The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 06, 1880, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN AMD DEMOCHAT,BLOOMSBU.RGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE.OOLDMBIAN. itMiunsncitn, hiiiut, rcnnuAiivo, uso Rail Koail Time Table. tACK AWAVNA ULOOMSnUWl KAIL ItOAT) NORTH, south. T a A. M. 4.49 1'. M 11,45 A. M Accommodation Train, Mill Train T.83 A.M Fust Train M. Bxpress Train tM p. M, CATAWISSA 11A1I. HO AD. north. sntrrn Accommodation Train ,ss A. M. 7,8(1 r. M. Itcijular Express 4.oo l'.M, 11,43 A.M. Thronjrh cars on Express train cither to New York cv miladclphlf. Accommodation train runs between Jatawlssa and Wllllamsport. OCT III- A CLUB. We will sen J the Columbian- free for one year lo any iierson who will send us fo'ir new names wltli SO, 00 In ca-li. litis Is an tasy way lo pay jour subscription If you already take the paper, nnd an easy way to get it If yoti are not on the list. Tliero is not n spot in Co lutnbi.i county where four new names cannot be obtained in a few hours' time, if some one will make tho t florl. Sample copies of the paper will bo sent to any add test in tho county on re quest. Those of our subscribers who do not care to make the effort, will confer a favor by calling I he attention of sonic active person to this notice, who will undertake it. The Friendship Fire Company had their an nual ball on Wednesday night. The application of William Williams for liolol license nt Ile'wlck was refused by the court on the ground of his intemperate habits. W. J. Knorr of lierwlck was forcmnn of tho Grand Jury A little son of Willintn Ferguson was buried on Wednesday. Cold and croup are prevalent. Too much care cannot bo taken in going out from warm rooms into the cold nlr. Tho trial of the Miflliu Supervisors occupied nearly three days and resulted in convicting the delcndants. A fire occurred in Ccnlralia in the early pari of litis week. The building of Jnmes Morri sen nnd the lionso occupied by James Dyke wire destroyed. For the use of students and others our cov ered newspaper pads arc the in-sti They con tiin one hundred sheets of paper, making two hunt'red pJges. Prices, ten and twenty cents, according to size. For rale at this office, it Miss Sarah Derrickson of Jeddo, Pa., is vis iting friends in town. About four inches of snow fell on TuesJay and the thermometer fell almost as much. The jitikle of ihe merry sleigh bells now is heard- The regulnr meeting of the Bar Association will be held in the Law Library next Monday evening at f-cven o'clock. The caeof Curley continued until next term on ino ion of District Attorney Little. The reason assigned was the absence of mater ial witnesses whose attendance could not be se cured at this term. l'rof. Hoffman oilers his serv ices to those wishing to teko imiMC lessons in Dloonisburg. He will spend Wednesday and Saturday of each week here. Address hlui nt Danville, Pa. jan. 30-2w. O. P. Ileichard will sell at auction his slock of goods at Lightslreet on Tuesday Thursday and Saturday evenings until sold out. jan 23 3w The fact that lawyers sometimes use large words is witnessed bv this exception lo a Mas ter's report, Bled by A. Kicketts, Esq., at Wil. keslnrre. 'The whole report ia a heterogen ous conglomeration of agglutinated absurdiliis) of such ubiquitous erroncousncss that no spot of soundness can be found in any partofil.' You can't fcol an Elmira girl. When her 'fellow' rises from his seat in the theatre bo tween tho acts, and says , ' I'll be back in n mo1 ruent,' she dazzles him with ono of her most reliable smiles, and pulling him back with the remark, 'I brought sumo with me,' coyly slips into his hand a pinch of cloves or roasted cof fee. The Union Square Comedy Comrany will appjar in tho "Two Orphans" next Monday night at the Opera Haute. This is nn excel lent Iroupe and tho play is a very popular one, having been given in tho largo cities for hundreds of nights in succession to ctowded bouses They performed in Harrisburg on Tuesday night last, and tho Patriot speaks highly of them, Dont fail to see this celehra' led drama. Tickets for snlo at O. A. Clark's liook Store, Seo advertisement in another column. The hoard of diicclors of liloom Poor Di. 'rectors met at their office at their regular time of meeting, the last Saturday of each month ns required by law, and made the following ap "pointuienls fur tho ensuing year. Steward Thomas Mcliride, Matron, Mrs. Thomas Mc Bride, Secretary, It. S. En I, Treasurer, Wm. Kreamer, Attorney, Geo. hi. Elwell. The members of tho Democratic Standing Committee from the districts composing the Bloom 1'oor District met nt the Exchange Ho tel on Monday afternoon. The following per sona were present, D. Lowenberg, G. A. Clark, liloom ; Jacob Tervilliger, West Scott J John Kressler, East Scott : A.J. Hiss, Sugarlunf; Daniel Welllver (subtllute) Greenwood. Wil liam Kreamer of Hloom and Jacob Terwilliger of West Scott were jilaced in nomination a candidates for directors of the poor, and Ihe meeting adjourned. "UdDCN MATH. Mrs. II. F. Fruit died suddenly last Thurs day evening about nine o'clock, of paraUsii. She bad felt as well as usual during the day, bul at about six o'clock (ompl lined of not feel ing we I, and gradually grew worse'and in lliree hours breathed her last. She was nearly fifty three years of age Mrs. Fruit was an eslims blc lady, and during her residence here made mimy warm friends. Tho funeral took place on Sunday morning. After a brief service at 'the houi-o tho remains were taken to Jt-r-ey- town where services were conducted in the Methodist church by Key, 0. D. S. Marclay, Tho bereaved hu-bam! and son have the sym palhy of the community in their heavy afllie- tlon. At a regular meeting of Washington Lodge 7io. 2G5 F. & A. M. held February 2d, 18S0 The death of Ilro. William A. Case was am nounced, whereupon the following resolutions were unanimously adopted Wheheas, we have heard with sincere re grot of tho deceased of our late Bro., William A. Case it is therefore limited that this lodge has by death sustain ed the lo-s of a useful member, society a good and honorable citizen, the poor, a true friend aim me lunnuers ot ins lamily n Mini and nt fectionale husband and father. JUsokcJ, That as un expression nf our mr, row and re'liecl. these resnlittlnna 1m nipr.l rn tho minutes of tho lodge, and to be pubiMiecl in one or more papers of the lown anil that ino louge te uraped In mourning for 30 days, C. F. Knait.) II-B, Fkkas, vCommlltte. It. L, Iticu. J Lxccutors' Administrators' Guardians' and Trustees' Itecelpt Hooks bound In Iteynol I's covers, ju.t printed at this office. Books will 100 receipts only 40 ctuts. Books containing smaller numbers bound In a few moments, tf. ANOTHER SWINDL Notwithstanding the oft repeated warnings of the newspapers, unwary men continue! lo ermit themselves to be deluded by wily swlnd. era nnd confidence tricksters, A latch of fourteen promissory notes have been received at Ihe Honesdale Nations! Bank for collectioi from a Troy, N, Y., law firm. They wero pro. cured from Wayno county men last fall by i lightning rod aged. The mode of procedure was as follows i The agent supplied tho farm ers' buildings with rods and accepted In pay ment for tho same a promissory note, payable at tho farmer's house, Jan. 1, 1880, Then writ, ten agreement .was intend Into between the gent nnd tho lightning roil purchaser stlpi nlalliig that pnymcnt of Interest on the not only was to bo nked and that Ihe princlpa would not be demanded until tho expiration of ten years. Ui-on these ostensibly easy terms, sale) of lightning rods were mid rapidly. The notes thus procured pasted Into the hands of second and third parlies and on their wattir. ity there could be no other alternative than inymcnt, Ibo written agreement between tho agent and the firmer, providing that payment was not to bo demanded in ten years, of course being of no forco. A number of the nates have already been paid and we do not hear that tho paymenlon any of them Is lo be contested. The same game was played lat fill on a number 01" Jcw York Slnlo farmers, and we lesrn from somo ofour exchanges from that stale that a arjre number of them are resisting the pavment of the notes on the grounds that they were ob tained through fraud. Ilonesdolc Independent, itonnsituiia nbws. RoHRsnnnn, February 2, '80 Business is booming along at a good rate here at present ; our enterprising merchants Black and Hess seem to be doing a good busl- ess this wtnlcr. Will Appleman Is traveling through Mon tour county, selling a patent right. Mr. Clem Henry s school has been closed on account of his sickness, but ho opened school again thi8 week. Willie Preston and Schuyler Kramer are ;ain attending OrangevllU Academy. Little Maggie Alberlson gaye a Juvenile cap year parly for Ihe youths of this "Nook" ast l-rnlay night in Appleman's hall. A few umrrinl people were prcent and did most of the dancing. After partaking of refreshment. t Albertsons the parly broke up at twelve o' clock and old and young wended their weary way homeward. Mis. Miles Albertson and sister are visiting friends in the west. Miles Alberlson now has his saw mill a few miles above here and a great quantity of lum ber passes here every day. Thos. Iteece nnd family are now getting ready lo leave for their new home in Iowa, and are making their last visit to their numer ous friends and relatives. Tbey have over been kind nnd obliging neighbors, and their absence will be sadly felt, and the wishes of all s that prosperity and happiness will be with them in their distant home. Poor Pur. aches or nsn. WHOLESALE VIOIATIOK Of THE LAW. About ono mile below this place the canst company own a reservoir of sevsml acres in area. During the summer, as lone as tli C3- al is full, it is supplied with water from the canal, flowing into the reservoir at the head and out at tho lower end. During Ihe winter. when there is no water in the canal, there is generally from one to three and four feet of landing water ver the reservoir. It has been .1 fine harbor Cot various kinds of fish, and luring Ihe summer every year many were tak en out with rod and line. Lost week, however 11 Ibis was changed. A set of fish pirates were several days engaged at draining the res ervoir by digging an outlet sufficiently deep t tho lower end lo let all the water out into tho canal, thereby leaving all the fish in the reservoir exposed on top of the mud and pools, troops of people went down from town on Fri day to get fish. There they lay in scores nnd by schools by hundreds and by thousands. All parties had to do was to wade in and pick up Ihe hah as they lay helpless and powerless In many places they lay so thick that they were raked out with rakes I Many helped themselves lo strings of the very nicest; some carried away basketsful, and several parlies hauled wo wagon oads away j after which there were still many left, and many more were carries! ofl on Saturday. It is said that many thousands ofsmall fish were trampled in Ihe mud and otherwise destroyed, and of course what are now left will pcrisli for want of waler. It is claimed that In pursuance of an understanding the pirates had with our State risli Commis sioner, several bushels of small fish were car ricd into Penn's Creek. This trespass upon the canal company's property may make one nice question to settle, and the violation of the fish laws another There is certainly here a big opportunity for Ihe vindicators of the law and the rights of properly. Selinsgme Times. The concert at the Opera House last Saturday evening lor tho benefit of St. Paul s Sunday School Library was a success in every way. The r.ct proceeds weic about eighty dollars. The programme) was well selected and carefully prepared, The following ladle mid gentlemen look part, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Wirt, Mrs. II. II. Groiz, Miss Ada Ilrower.Miss Maud Freeze Miss Maine Knspp, Miss Mary Elwell, Miss rnie Sloan, .Missrs, J. It. Tonscnd, Clark Sloan, W. Hart, C. M. Driikir, F. P. Drinker J, II. Maize, U. P. Vannatta and Bruce Wells Messrs. Brooks, Methercll and Uupert kindly assisted in the instrumental parts with cornet, violin and cynib lis, for which they hava the hanks of tho company. Tho costume of the Oil I-olkes" was worn, and created much amusement and admiration. The ladies appear- d in old fashioned dresses, some ot which were quite as becoming as Ihe lluffi and tbu nets of the present day. The gentlemen wore knee breei lies and ruffles and powdered wigs, The tresses of the Quartette Club were gorgeous and very becomiug lo the wearers. They were inporlcd for the occasion. The choruses were well sung, the ploying or .Mr. nnd .Mrs. v irt on the "Harpsichord and fiddle," was dor o with much expression, as was also the Wedding March, by Misses Freeze and Llwell, and Mr. Wlrl, The singing of the Quartette Club pleased the audience, as it al- was does, and the soloes of Mrs. Grolz and Miss Browtreio beautifully rendered. Mr. Win sang "Nancy Lee" yery nicely, nnd was en cored, as uere several other pieces on the pro gramme. Miss I reeze and Mr. Wells sang "Ueuben and Itachel" in Quaker costume, and brought down the house. Misses I rower and Freeze, and Messrs, Wirt and Towns-nd ren dered "Come where my love lies dreaming" in excellent style. Tho singing of "Itussia" by the old fishloned choir was very funny. Miss Annie Sloan played a solo on tho piano and displayed much skill in Its execution. There are not many towns that can furnish ma terial for an amateur concert that would sur pass tiiia ono. The entire performance would have done honor to a professional Iroupe. The credit of the entertainment belongs principally lo P, E. Wirt. Esq., who gave his lime and ef forts lo (lie arrangement and preparation of the piogramme, and who pushed the matter through when others seemed somewhat Indif ferent, While all Ihe others worked assiduous' ly to make it a success, the Sunday school would probably not have received this benefit hut forhU efiorts. He and all those who took part are deserving of Ihe thanks of the public 'or the excellent entertainment. OHANOIVILLB IT1MS, Mr. David Herring, an nged citizen of this place, has been confine! to Ii ia bed for neatly two weeks with rheumatism. Mr. Ssimnel Shtrpless has been for a long time t sufferer from neuralgia. MIti Mary Platen of Utica. Ohio, has been visiting Maggie Eves In this place. ' Iter. IIouls Is making a fence to protect the terrace In front of his dwelling from cattle John Cadman and H. R. Kline are going lo locale a portable sawmill on their timber land about two miles above this place. They ex pect to commence sawing about Ihe Grit of U.y. One of our old and esteemed cititcna has 1 ways been an advocate of temperance and an antl-tobacconlst. He still opposes the use of Intoxicants, but that morsel which he rools about ro awkwardly in his mouth and which causes him lo make such wery faces, is tobac co. Most people who have black eyes ore proud of them, but one of our amateur pugilists has a black eye which he feels ashamed ol. He biought It home from spelling school one night lately, but he says the other fellow has tho worst of Ihe bargain. The knight of Ihe razor had better keep shady when away from town, but caution in kit case is not necessary. On last Monday evening during the tempos rary absence of Mrs. Dayld Herring : the chil dren, the grandchildren, and a great grand child look possession of the old homestead, spread the festive board with natures bounties, nnd then awaited her return whose birthday they came lo celebrate. Upon entering her home the. unexpected faces of all her children from near and far greeted htr with welcome smiles. Netheblaxd. BEItWICK LBTTEIt. Eds. Columbian : Enough snow fell last night and to-day to make good sleighing, but the wind has left many parts o f the roads bare. Those who have Ice-houses to fill begin lo look pleased. They have almost ills paired laying by a Btore for the warm months. The demand for houses is not decreasing but to the contrary Increasing. It is safe to say that fifty houses would find occupants in a short lime at very fcir rents, ns the rents at all times depend on the demand for houses, it may bo safely inferred that rents ate high. Michael Frants, an old cilisen, is dangerous ly sick. It is sincerely hoped he may recover, though the physician is sot very sanguine. Fran Is has hsd Bore than his portion of the ills of this life. Twice visited by fire, a eon helpless in bed for two years, and now himself helpless. His sickness is the result of expos ure lo cold and dampness during the while ttiat he was constructing bis new work shop. The Literary society has again resumed. A meeting was held last Friday evening. An essay on "Scripture" was read by J. Kurti short but very interesting. A. Iteichard re cited a poem, humorous and well executed Messrs. Smith and Stewart supported the neg ative of the question "Are political parties ben cficial to a country," and Messrs. W. Bowman and Frees sustained Ihe affirmative. The lat ler succeeded in winning the decision of the judgee in their faver. Kefortxr . Berwick, Pa., Feb. 3, 'SO. Notice. The firm of Brockway & Elwell was dissolved October 1st 187,both as publish ers of the Columbian nnd in the practice of law. All persons indebted lo said firm on notes book account for printing or for legal services are requested to call and settle, as the business of the firm must be closed up soon. C. B. Brockway, Gto. E. Elwell. jan 23-4w. SHERIFF'S SALBS. The following properties were sold by the Sheriff at the Court House on Monday last. 10 acres in Locust twp, sold (o J. II. Vas' tine for $100. Sold as ihe property of Jacob P. Kerschner Lot in Espy, sold lo E. B. Hartman for $90 sold as ihe properly of William E, Hower. 20 acres in Scott twp, sold to N. U. Funk for S2J07, Bold as the properly HormanG. Creveling. Lot in Catawissa, sold to W, M. Monroe fjr S1150, sold as the properly of Allred Eck. 52 acres in Orange twp, sold to C. W. Miller for $80, sold as Ihe properly of George V. Fer1 guson. 55 acres nnd 90 perches in Locust twp, to Peter Baldy for $100, sold as the properly of Clark B, Stewart. Lot in Berwick to Samuel C Marl ieney for $100, sold as the property of A. W. Miller. 113 acres and 30 perches in Madison, sold to Hugh MeBride for $500, Sold as ihe property of John G, Nevius, 101 acres in Greenwood, sold lo Alexander Kramer for $500, told as the property of Jacob S Evans. Also 54 acres in Ornnge tup, sold to C W Miller for $8, told ns ihe properly of Jacob S Evans. JASUAItV WEATIIEIt. The following is a meterrological recird of the weather at Cainwi'Si durirg the month of January, 18S0, compiled from observations by W. G. Yetter. Barometric pressure corrode! for tfmprn ture and t-leration. Highest pressure on the 2tltli, 30 C31 inches; ibest on thu 20th, 29,518 inches j monthly rarge 1.103 inch es. Temperature of the air Highest tempera ture on the 23lh, 00 degrees ; lowest on ihe 14lh, 3 degrees average temperature for Ihe month 37.0 degrees; average of sime month during previous year (1879)22digrees ; month ly range GO, Hth 32J digrees nnd the least dally range 0 degrees on the Oih inst. Moisture. Number of days on which rain or snow fell 15 ; total amount of rain fill and melted snow 2,39 inches; amount of snow which fell during the month 8 inches ; rain fall and melted snow du'ing same month in pre vious year (1879) 1 88 inches. Wind. The highest hourly velocity of the wind during the month was 32 miles from the west on the 20th inst. Lee A Walker, in their M"sicil Bulletin,' of January call attention lo their fi le slvloof music. 'Thought! at Eve,' by Shannon. Is very popular ; this piece is ubo it the same character as 'Silvery Waveshut more exquisite melody, The 'Operatic Ftench Liniers' Is ihe liveliest set of luncers, coiiiioshI by Porter. I.yeryuouy wants lo dance on hearing lliern played. 'The Slorm' composed by H, Weber, is an imitation of nature. A Shepherd is eo- ing home with his flock, while he Is playing on his flute, a storm approaches; the thunder, roaring of Ihe water, crash of trees and fire bells are to be heard in succession. Their whole selection is fine, embracing all the new est music and at lowest prices, Address all let ters to Lee & alker, 1113 Chestnut St.. Phil- adelphia. See a woman on horseback In another col umn, riding near Speer's Vineyards, with a bunch of Grapes from which Speer's PortGrape Wine Is made, that Is so highly esteemed by the meuicai proiession lor the use ol invalid weakly persons and the aged. Sold by Druggists. June 27 1-y. COUP.T PHOCnSDINOS. The regular February session of court opened on Monday morning nt ten o'clock, Honorable William Elwell President Judge nnd Hons F L Shuman and I K Krlckbaum, associates, on tho bench. Tho County statement for 1879 was present ed to the court, and ordered lo bo filed among the records. The returns of conslables wero taken, nnd everything reported in good order. Auditors report in the estate of Jacob Evans confirmed nisi. Hclurn of writ of partition in estate of Dan iel Lee, corfirmed nisi, Citation awarded lo executors of Frederick Shaffer to file an account, also citation awarded to guardian to file an account. 11 Johnson va It S Knt. exceptions to relaxa tion of costs sustained by the court. SWTrlaimervs Luzeine county. Opinion of court filed giving judgment for plaintiff for 15,950,50, and costs Pe'.er Laubach, Stephen Kicfer nnd Thomas Bellassppolnled viewers of a bridge over Cole's Creek near David Lewis,' Sugarloaf township. Opinion filed In Ihe mntterof the sale of tl.o real estate of Catawissa Masonic Association, Exceptions to auditor's report in estate of Benjamin Miller overruled, Ashland Banking Company vs Ccnlralia Mu tual Saving Fund, Opinion of court filed. C B Brockway vs ltobert Gorrcll, opinion filed, opening iudgmcnt. Auditors' report in tho mailer of Cenlralia Borough, Opinion filed. Mutual Building and Loan Association of Berwick vs Nathan Yobey el . Opinion filed. Dyer C. Maus" appointed guardian of L Moore. Jar. Shtiltz nnd Bowman approved as sureties. On petition for counter security to bail of David S Helwig guardian of his minor chil dren, citation awatdod. P.eiurnablo to next term. William S Kase, John G Brink and C L Moore appointed viewers of a rend In Benton township. Auditors' report in the estate of Levi Creasy- confirmed nisi. Accounts and Widows' npprniscments pre sented by tho Begister for confirmation. Exceptions filed to tho auditor's report In estate of Jacob Evans. Godfrey Mclick vs John Beagle. Opinion of court filed. William Martin,John T Shuman, J II Geary appointed viewers of a road in Beaver and Main. Commonwealth vs Stephen Grover nnd Lew is Creasy, supervisors of Mifflin. Not repair ing roads Ac. Jury sworn. On trial until Wednesday afternoon, when tho jury rendered a verdict of guilty. Auditor's r.port in the etato of Cadwalla der K iberts confirmed nisi. Iteport of sale in estate of Jacob Bower, confirmed nisi. Iteport of sale in the following estates con firmed nisi. O P Ent, George Itisewick, Jo nathan George. Order of sale in cstato of Hiram Lunger continued. lteturn of partition in estate of Ellen Long confirmed nisi. Inquest in partition awarded in estate of E J Thornton. Keport of viewers of read in Centre town ship, near D A Bowman's confirmed nisi, and width of road fixed nt 33 feet, Return of sale in estate of Rebecca Smith, confirmed nwi. Sale of real estate of M W Nuss ordered. Henry Wagner, Asa Yorks and Henry Hir1 leman appointed viewers of a road in Sugar- loaf near Crevclings' mill. Account of Joseph Masters and Conrad Kreamer committee of Margaret Fortncr, lunatic, confirmed uui. Account of Joseph Koach, committee of Elizabeth Roach, a lunatic, confirmed nisi. Account of J B Robison and L E Waller, assignees of C I Thomas, confirmed nisi. Account of William Lamon,trustee of John E Fowler, confirmed nisi. Reports of Prothonotary of special tax in Conyngham township and Centralia borough, confirmed nisi. Petition of William Holdson for the benefit of Insolvent laws presented, and proper notice ordered to be given. Citation awarded in estate of Dorothy Crcve ling, Inquest in partition awarded in the estate o Mary Witcby. I A Dewitt, John Moore and Philip Apple man appointed viewers of a road in Jackson township, near John Fritz's. Iteport of viewers to locale a road in Fish ingcreek near David Yost, confirmed nisi, Commonwealth vs Edward Curlcy. Murder A true bill. Commonwealth vs E Romicli et ill. Disurl inga religious meeting. A truo bill. Case tried, verdict guilty. Exceptions filed to executors account in es. Me of Joshua Savage. Return of sale of real estate of G, Gunther confirmed nisi. M G Hughes appointed trustee in estate of W Coflinnn, in place of L Yetter, deceased. Commonwealth vs M Brogan. Assault mid battery. A true bill. Jury out. Commonwealth vs Pat. Layllle. Malicious mischief. A true bill. Case tried. Jury out. Exceptions filed lo acknowledgement of sheriffs deed for real i-slatc of W E IIocr. Elizabeth Hartman vs Benj Kruuini. sitinn approved by the court. The following licenses were granted F Gilmore, Restaurant, Tubbs&Chamberlin, Hotel J S Mann, ' S Hagenbuch, " lliqui- Bloom Centre Orange Sherman & Co., Marshall, Mich , want an agent in this county at one, at salary nf $10(1 per month and expenses paid. Fur lull putic ulars address as above. Nov. 21-ly. Marriages. STOur Runvan At Ihe residence of Sam uel Fornswoith, on Dec 21 li, 1879, by Rev. G. V. Savidge, R bert O. Stout to Miss Alice ( Runyan, bjili of Jerseylown, Columbia county . Kakns Co.nfeii At the residence of llic brides parents, on January 29, 18S0, Jesse t Karns of Stillwater, to Mia Martha Conftrol Jerseytown, U.voer Aitleman At the M. E. psr-on' age in Benton on January 1st, by Rev. II. B. Former, Mr Diniel P, Linger, of Greenwood to Missllattie C. Appleman, of Orangoville. Smith Davis On Ihe same day by the same, Mr. Aaron Smith to Miss Amanda Davis both of Benton. Bit.nkk Roast On the 9th inst., by the same, Mr. J. Y, Bitncr lo Miss Sa'rah C. Roasi, bolh of Sullivan covnty, Pa. Dildine Booert-AtOraneeville on Jan- uary 10th, by Rev. O. K. Canfield, Mr. Charles UiMin? ot Mt. l'leanant lo Al meda Bocert o Rohisburg. Deaths. Cox Timothy B. Cox of Greenwood town ship, Columbia counly, aged 17 years, 0 mouths and 15 days. Hellek, Near lola, on the 14th inst. Char les II. Heller, age two years, 7 months nnd 0 days, i.VErETT l-erquson, At the Reformed rarsonage in Urangevilla on the 20th ultimo. by tin Rev. A. Iloutz, Mr. Henry" Everett to iUlss barah l erguson, WON DKItFUL COltUS, Rev. F W. Biichholz, Wastct, Minn, used the St. Jacob j Oil In Ihe case of n lady of his congtrgillon who had been bed-ridden with llhtmwtitm Jur srioitrn yean, She used SI. Jacobs Oil for ihie-e days, nnd wns nb'o to leave her bed. Mr. R, Schaefer, No. 31 Brown street Alio gheny City, P.i,, had the 'Jlhcumatum for eight yean ,nnd hnd unit e very known medicine willi out relief, A single bottle of St Jacobs Oil cured him. Guslav A, Hclliiiin, Jisq., Editor of Vittebwtjh Daily Jtepuhlicnn, suffered with HheumttUm for two years, and lay many n night unable to sleep on account of terrible pains, Two bottles of St. Jacobs Oil cured him. Mr. I", Wilkc, Lafayette, Intl., reports a case where n man suffered so bully with Rheuma tism tint he could not mov?- His legs wero swollen, nnd he hnd the most terrible pains. Twelve hours after the first application of the St. Jacobs Oil the p.ilns wero gone and the swelling had disappe ired. Mr. Henry Schaefer, Millersburg, Ohio, was cured of Rheum ilism in the hips, Mr. F. R. Wilt, Cleveland, Ohio, Rheuma tism In the leg- Cured aflt r three applications, Mr. Henry Lear, P.ittiot, Ohio, had such pain in his shoulder ihnt bo could not move St. Jacobs Oil cured him after n few applica tions. Mrs. Vrena Gugelnnnn, nged 69 years, liv ing in Rochester, N. Y., Rheumatism in legs ; could not walk. L'sod bottle of St. Jacobs Oil and fell, asshe asserts, like new-born. Christian Hanni, Fsq., Youngstown, Ohio, s full of joy over the wonlerful cure of his wife by St. Jacobs Oil. For twelve bng years she had sullen d with Neuralgia In the boad and often bad tho nnst terrible pains. Haifa bottle of St Jacobs Oil cured her entirely. Mr. Wm- Rcinhardt, Elmore, Wis. report, as follows: St. Jacobs Oil is really u wonder ful rcmuly, for I could mention dozens of eases where it has proved its magical influence. One case in particular I will slate : 1 know n man who has suffered willi Rheumatism for the last twenty-four years, and of hlo be could hardly move around. Aficr using a few bottles of Si Jacobs Oil he was entirely cured. B. Seim, Esq., S.jiilh Adams, Massachusel write": Allow mo to inii rni you how much good St. Jacobs uil has done in this neighbor, hood. A woman liaitbc Rheumatism so bully that she could not even attend lo her wash- Threo applications of St. Jacobs Oil cured her Her joy seemed lo have no bounds. News from all Around. Princess Louise has arrived in Canada, Tho age of Abraham Johnson, who lives near Scrantnn, is 10S years. His health is g mil and his memory remarkable. Tho iron moulders nf Ka't'in are still on a strike for tin advance of fifteen per cent. on wages. The Y.M.C. A. of Erie is discussing the propriety of establishing a girls' meeting once a week. The United States Courts have decided that the Pennsylvania R. R. Co., is notlia ble for damage done to merchandise held by that corporation during the Pittsburg riots in 1S78. $1400 in bonds of the Crane Iron Com pany were stolen before the face of tho treas urer of the Guarantee Trust aud Safe Com pany of Philadelphia on Monday morning. The bonds are worthless to anybody but the owner. No clue lias been obtained to the thief. The Senate, in Executive session, on Monday confirmed the following Supervisors of Census in Pennsylvania: Edward A, How ell, Third di-trict; William Scliall, Forth district; William llaye", Sixth district; J. Simpson Africa, Seventh district; Howard R. Miller, Eighth di-trict; Alexander Mui dock, Ninth district; Daniel S. Richmond Tenth district. General lloynlon, lo whom so much in terest now attaches, graduated at Kentucky Military Institute, and was professor of mathematics there fur several years. He entered the service as major of the Thirty fifth Ohio Volunteer", was promoted as lieu tenant culnnel and breveted brigadier gen eral for gallant conduct at Chickamauga Hi regiment participated in the fullowing battles : Mill Spring", Perryville.Pittsburg L inding, Cliicknniaiiga, where it lost over fifty per cent, of its number killed and wounded, and Missionary Ridge. At the la-t named engagement General lloynton was seriousdy wounded whilo leading his regiment up the heights. Discriminating Acaixst Sixni.i. Mr.x. Tho coal operators at New Straits villc, Ohio, have given occasion for another strike in a rtiriotis and characteristic way. The Consolidated mining company lust week discharged n number of single men, the un derstanding being that the rest of the opera tors should follow suit. The marked miners employed by that company, however struck to have the men taken hack, and this has delayed or prevented tho consummation of tiiti scheme. 1 lie reason given for Ihe cru sade againt single men us tint the wages paid them do nut go buck to the operators' pockets through the general More and check sjMein as ttirciy ami spi-fdily as thewagib paid t men who ban- families in support. Busiuoss A (Moos Dr. ,1 . Schuyler, many years n dyspeptic aud rheumatic sull'-rer, gelling relit! m using l)r. Ciiinl'irl'ft Iteii't-ily, now prt scnbts the s.iihi-t i idlic-rs, Mirying it to suit t-ncii case, w lib giaiilyii'g i culls. Js'o charge lor any cum- lint lit nt liilcu, 20, '60 I!,v I, V. llurliiiiiiiV glassware und queens waie stuck is larger In Ins new grt eery than btfire: 111 thetild. Rubbers ut MuKitinev's, 5 cent counter in Hit-Dry Goods depart ineiil lucent emu ter in the grocery depart ment ut 1. Ilattiii.iil s. MeKiiuicja bhoe Wore below Court House, Unite r, eggs, elrtod Iruit, etc., wanted at I V, llariniun's. lioot headijiiurters at McKimiey's. I. V. ll.irtiuans window of new einbroid enes (Huiubuigo) alluvia Adniitsion Irce at McKiuney's. I, V, llartuiHii's tliuible lore is becom. lug a gieai inililutiou lor all classes. One pnej to all. 4,000 pounds of nice, dried apples wanted nt Siltis i oiings (-tore Light titrott for which I will pay the liiglusl market prices. ieeeuiuc-r, ly. -ni. I.lnens, muslins, tickings, shirtings, calico dress go, d.., ect., arriving every week all. V. llarliuau's combination store. 600 Inns mnro of goml ilry oak bark wan ted by Silas Young Light Street fur which 1 will jiay $'i."r per Ion, 1'eb. 9 2-m Hoots and dlmed cheap nt McKlniicy'c. 000 lleef hides wanted by Silas Young j.iguc oirie-i lor wintu l win pay mc nigh est cash market price, December, 11), i m, Call at McKluuey'n for Shoes. SHERIFFS SALE . Iiy vlrtuo ot suadry writs Issued out ot the Court ot Common Pleas ot Columbia County, and to too dlrccicu will bo exposed to public sale at tho Court llout.o In tho Town ot lllooinsburg, Columbl c county Pa. at 1 o'clock, p. in., on Saturday, February 7th, 1880. All that certain real est ttc sit uato la the town ot llloomsburg, In tho county ot Columbia and state ot l'cnnsylranl,l)unded end described as follows, to wit I on tho north by ltlJfo alley, on tho east by lot of Lloyd fbarpless, on tho south by Main or Second street, and on tho west by Centre street, being twenty four feet four Inches In width on Second street, and two hundred and fourteen feet six Inches In depth along Centre street, on which aro erected a two story frame store rosm and dwelling, a good frame stable and outbuildings. Seized taken Into execution nt the suit of Joseph It. Vundersllco now for uso of Ocorgo Hughes, against 11. 0. Hower aasl Gcor; o C&raneo and to bo sold as the property ot II. C. Hower. Miller, Attorney. FL Fa. ALSO, All that certain ploco or parcel of land situate In tho town ot llloomsburg la tho county ot Columbia and stale of Pennsylvania being designated as lots no. nttccn (15) and slxtccn(l()bounded and described aslolloKsto-lt! licglnnlngat the north east cor nerof Fifth and Centro streets and extending cast wardly aloug the north side ot Fifth slreetono hun dred feet to a corner, thence along tho lino ot Mrs. II. M. Andrews ono hundred and el?hty feet to Iiruglar's alley 1 thenco along said alley ono hundred feet to tho cast lino ot Centro street; thence south wardly one hundred and eighty feet to tho place of beginning, on which aro creeled a largo two story Dwelling llouso and outbuildings. seized taken In execution nt tho suit of Henry J. Clark for the uso of s. C. Jaync against Henry I Dlellenbach and to tie sold as Ihe property ot Henry L. Iiteffenbach. Thompson, Attorney. Lev. Fa. ALSO, Alt that certain tract ot land situate In Hemlock township, bounded by lands formerly or now ot Zcbulon ltobblns, I)ald Wagner and Isaac Lclny containing about twenty-six acres, whereon aro erected a frame dwelling houso barn and outbulld Idks. Tho above said tiact being tho same that was sold to Henry llllitn Wagner under an order ot tho Orphans' Court ot Columbia County by tho admin Istratorsof Cltdeon Meeker, deceased, granted De cember Hth, lsi and continued February 1, 1ST!. AL-sO. All that other certain tract of land situate In Hemlock ton nshlp Columbia county, beginning at a white oak corner by land formerly or nowot tleorgo Hartman, thence by the sarao north eighty seven degrees, west ntty-two and six tenth perches to a stone ; thence by samo north, thrco fourths ot a degreo west, thirty and live tenth perches to a slake, thenco norlli elghty-nlno and mrco quarter degrees west, about twenty perches to a stake In lino ot land formerly or now ot Joslau stocker; thenco north by the same nine and one halt degrees west, sixty six and four tenth perches tn a stake thenM by land ot heirs ot Michael Hock, soulh eighty-eight degrees east, nlnoty-nlnc and eight tenth perches to a stono ; thence by land formerly or now Zebulon Uobblns and Isaac Lcldy, south four degrees west ntnety-slx perches to place ot beginning, containing forty-two acres and one hundred and six perches. Seized taken In execution at tho suit of William Clark Itlchart assigned to John A. Funston against Henry William Wagner, and to bo sold as tho prop erty ot Henry William Wagner. Wirt, Attorney. Fl. Fa. ALSO, All that certain lot ot ground situate In Heaver township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, describ ed as follows, to-wlt: Hounded on the north by land ot John Miuraaa's heirs, on the east by land of Joseph Lahr, on the BOuth by land of Philip Mummy, on tho west by land of reter Fisher, containing eighty-three ucres, on which are erected two dwell ing houses, barn and out-bulldtngs. ALSO, All that certain lot of mountain land situate In Beaver township, Columbia county, I'enniylia nta, described as follows, to-wlt : Bounded on the north by Catawissa Creek, on the a;t by land of C. 13. Brockway, on the aouth by land of Cox, on tue west by land of Charles Relchart, coatolnlns; ninety acres. Seized, taken In execution at the suit ot Colursbla County Mutual Saving Fund and Loan Association against Philip Mummy and Jacob Fry, terre tmant and to be sold as the property of I'hlllp Mummy and Jacob Fry terre tenant. Mitxau, Att'y. Vend x. ALSO, All that certain messuage and tract of laud situ ate In Orange townshlp.Columbli county, and ctato ot Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-lt: Beginning at a stone corner ot Jesse Cole man's land, thence by the same north eighteen and a half degrees east fifty-two perches and seven tenth to (stones, ihencc by lands of JohnMegargle and Isaac Hagenbuch, soulh sixty-seven and a half degrees west fltty-llve perches to a stono thence by land ot the etitato ot Conrad Adams north six and three-fourth degrees west sixty seven perches, thenco by land of the estate ot. Samuel Conner east nvc perches and tw o-tenths to a pine, thencs by the same nortn eighty-three derrees east thlrty-ssven perches to the place ot bcglnnlsg, contatnlag toy. cntcen acres and one hundred and tweaty-one perches strict measure. Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of tho Or angcvlllo Mutual Sivlng Fund and Loan Associa tion agalnt Joseph llenrlo and to bo sold as tho property of Joseph Ilcnrle. Miller, Att'y. Vend Ex. ALSO, All thatjccrtaln real cstato 6ltuato In tho Town ot Illoomsburg, In the County ot Columbia and state of I'ennsylvanla, bounded and dcscrlbed'.as follows, to-w It: em tho north by nidge Alley, on tho cast by loo ot Lloyd sharpless, on the south by Matn or Sec ond street and tn tho west by Centro street, being twenty-tour feet four Inches In width on Second street.and two hundred and fourteen feet six Inches In depth along Centre street, on w hlch aro erected a two-story framo storo room and dwelling, a good frame stable and out-bullldngs. seized, taken In execution nt tho suit of E. It. Ikelcr now assigned to the Mutual Building and MMng Fund Association or illoomsburg ngailist II, c. Hower and to bo sold as tho property of II, C. Hower. , ,. Itniusos Attorney. II. Ja. Terms cash on day ot sale. V. H. ENT, Sheriff. Jan. '.Ms. Feb.7, JWy 3E8T IH THE WORLD! SALERATUS VMcli ia tho samo thing Imp. ire Valfrntu or lll-Caib Sila iwhti UUtboiiaiiilhlliC)ltifnsllgIit. y dlrt lillr color It nut y up pear white, fimiilnul by llt-Mf lint a. COMI'AHHUI AVIT1I (.'IIUUCI! & COS AUM AM)IM.UMUU" 1JUAMJ IT! 11 liotr tltt UlffwrcHt. Bee that your Sa1rlu nnA 11 ak in ir ftolu U it kit nnrt 1MUII w J huultl hf ALU mK.lL.AK ILU.TA. CIlft uitil fur od, AtlmplflbutiiTrtut of tli mrrrtt.T rid ia ot tlitUrinfc trtuitl of Kod4 or t-Urtti.i it to tliitulr kJ(rt tpooiMl of tiy't kin 1 about plots of wtr (kot vrfrrJ) lu cUir glu-ts, ntlrrlmf uulll kll Ii tbciruucUly fiUio.Tod U'be deleter I em 1 uiolulle lu ttUr In th i a. 'trior tod will betbou ftflir UUo torn Iwtittr talouui or oonor, Vf th rnllk jr v)P"ai1' oi tba olutiou md tti quntltf f flila Ixcl; tn&ttor according to quality, B iurotud tit for Cburct. h Co.'i Bod&aod Btlerttut ft ad thit thtr mm U va tt pftCktgeiDd you will gk tot purt ud whltMt made. Theuw ot thii wlttt tour preltr enco to Biking I'owder, twatjr Uum U co t. Be ooe pound ptcktgo for ttluftclo Inform ir on and rt-IcwfuUT. SHOW THIS TO YOUR QROCER. Jtnuary lu. J.n. M. C. SLOAN & BRO. ItLOOMSIIIlUG, IM, Manufacturers ot Carriages, Buggie3, Phaetons, Sleiglis, l'LTl'OILM WAQONS, C. First-class work always on hand. HErAUtlNQ NKATLV DONK. rtcos reduce 1 t,i suit the ttmen FOR SALE ! A VALl'AllLU I'ARM situate In Madison ton ship, Columbia co. Lear New Columbia, contalnlnf 1G7 Acres ol' Land. There U a TWO-STOHY Fit Mil DWELLIh'U IIOUSB, flVMi'llAUN 00011 We"" Wa,er' & LA1!UK NEW A YOUNG Al'I'I.i: OUC1IAHD. and cllier Fruit Tites on tho prcmUc-s, For terms and particulars apnly to AAliO.N SMITH, A WOHtl TO TllfWK WI'O I SB I'd tol i ' . n 1 i universal ocknowlcclgi-d ttfX Ittt BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTERS ARE SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHEIjk Ihe tfreitiur-m mil for lurm lifui urn- da j r i tunKO una Sfii mctiklam lnuwtuonft unutT Biraiifir nourriinu n. n ptke It It ImporUtit for tho consumer to kti .w n t. plMtrs!i!tTotn?enexittnlnelDndrouD(ltoc iMninu use. r?auln paralyslt andothor dHc.iws. c l I recti tppii I IK-lied. SUaHL'RY it JOHNSON, I'l.nrL.ri Dn. ,t. stiye E A. illKItMAN-ls Tlir. OIlKIINAt, AND OKI.Y Illl. snnilM N Known to me Puwie ror p" earn or morn iliromrli his successful rrietlnnl ot in- iilng nurture ltliout tho annojaneo ana tnjMT trusses Innict. Illssj'stem of euro tiylurut evi .ifn't, anon , No mnn Is safn who has n rupture, nmni'tn n I i-'i ulii nitli'inn eonslder tt, lor eyerr mta has diMtrom tMtti-n-llilms'ir'i,,. " -.i "i " ni''., i't wit : "nil-erj jian who now to tier fromltoml Ihe Injury cf trusses, tos u"i .111 n -r uxi l.t;- In, i""M ''urn'?,i$,i, worthy special nttenf Ion II Is not not cnclsiili ,,mt 11.11: I' Is .ci.ti , unto ' l''h given togcntlemcn Intliocllv, wlioh iv ! 11 nt-.l. linrini; i-cntm nt no hlmlrancd from IsDor. rsw tlents from nbrcnl run rre He Iri-rc'inr nl m il r.rli ue s. mo usy. HIS BOOK OaST DRCr-jPXXJPlE . gives tho most rell.iiile pro-i's tr .111 ill,t.ii.,'.t-li 'I u "t. s-'.o-ihI c .-rgi'm-n nnn mercnanw e Kls successful pr.ictl nnndpippnlarli.i Hi -r t.' 111 '!r,.n'h n- W- n.u;,in nn.i tin- w est mates, The BUllctr-d thoulil lead It unil InMiiii n ein-cic , ..1 hi- iiu.iim-.i 1.1 irmii.uuu. It lsiilustrnoc-1 willi niwicurruPhu- ilkeiie.i-- ur exiivm.'ii imiI rue h-rcic. rt-iil alter cure, ana mMleet to thnM! who send m rents. kie tills. 1111 1 r.-m 'in er CAtTTIOV-Tho remit HI UUUU l. ) ' 1 1" ..,,. Ihrlr rrnndtilpnt Affti rt l,rmrnH w In n ill Ii '' ! iNirrnwriii vicnms, ru-'in rem. iiuurtt m 1, en 1 ' . ' nn nr.., ,! ,, v.,.. ..,iL. where tii.. n cut . lu jinsu-iw The anon 01 ii. -i. a. n.iri in.-. . . - v - - . . : ... . Corner Mailt ami Market Streets BLOQMSBURG, PA. The UDdcrslgned liuvlng been In the WIIOI.r.-.M.l: Ml! I V : business tor the past eleven 1 years wonl call tie attention ot the public trrrv r.ilh. and t'.rNIIU UEALi;i- lu particular, t their large and varied Mock-. It GQUSASiS, Qf, Paints, Oils, Glass, rutty. Patent Medicines, Spices, &c. Ill ail BROWER'S BLOCK. Cannon be BBa'pssil saaaywlierce IN IT MAY BE FOUND A LARGE STOCK Of sruxnest, ciiavois, PEItl'UMEHY, TAXCV ARTICLES TOO III URUbllES EAMl'S, HAIR BRUSHES, and in fact every tiling that slioulil be kept in a complete and well regulated Drug Store. They are the sole Maiuifacuncri of the Celebrated OIL OF OLAOESS. Also the Manufacturers DR. W. m. BICKLEY'S Celebrated and INVALUABLE PREPARATIONS. Compound Aromatic Iron. Improved Cream ling- Agent, Improved Hose Feeloral. The Beset Remedies Made. Highly joaccomasiGiideoi lxg Phxrsician ' MOIEE" BPt'OTlEIIElRB, Oct IT 'T9.-1J-, order hue n-- nnd when nrtlclo person. When UUe them back, clerks, who aro ablo to we nro enabled to qivo mamamsamr- r.-Kjr, i Vicars .1 mmsx WW'S CUstDmera irio Ituro the thotco to With tx reputation of twenty years at retailing, wo cannot nfford to loso our good name by lnok of proper eervlco to nbsont customers. Write plainly, nnd describe fully what ia wan tod, and nbout tho price desired. Address, John Wanamaker, Largest. Dry Goods Houso, Philadelphia. ILL, ;j if. FOIt c IiIm, llrunrhlilg, lion -.t'nr.s, TlrkllncorTlrjni'Mtir iho Hiruut) Nore, Thruict, CoM In llii-llt-iut, Crouii, Intluruzii, WhooplnR-Cnuiili, CoUlulhn JloMt-ls, A.lliiiintla e.'on 1,.. 'aJrilli l'uft uu.uijpliie.. v.cii.?ir,ioM!t'Otr'(rN ! , .ft teA,j.-, V-'- V H wrtl k'l'jwn that iwnvsof I inn i m in t awun whtrh tnnko them dKugmmW da. Mr vjrd.M'. INK cm cacti plMUrat New orlc PJUCE 25 CTS. 111 iltlng or calling 1 ne tiujrots u Ittnv II. ,ttPMl U'l III It ttiov dtiMd seversa r v 11 ll-migh'. lull 111- I 1 n-! ran away Ifvtif hico hecn discovers ' - - 1 , , i i i, u n -,il i'lert?vtnan. 1,1 ikt-11 I'M.-, d nut d .11 a" a e. icrgjumn. m i i mrn hiui mn-nur iniwu:n neuiu mnr B3ftHaSIisBE'd lfi'inj;' Store BEF1RTIENT Ben&srtaeat COLOGNES C10ARS, TOILET bOAI'S, GLOOM and Sole Proprietors Wine of Gentian and Camphor. Worm Kil Out of town people who can ot conveniently travel, mny liavo enm- plea Bent them of Dry Goods nnd nil other (foods that wo boll. If they will writo No chnrfle, nnd no need to Jf not tutted. We mako it n ytonUendtosuchlettersqulckly; ordera come we bend tho exact w-nicd, nnd at exactly same price as other cutgnicrs l)ry when here buying in joods nro not na ordered, wo Havina trained and responsible una cli&orotion in filling orders, groat ballsfnctlon to tho many Tn. Ennvrxixo 1. . rnlw r Jt- tu jctoe, lUllXal . a-!d a thsirougk t II iotO"(i rath t it .-. Jin, . ri..i orliar. .tutofloDf 1 " rma:.'U:it.!iimlitr 1 tsliih'DijrK,,, it 1 , . j .y ritiMuoaanJ f " If , y. 11, tMs-.-.i 1,1,1 j! i.rt,l ,r,,t I .-lst-rvi'.uUutor fiy otiir u.-,Ur.: uiin Uis 1 mrkct. and j tt H 1, sott ut th. Mi oOln -ly 1 jW i-rK-v ct 00c. ' ' 1 vs Clir a ' ' m rU. , I.nlcliililn, I'n. I -I' " 111 -me,iUllXal S I Jl m. 1 B'!d a thoroiuk I m 1 jaaiio,-Ni.iu tlucl: Horn, l'o. IX. S, T..1J cow .77