrv nit 11,1 ... v,uhi
I'teiiextsvt lut.-ttl tltpluwucrf HI, mri-liii.. e'ntumhtu
uoii'itv, IVnnii. il. ei-aaetd, liatts t n eiranuxl Lv
id'guiu r .tr snl.l rwti) lo M. P. s' .in. AH ppiwiu
"" ', " en ,'t. in i'i
ur, ri'ittf -t. t ti m-iii t- s hi, ui.'nt
11 WW III. I. M..I I ' . s.t.,1.- 1., .. ,,.,..,
I i-.w usuini,utu v ui.'r I n I ' i m
M I f-Ul.W.
feb Set. -a-iK Kief utor
Chemists, New York.
HtrcE 25 era.
Bisiblished Sr8itf Store.
IMtt lJ littslness for the past eleven years would
and c il M UY
vurej 6tock.' ill puriicuiur, iu
Out of town
reoplo who can
not conveniently
travel, mnyliava sam
ples eent them of Dry
Goods nnd all other goods
that wo tell. If they will write
.No charge, nnd no need to
If not BUlted. Wo make It u
to attend to such letters quickly;
orders como vo send tho exact
and at exactly samo price
goods nro not ns ordered, wo
Having trained and responsible
uao discretion in filling orders.
great satisfaction to tho many
Ta I'tris-TNIKr, i. n remlw
ft -until f lei i.rL'.e, a .V"" u
I . . , n-a . Ui i-h
1 t. 1IU"0 S.P" usU
a IC DC nliilUu tt-arv
e tof lu rclu . -.LutPf lt"nT
1. .tig r -i a- hla c' r -
a- 1 1 - 11 ii.aslm' yte u
Lj t'.i-r . iltycnm .uaai I
i'a e; ;n '. c" aiv. Iha
ex.- 'imifiii.41 ifau JtiUat
1 ej st ... r ip-nataaUutof
any e,tti r upon tha
luar'tc t, ana yet It In aoM at f .o
etxr 1 ain-ly liw j-rlco cf C()c,
ti"K 'ui'o kotika (fjr ee
e-lort Uiio cit 'y ria.
- leir, 1117 Arrli Klrrrl, l'lilluelclphlii. Pa.
i i .'i and si t., u.i-.-' I
vtt AllLi: l'AUM tlttmtei InMaellsoo town.
.htis Polutubla-c ,. ne ar Ne-w uolumtli, coutulnlOK
l'-27 Acres- of l.mul,
'I'hero li a
two-m'ouv KitMr. nwnuisn iioisk,
A i-Brlnsr ami (lootl Well ot Water, aLAHdll NKW
ham; iiahn,
ami otter fruit T,e on the premise's.
for trim, and particulars apply io
Jin. let,'e-m litick Horn, 1'a.
V DITOif-i MlTIt'l..
Tlte- une1retteriitn Auel'tur tiipeilrtt. tl
liy the Or
iiiaeia isiiin w e uiuieilitu until
ti in,ik dlstrl-
uutttitt t'i tetiu uiteeiuir tlu- pmtiis t-tiittlt'il to Die
hsUni'K in i he. Adiulmalratiir'nli.ii el- w put at lita
e.rtti-e- In I'.lontnabltrer ou I'ltnav I Vtb eta) Of April.
issi. i.t i. ii ii ' kin tin ti i it f. ri' e purposes
ul It- t.,p.t llii,-ii, ut i.l l. U I l)ii tit tl plice" all
I. ii ' i. - it.t r. -itil i. "si ,,i, r i ' t r , ot iLelr
i ..ii,- on i' ut bane, I if tn u -liare 1 1 nu
lAlLK. WlliT,
fob 60-tw AUtllvir.