The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 02, 1880, Image 2
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, eLoOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COl NT&, PA. Sherman Co, Marahan, Mich., want an aftrnt In this county at once, t a witty of $100 per month and eitwnfc. paid. For fn 11 partic ular, aililreas m above. Not. il-lj, nnckhotn Dec. 29 1879. Mr. Kditok Columbian. Dear Sirt Being constant Mdr of your valuable ptper nd noticing Itemt from most localltlts except the Tillage that derived Its nnmo from the Ruck's horn, I Inlio this pttvflcge to note a few things. On the IStH In tho Lutheran church, Miss Clara E. Hartraan, and Mr. Ftauk Bom boy, were united in tho Holy boudt of mat rimony by tho Hey. Sharretts. Miss Mag gie Ohl noting as bride's mald,and Mr J. W. A Harlman as groonumtn, the parly marc lug Into the church to the wedding march, played by Mist Dora Ilnrtmnn. After ilio ceremony and conRrntulatloniof tho friends, of which there seemed to be no end, the church being filled, Ilio party left for Sun bury. May their years bo many and pleas n it Is the wish of all. Tho entertainment held In the M. E. Church on Christmas eve was a decided suc cess, the admission was low but the house full, the tree were largo nnd they, too, were fuil ol presents. "Santa" was there In the lielirhlh of his glory. Proceeds $21,12, ex- pnscs $3,0!. Much of the success was duo to Misses liattlo Vanderelice, and Kate Shoemaker, the energetic teachers of our hcIiooI'8. Our minister Hev. A. M. lirit tain received the Inevitable turkey. He by tlio way is preaching in his 71st year Ibis being his COtb year in the ministry, and 'Ye Uuckliorners' think the longer the better. He will commence bis protracted meeting here on Wednesday at y o'cloclr, to watch tho Old Year out and the New Year In. More Anon, Teacher, 'file Iteason Why. Tho tonle effect of Kidney-Wort is pro duced by lis cleansing and purifying action on the blood. Where there is a gravelly deposit !u the urine, or milky, ropy urine from disordered Kidneys, it cures without fall. Constipation and Files readily yield to its canhartlc and healing powers. A beautiful young gentleman of Ga lena, III., made love to the reigning belle of Jamestown, Wis., and carried off the prize or thought he had done so. But although the wedding day was named, and the wedding ring bought and the wed ding stationery ordered and sent out to the neighbors, relatives and friends, there was the usual slip 'twlzt cup and lip. One ol the dainty invitations was sent to Josh Calvert, a rival from Falrplay. He lost no time in idle repiningt, but harnessed a fast horse, drove to tho lady's house, carried her to an adjacent village and married her then and there. The rejected bridegroom, who had gummed his last postage stamp to the last invitation to his wedding Is the mad dest man in the Missiasippi Valley. lligk Priied Butter. Buyers pay the highest for "gilt-edged butter." but want every tub to be of an even, bright color. They recommend the'r patrons to use only Wells Richardson & Co.'s Perfected butter color, and it it the Most reliable known, and will give a per feet color. It received the only reward at the International Dairy Fair for "super ior purity, strength, perfection of color and permanence. Do not be humbugged by buying some of the cheap works entitled, 'Life and Travels of General Grant but get a copy of J, T, Ifeadley'n work upon this tour. Why are You lEilious? Ilecause you have allowed your bowela to become costive, and liver torpid. Use Kidney-Wort to produce a free state on the bowels, and it will stimulate the liver to proper action, cleanses the skin ofiUyel lownes, cures bilious headache, and causes new life in the blood. Druggists have it. Hon Hubert Klotz, our member of Congres?, recently cent a large number of public docu menu to his constituents in thia count?. Marriages. Valteks Deloxo At tho Reformed l'arsouane in Orangeville on the 20th of jJecemuer, loi'J, by Kev. A. tloutz, Mr. George M, Wnlters of Oranire township to An.... I." .-. i I l t r . . WlilTMlltn NAOi.n On December 22d 187U, at Asbury, Columbia county, bv M.A Amerman, Kq., Georgo H. Whltmire ot Uentre anu Mm liaiinau U. IN agio of ou garloaf. GlRTOK-BEtTS At the bride's father's in West Ileuilick, on the 25th ult.. bv Rev X. Spear, G, Albert Girton of Madison to JUbi U. Almira lie Us of West JJemlock. WirrilV WMITlf A t f!atawluaa H.n 0.1 1Q70 l.v I'..,. ii it 11,.-.!.... r. Witchy tc Mias Louisa J. Smith, both of jjeaver, uoiumuia county, 1'a, Miller Witchy At the tame place, nn t It A art ma rtnn hw tVt& aaMs If m T o1 Ull lUt D4UIV "J DBU1C, iU, J-V T 1 Miller to Miss Catharine Witchy both of iicavcr, uoiumDia county, i'a. Reed Brown At the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Letitia Hines, by Jas. C. Palmer, Mr. Philip K. Reed and jteDecca urown. Kahler MCLL On December 25th. at the residence of Wn. Vandine, Esq., of iiugneBvuie, oy nev. ju. r. urostnwaite, tt, W Kahler of IJloomsburg, and Miss Louisa uuii oi iiugnesTiiie, i a. Hartuak Corell On the 25th ult. at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. E. H. Yocum. Mr. North M. Hart- man of Nanticoke to Miss Isabella Corell of liloomsburg. Miller Bayler On the 27th ult., at l, u !, T) lllnAmaU.. 1J 1 IUv. E. II. Yocum, llr. Samuel J. Miller, of Catawissa, to Mia Mary O. Uaylsr of uanvine. A stout backbone Is as msentlal to rthralaal health as to political cooslKteDay. For weakneaa of the baolc aDa disorders of the liter and kldoeya, tht ton ic and moderate dietetic action of the utters is the oao thing aeedim. Uememoer that iho atomaeh la the tnalnttajr ot eTerj other orzan, (vd'1 tfiat b lDHroratlnfr th digestion bj thla pro poraUon, tho spinal columa and Its dependencies IUC PUDUKIUCUCU, Forllobtctier'a ALMANAC for 1SS0 apply toDnur- There Is still some excitement In Maine, but it is probable that the difficulties will be adjusted without retort to force. Vendue notes waiving stay of eifculion and exemption, with stub; just printed tt this ollice. Books conninlng inr number of notes desired can be bound in a few moments, tf. The llest I Ever Knew Of. J. O. turkey, a prominent and Influential Citizen oiiuwHnjr. a9ju i -luuveuauwe uytpepsia, ana Liver Complaint for several v-uara. and hvn nuxt every Kemedy 1 could hear or, without any reilet tlsed lu our paiier, and was persuaded to try It, I am uKpmr u, luuv 11 uus eoiireiy Lurea me. u Is cerialulr the IkU Remedy I ever knew of.' frlco ,3i;ib. duju uy a ii, mupuru. SllILOirs CATAI1KII HKUEUY. A martellous Cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, canker mouth, and Head Ache. Willi each LotUe there Is an loyeulous uuw .ujrvtv. tu. itn uivid auM.usaiui ireauutul Ol iuu cuuiuiiuui, wiiuuub extra ciiarge, iriC4 v) cen's. U V) W, .1, UlilJI " JTMoTiier'sUrlef The pride ota Jlother, the life aDd Joy or a home, are her children, heoce her grief heu sickness en ters and takes them away. Take warning then, that you are running a terrlole risk, if they hare a Cough, Croup or v hooping cough, which lead to Consumption, If you do not attend 10 It at once, fchl lob's consumption Cure Is guaranteed to cure them price lo ctt., w cts. and ll.w. For lame Rack, bide, or chest, use shlloh's forous Plaster, Price w cenui. eoid by J. U. Kmporta. Dauohy & Go's. Advt'a. AOENTS READ THI9 ! Wo want an Airent in this County to whom we will pat a salary of tloo per month ana eipcnscstoseu our wonderful Invention. RAMrt.K FIlKK. Address at OOCO HI1EIIMAN CO., MAKSI1ALL, MICUMAN. rc d. i-iw a GOOD PLAN CoinMnlftt tnl iriltn many ftMort I on vail haa aarf aJvantaia ef traaltil tapllal, wilt toil killiol ftianantanl. Urt praBi dlttdai pro tala. lotMimaaia f 111 la til 00, ClrrwUr, tlh Nil Feb nw 5,000 a7 Mfe For a cam of couoii. coi.n, or BOTANIC BALSAM UULU: will not cure 1 Sold by nil Druggists ana Dealers at 85c, and Tec, franiple tottis, iuc. lSeethatttae name of P. V. K1NS- .m Aii is mown in me giftsoiuie ooiue. yraaa aup- ON 30 DAYS TRIAL Wt will send our Electro-VoltMc llelts and other Kloctrla Appliances upon trial for 80 days tottiosu sulTerlntj from Nervous Debility Hheumatlnm. Tar- aijsisorany aiwaaeaoi mo uver or Kiunjys, ana many other diseases. A sure euro guaranteed or no pay. Address Vol.TAIUllKLT CO., Marshall, Mien. T.T lTnd Wool. Cover and Boo HAN S OH0AN8 18 Stops. 8 I II111UU swells, Stool, Book, ( Stool. Cover nnd Book only $U3totr-3 only rjstiruoilday ,un r Prop. Adflrpfw HANIKf. V. HKATTY. uuiDicion, in, j, a acc iv w 01 Ofinmurn9ln 80 days on 1 OO Invested. Of Ol ewWU Qciat reports and Information FRBB. Like Drotlts weekly on stock ODttons of 110 to tso. Address T. roTTBR Wiout&Co., IUnkrra, 85 Wall SU, 1 a UCC. 1V.-4W $10, 000, SAFETY LAMP. Mailed Free for 35 cents, roar tor 11 ro. win bo paid to any per. son who enn etolouo a Lamn niieo wiin our raieDicu oaieiy lAltacnmcnu AtlKNTH WANTED. May uso anv lamp or burner. Pre sents dripping ana heating. Send for samples. w nn size or collar ana acpia nf .1 U Navlnn1. IjtmniV . 13 West Broadway. New Vorle. Factory and Ofilco, Ulnghamton, N. Y. d dec lMt AN KXCIT1NU BOOK I 8S.O0O SOLD I I STANLEYS OWN STORY or his "Wild Adventures" and "Triumphs," rewrit ten in tho cranh cstv e ol Hon. J. T. lieauley is me oily authentic and eopyrlghtedlchap elltloii. The pn ss commend It, Purchasers praise It. Afirents are delighted, as It sells easily and U everybody. and extra terms, address. ntlllBAKD linos., ruos. riiUadclpbla, fa. d dec l-4w AGENTS WANTED FOR A TOUR ROUND THE WORLU BY GENERAL GRANT, 4Q This Is the fastest selllct? book eTer oabllshed. and the only compteto and auuientlc History of Grant's Travels. Send for circulars containing a full descrip tion of the work and our extra terms to a pen to. Aaaresa Kauonai ruDiisninflr cov, jfuuaueipnu, ra, doc 19-AW d ORGANS New T stop Organ tu New It slop organ onlTtss. K days trial CaUloguoFKU. IT.b.riA PI AKO CO,, 162 Bleccker 8t ew York. a aee i-w. RowU & Go's. AdviVai. A GREAT OFFER FOR HOLIDAYS! ! ' llanos & Orfirans. at Extraordinary Low nrlces for cash. Installments received. Splendid Organa tss. Ml. tSO, 175, 4 $100. 7 OClate UOUKWOOD 'I AN OS 1130, 1135. T 1-S do $140, (150, upwards. Not ised s Months. Illustrated cataloirucB Mailed. HORACE WATERS, Manufacturer and dealer, Fs Broadway, N, Y P. O. Uoi, sao. r dec lt-iw ITPITP Consultation by letter 1 Diseases of Liver, E ACiJb Kidney and Bladder permanently cured; peclal remedies prepared lor each case. Particular iltention to diseases of a ortvate nature and nervous weakness. Address, with symptoms. Dr. St. John. P. o. liox ltw, N. Y. City. r dec ls-iw MONKY MAKING WAYS OP WALL BTREBT. A Mindil roa Invkstors. Shows how Jar Gould. Vanderbllt and other muuonaires make money in stocks. Cony sent free, wltk omclal reports of the market. Address T. POTTER WIQUT CO., ss wau si., New yarr. r aeois-aw QPPP T7rp now to became Rich and watch sent w&jvA,ajA tree. S. Agency, Mount Wtnans, Md, Af Elegant Chromo Cards, with name, post-paid W 10 cents. L. JONES A CO., Nassau, N. Y. r ucc . " 77 a MonUi and expenses guaranteed to Agenu v uutnt rree. biiw s uu. auuusta. allium. djorrrTA TEAR ana expenses to agents. Outfit aP Free. Address P. O. VICKEKY, Augusta, uame. r aeo xx-aw. rno ADVERTISERS Send 1 cents, for our loo page pamphlet, au aoout newspaper Aavenisiog. Address (ISO. P. HOWELL t CO.. 1(1 Snruce St.. N. Y. r dec lUf GILM0EE & CO., (E.tablUfced 1863.1 Pensions, Increase of Pensions, and all other classes of Claims for Soldiers and Sol uiers' iieirs, prosecuted. Address with stamp, OtLVORE CO., Sec s-tt Washington, D. C. C. 33. S-A.-V-A.a-33, DUU IH Silverware. Watches.Jowelry.Clocks.&c, rw Removed to the post Office building, flrsr do Jr above the Bxhange UoteL All Unds of Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry neat ly repaired aaa warranted, may it, ns-U . C. SLOAN & BRO. BL009ISBDRG, PA, ManuUcturen of Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs, PLATFORM WAGONS, tC. FlrtWclaaa workalwaya onband. RXPAlniNQ NEATLY DONE, Prtoea reduced to suit the times. iaW STOMACH A fclout tack bone Is as efisentlal to ttn slcal health as to political consistency. For weakness or tho back and disorders of tea llrer and kldnera. the tonic ana moaeruie aiewiia aciioa oi wie iiuuth is me one thlmr needfuL Jteniraur that the stomach Is the malLMtar of everv other ortrao. and that br Invliror. utlnir the digestion with this Preparation, the spinal column and all Its dependencies ure strengthened. For Hosfttur's ALMANiuror XbSO aiDly to Drue- Klsts and dealers generally. PUBLIC SALE HAND "BILLS Printed at this Office ON SHORTEST NOTICE A'D AT THE MOST SEASONABLE TEEMS IMPORTANT LETTER From a Distinguished Physician. NO ilnrl it lie mo hit fti tailed more loffr rlnr or hni- . ntL.h ltcktnif up of thf contmutroi lhan Citmli, Tht itnte ofvmcli, crtsctd, of Klit.nflicftr lnir,th homn tolccitio intni), one or moie ntl omc tlraf nil y lel.t lo lit dcntrnctlva Influence. The polnon It tdlttrlbuui ihrooRtiotit tho nyitfin tUrki errrr tH1 orce, tnrt hrfAkn up the mntt robuttof coniiitatlotii. rtiorctl bciftuie tiutllttto nndentnod liy mnii rhrnl eUni, iTrpolrnllT nsllrd by onirkt ktul rhirHunn. thoM tmllcrlnji from It hixro Iliiia liono ti le rrlicrrd Of It tills ld t,l tlio prvi. It U fine, lhn, thtt Hit popular treatment i r tiiM t rrlbto cieime y rrmrdici within the reach of fill invt 1 tu ) W at rnre cntn petrnt andtrnnlworil r, id n- mi1 iiherln tiTiirteit rnelhol adoptrd bj llr. Banford In t!io pn ptratlo i ol his Ilirt( t'l'RB lint won hit h arly npl'MMnt, I he llcyo It llkiljr to aliened hrn nil tfi't tunil ri'tnedhi fall, liucaiiHo H alrlkp at rnt.t of thn tt nrrur. vie., the ncitHfir I blwht. whllfl It henU thn ulcerate 1 tncni. brano ly direct appllratloi ti the tMil pitagea. 1M aetlnn 1 hnacdoft rcrtiln f d liilcn. and tiiilcn tho vital furrra are tro f tr rxh mtvd, muit, In tho treat majority orcasca, cfiVU n i uro. (IPO. UKAlllt. M, 1. Kodbcott Dlock, Eo. rnintNoiKM, Oct, 1, 1511. SflNFORD'S RADICAL CURE MAY rnfoty claim 1 1 be onfi of t!io few popular rcmo. tile ri't't lltJKthi'npprovnli'f medical Kthtlcnien, who, hi privuhMiot only ircelyr e'liiim-nfTn hut iipo ii in mcir nnnitf s niprcrcrcnco u nny ,i thu prepara aro Ihn the tr n of It liivnclf, nrtcr uthnrtmiih trial ef iho uiual tcmedlr I have privately a!vlrd it me, an'l prranmo 1 bav tnt ti jotiritoro noliMthan one hundred of my i .tlci.u r.rit." UHIUERSAL SATISFACTION. CnVTIXMntf.'-Wo hate ioM BAsromi'n IUpical J C'cua 1 r n-arlr tun- jinf, i ml can a ly r nidlly tint wo ncti r aold fiHuttlnr pn-pamilo i tlmt pwa ac fi unirc-rrtkl a ill faction. u ii to learn Iho lint cum platnty t. a arw not It t! o lnhlt of rtcftmmr tvllnir pitert tnrc'letnea, hut y nr pn-purniltut units tin wmiti of thnuaa ida, nn I u 'link lhom Mllh t d t'i nlrl I f cn vlnccdc.f Its tr. t nt rlt a th-ttih r '.mil wa v. II ho rcllcrd. Wn Ii v h 'i n It t!i ! duvf n'ni t f ir t'm Etitl twtlvo eiufl ciriantlr, aoM e- rjlhlntr for atftrrh,l)Ul wmrli'fii'nall tiiir ft. If -mi a-o proper you can uo lh! Utter or any part ef 11 tlmt ) on wfali. Very truly ) omt, ML II M.DW1N ft CO. Wholesal anl Jietnll n, -Vr lit Unii, llookl nnd (stationery, Wnnhlnctn ' ' It" .3, IStO. Kaen paclf ace eoit l t ifariVa Improved Inhal !nf Tuhc.and lull all r ttit 't w In all caacs, l'llcr, II. 00. Frr mla by nil w u " ntu and retail drutr tit anl dralcri thrrni'h(tit Iho I'lilted htfttcsnnd Canidnn. WEEKS & 1-OT1EU, Ucncral Aiconta and Wholes tie Druggists, ltoaton. Mum. SEQUINS' VOLTAIC PLASTER An prctro-OfilTnnlo tlnttrrr combined with r hlahly 3fei!lcatetl htrrnatlieDtni- Tlaarrr. fermlna tlio besi rlicmrr lor pains and aches In tho world orlUedlclno ELECTRICITY As k rrnnd curatlre nd rcstoratlre tfrent 1 not quailed by any element tr in. dlclue lti tlie litntory of Die heAllntt art Unit M thi Hal tpnrk has (led the bo Ay, rcitoritiou by rue it oft Icciriciiy Is fosHibie. lili tlio lait resort of all plislcUnt ami Burgconi, ami hns rt-a tnrdllioinandi, npiircntly dead, irom an untimely grave, w lien no oiurr tmman ancy could liaic auc. cecdttl. This m Uiu ka-iiDtf cumUvo clement In fell I'lMier. 1 , BALSAM AND PINE. Tlie healtnir tronertlri of our own truarunt hat aatt plnuRtid tlio irunmoftlio Ku&t ita too rtl known to require ut'H'.'riiiiaun. inrir KNiniui, ncailUL', aootli In tr. aid Mrm tit hen In if iriirMrt1i-B nn. Lnnwn m ti ands. When i omliliiLtt In nirirrlanr uliti lain an.i Importtnt dlscovcriri hi pharmacy, their liealintf and Btrcnirthcrt'iitf prnrcrtict ure Increuscd tenfold. In nun min-tt i'ut a iwivr ii xitu dgii in uso WIIUQJI lao TWO IN ONE. Tbtu eomlilned we have two raand medical aeenti In ode, each or which performs Its runctum and unitedly produces more cures than any liniment, lotion, uh, or pisiter crer before compounded la the history of tut die Inc. Try one. rmcE,3CsxTs. Sold brail Wholesale amtKetall Drurrlsts n.roueh. oatthi- United Mates and Canadas, andbr WLlKba fOTTCK, rroprktors,otton.Matt. IniXT ACTS AT THK BXMX TIXK OH ITHE LIVER, THE BOWELS. and the KIDNEY8. Thit combined action oivtt it von- Idcrful power to cure ait diuatu. Why Are We Sick? Becaute ms albio thets great oraantl 11a become clogged or torpid, and I wtJonouilumoMars iKerefort forcedl I into tht blood thai ihould bi expeUed iTuuvrauy, I BIMOD8HESS, PILES, CONSTIPATION, must i vuBriitiaTO, uuihaui DI8E18E8. PEKiLB WEAK IKSSKS, AHD IIEUTOI'S D1SOBDKB8. by canting fret action of Vim organ I and rettmng their power to Vurote off oncost. VTkr Bafftr Dlllua nalaa anj achaa I War tarmaatcd vita PUei. Couatlpatio. t trhTrrlKhtBcdOTcrdliordared KJdaaja I Way endnr. nerroas or alck headacaeat Why havs alaplcaa blfbta I Ult KIDNEY WORT and rtjotce In JUottA. Jilt a dry, ttgitalU compouruland Om sck.wlU m.L.lz aUarlledlab, Qtt it of your Drvgqltt, hi will order it j or you, i-nce, rj WILIS, USUCCS a CO., Prtiriilcn, SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE Daod la tne principal Churches tor Communlan purposes. E23ELLENT F03 LADIES AND WEAKLY FEBSOHS AND THE A0D. m Spear's Fort Grape Wine 1 FOUR YEARS OLD. riihla Celebrated Natlie wine la made from tne jl juioe oi iiie uporio urape, rauea in una uouniy Its iBralnasle Tonio and Strengthening Properties are unsurpassed br anj ether NatlTe wine. Being (u pure juice or uiq urape, prooucea unaer air. bDeefs own cersoaal suDenrUslon. Its rjurltr and fenutneneas are (ruaranted, Tho youngest child w; pK'uiae ui iu euvroua uuauues. ana me weaa eat lnralld use It to advantage. It ta particularly benenctal ta the ared and debilitated, and suited to the Tartous ailments that affect the weaker sex. It Is la eierj respnci A Hints lu litt iucuku OS. SPEER'S P. J Sherry. The P. J. SIIRRRT la a Wine of Ha pert or C hinder, ud Dart&kes of the trolden aua)IUei of the iramt. from which It la made. For 1'urUy, KlcbDesfi, flavor SPEER'S 1. J. ItraiKly. This BHANDY stands unrlraled In this Country, IT 18 A I'UltK duuilatlon from the grape and con. Ulna raluable medicinal propertlos. It has a delicate flaror. similar to that of the grapes from whlcn it is distilled, and la In great favor iUUUUg UIBVIUUUI iKIUlilCB. See that the signature ot ALFRED 81'HSH, Taasalc ti, u over uie uura vi cacu uoiue. SOLD BY O. A. KLEIM, June tf, isia-u Tin a riraa is ox nu wits R DWELL b PHE8MAN - Advertiifng Agenti, IHUU CHUT NUT STl. ST. LOUIt.MsV HQ dw!n Eastman In Indian Cosiumo. SlTKN AND KtMB YBAHi A If OHO T1IR COMiNCtlU and A r ache 8. A neit volume of 300 pacc, belnjj a simple statement of tbo horrible facts conupctod v 1th trie sad massacre or a hetplcM family, ftnd the Mpttvltr, tortarrsand nltlmtte escape of Its two sarrlTiDg members. For rale byooraeenti petieralljf. Trice fl.00. The Incidents of tht mauacrc, briefly narrated, are distributed by aetits, rnsa of charge. llr. Ksctmnn.beloff almost constantly at tht West, f njtd In ctnerlng and cnrlng the materi als of which fhe medicine li com posed, tho sole bmlness management derolret upon Dr. Johnson, and the remedy has been called, and Is known aa t Dr. Ctark Johnson's INDIAN BLOOD PURIFIER. Price of Large Bottlet ....... $1.00 Price of Small Bottle! 60 Read the volnntary testimonial of persons who hare been cored by tbe use of Dr. Clark Johuoa'l Indian Blood Syrup, In your own Tlclnlty. Testimonials of Corel. ef DR. CLARK INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP Laboratory, 77 W. 3J St.,New York City, LATH OF KRJKT CtTT. TRADE MARE. Tho Best Kemedy Known to Man I Dr. Clark Johnson having associated himself with Mr. Kduin Eastman, an council cnptlve, long a e live to Wnkarnctkla, tlio nit'diclno man of ths Coiii.iiches, i now iirepiied to lend hN aid In the Introduction of the wumlerful remedy of that tribe. Ttiocxjierlcnccof Mr. Eanmau beinjj similar to that of Airs. Unas. Jauesaodontof Washington Co., Iowa, an account of utione sufferings were thriilinglv narrated In the JVw York Herald ot Dee. i;.th. IStH. the fads or which aro so widely known, and si tearly parallel, that but little men tlon of Mr. astman experiences will be given here. They are, however, published In n neat vol ume of 300 pages, entitled, "Seven and Nino Years Among tho Coiuanchea and Apaches,' of which meutlon will m mde hercafttr. LSufllc It to say, that for several years. Mr. i'astnun, whlls a cap I've, was compelled to gather the roots, pums, iurks, herbs and burner of which Wakanietltla'a medicine was made, and H still prepared to pro tdo the same matrrinls for tho successful Intro duction of thu met! I clue to tho world; and asnurea the public that the remedy U the same now a when WukamctUa compelled hha to make 1U Wakametkla. tho Medicine Man Nothing has been added to the medicine and nothing has been taken away. It Is without doabt the Iisst Puntricn of tbc Blood and ItiMiwxa of ue ststih ever Known to man. This Syrup possesses artvd properties. It acts, upon tlio Liver. It artu upon the Kidney. It recitlalen tlio Iluwela. It purine Iho Illooil. It qiilrtH tin Ncrvoim System. It uromotL'N IJIirratloii. It Nourishes, Mrctistueus and In vis it carries otTthe old bloodand make New, It opens tho pores of thn nkln, and Induces Healthy IeTsplrutlou. It neutralizes the hereditary taint, or poison In the blood.whicb L'eneratcsScrofala,EryiiHlan, and an manner or (kin ainrHMCH ana Internal nuinorr. There ara no mirlu fmnlnvcrl In it tiintinrurtiim and It can be taken by the moxt delicate babe, or by the aged and feeble, cars 9nty bwtg required us Would not be Without it. Denton. Columbia count v. Pa. Dear Sir: T have used your excellent Indian ulood strut ana nave received mucn uenent mere from, i oouia not get along without it. Mrs. Barber, Never Fails to Cure. KiSt Lemnn. Wvnmlni? Co. Pa. Dear Sir : I was 8lck for three ye ara, and under nrofefaSlonai treatment most of the time without be ing benefited, At last I was Induced to try your Indian uuioo HTRur ana arier a snort inai, i rouna my ue n in ueiter ne&im man i naa ocen tor six years. Mrs. meron uau Sure Cure for Liver Complaint. Itohrsbure. Columbia Co. Ta. Dear Sir : This la lo ceniiy that your Indian BiaOoo Hybcp has been used by me, for MverCom- Flalnt, which had been troubling me for a long time derived more benefit from the use of the hyrup uitui iiuiu huj uw-tr uit'uiciue. i ueuriuy recum- snenu ii, ana svaviHe au Buuerera to give it a mat. L V Smith Loss of Appetite. Kohrsbun? Columbia countv Pa. Dear Sir: I have UHed your excellent Indian Blood Sracr for Loss of ADnetlte and Weakness of the Stomach, with very beneflclal results. 1 believe your medicine to be the greatest blood purifier known, and advise all who mr.y bo suffering au I was tu give it a speeay truu. Mrs. E Avery Pains In Shoulders. Ilrhrabnnr. Columbia countv. Pa. Dear Sir This U to certify that vour Indian Blood St rlt has greatly relieved mo of 1'alns In th Shoulder and Chest, which. I had been afflicted with ior yean, i recommena u very nigniv, Mrs. Mary Welsh. Kidney Complaint. Bear Oan. Columbia Countr. Ta. Dear Sir i My Father nan been Buffering with Kldner Comnlafnt for a lonir lime and had been un der doctors' treatment, but the doctors could not effect a cure I have been subject to a Numbness and Weakness In my Left Arm. Wo obtained some of your inva'uable Indian Ki-ood Sykcp Irom your Agent. Wm. II. l'otter, and It has cured my father completely, and my arm la much better. It does not irouoieme oaii so mucn. xour mcuicine is excel lent. Joslan John. Female Complaints. BearOaD. Columbia countv. Pa. Dear Fir: This Is to certify that I purchased some of your Indian Blood Stuit for my wife for lntla- mauon ana reinaie uuiupiaiui, anu iv una gneu ue J K llerner Beat Medicine Ever Used, Bear God. Columbia countv. I'a. Dear Mr: My little son was troubled with his water parsing from him constantly, day and night, I coi suited two doctors and gave htm medicine, out without effect. I bought some of your celebrated Indian ulood THur, a snort mat ox wnicn, curt- mm, Lambert Camp, Dyspepsia and Indigestion, Numlda. Columbia County. Pa. Dear Sir: For many ) ears my wif was amicted with Dyspepsia, and we spent considerable money without receiving benefit. We procured some of vour Indian Blood Htkit and she began to Improve in ueuiiu irom tne lime buu wjin-iiL-ru us iisr. Solomon Dbnyder Liyer Complaint. Centralla. Columbia Co. I'a. Dear Sir : Thlt la to certify that 1 was unwell and could Brarcely attend to my woric, I think my Lher was affected, 1 procured some of your Indian Blood Htklt and now. after a shoit trial, feel like a new man. i recommena its use to an. Daniel Goodman, Dyspepsia and Neuralgia. nydo Part, Luzerne Co., Pa, Dear Sir : Your valuable Indian Biaoon hvnrr ha? e tree ted a permanent cure In inv case. 1 had been anilctrd with the Dyspepsia and Neuralgia, but am now entirely well. Mrs. John Thornton, Bilious Stomach Cured, Hyde Park, Luzerne Co., Pa. Dear S'rt t have been troubled with Bilious Com pi nlnt and by tlie us or jour Indian Biaoou srarr it has effectually cured me. John N Williams. CyspepMa Cured, ID do Park, Luzerne Co , Pa. " Dear Mr t Your valuable Indian Blood Hvatrr has cmedme fit DyBpepsla. Mrs. SD Adlilns. Ltver Complaint, Ilyda Park, Luzerne Co , Pa. Dear Sir have been troubled with Liver Com plaint, but I was permanently cured byuslngjour valuable Indian Uloop Uthit. Mrs.U rBsriiugamo, DeeittUit-iy w A oo JZaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamCj4 Irv.i r.nlillp mav bo iTolrcicd nsn!nt Imitnliona nnd rrnud w e tpeciallr caution all pur a nat the puunc may ui. 1 1.". . ...,,- Tiftufttta PT.ACTr.T5 ft ' ' .Bern ui i 1,1. il.' KH hU.lor I 0 tee that the worn i nniiwi u" '--." i la"tor to tc tinlmeil olTiindcr aimllar Hounding :i.! c rnml. llear in mind tlmt the only oujcci sucn venaor enn linrc IB tli lact that they . ?. ., il. . ,..ina nf I in irpnilltip. mill llirv lin,ii liv flu. tiilifttllntln tr, rrmn n buy tmiiauoii'i" " " &m SKAlll'UY '& JOHNSON, Plnumaceuticl lis. order business to nnd when nrtlclo wnnted, BBBBBBBBSW S ll I H P 0 BSlaSSBBBBBBBBBBBBB' imsKisW ns other customers pay vhen hero buying in person. When tnko them bnck, Hnving traled nnd responsible IsW clerks, who nro able to we nro enabled to gtvo customers tcho leave tho cJiotco I1 t twenty years at retailing, we cannot nffot to loso our good nnmo by laok of propor eorvlco to nbsentiustomors, Wrlto plainly, and describe fully what Is wahd, and about tho price desired.,, Address, John Wanamake:, LargestlDry Goods House, Philadelphia. yiiihimudi"iiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiii iiiwimin?. Octobers, tf. mm bwm Thn Run will dpal with tho events of tlio vrar 16S0 In Its own fashion, now pretty well understood by even body. From January 1 until December 81 It win ue f'unuuuieu ua u ucwauaiici. nimi-u iu mo English language, una pnnica ior inepeupie. Aa f riPWRnnner tho Run believes In trettlm? all tho news of the world prompt ly. and presenting it In tho most intelligible shape tho shapn that will enablo Its readers to keep well abreast of tho ago with tho least unproductive expenditure of time. Tho great wt intirot tn tht trrpiirpst number that Is. the law controlling Its dally make-up. it now has n circuli- lion vcrv mucn urgermau iuaiui any uurt muhi can nevspuper, nnd enjoys an Income which It U at all times prepared to ppend liberally for thebeuellt of Its readers. People of all conditions or life and all ways ol thinking buy and read tho sun; and they all derive satisfaction otsonu sort from Its columns, for they keep on duj mg anu reauing iu in iim pnminentn nn men nnd affairs. Tho Sun be lieves that tho only nuldo of policy should bo com mon Mjnse, Inspired by genuine American principles anil UiMJlvCU Vjr IIUUCniJ Ul put iwc, iwi inia iio.wu It is, and will continue to be, absolutely Independent of party, class, clique organl7atlon, or Interest. It is ior an, oiiii oi none, it 'in uuuunuu lu piumu what Is good and reprobate what is evil, taking caro that Ha language is to tho point and plain bejond the possibility of being mlsunderst toil. It Is unin fluenced by motives that do not appear on the sur face; it has no opinions to sell, save thoso v hlch may oe nau oy any purchaser iwu teuta. n- umci Injustice and rascality even moro than It hates un necessary words. It abhors frauds pltltH fools, an dpnlnresnlncomnooDsof everv snecles. It will con tinue throughout tho year lso to chastise theilrbt ciaf-s, lnsiruct mc scconu anu uihuuuoienuueu mu third. All nonesL mwn, wuii nonesL eumiciiun whpther KOTind or mistaken, are In Us friends. And Tho sun mnkes no bones or telling the truth to its menus wuenevcr occasion urises ior pmui i.uii In if. 'ihesc are tho principles upon which the Sun will be conducted durlnc the i ear to come. The year lftfiO will bo ono In which no patriotic American can afford to close his eyes to public af- falts. H Is tmposlblo to exaggerate the Importance of the political events which It Has in store or the necessity or resoiuio viguuucu vu iuu ui nery EJIDORSCD BY OVER iniMIMiMMIHM;MMMIaMMMWMMMMII"IMaja)ajMiafcaA MACHINE EXHIBITORS AT THE EXPOSITION U-NIVERSELLE, C0 Paris, 1878 AND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, PHILADELPHIA, 1876, AI b.Ing" Very iMUU I M,i FOU Coaghsf told-, llronrhltls, II oar hen enn. Tickling or Dryneiwof the Throat, More Throat Cold In the Tlead, Cruapt Inflaenza Wlioop I nfi-Cong h, Cold In the llowcls Anthmatlo Couch, ud relief of Consumptive.. W. CHAMPION imOWNINti. flf. D, car-mil hami iiy Tirr pii Dec. 5, 'T9.-lyeow V'MONTH euaranteed. 12 n. rtair at homo mado by tho Industrious, capital not required ; wo will Mart you. Jdcn, women, bojs and girls make mony faster at work for us t linn nr. nnMlilnr otcn TIk unrt la light and pleatnnt, aDd such as an j ono can go light at. Tbotewhoare wise who see this notice ll(.end us their addresses nt onco and see for themsel i cs. Costly Ouict and terms tree, ow la the time. Thote already at work ore lajlng up largo sums of ,inci:i-)', Adduss 'lltUK &, to.. August. Maine. Ktuq oct3, '19-iy Warner's Safe Kidney and Llrer Cure. m w. . w li.j jimiiry litre I A Vfcelabie preparation .nil tueonlr .nro rraiax la tSt world for Uriah!'. II.,"..V. 0 "neiliSSi;0' ,he b'tbw oer la proof "Ilfor VVrner'. hulo uidnrj aaaLlfcrCnre, , WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. it la tna twit Ulood I'orlflrr. and atlmulatci w.rjr function to mora nealtafjl acUou, aud la luua a bnet In all dluuuea. "'"u"' "uu It curea Srroflilou. and olhtr Nkln Ernp ttj, .tc , . cured by thnjilo llllieri li I, oiiequaled aa an appellor and regular tonic. Iltilllfiafiflwna ioa nn" .... UADUED'Q QACT Ufnwitir Qolckly Uvea li. and nierp to tha lurrerln, KplIpileriU.andrelleveaNeroulroa tralloit broushl on by etcesiive drluit, over work, in n 11 ihocka. aod other cauaea. ' tnrbed Manrea. It ntver Injuraa the ayitem, whether Ukeo In amall or large doaei. ' .v. v. .nu ', fucca, ovc. ana ai.oo, WADNPD'A O A r?E7 mi t if i Ji kwiive iiioiuiub ror a nia.. rb, H4lrl4, rir . aa4 Ari. and thoul j I bowelt du not operate i iiet-ir ana rvguiariy. Mall 4laMI hr Utra k Hrir,i Hf IUbmIIm it ft U 4ltl itrrnbtr. n. n. warner ci, Co., EO0HE3IEE, N. Y. Yd ra(iaUa PAUru. : ENCOURAGE . iSM TMArJUFACTURED t : ilO M E I N D U STRYjrfSr MOUNT HO LLY, N.. ; BY ,V S I N G- jggJ.r5TUART&BRQ(LIMTD)AGEUrSjl Ml vJOI a i jHBl8&WMmiS 1PARIS. PHILADELPHIA. : : . NEW YORK U BOSTOr : April is, 79-ly rimmxxm uJni ai af a ftltfllfil ivrrt.Mv. Iln tn a11a .ama All... -- ,V . V. , i imines, Willi the nssurnnco Hint it is ilio same ' 6 cl.omists, New York. d jnn 2-4w Out of town people who can not convontently travel, mny have snm- ples eont thorn of Dry Gods nnd nit other goods thnto soil, If they wlllvrltft No cargo, nnd no need to If not tilted. Wo make It n nttenCosuch letters quickly; orders ccno wo nond tho exact nnd exnetly enmo price goods n re not ns ordered, wo uso dlscretm in filling orders, groat tntlsfutlon to the mnny to . "Wth a reputation of wmm mm, citizen w ho desires tprcserve tho (lovernment that me luunuera gue ua i no aeoaies anu acts oi con gross, tho ut'erancea- the press, the exciting con tests of the Republics and Democratic nearly equal In strenh throughout the country, tho varying drift of pile sentiment, will all bear directly and elTecttv.- upon tho twentv-fourtu Presidential election, tto held in November. Four years avo next NovemL' the will of the nation, as expressed at tho polls, as thwarted by an abomi nable conspiracy, thopuotcra and beneficiaries of which still li hi tho decs they stole. WUI the crime ot 1576 be repeats tn 180 ? The pastdecsde of j ears opened with oorrupt, extravagant, and insolent Admlnlstrallonvrenched at Washington. Hie sun did something tward UModglng tho gang and breaking lt power. Tho same men are now Intriguing to restore the leader and themselves to places from which thev ve driven by tho indigna tion of the people. Will ey succeed 7 The com ing ) ear will bring tho an.ers to these momentous questions. Tho sun will i on hand to chronicle the facts as they ate develod, and to exhibit HMn clearly and fearlessly in tht relations to expediency and right. Thus, with a habit of phfcophlcal good humor In looking at the minor aural of lire, and in great thtiiRs a steadfast purpose maintain the rtghta of tho reopio nnd tho prlnclis of tho Constitution ngalnst till aggressors, The m Is pre can d to write a truthful, Instructive, and athe same time enter taining history of 16M). Our rates of subscrlptlonVialn unchanged. For the Dally sun, a four-paga-ieet of twenty-eight columns, the price by mall, pt-pald, Is 65 cents a month, or fi.50 a 3enr ; or, lntdlng the Sunday pa er; an eight-page sheet of ity-slx columns, the price is C5 cents a month, orgtfu a year, postag e o Vi is I The Sunday edition of Tho h is also furnlshe d separately ai a yenr, posue paid. '1 he price of the Weekly Suj eight pages, fifty six columns, is $1 a year, postal paid. For clubs of ten sending 110 wo w 111 send an ara copy lrce. Address I,v ENOLAND, Publisher of Thk Sc New York City, THIRTY SEWING Dn. UP.OTO1XO Is artkltr gTaduatd ot iuodlclnc, a liJil I harmocibt, and a taorqg-u chemist Hls"C.&C."( and Cold) Cordial la not tLTo eultof mcrochance.butof mg eclentlflo research In chemiry and medicine, a lt Ulnly u by tlio rabidity of IU ottloq ti lta unparallclrd cfllcacy. la c xixdko I n 1 ta manuf act lire la t lc4fctp timri aa great aa Uut( any other tucdlclno uion tj market, and yet It la sold at ti eiModuiKly low prlco of 60i ITrRauilo bottlca (for . Short time only) 2,j el. Proprietor, 1117 Areh Street, Philadelphia, 'Pl 'nowm-ron and ai i, DHTTnoiKTs ut,pn,ar1- ORNAMENTAL IRON IffiES. SUITABLE FOR YARDS, CEMETERY LOTS, and Public Grounds Tho f ollowlnr; shows tbe Picket Ootblc, me ot tho several beautiful Btylea ot Fence maautatond by For Henuiy ana Durability they are unsLrpat-wd l'ut up by fiperlenced hands, and warhweato Slve autlbtactlon, Prices and Specimens of other sent to any address. esigns A l) II It ESS, 1 S. DM. HESS, Eloomsburg,IFa, JulyH. '79-6m Farm Accounts! l.vcry Tarmtr should know how to k wp tbrin, Aa rptirflv iiuwant'oittiiU'toayateia JuntUewiL SmJ launUl (orfmuCirt-'iiUm tothelinvANT & Kthattu lH;iiUia Cuixluk. lfl ti. TcuiU bt.,l'iilkaUiiLia. Oct, IT. Ww a&s Till. JOHNSON' 1U.VOI.V1M1 iiooK.qvsr. jiimnj vi iron, iwauuiuiiy orna mt'iitpii, AUJustablo shelves, Clu-ap and atroiiif. Cannot gvt out of ohUt. Four elzoi. Beml fur complete circular ami jirlco list, KmuI 5 cents for our new Illustrated Cataluuo of Bchool Jlcrt'haiullso. Every J'arent or Uaihtr thoutU haw it, EAKEH, rHATT & CO., tleadqjartert for all School Supplies. US k Hi UUAND STiaUT, ISEYT TOKKi tt pt Vi, ly KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. ,1. euro to cure Spa.los, Splints, curb, tc. it ri-movcs all unnatural cnlarje. foranv lameueaa fin iM-nat nr innn. i. lias cured lilp-Jolnt lanif nf ss In a person bo hail BullertU 15 yean. Also cured rh.uiiinttam. rnrrn f p,.a..l.iii.u ,v nnu tirulsescut or lameneaa. It has no equal for any Lk-rolaU ou hones, bend (or Illustrated circular l-v. iDgiositivamoop. I'rlCB i: ALU DHUiidlvrs have It or can eel It for ) ou ot Dr.ll. J Kendall & Co rroprletors, EnoshurgU Kalis, Vermont. MOVilit UHOT'IIKHH, Aitents. filoomsbiiiv, I'a. ""'" Weaver & Oq'b. Ada. $2500 A "Y E A R Wo'liatetii! bA't'lnV'" ? nti. " "a'llaSnta arc now making from 'i fjSir aihr. Send ftninli for tinrl leutara. Aililreal Alii I JJTs'ill'.IIAl.ll, Do lU'lilladclfhln, l'n. FREE GIFTI-JA4s IllUla Ull I nlvrrllrlilFtlt. A,.in.. AonxTS' unn.vM), not n, ihiiiuiii.iiit. AGENTS! READ THIS! -.WfWlll pur Aconia a aalarjror allows Inrcocom. I .tlon to aell tmr tie"' ami nilei-ltil In vriilliiii", Wc menu uluil tvo ay. 1 ao! n'tAt.n. iio.t n, riiiimicipiiti, r; iPiriJTO "furBlltluiliptaiiJlalrlollliiB tht 1 O ltoorlnl Mitmerliillon llooli. , ,rri anil Kllilra. J-ott no time, nj tho WANTtU ffivintf Ii tlmplij imin'irr, ami ler ritnii luif rriilJly Him, will tittlMcll any n' r li ' Th 'irrnt. -tommrliinltyevtr offered micrMHii out r cuaplo lllrllt or w' 0 , - in , il int. 'r Ini "fn! li nut ii'l'ut In nn Mini" ru!i!o and iirolliiitilo bii-lnm. l'rici rc lU df 'ft lit Ml" r lii, . AiWr H A n: nV 1I..HAI.1). lint II,'1pV.'i,ra. ftV tff!J nt Mnmilafi !l Jit T "liaIfi. tiii-i 0 i-nnf frict n. ll.c litter wort'ili ft f Mliuhcn .by mutnlHr if flms lit ft l , iii.i i ( (..of .iiMli' l, t ' i'." t ii. Tit'incmt ijjou . . r no . ii mt . cct tuiialil'in' limn .1 W fiko ift'iplr Vo y Hi ft wui'" nt r myj neit r Jtij I r; rim tii'iofft-rfur a murt tmw t-iriii'.y iq lmrouutu our ni r . . i i ' . i , t.'. ( lurk', cj-Ot .pi, ii3tr 'ir h'.. .m, i'l-toil Mm 1 Kuh s i" I Ttppcil licrmnii f 'her 'S .iMt-MJnon!, .ifioMii, si.mi; Main Ci. S. J t" Tt itpoons it, G h1 tcut i)iiiu:dcu tm ijjLor muu(.y tr .ci, l i3i H TitEMQN i' t-.i'oov f n..n'i-en, riiHiHVipi.ii.rji, Mni.ilfl tiy'irtll 1orS- t'rnt". tiler nro iimilojiul 1 1 1 o n n y food (nstor, v M llrliantil. ,Mr,ll, L-un.l Ct.lMUlkil Halllo-. Kury Aizriit ciin raIl) ttll - prns-i 4T I tioo pcrTcrt To), In' for Oirlslm.n. .Int llicjirtldi i rl'oiuitcrMi rr AtroiiUaiitl Mrortnif 11. 1 lo- roiiii)'rriiti.uU. 1 prosi l.yl.irrM SI f.M). Vio nUn Iiiitp CollaiiolniT ( up, iililrh tdeiroiK1 intrrllirr nint ran bo rnrrlnl In r-t lVr1.rU Sintilp I'j Mnll 1 ilorrn bjr Iaiipsi $." 0 tU)t. by I.prrntSl.t'0. AUtlipnlioio cimiU nrd i.otcl, uttrarthr, lilulitr poINtiPil n ml 111 scli raiii'tfr. .lMrrn tilafi-lr. HtKMttVT SPOON (0., J!, 11, l'.itljili'Iplih.rI. c c A O fl guariftUa It Id crcry et, roil n net f hew 1of itand. Inf r brw dpfply rwwd. It tW Intunt rIUf, kntJcam tha mstirbronle ei. In fro in one lo thrto tfki, If ntrd mi dlrri. ri, Inilmltiti tminbrr nf uitlmoniati tun terl'0 If Atitrtrl. hot all kk K trial. In rem I net that tt will curt when all mhtr nirani tiiir fulled. Sold by all dcalcn In tutdklnti, t0 wuH jtrr boiik ft nt fr en rtr Ipt ef ytiee, by JU0I1 WALTZ, (.rtifralOKcnl forr.S and (anaat 130 Franklin bt Ititltlinurp. Mil. Cp-illieQuliia tradifiiirk aDl itiDitnra f Dr. J, V. Da lit o wrarpff ; sept. 19, 'To-ly. J W CO. INSTITUTE, Eetabliehcd in 1 R72 for tbo cura of Cancer. Tumors. Ulcers. Scrofula, and hkin Difleaiea. without tho uso ot knlfo or loss of blood and littlo laiu. or inrorination, ctrciuars and reivroncos, addrcsdlir. l L. I'ONli, Aurora, Kauo Co., 111. sept. U,;e-ly. J w .t co. THIS NEW STCT.ASTfr. TI?TTJ ttif Hu ft Tad dlffflaff from nil cthr, if ByMliin, with Scir-AdjuitlDtc Hall ik (All m Hi. ram W.tf5S.tS KB Eft. WiUj ll.hi preuma in norniK i Dria Menrelr at mi uiglu. and ft radical euro oer. all, II 1. M.j.dursljt, tn.f cbe.p, v.uruio ftn-i eneap. isciLt tf mil. Circular! Eggleston Truss Co., Chicaao, ill., Sept. 19, t9 y, J W it CO. QonsumptiowJlT can becurPdbytliecunlliiuPd uso of osmun'HCod Liver oil and Luc to Pliospiiatt) of Miup, a euro for ('nnsiimntlnn. Cnutrhq (nlds. Asthu.iL. Itroiichlt 13. and all hcrautous diseases. Ask your druuk'M. for usmun a ana iaKO no oincr. it n nas not. ,li I will fseud tlx bottles anywhere on receipt of ecnaior uircuiar. a. iiimua, 13 sccnth Avenue, ?Jew ioric, pjov, ai, 18,-om j w co. 23 P A T C II Hror mrndlnir tin. brass, copper, lender Iron without acid or isolderlni; Iron. Any lady or child can mend with It. Will send t ono sample p'ate hymalt(wltl, direct lous) rH thatwlll cut 192V' inch snurmt pitches on receipt of Wets, s for $1, loofor$li), (I'os- tairohtamns lecclved as cah). .tli--N 1'S M I U'lVTL'll a" 'nr. o.irri' nno ft ai'j ulnjsL- In ' your porket. S.ileswfll .Meld f3 to f ifi per Oday, iurC4pai:e lllustraifd Cataloifiio ot thromos, Jew elry.Novt'Uies, Station ery, Ac., KHKB. Ad.lress, CITY VOVMIiTY C O.. ONo 119 South 6th St., Philadelphia, I'a. W Mention this paper. L. J aec&-im wxco llrrled filioT QUNIn the world 9 far tbo tnoDcj, W'arranttd cd- ikineTvi lit. with JliifU, 11 fit, Jioj' ()nfw, Jlar fVcjtw find llffd ftinrh, A a ir li l-i a. -1 if itrirr.u IZlitp fr tff. It tirrtmti-ft or nnmtte. fcwuj (or illuatrnltil ainluiiti Mud t in'c 1-uli tu JAMCS DOWN & SONS, Interprln Oun Worki, l.Hi A 13 M ootl Ht,t lrAaLiniiLu :ti3. I'liisuvnau, i'i, decB-3m Wttco FITS CUIiED rromptly and Termanently, 1 bend a bottle of my celebrated rtin. edy, wlthu valuable treatise on this msease, iree to uu suutTers w do seuu mo ineir r. u. ana isxpreaa aaaresa. Ur. 11. 0. iujuI', No. 163 Pearl St. New York. ,ov4-3in aiu CATARRH 4fr'iAalliiDia, itnd Jtrun-bllU vjiiireil ftt nur own hornn bjr 4T 1 ilhaf ,"i'r ultn direct K"3'u me aiieaae. a reiiftLia 'aentun trial, to la returned aai money refunded If nut KutUfata mri. fair iiiii I n "million aVl- drfM HOMi: MKlUl'INKCO.. S.W.Cer.lotli & Arch, I'tU's.!'!,'In.-ly II you ara a limu of Lunhn aa. wi'.tlti ti.l ivii fyour duilei, avoid etlinulmau naa Uk IS you are a man of le tten. tolling over yonr mldalzbt ork, to rcatoro brain nervu and waBte, djo If yonareyounff and suflerluK from any Indiscretion v. uiiiiiALiwiti i4 ju ai o uiorrit ii vr diiikii. uiu or yountf.atuffcriDKfrom noorbralthorlaufiuiblar M on a bod of Hickneaa. tt-lv nn Wbopveryouare, wherever yoaarc,wbenever you ft-l Btluiulat las, without (nitudNtukti ITave you tlutpepato, IUImv or vrinary complaint, til t'iue of tu i ftomitch, boieth, blood, hrer or nertttf f If yon aro slmrily wralc and low ipltlted, try It I lnalHt uiKjnlt. Your dm eclat krpnslt. 3 aro slmrily wralc and low iplrited, try It I Iray It. It may nave your life. It linn waved hundreds. II -pOuirD Cora li t&awamumarniftnd bant. Atk cUUilnn. TblluplJfibtomah,UrrftauJKMiM)ttUtaMrlurtoaJ(,tb ll la t-rfut L Alk drncirUU. D. I.C. 1 aa ftbaoluU imJirmliUtlai cur fur dnmip , nn of IQmB vpiatn, vimixa vw naxenufa, All b.'a oj1 by dniirfliU. II p HitUrt Mfg. Co., LWbetUr, fXaTXaTXft Ways. 7tf-tf. 1 I I lO 1 At i'jIV l'.lbu.LlUUo'MN.-UMiatir Adt.riisiUK nun-ttu (iu bprmv Mni'ii nw nir Uj.tutftyuiriU.-u limy ixj nmUtt fur it l Mi, ItlUli feb. U, TMf r A WwSm MM HSENSIOU MA SHOT B, aim ULU H11U ILL NQI '. Da SAjtFonn's Livun IimoonATon; 19 a Htmulnril i'nmily Ilomoar fnr ... diBcnscs of Uio Liver, Stomach -V r, . i . -.WVtf: nntt uowois, ii is ritroiy vvi t -.-Li- ti . firm Dobllitatc-Iti8 fliaitffLffhns been . ' !5!and by tho public, for more than Rr. f I 3PIvrith unprecedented results! Jl ; S. T. W. SANFORD, M.D, , k?S5k c.ri I AM nniOGIM- it ILL TFLli 1 nu ITS nil'l 1 iTllU. J I RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES! N1 OltTHKKN CENTKAL RAILWAY WINTER TIJIE TABLE. fin nml r, fin. tla.nnt. Tnnn OH 1BTA 4l.n on iuo I'uiiaaeipma & Jta iruaauiiston wm rui U3 I011UV3 ; WESTWAlil). Brio Mall leaves rhlladelphli Its pta ' llarrlsburp 4 25 am " William' port 8 35 u tu " " Jersey Nliore 07 a u " l-ock Haven 0 4 a m ' Henovo ltliiam " rirrlve at Erlo 7 6ft ti m Niagara Express leaes I'lilladelphla 8 no a m uarmomt; iixnuia ' arr. at Wiiilamsport 223 p m ' " Iick linden Sfiopm Fast Line leaves Philadelphia 11 6(1 a m " llnrrhburtf ? 33 p m " arrlvo at wmiatnsport T 23 p in " " Lock Haven 8 w p m EASTWAKD. Paclflc Kxpresa leavea Iek Haven T fo a m tjcrwy nuiiru t u in " " llllamsport 1 n m " arrlvo at llarrlsturc I2uft p rn " " Philadelphia 3 40 pin Day Express leaves " Lock llaen 11 so am " ' v llllamsport 12 40 p in " arrive at Harrlsburfr 4iopm ' Philadelphia 7 20 pin Erlo Mall leaves Henovo sjopm ' " Lock llnten 0 50 p m " " Mlltamsport 11 10 p m " arrives at liarrlsbnrir a 43 a m rmiaaeipiiia luuain Fast Line leaves Ul mains port U 3ft a m ' arrives at llarrlsbitrtr 3M)am " " Philadelphia 1 40 a rn ; Erie Mall west and rav Exnress East make close 11. 11. II trains for Vtlku-barro and Scranton, Erie Mall West. Niagara KxoresH West and Fast inu vvuhi muKo ciohu connuciion at iuiumuur wllh N. C. It. W. trains north. Nlairara Exnress West nnd l)av Exnress East maia ciose connection ai ixick iiaien siiiiii. ii. v It. It. trains. Erlo Mall east and West xonnect nt Erie wltt trains on L. is. K M . u. u. ; at Corry with O. C. & a. .u. k. :ul iLinnt num wnn ii. i. v. s. i: it. ii and at Driftwood w 1th A. V. II. U. Parlor cars will run between PhllalelDhla and uiuinuurt uu riuiriiru r.Auirss wee . anu uav r. General Mipt. ATOUTIIKKX CENTKAL KAIL WAY COMPANY, nn onfi nftpr November 20Ui, 1873. trains win leavo Sunbury us follow s : wnPTHU' tun Erlo Mall 5.20 a. m., arrive Elmlra 11 .6 " Canandalgua. . 3.3ft p. m HoehfHtfr ft.lfi Niagara a 10 " KenoTO accommodat Ion 11.10 a, m. arrlvo William port 12.65 p. m. Elmlra MalH.15 a. m., arrlvo Elmlra 10.20 a. m. Buffalo Express 7,15 a. m. arrlvo Buffalo 9. Ml a. n HOUTUWAKU. Buffalo Express 3.50 a. m. arrlvo llarrlsburg " Ualtlmoru8.40 Elmlra Mall ll,15a.m., arrlvo IlarrUburg 1.U) " Washington 10.31 " llaltlmore C.30 " WasUlngton Uarrlsburg accommodation burg 10.50 p.m. arrive Baltimore ' Washington 6.13 Erlo Mall 19.55 a. m. arrive Ilarrlstmrg 3 06 a. m, " BalUmoro 8.40 " " Washington 10.35 " All dauy except Sunday, D. M. BOYD, Jr., Ucncral rasacnger Agen mm A. J. CASSATT, General Manager J )HILADELPHA AND HEADING KOAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. May 11, 1879. TallMS LB1YK BCPSKT 18 FOLLOWB(SUNPlT BZCBPT1D For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, rottsvlllu Tamaqua, ta., 11, a. m For Cataw lssa, 11,45 a. m. 7, SI and 7,35 p, m. For Wiiilamsport, 0,S3 9,05 a, m. and 4,06 p. m. TBiixaroa kcfibt lkit. is follows, (scndit a ; capTao.) Leavo New York, 8,45 a. in. Leavo Philadelphia, 0,45 a. m. Leave Heading, 11,55 a, IB., Fottsvllle, 19,39 p. m and Tamaqua, 1,36 p, m. Leave Catawlssa, c,90 6,50 a. m. and 4, to p. m. Leave WUllauisport,9,45a.m,9,15p. m. and 4,50 p, m ; passengers to and from New York and Philadel phia go througa ithout change ot cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, Ucncral Manager C. O. HANCOCK, General Ticket Agent, Jan.u, istb tt. E LA WARE, LACKAWANNA ANB WESTEKN HA1LKOAU. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. Tlme-Tablo No. 89, Takes effect at 4:30 A. M MONDAY. JUNE 10, 1S73. NOHT1I, bTATlONS. bourn. p.m. p.m. a.m. I II 1 11 9 46 9 ti 9 17 9 37 9 04 9 30 8 58 3 51 9 91 8 61 3 46 9 19 8 46 3 4L 9 14 13 41 11 16 8 S3 8 30 9 04 8 19 3 10 8 44, 8 83 8 90 8 65 8 13 3 13 8 47 8 04 3 04 8 39 7 61 9 61 93 7 88 3 89 8 17 7 t3 8 34 8 18 7 35 8 98 8 06 7 13 7 14 7 10 7 03 8 04 7 44 6 66 1 57 7 Ss 6 50 1 61 7 S3 6 45 1 46 7 99 6 87 1 37 7 11 6 15 6 UU 1 00 6 45 p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. cm. p.m scranton Bellevuu Tajlorvllle.,.. ..Lackawanna... lltttton . West Pittston... 9 35 9 45 a tu u io 3 16 6 90 9 32 b 85 3 30 6 33 9 68 9 S3 C 40 9 41 6 43 9 49 6 50 2 53 6 56 9 67 6 69 10 07 Maltby,,,, -Bennett..... ....Kingston.... Kingston 10 18 3 15 10 33 3 16 7 10 7 15 ,Vl mouth June. 3 10 3 16 7 IS 7 95 7 33 7 43 8 04 8 95 8 45 8 53 9 06 7 15 ...,ri) mourn.,,,. 10 99 .a vonaaio .... Nantlcnk-H 3 31 10 34 3 36 10 43 3 S3 10 66 3 60 .Uunlock's i reek. Hbnicksiiinny-. .Hick's Ferry.... .Beach Haven,, . .....Berwick ..Briar Creek .Willow Grove. ...Lime Itldge... Espy......... ..Blooinhburg ItUDert 11 07 4 I 11 13 4 10 4 18 4 5 11 3'J 4 33 7 S3 4 S3 7 30 11 39 11 45 11 51 11 57 19 18 4 44 7 44 4 49 8 111 4 65 8 .13 Catawu&a Bridge. 0 00 3 60 t,,uiui. uiu.,,.,.., ,.,.Chulaaky.,.., ....Cameron 6 IS s 31 9 18 9 61 b 30 9 65 .Northumberland, 13 45 6 45 9 Co p.m. p.m. a.m . V. f. UALSTKAD, BUpU Superintendent's Office, scranton, June lo, 1373, "YyAIN WRIGHT & CO., WUOLESALE GUOCEKS, PUILIDELTUU, Dealers In TBAB,8YIIUI'S, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, iks, sricia, bicub com, to., tc N, tt, Ocmer Second ana Arch itreete, nr-Ordera v.111 receive prompt attention. It 7. A ev r ' t I'M