The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 21, 1879, Image 3

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HLooJisnimo, fridat, hotexder ti.tsra
' Kail Konct Tim Table. '
Accommodation Train,
Hull Train 1M A. M
Fast Train M.
Express Train , .M 1', M.
Accommodation Train , (W A.M.
Rosnlar TMpress ; 4.00 r.M.
4.4 P. M
11.43 A.M.
T,8 P.M,
11,45 A.M.
Throngh cars on Express train either to New fork
or rnuaaeipnir. Accommodation train runs between
Catawissa and Wllllarnsport.
Cambra and BLOoysBCBO, LoaTO Camera Mondar.
Wednosday and Friday at 6:30 n.m., arrive at
Bloomsburg by iltmn. m. Loavs liloemsburir on
same days after arrlfal of Philadelphia mall?
Hij)oMaBijKii anii 1 itninmu, Leave Lalrdsvilio
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday att!30 a. m..
arriving at IHoomsburg by is m. Leave Blooms'
burg on samo days after arrival of I'nrladelphla
mall The stage Hue terminates atxillville.
Benton and Bloomsburg. A dally stage line leaving
Benton In the moral ag and returning in the eve
ning of the same day. .
Vmn. IlAtt. Ami HtooM8Bcao.-lavo Whlto nail
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at o:na.m..
arriving at IHoomsburg by lo a. m, Leave Blooms'
burg on samo daj a alter arrival ot Philadelphia
Burro and BLoOMsntnwi. Leaves Benton Mondar.
Wednesday and Krlday at 8 a. m., arriving at
lilooinsburg at 9 p. m. Leaves Bloorasburr Tues
day, Tnursday and Saturday at 8 a, m., arriving
ut Benton at a p. m.
Next Thursday Is Thanksgtving.
LockardV car fliops are working night and
I. W. JIcKelvjr Is makingeomo repairs and
alterations In his store.
Judge dwell is holding court in Sunbnry
this week.
Jese D. llice has leased the Gigcr hotel in
Ka't eticet.
M V. H. Kline, Esq.,.of Catawis'a was in
town on Wcdncfdny.
The Wrmliburne "how. at the Opera House
one night lat week was slituly attended. They
did not adverli'c.
The furnace nt Northumberland is now in
operatioti. It ha heen idle for several years
The iron is shipped to Danville.
Arrangements are being wade for a hop at
thu Exchange. Hotel on Thanksgiving evening.
It is expected to be quite a grand aff.iir.
A great mmy people attended I. W. Hart,
man's opening on Saturday last. His new
giocery department is quite attractive.
Mr. Oiorge Hughes of Oelawls-a, father of
Hon. M. O. Hughes, is still in a very feeble
The long wished for rain came before the
ground froze up. The Exchange Hotel and
Sanitarium had been obliged to haul water for
scveinl weeks.
Rollins, Ho'tnei it Schuyler nre putting,
steam heating apparatus in the residence of
Peter E. ltuck at Ashland. They heated his
store in the same manner several years ago.
Tho Gazette A Bulletin of Wednesday, says
that Jessie, n seven year old daughter of II. L.
DiflVnbach, of Lock Haven, died suddenly on
Wednesday morning.
Several nights last week the sky was brill
ianlly illuminated by the fire from Neal&Sons
furnace. This was caused by blowing down
the furnace.
T. B. Fielders who figured conspicuously,
herq during the trial of the Mollies as a
reporter, has gone into the skating rink
C.E.Rice, Eq., of Wilkes llarre has re
signed the District Attorneyship of Luzerne
county, and F, M. Nichols, Esq., 1ns been
appointed by Judge Harding to fill the
William C. Henry, nn esteemed citizen of
Catawissa was killed last Friday night by an
accident on the P. & It. road, by the breaking
of n car axle. The funeral took place on
Sunday. t
Tho audit to make distribution of the funds
in hands of the nssigneo ol the Columbian
Iron and Manufacturing Company will be held
toimorrow, See notice in another column.
Prof. Niles, who was a resident of this place
for several years, moved his family to Bloonis
burg, where he will fill the chair of Music
teacher in the Normal School. Sunbury has
lott a good citizen. Gazette-American.
We have lying on our table a radish, for
which we are indebted to Mr. John J.MclIenry
of Benton. It is 25 inches in circumference,
18 inches in length, and weighs 8 pounds. It
U about as large ns a good sized ham.
'The lives of tho Chief Justices,' six vol
umes and 'The Lives of the Lord Chancellors,"
ten volumes, have been purchased by the com
ruittee and placed in the Law library.
Main street presented an unusually lively
appearance last Saturday afternoon, notwith
standing tho lain, There was a large number
of teams from ihe country along the street, and
most of the stores werecrowded with customers.
It looked as though better times are approach
ing. Wc were mistaken in aligning the death of
Rupert Park lo an accident. He had received
a blow on the head a few days beforo while
engaged in a friendly scuffle willi n school'
mat", but Ihe cause of death was typhoid fever
which Ihe doctor said had been in his system
for some time. '
Mr. Joseph Kiefer, clerk in the iost office,
lias given us the following statislics : During
the first week of November at tthe IHoomsburg
Post Office there were 2782 letters and postal
cards mailed, 5317 papers and magazines,known
as second class matter, 03 1' articles o f the ihird
class and BO packages of merchandise making
a total of 0203 pieces.
Our constantly increasing job work has ren
dered it necessary for us to enlargo our facili
ties, and we have just purchased a new '(Jemi
paper cutter. With thiswe can do neater woik
than any other office in the county. All our
other machinery and material is far ahead of
any other establishment, while Ihe prices aro
very low. Get your jobs done here.
The 'personal explanations' from over the
way show clmly that Ihe Republican chickens
are coming home to roost. The eflect of their
action in the iale campaign has hurt them so
much, that they have seen Ihe necessity ot male
Ing this tremendous effort to recetnblirh Ihem
selves In Ihe conldence of the party which they
Suicide in Sunhuby. Ou Thursday, at
about 12 o'clock, this community was shocked
by the report that Hobert Farnsworth, a rest
dent of Market street, had committed suicide
by hanging himself. The unfortunate roan
lad been ill for some time, but was able to be
about. He was hat teen about 0 o'clock, a.m.,
on Thursday. When the family wished to
call him to dinner he was not lo be found. Upon
searching Ihe house for him he was found
hanging in Ihe garret by a handkerchtel. Life
was extinct. An Inquest wna held by Geo. W.
Smith, Eq, The deceased was about 48 years
of age, and for a number of years had been
connected with Drletbach'a grocery store, on
Market (tree!. GazetU-Amtrican.
" .u j.ouman Is sending out notice to all
Pat lot Indeed to him for costs, that early made for the same. An
Act of Assembly permits him to bring suit in
"'' eounlyigaln.i.nyoneJndcblcl for cost,
residing anywhere in the slate. It i, , g0O(i
provision, and Ihe Sheriff 1. wise In taking
advantage of It before hi. term expires. He
hasseveral Ihous.nd dollars standing out in
small amounts.
Mis, J,ne Coombs wlm will pay al .,
Opera House this Friday evening I, Bn actress
or high reputation and excellence. Tho plsy,
Cnmll!e,'b,n very popular one, and has had
long run. at Ihe principal theatres. Ml-,
Coombs has a fine stage presence, n rich, full
voice, and great dramatic power. Her cos'
lumesare said to elegant and costly. Her
company I, a ,tong one, and the pieces can
hardly fall lo plme, ThI, )rrUp0 , farftbove
the average of those that perform outside of
the large cities, and every one should avail
themselves of this opportunity of seeing a
first class play by n first class company. He
served seals nt Clirk's Book Slore.
Tho community win startled on Monday
morning by tho announcement tint John Lay
cock, proprietor of Ihe Central Hotel wa.dead.
He had been In his usual good health, and
retired Ihe night before ss usual and rested well
until about four o'clock in tho morning when
he arose to make the fires and do other chores
about the house. He went into the back yard
and whlto there was first attacked. Calling for
assistance he was helped Into Ihe house nnd up
stairs. Dr. Itutter was called In and did all
that could be done under tha circumstances, but
Mr Laycock gradually grew worse until about
nine o ciock wnen lie expired. The cause of
aeain was henrt disease. He retained hlssenes
until a few momenta before he died.
He had been a resident ol the town for many
ycars.and kept the Central Hotel, formirly
American House, for a long time. Ho was n
first-class landlord, and nn excellent citizen.
He was 01 years old. Tho funeral took plare
at the house on Wednediy afternoon at two
The question, often asked within the last
year, "What is the Ladies Sociely cloirg?'' is
thus answered: From October 1877, to may
1878, there were distributed by committee
who reported their ibinga to' the sociely,
muslin, flannel, ollco, bedding. Islockines and
shoes, secondhand clothing, groceries nnd
provisions, to Ihe value of $193.43: besides
goods by committees who did not report, It
the value (estimated) of at least $57.47; making
a tote lot fully $250 00 for Ihe first fiscal year.
From May 1873, lo May lS79,.the society ais
trihuled goods and money to the amount of
$395.2.3; of which $81.3.) were contributed in
cash by citizens of ISldonisburg, nnd S100.00
in goods; $213 90 were furnished by n few of
the Jadies themselves.
It will be readily seen that the society has
not been idle; its working-members may hae
heen sometimes deceived into bestowing aliu
upon the unworthy; hut they feel that some
good has been accomplished, that their motives
aro pure and that iheir reward is sure.
By order of the president, Mils. Wit. Nkal.
The Academy opened last week with a larger
number in attendance than ever beforo at a
winter term. Tho students are moslly in the
regular Classical nnd English courses and nre
ns fine a set of young peoplo as are olten seen.
Tho military company was re-organized
Monday evening. The students take great
interest in the drill and are really doing re'
marknbly well.
Wo understand that Mrs. Cnnfield has re
turned Irom her visit to Boston, much refreshed
The hunting party consisting of Miles
Williams, M. Conner and others which went
up the mountain last week have not returned
yet. We expect a good supply of veni-on on
their return,
The youngest child of Wra. H. Snyder, who
has been. sick with disease of the brain, died
on Friday,
Miss Martha P. Wall, of Wyoming county,
who has been visiting Miss Newman, returns
to her homo tomorrow.
Ethan A. Oearhart Irom Stillwater, and W
T. Heiny, from Fowlersville, where they are
teaching, were in town on Saturday.
Pleasant IIideiuiood.
If wo may believe the Columbia countv
papers, of which there are six, they are all
very glad that Ihe Ureenbark candidate for
sheriff has been elected. Since his election
Mr. Ent has been liberally f.d with "tally,"
aim is just reaping ine twees ol olhce to his
fill. It looks very much as ihouirh the tinners
were puckering their mouths for the sheriffs
palroiinge, in regard to which there is a de
lightful stale of uncertainty. The only paper
that gavo him uny kind of support is published
in Catawissa. and Bloomsburg papers indulge
ihe reasonable hone that the sheriff will keen
all his patronage at the county seat. Scranton
We have observed symptoms of "taffy" in
only one paper published in this county. It
takes an editor of n smart daily like the Scran
ton Republican to discern things that ordinary
mortals overlook. ButCapt. Ent is not the
kind of man to be influenced by sweet meats,
and he will probably distribute hi patronage
just as he pleases, taffy or no taffy.
Fourtli Officer F. G, Howell, of tho steam
ship Anchoria, of the Anchor Line, aays that
while on the Newfoundland banks, ho siw a
sia serpent which he estimates to have been
fully as long as the steamship, According to
Lloyd's Shipping Uncord, tho Anchoria is 10S
feet long. Mr. Itowell was walking the bridge
at four bells in the afternoon watch, when he
noticed a disturbance in Ihe water about a mile
distant on Iho port beam. At first lie thought
the coiumot'on was caused by a sihool of
porpoises, but, on closer observation, lie changed
his mind. When he looked through a p-iir of
strong glasses he saw the head anil a portion of
the body of Ihe sea eerient rising above the
water. Portions of tho back of the creature
could be seen rising out of the sea at intervals
as it propelled itself along on Ihu top of Ihe
water. Its motions were similar to those of
the land snake as it moves along on the ground
The water in Ihe wake of the creature had been
lashed into foam by Its tail, Its head was
large and contained an enormous mouth, which
opened frequently an I spat out large quantities
of water. Its tongue, which was extremely
long, could be seen at limes, but no teeth
or fangs were observed. The body of the
serpent was round, and its color was black.
It was moving in the same direction as tin
steamship, and at a greater rate of speed,
When the creature haj got a Utile ahead of
the vessel it sank down into the water and
Several passengers were on deck at the lime.
Observing Ihe commolion on the sea, they
asked Mr. Baxter, Ihe second olllcer, uhat the
thing moving in the water could be. He vets
able to take only a liurrie.l glance, before he
was called to trio oilier side of the vessel in
Ihe perfprinar-ce of his duties. Wldi he
returned willi his glasses, the creature waj not
insight. Mr, Baiter says he thttiU It must
have been a sea serpent, and he places Implicit
reliance on Ihe fourth oflie er s st lenient. Mr,
Howell has made marine animals the subject
of study, and lias always believed in III
existence of sea serpents, hut his desire to see
one of thee animals had never before beeu
Mlsa Coombs last night a. Dumas' affecting
heroine made her way deep Into the sympathies
or her audience. Her noting of her role was
an artistic and dramatic triumph, The nifn
tal agonies and the sufferings of disease sho do
picled with touching pow.r, and her jttp, her
eye, her voice, obeying her genuine dramatic
Instinct, moved to Its nnaffteled and temperate
power. There are no uneven points in her per
formance, she pever loses her perfect command
or every situation, She certainly creates a
new atmpsphcie throughout tho whole play,
reDning it from tho coarse realities of Paris In
to lie pure etherealities of the fabled Arcadia.
Clewami Leader,
Miss Coombs will appear in this sttrnctlvo
play this Friday evening at the Opera House.
This is undoubtedly the best company that has
ever played to a IHoomsburg audience. Let
them have a full house. A large number of
reserved seats have already been taken. For
sale at Clark's Book Store.
Itoiinsiiuito NEWS.
Noticing in your paper that vo l desiro news
from all parts of Ihe counly I will give you a
slight history of the past and prospects of the
near future of this '-Nook of Creation."
The farmers who havebeen complaining ofdry
times are now rejoicing, as the long looked for
rain has come.
Blacks have completed their hotel on the
site of the o'd Ivllhc house that burned a few
ycars.ago. It is quite an improvement to the
looks of the place and it is hoped it will prove
a credit to it.
Daniel Kitchen lias workmen repairing his
firm house and it will soon bo like an old
friend in new appardl; and a very pleasant
place to live.
Hannah liutan has purchased the lot formerly
oivned by Evans nnd is now having a new
hou-o built thereon.
Alfred Kline the jovial ahoennkcr has sold
his home near the Christian church lo L. Black
and talks of going to Iowa sooni Kline and
wife nre peoplo that will be missed in the place
ami the good wishes of friends will go willi
Philip nnd Clyde Applemari after a sojourn
of a fi-w monlhs in the west have returned
and do not say much of tlie"sun set land."
Business seems to be quite brisk here now,
giving a belter hok to affairs linn we had a
few monlhs ago and it is quite a rejoicing mat
ter, as so many here are mechanics.
Boon Pkn.
Eiw. Cor.ii.MiiiAN :
A scries pf meetings to bo continued every
evening ns long ns there tiro penitent seekers
for God's pnrdon, commenced last Sunday
evening in Ihe M. K. Church. Many no doubt
will have their r.nmes enrolled in tho Book of
Life, if the members of the church fit them
selves for the work nnd enter fully into the
spirit of it. If the success of the meetings de
pends upon the pastor, Itev. Sniyser, then ivill
the hopes of tho church be realised. He alone
can not accomplish this. His charge must
help him. LnM week, every evening was de
voted to prayer and other religious exercises
bythcY.M C. t Their services were well
attended, and will ho blessed by future evi
deuce of their good influence on our young
men. This orgmizafion is still quite young
here, but numbers many members. Nightly
the reading room entertains young and. even
middle aged men. The best periodicals and
daily newspapers grace the library, imparting
knowledge to many eager renders, whose nar
row circumstances could not give them this ad
vantage ere their library was established. The
public libraries of our country rank with the
first of our most beneficial institutions. Mil
lions through their agency are raised from the
miro of illiteracy. The organization mention
ed above has an invaluable leader in the per
son of C. II. Zehndcr, nn ardent worker for
the salvation of young men. The Literary So
ciety, week before last, discussed the question
Do the works of nature declare Ihe immor
tality of thd soul." Rev. Eddinger ably lead
in the affirmative nnd Hev. Cattell in a like
manner, the negative. I thought thejirgumunts
of the affirmative the weightier of tho two but
found it contrary to the decision of the judges,
who, I fancy, did not accept te affirmative's
definition of soul which according to the Bible
mny not mean what wo have been taught to
believe. I do not mean to sty that the affirms,
tive pave any other definition of this word
than an orthodox one.
There was u noisy clamor for venison at the
dinner table, of the St. Charles Hotel yester
day, the boarders having discovered that the
Boss" hail returned from n deer hunt on the
North Mountain. The appetites ol the board
ers in this direction, however were not gratified,
the valiant deer islayer having returned empty
handed. Overcome apparently by tho impor
tunities of his hungry boarders, he resolved to
rejoin his companion, Dr. Litlle, who is still on
tho .North Mountain, they together having ar
rived here on Monday of last week. It is re
ported that the Doctor had three shot: at a
deer and then failed lo bring down the game.
He will probably try lo make us believe that
by a mistake ho hud loaded bird shot instead
of buck ; as he tried to do under similar cir
cumstmces several years ago, but then unfor
tunately for his story one of his companions
found n charge of buck-shot In a tree that stood
between the Doctir and tho spot where the
leer had been when he fired. While Doc. nnd
Ihe "Boss" are warring against tho deflr other
of our sportsmen make the retreat .of the (ox
uneasy. Prof. Smith, Oswald and Cooper last
Saturday morning, a few miles from town
guarded several "run-ways" while the four
hounds lead by Cooper s veteran Jack, filled
the aisles of the woods with music sweet to Ihe
hunter's car. Smith it seems was stationed in
tho centre, nt a capital place nnd there encoun
tered within n half an hour two faxes, which
must have approached him within twenty
yards. Three times his gun was heard, but
the party brought back no trophies. The i
succesbful shot will not hear the last of it for
several weeks. Hunters report quails very
Ecarce an I pheasants wild nnd few. A deer
was seen a few weeks ago, five miles from here
near Ihe Nescopeck mountain.
1 lie iierwiek Independent does net seem to
be aware llint tlicrc is such a word as top
wjruphy and that substituting y. for the second
elier torms the weird which by a mistake ni
peared in my lnt letter. This I guess will lift
him out of his dilemma.
Line worn was written mMijniphy It wns
changed by a typographical error bin.
SwitTNtbS of Gon's Punisiimes'T. 'Ihe
Altoona lidl says: Tho accident by which
Charley Kesser met his death was rendered u
peculiarly sad one by the boy's own previous
conduct. His mother died at a time when
her counsel and oversight were particularly
needed, since which lime ihe household has
been In charge of Mr. Kesser's fiftsen-year -old
daughter Mr. Kesser wa necessnrlly absent
at his daily labor during the day and the boy
enjoyed perfect freedom from reslralnt. IW
was accuslotneil lo take advantage of ibis and
spent much, if not moat of Us lime playing
amongst the cars and indulging in frequent
rides up to Kiltaning Point und back. 1-
this temerity and disobedience of his father's
orders he had beeu frequently corrected and
about a week ago, moved by Ihe exhibition of
his loving parent's sorrow at his waywardness,
tho boy leu ou his knees, and without Folicita-
lion, promised that he would never again steal
a ride ou Hie cars lo the "Point," and empha.
sized tno promise by calling upon God to
punish him.wilh Immediate death If he broke
his promise The fatal ride on Wednesday of
list week was uie urst one which he had taken
since the promise mado his father. Did God
, Cake him atlas word
Whemus, Almighty God whose hand we
recognize In all things and to whose will wo
humbly and submissively yicld.'has seen fit In
HI. all-wise providence, to remove from Ills
family and friends our beloved friend nnd
brother Calllepian, L. Hup-rl Park, who died
nt his home In Missouri on the 30th tiltlmoj
be it thcrefote
llemlml, That In his death we, the Callleplan
Society have lost a most esteemed friend and
llaolird, That Inasmuch as ho was nn Intel
ligent and efficient member, never falling to
perform the vlulies devolving upon him
promptly, cheerfully nnd efficiently, wo wllj
ever cherish his memory nnd recommend his
example as worthy of emulation.
Remind, That the Callleplan Halls be draped
in mourning for thirty days.
Remind, That wo tender our lien r tf If sym
pathy to his bereaved family nnd relatives,
who have sustained a slill greater loss than we,
in this their great aflllclion.
Roolied, That these resolutions bo pi accd on
the records of Ihe society, published' In the
Bloomsburg newspapers and lit the Springfield
lrficrfi'ser, and that enpies of the same be sent
to the family of ihe deceased.
C. C. Peacock, 1
B. P. Vanxatta, Committee.
C B, KoiniiNs. j
The Christmas Holidiy (December) Issue of
St. Nicholas, which will be ready December
first. ten days later than usual, is to be the
largest number of that magazine ever published.
Not only will it have a special Christmas
Holiday cover, but it will contain one hundred
and four pages, ninety or more illustrations,
Kiems by John Greenleaf Whltlier and Lucy
Larcom, a children's acting-play by Edward"
Eggleslon, llieopenlng chapters of Louisa M
Alcolt's r.ew serial, "Jack and Jill," the second
installment of William O. Stoddard's serial,
"Among the Lakes," twilvo short .stories, by
J. T, Trowbridge, Washington Gladden, J, W.
Del'orest, J. Esten Cooke, Maurice Thompson,
Sarah V. Inter Kellogg, and others, and pictures
by Gustavo Dore, Kuans, Mary Hallock Foote,
J. E. Kelly, Frolenck, E. B. Benscil,
W". L. Sheppard, Jessie Curtis, and Addle
Ledyard; an illustrated art-paper on Thorvald.
sen, and an account, with twelvo pictures, of
tha life and eloings of ihe TelegrnplnBojs of
New York.
A mlraculoiii escape from dealh nccnrrcl al
the Stmton shaft near Wilkes Barre, last week,
Wednesday afternoon. John M'Mahon was
ascending Ihe shaft when a truck weighing
1,800 pounds fell f.-om the top, a distance of.
over U00 feet, striking the carriage on which
lie stood and driving It through a wooden
partition. The truck and carriage were utterly
ilemolished, but M'Mahon emerged from the
wrick with a lew brnites and nnearm disabled.
He it i s i i climbed Ihe lidder, GOO feel, having
but one arm to aid him, and giined the top
Nothing like it has ever been known in Ihe
coal regions.
See a woman on horseback in another col
umn, riding near Speer's Vineyards, with n
bunch of Grapes from which Speer's Port Grape
Wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by
the medical profession for the use of invalids
weakly persons nnd the aged.
Sold by Druggists.
June 27 1-y.
From the Kockport, lnd. Ranncr. There is
no medicine in the world which lias gained
such fame as St. Jacobs Oil; this is, however,
not in the least astonishing, when we consider
its truly wonderful curative powers. Mr. F.
Hodcnberg, of Grandview, called at our cfilce
last week and related the following circum
stance : I suffered with lilicumalism for over
six years; consulted many physicians and tried
hundreds of remedies, but without avail'
Having seen St. Jacobs Oil advertised in your
paper, and heard of some most astonishing
cures, I sent lo Kockport for a bottle of the oil,
and used it according to directions. Tho relic1
I fell was almost "eleclric." I got heller at
once, and now there is not a trace of Klieuma-
tism left in my body.
Dr. J. Schuyler, many years a dyspeptic and
rheumatic sufferer, getting relief in using Dr.
Comfort's Itemedy, now prcs;ribes the samo
toothers varying it to suit each case, with
gratifying results. One patient says: "I did
me a world of good" Another writes who" ins
had dropsical swellings, pain in the back and
kidney region: "The melling nf my anUes and
feel u all gone and I am free of pain.1 One who
bad apoorappetitc with eruption of the skin
writes: "Appetite good and breaking out all gone.v
A minister writes, "lis having the desired effect
my heart thanks you for it. Ollico on Market
street near Fifth, Bloomsburg, Pa-
Wyalt W. Terwilllgcr, aged twenty-three
years, a lretght conductor on the -Northern
Central road, was killed at Wllliamsport cn
Wednesday morning of last week. He used a
plank instead of Iho reguhr shitt-car whllo
shifting cars and the plank snapped, one" piece
of it pinning him against a car. Life was
crushed out of'him In about thirty seconds.
The Sterling; Book CoveiI. We have
purchased the right to use these covers in this
county, nnd havo on hand nn assortment of
sizes. They make the neatest and most con
venient form for doing up noto heads, letter
heads, bill heads, notes, checks, .ic , and a
cover will be given away with every order of
1000. Iry it once and you will not do with
out it. It is the best' thing of the kind ever
invented. Call and examine.
Cure fur Chicken Cholera
' Immediately upon the first evidence of
cholera s' approach which may readily bo
told, by the droppings tho morning feed
should be mixed as usual, but to the water
add enough Jamaica ginger to inako tho
water look blueish or milky, and then scald
the meal as usual, This will imucdiatly
check the disease, Pulverized alutu is also
good mixed with the feed. A lump of assa'
fa' t id a should be kept in tho drioking water
for a day or two. Do not feed any wholo
grains to tho birds until you are satified they
havo lully recovered. Ono of the most ex
cellcnt things to keep fowls in health is
feeding with uiixed food powdered charcoal
An car ot corn placed iu the ovcu until tho
kernels aro charred black they will devour
with avidity. Observe die.-o instructions
and poultry diseases wili bo couiparativo
straugers among your flocks.
Tho foolhardy performance of Capt. James
Swan, "The man crocodile," at tho Thcatro
Cnmiquo in Providence, 11. I., camo near
resulting fatally tho other evening. Ho was
in a large plate-glass tank of water, with an
alligator six feet long, and, after btirring up
the reptile till it was furious, ho tore open
its jaws and placed his head between them.
Quick as a. flash they closed, and Swan's
death seemed certain. With almost tuper
human exertion, lie freed himself, however,
and sprang out of tho tank, his cheeks being
deeply gashed by tho alligator' teeth. In a
moment ho returued to Iho water, forced tho
reptile into submission, and went ou with tho
Snyder Of brain fever in Orangevillo on
thelHth Inst, John Bruce Snyder, son of
v illiani H and Sarah O. Snyder, aged 4 yere,
6 months and 13 days. "Fair, fleeting comfort
o an hour, How noon we're part-"
nncrman u., Marshall, Mich, waifl an
agent In tins counly nt once, at n salary of $100
per month and expenses paid. For full partic
ular, address as above. Nov. 21-ly.
Lemmon Hess In Fishinccrcfk, Nov. 1st.
by ltcv. H. A.DIcttcrlch Mr. Elliott L. Lem-
mon to Miss Mary .1, Hess, all of Fishlngcreek,
Columbia county, I'a. 1
Kile Hiss On November "ih, 1879, nt
Jackson, by J. F, Dorr, Esq , Mr, lllglow Kile
orbugarloar lo Miss Ilnhlah Ann Hess of
Jackson, all of Columbia county.
BotunT Vii.son Al tin M. E. Parsonage
In Benton on tho 30th of October by tho Kev,
H, 11. Former, Mr. John Bigart of Forks, lo
Mis. Lucy A. Wilson of Van Camp.
Business Notices
Hubbcrs atsMcKinncy's.
Highest cash market nrlco naid for 200
good veal calves that weigh from 125 lbs.
HU, loo, lbU and upwards Prices gono up
nt Lightstreet.
bllas loung.
Nov. 21. 2 m.
The largest stock of fronds nf anv Cash
Store In town nnd greatest variety, examine
prices aim compare at Ulnrlc ct sou a.
A few pieces of Appleton "A" muslin for
7J els per yard, cash nt I. W. Hartmnn's.
Tho largest stock of goods of nny cash
store iu town and greatest variety, examine
prices and compare Clark & Soli's.
Another laree assortment of ladles' coats
very cheap at Lutz & SloanV
Ladles' coats cheaper than ever at Clatk
& Son's. Another lot just received ; call
and see.
200 nice thrifty whlteshotes that weigh
35. 10. CO. CO and 75 lb; wanted at Light
Street by Silas Young.
jnov. t.s;-m.
25 Ladies' coats tei arrive this week nt I.
W. tlnrtmnn's which must be sold in four
weeks, cheaper than any other parties can
sell them.
Towels, cheaper than ever, napkins,Tab!e
Linens etc., nt Clark & Son's.
More black Cashmeres this week at Lutz
A Sloan's.
You can buy the best fosvsted coffee at
22 cts. nnd havo it ground in one ruinuto at
I. W. Hartman's.
Ladies in want of Fancy work can find
the largest stock in town of Zephyrs. Ger
mantnwn wools, Saxony nnd Shetland wools,
Crewell Wools, Canvass & Burlaps of all
kinds ; floss needles. Patterns, Tidies partly
started, applique Patterns, n largo variety,
..r. i .....1.1 i i... ..,l. -
sum una pin cusiiiuns, iinvui rtiuss, supperi
foot rests patterns itc., filling silks, splints
and nil goods pertaining to fancy work, nt
th lowest prices at Clark k Sou's. Call
and see.
And cow go and see I. W. Hartman's
new arrangements in tho Dry Goods depart
ment, every part is complete.
A large assortment of double shawls nt
Lutz it Sloan's. Prices from $2.50 to $7.50.
Tho largest store now In Illoomsburtf, 85
feet with double counter is I. W. Hart
man's. Wo offer a small lot of colored cashmeres
at 40 cents, all wool well worth 50 cents at
Clark it Son's.
Do not pay last yean' price for furs. You
can get them 20 per ct. cheaper at Lutz it
i. W. Hartman has now 7 departments of
gcods in his combination store nod the 8th
will be the lOct. counter.
Wool Hoods, leggings, Sacqucs etc. at
Clark ct Son's.
Farmers can buy for butter, eggs, etc., all
kinds of Books at I. W. Hartman's. -
Bargains in Silk and
Linen Handker
ch iels at Clark a Son's
Farmers cau buy of I, W. Hartman's fur
butter, eggs, lard, etc , etc. , all kinds of line
A full line cf Ladies' crepe lisse ruffling",
Linen Collars and Cuffs, also gents linen
Collars two for 25'cents at Clark & Son's.
Hams, shoulders, dried beef cut, at I.
You can buy plain Beaver cloth at S1.25
per yard. Well worth SI. 50 at Clark .t
Sim's, with a full line of Mntlasse and Di
agonal cloths very cheap.
Wanted 2000 lbs of nice dried Itaspbcr
ries, at 25 cents per pound. And 2000 lbs
of nice dried pitted cherries for which I will
pay the very highest mnrket price.
Silas Young.
July 18-fim.
Admission free at McKinney'a.
A new lot of the famous Eighmie Shirts,
at Clark it Son a, the best in the market, a
bosom that vou cannot muss. Call and
Boots and Shoes cheap at McKinney V.
"Wanted, 200 tons of good Rock Oas
Bark at 5 per ton by Silas Young, L'i 1
Street. Sept. 19, 3m.
Ladies' underwear, Felt Bklrts, shawls,
Blankets, etc.. at Clark it Son's, afuld
prices. "
Hoot headquarters at McKinney's. -
Want good live calves that weigh,120 lbs
to 125, 130, HO, 150, 100 aud upward "I
Light Street by
Silas Younci.
Sept. 10 3-m.
Call and tee nur furs
it Son ; no old stock.
nnd P rices, Clatk
Call at McKinney's for Shoes.
Good Canton Flannels for 8. 9. 10. 12! , ii,
15, 10 nnd 18 cents per yard at Silas Yonuj,
Lilghl street. oept. rj-zm
Corsets all styles and prices at
on's. .
Claik it
House. '
Shoe Store below Court
All kinds of stoneware. 4. 1. and
gallon Hat and high pots, and 2, 3, -1, 5 and
b gallon apple nnd cream pots, with -ii
without lids, in nrice from 12 els.
1, 1, 2, 3 and 4 gallon jugs, for sale at Light
Street by Silas ioung.
Sept. 19 2-m.
vVheatperbushel,...; n
UllUfUCW, ,,,... .
uaw, -
Flour per barrel .
Dried Apples .. .
Hides K bhouldere
Lard per pound ..,
Hay per ton
a. xi
Timothy beea ,.....,"!','.!,, s'So
No. 4 on Wharf iMitn,
NO.B 1
a ; ; r" :,
5,.-JI:..k ......:i-"'.v.!."-: I J.t
w.b..u.iuigmuiun nnari.M
Bituminous "
Ily virtue of n writ of alias Vend. Ex. Issued nut nf
Iho Court of Common 1'leasof Columbia county ai.d
o mo uirco ea. will no exposed to public salo at the
Court lloussj In the town of Illoumsburir Columbia
county, Pa , on
Monday, December 1st, 1879,
at obo o'clock, n. in..
all that certain house and lot of ground situate In Iho
town of IHoomsburg, Columbia county, Pa, front
ing on Market street, of said town, adjoining a lot
now owned by U. J. Thornton, cn tho north, Mum
mcy's Alter on tho wcsa, nlotol B. P. Ilnrlman on
1110 soutii, being thirty feet front and ono hundred
nnd nlntty-elght feet In depth, whereon are erected
inotioryDrici: dwelling houss with a two story
brick kitchen attached, a fratno stablo anil other
Also, All that certain lot ot cround sltuito In the
town cf IHoomsburg, Columbia county, Pennsylva
nia, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt! begin
ning nt the corner of Jefferson alley and Flrststrri-t
ot said thence along the lino of first street,
westwuril one hundred and ninety-eight feet thrco
incnes toojer's alley; thenco along Iho lino of
Ojer's nlley southwardly two hutidred nnd fourteen
feet nnd elt Inches to lildge alley; thenco nlong tho
lino ot llldgo alley enstwardly ono huudred add
nlncty-elglit feet three Inches to Jefferson alley;
thenco nlong the lino of JcfTerson allcv northwardly
two hundred nnd fourteen feet six Inches to tho ccr
ncr of .lerfcrson alley and First streot, tho placo of
tie ginning.
A he tindli Ided oncthlrd part ot all that certain
piece of ground with .the water power thereto, situ
ate In tho town of IHoomsburg, Columbia county,
ra., adjoining Klshlngcretk on the west, lands now
ow ncd by Heubcn Hess on thoeast, and tho North
nrancuoi mo rennsjlvonla Canal on tho north.
whereon are erected a lariro 3-story Flourlntr or
tlrlst Mill, a two story frame dwodlng house, stable
ana otner out-ouuaings known as tho aqueduct
tlrlst Mill property.
Auo, The undivided ono ninth part of all that
certain piece or parcel ot land Bltuato In Centro
township, Columbia county, ra., ndjolnlcc lands
of Isaac Hess, Joseph I'ohe, McKe Iv j, Neal Jt Co.,
josern anu a. it, m-ss and tho Lackawanna
IHoomsburg Ilallroad Company, coutalnlne
about fifteen acres, belntr Linn Innri. liim-sinna
quarrya ind dump gruond, hereon aro erected), six
llnio kilns and one 11m? house and blacksmith shop.
Atso, uie unuivmeu ono ninth of all that certain
piece and parcel of land situate In Centro lov, nshlp,
Columbia county, Pa, adjoining lands ot McKclvy,
.ir.u vo., u. i,. uurion, ljiciiawanna liioomuiurg
Ilallroad Company and L. W. Vooley containing
about three and one-half acres, whereon are erected
one lime housonnil kilns nndbnc duelling house.
Aifo, Tlio undlFliIcilonc-nlQtliof all that certain
plico and parcel of land situate In Centro township,
Columbia county, I'a., adjoining hinds of K. W. M.
L. Low, the Pennsylvania Canal Company and
Joseph I'ohe, containing about four and one-half
acres whereon aro erected a two story atono storo
houso, tw o dwelling houses and stable. r
Atso, The undivided one-ninth of all that certain
piece and parcel ot lind situate In Centro township,
Columbia county, I'a., adjoining lands of Joseph
robe and K. W. M. Low, containing about one aero
whereon aro erected three dwelling houses and a
Au.0, Tho undivided one-ninth ot all that certain
piece and parcel of land Bltuato In Centro tow nshlp,
Columbia county, I'a., adjoining lands of L V. M.
Low and L. W . Wooley, containing about one-fourth
ot an acre, whereon Is erected a dwelling house.
aim, Tho undivided onc-ulnth .of tho undivided
onc-hslf of all that ccrtatn pleco and panel of land
situate In Centro township, Columbia county, I'a.,
adjoining lands of Ijifajclto Creasy and ilcKelvy,
Neal I: Co , and others, containing abiut one-fourth
of an ngro.
Also, The undivided onc-nlnth of Iho undivided
one-half if all that ceitaln tract of land sltuato In
Main township, Columbia county, I'a., adjoining the
Susquehanna Hirer on the north and lands of Ste
phen (iearhart on the east, lands of William Kelch
ncr on th-j south, lands of lilchard II. Atcn
on the west, containing thirty-two acres more or less.
unimproved land.
Seized, taken In execution and to bo Bold as tho
properly ot K. it. Urlukcr.
tho following described real estate to-wlt:
First, All that certain lot of ground Bltuato In tho
townot Bloomsburg, Columbia county, Pa., fronting
on second or .Main street, of said town, adjoining
an alley on the west, a lot of Alice Snyder on tho
south, a lot of Alice Snyder on Ihe east, being
feet In front on second street nnd In depth nbout
ono hundred and sixty feet, whereon aro erected a
two Ftory brick storehouse, a two Btory frame shop,
large frame stable and wagon houso nnd other
SucoKn.All that certain lot of ground situate In the
town of IHoomsburg, Columbia county, I'a., adjoin.
Ing an alley on the north, an alley on tho cast, 1 tali d
rcet on the south and a lot of Sarah Pctrlkln on
the west, being fifty eight feet In width on Third
street and about two hundred and fourteen feet In
depth, used. as a lumber yard.
TniRii, All that certain lot of ground sltuato In the
town of IHoomsburg, Columbia County, I'a., front
ing on hecond street of said town, adjoining
nn alley on the vvebt, nn alley on tho south and
a lot ot William Snj der's heirs on the east, betntc
llfty feet In front nnd two hundred nnd fourteen
feet In depth, w hereon nro erected a two story frame
ilwelllng house with n ono story kitchen nttached,
Ico House, a frame stable and other outhulldlngs.
FociiTH, AH that certain lot of ground situate In
tho town of IHoomsburg, Columbia County, I'a.,
fronting on Canal street of said town adjoining a lot
of Mnthlas Kindt on tho west, tho north branch of
tho Pennsylvania Cannl on tho bouth and lot of
Miry II. Mendeuhnll on the east containing three
quvrters of an acre more or less, whereon are erected
a two etory frame dwelling house.
l'lrrit, All certain tract ot land situate In
'Ine Township, Columbia County, I'a., containing
fifty act ea more or less. Hounded and described as
follows, on the east by laud of .Mary II. Mciidcnhall,
on the south by land of Henry Wchlo and others,
en Ihe west by land of lllrain H. tKllne and others,
and on tho north by other land of Ellas Mendenh.ill,
whereon ore erected a two story framo dwelling
house, barn and other out-bulldlngs.
sktu. All that certain tract ot land situate In fine
township, Columbia county, I'a., containing three
hundred aniUlsly acres more or less, bounded and
described as follow s to-wlt: adjoining lands of Mary
Ii. .Mendenliiill on tho of r.llas Mendenhall
and ot here 01 the south, land ot Michael Kesster and
others on the west, and lands of lianlel llrcwcr nnd
others ou the north, It being a timber tract.
skvkstu, The undivided one-half ot aq that cer
tain tract of land situate In I'lno township, Columbia
County, I'a, containing three hundred and titty
acres more or less, nounuca anil described as follow s,
to-vvit: adjoining lands ot Valentino Kressler and
others on the north, lands of cieorge staekhouso
and others on tho west, lands ot Oeorgo Young and
otacrs ou the south and lands of Joshua Itobb'.ns
and(others on tho east, whereon aro erected two
2-story triune dwelling houses, two stables, a steam
saw mill anil other oul-bulldlnss.
Eiu iitu. The undlv Ided one-half ot all that certain
tract of land situate In l'lne township, Columbia
County, I'a., containing setenty-four acres mo.-o or
less, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: nd-
Joining lands of John K, Young.onthe east, by lands
or .wnn uickam ana others on the south, lands
formerly ot George Stackhouso on the west nnd
lands ot Mendenhall t liartouontho north, whereon
are erected on old house, being principally Umber
seized, taken In execution nnd tn h,, hold ns ilm
1'rupcny qc r.iiaa jiunucnnon. -
Vkeizk, Attorney,
TeimsCash. bheillT.
October 31, Is79-ts
YirilKIlEAS. the Hon. William Klwei.i.
I'lesldent Judge of thoCourt of over und
Terminer and tieneral Jail Delivery, court of e)uar-
ter sessions of the reaco and tho Court of Common
Pleas and Orphans' Court In tho SOtli Judicial Ills.
trlct, composed of tho counties ot Columbia and
Montour, and tho Hons. I. K. Krlckbaura und F. I.
Miuman.Ass'ie'ato Judges of Columbia county, have
Issued their precept, bearing dato tho loth day of
Sept. In '.no j ear ot our Lurdono thousand eight
hundred and seventy-nine, and. to mo directed tor
holdlngn Court of oyer and Terminer and tieneral
Ouarter Sessions of tho Peace. Court r.r cnmrnim
l'leas and Orphans' Court, In filoomsburg, la tho
county of Columbia, ou Iho first Monday, being tho
ist day of Dec. next, to continue two weeks.
Notice Is hereby given to the Coroner, to tho Jus,
tlces of tho Peace, and tho Constables of tho said
county of Columbia, that they bo then and thepjli
their proper person at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of
said 1st day ot Dec. with their records, luqul
bilious anu oiuer remembiances, to do those thing
wmcuio ineir omces apjiertaln to bo done. And
those that aro bound by reoognlzance to prosecut
against the prisoners that are or may bo In the Jail
of the said county of Columbia, to bo then and there
to prosecute them as bimbo lu.t. Jurors are re
quested to be punctual In their attendance, agreeably
10 ineir iiuuecK. uau'H at tiiooiiuburg tho 13th day
L .1 of Sept. In the j ear of our Lord one
i L.S. thoiiMind eight hundred and heveiily-iiliiu
J ana Iu the ono hundred and fourth j ear of
uieinaepenuencoof mo united states ot America,
sheriirs omce, john. w. iioffman,
IHoomsburg, Nov, 7 tc ' bUerltr,
At the Columbian Ofpice
Cs-v:e:ei 2.000
JIm e tignol the following remnrlabte paper, the
Mmri. ISHAUVIl Y et JOUXSUX, 21 Piatt St , After York :
Pfir ihs nssf four vest v. h.rnnnlil vsrlnns hrsnils nf PnrniM TMRira. .
lipids and the Public Prefer BENSON'S
ne consider mem, ono or tno very lew reliable household remedies worthy ot conndcnec.
They are luperor to all other Porout Plarfen or Medicine for External ue." Kov.l-ivi.
The Old Estsiblishctl Jriur Slore.
Corner Jlitin mid Market Streets
The undersigned hkvlng been in the YVIKII.IXAI.!
vuu iho luiciiiiun oi me puuiio generally,
, ineir large ana
lite Bet;&il
CsiBiuol 6e SB3rB;asse1 anywhere.
I'Klll'DMEItY, ClOAliS,
loom imusntis,
and in fact every thing that should
regulated JJrug btorc.
They are the sole Manufactures of the Celebrated
lso the Manufacturers
DR. W. M. BICKLEY'S Celebrated and
Compound Aromatic Wine of Gentian and
Iron. Improved Cream Camphor, Worm Kil
ling Agent, Improved Rose Pectoral.
The Best Remedies Made.
Highly Recommended by Physicians.
Blooinsburg', Pa
Ily virtue of sundry writs lssucil out of tho court
of Common Picas of Columbia county and to mo rtt-
rt'cttd, wilt be I'XpoM'dto public salo at tbe Court
House In tlio town nf ltloomsbui, Columbia county,
rcnnsj lvanla, ut one o'clock p. m , on
Saturday, Noveniher 22nd, 1879.
All that certain lot ol land bltuato In llenton town
ship, rolumula county nuil fctnte o( IVunsjlvnnla,
bounded and described as follows, to-wlt : ou the
north and east by lands ut Samuel lthono, on the
south by land of Alfred Obcrhaltzer and on tho west
by public road, containing one half an Acre more or
less on which Is erected a house and outbuildings.
Ono other lot'sltuato In tho township, county, and
state aforcsald.bounded on tho not th by another lot ot
Mlas J, ncnJamlD, on tho east by land of William
-Masters, on tho south by lot of John Ileacock and
on the west by anothcrlot of Silas J. Ilenjaraln.con-
talnlng ono rruarter of an acre, tuoro or less, on
which Is erected a houso and outbuildings.
Two other vacant lots situate In tho township,
county and state aforesaid adjoining Itinds of itlch-
ard Miles on the north, on tho east by lands ot Wil
liam Masters, on tho outh by other lot of Silas J,
OenJimlQ and on the west by lots of Miles Williams
and Hoj d IIenry contalnlngone half an aero more
r less
Ono part of a lot south of Benjamin Mcllenry's
storo adjoining lots of Itenjamtn Mcllenry on the
west, Uoyd .Mcllenry on tho north, other lot of Silas
I, llcojamln on the cast, and lot ot John ileacock on
the south, on hlch Is erected a barn.
Seized, taken In execution at the suit ot A, II.
Stewart against sllas J. Henjatnln and to bo sold as
the property of fifUs J, Benjamin.
IlcckiLEws, Attorney's. fi. Fa.
All that certain lot or piece ot ground sltuato In
Hcnton, Columbia county, I'a., described as follows
to wit s Hounded on tho north by land of Benjamin
Mcllenry, on Ihe east by public road, on tho south
by an alley, and on the west by land of Hiram Kcr
c tt and Henjatnln Mcllenry, rontatnlnir thrco quar.
tersof sn aero on which aro erected a two story
rramo dwelling house, btoru liouie, shop and stablo
und outbuildings.
r-clzed, taken In execution at the suit nf tho Co
lumbia County Mutual SaUng Fund and Iun Asso
ciation against Samuel Ileacock and to besuldas
tho property of Samuel Ileacock.
Terms cash ou day of sale.
Little & millku, Attorney's. I'lu. FL, Fa.
Oct. 81, TK-ta bhcrlff.
Notice Is heiebv ctven Hint ttm fnllnutt.n ..imt.
liae tweu riled In ilw I'rothonotury's onlc ot Co
lumbia Couutv, and will be presented to the Court
ui Luiinuuu rieusui sum county on the gnu day ot
liecemtxT 1S7, and connrtned after the fourth day
ot said term unless exceptions be filed within thnt
1. Final account of of James Kclfer, committee 01
Daniel liearharl a luualle,
J. First anil llnal nccouut of W. II. Abbott, assignee
8. First and llnal account of .Moses llower, assignee
ot Davids, llower, .
i. First and llnafacrount ot Adam Motks, assignee
ot James Kostenbauder.
8. Account cf Neheinlah Kitchen, assignee of
Thomas ltcc'cc,
Oct. S1..U)
uvEiiY nmiccTon. teach eh ami
bhould subscribe tor
A Lire Educational Monthly, published at
torw cents per j ear. benJ six cents for specimen
Aprt.lMt..U ,K,CANP&.
WZfi ft tiTfniTtiiTtM PyYTTfrS
ilgnnture of which can be teen at our ojflee ;
DH1H! bustness for the past eleven years would
-s in particular, to
varied stock.
ho kept in a complete aud well
and Sole Proprietors
By tlrtuo of a writ ot Alias Vend. Ex. Issued out
of the Court of Common l'leas of Columbia county,
and to mo directed, will be exjioscd to public salo
on tho premises In Franklin township, Columbia
county, Pennsj lvanla, at t o'clock, p. in., on
Thursday, November 27th, 1879.
The following described real estate, to-wlt: All
those three certain pieces or parcels of land situate,
lying and being In Franklin township, county of
Columbia and State of Pennsylvania.
The first of said tracts or parcels of Und contains
Sixty-One Acres, neat measure, and Is bounded as
follows, to-w It : Iteglunlng at a Itcd Oak soulo.
degrees west, S3 perches to a Chestnut, thence north
r9 degrees west, I and 3-io perches to a stone;
thence south sv; degrees west, 74 perches to a cor
ner with Solomon Artley; thenco south i degrees
east, tvOtf perches to a pluo knot; thence south 6S.K
degrees east, Oltf perches to a stone; thence north
&ii degrees east, 49,v perches to a post; thenca
north l degrees west, 139 perches to the place ot
The second of said tracts or parcels of land con
tains Fifty-six Acres, and one hundred and nrty
seen perches, neat measure, and Is bounded as
follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a Maple, thence
north 4I degrees east, t perches to a stone;
thence south tu degrees east, ci and 1.10 perches to a
post; thence south S5i degrees west, 14 p(,rellcs ,
a post; thence soUb 4 degrees west, tlx perches to
uucuuaii; inenco souin Mtf degrees west, S3 and
l-iu perches to a Chestnut; thenco north l degrees
west, 7 anJ 8-10 perches to a post; thence south 831
degrees west, en and 8-10 perches to a post; thenco
north IS degrees w est, 63 and 6-10 perches to a stono
thenco north degrees west, 9 perches to a stone
thence north 8X degrees west, 84 perches to a stono
thenco north uyt degrees west, so and .io perches
to a stone; thence north lay degrees west, ss ana
ev-10 perches to a stone; thence south st degrees east,
01 and 3-10 perches to a stone heap; thence south 33 ys
degrees east, lav perches to the placo of beginning.
And the third of said tracts or parcels of land
contains Four Acres, and forty -six perches, and Is
bounded as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a Ited Oak,
corner with Samuel lloaglaod, thenco north s de
grees cast, si ana 7-lo perches to a stone; thenco
south 7 degrees'and o-lo pe rches to the centre
ot the public road leading from Catawissa to Elys
burg; thenco south ss degrees west, bo and s-m
lierchus to a stone; thence south S3 degrees west.
Sand 6-10 tvrches to a stone; thence north 19V
degrees west, 4 perches to the place of beginning.'
The abovo tnree pieces of land lj In tr contiguously
and forming one farm tract, comprise In the whole
ono hundred and twcnty.two acres and rortv.ti,r,
perches; and will bo sold In two parcels to suit
The one bolng Uie Farrnrprenercontatniniia
Land IS perches, m a nno state of cultivation, and
whereon are erected a commodious and comforta
ble dwelling house, alarge bauk barn, wagon shed
and corn-crib combined, cider press, and all neees
sary out-bulldlngs. It has abundance oj excellent
fruit,-a well of water at the house and one at the
barn, and Is convenient of access by public roads. '
The other containing 4 acres und S3 Perches where.
on aro erected a largo custom grist and flouting
mill, with four run ol stune, a dwelling house, a dry
goods store and dwelling house, a saw'mlll, and
other imp roi ements; togethe r w Ith tho water power '
and the appurtenances thereto, and the right te
maintain the dam at Its pre sent height, for tha use
of the said grist mill, saw mm, Ac,
seized, takeu In execution and to be sold at the
bultol udenreld vs. Clinton Mendenhall, Ell Men.
denhall, Ellas Mendenhall, and K. It. Drinker the
title at present belug In K. It. Drinker.
Fssus, Attorney,
Terms cash, jo)N w. HOFFMAN.
oct-i therm.
visiting Bauds,
lbttek ukadu
. .i , . ruwJ, o ct
Neatly tid Cbtsjily printed at tbe Coitk
B1AN Office.