The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 20, 1880, Image 2

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0. E. EL77ELL, Editor.
;. X. BITTENBEUDSB, Patllsher.
Friday. Fob 00.1880.
Upon iho occurrences of the present yenr
depend great results. The Presidential elec
tion will determine whether the people are
content to live longer under the coutrol of n
party of fraud and corruption, or whether
they detlro an honest government. It will
rIjo determine whether the unwritten law ol
the laiul.cttablNhed by Washington and ob
served by Ms successors to the present day,
ahnll be effaced from tho sacred tablets ol
traditional custom, and a third presidential
term Inaugurated. Thli would be hut the
first step towards an empire, and It it shall
bo permitted, we may within n few years,
bid farewell to our republican form of Gov
ernment. To avert such a dire calamity Is the pres
ent duty and mission of the Democracy. If
wise counsel and concerted action shall pre
vail, tho election of the Democratic candid
ate for tho Presidency is Inevitable, whether
ho be Bayard, Seymour, or Tilden.
But beforo victory can perch upon our
banners, there must be changes in several
respects. The great obstacle to our success
is Internal dUsenslous. In New York we
have the Kelly-Tilden light. In Pennsyl
vania Wallace and IUndall cannot agree,in
Philadelphia Bill McMullin leads a factious
crowd, ard so It is In other states. Personal
animosities are the springs of action rather
than love of principle, and sell aggrandize
ment tak( the place of party success. In
soma Instances democrats who have not stuck
closely to tho party ticket are denominated
"bolters," and threatened with being read
out of the party for kicking over the traces.
On the other hand these so-called "bolters"
are-rcady and willing to come back Into the
fold only when they are tickled a little bj
being named for an office. We would sug
gest that conciliation rather than punish
ment is the proper treatment in the first in
stance and in the second that party principle
Is sufficient to hold any true democrat with
in the party lines, without being rewarded
by a party nomination,
All these things must be overlooked and
droppedjoutof sight if we would bold the fort
All men do not think alike, and as free will
agents all have the right to do as their con
sciences dictate, and if some are led to vote
against what they consider a bad nomination
tbey ought not to be driven from the party
because of this one act ; but they have nn
right to expect to be coaxed back by offers
and influence.
In union there Is strength ; in division
weakness. Let us all cast aside any petty
personal animoslties,and putting our should
ers to the wheel, all work for one great end,
the trumphant establishment and perpetua
tion of the principles of Democracy.
Washington, 1) C. Feb. 17th 1SS0-
One of the historical eras of the govern
ment's financial experience is at band. Tbe
three and one half percent, refunding bund
has been drawn, the immediate words ol
preparation being confided to Congressman
Fryer, ol Maine, and will be presented to
the House for action. The first section au
thorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to
issuo four hundred million dollars in bonds'
bearing interest at the the rate of three and
one half per. cent per annum, to be redeem
able after twenty years, and payable after
forty years ; also to issue two hundred mil
lion certificates, bearing interest at the rate
of fourpercent. per annum, payable in one
two, three, four, and five years after date
of issue,at the rate of foity million per year
the same to bo issued in such denominations
as shall be deemed advisable by tbe Secre
tary of the Treasury, who authorized and
directed with them, to replace all four and
six per cent bonds now outstanding. Tbe
second section does not materially change
existing laws, and relates to funding opera
tions. The third section requires national
Banks chartered after tho passage of tbe
act to place these new three and one halt
per cent, bonds on deposit with the treasury
to seenre their circulation.
A condition of the country which enables
us to sell a bond of this character marks an
important point in our history. That con
dition was produced chietly by tbe wonder
ful crops of the last few years, but, every
one will admit, in partly the check given
to the Republican extravagance by the Dem
ocrats who first controlled tbe House of
Representatives in 1874.
The two topics of conversation here, in
the absence of business in Congreas.are.first
the Presidential candidate question as ap
plied to the Republican case, and the samo
relating to the Democracy. I mention the
lie publicans first because the fight Is livelier
among them. It is admitted that tbe three
men who have a chance for the Republican
nomination, are Grant, Blaine, and Sher
man, No one else is talked of here, and I
give their names in tbe order of the gener
ally concvived idea of their prospects. It
may be proper to leave Sherman out entire
ly, for his "boom" so far, is engineered
wholly by Treasury i flicals and personal
friends, and Is of that character which never
has bad success.
Among Democrats there is certainly a
gain in Sherman stock within tbe last month
or two.
With Greenbackers General Butler has at
present the first place.
These Indications I gather f rom personal
converge with men belonging iu all sections
of the country and from letters received
It is but fair.lo say in this correspondence
in which ;somo prominence has been given
against Senator Infolds, that tho Senate
Election committee Is unanimously of opin
ion that the charge against tbe Senator of
bribery have not been proven, and reccom-
mend their dismissal.
Hi won
Trinity Episcopal church New York,
corner Fourth avenue and 1 25th street burned
Feb, II, The great bellows of tbe organ
exploded with great noise, and was heard
over a mile away. The magnificent oval
stained glass in front ot the organ, which
cost 14,000, was destroyed. The organ cost
$10,000. The building cost $125,000. The
insurance on it is $59,000. The fire origin
ated from tbe furnaces. Tbe cougregatiou
is wealthy and able to re-build.
The democrats of Pennsylvania on Tues
day rose up and captured a considerable
number of cities and towns that were for
merly controlled by the republicans. Among
tbe important cities that manifest a strong
disposition to reairn to the democracy are
Scranton and Wilksbarro In each of which a
democratic mayor was elected on Tuesday
by tho assistance of tbe labor reformers.
The follonln,' circular has been received
by u, and no cheerfully give it space in our
Wn.Kns llAnnn, Pa , Feb. 11, 18S0.
To tho Newspaper Kdltors of tho United
States nf America :
Gentlemen .
In presence of tho terrlblo emergency of
famine now passing upon the Irish people,
theconlulon existing with regard to the
various Belief Committers in Ireland, we
deem It right to lose not a moment In plac
ing before the American people the attitude
numed by tis towards these Committees.
Wo ask you with your usual courtesy to ena
ble Us to do this throuffh vourcolnmns.
Up to the present, four separate Belief
Associations have appealed to this coun
We wilt refer to these In the order of the
dates of their appeals.
Tho first call fur succor was mado by Us on
our landing In America on the second of Jan
uary. Since tl.en over seventy thousand dob
lars have been entrusted to us,muchof which
has been already forwarded and distributed
amongst llio perhbiug people of the West,
and the remainder Is on lis way. We may
bo permitted to mention, as a matter of in
terest, that our orgsnizatlon was tbe first on
Christmas Kvc, to distribute American help
totwenty.five starving districts on the Wes
tern Coast.
Ours also Is tho only association which is
enabled, through its intimate local conmc
tlon with the distressed districts, to dis
tribute relief promptly and without cot,
and we guarantee that all funds entrusted to
us for that purpose will be used solely for
relief, and without tbe deduction of a sing
le dollar for any other purpose or expense
Following closely upon our appeal, came
that of the Duchesi of Marlborough, the
wife of the Lord-I.ieutcnantof Ireland.
Now in this matter we cannot separate
husband from wife, and It must bo borne in
mind that the Duke of Marlborough is the
chief executive officer of hrr Majesty's
Government in Ireland, and is responsible
for all its nets, Hence,wefind the real bead
of this relief committee actually engaged in
sending soldiers to bayonet the women and
children whom he pretends to relieve, in
driving them from their poor homes out in
to tho snow to perish of cold and hunger
and in seizing upon what little provision
they may have left, In order partially to sat
isfy tho exorbitaut demands of the landlord
for rent.
Information has also reached us from
many reliable sources, both clerical and lay,
of tbe biased and partial way in which the
Marlborough relief funds are administered ;
and complaints are numerous that the chari
ty sent from America is being used as a po
litical engine to assist the landlords in driv
ing the people from their homes.
The Dublin Mansion House Committee
vas tho third to appeal to this country. Up
on the publication hereofthe names of those
composing that body, we felt it our duty to
point nut that its Dublin management was
controled by persons interested in the main
tenance of the landlord system ; that sever
al of them had been guilty of eviction atro
cities, and that the hands of others were
reeking with the blood of the Connemara
women butchered within the last few weeks
in a happily ineffectual attempt to evict the
Western peasantry from their cottages.
We showed that a relief committc formed
in such a way could not have-the confidence
or respect of the Irish people, and that it
was cruel to force the starving to apply for
their daily bread to the very- men against
whom they are maintaining an unequal con
test for the land of their country.
It is not to be expected that any people
should continue to struggle for their rights
against a powerful and privileged class, if
they are placed in the position of being
obliged to beg for charity from the class who
are opposing them.
It is, moreover, a remarkable fact that this
landlord and government class, while it does
nothing to relieve the distress itself, and ob
structs all our attempts to do so, is not
ashamed to appeal to you and to other coun
tries to do the work whicb, but for them,
would have been done at home.
We, however, notwithstanding all tbls.ex
pressed our willingness to withdraw opposi
tion to the further progress of the Mansion
House Committee, provided the names of
the most noted exterminators and govern'
ment officials were removed from it, and re
placed by gentlemen possessing the confe
dene of our people, but we regret to say that
up to this moment no notice has been taken
of our proposition.
Tbe latest Belief Fund established has
been that of the New York Jferald. This
journal has been noted for its advecacy of
the landlord side In tbe struggle now going
on in Ireland, while it is also fair to say that
some of the information sent by its special
correspondents, ot tho condition of the Irish
tenantry, ias been of considerable impor
tance in informing tbe American public of
tbe position of affairs there.
We do not desire to assume an unfriendly
position towards this journal, as we are
aware that its resources for obtaining suh
scriptions are so widespread that the result
of its efforts, if directed and distributed
through proper channels, may be of great
advantage to tne suffering peoplo of Ire
land. But, so far, appearances indicate that the
Herald will bo guided, in its selection of the
channels for distributing its funds, by that
landlord bias which has so unhappily man
ifested Itself hitherto in the direction of the
policy of that journal.
Before, then, tbe people of this country
entrust their money to the Jferald fund, we
think they are entitled to ask what agency
is to be chosen to distribute it. Up to the
present we have been given no information
on this vital point, and if the Herald wishes
to avoid the imputation that it has joined
with the Marlborough and Mansion House
Committees in their conspiracy to divert the
charity of America into landlord hands, it
will at once publish tbe names of a com
mittee calculated to command the confidence
of those who are tu be relieved.
For our part, if tbe Jferald selects a com
mittee in which the Irish people can place
confidence, it shall have our warmest sup
port and best wishes for its success. If on
the other hand, It allies Itself with the at
tempts of the Marlborough and Mansion
House Committees, to use American charity-
as a means of deleating the tenantry of Ire
laud in the struggle now being made to ob
tain their rights, we shall snaro no effort to
enlighten the public as to the true nature of
this attempt.
Chables S. I'ahnei.l,
-Leadville is a place of strong contrasts.
The characteristics of a new mining town
are seen there yet j gambling hells and bar
rooms are more numerous than in any other
places of business, the pistol and knife aro
in common use, highwaymen rob the stages
close by, aud desperato adventures abound ;
but opposed to these things is a btrong de
sire for law and order, schools and churches
are being established, and it is thought that
the civilization ot Leadvllle will soon be ac
(leorge Wnslilntons Declination. I
Everybody is familiar with the fact that
Washington declined n rc-elcctlon toward
the clove nf his second administration, nnd
the passages of his famous farewell nddrcss
which bear upon this point have been wide
ly quoted the last few weeks. Hut no one
seems to have resiled n not less interest
ing fact, which still farther emphasizes the
contrast between Washington aud Grant In
their treatment of this Issue. John Adams
had not been long In the Prefidency before
the 1'i-der.illst party, which bad elected
him became greatly disorganized, and u
strong clement were out-sponeu ngnlnst his
having a second term, In this condition
of affairs not n few Federalists Insisted
that Washington must except another elec
tion to the Presidency. Guv Jonathan
Trumbull, of Connecticut, was one of the
molt urgent in advising this policy. In
June, 1790, Trumbull wrote Washington n
letter on the subject, In which he present
ed tbe consideration In favor of this
Washington's reply Is one of tho best
communication's nn political subjects which
lie over wrote. OJdly enough, It does not
appear in Spirts elaborate biography.
Tbe letter Is dated at Mount Vernon, July
21st 1799, aud, after some Introductory re
maiks, proceeds as follows :
"It would be n matter o( sore regret to
me If I could bclievo that a srlous thought
was turned toward me as his (Mr. Adam's)
ncces'or, not only as it respects my ardent
wishes to pass through tho vale of lite in
retirement, undisturbed in the remnant of
the days I have to sojourn here, unless
called upon to defend my country (which
every citizen is bound to do), but on pub
lic ground also ; for although I have abun
dant cauo to be thanklul for the good
health with which I am blrssed, yet I nui
not insensible to my declination in other
respects. It woul l be criminal, therefore,
in me, although it should be tbe wish of
my countrymen, and I could be elected, to
accept an nilice under this conviction, which
another would discharge with mote ability;
and this, ton, at a time when I am thor
oughly convinced I should uot draw a sin
gle vote from tho anti-Federal side, ai.d, o
course, should stand upon no other ground
than an other Federal character well sup
ported : and when I should become a m.irk
for the sballs of envenomed malice and tbe
basest calumny to fire at; when I should
be charged not only with irresolution, but
with cmcealed ambition, which waits only
n-i occn-ion to blaze out aud, in short,
with dotage and imbecility. All this', I
grant, ought ,o belike dust iu thi bal.iuce
when put in competition with a great pub
lic good, when the accomplishment ot it is
apparent. But, as no problem is belter
defined iu my mind tbau that principle, uot
men, Is now and will be the object of con
vention, and that I could not obtain a soli
tary ote from that parly ; that any other
resectable Feberal character would receive
tame Miflcragcs that J should ; that at my
time of life (verging toward three score
aud ten ) I should expose myself, without
rendering any essential service to my coun
try or answering the end contemplated;
prudence on my part must arrest any at
tempt of the well meant, but mistaken,
views ot my Iriends to introduce meagain
into tho chair of government."
Washington's death a few months later
put an ind to all talk of a third term, but
tbe tone of this letter leaves no room to
doubt that in any event be would have re
slsttd all attemps to make him again a can
didate. The Father of his Country did not
consider it above his dignity to frankly an
swer tbe letters of the people who address
ed him upon such n subject, nor was he
disposed to wait nnd bee whether he might
be elected before declaring himself A
greater contrast could hardly be imagined
than that between Washington's altitude
on the third-term question a year before
the election of 1S00 and that ol Grant on
the same issue eighty years later.
l'eter llerdic.
1'av.mknt or 11 14 Debts.
Judges Atchison and MclCenn.i have
filed an opinion in the United States dis
trict court which virtually discbarges Peter
Herdic.the iniliiouare bankrupt of William
sport, from tho payment ol bis debts. The
court clecides that it Iihs not been shown that
llerdic lias concealed any of bis property
fraudulently ; that he did not commit per
jury in swearing to correctness of the sched
ule of debts filed (it was charged he had
ommilted to mention debts aggregating
$500,000); that be did uot allow debts to
be fraudulently proved against him by per
sons witli whom he was in collusion ; that
entries made iu his books lhr"e el.i-'a be.ore
bis bankruptcy, said entries repiei-enting
transactions amounting to $1,250,000, were
made correctly aud not irregularly. O.i the
latter point the court has a good deal 11,
say. Tbe opinion conclud.s by saying
that Herdic ought to be discharged as soon
as the usual formalities are (.one through
with, The decision is final, as Judge
M'Kenna, ol the clrcut court, the
The llest 1 Ever Knew or
.1. n. SUrkey a prominent and Influential CltUen
or Iowa city, .- '1 hare had the Djspepsla, and
Liver complaint for several jears, and have used
every Keraedy I could hear or, without any relief
whatever, until I saw tour shiluh's Vitallztr nelver
Used In our paper, uud was persuadou lo try It. I
am happy to slate that It has entirely Cured me. 11
It certainly tho best Itemed' lever knew or.' 1'rlco
.acts, hold by J. H.Kluporis.
SI1II.OIPS CATAIiltH HKMEl'V. A marvellous
Cure lur Catarrh, Diphtheria, canker lnouth, and
Head Ache. With eaeh bottle therels an lugentous
nazal Injector ror the more successful treatment or
the complaint. w lihout extra charge. 1'rlco 60 (en's.
A Mother's drier
Tho prldo ot a Mother, the Wo and Joy or a homo
are her children, hence her grief when sickness en
ters and lakes them away. Take warning ihen,
that jou are running a terrible risk, II they have a
Cough, Croup or whooping Cough, which lead 10
Consumption, it jou do uot attend 10 It ut once. shl
lohs consumption cure Is guaranteed to euro then
Price 10 cts., so cts. and ll.uo. l'or lame Hack, Mde,
or Chest, use shiloh's Porous Plaster, 1'ilce 23 cents,
sold by J, II, Kinporla.
Wheat per bushel
Hyo "
Corn, "
oats, " "
Flour per barrel
Potatoes ,
Dried Apples
bides bhoulders
Turkeys .
Lard per pound
Hay per ton
No. 4 on Wharf , 1
No. 5 " " f
NO. " " I
iriaeksmlth'BLutupon Wharf s
" Bituminous " .......... 4,
8. JO
.23 per Tor.
8.a -1.75
3.10 44
,60 i
IVholeiale pricet at the elose of trade on Jhes
day. Huckwheat dour per cvrt..
Wheat Hour ' " ,.
Wheat per bushel ,,
Corn " ..
oats " " ,,
Itye " " ..
liarlev " "
II eo toll 00
0 60 ' 7 ou
1 40
M " M
47 " so
s no
70 " IW
t ii c
22 " S3
11 " II
9 " 10
19 " 11
iressed hogs, per pound ..
11 utter
according to
Eggs per dozen
Poultry, live chickens
Chickens dressed
Turkey dressed
1 ho Invention nf soiim method by w hlch tho ordinary washing for families, hotels, anil public Institutions
could bo sucees'fiilly pel formed VNltnout the exhausting labor and tne ruinous vear and tear of garments
Involved In Hie old method of the wash board, and the later procets of pounding, squeezing, nnif dashing
f'e life out onhe fabrics, has long been a public desideratum ; and Impressed with the great necessity
that exl't-'d tor a simple) machine that would ct anse soiled linen without the destructive agency of fric
tion, and Willi the lea-t possible physical exertion, we were li d to Invent tho -Model Washer.
It was of vital Importance that Ui method Invoked should be ot the simplest nature, In enter Hist It
might be siieres-fiillf employed by tho most unskilled persons, because ollierwlso Its usefulness must bo
neeissarily limited.
And It was, at the simo time, essential to the popularity ot such an Invention that It should bo sold nt a
prl.'c that Mould Maco It within II19 reach of every rainlly In the land.
It arfords usslneere gratification to bo ablo toannouneo that wo havo succeeded In placing In tlis market
n vvn.hlng machine so simple in Its mechanism that a child may use It, so durable that It run no', wear out,
sn cheap tha lh poorest intv purcliise It, so economical that no family can arford to be without It. and so
crfectlvo that It Is a pleasuiu lo use It.
The Model Waher Is a small portable machine, weighing about sit pounds, nnd can bo used In any ordi
nary funlly wash boiler. It Is composed wholly of galvanized Iron, zinc and brass, and hence one of Ms
prominent qualities Is durableness i and from the nature of the material entering into Its construe tlon,and
the simplicity of Its mchnnlsm It Is Impossible tn get It out of order uv use. In form It Isa circular base,
wlllindlimeterof 7 Inches, nnd a depth oils, inches. In tho centre of this base Is inserted ft horizontal
tube, called tho discharge pipe, which is 14 Inches high, Inches In diamtter, and capable, when In full
operation or Ihrowlngout 15 gallonsot water per mlouto. Within the basn. which Is hollow, u I'cateda
succession of tortuous passages, so arrangcdtnat.bvavvoll-khownprlnclplo of livdrauilcs, the hot water
In the hol er Is rapidly sucstd up an I continual y forced from tho bottom 10 the sjrtaco ot tho boiler
through the discharge pipe. The above cut shows how the washer should et In boiler.
In simple language, by tho oiierallon of the machlno all the wuUr within Iho boiler Is drawn liv the Irre
sistible Mcoot suet on through tho soiled tlnen, until all Iho dirt Is removed from It, leaving the nitlcles
nfier rlulsng. thoroughly cleansed and punned.
The ntr chatnD r, nn en'trely new and original device, Invented, patented nnd exclusively used by us Is a
special feature of tho .Model Washer, and an Invaluable adjunct to suction wa-sheis. by reason ot llio row.
erfiil additional force v 1th w hlch It drives iho water through tho fabrics of the goods, causing It to search
out and eradicate every atom ot dirt that lurks within them.
It Is not m well understood as It should be, that tho energetic action ot boiling water containing a small
pel rentage of alkill (In the form ot common soap) nttords the only eifecllvo means ot removing dirt from
colton nn.itlneii goods. is long been erroneously assumed that nothing short of violent ruction pro.
duced by haul rubbing In a strong solution ot alkali was capable ot cleansing cotton rpjth. The fact Is
that the cleansing consists, not In rubbing the goods, but In forcing the water repeatedly thiotigu
llieni after the olk ill has loosed the dirt tn them. The washer-woman ot ihe past tolled hard 11 do Ju-t
the Model Washer does without effert. Mz : foice the soapsuds through tho articles In Ihe washtub.
buiiiiithisdlllerenee,thatsheiorretliowaterroiighlylhrouLhtheinb.v laborious effort, with llio aid
of the washboard, while the 1 Model Washer gently Intuses the water through nnd through them, without
the least Impairing their value.
The .Model Washer Is especially valuable, if not Indeed Indispensable, forwnshlng all kinds of fragile fab
rics, such as laces, lace curtains. nne lawns, cambrics, .tc., which are ot too nno a texture to bo suceessriit
ly subjected to tin harsh treatment of the washboard. As all housekeepers nro aware. It has hitherto
lieen an tmenslvq luxury 10 cleanse lace curtains, ns it could only be done without Injury by adepts, v hose
secret skill enabled them to charge exorbitant prices for their work, llappllv, nnwprr, the .Model Washer
hiisenlrclvicvoluilonlzed this slate of things, and mado It practicable tor nerv family to perform the
iKcMMeifold ldrJ'ttolkwlthth!salnBI"';llltJ'K"1'"'h they accomplish tho ordinary washing ot
'1 he Model Washer leaves no longer nny excuse for jellow and discolored clothes, which are so often a
serious annoyance 1 to ramllles, and w hleh nsu vly proceeds from careless washing, and tho use ot water of
too low a temperature. In washing with the washboard, ot course the hands must be plunged In tho wa
ter, nnd to rei,dr this possible, the water must be reduced to a temperature which tho hands can bear;
whereas these mic lines, lielng composed or metal, retain Iho heat, and do their work best In boiling suds
and only boiled suds foiccd throiiih soiled linen will ihoroujhiy cleanse und impart to It tho pure white
ness which delights the heart ot the good housevure.
Tbcutherolsibelmportatitlthorsavingfeatureorourtmchlnotoho considered. Tho family washing
hasoverbeen regarded llio most lrksnmn and slavish of domestic duties, and from tlmo Imm-morlal has
inspired tne whole household with dread. This terror, however, Is fast becoming a thing or tho past, for
by the beneficent aid of our .Model Washer a joung t hlld or a feeble Invalid can do the washing for a large
finillv, In a short tune, without fatigue. No rubbing whatever Is required The clothes are placed In the
boiler or hot water, and sortly pressed downnt irequent intervals, to keen Ibeni entirely submerged, and
subjected totheactlonofthewatertlntcontlnuallypassestliroushtliem. This is the only exeitlon re
lloird remember, Iho clothes 8ie thoroughly rlcanscd without being rubbed threadbare on tho wash-
No chemicals whatever aro required to be used vvlththcso machines. Clean, soft water, or water softened
by borax, and a Utile S'iap only are necessary.
liv the use of .Model Washer at least one halt ot Ihe soap required by tho old process of washing Is saved.
This Is au Important item where a large quantity of washing Is to be doce.
We aro anxious lo Introduce It at once, and so have reduced the prlco to 13. Wo prepay all express
chirges on samples. If jou want a business that will piy jou well, send for our terms lo agents.
Full directions hoa- to use tent with each machine.
V. s to our reliability, wo reter jou to any Express Co. or Newspaper In this Cltj
Address all orders to
Denton Manufacturing Co.
1 i; 3 Murray Street &251 Ereadway KcvYcri.
"TX7 A "TV I I I Lj lT
VV zt2i LN J T2: J
I,1!5; JLhR AN'S SUPPOUT N Cl'lt vri VE, without the Injury and suUerlnz trusses lnlltct or
hlnderance from lab. r. Hook with likenesses of bad caes before and after cure, sent free, onice 151
Jiroadwaj-, New v.ork l'atients receive treatment nhd leavo for home samo daj-.
feu 13, 4vv aid '
.Nt-iiralulu fiiren
lly fir. llurr's Xeurulirla anil Mck Headache Ill's. A
universal euro for .Neuralgia. Mck Headache. Xer
vous Ileaniehe, iijspepsl i, t'mstipatlnu, Paralysis,
Sleeplessness, ralpatatlou of the Heart, and Keael
ache arislnt; from over stimulating either from
oplun or Alcoholic Mlmulants.
Ti.e so ri'ls aro a special fn juration on'y for the
cure of special diseases t nmccl and for these dNeases
Ihey are worthy ot a trial by all lulelll;ent sufferers.
Ih-s are; pr.-pared expressly to cuio Ne-uraltrli,
Mck lli-adach!-, .Nervous He.iel iche, Djspep'.l i. e'on
stlpation, 1'araljHs, Mee-plessress, and loss of Ner
vous Knert'y. f hey are jileasant to take ellie-v ells,
one In the mduth) harmless, and tneclualn cireall
dlseasi-s ai irom a deranue'd Ne-ivons sjstcm.
The-y contain no opium or oihe-r naicotlc.
Pieparcu bv A. B. Iiurr, SI. Ii., .-crantoa, I'a.
French Hie hards Co., I'hllaela , agents.
bent by null on lecelpt of pi lee, to tents.
. , I-nrg llranch. Dec 20, 1S0.
Dr. A. E. llurr,
IVarMr:-Xour Neuralgia IHls cured
me, and I was the mvatost of surerers. I h ive since
bought Hum for my slater and others and ihey euro
every case,
Capt Cromwell,
Long llranch 1'ler,
Mltston, ra.,, ls-o.
Dr. A. K llurr.
De'ar Mr:-My wife had the Neuralgia
for ten elavsand her phjslcl.m iravo her no relief. I
calleel on Dr. Knapp and not a bottle of j our Neural
gia I'llls aud Ihey relieved her In a few Lours.
Thomas r ord,
Aft Dupont l'owder Co.
V. A. Klelm, llloomsturir, says: I havo sold these
I'llls belore aud they give eo.d satisfaction and
Tot Sale by C. A. Ele!rn, Bloensturg druggist.
Notice lsheieby given Hut tho undersigned, ap
pointed an Auditor by tho orphans' court 01 Colum
bia county to distribute tue- money remaining In
tuehandsof Lents Veiter, now deceased, Adminis
trator ut Andrew Lnhnn in, nnd heret fore distribu
ted to tho heirs of ( Lohrman and the heirs of
Stephen lohrman, by Hie Auelitor's report tu May
Term, lsoy; to and among such persons as may be
lave fully entitled Uiereto; will attend at his ollleo In
liloomsburg, on Thursday, .March 25th, lsso, at 11
o'clockin Ihefuresoou tu perforin tho duties ot his
appointment, w hen and where all persons having
claims on said fund are required to pi esent them, ur
be forever debarred from coming in lor a share of
such fund.
feb2o,'sMt JOHN O, riiUUZE, Auiltor.
Notice Is hereby given that the undeislgneel, ap
pointed nn Auditor by tho orphans' Court ot Colum
biacounty, to make tlistrlbutijn of tho fund In the
hands ot I nomas liutler, udmlnlsirator ite bonis
non, cum testamento annexo ot ElUabelh -Murray,
IiUh of Derry township, now in .Montour county,
deceased; will alleud at his onice In liloomsburg, In
columbl , county, Peun'a, on Wednesday the 24th
dav of .March, A. Ii lsso, at 9 o'clock lu the forenoon,
to inrform tho duiles of his appointment; at which
time and pluco all persons hav lug claims upou bald
luiieluru leeiulred to present them, or bo forever
debaned from coining lu tor a share ot said fund.
feb20,'0-4t JOHN a. FHECZf, Auditor.
I-ettcrs Testamentary on the estate of Vashtl
Pancoast late or the tow n of lilLCmsburg, Columbia
countj, Penua, deceased, have been granted Ly tLe
Heglsterof said county to Jl.c. Sloan. All persons
hav lng claims against th eestate or the decedent
are requested to preseu', them for settlement, aud
those Indebted to the estate to make paj ment to
the undersigned Kxecutor without delay.
feb 20,'sO-Cw, Executor,
ONflRTnn I A Pleasant substitute for Tobacco
uuiu v I that tastes and smells llko tobacco
and la cheaper. Kverjbody Is highly pleased with
It. It Is suitable eltherjfcr chewing or smoking,
and 11 Improves the lleallh, and restoies the Consil
tutlon, unel Is reccommended by Phjslclaus In place
of '1 bbaeeo. Throw Tobacco away and use ONOliloo
It will prove a blessing. A full she pack by mall loo
In nil er, or 15c. lu stamps, or il for a dozen, auents
WiNTiDln every ton u.tebms ubekal Addrsa, f.
c. iti:.NNEIt,New Midway, 1'ix'drlck Co., ild.
Al!L'W1-tl 1 'writ it neu wvirirt ll'lll
roe It or .orfeit iwio. i outfit,
Iran 1' 11 II 1 1 1 !' il' l' 1- ifi ito
tuliun MU'tiicw ork,N. V,
FARMERS sraSS S50 to loo
fek Hosnt during winter and Hnrlnir. For full par
ticulars address, J, c -McCUlilA & Co., Vlx lladclpUla
28 Acres of Land
-Mill In good condition. Three run of stones. GOOD
WATEIt POWEH. Terms reasonable. For further
particulars apt!y to JOHN HUAOLK,
feb It, U '
) local .a-gkeistts in each town.
-7-- t? ' - (loldenThoueht
nlrtcn Thnm.hta nn
Mother. Home and Heaven tn Prnsi. n,wl l'.M.irv l.v
ano nest Authors. Klegantly Illustrated. J'h-ases
ever body IJ.T3; nlsoMiau "Cuslosltlesof the Illble,"
fl.15. A slnerle Canvasser has actnallj sold oer
t,i)0 Copies. ".Mo ely's Authorized sermous," tl.m.
Mailed on receipt ot price.
K, II. TIIIIAT, Publisher.
No suallioadnay. New York,
feb 13, -Iw. aid
I A N ( O It Ii A Ns.
Cheapest House tn America, ut-class lnstm
innts, all new, fur cash or Installments; warrant
ed six jears. Illusiraied catalogue fre.'. Age-nU
wanted. r. LEW)-, m'aths, .gi.,
No. 23 West 14th street, New V01 k.
feb 23, 4w aid
FARMERS "n'' ,VlJfirisi M,N" '
f.w to flto I'KIl MON'TII during 'the vv Inter and
j'iiuk. rui iiareicoiars, ailuress
j. c;. -vicci itiiv cel.,
feb 13. 4 w aid
Philadelphia Pa,
AOl-.STS AVANTI'.I le. lT mrilrnlart if
H,.;,b ut."! i,tn, Ar.r-.r.i'ooH
mm stM. .ih ( a , or rn.tM Aimw'x",; Wm
S '...(, mRllHrfAn l-acanindinthspncket. Th 'htU
feb 13, 4vv aid
Rowell & Co'a. Advc'n.
AGENTS TOTED iiiBtruUsJ.untl mil r
c-'inilito and autlitiiuu li.iturj i.r itie grfit tuur uf
JiU 1 1 turn
It Des'Tlbes lloal Palaces, Itaro Cuiloslttes, Wealth
and Wonders eif the Indies, China, .lapan, ele, A
million people want It. This Is tho best, chsnce ot
jour life to moke money, lievvare ot -catch penny "
luillatuns. send tor circulars and eura lerms to
feb 13, 4 vv r
R'ili le1., i.iii .nDl1 "Ineral lands In She.
iUIl 1' ill lUiSuandoah Valley of Va., forsalo
send stamp for catalogue.
Stai i.ks, (Ikattan & Co., Harrisonburg, Va.
feb 13, 4vv r
A YEAH ana expenses 10 agents. Outfit
tree, Auurcs p. o. vicKLiiv. Augusta
A- D111111..1111; .r.e, tieivi 1.LL,
t'(i. lu spruce St., New York, can le arn the or.
act ejst of any pr)iosed Him ot ADVL'Utisino In
Ameilcuu Neivspcpers. firimupago Pamphlet, loc.
Iebl3,4w r
'l,Hlfsl VTl.Mi "'vi'r,.iiii.emnii.nenca
JlllOl .1 I i 4 IV I' Heme II CuN NVuuitM-r
Adee rtlslec llai ul i Ii spreiet- SI r. .-t whr. H.he-r-tt.lus'e.ualruclsiua
boiuaiiiilea-lt I.N SV.W Villi Iv,
feb. 14, 17-If r
Q.iMINTIlNfn.iriots Ijirge. Illusirated pa
O per fiiMMoXlUpKOI'I.i:. A jear, mI.oo.
jllKM SVVAM'Kcl. II. i.. llASTISels, 4f Coruhlll
Ilosion, Masj '
feb 13 m wio
ESTATE OF SAUl'LL laziui. nirvii.i,
Utters Testame-itary on tho estate e.1 Samuel
Jniius late of .Montour tvvn., Columbia ciuntv.
PciiiisjlMinla, deceased, luvelieeii granted bj tlie
ll.'glslerof said county lu the undersigned L'lec
mors A I persona having claims against :Lo
estatoof the decedent oie requeued lo present
them for se-tllcinent aud those Indebted to the e
ta'e lo make paj incut to the undersigned la&'i'tora
k itnout delii
UK.NKY LAZA lilts,'
febisw. Hcutor8.
Letters of Aamlnlslrailon on the estate o. sainuel
C. Hcllenry, late ot lleutou two., Columbia coeii.
ty. deceased, havo been granted by tho lleglsier cf
bald county to Ihe undeislgned nelmlnutrator, Alt
j-emons having claims agalnn tue estate are re"
ljD.,.. iu1i,r-iinucuiiur Ac-euement and trose
Indebted lu make payment lihout delay.
I .
1 rsira
Hi '
B Rent free to all ho apply t y If tret, enelolnfl
tWsftircrtiMment. P-tr Henderson A Co.. I
m 3tlandt t trcouKcw York. ' M
Wo have received over eight hundred applications
for agencies In tlireo months. Somei of our agents
are having unprecedented success. Asjet wehave
noircceiH'duJ-oraplalhl "moreihan sattsned," Is
the answer tney mvn our agents. We want an
iigentli ev ry county j if there is nono In yours,
writ, us at once j doiit delay,
our agent In Hunterdon county. X. J., ordered a
sample1 washer In December, In less than one week
ho sent us an order Tor rorty washers: our other
agents nro doing Just ns well, our esperlence has
luen, with scarce au exception, that wherever wo
have sent a sample washer wo havo secured an
agent. We can show several hundred unsolicited
Ilietoliovvingarconlyafowof tho many letters
we have leeched I
One our Agents writes :
"Shtpmo a once two dozen washers. 1 enclose
money order for amount. It Is tho best thing 1 ever
sold. I have called on those that I sold to a no k
ago, and tney say Ihey would not part, with it for
An Agent Writes :
"I have madoapractlsoof canvassing every Fall
nnd Winter. I never had an article that seemed to
glvo so much satisfaction.
"I'leaso send me, at once 15 .Model Washers. Tho
dozen 1 bought last month I sold to my neighbors,
and 1 ninnuw going to commence canvassing tho
The following- letter, from n Farmer
in Pennsylvania, speaks for itself:
"Now mat 1 have got my Min.m 'r work all done,
lam prepared to give your business ft thorough
t rial, 'llio Washer 1 ordered for inj self gives perfect
satisfaction i three of my neighbors have ordered
f nun me already, nnd I think 1 can sell at least one
hundredln this vicinity.
Another writes:
"I have canvassed for booksduring tho past threo
years, but I hav e mado more money selling your
Washers than I ever made In too bxik business.',
Farmers and others, w ho havo plenty of time on
their hands durleg tho winter months, can earn ut
least (HO per week selling tho machines. It is no
Humbug, but something every body wants, and will
From The Methodist, XV. V.
"Denton -Manufacturing Co., Nos. 1 ,t 3 Murray
M., have Just introduces! n washing machine which
they have named the ".Model Washer," and trulv It
Is a mode l In every sense ot the word. We would
advise cv ery man ot family who rends this to Invest
iu uue.
From Baptist Weekly, W. V.
"1 ho Model Washer, sold by Denton MRniifaf'tiir.
lni:Co.,flfihiHCU-v. li the most completo washer
ever Introduced; it should be In tho handi ot eery
From Agents' Journal, 3V, V.
'Krervone of Iho readers of tho whn nrc
in tho Affcncy business, aro particularly requested
111 I l-!U v-UH'MUI. UH1 MUM-I ll."H.'IUfUL UI I'L'tlUJil AlulV
ufaeturlnir Co . In this Issue.
"The article they want atrents for Is thn vrn.f.1
Washer the most completo and yet tho most simple
rtreaded. Tor. with the Model Washer, thn uifn A
do her other 'work ntthesametlmp; It requires no
tiu'J" Mcu-n.1 uu inn u itiuui i iu mcL IL im uii anicio
that, after seelntr it work. eenuodv will huv.
Agents Miould write at once to secure tho ajrency
rnr this
From School Journal, W. V.
"Denton Manufacturing a reliablo manufac-
luriuptoiifjern, unu persun who patronize mem can
depend on what they represent,''
CAUTION. Wo warn all persor s against us'nff or
selllnc any washer like the "Model Washer." Vo
shall prosecute p11 infringements on our patent to
the full extent ot the law. our patent was granted
nee, y, anu uoes nui minne on any otner pat
ent. S"
from January cth, 1S79 to January 1st, lsso.
Statement showing taxes assessed and balance
still due.
He? I 1 So
Heaver "54 411 ssue 4 40 ill 113 us 00
Iieulon 1iiiu4 MUD Tco I3S14 tveue
iierwlck Iins3sl 3700I MOO 2vSI2 3701
HIOOUI 4'I2S17I 7'J III' 143113 2IUSI-4 2'J 00
llrlarcreek, .. 13i3uei 73 e 1240 675 24 52 60
CltawNsa . . 2llSi 17 75 50 C135 677 IS 45 60
c'enliall.i N)4 js sou 681 est 75 sou
Centio luaaos so 50 43 10 lait 71 SH60
I'on.vughdin.... 21101 no 450 lssiw 450
Hihlngcreok 12012.' Hi so r,20 r.45 95 72 ss
Krankllu CitMi iieiwi 13 60 8s7se SGoo
lireenvioud... 14121)1 HJ 60 10 24 (147 74 56 60
He'IllloCk 12IM3" 60 0' S8.V SI2S9 6 00
Jackson 3-0 00 45 00 3UU 127 4' 4SII
Locust 1400 S4 113 511 SiO 70S Hi 113 60
Mjilholl 1213 43 70 7915 333 S3 US 60
Main 763 33 42 IK) 17 90 1 64 52 tl 00
Minilil U99H3 72AO 23 15 805 43 5 ' 60
Meaitollr 1LI44 16 61110 10 7(1 6sV 40 61 00
Mt. Pleasant . 132 90 6900 1140 30203 39110
orange 11)47 OSi 4S 5lt 24 Ml r ST (13 2S60
PIllO 461 f.7 611 3S5 1S3 30 67 60
lloarlngcreek . 627 011 41 (ki 217" 1MI3 2000
COtt 1C.1I) 13' COM SOUS 652 S2 40 60
Migarloaf 463 01' CI OO 8 75 405 7s 01 00
32S21 55 1519 60 659 97 14403 SI 1199 3S
yeak. co. nod.
1S7S, IC9 57 $9 50
1S7S, 11910 2S60
1S7S (1 C9
1S7S, 120 CI
1S7s, 134 4 1 2 6C
1S7S, 403 30 4210
1S7S, 300 34 17 (K)
1S7S, 79 IH) 14 00
1S7S, 2 7 21 9 20
ls77, 3eXI 50 8 00
1S70, 90 4S, 35 60
1S70, 1S5 4I 9 00
1S70, 92 71
1S75, 494 m 14 60
1875, 113030 9 I'll
(12)153 ( 202 45
j Hemlock
. Madison
I Sugailoaf
Conj ngham
I Catawlssa,
. gurloar
, Conj ughain
, H.A.MVEPPEN1IE1SE1I, Treasurer ot Columbia
j County, lu account vv Ith said connty oil county funds
Jan. mil, is70, To am't uncollected prior
tolsTll .....
To ain't on hand at last settlement
' county tax assessed In ls;o
" tax on lieglstry ot voters
" " added to Ueave-r duplicate ,!),....
" Heube-n Davis. Hentou poor overseers
for collies
To. I, Caldwell for stove
" JDhn Savage, for old bridge
" am t paid by Schuylkill county
" Mary narton, for lamp
" Win. L. Cole, Ilenlou poor overseer
for collies
To (Jco lirelsch for stove
A. 11 (ilrtun for John Johnson ex-tax.
" II, W, Kahle-r for fence
" Wm. Krlckbaum Jury fees, 4c
" am't collected on unseated land
" " on seated land
" Assessors managing Ae. of dog fund,.
" Frank Jones rent for old Jail , .
" D. and C, 11. ilcUenry redemption
To costs paid J. J, Coughlln
ilS.GIO 23
32,621 55
1 00
2 00
4 (10
40 Gc!
2 00
50 00
2 00
1 21
53 SO
let) 20
150 00
5 00
7 94
12 65
lly Commission and exonerations nnd returns al-
loucci collectors cor is.s.
Franklin, .
Jackson,. .
3S (10
231 17
OS 17
104 i
99 32
3J 17
10 90
Cl 4S
120 7(1 locust.... 74 40 UH'I
124 64 .Main 37 50 2 62
i vs -siiunn,., . oust) 3 Co
IS 00 Montour,.. 63 13 9 IS
aw .111.1 lest, BOGS .9 S4
6145 Orange,... 63 S2 17 61
2 34 Pine 24 00 32 39
100 Scott, 82 57 1100
60 21 SCOlt,.... 93 90 47 60
Main 43 2s
lo za
Conj ngham 99 co its 14
11,401 1J f39l 20
691 20
total commission
county orders redeemed ,,, ,,
"duo from collectors
" Am't to meet sum paid siato for quota
29.153 CO
1B,CI!U 34
cuargeu on eoupous. 2060
lly cotumlsslou to treasurer 1,100 si
' balance In hands ct treasurer 1,122 30
(52,070 52
II. A, SWUPl'tNlllSEII, Treasurer, In account
with dog fund,
Jan 6, H79. To am't due at last settlement, f 033 20
Tu amount assessed lu 17J 1,519 so
vu u-um uc nisi settlement,.,. ... 707
CH. 12.4S2 43
rjy commission and exonerations on duplicate
settled for Js7S,
Heaver, 315
liloom 4 8s
Catavclssa... 3 9T
113 00 Locust,.,,, (el 90 12150
12 60 .Main,..,,,, 2 00 boo
1160 Mifflin 3 65 2 00
JOO Montour!.. 2 70 3 50
1 60 .Mt Pleosa't 3 to 8 50
4 . orange,.,,, 2 7! 4 60
1 .. l'lne it,) mo
Sj-SCOtt 8 73 0 60
5 60 Main 2 87 6 .
lS78BCtt' 8UJ UU
16 00
W II $15200
1 (.eiiiruiia,, ve
4 40
Jackson ...
llenton 2 43
Conjnjutun, 1 92
162 00
Oil so
433 00
ISO 00
25 44
,101 83
181 60
142 43
for which orders wcro Issued on tho Treasurer.
l'ald W. It.Jncotiy, llecordlng Treasurers
anu commissioucrs iioiiui -
W. II. Jacoby recoiellng llrlght mort
gagee anil ueeei
Paul E. M in, auditing public nccts,.
A, II Stewart, redemption inouey....
A L. Fritz, ef. nl CommUsloners to
dlvldo scott township,..
Wm Krlckbaum recording names of
township onicers
K. p Curtis insurance on old Jail
nsd Stable
Isaiah Power Com. to dlvldo Ushlng
creck township
Vm Umon Com. to divide Flshlng
rreck township
Sainuel J. l'ealer, survejor,
Wm C, McKlnnej', Express
Mojer lire's Express
II, (I, Ort et. ul. hauling safe and
freight on same
John iiroteoet. nl reward nnd expen
ses apprehending h"rso llilef
John vv, llomnau cosis on sale of
Mary lirlslit lot
Wm snjel r bilt for teachers institute)
Wm. Kilekbium's I'rolhonotnry bill,
John (I. Freeze, costs Columbia coun
ty vs Coughlln ,
John w, ilomnan taking pertons
to Philadelphia
John W. Hoffman one person to Phil
adelphia ...
John vv. lloirnnn taking 1.. II .Milton
to Danville As lulu
John VV. Hoffman serving wills.Ac.
S3 00
7 94
St 00
6 60
9 60
1 (10
23 95
92 21
Bt no
174 10
10 01
Jl tn
f 737 Ci
(Iranel Jurors dm lng j ear t
Traverse Jurors during jear s.eiiooo
constable returns during jear 2-4 04
Court during jear 12300
Tipstavesdurlng jear 111'joo
S ,N. vv'alker si.-nographer at J leper daj',. 87000
s. N, Walker, vv m scnechieriy s. souder, a 9!
S. N. Walker Coin, vs Vandlke 7 21
s.N, Walker, (loodman vs Sanger,,, 9di
s. N. Walker, lirooks vs Danvlllo borough, 24 00
lohn W. Hoffman serving Jury notices,.. Ivieewi
1:11 nobblns Jury coiunilssiouiT 29 33
Theo. Ph Jury commissioner 2975
John II. Casey, Clerk to same. 15 00
Justices, constables and witnesses, l,022 C2
II. It. I title District Attornej 154 (10
Wm Krlckbaum, clerk nt Court 91.5
John W Hoffman bill ol costs 02 00
Sundry persons 03 viewers.
Wilson Thomas el image Greenwood
O. vv. Ikeicr damage Mt Pl'-asitnl
Frank L. Hess damage Jackun
John Mc.Mlchacl damage (lieenwood
John I rtteliiiii ige Jackson
Uobert letlsiel damage Hemlock
Joseph Haines damage MailSon
Perrj Knouse dimae Jackson
Jackson llobblns el.iinnge (ireenwooel
(ieorge Cavanee damage Ml Pleasaut
w. E. Johnson damage Mt Pleasant
liloomsburg Iron Company d image Scott
and liloom
riiillp Kline ilaintige Mt Pleasunt
Alexaiiiii r Kneeise ilitmage Jackson .
aoseph Kestiine d image iTreenwooil
Henry Yost el.emage liloom
Hieo. vv. smith, dam ige .lacksuii....
John Watildi, damaget ML Pleasant
Abram Manning damage Jackson,,
Mary Ittngrose damage, Centre....
Helir llolllngieadil.imjge Caiawlssa...
J. II. e. reveling damage
John iienicrCommissioner. ,
s. vv, Mc Henry Commissioner
Joseph K. snnels Commissioner
('. II. sesholtr, Auditor
Samuel E. smltli, Auditor
W. L. Manning, Auditor..,
Wm Krlckbaum stating ncc'tsisfs
Harvey Jones hat racks for Court House,..
lleuben Harris, bin reiielereel
Iseiiah Hogu ,buch2 stoves c. ltoom
Ell Jones, airs
liloom (las Company for (las
Thomas (lorry rep etrs t'rothono'y onice.
M. E. cox c caning court house tending
town clock, etc
ILL. 1 homas, gross pens.
C. s. Fiirinan btraps for Prolhonotarj's
Samuel II Jacob-, repairs
C. vv. Jones et. al. bill for work at onice,. .
J. K.. Elchlioltz pimphlet law on costs
lcoliins & Holmes repairs Com. olllce. ....
Harmon A llassert lepalrlng gate
Peter Jones, repairs l'rottionotary's ofllce.
l'hebecox cleaning Court House
Ijvyton lltinj on tc Co. bill rendered
Ellas Mendenlmll, Agent, bill rendered....
.1 II, Maize, bill rendered
Wm Hitter bill rendered
Jacob IMelTenbach, brooms
Freas U'ow n, Insurance on Court House..
J, (I. Freeze, repairing luck and key
Lewis liernharu repair'ng town clock
Peler Mllmejer, bill reueleiecl
Jacob Metz, pipe for stove lu lleglster nnet
ltecorder's olllce
o. A. Jacoby, ceal bill
Stephen Polio, Commissioner
Charles Hlchart, commissioner
A, 11. Herring, Commissioner
E. II. lkeler. attorney
John D. Casey, eta. k
J. E. Sands lining bed ticks (1S7S)
John Alstattbhaviig prisoners
liloom Oas company for (las
dross and Brothers bills clothing......
A. J. Evans bill clolhlng...
Wm Puisellfor wood
lacob Delllenbach tor brooms
E. A, ltawllnge talliw
A. 8 trosley repaltlng
(leo Zimmerman bill rendered,
Henry 1 ost halt doen cnalrs
k. p. Curtis lnsuiancj on stable
.lero Hide hill rcndeicd
Itolllus A- Holmes repairs
Thomas (lorry repairs
J. s. Nej hart, hauling trees for J ill lot, sc.
O.I'. Learn bill trees
Joseph It. pohc filling bed ticks
c. Herring lumber for boxing trees
vv m Hitler painting lenco Kc
Wm W Hanvtt work at and about newrjall
Jacob Waulch building fence tc
John Nlchulls cementing walls
c. M Drinker repairing key .
Herman a. iiushert bins tendered
Ell Jones building hinoko house
(I. M J. K. Loekard eoal bills
Kllas Mende iihall agent, bills lumber
s.M. Hess, hlte-ning post",
David Jones lst2ieet pavement, stone, sc..
(J. A. Klelm bill fur luedlclue
John lleagle wood
c. A, Knot r bill for work at eoal house
James .Vlet'ormlo cleaning well
Lac ton Hunjntii: co bill rendered
(allgnan a; Lenan repairs on roof
J. II. Male bill rendered .
1). F. (lardner bill tending pritoner
. W.McKelvy, bill rendered
Charles Krug. bill moulding
l'eter Dillinejer, bill rendered
11. H. McKeynolds, bin lending prisoners,
Edward Searls painting roor, sc
c. K. Hughes, bill tendered
David Lowenberg, clothing
o. A. Jacobj-. coal bill
John W, Ilomnan, boarding prisoners
John JV. Ilomnan, wusnlng, Xc
Jeihn W, lloifman, Turnkey fees
YV m digger bill rendered
Ilrockway k Klwcil, court ploclamatlon...
Urockways Elwell blanks
" " Count slaltment
,. " Advertising
C. to. andersllco Co. statement
" blanks
" " advertising
" " court proclamation....
" ' elecllon
J. C. Drown county statement
" advertising
, , " el ttlon irocl.imatlon
Elwell & lllttenbender election proclama
tion '
Elw ell Ulttenbendcr blanks
". . " adverilslng
(1. A Poller court calander
niacin Mcrs (ounty stale ment
" euurt calendar
II. U. Kah'er blanks
i'. 11. snider, adierllslng,
, t llisel t; lira stallooiry for onico
and court
neo. A. Clark stationery for office court,
l'.L. nutter election blanks
D. A. Heckle-, iwstage and box rent
Sundry persons for lueiuests
Win. Hitter, Davis Iron bridge
Samuel Appleman, Earns bridge (ls7S)..
J.J Earns unel 11. II. Earns btldge
Samuel Appleman, Earns bridge
James Conner, Ell Mendenhall bridge
T. s. christian, contract "
T, s. Christian. extra "
Hussell Karris, lower west creek brldgo.
C, O, Urelu, Earns bridge
Kills Evca lira. Plank rock brldgo
v m. digger, Hock brldgo ,.
Win. (llger, llartou bridge
John Leggatt, Flank Slurier bridge
J. II, Kesty, Huiert bridge
Ellas Meudenliall, shatrer bridge
.1. W. Eck, Eck brldgo ...,
t to 00
64 49
1 sa
219 76
113 SU
1 23
2 23
9 33
0 60
19 00
A. 11 Slpu-nrt llnnC Xlni.' ..I.... t..i..n
53 30
John btrouse, ..
Dav Id Ulttenbendcr Centrev llio bridge, . . ,
J. II. Stoker, Zaner brldgo ,..
I9 60
23 00
62 93
24 SI)
109 69
79 (U
0 Ul
6 25
Jones, Jones Evelaud, Jones bridge
i , a .muo ui. viiiuiicriiiau orioge.
Cyrus llobblns et nl. P Kelley
A liutt, Ammerman bridge
Charles Kelchner, Pat Kelly bridge
John l'ealer, Zaner bridge..,.,,,,
Ellis Eves & Hro. Jliuiiie bildgo (1S78)
Samuel HKIsner, " '
.tllllM (ni.lll, 1111.111.
John Uggatt, lola bridge....
II F Hedllue, Jlohrsburg brldgo
m digger, Pureel bridge..
II D Appleman, Pursel brld'gcV,'"",.','.'
v m digger, llartou bridge .
10 53
1 50
33 C9
21 00
10 Sll
7 tie
40 69
M L Mellenry, Ely Hun bridge (167s)
John W Kile; kk run bridge......! "
Joseph Urhdi, Elk Hun bridge....!....".
.. u... ,,,11, ..u.iuu u, luge, ,........
Jacob Clulstlau, Jacob Christian bridge),
lly commission to collectors
" exonerations allowed collector, ...
" orders paid ot 1S77
.. ., ,, n;,
" am't paid It county lor nss-iwlng. o
My commission lo 1 reasurer
" nm'I du"fromeollectors
" balance In lianels of Treasurer
John llerner, Bl&btown tirietg
Wm Hitter. Tainting Iron hrletgo
11 to
9 in
1 '0
I 1
i 00
John Niiss, Iron bridge r...'.'."!""
T J Vaneteneltee, Vandersllco bridge
Manillas Kindt, Mordansvlilo ' '7s "
Inseph Kline, Henvle brlrtgo
I'hlllpJllller.Ilcuben WUs in bridge,.;..';.";
Jacob Snyder, Iron tirlelre ,
K LHnjdcr, Iron bridge)
I, llunjon 4 Co., Iron bridge
Joseph'k Phoemnker brldgo
W 1' W hltc, Light Street brldgo
11 r t'cterman, Coles brIJgo ,
II 10
8 0.1
42 30
111 U.J
111 II
411 1-9
Support of Mrs. Milton, llntvllla
Support of David shea, Danvlllo
Convicts In Lasteru stale Penitentiary for
Annual Triennial Locust.,,., 2l en t
llenicr Ill 76 127 73 Mndtsou 24 ,
nenton 122. 2925 Main 140 .
Herwlck 10 78 23 23 Jiiniln .. , 19 en
I.IUIll . .... ... ..luiMUIir UMIU ,
llrlarcreek ... 21 23 29 25 Mt Pleasant. 11 So 1
Catawt".i.... 22 75 29 23 orange 1375 I
centralla,,,. 24 23 as 23 Pine 1791
.i-mir i. n, a.k 11 uuaringeroK IU ,-,
convngham, 21 23 33 75 Scott V2
Flshlngereck ?4 23 lis 73 sugnrlonf.. 13 mi a
44 23
' . n ... .if-si's-eon, lor
(inennood., 20 611 41 6 fall leglstry
lti.lntrir-1.- . 1(17.1 !i ol m.
Jackson 11 12 is 73 '
1379 09 IS,!
Paid Bundry persons j.j
l'ald spring elecllon oncers
' fall elecllon onicers".
11 fill e'ectlon room rent
' spring election "
" eunstables ndverttstug and aitend-
lng spring election
" w Krlckbaum it al counting fall v ota
co tl
41.1 J
Amount township taxes refunded
Win Mann 2.dock ts.I'rotlionotary's onico
" one Index l'reiihonotnry's olllce
" " deed book It ofllce.
44 172 nsfess books
F. L, liutler, 81 registry books
44 tvv o dockets I'rothouotary's ofllco
Amount countj bonds redeemed
44 coupons on Raino paid
Interest juld on overduu county bonels
'...a (,)
00 i5
tWM 2j
I 7 70S
411,(1 .J
I 7
Miscellaneous expenses
Courts Jurors pay, constables returns, Ac
Costs In commonwealth c ises
Hoad and bridge vie crs and mud elnmatrpn
Commissioners onico and court house 2. -9 o
County Jail vy
Printing, stationery and Postage e,, u
Inquisitions ,i
in urge's, uuiieiiiig euiu repairs
Penltenllaty nnd Asylum
Assessors pav
Fox and w lid eat scalps
election expenses. ,
Taxes refunded
Illank books
County bonels. couronsnnel Interest raid
on overduu county bonds 1MM 25
!29lrs cii
From amountof ordrs Issued eleeluct $121 ct lavs
refunded, and 17 94 redemption money and old Mil
for 1S73 M 10, anil '095.i 23 bonds, coupons, and in.
terest on overdue bonels paid, leaves 117707 73, will Ii
Is tho actual ordinary expenses ror the year A 1) 5,9.
Jackson .
6 75
41 ..
0 60
BO ...
13 ..
25 5J
Mt I'lecsant ..
t inc..
sugarloaf, G 75
Orders unpaid of P-G7 M 011
4 1870 sun
44 44 44 1S77 .. 7 HI
4 4- 44 1679 41 W
Dog tnx duo from collectors flioi 63
Probablo commission nnd exonera
tions on 223 00 1170 63
Add amount In Treasurer's hands... Isi 00
Olres total assets 11333 43
The Indebtedness Is fC3 00. Tho difference In favor
of said fund Is 1129343.
Tax In hands of collectors duplicate jlSOloai
Probablo commission and exonerations oil -5ihi (10
10110 .4
Add nmount In hands of Treasurer 1121 30
Add v aluo of old Jail property, 8.'"n on
Halance duo on (lera I lower note 9ua
Amount due from .Montourcounty 17s T3
Amount due from llenton tvvp for Colley'a 69 ;-.
'I hree double set or assess books 69 0 )
Add value of Mary Bright prop'ty Flsh'g'k, ISO o
121303 1;
Costs duo on books In commonwealth cases $ 4!1 i
Amount taxeselue Iho aeienil rtlsirletfe
.ilee evj
84 31 0 11)
393 ',0
Amt. road anil bridge viewers due on books
Amount county prison bonds unpaid
Amt ot county prison coupons unpaid
Amt. of road damage assessed and unpaid
estimated us nearly as can be
S.M0 110
fll'SI 11
Actual Indebtedness of the county
January 1st, l.stfj $19329 u
Wo iho undersigned, Commissioners of Columbl 1
county do hereby certify Hut tho rore-golng Is a cor
rect statement of accounts of said county for thu
Jear A. 1). 1679.
STEPHEN POHE, 1 Commissioners
A. H. IIEItHINd, 1- of
CHAS. HEICIIAKT.J Columbia county.
Attest: .7. 11. Casey, Clerk.
We, tho undersigned Auditors of Columbia coun
ty having been duly elected to adjust aim settle llio
acroun s of tliu Treasurer anil Commissioners of
Columbia county, do hereby certify that wo met at
the onico ot tho treasurer nnd commissioners lu
liloomsburg and carefully examined llio accounts
and vouchers of the Bame from thu cth day of .lanu
nry, A. 11. 1679, to tho 1st day of January 18-u and
found them correct as abovo stated, and wo tlnd a
balance duo Columbia county on county fu els cf
eleven hundred twenty-two dollars and thirty cents
(1122 so) irom II. A. sweppenlielser, Treasurer of
Columbia counts-. And we nnd a halance of one
hundred and elghty-one dollars nnd -Ity eenls
(1181 GO) on dog fund fouud In tho hands of II. A
sweppenlielser, Treasurer.
(liven under our u, nds and seals this tenth day ot
January, A. D. lr-su.
: I,. MANNINd, )
Feb. G,4hO-4w
By vlrtuo of an alias order of tho Orphans' Court
of Columbia county, the undersigned administrator
of Illram Lunger, deceased, will expose to public
sale on tho premises In Sugarloaf tow nsh'p, Colum
bia county, Pa., on
Satunlny, February 28th lSSOr
attenoelock In tho forenoon, tho undivided one
hall interest In certain real estato sltuato In sugar
loaf tOWIlSllhl 111 K.llil CAIlnev LnnnHn., ....1
as follows: Beglnulug nt a white oak, comerof
Hesters' land, thence by other laui of Joshua Brink
north 60 degrees w est 112 perches to a post, thence
by said land north S5 degrees, west S3 peichestoa
Chestnut tree. Ihencee nrirll, -.! rinr,...,.. -.1
perches to a post, thencu by land of .Montgomery
uio Buueu n degrees west sa perches to a post
thence bv l.llirt nf enlri .TncVn. 11.1.1. . .n .
.uuuu ,,,,uiv BUUCll "4 uc-
grees, cost 44 perches to a post, thence by said land
south 24 degrees, west S9 perches to a post, thence
by said laud south 43?4 degrees, east 01 perches to a.
post bv a publico road, tlicneo south 70 degrees east
C3ki Perches 10 a Post, thpne,, I... e,ni, . tl,A
estato of William McKelvy north 01,; degrees
east, 31 perches to the place ot lin!iw loni.m.
EigMy-fivfi Acres AND 65 Perclies,
barn, and out buildings, good orchard and good wa-
tho one-tourthot the purchase money to bo paid at
tho slrlklng down ot the property. Tho one-lourth
leSS ten lle'f Cent. nf. Nintlrmntlni. .I..l... ... .1...
remaining three-fourths In one j ear thereafter w lib.
..t.tvov iiuuituuiiiuiauuu 111S1,
1'et). c-ts Central l4. o.
letters of administration on Hie eslato of M, W.
Nuss, late of the Town of liloomsburg.Columbla co.
deceased, have been crranteel l.v ti. iiui..u. ...
county to the undersigned Administrator. All pe r
Knees Ii ivtm. r ulma mpi.ln., , ..-V ' . . 1 .
uu.u.. iiiv raiuiu uic reeiucsieu
to present Ihem tor settlement and thoso Indebted
. ,uav I'umvui wieuoe.1 etiaj.
e i. .cn n . u' fJIASK ZAHH,
Jan. 10, '80-cw Admlnlstralor,
w. ur. i.ui inn aim lilclul, g(t.
ho rceclvo Advcrtlsementi lur thin isjper.
tSi.ySiO lt0.rI? iplr Adirrl Muf.
ktnd 1430. fur AYKU A sOa'-s JIANCAJ-
i ii jj
11 0 "s
4.4 04 -M
5 0
71 5)
!l.l 00
m n)