The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 26, 1879, Image 3

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'' i
' Rftll Read time TMe.
Accommodation Train,,,..,,
Mall Train T.M A.M
Vut Train.... ll.oo M,
Bxpress Train .M P.M.
Accommodation Train MS A. M.
Regular Express 4.M P.M.
Throngn cars on Express train eltber to Hew York
or Phtladolphti . Accommodation train runs between
Catawissa and Williams port.
J. J. trower oilers for rent a tery deilrable
land for a store. See advertisement In bus-
iness locals.
.M P. M
11.43 A.M
One of New York's prominent chemists, Mr.
Albert 0. Dung, 81 Bowerr. sarst St. Jacobs
Oil cured a well-known auctioneer, and many
umer prominent c'lltens or rheumatism. Jt la
a reliable remedy,
Dnws, The stm that young ladles should
ha In rlew with regard to their dress Is
neatness and simplicity It Is on this account
T,ss p.m. I that the French are so tuallr famous far Ihetr
11,44 A.M. I Vm. .1.1. ... .....
In rich silks and ts tins, or heavy and costly
materials. To he well dressed does not depend
on a lavish expenditure of money, hut on the
selection ofr suitable colors which harmonlie
Causal and BtoonsBcao. Leave Camtjra Monday. I wlln toe complexion, and fashions which set
Xoygb b. defect, of one
same uajs Hirer ormai 01 rnuaueipnia man, less perfect, lie suitably attired lor the OCCS
Sherman Co. Marshall. Mich., want an
agent In this county at once, at a salary of 9100
per month and expense paid. For full partic
ulars address as above. Nov. 21-lr.
The ear shops of Lockard Brothers Is the boxes. The Constitution of. 1846 went till'
scene of great activity now. About one hun- further In the same direclion Amon oth
drc,d and IwenlyBve hands are employed, and I er radical changes of like character, It gave
cars are turned out rapidly. This firm Is pos- the people the right of electing all the Btate
scssed bl large enterprise and good business officers and the Judges of all the Courts.
It has hn nm. ...,..!,.. nn.1, management and their .establishment Is a fine v. vV ,.. l it, nf
ping as done for Christmas, as there has been lnln ut 'wnng men. A rew more such gut n ln8 wotj 0f enlarging the prlvl.
mis year, reople were too poor lo Indulge In -"" """ m uOWwn. ntge of the people.
In the line of march
handsome presents, and many were almost THK CHRISTMAS TREE, toward popular right It has taken no.tepLffiM MEDALS EVElt AWAKDED FOR POKOUS I'LASTEB3 WERE GIVE
i i t i.7T. ., t. . . . ji backward. When this movement begau.the rW""" i:SeV,w'"
Is Indebted to the Proles ant dl-1 j, . n , . . . ,,, I to the largest nnmber-r w
, I electors of President and Vice President 1 1 could hate but one weir t
were appointed by the Legislature,
The world I
to the manufacturers bt BENSON'S OAPCINB POROUS PLASTERS at the Centenntal and Parts Kiposltotaa.
that "they are great Improvement on the common, slow actios Porous Plasters by reasonof their ' proriaf
action and tho absolute certainty of tnclr quickly reucvlng pain, and effecting a posit" cum.
rillCB 25 CJKNT8.
and LiiRDSvtLLt, Lcavo Lalrdavlflo
Tbursdar and Saturday at T:80 a. m.,
arriving at Uloomsfmrg by i m. Leave lllooms
slon, for the weather and time of day.
burg on same days after arrival of Pnrladolpbla
Sheriff Ent will move to town soon, and take
possession of the jail, lie will find a small
lienton In the morning and returning tntho eve-1 number of prisoners on band, three of them
having escaped one night last week. Workmen
MAIL ROUTES. fnoo In rmfttrtfiff lliA LiitMtnff pa1a..1v
A' hits tlALt. ad BuWMsBmid.-LeaTe White Hall left lnc'r too' In tho corridor, and with them
Tuesday, nvjmaicttjmm., the prisoners effected an exit. Bv'thewav.whv
is it that the new jail Is constantly needing
mall. I renaira ?
BXHTOn and nixmssuiui. Leaves nenton onaay.
wcunesaayana rnaay ats a. m. arriving at r ...l. . .1 . ut i
llloomsburir at i p. m. Leaves Bloomsburg Tues. Latest styles of elegant calling csrds are now
day. Thursday and Saturday at 8 a. m., arriving kept In stock at this ofUce, and can he furnished
at itentonatsp. m. , , , ... .
, uo.uui.tiuiiv., iiciiivuu cMVUIBlir 111(3 uv
mall Tho stage line terminates at Mluvllle,
Brnton and llloomsburir. A dally stage line leaving
lienion in uie mornini
nlng of the same day,
nnableto provide themselves with even the
........1. I , r m , . .. . ...
mwnnDi mi, ineiaci inai iraae It SO r: ." -"" " ' " " I nlMlnra nf PrniM.nt anil V k PmMant I nM hits but nns m lor Wmw iihml .
much belter Indicates that the return of "icl of Northern Germany for the Christmas .... . .. . wo select a comply & DRUOOISTS HAVE VOLUNTARILY TESTIf IKU
prosperity has put In the power of the people anere u was ursi plan ted, as it were,.and , . ... . . . .. ... its contents are corirlbnled by the irost eminent
the plessur. of exchanging more expensive lb. earth wherv.r ''U 7!!!'-"".. Z ffiSS SSSffiK o ,ff2fflS;5S!!
gifts, and enabled the poorer classes to Indulge ll)e has been heard. No sweet- nnll ihn IUt. nrTnf 1R2d "x"1" conversant wiu the desires or the puo-
in luxuries unknown the btlance of Ihe Tear. " cu"lom rew mon8 peopi'i "a tue r , r , , , ., -- pwuuu ..rllwunHnuV,
Our merchant, have not displayed so many universality of it. observance to day at the end " ,nl""n8 UP0D( "B PP
, I. ........ v, 7 e" ,u " r hundred, nf mr.l. il,. nrnnf if nr(f right of choosing eleotors ol President and
T""" """"" ror nouuay iraae, lor a long - -- - - . , , B,.ral ttrket .v.. Th volumes of the "Magailne" bogtn with tho
time at th.y have thlt vear. It Is Impossible were "e"1. of Its moral beauty and loveliness. v lce 1 "J1"1" und lbe general ticket sys- Nnmber, for June , December otetchyear. When
t ... ..'... . . . The whole woild h. m..l It. ft.n .n,t il,. tem. That law Stands Upon the Statute no time tospecinea. 11 wUl beunderttood that the
vk u, ;w iinma mc une gwm id do kid in an i - - i. , , , . , , . Mi . i,t i i su-wenoer wwnes hi uegm wim ioe currentnum-
th tnr. In tnn . i. m.nttnn I worm is su me riciier anu toe belter that it -.j, uu , num 1 w.-.
the leading houses and finest dl-ulsts htsdoneso. In Ihe old German days the cltement of the past fifty-years no party or
. - . . ' r ., . . ... ..... i r.tiA. I. . .in .1 i .r I ,- i . , aM .
1. W. Hartman In his new combination """ me nn-imas ireeanu me jurist- uicuicu ui u HAttf JSiViJ riKlUDlUAJjiS,
.irl,...n ..f , mas gifts wete more comnlete than now. lo tho Jlepubllcans of New York propose
description. Dry Goods, silks, farcy goods, K""1'' Rupert, the modern Sanla Claus, was a to deprive the people ofa precious privilege WKSKLT' Y"' t Z
books, groceries, Ac, may be found there in I Terltti ptreonsge, who, fsnltslically disguit ana to roll back the current of events by I harper's BA2AR, " " 400
endless variety: White the Ate and ten cen ea' wm n t-nrislmas tve wilh a train of I blottlng-nut this old statute, In order to se- The THREE above-named publications, one
counters forma strong attraction to crowds r""01"1' ""J1 "tt'ndants from house to cure a third Presidential term for General, li"'" " lM
it...... 1 1 .1. m..,.. . .1 .u..tL I . . v 19 n I Anr TWO above named. One Tear.......... too
K. M. Tewksbury, Committee, will sell val
uable real estate on the premises In Catawissa,
on Wednesday, December 31, 1870.
MtT"See Advertisement In another column.
tenlion of the ladles to tho gilt bevtled edge,
and borse'shoe cards. Do not send away for
engraved or printed cards, when you can get
just as good at home. Prices low.
it should be the aim of every owner 0'
I Horses, Cows, to make them as handsome and
Useful IL. rrtiullilp. Th. HArninn llnraA anil
1 A Solleder has just received a fine lot , of Powdcr helpa to deTeIop a the
Tntnrr.nnvn.irM of the animal. It improves Its beauty and
decl9,2w. I increases Its usefulness. It makes milk, muscle
I and fat. By using it a horso will do more work
Wo wish all our patrons a Merry Christmas aml B cqW glTe more milk and be In better con
and a Happy New Year.
About an Inch of snow fell on Friday morn
iDg last.
.Conductor John Llltle of Ihe L. & B. R. R.,
is said to he very 111 of typhoid pneumonia at
his home at Berwick.
Prof. D. J. Waller attended the Dauphin
county teachers' institute last week and deliv
ered an address on Tuesday afternoon.
The children of the Episcopal Sunday School
will have a Christmas entertainment on Satur
day evening.
The Methodist Sunday School will glvo an
entertainment at Ihe Opera House this (Thurs
day) evening. Sanla Claus will be there.
Admission 10 cents.
I dllion vnlh less leed. Sold only -lit weight at
16 cents a pound by C.A.Eleim, Bloomeburg
Dec 12, 79-ly
Judge Elwell went to Lewlsburg on Monday
to hear an argument In the Cameron will ron
test. The distinguished counsel engaged in thii
case are as follows ; For the contestants or
1'lainllfls, Hob. Jeremiah S, Black, Hon. A. H
Dill, Hon. Charles S.. Wolfe, William Van
Gezer, Esq., and George A. Guyer, Esq. For
the defendants, Hon. Wayne McVeagh, Hon
Q. F. Miller & Suns, Joshua Comly, Esq., Hon
8. P. Wolve-ton and Sv H. Orwlg, Eni, This
final argument Is to test whether an Issue will
be awarded or not. If granted, the caso will
likely, in due season, go to a jury. No doubt
many were attracted to court on the day named,
We are glad to notice thai W R. Tubbs has
to far recovered from his Illness as to be able
to be about the house agajn.
A half sheet trill ba Issued iroul (his office
next week. We would like very much to take
a holiday and give our employees a rest, but in
order to give the required number of insertions
to legal advertisements we must forego that
The teslamest used In ihe office of the Register
and Recorder for administering oaths, has betn
handed down from one officer to another since
A young man recently died in Germany
. from arsenic poisoning communicated in water
colors which he had used In drawing designs
for machinery. He had a habit of 'pointing'
bis pencil with his lips.
Last Friday A. P. Young of Millville drove
to town and tied his horse ou Main street while
he went into E. R. Ikeler'n office. On relum
ing, he, ibnnd his horse lying down and showing
signs of pain. He succeeded in getting it down
to the Exchange stable where after a few hours
it recovered bo that he was able to drive home.
Miss Ella Fox Is clerking at Clark A Son's.
H.W.McKelvy has accepted a clerkship
at I. W. McKelvy's.
I. W. Hartman has added Frank Pursel I
)iu force of clerks.
George McKelvy and wife are at home to
spend Christmas with friends.
Grant Herring is at home from Lafayetti
College to spend the holidays.
R. A. Mercur, Esq., of Towanda, held
meeting of tho creditors in bankruptcy in the
estate of William Goodman, at the Exchange
Hotel, on Tuesday.
W. A. Marr and J. H. James, Esqs., of
Ashland, were In town on Tuesday attending to
legal business.
Hon. C. R, Buckalew was a t Lewisburg on
Tuesday attending the argument of the Cam
eron will case,
Mrs, W. B. Koons spent several days in
town last week.
L. P. Appelman Esq.,of Easton, is at horn
to spend the holidays.
Harper's Magaslna.
1 ua vi 1 10 must wn ico i
r A70 00 iCiuaed mat, K
The Old Established Drag Store,
Corner Mum find Mnrkct Streets
that dally visit his store,
I. W. McKelvy hssopened his nw grocery
department, and the lower room is now devoted
to dry goods, notions, Ac. He has an Immense
stock of everything.
Lutt & Sloan display an elegant lot of silk
house, bearing the Christmat tree and dlstrlh
ntlng tho presents to the little ones of each
honsehold after a rigid inquiry as to their
merits and demerits during the year. All Ibis
Grant Y.Sun.
Republicans are very Indignant because states or Canada.
the Governor and council of Maine have
has been changed, not or.'ly here but even In the I "counted In" a democratic majority In the
Postage Free to all subscribers In the united I
older countries on the European continent, but I Legislature of that state. For years, un- tngtt volumes, in neat cloth binding, wifi be sent
Address HARPJtR BROTHERS, Now York.
Harprcr's Weekly
kandkerchlefs.-Iaces, dress goods, fancy articles 'J16 801,1 of thc cu'tom h bn k'P' " ln M republican rule, the returns have not pgfii?.
coats and furs, and their store is hardly large 1 "e0 wolcn e"a nou,e ,or erecl" na been made out according to law, and this roSiitDatd '
enougn to accommodate all tnelr customers. " "u u" " " "c" ,or ul I year tue Doaranasionowea inesiaiuie strict
Whenthevremovototholrnnwhnllillrnr the preservstion of Ihe custom that it has been y and theresult basbeen the seating ofl
can display their fine slock to belter advantage. c"DEtl. Young America could not be decclv. democratic majority. While the Republican maom "preM oracror UUV" ' Uf"ers.
Clark & Son also have a large assortment of ,u Ter 01 cn ""iit itupens. e contemplating the seizure of New York
dress goods, fancy notions, finesoaps, laces and I lbe 7" T,,",oe m Rct "onB weU "o"1" by having the Presidential electors of that
toilet articles, which their full force has been "ul 11,0 KCOnu or ,n,rQ ne woula De cer",n 10 state appointed By tho Legislature, they are
kept busy passing out over their counters. " " "e wuu,ui "uon- makink a great howl because their own game
U..A. Ularlt's lloolc Store has nttracted many " u '"" " ' iieu. hiJ been , d ,n MBjei
ieilors during the past two weeks. Books. Mod"n Inventions have marvelously sharpened -m
fine stationery, pictures. Inkstands, oaner ln! w 01 wl 01 ul ven of l"e three The Republican national committee met
weight, games, cards, and many other fine n "orseiess y uisseci me nrsi ".King at wh,nton on Wednesday of last week
articles are comprised in his stock. auiomaion 10 eoive ine prooiern 01 11s loquaciiy.J and elccted D Cameron Its chairman.
At David I.wnh.,..n. i-nnml fin. rlnil,. "neeui nuperi womu never no in mis cvenine 1 T,l. n.i. r.l.,l. !,..
Ing, from suits for boy. just in pants, up to of the nineteenth century, wilh lis railroad, fte commlHe nd that he w, be
ul,.er. for the largest men. Also gentlemen's ar"l telegraph lines, and It would be baxardou. fc can(lldate for piealdent if he w,
furnishing good, in every v.rie.y. to attempt to make of him a living enl.ty. Far , fc
re- pul
.. ... .... I line nninrn in. p.nnv.llllnn rTip.i.. .. Itlftinn
.1.. -1 -1 1 1 nev. or even mroueu me red not stove, juav 1 '
urr, cm , AinDTS un uauu, I ' ' -
D. A. Creasy c ntlnucs to keen a fine assort " como mo" B"rac 'V 10 n nQ
men! of dr? eood. and .rrrx-erle,. eT"3r '"e on aaa K'adden them one ami all,
Mover Ii rot hern, in Atlrltttnn tn lliplr t7fhfrn1
slock ofdrngs and medicines, have perfumery, luu v.u.un.wi,,
fine soap,, etc., and a lot of handsome lamps I Christmas bss always been a joyous season
lately received, from time immemorial, and has been duly eel
The understmed havtng been ufthe WIIOf.RHAI.K liltmi buslncsa for the post eleven years wo
cau the f attention of U10 publlo generally, and COUNTRY BEALEiiJlu particular, to
M GQmm of
Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Patent Medicines,
Spices, &c.
D . .....w . iuauD iuu tnuuiuaiD iui a. icaiucuij il u
furnishing good, in every v.rie.y. t ? V' . e"P1' Cameron is for Grant
W.C.McKlnney's Boot and Shoe store, the beU" keep him coursing over the housetop. J DUIne bring, up the
place to buy shoes and boat, from the fine.t to ".''h M! 'L"7 '1?'gh nJ, reindeer' d,0PpinK There w ill llkelv be some lively wl.
the heaviest Gents' furnl.hlnr cnod. neck gifts, as he flees, through tho cavernous chim- be"! ""'r be some lively wl
me Heaviest, uenis lurniehing goods, neck- ' . 1 ne before the convention meets, as I
This nerlodlcal has alwavs.bvlla .bin and Rrt.n1.rlr
dl cushions of tho questions ot tho day. as well as
ujr na iiiuiruiiuun viuitiiurc prep ireu uy me ues!,
itriniB vv ricu u most Duwenui anu Denenciai
1 uuemre upon ine pumin uiiDa.
The weight or lis Influence will always be found
on the side ot moraUty, enlightenment, and renne-
Cannol be surpassed anywhere
I does not Intend to retire without a struggle.
The Convention will be held In Chicago,
some time in Juno.
Mrs. Joseph Gales gavo a dinner at
Eckington to Nathaniel P. Willis, who was
I one of her especial friends. He sat beside
a spVlghtly niece of hers and the two became
I iTho volumes of the Weekly beeln with the first
Number tn January of each rear. When so time la I
mentioned. It wiu be understood that tho subscriber I
wisncs u commence wun mo number next alter me I
receipt or oruer
' " C10AR8,
C. A. Kleim also has vases, fine lamps, soap, ebrated in our American cities, although not
toilet articles, etc., at his drug store. perhaps to the extent thai the residents of the vcrv livelr. And Mr. Camnbellaat beside
Ai j. jt -iiarrs, n. II. Miller Hons, old world have alwavs greeted tins fa ret of all I iv, t,n... A mo. ii i- i,i .uniin.
William Kreamer's, A. J. Evans', and other
places of business, good goods at low prices
can be found the year round as well as at
Christmas time.
At Cadman's ban be found all sorts of furni
ture from a baby chair to a full pallor set, and
in the same room is L. Bernhard's elegant
display of Jewelry, silverware, clocks, watches
and the like.
C, E. Ravage also has a fine line of silver
ware, jewelry, elc
tbe holidays. Ol late years, however, there
ha, been a notable increaso in this observance
of Ihe Christmas festival in our land, until now
not even Germany exceeds us in the respect we
pay to this time-honored and sacred holiday.
Four weekB befoiehand our principal streets
are crowded with happy people intent on mak
ing others happy on the day which, by common
consent, leads all others. The beautifully dec
orated stores are crowded with eager custo
mers, and altogether the joyous Christmat
At any of our business bouses, goods can be I season with us last not a day only, but entile
bought the year round at low rates, and there is I weeks, and leavens the whole year with its
no reason why any one should send away for I happy influences.
to her. This, however, did not eo absorb the
aunt as to prevent her from watching the flir
tation going on between Mr. Willis and her
niece. Bhe frowned and sent reproving
glances down until the young lady seized
pencil and paper and hurriedly wrote and
sent to her aunt the following lines ;
Dear aunt why seek my acts to trammel t
You strain at my Nat and swallow your CampbelL
This clever thrust silenced the aunt and
secured Immunity for the young lady.
Business .Notices
nARPEit's bazar. " . 4 oo regulated Drug btoro,
The tiiiiee above-named publuatlons. One
Year .. 10 oo
Any TWO above named. One Year T 00
Postage Free to all subscribers In the United states
or Canada.
and in fact every thing that should be kept in a complete and well
They arc tho sole Manufactures of the Celebrated
goods at Christmas or any other time. If what
you want is ndt kept in stock, go to some ono
who deals in that line, and he can order it for
you, Keep your trade at home.
Executors' Administrators' Guardians' and
Trustees' Receipt Books bound in Rcynoll's
covers, just printed at this office. Books wilh
100 receipts only 40 cents. Books containing great house thronged wilh buyers, butall intent
This train of thought was suggested by
call on Monday at the establishment of Messrs.
Slrawbridge A Clothier, at Eighth and Market
street, where the sight presented was calcu
lated to arouse enthusiasm in the breast of the
veriest stoic. One week ago, when we paid the
last of many visits this season, in search oil
articles for housekeeping needs, we fonnd the
smaller numbers bound in a few moments, tf.
The annual meeting of the Christion Tem
perance Union of BloomBburg will be held in
the M. E, Church on Friday evening, Dec. 26,
at 7 o'clock. A temperance sermon will be
preached by Rev. W. V. Evans, after which
the officers for tho ensuing year will be elected.
EjII. Yocum, Rec.Sec.
Vendue notes waiving stay of execution and
exemption, with stubs; just printed at this
office. Books containing any number of notes
desired can be bound in a few moments, tf.
Nathan Longebacher, ol Catawissa Val ey,
Daniel Brosius, of Shenandoah, Frapfz Frick,
of Mahanoy City, and John Kantner, of Potts-
ville, have formed a company to work valuable
silver vein, in the mountain, near Espytown,
on the Susquehanna river, Columbia county.
The authorities at the Philadelphia mint say
the ore will assay over S165 per ton. The
prospectors have leased over nine miles of land
in which at different places shafts have been
sunk and veins discovered varying in thickness
from three and a half to eight eet of excellent
paying ore. The gentlemen intend to erect
works at once and ship the ore to the crushing
establishments. Kantner, one of the party,
sayathereisa large deposit of the precious
metal on land of his on Ihe liroad mountain,
Never send to the city for what you can buy
at home. Never employ workmen from abroad
when home mechanics can do the same work
just as well, 'Patronizing home enterprises is
what makes the business and prosperity of the I and that he knows of a cave there, the entrance
community. , I to which is now fallen in, thit exposes a vein
which would assay $200 per ton, and from
George Roan, who has been employed in this I which in olden days the' Indians used to fill
office for the paBt'four years, completed his I canoes and carry it to Philadelphia. Follnille
annrenticeshln on the 20th inst., and is now a I Chronicle.
full fledged 'jour.' lie has proven himself a
faithful and industrious workman, and his ser
vices will be retained in this office. '
A change is contemplated In the proprietor;
Bhip of the Bristol House, If effected, Mr. E.
C. Wasser will become a partner nl Mr. Koons,
the present landlord, and the business ol the Sinkey's urged him to start a hymn after the
house will be conducted under the firm name next prayer. He did so, the people took it up,
of KoonsA Wasser. Wilkabam Union-Liader. and it helped to make Ihe meeting successful.
After it was over, Mr. Moody sent lor him
Hevrr lf lsilir in nl.r nn Irie niano. unless 'He did not say," says Mr. hankey, 'How lo
'JIMIUJI US L IWjiau twwjuu, u, ,,
The manner irf which' Moody and Sankey
first met and became associated in evangelical
work is thus 'pleasantly related: Mr. Moody
and Mr. Sankey first met in a prayer meeting.
The singing was poor and a friend of Mr.
The approach of Christmas has made this a
lively week, Mr. Low has a five cent window
Mhich attracts quite a crowd.
On Saturday of last week the infair of Mr.
John Welsh ofithis place was held. We glean
e following facts fiom one who was there.
The entire family of Mr. Abner Welsh; con-
isling of three daughters and two sons were at
home on this auspicious occasion; Ihe parents
the bride Mr. and Mrs. John 9. Pettebone
Kingston were also 'there and together with
number nf particular friends made thc goodly
number of 30, The day was rather gloomy
Isido but not at all so within the walls of the
old stone house; joy and happiness seemed to
Ign supreme. At about two o.'ilock the
company was invited out to dinner. The
tables were loaded with good things of all
descriptions. The dinner passed off very
eaaantly aud after some music and conversa-
tion tho company dispersed to their several
homes well pleased .with the way in which the
day had been spent.
Miss Carrie Decker and Miss Croup have
en around raising a donation for widow
Coleman. Mrs. Coleman wilt he greatly bene
fitted .as well as surprised.
Yours truly,
Sairey Gamp.
you intend to he polite enough to listen to htr
playing, never Sdd hypocrisy to boorishness, by
seeming to be pleased with what you thought
more contemptible than your contemptible
prattle. Ownup that you only asked her to
play out ol politeness, and failed to listen out
of Impoliteness. '
took me by the hand, though, asd iinuieai
ately said: 'I have been looking for you for
eiuht years. Where do you Ilvt?" Itoldhim,
'How old are you?' I told him my age, and
he asked, 'Are you married?' 'Yes.' 'How
many children have you got?' 'One.' 'Well,
want vou to leave your home and como lu
Chicago. I have got a place lor you. You
must come, for there's a wnik there that the
Lord wants you to do, and you must do it.'
Well, two months paved, I gut as, and he wrote
me so much that 1 finally went to Chicago,
The Catawissa Cornet Band that accompanied
Company F, of this place, to the Grant recep
tion, made a favorable impression in the hearts
of the 'boys,' who speak of them in the very
loudest praise During their short but pleas
ant slay in our midst they won hosts of frimds I sang for him in his church and have been with
who will never forget them and the dellghlful I him ever since.
music th'y so kindly treated us to. Gentlemen,
come again; we are a little lost for your fine
style of 'two' four' and 'six-eight' music
DantilU Record,
Sheriff Hoffman's term of officii will expire
on Monday, January 6th 1880. ' Fur the past
three years be has occupied the position and
has performed bis duties satisfactorily. He has
been courteous to the attorneys, who placed
business in his hands, and lenient to parties
ho were unfortunate enough to have their
property levied upon. Upon his retirement he
will engtge actively in the milling business at I home at Pine Creek
Lightstrtet on the Ent property, which was
purchased by bltu. Wo wish him success in
this enterprise.
Now Is the time to subscribe for the Colum
bian for 1880. Begin with the New Year. We
want one thousand new subscribers, and expect
to get them within ihe next few months. In
order to assist ut, and to extend the circulation
of souud Democratic principles, we ask as a
tpecial favor of each subscriber iu Columbia
county to show this paper to one person who
does not take it. It will cost you nothing to do
eo, and may benefit us (ready. An increased
circulation will enable us to keep the price at
the present low rate of $1.60 a year, and also
to add new and attractive features asour income
will permit. During the past few weeks, with
out any tflorton ou, part, we have added thirty
new names tc our list, and lost but two. Lend
us a helping hand and we shall hive no diffi
culty in making our circulation as large at thtt
of any paper lu this section of the state, as it
now has the largest in the county.
Summer tweets will bloom again though the
bitter biting frosts of December pinch us
unmercifully just now.
Our enterprising townsman Mites Albertson
went up to, Ihe wilds of Jackson hunting, lasi
Saturday, all by himself, and bis bunting story
was, nineteen rabbits and two pheasants, but
we imagine it is something like Ihe girl'n rat
Amos Heacock who has beer, working with
Mr. Hartman at carpentering, returned to hi:
short time sgo. Hii
cheerfulness and quiet disposition won the
respect of his emplovers,
The friends of Wm, Ikeler made him quite
a surprise by assembling there during bis
absence. Yesterday on his return he madetl
discovery that it was his birthday.
Alick smiles into a broad grin when he
whispers, 'It's a boy.'
Captain Utt lias built a neat looking barn on
his lot during the summer and has been draw
ing gravel from the creek to fix his walks, Ac,
Water is a scarcity here now, many of the
wells are dry or nearly to, and many have
carry water from quite a distance to cook with
A Merrv Christmas to all.
See a woman on horseback In another col
umn, riding near Bpeer's 'Yineytrds, with
sr's 'VI
bunch of Grapes from which Sneer's Port Grape
Wine is made, that Is so highly esteemed by
the medical profession for the use ol Invalids
weakly persons and the aged.
Sold by uruggtsu.
June 27 I-y.
on good, for personal apparel of housekeeping
uses. All the season tho same business activity
prevailed to an extent that we have never seen
rivsletHn other cities, but there was no sign or
tok(n of Christmas in the air.
Yesterday how changed the scene! In one
short week, as if by magic, the great house
presented an altered aspect, and on every tide
of the counters exhibited articles of beauty as
well as of use, chosen months ago at the sources
of production in the old world, but only within
a few days placed on sale.
hile every thing appertaining to the usual
stock of the house was still exhibited; yet the
vast display of articles belonging especially to
the domain of art and beauty made the scene
one that could not fail to impress every ob
server with the beauty and life of the Christ
mas season .
As well might a reporter attempt to catalogue
one of our great libraries by simply spending
an hour in inspection, or to give an index of
the British Museum in a hasty newspaper arti
cle, as to try to enumerate the mvrlads of
beautiful things displayed. It is sufficient to
say that any one who has not fixed upon a gift
in some special line of business, as, for instance,
books or jewelry, can hardly fail to find in this
vast collection just what would he most accept
able to the recipient.
We have never in any season of the year, in
pleasant weulher, happened in at Messrs.
Slrawbridge & Clothier's establishment without
being interested, but the spectacle pros'ented
just now cannot, we believe, be seen elsewhere,
and is one that must be in the highest degree
interesting 'to every observer. W.o desire to
add our sincere appreciation of a firm that ia
doing so much to raiso the standard of Phila'
For Bent.
A desirable store room, corner room In
what Is known as Brower building, in the
Town of Jiloomsburg, Columbia Uounty, 1'a.
Nearly opposite tho Exchange Hotel, oppo
site the Post Office and first door above the
Court House, beinir one of the best located
Store!RoomB in the Town. The room is well I
fitted up with Counters, Shelving, Gas fix
tures, &c. possession April 1, issU.
Inquire of J.:J. Brower, Bloomsbbrg, Pa.
Sacred Calendars. Business men's Calen-
cnJart, Shakespearean Calendars, and New
i ear s uarus at uiart's isooe storo.
A lot of Chestnuts for salo by Silas Young
at flight Street.
December, 19. 3w.
Rubbers at McKinney's.
The Annual Yotnmes or ITamer'n Weklv. in Tint I
cloth binding. wUl be sent by mall, postage paid, or I
by express, free ot expense (provided the rrelght
does not exceed one dollar per volnme), for l ' 0 1
eacn. a complete set, comprising Twenty-three
Volumes, sent on recclDt of cash at the rata of 15 S3
pw Toiume. ireigat aicxpense or purcnaser.
Cloth L'ases for each volume, suitable for binding
will bo sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt ot tl oo
Remittances should bfl made bv Poct-Offlcfl Mnnev
I w uvuiu lu&uto ui lusu.
NewsnaperB are not to conr this advertisement
wiinoui me express oruer or narper i Brothers.
200 nice thrifty white shotes that weigh
35, 40, 60, and 60 lbs ; wanted at Light
Street by Silas Young.
This rromilar periodical la Dro-emlnentlv a lournal I
for the household. V I
Every Number rurnlsnca tbe latest Information In
est and most approved patterns, with descriptive
aruclesdertvearromautbentlcand original sources:
while Its stories, Poems, and Essays on social and
Domestic Topics, glvo variety to Its columns.
The Volumes of thojBazar;beBln: with the first
Number for January ot each year. When no time Is
mentioned. It will be understood that tne subscriber
wishes to commence with tho Number next after the
receipt oi oraer.
. Youths, Boys and Childrens' Hats and I
Caps lorwlnter wear at I), Liowenberg s.
Wanted 2000 lbs of nice dried Basnber-
ries, at 26 cents per pound. And 2000 lbs
of nice dried pitted cherries for which I will
pay .tne very nignest market price.
Silas Young.
July 18-6m.
Admission free at McKinney's.
4,000 poutidsof nice dried apples wanted
at Silas Youngs store Light Street for which
l win pay tne highest market prices.
December, lg. 2-in.
Boots and Shoes cheap at McKlnne?';
500 Beef hides wanted by Silas Young
Light btreet for which 1 will pay the high'
ect cash market price.
December, 19. 2 m.
The Mode of Appointing
Prrsldrntial Elec
Eds. Columbian:
Preparations for Christmas festivities are in
progress In the M. E. Church, which is to be
gaily festooned. The exercises are to take
I lace an Wednesday evening, not the least cf delphia merchantile reputation, and by
which is to be the distribution of gifts to the business, skill, genius and well-directed energy
bunday school children. 1 he children all take I contribute so much to place our city, in a
very lively interest in the Sunday School I business sense, in the foremost rank of the great
urinir the winter season, particularly just ernes of the great Uepublic.-i'AiiuilefsAia irnt
before Chri.ttnas. The sacredness f thecauie I.Dec. 17th, 1879,
of this holiday, evidently by Us nearness, has
this effect upon them.
The Literary Society has adjourned until Ihe
second Friday of next year, Its meetings
having interfered too much wilh those of the
several churches.
U, B, Jackson returned from Washington
last Friday. He brings with him Maj, Klotz's
compliments to some of his (the Msj.'s) panic
ular friends of Bloom.
The warning sound nf the fire gong startled
the cilizens once more last Thursday after'
noon. Through the cartlessnexs of a workiuau
a lighted lamp was upset on some shavings in
the car shop, igniting Ihe dry material, The
flames were smothered by the promptness of the
workmen within ten minuteB and no damage
was done.
A sad accident occurred last Friday about a
mile from town, resulting in the death ofa
two year old daughter of Daniel Marlt. The
servant girl left a bucket of hot water standing
in the rooom In which Ihe child was playing
and left Ihe room for a few minutes. On her
return she found the little one had locked the
door and was running up and down the room
in apparent glee. In her romping she fell in
the bucket of water and was 'to severely scalded
that she did not live until morning.
The stores all seem to have donned Ihe holi
day attire, having their windows filled with
showy articles tempting Ihe passer-by. That
of Messrs, Bowman & Crispin presents a very
business-like appearance. They know how to
Winter took charge of the streets yesterday,
though he laid a rather thin carpet of snow for
those who delight in tlelghlng, Unlcw he
sends us another supply, the jingle of the bells
will cease.
Berwick, Pa,, Dec, 23, "79. Reporter.
"Wanted, 200 tons of good Kock Oat
Bark at $6 per ton by Silas Young, L! t
Street. Sept. 19, Sm.
Boot headquarters at McKinney's.
Want good live calves that weigh 120 lbs.
to 125, 130, 140, 150, lb'O and upward
Light btreet by
Silas You-o,
Sept. 19 3-m.
HARPER'S BAZAR, " " 4 00
The THREE above-named publications, One
Year 10 00 I
Any TWO above named, Ono Year , 7 00 I S YOUNO PEOPLE, Ono Year 1 CO
Postairo Frco to all subscribers In the United States I
or L'auaaa.
The Annual Volumes of Harper's llazar. In neat I
I cloth binding, will be sent by mill, postairo pat i, or
ny express, iree or exreuw? qruiueu inn ireigui
uoci nui exeeeuunii uoiuir ier vukiui-;. lorti inreueu. I
A complete Set, comprising Twelve Voluiies, ient I
on receiptor cash at the rule or rati per volume,
irenrui at exis-ne oi uuruiiuatr.
will be sent by malt, postpaid, on receipt or fl uo
Remittances should be made bv Post-omce Money
Order or Draft, to avoid clianco of loss.
Newspapers are not 10 copy Ihls nrtveitl-rfinent
wllhoutlhe express order ol Harper & nrolhers
Address HAltl'KH DROTl'EltS, New York.
Also the Manufacturers and Sole Proprietors
DR. W. M. BICKLEY'S Celebrated and '
Compound Aromatic Wine of- Gentian and
Iron, Improved Cream Camphor, Worm Kil
ling Agent, Improved Rose Pectoral.
The .Beset Fimedies Made.
Highly Recommended by Physicians.
Bloomsburg, Pa. "
WOct. llJ'IO.-lj', K. OH
Real Seal Skin Caps
David Lowenbers's.
just received at
Tbe jingle of slelgli bells was beard on lbe
street two or three dava this week. The
sleighing was not very cood, but what little
there w, was taken advantage of. Rain ha
since fallen and tbe snow, practically, It gone
for tbe present.
It "'would be a strange sight to see'tbe next
Legislature exercise the extraordinary power
'of taking from tke people the right of choos
ing the tbirty-fivo electors of President and
Vice President, and confer It upon tbe Sen
ate and Assembly that Is tn say, upon tbe
Legislature itself. Though the Federal
Constitution may authorize tbe deed, the
people of New York would'stand amazed to
witness Bucb a high handed proceeding.
For fifty-seven years tbe drift of events in
this State bas been toward an enlargment ofl RMcKlaneys
the oowers of the people la the matter of House,
the appointment of public officers of every
kind and glade, from the highest to tbe
lowest. Formerly the Governor and Lieu
tenant Governor and State Senators were
chosen only by freeholders,' while nobody
could vote een In the election of the petti
est officer without having paid a tax during
tbe current year. There was a tribunal
called tbe Council of Appointment, consist
ing of the Governor and four State Senators
selected by tbe vote of Assembly from the
whole body of Senators, Tbe power of this
Couocil extended to almost every office in
the State. It appointed all the judicial offi
cers, from the Chancellor down to Justices
of tbe Peace. It appointed all of those
usually called the State officers, such as the
Comptroller and Attorney General, and also
Sheriff, County Clerks, MasteA in Chan
cery, Mayors of cities, Generals of tbe mili
tia, and so on to tbe end.
The Constitution of 1822 changed all this.
It greatly enlarged tbe right of suffrage, and
wholly abolished tbe freehold qualification
of voters. It destroyed the Council or Ap
pointment, and distributed its power in var
ious quarters, conferring some upon the
Governor and the whole Senate, some upon
I the two branches of the Legislature, and
I tome upon the people through tbe. ballot
I will pay 5 cents per pound cash for 200
good veal calves that weigh from 125, 180,
140. 150, to 1C0. lbs. and upwards. You ran
bring them on Monday Tuesday and Wed
nesday of auy week.
November, 21, 2-m. Silas Young.
Call at'McKlnney's for Shoes.
Hats I Hats It Hats Ml
Latest styles. Lowest Prices at tbe Pnpu
lar Clothing Store of D. Lowenberg.
Rubber Coats white and black, Blankets,
Leggings, Gloves, Caps at tho lowest prices
at U, lowenberg a.
Shoe Store below Court
The undersigned offers to sell ou moderate terms I
private sale, a valuable FARM Mtuate to Mount I
'lensant lownshlp.t'olurabla counly.abouttnoand I
half miles west ot llloomsburir, the county seat of I
said Columbia county.
Said Farm contains
124 Acres of Land
1th the necessary Improvement thereon erected I
and ts In a good state of Cultivation. There la ou I
said promises
wttli tho right for a .VIM. I, or other iurioi.ra and I
a fair supply of Umber adjacent. It Is a ceblrable I
property, and will be sold at a barealn to the purchaser.
tVFor terms and pi rtlculare addreta by mall or I
apply to
li. bTOIINEIt,
Rloomsburg, Columbia County, I'cnna.
dec lt-im
Still ah cad ,t he Nobby Over Coats, Ulsters
and suits at u, liOwenDerg's.
Paper Hanging.
Is prepared to do all kinds ot
housb rAUf xxxf a
Plain and Ornamental
All klndH ol Furniture Repaired,
and made ax good nn new,
Estimates Made on all Work.
Letters ot administration on the estate or (leoriro I
Rreece, late or Madison Twp., Columbia Co.. ae- I
ceased, have been framed by the Register ol said I
countv to tbe undernamed Administrator, to whom I
all iierBons indebted are requested to make Home- I
aiate p mem anu tuose navinir claims or uemanas I
agaiDni. me eaiuie wui iuuo tuem Known to tne Au
ulnlatrator without delay.
lluck Horn, l'.u
Nov.SS-ew1 Administrator.
Out of town
peoplo who can-
not conveniently
travel, may have sam
ple aent them of Dry
Goods and all other goods
that wo eell, If they will write
us. No charge, and no need to
r if not suited. We make It a
business to attend to such letters quickly;
nd when orders come we send the oxact
article wanted, and at exactly same prtco
other customers pay when hero buying In
person. When goods are not as ordered, we
them baok. Having trained and responsible
clorks, who are able to use discretion In filling orders,
are enabled to give groat satisfaction to tho many
customors wfto leoee tha choice to u. 'With a reputation of
twenty vears at retailing, wo sannot afford to loso our good
name by laok of proper service to absent customers. Write
r,iir.w. and describe fully what Is wanted, and about tha
. .
prlco desired.,
John Wanamakeiy
Larflest.Dry Goods House,
itiujcr i, tr.
sesESB mm wm wo
Letters of administration on the estate ol John
Lai cock. date OI nloomaburt- Cnlimihlt.
county. Pennsj Ivanla, deceased, have been graited
by tho Register of said county to tho understated
administrator. All persons bavins claims against
tho estate ol too deceased are requested to present
tbem for settlement, and those Indebted to the es
tate to make pa) ment to the undersigned adminis
trator without delay,
Dec. 5,-tw.
WM. F, 110D1NE.
Oct, 1,1873.
Among the Records o( the Orphans' Court o( Co-
lumum tuuuiy. luicr aim ins luus eouiaineu I
m ine tuauer ui tue estate ei icvi creasy, De
ceased. Aud now December , 157S, on motion ot 8. Knorr,
the Court appoint Robert llucklngham,' auditor to
uisinuuie uiu tuuua m tue uaaoj or tue aairunutra-tor.
I1T inicorHT.
Certified from the Records this loth day of De
cember A, 1). li.
Wm. Kkicksacu,
Clerk u. C.
The Auditor In tho above case will meet the par-
ueBiuiervMeuatlueuiucoui u, u. iiurkiey, iuq
The Sun wl'i deal .with tho events ot theearlsso
In Its own motion, now pretty v ell understood by
ever) body. 1'iuiu January 1 until December si It
wUl bo conduited n-i n newspaper, written In Uie
English language, aud printed for the people.
As a newspaper the Bun believes In getting all the
news of the world promptly, and predentln.Mt tn ll,e
most Intelligible shape the shape that w 111 enable
Its readers to keep well abreast i t the ago with the
least unproductive expenditure rt time. 'I be great
est interest t I h" grenl.'ht nuiiitier that Is, the law
controlling lis dillj make up. It n-iw has a clrcuN
llonvcrt uiueli I irgeruiuu that of any other Mnerl
can newspuiK'i, and enjojs an Incoinn which it It at
all times nreiiarvd to niend literally forthebenellt
tf Its reaiieri. reopleof all conditions ot llteund
all wavs e.t tl, Inking buy and reud the Hun; and they
all derive t.allsfac!lon ol some, sort from Its columns,
for they keep on bujlng and read'ogtu
In lu comineuts on men and atlulre. TbeKunb--lleves
that the onlv sdldeor bollcv should tie corn.
mon sense, Inspired by genuine American principles
and backed by honektv of purpose, i'or this reason
It Is. and ullli onttnue to be, absolutely Independent
of party, class, clique organization, or Interest. It
is tor an,
bute-f iiune. It will continue to nratsa
what Is gcod and reprobate what la evil, taking care
that lis lai gunge Is to tbe point and plain tiejona
ine possiuiniy 01 uemg uiibuuucrwH.u. itisuuiu-
citizen who desires to preserve tbe Government that
ine lounueni gvu us j ue ueuaies uuu avis ui tuif
gress, thiut erancesot the press, the excltlrg con
tests ot the Republican and Ilemocrallc parttes,now
neatly equal in sirengin lurouguoui tno country, i
the varying drift ot pubUo seDtlment, win all bear
d,ecily and effectively upon tbe twenty-fourth
1'rcbldenttal election, to be hel tn November, four
)earsaoneit November tbo will of tho nation, ai
exniesHed at tne polls, was thwarted byanaboral-
nuuie conspiracy, tao promoters una uencnciariea ui
which suit h Id tho iniees they fctole. Wlllha
crime ot Ills be, repeated In lMi t The past decade
nf )earsopentd with n 'corrupt, extravagant, and
insmeui nuiuiuisiruituu iu reueueu ut n usuiuguiu.
TheKuu did something toward dl-lodglng the gang
and breaking It power. The same men are now
Intrlgulug to restore their loader aud themselves to
places rro,n wblcu tney were driven by mo indigna
tion ot luepeopie. mil tney succeeur tue com
ing ) ear w ill bring tbe answ era to these momentnua
ton ot the people, w 111 they succeed ? I'be com-
the facts e
and right.
looking at tbe minor affairs ot life, and In great
Friday the Mb. day of January A 1) 1S
time the heirs and names Interested musture&ent
their claim or claims against the above estate, or bu
forever barred from receiving the same.
dcclJ-lw Auditor,
flue eed bv motives that do nut annear bnlhuaur.
face; II has to opinions IokII, savetho-e which may
be had by any purchaser with two ceuts. It hales
Inlustice end rHHCSIItv even more thin It hatis un
necessary words, tt abhors truuds pltlts louli. un
deplores nli,etmpoor of cvry species. Hwlllcon-
liuue mruuKuuui lue jeur ivu iu uiuniisa tue urbl
rlaB, Instruct tho second, and discountenance the
thtrd. Alt honest men. with honest convictions,
whether sound or mistaken, arc In Its friends. And
1 bo bun makes no bones oi telling tho truth to lis
friends whenever occasion arises tor plain speak
log. These are tbn principles upon which tho bun will
be conducted durlnir the 3 ear to come.
Thejearlssowlll bo ono In which no patrlotlo
American can afturd to close bis ejes to publlo at
talis. II la Impossible to exaggerate tho Imiiorunce
ot the political events which a has in si a . or tho
! necessity ot resolute vigilance on the part of every
the. are developed, and tn exhibit Uim
clearly and fearlessly lu tbelr relations to expediency
Thus, with a hsbtt ot philosophical good humor In
thlnps a steadfast purpose 10 maintain the rights of
the people and the principles ot the Constitution
against all aggressors, 1 he hun la prerand to write
a iruuuui, lusirucine, unu at tut buna umo eultr
talnlng history of lsso,
Our rates of subscription remain unchanged. For
Ihu Dally Hun, a four-page theet or Iwcnty-ehht
ruiumns. the price by mall, post-paid, is 65 cents a
month, or tn.&o a yi ar : or. including the bunday na-
1tj un flgbt-pege sheet ot nil) -six columns, ihe
prlco is to tents u month, or u-iu
a rar, postage
The Sunday edition of The Sun ts also furnished
separately at tl.i 0 J ear, postage paid.
'Ihe price ct lho weekly sun, tljrht pages, nfty
six columns, Is 11 a year, postage paid. Vor clubs ot
Un sending f 10 wo will bend au exijacopy tne.
Address 1. W. ENGLAND.
Publisher of Tux ben, New York City'.