THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU KG, COLUMBIA COL "NT Y, PA. Young eFolks. lltwltatM Dilli Rrskejke Law. At WilUHBjlticl(cU'(i)tn(Qr,crampcjqttir Ui In Ix)tAm,;thcwrVere ittii ' jery buty people. Thews wcro Mm. Htrkett, Mist Ilackett. mil MisterHackctt. They were working upslnirs in Sn' Attic' room, titling About a laVjlo on winch thcro wcro dolls, doll hod?, dolNbodicfi. All about tho room wcro boxes 6 jlolls, uudrcwljaxccptfi! jhosq inevitable- littlo paper-cambrio slips which (ocm to ciilboJy tho on'y Inalienable right that uolla liavo In this world. Were iho Macketts-Mrs-, Mif. nad Matter. drcos!n?tlolliT tii'lfclpouV Lclilcd Santa Claus? No. Were they uiakliiR dolls? Again, no. They wcro unmaking tho creatures. First, tholoUly dears were beheaded. Then they wcro ripped ropcn jabqut wjicfahclt clavicles would bavebcenfif tho doll-maker btdn'tlcit tho clavicles out of tho darlings. When they wcro all ripped, and gaping in a ghastly way from shoulder to shoulder, they were emptied of what would.hive beep thqir vital orgam if it hadn't Joon'siwdust.f Then tho heads and bodies who siufTc'd likeThanlts giving turkey fpol; .however, with oystots or iu ry force meal, but Willi costly laces, laces (it to adorn n duchess. M r. W illiaui llackctt was going to emigrate to America. Ho was going to open u toy thop and a laca-sbop itrrtho United plates, aud m iiire'iy llnl tirhj. He' had pdi?hfs'mcaria, tho gatherings and savings of thirty years of woik aud economy, Into fino laces! When the custoiu-houto officials boarded the incoruiog1ftcaucrMr.t.lJackclt) .without hcsilati. Jejiorteil.lisidoJIs and "toys, and stood by alrilo his wares were rummaged ho roughly thnt Master llackctt, alto stand ing by, thought that sonic ot the dbll-hcads must surely burst -oiien aud let put. their secrets 'BuE ffiTiSvc"stIgi(ion ended without any cracked skulls; duty was paid oq the dolls, wllilollhclacijs pafeed in frco. The itackctt s, in good humor, took rooms, and again the jdolls wero beheaded, disem boweled Sod -rr constructed. Tho laces were worked over and carded; a toy shop was opened, aud Master llackctt, instead of going off to fight tho Indians, and to gel scalped was set to keep it, white ' Miss .Uackelt presided over tho lacc-shop. You and know why her laces could be sold at low prices -low prices bring quick sales, thus Mr. llackctt 'soon found himself back London ready, to. bring put .another lot of immigrant'dolN, to find homes in littlo Yankee girls' hearts. Iu tho meantime, some thing: had happened, among.othijrs, .tho Chicago fire. By this, many'aiid many a little girl was left doll-less, and many a boy top-less All over the country, from New England and New York and OMo, and tho great"4 North west and the I'aciGo (coast,, while mammas were boiling'and baking, and packing boxes of clothing for the burnt-out folks, and papas were giving their checks freely, the, dear 1,1,1a KmUTA' mUa' im ...: ii ...,v wja. .sum .HnMB UU dressing dollies to comfort tho burnt-out childrcKfT,.' '. i And cantaOlaus, you must-know, was one of the heaviest fttlffarerfl frnm.lhn erpat fir. Thousands and thousands 'of 1ms ' Christmas toys wero destroyed. But when the great holiday came around, the children in the land Btood bfdhrir blcwril. oldr uirit Inmlf Jrieml. .Many a christmaa-box they sent to Chicago I'or this jnodlhat, burnt-out Sundaytchoql And sfit caine tlrat'trfe'rcf Was ' Christmas1 trco for a certain Presbyterian Sundav-school in Chicago, all qjj pjiOSR gi0s ju& been ' scut by children of nobody-knew-what-places; that is to say, nobody knew by tbo timo the arti clcs had reached the tree. , Among other things on this certain tree was a wonderful dolly, in a marvelous dress of pink gauze. "If I could haio that," said Josie Hawley, "I'd srBpoifjTtnrnt-np dilly." "Why don't you pray to get it," said Patsy Clark. "I ve been praying for that pictuic- book up there ever since 1 first saw it." "Well, I will;" said itjle Josie. , , , She put her bauds ppj to) hei; eyes,? looking through her ringers to keep 'the' etcd dolly in sight, she said: "Now 1 lay me downlo'alrepj"1 I pray the Lorl my soul ti keep; " If I should die belore I wake" and cov- "Is Ihat theright-way? -"I pray the' Santa Cliu Juvtooked it dowul" she cried.- - A lady.1iadiail.whiip'td'.toSanta'CIaus. He was Idiklffg straight into Josie's eager face. "This beautiful d,ll,""he said, "is for the good little grl,.Josie IIawley." Ohl wliero was tlie little girl who had sent that pretty doll? She ought to have been there to see -Josie's' Tadiant, happy face, 'as two eager amis were reached out to xeceivc One dayiiliuaLlluilawW-iiaD'u Hawley wasthinking, iodespojadioxvsiood, of her ruined'ftmsTwheajoaierMijito tno room, arying : "Come (uic',' Mammal My dolly isdrown cd all to pieces in the baf-tub."- "Why'j, JqsteJ-jiwhat'hvo'you been doing?" said Maniruorhastening to tue.ttth-nkim.j' "I gavo her'a.baf;' ber wanted a baf so had," said Josie'. There, in and on (he booming deep, with a cataract roaring from the open faucet, was the beautiful dolly, all.unpasted. One fair, foot and the fairer head had gone to the bottom of the t,ijh.eThe.,. beautiful, unglued curls wflialiain glapgled mass on the rrsiiegs waves. . "And i wliat' .is this?" said Mamma, as, having rescued the, oilier parts, ber hand plunged and brought up the head. Dripping honiton.laco was hanging from it. "Did anybody "ever?" oontinued'Mamma, pulling at the lace, and drawing out yard after yard further investigation followed; dolly was dissected, and a marvelous anatomical struct ure was revealed.. You see how it was, do you not? It was one of tho Hackett doll which, by mistake, did not get its lace insides taken out, on us arrival in America. Of course, the matter couldn't be kept out of the papers; it was published far and wide. I Dresume vou read an account of it. Some v ... ,i;,i .i ,i, ir. M i TI i I. - V 1 Uiu uui A lie vuuft uuuuuu fujicr, bviuug it down that American Newpapers were sen sational and unreliable. Tho custom-house folks had their explanation about the lace' stuffed doll ; the lace was smuggled lace, They wrote it down on Iheir memories' tab lets, "Uewaro of dolls!" Mr. llackctt was coming in on a second venture while this inscription was fresh on the tablets. When his dolls were exposed for inspection the investigator took one in his hand. It was a beautiful creature, with long Saxon curls black eyes, bright cheeks and a rotf-bud mouth. There is surely not a little girl all the world who could have looked at without a flutter. What do you think that hard-hearted officer? He took the head in his right hand, tho bright'' face against hi great ulu), whilo the left graiped the darling just over (be littlo heart, if jhere had been a heart in its body, lie laid fio neck across tho box'a edge aud broke the pretty head off, so that it wou'd hive bothered Master Hackett, expert that he was, to reconstruct that doll. Doubtless, there never was another lot ot dolls that paid a higher fee than Mr, Hack elt's for admission into our country. iSurali Write r Kellogg; Si. HitMat, A'ovmbcr. Items. Two centuries ago tea was scarcely known In Europe., Keep your bowel and kidneys In healthy state by the use of KldneyWort, Chicago has seven hundred hackmen, and If you ever go there you will wonder bow the whole seven hundred can get hold of your carpet-bag add holler Into your left car at once. Ask your druggist for 'Dr. Mndsey's IlloKxi'Searctier.' It will drive out bad blood, glvo you health and a long life. 'Done on my on book' Is now render ed 'executed on the responsibility of my own persorwil curve.' '!.' Girls, don't be afraid to work. Ruth cleaned in the harvest-field, and cot lust as good isuoz any girl in mo neigiiDornoou. .i " , ... t Uonstlpatlon, sick neadacne, - and on iousoesi cured 6 'Seller! LWer.Pljls.' Try them. 2oc. per box. One cannot belli thlnklnr. since the policemen have come to carry their clubs, wnat ll tne desperado snouid Happen to get the clob.away, and make the first use of it on int neaa oijiue policeman i ; 'What part.' askfd a Sunday school leach t, 'ot the burial ntBire John Jloore do you like best? He was thoughtful' for a mo ment and then replied, 'few and short were tho prayers we said.. A new lace Pin refircsfhls n hound chasing h hare through the tall gras and fjrni. Tfii dcalgu isiworked out, in fiitigrte UJbWt'Utl IHU UHI3 Vi UUrillSlll'U ffUIM. Newimalerials Inr tail costumes have the colorings and effects of India cashmere shawls, J ome of these are In stripes, with small palm leaves rormlng the stripes. A costume -tvlltlilv. made! of any mate rial anil auer me lasuitin in any periou, U fashinnable'atid In good taste "at tho present moment. Ladies never bad bo wide u range in areesiug as iury ,uave(uo. For married ladies pretty evening dresses are made or light-colored foulard, trimmed with Indian ellkiin cashmere pat terns. They are fashioned very much like ili ; ,'ut.,'.i.'. .i:' , . . 'iTi I , lj 1 "xrl i L - ' is uiaue open in a cqu&ro or v -Buape lla wise In timeand procure Dr. Bull'i Cough Syrup, which always cures Cough and colds, and prevents consumption. 25 cents, large size 50 cents. No low bodices are worn for dinner dresses this time of the voar, but onlv tb open bodice, with soma pretty fichu or pa rure ot tune and lace, lue tun lace rucne l fashionable by way of colerette, and tb boquet de corsage is put up Iquite'vbigh in tbe iieok on the left shouldler. fTbe Daluer scarfs which are attached to the lower edge of bat'jued are shirred hort in front, and again'On tbe side srams nl' tbe back. They are tautened beliiud by large bows. The uudtrikirts worn with thtse basque are slightly shirred on tli liuiug, and liavebamlo ol tbe same stuff as that of tbe scarf set down on each seam. Ia'givlng geography lesspns, a school master down t-.ast asked alboy, bat State do youjlive in V To which the boy drawled througlt his nose in reply, 'A state of tin and mitery ' . Ooe.of our cotemporaries, says that the iinugepon uunn.; oianuani, neaus an ai tide. 'Who shall Lead V Avery brief ex amiuatibd of Iloyle will show that tbe'man' next tne 'dealer snouid do so. ".My Back Aches So, and I feel miserably" said a nard-working man. The doctor questioned him aud found that be had been habitually costive for tycars,' thathW.hHuidi'cys were.'disordereU.' and bis whole system deranged. Kidney .Wort Vjas, recommended anUsljhully tatep, anoi in a sh"o'rt' time eve'y trouble "was re moved. The cleansing and tonc power, of tnls'm'eaTcihe dri the iOwels and kidney is wonderful. 'My son,' said an American father, how pould you .marry an Irjsh.girl,?' 'Why father, I'm not able to' keep two women If I'd marry-a Yankee girl I'd have to hire an Irish girl to take care of her.' An,unsucecsful vocaJist;wcnt, to-he poor home and 'delighted the,inmates by. Iiis singing. He said it was a natural thing lor him to do, as he had been singing to poor houses ever since he began bis ca reer. f jA.lover's alarm clock ,hasbeep, intro duced.) At ten o'clock lit strkes loudly, two nine uoor onenr anu'a uiau wim a' u reus ing gown aid cap on glided out, holding in his hand a card inscribed-"Oood night,' As he bows and smiiiuxly retires back into tbe clock the young man 'takes the bint, says g od nlgnt to tne fair daughter and de parts. He coughed I he couuhedl, H is .eyes ran, he looked redder In the face than a lobster. Hut 'Sellers' Cough Syrup' cured1 him. The manufacture of hinges is largely carried on in the Vermont Penitentiary, and when a man is sent there, . his friends say hi baa taken a voyage to the "Hingies" The following is a neniiine copy of a bill made out by the hostler of an inn in a yllage in Djrsetsnire, England : 'Afore- tneos (nay tor tne horse), aj. ; caniuosan sha (cleaning horse and chase, 4d. ; briuin- nimomlgin (unnging mm Lome again), 6d. totallKJd, ,-gr-., "i - 'Ob, bow'I do wish my akin' was as clear and as soft as yours, said a lady to ber friend. 'You can easily make it so.' ans wered the friend. 'How?' ioqujred the, first lady, 'By using Hop. Bitters, that makes pure rich blood and blooming; health U did so for me, as you observe.' JCead o it. Common salt 1 essential to animal exis tence, forming an Important constituent of their bodies.' Neither tissue iior cartilage can exist wunout it. it is tne preserver oi the system frtn putrefaction, the source of ine uyurocninric acid mat is necessary to digestion. Given to poultry in quantities .Uiat would seem suitable as seasoning ol human fond, it is conducive to health. Poultry seek eagerly fir it : hence we may suppose tbe demand their nature makes fur it. Dr. Mutt's EnJorement of Speer's (irupo Wine. . Port .The following from tbe celebrated Dr, Mote of New York, peaks!wonders fir Mr, Sheer's efforts to raise the Oporto Grape in Xew jerse; : ' C2 Madison Avenue, 1 New Youk, April 11, 1878. j Mk.Ai,fkei SrEKit. Desr Sir: The visit wbich I made last year to your Vine yards, wine-presses and vaults at I'assiac, N. J., satisfied me thoroughly that the wines manufactured by you are pure and unadul terated and the very best that can be offer ed to tbe public for medlciual use. Acting upon my favorable iuipressioiu at tbe time, I have since recommended tlie Port Wine ; more particularly in my prac tice, and am satlefied, with marked benefit to my patieqts. There can be no better proof lo the doubt Ing mind, as to the Wine btiug made of the finest Oporto Grape,tban a vliit to the acres of laud covered with tlie vine beariug tho luxuriaut fruit Wishing you success In your praiseworthy enterprise. I remain respectfully yours, Alex It, Moxr, M. D. Prof, of Surgery, llellevue llosp. Med'l College, Ac, Ac. For sale by (J. A. Kleim Ittoonisburg Pa, B UHINEKS CAKDH VISITING 0AHD8. IITINQ O. UtTTSB aula WLLIIKAbH, Neatly and Cheaply printed at tbe Colum biam umce. THE EYE, EAR, and THROAT Suoeo-sfullr Treated with SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE. orcCFA In Ihfl Int fit mrtU vt urcrcMlfilhctreftt. O mt-iiibd'fttfirrliHt Artldri.introinAfirtnlwri. MUi1urtt,lm-n.ui.(1oul 4Utwllii iiMtlT; propeN II, a In ili.s ... ilt liot-t Pan POD hi KaIUCAL cubr for rtutrti pcit nin prwiwrtlcs? etl Oi ill T- 111 111 HIHl'U i" i - i urn i "iiiii ihm.1 i tnonri'-iciai'lt) ploln n.l uiloii or lin', tinwt le cnitttmlrn on iLhV'Mft. Ti'vf r, u I rl.utf ,ln Hi tcrr of piiiolnriiii'illfim- hrtimrtiTriiuM tcitimmiv itimoirl rid.rrTliri.irirt''rofflnj'H'ini.'tly Hum Itm tit ilia potiHlnfi i-f timproprlt trii i.f AyollO'i lUnirAt.rtnR. A It o ' ioi UKHtWM.nt r-pic lent a tliounniHttli p trt f llni rrc (immentifclloiit hlch fljof scUh umlrtHiM rtifiat lii nUpnrtif f tio loontry lll.tiok nllnwlnd miaul If lin.l I fat IliLifl I front IlKiltV WKt-l R. luduncinci.l vt lilcU wu urc JubU)- pruuJ. INVALUABLE. tou, Mhm.i trf ilf , I Iihtp (iiriomoiiiotitliA fflt H rluty tliKt 1 oa 1 1 uOi r i it umtuitr tn rli jru, i ill nil tiiRtrrrnt WmntlliKt I liro tlvrhrd from Ilia 11 SO uf KAX Pu llli's liAliir 11 IK P.lH L.ATAKKIJ, llr mor tlniiMyritnl hhsu f'Cin atUic tml with thUrrry ttonhtinome ronipUlut, 1 1m to triifl nil tlie rrmll lint 1 conlil And, but ultlf ut mtcMM i r prrmtient licneilt. l.nt lull t1ii illiito htt nrrhrd t tli&trtnto tliot 1 ino hum r Uctvt il In. Tie rfttlrn mMnbri non HMtcin tmtl brc mo ii luflAinfn. Mi t ttm loroncn bo duordrrrd, Hint It wna n rtoutnntl mMitr vliuthrr 1 cimldKotu tli I'ucliio fowl.tir if I dIJ ki mhethtrl .i...., . t-.rlr M.r nnl 1 aaur an kilrt-rlUp trnnt df th! mf dl Tin, ud nMhuuph 1clrt tty Incred atom about tirrinrt cr nmlrnnit ol my kina. jri in iliecr dPpvrtlon 1 ulcl tliln, riiJ vni nt once bcncljtrd Ilvr. ftml mi ire.-oTer 50 my DfrTHrt 11 y n!lr ir,totllon.l ntthebtmlH I dVrlrs Iron lltifnllr n litdDlB fMr.lMi6l. nd inn hoping t., bo coinplcUtr cfircdJiuia at I nt trrlto t n mpcctablo old Mire. r.i.l. n, n,. .... ,.H ia l, IflT nlF, la ttiose nileted as 1 hveliecn. ml enable )oa to brlnK 11113 rlnifiljr lino More Kcncrai ue, -pi'riuj. ...a l'ncir. count (where It U nrnrh needed), wr object In rilhiK mt noti will bo obtained. ' Verv truly room, UENTJT WKt.T.. At :oa, X. Y., Juoe, I37S. of Wells, Fargo ft Co. K . r 1 packaiteeontalnii Dr. Sanford'a Improved Inn,"' lint 1 ube, and full dlrei Hons ror u,e In all rues, rrlce SUB. For rale br all Wholealo and Retail llrmrn'ala an,l Deatert iliroujilioar tlmLntted Stale" and Canada. WKKK8 & roTTHI. Oenernl AKents and lboleaal DruKifltt, lloaton.iloil, GOLLINS'H VOLTAIC PLASTER ' ALWAYS CURES. Fnlarned Soleen. Tblif i to tertHy that 1 htte been wing tout CoLUNtV Volt A 10 Playi-uks fur LulnrKuutcnt oltlio Bplewi nd JJeprcMlon in ino eiwniBcii, iim more relief thn kny other remodr 1 1ito eter ot. 1 would highly recommena them to all luffcrlnif (rota the cllecu of pftlu uiil loQuumetlon. nctiEtso, Mo.. June 38, 1ST7. SevtM Pain. lUvtnir tWcolonto tme remdy for rtry tertrtpain la hit tide J tried one of your Collirs' Voltaiu l ue TBkte.'eud In tweotylour hour the nelnwei entirely " - AwtjCwblr rirt Net. Beak- 'WlMOXA, Mixxl, Jane 19, IStt. 1. nAitiB viitatf piMtuvti bvm thfi'ifst sthf action tiero of no yt hi tin tht Irna heea tried for Lemeneu end Ubtabt.Ill., June 1, 177. Irloo. 35 Cents. Tr tn nVStaln rVif.T.TK-ft' VnT.TAIfl l'LASTIH, comhlnetlOD of Electric eadVolfeloI'luti'S.wHb a high hV.ll Wholeiete end Itetell lruirirlte Ihrouglioiit the ifolted BtBtei end Caoedee, end by WKKKS i 1'UTTa.It jTopneiore, liOBion, iiif m ma ill I PERMANENTLY CURES KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, I Constipation and Pilc3. IlllK.ll.II. CLAnK,SootlilItrTt.,ur-,5 eaaea f KIDXCV TnoCIlIXS Ittuia 1 lotted Ukoftebaraa. Ithoaenreunaor Ttry I baS eaaeaofPlUS, and baa nover failed to ;S I act eClt K-ally. KELSON FAIIIOniLJ), ofSUAlkis TL, 3 I am. "UU aTarkebaa value. Attar ul t InuaalaTTeataaBeflat; frouimieaajrfCaJ-f I thrciaeaa It eaeapletelr eared mm." C 8. U00A1IO.V, e.n!erLUre, aan, ' 1 I BaMkafahitadeae wondera for mo In eoni-1 I vietelr earlac aevera uver una uiaatj a jlalaL" it has umvo WONDERFUL If HI i 1 POWER, mmmmm I I BECACSK IT ACTS ON TUEf lirriut.TitE bowixs and kid-I I KEYS AT THESAalE TI1IE. iBaoausa It eleanaea the arstemof a Via poisonous humors uiat aeveiopo b I In Kidney and urinary aneaoea, tsii-l louanaaa, Jaundice, Constipation, I I Piles, or In nneumntiam, Nearaigin I and Femara dlaordora. I KIDS EY.W0UT ta a dry vrgeUMo cam. I taatadaaa cautboecatbr nail prepaid. I OaepaekaKatilllmakeaUtaofDiodlelao. I nt.-ir it ij-q-w : I I Bar It at ta. DrunWa. I'rlee, St.OO. Vtm S1OLIM301T i CO:, rrerricter), UiirUaslan, vt. PORT GRAPE WINE Uuti4 ta the principal CtvircUei for Communion purjKises. teELLENT FO I LDIES AND WEAKLY PERSONS AUD THE AQ.D. Speer's Port Grape Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. rilhls Celebrated Native Wine Is made from the X Juice of the uporio drape, raised in this county Its Invaluable Tonio and Strengthening Properties are unsurrossed by any other Native VI Ine. llelnjr the pure Juice ot th (Irani-, nroduced under Mr. HDeer's own nersoual surjervlslou. its Durlty and genulDenehs are jruaraotued. The youngest ehlld may partake of Its generous qualities, ahd the weak, est Invalid use It ta advantage. 11 Is particularly ueneneiai uj me hitcu auu aeoi uatea. ana builcci 10 the various ailments that affect tho weaker sex. H Is in every respect A wine to uk icklihu u.m. Sl'EKH'S P. J. Sherry. The I. J.KHEHIiY In a Wine ol Superior rhiracter, and Dartalves4r thutfolden nudliue-t if th trraoc. from which It Is made, Kor Purity, ItlchneaH, Flavor ana Medicinal properties, it will be round unexcelled, SPHKK'S 1. JT. Brandy. This HltAMlY stands unrivaled tn this Country, being fur superior tor medicinal purposes. IT IB A l'UHB distillation from the grapeaud con. tains valuable medlclaul properties. It has a delicate Uavor. similar to that of the grapes from which It Is distilled, and Is la great favor among Una-class families. See that the signature ot ALFRED 8l'Glt, l'assilo n, is uier tue corK ot eacn oottie, SOL.13 I3Y O. June ST, l-tf A. KLEIM. m u this rim is on niK with ROWELL & HtSMAN . Advertising AfitnU, tHIIIIl CHIITHUrtT,, T,l.0Ult,.M SELLERS' COUGH SYRUP ! 50 Years Before tho Public rrouatinccd by all to bo tho most I'lciwnnt ani rlilrnrlniM rcinody la use, for the rurf or rniiili, rulil, crunp, ImnrnmrM, tickling sensation of tbe throat, w hooplas cough, etc. oVIilt A .Ull.l.uw iiiiTTi.itMsoi.ii within Tin: i.amt rr.w YKAIIm. HclvOTretlctwhcrovcrust'il, and lias tho power to Impart bcncnt that cannot he had from tho cough mUtiirr now In me. Sold by all tmwglsts at 8", cenupcr bouk'. Hi'.l.l.ntM' l.ivnit I'll. I.m aro also lilRlily ro- commndcd for curing liver complaint, constipation, slck-hcadicbes, fever mid ague, and all diseases ot tho stomach and IU cr. Hold by all 1)1 ugglsts at : cents per box. E. E. Sellers ti Co., Htttrtrarrh, Pa oct a, ';-iy. cltatnftlfornrto ihcnHnn, oror Unprorrmfnti on tthtoutn.vrircdicut or otter cofiinvn!,trntc mir tiuil lnl). Currnh, AMtijnmrnlt, Inter f fence. AvpraU, Aultlcrjnrdiffrrnradr, anil li n iint In.- f rli-'nlMii lml hnti'lKrn lj the riitent Of- I C,t .nmittlll. I f,w.ff( our, vt pitttntnt by vs. htina twiwiite the I . ff. Patent TlM.nftmmt. find tnrtitntA in Vnltiit httstnril ex eluttvtly, tee can makt closrr srarvhes, and ntcnr IWitvis more projnjni, unn wimwi "'"i '"""i infF rrmn n ((fsinycrti el f-r nhttch of dl your fleeter: tt makt examinations andiuiotfiA hi io puuma't tit it frerr-ftharttr AllcormjMHulrnrfif'rMhjcon fdtMtitxU iTicfiiloittndAO fM.UtUU IJV Vni'v?' is si:vvni:t. Y6rtftr in WunTitnatM, td Von rontmnstrm General V.N Keuattt, J'. Jintrr, tm tarmnH American falltmal Hank, ta vftrtnt tn the V. S. ratiut OOliM, atul to fie natort and Heprtni nfufiriV in Vnqrt3: mid mptrl'ttht to' t.ttrtltcnti tniHTj Ctali iit'tle rtrt and tn lvdtt. Adt'rtS Pllnjmtc ftUtnt yi!tt.e, U uirttnylOH, V. THIS PAPER IS KEPT ON TILE AT THE OFI MM AT THE OFFICE OF tW, vttmia PHILADELPHIA Cor. Cltratntit aim iuikiiiii nia. Who rorelto AdvertlfemonU for thl I'apcr, ro-rin iTre lo"cat Cult natta to I IIYlftl ton-onrnr NeirpprAJrfrllliiir. 8ud SHC tor AVKll &. SON'S HANUAS- Weaver & Oo's. Ads. A LlVl PAPER. s nd to cts toll K llmtlngs,4T Cor;.lilll. Iloston, urn innnilmsuhscrintlon, ftirthe liest paiier In I Ho country lr l.nre juBesfoiir distinct iui"fi I insi..nilin nntl-lniMiO. nntl-rum, anil antl-I .0 fnn-rifici, n .ureH! no nuns r nuvcnisc Mr Miinreon R.ild 'Tim best mner thit romes to me," t). I -Moody told t 'Ahout'thc I liest paper lu the country,' llpcrjear. Agents I . workfrs.can-1 vunieu; uww rul uu.'".. asters nna agents. Acooct3l.lm. o o a a. O C C a o . fUrnut U In ttr cai, maUrrt not .r liw Icax aUaid lug dt tour dcriil mitrd, II she tuitant relief, and cure lh Uititl rltrtilik riMi, iu fruunut ta Ibrrf rtk. ItuaM dlrwl. nl. 1 nlliiihrd nsmbrr of lutiint'lital" rau m ilini IT ilolrail. I Dl tU aak la a irtal, lu -stiiitlurff lakl Ic vurv wIh'm all tt li r'liifali dan falli-it 1 all dfuk-ra lu mi ilk tura, 60 I'M Srlolilf hn Utf ftt rnli,'! f I rite, I r Jjtlii:. .LT.i.rnrraUi'i'iil rorl'.s nm' t'r.r. i:ttl Kituikliii M Hull iiiM.t f.4 Igtiaturat at I I J W X 'D. J U He ri ,,,,tja.r tbcn 7tf ly. In! INSTITUTE. Established In 1 872 for tho care nf L'tuicvr. Tumoral. LHtwrbv KornriitiL. anil hkln IhttuiLiieit. irltuout tbo uso ot knlfo or loss of blood and little pain. For information, circularu and rrferonceB, uddreealir. , I'ONU, Aurora, luuio Co., ItU Sf pt. 19,79-ly. J W & CO. THIS NEW ELASTIC TRUSS nMatFavddlffarlDjrfrom cap-tbapa, with fcalf-AdjuttJu IlaU la cBUT, fcdapta I tat II to k) peal Uo hi Ot tha Ictj, -all. tho 1 All In tho lh Banla 1, b.ld MDrt; At. and altbt. and a radical enrt mt Ula. II la txtj, a.rablt and cbv.p. Htifi br anil. Clnulva - Egjlestoo Truss Co., Chlcaoo, IIL, bept. l. '7u-ly, J w & co. AV.Ahu IMMMNS-MO t.i $-0O a month for AtenU,Teaclieriiajid Udlua, Mellln; onrNKW liDuK Its unrlvulled oiilt-utH or .wroso ana foctrv bv sort emlneutuuthors. fleant UlustratlonB and artistic binding mako it a welcome Kue&tln awry tiOine. inirotmciion oy i neo. i. v-uyier, w. i, Thu new editions mid reduced prices of our beau- uiuiiy il iiisiraieii uorkH wuu whi lenii u'lunuica; hales, are reasons why live agents coin money m meir saie. a Kinpie ageni nas roiu oer i,iko copies. ov. 14 7im old AGENTS WANTED For tbe and CHEAPEST BIBLES Eter lurnlhhi'd Afents. Extra terms and Largo CASH PREMIUMS. KOKSIIEE t UcMAKIN, CUnclnnall, O. Nov. 14-lm aid FITS! CUUED l'romptlv and I'ermaiicntly. 1 send n tjottlu or my celebrated rtiii. 1 dv, with a VHluiDIo treats on UiIh dlxaso, free to all sufferers who send inetneirr. u. aua Kxpruas anurebb. Dr. II. ! 1100 1', No 1S3 1'earl Ht. Now York. Nov H tm aid VlCrV'at IlliiHlrntf d .Monthly .MiitTai up 3i paKeH, a I uuiori'u I'luuj in every numuer awi many iidu tn LrmvlnL's i'rtctill.Via sear: Klve fot.lea for 5.oo. Hpet linen numbers sent for lu cents ; 'i trial copies I ror ct'mt. VICK'S lLI.UHTltATKI) FLUltAL (lUIDK A beautiful worker iu I'aui, o-ie Colored Flower Plate, nod too Illustration, with Descriptions of the bfst flowers and Vegetables with price of heed uui how to frruw them All tor 11 live cent Stamp, issue Nov. tfoiu In KnylUli or Herman. JAMKs VIL'K, ltochesu-r. N. V. aid Nov 14-lin PENSIONS! procured for toldtera disabled In U, a. torWce by I reasons 01 wounus anu outer cauM'a. All penblons date back to day of discharge. Tensions Increased, Addrerswllh itamp, J5T0DDAHT & CO., No. 913 K St. Oct. 24.-1 m N, W, Washington, V, (J. TUT JOHNSON KEVOLVIMJ HOOK. CAKE. Malo of Iron, lieautlfully orna nieiitcd. Adjustabld shelves. I'lieap and etrmijr. Cannot get out of 01 tier. Four sizcu. rt(nl for complete circular and price lit. Kond 3 cvnts for our new Illustrated Catalogue of Bchool JlfrvhantlKe. Ihery FurtM or SXathvr ioui .ate it, EAKER, PHATT & CO., Headqjirtert for all School Supplies, lit A 141 tilUMJ STHELT, MM VOUK. Kept U, ly ESPY PLANING MILL. Tbo undersigned lessee tr tbe Espy Man Is prepared to do all kinds cC mill wtrlc. Boors, Frames, Sash, Blinds BtC. mado to order on ebort notice. Satisfaction guar. tnteoa. UlocmiburK, 10. HpMpBHHMHHQH of H)uhI kJlT JaaBBhaw.lVXSH I aalaM aiv jH I. W M r BLOOM SB UBG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DlbTKlOT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M.,- Principal. P'"?.!' 5'.":. r,r ni-o,. Tjnchrrit ntnerluncpd. oniclent. and atlvo to tlielr work. model ato. t itty cents a V?A rte.Mt Ion to allatpectlng L'ourbusoi siuuy iirc&ciiuvii oiuiv 11. 1'iepuratory. 111. ISIemeniary, iv, uinwicai. ' . rf . . ... r... lit r...... I A. Adiunet Courses : I Acmlem 0. I I.Uominorcul. ill. course 10 .nuic. ii.uiiimuinii. uinttiin mi.i r iiHtiicni courses MnViinirrreWsT MArterof tho Sciences i .M.uter ol tho Classics, uraatmics thclrattalnments,. yjnert by the onicers or tno paru i nn rn i nh ut r-niuj mi;s.iirt4 uj i nv a. KiriiiSr'alsi Catalogue, address tlie rnncipai. Vrpatilent Ilonrit 1111.1. II ll.l.l.l.TI Jill, I.I..M Kept. 8, 'TC- f hottT.tUiwiiiiirnHiriitsiitirurilcrijf clt Ueaflilp. Tiicumei neiiantiu. itn i J""." iimi But come at oncti itntl look through the largest stock of " Meadj-MMa Clothing IN THE COUNTY. IV WE CANNOT SUIT IN READY-MADE, WE CAN SELL YDU THE. CLOTH, Oil TAKE YOUR MEASURE, AND MAKE YOU A SUIT IN CITY STYLE HETTKB AND' THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN TOWN. CLOTHS, OASMMfflSS, S0J.D BY THE Y AltD. Now selling at the RELIABLE STORE OF DAVID LOWEIBEM. ENDORSED BY OVER MACHINE EXHIBITORS AT THE EXPOSITION 1NIVERSELLE, Paris, 1878 AND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION PHILADELPHIA.-1876. Ai"Veiy STRONG, SMOOTH, and tLtl-LtNl THRc.AU. s- ENCOURAGE HOME INDUST 'r v il n i at O I ,U U 1 II VT W JJaV ai April 18, 9-ly S300 A moTU Kuaranieed. $12 a day at homo uiudu by tho lndustiluus. Capital not rmtulied; o will t.tart )ou. au'd, wouifD, uoys anu tins muku money lusttr at work for us than atotiithlnL'M-lJse. 'Iho orkls I 'Ight and rltrUtnt. T ilea&unt, and tuch as anyone can eo -lglitat, Tliofce whoarc wlte who eo thla notice Till send us their uddrt'SeH nt oncn aiu m o for Inemfccltes. CohtlyOulUtunU ttrnibtite. owsttic I time. Thofce already at work are lajlnt; up Urge 1 sums 0 1 money. Addrebs 'IHVK & Co.. Augnbta, Maine. oct 3, -iy Warner's Safe Kidney and Liter Cure. I fYirmtrlv Ttr. tJmln'm JThinnt Hurt A Tegetabia preparation and the only aare reuifdy la tne world for UritUVm U)fraM. 'uica,Hna Aiui4 lunuvy. loiter, una ar-rttlmonlnlnf HiAhfohoat nrHtrln nrnnf Of t hew Btatemeats. j- or ine cure or iiiauriea, call ror War ner's HtX J)lateir curat. HMTfor tbe cure of Urltclt' and the other diseases, call for IVuruer'it Sufv lUduvy and Liver Cure. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. ItlltilflbeitlllfMwl Purlfla. anrtatlmnlatoa every function to more healthfifl action, and U thus a benefit tn all dlseanes. ItcuresNrrorulunaandotberKklnErnp tlona and Uiseanea. Including t'uucen, trl er, and other N4m. DyapvpslK, WeultnfiortlieK(omali. fasllpallon, IMuliita.fJrnrral xJebll- aay. k ar vurvu oy m uiliera. 11 U Unequaled as an appetlzeraud regular tonic. llotUas of two uiiMA prices. OOc. and tU.OO. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickly given Ileat and hlrvp to the suffer Inr, curt IlfudiM-lie aud Neumlcla, prenu plleptle Kit, and relieytsNf nuua IW trttilun brouiit on by excfialve drink, over work, mental 1 Locks, and other causes, l'owerful as It is U atop pain and soothe dis turbed Nerves. It never Injurvs 4he system, wbether taken In uraall or larire JiotUes of two Bizui ; prlcei, 50c. aud fl.OO. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an Immediate and active stimulus for m Torpia uwr, anil cure MSUviaail, DyipipiU, Bu- louintit. siuoui uir rbaft, Mtl&rU, Favar and Ant. and should Ibtf unvd wlienever the bowels de not operate frtely and regularly. aaiall 4uva fur laarufa murk, friaa M& tU. a Lai. , Warr'abaIalUBa'ltar L aM ta PrKUU Uair 1a aiaaiftaa a irrjar. H.H. Warner & Co., I lrarfv-tor, Ieoohesiee, k. y. v rarmm lur raaibkkV FtVldOS. oil. si, ibi..iy KENDALL'S SPAVIN GURB. als Hire to cure Srmlns. Sollnts. Curb. lie. It rf motes all unnatuial enlarce. iments. DCts not Ilasnoeiiual I lor any lameness on teast or man. It J hascured blp-Joint lameness In a iierson 1 ubobad buttered 15 ears. AlsocurtHi llrbeuuiatlsm. cores. fnihMiltj.H tr biiv bruises cut or lumeness. It bas no equal lor any blerolsU on borsis. bend (or Illustrated circular iflv In? rosmti! moor, l'rtce (1. ALL DltUdtllBTB bae!lt or can Bet It lor jou ol Dr. II. J Kendall Co., l'ronrletjra. Knosnuri; i Fain. Vermont. iluYKll I iiKOTUKKH, Anents, Sloomsbunr, I'u. ayj, i.-iy aw ' I ftVfV aM'K. Discipline, to teach, students admitted at any urai students admlttua at any tlmo. ltoomsrescr'cd when dcsirca. , aro ris-ji- i'.a:iu.iaij, uuu flwiiiwKi".."N.'i '-.v.x i-''..:.T...:.p ......mnnt. 01 i . m cia-sslcal courses are not Inferior i . .. . ,. .t.,n Amia of Truli'i'a. -M 1 I J! NOVELTIES, Hats, Caps, ttc., .' , . i . -i i i Fqr'Mch anil 'Boys, " , i. " ' ' ' Pearl Sliir'ts, Under Clothing. Pretty suits for little 'boys, Clieitn suits for Mon, Cheap Overcoats, Trunks, Satchels, Bags, ifcc. Gum Clothing, &c. THIRTY SEWING HftMMMMHMIMalMat SaysiT 1 aK..-.TV JU a Ja.a X .a?aMAlJUFACTURED at i R.TVaaSr MOUNT HOLLY, N.J. t 45SjgHrimARTiBR0(llWTO)A(!UTS.Hnmi fpfKytoWriPARIS. PHILADELPHIA. i . "sxTalalW i "ni iwi-u I iva.ii lunn m uwtiiwiii a y MCJKlKBffTaWB' iriNltJ' FaffiPW rill' X . - i.p i ,,XH,I'HHHMIIIMIH.M IlliHlimiHat ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES. SUITAHLE FOK YARDS, CEMETERY LOTS, and Public Ground. The follow Intr shows the Picket (lothtc. one of tho several beautiful styles of Fence manufactured by ineuuuerMKUtu. For lieauty and Durability they aro unsurpassed l'ut up by exiiertenced bands, and warranted to tflve satlbfactlou. Prices and Specimens of other Designs sent to any address. ADDlIESS, S- 3VE. HESS, Bloomsburg, Fa, July 13, '79 4lm Farm Accounts! ri.wr.m.,,hniiLl Viinur Imw tnVprTi thiMn. An entirely bow anil ixiuilt;toBi'Mtim JtutduvlwHl. Head 11! UaMaa OuuJUic. IK) &. XeuUl Bt-.l'lllla.ltli.Lla. Oct. 1T,-Hiv aiB A UUITOH'jj NOTICE. 1'ui.t'Mliu County s.s. Amuiitr thti Records and proceedlnirs of tbe CoarC or Quarter sessions In and for said Counxr, iutiti alU It Is Ibus contained. In I lie mailer ot tbo Auditor's report arc, II. lltockway, to distribute money In Court, laionirst the, cicdliorsot Cenlralla llnruut'li Mo. IS, Feb, T. And now Oct. 23, 1879. on motion of H. Korr, tbo report Is referred to O. II. lire. Mi ay, Esi. Auditor, to astertaln tbo erler lu wblcli tbe Judifeuienls of tbo borough should be paid ; tbe money now ordered to bu paid luto o lurt.belnir raised by maudate. I lie Act of Assembly ot Ml dTrecltni; a bpetUl tax hav Ing expired. Rr TI1 I'OOKT, Certllled from tbo Records Oct, S3, is;v. WM. KIIIUK1UUM, Cleric I). H. The Auditor lu tbe abovo ease w III meet thu parties Interebted ut bHoniee lu liioombburk", I'a.onKat unbty, M'V. inn, ib'.u, at to o'clock u. in. in pursu ance of alxe rule. C. II. UROCKWAY Oct Jl.-ow Aumtor, A Iffpihr Book. Orders Now Taken AfiRNTR can n"lke sellings new ivJi-'i-' xa work the onlydooof tbe tlnd Is sued. "Tlie Itlabls unit llullia ul" Cuuulv nuu Tunnalilii lllilr. r.," by W. R. IHerly, Out. of tbe H lllluiii6K)rt (Pa.) liar. Contains all the acts and decisions lu relation to the arlous county and town. bblp onicers. Is a complete band book for election of. ncers, and treats the lax laws fully livery officer and tax paj er will buy one. 11 contains JuopJkcea. neatly printed, lound In cloth and guld, and Bold at 19 per volume. For agencies and terms apply with stamp to W. It. BIKRLY, bOTl-.W WlllUiWaMt.A. BxiwnsM . T Jrt t., ll....;,n1 Pnllhrrt ,,,,,..,..,,,. inmooiucri,Dur5c3rclxi.0.l.....u, x.. to Ihoso of our bet Colleces. iiiia usimi-j in iiMnti uootiria ir. nf iiirinsnmir iiittjiii' P. V. BIU.MYElt, St'Cietary, C. B. SAVAGE, DEALER IH Silverware. Watches.Jewelry.Cleeks.&c, ! Itomopd tn ilin Post onii'n,hu!lrtlnrr. flrwrdnir aoovii tho Exhanffo HotM. All kinds Of1 WntaliPa. KTlrtPk mid .Tfiwclrv ly rcpatrei! nnd wurrautfd. may it, -is-tr D. I. C. Ia aa abaolute and IrrchUtntilo euro far DRUNK- etmeBt, Tntemperenco and tho use of Opium, To bacco, Nnrrotlc, Riid btfmul&Dti, rciuorlng ml dcrlngthetaBtoordcBlroornnyof thrm pcrfertl! odious antl dlcnuBtlnK. (ilvltiKOrrry tme perfect and lrmiXablu control of tbe aotrletyof thera- lelrpior tlirlr f rlpntia. It prevents thnt Rbiolnto jlijlro! and moral fiuouTtuuu uiat i uiiuw h i in- hikiui'ii uri;u,ioK on rom uilnir stf mnlintii or imrrntli n. I rarkare, prepaid. to cim 1 topcronlit2,o iemperuncc aoeietics Wiouiu recommend It. ltd perfectly harmless and ne er-f ailing. Hop Bitters Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Sole Agents Hop Cough Curo destroy all pain, loonenul iiuu buuKii, iuit'ia uiu uurvo, iiruuuvi nsu aUU never f alia to cure. t The Hop Pad for Stomach, MVerand KMneya. Isfiapcriorto all otheri. Cunt by absorption i uiifnitti a,a urujjbia. Tha nap DUUra M Tg, a,, fc f Il bntn, N. Y . mt, rrmn tllMarcmnltra. alio tha linn HlttrL h r. In . bar4rorlDtr)ik.ant,boUhal'nritauit Ifeal Mtdtetut m oiana, maamg mora curat man tu CLUcr rttufOU-i. FORSAtE Br ALL ORUQCISTS. Aid , TUTS PAPER (ln a-r jiuMiiniiis jiuitun i,u nprtK'L' wnru wntn1 futaf-r UviiiuenntritcitiiiiiiylMiiiiuaururlt IN NF.W YORK, feb. H, 77-lf r l-el).7, 'ID-ly AND Paper Hanging. VM. F. BODINEi IRON ST., 11ELOW SELX)ND, JJL09SlaUUltO, I'A Is prepared to do all kinds uf HOUSE FAZNTZaVO l'laln and Ornamental, PAPER HANGING, 1WTII DECORATIVE AND I'LAIN. All klntlM or I'liriilliiiu Ilciairedr and mtulu a si good iin nt'. NONK I1UT FIRST-CLAhS WORKMEN J-MM.OVEI) Estimatos JMCade on all Work. WM, F. HOD1NE. M. C. SLOAN & BRO. L,0091SllimG( VA, Manufacturers of Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, I PLATFORM WAOONS. tc. Flrstclaas workatways onlband, RKPA1RINO NEATLY DONB. I'rlees rednced to suit tbo times. Ilelghs, IMINNESOU DAKOTA. OVER 1,000.000 ACRES OF FINE FARMING LANDS jii.-si:nta ami ii.ikota. For ala by ll.u INd.v hx, I'l.Tlilt ll.B.I ll. . 4 , v Arrv, an I ,. UWtal t,o.. l..4 l..r braltLlnlii. 'I'liey nrp I'rm hum liieiunlirilllre. ,,C' Ct,U-',"l' I..A'WH. CIIAS. I-. KlfhlMriMR. I.,.ir...l..w,. Oeil'l (lllll-M l" A N.w. n, v. ...... ...... ... Mention tlilu paper in irWffu'u. Sept. 5, 'J9.-13W kAT.T" UltAIVliiiViLLli AUADKlli You can get a Tborougn Kducatlon with the LEAST OUTLAY MONEY. For Catalogue, address thei rtnclpal, IIBV. 0 K. CAN FIELD. Apruis. ifis-it JOB PKINTIttQ Neatly and cheaplj executed at tha Golumiux Offica, nrm but kind, utiltorm and tlioroun. foiD AND RELIABLE. SDn. SAMFoftD'n litrtn lNViooRonS S la a Standard, IAimlly Keraedy for j diseases of tho Tjlvcr. Stomach (V,2 and Bowols, il 18 i'uroiy . sm i I StrAnr.ln1i1n MTL inTOr .aA. 5 Doliililalca-It ia ft 1 I i . ti .in ' vi BSInvjRorntorJ hna been nsodS in my practicoS and by tho public.S 'for more than 85 years. S JBI. witli uriprocedenteel mults.J Jf.1 SEND FOR CIRCULAR.; SS.T.W.SANFORD, M.D S I ART ImrGGIST WILL TFLI. TOO ITS RIFIITATIO'I, 1 April is, 'IK-ly. RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES iMtrt: "OHTllKltN CENTltAL KAILWAY Wl.NTEU TIMK TABLE. On mid after Sunday. .luniTiB, l8:o, tho trains in tlw flillnaeiphla ltrtn Ho lro id Division will run as follows : WESTWARD. i:r!o Mall leaves l'lillnilrlpliU " " llanlsburt; " Wlillnnrtxnt " .icracy Miorn 41 11 Xioclc llaicn lfuliCVO arrlvo at Krie Niagara Eiprcas leaves l'lilladolphla " llarilsburK orr. nt Wllllamport " Lock llaveo Fast Lino Ioavcs Mill ideluliu ' llniTlibure " an lvn at Wllllamsport " " Lock Haven KASTWAHD. racUlc Hspros leavis. tck Haven " .lerwy SLoro 111 pm 4 ti Ulil 6 us a m 9 m a u u 40 n in 1 1 u am T 55 )) m 8 IH) 11 111 11 if, uiu 2 23 p 111 a so p in U r.o a in 3 85 p m 7 25 p in 8 40plJl TOO am 7 33 a ui 8 1 a m 12 us pin s 41) p 111 11 Lam 12 40 p 111 4 10 p m nop in s 40 pin l) 50 p in 11 lo pm ! 45 a in 700am mas urn "3 r a in 7 411 a in " " V liunmsport " nirlveatllnrrlsburcr I'miadeipm.k Day ExpresH leaves . Ijycit Haven " wiiiiainsport " nrrlvont llanlsiii'rtr riiHadclpUla Erie Nail leaves llenoro " Jiock Ilaveu " AVliiU'wrort " arrives at nam Jjurg lhll.idclihla rost Lino leaves Wllllnmsport ariiVLSai narrisuunf 1'hlhulcll .eipui.i wrift fnii wftjf nmi lidv llThrPHa East m'iko coio connections atNorthumburlanil U. It. li. trams ror wiiKeauarru auu ncranuin, Erie Mall West, Nla'jnra ExprosH cst anil Fast Lluf WcRtmaka closu connection at Wlllleinsport wim , u. K.iw. trains uorui. Magara Express Webt aud Di.y Express Hast inaao closrt conncciluii at IjjcU Haien wltlili.t.V. It. It. tralos. la-lo Mull east nnd West connect nt Frio Mllli trains nn L. H. M. S. It. It. : ut corry with o. c. J ,. v. It. It. ; at Kmporlum witu ll. N. Y. 1'. 11. it. and at Driftwood wltU A.. V. It. It. Parlor cars, will run between I'lillaSelpUla and Wlllamiort on Niagara Kxpicss west, and Day Hx priys nat. Sleeplni; cars ud uuollit trauis. Ueueral supt. , NOHTHKItN CENTKAL KAJLWAY COMPANY. on and after November StitU, 1673, trains will leave Sunbury as follows : NORTH. WARD. Erie Mall o.!i) a. m,, arrive lmlra 11 .6 " Canandalgua. . . 3.3& p. m Rochester 5.10 " Niagara. 9 0 " ltenovo accommodat Ion 11.10 a, tn. arrive U llllam port 18.63 p. m. Elmlra Mall t.10 a. m., arrive Klmlra lo.'io a. m. Buffalo Express 7.10 a. ni. arrive Uuffalo 8.60 a. a UOUTllWAKD. Huilalo Bxpreos 3.60 u. m, arrive llarrlslrartf " ualtlmore 8.40 lilnilra Mall ll.lDu.rn., arrivd Ilairlsburg 1.W " Washington 10.81 " llaltlmoro 0.30 " Waahmgton . Ilarrlsburg accommodation burg 10.60 p. m. arrlvo llaltlmoro " Washington 6.13 ate Hall 12.65 a. m. arrive llarrlsburg 3 06 a. m, Baltimore 8.10 " " Washington 10.86 " AH dally except Sunday. D, M. BOYD, Jr., General Passenger Agen A. J. CA8SATT, General Jlanater pHlLADELNIA AND BKAJJINQ KOAD AEEANGEMENT OF PASSENGUU TltAINS. May 11, 1879. TRAIHaUUT HCPKKT AS FOLLOWB(SUNDAYKXCKPTkD For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, PottsUle, xl, 11,43 a. m for Catawlssa, 11,43 a, m. 7,21 and 7,33 p. m. J?or WUllamsport, 0,23 ,03 a. m. and 4,M p. m. TRAINS FOK KDPEKT LKAY8 AS FOLLOWS, (SCKDAY II CSFTKD.) Leavo New York, 8,45 a. ra. Leave Philadelphia, 9,43 n. m. Leave Reading, ll,6sa. m Pottsvlllo, 12,39 p. m AndTamaqua, 1,83 p. m. Leavo Catutt Issa, o,2U a,50 a. m. and 4,oo p. m. Lae Wiuumsporl ,45a.m,s,l5 p. m. andl.60 p. m pMieugers to and from New York and Philadel phia tu tbroug.i ltliout change of cars. J. K. WOOTTKN, Ueneral Manager C. G. HANCOCK, (lemrxl Ticket Agent Jan. 14, isle tf. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA ANB WBHTEHN RAILROAD. BLOOMHUUKO DIVISION. Tlmo-Tablo No. 39, Takes effect at 4:30 A, M MONDAY. J ONE 10, 1918. NORTn, STATIONS. bOUTH. ,pm. p.m. a.m. a.rn. P m. p.m II SO 4 12 9 411 .Scran ton IJellevuo..... TajlorvHle.,.. 9 33 V 10 a It u 9 U J W 6 m; 3 61 td 1 40 44C 14i .11 41 10 a 2 22 b -1 2 30 0 3.1 Hi It) 2 44 6 43 2 49 8 Ml '.' 53 8 60 U 67 0 6 8 16 7 10 3 18 7 16 3 10 7 lb 3 13 7 28 3 81 7 S3 8 IW 7 48 3 36 8 04 9 37 9 43 9 80 9 91 9 19 V 14 ...Lackawanna..... , rittsion ,. West Pltuton... ....Wyomtug,.H... ,........Mallby HtnnclU. ...... Kingston. Klm.-ston 9 68 10 07 12 is 3 its 3 10 -8 33 -8 13 9 04 8 44 10 18 10 33 ..Plymouth June. .... Plymouth 23 8 20 8 66 10 29 ...Avonaaiu ..Nantlcoke 8 12 a 04 3 13 8 47 8 3D 8 2 10 84 10 42 04 .Uunlock's i reek, 10 66 3 60 8 S3 11 07 4 03 8 46 11 13 4 10 8 63 1 61 2 31 HiiicKsntnnyH... Hick's Ferry... 3 3 2 89 8 17 1 Vi i a 1 34 2 28 8 18 8 00 ....Beach Haven... ,.Hiierwica .... Briar creek..... 7 18 7 14 7 10 lilt IN tail aet B'.aiinirj- l ti una n wi 0 m ibh ih i FPU jSEIa. i , 4 29 7 23 4 S3 7 30 4 42 7 44 4 49 S iXj 4 65 8 Si 6 Oi i 60 18 ! Si l, 80 9 66 6 43 9 K) ...Willow Grove.... ume itiuge.,.M spy......- 7 44 11 39 11 43 11 6 11 67 13 18 tK III 7 33 7 33 7 29 ,, .Blooms Ubrg... RuDert 6 60 43 1 61 1 45 1 21 CaUHlssa liridge. C 27 13 U 7 11 uanviue. Chulasky..... Cameron .Northumberland 1 00 p.m, 8 43 13 43 tun. p.m. a.m. &.m a.m. w. r. nALs rEAi). bupu gipjrliitsadoat'a OOloo. Horantou, Juoo 10, "' vrT-AINWUIOHT & 00.,- ' WUOLEHALK OKOCEI13, PSIUDILTUU, Dealers In TEAS, 8YKUP8, COFFEE, SUGAIt, MOLAbSBS, :o, irioM, icai soda, Ic, to. N. K. Comer Second and Arch atotj, ayordefi vrtU reoelre prompt attoatloo.