THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT.BLOOMSBTJKGr, COLUMBIA COINTX, PA. Agricultural. TheSngnr liect find llip licet Kupnr. not MrlMltor: In b trcctit lrtue of ycur pa pet I read with much Ititerrkt your inilillcn tlonof tlio premium awarded ly llio Dela ware Sugar Reel Comml.lnticr, ni well a the report of the RWcrittle Works. The subject beliif? of so much Importance, I hopo you will find space for a few remarks I have to make on it : The results obtained by the beet growers seem from a manufacturing point of view encoiracltie, although the quality of the beet to some extent U x.icrificil for the qiuin tlty, and It It U very much to bo legretteil that tho richness oftho beet In sugar and the purity of juice ato not tho points that carry the premium, tho farmer being naturally Interested In largo yield, so that no encouragement on this point is needed. From what I here have said you will un derstand that I thiuk that John Sattetfield Canterbury, ought to have received the fir: premium for his beets, which contained 12 23 per cent. sugir,tli8 yield per aero being at the rale of lfi tons, and it Is certainly pity to sec tlieso beets coming In as the very last. As I hinted above, the purity of the juice is a very Important matter. The impurities of tho juice contM main ly of salts of polnsui, ammonia, magnesia and others, and of otgjnlc matter a album-Inold-1, and the juice is not thought ol much valuo to the factory If it in 100 parts of solid matter does not contain at le.vt "o per cent, of sugar. According to this it will ha understood how important It is to grow beets rich in sugar and poor in I in purities To obtain this result, you should by all means avoid the use of birnyurd manure direct to tho beet crop, as tills, as well as ar tificial nitric fertilizers, aro found to cause n considerable increase in the Impurities, which probably is due to llio great develoi inent of the mots. The sugar cons-Uts ol hydrogen oxygen and cftbon, which tin plants extract from the air which explain! firstly, the great importance of the leaves, secondly, why the sugar does not increase w ith the salt and the siz of the beet. From the above, it will bo understood that the value of the beet decreases more rapidly than the contents of mgnr j i-o tliat a beet of 8 per. cent sugar is not worth hall as much as one containing twelve per cent. The bright prospect is, as you will under stand not to be found in the percentage cil'sur. arcoutained in the beets under notice,but I to be found In the very considerable yield per aero obtained twelve to fifteen tons per acre being in Europo considered a fair av erage yield, whereas Mr. E. C. Fenimore, ol Odessa, vho carried first premium for beets of 10 27 per cent, suar reachus 27 tons per acre. How Mr. F. has cultivated his land I do not know, but I consiJer it highly probable that he has nsed barnyard manure or other nitric fertilizers direct to the crop, and ha grqwn high beets in rows at a distance o about 30 inches from one another. Now, il this system has been modified according to tho rules that govern the European beet growing, it is more than probable, that u real cood beet, ith a sugar contents of 13 per cent, or above might have been pro duced. What here is said of Mr. F's crop can more or less be applied to the ottim too, and here lies the encouragement whicl can be derived from the present results, al though it, at the same time, must be dis tinctly borne in mind that ten per cent, su gar is too little. As to tho future success of the beet trade in this country, it must, in the first place be said to depend upon the farmers who .1 . , rm. .... ... .. grows lUC oefl. xue luctury v:uihjiiij i-a- tract the sugar, not produce it, and as the beet is the result will be. The sugar beet is a plant that requires a high culture, so much so indeed that it cm be said to be the flower of the high culture of European farming. The beet requires a deep rich soil and well drained soil, freo from too much weeds. The dcepucssof the soil, that is to say the depth which you can plow without bring ing raw and uufertilo earth to the surface, can only very gradually bo increased. In deepening the soil you must bo governed by the amount of manure which you can expend on the ground, aid which, i f you in tho course of a few years increase your depth two or three inches, amounts to ery considerable quantities. On this point must, however, be made in distinction bo twecn orcanic and innoriranic manures, the last-named beiug geneally found abund antly in tho mbsoll. Trie above remark thus only refers to barnyard and other ni tric manures. What, however, at nn"-in and umnhr done is looseing the tub-nil, which opens it up to the beneficial influence of tho air and cradually mixes it with the fitile earth above. W he steam is ucd for plow ing this can of eour-c, bst be d 'tie by steam grubbing, but in Europo it is gene rally found cheaper to use a horo urubbtr that follows tho pbw in the new mad farms. A rich soil implies a proper amount of organic an inorganic matter Iniind I state accessible to tho plant, and the Jour main manures required by the beet plant are nitrogenous manures, phosphate, lime and potassa. The last named is generally lound abundance in the soil, and need therefore not be added. The contents of tile soil of linn Is very variable, and where it is want' jne it Bhould be given. Where grain and clover have been grown for years phnph rlcacid is likely to be somewhat wanting and this is nitroceuous manures should be added. The best and cheapest nitric fertl lizer is in most cases found in the barnyard lurtnuro. which also contains a good many other substance mainly dependent upon the food given the cattlo The barnyard ma- nuro should be kept as well prntcctod from the influence of the sun and rain as possi ble. In Europe lofty stables, with movable cribs where tho manure accumulates below the cattle, has of late years come much in to use and answers that purpose excel lantly. he importance of draining is, in general, well understood, but especially for sugar beet it becomes of great iuipotance, as the surface water standing about givts the plant only too easy accis to the salt contained iu the ground and produces impure juices. Drainage is generally carried out in Eu rope to a depth of lourfeet. The deep drains take the water first and run longest and arc not liable to become choked with plant roots. I will now make a brief remark as to the benefical influence of tho beet on the agri culture. One of the main points is to be sought in the large amount of cattle fjod produced and, consequently, the large live slocks kept by the farmers this enables him to manure richly, and thus secure a large return of the crops. If you, howover, consider the influence ol deep culture of the thorough weodlng tho beet fields get, the Influence and importance wil! at once be seen, The importance of sugar to the Unite States amounts to nbout $80,000,000 worth, and the enormous Influence tho production of this would have on trade in general can well bo overJta'cd. iVll the sugar producing countries In Eu ropo demanj tho same tax paid of tho sugar made In tho countiyasot foreign imports, and still the .manufacture ol sugar, gene rally speaking pajs handsomely. It secm, thercfore,doubtless that the tradohero would bo very remunerative. The chain has, however, a good ma'iy llnks,aiid a good deal of energy, labor mill patience is required before you ee tho result. The Industry has but slowly developed Itself In Europo to Its present state, but America can now avail it'elf of many years' experience gath ered iu Europe, nnd what there hns cost nillllonsjto require can here bo reached In a niuchjcaslcr nnd cheaper way. Tho path Is already lavelled. II. .T. IC how Prices for lluttcr. The New York Tribune In Its market re port, explained why some butler is sold for ucli low prices. In speaking of butter It said 'liight colored goods aro very hard to llpose of nnd several lots were thought well sold at 8 to 10 cent".' If butler lnak ers would get the top prlc, they should ue the l'erf'cted Duller Color, made by Well Klchardson ,t Co , Dutllngtou Vt. It gives a puro dandelion color mid never turns red or rancid, but tends to Improve nnd preserve the butter. Dinlel Webster laid great emphasis on conversation ns one of the most importan sources of iuuiiipry as well ns of positive knowledge. 'In my cdjcatlon,' he onco re marked to Charlc Suiuner, 'I have found that conversation with the intelligent mm I liave had the goud fortune to meet has done more for me than books ever did: for 1 learn more from them In a talk of half an hour than I could possibly learn from Ihelr books. I'heir minds, In conversation, come into in- innte contact with my own mind ; nud I ihsirb certain secrets ol their power, what ever may be its quality, which I could not lelect in their own works. Converse, con verse, coxvunsi: with living men face lo face, nnd mind to mind, that is one of the b"st sources of knowledge.' 1'ecs of Doe-tors. I he fee of doctors is an item that very many persons are interested in just nt pres out. c believe the schedule lor visits is f3 00, which would tax a man confined to iiis bed for a year, and ip need of a daily visit, over $1,000 a year for medical atten- lance alone I And one single bottle ol Hop Hitters taken in time would save the 51,000 and all the ye:tVa sickness. Ed. A very nth old man had married a young wife and died suddenly, on which tho wid ow raved like a maniac and exclaimed to the loctor who stood by the bedside of the de ceased: "Oh, I'll not believe that my dear oartner is dead; he could not die and leave mel No, no! he's alive I'm sure he's ilive! Tell me, doctor, do'nt you think so?" ".Madam," replied the medical man witli much gravity, "I confess that it is possible that he may be revived. I will apply the galvanic battery." Oh, no, 110 I" cried the grief-stricken widow, "Hard as it is lo bear my fate, I will have no experiment against the law of nature. Let him rest in peace. After all, a gentle purgative is the best means of curing headache, liver com plaint, biliousness, See. Uo 'Sellers Liver Pills.' Interesting Disioveries In Switzerland. In tho course of some excavstions now going 011 in the bed of Uhone, near Gene va, many intetesting objects, assigned by ar cbnjoloeiats, to tho age of polished stone havo been brought to light, the most curious of which is a scraper of jade, highly fin ished, nnd in a condition as perfect as when it left the hands of the workiiigmen. The question arises, and is being warmly dis cussed by the learned in lacustrine lore, how this instrument made nf a mineral which exists in a natuial stale only in Asia can have found its way into the Rhone gravel at Geneva. Was jade ever an article of trade between tho West and tho Eat in pre hi-toric times, or is the scraper a soli tary species men brought by Aryan wander era from tho cradlo of their race on the Hindoo Kosch? As yet no satisfactory so lution of the problem has been suggested. Asthmatic troubles disappear under the magic dispelling waud of Dr. Ilrowning's C it C. Cordial. A certain lady was so much troubled with this dreadful di-ene that it was impossible for her to lie down. She was recommended to see Dr. Drowning, who is a regular graduate (( one of tho old est ami best known medical colleges in the United States, and whose iVjihma may be seen at his nflice, 1117 Arch Street, Phila delphia. He confidentially asked her to try his C. it C. Cordial, and the result was that iu a short time the lady could rest cninfor tably at night, and the trouble soon entirely disappeared. For sale by. all druggists (CO cents per bottle) or the proprietor. When a cal gives an entertai-ment from the top of a wall, it isn't the cat ue object to, It's the waul. (iuai'il Against Ilisaie. If you find yourself getting blllious, head heavy, mouth foul, eyes yellow, Kidnejs disordered, symptoms of piles tormenlini: you, take nt once a few doses of Kiduej Wort, It is nature's great assistant, Use it as an advance guard don't wail to get down tick. A little girl, watching u conjurer 'eat fire,' asked her elitc-r if llinl iv;is 'the light fantastic ton' u-liich t-he had heard ioken of. The poor and humble, alike with the rich and powerful, find In Dr. Hull's Cough tfjr up a true, tried and fruited friend. Price ir cents, a bottle. Some of the tuibscritins to (he IrMi re lief I n ml in tho coal region- aro 111 low a five ccntH, the widow mite. riOtirinnV Hme. New York phyiilciaus ay thai they have hem Speer'ti l'ort drape Witie nml Wine Hitters Iu their practice lor years, to theentiie sitislai'tion of their patients ni d themselves, and take great pleasure In rec ommending them to tho public ni being nil that is claimed for them, nnd, in fact, the most reliable they can find. For sale by O. A- Klelm, llloomsbiirg, l'a. Men always want people to tell them how handsome lln-y look; whereas women look into their mirrors and satlfy themselves. Kidney I'oiujiialuts, of nil description aro relieved nt once, nud sneedilv cured by Kidney-ort. Jt leems Intended by naturo for the cure of all disea ses of the kidueys caused by weakness und debility. Its great touic powers are espec- lally directed lo the removal of thh class of llipase. Trv it to day. ViDENOE. Tho following Cum la probably tho most re- mnrknblo oer tffoctecl by nn medlcol piopnmtlon for tho trontmont of Catarrh I ffijntom. , J lirn-liy certify Hint 1 liflTO hail CnUrrh for li-n 11 iirs, anil for Uio u-t six i-srs tinvo ln-en a terrllilo imlTiri-r. I whs rpmlirpil tmrtuily- dear, liml fmsihiK 1 tin- lit-til, pitlti. across tho li-mpl-, tllrry ppell. weak uttd uliifut c(s. swollen nml ulccrnt.-il InnsllR, html mul coiinunt coiikIi, sctcro r-nln across tile clic-t, nti.l every Indication of rotmimpllon, My neml neheil ml tlinllmr. H.otntutcr aceiimuliiteil so lnril.lly u my lieud nml ttnoat Hint t lotilil hut kern Idem fro. nt nlitht t would sprlnjr nutuf l-etl, It 1.,-cme.l u. lite, nt tlto rnlnt c-f suiroeatliin. 1 woul I I'm it Imve. refund' tocu-iy nte.tns In my nmrrr In tilMn Inn (tin mum fTuri tny throst nml liciw In-run) I rlnir nliftlD'lei nn.-nl-i, 1 ur period. If metirsmv tonsils were illuen t- it i.nil poimtrli litllnnii-dllut le ntl-1 Willi iMlllcnlty ,11-t i . 1 llnnllTconiiull(iln;iemlin-t;t nircniMi In retrnril to un cpirttlfon tin thtni.liiit nt tils reauc-it purti oi-t-.l it. Tl.oi mutt nut Inlliinimntlnn n nt lilccrnll.'it III l-iv I tu . .t t nisei l-y It'll 1-ol-onnin mat; Icr t'.rnp. I- ,( t'-iiv i It , un my p' n I Im-ls Irritated nt, 1 lnOnm -li i lu i stliitli.uu:!ie. Inctk-urtlv, nile.-p, inr,l r.iuuli. Mumwlt !o my t-iti nt ncnunliiphowtliq t ff-M'tsnftlils Ci-i-inc, ftn Hint I lost HeGli.itrew pile, nnd Minn, tl evi rvfini' t"in nrnncnlly tit attt liy emiMtnip; It'itt. Win tntatt ts l-1 1 renelit-illhls Ptnt-i-.t-r ationt flxmontlianK", 1 l-i Kan ttie u-n or HANt ol It's li Un l. i erne lone n mtit. Alter n-lnif thoiitht l-ottielbe- linn to iinproi r iplili". 1 tie flirt tlosn sei nu d to clear liiy li,-al i 1 li.'l I. I 1 in It to Un lor J-cnrs, It seem d trr.t !-i il y t-t itirt-it Hi? tilaeliniip . it t'pP m u'A I i '!! livu-li X It naiiKirule it mil retlne-.l llio I. I'.imiii'illen nnd p-m-IIIi t-r tny 1' 'i-IN polltitttltey ro iitei-oaiil to ti-s.bln int. 'Hie eoi nial nrroi tny tin jittllsiippLiiri -1, tint Imrz-i'iT ti dses 1 1 pu ltea I erased, m ft" ni r net'l m mil I It nr-i U rn compli'tety rt-lor n.nnticveri wyiyvwi t .-t o i ..... hud ri-diiccd met ' I'm vet k c-rtlie r-,o 'I I1;"" ' ltl 1110 IISC OlrA-'iill" s 1 1 tpn i, t t t,n r--i.. tunc lit '-n l itis t i it it itt-i ttiioi-, ii ui-i-t.,-,. . Into iwei ft e mt tleul t i-cntlerli'K from 1'ntiirrli nml ipe lo tuna y Hint 1,-nsis ne I nm r.i-nlll. r Willi t n uentni' i't t-f t nlurili nsli- i it t,v tin t.t 1 I nte ttsi-d ever) 1.P d nu of p-int itv nn-t niiptirnu-a Hint lmte iii-penreil titirmi a t follotvlnirtli' tifce.tfilicn un nte-irt-ot my tienernl tienltll, 1 lit 0111 0 ..hml I1..-.,t,l-llltl,n1tll.l til ,in r t trnttl nut nr tlteni lioBTos, ivi). is;;. ono. r., rrroLK,... Ven.lti.lTi. Itim p-monnlly nppinred tlte ttanl tit 1 Illusion-.'i Hint tin- I -rt,oi t. by Intiuliecil-ii'l 1st ii' . 11 l"i 11. M.TIl t. IHOMA'-.Jtlict'Oftlit Teacc. Vieli pnel -iri e - I il. Int. 'Int.. l-iili llil.r.t-i jl twi, lit Mi'- lit -11 IT itifiinl'sli- proved inltal. ns lir use 111 illutst s. i-riee, ,-li -al.- ni.d 1. t ill lirtipi-hls U.HvS i-orfi.l!, j do l)niio:i3tt,l.iisloti,.MiiFa. AfTcrth tho most grateful relief In all Af fections of tha Chest and Lungs. QHROKIG PLEURISY GURED. Mi'Mt. Vr'h- T irn r. it',,,', IlAvtnr for tin i umin-li -t filth it-il .Hi iMTJ liiiucfnU', uuik'U l.r im hh-r-lt ' hi Uirui.t.' Hi iirity, cmstil l-y u foriutr iilu n A Mi un, nml t ir iucll 1 uel tunny vrcucrlp nm illlnlnunt , tu-ll Mllitl (-ochIIcI rheumatic cur.'. w.Iikhii Un- l t hem (It. in v I'll) Met in recom !.) ill till' tT i irl.ilLI. V..I.TAIU WA-nKt. nil rli. t- tn v cr. it i iirpnM'.lilleV' il Ihc palti uil ion m m nlnu'i t'liiHtu i ii. n. ml i tuni l'rtn nme to at tciel to i iy li'Mini'hotil tiiTHiM (v. r Anvo vim jn'mct ent P-i'l mmfnit, vlicroM, liohTo tho implication nf 5 otir i,n Al.mMii I'l iit, I vt. fcnrrrly nhlu to do nnT ftit.ur. I conMcr tlnMii in-'Ptinmbh. ntnl flmll wltli l-liMHir' n-commcuil then to tli.atlllcit;i1. , Vonr . rt ip-ctrullv, Mrs. UUCL HAlIIJIMAN. Or.UM", Sic, AriU '-'It Tlirrr In 111 ttipillcnl fr prot ctlrc flppllinc ttmt wilt rr' mi t-niiftul ni il rtit-rtbt' l.i liiklini: CiiuBhn, r it-iltor. nti'l !-nmu- vt Hip 'ln t nml LntiK. v,f ldM i' H.Ptn c' uf pn wntlny Bilious i.)E-i;.i3C8 or tli. - -jiu.'n. PniCCt 25 CENTS. Tii m r- nfdUP'l iliMfl I'lfttrrii witli ttip ordinary I'la-u ib of tli" lUy.tliat ty tuiiipirlt-ou m e absoluuly lf'1 careful tn o'lu!n Com tV V-i.taio Tlaiitfr, ft rnniblnrillon f (l k-ur.c or Vnli lie w Him lik-iily U'illo.iti'd I'l.i-i r. nt fpfn In 1 i it'iino rut, bold hy nil liolt'ild nnd lit-'tdil Urnypt-ts, thrnirhoot tho l'n!ted stnti-n find rnnnda. and by i LLUs & 101 1T.1C, rroprlitoiB.Hofton.ilas. puns iriLf-SD Que Kxtrnot S5o WITCH HAZEL on, JtoMAMi:us virgixica Va.W nihility ti any nu'lo, and only halt the prlu'. c oi u jt t Ins 23e. Pints 6 v, i t'llcvi" ilfadarhi Tootliacha. Iraclio, For Fjes Nov Itlectl, I'l dtiiff Mmp4. lMinful MtTi'-es, Whites Afatl'im KhI'iits -urihii:s, ilits.Ptc. I'nrcH llruU ch. VfiMs, lmrn., pnln'. WoitniN Hlieiimritlhm, fhUi'lilin, Varicose Veins, euraljfla,&c NAIUUK'S t NIVKlAL HKMK Y FOIt IN't KltNAL and kx n:iiNhii:. ir jour"i Jb'ir-atlintiiotfrotlthaL' him order It ottlie prupi letor. CllAKLKs IMMLEY, Wholesale DruggUt, CCouriUndt St., New York, Jnn 23, '?0, Sia BEST li THE WQFiLD! SALERATUS Vhieh is tlio Bamo thin. Imp'iif iilt-iiiltis or lil-Ctiili Soda (u-Ii it'K 1 1 tlio mini t 1 lilum It if Ut;ht. ly dlrly w liittaKr. li tuny tippfur Mhlti', (iiiuiniil liv iltflf, lust a COMlAItlsO Will C'lUflU'll & CO'S A KM AND II OUIKR" UUAM) Tlll liotv tho iliiTiientt-. Ste tlmt your Ba'fr.ititi nml IIk Iiiir Sodtv U Mhllo ll'lli: 114 Bhoiilil be ALU MMIliVIl hLliSTA. CliS mttl fur food. ABlmplebuttoverotost of i'to cntpdratiTa Vttluo ol tliflercrt t rands tlSO!a cr 'uK'rtiiii Ii to disdolvo adosnert ppnoulul uftah kind vu'u tboutaplut at jLtt (Uft preterrtd) in cktr plMsca, stirring uuitl nil la thi rufUly rtl"nolvet The deleterious insolul lei isttcriu tboitiUrii-r Bod 1 will LeBliowHUltt-rmttllut' hoiiih twenty mlDUten or Booucr, by tho lullliy nppoarauro of the BOlutlon aad tho quatitlty uf tiatinj tlocVy matter according to quality. Bo Buroandakfor Cliurcu: Po.'afodaana Balerattu and sea that thtrir usrua H cm tho package and you wilt get tlio puretit nnd whiU'ist made. Tuetisoot tbUwllhuourmllk.iu prter tnco to liakinij Towder, aave twtaty tlwe lis cost. Bee one pound package for valuable iuforma cn and road carefully, SHOW THIS TO YOUR QROCER. THEONLYMEBIGSNE ! That Acts at tho Same- Tine on THE LIVER, THE BOWELS. and tho KIDNEYS. 1 hfin nrent nr pan n nrninft nariimi ricans. F.4 rrs bi iuq bj Biein. i mt?y woris wen. i-cami 1 lil will lie pprfciti If they liecoma clOBSvd, u artaaiui autascs are iuru to iouow wnu TERRIBLE SUFFERING. nilloasnesSf Headache, Djftpepta, Jaon LJ dire, Constipation and l'llei, or KM ney Complaints, ravi 1, Ulahttcs, heJlnient In the I'llne, 3IlUy Hii or Itopr Trine t or llhtu R laatlc Tains and Adieu, will) Uio jjrjmort that fchould luo teen exnUhjd naturally. .4 KIDNEY-WORT N wlilrmtfirfi thehealthr netlon andallthfue iMn'jliikt cvlli v 111 be h tuiilud j neglect tht m tiud yon will live hut to uHcr. 1 iiouiiandi hat e beeacured. Try Hnd yon out ..til nnnmnM tn thA mimlicr. lakA It 5 and health wlllonce more gladdeu our heart. i nrjf BunuriunHor iiuiihiid luiiiicni . A nn nr-hlna1 tinnk f Whv bear such dlotrees from Con otlpatlon and Piles? Why be co fearful because of dla- A ordered urine t - age at once and boBatlifled. 4J Itua dry vtaetaou compound ana V! uno i"ackayeinanraii.iiurwui rMiuur, 1 Ywr DruagM has it, or tctlt gtt ii or il von. nMistvfonharmju, iTire,(iw, K4 wills. W., rrr;nit:n( I (Wl'l n r ) Hurltnrtfta, t U 1 islrf- M. C. SLOAN & BR07 IIE.OO.rlSlllIIUJ, VX, Masutacturcrs ot Carriages, Buggies, Phaotons, Gloighs, IXATFOllM WAGONS, Ho. t'lrBt-cla.3 work always on Sana. ItEl'AIIUNO NEATLY DOSE. Vrlm rertnocil tn Bult trio times, 1US1KK8 CAKDS V131TIMO CAUD3, USTTail HEADS DILI. HEADS, J'OSTEltS, tO 0.i I Neatly and Cheaply printed at the Coldm I I"A DR. CLARKfeX JOEHSON'S Indian Blood Syrup. LABORATORY, 77 W.3d St., New York City MTl OF J1R8IT CITTs t TB1SE K1SZ.I CURES! Tuipeptia.Ziver .four. Jtthttima- tlm, JOropty. Mlrart MHttaw. liUiousiins.Ycfvous itrblUty.ttc, Tho Best REMEDY KNOWN to Man I ;o,ooo AnE.NT.s hate sold since is:o 9.000,000 Bottles. 27itj Syrup Possesses Varied Properties, It Mlmulntrs tho rytynllne In tfc Pnllrn, rhlrli convrrti tlio ntnrcli nnd nugnr nf the food Into kIiicop. A ilrflrlrncr In rylynllne rnunpi Wind nndPourlntf of tli food In the atomnft'. If ilm nirdlrlnn N inhrn Immedl ntPly nfrer en dog iho fcruentailuu of foaUU jtrrvemtd. It net upon tho T.lrer. Itncu ii pa ii iho Kldnryn. It ltPRiilntrx the IIoitcU It Purinrn the Illood. It Quiet n tho ervnm Byitem It l'romntrn I)lcrrlfn. It Nourlnhra, sirrncilipn nail TnTlftomtf It cnrrlPH nfTlho Old Itlond nnd mnkrn nrw. It open the pnrrn of the akin nud Induce Healthy rcreplrnilon. It neutralizes tho hereditary taint, rr poison In the Mood, which peneratcaScrofula.Jjyaipcla, and all manner of alcln diseases and Internal humors. There are no eplrita employed in Its manufacture, and it can bo taken Ly tho most dallcato babe, or by the agod and feeUe, tare only btmg rtfairrJ i at' ttntion tj directions rmcE or lakgs eottms, . $i.oo m::E or shall eottlis, - - bo Read tha VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS of Persons who havo been CURED by the use of tht BLOOD PURIFIER. Je-t Meiliclne Kcer Used. i:aton. WyomlnEr count v. Pa. Doitrsir: I had been troubled lor n lonff time with n Cain In my Moinarh, and found no relief until 1 bpL'nn tislpirvmir Indian Illood Mirun. I nnd It tho t"it meilU'liio In use. nnd I enn recommend H ton . nii nml vnunir. it saves minv donara in doctors bills, and one lars bottle (111 mo more good than me dollars worm oi otner m-aicine. Marlam Iabarr. An AstouliiriK Cure. Monroe. Wyomlntr county. Pa, Iiear 1p : T hid been nnilcted with a Cough, Lob of Annellte and nvsnepsla for ten years. I could hoc prip?rly attend lo mr business, and hearlnt? of your Juitly celebrated Indtin HloodHyrup, I resolted to try It, which I did, nnd in a short time was much ltnnroed. Inowlmvea cood Appetite, and have unjoyea gooa ucaiiu ever amee i in men ecu a use, a, uiuarr. Sick Headache Cured, llrtwmnti'a Prnnl- U'vnmlr,rp nmiritv. l'ft. Dear Sir : I had slck lleadcfie and by the use of j our luui.iu iiiuu rj nip t was greatly rtiictvu. rt'co.nmend all to try ltsaluable properties. d, . uurueiu The Kcinedy did more than she Expected Xewterrv. comlnr county. Pa. Hear Mr: The Indian Illood Syrup did more than I exnecled It wouM and It eun-d inn of Liver Complaint, 1 use It us a Medicine and would not be llUUUl 11, Sirs. Mary Charman, Headache and Dizziness. Wllllam&nort. Lvcomlnir county. Pa, Pear lr : Your Innlan lilood srup has cured me of Headachy Dizziness and Lossof Appetite, so that I am now able to work lu my factory. My wife dc rled more bcnt-llt from Its use than from any other nteuicme. Henry Russel. Would not bo Without it. Wllilamspert, Lvcomlnp rounty. Pa. Dear Mr: The Ind'au Hlood syrup Is the ltest I ever used and I would not bo without It, it is good ror all complaints. John BurWhart. UNeaes of the Stotuach. Eaton, Wyoming county, Pa. Dear Mr: This ts to cerUfy that I had a Weak Siomach and could eat no meat or any hearty food whatever. Jiya frlenVs adv ce 1 commenced the ue nf yotir Indl in Illood Sprup, which artvr a short, effectually relieved me and 1 can now eat anvthlnj; I choose. Your Sjrup gives universal sathtaciiun. llznbcth Uad&all. All that h is recommended to be. Opera House, Columbia, Pa. Deir Mr: I have used your excellent Indian Hlood Sjrunandlthaspruven Just as represented. lean recommend it to ull. Wm. Itochow, Wholesale Merchant, sth street. Utiatiitnnus Kecdmmendalion. Ti'0 Mllowlng add ihelr testimony for tho Indian 11. V.. (Irt-aCT, emrlneer P It It. .t. (l. Mnith, at Ii.ililvvini Meel Works. Mrs. snuler. nf c.iltmibU. A Itrerifr, of Wahlnati.l)urBh. luhn Kcios, of silo Harbor, Would not bo Without it, Ilenton. Columbia county. Pa Dear Sir: I hae used joir excellent Indian iu i ku sviirpana nave rtiviven mucn rjenent mere frtm. I could not get along without It. Mrs. Uarbcr. Xever Fails to Cure. East Lemon Wvomtnir Co. Pa. Dear sir : I was sick for three jears, and under proiebMonai ireaimeni mo-it cr lueume witnoui oe inc bcm-nicd. At last I was Induced to try your i Mn an iiuioii nVKip anu anera snort inai. i iouna inj&cir in better health than 1 nadbceu ror six years, Airs, ineron Jiau Sure Cure for Liver Complaint, rtohrsburff. Columbia Co. Pa Dear Mr t This is to certliy that jour Indus ruKJimvKiru.w oeen usea nv me. ror i.nerLom- pi I'ni, which had been troubling me for a long time i utTiveo more uenern, irum ine use or me wruo than from any otber medicine. I heartily recom- menuu, anu aaviso an sua ere rs 10 gnou a inai, L P bmlth Lois of Appetite. Itohrbburg Columbia county Pa. Deir Mr: I have used your excellent Indian ItLonn svhit for loss of Apptulte and Weakness of tho Siomach, with very lieuttlciil results, I believe' our medicine to bo tho greatest blood purifier known, and aiNu all who may befeUfferlDgas I was lo gh e It a bpeedy trial. Mrs. E Aery Pains iu Shoulders. Hchrsburj, Columbia county, Pa. Dear sir This is to certify that uur Inpun Di-uoii -syhci' h ts greatly relieved me of Pains In lhi Mioulder and Client, which I had been atUlcted with for ears. 1 recommend It cry highly, Mrs. Mary Welsh. Kidney Complaint. Uf nr Oap, Columbia County, Pa. Dear Sir i My Pather has b.'cn suffering with Kidney complaint fir a longllme and had been un dTdoitorh' irHiitment, but the doctors could not ( ITeit a euro I have t'en subject to a Numbness and weakness In mv I-eft Arm. We ontalned some ef your 1'iva'u.ibln iNpras itLoori hYKtr irom our Aeent. Wm, II. Potter, and it has cured mv father complHely, and my arm la much better. It does not trouble mo half bo much. Your medicine is excel lent. JoslaU John, Female Comptaints. Pear Jap Columbia county, Pa. Dnr Sir : This is to certify that I purchased sme of our 1mu liiK)i svki'I' for my lfo for luna maitnu anl Female Complaint, and it has given her relief, J K Uerncr Hest Medicine Ever Used, Pear (lap, Columbia county, Pa. Dear Mr: Vy little son was troubled with his wsterpasvtng from him constantly, day and night, I cni bulled twod ictorsand gave htm medlcjne, but without effict. nought some of our celebrated Indun PtAioh svitrr, ubhort trial of which, cured him. Lambcn Camp. Dyspepsia nnd Indigestion. Numlda, Columbia County, Pa. DearMr For many jeare my win wa-s afflicted with DyspepMa, and wo spent considerable mone vl'hout pcrhlng lieiietlt. Wo procured some or our Indian Umjou sybit and she began to improve tn health from tho time fho coinenc d lis use. bulomon D mij der Llyer Complaint, centralla, Columbia Co. pa. Dear Plr : This Is to certify that 1 yah unwell and could scarcHy attend to in) work, I think my Liver Whs affected. 1 procured Hume of y our Indian Hlood SYKi't and now. after a shoit trial, feel like a new man, I recommend Us use to all. Daniel Goodman. Dyepeptda and Neuralgia. Hyde park, Luzerno cn., ra. Dear sir: Your valuable Indian Plood nyhcp has effected a permanent cure In my case. 1 had been am luted with the Dyspepsia and .Neuralgia, but am now entirely will. Mrs. John Thornton, IMHous Stomach Cured, llydo Par, Luzerne Co., Pa. Dear K'r.-I have been troubled with Hllioua Complaint and by the usw of jour Indian Hioui bYKUl' It has tHuctually cured me. John N Williams. 1 yspepfda Curni, Hjde Pnrk, Luzerne Co , Pa. Dear Sir t-Your aluable Indian Hlood & kit has cuudmo of Dspepala, Mrs. SllAdklns, Liver Complaint. II j da Park, Luzerne Co , Pa. Dear Sir t"lhae been troubled with IJverCom platnt, but I was permanently cured byublngjour aluablo Indian UuoibYKur. Mrs. 0 1 liarltngaine. Deol,WT9-ly vr&co BLOOM SB UBG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOKMAL SCHOOL DItoTJIIOT. Bloomsburg, Rov. D. BP.rL"K.Ma,.?I , 1 .. nt .. T,mdiTcxni.rlcncod. i-niolent, anl nllve to lliclr work. Discipline, mbdemto. V'irty wrlta li week ilertuctlon to nil cxpectinj to teach, student! ndinll ted al any tlmo. Itooraa courscaoi Biuaj preatuuu'i mv-. I. Mwlel School. It. Preparatory. III. Elementary. I , Cla-mcal. Arliunct Courses : I, Academic. Il.Commerclal. lit. Course In Mumc. IV. Course In Art. V. Course in Physical Culture. . n..lJ. ", K,mniifle and classical Course! are I'ltDdWIUN U and students xraduatnif therein, tecel.-o. state Mplomas, , conferrlnB he fo lo J corresrona " Wements ! Master of tlio sciences s Master ot tho Clawics. urauuaics ,hTK!iVs?oinMufl frfrescrlbed "j- ifn siate Is heral ?hn Stae re, resVlUffheS Tho Catalogue, address the rnncipai. Prr.lilei.t llotiril Sept. 8, '70. But conic at once and look through tho largest stock of Meady-MM Clothing IN THE COUNTY. t IF VK CANNOT SUIT IN READY-MADE, WK CAN SELL YOU THE CLOTH, on TAKE YOUR MEASURE, AND MAKE YOU A SUIT IN CITY STYLE MUTTER AND 1$ THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN TOWN, CLOTS, CASHMERES, SOLD BY THE TAUD Now selling at the RELIABLE STORE OF BAYED LOWMKEMEe. ENDORSED BY OVER MACHINE EXHIBITORS AT THE CO? EXPOSITION ONIVERSELLE, Paris, 1878 AND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, PHILADELPHIA, 1876, A. b.lnc " V.ty STRONG, SMOOTH, .nd EXCELLENT THREAD." ENCOURAGE Home indu or ,y o i ii w SSOOi V MONTH euaranlpfd. I2 a ri.iv atliomo mado by iiie Inau&trlous Capital not required ; o 1!1 start) you, .Men, women, uojs ana Kins make money faster at wotk lor ns ll!ln nf nnill.lnrp ,ki Tl,.. i. r.r- Ij light nnd pleabant.l and such as anyone can go rltfht nr. Those wlio are who hve this notice will send us their addresses (nt once ami se for themseUes. CohtlyOutHt nnd terms Tree, Nowlstho nme. i uohe aireuoy ai worK nre jajinff up larse sums of money Address nilVK & oet 3, '39-ly f"AMlnir1 Warner's Safe Kidney and Lifer Cure. (Irmerly Dr. Crtiig't hldrmj Cure. A Vegetable preparation and the on I v ur rrmrdytn te world it llrlcUt iim-,..-. Urinary DUfOin. .jrTeatlrao,)iftl,of ththlfiLest order la proof Of tbeie statements. mSSL fr iurk .f "J?11". call for War tier's Hare Dlabvlrs ( urr, .."'or the cure or lirlslit'a and thmhcr calLfor Waruer1 Nale Uldner and Liver Cure. . WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It J the best Blood I-arlflrr. and itlmulstes tr'rr fuiicnun to more bealtbful action, and b tbui a benent In all dheasei. "uu II curea Mrroruluua and oilier KUln Enip. Ilona and IHe.. iDcludios Cuuctn, rrra, and olber Surra. ' P'P'. WraanMi ofli Nlnniarli, Cooallallin, Klulnrah Uinrral llrbll! f.'' "! 5" curei1 bX 11,8 r Ulllra. 111! unequaled aj an appetlieraud regular lonlo. iloUlel of Iwo sliea : prices, tHiv. and 91.00. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE QDlekir (Itn Ilr.t and srrp to iheiufferinr. cure; leudnriie and Nruralttla. prevents Kpllepllcnu, and rellevesNrr.uu. l-rua. tralloa brougtit on by excessive drinlc, over work, mental sbocks, and other causes. l'owerful as It Is to slop pain and soothe dls. turbed Nerves. It niver Injures tbe sisltui, whether taken In small or lame doses, iiottlas of two sixes ; prices, BOc. and 91.00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS - re an Immediate and active stimulus for a jrorptdUTrndcure Cultlv.nm, Py.pffils, ml. ..uibcii. o.uoui pisr ran., MslsrU, rtv.r sod At..., and sbuuld I be used v believer tbe lo.vels do Dot operate freely and regularly. wi Amn lur .hwrviisk H sr.'..'. bat. Krll ... I ..14 t PrutiUU . br.lrn I. iMUia. ...rwh.r. H.H. Warner & Co., ROCHESTER, N. Y. f CrThmi fur I'uablilct OCU 81, U79.0y 'Wiros. Thla rtmu&tl mrUU flnt will curt fiiatlDi, feplicit. Curb, Ctllnui, le . tr to t-nln-gf uivtit, tod will fcmoft lha buiK.ti without bllitcrlug or iiui. lug lore. tio ttuinir N ctrtftloty o f ftction In itop. IlP2thatini(nrii nJ M- Jtrftkd circular Kivloc potltirt proof, and your I neurit biui tuurci, nrnunu inpui lu Cure It soltl by Drucilili. or f lit, D. J, KcodtUl It Co., iliioibug till, VcrtuouU UOYEU 11UOTJ1EKS, Woomsburg, Pa. CT.fflP6sssHlIHMIMitMt'NIIM tl Ami -Mm IS 111 immm mm. Columbia County, Pennsylvania. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. an the S -ientinc and Classical courses are not Inferior to Ihose of our best Collotres. times .lei land It. It Is ono of tlw Prim" objects otlhl! school to heir .to secure 1 . b; of Trusters. NOVEITIKS, Hats. Caps, &c, For Men and Boys, Pearl Shirts, Under Clothing. Pretty suits for little boys, Cheap suits for Men, Cheap Overcoats, Trunks, Satchels, Bags, &c. Gum Clothing, &c, THIRTY SEWING. tSTJBlKHtO USB. UFACTURED at MOUNT HOLLY. N.J. TUARTtBROlLMnD)AGUTS.krirHi yWfMZSIPARIS. PHILADELPHIA. 'AWARDED I NEW YORK II BOSTON. . . - - ,1 Highest lledal at Viecna aai Philadelphia. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 501 liroadway, JYcw York. MnnuUclurers, Importers A- Dealers In Velvet Frames, Albums.Grapboscopes STEREOSCOPES AUD VIEWS Enaravings. Chromos. Photographs. And kindred goods celebrities, Actresses, etc., PhotographMaterials We are lltadquartcis for everj thing in tho way ot Stere:pticons and Magio Lanterns, Each style tlnir the tpt of tlsclassln the market, lU'autiruU'l.utotrraphlc Transparenclca ot bUUu ary unJ Kuirraiv.DL's tor tho window. cuuvt'x iiUst. MaLUfJcturtTs of Velvet Frames tor .Miniatures ana uon ex uiiss j'lciures. cualojjues of Unterns and Mldes, with Hons for using, tent on receipt of ten cents. tiii; .imiNsox i:lvoi.yix(j kook-cam:. Mule of Iron, lifnutlfully prn.1 ineutPil, Aiijutuhld wliol vt'H. Cluap anl hlroiij;, Cituiot tret cut of outer. I'uiir t,Uv. Hon I for ci-'iiiileto circular an l prleo list. K'ml 25 emu for itir new llliistrateil Catnloiruo of Hclionl Mfrcliauillsp J'vt'ry lUnnt cr Tau lur thouhl hme it. EAKEIi, TKATT & CO., Headqjzrters for til School Supplies, 112 X Hi aiU.ND MULLT, E..' 10UK. Hcpt li, iy TltUTHS. If Tim aropuffcrlnef rotii poor health, or languish- lutfuua bud of elckncwi Hup JtltU'rlivill Cure You. If yrn uro a mlnUtcr, rclf m 11 ti our mstoral tin indhlTQ a ertazfil vntts. tlca tor a mother, Worn if ypu are almply olllnu i rlUHrltcd, without ckur. out w Ith tare and worlc.oi If juu fvul Keitlc uiiii Hop Itinera will Ilrttore You If rou aro a man of but Ineaa, weakened hy lutleat or u iiuo of utrafu of our cverydaj Km, lulling over ourlaildolfht work. Hop lUiirrawilI If you are youas, tndl crtllon, or are trow iag too MreDgtbeo Yon 'julTerlng from any India. jfODUaafi often the mc, Ufllee You. ihop,onthe farm, at the that your ifiUm iift-iU uUttng,lthoui Inioil. Hop III I ten M If you are In the work dcalc.iini u hrrr.and rni clcamln, tuulag or lUui Hop Klitrrs I JVhnt You Nerd ii rnu areola, and vonr lulse la feebla. nm ta miktvady, and your, llopinittrnnUlifUovouNew Ufe nud Vigor, Jlop Cocait Cun It the aweeteat, ikfcst nd beat a mm re n. The Hop Tad for Btomaph. Mw irt,in.i tujxrior to all others. Ulipcrtccu Ak UruggW I. I. C. Ii an i aolute and IrreiUtahfe cure for drunk enuutui, umi of oiilutn, tobcco and uarcutUs. allfttoMtoUbydtutaUU. Il.'pttlltmMrx.C.TUHbUTlN.Y, May 'i, 79-tf, NEW CURE, f0,, Abthma. & ddress with stamp 'HOME," Froatbure. Md. leD.e, 'to-iy wico -VWMAfJ Hl Mm'' IM'NI (Ml I IMMHIHIIMI.m mm i. - tT '1 1 JI VMM W. llrm but klntl. uniform and thorou','ii. Expense' reserved wuen uesircu. in mo oiuer courses recei.u , - rurnlshtnfflnlcUl' thoso Hhoileslre toluipiove.lhiir time r. r. mt,t.MVKK, secretary. Weaver c Co's Ads $2500 A YEAR Wo Imio the hcet tilings for iipcnt. t,vt-r 200 njents arc nowmiklii Irntu to S ii a flay. Sond Kinip for pnrtlcuhrn. Address AOKNTS' HKltALl). Jtox Iff riilladclphla, l'a, FREE GIFT! -TRA AtldrpBS AdKNTS' ItHIiAU), llox II, l'hila.ld.,h. AGENTS! READ THIS! We will payApciits a salary or allow a )an;pcnm ml'flon to K'll mir now and uomlcrliil In irtilln. U'c niraii uliat no say, r" famiilo freo. AaUXlfeMILKAM), no IljJhllmlclphla, Ta ITPCWT fornlftlio hoNtand lahlcm-Nolllits HUC II I O SulMrlitlon llnoltM IVANTtn an tio tlttw, tho I All 1 LU ihmaifl is im;jy Immense, one! Ur ritory hrlug ripuily tahen. 111 oiitNcil any other boo..?. Tho grcnti"-t opportunity vwt olTend to persons nut or oinphi mriit or ho do fire to add 1 1 tin Ir income by cniriiiin': In an Iinit- orablo nnd prolllahlo hitslntss, 1'ncta rc- ducul from f) t(f.o pi r ir-irt. Addn-pa AUC.N'rs' llUKALD, lloxn,rh)ladc1phlavra. 2TT-SrTi,l3r Vare nt Manulat JAU H MlMXL titrcrM'IlrUcN. Tho utter vorthU-SHnces of tho ftull advertimd ly a mimber of firms In New York, Cincinnati and Jioston.rnmiMd t ho vorld-rcnonncdTrcmont Spoon Co t of rhlladrlphli, to oiler cu'ry ono snmplo pets of their Vcy Jh-ct ares at prices much lower than any jeweler pnyu for them at wholesale. Wo inako this oiler for n thort tlmu eimply to Introduce our roods, Tho Itno" and OlIvo llrandn I'lated Ware pent nt followiiijr rates: Tin pons, S1.00 (lo.; Talofponnn, $.3 00; Tork1", PIOO: liu'itr Knlcsf $1.73j Stinar Shells. I'litcd h' d Knlvcn, S'-i73J Tlppoil t.crmnn MherT. IIppiooii, $2.73; '1 ea?poons, 81.10; l'lalu ti, St 'i'ahlot'pootin, S3..V); Teaspoon", 1.40, Ontids pent prepaid on receipt of money or potn cc ctamp. TItC.MONT M'OOX CO., Hot II, Philadelphia, Tft. Sample hy.Mnll For2."i Cents. Ihey arn mado Just likonny L'Ood Caster troml llrltnanlj Iotnl,eootl tilastand Hot t Icf Kfery Aircnt can easily nell 25 gross of thpso perfect lojs hpfnro Christmas, Just the article fur Counter Stores, Acentinnd Streetmen. 1 do. zcnhyKxpreKsgt.uO. I cross hy lApress $11.01). W n also linve n CollnpslnirCiip, which telescopes toirethrr nnd ran he carried la eht 1'ofLet. Sample liy Mall !Sc. 1 duzen Id LxDrpst Si,.;,. 0 dor. lit V. press $24. IH). All the aim, e l04hU are no, el, nttrartlte. lilichly pollslipdand will sell rapid ipiuir. Address nlalnl o 1(, l'hlUdelphl a. To. V e (uirni It In tvr-rj re, nilirri not f how Ion lUnd tift-r ln. ili-t ly rncwd, ft f In.taDl relkf, aDdeure tli Ititifl rliToi. In rial tn Ircm i.e lo Hire inli, If lined aarllrn t. ill, I i.lliiitx a ituinl rr of I fit in i nliU ru l.f trra if ilfnire-1, I ut ill K.k U trial, tn tntlut il.Kt ii III euro liru all dll.f n iu dare fallal K.'l.l I r ill drttitr. in ndk-luei, m (.!! 1-r.Mir r til Innii if llifniL' ly J U (ill UT.tirnrrnl nrnl fur I . s nml I anifas i:io 1'iuiiKllii M,( llalllinoi.-, .Mil, trade mrk tud ilji.atiire of Ir i n ' J W it CO. NSTITUTB. ratabllshoilln 1 S72 for the cura of 'un. .-r, 'li.n.nrh, lllc-ra, wltauut tlio ttso of Knlfo or ioss of blootl ami httlo patu. j or luioriuatiott, ctrcttlarit ami reltTt'DLca, fclitrcBa l.r. 1'. 1.. I'O.Mt, Aurora, Jvauo Co., ill. fcept. 19,'79.1y. .1 w k co. THIS lirv ELASTIC TllUSS Itaa . P. ItTtl-, .11 .,L euinhai, with hrlf AdjuitiCK lUU ItTSCNSIBLC " In Pill tn it,. St. Ku.V a n '"Vl,a',-,u,"1, 't"1 lay a bull), ml . Mti alpiir. wr. Egaleston Truss Cn., Ch!ca;o, III., sept. 1J. '"K-1J-, JW&0O. QoN SUMPTIONjJ can tio currtt liv tlin pontlnttoil tiso nf (K.min'.md l.hcr oil und l.ncto rnopliito of Mm, it euro for I'onsumpllon. coutrhs t'oWs, AMlut.a, lirotiolillla, antl all Sen minus tlHt-ases. AUc jour drucgM for i.A.Ui.ll O (till. UIKO II. OlUtT II II" 1I.1H IIOL OL 11, . Prim I uuil.U I. liy ll UVIV Ul. rfruiOL Ol S, tend for Circular. CHAi. A.'. 13 h,ccnth Avenue, New York, Novst.'TH.-Cm Ik SCO. U. SHOTS rtitSonVa lirnlid SHOT n to or 14 lb uoaty. .rranttd itn S akSI J1ak, Jlett, Jlnjc lltnU, llur Cap aiut llrnf fiinri. Anofur Lvlcl-ritled lirnturl.u JtlI for $ttt, Mufvnutedufitnuale, taul (l llluattkltrd (.'atali . u and 1 titm Ll.l tu JAMES DOWN & SONS, UUrjrlM Coa Worki, J3 A t3K lfood St., Hii AiiLuij ld is.s. nn sit vua it, rs decs-Sin V A Co PlfiNOS cover, stool nnd ip-.ok, only JWO to un, . ru'uuH, 13 stom. a sets llmls, 2 Knee swell. Mrw.l lin,i ' ', mm i.3u. itr- h srnn Or. Ban, stool Honk-, only nm. circular sent frt'e. Janu am wao REVARD TFSZXX. JUitui, Iti.itm(r,fr tlli-triUt-J 1'ileHtliat Hi IthiK'ul'ila IIrrMtiy(il4tut.i.ii lurei HUlm Out l n 111 f,CLJl' COP9 ui I'm,- nai,uiiiK it) i n-idK, ana .nunnry ranes In 2 UJ3 , i i in i I T T T W ( (t(Ol vroi imr yrtnlfl un tit lUrh a 111 nt tVnf nii.J lr, J r. iUtUfU .v,ifr. l-hit. I .MiiHa. p, 1 l.jf !ldrui.-i';lta. h uttyiiiAUIiyJ.KMiiiM.,M.Ia l'roiir.,ti. M.iur.'lw-ih ttud M,h iit., t'u-.i.)l,a, Nov.'il TS.-ly nld GILMORE & CO., lMlIUI'il Ihtl.-.. Ponsiona, Increaso of Pensions, and ull ether classes of claims for Soltllera and tl. tilers lltlrs, prowcuted. Addrtbs wlili btanip, j ... mi.Moitu t co., "to 5-tf Wttkhlnuton, 1). O. PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at this Office ON SHORTEST NOTICE AM) AT THE MOST KEASONAULE TEEMS sept. 19, '79-ly, s OLD fi!)D RELIABLE, S JDn. HiNrorm's IjtVEti iNvioortAToir.! S la n Stnnttaril l'tmily l'.-miljr for !' ' ilidcnspa of tlio Ijlvcr, Storaaoli ) S nnd Bowels. It is l'uroly jtSfM t;U Vegttnblo. It noTCr .ft 50.tlirtionnil STonio.' Vfr STnYfAfl ft A 'fl0s i . i v i vin 4 VAv'pai v. t he9 n4 Ve' .1 O". T:s."5 ,8'- f0' m n u 9 v 1 1 BH4IuvigoratorJ In my prnctlcoS ) ; witli unprcccdentptl results. S ' SEND FOIl ClriCULAn 1 5s. T. W. SANFORO, M.D., MSuSv S r tiTiuti(,tirniLLTrit.iiittirst!ri'iTuiiM 2 RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES CENT11AL KAIUVAY WINTER TIME TADLE. On nnd afler Sunday. Juno 29, 18T9, the tralni on 1 lie Philadelphia A Lrln Ha lroad Dlt iilon will run as follows : WESTWAltl). Erlo Mall leaves Philadelphia 11 r, pin " llarrlsbur 4 25 an. " " William port snsum " " .lersey shore It 07 a la " " Ix)ck llacn D 40 a in ' " llcnovo 110 n rn " arrive at Krlo 7 55 p m Niagara Express leavcsl'lilladelphla s tio a in ' " lIurrKUuri: 11 if, am " arr. at Wllllamsport 2 23 pin " " lck Uiicn 3 .mi p m Fast Lino leaves Philadelphia 11 50 n in " Ilatrlsburg 8 Its p m " nrrlvo at Wllllamsport 7 25 p in " " l.ockllaien 8 40 pin EASTWAHU. Pacific Express leaves Lock Haven 7 fo a in " " Jersey si.oro 7 3.1 a m " " llllamsport s l a in " arrive at Harrlsburp 1205 pm " " riilladclphla 3 40 p in Day Ex press leaves " " Ijjck Haven 11 20 a in " V llllamsport 12 40 p in " arrive at llarrNbtuv ' '0 p m ' ' riilladelphla 7 20 p m Erie Mall leaves Henoio s 411pm " " Lock lltnen U50)un " " W lllhvnsnort 11 in p in " arrives at Harrlsburjr 2 45tim " " Philadelphia 7 tio a m Fast Lino leaves llllamsport 12 85 a m arrives at llarrlsburgr 3 f 0 a 111 " " Philadelphia 7 40 u m Erie Mall west and Day Express Hast rmko (ioo connections ntNtirUiumbcrlaiKl wllh L. 11. II. 1!. trains for Wtlkosbarro nud hcrauton, Erie Mall West, Niagara Express West and Fa9t Lino West make close connection nt WlllloniMiort with N. v. It. W. trains north. Niagara Express West and Day Exprcfs Fast mako closo connection atLocklluun with 11. E. V It. It. trains. Erlo Mall east nnd West connect at Erie with trains on L. S. M. s. It. 11. 1 at Corry with o. c. 4; A. V. It. 11. ; at Emporium with 11. N. V. k l: H. It. and at Driftwood with A. V. It. It. Parlor cars will run between Phllalelphla and Wlllamsport on Niagara Express west, ami Day Ex press East, bleeping cars on all night trains. WM.A. I1AL1MWN, Oencral bupt. NOKTHKKN CENTRA I. RAILWAY COMPANY. On and after November 211th, 1S73, trains will inn 11 sunbury as follows : NOKTUWAIID. Erlo Mall 5.20 a. in., arrive Elmlra 11 .5 " Canandalgua... 3.S5 p. .1 Itocuestcr 5.16 " Niagara. 9 40 " Uenovo accommodation 11.10a. m.arruo Wlllluin port 12.65 p. m. Eliiilra.Mnll4.15a.rn., arrive Elmlra 10.20 a.m. Uuffalo Express 7.15 a. m. arrive lluffalo 8.50 a rr SOUTIIWAltD. Hurt alo Express 2.60 a. m. arrive Ilarrlsburg " llaltlmore 8.40 Elmlra Mall 11.15 a. m arrho Harrlsburgl.r,o " Washington 10.31 " Daltlrnore C.30 " Washington llarrlsburg accommodation burg 10.60 p. m. arrive Baltlmoro " Washington 0.13 Erlo Mall U.63 a. ra. arrive llarrlsburg 3.05 a. m, " Baltimore 9.40 " " Washington 10.3s " All dally except Sunday. D. M. BOYD, Jr., tleneral Passenger Agen A. J. CASSATT, General Manager piIILADELl'IIA AND READING ROAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. May 11, 1879. TIUINS LRAVK KCPKKT 18 F0LLOW8(8l'KDiy KXCK1TID For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, Pottsvllle, tc 11,46 a. rn For Cataw lssa, 11,45 u. in. 7,21 and 7,35 p. m. For Wllllamsport, 0,28 9,05 a. in. and 4,oo p. m. IKHN3 roit nUFEBT IKiVS 19 FOLLOWS, (StaplT KX CK1TKD.) Leave New York, 8,45 a. ra. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a, tn. Leave Heading, 11,65 a. m., Pottsvllle, 12,39 p. in and Tninaqun, 1,F5 p. in. Leave Cataw lssa, 0,20 s,5o a. m. and 4,oo p. in. Lcae Wllllamsport,,2,l5p.m.and4,60 p. rn Passengers to and from New yorkand Phlladcl plila go througa lUiout change of cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, C. G. HANCOCK, "enera! Manager General Ticket Agent Jan. 14, lnJG-tr. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN 1U1LHOAD. BLOOMSUUIUi DIVISION. Tlme-Tablo No. 39, Takes effect at 4:30 A. M JlU.-tUAI, JU.NE to, is;8. NOltTll, bTATlONS. I liOUTll. a.m. p.m. p.m 'KAMI Bar p.m. p.m. a.m. 9 80 4 12 9 40 9 23 9 17 9 37 9 OS 9 30 8 53 3 51 9 91 8 61 3 40 9 19 8 40 3 41 9 14 12 41 12 t 8 33 3 30 9 04 8 13 3 10 8 44 8 23 8 20 8 65 8 12 3 12 8 41 8 04 3 Ui 8 39 7 61 2 SI 8 23 7 S3 2 39 8 17 III 111 8 12 7 25 2 23 8 00 7 18 7 14 T 10 7 02 2 04 7 44 0 60 1 67 7 SS 0 60 1 61 7 33 45 1 40 7 29 0 27 1 27 7 11 0 16 0 00 1 00 6 45 p.m. p.m. a.m. scran ton Ilellevue Tajlorvllle., . ...Lackawanna,.,. . Plttston . . West Plttston... Wsoraing Stallby Ilennett, V do i lit u la 2 16 0 20 2 22 t 21 1 30 0 31 2 JS II 40 QJl S 11 9 45 9 68 l 10 07 2 49 6 M 03 0 65 67 0 69 O I Til. Ilvlngston.'".'".' ..Plymouth June 10 13 10 33 3 15 7 IS 3 10 1 IS 10 29 3 15 7 25 QUI T S.S .-..j lyinoutu,.,,, Aondalo Nantlcoke .Hunlock's i reek, MilfL-ul.lnnv 10 34 3 20 7 42 10 4 2 3 35 8 114 10 66 S 60 8 25 11 07 4 03 8 45 11 13 10 3 65 11 21 4 18 9 l5 ....Illck's Kerry" ....i.cuiu nuven... -Herulck .... llrlar Creek , Willow Grove.... T linn Drier.. y I i. 4 29 7 23 4 33 7 30 4 42 7 41 4 49 8 1)1 . a 'l Espy...."' 11 39 11 45 ti.iuouisourg...., Caiawtssa lirtdge! 11 6 11 67 6 01 S 60 13 18 6 18 S 21 .i'untiiit... .Chulasky 9 18 9 51 ...",() II) ifto'fihumterland, 19 45 6 45 9 60 p.m. w. v nsi ALaTKAD, bllpt. Superiotendent'B Otllce, Bcranton, June l'o, ws. "yAINWRIOHT & CO., WUOLESALB OltOCEltS, I'UILIDILTUU, Dealers In TEAS, SYltUrS, COFFEE, SUOAlt, MOLASSES, H'CI, SriCIS, BIC1B8 BODl, tC., tXO. N If. Corner Second and Arch streets, ir orders will receive prompt attention.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers