The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 09, 1880, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCEAT,BLOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. 1 1 Ij f I 1 I I M U ni,ooMsnuR(i, rniDiT, jinihrtI Rail Road Time Tablef JICKA WANNA ft BLOOMSnUIWJ ItA MORTO. Accommodation Train, Mall Train T.S3 A. Fast Train..... 13-00 Express Train .M 1'. CATAWI8SA RAIL HOA HORTD Jj Accommodation Train A. Regular Kiprcsa ., 4.0 1'. TuronKh cars on Express train eltl or rnllaaelDhU. Accommodation trtl latawissa ana wiiiiamsporu , 8TAOB LINES. CiMDBA AND tltOOMSBURO. LcaTO Can1vo jj7 Wednesday ana maay at, "sburiron Bloomsburg by 1 1:30 a. in. heart malir same days after arrlralot 'huCd!Vin0 ULOOMSBORII AND LUBDBTItU.-I.?,o V m . Tuesday. Thursday and Saturij um,'. arriving at iHoomsourg by u SadeiDwa burg on samo days alter arrlfi!,ril,,,1e'pma mall The stago lino tcrmlnata" , c' Benton and Moomsburg.-A dailjr.'ufth ltenton In the mornli bin; of the Bamo day, Jh MAIL ROUTtS, Vniri mu. inn Bixomsbcro. ft.MS. Tuesday, Thursday and Sake Teiiioomii'. arriving at liloomsburg by iiiy Shla burg on samo days after arri 1 m'ac,Pnl mall. l'i v BXNTON AND BtOOJISBCBO.-Txatf-VlSSffS Wednesday and Krlday at ' " eanesuay nu r riuai ""Jhsbu,. TuC Itiuoiusourtr s v. iu. LA.-utr .;rfM, aav. Tnursilay and daturdiar u" ai H?uiuuai a p. iii. PUBLIC SAL David Lowcnberg, AdrJkor of 0corKe Risew ick , deceased , w 111 Pel e,lMo on llle premises, In Bloomsburg,lJ'nusrJr 17 at one o'clock, p. m. I? JSee Advertisement1" column. We haro commencod the publication of the Philadelphia markets, and will contlnno the "time hereafter, carefully corrected weekly up lo tho latest date before going to press. Wo had a call the other day from Hot. D J. Wallor, Jr., Principal of the Stat Nor mal School at nioomsburg. Mr, W. is a young msn of raro ability, fine education, good ad. drew, and well slocked with tho proper quality of "snap" to run lost Institution, or anything like it. Levcitbwg CSronUU. A check Is generally designed for Immediate payment and not for general circulation. It Is the duly of the holder lo present It for pay ment as soon an lie reasonably may. If he does not he keeps it at his own risk. For the past two or three years there have been many printers outof employment. Scarce ly a day pnsed without an application from one or more tramps for work. Now all our homo jours have work here or el'ewhero and ttnmps have ceased lu npply. During the hoi- Jays the editor of the Catawissa Item was in search of extra help and had groat difficulty in gelling it. this Is a healthy sign and shows that business in the printing offices is increas- ng as well as In other trades. David Leche, Esq., has taktnhis departure from liloomsburg, where ho has resided for some lime, and is well and favorably known. and removed to Lancaster where he intends to practice law. His excellent character nnd good business qualifications will undoubtedly secure for him the confidence nnd respect of the citizens In his new lnmo. We hope he may meet with success in his profession, Simmons' Minstrels haa'house' License pelitions and" I for 8sle "hi' office. Hon. R. S. Simingtor:,anvllle WM ln town on Tuesday on bull Tho person who borroir"lh'9Form',from this office will please rei'j The Ball of Iho Kesctok hM" Com pany wat well attendej!e31t ult' Mr. L.P. Osmun lavle(1 dr"8 itore in Catawissa. jf R. M. Tubbs, of 8'icksblnny Echo wsb married recently, fj Edward B. Clarlfo'0 tlie Position of weigh master at Ne j ' furnace. Hon. Robert KoV plea"- accept thanks for a bound copy aK'"1KC8 aad Documents for 1878-9. f Judge C. E. RieeJt"nc. hn' been com, missioned l'residei'dgo and held his first session of court oni?ay- The Normal S1 opened on Monday morning with v?tterir.R prospects. A large number of b(" hfi already arrived. The Auditors fgsged in examining the accounts of the'i'7 ! wek' The state ment will be pubjl in February. Shcrifl Ent warn into office on Saturday, He has appointing Brockway as his So licitor, and A. J in, clerk. We neel ecteaf'nt'n at the proper time, the enterlainmrf the Calliepian Society at the Normal So The hall was well filled and tho perforjewas good in every respect. We are undfligalions lo G. A. Clark and B. F. Hartniar? handsome and convenient office calendar! 1880, presented by them re spectively. Never b'ehCihc times, The large number of orders for" work has compelled us to in creawour fo AH work nuatly, chcaplyaud promptly exuu. E J Thornton, an old resident of this nlacc. ;lied on Sunday evening at the residence of James Barton, after an illess of several weeks He was about 75 years of age. Mr 'Ihornton was a good cilizen. and was lareelv connected re. He was the last member of his immedi ate family. He was of a genial disposition and enjoyed universal respect. No family survives him, having never been married. The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock, and the remains were followed to Hosement Cemetery by a large number of friends. Jonathan lliel. of Catawissa, lost four children byalheria in four days; one dying on the 18th,'ther on the 20th, and two on the 2Ut of Imber. A terrible visitation, f Moyer 11 have obtained on excellent portrait of t father, Iho late John R. Moyer It is an oil (ting taken from a photographi and is perftn every respect. They presented it lo their rier on Christmas. The frame is one of the lost we have ever seen. On the cpage will be found "Our Puwle Corner," Slucled by an experienced hand We liope't new feature will prove attractive to our real, and have no doubt that both old and younf ill find much amusement in it Answers I be given weekly As ouriwlerville correspondent did not sign his ne lo his communication, it found a restingtce in our waste basket, We shall be glad tiear from him if he will give us his naineancnit all unpleasant personalities in his lettei In aner column appears the advertist'. ment of firpless & Laycock. The are one of our mostterprising manufacturing firms, and deserve t liberal patronage which they are receivingRead their adverli-iement and you wantiything in their line you cannot do beller elthere. Thearmentin the Cameron Will contest was hear at Lewisburg by Judge Elwell on tho 23d n Hon. A. II, Dill and Judge J, S BUck C in behalf of the contestants, and Hons. Wne McVeagh and Joshua W. Corn- ley in suprt of the will. The decision was reservedjitll January 28th, ' In a lei r published In a recent number of the (tm, ("Granger" pays a defcrved compli. ment lo tl Carrisge factory of M. C. Sloan & Bro., of tl town, Every one who vi'its their estublishnnt pronounces their work to be the very best! Do notforgct that the Columbian office is beltrr pr ami to do job work than any other office in e county, and at prices as low as the lowest, v 1 kinds of work from elegant visiting cards aniMedding invitations up to the Urges poster excuted on short notice. A newfioard of Directors of the Bloom I'oor District (fill b elected next month. The old board hi managed the poor house with entire fatisfactln. Why not re-elect William Krea mer nn Robert S. Ent for Bloom and Scott? We havl heard no one elso named, and know of no Lftttr meu. Ther has been 45 deaths from diphtheria in and around Catawissa since the 2d day of last June, Tbreo families have each lost four children and quite a number have lost two and three, A number have been buried in the same grave. Messrs. Albert Yetler and C. C. Sharp' less are keeping a record of the deaths which we shall publish in some futuro issue. Ilan, At a meeting of Catawissa Lodge, 349, F A.W., helilTuesday night, Dec. 23J, the fol flowing officera wero elected to serve the ensu log yean W. M., John R. I'otlj S. W , John IH- uarkley; j. w., Clinton Ellis; Treas., S. D, -ttiuard; Sec'y.,J. 1!. Knltlle. The I'lttston Gcuttlt reporta that the lax pay erx nf thn lni. Dn.l f ... morn 10 lonu a new poor district which shall Harlude the borough of New Columbus and th I townships of Fairmounl. Union. Rosa and S&. t,Jtm in Luieroe, and Benton and Fishingcreek BWDinipa u Columbia. W. Neal k Sons' fumaco was put In blast yesterday morning. Miss Imrle's former pupils In drawing and painting, will be gratified to learn that she Is gain on duty In the Normal School. The annual report of John Snyder was in typo tor this issue, but was crowded out by other important matter. It wilt appear next week. ottAi'E juicn. The art of fermenting the Oporto Grape intc wine in this country hss been btoueht to a eater degree of perfection by Mr. Alfred Speer, of Passaic, Now Jeroy, than by any other person) and his wine is very popular as ladies wine, as well as for tho communion (able and fur invalids. For sale by C. A Kleim, liloomsburg, Pa, The funeral of M W Nuss took place on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, at Iho Bo formed church. It was largely attended, The Americnn Mechanics, of which lodge he wss n member, were present as a body, Mr Nuss was about 37 years ol age The Bloom Ferry Company met nt J W Hen- dersholt's on the first day of January, 1880, and elected the following named officers for the ensuing year. President, Reuben Hhuman; Secretary, William Krlckbanm ; Treasurer' Joseph W Hendcrshott. A dividend of twenty perccnton the par value af the slock was declared. COURT PROCEEDINGS. January 3rd, 1880, Court met pursuant to adjournment. His Honor, William Elwell, 'resident Judge, and his associates I K Krick- hjum and F LShuraan on the bench. The argument list was taken up. Solomon Helwig vs M Hamlin. On motion judgment for plaintiff for want of sufficient afll davit of defense. On petition sole of real eatalo ordered in estato of Gotlieb Gunther, deceased. Bond approved. Report of Auditor fded in matter of Susanna Hunt ts William Lamon. On petition, permission granted to mortgage the homestead of Joseph I Conner, decease, On petition, citation awarded in estate of J acob Shuman, deceased , First National Bank of Bloomsbnrg for the use of Henry Doak vs Reuben Miller. Judg' ment awarded. Alias order of sale granted in the estate of John Rcishline, deceased. Bond approved- Report of George M Dallas, Auditor in tho matter of the Danville, Hnzleton A Wilkes Barre R R Company in equity. Confirmed nisi. The following rules were granted by the Court : G II Fowler's uso vs W E Howe r. On pe( tition nnd motion, rule to show cause why the writ shall not be stayed and sale continued to first day of next term. Eliza Kline va Jonathan Klino Subpoena in divorce On motion B P Fortner, Esqi appointed Commissoiner to take testimony ez parte' John Eveland va Supervisors of Locust township On motion the Court allow statutory writ to issuo. Dim id Morris assigned to Daniel Stino vs Conyngham and Centralia Poor District On affidavit and motion, rule is granted to show cause why the scire facias in this case should not be stricken from the records at costs of plaintiff. Samuel Bogart assigned to William Bogart Hiram R Albertson On petition rule is granted, returnable at next term, on the first Monday to show csusc why judgment shall not ho opened or set aside, and Hiram K Albertson, garnishee, let into a defense In meantime writ of fieri facias stayed lien to remain Joseph A Henrie vs Orangeville Mutual Saving Fund nnd Loan Association On peti tion and motion rulo granted to show cause why an attachment should not be issued against Joseph A Henrie for payment of costs ORANGEVILLE ITEMS. A few weeks ago a party of not very small ladies took a trip to the top of the Nob Moun tnin and thence continued their weary walk lo a place known as "Hayman'a rocks," a distance of ono or two miles. At this place they dwovcred a dead animal hanging on a small rm. Approaching as near fur its inspection i wniuan's courago would allow, after due con snltuion, they concluded that it was a wild cat II it had moved iU claws, opened its mouth, or rolled its eyes, tho vociferous shrieks might have been heard in Orangey ille. On Christmas Col, H. R. Kline and lady were agreeably surprised by a home reunion o! th-ir children, all of whom were present excep Mrs. Mary E. Moyer, of Clinton county. Du ring the temporary absence of the parents, a sumptuous banquet was spread, headed by u monstrous turkey. Dinner oyer, all repaired In the parlor where a number of gilts were in trrchangod, among which was a beautiful Bible with the inscription, "Our Christmas Greeting to Father and Mother." Thus ended a happy and pleasant family reunion." Oriental Lodge, A. Y. M., of this place, had an oyler supper a few evenings ago, It Is a lid lhat the tanner and the undertaker ate th most oysters, What is the significance of thi: voracity? The Anniversary at tbo .ion church was a complete success. The church was beautifully decorated and the two large Christmas trees were richly laden wilh gifts for the children, The exercises consisted of singing, recitations and addresses. On this occasiou ihe pastort Rev. A. HouU, was presented with a fine mem or'ul album, accompanied by a neal and well delivered address by one of the lady members The Sunday school has made fine progress. Du ring the last six years it has more than doubled its membership. Netiiebland FHOU ANOTHER COltlllXl'OMlkiNT. After the excitement of Christmas and New Year, we have settled down into a very quiet village, One of tho interesting events of New Yesrs was the mcrrlage ol Mr. D. P. Unger and Miss Hatlie Appleman, Ernest Sloan and Perry Welsh returned to EaBton on Wednesday. The term opened on Thursday. Mrs. I.iziie Bowman and family also returned to Easlon, They had a very pleasant visit h ere. The term at the Academy closes in three weeks. Anew student, Mr. Lance, of Heller ville, arrived on Monday, Mr. Frank Ricketts,of the North Mountain was in town this week, Dr, MeGargell has a six weeks old Jersey calf which lie valuta at $25, Mrs. Bartholomew, of Kingston, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Welsh. Rev, Mr. Dickson and wife, of Berwick, passed through Oiangevllle on their way to Benton on Dec. 31st, to attend Ihe marriage of Mist Haiti McIItnry, of lhatplp It should be (he aim of every owner of Horses, Cows, lo mako them as handsome and useful as possible. Tho German Horse and Cow Powder helps to develop all Ihe powers of the animal. It improves its beauty and ncreascs its usefulness. It makes milk, muscle and fit. By luing it a horc will do more work and a cow give more milk and be in better con dition wilh less teed. Sold only by weight at 15 cents a pound by C. A, Kleim, Bloomsburg Dec 12, '79-ly RltAWN PAKTRinuE. On December 23d, 1879, by tho Rev. Chas. E. Fessenden, William H. Rhnwn, Esq ,to Miss Nettie M. Partridge, both of Catawissa. The weddiiur of Mr. Rliawn nnd Mi's Part ridge was a very quiet one, only a few near friends of Ihe briiie and groom being present. It took place hi Hie residence ol .Mr. vt.u. Yetler with whom Ihe bride "had her home, After the ceremony a sumptuous repast was partaken of by ihoso present, when the bride aim groom lelt on the noon train lor riiuauer pliia, where they will remain until slier Uirlst ' 1 .1 ' '11 1 Tl- 11 XT mas w en inev win nroceeu iu trumiuurv i T 1 .1 'II c. t. ,i....:l ii.. wiifre luev will nuiuuiii lur icn uata nnu friends. After remaining awav for a couple of weeks they will return and very soon go lo keeping house. Item. We extend our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Rhawn, and wish them a long and happy life. DEAD BY HIS OWN HAND. A MY&TERIOU3 SUICIDE. Last Sunday morning about half past ten o'clock, as G. P. Fry mire was on his way to church, he was attracted by the cries of a little son of M. W. Nun on Last street and on inquiring whal waB the matter, the boy replied that his "papa was lying on tho floor, and his face was all red." Mr. brymirecn tered tho house, and on reaching the kitchen was met by an anpallinz spectacle. On the floor, lying flat on his back, was M. W.Nuss his face covered with blood, and his right hand irrasnine a small pistol. M. C. Woodward was Immediately called in, and ahasly examination showed that life was extinct. Mrs. Nuss and her eldest daughter were at church, and a messenger was sent foi them. heart rending scene took place on Iheir arrival, Dr. Gardner was called in, and found that the ball had passed through the roof of the mouth Subsequently, on probing, he fouud lhat the ball had gone through the brain and was stopped at the back of the head by the skull. Death must have been instantaneous. The forefinger and thumb of the left hand were blackened with powder, showing lhat the deceased must have held his mouth open with one hand and fired the pistol wilh the olher, wilh the muzzle be tween the thumb and forefinger. The position of the body was such as to indicate that he sat down on the floor in the kitchen and shot him self in lhat position, immediately falling over on his back, and the bands falling in a natural position across tho breast. There was but one pool of blood, and that on the floor at the left side of the head. Esquire Brower was notlfiedi and a Coroner's jury empanelled, as follows: Geo. E. Elwell, foreman, William Hart, N. U. Funk,G.;P. Frymire.M. C. Woodward and il ard Gtddis. After being sworn, tho jury viewed the body, which had not been moved from the position in which it was found, and llien ad journed until two o'clock Monday afternoon, to meet at Esq, Brower a office. Mr. Nus was Deputy I'rolhonolary of ihis county attlie time of Ins death. He was edu cated at Ihe Normal School, having been tl member of the first class ever graduated at the institution. He taught in the public schools here for several years, and on the election of B. F. Zarr as Prothonotary, he served two terms as Deputy, and was continued in that position by William Krickbaum, In thu performance of his duties, he was careful and reliable, and was always courteous and obliging to those hav ing business in Ihe office. As Secretary of the Agricultural Society, he had also given general satisfaction. He was a member of the Reformed church, and an active worker in Ihe Sunday school, Sunday morning was the first time he had not attended for some years. He did not get up with the rent of the family, as he said he was not feeling well, and would not go out. Soon after their departure, for Sun day school he arose and put on his pants, came down stairs in his hare feet, and a few mo ments before ten o'clock, ushered himself into eternity. A lady living near saya lhat at about that time she heard a crack like the discharge of a pistol, but paid no attention to it. On Saturday he was in h's office attending to his duties as usual, and spoke to a person present of some work he had to do on Monday. In the evening he appeared to be in his usual good hutnor.No possiblecause can be aliened, for ihe rash act, and the whole afftir is a mysteri' ous one. There can be no doubt that he inten tionally put an end to his life by his own hand. and from Ihe circumstances so far as known at present, there can be just as little doubt lhat be was not in his right mind when he did it His family, the sufferers by this horrible tragedy, have Ihe warmot sympathy of the entire com munity, COKONEIl'S INQUEST. Pursuant to adjournment, the Coioner's in, quest met at the office of J, J, Brower, Esq, on Monday at two o'clock p. m. G. 1'. Frymire was the first witness. He testified lo the find ing of the body, as stated above, M, C, Woodward also testified as lo the position of the body. Dr. B. F, Gardner was sworn, and said that he was called in a little befoio half past ten He thought that Nuss had been dead not more than five or len minutes wbeu he got there. He examined tho wound and found that the ball pasted through iho roof of the mouth into the brain and lodged in Ihe back of the head against the skull, The wound was undoubtedly made by Ihe pistol in bis hand. ll.F.Zarr was affirmed and said that Ihe deceased was a man of very peculiar tempera' ment, He had never noticed auything about mm thai looked as though ho was insane, but thought there was a balance wheel lacking, He was very easily'depresscd, and could not bear up under trouble, When there was a anything weighing on his mind he would complain of tals head, There Is insanity In the family, One uncle cut his throat, another uncle and cousin are In the asylum now, and a sister was outof her right mind for some time. The wit" ness knew nothing in particular about Ihe finsn cisl condition of the deceased, except that he was somewhat embtrrassed by small debts. William Krickbaum wss sworn, and said he iad noticed peculiar conduct on the part of Mr. Nuss, but never saw anything that made him suspect there was something wrong with him. He was considerably embarrassed by mall debts. So far ss witness knew his family relations were of n pleasant character. The Inquest then went (o (he house of Mr. Nuss, where Mrs. 11. F. Zarr was affirmed. She heard a report like a pistol, and Immediately afterward a crash like the ratlllngof a stove. This was a little before ten o'clock. Mrs. J, Fetterman was sworn nnd testified that shewent lo Mr, Nuss' secretary Ibis (Mon day) morning, and found noplslol, but found four cartridges. (Iho cartridges were pro duced and corresponded to that in the pistol with which the act was committed.) She also testified as lo Insanity in his family, Mrs. Nuss was sworn nnd related what oc curred during his last hours. They went to bed about nino o'clock on Saturday night, as lie said he was sleepy. He went first and she followed soon after. She supposed le slept well, but when she woke up n Iho-mornlna she found him crying. He did not gst up, and loll ihcm lo tell Mr, Krebs that possibly he would not be nt church, When she loft the house she thought he was sound asleep. One lime last winter he acted strangely but would not tell her what was the matter. Af terwards he told her that he had had a rope in the houte to hang himself with, but lhat was all over now, and she need not fear ho would ever attempt such n thing. He often had melan clioly spells and would go off by himself and have n cry, and then he would feel better. On Monday morning of last week he said to her there was nothing in this world worth liv- in? for, but sho laughed at him, and bo cheered up, nnd the rest of Ihe week seemed lively and happy. She identified the pistol as his property, which he always kept in his sec retary. He always kept the desk locked and carried; the key on a ring with others. (The key was found in nis pocket after dealh.) The inquest rendered the following verdict; Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Colum. niA Countt, ss: An inquisition, indented and taken nt the Town of Bloomsburg, in the County of Colum bia, Ihe fifth day of January, in tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty, before me J. J. Brower, a Justice of the Peace of the county aforesaid, Acting Coroner, upon the view of the body of Martin W. Nuss then and there lying dead, upon the oaths of Gco.E. Elwell, G. P. Frymire, N. U.Funk, M. C. Woodward, William Hart and Willard Geddis, good and lawful men of the county aforesaid, who being sworn to inquire, on the purl of the Commonwealth, when, where, how, and after whit manner, the said Martin W: Nuss came lo his death, do say upon their oaths, that the said Martin W. Nuss came to his death on the 4 th day of January, A. D 1880, about 10 o'clock a m,,at his dwelling house in tho Town of Bloomsburg by a pistol shot wound intentionally inflicted by his own hands, while laboring under a fit of temporary mental aberration. And so the jurors afore said, upon ;their oaths aforesaid, say that the aforesaid Martin W. Nuss from the cause aforesaid in manner nnd form aforesaid came to his death and not otherwise- In witness whereof, as well the aforesaid Justice of the Peace. Actine Coroner, as Ihe jurors aforesuid have to tins inquisition put uieir nanus nnu seais on ine uay anu year anu ai ine piaco nrst auove mentioned. ' J. J. Brower, J. P., Acting Coroner. Geo. E. Elwell, M. C. Woodward, Willard E. Geddis, G. 1'. Frymire, William Hart, N. U. Funk. For Rent. A desirable store room, corner room In what is known as Brower building, in the 'I -r 111 I r,-l i xunu wi iiiuuifisuurg, uoiurnuia j juniy, 1 a, Nearly opposite the Exchange lintel, nnnn- site the Post Office and first door above the Court House, being one of the best located Storerooms In the Town. The room Is well fitted up with Counters. Shelving, Gas fix tures, See. Possession April 1, 1880. Inqulro (if J. J. Hrower, liloomsburg, Pn. A lot nf Chestnuts for ealn bv Silas Yoiinp nt Light Street. December, 19, 3w. Rubbers atMcKlnney's. 200 nice thrifty white shotes that weich 35, 10, M, and CO lbs ; wanted nt Light Street by Silas Young. iNov.2I.2-m. Youths. Dovs and Children' Hnts nnd Caps forwlnter wear at D. Lowenberg's. Hear In mind I. W. llnrtmnn's r!alie urn (be cheapest and best. Wanted 2000 lbs of nice dried nsiiber. ries, at 25 cents per pound. And 2000 lbs of nice dried pitted cherries for which I n ill pay ttie very highest market price. SILAS YOUNG. July 18-Gm. Admission free at JIcKinney's. Bear In mind I. nants cheap, Business Notices OHWIAN'S COURT SALE OP VALVAM.IC REAL ESTATE ! try Vitnaofan order i.tuie Orphans' CourtofCo Imntili roiintv, Iho uniiri-t neil Administrator of tiroign It cttli'k. Iito (f Mm mslin., to'umbU countr. ilceeavcd vniivno'o lo pin lto sa'o'on tlie premises In L ooiiisbtug, Col., Co., on b'atuiiltiy, .Iiiiiunry 17, 18S0, atone o'cloik, p. m , All tint rert dn tot ot f. rouut situate 'nth'! Town ot !','fHnnjiirjr, Co'iimbla county I'.i. bounded and rio' I'ird n. fo !oas1o wl' i on the noii-i V'r-tt s riTlcts.iid'luMii.niniie We-ibv Whitman's nicy, on tlio miiiiii bv I'lii- p A Irs nnd on ti.e eastbyan a 'cy. be'njiH" tlx feel luv " hand two hundred and fouinen fi ll nx Incut sj in iiepili. Whereon arc elected a Two Mory Finnic .with ce'lar kitchen, Dwelling House W. Uartman sells rem- 4,000 pounds'of nice dried apples wanted at Silas Youngs store Light Street for which i win pay the highest market prices. uecemuer, in. z-m. Boots and Shoes cheap at McKinney'c. Bear in mind I. W. Hartman's New Grocery has all fresh goods. 500 Beef hides wanted by Silas Youne Lleht Street for which I will nav the li idl est cash market price. December, l'J. 2-m. Boot headquarters at McKlnney's. Ileal Seal Skin Caps iust received at David Lowenberg's. Hartraan's Glass Bear in mind I. W. ware is the newest style. I will pay 0 cents per pound cash for 200 good veal calves that weigh from 125, 130, nu. id", to iuu, lus. ana upwards, lou can bring them on Monday Tuesday and Wed nesday ol any week. November, 21. 2-m. Silas Young. Bear in mind I. W. Hartman sells Goods cheap, cheaper, cheapest. Call at McKinney's for Shoes. Hats 1 HaTsTl Hats 1 1 1 CAPS, CAPS, CAPS. Litest styles. Lowest Prices at the Popu lar Clothing Store of D. Lowenberg. Itubber Coats white and black. Blankets Leggings, Gloves, Caps nt Iho lowest prices at v. ivOwetiDerg a. Bear in mind I. W. Hartman's Comblna tion Store is one of the institutions of the Town and County. McKinneys Shoe Storo below Court House. Still nhead.the Nobby Over Coats, Ulsters and suits at l). Lowenberg s. A UDITOR'S NOTICE See a woman on horseback in another col umn, riding near Speer'a Vineyards, with bunch of Grapes from which Speer's Port Grape Wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by the medical profession for the use of invalids weakly persons and Ihe aged. Sold by Druggists. June 27 1-y. SUEHIFF'S SALES. Saturday, January 3d, Sheriff Hoffman sold the following propojties ut Ihe Court House in Bloomsburg . Property oi Jonathan Myers in Roaring- creek township to John C Myers for Property of George Hupp in Locust town ship to Jacob Stine for $100. Property of Francis Flemming in Main township to Franklin Shuman for $50. BERWICK LETTKIt. Eds. Columbian : No sleighing now, last Saturday finirhed the sport litre for the present. Even then thu tea it 8 that were out hugged the fences or sidewalks as closely as they could. The pheasant, rabbit and quail no longer sport with the gunner, who wisely has oiled Ids folding-piece and hid it on the thelf. The sportsmen, he it said to their ciedit, have been merciful with the few quail that survived the severity of last winter. A movement seems to be on foot to procure a hundred of these birds from Ihe South this Winter, lo bo left out on tho different farms iu spring. The result, no doubt, would be gratifying next full. Kev. Riddle, pastor of the M. E. Church here in former years, once again entertained as in the familiar rapid ttyle la-t Sun lay, He plead for the poor heathen in the morning and for the poor sinner In Ihe eve nlug. Mr. C. H. Zehnder has "played it alone" long enough; he is 1 etichered" at last. Some day next week he will "pass" bachelordoin, bow to Hymen's command and "take It up " "Hearts is trump" beyond question, and the 'deuce" becomes an "ace." All joy to him and his bride (to be) Miss Rosa Hicks. May Iho "trump" always remain the same through the long and stormy "game" uf life. The schools and banks were closed on New Year's day. With this exception, the day dif fered not from the preceding or succeeding ones. In Iho evening a leap year party en joyed Ihis novelty at F, R. Jackson's. The young men were waited upon by the ladies and escorted lo Ihe scene of ihe party. In fact the tables were turned, the ladies for once play. ing the role of gentleman escort, All seemed to have enjoyed themselves highly. Reporter. Sherman Co. Marshall. Mich., want an agent in this county at once, at a salary of $100 per month anil expenses paid, for lull panic ulars address as above. Nov, 21-ly. the matter ot tho estate of Thomas lleece. ln tho Court ot Common l'leasof Columbia coun tv. And now December 9th ism. on motion or Samuel Knorr, court appoint T. J. Vandersllce, auditor to aiMriouic iuuus m.iuo nanus or ine Assignee. 11V THE COUHT. The Auditor In pursuanco of ttie roreirolue ap pointment, will utlend lo tho uulles thereof ut his otllco In liloomsburg on Saturday the nth, day of January 1S, at 9 o clock a. m , when and where nil parlies Interested will present their clalmsor bu debarred from comUig In on said funds. T. J.VAMJUHSLtCE, Auditor. dec 19.-4W That the public may bo protected against Imitations and Fraud wo specially caution all pur chasers of BEKSOlt'S OAPCIME I0H0US PLASTERS to see that Ihe word CAI'LINE on each plaster Is fcllid correctly. Do not allow some olher pla-lcr to bo palmed off under similar sounding names, wi'h the assurance lhat 11 is Ihe same thing or as good. Bear In mind that the only object such vendor can bavo Is the foci that they can buy Imitation nt half tbo price of tho genuine, Slid they hope by this substitution to gam n small additional profit. , , . SEAllL'UV k JOHNSON, Pharmaceutical chemists, New Wk. d Jan2-4w The Old Established Drug Store. A Laree Livery Stable. Carriage Honses and shed, coal House, 1" j I'ei nnd othfr outbuild Invs with a CTod 'i cf water nt tho blabloanda Cit'.crn nt Iho liev ngUo'isc. TEliMS or SHE. ion per cent, of the one fourth of I lie pi' c u.-a monev to be paid nt ttie sink down of tne J pi i , the one folrtliless Hip len pii'i' tho . n,i mat ion ol find the rnm inn.' imec ms in onojear llicieatler wilh uteres' f otu contlrin tt ion nisi. icd to bo paid for bj Iho purchaser. DAVID l.UWI.SI'.EIIO, decse-ts Administrator, HL C. SLOAN & BRO. ULOOMSIft'ItR, l'.i. Manufacturers of Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs; rLATFOKSI WAGONS, 40. First-class worklatwaj s on'.hand. RKPAIItlNQ NEATLY DONE. Prices reduced to suit the times. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT Corner Main .nnd Market Streets BLOOMSBURG, PA. The undersigned htvlng been In Iho WIIOI.lWAI.i: Dlt t'd buslnesa for Ihe past eleven years would their largo and varied stock. M QQQ&mt& of Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Patent Medicines, Spices, &c. iron. A FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers to sell on moderate terms at private bale, a tamable KAHM sltuato In Jlount l'leabant ton nshlp, Columbia county, ntxiut two and a half miles west of Uloomaburff, the county teat of said Loturatla county. hatd Farm contains 124 &cres of Land with the necessary Improvements thereon erected nnd Is In a good stato ot Cultivation. There Is on said premises A Neveii Failino Stream op Waikb with the rlsrhtfora .1111.1. or olher imrpoornand UAIIt MtUHIlES, a fair supply ot timber adjacent. It Is a ccslrable MM ail Bes toeM BROWER'S BLOCK. Cannot be snrnsisscd sinywlierc. IN IT MAY BE FOUND A LARGE STOCK OF mi Sl'ONOKS. CI1AMOIH, I'EIlFUMEItV, FANCY AUTICLIW, 5E5 CO LOON W, ClOARS, TOILET HOAI'S, TOOIII UIIUSIIES, LAMPS, GLOBM, property, and will be sold at a barffaln to the pur- ami in fact GVCry tiling that SllOUM 1)0 Kept Ilia complete ailli WCll regulated JDrur otore. chaser, 8r-For terms and pi rttculnrs addrcrs by mallor appty to B. Stouxck, liloonsburg, Columbia County, I'enna. des H-lm O. E. SAVAGE, DJCALKK IS Silverware Watchcs.Jewelry.Clocks.&c, A UUITOK'S NOTICE. In re estite of Samuel Albertson, deceased. In ttie Orphan;' Court ot Columbia county. ow December 9, 1819 on motion of K. II. Uttl Esq., Thomas t. Vundersllee, is appointed auditor to state an account ror E. E. onls, administrator de bonis non ot Samuel Albeitson, deceased, said Orris, having failed to flip an account ln obedience to the citation and bis nnidaMt to fit ay proceedings on bald citation, and said onls having left the Jurisdiction of this Court his residence being unknown. liV THE (. ODRT. Notice Is hereby elven that the undersigned will attend to the duties or his appointment at hlsofllce ln liloomsburg on Friday .January tho 16th, isso, at 9 o'cloik a. in., v. lien and where all parties Interest ed may attend If they see proper. T. J. VANDE11SLICE, dec l9-iw Auditor. A UDITOIVS NOTICE. ESTATE OF 8ABAII KEITHI.tNK,DECKA?ED, Notice Whereby given Uat the undersigned ap pointed by tho Orphans' Court of Columbia countv fo make distribution ot the money In the bauds or the Administrator to and among the parties enti tled thereto.wllt attend to the duties of Ms appoint ment at the ortlce ol C, 11. Jackson, Esq., lu Iterttlck, on Saturday, .January the IT, lyu, at ne o'clwk ln the allernoon, at which time aud place all jut ties Interested must appear and present their claims or be debarred from a share of said fund. LhltUYT.'lIiOMPSV, decl9-tu Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. JMliU COUNTY 8. R. Among the Kecords and proceedings ot the Court of Common Pleas of said County, lLttrallaltls thus contained. In re first and partial account of Casper Iih.iun. assignee In trust for the benetlt of creditors of John u. a, iM.'puiuuer lerm is.v. And now December 1. 179. on motion of C. U. Urockway, N. V. l'unk appointed auditor to ascer tain the Indebtedness of said asslgnor.dtrlbute the balance lu the hands of the asMgnee, and determine the order of distribution of the balance to b paid. iiv Tills corii r. Certified from the records thU Vttt day ot Decem ber A. D.ls79. WA1. KJEICKHU1M, I'rottionotary. The Auditor ln pursuance ot tho forcirotnir ap pointment, will attend tn thu duties thwreof at his ortlce ln liloomsburg on Saturday January U th. Is) at ten o'tloek lu tho forenoon, when and where all parlies Interested will prewnt their claims or be debarred from coming in on said funds. N.U. Fl'NK, Auditor. Marriages. ltuoNE Dodson At the home of the bride. Town Hill, Luterne cgunty,on Tuesday morning, December 30th. by the Hey. John HornlDic, Hon. D. L. Khone, Judge o( the Or pilaris' Court of Luzerne count, and Mln Rosamond I., Dodson, only daughter of the lale O. o. Dodoi), I.hj. Coopeb KosTENiiAulitR At the residence of tbo bride's lather, by Iter J Guldin, Mr Geo M Cooper to MUabarah Kostenbauuer,all of Catawhua lownrhip. Fink Yeaqer On January 1st, 1880, at tho reaidenco of the bride a father, by Kev O It Dechant, Mr John Fink to MUa Flora A Yeacer, both of ltoaringcreek, IUvuss Aui In tbo Reformed Church December Ulh, 1870, by Itev WKKreba.Mr Samuel D Harden, of Alma, Colorado lo .Miss Matilda Aul,of llloonwburg. Dreisdach Iltrrz OnJ January 1st, 1830, at Ihe resideuce of tho bride's parents, by Ihe same, Mr David A Drelsbach toMIaa Bertha Beta, both of BloomtbuiK. irr- Ill'mntpd In ?lin IVK-rnmnn hnlMlnrr flrsTrlnlr aboie the Exbaniro Hotel. All Ktnda ot Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neat may 17, 'IS-lt They arc the sole Mauufuctures of the Celebrated OIL OF GLADNESS. . ,i x j. i ci ii iiso tno luanuiticiururs anu suiu c rruiinuiuia Dll. W. M. BICKLEY'S Celebrated and INVALUABLE PUEPA11ATIONS. Compound Aromatic Wine of Gentian and Iron. Improved Cream Camphor, Worm Kil ling Agent, Improved Rose Pectoral. Farm AccoimtsZ Ewry Farmer hhoiild know how tokrrp thorn. An rntin lyinwfind ronnitOBj i-tcin Just rtcviWd. fit ud Itwtal forf n-oClrculiiM to tlm Jim ant ti Mi uattos 103 ti. TcuUi bu.l'liiljukli JiU. cct.l7.isw a&s TMTICD l)i;i nuiy 1m round m tile nt fit-a 111 lO 1 ill Vj. V l..millurtN.-w.iiiHr Atrn'riiMiiK nurt'iiii tn pm-1 mni'n " ni-n iuhit tbUiL-oiitrtict! tuuy ljcmmleiurlt IN NllW VOltK. ffb. 14, TT-lf r The, Beset Rmeclies Made. Highly Recommended by Physicians. IthMHiislmrsr. Pa. Oct. 1 "o.-iy, l'eb.7, TO-ly Dauchy & Co's. Advt's. AGENTS READ THIS ! n wntit on A cent ln Ihis Countv to whom wo will ,iv a. wiUrv of tliMi pr month iiml rxpt-nses to sell our wonttTlul Invent lnu, .saMPI.U VUV.K Artttu-ss I at OUCe sll HUMAN & CO., 51 AKsJlALL, MlutllilAN, reu. 'i-ivr a A UDirOK'S NOTICK. rSTM E Or CADWALLIDEH BOBEKTS. fOt I MliU COl'MV S S Aitioiiir th" lieeortw ntni promiiiries ot the ()r- riMUt iuun oi faJiu luuuiy imtruna u n mus ton iiinvu, And now- IVc, 1. 1T. on motion of C r. Unxkwax J, M, ("ark. appointed mrllior toilMrtbme.ttir Hssetstn the liamN of th1 A.1inln'si,itor. atuttc tit termluf Mie order In which In lure nn tnents ine to Wnude f'"i the inonedsonhu f.uV ol hjd real i.ue iu vreuiiura aim ueirs. I'.V TIIKCOL'FT Certified from tho llecorda thli inn. d.i of lie ceiuberA. i. t i Tk O (. The A urtttor I n tmrnuanco of t he rorpiroiu .i mini n I merit. will attend lo Hie (tmWs thereof l lilt utile in liioomsuur'. on .viiurd.1 titniurv '.th m ie o'clock In Ihe furepoon when ad wlit-re a I nnie Interested will present their ilulm-i or be diumed iroui i'guiiu iu on bam luuus. dec8-ta Auditor A UDirOK'S mhiu:. IN lilt UiTTEK OPTUK DISTRIBUTION O. TUB ESTATE OF JACOB hVASS, PKKAht.0. The underslirm d auditor nnnohited hv tlmronn to settle and .idltlsl said esl.Ue nnd nvtrf:iln Hih amou til sand lf-jaelendne tlie ereilaurtand legatees of s.UU decedent, wilt hold an autllf fur ihe pun0'- of hl-4 appointment at hi olth e lu llti.uiitvinir. on d uid ty lite Kllhd ) of .(ami ir) A. 1 un, hi l n't lot k p. in, worn ntni wmrw mi pa men lhiercfrifU aie recpjesitu io prcteui incir claims or to loreur do L'urreu, A.C.bMlTH, dec 86-4 w Auditor. A UUITOU'S NOTICK. COUMB1A C'OI STV SS, Amoni?tbo ltecord of th flrnhnns' rnnrl. nt irn. tuiuum vuuiilj, 1UUT uuu ins uiua I'UIllUllied : inuit) loaucr oi mo Cbtaiu el I.tM frtusr, He ceast'd. And now December , 1ST9, on motion ot S. Knorr, 1110 LOUrt UDDClnt Hobirt ltlll Llni'lmln. Aiidllnr In uiMuuuiu iuo iuuu4 in iuu nanus ui mo aaminuiira. ior llr mi CofiiT. Cerlined rrom tuo llecorda tils 10th itny ot De W'M. KBICIUAVU, rirtr II n TUe Auditor In the nlrno caso will melt the pur iuiiii oku ui uiuuiui-u oi u. ii. imrkiey, iq trtday Hie Slh, Uoyot .lunuary A U Is', at hl llmo Iho lieire and paittis luterentMl must present t belr claim or claims against the above estate, or be .,v,v wtiu iiuui ivvri, mi; luti sauir. KUUbUT deo 1S-1W ULX'KI.NOIIAM, udttor, J1).M1K1ST1AT0K'S XOT1CU. ISIiTK OrHAHiU ClSUCLTZ, DECE1SKI). Leltfrsot Aamlnlslratlonon tlie estate ot Sarah i.. ruum, mie 01 venire lonnsiup, l oiumblil Co. le ty, deceased, bae been granted by the IteKlstcr t b&ld county to ihe underslL'nid adniini&t rhtnr. SI persons lin In ir claims aealnrt tue estate are ru. iiuesled to present them lor stttkinent and ttoso luMvwtvu iu iuake pu;ujrut miuouv ueiay, StML'EL NEYHAltll, Administrator, Jaa,isw-w Uutretw, A GOUD PLAN. ComUnlns ikitn-ft Feb 2-4 w Kttia'iiia cf IJ. I Vtit ii )) l v All I .11 4 LUVKIM'K i CO , .V 11- nf EF.trtcuilt1, HU V nt -litt.K'il JH i I For a case of euro 1 1. COLD, or An 111. MA lliai AIUMMO,i BOTANIC BALSAM will not cure ! sold by all UruirirliU 1 and Dealers at asc, aim ire, umpie bottl's. inc. if'Mothat the namo cf F. W. KINS MAN Is blown In tne uli1 of the hot lie. Trade sup- I lieu u y ueu nuuuit j. v v.j,t itusiuu, .muss, reux-nv 5,000 bULU WW 14 ON 30 DAYS TRIAL Wt wild our Electro Voltaic ltelts and other Klectrlo Appltauct'S upon trial for M da) a burrerlnir from Ncnous Of bllltv, Klieumatlsm. 1'ar aijslsoraii) dSeaseaof Iho LUtr or KUliu'js, end miny other diseases. A bure cure yiMranieed or no pay. Anuress iiburuj,, aiarbuun, .ncn. reux-4w u IT 1 "Unci MooL Ooirund Hook only Il-Uiouv. 1 A N NiHiOANS is Mops, a het Keuls. V Knee ..... nwfus. New sp ipri Free. qihtutton, N. J, stool, Hook, only fjr-liollday Address DANIEL F. HE ATT Y. a uec iy-4w Out of town peoplo who can not conveniently travel, may have bam- pies Bont them of Dry Goods nnd all other goods that wo sell, if they will write Mo charge, nnd no need to order if not Bulted. We make It n si ness to attend to such letters quickly; and when orders como wo bend the exact rttclo wanted nnd at exactly eamo price as other customers pay when hero buying in person. when goods nro not as ordered, wo tako them back. Having trained and responsible clerks, who nro ablo to use discretion in filling orders, we nro enabled to gtvo great satisfaction to tho many customers who leave tho choico to . "With n, reputation of twenty years at retailing, wo cannot afford to lose our good name by lack of proper service to absent customers. Vrlto plainly, and describe fully what Is wanted, nnd about tho price desired. Address, John Wanamaker, Largest'.Dry Goods House, Philadelphia. Jl,i.tiiIHlliillMill!lli''IMIIIIllllllllllllHllllliili ,11 .ijf i.i loLer :i, it. Ol nnrt returns In SiidaisonwIOOInvestei: Ol (CO" iliial reports an,l inrormatlon FHEK. Like nrunis week vo i sioek oniionn nr uin.w Addre'-HT. l'UTTtll 'I(111TC0., lliNkKKS, S3 Wull St.. .N. V. a dec. U,-tw lj i n nnn l alien I rep nr no cent. -s-i wvrw,i ronrrurfi iu, a Aini7rn"C tio.nno win . e um tunny ner XJ X A W, t.ul fvlod,. 11 I.J11HI LAMP i uienitu caieij lljl KlllCIIL. AliKS'ls i Mai use ntiv Litnn fir Itnrnpr Pr... WANTICU. ! enls drlprlinr and liH.iiini;. vPDijiir i salilpleH wllll sue nleoll ir nnd iteplll ui uuriauii. r. -vwiun s ,tniv l.intpiu ' J nesi !!-n.mwill. M- l utK. factory aud omoe, l;lni.ii. union, ,N. . U ilee U'-ll sfjBEJB otij wm mm AS EXliliSd STANLEY' lOUK ! S3,0.U SOU) I I OWN S'lOItY Of his "W Pd MHentures" and r'utnnh'." rerli ten In the fctMphh sn iu (i( Hon .1 '1 Heiidley U tho Oi.l auuieii'ii andiopjnhttdtih 'petition Ihe pn fes eomineud It I'uriliHt-ers puiKe It A cents are deD.'iii-il a- it m.Us ea.i i and to Henbodv, and eMru terms, address. 1H 1IUA1II) M;o , ruus riuuuciini.i, I'a, u deo IV iw AGENTS WANTED rcR A TOUR ROUND IHE WORLD BY GENERAL GRANT, o. Tblt Is Hie Ijmisi M-lllutr book eier published am! the onl) e wipl, le and uutlu nl e liisiory w (, rant's 'Ira vim. send lor clieulaisiouinlnluwu lull ileseilp tlunor Ihe our extra teinis lo H'enls. Ad.iresn Nallouuirubllshlnirio., I'Uiladelphlj, l'a. die 19-lw a ' ORGANS CalaWue ntLL. V.b.Ma: t:w VorK. New I ttr.p organ lid New is nop uriian only it s. m uaisLrial lAOCt).,, Tho Sun wt!, deal utththo eientsot thn vpnrlKsn lnltiowi r '1, ion. now ttreltv well'rstiKMi t,i- eiervbudj I, ,ia .l.miiary 1 until liecunber sill will bo eond"i te i us u newspaper, written In Iho r.uxuMi yujusf, iu.ii i riiiieu lur ines;opie, A a newspaper the sun believes In grltlnc nil tie) cewsor thu nrld irompily. and preentltv it in um uioit lnieiiviblo shape Die sliapo thai will enable lis renders to keep well abreast vt iho aj;o with iho least urproduiiliockpvndlturoor lime, ihe ureal est liilen'M !! ilia meal, st number tliat Is, the, law controlling lis il.tM. make up. It now has u lirculs. lion er iii.n n lir:erii!au mat or any other Amerl. can nei -.i a per, and eiijus an Income which It Is at all limes pi, paled tu tpelel llberll Mr llle l'liint ot Its readeis. lvoph'oi all loniliil ,ns ot llleaud all as i r 1 1. uikUm hut and i ad the bun; and they all derie siii Ktaciiuii o I some sou Irotn Its columns, for iho lo ep on uuu aud leadliih' 11. In Its eoiniiieiiu on men iiml affairs. The sun lis lleeslti.o ineon- uldeof policy shoultl tecum. Inon seiiS". l .piifj hi genuine slnerlcau pitiiilplcs'" 11 nie-i. ol purpose. Tor this reason -V. w luiiiiuue lo be, absolutely Independent otiuit. ) il i"e oiirantalloii, or luleresl It Is tor all. but ol none, u w!l continue to praise what i p'od Hud leprobaio what lse)p laslui; care that lis 1 1 1 tflluKc Is lo Hie point aoil platu beyond ItiepOfsli,1, l of belni; lillsunderst id ItlHllulll. Hue rulo, iiiotlits iltar do not npHar onthusur lace; n li is i uo lulons io sf it, sate tho,o whUh may ts' Into o. ant piiuoukcr tti.h ittu ivnts. It hates li'Jusi , i,d ritsealitt iten more ini u hat, s un. Iiicefc'.ti . tt, uis li al'tuiis iraoits dploie-eh lompoois nl ei T.t sieiles Hull ion. IIiium itiu.iikiiiut un jiari-su to chastise ihe 111 t clas, iui in t i ae s, euud mil illstounitnaiice the iniiti in i,oi, t-M msn wiiu potest eonilcllon., w nil Hi r siiimd or mistaken, ale lu Its irlt idi. Aial Ihesu. makes uo bout sot tthlni; the triulitolis iiivuus ttutui-tcr uieasiou uuses lor plum speak- 'the are tb prlnch les upon which tho Minwltl beiicduiiedthiiiek llio Jeer lucilue 1hetar IS'O wi I bo ono In which no pair nllc Atuellcan can alTold to close his eit n, nni.,i, talis. It is lliilio.slUe to nafeiiaio tna llnpoi lance ot thopouiliali'MiiUwhli-Uii ha-, lu nolo or Iho ucvvseit oi ll-suiuio tluuuiu OU UIU ylill OI t'Mry citizen who desires to prcservo thodoternment thut Iho rounders Kale us I he debates and acta ot Con cress, Ihe ul eranctsof the press, tho exciting-contests ot the Itepubltcan and Hcmocrallc nearly equal In strength throughout lh country. tno lartiui; urnior pitunc seutunent. w in all bear dlteeily and effcctltely upon tho twenty-tourth ITesltlentlal election, to bo tield In NovctntMT. Vour jeara airo next Noteuitier Ihe will of the nation, M t"Ali, rjucn ,l li.v, i,a, m lunuiWU Vy HQ UOOul.- iittblo consplrar) , thu promoters and benenctarlea of which still h Id the illlces they stole. Wlil tie crliiiu ot lsc Ut retieated lu lsso 7 1'he past dectAe of years ots'ned with u corrupt, extruiairant, ana Insolent Administration In renched at Washington. 'Ihe suu iltd somethlni; toward dMudirlntf the ganv aiitl breallni: It- potter. 'Iho samo men are now Intriguing tu restore their leader aud themselves to plan s Iroui which they wire driven by the Indigna tion of the people. Will they siucced r rheeoia lnjr ) ear will brlntr Iho answers tu these inomenloui uuesilons. ihe sun will lw on hand to chronicle the tacts as thei are detrloped, and to eihlbtt them dearly utid fearlessly in their relations to tipeuiencr Thus Willi a habit of lookligat the minor ahalra of leal i:ood humor la life, and In great llnnis a steadfast purpose o maintain the rlghuct Iheiicpe uno the irlnlplts of tho fonstlluilon ugalntt all gc ret sets, i be sun la prei and to wrlto a tiuililui, Insiruciite, and at ihe tame lime enur lalulLg hlstoi) ol is-o. our rati s c-f nibtcrlpllon remain unchanged. lOtlllllllS llio pi For the I'ully suu. a lour-pago fhett of twentyUht nice oj man, pi si paid, la sjientsa in. 'i in. or it, so a juir i or, incmdit ir Iho Sunday pu un eigtii ke Unci ol Itlij.slii coluiuni.Ihe Julil" '"lkU ,non'1' cr "''u J''ttr' I'081 ihe Sunday edition of Tho sun Is alto fuithhed Ml null I) at (' v a Mar, icsiage tald. ilu piitetl the Wuki sup, tliht lecei.riij. n un un t. is i' a jiar itmteiuid. VircmUct ten tt tun 1 1 m we win ulu an cnuu tipv me. Address Pec. l-4w l.W. ENRLAND, l'ubllthir ot Tin tts,.Niw -ink ctly. it