THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUltGr, COLUMBIA COlNTY, PA. m iMiiiitBiatt. 0. E. SWELL, Elltsr. J. K. EITTEMBEND2U, PuWlshor. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Friday. Jim. 10.1880. TIUKNNIAIi ASSBSSMKM. It appears to have been tlis pracllco of the County Cotnirilsl(ii)crs for some years back to give Instructions to the assessors who make the triennial assessment, directing them In assess property at a certain percen tngo of its value, instead of Its actual value. While real estato was taxable for state purposes there may have been an object in this, but now that slate tax is removed from real estate there is no occasion lor It. It is not Intact a com pliance with the law. The act of Assembly requires the assessors to make return of "all property taxable by law, together with n jutl valuation of the same." The oath which they are required to take compels assessors to justly and honestly, to the best of their judgment, assess and value every separate lot, piece or tract of land,wlth the improve ments thereon Ac, at the rate or price which they shall, after due examination and con siileiatlon, believe the same would sell for, if sold singly and separately at a bona fide sale, aflcr lull public notice." The statutes on the subject contain no clause that can possibly bo construed into n permission to the commissioners to fix the percentage of value to bo placed on real estate, and no assessment is in compliance with the law un lets it puts tho actual telling value upon tho property. It may be said that it makes no dilUrence whether we are taxed eight mills on a thousand dollars, or four mills on two thousand dollars, the tax will be the same. This is correct mathematically speakine;,biit because it makes no difference is no reason why the law should not U3 followed. If this were a good excuse there are many laws iu thejbooks that might be avoided in the same way. Iiut it dees make a very material difference in many respects, which we shall not specify at present. We understand that the assessors through out the county have returned property at AO percent, of its actual value, under Instruc tions from the commissioners. The matter cm easily be remedied by tho commissioners by simply doubling the assessed valuation, aud thus make the returns according to the law. In instructing the assessors to assess property at fifty per cent, of its actual value this year, the commissioners have only fol lowed a precedent that has existed for many years, and aro not blameable, but now that their attention has been called to the matter it is a good time to start in right, and sic that the laws relating to assessments aro properly carried out.. LIZERNE JUDUES. On Friday last Governor Hoyt appointed Col. Stanley Woodward additional law Judge of Luzerne county. Mr. Woodward is a Democrat and the appointment has called forth bitter denunciation of tho Governor by the republicans of that county. Ex-Senator H, B. I'ayno was their choice, and evry influence was brought to bear to se cure his appointment. Col. Woodward was an outjjioken supporter of Hoyt on personal grounds, and made himself so unpopular with his own party by his action, that he was defeated in the nominating convention for candidate as Judge. He has now accepted tne appointment Irom a republican governor which lasts for a year, and it is likely th when the time comes to elect a Judge, that tho Democrats of Luzerne will refuse to sup port him. Judge Rice who was elected fo ten years as additional law judge has accept ed the appointment of the Governor as Pres ident judge, and there will bo two judges to be elected next fall in that county, llico must be pretty certain of an election to give up an office which lasts ten years for an ap pointment ot only one year. Mil. Euitoii : Tho Philadelphia Tim of Tuesday quotes you for Bayard as ou next nominee for President. I firmly be lieve that the mass of our voters are fu Gen. Hancock. As a soldier he had superior. Uis statesmanship is unexcelled as was demonstrated by his administration o affairs iu the South during the reconstruc tion era. His nomination would mean "solid South" and an almost solid North. C. B. B. We have no doubt that the nomination of Gen, Hancock would be satisfactory to th voters of this county, but we are equally certain that Bayard would suit them just as well. While IlayarJ is our personal choice we are in favor of anybody to beat Grant, Mr. Parke Godwin, in the Philadelphia I'rest, says : "I am out of politics and hav been some time. There is no discussin Urant s character as a soldier or as a man at this time. It is nut in dispute. But hi character as a statesman is seriously in dis pute, and till be more so should he consent to be a candidate for re-election to the I'reS' idency, I am opposed to him as a candidate and shall be. My opposition arises from the love of my country. Grant made a bad I'reS ident during hit first term, lie made a worse one during his eecond term. There i'i no tea ton why he would not prove tlill worse, " that were possible, should he get to be President a third time. Grant was never chosen by the nominating conventions because he was uui versaliy qualified for the office ; not at all, He was not chosen because he bad proven himself to be a great soldier oven ; not at all. The machine nominated him because he was regarded as "available." A committee consisting of Senators Voor- hecs, "Vance, Pendleton, Windom and Blair was appointed by the Senate last week to investigate the causes of the exodus of col orcdi people from Southern to Northern Stales, Frank Leslie, the great publisher of New York Is dead. He died last Saturday eve- nine after a brief illness, ills real name was Henry Carter. His best known publi cation was the "Illustrated Weekly." The Schuylkill county republicans have endorsed J. A. M, Passmore as candidate for Auditor General, and instructed their delegates In the State Convention to demand his nomination, It is rumored that Hon. It. A. Lamber- top ot HarrUburg has been tendered the presidency of Lehigh University in place of Iter. Dr. Leavitt, resigned, Maine Is well supplied with Legislatures just now, On Monday night the republicans 14 of ' H Ide met anu organized a little one of tbei ot.d. THE MAINE MUSS. ItErUni.tCANS ATTEMPT TO CONTROL TUB i.i:aisi,ATUiu: by lmtnnr.Y. Governor Garcelon's term expired last week Wednesday at mid-night. No ono had been selected to fill his place, on nceount of the cordltlon of affairs in the Legislature. andGcneral ICbamberlain therefore issued an order stating that he would assume con trol of the state until a Governor could be elected. Tho police force at the State House was changed. At the session of the Legis lature on the Oth, Thomas II. Swan, of Jlin ot, rose and reai).i statement that $1,000 hud teen paid him not t appear at the organiza tion of tho Legislature. Ho stated that tho money had been paid him by Wnllace It. White, ul Wlnlhrop, and that he (Swan) should not claim It. Mr. Harriman, of Ken- nebunk,testlfied that the same offer had been mado him by Mr. White. lie displayed the roll of bills he had received. The following Is swan's slate menl : The press of the Republican party makes charges against me, reflecting upon my hon or and Integrity in relation to matters con nected with my position as a member of this House. I refer to the attempt to brlbo me by an agent of the Republican party. I will briefly state tho main facts connected will this affair, I camo from my houso to this city on Saturday, January 3 On the Jinn day following rumors were afloat that men had been offered money toabsent themselves from the House of Representatlv es, so that no quorum would be present on the first ednesday of January. Late in the even ing of Januarys a reliable person, who in now a member of this House, informed me that Wallace It. White, of Winthrop, had called upon him and offered him $1,000 In cash to deliver up his cerlificate and re sign as a member of the House, which he had refused to accept, and that said White Informed him that he wanted thrco more men to resign, and requested him to see mo. Upon this information I went at once to Augusta House and found Hon. K. IT. Gove, Secretary of State, and told him what I knew about the matter. Mr. Gove and myself then vent out and found Hon. Solon Chase. In their presence I hastily drew and signed an affidavit embodying my statement ot the bribery. His affidavit was sent on Tuesday night. I then went and requested the gentleman who had been ofTered the SI,- 000 to see Mr. White in the morning and informed him that I would resign for tl, 000. He saw Mr. White the next morning. Mr. White sent back a request for me to meet him at the Court House at 10:30 a. in. 1 went there at about that time and met White, who took me up stairs into a corner room. He then showed me a statement, as follows : Augusta, Jan. G, 18S0. To the Chairman of the Democratic aud Greenback Committee. After mature deliberation I have conclud ed that it is my duty as a citizen to obey the laws as they are construed and decided by the Supreme Judicial Court. I cannot there fore lend my aid to keeping out of their seals the Republican Representatives-elect whom the Supreme Court has declared entitled thereto. I therefore give public notice that I will not participate in the organization of the llouse.being fairly and fully determined to obey the mandate of the Court. To re sist that mandate is revolution, destructive both to my party and the great interests, of the State. Thomas B. Swan. He informed me that I should have to write a statement like it and sign the same; also, sign a resignation and deliver up my certificate to him. He said they should not want to use the resignation, but wanted it to show that I acted In good faith, and that after the House was organized I could take my seat and the Republicans would nut me .."uiiuuituuiinuiees. 1 iniorraeu Him that I would sign the papers and he said that no hail to go and get the money, as he did not uring it. He left the room and returned in about twenty minutes and said it was all right. He then read to me and I conied in my own hand lefters to the chairman of the democratic and Greenback committees. He also read a resignation, which I copied. I then put said papers, without my signature, into my pocket. We then counted the mon ey and found it correct. I then signed the papers and took the money. He said he wanted some moro men and wanted to know of any he could get. I told him I thought ne couiu get llvrinian, of Kennebunk. He told me to Bee him and come with him at half-past one o'clock. I then left and called into the Augusta House to see if 1 could find Harriman, but did nut find him. I went directly totheStatellouse and found E. H. Gove and made the following state ment : J, inonias B. Swan, in the presence of unn. soion Uhase and Hon. E. II. Gove, make the following statement : I have this day been approached by an agent of the Republican party to resign as a Represen tative, for money. I am going to take the money to morrow and thus show to the peo ple the fraud and corruption of the Repub lican party. I expect to have another nartv also take money for the same purpose. "lHOMAS u. SWAN," I went to the House and found Harriman. I told him what had taken place and he agreed to go with me at 1:30 and take tho money and expose the fraud. I went to mv dinner and then returned to tho Augusta uouse, where 1 again found Harriman. and not far from two o'clock we went towa'd the Court House. Before we reached it I showed him White standing upon the platform, wniie went into the building and so did Harriam. As I passed by tho Court House White stuck his head out of tho window of the same corner room and motioned to me. I answered the motion with a nod of mv head. I then went to the Granile National Bank, taking the money which White had paid me, and bought a draft on Boston. I do not claim this money and it is subject to tne order ot the person who furnished it. At one timo the Republicans had tho ad vantage, the Supremo Court having decided n their lavor, but In attempting to control the legislature by means of their favorite methods, fraud and bribery, they have for feilcd all sympathy, and have acknowledged the correctness of the action of Governor Garcelon and the council in maklni: up the returns. J he i-usiouists may have been wrong in the first plac9, but the action of the Republican leaders has put them right I'eter llerdic Found (iuilly. Last Saturday morning at Williamsport tho jury Iu the case againstPeterllerdic and Hor ace 13. Taylor brought in a verdict of guilty, The charge was conspiracy todefraud creditors in connection with the operations of the banking house of II, E. Taylor & Co.,wh!ch suspended a couple of years ago. Motion as made for a new trial, bail given and the hearing on tho motion put down for March, Judge Mayor, of Clinton county, presided t the trial, which continued several days and attracted a great deal of attention. Mark Acheson has been appointed Judge of the United Slates District Court by ayes to till the vacancy caused by the death of Judge Ketcham. I'AUNKLI. AMI DILLON. Philadelphia gavo a reception to Parnell and Dillon, the Irish Patriot, last Satur day, at the Academy of Music. Mr. lartifll, on being Introduced, said ho wr i Indebted for the kind and spontaneous reception accorded him in behalf ol his country, tho land ol suffering and sorrow. One of the prlncipa' objects of his visit, he said, was to ohatno the Hrillsh government Into doing its duty, and to expose tho sys tem maintained by that government In Ire land. After referring to the widespread famine over six of the largest counties in Ireland and tho distress consequent there upon, Mr Parnell said that wlillu the aid otlered was timely and very acceptable, it would not be cnl'relv adequate. Iu ills speech In New York he had showu tills, and lie had shown also that it was the Brlti Ijh government only that could copo with the trouble. It was now proposed bv the British government to appropriate a quarter of n million pounds sterling fur relief, showing that It was being shamed into doljn what it had refused to do up to yes terday, even to admitting that there was any distress. It was not until public opinion was directed to the subject In this country that the British government felt constrained to take some nolo of tho matter. Tho step proposed to bo taken, although Indlcitlng a great change, must be to a very great extent inadequate. Parliament meets on the bth of February, and the appropriation cannot pas through both houses iu less than a week. There will be a long dis'UJslon, and finally the consent of the Queen must be obtained. Thereroro fully n month will consequently elapso before the cumbersome machinery can he put in motion. Mr. Par nell meutimied this in order that tho Amer ican people might not slacken their efforts Inallevlallnir tho condition of thedhtresseil, .Mr. Parnell then went into a history of the Irish laud system, or land tenure, which he said has ben so badly woiked. He referred toits abolition In Franco and Prussia, and said that in Irclaud its evils weie ono hun dred fold intensified. What was wanted iu Ireland, he, said, was to give the people a chance to own the land they till, The strug gle was between the landlord and tho ten ant as to who shall go. There was one trouble about sending away the landlords, nobody will have theui. They value them selves at nidi a high prico it will take if 250,000 000 to buy them out. As to this, the speaker said, we will see aller a while how fiat will be. Wo propose to change the system. (A cry from the audience, "By revolution I"l Uoutinuing, Mr. Parnell said ho was surprised to find one or two of the New YorK papers expressing tho opin ion that the question was not one for the American people to consider. He had some American blood In his veins, and he was to learn that the American people were afraid to discuss any question of interest to them or iu advocacy of any distressed country. He uad every reason to believe that the preponderance of public opinion in this country was ou his side. After referring to Ireland's representation to tho House of Commons, Mr. Parnell concluded amid great applause. WASIIINUT0N LKITKIi." Wasliinglond). U. Jan 13 Hi 1S8U- The Democrats last year removed tho duly from quinlue.and the price is now only a lit tle more than one halt" what it was before. Yesterday a hundred Democrats and a few Republicans voted to remove the duty Irom salt and so reduce its price, but a hundred Republicans and a very lew democrats voted agaiusi uiecnauge. mere are lo-uay two legislatures in Maiue that is, one that met with a quorum iu uuiu nouses oi memuers wuo uad certlti cate of election from the Governor, and one composed ot less than a quorum of such men, and a sprinkling of men who have read in the newspapers that they were elected. Tho latter body, which organized last night in tbe dark will ask ihu Sunremo Court to pass upo i the question of its le gality. That is it will ask for the opinion of me memoers 01 tue uourt.tor no proper case can be brought before Court under the pres. ent circumstances. An opinion given by individual judges on a statement of facts made by a radical crowd tclaiminir to be n Legislature but having no ollicial proof of mi ueiu:, niu cjuimunu neuner ooedience nor respect from the people of Maine or ol the country. Such an opinio:! may possibly be en forced by the military for a time, and the military is under command of u Renublican but it will not be permanently recognized. It is not, however, lo be assumed that the judges though all but one of them are Re publicans, will hold that the citizem who last night resolved themselves into a Legis' lature are really a Legislature. Yesterday there was a conference of Dem ocratic members ol the House and Senate Appropriation Committees on the subject of raeuuiii 111:111111 on uie appropriation bills, and to consider the course to lie taken on several of them which werethe subject of party discu-siim durinirthe last Inn No definite coiiclu-ion was reached, hut the prevailing wish seemed to be that, sofaras disputed questions so fur as marshals were ooncerned.the bills should read as before, viz that none of the money appropriated should be Used for the payment of marshals for the perlormance ot duties at elections. The first ot June was named as n tune at wn i-h ml journment might properly take place. All me unreporieu appropriation bills were said to be in nood state of forward Yesterday a resolution was adopted in the nuusu musing 10 an investigation of the manner ni unowifg anil paying pensions, A special committee will be appointed to day fir the purpose. Tho thirty odd mil lions paid annually as pension money, and a ceriaiuty tnat the amount will be increased hereafter, nukes inquiry eminently prop er. Fernando Woods long announced refund ing hill was introduced yesterday. It pro vide. as is known, for a Si iw wni. Imn.l for the redemption of five and six per cent, bonds won redeemable. It is believed that the bill will meet with general approba tion. Hilton. The Philadelphia Timts of Tuesday nub- lished a list of returns from democratic pa pers through tne State.giviiig the sentiments on the Presidency, with the following re sult : For Thomas F, Bayard 13 For Samuel J. Tildeu 15 For Winfield S. Hancock ji For Horatio Seymour 9 For the Field 4 For the Nominee 5 For Auybody jj Total., 08 ,.w.?1!?lea8(K!e'lya"lt PO&uive cure, forcatarrn Ulptherla, career moulh, and head actio, tn hhlloh a catarrh remedy. A uiml injector rrea with each bottle ym It It you deslro health, indlweet breath. 1TICH50 cents. Bold by J.u. Klnports. u'l"lu- A Strange I'eop e. imlffill11 H'l1!?."0 ftr6 "ranee people In our community, we say strancu because ihi vsppm iA prefer 10 suffer and pass their da) s miserably, nwdo i?-"?.1?'"!1."' L'er L'oraniaiot. mdikstion , unu tteneriil debility, whoa hhlloh7s Klnpurts. sold by J. II. Five Huudred Thousand Strong. In the past few months there has been more than wo,ooo buttles nt smioh's cure sold? om 0? the vat number of people ho have used It, more than 2 000 caws of consumption havo been cured. At coushs IVY!1?,' ""'"" ?ul) bronchitis, jleld at once hence It is that every body speaks In lis praise. Tothoso SLI?.?11 let u " have arau2 ?J '"i' ??"a 'A10 an4 ou val"e life don't fill t0 ,r.,";, ''or lane b, 'Ida or chest. m,o shtloh's porous plater. Bold by j, 11, Kta- A dispatch from Jackson, Mississippi, says that Senator Lamar was stricken with paralysis last Sunday night, Tho doctors think he will recover. For Ihe use of Huden Is and others our cov ered newHpaper pads aro the he'st. They con tain one hundred sheets of paper, making two hundred pagei". Prices, ten and twenl p.i. accordion to size. For tale at this office. If. A Stout backbone la as pssentlhl tn nhv.ip.i hait. f8-'," '"".'f11 fooitstency. For weakness of the back anddlsorderKoriiinliinpon,, ,iT lo and moderate, dietetic action of the Hitters .iAP Au,u'-'. "eedful. Iteinember that the stomach Is the mainstay of every other organ, and t iiat by Invigorating the digestion by this pre paration, the urinal column u.7,i ir rtiS ..t.5... ure strengthened. ror iiosieiier s almanao for 18S0 apply to Drug. NEW AVDERTISEMENTS. Valuation of Real E3tato and PMoonal Properly of Colwnbia coun tyat triennial valuation h 1879. townships. ileal cr Itentm... Iterw 'ck P'oonvborg UiicrciTelc Cent, "i. Centre Convnghnm Flshlniicreck Franklin.. llroenwood Hemlock,. H Jackson I.OCt'St ,H , Mt' -on Main Mimin Montour. ... Mt. I1 e.,Sai t oraoge l'lno ltonrlngcreek Scott Sugarioat rfiiwswff.isfa, Mil 1 Ml p 131 40' ml n 19IMI0 0i9'i"0 vi mis 32I15IS 1HIS.I 1.VJS0 4'I73'4 1SW79, 9904J St 5733 17s975 4045 19I'I19 1SJ.VU 017 8 1S3 Sill ... ISO 1SI 120 l V07 191 159 1J 49 S03 811 IC.ll M SS 75 SI'l; 191 ir.i 103 .0 14T ion IIS HI 1 1 3 T 09 1 69 17S4.IO 14C043 11WSH.-1 177045 1IH 10' G0.NI7 740911 Vi707, 04220 91 5S 123 149 141 10'J Total 3043 3217 H0J2I5I i ne above statement shows the amount of vi, uisuitn ni uuiiimuin wioiiiy Notlco Is hereby civen that tha County will attend, at their office, in Blonmsburg, for the purpose of finally determining whether any of the valuations of assessors have been made below a just rote, according to the in tent and meaning of the Act of July 27th, 1812, and to raise, reduce and equalize the iiokihoiiuB iu uiwi unuuarv, monuay uie zuin, mr an districts on the south side ol the river, Tuesday, the 27,for all districts west of Big Fisilng"rcek,and Wednesday, the 2S, for balance of district", being those through which said creek passes and those wholly on the east side; at which time and place all persons, for themselves and districts, dirlnir to ue nearo, can attend, ihe returns will couipieieu. Attest : John B. Commissioners' Office, Bloomsburg, January 12, 1880, MAmtE'JMlEPOltTS. BLOOMSBURG MARKET. Wheat per bushel i.s5 KJO ' 30 Corn, " , .no Oats, ' ' ft 40 Flour per barrel 8.oo Cloverseed 6.00 ituucr Urea , Tallow Potatoes Dried Apples , Haras sides Shoulders , Chickens Turkeis Lardnemound .23 20 .07 .4S .05 12.V? .09 .07 .09 .07 Hay per ton loisi Ueeswax 25 QUOTATIONS FUH COAL. No. 4 oa Wharf t 3.00 per Tor No. 5 " " I 3.S5 " No. 6 ' " f 1.75 lllacksmtlh'R Lutup on Wharf t 3.10 " " Bituminous " . t . " PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. Wholesale prices at the close of trade on Tues day. lluckwheat flour p?r cwt Whpatilour " n't,,, .r rr biislinl (2 IS to (2 25 0 75 " 7 00 1 4S " 1 50 63 " 00 47 " 51) 00 03 70 " 90 5X " 0 27 " SO IS 19 7 " S 1 " 9 n " 10 II 12 oorn ' u,a " ' Hyo " Hurley " " Iiressed hogs, per pound Ilutter " according to nualitr Kifus per dozen l'oultry.llve chickens Chickens dressed Turkej s Turkey dressed NEW FIRM! The well known C. n. WIIITK, Proprietor of tho OHVNOEVILLE AtlltlCULTUIlAL WOUK-l, has sol 1 a half Interest In tho same to J. V. Conner. The company have lepalred tho works, and aro pre pared lo accommodate all who want anything In tho lino of Arlcultural Implements. They ha.e Just completed a new left hand White plow.whlchir po. slble, will beat tho right hand. Afso surface pluws or Jointers for tho same. A new Thresher and Clean er with centre thake or riddle shoe, called the White Tlircxlier and Cleaner, with bolts, lever and lallway powers o a preatlv Improved plan. We manufacture LAND Itoi.LEUH with cast iron he.Us. Cjrn P.ows, do ible and .single Cultivators sldo hill 1'ions, .Mill Castings. Turning ot uery description douo wlln promptness. u keep constantly on hand a law assortment of Plow shares for our own and many other plows thai are used luthe country. We will not be undersold In work or material of the same quality. U! our work Is warranted to give satisfaction, or tho money re funded. WK liBb'V COMI'KiIl'IuN. Farmers, and thHpuoll'i in general are lequesiedto call and ex amine before purchasing eisewhjre. WHITE & CONNER, Jai. 10, -0-ly OUANdEVILLK, I'A. rilBIAL LIST. JL roit i'i I'EHUUAUV TBKM 1SS0. tieorgo Strieker vs. l'hlllp Huntilnger ct ux. Jacob Fisher etal vs. .loan Fisher et ul. c. 11. llrockivuy vs. First National Uajk, Ilorwlck. II. A. Weldensaul vs A. W. Cream-'r, James Moirl.son vs. Pa. M. Fire I us. Co. c 11. Foivler Atft. s Samuel Williams. iianlei Morris vs. William Torrey. J. vr EcKciux. a. Mary. Ilrliuln ct al. Charles Krug vs. .1. . c. Hank et ux. Samuel .Miller vb. W, II. Ilelnbuld. David Tjson vs. Thomas (ieraghty. J. W. sankej"s uso is. M. 11. and s. F. Association of liloomsburg. .Michael tinner's Adm's. vs. atarla Wolf's Ailm. et al. J. H. Hotler vs. D. L. W H. It. Co. William V. Hess vs. 1 llnton Co e. WlL'lam Shnrrer pr. Al. rntlinrlnn MpAnnll 1., al. oranipnllle M. A F. Academy vs. Hiram C Hcs. Joshua Savage's Admr. vs. Samuel Applemau. Henry noak s. (ildcon vuchael. John C. Christian vs. 1'a. .M. F. Ins. Co. eieorge Master's Admr. vs. John F. Chopin. comiuonealthtousds. John W. Hollman etal. Cathar ne Ilutter vs. Itetiben Houcn. John A Jackson et al. vs. Kll stoctzell. 1:1149 iilger vs. Barbara (llger. . D. luuard vs. Ferdinand Haul et ux. Henry llouck vs. John W. Hoffman. 1). F. Sej bert use vs. '1 homas Ueraghty. o. 1). I. Kostenbauder vs. Joseph It. Knlttle. Ludivlg Thlelo a Admr. a. Daniel Morris. 1'enna. Canal Co. vs. N. h. Campbell, Kmanui'l Strauss vs. Martha Jouison. James Union's Admr- vs William tamon. Peter Swank.s uso vs. Charles retterman's Admr. Samuel S. KreilerleK vs. Nnlnrnnn Vvllprmnn', Admr. peters. Ilower vs. I'utawlasa township, Jacob Slice's Admrs. vs.cmrles Ktug. William Lamon, Trustee vs. Juhn W. Hoffman. FOR SALE ! A VAU'AIILK FARM situate In .Madison town- ship, Columbia co. near New Columbia, containing 187 Acres of Land. There is a TWO-STOHV FRAMK DWELLING HOl'SB, A Spring and Good Well of Water, a LAItGE NEW HANK JiAKN A YOUNG APPLE OHCHAKD, and ether Fruit Tines on tie premises. For terms and particulars apply to AAKON SMITH, Jan. I,'b0.3m liuck norn, ra. BEST IB THE W03LD ! SALER ATUS Which is tho Bamo thing Imp 110 S'ulviiitiii 01 lll-Cnili Smln, (wliii I4 UtlienunitMhluuiUurit Mlluht-. lyilUl m iittr rului . l miiyum.rar ithllc, fin 111 In (I I, j' If ell', hut a CilMPAUlsOV Willi CIlDUCfl A CO' Wt.H AM) II (MMRK' IJ KAMI Will klimv Ihu Offl'ii mr Ntr thiil your SuN intiii nn-1 Palt IlifC huilu U thlte unit IMtl, urj HhuuM he AM, SI3III,:i bU5VlA. C 4-1 imut lor, AiiniilelutfceYeroteat of llo rouivtratiTo vilue 0! dlQrrmt Lrm.dii if hoiU cr ' alerMiu U to dUsj ilvo a dowr t nxmiul vt i a-U Lln-l w uli tboutajilut ii(4irr (hot iirwierrwi) tit tUu? jJas.eH.itlrrliittumllHllUth. p'UvLly ttolved 'iL e Uoleteriou li.olul lo n.attcr Id ihe iufiricr bod 1 ttlULe!iow 1 ariirKttllii .trua twvutf laloutes or tu uxor, hy the milky aiit!Hraiu-u of the nolutioa ami tho quantity ut& atluj fl cl matter according to quaUty, Xia aure and n-tk for Church t: Oo.'i f!oJnoi Baler at aud aue that thir Uaiuo 1 cu tho l'ackageand you will yet the jiuruttt aud nhlteib utado, Theuott thlawttbaouruitU.tu prefer eoea to taking l'owdcr, iavta twenty time iu coat. 1 bee ono pouud package for valuaLlQ loforma a ud rvad cut fully, t SHOW THIS TO YOUR 1R0CER. January it, tm. SlSTCMIt fil 3 f s f5l SUM, 6343 0900 fwo: CSS5 1110 15010 4M0 149J5 3975 15 no C490 3570 11333 I9JII 8io; 400 1830 S700 1S40 140 Sinn 330 4WI 1180 4040 239) TIuT!ia3iSTi33iW 020 3000 i r.! 1S4I 4S3 S7I0 "sflftll 1020 S0.V) 043 200 303 1030 1133, 133V 323 S03 700 200 310 1403 0070 10 800 24993SI 717123 S9I79 17M 131 K) mti "m "a'(is 0MI 1135 BSIHI S900, 40SS3 711520 S491 S4140S 8S53S0, 133034 190140, 827494 2170(19 109333 SSIsno 197415 607S5 817824 203121 1II042S 20271)' I 102S' 1 1210.15 19ilt0 7,127 S434 I 2011)92 73043 33000 8171 ' 10341 83140 11303 U35 13317 900 mi 3 8000 11103 3730 173 1910 1010 1711 40 3043 10191 SCI) l 4OS0 S730 1490 1075 1410 SilO 41H0, 1I0-.3 7090 30O0 11115 1000 II M) 10IIK1 1370 SIU) 170 1090 17330 4s30, 4140 47S1 (WIS 3170, 4100 1 8003! 83175 435 300 , 13700, , S30U , 14S0 1730 202'! 15J 1U.1J14I mnltS334S t32O33'2S330,39l237IS2S,Sl1' each kind or class of taxable property in each as reiurneu oy tne assessors of 1S7U. fl iminl.lnntru tinn ni .r ii..i.i,. be open for inspection uutil said revision is Sti'-phkn Poitn, ) uiiAiti.ra jtnicilART, Uommissiouers, a ii. lli:uitiN(i. I Casey, Clerk. SHERIFFS SALE Uy virtue of su udry vv rlts Issued out of tho Court ot Common Pleas ot Columbia County, aid to me uirecicu will bo exposed to public solo at the Court Ilouso In the Town of liloomsburg, Columbia county ra. at 1 0 clock, p. m., on Saturday, February 7th, 1880. All that certain real estto situate In tho town of liloomsburg, In tho county ot Columbia and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit : on the north by lttdgo alley, on tho cast by lot of Lloyd iiharplcss, on the south by Main or Second street, and on tho west by Centre street, being twenty-four feet four inches In width on Second street, and two hundred and fourteen feet six Inches In depth along Centre street, on which aro erected a two btory frame store roum and dwelling, a good iramo stable ana outbuildings. fcelrcd taken Into execution nt tho suit ot Joseph it. vanuersucu now for uso of (leoriro Hughes. against II. C. Hovver and George Cavanoe and to bo sold as me property ot II. c. Ilower. inner, Attorney. fl Fa. ALSO, All th at certain pleco or parcel of land situate In tue town of liloumsburg In tho county ot Columbia and state of rennsjlvanla bclag designated as lots no. fifteen (15) and slxtcen(lC)bounded and described as follow s to-vs It : Iieglnnlng at the north east cor. neror nrthnndCentiebtreets and extending east wnrdly along tho north side of Fifth street ono hun dred feet to a corner, thence along the lino of .Mrs, 11. -vi. Andrews ono hundred and eighty feet to Iiruglar's alley ; thenco along said alley ono hundred teei to the east line of Centre street: thence south wardly one hundred and eighty feet to the place of lA'K'.nuiDg, on which are erected a large two story unciuu uouse ana outDulIdlngs. helzed taken In execution at the suit of Henry J, 1.1am tor the uso ot S. C. Javne against Henry L. uienenoacn and to bo sold as tho property of Henry u. liiuucuuaeu. Ihompson, Attorney. Lv. Fa. ALSO. All that certain tract of laud situate In Hemlock township, bounded by lands formerly or now of Zcbulon ltobblns, Dav Id Wagner and Isaac Letoy containing about tvveuty-slx acres, whereon arc erected a Iramo dwelling houso barn and outbuild ings, mo abovo bald tiact being the samo that was sold to Henry WUllam Wagner under an order of tho orphans' Court ot Columbia County by tho admin istrators 01 iiideon Meeker, deceased, granted Ue cember lath, lsos nnd conllrmed February 7, 1S72. also. AU tnat other certain tract of laud situate In Hemlock township Columbia county, beginning at a white oak corner by land formerly or now of ueorgo nartman, thence by tho Bamo north elghtv boven degrees, west tltty-tivo and blx tenth porches to a stone j thence by same north, threo fourths of a degree w ebt, thirty uud rlvo tenth pjrehes to a btako thenco north eight -nine and threo quarter degrees west, about twenty perches to a stake to lino ot land formerly or now of Joslah bicker; thenco nonh by the same nine aud ono halt degrees weat. slxtr- slxand four tenth perches tn a stako thenco by land 01 heirs of .Michael Hock, soulh eluiiir-vhcut degrees east, nlnety-nlno und eight tenth perches to astono ; thence by laud formerly or now ZeUulon ltobblns aud Isaac l.eldy, south four degrees west ntuety-Rlx perches to place of beginning, containing torty-two acres und out, hundred aud su pi-rehes. belzed taken In execution at tho suit of William Clark ltlchart assigned to John A. Fun ston against Henry William Wojner, aud to be sold as tho prop erty ot Henry William Wagner. Wirt, Attorney. Fl. Fa. ALSO, All that certain lot ot grouod sltuatj In lloiver township, Columbia county, I'ennsjlrunla, d-crlt-cd as follows, to-wlt: bounded on tho north by land ot John Miumuu's heirs, ou the east by land of Joseph Lahr, on tho south by land ot l'hlllp .Mummy, ou the west by land ot I'eter Fisher, coutaiulug elghty-threo acres, on which are erected two dwell ing houses, barn und out-buildlngs. ALSO, All that certain lot of mountain land sltuato lu Heaver township, Columbia count)', I'ennsylia nla, described as follows, to-wlt: Hounded on tho north by Catawlssa Creek, on the cast by land of C. 11. lirockvvay, on tho south by land of Cox. on tho west by land of Charles ltelchart, containing ninety acres. Seized, taken la execution at tho suit ot Columbia County JIutual Saving Fund and Loan Association against l'hlllp .Mummy and Jacob Fry. tene tiuant and to bo sold as the property of l'hlllp Mummy and dacou i ry tcrre tenant. iliu.HK, Alt'y. vend Ex. ALSO, All that certain messuago and tract ot laud situ. ate In Orango townshlp.Columbt 1 county, and state ui i tuusjivania, oounueu and described as follow. to-wlt: Iieglnnlng at a stone corner of Jesso Cole. man's land, thence by tho samo north eighteen and u nan aegrees east ntty-two perches and seven tenth to stones, thencu by land3 of John Megargle and Isaac llagenbuch, soulh sixty-seven and a half uegrees wear nity-tlvo perches to a stono thenco by land ot tin estato of Conrad Adams north six anu tiiree-tourlh degrees west sixty seven perches, thenco by land of thu estato of Samuel Conner cast uve perches and two-tenths to a pine, thence, by tho samenorln elghty-threo degrees east thirty-seven perches to tho plaeo of beginning, containing sev enteen acres and ono hundred and twenty-one pemies sirict measure. ; Seized, taken In execution at Uio suit of tho Or. angcvllte Mutual Saving Fund and Loan Assocla tlon ngalnM Joseph llenrlo and to ba sold aa the property ot Joseph llenrlo. .M11.LSK, Att'y. Vend Ex. A LSO, llthatc-rtaln real estate sltuato m the Town of liloomsburg, In tin county of Columbia and stato ot I'ennsylvaida, bounded and described as follows to-vv It: iiu tho north by ltldgo Alley, on the east br 101 ot uoju i-uarp ess, on the south by Main or SoC' onu street abden tha westby Centre street, being iweniy-iour reel lour inches In width ou Second Btreet.utid two huudred and fourteen feet six Inches la depth along Centre street, on which aro erected a two-biory frame btora room und dwelling, a good frame stable and ouubutltdngs. Seized, takca lu execution at tho suit of E. 11. Ikeler now assigned to tho Mutual llullding and saving Fund Asioctatlon ot liloomsburg agathst II. C. Ilower aud to bo sold as the property of II, c, Ilower. Hobixon Attorney, pi. Fa Terms lasn ou day of sale, V. II, EST, (sheriff. Jau.!c-ts. D.Ul!sTH.U,OUS iVOTICK BSTATK Of 1. J, TUOHNTOK, DECEASED. Letters of Administration on tho estato lot E.J, Thornton, late ot Tow n of liloomsburg Columbia co. deceased, have been granted by the lleglster of Bali county to undersigned Administrators. All persons having claims against tho estato are requested to fi,...... iuiw .ui ociueiucui. uuu vuose inoeuteo 1 make prompt payment. U 11. llUI'EItT, ELI lUltTllN, Administrators. Jan. 16, 'bC-6w, DMINISTUATOH'S NOi'lCK KSTATK OF If, W, WC83, DECEASED, letters of administration on tho estato of M, W. N lbs, lite ot the Town ot Uloomsburg.Columbla co. det't'asi'd, have been granted by the Register of said counly to the undersigned Administrator, All per sons having claims against the estate are requested to pre.ent (hem for Settlement and those Indebted 10 make pajment without delay. . . . 11, FRANK ZAUB, Jan, II, "M-tw" Administrator, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, SHERIFFS SALE- Hy virtue ot sundry writs Issued ost ot the Court ot Common l'lcas ot Columbia county and to mo directed, will bo exposed to publio sale at tho Court House, liloomsburg, 1'a., at 1 o'clock, p. m., on Monday, February 2d, 1880. All that certain lot ot land sltuato In Catawlssa, Columbia county, state ot Pennsylvania, bounded on the vvost by land of WUllam Ferry on tho cast by V ft It It It, on tho south by ptlbllo road and on tho north by land ot .Mary and Emtly McNtnch, whereon Is erected a two stor framo dwelling houso and out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken Into execution at tho suit of John Tonkin, administrator of Charles Wolfrun against Alfred Eck, and to bo sold as tho property ot Alfred Eck, Wirt, Attorney Vend Ex ALSO, All that certain tract ot land Mtttato in orango township, Columbia countv and stato of l'cnnsyl vanla, bounded and describe! as follows, to-wlt1 On tho north by Ian Is of Henry Dclong and Moses Everett's estate, on tho east by land ot Jonathan If oust, on tho south by land ot Thomas Mo Henry and on tho west by lan 1 of Thomas .Mcllenry and Henry Delong, containing ntty-two acres, more or less, on which aro .erected a dwelling house, barn and out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken Into execution at the s'llt of orange vlllo Mutual Saving Fund and Loan Association against tieorgo V Ferguson aud to bo sold as tho property et Ueorgo V I'erguaon. Miller, Attorney. Fl Fa ALSO, All thattertaln messuage and tract of land sltuato In tho township of Locust, In tho county of Colum bia !'a., bounded and dosctlbcd as follows, to-wlt: Iieglonlnga'.astone, corner of landot Jacob stein; thence soutn eighty degrees west ono hundred and slxty-ilvc perches nnd arc-tent hs to a maple, corner of landot Iianlei Kostenbauder; south six teen and a quarter degrees cast elghty-ono and two-tenths perches to a white oak; thenco by lands of Au?ust liarnhartond Leonard Itoup, south eighty nine and three-quarter degrees west ono hundred and twenty psrehea and seven-tenths to a post; thence by land of Jonas Tahrlngcr north ten nnd a q'l.irtcr degrees cast slxty.ilvc perches to a post; theuco south soventy-ono degrees cast, sixteen and eight-tenth perches to a post; thenco north fourteen d'-greescastblxty-slxand nlno-tcnth perches to a stone; thenco by land now ot Elijah Cleaver, north seventy-two and a quarter degrees cast, two hun dred nnd threo perch's nnd stx-tenths to a post; thence by land ot Jacob Stlne south seventeen and a qua rtcr degrees east seventy-nlno perches and ;tvvo. tenths to a stone, the place ot beginning, contain ing one hundred and thlrty-ono acres, moro or less, together with tho appurtenances, on which arc creetod a dwelling houso, barn and outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit ot Jesso Haines, Executor of Joseph W Illbbs, dee d, against Clark 11. Stewart and C C Stewart, terro tenant, ami to bo sold as the property of Clark B Stewart. Ikeler, Attorney, Lev Fa ALSO. All that certain piece or parcel of land situate In Herwlck, Columbia county, and stato of rennsylvn nla, bouuded and described as follows, to-wlt: situ ate on Vino street In said borough, bounded on tho east by vine street, on the north by land ot Jackson Woodln's Manufactory Co., on tho west by an alley aud on tho south by lot of John Withers, the snme being 4S feet moro or less In width and ono hundred and forty feet moro or less In depth Seized, taken Into execution at the suit ot Stephen Iloffnaglo against A, Miller, and to be sold as the property of A. Miller. Jackson, Attorney. Fl Fa ALSO. All that certain tract or pleco of land sltuato In Greenwood township, Columbia county, Tenna, bounded and descrlb 'das follows, to-wlt: On tho norm Dy land ot Nicholas Kindt, on tho cast by land ot Oeorgo Mordan; on tho south by land ot George utt, ana vv m M Jlusgrave and on tho w est by land of Win M Musgrave, containing ono hundred and four acres, moro or less, on which aro erected a ewclllDg house, bank barn, and out-buildlngs; also a good apple archard and fruit trees on tho premises. also, su Luatccrtain piece or parcel ot timber land sltuato In Orango township, Columbia county, Penn sylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Onthonorlhandcastby land of Ellsha Evans; on tho south by land ot Mathew Patterson; and on tho west by land ot Mary Ann Kausey and others, con taining nfty-four acres of land, moro or less, well timbered. Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of Green wood School District against Jacobs Evans, Thom as Uccco and Alexander Kreamer, and to bo sold as tho property of Jacob s Evans. Ikeler, Attorney Vend Ex ALSO, All that certain tenement, messuaeo and tract of land sltuato In Locust township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows. to-wlt: beginning at a stone, a corner ot land ot John Johnson south beventy-two aud one-half de grees west one hundred and blxly perches to a stone; tuenco oy lands of WUllam Itaub; south seventeen and one-quarter degrees cast ntty-two and threo teniii perches to a stone; thenco by land of Leonard Deurlng seventy-threo and three-quarter degrocs east one hundred and sixty perches to a stone;thence by laud ot Christian small north seventeen and ono- luarter degrees west tit ty-nlno perches to the place ot beginning, containing Ilfty-tlvo acres and ninety six iwrches ot land, strict measure; being farm and woodland. Selzi d, taken In execution at Iho suit of I'eter It. Haldy, et ol, against Adam Marks and to bo sold us tho property ot Adam Marks. I reezc, Attorney Lev Fa ALSO, All that certain pleco or parcel of land situate in Madison township, Columbia county, and Stto of iciinsjivania, bounded and described as follows. to-wlt: Hounded by land of Joslah .Maust. land nr he heirs et John Heller, land of Jacob ZeLslott. land of Joho stouter, land of Jacob (luj ser, land ot Jacob I liechlel, land of Lewis Christopher, land of Ebtha nartman and landot Ain Young, being tho samo premises eonvejed to tho within named defendant, John G, Nevlus by John tl. Mooro and Catharlno his wife, and Holster Ann Mooro by deed dated March si)th,is,2, (less two pieces sold by tho said defend ant, nomelj: About eight acres to hllsha II. Hort- inaa and about two and a half acres to Lewis Chris topher) containing ono hundred and thlrteon ucres and thirty-six perches ana allowanco bo tho same mire or less, on which area ono and a halt story trame dwelling a framo barn, nearly new, a black' smith shop, and other out-bulldlngs, a good spring or water, a spring house, an apple orchard and oth' cr fruit trees. Tho greater portion of the land Is cleared, and In a good state ot cultivation and a por tion nas good timber. Seized, taken In execution at tho suit ot Cyrus iwicnaru against John G. Nevlus and to be sold as tho property of John G. Nevlus. liARELEV, Attorney, Fl. 1'a. Terms cash on day ot sale. I) II ENT Jan.9,l630-ts ' "sheriff, SHERIFF'S SALE. uy virtuo of sundry writs Issued out ot tho court of common Ileas ot Columbia county, and to mo directed, will be ex posed 'to public salo at the Court Ilouso In the Town of liloomsburg, Columbia county, ra., at 1 o'clock, p, m on Friday, January 30, 1880. All that certain messuage and lot of land situate in Beaton township, In tho county ot Columbia, Dounued and described as follows, to-wlt: On tho north by land of Thomas Siegfried, on tho east iv land of Alexander Kramer, on the south by lands of vv imam A, Coleman and J, II. Dlldlno and on tho west by tho public road leading from Stillwater to neatoo, whereon aro elected a two-story frame uweuinu nouso and a framo DHcksmlth shoo. Seized, taken In execution at the suit of tho Ilen ton .Mutual Saving Fund and Loan Association against Jeremiah Stiles, llenlamln Y. Karns. and Caleb O'Hrlan, and to bo sold as the nrooertv of oeremiau mues, one or iho defendants. LiTft-i!, Attorney, fj ya ALSO. All thatcertatn messuaro and lot' 'rifbrnnnrt Bin,. atoln the town of' Bloomsb'urs In the county of uuumonv Dounuea and described as follows; to-wlt: un tuo souui uy sixth street, on tho west by an nllev on the north by sterner'a alley and on the east by a' ioi oi ground now or formerly tho property of J, bharpless 4: Son, containing atty feet la front, more or less, and one hundred and ninety-eight feet In depth, more or less, whereon la erected a two story framo dwelling houso with a ono story kitchen attached. Seized, taken In execution at tho suit ol the Iron liuUdlogi; Loan Association of liloomsburg airalnst John AUstatt and to bo sold as the property ot John Ailstatt. Limns, Attorneys. n. Fa. Terms cash on day of sale. U. II. KNT, Sheriff. Jan 9-ts. DMINISTKATOR'S XOTICE. KSTATK or UCUHUK UOLUNBAClPECKiSEh, Letters of administration on ihn.,rt.n,nu llollenbach. late ot Main 'l'wn.. Columbia en . ceased. have been trranted bv Ihn ltpfrimj,,- rr nni.i county to the undersigned Administrator, to whom all persons indebted aro requested to make Iru me diate payment and those having claims or demands against the estate w tu make them known to the Ad mlnlstrator without delay. Ill RAM HIIUOAUS, Administrator, JanS-Hw catawlssa . LEGAL BLANKS OP ALL KINDS ON HAND AT TBI COLUMBIAN OTISfi NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. U(!1?.TRR NOTICE. . ----- , Notlco Is hereby given that Iho following named esons hsvo filed with tho Clerk 0 tmiCnurtpt pesons have filed arter Sessions ot the 1'eaco of Columbia county thptr notttinnt for iiepnsp which will lie presented to tho Court on Wednesday, tho Fourth day ot Feb ruary next, Frederick M. Ollmore, Bloomsburg, He laurant Tuobsftt'hamberlln, " Until Johns. Mann, Centre, Tavern s. 11, llagenbuch, Orange, Tavern. iVIUlam Williams, Derwlcr, TnTern. WILLIAM KltlCKIUUM, Clerk tj- 8. Ii. F. SIIAHI'LES j, 1), LEACOCK. SHARPLESS & LEACOCK, Cor. Centra and Hall Hoad sts., near L. U. Depot. Lowest Prices will net b3 undersold. Manufacturers of MINE CAIt WHEELS, Coal Ilro ak erandlirldge Castings, Water I'lpes, stoves, Tin ware, Flows, I HON FENCE, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. Tho original Montrose, Iron beam, right hand" lctt hand, and side hill Hows, tuobest In the mark et, and all kinds ot plow repairs. Cook stoves, lloom Stoves, nnd stoves for heating stores, rchool houses, churches, sc. Also tho larg est stock ot repairs for city stoves, wholesalo and retail, such as Fire Iirlck.Grates, cross l'leces, LldsJ to. Ac, stovo Pipe, Cook Hollers, Skllllts, Cako I'lates, large Iron Kettles, (20 gallons to 1; barrels) Farm Hells, sl:d Soles, Wagon lloxes, "Allentown Boiie Manure" l'LASTEIt, SALT, AC, AC Jan 9, 'so-ly Highest UelaratViesna and PhiTaielFa!' E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 501 Broadway, Neiv York. Manufacturers, Importers Dealers In Velvet Frames, Alburas,Grapuoscopesi STEREOSCOPES AND VIEW;! En ravings. Chromos, Photographs, And kindred goods Celebrities, Actresses, etc., PhotographMaterials Wo aro Headquarters for everj thing In tho way of Stereoptieons and Magi: Lanterns, Each style being tho best or Us diss In the m.iiket, ileuuilful Photographic Transpirenclcs or Slum ary and Kngrar.nirs for Hie window. Convex Glass. Manufacturers ot Vilvit Frames tor .uiniaiures anu uou.ex miss Pictures, Catalogues of Lanterns old slides, with direc tions tor using, Bent on receipt of ten cents. Jan ,'8'My Rowell & Oo'b. Advc'b. AfirntK ran now Ft Trrrliory for Mark Twain's New Book, A TRAMP ABROAD. Mark's acn tint of his famous, wide-awake, tfo-as-you please tr.imp over Kuropn w.thotit competition, nnd out-fclllng anv book published. For fl-reney, nd dreos V, C- KUbs & CO-, cwark, N, J. $10 tO $1000;! ilm ested in Wall St., .stocks makes fortunes every month. Hook bent irp PYnminmr nvpriniinff am. dress HXXTKlt & CO , Hankers, 7 Wall St., . Y. Jan. o,-iw r 77a Month and guarantied to Airents Outrttfrec. Siuw&co. ArotisTA, Miink. S5777A WiAllana pxpensi'si 10 iigenUs, (Mlltlt " riff, vuui U. 1LKC.KV, Augusta, Jan 9 aw. rpo ADVKitTlSKHS -lowest, rates for advcrt'slnc 1 In 97u pood newsptperH Hent free. Addie&s ur.u. i. uuii tLitu & l;u.. iu spruce sc., n. v. J.iu-4.v r PIANOS Cover, Stool and Hock, only $140 toj4'i iirgans, 13 stops, 3 sjts ueeus, unoo hffe '. filool nnd Hook, onlv ts:.5u. ffT"HSLr,n or gan, .stool. Hook, only fos.'a. cireu'ar ;nt flee. Address, UUNNKLL & Al ILL Kit. Lewlstovvn, l'o. UM Jan 9 3m wac procured for soldiers disabled In V. S. service from any cause, also ror Heirs of deceased foldlers. All pensions date back lo day of discharge, and lo dato of the deatn of tho soldier. Tensions Increased. Addrcsswllh fitamp, STODDAHT As CO., Nn. 013 E St. X. W. Washington, 1). (J. Jan P-4w vvito 5000 Agents wanted at once. Wo havo tho very liest thing for Agents, nnd oner such lu lucements that any on can mako from so els. to $'i.o i every evening, and J3 ouu a jear If ou work all tha time. &cnd 10 cts. tor sample and se cure jour territory. Address, .Messenger Publishing Co. I'. O. llox at, Milton, Penn'a. Jan 9-4w w&c WIDOWS' APntAISHMKNTS. The follow tag appraisements of real and personal property set apart to widows of decedents have keen tiled In the onire of tha Iieo-inpr or roi- umbla county, under th, ltules of Court, and w 111 be presenled for absolute continuation to tho Orphans court to bo held lu liloomsburg.ln and forsald coun ty, on .Monday, February 'znd, Issu, at two o'clock p. m., ot said day unless exceptions to such vuuiKiim.iuu UIU piCtlUUSiy UU'U, Ol WUlCll till pCT- sons Interested In takl estato will take notice : 1. widow of John Laycock, late ot tho Town of liloomsburg, deceased. 5. Widow ot (leorge llreeco, late ot Madison town ship, deceased, J. Widow ot William II. Orange, lata ot Catawlssa ivnuau,. ueeeascu. Kedsttr's omce. ) W. II. JAroilY liloomsburir. Jan. 2, 'so.r ltegl.-ter. Jan. 2, 'so-tc. S NOTICES. I, Notice Is hei tors and other pen hcrfibv L-lien tn nil t-.ifnB ra. and oilier nernn iiitprtl.,! In (Via iLr,i,..u , tho respective decedents and minors, that the fol lowing administration and guardian accounts have been tiled In tho onice of tho HeiMster or rniumhin county, nnd vv 111 be presented for connrmatlon and allowanco In the Orphans' court to be held In liloomsburg, on Monday, February 2nd, lsso, at 2 o'clock, p. m. on said day : 1. Tho account of John Horn, administrator of l'hlllp Hess, lato ot Sugarloaf township, de ceased. 2. First and final account of Henry W. f Aul, execu tor ot Catharine Aul, lato of liloomsburg, de ceased. 3. Tho account of Allen Mann, administrator of William Hughes, late of Heaver township, de ceased. t. Final account of William Neal, executor of Alfred -Mcclure, lato et liloomsburg, deceased. 5. The Ilrst tand Anal nceoun1 of Henry Vohe, ad mlnlstraorof Lydla Voho lateot Mintlutowu hhlp, deceased. 6. The first and partial account ot John Hellas and A. J. IMIas, executors ot Adam Hellas, lato or i Flshlngcrtek township, deceased. 1 7. The tlrst and final account of E. A Haw lings ad- miuuuaw, v. Miuiaut.taiitsuii, lavuoi lilooms burg, deceased. 8. First and partial account of Jacob F. Ilroadt.and lllrani II. lnoadt. executoisot Abraham Ilroadi, late of Madison township, deceased. 5. First and partial account of Theodore W, smith guardian of Luther A. liermau, minor ihlldof John E. Herman, late ot 1'lne township, de ceased. 10. Tho first anil Una! account of D. rt. Marlz, ad mlnlstrator of Mary .Miller, lato ot llrlarcreek luniisutp, uetutseu. 11. First and nnal account of Isaao K, Krickbaum nnd Charles Ash. administrators of cnristlan .nu, lawui itciauu lumouip, ueceaveu, U. First and flualaccouit of Aaron Vod'r.admln lairator of Abraham Voder, lato of Locutt towii' ship, deceased. 13. First account cf Nathan Miller and Daniel Mll- ici cAu-uioiioi ueorgo -inner, laio ot Allium township, deceased, 14. First aud Itnal account of Jesso John and Noah S Crltes. administrators of David V, Crlles, lato of Fiaukllu township, deceased. 15. The account of Jacob S. Evans, guardian of Itachel Kniin.i, mzy.I. and Harriet .M. vvtilW nlght, minor children of Joseph Whltenlght.lato of Columbia county, deceased. 10. Tho tlrst and anal ai count of o. M. and Charles (ilbbons, executors ot 'I nomas Gibbons, lato of Ilentou township, deceased. IT, First and tlnal account of C. W. Miller guardian ot Jennet Mason a minor child of Itobert Mason lato or liloomsburg, deceased. 18. Ihe tlrst and partial account of John Appleman administrator of John uruber, lato ot Hemlock township, deceased. 1. The llrst and partial recount of llenjamln F. Say. tiw .xuBea nutate, Clt'euiors Ul JOSUUa SaV- age, lato of Jackson township, deceased. SO. Tho nrst and final account of Daniel Cotner. ad- v, v,i.wu, I.W VI Aiuuiour township, deceased. 21, Tho tlrst and nnal account oi Elijah C. Cleaver guardian of Wilson Thomas, minor child ot Jo- bian i nomas, laio or uoanngcreek towushlD. de. ceasea, 2J. Tho rirst and nnal account of Itohr Mcllenry. firpputnrnf .Inhn Nrtvnm, lata nf innt.unn ....i' ship, deceased. 23. The Ilrst and tlnal account ot Stephen II. Miller. admlnlslratorot Ueorgo M, lleagle, lata o Hem lock township, deceased- Iteglster's omce. t Bloomsburg Jan. 2, t. Jan 2-to W, II, Jacoby, Iteglslei GILM0RE & CO., llillliuuiuru isitoJ Pensions, Increase of Pensions, andall other classes of Claims for Soldiers and Sol diers' Heirs, prosecuted. Address with stamp, 01LM0HE & CO., deoi-U Waihlngttm, D, C SHERIFFS SALE '21tu:?' a wrlt ' FI'Ftt' i"l out of the ceW nmmon I'leasotcolumblaeonn.v ..,.'?1 ommon i'ieasotcoiiimH... .IV." vln pd, will bo exposed to puuio Salo nt tho n'l so In tho town of liinnm.i,.n pi... , Ooi"t vy,,,.,,, .,,,' ,"" . " ' "'i'""i county, Klity. Jninmrv 2Snl. issn , w vv.uvn 1,. ,r,.. nn "e right lltleand Interest of Ella, Mendcnliall 1 'hot cert.ln tract of land n u . . ..lm IP. Co ombla county, fa., contalnhTg Uo. I 1 on the cast 1.v landot Henri S, ' MM' IiiIT ii'' ,n,,1'l,lul1' t''Ve by Ifl. Jal. 1 ol , ,,,,,,,, 0,lMlt.ll0rl1lb ylui(12 d g ho isc, ,.,,, a steam saw mil , i AMornt'v. Ttavh on day of salo. joii.v w, Jai HOFI'.MAN', Mierlir. Hy of sundry writs ,.., SirS?;!!'!"" 0t t'olumtla county, nnd tome ,,?,. 0 c,l,0,'1 public salo at tho Court , . ! u 01 "100'nsburg, Columbia county 1' ck, p.m., on , Jiimiarv 23, 1880. vt.lalnlraot01' plt,co ' lantl Mtuatotn .Mala toip, Columbia county anil stato ot i'enn ailyanlMcil and described as follows, n wit: ?Xy,11'1'1 01 ''acob I,rown "n " f" by ando-.iirown.on tho Bou'h by Public road on the w.y land of Jacob I'.rown containing tvvcnty-tlvcsmore or less, wherein are erected a dwelllngie, bank barn, wagon Bhed, uraw shed andojutbulldlngs. seized tn,n execution at Ihe suit of Margaret lirown agtN. n. w. I!rolvn Mia t0 b h, thcpropeav.ii.w. !ro-n, lkcler,'At,y Alias I'I. Fa. ALSO, All that cu tract ot land sltuato In Locust township, Coii county nnd stale et Pcnnsvlra nla, bounded Jearrlbeil as follovf to wit: on the north by ot Iianlei Stlne, on tho cast by landot Charlhrlnger. on Iho touth by landot .Michael Stlnelnnds ot Kaub ,- Kulp, nnd on the west by land aao l'lsher containing seventy acres more,or ,n which arc erectul a dwelling house, barn,bmlth fhopnnd outbuildings. seized taKen:Ccutlon at tho suit ot A. K.TVnl tcr against ac Ktrschner nnd to be sold as the property of Jac Kerschner. llhawn, Atto. vend. Ex. I ALSO, Allthatcertalceor pa'cel ot land sltuato In Franklin townslolumblacounty.I'a, bounded on Ihe north by lan iicnjamln Ford nnd John Art ley, on the east t d ot Valentino Vother, on the south by land ot un 1 eeplo nnd on tho westby landot lleuben llei containing seventy eight acres more or lesihlch ara erected a dwelling hou-c, barn nnd tdidings. also, A II that cn lot or pleco ot land bounded on the north and by land of Joseph Itecdcr, on tho east by land oinuton Clark nnd on tho south by land of I'eter contalnlng ono acre moro or less, on which are ua a dwelling house and out bulldlngs. Seized taken In c 0n nt tho suit ot William L. Ejcrly, ntlorneyln tor ltebecca Edgcrlon, lieu ben Xagle, W in. Naianlel Nagh'.tleo. Naglo and Sarah Petty agalns'inam Watls and Charles Nagle nnd to be sold property ot William Watts and Charles Nagle. Kv erly, Attorney vend. Ex. O. C. Terms cash. dec. 28, '79-U JOHN W. 1I0FFMN. Sheriff. SKERII SALE. Uy virtue of a writ o,ries Fl. Fa. Issued out of Iho Court of common 1 ot Columbia county and to me directed, will bo i,(-d to public salo on tho premises In the townsbi nrlarcreek, Columbia county, I'a., at2 o'clockj., 0n Tuesday, Jan-y 20, 1880. All that tract of land -l0 in thn township et Ilrlarcreck, Columbia co pa., bounded on the north by land heretofore ,hn Van I'elt nowM. E. Jackson's heirs and lt,t John Ilcnvener, on tho w est bi lands ot said Heavcner Adam Ueltrlch, and Krancians, on tho soulh by land In r toforu owned by , -jraush nowl'etllt and others, containing twi1(lrcd nim twenty-live acres more or less on whlc,0 delendnnt Wlllla IjimonnowreMdes. On w aro erected a framo tunkbarii.n frame ilwelllrtsonml out buildings, -al.oawood tenant liouse.iyaio on the premises" ahonn excellent npp!etiira and other fruit trees. S-leil taken In execut.'nt the suit ot Susanna Hunt.,nst WUllam Ln, ana 10 bo bold ns tho prop'rtyof vvilllamLam Knorr, Attorney W. HOFFMAN. Terms Cash, Sheilff. dec 20, ism ts gXKCUTOIt'S NOH. ESTATE OF HENJiMIN1ICLE. nt-rsisr.n. o,n.'J,e,r. laJeor J"'aL8l'Vp.,columbl.ic;iint.v, reiitisjivanla. deceased, hieen eranted In 'ho lleglster ot said countv lo I ,h i-..: ,,nnr;n ,A!L DTon3 n.aT"Walms Sgalnsi the estato of the decedent ar-nuested to present ,tL'fI,li0.r1;ttleratnt''.nd 'bCndebted to tho es wiihSir .ffi J5 mcnt 10 '"sdcrslgned Exe-etor I' f. rnrnm, WILm -MEHICLR, 1 . o. nuckhorn, Fxecutor dec 20-Cw. i-xecuior, UDITOK'S NOTICE. Columbia cocntv, bs. Among tho records and pridlnes of tho Or cinTaTneT" 0t M COUOt' " In tho matter of tho estato than nartman, lato ot Orango township, deceased. On motion of C W Miller, Atw for the heirs and legatees and Charles tl'. Ila'v. Attorney tor legal representatives, heirs andateea it la order. fm,, :,ati'hi",1MrtVia,r,kb,0 v,m? -auditor ttTdla trlbtito tho fund In the hands of ules Mover Admlntsira'orof Jhn It. Moyer.-eased late ex ecutor of Iho said John llartmt deceased. Mar shall assets and settle and adjus,0 said estato ct John llarlmsn, deceased. Cerlined from tho records hlSh'onSem bcr, A,D. 6,9. m. Kkioijm, clerk o. c. The nudllor In pursuance ot , forecolnir an- ffi ,,"lKU,u',,d ,0J" rt' tliereSt. at his oltlee in liloomsburg. on Friday, 4, iry soih. l'so. at 1 a. in., when and where alli-ties Interested will present their claims or bo duted from com ing In on said estate, x Jan. 2,'so-it JOHN M.CltK, Auditor. UDIlOlfS NO'lUh. IS MATTIKOPTIIK PI-TRIDITION TUE ISTATK OP JAIOU MASS I'll BAi, Tl," ,lnil'i.L',iul nilllltoi' llonnlnl 1... ,l,.rn,rf tow ii,,'iiiMl.ijui said I'M.iie nva-u'eitiilu Uio am ." 1 1--ai I. , n. i, ' .... , , . . ot s ,', ,1, i , ,l, i.w III I I n m.illi fn. ., , ,i;,. r los i,,s,i 1,-1,1 111 Ills on,. I'll, 111 ,l,u''. OIl iii,l ,.v ie siuiil.ij or .I.IIHI.II .. in.,, I," i o'clock P. III. IMU'll Ril uhi-ri, fill i,.ti i,m.,i. ...c n... l ii i til rllt,v-ui uieir i'miuis joo forevirde- j'ir-i r i s Aud!!or. A MIINISTIJATOIl'S NOTI2. ESTATE OKBARAU C.BIICLTZ.lcEASHD. letters of Admlntstrallon on tholtato of Sarah u siiultz, late i of Centre township, tumbla covn t, deceased, have been granted byte lleglster cf said county to the undersigned adtilstraTor All luesti'd to present them for settletnt and tioso Indebted to mako payment wlthouviay. SSMUEL NEnitD, Aitnistrator. ou j, issu-ovv .vntre lw- "IXIXLITOIW NOTICE. ESTATE OF ANNA BOVEK, bldsEO, I-ellrrs Tl'Stlllnentflrv ti.u im,-r I,.,.. .., ;. .. . '.'.."'". .'."" y.v. Hojer late ol l.i,in-,t lownship, couibl.i coimiy. !'.?.'K,1,ll','1l,'!,T,',',,' at'' tovn ianuil by I l.o lleglster ot salil louuty lo Siinoi, ln h. ,u,d Ji ie. Anna K iWTi . I'1""18 hnlm: e'als against too estate or the Uei-eilent are nquesli id ores, t them for siillinii nt. and those Indued to Iho Kfl.'hourdffaT11' l """M1-'"1'11 I;"CU SIMON IlKI.V'd. J-" "."so-siv,' iKxecutors, JXEUUTOIt-S' NOTICE. ESTATE OP ANNA BUOHAN. PECEAEO. u tters ii'Siameniaryoa lh estato im II. lalOOt Malll tOUIiRlilr. l'nl,,,nhln (Anna Shu lounty. I'a., els erof said ikrsons ileceasi ii, have lu eu graiiicd by l he itei ,,j ,,, wiu iue,s,Klieii r.xt-clllors p. rstlllS h.ivlni' i l.ilins r-galnst tlio esiaie ot tn d,,i-deiit aieri'ipii'siidlopri'seui ihem for K'lll(uent. and thosii Inilfbtnl lo thu estaio to mako pay a'nt to tlio uudirslgued Executors without ileliy. T r.t, i.ueill opayajnt il'fl'M.U, HA VIII siium., VV'ni. IV wimtvi . Dec 20, 1S7J-CW , Exec HUH .',, Executors. T?XECUTOU'H NOTICE. ESTATE OF JONAS EETTBUlfAN, ECEA8n Letters testamentary on the estato of1 Jonaa Fetterman, lato or locust township, columou county, l'ennsjlvanla, deceased, have been granted by tho itetlsterot Bald county lo Wra. Fetterman. Itupert, tiecmor. All persons having tialmsagalust Jho estato ol tho deceased are requested to t fisieut them for netUement, and those Indebted to the es. SawZoTdefayf ' the undera,eM(1 """l WM. FETTKItMAN, w. i kverly, Att j. ,or ZilTQr' 1,U1H!r, ' Jan. , 1SSO-6W (PKIlA made In 81 days, to paga cataiogu OUU ,rec' ULCKKYK KOVItllV Co., CUiclnnatl. Ohio. v M u i "I the suit o( il,n i rs, -V 1 ,l,f is,,,,,,,,, , lls,)lillld t(j ''nt l u v Ml'"""''ll Wl Mi'h.lcn 1" s ,. '..), i ,,,.;, ,., 1(,llU B0lt) prop. y of Kll . M...M, ,,l,.i, g uo NOT, T.-tai Wtoo The niglil,