The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 28, 1879, Image 1

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Issuod weekly, ovcry Friday morning, at
.. .n nnt.f.AR DGf TCftf. BO Cn-ifA iSIovm,.,, .
wnen pUdln . advance, After the oxpiratlon of the
rear will bo cliarecd. To subscribers out of tnol
,ouniy mo ... w ,mi uii,aiiicu in auvanco
Mo paper discontinued, except at the option ot tiS
oublltsliers, until all arrearages aro paid, but lone
rantlniiecl credit oflcr tho expiration ot the nrsl
fcar will not bo given, " ur81
All paper sentoutof thostato or to distant post
imcos must bo paid for In. advance, unloss a re spon
.11,10 person In Columbia county assumes to pay the
jiibicrlpllon duo on demand. ime
rtwTAUK Is no longer exacted from subscribers In
the county.
JOS iPiR.izisr'rirrsra..
Th(.iftM)tcir Department of thn ('mrutiiui......
1 1 1
i.e. 4
Columbia County Official Directory.
I'rooiifc'nUuiigo William Klwcll.
Aisuclate.Iudgos-1. K Krtckhaum, P. t Shuman.
rrotuonotary, c William Krlckbaum,
court stenographer n, M. Walker,
ftojlstcr .t Itceonler Williamson II. Jacoby.
District Attorney-lloberl it. Little,
Slicrin-Joliii W, llnrtinan.
s irvu or umtiel Nay bird.
Treasurer II A. swopponbclser.
ci nmtaslinors Stephen robe, Charles lttcbart,
a. 11, in-irintr.
Oim nIvslonorH'CIorlc-.f, II, Casey.
iidltfM"S. II. Smith, W. Manning, C. B. See-
khiurZ'coininUslonors Bll llobblns, Theodore W,
ulifmtv superintendent II. Snyder.
lllOOlll 1 our uiii-iilv-micciors it. ;j. fcni,NCOll,
Win. Kramer,
jcoi t.
liloomsburg and Thomas Uecce,
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
Trrf Ident of Town Counclt-t, 8. KU11N.
Clerk l'ttul B. Wirt,
chief of Police D. Laycock.
President ot Can Company S. Knorr.
SMietarv C. W. Miller.
Iiuwmsuurg Hanking Company-,tohn A. Punslon,
president, II. II, iirnu, cashier, John Peacock, Tel-
Charles it. I'axton, fresldenl
Fir' Nil' tonal nank
t iv Tn.sttn. cashier.
Columbia County Mutual Saving fund and Loan
Asso-uion-E. it. Utile, President, c. W. Miller,
" liloomsburg llulliltntr and Saving Fund Association
-Win, roaoook,l'resbrcnt, lioblson, Secretary.
mooinburg'Miilual aavinir Vund Association.!,
j iirower, l'restdem, i K. Wirt, secretary.
tier, .t. r. Tuslln, (Supply.)
Sunday services lux a. m. and ays p. m.
Sunday Kehool a. m.
pravcr Meeting Every Wednesday evening at 0)rf
soats free. Tho public are Invited to attend, ir
Minister ltcv. o, n. S. Marclay.
Sunday Servlces-iox a. m. and 7xp. m.
Sunday School-Da. ra.
Pravcr Mooting Kvery .Vcdnesday evening at IK
Seats' free. Nopsws rented. Alt are welcomo.
Minister Itev. Stuart illishell.
Sunday Kervlecs-i-iox a. i. anddX p. m.
Sunday school-4 a. m.
pravcr Meet lng-t Every Weilnesday.cvenlng at x
Seals free. No pews rented. Btranirers welcome.
MBrnonisT jtnscorAL citmicn.
Presiding Kldcr ltev. W. Evans.
Minister lief, Ii II. Yocum.
Sunday Services WM and 0)f p. m.
Sundav School p. 'in.
Mblo Class llvcrv'Monday evening at etf o'clock.
Vounn Slen'a "raver Mceilng-r.vcry Tuesday
e7imlUK at ox o'clock. . '
(loneral Prayefllepllng-pvery Thursday evening
7 o'clock. ,
Corner ot Third and Iron streets.
iMstor-tlev. w.. E. Krcbs. '
iiesldeiico Corner 4th and Catharine greets.
Sunday Services 10,'f a. m. and 7 p. m.
sundav School)! a. m.
frayer Meeting Saturday, 7 p. m.
All aro invited Theru is always room.
Hector- Ilev L. Zahner..
Sunday Services 10f a. m., tn p. m.
Sunday school 0 a. m.
rtrst sundav la the month, Holy Communion.,
services preparatory to Communion on Irlday
v onlnir tictoro the st Sunday In each month.
Powh rented: but overybodv welcomo.
rrosldlng Elder-llev. A. UHeeser
Mlnl'tcr llov. (leorge llnnler .. ks
nnday Sen Ice 2 p. m.. In the Iron Street Cnuroh.
Pra er Meeting Every Sabbath at a p. m.
All are Invited. All aro welcome.
tor cuukch or CHRIST.
Mecta In "the llttlo llrlck cuurcn,on u nm,
Vnown as tho Welsh Uaptlst Churci-on IJoek street
oistollron. ... .lA.i.f.
Heijuiar meeitns ioi
ternoon at M o'clock,
tiPLMilar moetlnsr for worship, every Lord's day af.
Jeats rreo : and the public are cordially
attend .
OCHOOIi ORDERS, blank, just printed nnl
j neatly tounu 4n smnii uouha,
hand and
f sale at tho CoMwbiah Ofllce. ,
"ir,AN'K DKKDS.on'l'iu-chmntaml Linen
trustoes, for salecheapat the Coi.CMiiiAy
I'nper, common and for Aaminisi raiora, ri i-
una ti
niVContal)le' Kee-liills forl'ale
I at thet'otCMRiAN onice. They contain tnc eor-
r5. led fees as estaonsneo oy i no u "i
s it tire upon the suoiect.
tat"e should have one.
Every Justice and Con.
"T7 UNDUE NOTES just printed anil for sale
? cheap at the coi.cmbiam omce.
"bloomshuro directory.
U, RARKI.EY, Aliorney-at-Tiaw. Office
In mow er'a building, 2nd story, ltooms 4 s 6
I!. ROB1SON. Attorney-at-Law. Office
. In lUrtinaa's building. Main street.
MtIEIi KNORR. Altorneyat-Law.OUicc
in Iarlman's uuiiuing, aiainsireeu
I R.- 'M. M, RKUKR, Surgeon and l'liysi
I clan, onice Market .tieet. Above tth East
It. EVANS. XI. D.. Stirteon and l'livsi
clan, (Onica and ltesldence on Third street.
Two Inches
H, iH. I, IK,
ti.M t.M N.eo K.oo
1.00 4.00 CO I.OO
ree Inches,... ..... 4.10 tM T.M 11.00
rourlnches,.,. B.oo toe .M ll.ou
outrter roiimn.,..., 1.00 i.o ).eo
Half column.,. ,....,10.00 I toe 11.00 tl.os
one column ...J.oo
H.CO I0.M 10.00 MM
payable quarterly. Tri
line MM for before mat rte
UULUMlllA USNUUIIAT, VUli. Ibn, nv '
lent advertisement unit
except where parties have aooounu,
Ler al advtrtlsemenutwo dollars Mr lien lor tare
Insertions, and at that rite lor MaXtloaalinaertlou
without reference to leniu.
Executor's, Amlnlstratora and Auditor'! notloa
three dollars. Must be nald for when Inserted..
Transient or Local notices, twenty cent! allfiaf
regular aarenisemeniH nail raies.
Cards In the "Business Directory" column, om
aoiiar per year ror eacn line.
Qi I!. JltiOCKWAY,
Cot.fiimAH lifit.niNii, Iilcomsburif, !.
Membfr ot tho Ifnitcd stales Law Atsoclatlon.
oit! i,0?s;5'.,a',n in'"y ' America or Eur jic.
Ia.-rease e TcnsiMis eUaiteJ, Collections made,
onice, Second door from 1st National Uank.
Jan. 11, 1879
j- u".'ijnk7
. . Attqi ney-at-T.nw.
Increase of I'cnintn 'Obtained, Collections
onice In rnt's BcruuNd.
n it a xt. jTiTuckalew,
liloomsburg, ra.
Office on Main street, nrstdoor below Courtllouso
onice over Schuyler's Hardware store.
- , . . AlTOKHBr.AT LAW.
Orrici In llarman'a Bnlldlng, Matn street,
Bloomsburg, l'a.
Bloomsbnrg, Pa.
Ofllce In Brower'sbulldlngecond floor, room No,
'' Bloomsburg, ra.
Whereas, thu world renowned reputation of the
White Sowing Machiuo
ln"kmd,raJf "!n'eanTrrT",on? ""P'tltors to resort to
rj.T.VrL, .e"?.,,.l'' Injure Its reputation, wo
. uuiiun uu miending purchasers not to buya
white Machine
bo StlKtnffr, nuthorled dealers, who will
a. sustained by tho fol owrhp immnti.
White ShnQle SBwing MacMne,
i. vi l. .mi.miikh lo.lnn Pnil IfAMtr.V Pltlipn.
i,vit , ' ;5f nVAOKRBTO kkep the same
Tills MrniMi. k , ....
.''"'warranty will not bo sustained unless tho
late number stove Kiven corresponds with tho
""vitu uuuiuvra,
WIIITV OlHHVn l tetllun nn
Ths "WHITE" Shuttlo Sewing Machine
'lasnBKATincArAciTTthaaanyelherfamlly Sewing
CIUJ ,UI!''IJ Ul t,UrK.
3. SALTZEU, General Agent,
Oct. 8, T9-ly. '
onice In itnasost's Dcilbino, on Main Btreet second
door above Ctntre,
(!an be consulted in German.
Jan. to, '8j-tf.
CotxubiAN TjOii.n!Ka, Bloomsburg, ra.
Member of tbe United States Law Association,
Collections made In any part of America or Europe
OCt.1, 1S79. H . r .
A WEEK In vmir own tnvn. inrt nn rnrt.
Ital risked. You can give the business a
trial without expense. The best opportu
ne ccr uiiemi ior inoo willing to
work. Yon should try nothing else until
X Oil rpo fnr tnnn.lf u-ha, vn.t nnn .,..
the business wo offer. Mo room to explain hero.
Joucandevoto all jour time or only our kparo
time to the business, and make great pay for every
hour that you work. Women make as much as men.
send for special private tt rim and particulars. v. hlch
wo mall free. Woutntfree. Don't complain of hard
times whilo jou have such n chance. Address II.
u.iui.r.1 1 . , I'oniana Aiame.
oct 3, to-iy
Id EYERLYj!1-'
Catawlssa, Pa.
Collections promptly made and remitted, onice
ooposlte Catawlssa Deposit Bank. . 6m-38
xvr i hows' av pit a isements.
IT 'I ho follow lug appraisements ot real and
Ccrsonal propi rtybet apart to uldows of decedents
ato been tiled In tbe orilco ot the Heelster of Col
umbia county, under tho Jtules ot Court, and will be
presented for absolute connrmatlon to the Orphans
Court to he held In and forsald coun-
j, v.. ...uuuu., lab, 19, V, (, VWO
i Clock n. m.. Ot said dav uuless pyrentlnnstn am),
connrmatlon arc previously tiled, of which all per
sons Interested iu said estates will take notice:
Widow of John Patterson, late ot Beaver town
snip, deceased.
Idow ot Silas V. Karns, lato of Benton town
ship, deceased.
H. RUAWN, ..
t A T T OltNE Y-A T-L A W ,
, Catawlssa, Pa.
onice, corner of Third and Main Streets.
: New work and repairs neatly, quickly and cheaply
done. Plows, Vater-W heels, Arc, manufactured or
aug. 22, "7.
llecister's onice. I
Bloomsburg, Oct. 31, UTa.f
II. McKELVY, M. D.. Surgeon anil Phy
sician, north side Main street, below Market.
MMoIIENRY, M. I) , Kurgeon and l'liy
. slclan- onice N. W. c. Market and I'lfth St.
jes of tho eye a specialty. aug. 211, om.
omce, North Market street,
Oct. 1, 19. Bloomsburg, Pa.
R. I. L. RABB,
Main Street, opposite Episcopal Church, Blooms
burg, l'a.
if Teeth extracted without pain.
Oct. 1 1S79.
Sewing Machines and Machinery of all kinds rc-
datred. OrEKA Hocse Building, Bloomsburg, fa.
AVID LOWENBERG, Merchant Tailor
Main St., above Central Hotel.
S. KUIIN, dealer it. Meat, Tallow, etc.,
Centre btreet, between Second and Third.
ROSENSTOCK, Photographer,
,. Claikfc Wolf's Store, Main street.
.iPathln llorao
lib. 11, ta-tt
FREUND, Practical homeo
and Cow Doctor, Bloomsburg, ra.
ItoomNo, 1:, OrEiu llecsK Buiuuno, Bloomsburg.
CY, Exchange Hotel Bloomsburg, ra.
,Etna, ins Co., ot Hartford, Connecticut
Jverpool. London and Globe....
10) a of Liverpool
Vire Association, Philadelphia
r'armera Mutual or Danville
lanvllle Mutual
Home, New York,
ISO, 631 ,000
As tho ncrencles are direct, policies ore written for
the insured without any delay In the office at Blooms-
March M,'o y
, 0,500,000
, 13 600,000
10,000, 00
, 3,100,000
, 1,000,000
, 5,000,000
Ljcomlngof Muney Pennsylvania,
frth Amelcan of rhlladelpnla, ra
franklin, ot " "
1 ennsylvanla of "
r armers of York, l'a.
Hanover of New York.
Manhattan of "
onice on Market Street No. e, Bloomsburg, ra,
oct. lie, 10-iy,
'1 he.e oli, mHPoiiATiONs are w ell seasoned br ae
and iiKBTasisu andhavenever yet had a loss set
tled Uy any court or law Their assets are all ln est
I'dlnsoLiuseccHiTIcaand are liable to the hazard
or 1 ike only.
Losses l'KOiM-n.Y and honestly adlusted and raid
as boon as determined by Ciikistian r, Kkait, si-ec-al
Aoent Ann Aiuusteu, Bixioussmu, rA,
'lhft npnnlf, r,f ('nlniiihln ei,nnlv fchoiilfl iifltrnnl7A
tlieageicy v hero losses If any are bettled and paid
by one of tbelr own citizens.
i-iiiuirrNKSs, Kui'iTr, rAiit ukalinu
Nov is '80,
TTT1n.ti I By sendlnir 33 cents, with aire.
I bfght, color of ej es and hair, j ou
1 OK I will receive by return mail a cor-
VATTTJCfTtl rect picture of your future hus
1 V U its but 1 1 band or v ire, v Ith name and date
or marriage'
Address, w vox, Box II FultonTllle, N. V.
aug, , im.
The Greatest Sewintr Machine of the Aae
Don't fail to see this wonderful piece ol per
teclion, the Isew Davis Vertical Peed
Shuttle Sewing Machine. Manufac
tured at Wate'town, New York.
Will be on exhibition at
the ISloonisliurg fair
ground during the
All are cordially
invited to call and in
spect the New Machine
and obtain samples of work,
more beautiful and desirable than
ever before accomplished and utterly
impossible for any other to duplicate.
Thousands witnensini; the immense ranee
f work, and discarding their old machines
for the new machine, U sufficient proof of
its superiority mid brine tor the Davis a
traueiuat runs me lauiury iu us luuesi iu
The Vertical Feed,
Which supercedes tbe under feed, is the
liiige upon which swings the unparalle
ei success,
Composed of only 13 Working Parts,
while others haVe from forty to seventy-five,
making the least complicated, the most dur
able and mo9t reliable machine in ue.
It poiitively leads all others, doinci away
with all bastinp, and is the lightest bun
king siitiTTi.i: machine in the would I
and irivcs general satisfaction. Will be sold
at Ihe recent popular !ti:iuci:i bCALi: Ol
RICES, fcamplcs oi work iree,
J, SALTZEIt, Gen" Agent,
liloomsburg, Pa,
cct. 3, 79-Iy.
T-et. vnur first attack of Indigestion be the lat
House the dormant energies of Die stomach with
the Kilters, ine mn uius lmparieu win remain,
This Is a fact ettabllshed by thousands ot witnesses,
whose testimony is suupiy a bittu-jiii'ui ui meir ow
fviwrlinriH. Those antlcted Willi general dehllllv r
every phase will II ml this medicine an unfailing
ageut In building upand renew log tbelr strength.
For sale by all Druggists and respectable Dealers
The nowers aro dead, the fragrant, regal nowcrs.
And lied lao bltthesomo robins, whoso sweet
From early morn made glad tho neellng hours,
When sunlet dnys were long.
Tho fable crow wings slowly o'er tho hill,
Ills harsh call sounding through tho frosty air t
Tbo meadow sweeps are brown clad now and chill,
j no trees aro gaunt and bare.
The barn fowls cluster where the low hung sun.
.vinkes warm tho earth beneath tho slanting
eaves t
Tho road-way paths aro russet-robed and dun,
Thick strewn with f Ulcn leaves.
Tho sky Is gray, the sunlight falls across
Tho distant mountains, white, and' thin, and
acold ;
Net radiant beams, that forest-ways emboss
With Bhlf ting necks of gold.
Amid tho orchards harsh winds cotno and go.
And wild and high the songs they roughly slog
And smitten with tho chill of coming 6now,
The trees stand shivering.
Sharp ring the ax-blows from tho mountain side,
And thundering falls the tall and sturdy oak i
Soon will Its form flame on tho hearthstone wide,
And tado awny In smoke.
No more I he buckwheat blooms bend In tho breeze
No more the clover blossoms low ly sway :
No more wo hear thehoncy-ladcned bees
Boom on their homeward way.
No lowing klne In upland pastures stand.
When evening's gold Bhows tho faint gleam ot
Patiently walling for somo friendly hand
To open with tho bars.
ThOBtorm-wlnd nings IU banners untho sky.
And rushing from the Northland's realm of snow.
its tempest-notes, whero forests tower htgh.
To louder murmers grow.
Whero late we met October's sunny smiles,
By yonder flowing river's silver gleam.
Along the hill, and Ikrough tho woodland aisles,
November's garments streom.
Good Company.
Miss Timiln's work was delicate nntl ar- I ncaln lite n ,!,, and fnimrl Tlr. 111. V In.
llstlo, but not stml-nbsotblng llko tho doc- sensible, his head thrown back upon the
tor's. She could tint her photographs all chair. Ills
the better for ihU little epUodo In her life, breaihlnc Audible In tli a corridor below.
I I lie vines and tendrils took lender shapes The little German returned with the very
bo, You will take care of him now, doctor, guilty of Wj'irjv and 6n conviction thereof
. .. . . ,. I.I -.IL. t .1 1 It .1 .
won't your nut let mo (ay goou-uye. imu m imptiwnra uu, wuraun ji
Tbo doctor, undecidedly, scarcely knowing or by lino not exceeding eight hundred dollar;
what to av. half carried her to the bed. or, If he hll willfully and knowingly make
"Oood-bve. good-bye." the ald. bend last '' eeruncaies or ncmioui returns, no rrau
under her deft little fingers! n shv. sweet best medical aid In ih vMnltv. PVpn tnt I nvcr Mm. warm I fart filllntr nn lit nil A I tletmJ gulltf of A mtsdeniIDOf fttld UpOIt
melancholy helped to mitko tbo shadows at of lho eminent Dr. llaverahaw himself. LunVen fe. her Imt. trembling bands conviction of either of the )at named oflVnse,
least more and more tierfect ! under the All this funs ami mnfn.inn' h.,1 m,i..,l i,.m.l... teth, be shall forfeit and pay a mm not exceeding
rosebud grew tho thorn: but thero seemed Mr. Shadracb. who followed them uotliel Ilut smldenlr two other hoi. tremhllnir nT0 ll,ou"'"1 dolltr od 1,8 imprIoned not
to lurk even In their cruelty a subtle, mys- statu and'protruded his lonir. hairy chin In hands seize hem In a fechlo erajn-the hoi- XC8tdll,8 ,w0 T'
terlotn charm. It wa enottirli for Miss the doorway. low. sunken eves ni the student fasten 'Src. 13. That If any person shall receive or
Turpin to dream. Tho physical and p.ractl- 'It is, perhaps, best' should know, themselves upon Miss Turpln'a face with tcan ' blmaelf any fee, reward, or cotnpen-
cal reality of the doctor nearnes, bad its madam,' said the surgeon to llltleAIIaa Tur- a very hungiy tenderness. "" eoo'lJerat'on for lho employment
welL'ht. but not cnnelnn.l7 an In tbo Unto I ln 'ib.i it I. . ,1.,t,iri .. v... i,,,.. ,rvi. i. i t . of any person at enumerator or cletk, or shall
woman. She never ventured to get up a band is In ft very critical condition. If this here, not for the world- vou see the irood
coufh or cramp for the sake of stamping worthy man will assist, me we will get him doctor has said It will not do to have
more clearly his shape Into these vague but to bed. Our only ltopa wilt bo a powerful strange face at my bedside. Yours it the
extravagant.feaU of fancy. In truth, so se cf atire, to be gl ven at once.' dearest to me In the world. Uoveyou.Mist
iimia ana atratti was sne 01 a pulsation of The worthy man al uded to wa Mr. Shad- Tumi n. Ti I. nerlmna. a i f.t I nfW
tn any way receive or secure to himself any
part of Ihe compensation provided in this act
for the Mr t Ices of any enumerator or clerk, be
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and,
on conviction thereof, shall be fined not leas
than Are hundred dollars nor mora than lhrco
you j but ob I be still more generout-be my tn0,an,t ,i0i.,r,. in Uie discretion ol the court.
ife. I have, dear little Miss lurpin ohl REr.. lfi. Tl,t iliefiuuerintandenl. hi chief
i nave loyca you long I eiert supervisors, and enumerators aro hereby
He didn't say how long ; he was too weak aulhorlitd to transmit through tho post office
to talk. Uo didn't tell her that perhaps nr p,I)Cr or document relation to tho census,
his love dated only a little half-hour back, by writing Ihoreon "Official business-Census,"
when be. listened to that wondrouily touch- and suhsctiblng the ttme, with the addition lo
icgjltlio story of hers. hi nsme of hit official title. Rut this privilege
What mattered ItT Cannot love be, ftslsbtll extend to noth'ng but documents and
strong as life and deep at the eja, howso- papers relating to Ihe census, which shall parn
ever and whenever, it is bora? Good Dr. free. And any superintendent, supervisor,
Hayerahaw.took care of their future. It I enumerator, or clerk who shall use or exercise
s. widow of II. E.Jackson,
uerwick, deceased.
lato of tho Uorougu ot
Widow ot Abraham Voder, lato of Locust town
Widow of William Oarrlson,
Bloomsburg, deceased.
late tbo Town of
Widow of S. SI. Erwlu, lato cf Mmiln township,
T, Widow of U.K. Eves,
ship, deceased.
lato ot (Jreenwood town-
Widow of John lllcks, latoottlio Town ot lilooms
burg, deceastd.
Widow of John Itaup, lato of 1'ranklln township,
10 Widow ot George C. Scott, lato ot Cataw ls-la.
, Widow of Thomas Davis, late of Kenton town-deceased.
p-actieal joy, that she actually shunned and rach, whose eyes almost left their sockets
shrank from tils approach. I when he found the doctar preparing to put
Ilut more and more imposing, grander and hi young lodirer in Mis Turpln's bed.
grander grew this one figure of her fancy, 'Why why," he gasped, looking at Miss
around which revolved the atatellltes of Ttitpln. 'this won't do. will it V
health and wealth, popularity and fame Miss Turpin bowed her bead. She could
all that could render life tweet or deslra- not speak, but itsecmrd to her that her heart
hie. made all the noise that was necessarr. Its
Perhaps it is detrimental to my heroine to convulsive throbs moved the sbawi she had
say that she would have been qulto content thrown over her shoulders.
to have lived upon the frnit of her own fan- Don't chatter here.' said the doctor.
cy for the remainder qf her natural life. Had thinking Mr. Shadrach was addressing him.
circumstances compelled her to change her 'Just do what I bid you, and tbe more began In a neat, two-story brick house, with I 'hi privilege for any. purpose' other than tha
abode, and had she thus lost sight of Dr- quietly tbe better,' a bis brass sign upon the door to which the legitimate discharge of the duties of his otlica
Dime, mo umras wimiu nave gone along Hail an UOUr later M.1SS AUrpin, was alone wnrthv urnn i , .tlentlnn ennimh tn el I oe.amru gumy 01 in ipuemcsnur, in
jut the same, the fact of his dying In a again, save for the body of the doctor that the not to bnllliii? I upon conviction shall forfait fir each oCTense
neighboring hospital of weakness and want, lay upon the bed. He was helpless there, And now In her ttvllth brougham with I "unl no1 ""'"""J one hrndrwl dollar.
and the quenching of all her material in a perhaps dyiog, his face was strange and a liveried lackev at her command with I Sr0- 18 ,cn enumerator tn lit subdivision
pauper's grave not interfering In the least distorted, his eyes half closed. A confused, ruitl'nir' silk and daintv laces with her. "n11 charged with the collection of the
with Miss Tttrpin'a airy fabric. It would unintelligent murmur flowed from her Hps. I wtideat fancies more than realised who I hcU nd 'atlllei required by each and.all the
have been impossibb to convince Miss Tur- his hands clenched and unclenched: at COnld fiod fault with the "fata of little I "erai;schedulet, with ihe following exceptions
times a groan seemed wrung, from his vitals. Miss Turpin ?
Miss Turpin't featurea were pale and hag- . i
gard, her eyes streaming whh teats. Yet, Otnaa Lavvt,
in tue miast oi an anguisn mat partooK of PnvUiont of the Act f MareX 3, 1879, iriicA
espair, who in roes ot pain anu terror un- rilnlc to IM JormnMn of oiunwraMon fufrf,
Select Story."
pin that he could reach so dire as extremi
ty, had not tho knowledge been forced in
upon her in a way that she could not re
She absolutely heard the gruff voice of
Mr, Shadrach upon the morning In question
and .the low, musical, but- bitterly mocking'
words of the doctor in reply.
She sat down upon tho rugj and clasped
both her hands. He was going away then ?
speakable, there was born in her a solemn
and almost sinister joy, the first ever given
to that sterile soul,
When the doctor came In the evening he
thought he had never seen so patient and
'lAe appointment of enumerators, thtir dutia,
GVHIfCfMUMVn, etc.
Sec, 7, No enumerator shall be deemed
qualified to enter upon hi duties until he hi
received from the supervisor of census of the
otlce Is herebv clipn tn all lctrntet's. enwll.
rs and other perrons interested tn the cstm,- of
thu respectue decedents and Illinois, that IK- fol
lowing admlnlstiatlon and guardian account have
been tiled rfl the einec ot tho llcglster of Columbia
county, and win be presented for connrmatlon and
allowunce In llio orphans' Court to Us held In
moomsuurg, ou Jluuday, December 1st, 1SI9,
at S o'clock, p. m. on said day:
The account of John McAnall, administrator of
Lj dla W. Dodson.Uto ot thu liorough ot lierwick,
deceased, as tiled by V. s. Hunt, admluUtrator
ot John McAnall. deceased.
!. Tho account of John McAnall, administrator of
.1. li. Doitson, late ot the Borough of lierwick,
deceased, as llled by F . Hunt, administrator
of Juhu .McAnall, deceased.
Ihe tin 1 account of C. (1. Jsckson, guardian of
James 11 ,vnrie, minor child of A. II. 1'earce,
l.iieot thelioiougu ol llerIck, decease!.
The tlrstand anal account of Harry W Sloan,
administrator of .Maria IJtggs, late ot tbo Town
or liloomsburg, deceased.
lho Hrst and Unnl account ot Joseph Towns ind,
Trustee to sell Ileal Estate of .lofitiTownsaud,
lato of Aladlsoh township, deceased.
c. The nrst and Dual account of John Appleman,
iiuoiTOiuwrnn-uicMamui Aim inner, laie oi
Hemlock township, oeceasod.
7. The account ot Lloyd S. Wlnterstocn, adminis
trator oi uun creasy, taie or wain township.
Tho Hrst and partial account of 1. s. Mill, ad
ministrator of Sarah Kelthllne, late oftheUor
ough ot Berwick, deceased.
8. Tho account of Wra. Martz, administrator cum
tesiamento annexo, of l.uaw Ig 1 hell, lato ot Lo-
UUSI, luniibiu, uctcuseu.
10. Tho nnal oecount of John n. Jaeohv. irn.irdlan
ui auiui .ii, i ut-L iiaui iiiauKj a uunor eimuii
Samuel M. Wank, lato ot Centre township, do-
11, Thollrstand nnal account of Thomas Butler,
administrator dc tionls non cum lestameuto an-
nexo, of Ellzalieth jlurry, lato of Columbia
county, deceased.
12. The nrst and nnal account of William Edwards
executor or Anu staul, lato ot Brlarcreck town
ship, uuceased.
13. '1 he rlrstand nnal account of M E. Jackson.
guardian of llebecca J. March, minor child of
James juarcn. lato or centre tow nsh n. d
as med by C. II. Jackson, Executor of M. II Jack-
bon, ueceiscu,
11. The tlrst and nnal account of Samuel Coleman,
uuiuiuisinuoror nims ii. aiiuf, laie.oi r isuing
creek township, di-ceascd.
15. 1 he second account of William Lamou, trusteo
in tue estate oi jai-on i.oyer, late or imarcreeH.
luw usuip, uvteastu.
10. The secmd account of Samuel Nevbard. execu
tor ui i utup .-uisig lau, ui .t-niru lownsmp,
utceaseu, as irusieo ior jtacnaei uoieman.
lleirlsur's onice. I
Uloomsbunr, uct. 31, ; f
cct. 31, 'T'J-tc.
H lluglster.
TO fttnoo A YEAH, or 5 to no a
nay in jourown tacauty, .NorliK.
w omen no as wen aa men. Jiany
make more than tho amount stat
ed above, no one eun fall 'o make
money fast. Any ono can do the
work. You can mase irom oo eeuis lu tt un nuur uy
devotlngjour evenlngsnnd r-pire time lo tbe bust-
UIUS. II CUS1S llUlllH'K luj 1"'- ,"l-tiu,-s. ,.uiltl,4
iii-it it u,r inonev maklui; ev r olferv d before. Must
nets pleasant and strictly lioiiorub'. Header, It )on
fore tho public, send u your address and we will
SCOU 3U11 Illl! imiuutnin liuu I'ltimc kUHll inc.
Kninr, worth t5 also rreo t sou can then n nke uti
jour mind ror s ourself Address UKOluiB sti.nson
& Co., Portland. Maine. uct. s, "l-iy
A little conversation took place,one morn
ing, on the top floor of n dingy old lodgiug
house in the metropolis, that led to strange
results. It was in the front room, but made
its way very readily through the chinks and
crannies in tho mortar to tho neighboring
apartment.wbere little Miss Turpin was pre
paring her frugal breakfast. The toasting
fork nearly fell from her hand, and her dim
ily aprpn narrowly escaped being seduced
by the sumptuous flame from the grate, when
the harsh, gruff voice of her laudlord fell
upon her car.
'I want my money,' said Mr. Shadrack.
'So do I, replied the young doctor, 'and
more. .'He that wants money, means and
content, it without three good friends.'
'Can I have my money to-night?'
'I think not.'
'To-morrow ''
'It in extremely doubtful.'
'Then you must get out of here. I want
my room.'
'When do you want it V
'As soon as possible.'
'Will to-morrow do V
Then leave me, friend ; the room shall be
yours on to-morrow morning.'
The young medical student was a man of
spirit', and would have vacated these not
very alluring premises at once, but he had
not where to lay his head, and there seemed
vital necessity just then for some such pro
ceeding on his part He had discovered two
days before that the faltering and shabby
source of bis pecuniary supplies had utterly
failed, and the knowledge that he wa with
out money or friends in a strange city to
gether with an inability to beg, borrow or
teal, had robbed him of sleep. The loss of
this necessary rest to a tired brain and worn
out body, rendered him the prey of many
ifferent sensations during Mr. Shadrach's
isit. An iron band seemed to compass his
forehead, his eye balls burned, his bands
shook, his knees seemed at times about to
collapse beneath him, as he walked to and
fro tbe length of the dreary apartment, for
lack of more nourishing food chewing the
cud of many h bitter fancy, lie asked him
self over and ove'r again it this was to be the
end of it all, and why he had been such a
fool as to fancy he could pursue the study of
medicine with the wretched capital of a worn
out body, a distracted minJ and barely mon
ey enough to keep flesh upon his bones. That
an indomitable spirit had promoted him to
go ou, hoping for'a little Jesultory practice
by the way ; that the rose-color with which
youth and inexperience are apt to tint those
fallacious dreams had been too vivid in hi
case, that these and many other excuses
could be made for his folly availtd little just
now. A systematic course of semi-starva
tiou and overwork had broken his indomita
ble spirit, and turned the rose-colored di earns
to an exceedingly greenished-hued night
The only patient he had during bis nine
months' stay with Mrs. Shadrach, was
poor little workwotnau in tbo neighboring
room, u "washed-out, timid, wretched little
creature, with scarcely enough stamina about
her tn rally after a slight attack ot pneumonia,
Her little feo had been ready for liim alter
every visit in fact, obtrusively ready, for
it was out of the question, of course, to take
money 'It was merely a neighborly ser
vice,' he had aaid, when, upon his fifth vUil,
he found her up and at work agaiu, and up
Until that moment she had not realized the I noble a face; there was somethlug in it that district to which he belong a commiwion,
extent of such a disaster. She could have
home, perhaps, to have been compelled to
go away herself, because tho inevitable for
her had become, long since, a flutter of
course ; but to have the iron hand of in
exorable necessity grasp this magnificent
young man was terrible, He had the flash
ing eyes, the lordly mien, tbe exultant step
tor thu had little Mis Turpin been wont
under his hand, authorizing him to perform
the duties of an enumerator, and setting' forth
the boundaries of the subdiviinn within which
such duties are to be performed by him. He
I shall, moreover, take and subscribe the follow-
ing oath or iffiroit lion
"I, , sn enumerator for taking
went to hi heart,
Be comforted.' he said, 'let us rely upon
the youth and strong physique of your hus
The incoherent muttering of his. patient
attracted the doctor's attention. Sharp and
si rnntr spntenre fell tinon, hi ear. that ex-
cited his professional curpsity. When he ,h T"1;.""0'' IKH""- 8taie' do,,oIemD,J
tr t .-n r ,C .u i wer (or affirm) that I will.make, a true and
heard from Miss Turpin of the. enthusiasm .. :, r n ,u. i.,i,.i; ,t,i
to classify tho somewhat alluring personal 1 snd Z9al of the young student, as much as Ihe subdivision sstlgned to me, and will also
attractions of voung Wake he- to become I shn dared tell him nf hi defeated asnlra- iillhfnlly collect all other statistics therein, as
n,.r . .j. ,iii... i . , ., . , . , I provided for in the act for taklne the cen
T ,7 u. V . " 18 8UU UOm' lD0 R00U a0CUr8 eyM u,andinconrormltrwllhall lawful in.truc
Miss Turpinfs breakfast that morning wa klu'dled with sympathy. tion which Umay receive, and will make doe
a failure. Byldint of long practice and an 'Let htm nnlv vet well." he said .'and we and correct returns thereof, is required by said
exceedingly aracious gift of housewifery she w;il sween these, lion out of his natli.' actv .na.w"' nu' H'cl0"9. ,nJr information
Miss Turpin Btnijed through her tears.
'lie will get well, thanks to you,' she
"And to you," he added, looking around
the room with approbratlon. It had been
suddenly metamorphosed into the model of
a chamber for the sick. The open fire,
with its cheerful blaze and ventilating
bad always managed to get up extraordi
nary little meals for herself. It wa as if I
a little, sooty angel sat up aloft in the chim
ney and assiited tho culinary efforts of tho
lono little woman. Her toast wa of brown
golden, her'coiTeei was Mocha the most de
licious, her bit of steak so juicy and appe
tizing that sometimes poor Blake, in the
contained in ihe schedules, lials. or statement
obtained by me lo any perron or persons, except
to my superior officer.
neighboring room, with some chunks of draught; the subdued light; the white and
brown bread floating helplessly in a chalky warm drapery of the bed ; her own little
fluid before him, finding this savory odor coiich near by ; pretty, shadowy pictures
1 1- ! - . .! 1 . , 1 I. ! 1 1 1 1. 1 . I 1 ........ .
Rowell & Co's. Advc's.
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Lttiufluii I' " all ran - I Iu aiix k tlaallitK.itiBllrili,v
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nov Uiw,
under his nostril, raised his clenched hands
at the stern wall between them in envy and
Hut even the little angel in the chimney
became impatient with tbe behavior of little
Mi Turpin that morning. The little wo
man, usually so practicable and capable,
while straining her ear to listen to a falter
ing, stumbling step in the next room, delib
erately burned tbe toast and boiled the cof
fee, and tho sooty wings spread themselves,
taking flight in disappointment and dis
She held her breath as the familiar foot
step passed her door, and slowly one by one
went down tbe worm-eaten stairs. Oh,
where was he going f What would he do t
Sbo had read sometimes of an evening,when
working hours were'over, the shaded lamp
upon the table at her side, the coals leaping
and blazing in the refulgent grate, her little'
slippered feet upon the fender she had read
of people who, having neither money, means
nor content, had drilled into a moment of
frenzy and despair, and thus leaped the aw
ful br that separates the known from tbe
unknown, content to risk any fate but that
which awaited them here. Sbo had read
thu of poor, strange unfortunates, and her
heart had ached in their behalf. Ilut now T
Well, now her heart almost ceased to beat.
She put away her, work of what avail was
it, all blotted aud blurred by her tear, or
ruined by her tears, or ruined by her shak
ing brush ? All day she feared and trembled;
at nightfall some intuitive hope caused her
to brighten the fire, cook a dainty meal,
and placing the table opposite the door,
leave the tempting.cozy room open upon tbe
wind-swept, gloomy corridor.
Then she waited and wated. The clocks
struck at midnight, then one, two, three
from a neighboring belfry ; the meal was
cold, tbo fire burned low ; the chill, gray
morning had almost dawned, when at last it
came, yes thank God 1 faltering and slow,
but It was hi footstep ; none other could
quicken little Mis Turpin's pulse.
He reached the landing, the door of her
room. Why, truly, lie urn pause yes, and
stagger in.
ny other woman butthis, perhaps would
have recoiled with disgust and horror, and
abovo all, with fear, for the youug man was
evidently not himself. His hair, damp aud
disheveled, hung iu heavydisorder about hi
face aud neck ; his eye, glassy and lurid;
upon the walls tinted by her own band!
an eloquent silence reigning over all.
''It is lucky for yonder lad," thought the
doctor, "that in all this big, wretched
byrack the one llttle.anuggery is his own."
And so tbe days went by, each one freight
ed with hope and fear. There came one at
Which said oath or affirmation mar be fidmin,
Istered by any judge of a court, of record, or
any juiticeof Ihe peace empowered to admin
later oaths; and a copy thereof, duly authenti
cated, shall be forwarded to Ihe supervisor of
census before the data fixed herein for the
commencement of the enumeration.
Sec. 8. It shall be the'duly of each enumer
ator, arter being quallueu In the, manner
aforesaid, to visit personally each dwelling
house in his subJivislon, and each family
lo wit: In citle where an official registration
of deslli t maintained, the Superintendent of
Cnnin may, in his discretion, withdraw the
mortality schedule fiom.lhe several enumerators
within such cilie, and may obtain the statistic)
required by this act through official records,
paying therefor such sum as, may be found
nrcesry, not exceeding Ihe amount which la
by this act authorised lobe paid lo enumerator!
for a similar service, namely, two cents for,
each death thus returned, Whenever he shall
Jcem ilexpedient, the Superintendent ofCensua
may withdraw the schedules for manufacturing
nd socul rUtlstica ftom the enumerators of
the several subdivision, and may charge the
collection of these atatiitica upon' experts and
special agents, to be employed without respect
lo hcallly.
cr-Nsos supervisors' .districts.
The formation of supervisors' district under
the provisions of the census, act of March 8,
1879, has been completed, except In regard lo
the slate of Massachusetts and California,
and approved by Secretary Sehun- The details
are of latere!, for the reason among) others
that the appointment of supervisors must be
made in each instance iby selection from
applicants residing within the boundaries of
Iheir districts. These important offices,. which
will pnctically control the thousands of local,
appointments necessary for' the work of taking
the census are to be filled by the first of Jans
nary. General Walker says that in Ihe forma
lion of districts reference baa been had solely,
to the exigencies of enumeration due to ths
geographical features of the state and to the
existing conditions of settlement, occupation
and inter-cotnmunication. Tbo following are
the Pennsylvania districts: First district,
Philadelphia county; Second district, Chester,
Delaware and Lancaster counties; third district,
Berks, Dauphin, Lebanon, Northumberland
theiein, and each individual living out of a
family in any place of abode, and by inquiry amj Schuylkill counties; Fourth district.Bucks,
madeofthe head of such family, or of Ihe Carbon, Lehigh, Montgomery and Northampton
member thereof deemed most credible and TOUnlj. Klun district, Columbia, Lackawanns,
wonnyoi rrut,or ot sucn individual living Luterne, Monroe, Montour, Pike, Sullivan,
Wayne and Wyoming counties; Sixth district,-
last upon wnicn resteu tne me or aeatn oi ou, of , faraiiy, lo oblain each and every item
tne young siuaeni. 0f information and all the particolars required
"some time tills evening," aald the doctor by this act, a of date Jun first, eighteen
to' Miss Turpin, "he will regain conscious- hundred and eighty. And in case no person
ness; be sure that you do not leave bis shall be found at the uatial place of ' abode of
bedside. I would not for the world, at
that critical moment, that a strange face
should meet his own,"
Mis Turpin turned pale, and stretched
out her hands with a gesture of entreaty.
such family or Individual living out of a familr
competent to answer the Inquiries made In
compliance with the requirements of Ihi act,
then it shall be lawful for the enumerator to
oblain the required information, as nearly as
Bradford, Cameron,Lycoming, McKean, Potter,
Susquehanna and Tioga counties; Seventh
district, Adam, Clearfield, Clinton, Cumber
land, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata,
Mlfilin, Perry, Snyder, Union and York coun
ties; Eighth district, Bedford, Blair, Cambria,
Fayette, Green, Indiana, Somerset and West
moreland counties; Ninth district, Allegheny,
Beaver, Lawrence and Washington oountiea
Then she slipped from her chair to her may be practicable, from the family or families Tenlh district, Armstrong, Butler, Clarion;
knees, and from thence to tbe floor. Now
had come the supreme moment of torture.
Npw her labor, her joy, her life, was done.
A strange face! What face could be
stranger than her own?
"Tut, child," said the doctor. "I thought
you had more courage. There is every hope
for him. Can't y8u bear joy as you have
sorrow ? I only want that he shall first see
tho face of bis wife, the dearest to him in
the world."
He put down his hands to her, but still
she hid her face from his. Her'whole frame
trembled. She wished at that moment, so
happy seemed her fate, that she could die
there and then.
'Oh, doctor," said she, lifting at last her
eyes to his, "how can'I tell you? how can I
make you know? I am not his wife!"
Tbe doctor drew back coldly, but as her
frank, earnest eyes caught bis own, he could
or person or person living nearest to such
places of abode,
Hec. 9. An J it shall be further the duty ol
each enumerator to forward the original
schedules, duly certified, to the supervisor of
census of hi district, aa.hia returns under the
provision of this act.
Sec, 10. The compensation of enumerators
shall be ascertained and fixed as follows; In
subdivisions where tbe Superintendent of
Census shall deem such an allowance sufficient,
an allowance not exceeding two cents for each
death rcportel, ten cent for each farm, and
fifteen cents for each elablihmeatof productive
industry enumerated and returned, may be
given in full compensation for all services; and
no claim fur
shall be allowod in such subdivisions: Prondtd.
That the subdivisions to which the above rale
of compensation shall apply must bedcsignaled
by tbe Superintendent of Census at least oue
month in advance of the enumeration; and no
account of the time occupied in enumeration
Crawford, Elk, Erie, Forest, Jefferson, Mercer,
Venango and Warren counties.
We have two recollections of this unfor
tunate Prince, to which his cruel fate has
given a pathetic significance. One was the
opening of tho Legislative body in the year
18C6, when the Emperor first associated his
son with him othclally. ihe splendid
Thorne-Room of the Louvre was crowded
with the most brilliant company of Christ
endom, with the great officsrs of the state,
milesge or traveling oftheMmy, and the imperial household. Emperor enierea ana tooc ais pisce uu
the diss ; at his left sat tbe stout Prince
Napoleon Jerome ; and in an episcopal roba
of violet silk tbe young ind Apollo-like
ecclesiastic, since Cardinal Bonaparte, son
of the Prince of Cauino; while on his right
Then she told the doctoi all. And as she I
went on to confess how she had dared shelter
not resist the innocent pleading there. She
might be a poor Magdalene even, but he bad I shall bo required for the'purpose of ascertaining I sat tbe little Prince, then ten years of age
neyer seen bo childlike and yet womanly a I and determining the compensation of enumcr-1 a sweet and gentle a child as ever delight-
creature, otora in such subdivisions. For all other I ed a mother's heart. A year or two after
"We must think of nothing now but our subdivision, rales of compensation shall be I ward, on the reserved terrace of the Tull
patient," he said, gently; "your face Is at fixcd " advance of the' enumeration by tte cries, we saw two boys playing with tbilr
least lamlllar and dear to him." Superintendent of Cenws, with the approval velocipede, and keenly enjoying the air
"Alas! no," she said: "it is strange, al- " " " oi we interior, according to and the exercise. One of them was ths
most unknown. It is far better 1 should go 'he dlfficalty of enumeration, having reference priDCe Imperial, and tbe other Don Alfonso
away." , . v...,... .Uu
mo ucusity ui rpaiseues oi seiiiemeui, or oilier
considerations pertinent thereto; but the com
uensaiion ailOWOU tn anr ennmpr.ln- in .nv
mis poor neignoor oi ners, wiiuout a rooi datrict ca8t of the one hunJreU,u merill;.
to cover mm, without money, without rrieuds shall not exceed an average of four dollars per
sick unto death, helples and alone how d, 0f-len hours actual .field-work each; and
site nan uareu at any risk- to sneiter nun anu tuo compensation allowed to any enumerator
to nurse bill! back to life the iorvl snnvpnn'n I In anv ,tt.i.tA ,.t ,t.n Ann I l 1.1.
,, ,.. .i i , , . i I lace uuu uecs : ins eyes, Kiassy unu luriu, i - - i - - uuv uuuuiciuii
ponhis departure she had stammered out .... ' ,.b Lve blinked under bis ln. ll ,n.,i,ii.n .i,ti . .i .t.
i.,.. v,, I,:-1, tn ir ...,i.. . i.i I u uzeu upon ners ; a reu name uurneu in u s r- - no- , -.. ..-.. ..,c n. uuu, m
something about his bill, 'I am only too glad .',,,'.. t, ........ ut bis beavv hand lu benediction unrm working dav of inal A,l il,. R,,,.
1 tiler.. , naiiKU, luaiu ucvfttu ills vicmuilliu l , - -t o --- .
her bowed head. Intendenl of Census may prescribe a uniform
"Thou good little Samaritan!" he said. method and suitable forms for keeping account
And two big, hollow, handsomo eyes upou of ,he tlme oupleJ In field-work, for the
the white bed In the corner alan filled with l"P09e of ascertaining tbe amounts due to
tears. He was so weak, thi poor vounir ""aerators, severally, under the provisions of
burning fluih chased tho pallor out of her a,ues of bitterness to him now. He had H'ake, that he could scarcely help sobbing
face, ai warmly he pressed her trembling 1101 ,a8eu IOOU ,ur miny-six Hours. uutJl vuucuwg a siory.
band in his and bada her good-bye. w not hunger that tortured him ; it was "Why why," he faltered to himself, "In
roor little devil !' he said, a he strode mirst an appalling tuirst. little Miss Turpln's room I O, thou mercl-
away to the lecture room, 'It's bad enough He drank the pitcher of water from Miss ful Heaven 1 lu little Miss Turpln's bed
Miss Miss'
'Turpin,' sbo whispered,
'To be of service to you, and beg you will
call me lu whenever my presence is desira
Miss Turpin faltered out her thanks. A
cheeks ; a slight foam flecked hi trembling
He fell into the chair at tbe table, and
looked wouderiugly upon the food before I
him ; but that which would have befn fran
tically devoured sif hours before was like tbe I
this act,
ok, ii, ine suuuiviaion assjgneu to any
enumerator shall not exceed four thousand
inhabitants, according to ihe census of eighteen
hundred and seventy, Xlie
l.nnn.l..tuu .11 ...lltt.t 1- -, I.
, ' . .,. . , :, m....u. i .,.... , r viri.i. ,i. -i. ii, .1. ., "uuu, vi.iuu. muu us cieany
ior a great, strong ox nxe inyseii to lace anu lurpin iiauu aim looxeu pieauingiy ior -"-c'j nine lire iu uie grave described byclvll flivlsions.rivers.roads, public
,-. .1. r..,,.. , ., ., . 1 1 1.. .1..... .. . ""'"'" "
-uo uut ue airam to give ine patient wa I .tutK.-fcuni;. nuu mrueiuwa auuut- me
ter,' he murmured, eagerly, 'In cases of I little pictures on tbo wall, her bird cage at
febrile debility they sometimes suffer suf-1 he wiudow.and a neat little medicine stand
fer, I recommend, by all means, water I with lots of spoons, In various doses, each
water water !' Then he fell back with a I "poon with little Miss Turpln's name; and
groan of agouy. I to her, then, under heaven. I owe my life!
Miss Turplu ran out of the foom and I All luv Ooa u 60 to ,ne. and mo'e li
down the stairs ; poundedon thedoor of the If I "esett little Miss Turpin, or let little
German tailor below, who, with hi wile
and five children, was enjoying In sleep the
only immunity granted them from endless
labor aud toll; bade him fly for the best doc
tor la the neighborhood ; ran up the stain
of Spain; tbe former seemed secure in the
prospect of the most conspicuous throne in
the world, the other had just, .been driven,
finally as II seemed, from a land which
had decreed eternal banishment to bis race.
We can not fathom tbe immutable will that
rules tbe event of human fortunes ; who
could have dreamed that in these few years
one of those boys would be lying dead in an
African corn-field ; and tbe other, we know
not how firmly, established in the palnoo oi
bis ancestors 1JIarpcr's Magatim or Dc-
The Em rums Euok.nik, Eugenie da
Moutijo, Countess of Teba, waa a beautiful
woman of twenty-seven, who had a youth of
vicissitudes, and was well known In mauy
capital for her beauty, ,
battle with thi grim old gilndstone of a
miserable waif like that phew, it's mon.
He thought of her pityingly till he crossed
tne threshold or the college, then gave
himself up to the subject in baud, which so
engrossed his mind, that he forthwith forgot
tbe existence of little IMlsa Turpin, Ilut
she, upon her part, repeated over and
over the word of younr Dr. Illalte, blush
ing agaiu when she became conscious of the
fact that she really had tbe temerity to dwell
i - . . -
I upou this genial but -commonplace tour
Sec. 12, That any supervisor or enumerator,
who, having taken and subscribed the oath
required by thi act, shall, without justifiable
caune, neglect or refuse to perform the duties
enjolntd on him by thi a"l, or shall, without
tbe authority of Ihe Superintendent, commu
nicate to any person not authorized to receive
the same, inr taltsttni nf ninnml, n l,n,lnu.
Miss Turpin desert me!" Included in his return, shall be deemed .mtliv-
"And now," said the sweet, sad voice of 0f a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shsll
Miss Turpin, "Take me Ito his bedside. I forfeit a sum not exceeding fire hundred
am foolishly weak, I can scarcely see. Let dollars; or, if lis shall willfully and knowingly
me look upon him jutt once more before 1 1 swear or itSrta falsely, he shall be deimsd
Caste and Effect.
The main cause of nervousness I indiges
tion, and that is caused by weakness of the
toinach. No one can have sound nerves
and good health without using Hop Bitters
to strengthen the stomach, purify the blood,
and keep the liver and kidneys active, to
carry nil all the poisonous and waste matter
of the system. See other column.
The manufacture of oleomargarine or ar
tificial butter israpidfy extending, and large
factories for Its production are springing up
in neatly all the principal cities. The butt-
(till said to be very lucrative.