THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRATS BLOOMSBUR, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. .Miscellaneous. t Ktm AND MULISH FARM MACHIK' l ' W f '" i' la PMicr: In Scribuer fyrNoveinbor on f "'The Apttlculturil Digress of Or'eit Britain," Mr, P. T. Qninri give tVio result pf perform!, c iiuriirtitfh'of KoftlUh and American farm tool, its ibllowat American manufacturers of farm loola nhapa them in such a way as to do tho work with ()(! iMV pliyrfcal iaWfJ The' KnglUh manufacturer, on the pilicr lianl, has a ptida in making everything substantial, heavy and od,jltliout any regard to tho weight or 9 LitKOgth noodetl. 'Why, ita'crd imoro,iwood and iron In an Koclish farm-cart than would make two American carts, and jet with their , tuprrbroada thcr load theirs no heavier than wo do nurpf, i Ah. English manure ifurk ij oF tlielaandantio itd pattern it Was half a cenj flirf igo fvduirr; rongli tlno shouldered near tho point calling for the greatest. amount of forco in loading or unloading. Tho Amcri can fork fa a round polished tine, tapering gradually from ihe point to "the bae," and calling (of tho loat p;iwcri Tha weight tl an Englisli plow is at loat three times that of ours and its length about twieo, and yet it takes neither wider nor deeper furrow slices than our best plowf . In fuel, ono pair of horses-attached to ono of our best pattern plows will do from a third to a half moro work! jnjlie'aame Dumber of hours than an Kogfish farmer wild his long, unwrcldly pal tern that is out of all tiroinrtloii. both in' length and weight, to the work it is intended for. Tho Fame is true of tho KoglLh har rows, cultivators and all of the tuiplctirntl I found iocommon use for taming or cultivsi ' log the soil. Tho ordinary Wooden haod-ralo is a clumy, heavy thing, having from a third to a half mori wood than is actually noccs nary. In many instances, iu going through Eafland, havo counted eight anl(j n hands gathering hay luto windrows with these hand rakea, an oicratioii,vcryfcMoui, if ever;' seen now' in tno'United State?. In many of tho agricultural districts which I visited, farmers cultivating from forty to a hundred acres of land stili continue to cut their grain crops with tho reaping hook and crad!c. The Eng lish cradle has a scythe blade of ordinary size and length, with two short wooden fingers. The man cutting with this cradle throws the cut grain around agaiust tho uncut stauding grain. Anotlcr man follows the cradler, (quipped with a piece of stick about three feet in length with an iron hook' en the end of it. and gathers the cut grain into fhcafa and places them on the stubble beforo th next swath can be cut 1 lie American or what is commonly railed the" Yankee" cradle, has a wide scythe-blade tiuiilar in sii and leogth to the hnghsh, but instead of two short has four long ones, and the operator cuts the grain, which, falls on the fingers and which is thrown into a sWaf-on the Hubble entirely out ot the way of tho next cradler who follows, leaving the cut grain t - , rujy fob bound, ono man .with us doing me wutk ui twu id cogiauu. id taiitiug ou the subject with, an intelligent farmer in Esex I lit coon)y,!EoglaDd, I had difficulty hi convincing bim that the lone fingers of the "Yankee' cradle wouU 'not or'couldnot get .'tangled .up in the straw, nor could I induce him to send and get an American cradle, although he was coniphvping of the high price of farm labor, J ' Lt l.LLi.1 1 .v, ,t.V - ' !-- -c r. produce. , Ji I i -t :r, -.. FATTK.MNU TUKKlSVS .ijirj.roodlyVlglit, as the su'mra.' d wane, to see the tlocks of turkeys coming home from the woods and pastures at night fall, with full crops. If the farm has not beeii.orer-iloc lied.' with these bird; they! have largely made their living upon grass hoppers, crickets, worms and other small fry.. The regular iood they liave had has CXf1biratfieto keep them wonitfiari 'to- supply any lack of forage. As the cold night come on, and the supply of innects declines, the business of fattening properly commence. It should he remembered that pluijjp, wrjl-dressal-jurkeys! uLt only ring a hfgbti'price ib market but Enhances the reputation of the producer, and make his market sure forfuture yearyeTbelurkeyjH one oftheflafstwd pr o,l J eta of ihe farm and one of the greatest luxuries in the market. r -The farmer should do his bestin-prepsrinrr r.bU flock fir, the shambles. .The main bus!- I'lnes now UTb fay ri fat. and the bird should' iiaye, every uight and laorniDg, a full sup ply of nutritious and fattening food. In stinctively the turkey follows his' food, and if the supply Is abundant at the farm yard, he, will. not stroll far from home. Roiled ' potatta, mashed, and mixed with meal, and ' fed moderately warm, is a very excellent , 'fd both, to promote growth and U fatten. If the pigs can be robbed of a part of their milk, and it b mixed with a part of the hot potatoes J and meal, it will very much im 1 prove the dish. It, Is very desirable to sup al' tbe.placo of lusectg with some kind of aeimal.f tod, au I butcher' scraps if one of the cheapest and most desirable forma of looo tor poultry, urain apouiu ue given at least -once a day with the auft and warm teed. Nothing la better H an sound corn. The northeru corn is thought to contain more oil thaii.that'of the southern growth. .Old corn should always be used for this pur pose; The new corn keeps them too loose. In feedlue, only lio much corn sjiould be thrown out as the birds will eat up clean. Take a little time to1 feed them, aud atudy aesthetics, as you watch'the Iridescent hues upou the, glossy, plumage., There Is nothjog mure charming upon the farm lathe whole circle of the year, than a hundred or two of these richly bronzed, turkeys, feeding near the corn crib. You cau afford to enjoy the . i disappearance of com, while the turkeys are ' Increasing iu weight. PKKULti LADIES. Those languid, tiresome sensations, caus ing you to feel scarcely able to Joe on your feet; that constaut diaiu that Is taking from your.aystem all its elasticity; driving the bloom from your cheek; that continual strain upon your vital forces, rendering you iiritable and fretful, can easily be removed by the use of that marvelous remedy, Hop Bitters. Irregularities, and obstructions of your system are relieved at once, Jwblle the special cause of periodical pain is perma nently removed. Will you beed this. CLOT II EH IS HlSAyEN A lady in Spring field bad been talking with her little girl about a death In the neighborhood, and about good children going to heaven, when, bright eyes aald, 'Mamma, shall we have clothes ready for us in heaven 1" and ber mother replied in tbo affirmative, The lit tle oue weut away again to her play, but soon came back in a thoughtful mood with, "Well, mamma, I guess I'll take my trunk of clothe along, to make sure 1" Nkwtos'b Philosophy. Sir Isaac New. ton, a little before he died, said ; "I don't know what I may seem to Ihe world, but, as to myself, I seem to have been only a buy playing on the sea-shore, aud dlytrtiog my. self iu now and then finding a smoother peb ble or a prettier sbell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me." IS I'lJUIJilY IIREED1NQ PROFITABLE. , Xhla question Is often 'aked. and scores of times 1 wrongfully answered.- If proptrly conducted, it la profitable; if left half cared for, '111 provided with proper accommoitlon, placed in charge of Inexperienced persons, then emphatically fowls are not profitable. It Is a fallacy to think that all that la necessary, is to pro cure a dozen fowls, consign them to some unused shed or cellar, throw them a hand ful of corn In tho morning, and go out In the afternoon and gather In a baiketful of eg. No branch of firm Industry requires more careful attention than the poultry. They are perfect machines, and If properly managed miy be kept In gold running or der and made very profitable. Good warm quarters should bo provided for them, suit- bly Ventilated at tbo top uot from the bot tom jr( sides, thus paitsloga draught. Do not arrange ihe perches like steps to a lad der, so that all will crowd to get on the top most perch, but place them about two feet from the floor for Ihe large breeds, and three to four for small breed, and all In an even Horizontal position. Fowls should be provided with a conven ient dust hath, kept Inside the boiifo and away from the droppings and filth. It may be made from a large soap box, filled with fine road dust, In which a good supply of Hulphur has been thoroughly mixed, and al so some con I ashes. Wood asbesare not so good, or clear ashes of any kind, as the fowls when damp will change it into lye, blistering their skin and flesh. 'Variety is the spice of life,' and a variety of food insurea the usefulness of a ben and a plentiful supply of eggs. What the food should be is somewhat varied, according to the aeaton, and it has been discussed lu these columns from time to time. I'uro water is a necessity, and a good supply of milk is a valuable adjunct. .Care, proper feed and cleanliness will insuro success . without cleanliness, yon had belter not In to do anything. Cleanliness and an occas ional white-washing of the house, a dusting of sulphur in small quantities in the ucsls. and asuppiy of kerosene oil sprinkled over the roosts, will effectually prevent vermin the principal enemy which breeders have to conteod against. Giunlry Gentleman. Sound Asleep. A young man inlDubu que, Iowa, went to a country dance the other night, and did not return to his home until (he church bells were ringing the next morn ing. His father told him be must go to meeting, and he went. Before the minister had finished the opening prayer he was sound asleep, and dreaming of the dance. An old lady who sat next to him touched his hand to arouse him,whereupou he seiztd herwrist.'and shouted, "All join handaand circle to tho left. Swing the girl with the blue dress on." COURT PROCLAMATION, i - i WHEREAS, the Hon. William Klweli. President Judge ot the Court otojer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, court ot Quar. ter Sessions of the Peace anil the Court ot Common Pleas and Orphans' Court in tne seth Judicial Dis trict, Composed ot the counties ot Columbia aod Montour', and tho Hons. I. K. Krlckbaum and F. L. Shuman.Aasoc.'ate Judges ot Columbia countjr, nave issued then- precept, beatlns date the lath dar rf sept, in we year or our Lord one thousand elKUi handled and seventy-nine, and. to me directed for holding a'Cotirt of Oyer and Terminer and'oenenil quarter Sessions of the Peace, Court ot Common Pleas and -Orphans' Oourt, in Bloamshurir, in the i-uuuiy ui vuiuiuwa, on we nrei Aonaay, Deing roe ist day or Dec. next, to continue two weeks. llces ofthe'Pe'aee, and ihe 'Constables of tne said county of Columbia, that they be then and jtherj in their proper person at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said 1st day of Dec. with their records, lnqul Bisons and other remembrances, to do those things wnicu u ueir omces appertain to bo done. And those that are bound by recognizance to prosecute against the prisoners Uiat are or may be in the ail of the said county of Columbia, to be then and there Drosecuta, them ae snail be. tut. : Jurors are re. ijuesieu w ur punctual in wen-attendance, agreeaojy to tneir notices. Dated at Oloomsburg the nth day ( ot RepU in the year ot our Lord one T 8. y thousand eight bundred and seventy-nine ( i j and in the one hundred and fourth year of the Independence of the United states of America. Shenn'somce.i . 4011N. w. uofkman, inoqmsburg, Nov. I to , Sheriff. 1 , 1 1 TtriDOWB' APPRAISEMENTS. TV Tne following appraisements of real and pnmml nrooertV ut anart tnwlrinwnnf flnrarietilA X, iTe uevn nioq w tuo onice or tne itegisicr or Col umbia county; under the llules of Court, and will be Drescnrea ior aosoiuie connrmaiion to tne unmans Court to be held In and forsold coun iy. uu jtunuay. uecemuer ihiv. aL two oclocirp. ra., of aald day unless' "exceptions to sueb ponnrmatlon are previously filed, ot wblcb all per. tons interested in said estates will take notice: I. Widow of John Patterson, late ot lleaver town snip, deceased. s. Widow ot Sltas V. Karns, late cf Iicnton town 'ahJp, deceased. 3. Widow ot M. R. Jackson, late of the Borough ot Berwick, deceased. f -Widow ot Abraham Voder, late of: Locust town ' fchlprdeceased. s. Widow of William damson, late the Town ot Uloomsburg, deceased. e. Wld(MWr's.V.Krwln,late cf Mifflin towuihlp, deceased. 1 1. Widow of B. K. Eves, late of Oreenwood town ship, deceased. 8. Widow of John lllcks, late of tho Town of Blooms- uurg, ueceasta. , widow of John Ilaup, late of Franklin township, deceased. ' JO Widow ot George C. Scott, deceased. late ot Catawlssla, 11. Widow ot Thomas Davis, late of Benton town deceased. Ileglster's Wllre, Btoomiburir, Oct,3l. ISIS.f w. n. JACotiy, lteglster. TD EGISTER'S NOTICES. XV Notice Is hereby given to all legatees, credl birs and other persons fnterraU'd In the estates of the respective decedents and minors, that the fol lowing adinlnlstrallon and guardian account have been filed In the omce of the Iteglster of Columbia county, and will be presented for confirmation and auow ance in tne unmans' Court to be held In moomsDunr. on Monday. uecimutr isr, ib;v, at 1 o'clock, p. in. on said day; 1. -rhe account H John McAnall, admlLlstrator f l.villa W, IKxlwD.laU' or tbo Uoroueli ot Oerwlck. deceascfl, as nied by p. s. Hunt, admluUlrator t. Tbe account of Jobn "McAnall, administrator of .i. . voabun, law 01 ue uorouen or llfrwlck. dtwaaod, aa riled by y tt. Hum, administrator S. Tbe nml account of C U. Jackson, euardlnn of James 11. iVarce, minor cblld or A. II. f'farce, 4. TbeniKtandflDal account of Harry W. Mloun UUIUIUUIUKUJr ui Mtxzuk ui)fi., litu or Ilto TOWU til HIKimRluirv. ilM-nHwul s. Tbe first and final account of Jceunh Tnw nhnnii Trustee to sl Ileal Jstat of John ToMisand, mus oi xuiujinuu vjwiuiup, ucceiuieu. e, Tbe first and dual account of Jobn Jtppleman, Trustee to Bell real estate ot Ann winner, UU of Hemlock tovrnsbtp, deceased. 7. Tbe account of Lloyd 8, Wlnteretcerj, adminis trator of Levi Creasy, late ot Main tonuiblp, deceased. 8. The first and partial account of J". 8. Mill, ad ministrator of xarab Kelthllne, late oMIie ltor ougb ot Uurwlck, deceased. t. The account of Wm. Marti, administrator cum tcstamento annoio, of Ludwle Tbell, lulu ot Lo cust township, deceased. 10. Tbe final occount of Jobn (I. Jacoby. tnurdlat of Anna 1. 1'oet (late lilank) a mluor elilld of bamuel M. Wank, late of Centre towpslilp, de ceased. It. Tbe first and rlnal account of Thomas nutter, administrator do bonis nan cum tesuinfmio un nezo, of ElUabctu Hurry, lam of culuinblu county, deceased. 11. The firat and final account ot William Edwards executor of Ann Htaal, late ot Urlarcm town, ship, deceased. 11" Tne first and final account ot M E.Jackson, Suardlauof Keberca J. Uarch, minor cblld of ames March, late ot Centre township, drceusfd, as mcil by c. H. Jackson, Kiecutor of II. li Jack son, decessed, II. The first and final account of Samuel Coleman, administrator! f Kllai II Kllue, iaU'icI KlbUloi: 'creek township, deceased. 13. The Kcond account of William Lamon, trustee In the estate ot Jacob Moyer, lato of llrturcreek township, deceased. U. The scvind account or Kaumel Keyhard. eiftii-. tor 01 i niiip nainiK, Mie oi utinire tuwnbnip, duccased, as truxlee lor Hacbael Coleman. lteirtaUir's Ofilce, I Uloouisbui ir, IKt. 31,1 I oct, 31, '!V-tc. w. ii. jai-ouv llegkiUr, PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed ut thin Office ON SHORTEST NOTICE Al I) AT THE MOST BEABONABLB XSBMfl. H THE EVE, EAR, and THROAT uoocstfullr Trentad with SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE, t SUCCKfifl I th tMt of merit arf tacctM In Ihe treat ment ol Cturriiftl AttiioDi, aflvr no mtnr mtMrv bl rtllire,meftni nnUotitU'd ttpocldc raratlvt proper tlei to th remviijr wvU Jovi HAnroiD't IUdical Ci'Ri for CtUrrh povitte mch prypertle? lh ei denre. Intlmbittc wrnfiifitea tesllmonUtefrom ilia mot rtopctaJl people in ill mttoni of lite, tnmt be ronclurlf e on t bit point. Kcrcr. wg Iicllera,lniheri1av torjr ofpopolur nvedlNnrt tint uch vetatble teltlmonjr teeaoOcred, frreljr iffvreil. In iMorof maf remiwlr thn tbtt In Ilia ioMulon of the proprietor of Aroe,u'i ItiDiOALCVHi. AnlTktaib)eiHiltliJt(1ot4 tintrepre cnt . thooindth part of tb recominendntlone vhtrh tre tfvd y offered I r frlende to rrlenln In lie fa tot, 'to S1 of weftltli and reflivmrnt In HI parte of the toanlrf Xf ftitmlt Its tooerlorltr ocr nf met hod of core knon to the rcrnlmr medirel prof cm ton, bni elmn the rubllcltr Intlrlrnul ti aipubllttheititiitemem. Hence tie tcitfraonUle Inonr poinemlon repreeent but hi mull pert of thonti wlthbcM for ib rnwon mentioned). The follolnfjrBneoHiHel tittlnionUI from Hbht WtLl Ket4- of well. Tr(t A t'o.'e Kipret, e an outipoaea laWorumentof bkh we art Juitty prood. INVALUABLE. Mf ure, Wrbim A VnrTfi, Wholveele petit, Boa ton, Mm 1 f;entttmen, t tiaAO Mr ionte month felt It a dutr that t owe to tuflYr na liutuanitjr t. write jou, tiunjr tlio Krcat bcui lltthet I have derived from the nic or fUMrnRH'fl IUdipaf. Clan pon Cataiikii, Yot tnor than 20yenre 1 htvo been itnkted wltti thin Terr troablcoomq complali t. 1 beta Irkd nil tho reined I- a that I conltt find, but wltlioat material rr rwnnanent benelit. fall thd dlnmo h arrlvt-d at that atite that I it nit bare rt Ik Tor dte. Tiie entire niembranoiti Ttcm had ber mo f-'i Inflamed, and (lie ttntnsch no tflaorderctlt that It w,tj doubtful m iter whither J could ko lotl.e l'ltclfln toMt.t r If I dl I po whftbrr I boulif llvetocnniB brtekor nut. I aaw an adTertl'e meut of tlit medicine, aud althunirb belnif very lntred nlon ahoat aprcinn or nootrnma of aur kind, yet In ahrer dpoptrtulon I trtedltit,anrt wae ntoncobenrfitei by It. the change of cllmntc, a chronic dlioau of Ihe livnr, and my ajfp over W rnajr prrTrnt my entire reitorailon,butiho bvaeflt 1 derive from Itarfnlty uae litjjmc lnca!urtuto& I an hoping t be completely cured, and at tart arrive at a respectable old airr. if thlaatatementof my eaae can be of aoy aorvie f those alitlcted a Iti u e been. and enable ) ou tt brlnj t h 1 remedy Into moro general ate, especially on tho riclflecoat (where It la mtirti nccded(iny object In writiOK Jill" Fiotn win us uuitHJiru. eryirniyyoura, Araoa , K. V., June, iiKxnr wEt.LrS. . of WU(I rj(uACo. Each parknreeontatna Tlr. Panford Improved Inhal Injr ToW, and full dim tlona fur tua In all eaae. Price IA). For tale by all WholralA and lletall Drure'et and Dealer throdirtioot the United Stale and Oanadn. KKKH A POTT- It. General AgeuU and Waoleeale UrogitUts, Doaton, Hunt. HCOLLINS'ia VOLTAIC PLASTER ALWAYS CURES. Enlarged Spleen. Thltlttn certll that 1 have hrn nalnn vnnr CoLLin a' Toltaio PLAiTKBeforKtilNrstnuent of the Spleen tod DepreMlon In tha Stomitch, and they have pjlven mo more relief than any other remedy 1 have ever tiacd. I would nltkly recommend them to tha rfTfwta at naln and lnflaunmatlon. all aufferloic from J. VT. BELLS. Piotisisa, Vo.( Jnne 2ft, 1S77. Severe Pain. Hariri tr Mcaalotitonte aramedv tatrtwtrveTtoain In my Bide 1 tried one of your Colx: Volt a to Plas TEia, and In twenty-four hour the pain waa entirely removed. J. . 8AM MIR, Aas't Carter First Nat. Bask. WtllOMA, MtXWi June lt, 1877. Weaknesses. Colltna Voltaic Plaatvr a-lva tha halt aaitafaetlon bere of anything tbxt ha been tried fur Latneaeae and Weakneti or the Hack. Pleaae end more right away. J AJda LK WIS. Detajt, III., June 16, 1877, Irlic;, 3f5 Contfl. lie careful to obtain CoLLixe' Voltaio pLieTBB. a couiblnatloa of Llectrlc and Voltaic PUtt a. with a b if li ly Medicated Plaater, as aren la the abuvecat. bold by all Wholesale and Itetall DroirrlKta throughout tha IJnlted btatea and Caoadaa. and by WEEKS A PUT 1 kit. Proprietor, liottou. Ha. THEONLY MEDICINE That Acts tit the Same Xiso jun THE LIVER, and the KIDNEYS, j Theafl mil orrani tu-atha aataral cliana- era tf tbe system. If they w otic well, lijait). I wiit dj periccxi ii avj uccoiub ciasafea, arciuuiu oiaeaaoe are urs wt iouow wiu TERRIBLE SUFFERING. DUIowBMi, lleaaluhe Dyspi-pata, Jian- ilea, Conitlpatloa and PUt. or Kid- aef Coplaiats,GrareI( Diabetes, Billtat U the CHue, Milky r.Bopf UrtsM or Uhan i atlc Pains aad Aekes, aw developed becauso.tliti blood Is polaanrd wlilt tho humors tat ftoould Have beau eiptjlkd naturally. , KIDNEY-WORTI wlllwtore thabeabbr action andallthcse trarrui Intr evil Will l banll'.icd 1 QCleCt UiMn and yon will live but to suffer. J TbfltiaandJbavaoaeei cored. Trylteadyou wllladd ooamoe to tb number. Tate It I and health wlllonce more rladdes your heart.' I Why urTr longer from the torment Of nn nohlna back 7 VrflT near uuen uiairaas iruni sjri etlpatlon and Pltn ? Why he ao fearful hecaueo of dla orJcrcdurlno? ) ' KibNXTtWOBT will euro you. Try a pact" a;o at once and IwsatUQcd. I hit a dry vtgtuiuie cotnpounaatuti Oarark'as;eiual(csUq'JarU&f Medicine. Your Jtruggirt hai H, or t-..f t,ut mor iott, Tntt vpon having it. jti, I' oTl'l"'',t,r- Bir!taetaJ ft. h 1 ,18Tff- SP.EE It'S PORT GRAPE WINE Used la tlio principal entireties for t'omnlunlen purposes. 2;ELLSKTT0.t LADIES AND WEA2LY PERSONS AND THS AOtD. Speer'a Port Grape Wjine FOUR. YEARS OLD, riihls Celebrated Native Wine Is made from till1 X juice or tne oporto (J rape, raised In tnls County Its Invaluable Tonio and Strengthening Properties are unsurraseed br unv fither Hntlvi. winpj iu-Iml' the pure juice nf th tlrap-., produced under -Mr. Hpecr's own personal suixrrvtslon. Its burtty and genulnenm sre guarantoed. Tbe jouoefst rblld may partake of Ita generous qualltU'H, and ine weak est Invalid use lt to udvantai.". It Is parllcul.irlv bencnrlal to tbe aged and denuitated. ad suited In' tho v.rluui alliueuu that arieet the wraktr sex. It is in every respect A wink TO im ItELIhll OJ. Sl'EElfS P. J. Sherry. The 1'. J. SIIKIM Y Is a Wine of Surjcrlor Character. and partakes of tli golden qultle of the irrapo, from whlcn tt Is made. For 1'urlty, Illcbness, Flavor uuu JUCUI14UIU r(vf(iic uwuiu. louna unexeeneu! SPKEH'S P. J.Braii4ly. Tbtt ItltANDVatanJa unrivaled in this Country, IT IN A (list Illation tnta the graHi una con talus valuable mt'dlclual proptTUeH, Ithajj a delicate flavor. Muillar to that or the grapt-s from untcii It lHtllstlllod, auau in treat (avur tunonif tirL-claH fiiuillku. Bee that tUo Iff'naturo of A T.Kit CD M'KKU, J'uilo ft,!., 1 Utr - Ui VOL'U IMtlllQ. SOLD UYO.A.KL13IM. June,18T9-tf THJS lifH IS OM HI.K Willi ROW ELL II HtSMAN . Advertlilng s AaaU, )Hma t CHESTNUT T.. IT. LOUI, M. c BBSal SELLERS' COUGH SYRUP ! 50 Year Before the Public. I'rouounccil by all to bo tbo most t'lrn.nnt and remedy In uso, for tin enrr f rnuatt., r.lU, rr.Hitf liMiirNrnr.., tlckilnjr sensttlon ot tbo throat, whooping couu, etc OVKIt A .111 1. 1. ION miTTi.m hoi.ii within tiii: itsr vv.w YK tits. It gtres relit f wlitrcrcr used, and lias tho power to Impart benefit that cannot bo had from the cougb inlxlnrr. now lb two. Sold by all Dru glsta at 23 cent! per bottle. HKI.I.mts l.ivillt IMI.I.S aro also hlithly re commended for'curlng liver complaint, constipation, rick-headaches, lever and ague, and all diseases of tho stomach and ll er. Mold by all Druggists at 83 cents per box. E. E. Sollois & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. oct a, '.o-iy. olrntnilor Hem invention, or for improvement on oM ontt.or medical or other compound, trade mnrlt and label. Caveat, Attlonment. Inter ftrence Jvpenli, Sutt for Infrlngrment, and alt rate atittna under th lntmt haw, prompt' Iv attended to -1 nrrmlnnm that hart been bv the Patent Of- fee may ttill, in Mfttf cne. b patented by tietng vvpuutt the t S, Patent department, and enpnntil in Patent VineM ex clutlctly, we can mule chirr tearrhe. and 'cnre Patent more promptly, ! with broader claim, Ima won trn-t are, return rrom w asningion. tnui v a man el or ekttch of 1oh r dec tee t tee max examination nnf aactti a to paifniarHliry, f r re ef r tiara r. All torrttpandence triitti nm Jldenttal. . Vim Uv, and SO Pit. ill ill: lA Ji2SH rATJJXT IS SVCVltKIK We refer tn, Wathtnptnn, to Hon. Pnxtmntter General JKM. Kejf,ltev i D. Piarer, The ftttmnn American yatlonnt Jlanlt, to tJRrlat in th. V, S, Patent vjjlce, and to ffenrttor unit KcprctrrnUtlvet in Conprtm: aud ipptrtalht tn our client tn tvtr taU in the fVlnti i.tnf in Canada. Adifra f";'j5.ff J'uttnt vjfrce, Washington, D. 1 THIS PAPER IS REFT ON TILE AT THE OITIOK OP GENTS. Bo PHILADELPHIA Who receive Advertisements 7or this rapcr. roTiu iTPo at Lowest Caih Hatca CO 1 1 MA I to rW for KcwipaMr AdTrrtUInr. end A5t tor AY Ell 802PS MAML'Ai- Weaver & Co's. Ads. For rntnrtlntr tin, brass copper, leaiior Iron without acid or soldortoir Iron. Any lady or child can mend with it. Will send ono sample p'ate by mal!(wlthdlrrctlon8) that will cutl'Vif lici square patc'ieion receipt of U cU. 8fo:$l, loo forlio, (pas tagesump3ieilvcd as cafih), AON'iS WANTKll. CM Ctrnrone day's 8iOCK In jourporket. a eswdl yield 3 to $1.1 er day. Our CI pae Illustrated Catalogue of chroinus. Jewelry Novelties, Stai ton cry, Ac. KHKK. Ad.ln hs. I'lTV .VllVtl.l'V I fl No Hit Hour Ii Mlii dtn ilLidelphlti, 1'a. Mpntlnn itilM n.iiaor. S3 J Mention Ibis pjicr. Oct. IT-Im v A co IVQREASI2D PENdlOS'S soldiers wliof rate or pension 1a toolnw,us f omiarnl with present liberal laws, or whose dHuUiUK-s lnvn In t leaned since pension wits cranted. Ohuusdods are entitled, and should at mice npplv Hi'M rtV'I'V "uetui soni r ciseimrsrcaior J J. J. wniinl- rnnlnrp nr ntiiAPln. juryot disease), Who have ruled to reecho the amount promised, ulfi to those who enllafed le- tween ttuuary Ut. and A pi 11 1, js;.1ri;t 3 ear n 11 j iiaa jiirm;u-.ij n.rvu u luiiii vi v iiiuiniii ur more and failed to reeelvi tountv nr wimj fur lusr. service. $(tNi dua bit h ldlur who enhu-d ior a jeaiH prior loJuly 2.d iwit, nnd wiro umstn d Le- iuru aukuslkui. 101, reifaraieH ni umesrveu. ray lurraiiuus nuiir pmuutrj m war, sun uue, c,, Ve have had u lui l nnil txU nMn piwrinrn In collecllop claims and urnKU the bestir rfrerenci nueu ucMmi. umv i-(fii r-ea cnaiwa hiiq no ray unui naini isuuowed. ho tint -it rsta iou noth ing to apply . For full InfiiiHilun mlilrt.i .Mttt 1 lia itmuii, r. niawer 4jt WiUMfiffton, ft. IT-lIU w ,v c Kt ri 1 w' r,tu A'fM or V CJ Li delWMilt IK'O HUd V' nt n rA'f.l or IPimk lhi leiit.v 'In iuur nir, uusi illicit l, Till; WrNT AtcluBOti.Topckii it Simtii 1mH R LANDS' IN KASXVS . ( 'Irllllru tar I Hi ... .1 ... .1 . . . AiMi-rA M Hi nnJP.i.T.... ..' 'f...? I.V! Ire0 'r'i' "i""" '"1" a. A LIVE L'APliR. nltllCtS lOll Ilalll.C-. JTf'.lr I. Ill l...l I Bra m.'iilMsubserl)llonrorllw best paper In I lll'CCtUtlm ft Til 1 .ilit I '1 1. 11 till. ruin nl.l ...l' devil ; ruil-pafe'o ih-iunw; 11" li'irr-t Y ndu-rllso- 1 n ri'irKriill -liri - III UI'M n llier IHaC .oiiwh loin-." 11. iw .Mixaly Mild : Atunit tba litp.ill 1 lu tlaMO'm'n.' 1 mru-iir.i Ai..iti1h I uK.ers una aKeots. uitu oct 31-lm illllliril IIWU UNI luril 1 HUT. HI'l KIrM fllfl. V It U .t.rj eBit, tttturi Ml .1 fcev k. iubiI. Iu ur li dil FM.M4. h ii.ii Inauul rvll.r. uidvurti Ik nin.1 till ui. W iihi, 1. Irpi una tn Ihrw wrvba. If uxid ai dlrtct. ad. 1 lihuillit! num.) al l.ailnbl.l. k .1.. n If a..l.. , lui all a k la a Irlal, In ivutlura thai It wHUuia wlira all emar n.aaua raat lalli-d. rnd J all AiaUt In luadklnaa, HI uan af la-vla traaim ra.(l tar rlc. 1 J M UT7,l;rr.frulastnl fori. S ami (aiis'M lllil I'tuiiklln St., lIullttiHire, lil, CJIIii.Nli.afeaia Uda u.rh and alfiiaiura at lir. J, M . Pa isept VJ-ly. I w A CO. INBTITUTE. EsUbUihedlnl873for theear of Cniicajr, 1uiiiurs, Uloajra, Karrofulia. tnd bkln DiuuaBei. vltboaf tho uuj of kmft or loas ot bluud aua tlttta palu. i'ur information, circulars anil reiurenctii, taOOnsi Dr. l. 1'o.NU, Aurora, Kano Co., III. fcept, 19,'H-ly. Jit CO. THIS NEW ELASTIC TRUSS Ifaltra alfwlM IVmi tUl (r, tj CtMaMM, vlia BWAWtUf 1UU U , Uf IImU W tv!l faMlUoM tha 4r, UI U a ill u tk Etwlwtoo Truu Co., CblciBOa 111.. sept, 15.7ty, J w atco. TIIE JOHNSON KEV0I.VIM1 JJOOK.CASE. Uihlo cf Iron, iwauttfu.l orna nienteil. AdjUBtabla b h o 1 ve a . .'heap ami Btronjf.. Caimbt pet out at 01 (I it. Four BUtka. Head for co'npU'trt circular aiul prico list. Hond 3 cent for out ivew-. llliutratHl Catalogue o( tc)uoLa piercnantiise. .vtrg rurrnf mr Ttaihvr tkould have it. DAKEB, FBATT ft CO., HeadarUrf for U School Suppllei, lit Jt Hi (JUA.NU STUtfcT. MW YOUK. 4pt 1 ly ESPY PLANING MILL. Tlie undersigned lessee or tha Kspy l'laolcg JIIV Is (iripai ui to do all kinds of mill w ut. , Frames, Sash,- Blintis, eic. uiadd to order bo abort notice. batlstactloo luir- autooo, Ouiaues Ksoo, lUocaatiurg, fa. 81 IJMpjJ S ajallllsB R Entllllctf 'Cft ftliayiilintftfaaMiu t BLOOM SB URG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL 8CH60ti DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. Tllll school as at present constituted, oners tho 5gi"iKiolrn Uulldlnas spacious, ,P."'!.)??IIV. ... .... a. i,..o.,Hr,i.i Ark-icnf. .nil mun in their work. Dlsclnllne. mbderatij. Htiy cents a week ucduttlon to all exiiectlnif to teach. Htudeata aUnilltod at any tlma. llooms I'ourses of study prescnoea Dy tno outio i I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Klemenlnry. IV, Ulawical. Allium ftuiraw 1 I Araidemlo. It. Commercial. III. Coume ill Music IV. Coume in Art, Th mm..ntrv. Mclenlino and Classical Courses concspondlnir IieVrecs i Master of thoKlementa: Master of the Sciences j Master of thaCIasslcs. tlraduatcs their attainments.. Mined by the Offlcera of the i hoard of jJWe ' . ..,, . ,., ,,,. inenMiieiiuiivniiu.Kueroiiiv. u. i Eud th?ir tSents,as student."; To all sucut promises uaia qgOTjaaarrajiTO rnny .at. 41111 VIlaltlA.II IVIVt Ii.Ulat rrriincni iivnru Sept. 8. '76.- XDOHT'T But couio ut onto and look IN THE IF Wi: CANNOT SUIT 7N READY-MADE, WK CAN SELL YOU THE CLOTH, OH TAKE YOUR MEASURE, AND MAKE YOU A SUIT IN GITY STYLE BETTER AND THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN TOWN. CLOTHS, CASWMERES, SOLD BY THE YARD. Now soiling at the RELtlABLiK STORES OF HUM col0 ENDORSED BY OVER MACHINE EXHIBITORS AT THE EXPOSITION 1NIVERSELLE, Paris, 1878 AND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, PHILADELPHIA, 1876, A. b.li2"Vety STRONG, SMOOTH,. EXCELLENT THREAD." rr 1 1 o n 1 1 n tr.P1 IfojrfE INDUSTrVri April 18. 'Io-It . THCBCST SOLO BY t, aw u jttHi II Ml lMI i II Ml I HI i M S Ii filllMKIHl S1500.00L BtVARt 0r HOTICEoUAeOsoauMBDtfiecPUr roitfAJtTicuLAa.8 -"fHoinu"- address: WhiteSewino Machine OCt 14. 4W. ssoo a .'HUMII tfuarauUsea. il a day atjioum itniuo uy ine imiustuoua. ('iipltal noV rfiiulreil ; t. will ftart Mm. !eo, wuinsn, l;ojs and utrla make mooey f utter at oik ior 119 tlma ctunnhtuif (l&n. The norkU llk'Ut and pleasant. udU such as aioone cau k'o iitfQtat. Ttoao whouro wlbe who bee tills notlcu wm pen J us their wtd reason ut once and p-h for themsfhes. Costly Out tit anil terms tree. Now ts tne lime. Tnobo already at woitc are talntf up Uryo eumaol tnonoy. Address 'IHUt CO.. Auusu, Maine. oct 3, .i-iy Wirwr's Safe Kidney and Liter Cure. A Tectabl preparation and tbe onU aur rwrnirtMy ia uia won a nir airiy un Ufrrttr. Ilaleta, mutt AlaX. Uittn,, lAvrt aud IJrtmarr Iftatpavat. aMl, nfa.lH Of these ataumenia. Wi'or tbe curw of I)latH(e, call fur Wiu aer HnTm llblra Curf. ajUTFor the cure or Ilrlatlit'a and thtntlifr dlacastfa, call fur lVaruer'a fcuruiUtdurr m4 MJvv Care. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It li thabest UIimmI I'urlflrr, and ittmulaut svrry funttion to more heujititui acilou. and ll tbiii a benefit In all iliseuaei. It curei Hrruruluue and oilier Mkln Emu. Umm and Duwaats, mcliullBij C'uccr, lO ra. and other aVurc. praiNilaa, rrtkna.rtfc Ktommrlj, CaMMllpatlun, iaaliiraa,jaura ilfbll. I It. etc., are cured by the Mufe Ultlera. It U uneauatod aaaii appetizarand rexular tonic. Ulet of tft u iuwa ; ricus, Me and U.00. 'WARNER'S 8AFE NERVINE Quickly Uvea ItMt ana tleep to lh( turr.ilnr. C't? MeaaliMjla and Wruraalsla, prevrnu KpllrrUel-luIanil r.llevea N.r.ou. Snatlam bruuebt pa by xcaiv drink, vv.r work, m.oul abocka, bjhI otlicr cauuia. I Powerful aa II lata atop palu and aootli. dl urtiwl M.rv... If uavnr Injures Ilia item, rb.tlt.r Uk.u In aiuall or larK do.... UotlUs of two alzea; prices, attc. aud $1.04, WARNER'S 8APE PILLS Immedlat. and kv, .tlinulua for a TarpU lift, and eui. Cuilriniif. Dra.aada. au. awnasaaa, auuu iiiar. rasa, HalatU, fTr . aa4 Acaa. Jid should I bo Uaxrd abvni'Trr lb boHelk au nut operate aiia rvKuisrijr. IrUla rakn aMh tMaall aWaa ttr Uak Mt, pria Uau.) Utu IWafwar'a KaJa tUtmaaia miM l Unaffkla a baalars la XadlilM Kfjiaira, H.H. Warneri Co,, laa.i4.Ur.. E00UE3TEB, Jf. T. lWI far raaaaaial ocw si, Faui-os. Tcrjrlwst facilities for Professional and Classical learning. '"-atea: bj steam, well ventilated. Iljhted by Kas, an3 furnished with a bouiailtul suoly of iiure.soft aro I'lturKSSIUMAU and Students irraduatnir therein, recclvp state Diplomas, conferring the followjn aldln devcloploit their powersr and abundant opportunities lor well paid labor alter leaving School, for i arnir DELAY through the largest stock of COUNTY. NOVELTIES, Hats, Caps, &c., ' Vor Men and Boys, Pearl Shirts, Under Clothing, Pretty suits for little hoys, Cheap suits lor Men, Cheap Overcoats, Trunks, Satchels, Bags, &c. Gum Clothing, &c. THIRTY SEWINQ aaaV S.F.T. ISMUSHfO UJt. ataT MANUFACTURED at : MOUNT HOLLY.N.J. IARTiBROUMtTCD)ACUTS.Irtm Mi; I PARIS. PHILADELPHIA. 'AWAmiO I NtW YORK li BQSTO N . SO S1UBLF . 52 Co. Cleveland, ohio. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES. SUITAHLE FOB YARDS, CEMETERY LOTS, and Public Grounds. The followlnif 8how8 the llctet Gothic, ono of thu keveral tieautlf ul Btyles ot Felice manufactured by the undersigned. For Ilcauty and UuraMllty they aro unsurpassed l'ut up by experienced hands, and warranted u Iflve sutlsfactloo. Prices and Specimens, of other Designs sent to any address. Ablnteb, S- July is, T9 nm HESS, Bloomsburg, Pa. Farm Accounts! Kery rwrutr nhould kuowhuw tokorp Utia.t An eullruly ivw and coiiipMo si sU-tn Just iU TtwoiL. Bnd Iiaa-bdrorfrutiUamilaMLa uieltayANT& Ktiuttoh )uiMM4 CotajkUK. UN ti. Tautit tH,,l'li.Uk U'n1a, UDITOU'S NOTICE. fou'UBii pounTr a. a. Amonsr the Record: and nroceodtnea of Iho Court. iif(iuaiterrk;hlonln and for aald County, Inter "ia. ta is itiua iiuiaiiicu. In'the matter of the AiiditirSi Kitvirt. nf ?. li lliockway, to distribute money In Court amongst. uauauiunaiii vciiuaiui XKirouiru no., 10, feu, J. ISIS. And now Oct, J3, lsit. on inotloa ot N. Knorr, the . v,.. a v.., .iu w j, a. aiiuvkava,, jaB.. auuiwi. to aseertals thu order In which tliu luacetncnu of the borouub should Le paid ; the money sow ordered w un udiu iuui j luri.uuinir raisea oy inanaaw, i ue Act of Assembly ol 18U dlrectlnif a aptclal tax ha v. tnifexplreo. , , . llVTUtUOgiT. ' tertllled from tho llecorda Oct. , ism. WM. KillCKllAUM, clerk i. s. The Auditor IntJiA nlmrn paka lalll ir..t tlm iuhIin Interested uttiU oftlce In ttiooiisburn', riuonMav urday. Nor. yith, utt, at Id ouiick a. u. tn puna. anceot abotu rule. yri'riTrTOBDnwWjiWiTWtjl Oct. tl,-lw Auditor, rt5ilataaaaB'id firm but kind, uniform and thorough. Kxpense reserved when desired, V. Course in I'livsical Culture. in tno oilier courses receive normal veruiicitios . ,h . , w r n s-rotarr. .... 1 . C. B. SAVAGE, IK Silverwaro. Watchos,Jewelry.Clecks.&c. I If ItcmovM to tho Post onice1 bulldinc. OrsTdor atrare UieKxtiango Hotel. All kluds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry tieat- D. I. c. la an abaolulw ami Irrralaiablr cure tar DRUNK- ennptLTnternneraDroandtho nno of Oplom, To bacco, arcouci, and btlmulauti, rrmuvlDie al taito, dciire audlialilt of utlnn any of lliein. ren drrlQaTtbetiiBtafirilMlrp fnrKiivttf thr-m rwrrrrtli odlouiand dlpguitliiK. iliriu: vrry oni porfeci not im-BiiiBuie cuniruiot luu auonriy oi lucm elrvs or thnlr f rlnnda. ltprfvcntt tliat aiiaolnto pliyofcil amt moral rotn aging tiiiTinlAUti or nari'oiK . lftckatf, prepaid, to cum l iubpcrioiu,f3,or jiiuraruKnintft, ft. is per imii". icmporance auciciici annuia rt-commcna it Itli rcrfrctlr trnile and novir-f alilDc Hop Bitters Mlg. Co., BochesUr, N. Y. Sole Agcnti IFata flnntrh F.mrn di-tttpttva nil tmln Innaona tho cuaph, quiet Uie nmu, pruduwit rvttt,and uotcr iu cure. The linn Pndf Qrfitomfi(b.IJviraniiKfflna Unuprriortoall otlieri. c'urva bj auitorpUoa 11 IB yCMClf aV UlUKK""' Thf Kip Bllttrtl Mtg. (-., of Rcm hnUr, N.T. en V. I"!" Uim U tunilf, klao lb Hop bitten, whkh r In fin mbm a ararapflrlakilrtwit,battbalDTMtand IWi MtJUtH tt bums), Uaaaioft ntm cure iobb mi mamw rtnwaan. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGCISTS Hay .. rpTTfQ "IJ 4 1T?I mnr bo found on file ot Oen ill Akj X 1 JJlbt. Itmvrll A ti'M AlW.lMIMt AdvfrllMlnir Ilunnu no BtiriKt Stnftl wlier" mler Inn. ! m..l.i I... It IV VikilWI feb. u.u-t r Fcb.T, t9-ly WIS AND Hanging. Pa per WM. F. BODINEi ! IIIOS bT HELOW SETONU, llLOOMSlltlltO, Vi a prepared to do all kinds of HOUSE PAX1YTX1MO Plain and Ornamental. PAPER HANGING, BOTH DECOHATIVE AND I'LAIN. All klndN of Furniture Ilriialrcd. and uiHde an good an utw, NONK BUT mtST-CLAHS WORKMEN HMPLOVKD Bitimatet Kado on all Work. WM. F. BODINK. Oct, 1,1879, M. C. SLOAN & BRO. HI.OO.M.SHIJItG, I'A. Maouracturereof Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs. I'LATFOltM WAGONS, tc. FlrsUclau worlalways on,hand. IIEPAIIUNd NEATLY IXINB. 1'rleca reduced to ault the tlmca MINNESOTA. DAKOlA nvt u i npr, nnn ani-a. nr- Ullt6 FARWINC LANDS ! IN : .11 IN M: VII I t 1 v a. a. . fur ..l b, 'II,, MINIUM hT.l KrUI'K.ll.ll. Al ft.. i w a) II n-, A.r. ... I ..n, Ijiji .1 urn... IM Uaila li, l al.allail. ar il.- sin. .it, ai,J a,. u,u, j..., , ,.,.", Oiar train, vaa.u.l.a, alo. Ua i.,iuXi I. au.ur. a.a4a.rlaaalll.falaa... " Tu '7 ',re I r''"", "'""riillrf. IS aai.... 1 ' wi.i, , laaiMuliaH, CIIA8. E. 6IMM0NS, l.lra...l..lou.r, aa '""."..... , .i, IIK-AUIi,II.U SopU 8. ItlSW AT THE OltANG'KVILLK AUAUEMY You can get a Thorough Kducatloa with the LEAST OUTLAY OF MONKV. For Catalogue, address tbe principal, HEW 0 K. CAN FIELD. AprUlS. tSlMf OB l'UINTIWQ I Neatly and cMaplj ezecutetl at the OotOMUlH Offior, SDn. SAsronu's litvp.n iNvtooritTnnS 7i- - a I 1-.i t..-.:i- tt . " IU la uwamuatta x .aiuiijr ia'.'Hl"tljr l(f a. dlsuasea of Uio Liver, Htoinncli .7a 11 I- Ta I. !..- 1.. SA HH aciauu animiiD, la 10 1 itreijr a,YfflalLl JVogeUliK It never If U rl; JDebllitnlctv-Itls (f I Oatlnytioan tfg WM y, ' ..6 tHo' .TVS' fV' 4 5 .u.tOv. -ifV2 Taii t.U.a' 1 IV InTrrniitA.t uai been nami' in mr - and br Uia . w t'uuijp j for mnro tlmn rk trlth UDprcccdonUd rranli. END FOR CIROUl an 2 S.T.W.SlimBD.U.D.. L" "oadwit! i iw" - 1 nawiguKCITf ist nat'ooisr will tim too m m tihi,. RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES b9HbE9 JOUTUERN CENTRAL RAILWAY SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday, .lune 23. is;, ine tmn I n the rhliadclphta Krle Ha lroad l)l Istun will run I s luuuna ; WESTWAIID. Erie Mull leaves Philadelphia II s pin " " Ilarrlaburir 413di " William' port S35aia " " Jersey Short) 9 ; a ia " " Iioclc Haven S40am Itcnovo lt u aw " arrive at Erlo lunm Niagara Express leatcsl'tilladclphla ssn, iiamsuurt; iitam " arr. at tt llllamsport it Its a in ' " Lock Ua en a 55 pm " Itenovo fiwpiQ Past Unc leaves I'hlladcliihla 11 45 a u ' IlitrrlsburB 35 pm " arrlM- nt wiiltamsport I!'ipm " I.ixkllavcu 8tiipm KASl'WAItl). raclflc Kxprvss leaves lxk llaven mom ii-ravjr ouuiij i ij a III " vt llllamsport tcsam " arrtvoatllarrlsbure Uiiam " " rtlladelphla ilspm llay Express leaves Itenovo iOi)5stn " " I-ock Haven II Ham " V'llllamsport ISfipm ' arrive at llarrlsburtr 4iupm ' ' Philadelphia IWpiii Erie Mall leaves llcnovo sMpm M " Lock llaven luiiopa " " W llllamsport lisupia ' arrives at Ilarrlsbure 3uoaro " " Philadelphia T vi a m Fast Line leaves wmiamsport in as a n ' arrives at llarrlsuun; 3Maia " " l'lilladolphla I4iiaia Erie Mall west and Dar Kxiiress Eatt intVn rlnu I connecllonsat'orthumtcrland with L.A; u. It, 8, 1 trains for Wllkesbarre and scranton, I ErleMall West. Niagara Express West and Fait I Line West make close connection at tt tlllomspoh I with N. v. lt. w. trains north. I Niagara Express West and Pay Express Cut I tnaKO ciotu conneeiiuu ui lakk. tiateu vtllUH.K,,! It. it. trains. Erie Mall east and West connect at Krlc with trama on L. K. M. H. It. 11. ; nt Corry witlio.c.t A. V. 1L It. ; at Emporium with li. X. Y. i. i: 11 K and at Driftwood with A. V. It. 1L Parlor cars will run between Phlla .elpUa ul WlUamport on Niagara Kxprcas west, Ei le E'pnsi we&t. Philadelphia Express eat. Day Exp rm east and Sunday Express cast. Bleeping cos ou all nl,u t.riuuB. Wll.A. IULDWIX. tieneralsopt. ATORTHFaKN CENTRAL KAIUVAHl J.1 COMPANY. On and after November SOUi, 1873, tnilns will Inn I ouuuurjr ivniuiiuian ; NOItTItWAltD. Erlo Hall a. ra., arrive Klinlm n ,t ' Canandalgua. . 3.aa p. n I ltocucstcr 5.15 Niagara. tn Itenovo accotumodat Ion II. 10 a. iu. nrilve MliUi, portu.Mi p. m. Elmlra Mall 4.19 a. m., arrive Klinlra lo.w a. to. buffalo Express a. to. arrive Buffalo b.ui a. a SOUTHWAltU. lluffalo Expreca 1.50 a. m. arrive Harrlshuri; " Baltimore Elmlra Hall 11.15 a.m., arrive llarrltturf i.m " Washington 10 a ai Baltimore c.3i washlngtoo narrtsburg accommodation burg 10.50 p.m. arrive Baltimore " Washington o.n Erie Hall lies a. ta. arrive narrtsburg 8 os a. a, " BalUmore8.40 " " Washington 10.35" All dally except Sunday. D. X. BOYD, Jr., (ieneral rasscnetr Aje I A. J. CAHSATT. Goneral MaLi,-ti I tShiladelpha and HEADING KOADl ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGE8I TRAINS. Jlayll, 1879. tkiins uavi KOriKT aa roi.i.owm8CMiivtJttnil For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, I'ultbVJll Tamaqua, tc, 11,45 a. m For catawlssa, 11,45 a. in. 7,51 and 7,35 p. m. For Wllllamsport,6,2S 9,05 a. in. and 4,cc p. m. TBiiNsiOK aoriaT utavi ia roixow8,(ethCiTiil carno.) Leave New York, 8,45 a. tn. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Iave Heading, ll,55a. m., fottsvllle, n,3. and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. in. Leave Catawlasa, 9,50 a. m. and 4,oo p. ra. Leave WUlUnisport,9,45a.m,i,15p.m.and,50p.Dl Passengers to and from New York and l'liiudel l pula go througii v ithout change of cars. J. K. WOOTTKN, tieneral ilanmtf. U. O, HANCOCK, uencral Ticket Agent, Jan. 11, isis tf. ANll D EL A WARE, LACKAWANNA WESTEltN ItAILHOAD. liLOOMSBORO DIVISION. TUne-Table No. 89, Takes effect at 4:W A, MONDAY, JUNK 10, 1S73. N01ITH, STATIONS. SOUTH. tjvjBB mm mm i '"vmmmmwuMDi mum bj mwr. as . . . n in ll.n Scranton .Uellctuu Tuylorvllle..,. ..Lackawanna.... ...... Plttatou U 35 V 111 4 I3, 1 S 9 45 S Vi Jg 1 3D 4 M JJJ.S west pulsion... .....Wyoming,. ........ Maltuy ......Bennett. ....Kingston...... Kingston .Plvmouth June. ...Plymouth ...... Avomlulo . Nantlcoke 8 57 t 3 13 10 18 10 33 a ia. T 1 a HI I 1' 10 29 v is I & a nt I a 10 34 3 24 Jll 10 4'i 3 35 S W .11 unlock's creek. , .. unicxsninny.... ...Hick's Ferry... 0 55 l0T 4 03 S ...Beach Haven.,, 11 13 11 91 I w 14 2 V5 4 116 13 89 7IB I SS 7 8? .....uerwica ,.Urtar Creek.... Willow drove.... Lime Hldgc... 11 St 4 44 7 II 6 . 4 55 M a, 80 t"1 H 43 5 5 M . .tjpy....... Bloomsburg... llu Deri ........ Catawlsna Bridge. . , , uan vmu....... Chulasky Cameron .NorUuimberlaad. S''rKAS'.'suS! Ljuneio.l'1 ata w. v. nAU' it. s. Bupenntenaema omce, twrantos, TyAINWRIOIIT A CO.. WlIOLESXlE OlioCElU, ruiuoxuau, Dealers In TEAS, KYIIUPS, COFFEE, fiuaAK, MOLAhSIW, aica, unciJ, aicisi Bona, ao-i c. N. K. Corner Second anil Arch ttreeta. tvordera irtll receive prompt attention. p.m. p.m. a.m. 9 30 4 11 9 45 9 93 9 17 9 37 9 OS 9 30 B M 8 51 9 11 8 61 3 4 9 It 8 411 8 4i 9 14 18 41 II II B SJ 30 9 04 8 13 3 HI 8 44 8 93 3 90 8 55 8 18 8 li 8 47 8 04 3 04 S 89 T 51 8 51 8 IB I 89 9 89 S II T ri 1 84 a is 7 95 S 18 8 OO T 18 7 14 7 10 II'J l4 7 44 8 55 1 57 7 88 110 III 7 83 5 45 1 48 7 99 C 97 1 97 I 11 10 o ui i oo e 45 p.m. p.m. vm.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers