THE COLUMBIAN AND DEM0CRAT,BL00MSBU11G, COLUMBIA COl NTY, PA. ELECTION RETURNS FOR THE FALL ELECTION OF 1879. NEW AVDERTISEMENTS. ALL WHO BUY DRY GOODS, COURT PHOCLA.MA.TION. Should not fail to Inspect 0. E. EtiWflLL, Slltsr. J. K. LITrSlIBSUDiU, Publlsha. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Friday. Nov. V, 1870. HOW IT WUUKEII. Tlio nepubllcmi party of Columbia enmity In convention met, nominated n lull county ticket to bo voted for on Tuesday last. Mr. Ileeco Fulrninn, n very respectable gentle man nod excellent citizen was nclccled ns a candidate for sheriff and honestly expected tlio full support and sympathy ol Ills party. Mr. Kiilrmnn was encouraged In his endeav or! to become sheriff, ami in wo are Informed npout consldernblo time In canvassing tho couuty. His chance- of election, owing to divisions In the Democratic party, were bet ter than auy Republican candldato ever had in t'lil county, and if ho had been treated fairly by tho men who nominated him, thero is no telling what tho result might havo been, Hut as afterwards developed, he was only set up to be knocked down by his own bo called friend'. List week, the edi tors of the Republican Btarted out to betray their own candidate, and made no bones ol saying In public places that "It was a matter of dollars and cents to them, as they would Ret the bulk of tho printing if Knt was elected," which Intimation that Mr. Knt had mado a bargain with them was a Bland e r on his charae'er, as he had dono nothing of tho kind. And so with the hope of putting a little filthy lucro in their owu pockets, and without consulting any members of tho party as to their course, they assumed that they were tho Republican party, that men of sense and prlnclplo must do their bidding and abandon the candidate simply for the pecuniary benefit of the Republican. This action was an Insult to Mr.Falrman who was Astonished last Saturday morning when he first heard of the movement against hlm,and an outrage upon the Republicans of Co lumbia county. It was only a part of the original programme laid oat by these politl cal schemer. They net r Intended to sup port Talrmas, and the columns of their pa per ftrr ssrertl weeks baok show scarcely a word In his favor. He was a mere tool from the start. Mr. Rlnglrr, the Republican andidate for Prothunotary last fall can per haps conjecture now who it was that cut his vote down nearly one thousand below the nsnal Republican vote. In counties where the Repsblicans are in the minority they occasionally slip their man in office by wise and proper management. For instance, in Montour county, where they always stick to their ticket, they have elected a republican Frothonotary a second time. With any kind of leadership tho republicans of this county might accomplish something, but so long as the present manejement is permitted,so long will that party be in a hopeless and helpless condition, except to turn In now and then and try to elect an officer who they think will put a few coppers in the pockets of the ring-masters, by patronage. We do not be lieve that Mr. Eat, made any contract or promise with the Republican editors fortheir, support. They expected to get his patron age out of "gratitude." So says the senior editor. The result shows how they helped him where their objects and motives were best understood. In several districts the movement reacted to some extent against its treacherous contrivers. In Bloomsburg Mr. Knt might otherwise have had perhaps 100 majority. In Greenwood Ent had a majority of 13 last year ; this year be is beaten 48. Orange gave Ent n majority last year over Krickbaum of 114 ; this year it gives him but Gl over Smitb,Ent's majority in Berwick last year was 152,and this year it is 93. But generally, in tho County, the "sound money" Republicans are put in the position of sup porting a Greenback candidate, and betray their owu nominee besides I They have been very noisy, or their leaders for them, in de nouncing "soft money" and all forms of the so-called "rag-baby" idea ; but have now been manipulated, and managed by tricky leaders, for selfish purposes, into the open support of the heresy they have denounced. THE RESULT IN C0LUM111A COUNTY. The vote on Tuesday resulted in the elec tion of Capt. Uzil H. Ent by a majority of 30. Until a few days before no one antici pated any difficulty about tho election of the Democratic nominee. The election of Captain Ent Is by no means a Greenback victory. He must have bad a large number of Democratic votes to carry him through, his whole vote be ing more than 1300 over the Greenback can didate for State Treasurer, and many voted for him as an independent Democrat be cause of personal prejudice against the regu lar nominee, and many on : account of his own general popularity. The fight was not a simple question as to whether Smith or Eat should be the next Sheriff. It was a fight to maintain the old organization. The balance of the county ticket Is elect ed by majorities shown in the table else where. The vote was very light, not much more than half the voters turning cut. Leading Republicans in tut town and through the county are vowing vengance on Beckley for the high-handed manner In which he sold them out. We await with curiosity to see how many days it will take him to whip the rank and file back into the trices. There are some, however, who will no longer submit to his rule or ruin admin Istratlon. Where oh, Where is the Greenback party now ? The highest vote polled for any of their candidates was 454 for Jury Commis sioner. Last year Mason had 1169. They certainly cannot claim Eat as he was elected by Democratic voters. Mrs. Lounsbury, who Bhot her husband, an Episcopal minister in Connecticut, last September was tried at Bridgeport on the 31st ult. The case went to the Jury with outargument aud the verdict was "not guilty because insane, A Deaf aud Dumb Girl Talks In Her Sleep A singular story is told by John Lather, of Dorsey couuty ,?Arlc., in the columns of The Little Rod Gazette. He has a daughter who suddeuly lost her voice and hearing when the was a little girl some fifteen years ago. One night last week he was passing his daughter s room when he heard straugo voice. Arousing his wife they crept noiselessly in, and with thrills of joy saw that their dumb'daughler was talkiug in her sleep. The mother clasped the girl in her arms, but when awake again she lost her voice. Since then she has been heard to talk aloud In her sleep, speaking generally of the occurrences In the household the day before. A deaf and dumb .youth of the neighborhood, who had been looked upon us the girl' lover, was prostrated with grief upou hearing that his girl could talk. Vote of DISTRICTS. S" O M r-i 179 21 7 177 35 29 115 133 85 1115 131 81 109 131 47 83 23 87 178 140 78 13 44 110 139 51 03 21 8 68 11 9 109 220 10 48 51 37 4 147 122 C!) 138 41 22 103 9 J8 220 100 10 100 40 6 112 8 4 178 41 4 81 43 20 88 48 0 75 48 92 99 20 18 07 20 8 109 SO 75 157 11 2 Heaver lientnn Berwick Bloom, E Bloom, W Brlarcreek, Catawlssa, Cent rail a Centre Conyngham, N Conyngham. S Flshlngcreek,... Franklin, Greenwood., Hemlock,,, Jackson, Locust Madison, Main Mllllln, Montour.,., Mt. Pleasant,.... Orange, Pine, Roaringcreck,... E. Scott, W. Scott Sugarloaf, THE KliEUriO.NS. Butler is elected State Tn asurer bT ma jority of 30.000 to 40.000. This was accom plished, not by any Increase in the Repub lican vote, but by stay-at-home Democrats who allowed the election to go by default. The vote of the Republicans Is far short of Hoyt's figures last year, and If Democrats had turned out and done their duty, Barr could have been elected by a handsomo ma jority. If the public money Is used to de feat Democrats next year In the Presiden tial campaign, by a corrupt Treasury ring at Harrlsburg,lhey have tho proud satisfaction of knowing that they quietly permitted it by staying at home last Tuesday. Some times "off years" are good things, sometimes not. NEW YORK. Cornell, Republican, is elected Governor in New York. The balance of the State ticket, is Democratic. Ihe election of Cornell was the result of the Tammany split In tho Democratic party, Robinson being the regu lar nomlneeand Kelly the Tammany candi date. The joint vote of Roblson and Kelley over Cornell will reach nearly 40,000, so that New York still remains Democratic by a large majority and will cast its electoral vote for tho Democratic candidate for Presi dent next year. New Youk, November 5th. The to tal city vote on governor and lieutenant governor, so far as returns are completed, give Cornell 4i,010 ; Robison, 68,548 j Kel ly 42,130; Hcsklns, 49,001, Potter 95, 512. Returns from the state confirm the result given last night, but they are not yet full enough to show tho exact status of the leg islature, which, however, Is undoubtedly republican by a slightly reduced majority. MISSISSIPPI. Jackson, November 5. But fourteen counties heard from. Of these eleven havo elected straight democratic ticket, with a majority of 0.500. Hinds and Madison re quire an official count. Holmes is conceded to the ereenbackers. with the exception of the senator. Marshall county, the strong hold of greenbackism, elects tho full demo cratic ticket by a large majority, The elec tion passed off quietly, witn a small vote cast, and there was but little enthusiasm except la counties where the whites were equally divided. NEW JERSEY. Trenton, November 5. The election re sulted throughout the state in a republican victory on the legislative ticket. The re publicans elect their senators in Burlington, Middlesex and Passaic counties by large ma jorities, and the democrats elect their sena tors in Cape May, Sussex and Hunterdon counties by small majorities. The republicans elect at least 33 members, and the democrats 27, for the house of assembly. The republi can majority on joint ballot will be about 9 The democrats elect their county ticket in Essex county and the surrogate in Mercer county. OTHER STATES. Maryland poles a large Democratic ma jority as usual. Connecticut has elected a Republican legislature, and Wisconsin gives its regular republican majority. In Mas sachusetts Ben. Butler Is defeated .for Gov ernor, and the verdict of solid Democrats all overjthe country Is "served him right." Ho ought not to have been nominated by the Democrats. SUGAR-BEETS. We have 4 1301b j of Sugar-Beets raised on one-sixth of an acre of ground. This Is at the rate of over 13 tons per acre. Some of 1 the beets are very large averaging five pounds each ; but a large portion of them are very small caused by the plants being too thick in the rows. The seed were im ported from Germany, and sowed In plowed furrows two and a half feet from center to center, and cultivated with one horse and cultivator. We sowed over half an acre.but the seed or young plants perished on all but one-sixth of an acre of the highest part of the ground, caused we suppose by too much wet in the furrows where the young plants were. The ground was a clover and a timothy sod, manured, limed, and plowed In the spring. The land should havo been plowed and cropped the year previous. There appears to be no reason why the land should not have yielded from twenty to forty tons per acre, provided the seed had been sowed on level ground on ridges in stead of In plowed furrows, In rows one foot apart Instead of two and a half feet, and the rows properly thinned out where they were too thick, E. II. Little. The Boston Qlobe continues In successive chapters its revelations of the frauds by which tho republicans carried Maine at the last election. Its witnesses are the chair man tf republican town committees who confess to the prices which they paid for votes and the amountof funds furnished for the purpose by the Hon. James G, Blaine. These statemeutsjustify the bosst that was made in behalf of Blaine while the contest was going on that be could raise more mon ey for election purposes than any man in the republican party, They explain, too, the meaning of our Horatio Gates Fisher when he talked of the "pegs" which he and Blaine put into the "holes" up in Maine. When these revelations are all accumulated In one mass they threaten to exceed In par tisan Lateness, venalty, corruption ami fraud anything that has been witnessed in this or any other free country since the bal lot was invented as a method of ascertain ing the voice of the people. rulriot. 1878. State Treaiurer. P d I U -4 41 127 37 131 84 50 105 15 22 23 4 121 10 121 90 69 4G 175 83 81 23 55 47 39 27 3 7 71 pi a a a a hi Pm 23 29 35 43 3 CO 8 13 S3 a M 20 28 131 105 110 23 68 29 48 101 137 83 107 87 CI 123 60 80 42 27 101 37 120 108 87 133 169 72 107 38 81 69 17 41 GO 5G 100 4 1 18 22 12 3 38 27 3 44 22 35 8 10 12 8 7 20 18 12 4 2 2 2 12 1 07 7 3 37 9 37 20 95 30 7 G4 31 4 42 24 40 -40 21 24 43 35 15 4 10 27 17 2 6 4 o 5 11 9 3 1 7 37 15 70 11 4 2 9 7 40 15 29 13 21 10 5 19 12 2441 1100 378 210 1055 544 Death of Senator Chandler. Senator Zacharlah Chandler of Michigan, was found dead In his bed nt the Grand Pacific hotel Saturday mo'nlng. Ho had been speaking In Wisconsin, and Friday night addressed nn immense audience at M'Corm'ick's hail, in Chicago, and spoke with his usual earnestness. After the meet ing, when he and Senator Logan and Hon. Jesse Spaulding, were sitting in his room, engaged in conversation , Senator Chandler complained of indigestion. His friends then bade him good nlgnt and left. That was tho last time the senator was seen alive. Th tt morning, when the office boy called him, there was no response. As uponjrep etition Bilence prevailed, tho clerk effected an entrance through the transom and found that the senator was dead. Tho body was not quite cold, and the physician who was present decided that the death occurred about three hours previous to tho discovery. The face looked tranquil, showing that death was painless. Senator Zacharlah Chandler was born In Redford, New Hampshire, December 10, 1813. He received a good academical edu cation, and was bred a merchant. In early life he settled in Detroit, where he was very successful in business. In 1851 ho was elected mayor of that city. He was the whig candidate for governor of Michigan in 1852. In 1857 he was elected United Sta. tea senator from Michigan to succeed the famous General Lewis,a statesman who had won renown and reflected glory upon his stale. During the thiity-fifih congress Senator Chandler served as chairman of the committee on the District of Columbia and of the committee on commerce. He was re-elected in 18G3, and during that term again served as the chairman of the commit tee on revolutionary claims and mines and minlug. He was also a member of the na tional committee which accompanied the remains of President Lincoln to Illinois.and was ajdelegate to the Philadelphia loyalist convention of 18GG. In 1809 he was ie elected a second time. During the term that expired In 1875, he continued chairman of the committee on commerce. In October 1875, President Grrnt tendered him the post of secretary of the interior to fill the places made vacant by the resignation of Columbus Delano. He served until Presi dent Grant's retirement. When Senator I. P. Christiancy resigned his place In the senate early in the present year to accept the post of minister of Peru, Mr. Chandler was elected by the legislature of Michigan to fill the unexpired term of a man who bad succeeded him in the senate four years be fore. His term ofBervice would have expired In 1881. As chairman of the republican national executive committee Mr. Chandler organ ized the plan for seizing tho electoral votes of Louisiana and Florida'.through thejreturu ing boards, and to him more than any oth er man was Hayes indebted for his elevation to the presidency of the United States. The trial at New Haven, Conn , of Rev. Mr. Uayden on the charge of poisoning Mary Stannard promises to develop instruct ive poiuU touching arsenical poison. The prosecution is seeking to establish the iden tity of the arsenic found iu the stomach of Mary Stannard with that obtclned from a druggist's jar. lu reply it is urged that the arsenic which the defendant is said to have placed in his barn to kill rats camo from the aforesaid jar, while .the State seeks to prove that the poison thus obtained was ad ministered to the victim, and that the barn arsenic was purchased at another place be fore or after the poisoning for a deceptive purpose. The principal witness to estab lish this view is Professor Dana, of Yale College, who maintains that one sample can usually be distinguished from another sam ple of arsenic by the marked difference In the crystallization, To perfect himself for this very examination Professor Dana went to England to study the manufacture of thn drug, arsenic not Jbeing produced iu this country. The results of his microsopic re searches are exceedingly interesting. It is certain that samples of the arsenic found in the barn atd the druggist's arsenic reveal a striking difference in structure under the microsope. The prosecution seeks to prove by Professor Dana's testimony, as stated above, that the poison from the druggist's jar and that found in the stomach of Mary Stannard are the same. Whether it will be possible to convince the jury of the sound ness of this view and its resulting conclu sion remains to be Been, It Is very likely, however, that a now field of evidence has been opened up which may have an Import ant beqring on murder trials Infuture.iW. riot. The reprint of The llrifuh Quarterly He view for October has been issued by the Leonard Scott Publishing Co., 21 Bar clay Street, New York, We note the prln clpal papers: 'Adolphe Monod : a Biographical Sketch,' 'Irenteus,' 'Dr. Johnson.' 'The Vatican and Civilization.' 'What is Religion?' 'Poli tical Prospects of Italy,' 'University Edu cation iu Ireland,' Contemporary Litera ture. Careful notices of uumerous recent publications. The periodicals reprinted by Tin: Leon ard Scott Puhlishino Co, (41 Barclay Street, N. Y.) are as follows : The lAtndin Quarterly, JMinburyh, Wettminuter, and Jlritith Quarterly lteview; and Jilackwooi't Mayazine, Price, H year 'or any one, or only $15 a year for all, and the postage i prepaid by the Publishers. Jury Commissioner. Q a W 75 39 130 150 91 G7 17 71 95 23 30 01 21 41 44 34 147 9 21 21 31 43 108 13 25 132 77 32 a a ti 15 27 121 or, 105 21 81 28 39 a tu 4 4 1 31 21 13 4 47 t w M 101 131 76 108 87 02 120 22 93 25 4 112 30 103 37 85 138 127 GS 107 31 01 0G 4G 40 00 60 99 3 13 22 27 35 18 95 102 5 03 05 4 41 27 30 33 21 23 34 37 1G 4 0 o 9 6 10 4 2 8 2 1 1085 252 41 2202 1182 484 275 A Mother's Grief. The prldo of a Mother. Ihe Ufo nnd 1ov of a home. are her children, heneo her grief when slckncBS en- len nnu iqkch mem away, take warning men, thatVou aro running a terrlblo risk, It they havo a roilcli. Croun or Whoonln? Couifli. which lead to Consumption, If ou do not attend to It at once. Mil- loirs consumption euro Is guaranteed to euro them. (iTl"U iu CIA., u" cih. mm tl.t.i. rurminu iaen, oiuc, Orl'nost, mo shllobn Porous Plasttr. Price S5 cents, gold by J. 11. Klnports The ltest I Ever Knew Of. J. O. Starkey. a prom'nent and Influential Citizen of Iowa City, srs ! 'I havo had tho Dyspepsia, aud Uver Complaint for several years, and have used every ncmedr 1 could hear of, without any relief whatever, until I saw vour fhlloli'8 Vitamer adver tised In our paper, and was persuaded to try It. I am happv to sUito that It has entirely Cured mo. It is ccnainir me rose itemeuv i ever &uew ui.' sets, sold by J. U. Klnports. Price SIllLOU-S CATAItllll ItBMKDY. A marvellous euro for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker mouth, and Head Ache. With each bottlo therols an Ingenious nazal Injector for tho moro successful treatment of tho complaint, without extra charge. Price so cents. Sold byj. II. Klnports NEW ADVERTISEMENTS SHERIFF'S SALE ny vtrtuo of sundry writs Issued out of tho court of common Pleas of Columbia county, and to ma directed, will bo exposed to public sale at the Court Uouso la thoTown cf Bloomsbu'g. Columbia County, Pa., at 1 o'clock, p. m., on Monday, December 1st, 1879. All that certain lot or tract ot land situate In Denton townshlp,Columbla county Pennsylvania, described as f oUows to-wlt : bounded on the north by lands of I. L. Edwards and Thomas McIIenry, on the east by lands ot A. II. Stewart and Benjamin McIIenry, on the south by land of II. F. Everett and on tho west by lands ot Elijah Yocum and Jacob WeUlver, containing sixty soveu acres more or less, on which are erected a frame house, outbuildings and an old saw milt with the water power, as con tained In the deeds to said EU Mendenhall on West Creek. Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of Itobert QGrrelL now assigned to T. Audenrled. against Clin ton Mendenhall, Ell Mendenhall, and E. it. Drinker, and to be sold as the property of Ell. Mendenhall. Freeze, Attorney. AUo3 Vend. Ex. ALSO, All that certain lotor piece of land situate la Fish ing creek township, Columbia county, and stato of Pennsylvania, described as follows to-wlt : Dounded on tho north by land of Alexander SteAart, on the east by land of John llrlghts heirs, on the south by land of Aaron Dogart, and on tho west by land of Uenry Wolf, containing sixteen ncres moro or less two acres being well timbered tho balance cleared, on which aro erected a one story and a half log dwelling housc,tramo stable and other out buildings. Thero Is also a good apple orchard oa the premises. Seized taken Into cxo. utloa at tho suit of Thomas Ileacock, against John Ella cock and to be sold as the property of John E. Has cock. Jackson, Attorney. Fl. Fa. ALSO, All that real cstato situate m me Town of lilooms burg, Columbia county, and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt ton the west by an alley, north by lot ot Simon C. Shlve, east by Main street, south by lot of Catharine Obi, said lot being seventy feet lu front and one hundred and eighty feet deep, be tho same more or less, whereon aro erected a dwell'ng house and stable with tho appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution at tho suit of Andrew Crouse against Ell Jonts, administrator ic ot John Jones, deceased, and to bo sold as the property ot John Jones. Freeze, Attorney. l'lur. Vend. Kx. ALSO, All the right title and tntcru&t of the defendant in that tract of land sltuato In the tonnshlp of Brlarcreek, Columbia county, nnd state of Pennsyl vania, on which tho defendant now resides, bounded on tho north by land heretofore ot John Vanpelt, now M. E. Jackson i st itc, aud cf John Ileavener, oa tho west by said Ileavener now Adam Deltrlch and Francis Evans, on the south by land heretofore owned by P. M. Traugh and now owned by Fettle and on tho oast by the said Pottle and otliers.contalnlng two hundred aud twenty-flvo acres, moro or less.about one hundred and live acres of which are cleared, on which aro erected a frame bank barn, frame dwelling house, and out bulldlugs. Thero Is also on tho premises an excellent applo orchard ami other fruit Seted, taken In execution at the suit of Susanna Hunt, against William Lamou, and to be sold as the propcityof Wllltam'Lamau, Knorr, Attorney. Al. Fl. Fa. ALSO, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate In too Town ot Bloomsburg, County of Columbia, and state ot Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: on tho north by an alley, on tho east by a lot of deorgo Fenstertnacher, on tho south by fourth Street, and on the west by lot of William (Jarrlson, deceased, on which aro erected a frame house and outbuildings. Seized, taken la execution at tho Bull, of The Mu tual Building and Saving Fund Association of Bloomsburg, against Thomas 11. Williams, and to bo sold as the property of 1 nomas It. Williams. ltoblson, Attorney. Vend. Ex. ALSO, All that certain lot or piece of land situate In Scott township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows to-wlt: on the north by tho public road leading from Llghtttreet to B'oomsburg ; on tho East by publlo road leading from Llguutreet to Espy, and on the south by tlio said roai aud land lato cf John Mellck, deceased, and on tho west by said land cf John Mellck, deceas ed, coutalMn; 44 perches, on which Is erected a frame butcher shop. seized, taken into execution at the suit ol Daniel F. He) bert, against James W. Sonkey, and to be sold as tho property ot James W. Sankey, uuckalew, Attoraoy. Vend, Ex. ALSO, All that certain lot or tract of land situate In Locust township and State ot Pennsylvania, des cribed as follows, to-wlt : Bounded on the north by lands of Leonard Adams Estate, ou tho East by lands of John Snyder's Estate, on the South by lands of Frederick Pfahler, on the West by land of David S, llelwlg, containing ono hundred and thirty-two acres more or less, on which aro erected a frame house, spring housa, barn, wagon shed and all necessary out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit ot Moses Ilower and Elizabeth lluwer, late Elizabeth Bltner, In right of said Elizabeth against David s. llelwlg and Ellas L. llelwlg.and to be sold as the property 0 Ellas L. llelwig. Ej erly, Attornej . Vend. Ex. Terms Cash, JOUK W, HOFFMAN, Nov. T,-ts Sheriff. Tri1 NEW ASTRONOMICAL, APOSTOLIC, jfik.3ST0D lEvd-arsia-A-ij CLOCK. Will exhibit at Bloomsburg. fcterner's Block, In Store No. IS Main street below Market, commenting Tuesday Nov. lull, lsTH. Pusllluly ft tlaju only. Exhibition hours from nlno x. u. to ten r. M. sclen. tlilo lecture given by Mrs. Captain J.Retd both af ternoon and eventnir. admission. Adults, 19 cents ; children under twelve years of age, 10 cents. This is the clock built by Stephen 1). Eng!e,alrcady juiiiuus luruuguuuv mo nvicuuuu n unu. N0V.7,-W ,$500 mads In 87 days. 70 page catoloiruo irett, Cincinnati. Ohio. Nov,T,-Sm Wtco Sheriff. Coroner. 6 . M if dJ i jf c5 & fc .s .a ? " I I & tl a a ui W W 1 101 15 4 31 1 133 27 31 1 8 27 76 123 8 27 10 20 101 100 47 21 27 15 92 109 23 11 .18 2 03 20 39 2 10 40 119 79 9 60 41 22 28 41 11 6 92 39 15 6 19 25 19 30 4 30 35 2 169 30 29 3 11 30 18 11 18 45 116 101 19 20 19 15 105 31 14 22 5 2 85 0 5 2 2 138 03 2 2 3 100 30 4 2 5 08 4 2 5 2 100 42 2 12 0 37 21 12 G 1 38 77 39 4 13 08 9 05 37 GG 10 0 4 45 22 0 3 3 3 40 23 3 3 37 7 04 35 38 7 9 1 6G 31 10 2 100 10 2340 1101 475 243 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T 1ST OK GIIAND JUKOItS, liernlck lior. Dinlel Dauchcr. Ccntrnlla Dor. James Brady. Denver Thomas linker. Iictist William Heaver. Jackson-Calvin Dcrr, Daniel L. Kverhart. Catawlssa-samnel Fredericks. Berw Ick Dor. Wm. Oerrard, Frank 8. Hunt. Heaver Samuel llarlocher. locust Adam Johnson. Beaver Petr Knicht. Benton Charles Kase, Stephen Kclfcr. Minun-A.C. Millard. Heaver Bilk-Miller. Flshlngcreek Nathan fc. Miller, Norman McIIenry. orange Thomas McIIenry. Bloom Henry Naglo. Greenwood Samuel Parker. Catawlssa J. D. Oulck. Benton David Hoberts. Scott U, Townscnd. LIST OF JUROKS. Bloomsburg a II. lirowu, Michael Burns, John uenan, &nos uacooy, rrana Kline. Berwick llor Itobert East, Daniel Suit, ltcnton Wilson Gibbons, M. L. McUenry. Beaver John llunstnger. Catawlssa F. p. Creasy, Chas. smith. Centre Benjamin Dallus, wm. Klsner, Jr. Vrnnkttn H. n Unmnhpll. Flshlngcreek Chas. J. Kramer, William Whlte nlght, Cyrus Bobbins, Moses McIIenry. urcenwood JeorgoEv;s, John K, watts, Parvln Eves. HemlockJohn It. Miller. Jackson B, F. Fritz. Locust Solomon Snyder. Montour Lutber Eyer. Madison John u. Nelvus, David Shultz. Main Wm. 8. Fisher. Mt. Pltasant Samuel Hartzel, Ilerce White. Mllllln c. W. Hess, Samuel Muss, John Michael. Pino Lafajette linger. Sugat loaf Daniel Fritz. F NSOLVENT'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given to tho creditors of tho un rsltriied mid to all persons uhom It mavconcern. that he w Ul apply to the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, for the benefit ot tho insolvent laws or thts Commonwealth, on Monday, the 1st day of December A. D. 1S7SI, at which time any person having any objections to his final discharge as an Insolvent debtor can appear and make the same known. Nov. T,-3w JOHN W.OORDNER, jUDITOIi'S NOTICE. ESTATK OF 31MCEL MB1HS, DECEASED. Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho Court ot Columbia Co., to make distribution ot tho money tu uie uuuus ui mo Auimuisiruuir, lu huu umuug tho parties entitled thereto, win attend to the du ties of his appointment at his omce In Catawlssa on Saturday November $9, 1S79, at 10 o'clock A, M at wuiui uuio auu pittee mi panies uiiercsieu must, ap pear, present and prove their claims or be debarred rrom a snare ot saia runa. w.u.nnAWN, Auditor, Nov, 7, to. A UMTOK'S NOTICE. iu the matter of tho first and partial account ot M. u. Hughes, Assignee In trust for the benefit ot the creditors ot Wesley Perry. In common l'leas Court of Columbia Co. And now uct. uz. IS7U. on motion or W. II. Itnawn and Chas n Barklcy Eqs.,E. 11. Ikcler appointed Auditor to make distribution ot tho balance In hands of asstgnco among the parties entitled thereto. BV TUB COURT. The undersigned, appointed Auditor to distribute the funds In the nanus of M. o. Hughes, Asslgnco Iu trust for tho benent of the creditors of Wesley lerrytoand among parties entitled thereto will meet the parties Interested at tho omco of E. H. Ikeler, .In Bloomsburg, Pa., on Saturday November i, 1ST9, at o'clock a. m., for the purpose of attending to the duties of his acpolntmeiat, when and wheie ull such persons will present their claims before the Auditor, or be debarred from coming in for a share of said fund. E. It. IKELER, Nov. T-ta. Auditor. WIDOWS' APPRAISEMENTS. The foUowlng appraisements of real and Eersonal property set apart to widows of decedents ave been flled la tho onico ot the Register of Col umbia county, under the Rules ot Court, and wlU bo presented for absolute confirmation to tho orphans court to bo held In Bloomsburg,ln und forsald coun ty, on Monday, December 1st, 1819, at two o'clock p. m., of said day unless exceptions to such confirmation are previously tiled, ot which all per sons interested in sold estates will take notice: 1. widow of John Patterson, late of Beaver town snip, deceased. 2. Wldo-v of Silas I'. Karns, late cf Denton town ship, deceased. 3. widow of M, E. Jackson, late of the Borough ot Berwick, deceased. 4. Widow of Abraham Yoder, late of Locust town ship, deceased, 5. Widow of William Garrison, late the Town ot Bloomsburg, deceased. C. Widow ot S.M.Erwln.lato ot MlfUln township, deceased. 7. Widow ot B. K. Ees, late ot Greenwood town snip, ueceaseu. 8. widow of John Hicks, late ot tlio Town ot Blooms burg, decea-std. . Widow of John Itaup, late of Franklin township, deceased. 10. Widow of George C, Scott, deceased. late of Catawlssla, 11, Widow of Thomas Davis, deceased. Register's Ofllce, 1 Bloomsburg, Oct. SI, 1979. f late of Benton town- W. U. JACOBV, Register. -QEG furs and ISTEIl'S NOTICES. Notice Is hereby given to all legatees, credl ld othtr persons Intel ested In tho estates of tue respectifuueceaents and minors, that the fol low tag administration and guardian accounts hae been filed In the onice of tho Register of Columbia couuty, and will be presented for confirmation ard allowance in the orphans' Court to be held lu Bloomsburg, on Monday, December 1st, 1879, at S o'clock, p. in. on said day: 1. The account ot John McAnatl, administrator ot Lydla W, Dodson.late of tho Borough of Berwick. deceased, as filed by F. 8. Hunt, udmltlstrator ui juuu jtiuAuuii, ueeeuseu. 2. Tho account of John McAnall, administrator of i. ti. uouson. late of the Borough of Berwick. deceased, as flled by F S. Hunt, administrator vi uuuu juuauuii, ueceaseu. 3, Tho flnsl account of C. a. Jackson, guardian of James 11. Scarce, minor child of A. II. l'earte, micut tueuuruugu ol uern ies, ueceaseu 4. Tho first and final account of Harrv W Sloan administrator of Maria Biggs, late of the Town ui iiiuumauurg, ueoeasca. 6. The first aud final account ot Joseph Townsand, Trustee to sell Real Estate of John Townsand, iulv ui .-.iuuisuu uinueuip, ueceaseu. C. The first and final account ot John ADnleman Trustee to sell real estate of Ann Winner, late of itemiocK township, accessed. 7, The account of Lloyd 8, Wlntersteeu, admlnls- iraiur 01 iui ireusy, late Ol aioin townsuip, deceastd. minlstrator of sarab Kelthllne, late' of the Dor- uufju ui jci mi-v, uci4'useu. 9, The account ot Wm, Martz, administrator cum testamento nnnexo, of Lud wig '1 hell, late ot Lo- uusb. iuwubuiii, ueeeuseu. 10. The final occount of John O. Jacobv. truardlan ofAnna.M. Poet (late Blank) a minor child of Rumueiju. uiauit, laie or uentre townsuip, uo ceased. 11, The first and final account of Tbbmis Duller, administrator do bonis non cum testamento an- noxo, of Ellzalieth Murry, lute ot Columbia county, ueceaseu. 19. The first and final account of William Edwards executor of Ann stahl, late of Brlarcreek town ship, deceased, IS The first and final account ot M E, Jackson, guardian of Rebecca J. March, minor cklldot James March, late of Centre township, deceased, as tlied by C. u. Jackson, Executor of M. E. Jock Bon, deceased, 14. 1 he first and final account of Samuel Coleman, administrator of Silas I). Kline, lato.of Fishing. creek township, deceased. 19. The second account of WUllam Lamon, trustee In the estate of Jacob M oyer, late ot Brlarcreek township, deceased. IS. The sec, nd account of Samuel Neyhard, execu tor ot Philip salslg, late of Centra township, deceased, as trustee for llachael Coleman. Iteirlster'sornoe, W, li. JACOIIY liloomsburg, oct, tu, 'IV. f Register, oct.ll,'TV-W. "WHEREAtl, the Hon. Wjiaum Emvrm, IT President Judgo of tlio Court of Oyer and Terminer and (lencral Jail Delivery, Court ot Quar ter Sessions ot tho Pcaco and the Court of Common rieasand Orphans' Court la tho sth Judicial Dis trict, composed of tho counties of Columbia and Montour, and tho Hons. I. K, Krickbaum and P. L. Bhuman.Assno.'ate Judges ot Columbia county, have Issued tbelr precept, bearing date tlio lath day of Sept. la tlio year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and scvonty-nlne, and to mo directed ror holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and (lencral Quarter Sessions of tho Peace, Court of Common l'leas and orphans' Court, In liloomsburg, In tho county ot Columbia, on tho nrst Monday, being tho 1st day of Dec. noxt, to continue two weeks. Notice Is hereby given to tho Coroner, to the Jus tices of tho l'eacc, and tho Constables of tho said county of Columbia, that they bo then and thero In their proper person at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of Bald 1st day of Doc. with their records, lnqui sltlons and other remembrances, thoso things which to their offices appertain to be done. And thoso that aro bound by rccognlzanco to prosccuto against tho prisoners that aro or may bo In tho Jail of tho said couuty of Columbia, to bo then and thero to prosccuto them as shall be lust. Jurors aro ro quested to bo punctual In their attendance agreeably to their notlcos. Dated nt Bloomsburg tho 18th day jk-O of Sept, In tho year of our Lord ono K. Mhousand eight hundred and seventy-nine v ) nnd In tho ouo hundred and fourth car of the Independence of tho United Slates ot America. Shcrl IPs Ofllce, JOUN. W. HOFFMAN, Bloomsburg, Nov. T-to sheriff. Dauchy & Go's. Advt's. AGENTS READ THIS I Ve want an Agent In this County to whom wo will r fi sntnrv nf iinn npr month anil pxnenscs to Bell our wonderful Invention. SA.MI'LK PltEK. Address al once S II HUMAN CO., MARSHALL, MICHIUAN. nov, T-4W u $25to$5000 trtiounj i1nnftrr wtk,ndpijl IninnnM frentihr tl Nw C'ipllillitln tjUim nf (.prt!tit In Mnrki, FulUip'othmfntrpllrft. Hon to At Ant, mow 1 Co.,, J llroJ!it.,N, Y. Nov. 7-4 w d 30 DAYS TRIAL We will send our Electro Volla'o Belts nnd other Electric Appliances upon trial ror so aajs tomuso suffering from Ncrtnim Debility, Rheumatism. Paralysis or any diseases of the Liver or Kidneys, and manyother diseases. A sure euro guaranteed ornopiy. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall, Michigan. d Nov. 7 4w ORGANS; 13 stcos S Bet Reeds. 9 Knee swells, stuoi, Book only S9S. J ucu j'lanos, etooi, uutcr s. Book only J143.7S. Illustrated .Newspaper sent tree. Address DANIEL F. B HATTY, wasningion, is. j. a. nr.tiim,ln !tn rtfivq on HI fin Invested. Ot. 214UU tlclal reports and Information FREE. Like profits weekly on stock options ot fiotosw. Address T, Potter WiuutSCo., Banxiks, 85 Wall sr.. N. y. a uct. j,-v ADMINISTRATORS' SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! By virtue ot an order of tho Orphans' court of Co lumbia county the undersigned administrators' of Eliza Parks, late ot Falrmount township, Luzcrno county Tennsj lvonla, deceased, will expose to pub llo snlo on tho premises In sugarloaf township Co lumbla county, on Saturday. November 15th, 1879, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, tho following described tract ot land situate In Sugarloaf township, Colum bia county Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a point on the county line dl riding Columbia and Luzerne counties; thence south eighty-three degrees, west thirteen and fire tenths perches to a Btako and stones : thence north eight degrees west ono hundred and forty-six per ches to a stake; thenco north clghty-thrco degrees cast forty-boven perches to a chestnut ; thenco north seven degrees west forty perches to a stake; thenco north eighty-three degrees east fifteen per ches to said county line ; thence south six and one fourth degrees west one hundred and ninety-one and one-tenth perches to place ot beginning contain' lag 30 Acres 142 Perches. strict measure. This Is a part of a tract which lies partly In I.u- zerno couuty.and the two parts will be sold together as one tract- There Is a good New Frame Dwelling House and a II A It N on the land In Luzerne county. ALSO, Atthe Same time and place the undivided one halt Interest of the decedent In the following moun tain land situate In Mllllln township, Columbia county will bo sold. Bounded and described as follows : bounded on the north and east by lands ot George Nunkcster, and on the south bj lands ot Nathan Bredbender on the we3t by lands of John Keller, it being unseated mountain land containing about EIGHTY ACRES more or less Terms jnd Conditions or Sam. Ten per cent, of tho one-fourth ot the purchase money to bo paid at tue striking down of the property. The one-fourth less ten per cent, at confirmation absolute, and the remaining three-fourths tn one year thereafter with Interest from confirmation nisi. I. K. KRICKBAUM, 1 A. It. PENN1 nuton, j-Administrators. Falrmount Sprlugs.Pa.J Oct. w-ts ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate ! Tho undersigned administrator of Rebecca Smith, late of the township of Madison lu the county ot Co lumbia, deceased, will exposo to puollc sale by vir tue of an order of the Orphans' Court o said county In proceedings In partition, oa Ihe premises In said township of Madison, on Saturday, November 22nd, 1879, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, the following de scribed real estate lato tho estate of said decedent. No. 1. A certain tract of land situate In tho said townsh'pcf -Madlsun, bounded by lands of Abraham Broadt deceased, Coirad Kroamer, Wllhitu Shultz A. K. Smith the land below described us No. 2, and laud tf thu heirs of Ellsht B. Smith deceased, con taining SEVENTY-ONE ACRES and fourteen perches, more or less, sltuaud on the puollc load leading from Kycrs' drove to Whlto Hall, nearly all cleared and uudcr cultivation on which Is a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, frame barn and APPLE ORCHARD. No. s. The undivided one-halt part or moiety of a certain lotot land situate In said Madison township, of whtch tho said decedent was seized as tenant In common with A. K. Smith, bounded by the above mentioned tract No. 1, and the said public road and land ot William shultz, containing THREE ACRES, moro or less, cleared land In good cultivation, on which Is a Frame Dwelling House out-bulldlngs, a good well of water and fruit trees. TWtMS OP SALE. Ten per cent, ot tho one fourth ot the purchase money to be paid atthe sulking down ot the property, tho one-fourth less the len per cent- at the confirmation of sale and tho remaining thrce fourths in one year thereafter w ith Interest from confirmation ntst. Deed to be paid tor by the purchaser. CONHAD KI1EAMKR, Administrator, Oct.Sl-U Jcrseylown, To. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of sundry writs Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county and to mo directed, win be exposed to publlo sole at the Susquehanna Hotel In Catawlssa, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, at two o'clock p, in. on Saturday, November 8th, 1879. All that certain messuage, tract, piece or parcel of land situate In the township ot Locust, county of Columbia, and state ot Pennsylvania bounded and described as follows to wit t on the south by land cf John Earnest, on tho west by lands of Emanual Ash ton, on the north by lands ot Jackson George and on tin cast by lands ot Iteuben Krlct, containing forty acres more or less, v hereon are erected a frame duelling house, barn and outDulldlngs, Seized, luken into execution at the suit ofJohn Earn est against William A. Earnest with notice to W, L. Eycrly, Assignee In trust for benefit of crcdlters,and to be sold as the property of William A. Earnest. W II. ItmwK, Attorney. Vend Ex. ALSO, All that certain piece or tract ot land situate par tly In Catawlssa and partly In Locust township Columbia county, Penna. bounded by lands of John Fagely, Philip Manhardt, John Ycager, and William Hughes' estate, containing seventeen acres and fourteen perches whereon are erected a good saw mill, frame dwelllnghouso, barn and out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken In execution at Ihe suit of Jacob Yeager against David H, Ilower and to be sold as the property of David 8, Ilower; W. II. IIuawk, Att'y Vend. Ex. '1 erms cash on day of sale. JOHN w. nomiAN, oct IT, W. Sheriff; THE LARGEST STOCK OF DRY GOODS, -AT THE- DISTRIBUTING CENTRE, Eighth and Market (SlSD(:l,), STnAWIlUlDGE &. CLOTHIER. OUT OF A SILK STOCK OF $150,000, Wo namo n few items remarkably cheap, which represent many other lots too numerous ALL SILK PEKIK STMPES, at $1.00 ALL SILK I'EKIN STMPE8, at $1 25 COLOltEI) AND 11LA01C LAMAS, at $1.25-dlLK IUMAS3E. EXTIU HEAVY AND ALL SILK, at S1.60-ALL I1LACK DAMASSE. at $1 f.O-VELVET AND TINSTOIPES,alJ3 00-JACQUAnnVELVETS-KIOH SATIN DB LYON, nt M 50.1-LYONS SILK VELVEI-S. Irn.n 3.60 to 12 00-HIOIt SATIN $2.00,$3 00 nml$4 00-SATIN IlliODEHIE ami SATIN I'EKIN llltODHllE, ami Ihe grandest collection of RLACK ANDCOLOUEI) SILKS over placed on salo Iti Philadel phia, WIllCIl IOr NCnneSS 01 assunmem UIIU lS'Ened)' OUR PRESENT STOO OF DRESS O-OOIDS, IN COLORS ALONE Is nearly equal In value to our stock of Silks ami surpisses nil wo have over shown in macuitiiile. assortment ami moderation of prices. LUPIN'S l'HKNCIt MEIIINOES, nt-15 and 50 rt EXTRA FRENCH CASHMERES, at 45 cl 1' IttCNCH MERINOES AND CASHMERES, 60,02,7A,87J els. and SI 00 FRENCH SATINS, nt 37 cIs-FKKNCH MELANGE, at 60 cl FRHNUIt 75 cl ELEOANT STYLES FRENCH GOODS, Sl.CO-CAMEL'S HAIR FOHI.E. atSOel NOVELTIES FOR TRIMMINGS, in all Hie new cllecu DAM VSSH OAHHMERES, at .17 nH-YVOOL FACE CASHMERES, nt ,",7 cIs-M-INCH CHEVRONS, nt 37 cIs-ENO. LISH FANCIES. at37 ets TRIMMING STRIPES, at 31 els ALL-WOOL SUITINGS, st 25 els 11 A LF: WOOL hUlTINGS, al 12 cts AND THOUSANDS OF PIECES OF OTHER DRESS GOODS, Of which the above list is but a representative. (Signed), STKAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER. I V BLACK. GOODS. We exhibit a slock of about t $75,000. We have scoured at fir less than present prices. CASES ON CASES OF HLACK CASH MERES,I!LACK MERINOES.SlLlv WARP HENRIETTA CLOTHS, and HUNDREDS OK PIECES OF NOVELTIES IN RLACK GOODS, comprising AEMURES, MOMIE CLOTHS, CAMEL'S HAIR CASHMERES, INDIA CASHMERES. CRAPE CASHMERES, PEKIN STRIPES. WIN I ER HUNTINGS, NEW EFFECTS IN HLACK FAIiRICES, COURT AULD'S CRAPES aud CRAPE VEILS, (imported direct), besides other Fabrics too numer ous In menlion, Especially in BLACK CASHMERES AND MERINOES, Do wo claim to offer advantages tn buyers, as our arranReraents for their production are well nigh perfect. Tho prices in HLACK CASHMERES, begin at 40 cents and run upwards in 40 QUALITIES, to $2 00 ret yard ; and iu FRENCH BLACK MERINOES (doublo twilled), with LUPIN'S GOODS, at 45 cts, and run upwards to $2.00 PER YARD. (Signed), STRAWBRIDQE & CLOTHIER. l'.very lady within reach of Philadelphia, should not fall to inspect our magnificent lino of FOREIGN COATS, MANTLES, WALKING JACKETS, ETO. These garments are all of the most carelut manufacture and perfect fitting, as the best custom work, whilo the prices are so moderate as to excite surprise. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS anil SACQUE3 in unequalled variety. We aro constantly assured that the display wo are making in this department has nev er been even approached in Philadelphia, 1 (Signed), STKAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER. Besides the above,wchave 29 DEPARTMENTS IX DRY GOODS ALONE, and good strictly appertaining thereto, including all that can be needed for personal attire or household needs. The six floors of our large building have been insufficient to contain our immense stock this season, and we have been forced to secure large additional storage room. No such stock of dry goodi can be found elsewhere, and every buyer within reach of Philadelphia should not fail to avail of the advantages we offer. (Signed ), STRAWBRIDQE & CLOTHIER. STRAWBRIEE & CLOTHIER. Eighth and Market Sts., PHIL ADE LPHIA. K9 i' order uslness and when article wanted, as other customers pay when here buying in person. When take them back. clerks, who are able to are enabled to give customers who leave ths cfwlca to ut. With a reputation of twenty years at retailing, we cannot afford to lose our good name by lack of proper service to absent customers. Write plainly, and describe fully what is wanted, and about tho price desired.,. Address, John Wanamaker, Largest'.Dry Goods Houso, Philadelphia. afllll'IIMltlllMJIW Octobers, tf. SHERIFFS SALE ByTlttueotawrlt ot Iv. Fa. Issued outot tho court ot Common l'leas or Columbia county and to me directed, will be eipos'Ml to publlo sole on the premises In Berwick, Pa., at l o'clock, p. m on Monday, November 10th, 1879. All that certain piece ot land situate In tho borough, ol Berwick, Columbia county, l'a., bounded on tba north by land ot Paul Klkeudall, and lot of Charles A. Becker, on the east by lot of Sarah Becker, on the south by Canal street and on the west by lotor Mrs. John M. Knyder, the same being one hundred; and forty-elht and a half feet aloig Canal street and forty. nine and a half feet moro or less In depth, being southtrn end of lots number thlrty-ttve, thirty two and thirty-six as marked and numbered In gen eral plan ot said borough, on which are erected a Iotko three story frame hotel, containing tleve bed rooms ens other large rooms, to-wlt i tlttlng room parlor, dicing room, bar room, ic, a larga framo stable, and frame shed, a.well of good water on the premises. Seized, taken In execution at the suit ot X. Wtr nett against Thlllp Hponey with notice to Jano Wagner, terre tenant and to be sold oa the property of Philip sponey with notice to Jane Wagner, terro tenant. Jicison, Attorney. Lev, Fa. Terms cosh on day ot sale. JOHN W, UOFFMAN, sept M, ts. sheriff. OB I'RINTIWQ I Neatly and cheaply executdd at the Colohilui Office, Sts.,Philadelphia. ujlucuiu muuciunuit ui mi-c-, una nil t-tUtu, STIiAWimiDQE & CLOTHIEU. Out of town people who can not conveniently travel, may have sam ples sent them of Dry Goods and all other goods that wo sell, If they "will write us. No charge, and no need to If not suited. "We make it a to attend to such letters quickly; orders como we Bend the exact and at exactly same price goods are not as ordered, we Having trained and responsible use discretion in filling orders, great satisfaction to the many UDITOIl'S NOTICE. COLL'MBU COUNT? B. 8. Among the Records and proceedings of tlio Court ot quarter sessions In and for said County, inter alia It Is thus contained. In tho matter ot the Auditor's report of C. H. Biockway, to distribute money In Court amongst the creditors ot Centralis Borough No. is, cb, T. And now Oct. 23, 1879. on motion ot H. Knorr. tho report Is referred 10 O. B. Brockway, Ksq. Auditor, to ascertain the order In which the Judgements 01 the borough Bhould bo paid s the money now oroerto to be paid lotocourt,belng raised by mandate, tue Act of Assnmbly ot Mi directing a special tax hat ing expired, Bv TnE Cockt. Certuied from tho Kecords Oct. ss, isik. WM. KHIUKllA0M,o Clerk ij. . The Auditor tu the above case will meet the parties Interested at lilt otllee In Bloomsburg, l'a., on Sat urday, Nov. ssth. urn, at 10 o'clock a. m. in pursu ance of above rule. .....V C. II. BROCKWAY Oct. 8l,-w Aunitor, M ASTEll'S NOTICE. William I, Oreenough c,1 Court of common l'leas vs. lot Columbia county. The Danville. Haileton & f December Term la.i. Wllkesbarre Hallroad Co.J No. 9. The undersigned Master appointed br the said Court to make and report distribution of the runa arising from the sale of the rillroad and property or the defendants In this case will meet the parties in terested lor the purpose of his appointment at nis onice No- sis bouth Fourth Street,lu the city of I'nll delplua, 1'ennsilvaula, on Monday Deeembir isi, 1SJ, at ax o'clock p. tn., when and where all per sons are required to make their claim, orbeue barred from coming In upon said fund. UBOHUK M. DALLAS, Oct, l.-u Master.