The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 05, 1880, Image 1

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Usuod'wcokly, every Friday morning, at
arici. 1.
Jnolnch tiM
Twolnches 8.ts)
three Inches 4.10
our Inches. . . fc.oo
SM. tH. K.
ti.eo 13.00 is.oo
4.(0 e.oo s.oo
4.tO 1,(10 18.00
7.00 0.00 1I.UI
R.oo lo.oo is.eo
.winnn ininnf rnnp. nil pniiTj. fiiAfniiiii. niinnrAii
luaricr column...... coo
ilall column Iii.on
Kntlnu 'd credit utter tho expiration of the nrsi
U.ou tt.oo
Joe column
.su.00 o.oo eo.oo W.'n
Hir win nni. iin riven.
U pipers seill. ool Ol uiunmiu ui iv .nautili. ,us.i
'.cm must, be, imld for In advance, unless a rcsnon-
VAorltf nrl ti.ptl,mft,t. nnVAtiln n1lfirtfrlv. Trkt.
stent ad vertlsementa mustbe paid for before inset toil
hin tvrnn In eioiumbta county assumes to bay the
oxcep. wnero pariacn nae accouuin.
Leg il adt ert Isements t o dollars per Inch f or thretj
Inscrvlons, nnd at that rato for additional lnsmior.1.
mbscrtptioiliiuoon nemanu.
SiPOiTAtiB Is nolongcr exacted from subscrlborsln
the county.
wuu jui reference toiengin.
f job nps,iisrri3sra-.
Executor's. Amlnlslrntor's and Auditor's notice.
three dollars. Must bo paid for when Inserted.
Transient or Local notices, twenty cents a lint
STiie .tobblrir nepirtmcnt of tho Coi.tiMiilAN Is very
0. E.ELWELL. U i.i...
ftomnieie, ann uur ! u ruin inn iu ium,p uv ,,.,,
Mr wltn t it of thnlariro cltlrn. All work done on
dcinand.neatly and at moderate prices.
BL00MSBU11G, PA., FRIDAY, MA11CII 5, 1880.
rerfiilsr advertisement shall rates.
cards in tno "Business Directory" column, out
lollar per vcarf or eachllnc.
"rrTr""-"" .wt-iiwuimiw i pip mmm rMjwia nmwjji wiMuaiiiwBwnwwwBMMMMMMwnMi b
il l ; uiiur.iin. niaiiK, usi primcu nu
r iale at tnc Columbian unice.
ANK I)EK1)9, on Parclimit and I.incn
'npor, common and for Administrators, Execn
n.f trustees, for sale cheap at tho coixmbun
UNDUE NOTES .t printed anil for sale
cheap at the Col niMAN onice.
iiLooMsnuiio niniXTouY.
ritorr.ssioNAL CAltDS.
,KY,, Office
building, 2nd story, Hooms 4 5
lii Iirowcr's
n, i:oiiison
In llnrtman's building, Main street.
AMCKI. KNOUU. Altorneyat'Law,OiTice
ii Hurtiuan building, Main street.
. .. ll'l A I lll.Mll.'ll I.'... I 111 !
, V I', l, ,11. .!. I VI. 1 11. 1,, OlllL'UIl Ztllll I IIS1-
' clan, onice .Market meet. Above Mh fiast
H. KVANK, ,M. 1).. Surgeon mill Physi
cian, (onice nnd llesfdenco on Third street,
T II. McKKIA'Y, M. D.. Surgeon ami Phy-
" Mt'IIENItY, M. I), Surgeon ami Pliv-
slcl.ui' ( men s. w. c. llnikot and l'lflh St.
It. J. C. HUTTKlt,
oaice, North Market street,
:t. 1, 19. llloomsburg-, rn.
It. I. 1,. ItAIJIi,
Main Strret. nrmrtRltn ITnlennnt rMmrf-h. Itlnnmo.
h r i i-t'i ii I'xiriicicn u noin nnin
Kl I II I AI.M'.I I Kl . I 111, I ill I- il
urrunifu hh ri,i,n'Mf.'iiH' i kktii j.xtkact
viMMrimuT Pain, (iomlsots for fio,
Olllcu UunuT Mnln utiil Iron Mreets.
To be open at all hours tint inn the tint.
Nov. 2M V
bewlnjj Jlaclitncsnnd Machinery of all kinds re-
aairi'u. vtrKKA iioi-sk uuiiainir. isioorasDurir. ia.
AVID LOWKXIIKHO, Merchant Tailor
Main St., above Central Hotel.
o. jVLii., Kleiner in itieai, iniiow, eic,
Ocntrn street, between Second and Third.
KOSENSTOCK, Pliotograplier,
Clark K rt'olf'sMore, Main street.
t TIHITSIIK ri!KI?Nn Iw.mno. lilo Horso and Cow Doctor, Ulonmsburff, l'a.
ItoomN'o. 15. OrKKAllorsE llrn-Dlha. Uloomsburtr.
UJ'I IllV.l.f.
' A T T 0 11 N E Y-A T-lj A W,
Columbian Hni.mMi, llloomsburir, Pa.
Membfr of tho United states Law Association.
cut. i, wu.
15. WAl.LEIi,
omce, Seconil door from 1st National Ilank.
Jan. 11, 1S7S
a v. l-UNiv,
Artov neyat-Law,
Iticicaso of 'eusions Obtained, Collections
OHlce In Knt's IIcildino.
Hloomsburff, Pa.
Ofllce on .Main ptieet, nrst doorbelowCourtllouse
Onico over Schuyler's Hardware Store.
OrUcE In Ilarman's Hulldlnp, Main street,
llloomsburi;, Pa.
II. H It. 11. LITTLE,
Illoomsburg, Pa.
onicein lirower's bunains;, second ro,
lllootnsburt,'. Pa.
Kit A NIC Z.Utlt.
ni.oo.Msnuito, pa.
Ofllce In Una VIST's 'JctLiusa, on Main street second
uoor auovo i enire,
(hit bo cou-ulted in German.
Jan. t(Vo,-tt
ni:o. E. ElUT.LL,
Columbian Uuildino, Woomsburg, Pa,
Mctrbcr of tho United states Law Association,
Collections made In any part of America or turope
oct. I, W).
, 1,. EYKHLY,
Catawlssa, Pa.
collections promptly made and remitted, onice
onrosiio uaiauissa neposii iianK owoa
II. ItllAWN,
A T TO it N E Y-A T-L A W ,
IT ,
Catawlssa, I
onice. corner of Third and Main Mreets.
CY, Exchange Hotel illoomsburg, Pa.
Liverpool, Iindon and (llobe...
. ill.llOO.OliO
kos.i'oi Liverpool
10.OH), no
, 3.10O.0IM)
, 1,000,010
, 75,0110
, 5, GOO, ooo
Fire Association, Philadelphia
Varrners Mutual of Danville
DanMUe Mutual ,
Home, New York
As the atreneles are direct, policies are written for
t ho Insured w Itnout any delay In the office at Blooms-
diurcu o,'u y
l.) coming ot Muncy Pennsylvada.
North Amclcan of l'hUadelpUla. l'a.
rranklln, ot ' "
Pennsylvania of "
1 unners or York. Pa.
Hanover ot New York.
Manhattan of "
onico on Market street No, e, Bloomsburg, ra,
oct. so, 79-ly.
ond how to obtain thorn. Pamphlet
frea, upon receipt of Stamp for post
age. Address
fiollnlon 0 f'ol"iU,
.Vr ralnt Ojltt, H'aiAl.flM, A a
dec S-tt
Silverware. Watches, J owolry.Cloeks.&e,
All ktndi ot Watches, clocks and Jewelry neat
ly repaired and warranted.
may ii, ".s-tr
Tho well known C. 11. WIltTK, Proprietor ot tho
lias sold n hair Interest In the same to J. V, Conner.
The company hare repaired the works, ana are pre
pared to accommodate all who want anjthtnirln the
line of Arlcultiiral Imp'etr.ents. They hao Just
completed anew Uft hand White plow.whlchir poi
slble, will beat the rlftit hand. Also surface plows
or Jointers for the same. A new Thresher and Clean
er Itli centre tliako of rldulc thoe, colled the
While TlircMlicr nml Cleaner,
with both lever nnd railway powers on a greatly
Improied plan. Wo manufacture LAND ItOi i.EIIS
with cast iron heads. Cam Plows, doublo and slmrlo
Cuitlvitor side hill Pios, Mill Castings. Turning
of every deverlpilon done wltn pmmptness. Wo
Ketj i (-uilM,dllll on III1IIU I iri;u nswi i ircui. vt t n'
shares for our own and many other plows that aro
used in the country. We will not be undersold In
wurK or material ol uie fame quaniy. -su our v,orK
Is wnrriinted tnglio sntNf icthii, or Hi" money re
funded. WUliEfV CUMI'Il' ITIUN. farmers, and
theiuioile tn peneial nre renuested to call and cx-
nmlno before purchasing elsew here.
Jan. lc, ';o-ly
Cor. Centre and Hall Hoad sts., near L. & B. Depot.
Lowest Prices will net bo undersold,
Manufacturers of MINE CAIt WHEELS, Coal Break
er and Bridge Castings, Water Pipes, stoves, Tin
ware, Plows, I HON FENCE, and all kinds of Iron and
Brass Castings.
Tho original Montrose, Iron beam, right hand,
left hand, and side hill Plows, tho best In tho mark
et, and all kinds of plow repairs.
Cook stoves, ltooin Stoves, and Stoves for heating
stores, rchool houses, churches, c Also tho larg
est stock ot repairs for city stoves, wholesale and
retail, such as Tire nrtck.Ciratcs, Cross Pieces, Lids
tc. c, Stovo ripe, Cook Boilers, SkUUts, Cake-
Plates, large Iron Kettles, (20 gallons to lx barrels)
Farm Bells. Sl-d Soles, YVogon Boxes,
"Allentown Bone Manure"
Jan o, 'sn-iy
The Greatest Jewiua; Machine ofthe Aae
Don't fail to sco this wonderful piece of per
fection, the iew Uavis crtical reed
Shuttle Sewing Machine. Manufac
tured at Wnte'town, New York.
All are cordially
invited to call and in
spect the New Machine
nnd obtain samples of work,
more beautiful and desirable than
ever before accomplished and utterly
impossible for any other to duplicate.
lliousands witnessing the lmmetite raticr
of work, and discarding their old machines
lor the NEW MACHINE, is suiucieiit prool ol
Us superiority and bring lor the JJAVIS a
trade that runs the factory to its fullest ca
The Vertical Feed,
Which supercedts the under feed, is the
hinge upon which swings the unpaiuli.e
i:d success,
Composed of only 13 Working Parts,
while others linve from forty to seventy-five,
making the least complicated, the most dur
able and most reliable machine in use,
It positively leads all other, HoiNfi AWAY
with all bastinjr, ("lid is the LIGHTEST KUN
anil gives general sati-faclion. Will be sold
at the recent popular ni:iiL'Ci:i) scale of
PWCES. Samples of work free.
J. SALTZEIt, Gen'l Agent,
Illoumsburg, l'a.
oct. 3, 70-Iy.
Paper Han gin
is prepared to do all kinds of
Plalu and Ornamental
All KIiiiIh ol'I'iiriillni e Kppulrcd,
llllll IIUKlO iih gooil IIM llliV,
Estimates IVIado on all Worlt,
Oct. 1.1SI8.
'lhe-o oi l' coaroiuTioss ore well Keaoncd by age
ana ikk it-birii unu imve never ei nsii n loss ser
Med bv nnv court or law. 1 ketr as, Is are nil Invent.
ed In soiin SECtuiTitsand aro liable to I ho hazard
or mhe onlv.
Losses i'bomiti vard iiosfsti y adjusted ond paid
as soon as determined bj ciihi.tian p KNArrfSi-EC-
The people of Coliunbla c unty should patronlre
tho sgei ey wheru los-es If any are settled and paid
Nov, 18, 'W.
50 Years Before the Public.
Prouounced by all to bo the most I'lrnnuit nnd
eftlrnrloiH remedy In use, for tho cure of cnimli,
roLI, rronp, liitiirsriir, tickling sensation of tho
throat, whooping cough, etc, ovillt A .Ull.l.IiiN
Yll.llts. It gives relief wherecr used, nnd has tho
power to Impart benefit (hit cannot lie had from tho
cough mixture now in use. Sold by all lmwglsts at
2." cents per bottle.
Mil, Milts' I, milt I'll,!. are also highly re
commended for curing liver complaint, const lputlon,
sick-headaches, fever and ague, and all diseases of
the stomach and Hi er, sold by all Druggists at S3
cents per box.
R. E. Sellers & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
oct 3, 't-ly.
Wiereas, tho world renowned reputation of tho
AVhite Soviug Macliine
Induces mnnv tinsminulous comp'-lllnrs tn resort to
U kinds of mean trick to liijutu Its r 'putatlon, we
Ix-ff to eautton all luiemlliiff ua-liaera uut to buj ii
White Machine
except Irom Its regular authorized dealers, who will
oe susiaiueu oy xne ioiiowing wariunty.
White Shuttle Sewiiii Macliine,
IN ItEPAIli FOlt T 'II Ti:i!M OF I'M I. KAIt-
FKOM THIh I TE, Fit EE OF t'lUL'tlE.
This unrrantj' excepts the breokafjo c,r inedUa
uoin'ins aim snuiucs.
This warranty will not tie Mistalneil unlss the
late number aboe eUen coruspomK with the
umber on Ihf shuttle race feUUe. IJuwaie or defaced
r altered numbeia
white m;wino maciiini: co.
Tho "WHITE'' Shutt.o Ecwing Machine
Has ntiEATFK cai-acitv than nns ether family sewing
Machine fordoing eury url ty of woil;.
J, SALTZL'li, (;enerul Agent.
liloomburg, Pa.
Oct. 3, '
A WEEK In vour own town, and n3cap
ital risked. You can cle tbn 11
trial without expcn-.'. The best opportu
nity evtT uueii'ii wr uin-e uiuit: iu
work. Yon should tr not hint: i Iv until
ou M'i for Miuieir wlmt mhi ran limit
tho business wo otTer. No room tn i-vpltln h-re.
Youeandeote all jour time or on). (mr spaie
time tothebulness, and innko pti-nt pt fur e cry
hourthatjou work. Women in.ikr as much asmi-n.
send Tor hpcclal private t rmsaTid pnrttculir-s,whlch
we mall rrte, f5 out lit free Jhm't eomplain or hard
times whliu you hau such a rhance. Address II.
1IALLETT & CO , l'ortlaud Maine,
oct 3, 79-1 y
1 i in '&
ii -'MJ 1 yri vx
I'.ir Dliilit if, CriiM-I, Hroii., llrl 'hi' li
rani', In I n in lie liiek lnalililj lo ICrlnin ur
l.MU'l I lit1 t'rlnet Culiirrli uf the Itlutliler, limn
inir ur I'iiIiiIiiI I'l inullim, ltiirh lni 1ihi1i
.lli-eiliii ill" I In pine, Ni-rtout IIihUII I't
niale eaUiie.., untl all I Hi'n ! (il'ilie
Kidnoy, Bladder and Urinating Organ:.
It avoids lnieraiil meillclnt s. 1-t c anf iDublc to
therathnt. Certain In list iTrt t,nni ri i:i:when
nothing eNe can. Aold allot In I Kliliie rail-., as
mati worthless Imltat-nns aie heii.i; tnired upon
the market. Wo will send eeitliU a'rs i cun's, ami
our book. "How a 1 Jfe wus t-au'd," ireu upon the
receipt o( your ad lies.
IIY TAP Is sold bv DruirjM-. or sent b mail
on receipt nt pice. yj,n.
Distributing Agency at tho
ClOIMlls'.lll! (T, t'a.
Jan S3, 'Mi-ly
Tho undersigned leftwe r I the Ej-dv FlaLlntr Mill.
Is prepaied to do all Muds ot mill wcrk.
Doors, Frames, Hash, Bids, etc.
made to order on tLort notice.
-attraction guar-
lllnrtiit-tiurg, l'a.
TOfiUHm M:it, ur to $a
day m 3 uur own I iralin . mi iik
Wotuen d-i us wi'U U? mt'n Man
make inort- iinii Mh an-nait
edabni. s.i uni-1 an fall o make
mune tail uv ue i m do the
work. You can make irom 5" et M tn an huur by
devounir uur eemncs ami snm tnnei.i me hum
ne8. Ii comb nothtig tn n" ihe hu-in-- Nothing
lite it rur mone makintr t -r nn-n o n. r n . iiusi
ne6SpleasantandHrhily nunoratii- t i id-1, If ou
want to know all alnut th t p bu-m-'ss be
fore tho public, send us vom ad'li .nil hi will
send sou full piiilculars and piiv rt ii'im- fret ;
samnles worth fi rIso live . ou n t'-it itk" ui
jour mind for Nuurbelf Address uIahu.1. nTImiN
& CO., Portland, Maine. v - ... '.u Ij
Tho BPtersluvarlablv remedy M l'owness of tin.
complexion and vWiite of the eves, pains In th
rltclit friilt. and under the rikiitsh'-uhU r 1 I'le.iurred
tongue, high colore 1 urlin n nis.'.i, verii,'o. dih
pei biu, constipation, heaMness of Ihe le ad, menuil
despondency, and every other mtmll'tdMiuii orne
couipanlinent of a disordered condition of the liver.
Tin stomach, uom els and klduevs .lso experlcnei
their legulatlng nud toiue luilui'iiei',
For salo by all Druggists and U.ali ri generally.
Oct", ly.
JjKukm) or tub (intiUNi) not).
11Y WILLI AU t. rCORAlt.
A Oround-liOf? climbed tip to the mouth ot hta hole
JiiU to take a sly pnep at the weather i
And right careful was ho not to .enturc too far,
For lie Raid MI'o fcomo foes, and I know who they
ate ,"
Hut ho thoiiffht ho wo Mil like to know whether
Tho long, cheerless winter was ccrtninly o'er,
ur wheihcr 'twould linger for Mx weeks or more.
He peeped slj ly out 'twas a dull, cloudy d yt
And tho prospect was dismal ami gloomy ;
lint It suited him well, for he bolted tight out,
And the waj that ho frolicked ami (rambled about
J'howed a llkinff fir plne more roomy
Thin th? close and contracted, though snus little
In which ho'd been sleeping as blind as a mole.
What a ipieer look ho had: You'd h we thought so,
I'm sure,
Hadjou caught but a glimpse ot the tellowt
duUf fvir ll'tlo pawn, jou'd hae noted but three
That wire bl.ick, for tho fourth wasa-i whlto
i ould be,
While his Tur was of mixed gray and jf'Ilow;
And .ght lanky was he wlih a famlMdhg maw,
Fur he could'iit eat dlit and he woullti't eat straw I
He i'oho with aQ nppMlte doubt Ies you thluk;
Tva rxactly his own way of thinking;
So he made up hU mind that he'd soon have his
Toa garden Inrd by started off with n will,
And tho sight that he saw set him blinking;
or a splendid rep ist to his taste there he found
In the winter fr-iltijcattored ail over the ground.
He l ad only Just taken ft nibble or two
Waen he i.')tlc'd a chill win! a blowing;
And lo and t elmlt lu rou d scarce trust his eyes,
Foi a dear, azure strei-k showed lti-elf In theskles,
And snon the bright hid, toi, was showing ;
Ills Mi idow h" haw, and wHh piteous dolo
lb-cried "Out too soonl I init back to my hole!"
And for six wnks therciltcr 'twas snowing !
St Xichotan for March.
Select Story.
A roynl visit was promised t5 Mistbor
oup!i,ftuil when tho notiticali iti to lint ef
fect re.ichcil the Major he stimmnneil the
Town Council to deliberate in the usual
way un the sort ol' festivities that should be
provided. The occasion of the royal yi-it
was to be the unveiling of a statue creeled
lo Alderman Nobuddy, n departed woithy
of tbf-;iowu, and the Council soon agreed to
furnish a banquet, a procession with volun
teer bands, nil nddre-s on illuminated vel
lum, and some speeches. Then came the
qiie-tion of ij i ft t. A large album full of
photographic views of Mislborout;h neemed
the most appropriate presi nl; and, of ure,
there would have to bo a liT-quet. Hut who
should tender this last idl'er'n-?
Mr. Mayor YVeeker liajpfiied to be tho
only unmarried member of llio corporation,
wherefore Alderman G.ibbs, who was a face
tious fellow and the father of threo buxom
daughters, scid jestingly : "I vole that
Wheeker lie appointed to select the pretti
est girl in Mistborough, ami she shall give
the buokey."
I don't see what piettiness has to do
with such a matter," remonstrated Alder
man t-erullle, a virtuous but morose person,
w ho was the lather ot lour plain virgins.
Well, Wheeker shall select the ugliest
girl in the town, then,' said the funny Al
leriuan Gabbs, and he winked, laughing at
all his brother Councilors, one of whom
suggested, however, that his worship's
choice neul nut be limited to damsels. 'Let
ive Wheeker carlo blanche,' said lit;
'if he pilches upon a pretty or an ugly mar
ried woman rather than upjn .1 girl, let him
have his own way. He is n flue Judge of
the sex, is Wheeker.'
What makes you think that PuUi-on?'
asked the Mayor mildly, lor ho was a placid
ortofa man who had no very keen eye for
'Why, becausi you've ivuialmd single,
responded l'uttison, amid general merri
'O i, but they say Wheeker is n bit sweet
on the young woman who sits behind llie
counter at J;inime', the pu-try cooks'). ie-
plkd Alderman Gabbs, with a new wink.
'What's her name, Whickei? Out with it.
tfhe's too pretty to be ashamed of.'
'I ieal!y don't know what you mean,'
said poor Wheeker, reddening up to the
ridge of bis ears.
'Oh no mean Izaiy Itilfast, who nods to
you every lime you pass up High street,'
said l'uttison, greatly enjoying the Mayor's
lisiiiralituie. Why, Wheeker, I've n-en
you eating luth buns at Jammo's shop tit
least ihree times within the past week, nnd
we know you can't bear pa-lry, for um
never :eat any when you nine with one
of us.'
Unfortunately I ir -Mr. soon
gutoba known in the tint ho hud
been deputed to act as nn arbiter pulcharutii;
ami ni'iiiy ladies, both single and married,
began to pay their courts to him with a view-
to being selected for pro'entiiig the btxpMct.
Mr. Wheeker soon began to think that it
would bo more prudent to oher twenty no-e
gajs to the liiyal Princess instead of one
in order that nobody might be offoodsd; but
his opinion was not shared by the Town
Council. The Mayor was exhorted with a
pertinacity, half serious, l.alf-coinical, lo
do his duty in cln using tho fittest, and be
failed to get any assistance frrm 11 is brother
Councilors', for each of them, being married,
felt some delicacy in recommending a lady
from iiirido ol his ftmily circle or outside
of it..
There was auother roir ut '.'.is, and Mr.
Wheeker looked as guilty ns a torn cat who
had been caught near a creum jug. iiut, in
a mm, the Mayor was such a good lejlow
that bis bretlueii were loth to press their
joke too hard on him. Kvcry man, ex
cept the moroso Scntllle, slapped him on
the luck in pa-sing, and bade him do hi"
b'at in selecting a young lady who should
do homr to Mistborough. Mr, Wheeker
groined inwardly, fjr he much disliked this
task, which laid upon him a larger respon
sibility than he ever cared to assume spon
taneously in his public or private relations.
If he cou'd havo furtively 'voted as lo
who was tho loveliest representative of girl
hood in Mistborough, he would certainly
have given Ids suH'rago to Miss Daisy lle.
fast, but after this tiuseemly jeslln; abou
tho girl, he did not dare. Ilesides, Mrt
Wheeker had not yet made up his mind i.
tn whether he woulJ euro to marry Miss
Uellast, and lie was also by no means sure
of tlu' young lady's seutimeuts toward
In the midst of these perplexities Mr.
Whoiktr was one Sunday nocostui as ho
was coming out of chinch, by Mrs. Ilulber
ry, the comely wife of Colonel Mulberry,
a retired military Tartar. This lady was
just past the prime of life say tblrty-flve
nnd very vivacious, nnd llie more cncr lo
n?ert fa'clnallons, as her looking gl9 told
her lliey were on thewane'.Kustlliig'tlirotigri
tho porch, where Mr. Wheeker was striding
in his scarlet robe, and preceded by his mace
bearer (for the'ed lo go church in
slalo on tho first Sunday of each month,)
Mrs, llulbeiry said with n smile which
liowtd all her pretty teeth, 'Well, Mayor,
have you chosen, your Queen o( Ileanty
'I almost think I seo her before me.' an
swered Mr, Wheeker, stammering n cluiny
compliment to Mrs. Ilulberry, with her
"mart attire, pink cheeks nnd. sparkling
eyes, looking undeniably pretty.
'You're joking, 1 suppose,' she retorted,
'If you want mo to 'give tho bocpiet to the
Princess it must boa very nice one.'
'Oh, it -hall be!' proloiled the Mayor.
'And you must let mo play t chief part in
nil the festivities receive your guests lor
j on, ami all that otherwise there would be
no fun lu the thing, you know. As you're
n bachelor, you must have a lady to act for
'I should feel much obliged if you would
act for me; Mrs. ilulberry,' aid tho Mayor,
feelli'g us if a weight hud .been taken olfhls
'Well, we will sec about it. 1 don't say
yc or no for the present,' replied the Col
onel's wife, nodding pleaatitlv, and she rus
tled oil, leaving Mhtborougli's Mayor rath
er overwhelmed by a seu-e of her conde
scension. As a matter of fact Mrs. I!til"erryliad her
own reasons tor acting as adroilly as she
had done. Independently of her ambition
to be acknowledged as the prettiest person
in Mistborough, sjo much desired to obtain
a pot under Ihe government lor her hus
band, a: d thought this object might be at
tained if she could lean fir a whole day on
the arm of a royal Prince and enlist his in
terest in her behalf by her sweet and plausi
ble chatter. There was not n better talker
in all Misiburough and the whole country
around than Mrs. Ilulberry, who, according
to her admirers, could Ime charmed a bird
out of a tree, or who, as her detractors
avouched, was equal to fooling a pig out of
a potato.
o while Mr. Wheeker was blessing him
self at having been extricated from a dilem
ma, Mis Ilulberry went liome in triumph;
but there slit met her husband w ho was not
pleased to meet her achievement with fa
vor. Colonel Ilulberry was one of those
men who c.ninot be brought to see all at
once is good for them. He always let
himself be led in tho end; but, before sub
mitting to guidance, lie jibbed, shied and
brayed like the most obstinate of four-footed
animals. In the present instance he de
clared, with a sprinkling of oaths which he
was much given to employing in domestic
conversation, that he would not, by George,
allow his wife to make a blanked guy ol
herself in the company of cheesemongering
aldermen, blanked if he would. Mrs. Ilul
berry who was elated by the results of her
diplomacy, answered impatiently by request
ing tier lord not to make an oaf of himself.
Hut this was a move, for it sent off the
Colonel in n towering passion to blow up
Mr. Mayor Wheeker, whose blank nose,
said lie, lie would tweak in the public
I say,' lie said, accosting this inoffensive
diguitHry, whom he met taking an afternoon
walk in the sunshine, 'I say I'm not going
to let it be said that you'ro spooney on my
'I, Colonel?' replied the Mayor, astonish
ed and uncii-v.
Yes, sir, you're abachcior.and a gay dog
hvall account-; don't deny it, for your go
ings on with the sex are matters of public
ui.tnriety. Hut I won t have you dangling
after Mrs. Ilulbeirv, mind thai.'
'Keally, Colonel, I don I understand. Mrs,
Ilulberry was giod enough to say she
would not mind presenting the bouquet lo
llerlinynl Highness, and I thought '
'You thought she was setting her cap at
you; is that what you was going tosav?
Well, I admire your cheek, I do,' blustered
the Colonel, retreating a step or two, as if
to take n beller survey of the Mayor, who
ccrtninly looked no Adonis. 'Well, Mr.
r-aucebox, remember that my name's Ilul
berry, and I stand no blanked nonsense
from anybody, dust get your pastrycook
girl, Miss lliitlercup, or whatever her name
is, to give your bouquet; she'll do very well
for such work, but my wifo won't. Good
day to you,'
Poor Mr. Wheeker gaped In wonder as the
truculent swashbuckler swung on his heel.
He doubled whether the Colonel was sober.
As fir the vul.ant Ilulberry, he strode
home; hut, ns otieu happened to him his
alor bei'uu to oo.e away as lie ueared the
conjugil dwelling. He lelt that he had put
his font into it. Swagger as lie would he
was no match lor his wild in tongue war
fare', and presently, when he had to confe-s
what he had done, Madame Hew into one ot
tho-e lino rages wh ch make a man wish that
ho coufd strike n hole through it. In the
up-hot (ho Colonel might have been seen on
tho morrow looking very sheepish as be
wended Ids way towards the town hall, to
seek out the Mayor and offer him n kind ol
apology. He was quite alive now, poor
wretch, lo tho service which his wile wished
to render him in presenting flowers to the
prinrf" , f ihe blood.
Hut, lo Colonel Ilulberry 's mortification.
Mr. heeler had already informed the
Town Council of bis previous day's ad veil
tore; and it was unanimously decided that
the Mayor had received nn all'ront which
mii-t preclude the llullberries Irom takln;
any part in the municipal festivities, even as
guests at llie bai quel. The Mayor, silting
in his ollieia! room at the Town Hall, con
veyed this lo the Colonel r.s delicately as
possible, and added a propitiatory assurance
of his own that he did not feol offended
but upon this the Colonel as usual, made
haste to lose his temper.
'lfy George, sir, cried he, 'am I being
trilled wilM You first ask my wife to do
you a kindness, and then you tell me that
you are going to put in both in dhgrace.
Who caros for your disgusting dinner I
should like to know!'
'I -I did not mean to say anything oflen
sive, Colonol, said the meek Mayor, 'but I
understood yesterday that'
'You tire always misunderstanding tilings
sir; I am blanked if I ever taw such u man
for making mischief. I suppose you'll udl
me now that my wifo is not pretty enough
to net as it llnwer glrlT
'Oh, what an idea! I am sure everybody
who has seen Mrs, Ilulberry will admit '
N die of your blanked c .nipllinent
roared the Colonel. You've a great deal too
much sofi patter about you to please uie. My
last word lo you Is that If my wife docs you
the honor to accept the proposal vou made.
nnd If you venture lo put a slight upon her
you and your fellow soup swlllers In the
Town Council shall give mo therenson why,
or I'm wanked If I don't cut off all your
ears nnd thread them on a piece of string
for my dog to piny with there!'
This terrible threat was not without its
effect on Mr. Wheeker, who cowered, and
witnessed (he gallant officer's exit with the
same relief ns if he had been n snarling
bull dog, Presently when the coast seemed
quilo clear, .Mr. Wheeker sailed forth in
quest of Ids friends, Gahhi and l'uttison,
hut he couhl not find them, so he turned
into the shop of Janitne, tho pastry cook,
under the pretext of taking luncheon, but
really to con.fort himself n little In the so
ciety of Miss Daisy Ilelfast, wlioo bright
eyes had flashed n summons to him through
the window.
Said Miss Daisy coldly lo the Mayor, as
she helped him to n gla3 of sherry nnd n
sandwich ; 'What's this I heir, Mr. Wheck
ei? You think old Mrs. Ilulberry thepretti
est woman in Mistborough?'
'Not old Mn. ilulberry; young Mrs. Ilul
berry,' answered the Mayor naively, fancy
ing there was a contusion of persons, but I
don't think her so pretty as you, Miss. Bel
fast.' 'I judge by act, not by words, Mr.
Wheeker,' said Daisy with a toss of her
comely head. 'And, indeed, if you think
that old Colonel's wife pretty, you're no
.Mr. Wheeker sigheel as lie munched his
sandwich, for lie did not know how to utter
what ho should havo liked to say next. Iiut
just at this moment the door opened, nnd
Gabli', l'uttison, and some of the others of
the Town Council walked in laughing.
'Sherry all round, Miss, if you please,'
said the cheery voice of Alderman Gabbs.
'What has the Mayor been telling you,
ell ?'
'Mr, Wheeker seems to have lost the use
of his voice,' answered Daisy, with a shrug
and a reproachful look at Mistborough'
chief magistrate, who, having finished his
first sandwich, was dolefully commencing
'Well, wo shall have to speak for him,
then,' proceeded Gabbs, with a wink that
made the girl blush. 'We are going to elect
you our Queen of Ileauty, Miss Daisy.'
'Ol' exclaimed Daisy, turning scarlet this
time. 'And when is the royal visit to be,
-Mr. Gabbs?'
'Not till three months from now, so
there'll be plenty of timo for you and
Wheeker to get talking together about the
'And my opinion is that when you pre
sent that bookey you had better be in
troduced to the Princess as Mrs. Wheeker,
opined l'uttison.
'It would sound more proper, certainly,'
was all that the bashful Mayor could find to
"Ah, you're nil making fun of me, I sus
pect" said Daisy; but her hand trembled
just a little as she pourrd out the sherry with
which the gallant Town Councilors pro
ceeded to drink her health.
One has only to add that it was Jlrs.
Wheeker who presented the bouquets, but
Mrs. Ilulberry not to bo outdone, presented
another on her own account, got an hour's
talk witli the Prince, and obtained his in
terest on behalf of her husband, who was
mon afterward sent off to the antipodes as a
colonial governor, while his clever wite
stayed at hnine. Thus pacified, the Colonel
lid not cut off the e.irs of all tho Town
Councilors and thread them on a stiing,
but ho remained iin-liiken in his opinion
that .Mr. .Mayor Wheeker was a g.iy dog,
much too forwaid with the sex, and he told
Mrs. Wheeker so at the corporation dinner,
where by the war, he trot tinsy. London
UAMililiS UK I'll.NJimiXd.
An accident will lie in general recollection
connected witli tho late Mr Ilruncl, the em
inent engineer, who planned tho Thames
Tunnell and tho Great Western Itailway.
One diy while diverting a child willi tricks
ofsligbt-of hand by causing a half sovereign
to mysteriously disappear and reappear a
s'unnmg di-a-ter occurred. I ho trick con
si-ti'd in adroitly concealing the coin in his
mouth, and pretending to bring it out at t lie
car. All at once, uMore he wa aware and
tn his dismay, tho half snvorciL'ti slitmed
down into his gullet. He tried to cnigji it
up without ( fleet. There it stuck, livery
urgical device was tried to get hold of it
.. ;.1 . ;i T. . . . . .
viuioui avail, ii iiceaiiie evident mat it the
coin could not ho ill-lodged, fatal resu ts
would en-uo. In (lie dire dilemma into which
lie had needlessly brought himself, llrunel's
pre-eneo of mind did not desert him, He
devi-cd a wooden trueturo to which lie could
be strapped head d ranwuids, in the hope
lliat the lialiovcrciirn would fall out of hi
tluoat by lorce ol gravity. Ho was fixed to
tho macluno head downward, keeping ids
mouth open. To his unexpressiblo lelief.the
com diopped fioin Us luiking-placo nnd roll
ed lo the floor.
On ooo occasion a swoul swallowcr got into
a fix even moro dreadful than that of Ilruncl.
He professed to bo able to petform a trick
with a bayonet fixed on u musket. It was
an awfully hazaidous prank, far beyond lliat
of swallowing a sword. Ho held tho musket
aloft with tho end upper-most, and opening
his mouth, allowed llie bayonet to go down
Ins throat. Having got it this length, he
clenched tho part of tho Lavonet next the
hatidlo with his teeth, and holding tho musk
et with his hands, to picvent it from swing,
ing to ono tide or other, walked about witli
it in this perilous attitude on tho Mago,
At a pciformaueo ono day of the bayonet
and musket trick, something was been to go
wrong. Tlieio was a stagger, a flutter. The
observers were surprised, horror-struck. The
swaying of the upraised musket had caused
it to snap idf at tho part of the bayonet
where it was bulamcd by tho teetli of the
performer, tho result being that tho shaft of
the bayonet was lelt suuk out of sight or
icacli in bis throat. Anything moro appall-
tug thau tins can hardly po imagined. Per
haps in tho agony of tho moment tho per
former recollected tho device icsortcd to by
llrunel ui nuiilarciicuinstances. At nil events
ho instantly threw himself on his hands, and
with tho aid of his assistant, stood with his
feet upp' I most against tlie wall Tho ellort
was .utce.-stiil. lly Us own weight tho bnv
otic' descended fiuui its place in iho throat,
ami utieiigtli It was uulleel from tho mouth,
I.adicawlll find a cure iu Days Kidney
i au wucu everything else lalls.
It is a curious fuel, hut a fact nevertheless,
that not one woman in a thousand dreams
that tho sliglitc't significance attaches to tho
fan she carries outside of its legitimate pur
pose as a cooling agent. A woman is given
to flunking that tho world stands still beyond
her own homo and customs, and while indulg
ing indiscriminately in every new thing lliat
Fa'hion dictates, sho never gives a thought
to the 'eternal fitness' involved even in the
wooden ribs of nn ordinary Japanese fan.
We uo them by tho million, in a hundred
different ways, from the simple instrument
or comfort in sultry weather to the elaborate
dccoiation of homo life, hut mil'ottunately
inspiration docs not teach us that in our ef
fort at 'daily beauty' a wild indulgence in the
color mania, and gathering of nil softs of
Japanese fans, parasols, and pictures, in all
kinds of pljces, is directly violating t lie tra
ditions of Japanese etiquette in the way that
is clear as print to the initiated. In Japan
the fan figures in every ciiele, unmistakably
defines the line af fashion and social customs
and woo unto tho ono who departs from the
wisdom of his ancestors and mixes hU funs
up I A geneial swap of babies would cieato
less confusion Witli us, if a man appeared
on llroadway cooling himself witli a folding
fan, the odds arc in favor of his arrest ns a
lunatic, while in the land of the Japs this
stylo tif fan is exclusively the properly of the
men, and woman must confine herself to Ihe
ugly fiat abomination, though never allowe d
to carry it on the street, or bef ire a man, in
doors or out. Precisely what shape the law
and Mrs. Grundy permit her to toy witli in
the preseuco of a male adorer is a vexed
question, but it is certain that lo use a real
flat fan in the presence of a male native is to
affrontbim mortally.and raise a lovers' or fam
ily fight, should tho thoughtless damsel own a
brother who can be held responsible. Among
the. upper ten this folding fan and symbol of
the inexorable law of caste is worn in the belt
or bosom of the loose robe, thereby stamping
him witli the seal of blue blood and high so
cial standing. The lower classes carry it
always down the neck of the drc4?, or pok
ed under the knob of hair on their glistening
skulls, where it sticks liko a skewer or co
lossal hair-pin. It leaves something to be
desired in the way of beauty, but admits of
no mistakes in station or degree.
Passing through a Japanese city is a trip
through a kaleidoscope On every side
crowds of queerly-apparelcd folks saunter
bare-headed (hats arc modern frivolities just
coming into general favor) under brilliant-
hued umbrellas, with tho gaudiest of fan,
waving salutations to friends and direction"
to servants. Later on you accept this butter-
cupping of Japanese fashions, and lose your
sense of amusement at tho sight of the entire
male element armed with the folding fans,
ind every ono of them an emblem of customs
and stations which requires long residence in
Japan to become thoroughly familiar witli.
Take, for example, the spreading gilt and
colored fans, glittering with brilliant hugs,
butterflies and nondeicript beasts and blos
soms. J'.very city and couutry bone Here
owns them by the dozen, and fortunately for
the ignorance that is bliss feels herself ap
propriately go ten up for conquest. Iiut at
home these by right and usage belong to the
singing and dance girls of Japan, and are car
ried by them as a distinguished tiado-mark.
No high-born dame, maid or matron would
touch this badgo of a lower stratum of so
ciety even to savo herself from melting. As
for tho dramatic lalent in Jap-land, it is
probably greater than we aro led by circum
stances to suppose, when wo read of tragedy
and comedy as interpreted by the 'motion-
of nn actor's fan.' A skillful use of it nud
other sborl-coininis are icnored, and critics
and audiences delighted by this new version
of high art. As ,1 weapon of off. n-e, the
old Japanese battle fan was unrivaled. Gen
erals, colonels and other martial fi-h swam
bout in the tide of war under the protec
tion of these huge, iion bound tilings, cov
ered witli heavy parchment, and bearing the
ymbol of carnauo on their faces ; and
blow on the head or back generally kept the
unhappy victim effectually qu'et. Since the
fan frenzy has so'zcd us, I d mbt whether
there is a house in the city in which a cheap
fac-situile of these obsolete battle-fans can
not bo found a-id recognized by tho coloicd
balls floating in colored fields. Thousands of
these bamboo imitations are yearly biought
over atld are tragic iciuindersnf bloody scene-
and cracked crowns. Tho large flit fans,
shaped hko elongated pumpkin, and of
rough paper nnd wonderful hieroglyphic.
which wo buy by the gross at the beginning
of dog-days, aro nt homo nothing hut the
most plebeian dusl-pans and hearth-sweeper.
icceptacles for Iho trah that accumulate
in living rn m, A little more insight into
tho ways of our neighbor would prevent
such blumbrs in tas'e, and tho placing in llie
parlor of aitides that belong naturally to the
kitchen closet.
When di-playing the treasurers of our art
gallery to ono who knows, it is terribly hu
initiating to learn that our pet extravagance
tho portrait ol a male native witli an odd
arrangement oi uress and lans I, a our
friend a-surcs u,on'y a 'ticket of-leavo' man,
ami t lie companion picture, ot whom our
fancy has made a queen, is but the painted
prototypool a demoiselle who plies an infa
mous catiisg, ami tnougii never appearing in
public, is will know u by her siugularly gor
geous raiment, the legal necessity of tying
licr sasn m nont, ana tier braids l.very
lliiug that comes tn u from Japan i a faith
I ii I copy ol lionifl lilo and scenes, taken with
the most micio-i iipte accuracy. I'uctssolet
ter the Janniiso f.mcv that not tho smallest
dotal escapes them, llalher than allow us a
margin lor speculation Ihe artists wrilo a lew
words ot description on every article that
leaves tneir nanus, iiut as tno price- we pay
win not purcnao an interpreter witu tbeiu
wo are not mucii neuclilcd by their cxplana
lions, Tuko it all in all. Japanese Ian arc
a liberal rducition in a condensed form, a
sort of juiblie-eliool system, which no amount
of playing 'hookey' can evade Many years
ago it was the) only schooling to bo had. and
now geography, iirithiiietie,hitory, the prayer
l..,.,l, ... 1 'I'... n. !..... '.':.i. '...i -.i
book and. K-n Commandments, with which
the missionaries havo familiarized tlicm,ncws
oi all kind. Irom tnreign fashions and fan
cies to uie last sweet tning in bonnets, are
printed ou them, and it would bo diflicult lo
iind a beller method of towing information
broadcast. j ititaaeipnia l rtt.
A Cross llaliy.
.Miming i so i-oiioiicive to a man re
maining a biichebr a stopping for one
night at tho houe of a married friend and
being kept awake for five or six hours bv
the crying ol n cms baby. All rros and
crying babies need only Hop Bitters to mako
them well and smiling. Young mau re
We recently attended n parlor meetim; of
the American revisers, nt tho houseof Hon,
William E. Dodge, in this city during
which we became aware of what seemed lo
us the Ignorance of these revisor touching
the tremendous public" interest that ga hers
around the work they have done nnd are to
do. It seemed to u that they did not un
derstand the (feeling of Ihejpublic upon the
matter nt nil j that they did not appreciate
the interest with which the result of the
work is regarded, nor the perfect condeflnce
with which the result Is nnaiied. It lathe
modesty that naturally attends truo schol
arship, we presume, which leads Ihem to
suppose lliat Ihetr work will bo severely
criticised that it will di.appoint many bv
it changes, atld many others by lis few and
trivial alteration. And it may as well be
stated jut here that they nre not to present
the English world with a new version. It is
simply to be the old version revised, freed
from its errors, and pocssing in every way
the advantages of nil the study nnd discov
ery of the two hundred and seventy years
that liivo passed since 1010 the date of the
issue ot "King Jame's llible." The old
form nf language, which has Itself become
sicred to the eye, ears and hearts of the
llibl -loving people, i to bo preserved.
We sny that it seemed to us that the re
visors at thl meeting failed to npprcciste
the popular confidence with which the re
sult of their work is awaited. We bfleive
from the feeling every wiiero around us,
that the result of the revision will be re
ceived with unquestioning confidence. The
public understand that the revision will bo
the work of the best scholarship of tweJ coun
tries, selected and excerci-ed upon a broad
catholic lmis, and arriving nt n result that
it is essentially unanimous. It is believed
that thee men know all there is known up
on the subject which engages their attention
and the new revision will be received, in
our opinio i, without n question. Indeed
we doubt whether there i any divine living,
outside of this circle ol men, who can pub
licly undertake to criticise their work with
out danger to his ow n reputation. Of course
there will be a great curiosity to see what
kind of work the revised version will make
of accepted doctornes and various seels,
It is quite possible that certaiu proof texts
that have been ustd to uphold precious old
dogmas, or instate nnd support sects, will
be riddled; but we have no idea that the es
sential facts and doctrines recorded in the
book will be changed. Indeed, we already
have this assurance from the revisers them
selves. Love to God and men will remain
the beginning nnd end of religion, and obe-
lience to law will be the whole of morality.
The record of the life nnd death of Christ
will be changed in no essential particular,
nnd he will still remain what he bns always
been, the central figure nnd the informing
nnd inspiring force of the religion called by
his name. If the men who call themselves
by other names get a tumble, who cares?
But the great undeniable fact that Bible
reading Christians, of all names, are wait
ing for the new revisiou with such interest
that there is not one of them between the
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans who will not
purchase one nt tho first opportunity is full
of grateful significance, alike honorable to
themselves and to the self-sacrificing work
ers who have sustained, without money nnd
without price, the long and arduous task of
preparing n perfect iliblc in the i.Dgusu
Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup,'without ex
ception, has given satisfaction. Our read
ers give it n trial. Druggists keep it. Price
'2o cents per bottle.
coxDucrni) iiy w. ii. hastmak.
Contributions of original puzzles are so
licited from every r;nler. Address nil com
munications relating to this department to
W. H. Eastman. Auburn. Me.l
NUMLltlt'.W r.NIOMA.
I nm composed of fifty-one letter.
My II, -1, 10. 13, -IS, -17, !"-0, 20 is agreeable.
My 43, 17, -to, 43, 11 is to take an oith.
My 21, 31", 211, 21, 10, 51 is a part of the
My 10, 18,45 is akind of fish.
Mv HU, 2. 3, 'Jo, 20 ia warehouse.
My 1, 41, 30, 43, 23 is a stop.
My 7, 27, i, lo, 1 1 is to irrigate.
My 23, S, 0 is a bevy's nickname.
My SI, fl, 3j i a number.
My 32, 34, 40, 37, 42 are vowels.
My 3S, 22 are in ceremony.
My win le I n proverb.
Two men A and II having bought the
grn-s in a triangular meadow, whose sides
;ire 120, 170 iind 150 nils respectively, want
to divide it equ illy by having A cut his part
lirt, by mowing continually around the
meadow. How widen strip mu9t ho mow
on each side. Jeriiv.
My whole's n curious species
Of writing, you will find;
Though if you behead me,
I nn action bring to mind j
Again, if Iwicj beheaded,
A sharp tool please to view;
Transposed, you'll now behold
1 justice give lo ou.
llCKItY B.
The blanks are to bo filled with the same
word transposed.
1. I fear the inau ha committed some
At what did the volcano smoke ?
of the bird wrre caught in a trap.
lie -
the door-
Uscm Claude.
Douiibr. Acr.osTic.
The initials! nnd finals name two musical
1, A strong scented plant.
2. Agreements.
3. Feeble.
4. To hnudle awkwardly.
A mm:.
Ci oit-word , igma, Diction ury .
(bticrcifW Vuvplel "Be wise with speed;
A fool nt forty is a fool Indeed."
JUJJle. Letter M.
lurtailmcnti., Ton, on. 2, Meant,
mean. li. l.ivtr, live. 4. Ella, ell. 5,
Prut, pen. G, Mark, mar.
member this, Ed,
1'hilotopher'i An apple.