The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 13, 1880, Image 4
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COl NTY, PA. k IlECKNT IMI'IIOVKMRNT IN' TllllllliUlKblNtJ W 1IKAVY IIIIUSKS. Trom the catllrnt timm lo tlie present dny it hni boon a groat mlsforlime and los to Binnklml tlint an little Attention lins been paid to lbs breeding and rearing of a moro powerful rnce of horses for heavy farm and road wort, and the ue of the city dray and Urge express and truck wagoni, Poeli from the sublime Job down to tho high spirited Dyron, liave been profuse In their dcucrlptiom and praises of tho horso for war, tho chase, anil the course j while his torians, travellers, and sportsmen havo been ever eloquent over them In volumes of print) Strange that tho most generally useful of all the dlfffrfnt breeds of horses should, with, few exceptions, bo Ignored and passed by In 8ilence,andso much be written and spoken of others which, although requl'lt for special purposes, and worthy of high admiration, have contributed less to too benefit of hu manity, lint fortunately to great change In this respect has taken place within the past few years in Europe as well as In America. A numerous society, composed of noble men, the landed gentry,aBd farmers of Scot laud, has recently been formed for the pur pose of improving the breed of their larger sort of hor"es. This society lakes the name of Clydesdale, and that distinguished no bleman Karl Dunmnro has been devoting a considerable part of his time dining the last two years to editing a Stud Hook of their horsej, classed also as Clydesdale. The first volume of this has already been published and the matter for tho second is collecting. England is now zealously following the laudable example set her by Scotland for what has long been known as the Shire and other of her best large breeds of horses, The Prlnco ot Wales, Esrl Ellesmere, and and other noblemen are giving no litllo at tentiou to tho getting out of thoir Stud Rook, and the whole landed interest f the United Kingdom is last waking up to the importance of improvement of this mct useful .of all their breeds of horse". Within tho past three years 200 to 1000 guinea($1000 to $0000) has been the con' mon price in Orat Uritaln for select heavy horses for breeding purpose", and even 1C00 guineas (f 260 to $400) Is the ordinary price ot those for farm and dray work alone. In France, Belgium,Holand, and a few district' of Northern Germany, prices have also ad vanced considerably, and greater attention is given than formerly to the improvement of their hor"C",all of which shows the rapidly Incrci'cd Interest in the subject abroad. Nor has this matter been neglected in America, particularly in the past four year", during which large numbers of powerful heavy ar imals hayo been imported into Canada and tho United States from Great Britain aud France, with a few also from Flanders. The Clydesdale breed have been more generally preferred for Canada, while the Percheron and Norman have taken precedence in out own country. For the Percheron and Norman in Amer ica a Stud Book was published in 1877, by Mr. J. II. Sanders, of Chicago, lllluoi A revised edition followca the next year of 212 large octavo page, handsomely got up, with numerous fine engravings. Tli object of this Stud ISook is to preserve on accurate record of the males and females im ported from France and their full bred do cendants, so that the public may not ho im posed upon here after by unprincipled deal ers palming olTtheir inferior grades for full breds. A. U. Allen', JIarpers Magazine for February. Father is (letting Well. My daughters say, -'IIow much boiler father is since he used Hop ISittcrs." Ho It- getting well after his long suffering from a dUeaso declared incurable, and wo are to glad that he used your Hitters. A lady ol Rochester, N. Y. Descending tlie llmuliohlt Mine. Entering a rough wooden building, youieo a fteam-etigine turning an immense drum around which is coiled a wiro rope. On chair sits, with each hand on a leaver, the bright, watchful engineer, his eye fixed on the drum, now nearly covered with tho coil, In another minute, click I tho machinery has stopped, ami out of an opening In front, like Harlequin in a Christmas pantomime, has come a grimy ficuro, who stands there smi ing at you, with a lamp fixed on the front of his cap, and his feet on the rim of n great iron bucket. Ho steps off, the bucket emptied of the load, not of rich ore, but ol very dirty water, which ho has biought up and thero is an air of expectancy among tho workmen, and an inquiring smilo on the face of Mr. Thornton, tho superintendent. Some thing is clearly expected of you, for it is es tablished that you aro not what is ca'led by tho miners a 'specimen fiend,' or unmitigat cd sample-collecting nuisance, and it is suuicd that when you came hither to invest! gato you 'meant business.' You tako tho hint, aud follow Mr. Thornton to a room where, amid a good deal of joking, you pu on some clothes and such clothes! If you havo one spark of personal vanity, 'all hope abandoned, ye who enter here,' for even your kiud guido has to turn away to hido a nuiie when ho tees you in overalls which will not m,eet in front, and aro precariously tied witl a ragged string, an anoient flannel shirt, tho bleevc.s of which hang in tatters around your wristbands, and a cap which might havo cotno over iu tho May flower, and has smoky lamp hooked into its fast decomposing visor. As you approach tho mouth of tho shaft, the engineor generally remarks that thero 'ain't much dangor,'and when the buck ct has cotno up and been partially emptied, tho by-standcrs repeatedly adviso you to bo careful about getting in. As you climb per iiously over tho eide,you think of the French man who, starting in the fox-hunt, ciied out: 'Tako uoteece, mes amiz, zat I leafe every zing to my vife I' And when you aro crouch ed down so that Mr. Thornton can stand on tho rim above, you do not think at all, but know, that you aro what Mr. Mantalini call ed 'a dem'd moist, unpieesaDt body.' Mr Thornton makes a grim remaik about it bo ing as well to havo somo fuatchc9 in case tho lamps go out, gives the word, and down you go. Uudcrotand that there is just about room for the bucket in the shaft, that tho lat ter if slightly inclined, and that you catch and jar and shako in a nervo-trying way j and understand, further, that a person should carefully study his temperament and possi ble disabilities beforo ho takes a contract to go into a deep shaft. At a certain depth it may bo COO or 1000 feet (in somo Nevada mines it is 2500) you stop at side drills or cross-cuttings in which men aro at work, and hero you sec, walled in by rock.tho fissure vein. Some aro 'stoping,' or cutting pieces away with the pick, others holding tho steel wedges, and others striking them tremendous blows with sledge hummers. They are, by-tho-way, in tho habit of'accom pauying these blows with guttural sounds.tlio hearing of which induced a special corres pondent of tho gentler sox ignoring the fact that they receive three dollars per diem, own clucnonielcr watches, uud lave lino lank accounts, and silver spoons on tiitir tables to wiito a soul-moving description of the pcor down-trodden miner, Imprisoned far from tho light of tlio blefscd day, uttering tcrriblo groans as ho toiled his lifo away for tho enrichment of tho bloated and pampered capitalist. Other men, again, nro drilling, loading, and tamping for tho Vhols,' which aro to tear the rock in pieces ', nnd you will probably tetnetnber a piessing engagement to meet n man at fouio drstnneo fiom tho mine, and induce Mr. Thornton to ring lor that moist car, and tako you up beforo they light tho match. A. A. Hayes, Jr., in Itarpcr't Magazine for iebruary, J.F. Davis, of Portsmouth, Ohio, sold in one year four een thousand boxes of "Sol- ers Uvrr Pills." Try them, A IlKAlibY KIMI. Hero is a truo elephant story for you from an American missionary, who once lived among tho Dutch lloers of Natal, for seven yesr". Ho saw tho ivory, and belelves tho story, One nfternoon, about four o'clock, three Dutchmen were out hunting and came upon a large herd of elephants. They fired at the eader, and instantly the entire heard fied' Tho leader rushed on aud on, thinking he was on tho right track to escape; but the the elephants were In a valley and only ran round and round it, in a circle perhaps three-hundred yards In diameter, and were shot down froAi four o'clock in tho afternoon until eight in the eveulug, when darkness prevented the Dutchmen from tsking aim any longer. Put tho three men rose at break of day, and found the poor elephants still going round nnd round. It wns several hours before a now leader, breaking out of tho beaten track, led off the remaiuder of of the herd in safity. The Dutchmen whose names where Botha, and Potgeiter, two being brothers, counted the slain. Ninety' elephants lay dead in the valley j and as their valuable tusks of Ivory were divided equally among tho three Dutchmen, you can beleive that each man's share was considerable. My (loud Woman. Why are you no out of sorts, never able to tell.folkstbat you aro well? Ten to one His alt caused in the first place by habitual con stlpation, which has no doubt finally caus ed deranged Kidneys and Liver. Tho sure euro for Constipation, Is the celebrated Kidney-Wort. It is also a specified remedy for all Kidney and Liver diseases. Thousands are cured by it every mouth. Try it at once. NEVER-FAILING RELIEF AFFORDED BV SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE, IT Is a fact that run be sabBtfintlatcd by the most respectable testimonials i-vur ottered In fttvor of any proprietary instill in e, that tho Kaimcal Cubb for C ata mi u does In icr casu attord luetatit nnd per manent relief. NattiiiitiT ol how lonir standing, or how pevero tho dHeaHC, tiio llrst dose Rh'cs inch iileuce of ltflvtluo In thu ticUiiR-tit of CtitHrrlialaflfCtiots that contldenco Is at onco felt In Its nMltty to do nil that la cliiitiu'd Tor It. 1 ha testimony of phj Blclans.drut'tflats, And patients Is tmanlmouj lit this ri'ppect, and the no cumulating edenro In in point of irppPCtaMltty supe rior to anv cvlt hrfnro ohtnlm-d In fnvnr nf n. nomiiAi remedy. The proprietors, therelore, tuny Justly feel proud of tho position tlin ItADKiit, curb has attained. 10 YEARS A SUFFERER. From Hon.Tlico. P. Bogert, Bristol, R. f. Messrs. Week & Fottkhi Gentlemen, Feeling thuroHKblr convinced ol tho rfllciuy or Sanfokd's IUdicalLUuk fuu Cata Mill, I nut Induced to drop you n lino to hay ihiitHltlioucli I e beun sceptical of all tho nostrums advt rtleo I an radical euris," I havo never found nnwhliif,' Hint promises such relief and ultimate euro us that ufhwrunn s. I huo been ntllicted i .th tliln dreadful disease for moro than ten jcum, and not until rttently could be induced to p-rscvcru with any until I read the letter of Mr. Hknuy we li , and can truthfully pay that after usinjf tiro orBlx bottles I nm thorouylily convinced of Its curative properties. Hoping tint others similarly afflicted like mjeeUwillbo Induced to mako tho trial, I am, gentlemen, cry truly, etc, TllKO. I BOGEKT, Bbistol.R.1., JulySCWT. CATARRHAL AFFECTIONS, Pnch ns Sore, Weak, Inflamed, lied, and watery Eyes t Ylccratiun and liiHainiiitilhui of Hie Kart Klnjrtntr Noises In thu ll-adt boiw Throat t t location of tho Uula and Billcd ToiiBl'at Jsenous Headache, Ncn rnljria, Jiizzlnces, Clouded Memory, Lobs of N'ervous Force, licpretwion of Spirit, nro nil carefully and scientifically trcted with thu remedy according to directions which nc company each bottle, or 'will bo mulled to any (uirtnsa on receipt of stamp. Kach pvfcjffo cout'ilns lr. Kinlord' Improved In haling Tube, with lull directions lor tio In all cacs. PricufUO. hold hv at (Whole a!o and ltetall Drns-glsta ttirmiL'hottt tho United Ptnlcs and Canitdne. KKKh & I'OTlMt. General Atc.U and YlioUsalo DruKKltu, Iloston. Mass. Affords tho roost grateful relief In Hhouma ttstn, Weals Splno, Local liln., ficrvous AC fectlonfi, Local Jlheiimatlam, Tlo Douloureux, Nenous 1'aln, AftVctiuru of tho Kianeyj, Tinctured lllbft, A .lections of tUn Clvt, Cold and Coughs, Injurlci of tho Jlatl;, Strains and Jlruiaop,M'cuk Uuck,?fcnoiuI'nin of tho JIowcls, Cramp In tho JUcmnchjiuid Llmbi, Heart Afiettiona, Enlarged Spleen, UruUes nnd Junctures, IlluumatUm of tho AVrlsts nnd Arms, Asthma, Clout, Local and Deep seated Tains, Vain In tho Chest, Stltth In thq Hack, lain la tho Varlcosojor Enlarged Veins, Crick In tho Hack and XeU, Valu and "Weakuess In Sldo uud Hack, Hoarseness, Soro liroat, lumbago, Whooping (jough, Sltarp Halns In thollmiat, Jliart Dlwaso, Quinsy, Diabetes, ac.3 for J-auness In aay part of tho Ask for COLLINS' VOLTAIcj PLASTER. Sold hy nil AVhoU-nalo nudHetpll DniKSUts throiiRluiut tho United Hale? und Cauadas, nnd hy WrXZtS & 5'01"lXIl, . Troprletors, llnutun linn i June 13i '79 ly. NF.W DTTT?E fionsumpMnn It Asthma. 1JjV UU-lVlj, Keeryet DUleU. iddreta villi diuiuji iiv.miu, rruiuur, itiu, teb.o, '&o-ty wico OPIUM HA! B lY Cured Painlessly. Tho modlclno sold tor n! small marcln abovothe cost or comnoundlncr. Alt cases treilert bv snRrtnl iirfscrlDton. i-ur iuu puritvuiars aaresdino J)ls coTcrir, DU, S. II. COLLINS, !or lira s. 1). Collins, fj rono ina, feb frsm THE ONJAr CUnE l or lllnbrii-a, (iniirl, Drupa), llrli,'lil'a 1)1. 1-H.e, 1'itlu In lli- Ilai-K, lunlilllt lu Ketuiil ur J!u-I Ihe I'rlne. Culiirrli uf lite lllnildi-i-, llulti iuv or I'iiIiiIui Urliiulliitf, llrii-k lliui IM-pomm, ,llirllii ul" Mil- Milne, .j ruua Jl)i-bllll, I'i initio Wi'iiliiit-kM, mill nil ih.i-ii.i- ihi- Kidney, Bladder and Urinating Organs. It avoids Imi-riiiil medicines. Id Comfortable to the putleuU Certain In Ita eu"ect, aaX crili:. when iioitiluirflhocuD. Avoid another lililiii-i I'mi.. us uiauy m orlulcfc-s Imltaltons aro tielnlr forcid unon tbo market. Wo will beinlcertltleatiuof cures. unit our book, "How a l.lfo was bated," frco ujiou tho receipt ot your address. IMY'N pah Is told by Druggists, or bent by mall on receipt or price, i?,Hi. Distributing Agency nt the PEOPLES' DliUG fjTORE, lllOOlllklllll'h', I'll. JnS3, so-ly $500 made In si days. 70 oaL'o cataiocua iree, L'luclnuttU. Ohio. Nov,T.-3m wico FOR SALE ! A VAt.VAnus PAtlM tttimto In MaiUson town ship, Columblnco. near Kcw Columbia, containing 1Q7 Acres of Land. Thero Is a trrTWo-HTonv l'ltwii; tnvn.UNo housk, -rt A Snrinenml (looit Well o( Water, n t.AHtir. NKW 1IASK flAltN, A YOUNO APl'I.lJ OUCIIAIM). and ether Fruit T-ees on tho rremlsca, Tor terra? nnd particulars apply to AAHON SMITH, lan-Idso-Sm Duck Horn, I'o. 35c Extrnct Q5o WITCH HAZEL, Oil, ItAMAMELlS VIHGIXICA. IMuat In (luntlli- In any mvlp.'nnrt' only halt tho Trice. 0oz bottles 2M. rintn Boo. Helleves lleactarho. Toothache. Knraelip, Soro Kes Noso Men!, Iiloetllnjr tungq. rnlntul Men-cH, Whites Asthma, licduces ywelllujrs, I lieR, etc. cures liruls es, Hums, S'praltis, Wounds Hlietimstlsm. Krjslpi'las, chilblains, Vatlcoso Veins, XcuralglaAO NATUHH'S V.NIVKIHAt. HUM Kb Y VOlt IN I KltNAL AND KXTKUNAI. VKl.. If your druggist has not not It hare htm order It ot tho proprietor. ClIMtLES 1 UlsUtV, Wholesale Drugrfat, ci C'OHtll.indt St., New Yotk. Jan '23, va, 3m "best ib "the mm i " AND SALE RAT s Which is tho B.imo thing. Impnro Snleinlus orlll-Carli SmXa. illrty white color. It limy niirur tvlilte, ftiimlniil ly ll.elr, liut a COMPAlllSOV AVl'l'II CIIUHCII ili CO'S AI13I AMJIIAMJIEll" UUAMJ will show tlio tlimrciitf. Seo Hint your SatcriittM nnil Uak Inc Xoin i whit" "" l'liilH. in BliSulil he All SIJIIL,.Il bflJSTA.N CES mill for food. Aslmplobutpoverotpst of tho romrcratlro value ot difltirent brands ptSotU or huleriinm U to dlaaoUe a-desaort fpiiontul or each kind wltli about aplnt or water (hot preferro.1) lu rlear plM-toa, Btlrriuy until all la thoroughly dinar lvttt ihodcleterioualiisolul'lo matter in tliolnkrlor boddvill boahowu after Pettliug boiuh twenty ralautes or sooner, by tho inllky appnarani-B ot the aolutlon and the quantity of Boating flock? matter according to quality. .... , Ua auro and ask for church k Co.'a bodaan.l Baleratua and sco that thlr nanio la on tho nackageand you will Bet tho pureBt and w hltcKt made. ThauBoot thlawlthBourmllk.iu proler enco to Baking Powder, naves twenty tuma Its CSe'o one pound package for valnablo lnforma on and read carofully. SHOW THIS TO YOUR QROCER. Jinuiry 15, 'Jai THE ONLY MEDICINE That Acts at tho Samo Tlmo on THE LIVER, THE BOWELS, and tho KIDNEYS. Thfoncreatorirans aro the natural cleanR- rra ot the eyBtcm. IftheyworH well, health will be perfect. If they bocmne cloffscd. dreadful are ure to follow with TERRIBLE SUFFERING. Biliousness, Headache, Dyspepsia, Jaun dice, Constipation and Pile, or KM uey Complaints, Grart'I, Diabetes, Sediment In the I'tlne, 2IIlkx or Itopjr Vrlne j or Uhcu malic Fains nnd Aches, aro developed because the Mood 1 poisoned wlili the liumora that should hac been cxpclltd naturally. KIDNEY-WORT fpnirrtorfi thehenl'hv action nnd all these El deptioilnw evils v. Ill be Imiilutitd ne'lect 4 them and you will llc but to tuUer. II i housandB have been cured. Try It aid you will add onemoro ta the number, lane it and health wlllonce more pladdenyourhcart. Why suffer longerfromthe torment Of nnnohlng back ? Why boar cuch cltetrceo from Con stloatton and PH,? ... Whv bo co frarCul bocauoo of dlc- tJr i.rlni O KmxEY.WoRTwm euro you. Try a pack I, nr'nntnnrn nml be BatlBllCd. Hit it a dry vegetable compound and ..... .baud ....-irtanf Ifp.ltrtn.. Kinv i aviaUKu ' Your Irvoa"t "r "''' F4' '; ton. lnibt vpon A(ir? i'. Wee. I l.w. mis, Si:ii"-3.t 13., rrriit:rj, PORT GRAPE WINE Used la tho prlnclpil ch'irchos lor Coramunlen purposfa. i:m:ellewtfoi lilies and weakly PSEtSONSAW TH2Aa;I3. Speer's Port Grapo Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. 'I'liU Celebrated Nallro Wlno i marlo from tho a. juiuuui mo uporiourape, raiseaia uusiouniy Its Invaluable. Tonio and Strengthening Poperties are unsurrast ea by any otlier Natlva Inc. llelmr tho puru lulco ot tin (IrapH, prmluoed under -Mr. l-pepr'a own personal bupervblon, lis purity and gi-nulQenesa aro Buarantwd. Tho oounuest child may partake or Ita t'enero ua qualities, aud the weak. vbl Invalid uio it to udMiDlivt;'. It U particularly benetlclal to thu at'ed and debllltatedl and suited to the vnrlous allmeuln tint arreet the wVaker sex. it la In every icspuct A WINK TO UK ItKIKU ON. Sl'K KIt'S P. JT. Shciry. Thol'..I.SIIKHUVIsa Wlno of Hnporlor Cluractcr, and partakew of the golden quallile. of Uie praie, from which It Is mule. Kor I'urlty, llicuneav. Flavor aud Medicinal I'roperties, It w 111 bo fo? nd unexcelled. SI'EKIl'S P. J. lSramiy. Tlll4 UIMVl'lV tlnnrl. nnrlvnlarf r.n..t... K'lnf far superior for medicinal purposes, ' 1 1 is a ruiiK aiiiiuttiou from tno Krapouuu con tains valuable medicinal properties, ' t,.ta u uriiua'u iitui, siuiiiar tu lUBl Ul 1110 grapes from which It Is distilled, and Is In great fat or among tlrstclas3 families. teo that tho slgnatura of ALKIIE1) .MEEK, I'aasale N, J., Is uer tho cork of each, buttle. SOT-,D BY O. A. KLEIMJ June ST, lsia-tf M. C. SLOAN & BRO. IILOOMMIIUIU;. I'A, Manufacturers of Carnages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs, l'LTKOUM WAGONS, SC. First-class work always on hand. ltEl'AIRINO ME4TLV DONS. I'rUea reduced to suit tue Umea. 2 DR. CLARK Indian id Syrup, LABOIUTOIIY, 77 W.3d St., Now York City Itsads mm. CURES! 'Disease. Fever J , .louf. Mlltetitna- It Ism, JOfopsu, ' Ifntfl IHlrnur Utltousness, .Yervous Debility, etc, Tho Best KEMEDY KNOWN to Man ! 10,000 JIOEMS HAVE SOLD SISCE J8!0 9.000.000 Bottles. This Syrvp Possesses Varied Properties. Tt Mtmnlntr tho Frtrnllnn In thw BhIItr, t?IilrhcoDTcrls thontnrrh nnd nucur of thci food Info i:tiicnio. A deflclencr In I'y lyRllne rnurn Wind nnd Pouring of th" food In tho fttomnrh. If tho mnllrlnn 1 iiikrn tmmedl ntely niter eating ibo fcrinentntlua of fagdU prcTf ntcd. It net uponllm T.trrr Itnctn upon tho Kidney. It lEreulfitPw the UnneU It Turlfies tho Illootl. ItQuietmfao 'VrMounHj-KtPm. It l'rotnotrn Illcpminn It Nourishes, Ntrpiic'lirnv nnd TnTlfiomtr Iirnrrlcn off the Old Illnod nndmnkm iipw. It npttrn thv porvi of tho hkla nnd Inducra Ileal thy rcriplratlon. Itneutralizcfl tho hereditary poison In the blood, which cencralcs Scrofula, Jjyntpclaa, and all manner of fikln dlneaAcs and Internal humors. Thero am no spirits employed in its manufacture, and It can bo taken by tlio moBt dollcato tal, or by tho agod and feoblo, tart only being reqairtU in at ttntion to directions PRICE 07 IAE0S EOTTLES, . $1.00 miCE OF S!IAXL EOTTLES, - - 60 Rad tho VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS of Persons who have been CURED by the use of the BLOOD PURIFIER. Uct Medicine Ever Usei). Eaton. Wyoming countv, ra. Hoar sir : t had been troubled for a long time with n Pain in my stomach, nnd found no relief until 1 bciran uslrir your Indian mood Sjrup. lllnd It the best medicine In use. and I-can recommend It to nil, ol-l and younc It saves miny dollars In doctors' bills, and one larir bottle did mo more good than live dollars worth of other medicine. Marlam Labarr. An Astonishing Cure. Monroe. Wyomlnij county. Pa . Dear Sir: I hid been amicted with n oonh. i.oa of .ppetlio and lspepsla for ten jenrs. I could uui yi ..jpyi iiLieuu iu my uusiuuss. uuu nenrintr ur your Justly celebrated Indian Wood syrup, I resolred to try It, which I did. and In a short time was much Improved. I now have a (rood Appetite, and havo enjoyed good health ever since 1 commenced Its use. J. Labarr. dick Headache Cured, llmvmm'S PriVilr Tn Dear Sir! 1 had Slrlr MnnHaphn nnri hvlliiKnif m. i.uuii, nw .-jiU, i ivaT greauy reuoeu. i recommend all to try Its valuable proiiertlts. o, w. uurncLi. 'Hie Kfmedy did more than she Expected, 'pwtpm' T vnnmlnr. rt,,nl- Hn Dear Slr:-Tlie Indian Wood Syrup did moro than f expected It would and It has cured me ot Liver .!rv"V'!r 1 u30 asa iiotucino and would not be without It. Mrs. Mary Charman. Headache and Dizziness. , Wllliamsport, Lycoming county, I'a. Dear r I OUT Inrtl.m tllnnrt Kl rim hnapuml ma of Headache, Dtzzlnrst nnd Loss of Appetite, so that I am now able to work In my factory. My wife de rUeil more benefit Irom Its uso than from any other medicine. Henry Iiussel.' Would not bo Without ir. Wllilamspert, Lvcomlng rounty, I'a. Dear Sir: The Ind'an Illnod svnm ta tli lle.r. T ever used nnd I would not be without It, ii Is good jonn nurkuart. Diseases of the Stomach. Eaton. Vomlng county, Pa. Dear S ri Thills In i-ttJtv ll.or V ha.l n U'anl.' Stomach aud could eat no me it or any hearty food whatecr. Iiya friend's iuiv co 1 commenced the uso nt your Indian mood S'prup. which altera short effectually rellewd me and I can now eat nnMhlng I Vour Sjrup gHes universal satisfaction. Elizabeth Hadsall. All that it is recommended to he. opera lloute. Columbia. I'a. Dear S n I have USeil niir nwi.llpnt In.llnn lllnn.1 S. rap nnd It has proven Just as represented. lean iiu.uuii.-mi it, iu llil. Wm. Tlochow. Wholesale Mei chant, 5tli street. Unanimous Recommendation. Tl.p following add Ihtlr testimony for tho Indian Illoo.lHjrup: ii. i,. iirenu, engineer r K 1. I. U smith, at H.ildwins steel Works. Mrs. mier. of Columbia. A Ilreiier, of Wnslilngtnnburgli. .lohu Kenjs, of sate Harbor, Would not he Without it. lienton, Columbia county, I'a. Dear Sir: I haio used joir excellent In-dun liixr! svKrr and liaio ravlvcd much benent there Iroin. I could not get along w Ithout It. Mrs. llarber. Never Fails to Cure. East Lemon, Wyoming Co. III. Pear sir : I was sick for three sears, nnd under professional treatment mostcf thetlme without be Ing benefited. At last 1 was Induced to try your Iniiian liiioii Svrui' nnd arterashort trial, I found in) bell lu better health than Iliad been rorstx )ears. Mrs. Theron Uall Sure Curo for Liver Complaint. Itohrsburg. Columbia Co. Pa. Dear sir '.This Is to ceriliy that jour Indian 1'I.OOU SVKL'P has been used liv Inn. fnr T Upr ivim- nla nr, which had been troubling me for a long time 1 derived moro benent from tho uso or the sjrup thau from any other medicine. I heartily rcrout- mcuu ii,, uuu uu.iso uu Buiierers 10 gle it n xriai, L 1' Smith Loss of Appetite. ltnlirshlirp CnlilmMn entiTitvl'n Doir Sir: I haie used your excellent Indian IIloou svKt'i- for Loss ot Appetite and Weakness of the S'omaea, with very lieuelldil results. I behove lour medlclno to m the greatest blood purifier known, nnd anlso nil who may bu suffering ns I wjs ti, v ii, u pfiteuy Mrs. E Avery Pains in Shoulders. Ilcnrsburg, Columbia county, ra. DearSIr: This Is to certify that vour Inoun Illion svri'p hiSL'reat!vrelleipd me of l'rtlnq in iim shoulder and chest, which I had been nmicied with iur ) uara. 1 1 eeommena it i ery Highly. .Mrs. Mory Welsh. Kidney Compluinj, nrarnap, Columbia county, I'a. Dear sir- My l'uther lias been Isurrerlng with Kidney Complaint for a longllme and had been un der dot tors' ireatmeiit, but the du'tors could not fffi'itnc'ire I luio been subject o a Numbness and Weakness In mv Left Arm. We obtained some of vour InvaMiahle Indian liuion svhcp Irom your Agent, Wm. II. Potter, and It has cured mv father completely, nnd my arm Is much, better. It does not troublomohalt so much. Vour medlclno Is excel lent. JoslaU John. Female Complaiuti. Hear nap. Columbu'cosnty, I'a. intr Sir: This Is lo certify thai I purchased some of jour Indian hibod svhi'p for my wife for Inna mailnn ant J'emalo Complaint, and It has glren her relief. ' J K Ilernor Iiest Medicine Ever Used. Hear (lap, Columblaeounty, Pa. Dear sir : Vy little son was troubled wtth his water passing from him coustanlly.i day and night, I coi suited two doctors and gave him medicine, but without effect. I bought, some of our celebrated Indian Hiaiou Svkit, u short trial of which, cured hlui, Lambert Camp. Dyspepsia aud Indigestion. Uumlila, Columbia County, Pa. DearSIr : 1'or many years my wlf was ,nilcted "with li)speps!n, and we spent considerable, money without receiving benetlt. We procured some of 1 our Indian Iltoou Svaep andsho began to Improve In health from thu time she cotnencrd Its use. Solomon D bn) der Liyer Complaint. Centralla, Columbia Co. I'a. ' Dear Sir : This is to certify that 1 was unwell and could scarcely attend to my work, I think my Liver was nirected. 1 procured some of your Indian lluiou Svkcp aud now, aflernutioit tilal,;feel llkoanew uuu. 1 recommend Its uso to all. Daniel Goodman. Dyspepsia and Neuralgia. Hyde Park, Luzerne Co., I'a. Dear Hlr: Your valuable Indian IIiood bvner has etTecicd a p'rmaueut curo In mv cade. I had been aniicii'd with tlio l) spepsla and Kuuralgla, but am now entirely well. Mm. John Thornton. Bilious Stomach Cured, Hydo Park, Luzerue Co., Pa. Dear Sir i I have been troubled wllh Hlltoiis Complaint and by the uso of jour Indian Iilood arjicr it uua viiLoiuuiiy uuicu uiu. JohnN Williams. Dyspepsia Cured, IU do Park. Luzerno Co . I'a. "Dear Sir : Vour valuable Indian Ui-o-jd MruiT Has cuitduiuof ii)spepsia. Mrs. s Ii AOilns. Liver Complaint, Hyde Park, Luzerno Co., I'a. Jiearfiln lliaveU'en troubled wllh Llvercom. plaint, but I was permanently cured by using )our vamauiu indiah uiAAivpinit, Mrs. a P llsrUngame. Deo l!, isw-iy w&co ..utMMmmwm mm smmmwmm ELOOMSBUKG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOllMAL SCHOOL DIbTIlIOT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. TIIIHSCI100I,,asatpresentconslltuIcd, ol'erslho very best facilities for Professional and Classical learning. Ilulldlngs spacious, Inviting and commodious j completely hinted by steam, well ventilated, lighted by gas, and furnlshod wllh a bountiful supply of purc.sort 8PLc22tlonhpalthtul, nnu easv of access. experienced, cttlclent, and allvo to their worn. Discipline, Arm but kind, uniform and tliorou-n. Expense? moderate. Fifty centa a week deduction lo all cxpoctlng to teach. Students admitted at any tlmo. Kooms reserved when desired. Courses ot study proscribed b) tho State 1 I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : I Academic. II. Commercial, lit. Course in Music, IV. Course in Art. V, Course in Physical Culture. Tho Elementary, scientific and Classical Courses are I'ltOFT.SsioNAt,, and students graduatng therein, lecclvo Stnto Diplomas, conferring tho followln corresponding Degrees j Masterof tho Moments; Masterof tho sciences! Mastorof theCUsslcs. tlraduates In tho other Courses recelvo Normal Certificates their attainment,, signed bv the onieers of tlio lloarilotTustet". Timpmmn nf siiwi u ht- ilm stntu la lllmrnl ntirl ilin s -Inntlfln n ml cltisslnn) pntirs.'S fifA nfif. Infprlnr m llinsp nf nur linsf. Cnllrr-p.q. Tho State roiulresa higher order ot citizenship. Tlio times del land It. It Is ono ot tho prime objects of this School to help to secure It, by furnishing Intelli gent and eniclent Teachers for her Schools. To this end It solicits young persons of good abilities and good purposes, those who desire to Improio their time aim incir Mucins, us .-uineius. i u an suvil 11 promises catalogue. nddresA the Prllicllial. IIIIN. WIM.lA.ll :i 1 . 1 ., I'rlilrnt llnnril Sept. 8, '70.- But come nt once and look through tho largest stock of MeadiyMad! Qloihing IN THE COUNTY. IF WE CANNOT SUIT IN READY-MADE, WE CAN SELL YOU THE CLOTH, on TAKE YOUR MEASURE, AND MAKE YOU A SUIT IN CITY STYLE BETTERJAND THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN TOWN, CLOTS, 0ASSIMERES, SOLD BY THE I7 AUD. Now eelling at the RELIABLE STORE OF BAYED ILOWENBEEe. .J EN DO RSDbTVETI THIRTY SEWINQ MACHINE EXHIBITORS AT THE UU EXPOSITION U-NIVERSELLE, VVQj. CP Paris, 1878 AND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, (L,lar PHILADELPHIA, 1876, XfC TT rfl : Ai blne"VerSTRONG,SMOOTH,nd jmm k.T: I. ! EXCELLENT THREAD." GSy M.lwn ,77e. f ENCOURAGE . ft?-SjrHArJUFACTURED at : Home industky2iI2 mount holly, n.j. ' 4C7Z'il iW VfiRiraIlPARIS. PHILADELPHIA. V MONTH truaranlocd. it2 a rtnv at home mado by tlio Industrious. uapiiai not required j we nm fctart you. Men, women, bojs and ictrls make monev faster at work fnr in t linn nrnn Ihlnt nlRo Tim ivnri-ii light and pleasant, and sucli as anjone can go rljrhtat. Tuosewhoare wise who hee this notice will send u& their addressesat once and see for themsehes. Costly oultlt and tcrm&ticc. Kowlsthu time. Those already at woik aro lajlng up large sums of money. AddresH Tit UK & Co.. Augusta, Maine. oct 3, 'I9-ly Warner's Safe Kidnej and Liver Cure. aSSSS' c.u" "if ,,r,'"' nd Ihanlhrr WAHNEB'S SAFE BITTERS. every function lo more healthful action, aud la t bus a benent in all diseases. It cures Ncroruluua and mberfiklnRrtii- tf?Srt5SU!W: "iiXr'VKK''" WARNBD'R SICE urnui' cum 1 1 fad t and ftvuralirln. urfivnii iiiVUU?.tl?clM'an(lottierc6ust,a' 7h..V?.. " never '"Jurea the ijitttiu. ----- j'livua.ouc.aun Ql.UO. WADMPD'O o A t-rr nn.n H? ftctive -'Imulus for a- than, fcUUrlk, Fvr a4 AgUM, and liouiJ b uited whiit'Vfr Uiu iKJHf 1 dp not OpLTUtU fretly and rttfuiurly. I work, Vrim 9& tU. .ui, H umtr't rW( U ulr km old bv l)rmU A Urtltrt U JIllfUi rrjlivri, H.H, Warner &Ce 1'roprlelor., E00DE3IEK, N. Y. Oct. 81, WflMy I'illrcs. Thll TPDUtrVkblt medU clno vllt Lurs eplni, fcpUct, Curb, CkUu, ic . or cuy cnUrcctitcut. iil will itmuTv tli without tilltwtlnjt or ru. log lore, Nu rriiit-dy-ewrdiM-Uveredttiuililiriir teruintjrof ulit-u luiu-ii- h. Trice 1 1 a. Brnd fur lllui -jifud circular (tivlnjt poaltiv inoof, tai your i nvtreit aeriit'a adilrf tt. lC.nilHll ttimwa 'in Clure 1. void bv llrinrtrtat.. cr nt V Ut, D. J, KiuUtll 1 Cw. tnoLurg Vermont, MOVKH UHOTUEltS, Bloomsburg, Pn. W wW-afinoTbi- Ihe bunt Vi.Vi 4 if, waSTiwia mm w mammr ran vikmwiP mww - uiu in uuiciupiug luuii uuvvcia, uuu uuuuuout uppoi or Tru-lns. NOVELTIES, Hats, Caps, &c, For Men and Boys, Pearl Shirts, Under Clothing. Pretty suits for little boys, Cheap suits for Men, Cheap Overcoats, Trunks, Satchels, Bags, &c. Gum Clothing, &c. Highest lleial at Vienna and Philadelphia. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 Broadway, New York, .Munur.iclurors, Importers H Dealers In Velvet Frames,Albums,Graphoscopes STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS Enaravings, Chromos, Photographs. And kindred gooda celebrities. Actresses, etc., PhotographMaterials We are Ileadquarteis for every Uilny in tho way of Stereopticons and Magic Lanterns, Each stle being the best of Us class In the market. lleauttfuirhoiographle Transparence s of Mutu ary und Engravings for the w ludow, Oiuve. (Jlass, .Manufacturers of Velvet Frames for Miniatures and Com ex Glass Pictures. Catalogues of Lanterns and slides, with direc tions for U6lng, sent on receipt of tu cents. Jau 9so-ly ti:e Johnson i:i;vo!y:n; JIali ct iron, bcfintlfuMj orna mciiitfj, AiljuMaolo hholvoH. th a; nM btrong, Canuut gtt en t f o.iler. lmr puim. Pt-iul fur co'tiplftn cfreul.u and prico IKt. heiul c'iitn for our now lllustratiM Catalnu-iio of tchool Mfp'lmitli-si, .'mi Vanut or Umnr should hmv it. T.ZZZ, P2ATT & CO., HeaJqjrters for t' Cchcol Supplies, llil A 111 GIUMI STKtLT, 1E',V TOKK. Fept 12, ly ii 1 liitmu ut.. i, v 'i.iiuliht luktiuKi) i.t t-uru y..t " i i " ii i' i jn i .iv io- r-f( M T fllhj m nu4 iim t '-i-hiiiy of! nv tt T.'lunlcnridiiil!dMiniuijni, iLjitur urc luimuauiunilllUill 1 11 1 IIX li II 1 1 ll L' ft qi:nitprw!iit)our ft'fllnL'4 or sj-mrlon nre.t Hiiaii iio ii ifciiuii ur ii niotit i. itnt. Hirt wait u m II )ou ii, lrk but 1 )(u only fit 3 1 W.IXl U- ht. t.ll.1 t,.w II..... ,1 (II . H'h ip. onot-'nicriH.rl'i )oiirfil(5iJ uiu II,i-,.m!.tr,ll(iir.ttrrliioll.(,nfr(rf(l,clriir t r "i ijo rum. I. ut iitf l'ui-t an.l V( .id n. u.,r I1U I1 fai.U or f i in 11 1. Iio.if.f .,. ulil.lii ?. ..! Hop Coron Ciu Ii tlio Pwi'iicot.fc6t aud Ll-i. -ki hlMren, OnoHofr n forTionmi-li.Lhcr n(l TMnrja U niUM i iur tu nil ! tu n.jtel; ItrunrUu. iJJ. I. C la an nl ..into and lrionsallo rnre for UrmiLi'nm n,n of t-n u.i,tolj.u'i;iu id lure .tlci May 8, 79-tf. FITSI CUItED Promptly and Permanently, 1 Bend a bottle of my celebrated rem. edy, with a valuable treatise on this disuse, treo to all sufferer. ho bend me meir r. u, ana ax press aaaresa. Ur. 11. 0. HOOT, No. 183 Pearl fit. Now York. j;;oi;-casi:. luuiueo ioi eii jpuiu muui unei igu, ni v. 1'. 1'. lllLLMVEK, Secretary. Woavor & Go's Ads $2500 A YEAR Wo hmo the best thngs for agents. t)vcr 2)10 agents arc nowimkltiir frtin $3 to$I nilny. Send Plamp for particulars. Address i Ti HiatAijij, uoji, 1'uuauiipiitn, ra. FREE GIFT! TO ALL , whn inmtt'rr t!iU 1 iidvnrlli.i'Minitt. Address AOHNTS IlKRAU), Hot Jl, Mill uti ipuh. AD THIS! Wo will payAcents a salary or allow a largi' com- mifFinn 10 ecu our iir nnu ivoiideritii 111 'riitl(itiH. Wo meaii what tvo way. tiT aIl!o freo. Aaii.NTaMlLltALU, Pox n.Jhlladclplila, Pa. APtWTV f-rallllioliniandlaailoPit-nrllliiir ilULlnO pictorial Subscription UooltH WATJTm nu llIet. Jmsb no time, as tho Willi ILU ticmaiut is simply immense, nnd fer rltory being npidly taken, will nitMell any other book. Tlio grealttt opportunity ttr ollert'd to pcriottN out or eiiiiilu) incut or who tic tire to ndd tJ tlulr inronio by engiging In an lion rnfIc nnd prolitulilo bublncps. Prices re duced frnrn 1(1 to to 'V lent. Addrce- AOCXlh IICIEALl), Uox D, I'hlladclphla. Pa. feSTT-.Tr7BT5 Ware nt IHititulnc 2S&M ftf JsiMJZm. tnrt rwM'onil'rU'CH. Tlu utter wortlilftKnenn of the stuff advertiml by a number of firms In New York. Cincinnati ami IIoston.rnmprUtlioworld-rcnowni'uTrimontbpoon Co., of Philadelphia, to offer ciery ono sainplu set of their Voy llct Wares at prlri-s much, lontr tbaa nny Jeweler pays for tlicm at Mholcsale. Wo make this oiler for a thort tlmo eimply to Introduco our goods. Tlio "Itnto" and "OIlvo" Ilrnntl I'hitctI Waro sent at following rated. 'lVa Fpons, St.tW doz.; Tablespoons, $2 00; Pork", r.'OOj 3i itcrKnles, S1.T5; Sncar Sheila, $1.75; Phted bv I Knives, S-'.ij; Tipped (acrinait Silver TiUlei(oiiM, $2.7S; 'it'iispoons, I'lalti ii, S. Tab1rpfioni, g.Si); Teappoons, 1.10. Goods sent prepaid on receipt of money or poittco ptnmp". TItlkMONT hl'OON CO., Pox H, PliHadelphli. Pa Sample by Mall Fnr ." CentH. Tliey nro mado just like any coin! Caster, nml ItrllnnuU Jletal, pood (ilassand Itottlc. Ktery Auent ran easily nil i!5 gross of thr-so perfect Toys, bi'forft Christmas. .lust tlio art Irlo for t'ouuter Stores, Agents nnd Mr ret men. 1 do en by Express $1.0. 1 Knist byKxpress 811.00. Wonlso luiTo a Collapsing Cup, ulilik telesropes touether ami can bo r.irrlcd in Act 1 'of Let. S.implo by Mall !t.c. 1 dozen by l.vpress (1 do, by Eprtss$.4.00. AlUheaboo f;ooits aro noel, uttracthc, ilKhly polished and ulll bell rupldlv. Address plainly, lUHMONT SPOON CO., Pox 11, Philadelphia, 1 W t (unriiiwe It Id trrry ci, mitu-rt not af how limit auud. Jiir or tow ilcrily rofltd, It fUt lmuat rlif. andcur the iioi ebroiik ra, In tir-wa one lo ihrw k. If tjned ai direct. I nlmrlifil nunil r ir Uittmcult! nn hu rivtli If lelrurt, tut all wit M-k li a lrll, to tnnln (lint it -M ill cure wlien all Mtiernn'MiftiMB failed SoM ,y ft clmliti in meJLInei f.O m-iiu per liMilo mhi tm r-n rtl t of rrioe, I-t JU(tltUALT7,(;ei!fralnt nl for I'. 8 nnd ( an:t''ns t;il) I'raiiltllu St., Hull iintii vt .Mil, t5Alt genuine btvt trade niitrk and lnature tit Vt J.W Da It Jtt oe wrap) r. BCpt. 19, '79-ly. J w &;co. INSTITUTE. Establlshodlnlfi72forthociir ot t'aiut'r, Tuniors, tJltcrtt, scrolubi. nnd hkiu without thoaaoof kuifoor Josaof blood and liitlo iwilu. lr information, circulars ami relfronceB, -lUireaa Jr. I-'. J J.O.M, Aurora, Kano Co , Ilk ept.U9,'79-ly. J w & co. THir. Wetvj f lluar-dd ffcrlns from allothert, la S caikahi. with i'ii the Hernia la brJd awn rely d u Ulltll , , M)( , - nt na.j,Uraw.a;le1Lap. Mull , ,i. t.rchn sept, 19. '79ly, J w co. QonsumptionT can bocured by thecoDtlnued uso of oinun'sCod Liver oil and Ijicio I'liosphalu ct I.Une, a euro for consumption, Courtis colds, AMlnon, Hroncliltts, nnd all scrofulous dl-H-ases. At-k 5aur druggist for osmun's aud tako no olhcr. If lio lias not tot It, 1 ivlil send 1 bottle anywhere on receipt of II, :ud for circular. UIIAS. a. os.mun. 18 heientli Avenue, t.'ow Vork. Kov 21, '79,-Gm J w 4: co. 1 ti. . r I, i , j "n, -a gtn 7'lrti-tt, Jlctl, JJnj- flinN, l'v .. fi.i.f lin I '. ' i Ii ,ilu l.-j j:tj1 'tniu. 1lm.".ir..,'mi.iWr. C...J lu -iMalraitt . ' il ill .1.1- 1 r"n . l-u, j . I,f ') 3. .ai.. ii. , i t . bZt u ... JM. ' " ic CO PIANOS cover, Stool and hook, only juo uj 13. nru-ausJi3 htons. a tutu liet'da. 2 Kneo Mi ills, n.i IIImiL-. nnlv ti7 Krt IHBi.,nn n. gun. Ktool. UiKik, only taius. sent free. Addravs, 11UNNISLL i AI1LLEU, Lowlstown, ra. Jan II Sm was nEVVAr.DriK riit-Mti.&t utiutiMuiii Itt'tiirity Ivlalucuro. iliwi imiiit'di-iH rflir-f.curu tatcj of lmi tiUitlu. iu 1 wftk, and ordinnr rsa la 2 da j a. ut4 U t yetloia Nov.21, -JD.-ly GILMORE & CO., II!. Mil. I 1KII.-..1 PoiiBions, Increase of Pensions. lllrt nil Cittior clncgps nf nlnlrnn f. cl.... ui and all other classes of claims for Soldiers and Sol. Address with sUunp, 060 5-If OILMOHK & CO., Washington, 11. C. PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at thifl Office ON SHORTEST NOTICE A v U AT THE MOST BEASONABLE TEBMB i OLD tM RELIABLE, 1 JDn. BA.sroitu's Tjiteu iNviaoiUToti- Is n SUuilarJ IWily Biraoily for J Sillaenscaof tlioLlvcr, Stomncli 12 Sninl llowoln. It i3 l'urcly c'ivUL gV03rt.1U0.-It never IIM )$i SUeUllimicB lkls z O.Uiinrtlo fintl u0VyislBI JSHIBS, Iuvicoratorl SBIffMjP has been used' a M.""" . '.n my I'McticoS 5ontl by the public, J . for moro thnn an v.. Hr "iprooedonted results! J iK" SEND FOR CIRCULAR J 5s. T1W1 SANFORD, M.D., MSuAl-S m tmrnaHT at tfi l i ol it urn t rini RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES IS CKNTJIAL KAILWAY WINTER TIME TADLE. On and after Sunday. .Tuno 23, 1870. the trains on tlio Philadelphia Krle lta lroadDhlslou wl.l run as fouows : WESTWAIID. Brio Mall leaves I-hlladelphta. 115 pm " " llarrlsburg 4 25 aw 11 " vllllani-port 8 .15 am " 11 .lersey hhorw 9 07 a is " " Lock Haven 9 40 a in ' ' Kenovo 11 1)1 am " arrive at Krlo 7 f-5 p m Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia 8 o a m " " llsrrlsburg llir. nm " arr. at W llllamsport 2 25 p in " Lock Haven S.Mipm Fast Lino leaves rhlladd phla 1 1 50 a m " llarrlsburg 3 35 pm " arrive at Wllliamsport 7 25 p m " " Lock Haven 8 40pm EASTWA11D. Pacific Kxprcss leaves Ick Haven 7 rn a m " " .Jersey Shoro 7 8.t a m ' w llllamsport 815am " arrive at llarrlsburg 12115 pm " " I'hlladclphla 3 40 p m Day Express leaves " " Lock Haven 11 20 am " llllamsport 12 40 p m " arrive at llarrlsburg 4 10 pm 1 uiiuueipuii 1 f i iu Erie Mall leaves Kenovo s 41) p m M " Lock Haven 9 w p ta " M Wllliamsport lllrtpm " arrives at llarrlsburg 2 45am " " Philadelphia 7i)am Fast Line leaves Wllliamsport 12:!5am " arrives at llarrlsburg 3Niam M " Plilladelpnla 7 40 a m ErloSIall west and Day Express East make doso 11. 11. It. trains ror vt iikcsoarre and wranton, Erlo Mall West, Niagara Express West and Past Lino W'cstmako close connection at V"lllluinsiort iiui..vj. jt. ly . trams nurLU. Niagara Express West aDd Day Express Fast make close connection atLockllaven wlthll.E.V. It. It. trains. Erie Jlall east nnd West connect at Erie with trains on L. s. & M. s. It. u. j at Corry with o. C. s A. V. it. It. ; at Emporium with 11. N. Y. V. It. li. anu at jjruuvoou with A. v. it, j. Parlor cars will run between rtiltalelphla am W Ulamsport on Niagara Express west, and l)ai Ex press East. Sleeping cars on all night trains. WM. A. IJ ALU WIN, General bupt. "VrORTHEUN CENTRAL RAILWAY iy COMI'AN-k. On and after Noveinuer.20th, 1873, trains will leave Bunbury as follows : NORTHWARD. Erie Mall a. in,, arrive Elmlra n .r. " Canandalgua... 3.35 p. o ltochestcr 5,16 " Niagara 9 40 " Kenovo accommodat Ion 11.10 a. in. orrlvo lllijuu- porti2.5s p. m. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. m., arrive Elmlra 10.20 a. m. llurialo Express T.15 a. m. arrlvo Buffalo 8.50 a u SOUTUWAltD. Dutfalo Express 2.60 a. m. arrlv 0 Harrtsburg " Ualtlmoro 8.40 Elmlra Mall 11.15 a. m., arrlvo llarrlsburg 1.50 " Washington 10.31 " Baltimore 0.30 " Washington llarrlsburg accommodation burg 10.6O p. m. arrive Ualtlmoro " Washington C.13 Erie Mall 12.63 a. m. errlvo Harrlsburg 3 05 a. mi " Baltimore 8.40 " " Washington 10.35 " All daUy except Sunday. D. M. BOYD, Jr., Oeneral Passenger Aeeo A. J. CASSATT. General Manager piIILADELPHA AND READING ROAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. May 11, 1879. TKAINS LRAVK RUPKKT AS POLLOW8(SUNniY EXCErTED For New York, Philadelphia, Heading. 1'ottsMlle Tamaqua, fie, 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. m. 7,21 and 7,85 p. m. For Wllliamsport, e,29 9,05 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. TKAINS FOB, HCTKRT LEAVE AS FOLLOWS, (SCh'DAT Kl CKPTED.) Leave New York, 6,45 a. ra. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Leave Heading, ll,65a. m., Pottsvllle, 12,30 p. m and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leav e Catawlssa, 0,20 8,50 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave Wllliamsport ,9,45 a.m.2,15 p. ra. and 4,60 p. m Passengers to and from Now York and Philadel phia go througa ithout change of cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, CO, HANCOCK, General Manager Oeneral Ticket Agent. Jan, 14, we tf, DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA ANB WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOJISliURO DIVISION. Tlme-Table No. 39, Takes effect at 4:30 A. M MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1878. NOKTII, b'lATIONS. SOUTH. n ti h 11 uii . T .1 l'JX. t V ATOKTHKKN 1 p.m. p.m. a.m. 9 30 12 9 411 9 23 9 17 9 87 9 98 9 30 8 69 3 61 9 21 8 61 3 4H 9 19 8 49 S 41 9 14 12 41 12 .'0 8 33 3 30 9 01 8 13 3 10 8 44 8 23 3 20 8 65 8 12 8 12 8 47 8 01 3 04 8 39 T 61 2 51 8 28 T 83 2 39 8 17 7 SJ I 34 8 12 7 25 2 23 8 04 7 13 7 14 T 10 7 02 2 (14 7 44 0 6(1 1 67 7 38 0 60 1 61 7 33 US 111 7 29 21 1 27 T 11 t 15 00 I 00 6 45 p.m. p.m, a.m. a.m. p.m, p.m Scranton Uellevue Taylorvllle., ...Lackawanna.. . Plttston 9 33 i 10 8 13 2 16 0 i 2 22 6 21 2 SO 0 31 2 !S 40 2 44 C 45 2 49 t 50 2 63 9 45 9 63 10 07 . . West Plttston... Wyoming Maltby .Bennett. . ,, .Kingston Kingston , .Plymouth June.. ....Plymouth Avondale Nanllcoku 61 li 8' 10 18 3 15 7 10 10 S3 3 15 7 IS 3 10 I 1 10 2g 3 16 7 25 3 21 7 35 10 84 7 i' 8 04 8 25 8 43 .Uunlock's creek, 10 42 10 66 3 35 8 50 4 03 bhicksiilnny..... Hick's Ferry..., ....Beach Haven.,. .Berwick ,,,, Hrlar Creek ...Willow drove.... Lime lildge..... Espy......... ...Bloomsburg.... KUDert 11 01 11 11 110 8 t-6 11 J 4 IS 9 I 131 I" 4 29 7 4 33 7 30 11 S9 I 41 7 44 11 45 4 49 8 j 11 O ' 4 OG o 11 67 6 00 S &V Catawlssa Bridge. ,,,,tlJiUlVUlU Chulosky Cameron .Northumberland, 12 18 6 is s ; 9 19 9 61 l, 80 9 65 6 45 W 12 46 p.m. p.m. a.m W. F. nALBTKAD, Sort. Superintendent's Offloe, Scranton, June 10, 1SI3. rUNWRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, ruiLisELrau, Dealers In TEAS, BVltUl'3, COFFEE, BUGAH, MOLASSES, BICE, SFICES, BICABB fODA, 0., 0. N. B. Corner second and Arch Btreets, -Orders win receive prompt attention.