E COLUMBIAN. iii.oonsnunn. nuim, mtunv lit, uso Rail Itoail Time Table. ..ACKAWANNA IILOOMSUUIKI HA1LHOAD SOKtll. SOCTH, Accommodation Train....... 7 80A.M. Mall Train '.33 A.M 4.MP.M Fst Train H.oo M. 1U3A.M Eipress Train l'.M. UATAWISRA KAIL. IIOAD. NORTH, seiUTn Acoommodallon Train e.si A.M. 1,86 r. M. Itoxnlar Rxprcsa 4.M 1 M. 11,45 A. M. TuronBh cars on KxprcsstraluclllicrloNcw York orPWIadclplilt. Accommodation train runs between Cituwissa and Wllllamsport. PUULIO SALES. IXivid Lowcnlierg, Aelminietrator of George Ki'ewlck, dcceaKcil, will tell renl ct.ilo on tlie iremUes, In UlocrmburK, on January 17, at one o'clock, i. in. Tlie Administrator of John BeWilInc, ilc caaseil, will null real eslnte in Benton townrhlp on Saturday Jnnuiry 31st at one o'clock ) nv The Adiiiinitraloof Oolleib Guutlier wll eell real estate In C.ittwlfsa township on tlio eamo ilav it one o'clock p, m. The Admlnilrator of 1'eler Knt will fell real MM to In Ho.iringcreek towtirlitp on Saturday January 31t at two o'ebek p, m., and In Scott t jwnlil o" Friday, February Gth at 10 o clock a. ra. The AdminiilrJtor of Itebccca Smith wil' tell real eslnte In Mrillron township on Satur day, January 31sl at 10 o'clock a. ra. JS2SScc Advertisement in another column. The, band was out jerenndlng on Saturday night, and male pome irood music. Judge Elwell will bold cout In Sunbury next wek . I,. Winterstcen, Kq,, la acting Deputy 1'ro tbonotary. Mr. Hudson Oncn, of Berwick, made inn pleisnnl call ono day last week. He will plcat-e accept our llmnles for favor received. After threatening to rain on Monehy the storm gradually changed to snow, and about four inches fell during the night. Rev. Ij. timer went to Delaware on Mon day. Kev. Mr Hockwell, of lienton,will preaih at the Episcopal church nextSunday. Four arrests were made by the police for drunkennefR and disorderly conduct duriig the month of December. A true bill has been found against Spcar.imn for murder in Sullivan county. He w!ll be tried at February courl. Geo. O. Kryitinjrer and W. L. Dewart, jr , have become partners of J. E. Kichhollz in the Sunbury Democrat. A. II. Sharpies, of Catawia received first premium for Dark Brahmas at the 1'olUville poultry show last week. Curley is reported as sayinr but Utile. Tlie rumors that bo intends to 'squeal' may not be founded on fact. He has sene tnougli, at all events, to keep bis own counsel. The City Hotel at Danville Is n pie fan! place to stop. It U neat and orderly and the proprietor, Ada a Geringer, understand! his business. Answers to puzzler on the first page are in vited. We will print the names of those who send in the corrcct'answera by Wednesday fol lowing each issue. A chinge in the Henther occurred on Tues day night, the thermometer falling lo a low point. Ice dealeis are beginning lo fctl en couraged. A grind Milittry Bill is lo be held at Dan ville in the Open House on the evening of February 5th. It will ba given by Co. F.and the 12th Hegt. Bind, both of that place. The rMic Leilger Almanac for 1SS0 comes to us this year handsomely printed and con taining a large amount of political, religious, and every day information. It is presented to every subscriber uf the Ledger. The person who on the 30th of December got n watch in mislnke.which h is a photograph on dial and Masonic maiksand name on cn-e, will piea e return same nt once to llio i-hop where he got it nnd saye exposure. A meeting of the Executive Committee cf the Agricultural Society will be held on Satur day, January 17th, 1880, at 1 o'clock p. m, at the Exchange Hotel, Iiloomsburg, lo take action in regard to tho vacant K'cretaryhp and pass a suitable tribute of respect lo ihc dead .Secretary, Van C.mp fil,", I. O. of O. F. celebrated their thirty -ill ir 1 Anuiversiry in their hall al this place on listSilurday evening, Kohert Culhbert, (he only "iiryiving charter number, now firailvanced in years was present. There was also a number present who e omposed a put of its membership during the first yean of its existence. On Tuesday of last week, two young men by the name of Hhomack, of Centre township, were airc-ted by Constable Miller, of Berwick, for disturbing a religious meeting at Whit mire's school houso on tho previous Saturday. They were taken to Berwick and committed to jail by the Justice in default of bail. A man by the name of Lynn is wanted for the same offense. Elizabeth Volverton, the girl that has 1C" a subject of comment no former occasions, vens lodged in jail last week for breaking windows In Catawusa. She was violently imanc and smashed up some furniture at the jail. She has been taken on an order of removal to Bush township, Xorlhumbrrlaiid county where she Is supposed to belong and placed in iheAsy. lum at Danville by Ihat District. The success of recent numbers of Siribner have be;n so marked that tlie edition of the February number has been placed at 125,000, This number will contain the first part of Eugene Schuyler's illustrated life of Peter the Urett, which is said to be graphic and Inter esting lo an unusual degree; alsoMrs, Burnett's new story ' Louisiana,' which will prisent some strong contrasts ol character; a rolicking paper on Bicycling en li lied 'A Wheel Around the Hub,' and features. A paper on 'The DUadvaniages of City Boys,' by Itev. Washington Gladden, of Spring' fitld, Massachusetts, is announced for an early number of St Xichotai, The article is said lo bo based entirely on per-onal statistics gathered from a hundred prominent business men con cerning their surroundings, habits of life, etc., during boyhood The statements thus cc llrcted, will, i Is announced, exhibit a remarkable showingof Ihe 'Disadvantages of City Buys,' and en force strongly the author's bints toward a successful life, The paper, ruorooyer, is ad dressed to Ihe boy themselves. Greit Improvements have been mado at the Central Hotel, by Geo. H. Brown, Now slep Utl. I.n.. ...III,,., i - , ... .... ..UK ismirii iiH,r ureii piaceti ai i lie en trance to the office. The in terior Iub be en pa pered and painted, and a wash room filled up In llio basement. Tlie mulin,. mom I..- i,. newly carpeted and new furniture, placed in il, ,.. ii is u very cosy, iiome-llke room, Mr. Brown Is well known us a first rim. l.n,llnr,i ami will spare no expepfo or trouble to make ,., uuu-c pupmar resort, 't he table, under II, .If .1 - f- T. . .. . . iue um mat me market ailbrdi. r Seven companies of the Ninth llpi.tmi.nl. N G. of Pa., have signified their willingness lo participate In a parade at Wllkes-Barre on Washington's DlrlhiUy, February !22d,1880. William DeUeamcr, formetly of (his town, Is now living at Jloonsboro, Missouri, In tho employ of Osborn & Chapman, dealers to rail, road lies and limber. This Is tho Presidenlinl year. Every lnt.1 llgent man should take a county paper to keep himself Informed nf events at home as well as nbrniid, Subscribe for the Columbian. Gen E, Elwell has rentid llio office recently occupied by C. B. Uroekwny as n Uw office. The room has been enlsrged and Improre 1, Cipl. I rockway's ollbc Ins been moved t3 Ihc opposite side of the lull. The Counly Commissioners of Bradford counly hive purchased a farm in West Burling ton lownhlp, for poor hou-e purposes, There are 20 1 acres, and the price ald was $10 n acre. Twelve additional jurors for Ihe Oyer and Terminer wc j dlnwn on Tuesday, tnak'ng for tvelfjhl in nil, c'raw.i for February contt, This was done In orJer (o make the panel suf ficiently large In cae there should bo a homo- cide trial, We call thcaltenlion to tho new advertise mentof White eV Conner, This is a new firm b it the reputation of Mr. C. B. White, nnd the qualifications of Mr. Conter bring to it a Iirge trade, and wo have no doubt they will prove successful. Mr. J, K. B'ltenbender, Ihe publisher of this paper, left home on .Monday with the pur pose of spending a few days In Ihe upper town ships of thecounly in calling upon those who are not already subscribers to afford them an opportunity of subscribing for th" largest, best and cheapest paper, and leading Democratic juirnal published here. Wo have been so en couraged by Hie large number of names that have lately been added lo our list without so licilation, that we feel confident many hundreds can be obtained by u personal canvass which we now propose to nmke. The terms are only $1.50 a year, and we hope to place ihe paper m the h.iude of overy Democrat in the counly Miss Buckalew was one of the bride?' miiils at the marriage of Miss Carrie Tubbs and Mr. Geo. Mnrklu at Kingston on Wednes- d ly. Miss May Brower is visiting Miss Powell, in INew lork city. Miss Lilian Funston is visiting at Albany, sNcw lork. Miss Anna Rupert is slill in a very critical condition. N. U. Funk, Esq., spent a few days at i llliamsport this week. Hon. C. It. Buckalew is engaged in Court in il llkes-Birre this week. CHUELTY TO ANIMALS. M. C.Woodward lias been nppointed an agent of the Society for the prevention of cruelly lo animals, and we are informed that he intends to see Ihat the laws on that subject nre strictly en forced. There are many men who have so little care for Ihc comfort of the brutes that earn their living; that the animals arc oltcn made to sufler. Horses and mules with sore necks nre made to draw heivy burdens with the col- lus pressing upon tlinr wounds, nnd they are als ) lefi standing for many hours, and we have noticed ihcm for a whole day, without food or drink, while their owners nre sitting in com tirtable qnarters pouring in tho liquid tint m ikes brutes of them. The law forbids ouch tieafment of dumb brutes and we are glad lo know that an active agent has been appointed for this section. Thoso who lake no heed will meet with speeely punishment. Juibe ICoulictMler, in his charge to Ihe grand jury at Sunbury last week, congratulated the county on the small number of bills of in dictment presented. At tho opening of the Court there were but seven bills presented, ami they weroof a trivial character, whereas al terms some years ago the list numbered from seventy up to as high as one hundred nnd twenty. The abatement of crime in the county he attributed first, to Ihe return of general prosperity. Peoplo had employment and that great instigator of crime, idleness, was tho ex. ccptioii now instead of Ihc rule. Another rea son assigned 'for tho meagre business in Ihe Criminal Courts was Ihe fact that not as many licenses had bien granted, o'pechlly in the coal region. This he believed had much to do wilh'lhe lessening of the criminal business in that quarter. OltANClEVlLLE ITEMS. The meetings are still held at the Methodist church. Kev. Mr. Bice preached on Monday evening. There is talk of building n Methodist church nt the McIIenry school house. The students of the Academy are busy pro1 paring for tho exhibition which ccmesoiron the 23d. The band nro preparing a new piece tor the occasion. Prof. Harrison, of New Columbus spent last Sabbath in Orangoville. Everybody is comphining of the bad roads and that willi mud and snow the going is fearful. Schuyler Kramerdrovo to school on Tuesday from Kohrsburg, but the roads were so very lad that he left his wagon and went back on horseback. Henry Conner having returned Irom the West proposes to slay in Ornngeville a while. Yours truly, S. Gam.'. FEAlll'UL OUTItAOE AT PITTSTO.V, One of Ihe most diabolical outrages lint can be perpetrated was committee! at Pillslon on Saturday, a young lady nf about IS years of age being Ihe victim. When llio fads became known, the most intense excitement pieyailed, and if the guilty parlies could have been u prehended Ihey oiild havo been lynched in siamly. The circumstances aie as folluus: Two tramps, ono an old mar of perhaps 50 years of age, wearing a slouch hat, and ihe oilier of youthful appearance, entereil ihe house where Miss Hopkins was alone, engaged in her household duties. They aked for something lo eat, ami boing alarmed at their pre-ence mid fearful of violence should she refuse ihelr demuul she set to work lo comply. Her come ly appearance and l.'harmiiig physique aioin-eu Ihe passions of the brutes, mid she says that while her back was turned to them one of ihe scoundrels grasped her and pinioned her iirnn, while the other covered her mouth and i-moth ered her cries. Having bound her hands Ihey gagged her and threw her upon Ihe flour and accomplish d Iheir purpose. She became un conscious and is scarcely able to give any de scription of her Wuri-o than murderers, The police force were notified of Ihe affair. De tectives have been assiduously at work ever since Ihe commission of llio criuio In their efforts to apprehend the vlllians. It should be Ihe nim of every owner o Hoiees, Cows, lo make lliem as handome nnd U'elulns lKissible. Tlie German Horse and Cow Powder helps to develop nil the powers of the animal. It Improves its be-auly and increases lis usefulness It makes milk, muscle and fat. By using it a horse w 111 do more work and a cow give more milk and be in better con ditiou wilh less lecd. Sold nlv y weight at 15 ceuU a pound by U, A, Kltiiu, Bloomtburg Deo 12, '7 B-ly THE COLUMBIAN AND COONUlt. PKOCKED1NGS. Bloombiirg, Jannsry 7, 18S0, regular month ly mestlng of Council. Present I.S. Knhn, President and Mesrs, Evans, llabb, Holmos and Sharpie's members, Minutes of last meellng read and approved,. On motion of Mc-srs. Holmes and Evans, Ihe following bills tcre approved and the Secretary authorized lo lraw orders in piymenlof the same; Bill of Illonnasbuig Gas Compmy for December $72 00 Win, II, Ollmore, reel of Firo Company room 30 00 M. C. Woodward, services as Con stable 10 33 Jos. Sharpies! & Sin, grato Ac. for lOCK-lip l .'o Shsrpless h I.nycock, two Is nip osls 18 00 O. A. Jscohyj stone 10 110 Hirect Cymtuissioner, work and labor 9 70 Secretary's salary 15 00 Total, S174 24 On motion of Messrs. Holmes and Evans II was resolved ihat the Commissioner of High ways notify all parlies In the town where pave ments a-e not I eid or in proper cunditloli on streets hating side walks that the repairs shall be made within ten days from the date of notice or the repairs will ba made by llio corporate officers and the costs thereof with tw;nty per centum advance chargnl and entered agiint the properties nnd collected as authorized by law. Mr. Uabb reports that Mr. E. B. Bidlc man will mako the hooks for Ihe use of the Hook A Ladder Company, out of iron lor S5 per pair or out of sleel lor ?fi per pair. On motion of Mr. Holme' it was ordered that Mr. Beidlcman in-ke the c -pilled hooks from sleel nt $0. Mr. Kabb move I and Sharpless sec onded that six suitable lanterns be purchased at the lowest price for Ihe Hook h Ladder Company, Cained. On motion of Messrs. Evans and Sharpless a building permit for a bii'Ming on Second street was granted Ikrry W. Sloan, Mr. Berkley, ihe Town Sullci'or being presi cnt, reads an ordinance prepared in accorehnce with n resolution passed at list nics'ing in re Inticn to opening and extending Second street ea-twnrdly from tho Normal School. Mr N. U. Feink being present savs he rep' -s?uis and is attorney for Miss A'ice Snyder who letiy sold ihe land over which thes-tid Second st. eet is lobe extended, to Lloyd Dillon and that Mr. Dillon received a eleed fro u MissSnyeler for the same which was recordeil and that Mr, Dillon had no notice of Ihe rcleue executed in favor of the town by Miss Snyder for the laud over which the street is to ho extended, there fore the release Is invalid, Ac, Mr. Dillon also being present ubjcis to tlie opening and ex tending of the street, holding that tlie release from Miss Snyder is inoperative as against him for want of notice. Mr.Barkley expressed the opinion that the release wos a good one and that the same would hold. It was ordered upon motion of Messrs. Holmes an l Sharpless that the propo-ed ordinance be laid over for con sideration at next meeting. On motion ad journed. Mr. A- Neigcr, Tnylorville, P.t., writes: My mother, -in old lady of CO years, suffered for thirty years willi rheiimetism to such an extent that she was entirely lame. We procured from Messrs, Ludwig Bros., druggists, in Scranlon, Pa , n bottle of St Jacob's Oil, n-e'd it accord ing to directions, and saw our cfl'urls crowned wilh perfect success. Mother was relieveel. We acknowledge the receipt from Dr. J.C Aycr & Co., of Lowell, Massachusetts, of co les ot AVer's well known Almanac lor ISsll in English, French, German, Dutch, Norwegia Swedish, Spanish and Portuguese, the whole forming a corection well worth preservation The publication of these carefully prepared and reallv valuable books at ihe rnio of ten million copies per annum, all for gratuitous cir dilation in all quarters of the globe, is one of tlie marvels of this marvelous age. It takes eight months lo print them nt the rale of fifty thnns-ind per day and production of them con sumes nearly five hundred ions of paper. The little annual is a welcome vlsitoratevery fireside an 1 it has, like the stamlinl medicines prepared by its publishers, Ihe deserved confls dence of the entire public. Hoiinsnuitu news. Surprise parties are becoming quite frequent in the vicinity ol ltohrsburg. Our friend J. P. Dewitt on tho night of bis birthday, January Cth, was agreeably surprised by a parly of friends. -Mr. I. F. Black, wife ami daughter, .Mr. H. It. Albertson, wife am daughter, Mr, Geo. Cole nnd wife, James elsh and wile, Mr. T. J . iteese and wife. and several gents without partners, and some one of the party bringing a line, f.it turkey. After supper was served, the parties mdulzed in lively hop until near three o'clock in tho morning. Tho doctor ssys they had a splendid time. His wire not engaging in dnnccs.nl though invited, did nut attend. This however was rather unfortunate, ns all enjoyed them selves greatly. -More of the eame sort nre in anticipation. On Saturday cioning, tho 12th inst.. Mr. Charles Dildine, of Mt. Plea-ant and .Miss Almeda Hogart, of Iiohrburg set sail in the ship matiimonial. DECS.MUEH WEATJIElt. The following is a meteorological summary or record of the weather at Catawirsa luring die month of December, 1S79, compiled by W, G, Yetler from observations by William l'ruett. Biromelric pressure corrected for tempera ture and elevation Highest pres-ure on the 13lh, 30GS7 inches; lowetton (he Oih, 29,030 inches; monthly ranges 1.057 inches. Tempera ure of the air Highest tempera ture on Ihe Cth, 095; lowest on tlie 27th, 3'; average temperature fur the month 3o.C; av erage of same month during provious year (1878) 30 2; raonlhly range, 27.5 on ihe 1st and the len-t daily range on the 21sl 7.5. Moisture Number of dajs on which rain or mow fell 10; total amount of rainfall and melted snow 4.00 enchea. Amount of snow which fell during the month 0,45 inches. Bain fall duiing the same moil lb in previous year 1 25 indies. Wind The highest hourly velocity of tlie wind during tlie inotuh was 31 miles from (lie west on the 15ih lust. .llt'Mulliu Indicted. The grand jury at Philade lphia, returned u true bill against ex Alderman McMullen Inst -Monday charging him with riut, carry ing a concealed eleailly weapon, anel assault nuil buttery upon .Michael C, Lyons with intent to kill. Tne charges grow out nf the row at the Fifth ward democratic coin cnl ion recently, which resulted in the murder ot Bernard Kiley. The particulars of the case will be well remembered. The riot took place at Hart man's saloou.on Fiflli,Blreet,near Locust.nnel during Ihe fight which grew out of thectlorls of tho Fourth ward politician? to pack the elemocr.itie convention with delegates in the Itarjdnll interest to the stale delegate con vention" which wan held at tho Assembly buildings. Now that the Grand Jury has done its duty it is to be hoped that this bully will receive lifa just deserts. The nuoner the Democracy of Philadelphia shake off su h men a-i Bill McMullln anil his gang the bet ter it will be for them and the country , Cl. ...... a., X, fv SI 1. -11 r!-i. . .iiiut.i.a,. w.. , ...aiPMuii, .uieu, sunt sn iUK-iu in .., i""7 h, uuyc, hi u .tinry eu siuu per mouth and expenses j, yut fUj p,ttjc. ulan address M above, Nov. 21-lr, DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, ANNUA!, HEPOltT. Editors or TtiF. C'oLUMiiiak: As thovenr of 1879 has rlo'eil upon us, through ihe lender mercies of God I havo again been spared In transmit lo your many readers, my annual rci xirt. It Ins been an evenlliil year. 1'rospority a once more clnwiiine unon us as a nation nnd a people, The indusirv of our nation has been dally reviving, nnd specie piyments have been resumed, i be Lnru Ins l lesseil tlie husbandmen with a bountiful crop. Aecoreling to Prof. E. 11, Walker, of the New York Produce Ex change, the wheat crop, of the United States, was dsa.uuu.uuu oi i ui-ii c is, which excepting last yenr, Is by lar the I ergo-l crop ever grown In this country. Thus we have enough nnd to spare, to meet llicwaulsof our neighborsncross the Atlantic, Our exiort fir e xceed our Im. polls, hence gold and silver l flowing into the country hv millions upon millions, We nl'o find Ihat labor Is in demand, which will natu rally Increase the wage's of the Ireehnnlc nnd laborer. Our tgwn wa vi-lted by a fire on tho morning of the 12lh of August, It proved to he me ear works ot our eruerprising iriends, u. M. Si J. K. Ijoekare1,m d In less than two bouts, wascnilrely con-ninnl, with all lis michineiy, a "serious los to tho owners nnd lo our town. But through (heir entvi.y mid perseverance, tbne 1 irge buildings have att-cn, Plievnlx like, from the ahes of the old one. and by the 12lh of November, just three mouths, was in full blast ngaln, wilh intile new machinery, all being constructed for convenience nnd dura bility. To such men, eur town is largely in debteil, fjr their iinliiiiitablc ei ergy nnd perse verance, nnd may they long live to receive the pntiotinge of agenerous public. We have, as a people mid a union, been greatly ble-sed with an abundant harveet. nnd 'iu prosperily of bu siness interests of nil kinds, nnd icacc at home and iibrmd. While olher nations have been sjourged with plague nnd famine, we have been spared t'flese trials Tl.eie Is no nation on God'- footstool whicl. has greater caue for thankfulness and prabc than the United Stales, fir (lie mercies tint have ciowneel Ihe year 1879 Now, my fellow travelers, we are enter ing ution tho threshold of a new year. It would be proper for lis 10 stand anil paii'o, and lake a serious view of the many occurrences that may happen to us this year, Ih it we may be prepared to meet them. The future is in deed, unknown to im, nnd there nre events which we knoev tie before us, an 1 wet aio sure they will occur. Hut nt what particular time they will happen, whether this year or next year, whether tills day or to-nmirow, is to us an uncertainly, the close of Hie present l:fe, and our entrance into eternity. That wo luii-t uie. is ns certain as we now lire, but tho hour en year when, is kindly and wisely concealed from us, ihat wo may bo ready nt Ihe Master's call. My readers, I think it possible that some of us may die this ycai; you would think it a very uncommon thing, ihat not one should elie this year in Iiloomsburg. Ye-, my friend', many nave died the past year, whomadoa pirt of our assembly in the past. I woul 1 exhort you, my fellow Iravele-s lo the bar of God, to stop and think nnd reflect, nnd come to Jesus, as Lvilia of old did, and be bo'll a child nf God anel an. , t ..i ... ,i ; ..i.fi. ., . . , lieir oi Kiory ami iiiippuicT.a which wie revoill' (ion of years shall never terminate. In fact, nil tho blessings that are. needed to lift man up into the favor of Goel, and keep him there lor ever, nre stored up in tho person of Jesus, in whom God's love hath displayed il'tlf to the fullest tlfgree. Jesus is the sum and substance, crown anel glory of the Go-pcl. The temperature of 1S79, on an average liaB beenn mild one, no great exlremes ol either cold or heat. January was the coldest month of tho year. January 3d 1 below zero and the 17th was 4 below zero, the coldest uf the year. Thermometer fur February, highest point 44, lowest poi' 1 1 below z-ro Thermometer for March, highest point 38, and lowest point 1UJ nbovezero TLeimomeler for April, bighei-t point 7& and lowest 21 above zero. Ther mometer for May, highest point 90 and lowest 44 above zero Thermometer for June, high est point 91 and lowest point 50 nb ,ve zero. Thermometer for Julv, morning of tho loth 74 at 10 o'eloek a. in v S2 at 11 o'clock, 92a at 12 o'clock, 93 at 3 o'clock p. m.,lUOal5o'cloik, 90 nt 0 o'clock; 90 in tlie shade on the morn ing of July 16th, 7(5' at 10 o'clock a. m.,Sl al 11 o'clock, 9G at noon, 9S at 2 o'clock, 100 al 4 o'clock, 100 at 5 o'clock, 90" at 8 o'clock, 89 in tho shade. The most exces-ive heat was on July 16th, hottest elay of the year, Then mometer for August, highest point 92 and low est point 51 ih tlie shade. Thermometer for September, highest point SO' and lowest point 30, Thermometer for October, highest point 02 an.) lowuit point 2.1. 1'roiii the 1st to the 17th of October was the warmest weather for that month that I ever knew in my recollec tion. Thermometer for November, highe-t punt 72 and bwest point 15 above i ro. Thermometer f,r December, highest point 60 nnd lowest point 6 above zero. During the year 1879 there were clear ehys, 179, some of them pirlially, cloudy days. 128 rainy elays,3S including nights: snowy, 2(1 eiays, including nights. Thero were thunder showeis the first on March Mh, in April 2, in May, 2, in June 13, in July 10, in August 0, in Sep tember 2, in October 1, making 37 for the en tire year. Whole depth of snow from Janu ary lt, 1S79 to January 1st, 18S0, was 4 leel 101 inches, Tlie mortality within the borough limits of Lltooinsburg elunng the year J8i9, was as follows: rrotn I'ighly to ninety, 4; from seventy to eigly 4 ; Jrom " sixtv to 70, 7" from fifty In sixty, 2; from forty lo fifty, 1; from thirty to forty, 2; from twenty lo thirly. 4; fn m len lo twenty years, 2; Irom the craeiieii iniant up to Mi eirs, lo, making in all 41 within tho borough limits of lilomn.. burg, a filling off of 51 Irom 1878. The aeer- age mortality within Ih- borough Mm t- of uloomstjurg lor llio last Ine years is 71) per jrui. mv leiucrs, mm is ine ursi week of January, 1880. I wi-h vou nil a biiiiov vear. as many of us will pis- nwny lo the spirit 1 m l ere this year doses. I would exhort all out of Christ to Ihe grle of iifuge. Il is cq en, ye-s, wide open. The eternal spirit of God with Hying leel, will bear thee within, if thou wilt accept ll.e terms. Let not the bells ol eternity ton ine iiearu i,nen oi my sunt, r.t-cnpe lor thy life, le-t thou lie consumed. All of which is ii-spectfully submit'ed l,y your friend and well wi-hir, JOHN S.NV11KK. See a woman on horseback in another cc's u.nn, riding near Speer's Vineyards, with a bunch of Grapes from which Sneer's Port Grape Wine is made, tint is so highly esteemed by le medical profej-su n for the use ol ', val J weakly persons and the ngeel. Sold by Druggists. June 27 1-v. Business -Notice:- iY lot nf Chestnuts for salo bv Silas Y'ountT at Light Street. December, 19. uw. Lutz ef-Sloan aro selling Drv Goods veiv cheap to reduce stock before they move. See tho display of ladies' Muslin under garments in I, W. ILirtmaii's window. , - - - Sm . -i. i ! liubbers atJIcKiniiey's, 200 nice thrifty white' sliotes that weigh 35, 40, CO, and CO lh. ; wanted at Liht Street by fjilas Young. jNnv, 21. 2-m. A few Ladies' Coats tit I. W. llartman's cheap for cash or produce. Hoot headquarters at McKintiey's. Wanted 200(1 IbTof 'nice dried Itasnber- rles, at 25 ce'pts per pound.- 'And 2000 lbs of nice drift! ji.ltcd 'cherries fur which 1 will pay the very highest market price. Sii.as Youkc July lS-Cm Admission free at McKinney's, A few ladies' Coats and childrens' and la- diet' Fur very cheap at Lutz c'cj'jloan's, I. W. Hartman opens this, week a nice Hue of New Calicoes. 4,000 pounds of nice ilried apples) wanted nt Silas Youngs store Light Street for which l nut pay me Highest, market prices. December, lo, 2-m, T. W. Hartmnn's ilmililn KtnrA line tnanv attractions which were not in the tingle Hoots and Shoes cheap at McKionej'c. 000 fleef hides wanleel by Silas Young Light Street for which I will pay the high est cash market price. ' December, 19, 2-m. I. W. llaitmati's New Grocery has many advantages over the old, 1 will nay 0 cents per pound cash for 200 good veal calves that weigh Irom 125, 130, 110, 150, to 100, lbs. and upwards. You can bring them on Monday Tuesday and Wed nenlay of any week Noieniber,2I, 2-ni Silas Young. Oa.ll at MoKiuuey'H for Etioes.. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE or valimhu: REAL ESTATE U TllO tindfr1i7nrir1 Artminlntrnt Ar nf J Mm lliUtiHnn lute of Ucnton township, deceased, will oxpoao to ruuiiu stuu uii uig premises on Suttirday, Jnnuiiry 31, 1880, at 1 o'clock p. in., tho following LOT OF GKROUInTX) In Henton township, boundeit on the north by lanJs ot Joseph Ash, Samuel Yost, ami Daniel hhultz, on tho east by lands ot William Iplier, on llio south by lands ot Jonas Doty, Hiram Depooond John Knrns, on tho west by lands ot liussell Min t, containing 104 ACRES, moro or less, on which Is erected A FRAME HOUSE, barn and other out-buildlngs. Sold subject to I ho pajment annually of tlio Inter, est on tho dower to the widow of John llelslillnc.aid at her death to t he payment to the heirs. ii.ii.Msui- ssLit-ien percent, ot one-fourth of f tin nil.-elliso mnnnv In Im nnM nt ,tm tf.ii inn of tho property, the one-fourth less tho ten per cent. ui. um vuiiunniiciuu oi rsaie, anu i lie remaining three fourths In one vear tlierenrier win, i,,tr.rot tmm contlrmatlon nisi. J.M.liniSHLlNK, Administrator. W.J. IircKALUW, Attorney for estate. Jan 0 'siMs ADMINISTRATORS' SALE OK VALUAUI.B REAL ESTATE . Pursuant to an order of tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, Pcnnsjivanl , wtlt ho sold at pub llo sale, on tho premises, In Cauwlssa township, In said county, on Saturday, January 31, 1880, tho follow Ine tl- crlbi-d real estate, late of Ooltlob (lunther, elece se-d, to-wlt I TIlUTNo 1. All that certain lt, pleci or parcel or land, situ itc In Caiawlssa township, county ot Columbia, state of cnnsvlvanl.i, bounded and de scribed as follows : em the east tij puMlo ro.H aud s. II. Jt W. II., II., on the west by land cf ejeorge Zirr's estate, on Hie north by land ot Henry Hol IhiKMiead and on the south by land ot eieort'a Zarr's estate, cjutalrilnj Ono and One-fourth Acres, The Improvements nro a Larga 2 Story Franc Dwelling Houso, and basement. Thednelltnff has a piazza nronnd two Mites nnd a flue lawn Intront. There Is a frame kitchen, TWO GOOD WELLS OP WAT Kit, A Large Bank Barn of tho most substantial character. Also a large frame Butcher Shop, Ice House and other out-bulldlnirs. All being well calculated and haling been used for tho purpose of cirrjlog on the butchering business. TltACTNo. a. All that cerium pie, pireel or tract ot land situate In CatawUs.i township, ;county and state aforesaid, bounded and described as fol lows: On the north b) laids or Joseph llrelsch, on the cist by land of .Joseph Oonimer ami Charles liommcr, on south by lands ot James Iteeelor aud on the w est by land of Daniel Ilelwlg, containing SIXTEEN ACRES, all cleared land with a stream ot running water, l'ersoiisdeslrlngtoilewtliepreinlses'- will please call on the administrators, salo to cojnmeuco at 1 o'clock, p. m. Tkhms ASn Coviutiovsofai.e, Ten per cent, of the one-fourth of Ihe purchase money to bo paid at the striking down ot the property. Tho one-lourth less ten per cent, nt contlrmatlon absolute, and the remaining three-fourths In one year thereafter with Interest from contlrmatlon nisi. CLINTON KI.LH, .VAHVOUSTIlEit, Administrator, CatawUsa, liiuw-N, Att'y for estate. Jan s-ts ORPHAN'S COURT SALE OK VAI.UAW.K REAL ESTATE ! lly virtue of nn order c f the Orphans' Court, of Co lumbia county, tho undersigned administrator de- bontsnon of tho estate of Peter Knt, late cf r-cott township, Columbia county, deceased, will cxikjm; to public sale, on the premises. In Itoarlngcreek township, on Saturday, January 31, 18S0, at twoo.elock In the afternoon, tho following describ ed real ct ito, situate In Koirlngcreek townshlp.Co- liunui i county, bound-M and ilescrliied as follows. to-wll: AeljDlnlng hind cf th heirs of Tench cox. deceased, lauds ot luntel Itarlg and the Columbia nnd ischujlktll count) line, con ulnlng 420 Acres and 75 Porches more or less, whereon aro eiectod a Saw Mill, Dwelliuglloiisfi and Fan About 33 acres are cleared. There Is a large amount ot PROP TIMBER on iho land. ALSO, on tho premises In Light street on Friday, Fcljiiniry Gtli, 1880, at lo o'clock. a. in . will be exposed to public sale, the lotluwtng ele- bed I t cf rrrour.il bounded ly Walimtstrett m lie nor'h.Maln street on the west, nuul!e, onth, eaM t,iuiut of W. II. nut, deceas ed on tho nolo., , t-reen nro erected a Iwd siory Fr.ame Sbiv- and Dwelling House fr.uuo stable .11 d oilier oiil-bulldli.gs. I tllM.s or r..l.K-ieii per cent of onc-fouilli of Iho puichase money to 1m paid al the Milking down of the piupcrty, tho one-foiuth less tho ten per cent at the confirm ulon of sale, and rho remaining three fourths In one year thereafter with Interest from couilruullon nut. v.i. 11. i:xt, Administrator. Jan o-ts " "OIU'HAN'S COURT SALE O. VAI.r.MII.K REAL ESTATE ! The undersigned administrator cf Hebccca smith, lato of the township of Madison lu tho county of Co lumbia, deceased, will esposo to publlo tale by vlr- tuoof an orelerof tho Orphans' Court of said count lu proceedings In partition, on tho premises In said towLisntp of .Mautson 011 Saturday, January ol, 18S0, at ten o'clock in thu forenoon, tlm follow Pg de. aerlbeil real estate late tho estate of said decedent. No 1. A certain tract ot land bltu.Ho In tho said tow nshlp of Madison, bounded by lands of Abrah uu tiroadt, deceased, Conrad Kreamer, William Miultz, A. K. hmlth, tho land below described as No. v. and loud of tlie he'rs ot laisha 11, Hinltli, dece sed, con- SEVENTY-ONE ACRES and fourteen perches, more or less, situated on the publlo road leading from Eyers' (Iroie to White Hall, nearly all cleared and under cultivation, on w hlch Is FRAMJ!. dwelling house, fruma h.irn finrl J.JPJPTj'E orchard No. S. The undivided nne-lmlr ,,irt nr ,Mn,. nt oertatn lot of land situate In kald Meiiunn mu nssin of which the said decedent was seized as tenant la common Willi A. K. Mnlth, bounded by tho aboio mentioned iractNo,, aud theeald puMlo road and one. 01 ivuiiam miuhz, containing THREE AOEES, raoro or less, cleared land ln good cultivation, 0 which Is a Frame Dwelling House out-bulldlurs, a good well of waterand fruit trees, TKUMS OF SALE.-Teu per cent, ot theone-tourth of the pu-ehase money 10 be paid at the striking flown of the propeity, the one-fourth less the ten per cent, at tho confirmation of sale and the remain Ing three-fourths In ono jcar thereafter Willi inter est from contlrmatlon nUJ. Deed to bo paid for by Iho purchaser. CONIIAI) K1IKA.MEI1, Administrator, June) town, pa, Jan 9 ts. J Oil l'HINTUMi ' Neatly and cheaply executed at the CoLVMiiiM Office, OIU'lJAX'.s COURT KALE Ol' ' I M I t REAL ESTATE ! 1' 1,1' 'etifrn fi-lr rt i, it,- 1 u rofco- ' ' M ' r of 1 1 ' "II ' ' ' ' I II '',.'' , I., I ' e , el VI I , ' ' i 1 ,1 j O h 1 e e 11 ' I.D 1 in . In I uolii 11 . e 1 ' ,e ,' , O'i t-'iilurday, .limitary 17, jVSSO, rl oi i o' K. n. in . .V '" ' 'ii 1 1 ' ils Miei n ill-Town C ' um ' l 1 1' i I .- I i, il .,l an I i .i r i vmo w't t e.ii i.h- i . i i, i r-t ,f i .1 , n , e r , ii, u , , , ,, . j.( i ' I ' A i d e ! n , -' i, ,'ii ' ' i ' 1 1 1 1 ,e , , i, mi. i . d ii e . piti. i,i r on are wot ) .une Dwelling House ii-1 lichen. t I J'1! LrplivryStalila, Cam'aieHora l"'ll - i n ii llO'li , i' r, , nMl other mi' build i-i ndw ;i-f i i r at llio Mublo nuda i u i t l,o I ui i 'ig jiun-e. i ms up su.r.-'icn per cent, of no on-- ii of lit" pu i-li.i-e moiii-y to be p, I nt llio i.-il iimr im- i inp i i, ihe one ruin 1 1 ss I'' i a' lb linn iiion ,,f s ml iho : "i 1 i" i ' . ' i . .r then i-.r Willi ii, i , ., , , , i. d lob - p.i d I ji- b. i.i pneliisrr, IiyVi ) i.'iivrvnr in. II! 'I f- I' dec!', ts Aeliiilnl,,! , nr. O. 23 SAVAGE, ilvsrwaro. Watehcs.Jovolry.C!ocks.!c5 ltelnoeeil to the I'nsi nm,.., i.nti.itr... ,,..-.,,..-.- above the K.ihangc Hotel. All kinds of Watches, docks and Jewelry neat ly repaired and warranted. ma)- 11, -,3-11 Farm Accounts! ll fry rarniiT i-houl.l know ltnvr to kefp them. An c-iittri iVitrwRTi'lcimii.Moetrm Ju trie tin ). Heini lxintjlforfnol lriuUrrttntni(itANT & Stihtios Xlffii-VEftiJ UoLLtufc.. 103 H. Tenth fot,rkij..UUrUia. oct. ir, law a 8 Atl,-r(lsln 'inn 11 Mr ,-l ul-r,' n.l,-r tlalng i-ouu.tc-tiiijyL iimut-tur 11 I.N NhlV VOItlv, feb. u, '71 If r l'cb.7, 7a-ly Dauchy & Co's. Advt'a. TIT 1 ITDi'l Mool. Cnrernnd Hook onlj fu.i to tS5 r A tJl "I-1' 'Nf- - t l.'i eils. Knee ln" 1 s II-,-' ' lliuu, nlv J9-;llolld.iy .N. n-ii, i- l-'p'u. ddres llANIKI. 1'. 111. TTV. e, asuu.ii'on, .1, ei jinuisw i (ii'AT- WiNTIlli-Vor thebesr and fastest A s'liintr rti't"rl.il Hooks and lllMes. Prices re cTiic dr pen -nt. NenosAi, I'viimmiini, Co. Phil adelphia, I'a d J in in. 'su-lw $10,000 I0X LI FK AM) l'iiOl'Ki.TY I' will tc p.t lil to ntr p"-r-nn w ho 1- l. MI inn-1 wan I V.'fiME i. M lli 1 'inn . t UaO'J . ft !'... i our for f t. cunts rou i k t fc.ii. Mat' or JVin ut'. S. S. NUION'S SURTY I.AMrOO.. !) I 1 rt. ' Sjlcsro'im 13 Wsi ItroudWHy, n. Y, ritP.H A hinii1r PKPtnlilp rt'innly? fnr th.s 1 1 efeirlliil ir, n r,l rir, lit I I , IIULC Itlon.HroULlut 4,1 atorrli htliuialit'u.3Aro.ifg; an-t tut.? Agtn nn$. Al ) Il JMltimp flirrtl rndlrnl rurp for I,tr.-ui-i jTclniny ami )IE( sSttVOUi C lul'lalnta, i At h hm ltn tt teti n (in (icruiaiit 1-rincb, r nt-ht-h) inr i niar-C .liiifitn'lur-tiin'.n'iit l i i lrro ui plmiKon AGENTS RE THIS ! i u ii .in : ut In nil-, i H-inie I" v liom w c will pa a - 'I ol f '" p I In i l'i ..lid i v . ijm-- t. s II our -,. nt mil I'.u ml... i w i-Li: fill.' il.tr,.sv ntuli MW.vl ' , M Mt-II M.I., Mil i Ii. AN. nn --sw d ft C"'i!) FLA'J. 1; 5(TS C iT4 I'oi a '--'' "f e ,1 eiii. i , ,, I 35 86 S .-.M-Il.liA lint AHAi: ei , , ..jP.H EOT A -1U I.-AL.--A ul 111 UUl ( IHH ! H. ItUliJ ,.M I i ml Ur.ili il o tint the it ,ni" i r r. i lil t n In ihu ulu t.l in.- huttl '. pl. i y i.t . t . (.OOli.1. I.S v i o.. P.. -loi ON 30 OAYS TBiAL Wi -vv ill -en, l r I l. ilro-V,il.ili I'.. I'-. ,i s it inn if il lot ;u ii.i Kilts It lit 1 1 1 . i.h. Ulll i -I Clp llll.- API lint hllll -1 It - II 111 M' I- - or iiw t ti, i- or I. Id in tiiv uiiii-i ill-, um s. a Kin,1 1 mo ninei ui'. p.iv. Aililr, ss VDI.TAR-IIKI.TC'O.. Jlltlslt. itien iu ii A UDITOH'H NOTICE. lu tho maltf r of tin estatr of Thomas l!'tif. Ih thu Court of Coin mot i Pleas uf Coluinltla coun ty. Knuir. I'ourt tippotiil T. .1 ViiiiUvt (slice, mntlti.r lu (llstrluuU1 lutiJ-i la the haudh ut Ihc AKIuhte in i in; i in it r. The Amlltor In Tmruancc of the toti'irolnL' n- nnitiimcnt. ulll titttud In the iltutifH iliiiinf nt iiu dtllci' lu IHiKJinshurir en Saluidnv the t;th tltynt .lUlltl(ll, 1,U1 '.MM 1 JIJHU III , MlIL'll UIIU Wllt'lt1 un iMitli h IniiTi-Mfil ulll iient their L-luhnscr he (Iv-'L'.irmHitJiacoinlns liu-ii said fuiitls. 1, J, VA.nDUUSI If k, AuUitor. tlto 19.-4W A L'DITOU'S XOTU'K. In ncM itfl nr SimiHl AlNrt-ion, di-ren"-.!. In the t'ili ui'" nnm ot t 'ilumliU i-utint . Nuw liciiMiiinril. ) ii ml iniitlnii i if P. ll I it tin Esq , "t h Jinns t. VniiderKliC"'. Is annjlnteii nuillii r t. s'. in- tin ut i-.iiiiit fur v.. V. uftmlnl.sii.tttir ilc lifitit-4 hoii (ti Nimiiel MlH'itscn, Ji,it'ii-el.s.ittl om? hiiutiUici t hh'an tuTuttiit in (lU-illeuce tu ihi Cltnllt-ii ml I.N llitl.ixit losl.is iiHK-et'dliij.'M.t! h tlil eltiithni. mid il I nnls IniMiii; lift the lui l-dh tloii Of thNi Mint Ins reshh-liee U'lUtf iinkiuiuu. UV THt t OCKT. Notlrt Is lierehv trl rn that Hie utiiieikiirnn win attentl to the tlutlejuf hi apH)liitiui.'iit st hlsotlUv la lUoomhburir (-a Frld iv Januarv ihe icih. 1 m tfo'cl'j'ku in. len und hcro all purtlebliileribt (1-P .Mnlllor. A I'uiuiKf) .Nunci:. F'TATK nr (MOWAU-ADSH ISOBEHTjl. fill I Ml ' 4 r. I V V h I in J in i i itN imu prfiried'i'L'K ft thu nr. p'l.'h tilt ut h i.-l i lUiU UiUTtllU ll 1 tUU U 11 1.1 i v t, Aii I nt w ViO. 1. 1T9. on mniti.n,f f 11 iiifitw J. m i i. in-, mn i'H ttti i.i -r I t(l (Mm . I -Ht Tt- h.t. I. I Ui .Wlw i. MUit-.t, 4ii(,i (I- I' I ill f llif lllelcr 111 Ull'Cll liiliit,' i,tt . i, it.nl , i loifiu I 1 i'M tin-1' lUulliiU Mtlo ul s lir.,.1 TV THK't"l"'T cm i"! It -in Ui- ittuonh tli!- i i i. ii.i ut l. - (tin" v i :kv, M Kllll rl , 1 1, (II 'Iho A urt'tof In pnfsy'ij( n pf.f ' 1 i,.,, . if t 111 h' w " 1 ' ht it I I lit' at lit I IU l.-u. ,u IimiIi if I I ill ' I , ( U I I lit ,IMI. ",,l .(! ,Vt 0 ' " t, . I -( h h Oiiii wi i ii ,i it U 1 1' u i 1 j.i- . ttl ih 1 ' i tluit Ol bed t t l'1 i t . ;ia alvi lu. di. J.H.CUI.'K, " Au.uwr bJ(T4TK W fUUAll KBIT II ISl'KiiMD. Notic. uii. ivh ifivi'u t int thu uiul. rlww aiw puinti-.i hv thi' (irpiiims .iiirt ut n lumhia fount v tu Iiuik ilMiihinhiii it ni, inom-j in tUi-lm iuCi .... .. MM-.. ...II KMIIKI till' III ,r Ml" V'H'HS t'llll- 1 1 ll I 1 I T t 111 i,Mt !i l 1 .1,, U'.t . ,t ,J i.n.mlul. un'iit ih im. ill Ii J i. ks lt. I in i 1 1 w li k uit nut 1 1 , ii. i) ii 1 1 i lit i (, iti, ,ii n. i t h i IlllJ.I M UM II. .it Wh I ll t ,1.1. iillet 1,1 nil t.i.IIi.i juh n hmi inn' i i p. r-.ni i it miii ihiiriUiui'.or uv V U4IIVU MVUl u 11U.1 11 IHIIUII i.kuo t. 'in ni pu iv I deolMu Auditor. PA. That the I uhlic nny ho prolec eel ncalint Imilati iri" ntul Krotnl wo specially caution til pur chasers of EENSOK'S CAPC1HE I0H0OS PLASTERS lo see thai the worel CAI'e. on each plaster is spilliel correctly. Do not allow some other pla-lcr lo hu pnlmeil oH'undcr similar sonnellng mines, wi h the nssurntice that It Is Iho same lliini; or asi'imil, Hour m minel that the eu.ly ohject such venilor can hnvo is Ihe fact that they can huy iinTlu iiiiK at half the prico of tho geiiuii e, mil they he pe hy this substitution to gain a small ml.li innai jirolii. HI) HLItY .1 JOILS'SON', lM1nri11actutlc.1l chemists, New York, el jan2-4w Tine Corner Main and Mtirkct Streets BLOOMS BURG, PA. The undersigned liktlng been In tho W 1 1 (I I.I A iiii Id business for the past eleven years would call tho attention ot the publlo irenerally, and CUI'NIHY niSAi.mtS lu particular, to their lariru and varied slock, M consists; of Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Patent Medicines, Spices, &c. BROWER'S BLOCK. IN IT MAY BE FOUND A LARGE STOCK OF troN(ii:s CHAMOIS, COI.OONn'S, 1'EItFU.MEllY, ClOAKS, 1'ANCVAUTICLr.S, TOILET SOAPS, TOO I II Ullt'SllEH, IIAIK l!ItL'Slli:s, LAMPS, and in fUct every thing that should be kept in a complete and well regulated Drug Store. They are the sole Matuii'aciuiea ol" tho Celebrated Also tho Manufacturers Dlt. W. Al. BICKLEY'S Celebrated and N VALUABLE PJIEPA RATfONS. Conniound Aromatic Iron. Improved Cream ling Agent, Improved Hose Pectoral. The Beset Remedies Made. Highly Recommended br Physicians imrm mmwms, Oct IT .'J.-'v, order bust nes nnd when person, when tako thorn back. clerks, who nro able to wo nro ennblod to glvo innrr i mniir Bratfivivwii' wi fppr mis?' customers ic40 Xmto tha chotco to its. With n reputation of twenty yeura nt retailing, wo cannot nfford, to loso our good namo by lank of proper service to absent customers. Wrlto plainly, nnd describe fully what is wanted, nnd. about tho prico desired, Address, John Wanamaker, l n.nnt n... n..,i. ts.UIJIDOl.Uljr uuuua uuusu, Philadelphia. r.-.i VOlt Cvu, ' , v oliis, JhuucliltUf JIuiirhpTIIDIMf TlcLUucfir Urjiiifc-uf ihu Tli rou t horii Tliroittt Cola In Iho Head, Croup, lii(lurDza Wlioopinffroiifili, t'ohl Iu tlio llmvel-i, A-lhiiiatlo t'ouslm, mjJ rtlU't'uf t'uuituuiiitltip, W, (,IIAn,IOVIH:orMNti,.il.l.. TO'! le Mill, . I . p I 'p ll 11 - I 111, f',IP(iM(,.' , ll it 1 p I I IiiiuI-i.p e . i 1 1 e . i I.t p ,.r el pi., lu, ,.- e hoi t. Ll 111' el ettipi.l, I, t Hue., 1 ppp mil I.t V I IHun 1 1 wren. Tl li'lw BlllHi'l'li'll nt Hi, nn il Ip. qu. t,t ,i in ,iliu K. 1 e'Vele-i- iu li.r.u-C1te-k It-ee l.-lili I nor l'1-ll i, . . s it p'l i.h. itvi. i- .n unit I.. J'.. Nuiier, A. tt-'lll L- , I I . 1 III 111 I , h . . ui.i p i .i . ii i.. i . h, i iinuiiiii i ii tiLi. be-ill i pp p u. 1. 'I Ii. , . hi t f .1 in, Mi Hi. ui-el I in i , Hie-ftUitr e.,uiu.llti p. el M.,tv'.tt, 1 1 imii, nii,aiu-. M. Kli.l Mi.M il, Jan s,'eei-tc J'rotUouolary, f& .Mi mmm mm KOsgaEB.slNMl Bfi'iii; SI ore, BEPilflEIT OLOllES, and Sole Proprietors Wine of Gentian and Camphor, Worm Kil Out of town peoplo who can not conveniently travel, mnyhovo wim ples sent thorn of Dry Goods nnd all other goods thntwo bell, if they will write ub. ro chnrgp, and no need to if not suited. Wo mako it n to rtttend to such lettera quickly; orders coma wo send tho exact nrtlclo wanted, and at exactly samo price na other customers pny when hero buying in goods nro not na ordered, wo Having trained and responsible uso discretion In filling orders, groat satisfaction to tho many u Pn. JinoWKIKO la a rrsmlar t-r-auatocf mc 4tic ,a fUUIul arai-JiajtLp.riu.il id not tue ro euit cf tucro cliaucc, but of lonjr Mciitlflo rt-wariUla chemistry ami iaf llrtno, ti U lalnljr icva hy tho rai'iiiity of 1U atioa aui It VnTi.ir.iHt 1 1 ti'l.-aiy, Tho txjir ii tti in it minufai ture 1 at lt.i't ( ir.fiaufc'rcatMt'.utof any oi i r iu 1Mihs uinn the market, an l 1 1 1 it U aoU at the cxo. cOuigly low i-rico of SOc. rffr. .m:'lo iK-ttlo (for a elwrt tuua 0'ilr) 'Ji ct. Prorrlrmr, 1117 Arrh Hirect, Vlilladclphla, Vu,t DlTOll'S NOTICK. ? J Cm I'MIIU COI STV, M.1 Aim ttt Hup i, e ' iila nnd vrevoeetlica ct tl.o Or li. ui- (eiintit k.ij.l eiiuuiy, lute-r ulU, ll In 1 litis (-eni.iiu, el. in iii iimiier ef llio (Utile ct The mas Kooir, eli e , i,M'el. H,e- iu l-v,cii IliciHIIIoiirf JeluKl (Julok, llie Kiieuu r, uiul e ii iiiipiip 11 el .Mr lieii , e e). luile. !, Iti. uie,iiiiil nn uiieliior let dltrlute lite lnfcl.i) li, I11U1U8 el llii l.Meuar uhki'Mh ) lllluu, lt 1IIK Cul'kT, l'p itllleil Irtlil llio li iiiiils ililg i uii anv e lie-c. A 1, !. Win KKlll.lHlJI,CIelkOt, Hie- Aiulllir In puif.u.iUp'e eil llie rmippjlD nr. l-iiiuiit e 11 i,l le nil I, . lit- elut 1, e, I lie re e f, ut lilt eOitc In I'.Ip i ii -I uit, hi i.,iuiu ) Jp.1 mry t l up at to a in. vein n .nil vi.i,. ul larUe-s luier t-e.1 p-el ve 1 1 pi e tti i,l t i,e t r e uiu-h eir tu elclurad lieui luuilLK Id uii bale! tklutD. JauK.'w-iu O. O. HAHKLEV, Auflltor