The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 05, 1879, Image 3

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tiumnmtmri, fmiuy, nrcKjitn:rt , is;o
Rail Bond Time Tahlf.
KoKtn, south.
Accommodation Train,,... ,, T.ssA. M.
Mall Train 1.89 A. M .!. t
Fast Trnln M. H.Ija.M
Bxpross Train tMV, M.
north, norm
Accommodation Train es,ss A.M. r. M.
ltegular Kxprcss , 4.0r.M. 11,45A.M.
Throngh cars on Kxprosa train cither to Now York
errnlladclpliU. Accommodation train runs between
Catawlssa and Wllllamsport.
Cimhra and lttoomntmii. 17mvo Camera Monday,
vilnelay and I'rldny at fcain. m arrive at
llloqmsburg by 11:30 a, in. Lcars lilonmsburit on
samo days after arrival of Philadelphia man.
Hlonnriui and I.AtRiviLU, !avo lJilrdsvlllo
Tucsrtiy. Thursday and Saturday at 1:80 a. m
arriving at illoomsburg by i m. Iavo Mooms'
burg on same dais after arrhal of 1'nrladelphla
malT Tho stage lino terminates at Mlllvillo.
U-nton and Illoomsburg. A dally stage lino leaving
Kenton In the morning and roturnlng In tho ero
, nlng of the Ramo day.
Smn mix and tiwojunrno.-I'avo Vhlta Hall
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 0:30 a.m.,
arriving at Illoomsburg by 10 a. m. Unvo Bloom v
burg on samo da s alter arrival of Philadelphia
llsNroN and Bloovsbcmi. Leaves Denton Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at 9 a. m., arriving at
lUoomsburc at 9 p. m. Leaves Illoomsburg Tuos.
day, Thursday and daturday at 8 a, m arriving
atllintonnnp. m.
E. M. Tcwksliury, Committee1, will ,oll val
uabto real cstato on tho premises in C.Uawisn,
on Wednesday, December ill, 18711.
IWSco Ailvertisement in another column.
David IiOwenberg, Administrator of John
Lnycock, deceased, wlil sell valuable personal
property, on the premises, at Central Hold,
Hloomsbnrg, on Monday, December 8, 18711,
at 9 o'clock, n. m.
Prof. A. Hofmann has muved from Mahsnoy
Cily to Ilngerslown, Maryland
F.S. Hunt i fnrciuan of the grand jury.
A 'good appointment.
Clmrlex Moycr isbuilduig an addition to his
liouc on ihe corner of Third anil West strcetn
William Sloan returned
to Michigan on
Mrs. Ij. Zahuer was called to her father's
home in Delawaro on Wednesday by tho ill
ness of her mother.
Only threo arrests were mado by tho police
during tho mon ih of November for disorderly
The Jaclsin 4 Wuoilin Manufacturing C
of U'rwicl', piid out S30D0 in gold to their
hnnds last wt'tk.
This office li ftR till i-r-li ml
..ii.. ....... '. . -l"""'orDinaing
..- 1 me mil tiling of Iho kind
yet Invented. It keep, the bl.nk. free from
ii'l, and In a convenient form, IluslncM rmn
Jtid others ho use printed letter -and note
headings will do well to examine thl, before
r ha.lng el.ei.htre. It Is a great Improve
ment on the Sterling cover which we have been
using for the past ;(Br.
OAMM.I.NU Dkbts xnr. not CoLtECTintE.
A enso was tried in Uuerne county l,t F,lcUy
in which a man named Myers was plalnlllTnnd
W. Ul'slne defendant. Tho suit was on a
note for $1200 wb'ch Ell Ager sold to Myers
for about 00. Agcr took Ihe stand and swore
llinl the note was given to him lo pay a wager
lost at card playing by Paine. The ju.lgo
clmrgid tho jury (hat the plalnllff could not
recover and ihe verdict wae rendered accord'
J. L. Oirton, proprietor of the. City Hotel
went up the creek on Thanksgiving day and
csmo homo Friday with n fine large deer. The
saddle weighed 83 pounds, MatlhewMcIIcnry
Mr. Htevenson and two others Wero in the party
wllh Mr. Clirton. The deer was caught near
Elk rim.
A Social Club, If such a society were to
canvass lis members,'and thev In turn carry on
the work of Introducing Ihe Home Cook liook,
we would feel that cookery was soon to be all
that health could possibly wish, or the pilale
crave. Klght hci'e we will say that Ihe pub.
Usher, Mr. J. I-red, Waggoner, Chicago, is
desirous of securing a worthy and Intelligent
agent In this vicinity, to whom liberal pay Is
promised; and Ma pamphlet, ''Practical Hints
on Canvassing," specially adapted lo ihis book,
is mailed to all applicants.
Tho Utd Mill below town was considerably
damnged on Friday last by tho bursting of one
of the stones.
W. II Tubbs. of the Exchange Hotel has
been ill for Ihu pasl two weeks. Wo hopo be
miy soon recover.
The following is a meteorological siimmarv
pr record of Ihe weather at CatawUsa during
the month of Iovembsr 18i9, compiled from
observitlonby Wm. Pruettimder tho direction
of W. O. Yeller.
liarnmctricpressure corrected for tempera,
ture and cWation Highest pressure on the
ouui, ou. u incne", lowcsi oiiserveu rending
on the 20th, 29 C2.'l inches; range, 1.077 inches
Temperature- of the air Highest temperature
on ihe 9lh, 71 digrecs; lowest on the 21st, 13
degree"; average temperature for the month, 41
degrees; average of same month during pre-
vious year ( loioj 43 degrees; monthly rango
63 degrees; greatest daily rango on Ihe 29thi
32J degrees; and the least daily range on the
31, fl drgrecs.
Moislurc Numb; of days on which rain or
snow fell, 10; total amount of rainfilll and
meiled snow, 2 20 inches; amount of snow
which fell during the month, 2.-10 inches; rain
Ml durihg nine month In prevlonsyenr (1878)
2 07 indie's.
Wind The highest hourly velocity of Ihe
wind during the month was 49 miles from the
Northwest (accompanying snow pipialls) on Ihe
29th in-l.
Miscellaneous phenomena Freering wealhcr
occurred on 14 days, snow fell on 0 days and
distant lightning was observed on the 12th and
Mill insts.
Sherman A Co.. Marshall. MMi . ! an
agent In this counly at once, at n salary of $100
I'limiii myi expenses pnm. f or mil panic-
u, iuurhi m ninfe, nor. 2I-lr,
The regular December Term of Court con
vened on Monday, December 1st. Hon. Win.
Elwell and associates Krlckbsmn, and Sbuman,
on llio bench.
(leorge Kramer and Elijah Bhutt appointed
tipstaves for first week.
J. Ij. Tronsoe was dlsc'nareed under the
Business Notices
Kubbcrs at McKlnney's.
Klfl, CoLVMtllAN I
Tho two weeks that have elapsed since mr
last letter to you, passed away rather nulelly.
enlivened a little with a tiro on the night of the Insolvent laws, and sworn.
2.1d nit,, destroying (he workshop of Michael I "'turn of partition In estate of Thomas
Franti, with nearly nit his Implements, and Dtvls deceased, confirmed m'i.
several new vrngon tops. The fire fiend seems I Partition awarded In estate of David Lee,
lo have n grudge against Franti, as this Is the deceased,
second time he has thus sufTsrcd during lliel Commonwealth vs. J. Frederick, Attachment
past two years. The latter must have been ul.
Ihe work of an Incendiary. Mr. Franti was Citation lo lilo an account awarded Ih (h
Highest cash market mice nald for 200
good veal calves that weigh from 125 lbs.
140, 160, 1C0 and upwards Prices gone up
at Llghtstrect.
Silas Young.
Not. 21.2 m.
Buy your figs ot Hnrtman Urns, for l&cls.
per pound.
IX OT. 28 3-w.
Myrlsds of so-called 'specifics' and 'cures
for Kheumatlsm have already been brought be
fore the public, and many of lliem have even
been endorsed by the certificates of tn cclable
ml prominent chirms, nho have derived Ixn
cfit from such pre pirallons. There Is no doubt
lhat a great many of there 'Llnlmtnls,' 'Oils,'
etc., so widely advertised and freely recommend'
ed fuf Kheumatlsm and painful complaints of
a similar nature, have genuine merit and will
relieve certain types of the complaints named ;
but when Itfieumatlsm, Neuralgia, and kindred
diseases have become chronic and threaten se
The Oltl Establlslieil brng Store.
200 nice thrifty white shotrs that welch
35, 40, 60, CO and 70 lbs J wanted at Llgtt ,i0ii, results, you may rest assured that ihey
oiree oy cias loung. will heln but rv lll.l.. Alifcou-r. not recom
nway irom noine nnti his nhon cloctl .jraewal I wiaie 01 Aoram isrtMut ueceascti. I rY,.,wi iui.ttiki-'t ik. ..i:.!M
lats Tk I f .t . I I . t 1 i tl 1- Ct- a . lit .1.1 I I
AuriiuaiBc rwiroi uie gone IB Dccomine wuun w mu an ntcuun. nwnrueu in iuo w-i4 oaaa Ik- r -i .i-t.J Hl Jmk n .1.M in thm. m.
so common n sound, that It faiU to rouse me esiaie oi ueo. Miller, deceased. rtM. .. or. ,.,.nj i.j oav IK. ... M,i, l. ..,m.l .kl.h I
from sleep. Are we so wicked that we need Auditors' report In esiale ol James Thornton of nice dried idtlwl rherrles f,,r which 1 v.111 i.... .. i,i... 1 .11 l i...i..'
such frequent fire visitations? The superstitious decease,!, nisi. . pay the very highest market price. Ls well the prescriptions of the best physi P.1 int. S. Oils. fJlnS. Pllt.t.V. Patftllt McdicinOS.
Corner Muin and Market Streets
The undersigned hwlng been In the WIIOt.KHAf.K nHt'i! bnslnes for the past eleven yean wo
call the attention of the public generally, and coUNTHV DKALKKS tu parucular, to
tlielr large and varied stock.
Silas Youjjo.
July 18-Cm,
Admission free at McKlnney's.
Boots and Shoes cheap at McKlnney'c
few, say so. On petition of Wlll'ara Lamon, eiecullon
The other entertainments during this lime, slayedon account of Improvemcntaon properly
though of a higher order, were a lecture on not being properly described. ,
"Bsnlescenoc and Incidents of the llebellion" Auditor's report In Ihe estate of John Boyeri
by Gen. Kllpatrick, and one on "Muscle vs. deceased, confirmed nisi.
Brain" by Hev. Fowlsr. Uolh lecturers-had Bond of U. II, Ent, Sheriff elect, approved
argeaiidiences and held their attention all by Ihe Uourl. "Wanted, 200 tons of good Rock Oak
timing. 1 lie siiong point in KiipatncK's jwporv 01 unuge inspectors lor county briilgo liart at JO per ton by Bllas loung, L!, t
leciurewas his description cf Hie bait of over est Ureek, Uenlon township, presented Street. (Sept. VJ, am.
Ofttysbutg, vivid, clear, and cicltlng. Fowler's and filed, '
lecture w.sof a different nature, verv interest- IteiKirt of sale In est.te of Abram Yoder. Boot headquarters at Mcklnney s.
Ing though ptobibly not as much so, as hla deceased, confirmed nisi,
Mr. P. Unigler and lamlly ictiirned Irom the
west lat week aficr an absenceof several weeks-
Tliey visilod James Brugler, E. M. Wardin
and others.
Secure a copy of "Eifo 'and Travel! of Gen
eral (irant," by .1. 1. Ilcailley, while you are
attending the Institute next week.
The Jubilee Singers announced for last Fri
day night nt the Opera House, did not put 111
ai; appeirnnco for some cauo unknown.
Vendue notes waiving slay of execution and
exemption, with stubs just printed at this
ollice. lliolcs containing any number of notes
desired can be bound in a few moments, tf.
A fine assortment of lamps, shades, globes
mid chimneys, just received st Moyer Bros,
drug store, tu be sold cheaper than at any other
place in town.
Next week is expected to be n lively onn in
Illoomsburg. Court will bo in session, the
Teachers' Institute will meet nt the Normal
Schooh and the Stntc Ginngo will hold its ses
sion hero. A large number of people are ex
pected to bo present. .
Tho county has nnid n heavy whiskey bill
this week, quite n number of prosecutions hav
ing arisen from Ihe free use of that crime pro
voicing ngtnt. i
George A. Clark Ims gone to the city lo
purchase Christmas goods. 'Jfo alnnys selects
a fine assortment of attractive goods, and when
he comes back all those desiring to secure hand
soino presents for friends had belter call
Thanksgiving services were held in the
Episcopal church, with an appropriate sermon
by the Rector; also nt Hie Uaptist cliurcn,
where a sermon was preached by Rev. E. H.
Yocum of the M. E. Church.
Masonic Hall, Bloonishurg, Dec. 1, 1879.
At a regular meeting of Washington Lodge,
No. 2G5, F. & A, Masons, the dealh of brother
John Eaycock was announced, who departed
this life about 9 o'clock, a. in., Monday the 17lh
of November, and was buried with Masonic
honors on Wednesday the 19th ult., by the
above named lodge. The deceased was 01
years ol itgo and died of heart disease. The
following preamble and resolutions were unan
iiuousty udopted.
Wiiimios, It has pleased Almightv God,
he Suiuemc Architect of the Universe, In His
wbo'nnd mysterious providence to takeout of c0"ny'
Ibis world ihe uul of our brother, John Lay
cock, o llio members ', of Washington Lodge,
No. 26tl, F. A A. M. desire lo express our
soriovv ut ihe loss with which wo nro slllicted,
tin r;f ire be it
Htmtvrd, That in Ihe death of our loved and
how, rid brother, John Liycnck, his family has
lo-t a.devoted liutbnnd and fitlier; his Lodges
Craf smsn of long Btanding, society a kind and
genial genllennn, the poor and oppressed a
generous friend. That while bowing humbly
lo ihe Divine dcree, we cannot but sincerely
lament Ihe loss of our deceased brother and
citizen su worlhv and upright ill all ihe rela
tions of life, His intercourse witii us was
genial and sincere, his gentle bearing under all
circumstances won our ntiection and respect,
.'iwrenVThat we lender to the funily of the
dfcvasi-d our tendered sympathy.
lUsohed, That a copy of these resduiions be
spread upon the minutes of llio Lodge, that
the Lodge be draped in mourning fur 30 da)s,
JtWraf, That a copy of these resolutions be
presented to the lamily of the deceased.
n. V. Kvxpp. 1
Isaiah IlAciExnucn, ) Committee.
U. IS. Fhkas, J
lecture nt your place nearly a year ago
ihanksgivlngilay was universally
In lown. Stores and olher business
closed and the dinners were somewhat. above
the ordinary, at the expense of many a poor
gobbler. The hunters were out In the after'
noon, spreading consternation among rabbil8
and pheasants. Six or eight from here stormed
Iho woods opposite Bench Haven and returned
homo laden with one unfortunate phenant that
had evidently been having a quiet nap when
the scattering siiot struck It.
Dr. Little and Mr. Hoyt finally completed
their deer hunt of ten or twelve diys, and
notwithstanding tholr exertions to shoot or
buy deer, Ihey brought home no venison, and
Hoy t had agafn to ficj Ihe music at the dinner
table. Professors Pettier and Smith not dis
couraged by the failure of this party, quietly
left town last Wednesday evening and drove lo
the foot of Noith Mountain that night, joined
Mr. Swnyzo of New Columbus nt that place,
took a short nap there and ascended the moun
tain where Ihey met Messrs, Peter Pealer and
"Alf Evehnd who completed the party. They
remained three days and .luring that time shot
two deir, one weighing about one hundred nnd
fifty pounds. They claim to have killed a
third but did not get it, night having set in
befure Ihey could pick It up, and the morning
found the tracks washed away by the heavy
rains of the night. Wher they reached
Ilncker's holel at the fiot of the inountaim
they learned that the body of John Millin of
Be icil Haven lay there, he having been on a
visit lo a relative at Dushore, nt which place he
lo-t bis life. It seems that be had a rifle
lying in Ihe wagon and drew it out with the
muzzle toward him; the hammer catching at
the side of the wagon, fell nnd discharged the
bullet into' his side, producing death in a few
hours. It is n sad blow lo his relalives and a
terrible warning to lliose who handle firearms
The Literary Society had no meeting last
week; ihe regular meeting night was taken up
.by Dr. Fowler's lecture.
Brrwick, Pa , Dec. 2, '79. Retorter.
Wo would mention, as an example, the case
of Mr. A. llellman, editor of the PUtniurgh
Republican, who suffered with rheumatism for
two yeats. After vainly using all the best
recommended remedies and exhausting the
skill of Ihe most experienced physicians with'
out even temporary relief, it required only two
bottles of St Jacob's Oil to effect a ptrmanen t
sure. Mr. C. llanni, a well known citizen of I
Youngstown, Ohio, secured for his wife, who
for twelve years had been a constant sufferer
Spices, &c.
Met&il lief &ttast
rnmint hi Miivwlmre. Ql,nl l.Il :., -1 I fnr fwr-lrn vpurn riAii hppn u, rnnatftnl RtiHVrtr I - iw mm. v T "
. , tUt.' 4 . . iliCSb UUHI.VI UIICU V.UIU U HI Q &Clt 1BU " J
igo. c Ha ton to 1 Jacob M. hvans, guardian of all kinds of cauned goods at Hartman Bros, from Neuralgia in the head, the services of the xvr Tm ,r , Tr Tin TTirvTTVf T 1 T i Tsin ClflVrtT7"' fYD
ly observed Amzl Whllenighl, awarded. . Nov. 28th 3-w. ablest physicians in the land, but they were N H MAY BE FOUND A LAKOJii OlOUK Ol
phceswere Return of partition In estate of Samuel ; ; unable to do anything for her: half a botUe of
Want good live calves that weigh 120 lbs.
to 12o, 130, 140,
iiigul street uy
ISO, 1U0 and upward
Silas Youko,
Sept, 19 3-m.
Call at McKlnney's for Shoes.
cheap, at Hnrtman Bros.
Nov. 28th 3w.
Shoe Store below Cour
X LO It Boneless cod fish. Finest
market. Also XL OB Mackerel In
pound tin cans at Uartman Bros.
Dec Of Z-w.
Buckwheat flour 6(1 cents for 25 lb tacks
at Creasy's.
Black and colored silk velvets cut bias
at Lutz & Sloan's.
To be sold or exchanged for a farm anywhere
in iho neighborhood of the Susquehanna river.
A desirable lavcru stand on west Coal Street,
Shenandoah, in one of the best locations in
lh Anthracite region, nearly new, built in
1875, and rents at present for $13. per ru ntli,
nnd could catilv be renled for$15. per month.
For pattienhrs apply to William Robinson,
Boston Run, St. Nicholas P. O., Schuylkill
Nov. 28-2w
Creasy, deceased,
Report of Auditor in estate of Lewis Metz,
deceased, confirmed nisi,
Report of auditor In assigned estate of
Wesley Perry, confirmed nui.
The following true bills were returned by
the grand jury:
Commonwealth ts. John Heffner and Will
iam Mansfield. Assault and battery.
Same vs, Clarence Sullen, larceny.
Samo vs. Z. T. Beagle, assault and battery.
Same vs. Stephen Grover and Lewis Creasy,
supervisors -of Mlfllln township, not repairing
Sinie vs, same. Not repairing roads.
Same vs. R, Dixon, and John Purscll super
visor of Conymrjiam township, Not revisiting
Sme vs. J. P. Fredericks. Assault and
I lie following case was returned not true
Commonwealth vs. William Williams.
Upon petition, uaiali JIagenbucli was ap
pointed assessor for Bloomsburg to fill vacancy
caused by resignation of E. Mendcnhall
Widows appraisements and accounts ol ad1
minlslrators, Executors, Ac,, presented for
Auditor's report in the mailer of Ihe sale of I Creasy.
real estate of Catawissa Mascnic Association
confirmed nm.
Return of sile in estate of Henry Skank
deceased, confirmed nist.
Relurn of sale ill estate of John Ent, deccas
ed , confirmed nisi.
Relurn of sale in estalo ol D. A. Bowman,
deceased, confirmed nisi.
Return of partition in estate ol Benjamin
Miller, deceased, confirmed nisi'
Sale of real estate ordered in the estate of
Jacoh Kinney.
M Q Hughes was appoints guardian of E
E lUlch.
Freas Fowler, Isaiah Bower and J II Hoyt
appointed viewers for a road in Centre twp.
Commonwealth vs Jsrry Houck; defendant's
recognizance with J W Shuraan for appearance
The largest lot of ladies' coats in' Town
.un.c u. ramie uimira in u.c """t u, at Latz & S0an's ana eycryboay will ad
jonn itoup cieceasea. mit that they sell cheap
Michael Vance appointed gun'dian of Frank
St Jacob's Oil cured her. Mr Wm Bernhardt, I
Elmore, Wis, reports ihe case of a neighbor I
who for twenty-four years had suffered so
terribly with rheumatism that, at times, he I
could hardly move around; a few bottles of St I
Jacob's Oil cured him, "lo cap the climax,"
however. Mr A Neisrer. of Tavlorville. Pa.
Raisins, prunes, currants, peaches &c, wr;tea that his mother, who had been a contin'
ual sufferer with rheumatism for tho past thirty
...r. ,.! . bnttlo nf St .IrV Oil nii HAIR BltUSUES.
- I -
Immediately relieved of all pain. These are
results which truly deserve to be brought to
public notice; but they are not exceptions, as
witt be seen by the numerous other certificates
from all parts of tho United Slates. It should
be the duty of every one to call the attention
of bis suffering friends and neighbors to this
wonderfully efficacious preparation, especially
as the low price of CO cents a bottle places it
within the reach of all persons, rich and poor.
and in fact every thing that should be kept in a complete and well
regulated Drug Store.
They are the sole Manufactures of the Celebrated
rienty of felt skirts at Marr's.
One pint of the head light oil burned in
my lamp 11 hours. Afterwards the Royal
Safeguard oil was used In the same lamp
one pintol wnlcli burned 10 hours.
A Consumer.
Royal Safeguard Oil Sold only by D. A.
Lutz & Sloan, will sell vou black silks
fur dresses or trimming as cheap as you
can get luem in tne city.
1.000 yards of new styles of print In this
week at Creasy's.
Remember that you can get good all wool
colored cashmeres a yard wide at Lutz &
Sloan's for GO cents.
Wei.811 Pettebone At the residence of
the bride's parents, in Kingston, by Rev. C. K:
Canfield, of Orangevillc, Nov. 20, '79, Mr.
John M. Welsh, of Orangevllle, Pa , to Miss
Lizzie Pettebone, of Kingston.
Boots and shoes at Marr's.
More black cashmeres this week at Lutz
& Sloan's.
Another lot of that cheap drew goods at
Creasy's this week.
Marr haB beautiful single and double
secoso wtix.
Locust Samuel Adams, Obedtah Yocum, John Bll
. ng.
Main D. s. Brown, C. B. Oearhart, Nathan Knapp.
Illoomsburg c. Blttenbender, II. II. Humphrey,'
Cttas. Knorr.
Brtarcreek A. B. Croup.
Greenwood Clinton Dewltt.
Klshlngcrcck Stephen Dresher, David Tost, Samuel
Scott Lemuel Drake, O. II. Jones, B. a. Waplcs,
ceo. ureroier.
Catawlssa B. p. former, Fred. Mahler, W. K. Pus-
Rugarl'oaf Oco. P. Fritz.
Montour Samuel digger, P. S. Karshner, Jessie
Wertmsn. w. U. weaver.
Centra eo. K. Ileus. Wm. KtAhl.
Beaver Isaac Uarrlger, Chaa. Michael, Thomas
Jackson John Vannatta,
line Elijah Khmer.
and Annie Risewick.
Citation awarded in estate of Joshua Savage
C W Eves. W Robbins. U P' Mellenrv. am
ml . . . . I. .1. I - ... Jr
ine imporiaui event 01 insi wceK was ine n0 nted rev ewers on a road n Madison two-.
marriage 01 ir. J onn vteisnoi mis piace 10
Brazilian shoe dressing for ladies fine
shoes, at Creasy's. Try it.
Do not forget that Lutz & Sloan are sel
ling furs cheaper than last winter.
By virtue of sundry writs Issued out of the Court I
of Common Pleas of Columbia county, and to me I
directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court I
House In tho Town of Bioomsbarg, Columbia county
l'a. at 1 o'clock, p. m. , on
Saturday, December Pth, 1879.
All that tract of labd Mtuate partly la CaUwlssa, I
and parti' In Franklin townships, adjoining on the I
north lands of IT. J. Itceder, on the east lands ot I
Also the Manufacturers and Sole Proprietors
DR. W. M. BICKLEY'S Celebrated and
Compound Aromatic Wine of Gentian and
Iron, Improved Cream Camphor, Worm Kil
ling Agent, Improved Rose Pectoral.
"The Best Remedies Made.
Highly Recommended by Physicians.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Oct IT T.-ly,
THANKSoiviN'o sonine.
The Exchange Hotel was brilliant on Thanks
giving night wllh lights anil a gay company.
A number of Ihe youni: men of the lown
having concluded to have a party at that time,
Dr. F. C. Harrison of Lewisburg was in
town this week. The Doctor has many warm
friends here, where he resided for a number of I all the necessary nrrangements wero mado, anil
years. I irom me perieui eiruer mm rrununjr u, u.v.j-
ililne, we should ssy mey were wen raaoe-
Tho regular meeting of the liar Association The company began lo assemble about eight
.Miss Liuie Pettebono of Kingston. It was a
complete surprise to the Orangevillfi people.
The happy couple have gone on a,tour lo Ens
ton, Philadelphia and New York. We ex
pect there will be some rejoicing on their return.
We understand that about S37.00 was cleared
by the Methodi't people on Thanksgiving day
and evening. It is to bo applied ti the debt
on the parsonage.
Messrs. Low & Son aro receiving Christmas
goods Their store already appears full of
gowls and they are constantly selling.- They
employ some five or six clerks who aro all
kept busy.
Miss Lillie McIIenry of Stillwater, is visi
ting in Orungcville-
Mrs. John Rucklo of Rriarcrcek and Mrs-
Tom. Conner ol llloomsburg.daughters of Mrs-
Jacob Snyder, have beeu visiting their mother
this week.
The numbr of the students at tho Academy
is still increasing. Another from upper Lu
zcrnc arrived on Monday evening
Tho Sunday school of iho M. E Church are.
to have a Christmas tree and already prepara
tions are going on.
. Pleasant Kidebhood.
F Yocum, J Longenbcrger, Q Houck, ap
pointed viewers of a road in Locusttwp.
. 1 1.1. tVMIi t- .1
, . , , .. , 1 ' . Hats! Hats. I! Hats 1 1 1
malicious miscmei; jury caueu ; iwemner z, (JAPS C VPS CAPS.
Jury relurn verdict defendant not guilty; Latest styles. Lowest Prices at tlie Popu
Prosecutor, II J Edwards lo pay J of li e Mar Clothing store of IJ. Lowenuerg.
costs and defendant j.
f"U. .1- Jtr Cn n Blilt ctlln Araea anCAa tiA.
i.r i;'"s to ... . normiands, of n. J. Hveaer, on me eastianosor
lions .tc. at tho old nriccs. notwtthstandine I m,.. nn ti..nhiii.ri nt rr .r snhi-iar.
lliu rccciu uuvamcs lu twus. iu uu uuuviuii-u
call and try them.
Dauchy & Go's. Advt's.
Dr. Kendall's celebrated treatiso on tho
horse, for sole at G. A. Clark's book store and
nt the Columbia office for -! cents. This
boon Bhould be in the hands of every man who
will be held nt tho Law Library next Monday o'clock, and. in a short time numbered nearly owns " llorsc'
nvenincr at 7 o'clock. UUicers tor Iho ensuing seventy. Dancmz commenced n liltle ueloro I suiiuue a bauui.
year will bo elected, and other business of im-1 nine. Neat programmes with handsomely en
portanco will be presented for the considera'ion I graved covers, and silk cord and tasi-el were
of the members. A full attendance is desir- furnished each perron. There were twenty-five
od. .
A wild deer was shot in Ihe streets of Pitts'
ton last week Monday. It was started on the
mountains by Ihe dogs of a hunter, nnd did rot
slon until It reoched civilization, when it was
stopped by a bullet.
Executors' Administrators' Guardians' and
Trusteoa' Receipt Books bound in Reynoll's
covers, just printed at this office. Hooks with
100 receipts only 40 cents. Books containing
smaller numbers bound in a few moments, tf.
James Wolf, an employee at Lockard Bros.
Car Shops was seriourly Injured last week A
truck load of lumber fell upon him. Ills
limbs are powerless, and it is feared they will
never regain their lormer strength, tio hones
were broken.
Georgo U , Brown has taken charge of the
Central Hotel as Superintendent. A number
of changes and Improvements have been made
abou t the house. The bar baa been removed to
the room where It formerly was, and the late
bar room filled up as a reading room. Tho
stable has also been repaired. J, M. Barton
has been engaged as clerk.
The next Annual Session of Ihe Columbia
County Teachera' Institute will be hold in the
Normal School Building, at Illoomsburg, Pa.
commencing on Monday, December 8th, at
o'clock, p. tu. and closing on Friday, p. m. A
cordial Invitation Is extended lo all Teachers,
Directors, nnd friends of education. Anna
Randall Diehl, -of N. Y., and Prof. E. A
Angcll of Allegheny City, will be present as
Instructors. All Ihe exercises will be free.
Wm. II. Snyder, Co. Supt,
David Ledie, S, W. Edgar, and W. II.
Cooper wero admitted to practice law In
Columbia county, list Tuesday morning Th
two former were students of Col. S, Knorr,
The following properties were sold by the
Sherilf at the Court House last Monelay,
Properly ot E- It. Drinker, houso on Market
street lo E. W. M. Low, for $2500; lot on
First street lo same for SoOO; undivided one
third of Mill properly lo same for $1760;
Interest'ln lands in Centre and Main townships
to same for $3000.
Properly of Elias Mendcnhall; Store and
shop on Main st.-eet, Illoomsburg, to N. U.
Funk for $80j; Lumber yanl to harah A. Pet
riken for $000, subject lo a morigage of $1120;
dwelling house on Second street to N. U. Funk
for $2050; lot on Canal street lo J. T. Audcn-
eid for $100; tract in Pino township to fame
for $75; another tract in Pino township to same
for $100, subject to a mortgage of $1000;
another tract in Pine township to same for
$800; interest In another tract In same township
to s.ime for $115.
Property of Eli Mtndenhall iu Benton
township to J. T. Audenrieil for $950.
Property of John Jonev esiale in Blooms
burg to Polly Jones for $500.
Property of Tnomas R. Williams In Illooms
burg to E. It. Ikeler for $205.
Properly of J, W. Ssnkey, In Scott township
lo D. F, Seybert for $25.
Property of Jacob Ervino in Catawlssa to
Catawissa Dejiosii Bank for $1200,
Sale of properties of J, Iv. Ha cock and i.
L. Helwlg adjourned until Saturday, Duembtr
Cth, at one o'clock, p, m.
dunces on ihe programme. The music was
furnished by Prof. C. J. While's orchestra of
Sunbury. Everybody was pleased with it, and
pronounced it the best we have ever bad on
similar occasion. The programme announced
that i-upper would be ready at 11 o'clock, and
nt that lime almost to a minute, the company
maribeil Into Ihe dining room. Dancing was
conducted in the (lining room until ten o'clock,
when that was vacited to make way for the
ttbles, ar.d the dance continued in the parlor.
As the company marched Into the dining
room their eyes fell upon a row of tables ex
tending enliiely around the room, beautifully
arranged and containing many delicacies lo
tempt the appetllo. Some who had eaten
dinner at 2 o'clock In tho afternoon, and bad
nothing since, did not require any temptation
to induce them lo eat, The bill of fare con
tained Ihe following: Roast lurkey, boiled ham,
savory meat, fried nysteis, chicken salad, lob
sterealsd, cold slaw, raaccarom, a (a crane,
celery, mustard pickles, bread and butler,
coflee, tea, chocolate, uliile mountain cake,
pound cake, fancy cakes, ice cream, gelatine.
apples, grapes, bmanns, nuts and raisins,
Everything was done up in the very highest
stylo of the culinary art, under the superin
tendence of Ihe csllmaMe landlady of the
Exchange. After all had partaken lo the
fullest extent cf their capacity the dining room See a woman on horseback in another col
was again cleared in a remarkably short lime, I umn, riding near Speer's Vineyards, with
and the dancing continued until nbout four I bunch of Grapes from which Speer Port Grape
o'clock In the morning, when the parly ended Wine is made, that la so highly esteemed by
and the company disiierscd, well pleased Willi
tho grand success of ih Thanksgiving Soiree,
Were we lorlose this report without mentioning
the tfibrla of Ihe proprietors of the Exchange
lo make Iho party a pleasant one, we would do
them Injustice, . R. Tubbs, being unwell,
(lie entire burden tell upon the shouldeis of II
1. Uliamberlltir All the arrangements were
complete, and everything went off qrietly and
Bond of I IC Dildine, coroner elect, approveel
by the Court.
Report of auditor in the estate of Charles
Sage confirmed nisi. '
On application of David Leche, Samuel W
EJgnr, and William H Cooper for sdmis-ion
to Ilia bar, C G Hark ley, A C Smith and B F
Zarr Esijs, appointed committoe to examine
J W Gordncr was discharged under Ihe
insolvent laws and sworn.
Citation awarded on petition to W II Abbott
assignee of W Roup and wife.
Return of sale in estate of Anlhony Snyder
decciscd confirmed nisi.
Report of viewers to vacate'-road in Sugar
loaf township confirmed mn.
Dec 2d, D Leche, S W Edgar and W II
Cooper sworn as attorneys, the committee hav
ing reported favorably on their application.
Report of bridge inspectors for county line
bridge between Columbia and Northumberland
counties files.
Return of inquest in estate of Thomas Ben1
field deceased confirmed nts.
On motion of (J it liuclcalew, J i Haker a
member of Union county bar was sworn
ao attorney to practice in the several courts of I ,cr'
Columbia county-
Sale ordered In estate of George Risewick
Citation awarded to Joseph Lamon adminis
trator of Jas Lamon, to give counter security.
Return of sale In estate of Elixa Parks de
ceased conGrmetl nut.
Vresh arrival ol raisins. Currants, maccar-
nni, tapiocas, cocoanuts, dates and figs, at
Conner a mis weeir.
I. W. Hartman offers until 1st of Jaliu-
uary to churches and individuals the Metho
dist Hymn Books at 20 per cent, less than
retail prices.
Linen iiipft. silk nnd nrinted and embroider
eel handkerchiefs- in endless Clark &
Son s.
Try some of tho Royal Safeguard Oil,
best in the market. 'Sold only at Creasy's
Marr has splendid Black.Brown and Mar
oon Cashmeres.
Those 13.50 White Dishes per set at I.
W. llartman's beats them all.
Clsrk & Son offer one of the finest lines oi
jewelry, consisting ol gold lings, necklace,
charms, sets, xo , all warranted as wo repre
sent them.
Youths. Bovs and Childrens' Hats and
Caps for winter wear at I). Ixiwenberg's.
That 10 cent counter at I. W. Hartman's,
has great also his 6 cent conn-
on the west by lands of James Illle and Wm. Teeple,
containing nrty acres more or less on which are
erected a two story frame house, frame barn and
selid, taken In execution at the suit of Peter
Swank, against John O. Hanley Executor ot alary
M. Heacock, d-jceased, Susan Intermarried with
Samuel Smith, Margaret Intermarried with John
lev. ls,llaruara Intermarried with Geo. Null, and Wm
Hanley, Addlo Hanley, John Uanley, and LllUe Han
ley, Norton Hanley minora, legatees ot Mary Mag
deleno Heacock, deceased, and to be sold as the
property ot Mary M. Heacock, deceased.
Heeler, Attorney. veoasi.
AH that certain lot or piece of ground situate In
Beaver township, Columbia county, and state of
l-ennsylvanta, described as follows, to-wtt: bounded
on the north by Columbia Coal and Iron Company,
on the south by Lev. Is Haker, and on the east by A.
Mann and on the west by Lewis Haker containing
one-half acre of land on which are erected a frame
bouse and frame stable, ' , ! PI
Seized, taken lu execution and to bo sold as, the
property of Charles' Haker,
Jacxson, Attornoy. Fl. Pa.
Terms cash.
Nov. U, T-ts Sheriff.
The Sun will deal with Iho events ot tho yor, 1B80
la its own fashion, now pretty well understood by
everybody. From January 1 until December 31 a
win be conducted as a newspaper, written in tho
Kngusu mnffuatre, ana pnnTea iar ne peopie. .
as a newspaper.the sun believes In petting all the
iO'Kinrtsri r4UWtfUrWW RTtWtiiMfl
to the manufacturers ot BENSON'S CAPCINB POKOUS PLASTEIts at the Centennial and Parts Kxposltolns.
that Ihey aro Kroar. Improvement on the Common, slow actlnir Porous Plasters by reason of their prompt
action and the absolute certaUty of their quickly relieving pain, and effecting a positive euro.
dec WW . ,d PIIICH 2S CKNTH.
case, &
n .WW v- ju - - . ncraves
knee swells only 5. Address. U. 8 PIANO CO., lto
Weeker Ht,, Now York. d. dec. s-4w
. We want an Airent In this Countv to whom wo will
pat a salary ot 11 00 per month and expenses to sell
our wonderful Invention. SAMI'I.K FltEK. Address
lfultsetsPower-l I T t l c
ful reeds, Hops, "T". . o
GOOD PLAN. CmUu!n n4 mluf mnj onUtt U
alia rail am bu Try Irani wt Vraauii riiui wim
Ind! ,lUill iatMi-nl. lrf nt 1J4 rc iti.
ib lniMiii'f Ml t ClrrtiUr, wllh full
. ftBlajmUnnt Im all ran nrr,A ia tin k riaal act,
.nalUdtraa. LlWauOS OJ.,11 Ui4 ktraat, Naw Yart.
Barcaioi in colored aod black cashmeres at
Clark & Son's at old prices.
J. n. Scott has received his larjre stock
of Chrintmas tova of almost every descrip
tion to please the little folks. His atoclc of
foreign and domestic candies U very large
nnst anA ot- nrlnoa ts ..W ttia trrtoo Pel.
Report of viewer against a road lo Beiiton VRte tAmm or fe8tiva, ant CMstmas
the medical profession for llierune ol invalids
weakly persons and t lie aged,
Sold by Druggists,
June 27 1-y.
Tut Stkhlino Hook Covkk. We have
purchased the right to use these covers in this
county, nnd have on hand on assortment of
sizes. 'I hey make the neatest und most con
venient form for Join'' up nolo hea1s, letter
,.. j. (mi i. .-. , j s ,
ui-uus, iiiu ueuiis, uoies, cuecKS, tc , aim
township confirmed ni,
J W Eves, 8 B Khmer and J E Bands ap'
pointed viewers of a road in Madison twp,
Commonwealth vs Ilefiher and Mansfield ;
assault and battery ; Jury called, verdict guilty
on first count.
Trutteo accounts confirmed nisi.
Commonwealth vs W WCUytonj a true bill,
Commonweillh vs Clarence Button; Jury call
ed; verdict guilty on the third count.
Report of the Commissioners to establish
the line between the townships of Fishlnircreek
a el iiriarcreek confirmed nisi,
Petition of Kate I' Willils guardian of the
estate of her minor children for leave lo enter
new bail ; Lloyd Pazton approved as surely.
l'etilion for resale in estate of Daniel
Muflley deceased ; Rule granted,
Exceptions filed lo report of Auditor, dis
Iributing proceeds of rale of Catawl.-wa Masonic
Association real estate.
Commonwealth vs J B Klstler; assault and
battery ; not a true bill.
Commonwealth vs Alex Colley; not a true
bill ; county to pay costs.
In the riiilalclphla Yitekly Pias of dale
November 29, is commenced a thrilling Penn
sylvania historical romance, en tilled, "The
Brady Brothers; or, Bald Eagle's Nei-t." Its
scsnes will be located on lbs West Branch of
the Burquehanna during that bloody and
troubled period immediately following the
uiatsacre of Wyorn Ing, and 'the great runaway,'
John Brady; his brave and stalwart son, James
and Samuel; Colonels Kelly and riunkett,
Queen Esther, Bald Eagle and other border
celebrities of that lime will figure prominently
parties will do well In purchase itjeir can
diea nuts, etc. at bis Confectionery and Ba
kery in the ivxcnange block.
Ladies' underwear at C5 cents well worth
76 cents t Clark & Son's.
news of the world promptlyand presentliif; It In the
most Intelligible shape the shape. that will enable
lu readers to keep well abreast of theatre with the
least unproductive expenditure of time.- The great
est inieresi VJ mo KrvuK-Bi, uuuiuvriunb is, uiq mw
controlling Its dally make-up. It now has a clrculi
tlon verv much larger than that of any other Ameri
can newspaper, and enjoys an taoome which it Is at
ail limes prcpurru iu bjjcuu uucnuiy luruicucucui,
of lu readers. People ot all conditions of lire and
all ways oi minxing uuy ana reaa uie nun; ana euey
all derive satisfaction of some sort from Its columns,
for they keep on bu Ing and reading It, .
in it comments on men anct airalrs. The Sun be-
-lleves that the only orutdeot policy should bo com-
mon sense, inspircu uy genuine irocncuu principiea
and backed by honesty of purpose. For thla reason
It Is, and w 111 continue to be, absolutely Independent
of party, class, clique organization, or lnu-rest. It
Is for all, but of none. It will continue lo praise
what is goou and rcpruDaie wuai is efii. taking care
Male Quick sales
1 and the best proflta
ton oar New ltook,
'rlolden Thouehta on
Math. r.IInuie and lirntea in Prose and Poetry by
sou authors lllustra.ed. Pleases everybody.l?.75; also
celptof price. B. IU THKAT,' Publisher, bos Broad'
way, a. X. a aec. o-tw.
B rices for cash, Installments received. tPLBNBItl
UUAN8 tu lis. ko, too. S8&, lloo. i octave
Itosewood Pianos flso, tiu, I I S doll 40, $!). up
wards. Not used a months Illustrated Cata
logues Mailed. 1IOHACK WATKKS. Manufac
ture, and Dealer, Slit Broadway, N. Y. P. o. Box,
ssao. a dec. 6-ew-
For a case or COUOtl. COLD, or
wilt not cure 1 Isold br all nruL'rigta
aad Uealtrti ttt Bc, and Tfc. tuwiHe
botUjH, iw;. iartJ-e that the name of F. W. KINS
MAN fi blown lu tho si iw of hih bottle. Tradn buu
piled by oo. C. GOO u WIN t COH UobLod, Ma3.
Hams 11 cents per pouud at Creasy's.
Go this week, go next week, go week after
to I. W. Hartman's for your Christmas
Clark & Son aro daily receiving goods for
tho holiday trade novelties never before
Bhowu in town at old prices. Call and sec.
Conner Htlll holds the fort up town,
and see him,
that Its laoguaicrelstotbe polot and Plain b-)ona
the possibility ol being mlnundeint oa. Itlsuolu
ttuoicedby inotlveHUiatilo not appear on t ha sur
face; It haa do oplolona to sell, nave those which may
be naa uy any pumiaser wiui vwu couia. iv oaius 1
lojUBticeaudrubcaUty ren more than It hates un
necessary words. It abhoni frauds plUes tools, and
deplores nincompoops ol every Bpeolea, It will con
tinue throufrtiout the year Ikao to cliostlso the first
clam, instruct the second, aod discountenance Um
third. All honest men, with honest comlctlons,
w U ttlier sound or mUUken, are In tu ItIviku. And
The Buu makes no bones 01 telling the truth lo iu
friends whenever oqcuslon arises tor plain speak-
These are the principles upon which the Sun win
be conducted during the year to come.
1 he year l&so will be one In which no patriotic
American can afford to close his eyes to public af
faUB. It Is Im possible to exaggerate the Importance
of the political events which It ban In store or the
necessity ot resolute lgllanco on the part of every
citizen who dealre to preserve tbouoverument flat
the founders gave us The debates and acts of Con
irreas. theutierancesot the press, the excltlrir con-
r . - .. . ... ..n 1 "4. .1 . . . 1
uli 01 i no urpuuuttui uu in'iuwinuu mriu8,uuw 1
AAW13 T A wmrcr for the richly ll-
xo TTiiiiiwu luxated work,
a complete and brilliant History or the great tour of
by Hon. J.T. Headlv.the prince of descriptive au-
mors a ispieuuia kuiiook. w a niuuon people
want It, The t-est chance ct your life to make mon
ey. Beware ot Imitations by unknown authors. The
surpertor authorship, unique illustrations, elegant
f taper, and marvelous cheapness render this book
tnmensely popular.
,o 0 tiooKtf hold. Circulars free, terms extreme.
17 uoeru uuuil, ii.w. Auuresa
UUHMAUn 11KOS, Tsi Sansora St., Philadelphia, ?a,
dec &-4w d ,
We mil WDd our Electro-Voltaic Belts and other
Electric Appliances upon trial tor 80 days to thorn
sutTerlm; irom Nervous Deblitty, Hheuuiatlsin. rar
alj ah or any diseases ot tho Ijrcr or Kidneys, and
many olher dhteaaea. A sure Cure guaranteed or do
pay. Address VOLTAIC BBLTCO Marshall, Mich.
docuMw d
01 OA! returns In sci days on IDO Invested, ot.
OlUtnclat reports and Information FHKC
UKC pronu weeaiyjon siock opuoos oi Sluiosad.
Address T. 1'ottib WianT C Co., Ilixiixs, u Wall
sU.N.V. a nor. I1.-4W
CIA Tfl CI AAA In't-stcd In Waliuu Stocks
ipl IU diUUUmalces fortunes ererr
munth. Hook sent tree explalntOGT everythlnc;. a
dress IUitir Co, Minima, 11 Wall street, N. Y.
novji,-iw d
Waslilotflou, N. J.
Wool, corer and Hook only tui to liu
OK(IAMS15SUipH,ll set iceedi. Knee
Heli3,tooi, iKMjit, only SMir-Hollday
u nur si w
ICITUD. tAmmXm TCtUl rml
or ih yJjf svud MmoxMi w of Conaump-I
tiin.iTini'mrT.'iiiiiTr itmmir
trMleal esT.ior. tterronawnty mna a
rScrrouj Complaiiita, ukUk, has hm UXtd 4
iw mm y . inripg.wiui iuu air c
rlltvh) for pre pi
frc ( ckmri
I MM lXt$ Mf
Thts U the tautest stilllnir book ever published, and
Uie only compk-le and authentic History ot Hranfs
lYavels. Kirnd for circulars containing a run descrip
tion of the work and our extra terms to trentd
AddreM National fubUshlng t Philadelphia. I'a.
novJMw d
ne&rlv eeiual In strenicth tbrouehout lhj cotintrv. I
Men, look at Slarr'a Cashmeres for coats I tu. an lug drift of puwio seutliuent, wiiiaiibeur
directly and eirectlvely upoa the twenty.fourlh I
and auU.
Zenliyr, work uiany new thing?, call and
see Clark & Sou.
Rubber CoaU. white and black Blankets.
LepKiiigi, Glove-, Caps at the lowest prices
at D, Lowenberg's.
Don't fail to call at Conner's before pur
chasing for the Holidays.
An oupu invitation to all. to visit next
week, I, V. Hartman's treat Combination
Clouds, hoods, hosiery, gloves, &c. at Clark
it Son's.
Copyrlftiteii II7S.
Tlip theine wan fciiPLiMteJ liv tlm Inln,
and the letter studied willi F.Slewatl, Keej.. of smoothly. Owing lo his excellent inniisgement cover will be given nwny with every order of centennial cele-hral'on ol JIuncy and is from
Ilerwick. Tliey are said lo have pasftU good as inticti as 10 niiyuuns cue, me pnriy ',7,'VV'"" u""' "u"a, the nen of Charles McKniclil. oiithor of "Our
invented. Call and examine Western Ilorder," "Simon Oiity, ihe White
examinations.. We wish them abundant sue'
cem iu Ihe practice of llioir profewiou
undoubtedly ihe most successful ono ever held 1
at a public house in llloowsburg.
tf 1 Ssvago' and "Captain Jack, the Scout."
lteal Seal Skin Caps jubt received at
David Lowenberg's.
Appletnn A Muslin 7 cents cash down
only at I. W. llartman's.
Presidential elecuun, to be held In Not ember. Four I
years aco next November the v.111 ot the nation as I
expiessed at the polls, was thwarted b&annboinl-l
name conspiracy, ino promoiers ana ueneucisnes ol 1
which still b Id the emces they stole. Wlilthe
crime ct 1"6 be repeated lu IW The past decide
ut j ears opened with a corrupt, extravagant, and
Insolent Administration In renched at Washington.
'1 he Kun did soniclhlng toward dModgtng ihe1 gang
and breaking Its bower. The same men am nnw
Intriguing to restore their leader and. tbemselies to I
Places iru ji wuicu iury w em unveil uy ine inanrna
Hon of the people. Will they succeed T The com- I
Ing year will bring the answers to these momentous 1
onehttons. 'Ibehuu will lo on hand to chronicle I
ineracisasiuer arie oeveionea. ana loexniblt lli'm l
clearly and fearlessly lu their relatlocs to eiiedlency I
anu rizui. I
Thus, huh a Ulbit CI puuosoputcal good huenor In I
looklngat the minor atlalrs of lite, and In great
things a steadfast purpose o matntaln Ihe rights of
ine ceopie am me princiiues oi cue L-onsuiution
against all sggressors, The huu Is prepare d to wrlui I
a iruiiuui. m.iruL-iiTe. auuub iuv suuie lime enter.
ulnliiL- history nt ISSii.
uur rules ui snoHcriu.iuu reuiuiu uncuangea,
sUsktxt tiTtt turns. mSiZ VaskkT- . LA."
Xf rifWtti, mmA duly mm4'
r tk kin f rUM m Om.lmM.
lattnc Mmal tm, ktr ami -- ik - -
trii, thatiitif pMlitu imf r..
rifBiai I mIi th ktf la wklch
tbtpUM U whtl tttkt wUb
9(ust fat Ittitf ttimmntmlt. nd
hevl Ot
MIiAjom"-!. I lli.i .. r. i.T... w i - . , ...... 1 1 . u-....i.r, i.u. - im iim ni.tMrMflff,, ft
II I ika tul waakdaf-rul
u tkt mv annua
! tottl U ih tli4 SUM
wm. MiiMnNMiiiwiaitwi
ku bTM(bt rdtr fof km4t4
frcui lb Mi! pUca. 1 1 It ft w
taeary. m4 m mI-I4 4ianut
riu ihm wU r dr st4isi m
lUfactlo U ry mm, U miM Mkvrwto
Still abead.the Nobby Over CoaU. UUtera I sermratp.yatti.niayeir.r
mliiulUftt D Lowcnlipri'.! ' Tbe rrlco ol llio Weekly
ilm Dni l v uuu.
itlumus. the nrtce by iitall. Dobt nalJ. ts t& cmtu.
moDin, or n.w a ) tur ; or, iociuuiuk me Mjiiuay iwi
price la C& cvuts a, uaontU, or IWi a ytur, pobtuo I
paid. I
l no nunuoj cumuii u. 4 ua uuu 14 lUmibUeU I
(XtSlUgtt lililU.
1 ftMiVfiar, Uatart, Mia. mJTm rwn
B I llatl My fidttfkMT fcfMf W f ItU MrN
baa. Mimi 4wtkka lia iiixi'.lli.rl
-aaiflf M. will utlvoa 10 (aaii attr,tnkrwl w
uticftl AlUaa, wltk t watt ftf
It is said by good judges that J II Scott
Bells tho best cigars at 2 for 0 ctnta which
cau be found iu town.
'Another lot of Ladies coats this week,
cheaper than ever at Clark & Son's.
Hit paces, titty.
posiairu uuld. Vur riuhu i.r
ien bt'nuiug iu we win beuu uu exira ropy irtu.
AuurvAW 1. . n.uuANii,
I'uhllsher ot Tui Sex, New York city.
Nov. U-iw
made in 81 uuh, iu page catalogue) I
free, liUCKKYB NOVKliY Co.,
ClnclnuaU. Ohio. I
Kcate3t Job AVork ut lowest rates. Call and