The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 19, 1879, Image 2
THE COLUMBIAN AlTO'DEMOCRAT.BTOOMSBUllG, COLUMBIA COI NTY, PA. 0. E.BLWati!i, Elllsr. J. 2. tlTSSHBSWDBa, PaUlitor. BLOOMSBURfi, PA. Friday, Doc. 10. 1870. "CBYSTAIiiZAhuX."" an attempt to coNSounATr. Tur.cinr.nK- HACK l'ARTtf WITH Tlin tll'.rUllLlCAKS, ANt HOW IT WOHKUD. The followlnelctler was received lately by E. 8. Walaon. Stnto Chnlrmnn of the Na tional Greenback: Ltbor party 6f Fenniyl- Vfttila! JJltAlKjlMltTriBS GnANT KKCKITIONCOM- Jtmci:. lUnitisnt'no, Dec. 0,-1870 Il.S. U'u(w, Vilty., Williaimport, ra. : DkAR Hir : l)y the perusal of an army roll, it is ascertained that you wero ono.nftuo defend irsof y6ilr country, and Ills further learn ed that you are an earnest worker In the Grand Army of the Uepublic. Accordingly! wqshlu you this day by express a red white and bine plume relic Of tboe years of bloody strife and which passed through many of tho hard fought battles of Gen, Grant's cnmpaiKtis. We have also forward ed .iinllar plumes to three of the distinguish' cd citlii'U of ypur city Hon. Wm. II A'ni'rjns, Frank lleadlng and D II. Forest', man, (vqi.-'-iind now mako the same rerpirst of on that wo did of the gentlemen named that thh plume bo used in some manner lv tho Williannport delegation on tho oc rutioti of the reception to Gen. Grant In Unrriihuri: oa the 15th inst., thp relic to be thirsafter.kcpt by you as u gift from the committee. 1 A word confidentially: As a veteran of the war, you know t(io debt of gratitude the; American, peoplooivotbradistingufsheii man,; qnd nil good citizens, Irre spectlve 'of party ,i saQuld,j)ln no( only in this reception, but in urging the great soldier for the presidency. ill t tho conspirators north as well as south who are seekine the overthrow of honest government, may lie, shorn of their power for evil. Knowing that you hold the posi Hon ot chairman of the Greenback Labor Tarty of Pennsylvania, naturally wielding un influence,- we say to you strictly c6n-i fidentiol, that while there Is no chance of vour sdcce."s as a party, a fieldopens afford-, Ing you brilliant opportunities. You have had experience enough In American poll tics to know that self-preservation h the, fir.-l law oi nature. Aid us lb crystal Hzing all loyal elements Into one great party. nnd your future prosperity is assured. Meet us at the Lochiel House at 9 a. m., Dec. 10, Ypurs etc. Committee. Upon the receipt of this letter Mr. Wat eon was non-plussed to understand its true meaniiJir. and In doubt about its genuineness. but upon learning that tho citizens named had, also been similarly favored, concluded to treat it as it 'deserved., He smilingly -er .marked : "If this, is the advance of the money povcr, better that the miserable curs go back to their dens to the revelry of their "associated saloons." The Greenback party cannot be bought up for Grant with war plumes, and even the $15G,000,Q00.of sur plus profits which tho national banking as sociatlon boasts it is in possession' of to pur chase voters like cattle, and control the polf- tics of' the nation, will avail' nothing in the end. Tin chairman further 'stated that he was a member of the Grand Army of the Uepublic, but not a political member, and hoped that organization would never descend from its present exalted position to become the suppliant tool of politicians. He be lieved there were true men enough in the order to kick-out the man who'dired to sub vert its principles, and brand th,e miscreant publicly as a tratyor to tbe Grand Army of the Uepublic. As to the debt of gratitude the nation owes U. S. Grant : His soldier record no one will assail, but his politic il tecord Is damning ; he became the willing tool of AVall street, and in the face of oft repeated utterances to tho contrary,' favored legisla tion in tho interest of the money power. All good citizens", "irrespective of party," will not join in urging him for the Presiden cy., It Is the desire of the money power to place' blra in the White House, and for that reason slate militia, grand army posts, cliy Councils and other bodies are given free rides hundreds Of miles, and free lunches, to aid in tho attempt to set the people wild over the Grant boom,, and tbe national banking association, and Republican politicians, foot the'blll. This letter, breathing of bribery,intimates 'that there is no chance of success for the Greenback party, and therefore they offer Its chairman ''brilliant opportunities." It Is' ths chance of Greenback success that Wakes' the "boomers" desperate, for tbey stand ln'no fear of the Democrats. The chairman upon being asked II he should 'meet the committee at the Lochiel House, replied, "not this vear." if Hou. Wm. 11. Armstrong, famed as he Js iu tbe State of Pennsylvania, for tbe sake of a foreign mission, or auything else, will go back to the arLia,of the money power, after declaring himself a Greenbacker, and boasting that he was one of the earliest in, congress to urge Greenback measures, and alter entering the arena for tha gubernatori al nomination of tho Greenback party in 1878, then let that distinguished gentlenan take the plume which the committee have Kent him, and let it be hereafter known that feathers are fruitful agencies. Tbe plume sent D. H. Foreman is un doubtedly foriarded.bocause be is a proml nent Granger, and the Grangerites are anxl ous to "crystaUiztt all tbe loyal elements." A plume to Mr. Heading la highly appropri ate, as lie is an ardent Republican, and an excellent ''blower" that is, expounder. IJe can undoubtedly bo secured to make a stnmplug tour through "the land of water mellons," wearing his plume, and boasting ot the recognition he received at tbe hands of tbe committee of HarrisCurg Grant "boomers." Hut seriously speaking, can It be possible that the 'Republican party contemplates a wholesale rystem of bribery, as, practiced In Maine ? Can it be possible that tbe people are to be humbugged by this free ride and free lunch.scheme T Is there no other sol dler worthy of grand receptions but Grant I Are we to ape monarchy, and finally settle down to a desDotlo form of government 1 The above letter should startle tbe free-doni-lpving citizens of this Republic, as it Indicates the policy these men Intend to pursue. Then Voters,. arouse 1 or will you permit Republican government to die in I860 7 Every Greenback paper should op pose this scheme of the political tricksters National Standard. We reprint the above timply to show to what means the Republican party is resort log to continue its bold upon the reins of government, aueyare now enueavonog to buy up what there Is leltoT the Greenback n.irtv. to assist them in securing tbe presi dency next year. Rut tbe Qreenbackers do not seem to be willing to tell themselves for J then. TUB STATU GIUNOE. State Granite. Patrons of Husbandry, met n the Oliera Houso" In Bloomsburg, Pa., December Oth, 1870,at 2 o'clock in the after- noon. Muter Plnlott. Overseer Hhiine. I Chaplain Emmcrson and Secretary Thomas at their respective posts. Orange opened In duo ritual form. Tho singing was led by S. 8. My holder, of Armstrong county, and Mrs. Mary V, llonman, nf Columbia county, pre- I,1p,1 l tl,n nrnn. liv Mr. Saltier. -n i - Holl call showed 751 GraiiKCS In Slate Same are dormant, some consolidated and 410 llvimr. The first session had present i,f in i,n.1rn,l rMrmi. ilm ..rontest " I number at any secrtt session about fivo bun- tired, Tho evening se3dnn of the first day was well attended, An address of welcomo by J. W. Ilowmnn, nf Columbia county was delivered In n very happy manner. Tho ad- ilres was highly eulogistic of tho farmer, and an earnest appeal to take higher grounds for education. Iheaddress waswell rece ml. Ths rmnnnitn won hv ltftv. Jumps Cftiuer. f ' I 11 D. D., President of the Pennsylvania Agri cultural Cullege, au earnest Patron, and m,tlc bills will bo passed before the adjourn Master of a Grango In Centre county, who ment for tllB holidays, which has been fixed spoke of the very beautiful situation of f()r Frldfly tbo mlli The commltteo has llloomsbiirg, Its rich surroundings and its business and educational facilities. Tho address was in a very culture! vein and en- thuslastlcally received. Tho call of counties was made and Deputies' and Masters reported in regard to tho work of Subordinate Granges. In general progress was reported since last meeting. Tho social and educa tional feature seemed growing In Interest and favor. very many havo Grange HatUof their own and libraries. Overseer Rhone, of Centre reported 10 Granges, 11 Halls and 10 btulncss agencies. Our own County report ed by Deputy U. U. Brown, 1!) Granges, 115 in good order. Insuranco Compauy prosper ing.) The general outlook of the Pennsylva nia Patrons is very good, Dr.- Caldcr, pro sented resolutions in memory of aisterPiolett, who died since last meeting, H. a. Beario, ot r. t .... i j ! fur T I Susquehanna spoke of the .demise of M. L. Cattln, a member of the Executive Com mlttco Wednesday morning an informal melting, In which E. M. Tenksbury of Co lumbia county was called. to the chair. and Dr. Calder made an address,, lu support of the following. " llaolved. That cattlei have no right to pas ture In the public highways or roads." At I the regular meeting the committees were all! announced, telegram from T. J. State I Grango ireceived Bonding greetings, which were reciprocated. Master Piolett made bis. 1 report: full of hope, aid assurance, had all faith In Agriculture, five sixths of all our; exports are agricultural bringing a balance in-our favor the last month of about forty millions dollars. Lecturer Downing made I his report in a very thoughtful manner. -The business agent at, Philadelphia reports that the Grange trade has not decreased in the hard times like any other,and had sold near- ly double this, than any previous year, especially of produce. Mrs. Holsteln, Lady Regent of the Valley Forge Memorial Association spoke of tho work on womens hands in this particular en- ternrise. A nublic meetinc was hem Wed- nesday evening.-called to order by A. p., Young, President, W. II. Holsteen, ot Montgomery , Vice President T. S. Kennedy! of Erie; D. H. Forseman.Lycoming, Thorn- ton Barns Philadelphia. Wm.Yocum-, Berks, Sarah R. Tier. Munlnmsrr. and Delia, Marsh. Erie: R. S. Searle. Susnuehanna. and. E. Mi Tewksbury. Columbia. Secretaries. Speaker David Wilson, of Erie a practical farmer, made a cood sneech. Miss Brewer, of Rnulftml. a nuirnn mvk nm humorous readines. Dr. Calder. of Centre, on the education of farmers and planting trees, Mrs.Diehl, from the Teachers' Institute gave us somo very fine readings Master Piolett, gave one of bis forward march I addresses, Mrs.- Holsteln of brought forth the foot prints of Valley Forge, Townsend Walter closing,music by S. S. Blyholder leading.and Mrs. Bowman at the organ. Thursday morning, preliminary E. M. Tpwlrattnrv fa1lrl t lli Mialr Di rtalitpr 3 M cave a "few feeble remarks" on Iruit crow-1 , . i I ing, uy way ot aamonilion, reproot ana ex- ...i x , : r -jyi,; nuiar dcsoiuu, uvuiocci """"t in tne blaster s chair, reports ot committees, made. Tbe one on education was to my mind Worthy of especial attention, all showed I thought and attention, nnd demonstrated that farmers can do all kinds of work. The unwritten work was exemplified in the after- noon, by lecturer of Downing, of Chester, . The evening seas' on wai mainly of a so- cial nature, or rather for the good of the order. in which nearly every one had a say. The entire sessionsiwere harmonious though mind oft came In contact with mind, and. I there were ditterences of opinion, arte meetintr was not one in' which anv other .ii... rnr. . . n,, , uv..uua v. ... "j um . effort made to advance our own. The committee appointed to visit the State nuiuiai ocuuui iircateu iu vud iutih ui Bloosburg, report that In accordance with their instructions they visited the school. 1 1 was most courteously received by the Prin cipal, Rev. D. J. Waller, Jr., shown through the buildings, and fully informed concerning the methods of the Institution. From the facta presented, the committee feels Iree to commend the school to the patronage ofall who seek such advantage as IU classes are designed to srlve H.-H.BrowD, 1 James Calder. I W. II. Iiolstcin. V OamtniUee. Kmma'A. Brever, Arrilla M.Alger, Itesohed, By the Pennsylvania Klate f)rnnn Patrnn nf TTiinhkndrv. that the re- - l nnrt nfi-nmmlttee be aeeented and published ! .1,. nlm. nf th R,r,n.', VUsnd and .,. ...v uiuwu " - minora nf Tllnnmsburir. also : i r- . . . . llaaleed. On motion of J. li. Moore that tbe Pennsvlvania State .Grange appreciate tho courtesy cf county superintendent w. H. Snyder; in adjourning the Teachers' In- ... . ,L f f stltuie, to aueou lue jiuuiic sessiuus ui our . 1 . t . . 1 l. .1 . orueri anu iust uur iiihuku aru uuo jub. i Anna Bandall Dlcbl an instructor at said I Institute, far her reading and recitations be' fore our public meeting. VOTE OP THANKS TO HXCHANOn HOTEL. At amcetiog of the Patrons of Husband ry, held in tne parlor 01 tne i.xcrinnge Hotel. BtoorasburK, Ia Dec. 11, 1879, at 11 o'clock p. in., Dr. T. H. Allison, of Arm al,nnr. miiiiIv wiiB tn ttm ptiflir nml " Secretarr. A committee was scut for tbe proprietors of tbo hotel, nnd soon returned wun Dir. unamoeriain, air. muus ueinir sick. Tbe following resolutions wete oflered by J, A- Uess f Clinton county. Remarks were made by Master l'iolelt, Lecturer Downing, Mrs. Holstine and Mr. JIol stine and Tewksbury after which tbey were unanimously adopted Whereas, The pleasure and success of our State OraDge Meetings largely depend iitinntlin rnmfort anil accnminoilatlnnii upon tlio coraiori mm uccominouaiiona the various U'lteis oi mo piace. rpi rn,n ifvnt,..! Th.r wa ilm mi..i. """"-I ","","" the EichauKO Hotel, kept by Tubbs & , , , , , ti u r .u Cbaruberlain, or Uloomsburg, l'a., take great pleasure Id hereby expressing our en- tire satisfaction with the entertainment here reoelved and our hearty thanks 'are hereby tendered to the proprietors of this hotel for their untiring effort to. male our tay here plranant, and further, thai wo recognize In tbe Exchange Hotel one worthy the patron aze ofour beat citizens, Hooked, That copies of these resolutions be tendered the proprietors of this hotel.and furnished the papers of Dloomsburg and tho turmm xnmu ior puoncauon. oigneu, ,,. jj.. allisoh, ircsiuent. W M, 11. IIOLSTINl!, BeC J. Line bdoyb mimer was reporicu anu ar- 'gw publication by Mr. b. M. lewts 1U'J of Catawlssa, who will pleaso accept ...... ... our tnanns ior uu courteous compliance wun 1 1 t i . II til. I request. tn.J WASHINGTON bKTTEIt. Washins on, D. C. Dec. 15th 1S70. Thero 'seems to bo a disposition in Con- irrpgq In fftlrA limn liv ttiA fnrplrtelr And nass !aUon bIlla CU, , lho 8e99ion, Two , bb bave a,reR(ly betn pa,ed . st t- j iu ,:it. UU IV 13 CAl'CWHJU iUUli VtTU mr Mllll- ,.r aCttJemv .A (t,0 Oonsulor and Dlnlo- abandoned the idea of attempting to reduce .i.. ,.Iar! ' nm nf lllffl hiffh nrleed for. e! n m!Mons and of abolishing others. Af- , ,Pr onnrinlnn nlih Rninr t.h hm ' become convinced that a bill favoring re- ductlon or abolition would meet with re sistance and defeat IntheSenate. If the bills aro presented with the same figures that passed last year they will pass with but lit tle, debate In either House of Congress. lhis easy acquiescence in time honored ex- ,ravagaDCe ls not nf n,e 8pirn of reform. The official corps of the United States Army already numbeis over two-lhoiisand men j n greater disproportion of rank to' file than any other army in tho world presents. But West -Point still continues to send-out its graduates who havo been educated at Gov etnmcnt expense.ahd who mdst be support- . . . . id with incresslnz pensions to the day of I their'tleath. Again what' use have we for foreign dl-I plomatlc service. We have not and can not have such relations with European Na Hons 'as they have with each other, mak- I ing it necessary for them to glare upon each other from casemates protected by millions Of bayonets. But even in Europe I diplomacy, In tho old embassadorlal sense is a thing ot the past. Steam, electricity, and tho printing press killed it. If Bis- mark or Disraeli should wait for Important I Information from their ministers at differ- ent courts, they would be from twenty-four I hourn to two weeks behind the loungers In London and Berlin, who read tho papers. If I BNtuark wishes" to form a defensive alliance I with Austria it Is no longer necessary to dispatch n courier on horse-back, as in the days bfTallcyrand aud Mattcrnich. He gets on a special train aud the business is trans- acted In a day. For the very slight, so-cal led, diplomatic relations that we have with I European countries, it would be mucti chea per fur Mr. Kvarts to use tho Atlantic ca ble, even at $5 per word, than to support a I corI,s 01 supernumerary so-called diplomats at foreign courts. It is only necessary for one to otserve the representatives of foreign courts here to realize-how absurd it is lor us to maintain this, worm-eaten tradition abroad. The diplomats here, from Sir Edward Thornton' down fo the Minister extrordlriary and Embassador Pfen'ipoten 'iry the Samoan Islands, have abso- lu,ely nothing to do. Foreigners are all ahle t0 do nothing with charming elegance. The so-called better classes have been bred otium cum dignilate arts until they are sec- ond "aturc. But'these arts are not, and, It is devoutly to be hoped, will never be our Ideal. Tho men that we send abroad .are' I grotesque bunglers as carpet knights, or in any situation where tbey cannot bave the I privilege of making a stump speech. Dolce I far nienle manners are not suited to tho gen- I ius ofour own institutions or to the habits,! of our men. A stout backbone Is as essential ro physical health I an fn nfilltlnfll cnnRlarpnov. Knr WAMlcnnsn nf tjin back and disorilersottne liver and kldnevs. the ton- ic and moderate dietetic action ot the ttlttcrs I i3 the oai thlnit needluL Hcmember that ids BiomacD is me mamsiar 01 every Diner orrrun. I and tnat Dv lnvluoratlliL' iub dtofstlon br this iro- purauuu. mu sp un uuiuum mm ju uepenuinucs ror llostetter's almanac tor is;o apply to Drug- , . . -Tho Waterbury (Conn.) American, a Re- publican newspaper, which views the politi- cal situation with tho cyo of a philosopher rather than an enthusiast, saye that "the party which survived tbe disasters between '18G0 and 187C, and then turned up with half a million majority of all the voters in the country is not dead enough to bury in The llest I Ever Knew Uf. J. o. Starker a nroin'nent and Influential Citizen ?'. '""JJ ' ibave had the lwyjepsla, -and ijver uompiaim ior several j-uara. ana nave usea VtMIT aM..,W.5S! tlsed la ournaner. and was Dersuadea to trr It. j am linouv to st-ius taat 1L una cnllrelv cured me. It I i certainiv the nest uemedr I ever knew or.' race SIIILOU'S OATAIUtll UKMKDY. A marvellous Cure tor CaUrrli, lilphthcrla. Canker mouth, and I Head At-he. With raclibottlu there is an 1 gerilous I nazal iDjector Ior tho more successful trtutuieat ot tsoiu uy j . 11. nia porta A Mother's Urlef 11113 1'IlUU UI U .MUlUCli WIO IliO UUU JUjr w U UUUIt are Uer cblidreo. hence her grief wlieu Blckoessen mat you are runnlnij a tfrrtble rlbk. If they have a ,1,X1!. JSTlSl ooia uy ti. it, tt.m porta MA11KET UEPORTS. BLOOM813URQ MARKET. Wheat por bushel I Uyo nnm.n.w. , , .40 40 I (iio S 9" P?I?arrel i uioveraevu Kiaxsoeu 1 HUlier Bmrs . Potatoes' fia,?..::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" ws M Bides & Shoulders . I ; . ' . i iiayperuja , IK.OO .55 i ..v . . TlmothySeea sea (JOOTATIONS FOlt COAL. No. 4 on Wharf , t s.ooperTcr. TiO. a " " a.xo No. " " US UlacksmltU'flLutup on Wharf, $ S.C0 .1 4.C0 mtumlnouB PHILADBLPHIA JIAHKETS. Whnltinle nrlm nl thr rme nf trade on Tuts. HioiMa(epricfj ai ine cioscoj iraae on juee- Iiuckwheat Hour per cwt ,, Wlieat Hmir ' fl no toll 65 I Wheat Hour 7 oo i w I ,t ru.r hlMhel i'titf 60 ) W fWd pef ;-;;;: Bj ., lluttcr according to quality ....... Kiria Tier dozen 17 " IB 7 " 7 " poultry , IU o chickens t ducks chickens dressod ....... Turkeys Turkey dressed N EW DVERLTLSEMENTSX A uurroivs notick. tniJia inauer ot the estato of Thomas lieece. In lho Court ot Common J'leasct Columbia coun. And now ikcember 9th 1&79. on motion of Samuel nf Knorr, Court appoint T. J. VanderBllce, auditor to oi Jtrlb'uU) UudVta tho hands of the Assignee. i . sinuiuuni. fl nniniment. will attend to the duties thereof at his onice in Iiloomsburg on Saturday tlio lllh. day of January o'clock a. in, vlien and where all ' parties InlcresUd will pretent Ihelr claims or bo debarred from coming loon said funds. T' J' yANUElt Auditor. iea irw I. HARTMAN'S GREAT COMBINATION STORE. Tliis lituul -will direct you to I. V. lltii tinun's New Grocery Dc pnrtiiient Yllcro you . can get all kimld of Clirislinns eatables, Xvitli a flllO lillC of QuCCllBWnrO, Gluf3 r-, S ri wnre, I'uney cups iinu saucers, Bouquet Holders, lliuiging Bask ets, Brackets, , Vases, Lumps. ALSO A TEN OENT COUNTER. SIX CLERKS exHsno xis j. j g I I U MOfi 'OUtOO UJAV BpOJpiUlJ XOlt Xtip&HtpoY Xtiti Aupsotij, '.(up UOJ 'AlipjUJltg .'AliptJJ jriQ 'Att -tlllt SptlOUJ .ItlOA OJJMU 0 SO0l -jy J BpueBiioqj; 'spooQ buiu -8t.H3 JOU0Ui;.IOSdV PUBJ) V JOJ - , Inti vnorr mm ennnr. a'vt l l u l l u vl B.uuutjaBii AA ' 0 "Atop puon o.iojg uoi)miiuioQ ca.ifl S.NTOTVH M I Pay You Over nud Wuro, k-;-.'eiiillj- ITyon li-AIlM or Tillage 1.UT, riltlI $2,000,000,000 f Tiro Thnuwnit inttlon rk!t(iTKt) nrc fxprnrleitjn FENCING To fenrc onr new Wrotrrn field will cost nmnnrli more, r.wry 1'AKM Vil lus TsOT Ownrr, KAST, W KF T ana Hill m. U inter et'.eit. TofonccalW-ncrp Farm cowlsHOO to 8T0O, and for A WtlOT Vlllnpo Lot S'JiS l 8UH. wood mice toon aveny, uui a new Ern Isnthaiid. Hy new Invrnllons', STEEIjamt IUOV nro tonprlnnt WOOD, furnlBhliiR boltir, t'licnpcr, anitytVif Kinccn. The aiMh Volume of lho Ainrrlcnu AtrrlrnU lurlnt (for Ifwii) now hojiiniilnp, wl" Ki0 L'rJr mncli Infortnutlon about now Friichiff, nltli ninny "nrrrnilno'N- ll tin Kttinlipr for DiT.lftt Iml 2 nfcravlntfn of" IUrnpl rnrlnt, nnd Tti'irli (ntcrrit- ing matter, beutium-pmu iur ia rrnis, Sy-ToeTcryonuIiitercBtMIu FENCIXC fr a PAUai, or Vlllnsc TOT, tl.n tiWU Volume of 'the 'American Affrtruiturttt will I M'ortli Ave tlmcR, If not nhuurin-fl tlincstlUBninIlcoit. niTTt lieetdct.thc abovo Important feature, the American Aartcultvritt will sHe a very gri-at omoant of Untfiil I'racllculi Itellablo Information for the Farm, tbe (Snrilen, and llonarholil (Children Included) and over HOO Original I!n(xrnvlns, mnstratlnff Labor'Kitina,Labor htlpfnff contrtv ancc, Animals, Plants, Fruit i and Flowers, Farm Buildings, and many other Pictures. Interactive nnd plcailns to Old and YoungIt la useful U ALL In City, Village, nnd Country. Ita constant eirosurca of lIUMllUflS. -which bare caved to Us readers many Millions of I) till an. will be continued vbioronslr. For thrso alone the American Agriculturist should bo lu toerv jamt'tf. no matter now many other journoia are taken i also for Its Spteiat lnortnation and Its mmiiiu'io ui (iituiu uiiu utiui r iu; IU MhlcU It far exceh ait other Similar Journal. TIltM (postage prenaldltlJOayeBr. Four contcfl, K. Flnelo numbers. 13 rents. (One eic cl- tnen only, for two S-cent tamrs. tT2T Qvcr 1200 Vnl anblo Premium Artlrles and Books are offered to those cettlntr up chit's. iTcmium List sent on receipt of 3 ci nts postage. OUANCE JtTDD COStPAXT, Pr.l.ll4ers, 215 n roadway. New Vork dec llMr f)Cfin A VCAD to wood a ; i:ts. .PZOUU A ICfln Whaa tho beat thlu4 for aseiits. OvfjrSOOujjents aro nowmuklnff from $2 tuSlAadK. Send utamji for particulars. Address AULNTSgUmiALU, Box II, Philadelphia, Pa. FREE. GIFT! Addre$3 AGENTS' HEItAU), TO ALL I who uiiflwcr thli Adilrc$3 ACICXTS' HEItAU), lloi II, l-hllwlclpl:li. AGENTS! READ THIS! t 0 wm Par Azvuit a ea arv or allow a laruo com nissbn to eell o:ir new nnd ivonderful In- vrimoii-i, v-o mean wiiut wo bur C. y ' ijito f n p. r flPCk'J fV r'tulllho lKstm)iflasTct-icllfiie FluUtlo rlctoi-lut Milibcrlptlou Hooka WAWTrn uuu U'Wwi no time, a um W All l tu tfcmnntt i il.npty immense, nl ter ritory being1 nptdly ULun. AMU outtfoll any other hf L u Tl.o rcatt opportunity ctr uiTirtu to poruotta out oY emp.oyTiii'iit or vho tie l!r t? ui 1 1 1 tli,lrJncinio by uij."t'n in nn lion oraTsZe ii.'odtablo buslnnj. l'riccd re due (Itrnri J0n6Up(.rctiit, Atldrt'Bi JIliltALU, Hoxli, l'hHadelphltt, VtL Tbo niter wo-taicni'tH f or tlio ttuu aavgrtlK-u by Ilotttoii.rii'vjK'lH tlio v nrltl-it nov. nL'dTrctntut hpooa Co.. of J'l:l adflphii. to cllir i very one eampli) Ptta cf polr Ve y llt arcs hi prW u& mncji low tr tlian nnyJ'M'clcrpaya for them at wl.oU Mile. Wuniako tliis oiler for a fcbort tituu e Imply to Introducu oar goods. "jiobo" "hhvo iiranuu t!ate2 li'uro tent at 'follow rate: 'i'n fpans, J1.00 d.-z.; TiiMc-ppomm, kiW Forks, S.2.0O! lliitftr Knlcs. 31.73 ! I : jtui'tT hiuus, 91.10; n i-ur dih.hi, l'l tea fcteel k invert, jjiJt -jppfd t.urinnn Kiltvr TublckimmiH, $.T5; 'leiupomin, gl.MJ; l'Mlu li. . 1 uD'eflHxiiiii,; icucpooai', f l.-ia. O fM tent pa'paldou receipt of money or tmk.f.iiru nfiipino. iXliMH i v i'., i. i-iitiuui.ipiin, 1 a K.imloby Mall PorSS Centi. 'liter uro iuadejtit Ilko nny cooJ Caster, iroml ltrltuui.U lUtal, poutl (IIkh and Ifottlen. tery. Ageut can ea&Uy tell 25 grim or IUpho perfect lojfc, before fhriitinft. Juit thu article t or CouuterhtoreSf AKeuldund Street uien. 1 do zenliyIlxurcM$l.uO. 1 grow by Knpre $4.0O. Mo aKo h.ue u 1'olUpt.fnir (.'up iblch telexenpeH tncllicr iititt tan be farrlod In nt rurtet. Sample by Mall 22c. 1 dozen byKxprett $'!.'o, U toz. by Kxpremt 62 1.U0. Alltlie nboto Emtfli are noelt nttrncthe. lifhlr uolUlied and ntll sell rapidly. Add rets i TlttMONT Kl'OOS C ltox 11, Pblladclphla, 1 wico Tim Kun will deal with tho events ot the veer 1S80 In Its own fashion, now pretty well understood by even body. From January 1 until December Slit WUl UU COnuueuill US u ucnDiiuiicr, mmi-u m wv English language, aud printed for Ine people. AS a UeWSpUpCr.UlB DUU UCUCVi:. Ill KCkllllu utl cows of the world promptly, and presentluglt In the I Its iiders to keep well abreast of the age with the I eastunpluc.tive expenditure ot Hme. 'ibogreat- most intemguite snape ijie suapu iuuv win bubuid fHt intj.rtkt. ri ilm irreateKt number that ls. the law controlling Its dally make-up. It now has a clreuli. uon very mucn larger mau luabui any uuirr nmcu. can newspaper, and enjoys an Income which It ls at all times prepared to Bpend liberally forthebenellt ot Its readers. People ot all conditions ot life and all ways ot thinking buy and read tho bun; and they all derive satisfaction of some sort from Its columns, tor they keep on bu)lng and reading lu In Its comments on men nnd affulrs. The Sun u. lleves Uiat tlie only culdo of volley should be com mon tense, Inspired by genuine sjiicrtcan prlnclplea and backed by honesty of purpose, For this reason It Is, and williontlnue to be, absolutely Independent ot party, class, clique organization, or Interest. It Is for all, but ot none. 11 will cuutlnuu to praise what Is good and reprobato what la evil, taking care tliatlU language is io ua puiuv unu piaiu uojuuu tbo poflHlbllity u( betiii,' mUundertitood. It ls uotu Hundred tn motives that do" not aiinear on the sur face; It has do opinions to sell, save tliq-e which may be had by any purchaser with two cents. It hales Injustice and rascality even wore. Ilisii It hats un necessary words. It abhors frauds pules fuols, and deplores nincompoops ot every species. It will con tinue throughout the year IKoO lo chasllse tUeUrbt 1 1 i-K, Instruct the second, and discountenance the tlilid. All honest invn, with honest conMctlons. whether suuud or mUtaken, aro In Us friend. And The huu iuLm no bones ot telling tha truth to Its frleidi whenever occasion arises lor plain speak ing. Theao are the principles upon which lho Hun will be couductod during the year to come. ' 1 he year tsso win bo one In which no patriotic American con afford to close his cea to publloaf talis. It is luiiKMblUe to exaggerate the linportauce of tho political preuts which ll bat lu store or the nocossity ot resolute vlgUanco on lho part ot every noH 'I'lili Mill "Wgl.U'-l,mi I.U.' iar .25 ,01 BSsf .35 NEW ADVET1SEMENTS "TumTon'sNOTiciT " (OLCWIM t'OUNTT S. S. Amonir tho Hcrorrls and riroccc dlnirs ot tho Court of Common Pleas ot said County, Inter alia It Is uius uomaincu. In ro first and pnrllnl account of Cmper Miimn, aiMineo In trust for tho honcnt of creditors ot John anifrneo in ll. Kllnirer. No. 8, Hcrtemticr Term 1S70. Arid now Oecemlier I, on motion ot C, 11. llrockwnj', N. V. Funk appointed autlltor to ascer tain the Indebtedness of smd;nor,tlll rllttito the tmlitncA In tlwhsnri, of the nwljtnee, and determine tho order of dl&lrluutlon of lho oalnneo to tio paid. IIVTIIKCOUIIT. Certified from tho records thli day of Decem ber A. U.1819. WM.KIItnRrMUM, I'rqtnonotarjr. Tto Auditor In purstianeo r.t tho forritolnir an poltitinent, will attend to tliv duties thereof at Ids onico in nioomiburi? on Faturdny January i Hi. iww, ntten oilock In tlvo fcret,oon, when and whero all parlies Interested will present their Claims or ho debarred from coming- In un said funds, N. U, 1TNK, Auditor. deo 19-ta A UUITOU'S NOTICE. in ro rstjto of Himtiet All'crtson, deceased. in ino urpuani- court or coiumnii county. Now Decembers, ism on motion ot K. II. Llttl ', Ksi., niomns I, Vnnderslloe, ti appointed audltcr to Mato an account for K. K. Orls, .administrator do ttonls non of bamuel Alberlson, deceased, said orvls liavlns failed U lllo an account In obedience to lho clla.tlon and his affidavit to stay rroceedlnpson said citation, nnd said Drvlslrarlni left tho Jurisdiction of this Court his rcsldenco beloff unknown. IIV TllB t OCKT. Notice Is herehv (riven that the linderRljfDCd will attend to tho duties or lib appointment nt litsonico In Illoomsburg on Frld.av January tho 16lh, Iftsi, at Oo'cloikn m. when arid where all parties Interest ed may attend It they sco proper. T. J. VANDEUSUCK, deo 19-lw Auditor. A UMTOK'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP SARin XIITIIUSI.IIECSASKD. Notlco Is hereby given tjat the undersigned np polntcd by the orphans' Court cf Columbia county to mako distribution of tho money In thohai.dsof tho Administrator -to and nrnonff the parties enti tled tliereto.wlll nttend to thit duties of his appoint ment at the cilice oi C. II. Jackson. Lmu In I'.erulck, on Saturday, January tho IT, isso, nt no o'clnek In the afternoon, at which time and place all patties Interested must appear and present their claims or uo ueDarreu irom n buaro 01 saui iiniu. I.bHOV T. TIIOJU'S 'N, deolMu Auditor. SHE1UFFS SALli- l)y vii too of sundr writs Issued out of tho Court ot Common Picas ot Columbia county, and to mo directed, will bo exposed to public sale at the Court House In thoTown of Uloomsburg, Columbia County, Pa., at 1 o'clock, p. m., on baturdav. .Jiuiunrv 3rd. 1880. All that certain real estate situate In the town pt Espy, township ot Hcott, Columbia County, bound ed on the north by Third street, on tho cast by lot ot Harriet Muscravc, on the south by an alley, on the west by lot of Oeorgo Ilartman i bcinir clghty two and a half feet In width, and one hundred and bcvcnty-tbxio and ono fourth feet In depth. Helzod, taken Into execution at tho suit of Samuel Conner, surviving administrator of U. 11. Fowler, deceased, against William E, Hower, and to bo sold as the property of William E. Hower. llowcll. Attorney. Vend. Ex. ALSO, All that certain tract of land situate In lloarlng creek township, Columbia county and State of Penn. svlvanla, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt ! on tho north by land ot Peter K. Mcnsch, on the oast by land ot Frederick Dullard, on tho south by land ot Elizabeth Llnvllle and on the west by land of Hon ry Hoof nagie, containing sixty acres mora or less, on which are erected a dwelling huuse, barn and out buildings. seized taken Into execution at tho suit ot John C. Myers, assigned to Henry pfahler, against Jonathan V. Jlvcrs, and to be sold as tho property ot Jonathan V. Myers. lthawn. Attorney, Vend, Ex. ALSO, All that certain lot cr pieco of land situate In Franklin township, Columbia county, and state ot Pennsylvania, blunded und described. aa follows to- wit : on tho north by land ot Andrew Lohrman, on the cast by land ot Thomas Ashworth, on tho south by land of John Kimble and on tho west by land of Andrew Lohrman, containing twelve acres more or less on which aro erected a dwelling-house and out buildings. Seized taken Into execution at tho suit of II. Frank Zarr, Executor of George Zarr, deceased, against Susan Farley, and to be sold as tho property ot bu san Farley. Zarr, Attorney. Vend. Ex. ALSO. All that certain lot or pleco of land situate In Scott township, Columbia county and stnto of Pennsylva nia, bounded and described as follows to-wlt : on the north by tho Public road, leading from lloyt farm to Light street, on the east by land ot Daniel Snyder, on tho south by tho Public road leading from Itloorasburg to Itcrwlck and on tbe west by land of I. S. Kuhn, containing twenty acres more or less, on w hlch Is erected a t ramo stable. Seized taken Into execution at the suit ot Daniel Snyder, for use of Charles It. Paxton, against Har mon (I. Crovellng and to be sold &3 tho property of Harmon 0. Crevellng. Buckolew, Attorney. Vend. Ex. ALSO. All that certain lot or pleco ot land situate In Lo cust township, Columbia county and state ot Penn sylvania, bounded and described as follows to-wlt : on the north by land of A. 11. Fisher, and Daniel Zimmerman, on tho cat and f outh by Isaac Fisher, and on the west by Abraham Stlnc.contatnlng tw civ e acres more or less on which ls erected a dwelling house, barn and outbullalDgs. Seized taken Into execution at tho suit of Andrew Hupp, administrator of Mary Mensch, deceased, against Qeorgu Hupp, and to be sold as the proper ty of George Itupp. Buckolew, Attorney. Vend. Ex, ALSO, All these certain lots pieces or parcels ot land sit uate In Main township, In tho County of Columbia andstatnot Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows : viz : 1st. Beginning at a post In public road a corner ot a lot sold Henry Kostcnbauder,iow owned by Arias J, liernlngor, thonco by said lot north forty-two de grees cast, twenty perchos to sumcs, thence north eighteen degrees west eighty-live perches to lino ot tract of land ownutf by Jacob Shuman's heirs known aa the Geo. Espy tract, thenco by the same south eighty degrees east, perches to a corner ot Abra ham Knight's land thence by Abraham Knights lino south eighteen degrees cast ninety-two perches to stones thence north elghty-nvo and a halt degrees west seven and nve-tcnth perch es to stone, thence south forty-eight end a half de grees west eighteen perches, thenco north sixty degrees weBt three and one-tenth perches, thenco souvh eighty degrees weit twenty perches to tho public road thence along said road north forty-eight degrees west twelve and sov cn-tenths perches to tho place of beginning, containing thirty acres mora or less, on which Is erected a dwelling houso and out buildings. 2nd. Beginning at a post at the Catawlssa Creeks thence north thirty-six degrees east eight percno thence by lands of Francis Hemming north seienty degrees east fourteen and eight tenth? perches to a stone tlienca by land of AaronBernlngcr north sixty degrees west three and one-tonth perches to a stono thenco by the same south eighty and a hair degrees west twenty perches to a stono la Cio middle of tho public road thenco along the same north forty-eight degrees west twelve nnd seren-tcnths perches to a stone In tho middle ot tho public ro id thence south thirty-six degrees west fifteen and five-tenth perch cs to a stoue thenco south thirty-eight degrees east three perches to an elm tree thence up tho creek, south eighty and uhalt degrees east twenty-one and mne-teutu perches to a stone tho place ot beginning containing two acres strict measure, on which ls erecied a fulling, mill, dwelling houso and out- tlllllrillKrH. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit ot Colum bia County Mutual Saving Fund and Loan Associa tion assigned to Franklin Shuman against Francis Flemmlng and to be sold as the property of Francis Flemmlng. Fl. Fa. Zarr, Attorney. Terms Cash. JOHN W. HOFFMAN, deo IMS Sheriff. citizen who desires to preserve the Government that mu lumiueru guvu i uu ueuaies auu acta ui uuu- gress.theut eraocesor tho press, the excltlugcoU' tostsot the Republican and Democratic p.irtles,now nearly equal In strength throughout the country, IhoYanluirilrirtof public sentiment, will all bear dliecily and effectively upon tbo twenty-fourth Prifrldeiittal election, to be held In November. Four years aonet November the will ot tho nation as exuiebseu ui uiu iKiiia, wa1 mwaru'u ny an aooini nable conspiracy, (hu promoters and beneflclurles of which Mid h Id tha cnicus they stole, Wldthe crtmu of li7a b.i repeated In isso 7 The pastdeeide of 5 ii -rs orieni d with a corrupt, cxtravugunt, and Insolent Adrululhtratlori Intrenched at Washington. '1 be Sun (111 something toward dislodging the gang aud breaking It uoutT. The same men are now Intriguing to restore their leader and themselves to placet! iru ii wuicu uiev were unven uv ino inuigua. Hon iif tho neoulu. Will thev succeed? l'hecom. lug ) ear will bring the answers to these momentous questions, 'mehun win ve on nana to cnromcie tne facts us thev are develoned. and to exbtbU them clearly und fearlessly lu tbelr relations lo expediency uuu iui"t Thus, with a habit of nhUosonhlcal cood humor In looking at tbe minor affairs ot lire, and In great thins u steadfast DUruoae io maintain the rlL'hla of the ioplo ant the principles or the Constitution against all aggressors, The bun ls pretiared to write u truthful, Inatructhe, and at the 'same time enter- laming uistory ot iseo. our rates of subscription remain unchanged. For the Dally Sun, a four-page sheet of twcnty-elht columns, the price bv inal i, post paid. Is 65 cents month, or a year 1 or. Including thu Sunday nutudluir thu Sundav ru. per; an eight, page sheet of llfty-slx columns, the prleo i C6 cents a month, or tl'iU a jcar, postage paid. Tbe Sunday edition of Tho Sua ls also furnished separately ai ti.ji u year, postago paid. 1 he priced the Weekly sun. eleht paircs. fifty. six columns, Is f I a year, postage paid. Vor clubs of icu Bcuuiug iiuHv nui benu uu exira copy tree. 1'uWWier of Tui Biir, New York Clly, 1880. Hnrpor'n Magazine. Illustrated. 'Stndvintrtho snlilect ooleetlvelr nnd from tho ncatlo' nl point of lcw snklnif to provldothat which, taken nltoirether, will bo of tho most sen'co 10 tne largest numocr 1 long ago concnmcd mat. h 1 coutd havo but ono work for a public library, I would select a comnleto set of "Harper's Monthly." Chas Francis Adams, Jr, Its contents aro contributed by tho most eminent authors and nrtlstsof Europe nnd America, whllo lho long expcrlenco of lus pjhllshers has mado them thoroughly conversant with lho dcslics cf tho put- lie, w hlch they will sparo no effort to gratify, Tho volumes of tho "Mngazlno" begin with tho Numbers for Juno nnd December of each s ear. Whet no tlmo ls specified, It will bo understood that tho subscriber wlihcs to begin with tho current Num ber. HARPER'S PERIODICALS, HATtPEIfS MAOAZINB, Ono Year II CO HAlll'KIfS WKKKLY, " " 4 00 IIAHl'Elf.SllAZ.Mt, " " 4W Tho TI1I1RE aborts-named publications, One Year ,' ..-..10 00 Any TWO abovo named, Ono Y'oar '. . . 7 CO HAKI'EIIS YOUNO l'EOI'LE, Ono Year 1 60 Postage Freo to nit subscribers In ths united states or Canada. A complete Sot of "Harper's Ilamzlne,', comprls IngCJ Volume", In neat cloth binding, will bo sent iij cajiii-v, neiK'iL ai. expense 01 purcnascr, on re ceipt of 11 is per volume. Mnglo volumes, by mnlt, post pnld, ta w. Cloth cases, lor binding, 03 cents, by mall postpaid. ItciolUinces should be made by 1'ost-OfUco Jloncy Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newrpapers aro not to copy this ndvertltement 1, luiuui. ,im onicr ci narper nroiu(.rs. Address deo 12 HAlirKI! A UnOTIIEns, New York. 1080. SSa3?pf5a?',s Weekly. .ILLUSTRATED. Tills periodical has alwavs.hv Its ntiln and Rrlinlflrlr dl'cusslonsot the quesllons ot tho day. as well as by Its Illustrations which nro prepared by tho best artists exerted a most powerful and beneQctal In fluence upon tho public mind. The weight of Its Influence will nlwajs bo found on the side of morality, enlightenment, nnd rellne- I Tho volumes of the Weekly fvgia with the first Number In January ot each voir. When no time Is mentioned, it will Do understood that tho subscriber wishes to commence w Itli tho numoer next after the receipt of order HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPER'S MAUAZINE, Ono Year ..U CO HARPER'S W&RKLY, " " 4 01) HARPER'S IIAZ Alt, " ' 4 00 Tlio THREE above-named publications, Ono Year 10 00 Any TWO abovo named, Ono Year t to HARPER'S YOUNO PEOPLE. Ono Year 1 CO Postago Free to all subscribers In the United states or Canada, Tho Annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly, in neat cloth btndintr. will be sent bv mail, nostairo raid, or by express, free of expen&e (provided the freight does not exceed ouo dollar per volnrne), for V 0 each. A comr.lero Her- eomnrlslncr Twentv-thren Volumes, sent on receipt of cash at tho rate of s 25" jjer volume ireigut atexpenso or purcnafier. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding win bo sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt ot Ji oo mm. Remittances should bo made by pott-Ofllco Money iiucrururait, w uvuiu uuancu ui loss. Newspapers aro not to copy this advertisement wiinuub mo express uruur oi iiarpcr & uromers. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New Y'ork. 1880; HARPER'S BAZAR ILLUSTRATED. This is inti-emlnpntlr n. tournnl iur iiib jiouhfiium. hvery Number rurnlftbcs tuo latest Information in Cbland most upproved pntterna, with dcscrlptle articles derived from authentic and original sourcea: vhllo its stories, Poems, and lissays on hocfarand Tlie Volumes of. tbo'linarlbeglnj with tbo first Number for January of fach jear. When no time Is mentioned. It will bo understood tbat tne subscriber wishes to commence with tbo Is umber next alter the receipt oi order. HARPER'S PERIODICALS HARPER'S SIAOAZINE, Ono Year M (io HARPER'S WEEKLY, " " 4 CO HARPER'S BAZAR, " " 4 CO Tho THREE above-named publications, One Year .'. io oo Any TWO abovo named, Ono Year...-. 7 00 HARPERS YOUNO PEOPLE, One Year 1 CO l'ostairo Free to all subscribers In the United Ktaten Th. Annual Vnlnmita rt Mamnr'a llnn In non. cfolh binding, will bo sent by mall, postago paid, or by express, tree of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volurau), for $7 (hi each. A complete set, comprising Twelve Volumes, sent uu reoeipLoi casn ai uio rate ot so 23 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. will bo sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of tl mi each. Remittances should bo made bv Post-Ofllce Money Order or Draft, to avoid nf loss. Newspapers aro not to copy this advertisement Address HARPER UROTUERS. New. York. Rowell & Go's. Advc'a. A GREAT OFFER FOR HOLIDAYS!! llanos & Onrans. at Ertranrdlnarv Tiw nrlcpafor cash. Iifctallments received, splendid Organs 135. H3. IV), T5, a: $100. 7 Octave ROSEWOOD I1A.1OSHJ0, jisis. i i-s uo luo, iiw, upwardi. Not used Months. Ihustrat-d Cata oe-ues Mailed HORACE WATERS, Manufacturer and dealer, aa Hroadway, N. Y., p. O. Uox, saso. r deo ls-iw T?T ronsultatlon by letter : Diseases of Liver. J. iiuu Kidney and bladder permanently cured: bpeclal remedies prepared lor each case. Particular attention to diseases of a prlvato nature and nervoi'g nraitness. Aoaress, witn symptoms. Dr. ht. Jcnn, r. o. Hon jow, N. V, City. r deo 12-iw MONET MAKING WAYS OF WALL HTHKCT. A Manual for Investors. Khnwtt how .Tav f'.nnlil. Vanderbllt and other millionaires mako money in btocks, Copy sent free, with official reports or the market. Address T. IOTVEIC WIQIU- CO., 85 a si,new lorn, r aecix-4v S'tTHP W "ow t0 lcamo inch and watch sent V. a. Acencr. Mount Wlnitns. Md, r deo 12-4W A( Elegant Chromo Cards, with name, post-paid assau. N. Y uec ivftiY 4177 a Month and expenses guaranteed to A cents ll outntfree. Shaw at Co. Acucsta, Maik. d(.cia-4w r sl,7,7r7A YKAIt ana expenses to ai agents. Outfit SHY, Augusta, f tree. Address r. o. vrcKE. deo !'-lv. TO ADVEltTISEHS-Kend 19 centa. forourioo page pamphlet, all about Newspaper Advertlslni:. Address UEO. h JIOWELL & OO., 10 Spruce ht., N. Y. dec 1H-4W UDITOtt'S NOTICK. COLCMBIA COUMY SS, Amongthe llecordsot tke Orphans' Court of Co lumbia county, inter alia Ills thus contained 1 In the matter of tho estate ef Levi Creaay, de ceased. rtUU U" lrmuvi idi., uu 1UUIIU11 Ul . lHUrr, the Court appoint Kobert llucklngham, auditor to distribute the I unda In the hands of the administra tor. 11V TllICOCIIT. Certllled from the Ilccorda this 10th dnv nf Tut. ccmber A. D. Ibl. Vn. Kbickihi.ii, Clerk o. C. Tlio Auditor In the above case will meet ths par ties IntcrtMrd at thu ofllco of o, 0. llarkley. Esii. on Friday the th, dayot January A II lss", at which time the heits and pai ties Interested must present their claim or claims against the above estate, or be forever barred from receiving tho same. KOHEKT IIL'CKIN'OIIAM, dec 1 ww udltor. MKNDMKNT OF 0 II A HT EH OF "Flrat iTt'sbftfriau Cburch of liloom&burff." Notlt otlco la hereby irhen tbat arjollcatlon baa bten made tot be Court uf common I'leaa of ColumbU county, for leave to amend tbe Chatter of abou named corporation, under tbo Act of Ataembty ot April vy.bOi.&o tbat thu board of Truatoes otdaUX Cor poration shall eoiiMst ot no members, also tbat three Truatvea shall constitute a quorum to trans act buMnuag, and tbat tbe Trubteoa bball b j elected uunually tolbervo fur tlie terra of one ) ear. CHAKLKS U, 11AHKLEY, Freuldent. CUAltLKS A MOYKK, Uec 1MW tiecreuuy, NEW AVDERTISEMENTS DR. CLARK S&JV vtJOHNSON'S INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP Labtralory, 77 W.3dSt.,New YorkOilj. tin or nun crrr. is . fl ! is ss go 5 & TBADC MATHt.J Tho Best Remedy Known to Han ! Tft. Clark Johnson hating AitodatM himself vrltli Mr, E1tIq Eastman, au escaped captlTe.long AdlATQto Wakametkla, tho medicine man of tha Comanche, ls now prepared to lend htrfald In ths tntrodnctlon of tho wonderful remedy of that tribe. Thocxpertencoof Mr. Eastman being similar to that of Mrs.Chas. JonesandKmtof waihlnpton Co.. Iowa, nn account of whoso tafferlnes wcr, thrllllnpl y narrated In tbe AVtd York Herald of Dee. 15 Lb, 18. H, the facts of which aro o wide) known, and an nearly parallel, that bnt little men tion or Mr. Eastman s experiences trill be Riven here. They are, however, pnhllsbcd In a neat toI time of Jtuo inses, entitled, 'Setcnand Nine Years Among tho Comancbcs and Apaches," of which mention v, 111 be made heir after. Suffice It to say, that for several years, llr. Eastman, whllo a cap t'.re, was compelled to gather the roots, gums, barks, herbs nnd berries uf which Wakaroetkla'a medlcino was made, nnd Is still prepared to pro vide the pahs materials for tho snccesifnllntro ductlon of tho medicine to the world, and aisaren tho public that the remedy Is the same now U when Wak&metkla compelled him to make It, ' dwin Eastman in Indian Costnmo. Bnrzx akd Ninb Yeiiui Amoko tub Oohanchm ahd Apaches. A neat volnmoof 300 pages, belnjc a nlmplo statement of tbe horrible facta connected u 1th the pad massacre of a helplcM family, and tho flnptivity, tortnref and ultimate , cscpo of its two eonlTing membcra. For ial by our agents ccncraliy. Trice S1.00. The Incidents of the ma'Facre, briefly narrated, are distributed by eeents, tiieb of chnrpo. Mr. Eastmnn, beinff ntmoet constantly at the West, engaged (n gfttherlng and enrinc the materi al of wTiIcli ihe medicine Is composed, the Bole bnslnesi management devolve! upon Dr. Johnson, and tbe remedy has been called, and li known w 5 Pr. Clark Johnson's INDIA!! BLOOD PURIFIER. Price of Largo Bottles SI. 00 Price of Small Bottles 60 Read the voluntary testimonial! of persens who have been cured by the we of Dr. Clark Johjuom1! Indian Blood Syrup, In your own vicinity, Testimonials of Curei. Wakametkla, tho Medicine Man Nothlnt? has bcrn added to tho medlcino and nothing 1ms Wen taken nwny, UU uithuut doubt the Debt I'otufikii tf the lit uon and Kcaewxh of qq Stbtem ever Known t nun. This Sjiup i-oti?iia Lilfil propcrtlea. It IH'tM flii Mwr, It art h ii pun tlio Ik hi lie j m. It rcj;ul;.tp ttio Uouelw. It imrllh'M the Illood, It tjuh'tH thf er on System, It prnmotcM fJlcMllun, It nuurihlit'H, strengthen and Invlc- uruiciii It carries oft" the oltl blood and make Kcw, It open tin torrM of tlio lclii. aud Uiuuci'H iifniiiiy l'ci'MMi'utlon. It neutralizes the hcrcdlinry taint, or notson in the blood,thi(.ti L'cueratusticrofuU.Krylpelaii, and an raannt-r or kkih Uict-aHi-s uml interiial liuinort. Thero aru liopiIrItat'iiiTIoed in luinnnufaeiuri. and it can he taken by tho mutt delicate hahe, or by thf aged and fttbk, cart enty bang required in Would not be Without it. fienton, Columbia county, I'a. Dear Sir: I have used your excellent iNuriN uwou Sykup and havo received much benefit tliere- from I could not get nlontr without it. jure, uarucr. Never Iails to Cure. Kast fjpmon. Wyomluff Co. Pa. Dear Sir : 1 was sick for three years, and under Drofesslonal treatment mbst ot tbe time without bo- iiiK oemiiieu, al iitii i nua muuceu iu try junr Indian uiooi dyhui' nun aiu.T a sintri trial, i rouna mybelf la better health than 1 had been for blx years. Airs, meruit uau Sure Cure for Liver Complaint. llobrslHirff. Columbia co. ra Dear sir : This ls to ceitity than your Indian IHAODHYHUi' has been used by me, for Liver Com plaint, which had been troubling mo for a longtime 1 demednnore benefit from tbo use ot the Sirup than from uny other medicine. 1 heartily recom- inenu ii, ana uavise uu suuerera io kri u it u inai. L V Smith Loss of Appetite. Tlohraburir ColumblacountyPa. Dear Sir: I have used your excellent, Indian Blood sykui for l.oss of A pnetlto und Weakness of the stomach, lth very beutrtclal results. I believe our medicine to bo tho greatest blood purltler known, and ad lho nil who may bo sulTerlng as I was iu sue il u tipeeuy iriai. Sirs. E Avery Pains In Shoulders. lEehrsbunr. Columbia county. To. Dear.sir: This ls to certify ttut your Indian IiU)on bYKCrhastrieatly relieved mo of I'ulnsln tho suoulder and Chest, which I bad been nunc ted with tor years, i recommend it ery highly, Mra. Mary Wcbb. Kiilney Conipliilnt. bear Oan. Columbia Count v. Pa. Dear Mr t My Father has been sutterliitf with Kidney Complaint for a lomr lime and had been uu. derdoctorb' m-uiiueut, but tbe doctors could not effect a cure. 1 have been bubject to a Numbness and Weakness In mv Ml Arm. We obtained borne of your luva'uabin Indian liLoop bYKi'r irom jour Agent, Wm, 11. Potter, und it has cured mv father completely, aud my arm ls much better. It does not irouuie mo nan bu inucu. lour meuiciuo is excel rem. J Oil ah John, Female Complaints. bear (Jan. Columbia eountv. Pa. Dear Pin Thin Is to certify that 1 purchased Himq ot your Indian Uuhjd bKii ror my wife for Inila- mat ton and Female complaint, aud It baa given her J K I turner Heet Medicine KvefUned, Hear Gai Columbia eountv. Pa. DearKIrl My little sua was troubled with hla water passing from him constant ly. day and niirbt. I coLsulled tw o doctors aud gave him medicine, but ulhout effect. I boucht borne or 5 our celebrated Indian liLooD Svaur, asbort trial ot which, cured him. Lambert Camp. a Dyspepsia aud Indigestion, Numldft. Columbia Countv. Pa. Dear Sir : For many j ears my wife was ailllcted i uu iJjoH.psmt uuu l'U Hpuui uuariuuruuiu uiuucy without rt-celvlDL' bunellt. We procured some uf our Indian Ulood Hvkci andfabo begun to improve I Holomon D Hoydcr Llyer Complaint, Centralla. Columbia Co. Pa. Dear blr t ThU is to certify that 1 was unwell and I could scarcely attend to my work, I think my Uver ' whs affected, I piocured some of your Indian Ulood Hvitcr and now. alter ushoit trial, feel ULoaiiew uuu. i recomuieuu us usu iu uu. ' Dunlel Goodman. Dyspepsia and euralgm. Hide Purk. LUzerne Co.. Pa. Dear Sir: Your valuable Indian Ulood Bvitir has effected u permanent cure lu my case. 1 had been I nuiictcu with tuo uyspepaia and icuraigiut dui am uuw euiireiy wen. Mrs. John Thornton, isillous btomach Cured, Hyde Park. Luzerne Co.. Pi. Dear Hlr: I have been troubled with imtous Complaint and by tbo us of your Indian Ulood vuur u nas euojiuuny cuxeu me. JohnN Williams, LyspepHia Cured. Ihda Park. Luzerne Co.. Pa. Dear Mr r Your valuablo Indian 11lo?p Hykit lias cuieuuieoi Dsuetsia. Jl rs. HHAdktns. Liver Complaint. llvdo Park. Luzerne Co . Pa. Dear Kir i-.l have been troubled with Liver Com plaint, but I was pormai entlif cured byualngyour YtUUaUip IKVIAM iiUJfJU DlAUr ilrs. (1 PUsrllugame. , . s: tit tf ii mmM Dauchy & Go's. Advt'H,' 1.1 i "v, 110 (IflV M-iitiixr Free. Addrcts DANIEL v. nuir.: HRATTV Wasldnuton, N, J, deo lmw ' t19nM?,.utn'"n SOnly9.nSIOlnvosted m. olUUncial reports nnd Information ' piii? Llko prom weekly on stock options ot no to Addrens r, I'orrsn WiauT&Co., llisssns, sj Rji St., N. V. $10,000,1 "iMfilled Fron for (15 cent, Fourforirn. uJ, 1 son who can cxnlortn a lii,. LAMP. J'tSfflr ''atc,,,ei1 $ A (11! NTS I Mavusi-nnv lnmn or tuimrr t. WANTKO. rcutn dripping and healing. Hendfrir samples wllh size of rnllir nh.i .i of jour lamp. . s.Niiivton's until clflmn to to ent imimm ar, new York Factory and Ofllco lilnghamton, N. Y, d deo loin AN rcXCITINU 1I00K1 BOfl SOLI) I I " STANLEY' OWN STOllY ot his "VI lid Adventures" nnd "Triumphs," rewrlr. ten In the grnphlcstjlo of Hon. .1, T, llendley . n,. .lUlhentlc nnd copjrlghtrd;ili npoiltlon. TU? prtss commend It. rttrelnsers prnlii H Airenu are dllghted. as It sells ensllv and to fverjhodr AGBNTS WANTED ! EffiftT and extra lettns, address. Ill 1IDA111) uuos., Vuos rjilladelphln, ra, d dtcim A GENTS WANTED rcR ATOUR wo:.'iiinTurMfnrjsti ft I IIUUIUU Mil. WUilkU ,LJQ. BY GENERAL GRANT, vq tw. N ilm finiesf, aelllnir book CTer nublWied ntui Ilhoonlycempletonnd aiitlientic History offlrantu Tr.ivfls Send fnr circulars eoutnlnlni; n tun descrip tion of lho work And our extra tern to agents. Address allonal tuoii'iiing .o., i n laueipnu, ra. uco imw u ORGANS: New I sup Organ 'n row la stop hum Dniy im. is dnjs trial t'atnlngue 1 itEB. U. 8.1'IANC IANOCO'.,10)Illeeckerst., 'ew i ork. AGENTS HEAD THIS! Vh want nn Atrpnt In this Countvto vhom wnwm I pa" a salary of floo ppr month and it rinses In our wonucnui invi'nii'ms nAfliriir riii.r. AnuriRS at onco SMKKMAN & CO., MAUSIIALb, MIOIHOAN. JI0. 0-1 w u IF ROtin m AM r inrn...t....iBil i nrrTn to If til, 1(4 f.l ii -ti.tii.iini Dtviitv rritn i t Ill 'tl II' tut 1 I, I.' . V nTl'i .t ..ilclliuo. I AWfi' ItT 1 1 .1 .t AGENTS- MM;n ntilck Rnico J and tbo U-st, fronta on f'Ur jnpw liool:, Golden ThouiThtsnn .UtiilM-r.lIonip nml Hnttrn in Trov and Poetry Lv Iawantlmrs UlutrnlPd. Meases rvcrybocly.f2.7S; also fi'jiw "Curlnsttlei ot tbo Ulblo," (ljs. .MalU'd on re rrlptot tirice. Ji. 11, TltKAT, Publisher, S05 Hroad way, n, i. u, Tor a enso of OOtTOTI. COM), or AS 1 115IA tlltt AIA.MhU.N(H BOTANIC BALSAM SOL I will not euro 1 Sold by nit Drusirist.q Innd Dealers nt 33c, and 7;c. bample bottle, it-c Cif.S(ptbottho namo tt l Y KINS. Lm NW blown In the glfsof tin bottle. Trnde sup- AGENTS WANTED a complete and lirllllant History of tlio great tour cl GRANT AWD WORLD by llon..I.T. Ihndly.tbo princo of deserlptlc an I t bora. AnplendUt iilft-loou. irA iniliion K-upa naui ii. i iiti i um I'liHiioe ji our mu iu tuauu lump iw. itewaro or tuiitAtiuns iir tmhiiowu nutlioift. The surportor authorship. unUtiie illustrations, delist E inmcnsply popular. 2j,(h o i;oiKS oi,i). Circulars free, terms extreme ly liberal outntfi.00. Address HUjniAKU uiiUSi T3i bivosodi m., riiuaueipiua, v&. Ut'C D-4W u A UK'EAT OFF Ell IMIIl 1'IANOS & OUOANfl, at KXTRAOltDINAltV LOW prices for cash. Installments received. M'l.KNIHO OIKIaNS 3i t45, T5". ioo, 7a, fss, A tioo. I Octal e Rosewood I'lanoa $130, JIB3. 7 1-3 do fno, tisn, up ivarda. Not used C months. Illustrated Cala. louues Mailed. 1101IACI2 WATHI'.S. Jlanurac turci and Dealer, S2G Broadway, N. Y. r. o. Hoi, S510. d dec. 5-iw 30 DAYS TRIAL Wi will send our Electro-Voltaic Itelts and other Klectrlo AnnllancesUDOn trial tor oo dais to those I surrerlnir from Nervous Debility, Kheumntlsm. Tar- Iaijsis or any uiseasea oi me i.iver ur iiuuijH, huh many oilier diseases. A sure cure guaranteed or no pav. Address VOLTAIC 1IKLT CO., Marshall, Mich. ueu wiv u A SSIONEE'S NOTICE. In the District Court of tlie United"! Mates for tbe western District! of Pennsylvania. In tbe matter of f iNllANKlltTTCY, liiiam Goodman, Bankrupt. J The creditor will take notice that a second general meeting of the creditors of said bank rupt win neueiu at uioomsourg, on ino vim nay ii December. A. D. Ib79. at 1 o'clock, p. m.. at tVolV" chantre Hotel, before it, A Mercur, Ebq., ono of the Keglsters in Bankruptcy in sa'd District, for tbe pur. pose named In the stlh Section ot tbe liankrupl Art of March 2d, 1SC7, to wit: A llnal dbtrlbutlon of Bald bankrupt's estate ; and at that meeting 1 shall Iappiy roraaiscuargoirom au nauiiiiy ns Assignee of said estate. In accordance with tho pro Islons of ssth section of said Bankrupt Act. 0, It OiM na, Ashland, Nov. 25, 16V9 Assignee. 2v. A DMINISTKATOR'S NOTICK. ESTATE OP QROKOK BBEKCE, DECEASED, Letters of administration on thoestnte otc.porao lireece, late of Madlsou Twp., Columbia co., ae-i-fiiist ri. havo been trranted bv the ltetrlster of said county to the undersigned Administrator, to whom an persons mueoiea are requesiea io mauo imme diate paiment and those having claims or demand ogalnHt t be estato w ill mako them known to tho Ad mln 1st rat or w tthout del?y. WILLIAM .MAoi Miliillii Buck Horn, P.O., Nov. ss-e w ' A dmlnlstrator. DMINISTHATOirS NOTICE. . ESTATK JU11N LAYUOCK, UtftABr.l'. Letters of administration on the' estate of Jlm Laycock, late or Bloomshurg, Column county, Pennsylvania, deceased! havo been gra ted oy uio ncgisteroi saia county ro tne unuertiis'lu administrator. All persons having claims against tbe estate ot tbo deceased are requested to n Btiit them for settlement, and those Indebted to the if" tale to mako payment to tbe undersigned admbils- iruwjr yi liuout ueiay. AdmlnUlrator. Dec. e,-cw, OF VALUABLK REAL ESTATE ! The undersltrncil will offer at publlo fealo on tlio premises In Catawlssa twp., Columbia county, la. near tlw Mclut)ro Cburcb, on Wednesduyj December 31, 1879. at 1 o'clock, p.'in.,tlio following described property A FARM OF 113 ACRES. known as the William Fox (arm, lately owned by Augustus strausser, adjoining lands of Teuksiwry, Kettoio'f, Itlder, Boas, School Houso lot and E.B. Kern, on which ls a STONE and LOG HOUSE, LOG aud FRAME ISA UN and other out-bulldlngs. The farm ls w ell watcrod by a spring, nnd ls in a Ialr8tatof cultlratton. Krult plenty, of nearly ai kinds. Some good timber yet on the farm. The farm has achurch and school houso near athano. Situate s miles from Catawlssa and 14 miles from Ashland. Terms mado known on day of sale. Fold by order f the Court of Columbia county, subject to a doer of fM3.oo and in tho Interest ot Homanus Mrauscr, Mclntyro I'lace, B. M. TEWKSiiuiu, Catawlssa, Nov. S4, 18.9. commmee. Nov. 8S,-ts. PATENTS imcl how to obtain them. Pamphlet ft eo, upon receipt of Stamp for post ugo. Address QILMORE, SMITH & CO. ' Solletlon of i'almU, A"or J'ofcnl Ojlla, )l'ulilluii. D. a deos-tf GILMORE & CO., 1SII.1.1 Ponsions, Incrcaso of Pensions, and all other classes of Claims for Soldiers and Sol diers' Helm, prosecuted. Address with stamp, GIt,M0IB Co., deoMf Washington, P. 0. JUSTICES anil Constables' Fee-liills for sale attheCOLFMBUHortlce. They contain the cor. roi led fees as established by tho last Act of the lB suture upon the Bubject. Every Justice wid ton. table should have one. ' $500 made In ST days. To tiaee catalogue free, UUCKKVE KOVJtL'lX Wn Cincinnati, Ohio. JIOV.TSm wico