The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 05, 1880, Image 3

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    Ill U U U 1J U XIX 1J 1 11 L 1
iii.onttsni'iin, uniHT.Mutcii 5, ismj
Itall Itoad Time TaJiIo.
rrnmrnndatlon Train T ft A.M.
Mall Train T.SsA. M 4.13 P. M
fj-rtof n-.nln I.nrt 11 I l
Express Train , 6.M 1'. M.
mmhmaIa Anliln It OS A f , oft H t
Re ular Kxprcss 4.00 1', 11, 11,15 A, M,
Tnronsn cars on Kxpresnraincuucrto sew ioik
Or rnitadclphlt. Accommodation train runsbctween
Oatawtssa and Wllllamsport.
camiika Asn ili.ooM?Rntfi. Iftvo Cnmbra Mondav.
wruncRiiay ami rrway m nnni a. m nrrivoai
liloombunr by ll:3i. a. m. I.rav3 I'.lomnsburi? on
name days alter arrival of l'lilladclphla mall.
Tuciiny, Tiiursaiv nnu tauird.iv atTisn n. m.,
nrilvlnsr at IHoomsburir Ijy u m. Leavo llloomi
burtr tin same dais alur arrival or rnrladclplita
mall Dally mall from Iiloomslurg to .Mlllvllle,
Benton and lllnomsburir. A dally stone lino leal lug
iifnion in me muniing uuu returning in mu eve
ning ot the e.itno day,
Tuesday, 'liinrsday anil Saturday at 0:30 a. m.,
arrt In? at IHoomsburir by lit n. m. I,eavo lllooms.
burg on same daj a alter arrival ot I'lilladclplil.t
Bentov and HiOM,r.rRfl. leaves Ilenton Monday.
weunesiuy ana i riu.iy nil n. m.. nrnwnir ai
llloomiburc at 2 p. m. leaves IHoomsburir 1 iim.
day, 'Inurnday nnd oaturday at s a. iu arriving
at ll-'iilimnlip. m.
runuc SALES.
Aaron Koter will pell (lie rcnl etale of Mar
tha llencock. ilcee.'Heil. in Urccnwoou townnilii
on rriuav, Aiarcn inn, nt i o ciock i. hi.
J, 1!. ltoblson, cxreutor of lielsy ltobion
ciectuaeu, win pew reii ciaie in iiiooiiiiiiru,
March came In very much like a tame lion,
Mr. l' I). Koons of Wilto-tarrc was in town
I--. c,..-.i-..
Tlie Gatctte it Jlutlctin is as handsome as can
)r. K. Jncoliylias opened a Dentil office. In
liaittiian a iiiock.
Senitnr W. A. Wallicc will nlcac accent our
thanks for i.tihlic document?.
Mi-s Kiln McKinney rclurmil last Monday
from Muncy where tlio has been vKiling.
Hon, Thomas Chalfanl, of Ihe Danville In-
tdlt'jcnctr, ha bten seriously ill for pome lime.
The lint given fr the Mincri' Hospital at
AMiliiul has been properly ilee leJ to the com
Mrs. Nicely, mother of Mr. J. I. Tustin'
tlinl at l.cwisburg on Wednesday evening at
the advanced age of 03 years.
Samuel Hiley lin been chosen Heident Kngi
neer of Ihe Locust Mountain Coal Company, at
Ahland, vice L. A. Hiley resigned. Adiocatc.
We should hive na'iieil Mr. 1' Dent Icr
in place of V H. Tubb", as one of the film
that has lea-id the Opera Ilone.
Tin "Pirates of l'eniince" troupe will visit
Danville fODn after the close of the Lenten
AVc are slail to knrn that Fred 1!. Ilarltnan
of Uuck Horn has recovered from his recont
K. L. Kramer, formerly of Glen City, this
county, is now living at Honceverte, Green
Jlriar county, West Virginia.
Captain Iirockway lias been confined to his
bed for the rust week, with a heavy cold on the
lungs, Ce hope he may soon recover.
The Exchange Hotel still maintains il3 rep
utation as one of the bept ill the slate. No
pains are spared for the comfort nnd conven
ience of guests.
The Williamiport Jjtinnrr hat been purchas
ed, by Col. S.ill.ulu & Sou, who aho control the
,S'iiu, nnd it is said that tho two will soon bo
H. W. Sloan is in l'hiladelphia making pur
chases fjr the completion of his new sture
building. Tho firm of Lutz & Sloan will move
into it about the first of April.
Jioworlli's Hibernieawas exhibited in the
Opera llou-o on Wednesday night to a ratln-r
small house, (hough they deserved a better.
This troupe sent one Iiunilrul tl illars from here
as a contribution to the Irish reliel bind.
Tito obituary notice in tho llccnnl of the
lime of Wednesday is rather premature, C'apt,
Jlro:liW.iy is not dfad, as announced by that
The offices of I. W. McICelvy, William Neal
& Sons and the D. I & W. Jt. It., have been
conutcli'd by telephones. Hie iiistruniinis
were made by the Western Klcclric Company.
A young son of Jackrou SlmflVr was kicked
in the fate by a horse on Sunday la-t. Dr.
Iteber wjs imnHtliately summoned ami dressttl
the .He is lying in a viry critical con-
Sive your rjgs ami waste piper Ihey have
gono up to thiee and fjur eenls per pound. Old
pip. r is worknd over ngiin, and it pays well to
save it fjr the rag men. Any family can save
enou.'h in old rags and paper each year to pay
for all the newspaptis they luke.
Here is rather an odd fact conncctitl with
the recent election. Miss llnm Slutter was
elected school dirictor in l.ehigh township by
a handsome uiijoiity, defeating her fithcr,who
was also a candidate. It's the first case of the
kind we have ever known. Wtltabarre Hie
II. J. Clark and II. V. Zirr Ktq,, have pur
chased ihe Unangst building adjoining CI irk
& Son's storo. We understand that a staimay
will be put up through ihu rooms now occupied
by Mr. Zarr,nnd he projioses to move his offiie
to tho second tloor over the store.
"Logan Colliery" is the name adopted foi
the new coal operation at Centralis of Messrs
Itiley, Lilly and Lentz. The Improvements
are going forward as speedily as possible ami
everything indicates Ihat the '"Logan" will be
one oi the best, as well as Ihe largest colliery
in this region, AMaud Advoeatt.
A member of Ihe bar was arrested on Mon
day, on a charge of embezzling the public rec
ords. As we are Informed, tho facts are that
he had in his possession certain original files
which he refu-ed to return to the Prothonotarj's
ollico on demand, A warrant was issued and
ball entered for Ills appearance at May court.
The superintendent of Ihe census has issued
n cireularglving directions to supervisors in
regard to the appointment ol enumerators stat
ing that such apiointiueuts should bo nonpar
tisan. In conclusion the letter says: "Ihe
superintendent Is aware of no reasons existing
in law for regarding women as Ineligible for
appointment as tnumcratars. Each supervisor
must be Ihe judge for himself whether such ap
pointments in any number would be practically
advantageous in his own district,"
The famous Tennessee colored Jubilee Sing
ers will appear at tho Opera House this Friday
evening, This troupe visited us a fewyean
ago, and gave entire satisfaction, Their per
formances nro entirely unobjectionable, being
frequently given in churches, They nro high
ly recommended by the press and clergy, nnd
deserve a liberal patronage, Uo and hear them,
Admission 25 cents. Iteserved seats 35 cents.
Tickets at Clark's Book Sic re.
Tho shrill whistling nnd fhouting of boys In
tho gnllory nt tho Opern House previous to tho
rising of the curlnin at entertainments thero
ought to ho stopped. It Is very unpleasant to
sensitive nerves.
Harry Knipp Ins received on appointment
from tho Western Union Telegraph Company.
A son of W, 11. Point has taken his place In
G. A. Clark's store.
We nre reqticled to announce that the
Greenbnck County Commlltcc will meet nt
J. II. Itoblson'sofliccSatuitlay forenoon, March
13, for ihe purpose of representation In their
Stnlo and National Conventions.
.1, H I'ntisoy of Kspy and James Cook of
Orange wcro bound over by list., Morris on
Monday, on n chugs of robbing Sand's storo
last fall, Two other persons wcro arrested,
ami tho hearing continued until Saturday.
Last Xotick All persons indebted to the
estate of Peter Lnl, deceased, and to Ent
llroilters nro hereby notified that these accounts
must bo paid by May 1st or costs will bo in
curred, Call at my office at l)looraburg.
.March J,tf, U. It. Ext, Adm,
The trial of W. I). Shearmsn In Sullivan
cotinly fir Ihe murder of George Yaunt last
October, was htld at Lsporlc list week. An
account of the crime was published in this pa
lter at the time of ils occurrence. Huns. J. J
Metznr, E, M. Dunham nnd E. W. Sweet do
fended the prisoner. The jury retired nt5p
i on 1'ridav af.crnoon, and returned at 9
willt a verdict of murder in the second degree.
Judge Ingham senlenced the prisoner to seven
years In the Eastern penitentiary
The country is likily sonn tu enjoy the nov
elty of tin ec new coins, tho Coinage Commillec
having agiced lo relinrt a bill authorizing the
coinage of the Stella, the twenty-five gramme
liver dollar, and ihe golohl tnelrlc doilir. The
ttll.1 is a ftittr doll ir coin, of six grimmes of
goll, three tenths of a grimme silver, nnd
seven-tenths gramme copper. It is larger linn
tho 5 gnl 1 ffece, and very Lrlght boking.
The twtnly-live gramme d.illir contains t tie
same nmoutit of silver as tw i sMvcr halve", and
also six cents worth of gold. It Innks much
like the stand ird silver dollar, though it is
sin iller.
Tho Wa'er Compjiiy will begin active oper
ation in a very short time. They pioposc lo
do what is fiir nnd liberal with Ihe public, and
tneir nclion should be lcciproraltd. Works
could be enclid sufficient for private supplies
for half what it will cost for a fire protection.
Looking to the inlerestsof the public the com
pany propose to erect the more expensive
noiks, so that if tho town desires, it can have
an ample supply by paying a reasonable price
for the same.
Sr. I'atiiick's Day. Wednesday the 17lh
of March is St. Patrick's day. It is Ihe cus
tom for Iho sons of Erin to celebrate this occa
sion with large processions, This year all pa
geantry will be omitted and the probable ex
pense of the celebrations In difl'eient cities will
be devoted to the relief of their suffering coun.
Hymen in Irelind, St. Patrick was a good
Ilishop who did much to elevate and benefit
the people of the Emerald Isle. Irishmen can
best emulate his example by working on thai
day nnd contributing their wages lo ihe relief
oi their starving brethren.
Mrs. Proul, living near Iluckhorn, in bak
ing a cake recently, used some shoe powder (a
kind of pulverized scap stone) iustead of bak
ing soda. The mistake was not discovered un
til the lady and her niece nte of it when they
became very sick and began vomiting a phy
sician was summoned and timely aid given.
After a brief but severe sickniss they recover
ed. Mr. Prout would not at first ascribe the
cau-e lo the cake, but as they insisted it was tlut
he tlir. w the cake in the yard. A dog, bogs
anil (hiikens nil had a tatc of it, the hogs and
dog lecovered alter severe sickness, but all of
llio chiikens died from tho efitcts. Too much
eareean nut bo taken in tho ine of articles for
We havo received an answer to the Ilible
Itiddle, published in the isue of February 13,
from S. D. N'eyhard of Lime ltidge He re
fers lo the 7'Jml ver-o of the 1 llli chapter of
St. Mark, which is as f Hows : "And ihe sec
ond lime the coik crew. And Peler called to
mind the word that .le-i's said unto them, lie
fore the cock cruw twice thou shall deny ine
thrice. And when be thought thereon he
This is ui.donbtedly a good answer lo Ihe
riddle. Will our Slillwalcr correspondent
please inform u whether it is tho correct one ?
La-t Sunday afternoon a number of chihlicn
living nenr Neil Sons' furnace were amusing
tlii tiiselvis by building a fire on tho common
between the load anil the railway. A sudden
gttit of wind blew Iho tlanus on Ilia dollies ol
Lena, a little daughter of John llehan, and in
an instant she wis enveloped in fire. An al irm
was given but no one was near enough to save
her until James Lennon reached her, an I tak
ing oil' his coat lhrew it around her nnd stnoth
ei ed the fl line-. It was too bile. She was so
bully injured tint sbedied on Monday morning
aluut six o'clock.
The Ucpublimn of list week repeals ils asser
tion a 'msjority of the republicans law fit to
support u. II. Ent for sherill. In tho faieol
the figures Ihey w ill find it difficult to induce
any one lo believe lliis. Out of s melbiu;
over 1000 votes, nbjilt 400 were (Ireenbiekers,
1000 Democratic and the balance republican,
which does not make a majority of the repub
lican votes cast, by a long shot. It also elilms
that Ils action lis. fall caused the elrction
of two republican members of the board of
Poor Directors of this district, but forgets to say
that one of Hi candidates for that office was de
feated, while l'airman, whom the editors of
that paper threw overboard last fall, nnd an
other gen ileman who censured the JtepuUiom
editors severely for thir action in that matter,
were elected. It strikes us that there is a lit'
tie demornllzition in the ranks of the republi
can party.
Death bus been busy for some time past in
this community, and is gathering in the young,
tho middle aged.und tho old. William Glger,
brother of Mrs. P. Unangst, died last Friday
of diopsy, and was buried on .Monday. Tho
services were held nt tho Iteformed church,and
wera enducted by liev. 0. 1). S.Mareby,owin;
to the illness of Key. W. E, Krebs.
Charles W. Snyder, ton of tho late William
Snyder, died ut the residence of his brolher-ln
law, C. W. Neal, on Monday morning, after a
protracted illness. His uge was 3U years, 8
months am 9 days, Tho funeral look place on
Wednesday morning at ten 0 clock and Ihe re
mains were deposited in lite family vault,
lieu Canfield Harrison died at his homo on
East street on Saturday last, of dropsy, after
an illness of about four months, at the age of
scventyiono years. He moved hero Irom Lu
zerne county about seven years ago. Hewas
an assoclato judge cf that county for eight
years Since ho has lived here ho has engaged
in no active business, He leives a widow.
The funeral took place ut the house 011 Tuos
day afternoon, tho Itcvs. Mitchell an 1 Vocum
Mr, Eda'ettdied nt tho house of his son A
Edgclt on Friday last. Ho was buried 011
Sunday afternoon,
MonNtNO and Evenino Staks Mercury
will bo evening star about March 10, J11I7 fi,
and November 3; nnd morning star about April
20, August 21 nml December 13.
Venus will be morning star till July 13s then
evening star the most of the year,
Jupiter will he evening star till March l,i
then morning slar till October 7 and evening
star tho most of the year.
On Inst Saturday, iho Mandrake Swamp
Company, a company Incorporated for the pur
pose of dinlnlng certain wet lands in Scott
township and tho town of llloomiburg, met nt
residence of Mr. Harvey Creveling, nnd or
gan Ized by the election of tho following ofii
cers i Mr. 1, S. Kulm as President j Mr.
Thos. Creveling Jr. Treasurer j Mr, N. U.
Punk Secretary. The board of directors Is
composed of I.S. Kulm, J. H. Cievollng.Thos.
Creveling Jr.,Huston ltobison nnd N, U. 1'unk.
The company decided to proceed with Iho
opening of the drains within fifteen days from
the time of meeting, nnd that Ihe work be
prosecuted In n reasonably rapid manner.
Tho March number of tho lJtct!e contains a
portrait which an immense numb'r of reuders
will bo pleased to have that of Charles He ule,
the novelist, Mr. lteide hn, until very recent
ly, eluded nil attempts of the photographer and
portrait-painter, and ibis portrait In Ihe l'ckctk
s, we believp, with the exception ol a wood
cut In a recent number of Harper's HVeWy, the
first that has appeared In America. It is ad
mirably engraved on steel, nnd depicts a face
full of character and expro.sion.
the literary contents of Ihe number aro of
the usual excellence and variety.
Published by E. 11. Pclton, 25 Hind Slreet,
New York. Terms, So per year s single num
ber, 45 cents j Trial subscription for three
months, $1.
The men along I'i'hingcrcek are hard at
work galheting sugar water In great ipimliiie",
although it is not very sweet this spring. The
reason probably is because the wint r wis not
cold enough. I think maple sugir will be
plenty this scison.
.Mr. .les'e llirtmm Itss been fpemling a
nmith al lierv, lek-
Mr. Diniel He's is talking of moving lo
Orangeville, I am informed tu board student
who are attending tho nctdtMiiy.
The hotel that is nestle! dtuti rmong-t tho
North Mouniaiii is lo receive a new inn keeper
whose name I have not yet learned an I I think
tint the gentleman will eimy himself
while ftaj ing witli ns.
Mr. Aaron It. Frilz has just returned from
p lying a vi-itto his brothers in Sullivan coun
the protracted meeting is still progressing
under lha tare of Ucv. Portlier, at tho lies,
The school at Westcreek clo-cd on Saturday
Little Joy
Ens. Columbian :
Those of us who do not court sleep loo nr
clently during the early hours nt the day mav
enjoy a free concert with the rubiti, blue-bitd
and song-sparrow for choristers.
Our merchnnts appear to be doing well
New goods nre di-iilajed in various of the
stores, liowmin A Crispin, list week, incicas
ed there stock considerably.
The Evangelical Conference of this district
will meet here this and next week, giving
abundmce ot divine vi-ilntlnn. Different of
its members will occupy the pulpits of town
next Sunday. "We are favored in this direetion
having bad II i-hop Ilownnn wilh us for nearly
a week and Chaplain M'Cahe one evening lit
week though lie did not appear before Iho pub.
lie. The Ilishop did not deliver a lecture I'ri
day evening us was advertised, but gave us a
most interesting description of 'ho manners,
customs, and re'ligious of Jude.i as observed by
him during a visit there a short time since
On Sundiy morning lie occupied the pulpit in
the M, K. Church. The congregation could
not have been larger, and the walls of that
church very rarely echo a sermon di-pliyin.
greater depth of Ihou-ht expressed ill pi liner
language than lint of his. lu iheevenirgMis,
Stevens, repriscnting Woman's Foreign Mis
sion, addressed ihe congngition.
() ir entertainments h ive not all becnol a rc
ligious n iture, during the p.i'l week, but seen
lirtoj. Mi-sS, II. Anthony ihlivertd a lee-
lure list Thursday evening in 1 lit? hull of tho
Y. M. C. A., on " Wuium wints the doll ir not
the ballot." The subject would giv.' one ihe
impression tint litis is ihe proposition ihe dem
onslrites. Nut so, however: she siys thai
iiuii think woin in wants only the doll ir; she
aims to show that worn in need-! Iho billot tu
procure the doll ir, She his no sympilhy fur
the leading political 1 allies ; sneers at the
llepublicaus ; ri Monies Ine Democrats 1 sat
iric.illy mentions "thud term," "lilaino" m.d
ihe Chinauun," and "Uncle Sammy's barrel
of manor." Tho lecture savoied 11 lillle of
C'ininnini-11), by its arpiretit sympathy toward
"driker-)," "leagues'! and "union." She tjn
vinces one at 'oist of so much ; that li e rigid
of sutTragc to w man would be of consldeiabl
benefit lo spinsters atul wide ws. How ihe does
litis, it wouli tike too much space to y.
Ucnvick, Pa. March 2id, 'SO.
Mr. Emanuel Sujder c night a veiy fine otter
in Fishlngcieek a few diys ago. The fur,
which is slid to be very valuable, was purchas'
ed by Mr. Luwenberg,
A troupe from .unlicoko entertilneil our
citizens in Low's Hall Iat Saturday night with
music, dancing and various performances. Tho
elite of society was there ar d the h.ill well fill
ed of course. The rendering of ' The Lillle
German Hand" was greeted with thunders of
applause, nnd when Ihe man who played bar
ber sat ms customer in a basin or suds, somo
timid ladies bid their fates in their haudker
chiefs. Everything was moral, amusing and
Our citizens purpo-o offering a pilze far
best essay on a plan fur linking roads. Half
the taxes of tho township are aid ill town
and we never get one-fourth the benefit of them
and our roads are a dbgrjee to a civilized com
lOo clock .1. m., is ihe time some of the
large boys quit tho tliairs about Ihu warm
stoves In ihe stores, move cautiously up tbe
hill and manage to gel in school about recess
Each one carries as many hxiks as bo can well
lug to blindfold his f.iiht-r iho belief that
his son is over studious.
About fitly persuus wire at Ihe surprise par
ty at Iter. Clees' last Saiuiday. The pailor
found in his tea cup a mm of money equal lo
nearly fifteen dollars.
An esteemed citizen ol ibis place purchased
a few months ago two hives of bees, lblt to
tbe discouifjrt of not a few persons he has lo
cated lliem nloiij the Mill street side walk-
Last Friday, being warm, Ihe beos were out on
parado and presented quiie a harrier to any
who wished lo pass their domain. Ills feared
if they are not removed from their present lo
cation, they will be even a worst) pest than
were the commissioners sheep last yojr.
Even the lower animals profer country I
city life, for when Iho armir drovo up 10
certain house in town mid went lo unload his
pigs, he found tho box empty, ihe pli,s having
shown their preference for tho country, by
jumping out on the way.
Notico Is hereby given, that the partnership
between O, C. Gallgnnn and Win. Lennon was
llssolved on tho twenty eighth day of Febru
ary IPSO, so far ns relates to tho said Wm.
Lcnnoii, All debts duo to ihe said partnership
nro lo ho paid to C. C. (Isllgnnn and all de
mands on the mid partnership nro to'bj pre
sented to him for payment.
March I, 18S0. C. 0. Ualicinan.
Tho County Commissioners havo purchased
new safo for tho Treasurer, which arrived on
Tuesday nnd was accepted by tho officers as en
tirely satisfactory. This safo Is from the old
reliable Mo-lcr Safe and Lock Company of
Cincinnati, Ohio. Mix Mosler, formerly pres
ident of the fiim of Mosler, Ilahman & Co.,
retired from that firm some time ago, nnd there
Is now no Mosler connected wilh any other safe
manufactory In this country. All parlies who
leslren new safe or to exchange their old ones
for new, will do well lotonsult J. W.ltingrosc,
Mec'nnh sbiirg. Pa, Mr. Hingroso Is analivo
of this county, but left nt the nge ol twelve
years, lie Is tho general agent for this slnte,
and this safo was furnished by him, Its weight
Is over 5000 pounds, and is handsomely finish
ed, with powder and burglar proof locks,
UrcKHoiiN, March 1st, 18S0.
n. Columbian- t
Wed lings and sickness seem to be Ihe order
of the day here, On hist Tliuisdiy nt the
bride's parents, by Iley, A. M. Il'lttalu, Mr-
Win. Ponlcy In Mis Sirah Ivey. On the same
lay by Hew Sharetts nt the bride's home, Mr.
Thurnnn Milbr to Miss KHm Ohl. The.c
were many invited guests i,t both place1.
Sumplous suppeiH were served, many presents
received ami their many friends wish them a
longaiid hippy life,
More sickness prevails hero than has fur
many years, though our efficient physician, Dr.
Lenker, is eipnl to tho emergency. Dr., has
been beio buta short time, nnd Is young in
practice, but through his attentive nes, backed
iy his ability, has mado a host of friends and
gained a wido prictice.
The firm ofVinliew and White has 1 een
lis-olved and is now controlled by Mr. Vau-
Itev. A.M. Iirittiin will preach Ills Semi
Centennial Sermon in tin; M. E. Church next
-Sunday morning, Mirch 7lh. nt 101 o'clock.
We are eony lo stale that II. D. Appehuan
is confined lo his home by sickness.
litlle boy, Geurgie son 1 1 Win. and Mary
Ivey did this morning. Mure unor,
Sbernnn A Co.. Mar-hall. Mich, want
agent in this county nt once, at a salary of $100
per mouth nml expenses paid, ror lull puttc-
ulirs address ns above. ov. zl-ly.
E'mirn, wife of Albert Girlon of Jerfoy-
town, died at her home 011 Friday last, aged
Iweniy-one yenrs, 7 months and 20 diys,
Mie was a daughter id lieorge lletl0, and was
married on Chrism is list. Mrs. e'iinon was
a to ichcr in the Sabbath school, and was much
beloved by btr class. Her husband was aUo
1 teacher. All iho members of llie Sabbath
scliO' 1 feel sorely bereaved. The church his
lost a fiiihful member, she having united witii
it about one yi-ar ago. All these things make
bet death more intensely nfiticting, The com
inunity manifested their heart felt interest ir
tliete being Ihe lirgest gathering of people
that was ever known nt New Columbia Church
at her funeral. The church and people gen
orally sympathize with him who has been eo
suddenly bereft of a bosom cor.- - Our
prayers shall go up for parents, brothers nnd
sisters. N. S.
For years David Alliugsworth suflered wilh
HhcumUism. and notwithstanding the best
medical attendance, could not find relief. He
ctmo lo the Sciot 1 County Poorhouse, and had
to be carne I into and out of bed, on account
of his helpless condition. After the failure of
all the remedies which had been applied, the
Doctors of the Poorhouse resolved to use the
celebrated German llemcdy, St. Jacobs Oil,
nnd this was a fortunate resolution : for, witli
the trial of one bottle, the patient was already
much better, and when four bottles bad been
U'cd upon him, be could again walk about with
out the use of a cane.
The ficls as above staled, will be verified by
the Editor of ihe Portmmith Ohio, Vurretpon
dent. vol it m-iiool vai;i:ant.
In the Fihruiry number of the fbhnol ,hmr-
mil, statu Superinicrdcnt Wickersham giics
the following advice to school directors, who
have received warnn's drawn upon tbe state
treasurer for the regulir appropriation :
1. To apply lo have lliem ca-hed at (he
usuil places in the usual way.
2 Jl not ensued, lo hold limn, if possible,
until Ihey ran be fished. They nro yood, and
the districts ought not lo be compelled to sac
rifce them, or even to pny more interest en
3 If tho circumstances of the district be
such that money must be obtained at once, al
most any banking institution will advance the
money on ihe warrants nt tho usual riles, or in ihe discount
ing of notes.
See a woman on horseback in another col
umn, riding neor Speer's Viniyards, with a
bunch ofUraic from which Speer's Port Grape
Wine is made, Ihat is so highly tsteeinril by
tbe medical profes-ion for Ihe ti-e ol invalids
weakly persons and the aged.
Sold by Druggi-K
June 27 1-y.
I'Elllil'AltY iVEATIIEK.
Tho following is a meteorological sum
mary or record of the weather at C'.ilnwissa,
during the month of February, 1SS0, com
piled by Win, G. Yctter, from observatiors
made by W. Prtiett.
Il.irometric pressure coTected for temper
ature and elevation Highest pressure on
the 20th, 30 00(1 inches; lowest ou the 3rd,
29 3.U inches; monthly range, 1,325 inches.
Temperature of the air. Highest tem
perature on tho 27th, 09 degrees; lowest 011
the t0lb, 2 degrees; averago temperature for
the month, 35.5 degrees ; average of eamo
month clurlug previous year, (1S79) 3C.7 de
grees; greatest daily average on the 11th,
35,5 degrees and the least daily range CJ
degrees on the 3rd.
Moi-iure Number of days on which rain
or snow fell, 12; total amount of rainfall and
melted snow, 3.10 inches; rainfall and melt
ed snow during samo month in previous
year, (1S70) 1 CS inches.
Wind Tho highest hourly velocity of the
wind during tho month was 30 miles from
tho northwest 011 the 1st,
Miseellanoous Items Freezing weather
occurred on 19 days of the month; the first
thunder storm of tho season occurred du
ring the evening of the 20th. Tho highest
water In the Xortb. liranch recorded 9 feet
3 inches above low water mark ou tbe 15th,
A Tragic Scene in linen Court.
PovrsviLLE, Pa., March 3. Alice Holl".
man, a girl eighteen years old, living ut
Mahauoy City, brought nn nlllllation suit
against one Thomas Moran, of tho same
place. Some delay occurred in the suit and
tho gill became despondent. ThU morning
when court opened Alice ran before the bar
calling for .Moraii and saying slio had taken
an ounce, of laudanum, Hue was removed
in a dyiug coudilioit and uoiv lies uucon
I clous.
Over six thousand operatives In tho mills
at Uohocs, New York, struck last week lie-
criiso nn ndvimco of 10 per cent. In their
wages was reltised them,
iV horrible death occurred in Wllkesbatrc
on last Friday from tho elfects of rum.
The victim was a woman, Juhannn llurko
will) of Michael llurko. The husband
about 9 o'clock in Ihe evening Informed
tho police that his wife had fallen down
stairs and, from Injuries so received, had
died. Tho son of llurko, n lad 15 years old
gives evidence implicating his father say
ing that lie knocked her down and kicked
her. llurko was committed to jail on the
charge of murder, lloth tho nan nnd wife
aro said to havo ben drunk,
A New i'linze or the llcailliig Seizure.
Jlessrs, Gowcu and Hart, counsel for tho
Philadelphia and Heading Hallroad Com
pany, on Saturday, caused summons to bo
served on Collector Ashworth and his depu
ties, rcqiilriiir. them lo appear before tho
United states Circuit court to answer
such charges ns may" bo preferred against
them In n suit for damages growing out tf
tho seizure by tho collector six weeks ago of
several engines of the Heading railroad at
The rich havo but few things that should
excite the envy of Iho poor. They have
no brighter sunshine, 110 moro sweetly per
fumed lion era, no more charming land
scapes, bracing atmospheio and refreshing
water, The poor man may not have the
glittering equipage of his neighbor, but ho
has not lo envy some one who excels
him in Ibis respect. The poor man lacks
tho gilded couch of Ids neighbor, but tho
rich will exchange his bed lor tlicpoor man's
repose. The poor man may not have the
luxurious viands of the rich, but the ricli
will exchange them for the appetite ol the
poor. There is agrcat law of compensation
which is brought to bear in every condition
of life. Every gilt has its dangers and ev
ery affection has its grace, llappine-s,
which is our being's end and aim is wisely
distributed, and the collage with health need
not envy the monarch on his throne, If the
poor could see the ghosts which haunt the
rich man's house, and tho plagues that
throng Ids door, they would not repine at
the condition in which they have been
Tho post office laws which cut off the
mails of tho rascals win conduct swindling
enterprises nre well enough in their way,
but they go hardly far enough. They ought
to take some eognizirce of the fools who
support these rvcalsby sending them money.
These senders of money nro not all pure
fools. Some of them are half fool and half
knave, nnd half of them are more largely
made up of knavislmess than of folly. Were
it not for them the swindlers could not live.
We are told by Hudibras that "no doubt
the plea-tire is great of being cheated as to
cheat." Thus do theso victims enjoy the
fun of patronizing one swindler after anoth
er. A representative of simplicity sends
half a dollar for a superior six shooting pis
tol. Not receiving the pistol, he sends in
some other direction adollir for au immense
family Ilible1, with pictures. He finds out
'here is no such Ilible to be had for dol
lar. Tuen he rends to some other swindling
concern thirty or forty cents for u large die
tionary, but finds the work 90 small as to be
altogether invisible. Then he sends a dol
lar fur six solid silver tablo spoons, or (or a
gold watch or for a diamond ear-ring. One
of the queerest things in regard to the inter
cepted correspondence of some of the swind
lers is that the iatno fools appear as cust o
mers of a variety of tho swindlers. A
man who tries to get something for nothing,
or a great deal for nearly nothing, may be
set down as a fraud nr a simpleton. It is
true that he is very difficult to reach by any
known process of law. but that does not mil
itate against the wisdom of trying to devise
some plan winch shall die dually quench
him. 1'hila. Times.
Sai.i: Hill. Persons who intern! Imving
salts of personal property this ppring should
net (heir hills printeil at this office for several
rca-ona. FirM, we giyr n local nolice in the r and continue ihp sune until the pale,tliu-
'jiving a 1 irpcr a Ivcrthcmont of ihe sale
any utlier otTu'i' in the routily cm yive. Second
w do ihe lii'ht kird t.l'u'ork al the lou'rsi ra (.
We nrt prep-ired t print hil s, from the Mnnll
ot tu tl.e lur'H in the uwA uttriutie
Htylf. tretl err'T-, ai.d at tin fhortt't hot'u'
possible. Orders s-n: hy nuil will riteive
prompt attention.
I' IIaktm vn. Al the lt-ufo'ined par
s iiitty e in Orititfevil.o on the'JStli of l-Vhruarv,
hy Kt-v. A. JIout.Mr Kli Ialer lo.MUsSarjh
C. irirtimn, both of Kifchliifcretk lonnihip,
Bus, .loss otiucs
.lnt npciilnir at I. V. llarttnaii's, a new
crate of Wliite Dishes i.'l.iij per tot.
Diii'I forget that 1j cuts per iratlmi pure
Sugar J-yrup .MhI.w, at Cl uk ic ri.iti's.
Shoe .-store below Com t
Huliu-t mirkel prieo piiil fir H itler hi d
in cash. 1!" V. All.
march o-'.'w l-'I'fi a'
Xapkins, Table Linens, Towels, Tickings,
Giunlmms an I a full line of goods at (Jiark
& ri.m's.
1 have a l irue lot of ntw Window Sai-li all
he- that I will tell very iheip for cash or
pro. luce. Call foou. Write for prices.
II. W, An.,
march 5-2w l-'l'y, 1,J.
I'.ubbers at McKinney's.
Just received 7 pieces of Itlack Cashmere
and fl pieces t'i follow bouclit anil to be
soM at the t-ame low prices as formerly sold
by us. Ulart ii: sou.
Hoots and Shoes cheap at MclCinney'o.
700 Ladies' Corsets now in stock at 50
cents tiuJ up nt Clark ev boo s.
Jnt received a large consignment of Salt,
Selling fine salt bbl. of 250 lbs. $2.00. Salt fjr
stock 55 cenis per hundred.
II. W.Aui,,
march 5-2w I''py .Station,
Porcelain White
with handled teas,
Ware a new article
$1.50 per Bet at I. V.
Still the headquarters for Kuchincs and
Ladies' Neck Wear. Another largo lino
just received, uiark: bou.
Call at McKinney's for Shoes.
Ity tho bolt, AiMileton '"A" Muslin
cents per yaril. Columbia Shirting Cheviots
11 cents per yaril nml other Domestic GooJj
lu lull variety nt Ulurk tv Sin'.
Ileal Seal Skin Capi just received at
David l.o.venberK't.
. .
lilack and colored Silks and Satins cut
nn the Idas', with a large line of Bilk
1'rinirei and a full lino of lluttous and other
Trimming at Clark & S m's,
Itubber Coals white and bbek, Hhinkets,
I.epKing, (il'ives, Caps ut tho lowest prices
at D. l.'iwenberir's,
II' you look nt I, W. Hartmau's
, Dlsiies, you need go 110 further.
Tho bet Dress Patterns In uc aro Hut
lerlck fc Go's. Sold by Marr.
A visit to I. W. llnrlman's Combination
Store will pay you.
Why rhrry n gingham umbri lli when vou
can get a gum! Silk one at Lu z ,t Sloan's at
about the same price.
Hats I lint's Vl Hats 111
Latest styles. Lowest Prices at Ihu Popu
lar Clothing Store of 1). Lowenberg.
Fancy Hanging Ilaskcts nnd Flower Vas
es Bt I, W, llarttntin's.
If you want a nice fitting Dress, get But
terick & Co's. Patterns. SjIiI by Marr.
Lutz it Sloan have just received n now
stock of Single llrocho Shawls very cheap.
Price JO up to M8.
Glas Ware 00 cents to 1
W. llartman's.
I 25 per set at I.
Admission free at McKlnney's.
500 tons more of good dry rock oak bark
wanted by Silas Young Light Street for which
1 will pay $0.00 per- ton cash, or $0.50 in
I also buy Hemlock Hark snd I will pay
$5,00 per ton cash or $5.50 per ton in goods.
Feb. 9 2-m
Marr sells nice cheap L)res Goods.
Do not forget that Lutz ft Sloan will sell
you Pluck Cashmeres and Illack Si'ks ns
cheap as you can buy the same quality in
this Stale.
Boot headquarters at McKinney's,
Marr sells nlco Ginebnins. Shirtlncs. Mus
lins and Prints very cheap,
1,000 pounds of nice dried annles wanted
at Silas Youngs store Light Street for which
1 will pay the highest market prices.
December, 10. l-m.
Nt'nraluiii Cured
11 l,r, Iturr's Xouralffla nml sick Ilea-Iaclm nils. A
uiilwrvil turn lor NtMiralKta. Mck llcmtaclie, Ker
oua Ileainche, D.pepM.i.,. Constipation, Paralysl.
McepleHsni'.sH, I'alpatailon or the lleait, and llead
acliu nrMr-tf from oer utiinulallm; Oilier Iroin
Opium or Alcoholic Mltnulatiti.
TI.eHo ITN arc apncclal PreniMtton on'v ror tin
curuot spi-ci il dls"nscs i.atm-d ainirurttifSfilHi-as-
thcvaie worthy of a ttlal o nil liikUluM.t sulTrrers.
ni'-y aru prcpuri'n cprcKi 10 core .NcuraicHt
M( k llead.ui-f, Nennin ilful lelie. Ipeml 1. im-
stlp.ittnn, ParutjMi, Mi eplesDMs n'l us tf Ner
vouf Kteiyy. 'ilie nre pleas uit tn take, (they ill
olr in the mouth) h,irml.'s, a!nlinvct.iall r ire all's nrl-liitf troin a uYr.uitft'd Nervous Hi stem.
Th-y eoi.taln n opium nr other narcotic.
Trench Klch mis k Co., Vhit niY, ag-onts
feent by null on receipt or price, Mj cents.
Long Hramh, Dec. 20. 10.
Dr. A. L Iturr,
I.urS!r:-Xour .WiralifU Pill cured
me, and I was the (rle.iteht of sulTeier-i. I hivu since
bouuht them for iny HiMer and others anil they cure
eu-ry case.
uapi (,'romncu,
Loiifj liranch Pier.
Pitt-ton, Pa., Ftbcth.
Dr. A. K Ilurr.
Dear Mr: My wife had the Neuralsjti
for ten da;a nnd her phMM.ui Kim iltr no relief. 1
called on Dr. Knaop nnd eot a buttle of yuur Neural
gia Pills and Ihey relUed Iit In a few houru.
Thoinn3 t-onl,
A(?t Dupont Powder Co.
c. A. Kklm, llloomsturtf. sajs: I hate sold thee
run .'eiore anu iney t'ie o,u satisfaction and
ah ays cure.
Fcr Sale ty C. A. Eloln, Elocmsturg drngjist.
feb 2i, NM111
Rowell & Go's. Advc's.
njmilito and aultiiiillo liiBU-ry of the creat tnur or
It Dcs-rlbes. itojal I'liUces, Iture CurtrMtli's.Wealtu
nun Hoant-rs ut me inuie-s, i ina-i, japan, e-u;. a
million ;t'oplt want It. 'Hits is the bi-st clience o
jour liru to make money. Iiewuruof "culch penny,
imitations, send lor e-lrcul.irs ana extra terms t
Aililress N.VIIOKAI. lTllUMIISO Co. I'lilla.
leu 13, -in- r
Diil. ljVii.v r,nnd Mineral tnnils In Mip
ItlCll J iirinSMr"loiili Valley or Vu lorsale
t-i-nil Mump for catalogue.
aTAI'LKS, l.HATTAN UO., I lal rivHlUUrgT, 1 a.
feb 13, 4w r
QinnHA i KAIt ana expenses to ntren
ents. outfit
till i i Free. Addre-ps V. ej. VICKEKY, Aucusta
Y, August:
feu is-iw.
AI)VnilTlM:itS by aiilrclnir C1EO. V. ltoWKIX
X e'l). tu spruce tt, Nw ork-, can l-.irn the ex.
uci cot oi auy proposed tine or Aliv tit timmi la
American Miwspapers. liw-pago rampiitet, 10c.
feb 13, 4w r
A first clas Life Insurance Company In New York
wantsM,L'CIAL,(li;Ni:iiALnnd IOCAL A(iKNTt tu
unuexupledterrltorj In the note nt Pennsylvania.
Aiiilmvu M W lllfe'lt ftP WlI'M'll'U llm Cut V-
lUIrt I I'll i 'IIK.V
feb 27, im. r
in onlcr to lntrnrtiitv Musical Hours
r lit nrijiw itini naiHHonit'st inu.-l
al nit. t i,, I--IU(1, v Hill so in!
' 'In 1 H' st c ipit'H, coiiialiilnj;
i i u ii -.un-rs aieii cn inning' in
mi tun n'.il ilt fi s ti ine U'hl coin
iw.m i- i.f KtiiniM' aint nvTt.M. u sr
l'..i't. t"i slumps The
24 Iice:s
in. i s rv ail n iiii v.iiit iv uiiii v(r
r iMl nrtuti'il, ,iLd woiih ,: v u-h
I pint hf-vii scjurjli-h t W.,
-M 'iftnplu i lucr. lUj&ton,
f(T 30 Ct3
leb la. 4tt
We li,i' 'he iK'ht SL'lliiiff Ten t i-iit nr
in tin- uoriil auv aifi'nt ii!it ti1
liti Kept , Will, :. U S.-pt , n,it u N- t
4tli, HHt (let. stlj, r,tl uct . lith. ftmi
liir.Mli ai-o iw'i r.ili, rin lu ( . isih mi'jiiii ytth.
'1 ot .tl s.4 ii initi u.i-s. 'it'-s in ,tu'H s i,i -v in
tUO tl'li -t, IH.ll S It 1- tii lt"l Si IUU ii I tl he
wi s nv. 'i tp ioj- an, u , uii (units Trn
Vu!LII , NUFAL 1 I UIV. III.. 12' N.i -mi St.
ULTTEHmado by this
proccHs uwariled
s i:i:ivE,Aii.i:s at .iin Fair,
is:s-,and;iM ?n:i
Al.nnd lllsr I'lti:
?IH .11 ,it fume Fair,
K.:. l'litvr lltl
7IIOI nt Koyat Agrl-cuiiuralK.hlbmon,l.oD-don,
ii reiiuirvs no muit-
It raU till nfi ri'iim betwciti iuIIUIdu.
Il iiDitrtU ttftli'i fiillliitluu
It rfiiiiliea ! luliui .
It lo nitro Ihoroimlily mnile,
ll i rheitiicr, BDtl Rhea tetter
fcJIfactlon than atiy otli?r wnjT oit-ettinit milk.
AtnJ I"' a ' full ..nimj.i ..rf uvtwmieli
vi:ujio.nt iviiiii mai iiin i: ,.
Uello t alia Vt.
tcb 13, I7w
I' I A N O K-O It Ii A N
Clipanfst Hou-iO lu Ainnrlcii. lst-cu&, lnstru.
uif uIm. all Lew, fur ca&ti or lustanmcnu : warrant-
eil Mx sears.. Illustraii'il rutalauuu frei-, Asi-uus
No. ! Wist Hill, New York.
fcbSJ, 4w ala
and I'AH units m.ns
fwtollio rcit MONTH durlwr tuo winter am
DlJnui;. i-ur iiriiemars, auuread
.mi. iiiui i lu., i niuaeipuia. ra.
kd 13, w
IfSenirreeto all wbo applr by enelolna I
UuiiyljI-nisement, Peter Henderson 4 CO.. I
35 CortlnnUtEtreet.NewVork. 'I
ACHINTS WA.VTKII fnd lr r.r.lrnUri of
'I III: IIIIII.i:, a
rhfapfrt n ri f i.. r 1,,1 a...u.
' .IIHIMI.UIIH'ht ,lld
i.rmi.DH 1 r,
Kih-nlin.lnvtJitlun.THE DENTAPHOMF
.Soul 4 .run r 1-UEV l.l.iur.t.d dutriiiiln iUu.i ii
etc. rnu.lH.'.n Lc,mpalnth. pocktL Th.'
leb 1j, in
1M1T1. Ol'IMMltW ICIMIIMIK. UErElstll,
Notice is lioretij Klvemliit tlio uiulerslfneil,
Twilnmt im Auditor by tho lirplians' I'ourt ut fuiuin.
uiarouniy.iii i iiioiriuute tue money remalnlntf In
...... ...-. riirr, Ili'W lieceaM'U, AillnllilS
IMor 1 1 Audii-w l.iiliim in, ami heretol ire hibihIiii.
teil . tlie In iMtif i.eurju (.iilirin.iii unil Hie ln lr-.ut
ht.-l'ben l.iibnil.lll. , till r..,u.rt t.i vm.-
I 'I i nil, 1x10; tu and amoiii; t.111 li , ri nib ui laav Ou
lav lulls i nt llli il ilieiei'., win all. ml ui tils i.nuv In
inn imsll'llL, iiii -lliuisd.ll, Man l vMll, issn, at U
CM HI. lilt Ii f ri illt..srf..nil Itie dill, e. 01 llli
urv mt ui ii wiie.aiid wli'i.- nil pt-uls lutiut;
...... lt. ,,,, mi.iii.m .ir
tiui u ruiid u'r " ' ulu" 1U Ior tt tMv ot
IcU KO.UMt JOHN (i.HtUEZE, Aulllar
kwjh imHE
is tiii: o.viiV h.vow mxmiiDV that Xtfr.txm tails.
Over 2000 Dvu& ?isls havo
that Plntsiciaiis sau then arc in even way Suveriov to
the ordinary slow acting
this purpose.
Sl.AHL'K .V JUlhNSO.N, rharinnccuticsl
feb ST-ew, d
The Old i:slallisli l Irn Store.
Comer Muin nnd Market Streets
The underslfrneil litvlcg been In the Wlltll.lN M,i: lilt t il InislnctR for llir past eleven Tears would
call tlie attention ot the publle ir. nerailj . anil t'll'N'ritY DEALEits lu particular, to
their large anil varied stock.
It consists, of
Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Patent Medicines,
CaiQunoiS, 9c .snrgsBse4l ssiB.rwBuere.
too t ii nnrstins,
and in fact every thing that should
regulated Di-uk Store.
They are the sole Man niacin res of the Celebrated
Also tho Manufacturers and Sole Proprietors
DR. W. 1J. BICKLEY'S Celebrated and
Compound Aromatic Wine of Gentian and
Iron, Improved Cream Camphor, Worm Kil
ling Agent, Improved Boso Pectoral.
The Beset Remedies Made.
Highly Recommended by Physicians.
mourn bbot mm,
I$Ioomslmr, Pa.
Oct Jl" '75.-1-,
nnd when
nrtlcle wanted,
ns other customers pay when hero buying in
person. When
take them back.
clerks, who nro able to
wo nro enabled to give
customers cho have tho choice to vs. With n reputation of
twenty yenra nt retailing, wa cannot nfford to loso our good
name by lank of proper eervlco to absent customers. "Wrlto
plainly, and describe fully what 1 wanted, nnd about tho
price desired.
John Wanamaker,
Largest .Dry Goods House,
Octobers 71 tt.
By lilt. J. A. Sllr.U.M AN'S St TOUT Nll I I IIA'I I
liliiderauee froiri lub r Hook Willi 1 keuebses of
nroaaway, .New iorK, rutlenus reCelio treutiaeut
lib 13, 4W
1.1 il
28 iLcxR5 of Land
.Mill lu Boon . oniilllon. Three run ot stones. GOOD
WATKIt t'OWTIt, Terns reasonable, t'jr IirlUer
particulars aptly to JOHN UKAHLIi
(ebis, tt
A VAI.l III.K 1'Alt.M tltuato InMaiUfcon town
fclilp, I'oluiubu eo. near New Columbia, contalutni;
l!J7 Acres ol" Lund.
There Is a
A fprt"? ''"'1 "ooil Wellot Water, a'.LAUOK NEW
and,ctlier Krult Ti-ees on Iho premUcs.
For terms and particulars apply to
Jw..l,v.ani Huck Horn, l'i.
Make nulik sales
L I H ll I Squill Hie Ul pinllia
r I I'l I 1 on our New- honk.
r, ... -"i. olden Tliuut'tits mi
vollier, Ilium1 unit Heaven In J'riw anil I'ikiri bv
lino w,t A'.lli hlnr,ililh Illustrated. I'leawk
eimbody Ii ulw tn.m -l uMuHtlesiit Ihe mule,'
J 3. iuwnmt li.i ui'tuulb sulil oi.r
i.iwuiopl, . 'V.. di a AuiUuilciibcrinous, f.,ii.
Matleduurn v "tpru..
ic II. THE T, l'uliltsbi'r
ajUBnn 11 in I
signed a vavcr statind
Forous Piasters used, for
Chemists, iNew 1 orle, rJUU. i.0
be kept in a complete and well
Out of town
pooplo who can
not conveniently
travel, mnylmvo fc. a tri
ple sent thorn of Dry
Goods nnd nil other goods
thntwo Bell, if they will write
us. No chnrgo. nnd no need to
if not bulled, Wo make it n
to nttendto such letters quickly;
orders come wo send tho exact
nnd nt exnetly snmo price
goods nro not ns ordered, wo
Having trained nnd responsible
use discretion in filling orders,
great satisfaction to tho many
"Km 'Ii
VI. llh. 'ill ii.k imnr ,,i il Kiiir. tit,.. i,.. i.m.. .-
tud raim t'ttoie aiid H' r cure, fc 'Ut tree onic iai
ulid leuie loruomu baiue uaj .
this fJi4 ij iu uii file"
I If w1!
l.ii.llj .linn una I.ictitii si.,
' n " 1 ' " i I r Hi 1-apcr.
FQTI'ATCC '"t Cii.U ltalr, CO rr M. r.. i.Hi.r (
.nil iic lor A I. It M.V M IM AU
and f irm t's
Mns waited
50 to 100
run noMiiiliirlnfj wlnfr and sprlni;. For full par.
I i illars address, 3. o. Mccl lttu' & t j., fUUadelphtft
J' Jw co-lui
$55. 66s
AllfcNTS I'llOllT FKH WC Mil
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