The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 31, 1879, Image 3

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iiLoossntjfin, Friday, ocTonta si, ig;o
runuo SALES.
Jesso Haines, executor of J. WaUon Hiblw,
deceased, will sell Valuable Timber Land on
the promises In Hoarlng Creek twp, on Wed
nesday November, 12th 1870,
I, K, Krlckbaum and A. Hi l'enlngton Ad
ministrators of Klltnl'nrks, deceased, will fell
Valuable RcilKjtnte on the premises, In fju-
garlonr township, on Baturdsy November, 15
J. H. Heller, A J. ll.'mlniitrotors
f Jacob Hurler, deceased, will ll 1. 1.
real estato on premises In Mifflin twp., on
NOV. 1,
The heirs of John SwMier. iW,1. ln ..i
valuable real estate on the premises In Jersey
town on eaturaay mov. ath, 1870,
See advertisements In another column.
Having been nominated by the Nntti
Farly for llio otllce of SnerilT I take tnlj
method oi iniorming my friends Irrespeo
tlve of party that Lnm a candidate for" elec
tion, and respectfully solicit their suppn't
at the election to be held Nov. 4th 187S.
tf. U. U. Ent
The first mow of the season fell on 1'rldaj
6o to the polls on Tuesday and vote the
straight Democratic ticket.
"If you do not want, to be robbed of your
good' name," Bays the Minneapolis IHbune,
"don't have It printed on your umbrella.''
A band has been organised recently at Espy,
under the laadershlp of Thomaa Metherellj
Their instruments were received last week.
Vote for A. K.'Bmllh for Sheriff.
A prayer meeting will be held by the Chris
lian Temperance Union In tlieLutlieran Church
next Tuesday evening, Nov, 4tlk
There are a number of ticket printed In tht
issue, the only genuine Democratic ticket.
Vote nu other.
Serve your country by soelng to it that every
Democratic voter goes to the polls next
Democrats, if you vole lb; anybody but A. K.
Smith for Sheriff, you are helping the Kepub
lican candidate.
Rollins, Holmes k Schuyler are now engaged
on a contract for heating by steam a private
residence at Port Carbon.
We are compelled to Issue a supplement lh!
week in order to accommodate all our adver
tisements, and yet gie our readers the usua1
amount of reading matter.
Illuminating dial stem-winding watchca are
the latest, when exposed In the dark will ahow
tbe time plainly in the darkest place. Can be
seen at L., Bernhardt Jewelry S'ore.
15. II. & K. R. Little have moved their law
office to the ro-m opposito the one formerly
occupied by them In the Columbian building.
The change is only a temporary one.
Vote for Dildine for Coroner,
The commissioners appointed to run a line
ofdlvision between Fishing Creek and Briar
Creek townships will meet at Iiagenbuch'a
hotel in Orangeville on the 13th of November
to begin their work.
Oo to the Entertainment and Festival for the
benefit of the Reformed Sunday School, this
Friday1 and Satnrday evenings. Ice cream,
Oysters, and other refreshments will be served,
and a musical programme executed, Admission
5 cen ta.
All persons knowing themselves to be indebt
ed to the undersigned on book (account for job
work and advertising, are respectfully requested
to call and settle,
If. Brockway & Elwkll.
Lockard Bros, will begin work in their new
car shops on Monday next. The shops are
much larger than the old ones, which enables
tkem to carry on their business more extensively
than before..
Vote for Robblns for Jury Commissioner.
The fate o f Prof. Wise, the aeronaut, and
George Burr who accompanied him In his last
ascension, three weeks ago, is no longer in
doubt. The body of Burr was found on the
21th on the shore of Like Michigan. Search
is being made for the remalna of Wise.
.Register and Recorder Jacoby must have had
more money on Saturday evening than he knew
what to do with, as a ten dollar bill got pushed
out of his crowded vest pocket, and was lost.
If anybody finds it who does not want it any
worse than the Recorder doea, we have no
doubt he can be Induced to take ll back.
The annual reunion of the 143d, 149tb, and
l&Oth Regiments of the Pennsylvania Volun
teers will be held at the otd Camp Ground
Kingston Hollow, Pa., on Friday the 7th day o'f
November, 1879. The address will be delivered
by Col. A. W.Norris, of Philadelphia.
I. W. Hartman expects to enlarge his btor
by cutting a passage way between bia present
tore room and the one recently fitted up in
bis block. This will give plenty of room, and
will be an improvement, indicating that his
already extensive business is on the increase
Real estate is being quite frequently called
fur and is rising in li e market. Persons
desiring to purchase should not delay. A very
few good properties are offered by the Fherifii
and the wise and vigilant will make mouey hut
of them. Those not already condemned, are
not likely to be, and future lists will be short.
There was a heavy fall of rain on Tuesday
and a alight bail storm. The sky waa covered
with black clouds and for a little while it was
very dark. A heavy clap of thunder following
immediately after a bright (flash of lightning)
led every one to suppose that the lightning had
struck rorobwliere near, but we have not heard
of any damage being done.
Serious Accident. Harry, son of Mills
Cheraberlin, went out'on the river last Tuesday
to shoot ducks, in company with a young man
who lives with Douglas Hughes. He had put
bis gun down on the seat of the boat, an J in
picking it up, look hold of the muzzle and
drew the gun towards him. The hammer caught
on the Beat and the gun was discharged, badly
burning young Chemberlln's hand, and tearing
the akin and flesh from hla left side enough to
leave the Intestines exposed. Dr, McKelvy
was called at once aua dressed the wound. He
does not think any shot entered the Intestines,
aa the muzzle of the gun was so near the body
that the load did not scatter. The wound Is not
considered a fatal one,
We are determined, to have Vater Works in
Towanda, but down atllloomsburg they refused
drink water, but down there the staple beverage
is beer. Bradford Argut.
The Argui is mistaken. Bloomsburg has not
refuted to have water works put In, but on I ho
contrary It doing everything that can be done
to obtain them, A majority of voters have
I ell Honed the Town Council to contract with
the Water Company for firu plugs, and th
petition represents nearly two-thirds of all the
taxea. The Water Company is going on, and
making arrangements to begin work, with the
cxieclalIou that the Town Authorities will do
what is right in the matter; all of which proves
that the staple beverage down here is not beer,
55 W ""roSitaSS
smith ig on your
The International committee of the Young
Men, Christian Association suggest, the fob
'ow ng topics for meetings each day in ,hB
week for prayer, which begins November 0.
Ministers are also requested to prescb a spec
lal sermon to young men on November 0.
Nov. 0, Sunday-Agreement in prayer en
couraged. Dan Hi 17.23, M.u, xvlll. 10.20.
Nov. 10 Monday-A moral young man
weighed nnd found wanting. Mark x ! 17 22.
Nov. 11, Tuesday-The son of n Godly
Father who went astray. II Chrun. xxxll i 33;
xxxlil, 1,1,1, '
Nov. 12, Wcdnesday-A Man Prospered
Beyond Precedent but Dissatisfied. Eccl. ill
1. 11 i John Ivi 13, H.
Nov. 13, Thursday-Tho Secret of a Young
Man s Success in Business.' Gen, xxxlx 1 1.0,
Nov. 14, Friday-A FHvorcd Man
and HI, Terrible End. Matt, x: 1.4; Luke
xxiii 3.0 47, 48 ; Matt, xxvii 3.5; Acts 1 ;
Nov. 15, Saturdav
Two Young Men. Hob. xi : 24 28; flen. tIII .
Vote for Dildine fr Coroner.
Volume two of this very'excellonL and t,m
an economical point of view, extraordinary
work, is Issued October 25th . Its 730 neatl
printed and well bound naees conlAln
of knowledge, covered by the alphabet between
me worus Arundel and BIron, such as. it is safe
to say, was never before urnmiral,! nr il,
trifling anm of fifty cents I The 20 vols, com
plete, containing over 40,000 distinct articles
and nearly as many more Incidentally men?
tloned subjects, with complete Index, are m.
cient of themselves to afford a liberal education
uUUcui noiiieu resources. An a mit
of course, they are finding their way into the
hands or hundreds of thousands of those whose
love of knowledge has exceeded their power
u uuy u ai me great prices. charged for Cyclo
pedias heretofore published in this countrv
none of which equal this in the amount o'f
raauer given. Volume three will be ready
early In November, and the remaining volumes
will appear about two each month thereafter.
The publishers will send a specimen volume.
which may be returned If not wanted, to anv
part of the United States, for the price, in
cloth, 50 cents, half morocco, 75 cents, or on
extra nne heavy paper, wide margins, bound in
half KusMa, gilt top, for$l 00. Their catalogue
of standard publications will be sent free on, American Book Exchanue.'Publishers.
55 Beekman street, New York.
Vote for Robblns for Jury Commissioner,
.Adjourned Court opened on Tuewlav Oct. 21.
President Judge, Hon. William Elwell, and
associates, Shiiman and Krickbaum on the
bench. Opinions-were filed In the following
cases! 3. F. Dreisbach vs Grover's Admr.l
judgment for defendant. First and parlia
account of Jacob Evana' Administrator. Co
lumbia County Mutual Saving Fund A Loan
Aa-ociatlon vs Samuel Heacock. excentlnn
taken by defendant. Re-sale ordered' in estate
of Harry Skank. Petition for discharge of
John W.Uoidner. 1st day of next term fixed
for hearing, and publication ordered. Estate
of John McDowell, deceased, additional excep
lions tiled by leave of Court, Inquest awarded
in the estate of Thomas Davis, deceased.
Louisa Hartman appointed guardian of Avllla
McLaughlin. Elizabeth Dietterich a lunatic
petition for appointment of committee. Sale
ordered In estate of Eliza Parks, deceased.
Goodman vs 8anger, case called, jury Bworn
verdict for plaintiff; this was an action of
ejectment to try the title to coal lands In this
county. It has been twice tried before and sen1
back by the Supreme Court, and will probably go
to Ihe Supreme Court again. Judge Dietterich
Joshua VV.Coraly and Col .Freeze were counsel
for the plaintiff, and S. P. Wolverton, G. R
Bier, (Judge Parry and C. R. Buckalew for
defendant. R. II. Walker of Williamsport
admitted to practice in Columbia county.
Thursday morning, case of Curtis S. Books.
administrator of Charlotte Books, deceased, vs
Borough of Danville, called. This case was
brought here from Montour county on a change
of venue. It was an action for damages for neg
ligence in guarding a bridge over the canal, by
reason of which Mrs. Books fell off the bridge,
and was drowned; J, Comly, C, R. A W. J.
Buckalew, and L. K. Mowrer appeared for the
plalntlfl, and Col. Freeze, W. H. Baldy and F.
C. Angle for thedefendant; afierhcarlnga num
ber of witnesses the court entered a compulsory
lion suit on motion of counsel for defendant, on
the ground that the suit should have been
brouxht in the name of Ihe husband Instead of
the administrator. Petition of Calvin Clark
guardian, to sell real estate; private sale .or!
dered, Report of Commissioners appointed on
drainage of swamp in Bloomsburg and Scot'
township, presented and confirmed nisi; the
Commissioners estimated the cost of draining
the land at $2222.49. Of this Bloomsburg Is
to pay twelve and seven hundred and eight
one lliousandlh per cent, and Scott township
seventeen and seven hundred and sixteen one-
thousandth per cent; thecostof the view Is
$383.15. Petition for the appointment of
viewers to lay out a road in Scott township,
Oliver Covenhoven , Cyrus McUenry and D. K,
Sloan appointed viewers.
An adjourned court was ordered on the 0th
day of November at 9 o'clock, a. m.
Vote lor A. K. Smith lor Sheriff.
The present brifk.chterv temperature, follow
inc i spell of unseasonably warm weather, has
made everv one think of thick garments, and a
more auspicious time for sn opening of winler
iroods could not have been asked.
Jlessri.blrawbriuge s Uloililer had announc
ed yesterday aa their opening day for Ladies'
Winter Coats and Mantles, and though but a
lew days ago such coverings as furs and heavy
woolen wraps were looked unon as out nf neuron
yet, when the dar arrived, ihe temp' rature had
undergone a change, and a more appropriate
lime for such an oiiening could not have been
The opening days of ihe great retail houses
of the principal cities are always awaited with
interest by ihe ladies, as few of Ihe fair sex are
courageom enough to select the styles of their
garments until the standard authorities exhibit
what fashion decrees shall be worn tor the
Yesterday Messrs. Slrawbridge & Clothier,
Beemed tu outdo all previous displays of this
character in the exhibition of ladles', misses'
and children's coals, mamles and outside wraps
generally, Usually a iew pattern garments,
made br French modistes, are displayed at
openings, but on this occasion several thousand
garments, every one made by foreign artists
were on exhibition. Any description of the'
earmenta in delsil cannot be attempted, but the
even I itself should be mentioned as worthy of
general Interest to our lauy readers. All uay
thjungs of ladles passed through the spacious
salesrooms, reminding one of the crowds that
gathered In Ihe art gallery of the Centennial
Exhibition, The firm have apllv headed their
announretuent"Arl iu Apparel," and we advise
all our lady readers who have not called to take
advantage of the continuation of the onenlni!
lo-day, Wednesday, and witness this Interesting
spectacle ol art and use couiuiueu,
The above extract is from the Vhilxdtlphin
Pr of a week ago. Since then we notice in
the local columns of other Philadelphia papers
that on last Saturday it was estimated thai
twenty thousand persons entered Mess. Straw
bridge & Clothier's store. No stronger proof
could be adduced to prove Ihe reviving prosper.
Ity of Ihe country or no more conclusive
evidence of the deserved popularity of this
grea I bouse.
coujMBiA and,
nntttmM. .. . I - -' ' ' " '
Rev. L. Zahner will exchange with Rev. J.
Peck of Danville next Sunday.
The following properties wero sold at the
Oourl Itncrc last Saturday by the Sheriff!
Property of E. R. and Jarob B.wer in
Brlarcreek, to Isaiah Bower for $176.
Property of J.rlu, Harrison In Flshlngcreek
to H. II. Warner, for $25.
Properly of G. B. W. Hosier In Brlarcreek.
to Stephen Michael for $45.
Property of John Keller, Ip Mifflin, lot 101
to A. W. Creamer, for $15; lot 108 to C. W.
Hew for $53) lot 251 to A. VV. Creamer for $155-
Properly of John Leggolt in Greenwood to
, r V-andcrsllce, sr., for $30; properly of same
Inline and Greenwood to same for $80.
Sale of properly of Mary A. Bright was
adjourned until Saturday November 1st at 2
o'clock, p. m.
Vote for Dlldlne for Coroner.
Murder in Sullivan County.
Near the basoof the North Mountain, In
the township of Davidson, resides a man
mimed W. D. Spearman, engaged In farm
ing. Last week Thursday ,as near as can be
ascertained, some kind of difficulty occurred
at hla house, when he undertook to shoot a
married daughter with a pistol. She fled
from her father and escaped, lie rushed to
the door andcelng a younj man named
David Yaunt, In his employ as a farm
hand, working at the woodpile, he dellber
erately drew up bis pistol and fired. The
ball took effect In his left temple, near the
eye, and he dlod In a few minutes. Ac
cording to accounts the young man was not
engaged In the brawl and knew nothing of
what was golug on in the house , and was
shot down In cold blood without a moment's
Seeing what be had done In his anger,
Spearman relented sufficiently to allow his
son-in-law to carry the dead man into the
house. Then he took his stand In tbe door
with his drawn pistol and threatened death
to any one who dared to render assistance.
The news of the terrible affair spread rapid
ly among the settlers, and, as pearman
was known to be a man of ungovernable
temper and exceedingly dangerous, no man
for a time dared approach the house. A
neighbor named Philips finally seized bis
rifle and repaired to the spot. Spearman
warned him to keep away or he would kill
him. Philips replied that he, too.was arm
ed, and If he raised his pistol lie would shoot
Mm. The infuriated man immediately
bared his bosom and dared him to shoot, nt
the same time hurling the most terrible
oaths at him.
After parleying a short time the murderer
became more calm and, apparently realiz
ing his conditiou, sent for a young man to
take him In a carriage to Laporte, the coun
ty seat, for the purpose of surrendering to
the authorities.. In the meantime a warrant
had been sworn out before a neighboring
Justice for his arrest, and as he neared the
village of Sonestbwn he was overhauled by
a constable and taken before the Magistrate.
He admitted tho killing of Yaunt, but de
clared that it was accidental, and told sev
eral conflicting stories. A commitment was
made out and handed to the constable, to
conduct him to tbe county jail. The officer
proceded to Laporte with his prisoner,where
hetook'iiim before Judge Infrham, who
proceeded to examine him, as the constable
did not inform him that he was committed.
He told the 'Judge such a plausible story
and professed bo mucn penitence for the
"accident,'' as he termed It, that he was per
mitted to depart a free man again. Wheth
er it was fear or stupidity that prevented
the officer from informing the Judge that
Spearman ;had been committed by the Mag
istrate is not known, and it was some time
after the departure of tbe parties that the
Judge was apprised of the facts In the
case, when he immediately ordered his re
arrest. Before leaving Laporte.bowever, he
was taken with another paroxysm of rage,
and frightened everybody outoj the bar
room of the hotel by firing his revolver
which had been returned to him through
the windows and breaking them.
Spearman returned to his borne tome time
during Thursday night, when the devil
seemed to take possession of him again, and
he became furious and drove his wife and
three children to the woods by threatening
to sboot them, Tjiey wandered around iu
the cold nearly all night, not daring to re
turn to the house for fear of being murder
ed, leaving Spearmun in possession of the
corpse of the young man, which had not
been removed nor an Inquest held. Late at
night an undertaker arrived f om. Hughes
ville.same twenty miles take charge
of the dead body. It was near midnight
when be approached the house, and to his
surprise he found a number of men holding
a council of war to devise some plan to cap
ture the desperado., Tbe premises wtre
carefully reennnoitered, when the wlfe and
children were found crouching near an out
house and in mortal terror, about two
o'clock Friday morning. This was the first
they knew of them having been driven put,
Lights were burning in the bouse, but no
one could be discerned inside, and they did
not know how to approach it for fear of
being shot down.
Two men stealthily crept up to tbe kitch
en window.and peering In discovered Spear
man sitting in a chair near the cook-Btove,
apparently asleep. His back was towards
the door, when their plan was instantly
farmed. They approached tbe door, quietly
opened it, rushed in aud seized the murder
er, He aroused himself immediately and
struggled Violently to get hold of his pistol.
Houghton, the undertaker, held his arms
whilst Phillips took the pistol out of bis pock
et, and pointing Hat his head Informed him
that If be did not surrender he would sboot
hlmatance. This threat cowd him and
be gave up, and five or six men arriving iu
a few minutes be was promptly secured.
For a portion of the day be was guarded in
the house by armed men, or while tbe in
quest was being held, at times be acted like
a caged lion, cursed and swore, and behaved
like a raving maniac, Friday afternoon a
Deputy Sheriff arrived and with the assist
ance of several strong men conducted him
to Laporte and lodged him safely in jail
FrMay nigbt.
Tbe wildest excitement prevailed all
through tbe mouutaln region when the facts
of tbe terrible tragedy became generally
known, .Many persons think that Spear
man wis insane, while others attribute bis
fiendish conduct to an ungovernable temper,
rendered worse by free we of Jlquor. Jb Is
said to be originally from Brooklyn, but has
resided in that place for Beveral years. At
one time be was a resident of Hugbesvllle,
Lycoming county, and was engaged in lum
bering on Muucy creek with parties living
in tbe village. David Yaunt, who was shot
down without warning, was a young, unmar
ried man, aged about twenty-three years,
democrat, bloomsbueg, Columbia ohmy;
" " ' ' - .
O, A. Jacoby Is filling the cellar and coal
house of the Court House with coal, he. being
the lowest bidder.
the Hoard of Pardons has recommended Ihe,
commutation ol the death sentence to Imprison
ment for life, In the esse nf John O'Nell, who
was to be hanged on November Otli, at
Gen. Kllpalrick will lecture at Berwick on
the 22d of November instead of 1st, and Chapi
lain C. O. McCabe on 12th of December Instead
of 16th, as announced In, our last Issue.
Chew Jickson'b ll8TMeet Nnvv ToWro.
Therlght ol suffrage is not merely a privil
ege. It puts upon every American citizen
a responsibility which cannot be thrown off
A failure to vote at an Important election Is
a neglect of ditty that Is Inexcusable. Let
no Democrat bo guilty of such neglect. We
claim to be the party of law and order, and
that the Constitutions of the Nation and the
slatts should be respected and obeyed. If
we do not vote to sustain them, we throw
away the dearest prlvllego which our fore
father have handed down to us. Go to the
pools next Tuesday and vote for Daniel O.
Barr and tho whole county ticket.
See a woman on horseback In another col
umn, riding near Speer's Vineyards, with a
bunch of Grapes from which Speer's Port Grape
Wine Is made, that is so highly esteemed by
the medical profession for the use ol Invalids
weakly persons and the aged.
Sold by Druggists.
. June 27 1-y.
The yellow fever epidemic at Memphis Is
past and business was resumed there on tbe
26th Inst. The total number ofdeaths dur
ing the prevalence of the disease was 470.
This is only about one fourth as many as
were carried off lost year.
One oflhebest ways to make money Is to
Is to secure an agency for the
sale of an article that Is indispensible in
every family, and for which there is a great
demand. The Universal family Platform Scale,
patented December 3d, 1878, is au article of
this kind. Its beauty, accuracy and conven
ience sells it at sigh t to every housekeeper ; it
is made of brass highly polished or.nickel plat
ed, has no weights to get lost,
an 1 is always ready for use ; tbe sale of these
Scalea during the'past year was bo great that
the proprietors were unable to manuficlure
them last enough to fill their orders, but they
now have Increased facilities for turning them
out, and are prepared to fill all onlers as soon'
as received with agreally improved ecale.They
g've their agents exclusive territory to work
in and they seldom fiil to mike from $5.00 to
S10.00 per day, which is likely to keep up for
the coming fill and winter. We advise you lo
write to the Onto Scale Works, 125 and 127
Central Avenue, Cincinnati!, Ohio, for descrip
tive circulars and terms to Agents mentioning
our paper.
Oct. 17, 3 w.
Another "Southern Outrage"
The Baltimore Democrats last week re
elected .Mayor Latrobe by a majority ex-
ceeding 5,000. Tbe Republicans; did not
poll anything like their full vote. Two Re
publicans were elected to the ,First branch
of the City Council and one to the Second
Pennsylvania and the I'residential Election.
The Democrats of Pennsylvania should
go to work with the more zeal because Ohio
clings to Republicanism. If tbe vote for
State Treasurer shows that Pennsylvania
is a close or doubtful State assistance will
come from the party at large next year to
carry the electoral, vote of the Keystone for
the Democratic candidato for President.
HarriibuTg ralriot, (Dem.)
Knittlk Yeaoer On the 23d Inst., by
Rev. W.E. Krebs, Mr. J. O. Knittle to Miss
Celesta Yeager, both of this .place.
Leaver-La van Oct. 10, 1879, at Calawissa.
by ReV.a. B.Dechant, Mr. Lewia Beav er to
Miss Loretta Lavan, both of Locust, Columbia
county, Pa.
Boweu At Catawlssa, October 22d, 1879
Minnie May, daughter of Stephen aud Mary
Bower, aged 3 years, 3 month and 11 days.
Chbjstian October 24,1879, near Calawlsta,
Sarah Ellen Christian, aged 4 years, 1 month,
and 8 davs. '
Business jNotices
COO barrels Fine Salt on track here, to
be sold at tl.CO per barrel, full weight guar
anteed, call soon, going fast.
li. W.AUL.
Espy, Pa.
Go and see I. W. Hartman's
Black Cashmere for 4Ccts. per yard.
Ladies Readv Made Coats. Dolmans, and
a full line ot Cloths to make from 90 ceuU
up, with a full line of Waterproofs aud
Cloths. Also a large and complete stock of
Dress Goods and Trimmlnes at lowest
prices at Clark & Son's.
I. W. Hartman sells a cood Double
Width Matalasse Cloth for Ladies' coats at
$1.25cts. per yard.
Doctor J. Schuvler respectfully offers his
professional services to the citizens of
Bloomsburg and vicinity. Havinggradu'ated
In 1843 after 20 years of practice, be was
bliged on account of Dyspepsia, Rheuma
tism, Neuralcia. &c.. to abandon the active
duties of his profession. During this time
he has made'tbe cause and cure of hla own
Ills a special study, advisimr with the best
medical talent and with very happy results.
He will make the treatment of the same
annoying complaints a specialty.
Rubbers atMcKinney's.
Eggs wanted
I Sets.
at I. W. Hartman's for
Black and colored silk velvet cut 'bias at
Lutz & Sloan's.
Wanted 2000 lbs ofMcedried Rasnber
rles, at 25 cents per pound. And 2000 lbs
of nice dried pitted cherries for which I will
pay the very ulgbest market price,
SILAS Young,
July JS-Crn
Admlesion free at McKlnney's.
100 pieces Dress goods 8cts. to $2.00 tier
yard at 1, W, Hartman's
Cash paid for 1000 bushels of good whltr
or yellow Oats at Light Street by
Bep5, 2m.
Boots and Shoes cheap at McIClnney's.
. , ,i ,
Lutz fc Sloan sell the Foster lace Kid
gloves Something new.
"Wanted, 200 tons of good Rock Oak
Hark at 5 per ton by tiilas Young, Lfi M
Street. Sept. 19, Sm. ,
Boot headquarters at McKluney'a.
Want good live calves that weigh 120 lb?,
to 125, 130, 140, ISO, 1 G0 and. upward "1
uigui cireet uy
Silas Younu.
Sept. 19 3-m.
I-adles wanting a coat or shawl should
not tan to see l.utz & Sloan's stock.
Call at McKlnney'a for Shoea. - ,
- , i
Good Canton Flannels for 8, 9, 10, 121,14.
15, 10 nnd 18 cents per yard at Silas Yor i.
Light Street. Sept. I9-2m
A'full line ol Ladles', Gents and children's
underwear at Lutz A Shmt '.
McKlnneys 61706 BloTe" below Court
All kinds of stonejure, , 1, lj and 2
gallon flat nnd high pots, and 2, 3, 4, 0 and
0 gallon apple and cream pots, with -d
without lid. In price from 12 cts. upwnl.
!, 1, 2, 3 nnd 4 gallon jugs, for sale at Light
Street by Silas Young.
Sept. 19 2 m.
Ity virtue ot an order ot the Orphans' Court ot Co
lombia county the undersigned administrators' of
Eliza Parks, late ot Falrmouat township, Luzerne
county rennsjlvanta, deceased, will exposo to pub
lic salo on the premises In Sugarloaf townsblp Co
lumbia county, on
Saturday, November 16th, 1879.
at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon, tho following described
tract ot bud situate la Sugarloaf township, Colum
bia county Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
follows t Beginning at a point on the county lino di
viding Columbia and Luzerno counties; thence Bouth
eighty-three degrees, west thirteen and nro tenths
perches to a staxo and atones tnence north
eight degrees west one hundred and forty-six per
ches to a slake i thence north elghty-Uiree degrees
east forty-seven perches tj a chestnut s thence
north seven degrees west forty perches to a stake j
thence north eighty-three degrees cast ntteen per
ches to said county line ; thence south six and one
fourth degrees west one hundred and ninety-one
and one-tenth perches to place ot beginning contain
ing 30 Acres 142 Perches. .
strict measure.
This Is a part ot a tract which lies partly In Lu
zerne county,and tho two parts will be sold together
as one tract. There Is a good
New Frame Dwelling House
and a 11 A it N on the land In Luzerne county.
Atthebamo time and place tbe undivided one
half Interest ot the decedent In the following moun
tain land altuaU) In Mimtn township, Columbia
county will be sold.
Hounded and described as follows: bounded on
the north andeast by lands of George Nunkester,
anc( on the south by lands of Nathan Srcdbender on
the west by lands of John Keller, it b-jtng unseated
mouutaln land containing about-
mora or less.
Tebiis and Conditions or BiLi.Toa per. cent, of
the one-fourth ot tbe purchase money to' beTpata at
tho Btrtktnif down of tho property. Tho;' one-fourth
less ten per cent, at confirmation absolute, and the
remaining thrco-fourths In one year thereafter with
interest from confirmation hist.
A. II. rKNNINOTtni, ra- f Administrators.
Oct. S4-ts
riuriuuuiii springs, ra. j j
By virtue of an Anas order ot tbe Orphans Court
ot Columbia county, Pennsylvania, tbe undersigned
Administrators of Jacob tlarter, late of Mifflin town
ship, Columbia county deceased, will expose to pub
lic sa on tbe premises on
Saturday, .November 1st, 1879;
it ten o'clock ra the forenoon the following valuable
real estate, to-wltt all that certain tract or. two
tracts of land Situate In Mimtn township, Columbia
county; aforesaid No; 1, bounded and described s
follows, to-wlt'i Beginning at a corner In road by
land of Jacob Hons, thence Boutn Beventy-seven de
grees west thirty-five and nve-tenth perchesj tbence
by land of Christopher Ilortong north thirteen de
grees west ono hundred and fifty-three and one
tenth perches to a stone, thence by land ot 1. II.
Metier north clghty-nve degrees west twenty-two
and tlve-tenth perches to a public road leading
from .MiminvUle to t'onyngham, thence north 'thir
teen degrees west twelve and two-tentb perches,
thence by land ot 8. II. Swank north seventy-seven
degrees east nfty-soven and five-tenth perches,
thence by land ot Elizabeth Lutz south thirteen deJ
grcea east one hundred and seventy-two and one
tenth perches to tbe place of begtnnuur, containing
,and slxtr-threo perches strict measure.
No. s. Beginning at a stone by land of Henry
Hetler, thence south twelve degrees east thlrtr-four
'and two-tenth perches to a stone, thence by moun
tain tana north seventy-eight degrees cast twenty
three and four-tenth perches to a stone, thence by
land or 8. II. Swank north twelve degrees west thirty-four
and two-tenth perches to a stone, tacnee by
land ot Jacob' Hons" south seventh-eight degrees
west twenty-three and four tenth perches to tho
piaco or neginning, containing
strict measure with the appurtenances,
i TEKMSOP SALE. Ten percent of one-fourth of
the purchase money to bo paid at tbe striking down
bf tho property, tho one-fourth leas the ten per cent.
at the confirmation ot bate, and the remaining tbreo
lourtus in one year thereafter with interest from
confirmation nisi.
J. 11. nETLEIt,
C. W. Millbb, Atfy. AdmluUtrators.
Oct. 3. ts.
In pursuance of tbe authority contained In tlw last
win and testament of J. Watson nibbs, late of ltoi r
Ing creek township, Columbia county, Pa., deceased,
will be sold at Public Sale, on the premises, the store
Of Owen Cherrtngton, Mill drove, p. o., on
Wednesday, November 12, 1879.
At 1 o'clock, p. m., the following described
Timber Lands.
Late of J, Watson nibbs, deceased, to wit i Sltuatj
in the midst of Itoarlng Creek Valley, townsblp and
county aforesaid, with Farms on all Bides or it, and'
ten or twelve miles from Ashland, Shenandoahand
Centralis, adjoining lands on tbe north of John
("lemmings, David Caso, O. W. Cherrtngton, and
Daniel Humble, on tbeast by lands ot Amzev CroJr
and Joseph Craig, on the south by lands ot Jotn
Baver, Charles Beaver and Lawsoa nughes, ana on
the west by lands of Franklin Itarlg and Peter 1C
Slenscb, containing. '
Tkls tract of land Is mostly well timbered with
white oak and white and yellow Pine, suitable for
proplng la mines, and other timbers BUltable for
maklng.ltall road Ties. All well timbered eacept M
TitltMS OF SALE Twenty-five per cent down at
time of Sale, other fifty per cent- at anv time with
in three months after dato ot sale, when possession
win oo given ana ine remaining twenty-nvo per cent
on or bttore the first day of AprlL A. D., usi , when a
ueea win do executed to tbe purchaser.
Ejecutor of tho last Will and Testamentot J. Wat
son lllbbs, deceased.
(XU M.-ta
procured for soldiers disabled In U, 8,
reasons ot wounds and other causes.
service by
All pensions date back to day ot discharge.
Tensions Increased. Address wtlh tamp,
No. 913 E St. N. W.
Washington, V. O,
out. w.-im
A WHRK In Vrtlip nwn tnivn onrl fin ran
ital risked. You can give the business- a
trial without eipense. The best opportu
nity cT-r ooerea ior mose wuimff 10
arirL Vin khniiH in, tnrhln al. netli
VOUSee for ourself wht tou ran An At
the bufilneM we offer. No room to ei plain here.
Youcandevota all vour tlma or only vnur nnnm
time to the buslncas. and make great nay for every
hour that you work. Women make aa much aa men.
Send for Rpeclal private Urmsandpartlculani.whlch
we mall free, tabuttttfree, Don't complain or hard
tirnea wnue you have such a chance. Address U,
HALLKTT & CO , Portland Maine,
oct 59-ly
The undersigned lessee of the Espy Planing kill,
la prepared to cio all kinds ot mill work.
Doors, Frames, M, Blinds, etc.
made to order on short notice.
Satisfaction guar
Charles Keco,
Blocusborg, ra.
Farm Accounts!
Every Fanner should xuowhowtokwplbtia. An
eutiruyiwwudcomiilrtaiynMa JuatdevtufttL Hnd
inul forfmucirvulftm to Ui Brian? k HtrattoiI
jyuit4 Uui.ima. (li) tj. 'f lft pt.( llnuaolvfc
Oct, U.-18W "ats
xsTtn or moms ditis, nrcimn.
tetters of administration en the estate of Thomas
Davis, late of. Denton lowrahlo, CJimbl.
rounty, IvnnsllTanl, deceased have been gra i ted
by tlie Iteglsterof ssld county to Ihe undersliriied
MiuUilstmiors, All persona having claims against
tbe estate nt tbe deceasi-d are requebted to present
them for settlement, and those Indebted to the es
tato to make payment to the undersigned adminis
trators without delay,
. .. Administrators.
Oct. if, w.
It. Smith, late ot Msd'son twn.. Columbia en mi,
""iters i or Administration on the estato of
deceased, have been granted by tbe Keglster of Bald
county to undersigned Administrators. All persons
having claims against tbe estate are requested to
present them for settlement and those Indebted
vu uiw pruupi payment.
11. J. SMITH,
...... A. O. SMITH,
sept SO, ew. Administrators.
nun or mono it wnrrtNianr. Dtciisin.
!,t Testamentary on the estate tl George
hltenlght. late of Hemlock twp., Columbia ct untv,
Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted bj the
nrKBwruiMmrouniy 10 ine unuersigiiea Biec
utor. All persons having claims against !Le
en ta to of the decedent aro rrquesred to present
them for settlement and throw tntlnhfMl tn th.
tate to make payment to the undersigned ixecptor
Ji.P?u1"' Bxecutor,
Oct. 17, w.' '
im ina MirriR or tot sili or")
ot sili or)
owns ma-i
I or CATA-
7,1S7, rl
Court of Common
Pleas ot Columbia oo.
tub siiERirr,
And now Sept, i, i7, on motion of Messrs
Freere. Miller and nuekalew Attorneys for creditors
the oourt appoint 8. Knorr, Esq., .Aiditor to make
distribution of tbe proceeds In tbe hands of tho
f ourt. BY T1IK COUKT.
Tbe Auditor In pursuance of tbe foreirolnir ap
pointment, wUI attend to the duties thereof at his
otnee In llloomsburg on Friday the Tth day of No
vember next at ten o'clock A. M.. when and whero
nil parties Interested will present their Claims or be
debarred from coming in on said funds.
Oct, 7-ta,
(n the matter ot tbe estate of John Boston, de
ceased. Now September IS. 1S79. on motion of C. W. MMor
and (loo. K. KlweU, counsel for creditors and w. J.
Huckalew, attorney for eetate, tbe Oourt appoint F.
1'. BHImer auditor to distribute the money In tbe
hands of D. U t'hapln. Administrator ot John Bos
ton, deceased.
" - . ,. . ' BY TflB COURT.
The Auditor In pursuance of toe foregoing ap
pointment, will attend to the duUca thereof at bis
office In IilooDsburg on Friday November Jth. at 10
o'olock A.M., when and where all parties Interested
will present their claims or be debarred from comlnz
In on said funds..
.... Auditor.
oct. in. to.
The undersigned auditor appointed by the Orphans'
Court ot col. county, to make distribution of the
money .in the haodd of John App'eman, Administra
tor, to and among parties entitled thereto, will at
tend to tho duties of bis appointment at tbe office of
8 Knorr. Esq., on Saturday, November 8th is7e, at
ten o'clock In the forenoon, at which lime and place
all pai ties Interested will present their claims or bo
debarred from coming In on said funds.
.... Auditor,
oct 10, ta.
Notlee Is hereby given tjat tbe undersigned ap-
Kolnted by the Orphans' fourt of Columbia county
make distribution of tbe money In the bands of
tbe Administrators to and among the parties enti
tled thereto, will attend at his onice In nloomsburg,
oa Tuesday the nth day of November A I)..,18:, t
ten o clock In the forenoon, for tbe purposo of bis
said appointment, when and wnerc all persons hav.
Inir anv claims unon the Raid fllnil am mnntrw-rt In
Ipresent them, properly authenticated, or be.uebaiT
ed tram coming In en aald fund. , . in
. (Uufl U. JTft&lUtE,
,. . Auditor.
Oct. S, "79-tw.
The underslgnel auditor appointed by tbe Court
ot Columbia Co., to make distribution or tbe money
In the bands of the Administrators, to and among
tbe parties entitled thereto, will attend lo tbe du
ties ot his appointment at his office In Bloomsburg,
on Monday November 3, 1S7S, at 10 o'clock a. M. at
which time and place all parties Interested must ap
pear, present and prove their claims or be debarred
trom a share ot wid fund.
Oct, 3, ta.
, Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned ap
pointed an Auditor by tbe Orphans' court ot Colum
bia county, to make distribution ot the tundsin tbe
uauua vii mo AumiuiBiruiur ol utxcuruii will aiiena
nt bis ofilce iu Bloomsburg, on Thursday the 6th
day of November A . D. 1879. at ten o'clock In tbe
forenoon, for the purpose of his said appointment,
,wben nnd where all persons having claims upon tbe
said fund ae required to present them, properly ati
lhimtlrated. or be forever debarred from coming In
on sold fund.
In tbe matter of the second and final account ofC.
It. Woodln, asslgneo of tho Columbian Iron and
Manufacturing company.
And now oct, mst, mi. on motion ot deo. E. El
well, Esq., the Court appoint Itobert ll. Little audi
tor to distribute the funds In the bands ot the as
signee to and among tbe parties entitled thereto.
, ... Bvtuecockt.
i Tho undersigned, appointed auditor to distribute Woodln osslgneeof
tbe Columbian Iron and Manufacturing company to
and among Ihe parties of entitle.i thereto, will
meet the parties Interested at the office of E. II. ft
It. K. Little. In nloomsburg, Penno.. on Saturday,
November 24nd. 1S79. at nine oTInrtn.. m. rorfhn
purpose of attending to the duties ol hlsappobit-,
.u ... uciu.u,uku M;rEUIIS will prMCU
their claims before the Auditor or be debarred from
coming in lor a share ot said fund.
Oct. J4-4W Auditor.
Account confirmed seDtemner 8. 1S79. Mr. Vrfp?
moves the Court to appoint an Auditor to distribute
the funds In the bands ot the Executor to and among
lames enuuea ueroto, wnereunon Charles u,
Jarkley isappolnted. i)y THE COURT.
The AULltor In pursuance nf the fnrpcrninc nn
polniment, will attend to tbe duties thereof at his
ofilce In Illoomsburg on Wednesday the 5 day of No
vember next at ten o'clock A.M., when and where
all parties Interested will present their claims or be
debarred from coming In on said funds.
. . m Auditor.
Oct,:, T9-ta.
Real Estate !
The undnrRtfrnpd Ailmlnlnrrntn nt .iu. ami,i,
lab) of the townsblp of Madison In tbe countv of Co!
lumbla, deceased, will expose to punlto sale by vir
tue or an oraer or ine orpnans' Court o said county
n proceedings In partition, on the premises in said
ownsbip of Madison, on
Saturday, November 22nd, 1879,
"at ten o'clock in the forenftin, the following de-
ecnoea reat estate late the estate of said decedent,
No. 1. A certain tract of land situate In the said
townsblpof Madison, bounded by lands of Abraham
Broadt deceased, Conrad Kreamer, Wllbam, Shulti.
A. li. nniitn, tue land below described aa No. J, and
lanu ox ine neirs of tiiuia b. bintui deceased, con.
and fourteen perches, more or less, situated on the
puouc roaa leading rrom Eyers' orove to White
Hall, nearly all cleared and under cultivation on
wuicu is a
frame barn and APPLK ORCHARD.
No. , The undivided one-half part or moiety of a
certain lot of land situate In said Madison township,
of which the said decedent was selied as tenant In
common with A. K. Smith, bounded by the above
mentioned tract No. 1, and the aald public road and
wuuoi imam bnuitiy containing '
more or less, cleared land In good cultivation, on
null ll la n
Framo Dwelling House
out-bulldlngs, a good weU of water and fruit trees.
TERMS Of HALE. Ten per cent, of tbo one.
fourth, of, the purchase money to be paid at the
ktrlklng down of the property, tbe "one-fourth less
the ten per cent, at the confirmation of sale and the
remaining three-fourths In one year thereafter with
interest iroin connrmatlon ntst.
Deed to bo paid for by the purchaser,
Oct- u -ta Jerscytown, pa.
IlowtoowrateBiitwhsfulry n Mocls ontio.sss
fully In M
'our new i
Bankers anU Brokers,
Oct,lTlm iWUroudwoy, New York,
Br virtue of a writ rf tj,. v tanM .,nr.Af m,a
pjttrtof Commc-a ntaa 6t Columbia county 'and to
me directed, will be exposed to publlo sale on
tho premises In Berwick, l'a., at o'clock, p. to., on
JMonday, November 10th, 1879.
All that certain piece ot land situate In the borough
M Berwick, Columbia county, Pa,, baunded on the
north by land of Paul Klkendall, and lot ot Charles
A. Uecker, on the east by lot of Sarah Becker, on
the south by canal street and on Uie west by rot ot
Mrs John M, Snyder, the same being ono hundred
and forty-clirht and a half feet aloig Canal street
and frty-nlne and a half feet more or less In depth,
being southern end of lots number thtrty-five, thirty
two and thlrty-slx as marked and numbered in gen
eral plan of Said borough, on which aro erected a
largo thrco story frame hotel, containing eleven bed
rooms and other large rooms, to-wlt I sitting room
parlor, dining room, bar room, c, a large framo
stable, and frame shed, a.welt ot good water on
the premises.
fielied, taken In execution at the suit of r. Wcr
faett against phlllp Kponcy with notice to Jane
Vaguer, terra tenant and to bo aoldaa th mnh
tf Philip sponey with notice to Jane Wagner, terre
JAcxsoir, Attorney. Lev. Pa.
Terms cash on day ot sale.
aept-ta, ts. ' ' Bherttr.
BV VlrtUQ Of aiindrv writ Inannrl nut nt
boon of comroon l'leas bf Columbia county and to
be directed, wilt be exposed to pebllo sale at the
Rusquehanna Hotel In Catawlssa, Columbia county,
l"cnnsylvanla, at two o'clock p. m. on
Saturday, November 8tb, 1870.
AU that certain mcasuace. tract. Dicce or mti nr
fatid situate In tho township ot Locust, county of
Columbia, and stnje of Pennsylvania 'bounded and
described as follows to wtt t nn ttm mauts m umi nt
i obn Earnest, on the west by lands of (manual Aah.
ion, on the north by lands of Jackson Oeorge and on
the east by lands of neubenKrlck, containing forty
acres more or less, whereon are erected a framo
dwelling bouse, barn and outbuildings.
Sclzed.takenluto execuUonattho suit oMohn Earn
est against WUUard A. Earnest wltn notice to W. L.
Byeny, Assignee In trust for benefit of creditors, and
U be sold as tbe property of William A. Barneat.
w. u. ltnAwH, Attorney. Vend Ex.
All that Certain nlflCA artrari.nt lanA rf,i,.,.h..
lly'tn Catawlssa and Unit In, Locust township,
Columbia county, Penna'j bounded by lands of John
Kagely; Philip Manhardt, John Yeager, and William
Hughes' estate, containing ,aevcntoen .acres and
fourteen perches whereon aro erected a good saw
mill, frame dwelling house, barn and otnvbulldlhgs.
Nelzed. takenitn ftYfvnrtJnn nr. fhit ant, nAn
jYeager against David 8, Ilbrer and to bo sold as the
property of David Howcr
n.-ni itnawx, Att-y Vend.Bx.
A ems cosh on day ot sale.
jnns w. irnwuiw
. . Kl-' L r ' 'hhert'ff.
-tlJ- - ' I .1 ' a i - '
Ry virtue of a writ of Alias Vend. Ex. Issued out.
t the Courtof Crihlmnn Pinna nr rvitumr.,1
, .k , ..... v vvnu w iuuuu Bale
on tbe premises In Jranklin townBblp,. Columbia
county, Pennsylvania, at l'o'chxk, p. m on ,
(Thursday, Noyembor 27th, 1879.
The following described, real .estate, to-wlti All
those three certain pieces or parcels ot land situate,
lying and being in' Franklin township, county of
Columbia andStafo ot Pennsylvania.
The first ot said tracts or parcels of land contains
pixty-One Acres, neat measure, and Is bounded as
follows, to-wlt ! Beglknlng at a Red Oak south sx
afid til mASIhlM vltl hai.nrt4A -. .
ifi,iL.i m-aw jo irtues luk mesinui, tnence north
S9VTldirpoR 'VriM,r. 'frM inn mh.k ,L '.' i
, , uu " pv.vuo w n Biuiiei
thence south ail degrees west, 7 perches to a cor-
,i,u oyiwiiuu 'Atuejiuieace soun 9 negroes
i:ii;Hro(ujtt iioe anoi; tnence south &sx
degrees east, i X perches' to' a stone', tbenco north
SSir decree eifit-.AAt' mphMii. . t
- " .1, I . -w , turilM
north 19 deirrees las,
t The second of said tracts or parcels of land con
tains ruty-six Acres, and one hundred and fifty
Seven porches, Deat measure, and la boundbd aa
fAllAU'CI. ,A-U.I,t t,nn,n, . . .
....n, -v.-... .t uiiKiuuiuif n, apw. .laence
Artll ijiy Anvrua aha. , ... 1
,.. -vk.ra ton,, pcrcues 10 a stone;
thence south M degrees east, ei and l-io pe'rehea fo a
melius buuui aa Degrees west, n perches to
a post; thence Bovth t degrees west, J7 perches to
a Red Oak; thence south tlx degrees west, JJ and
(to perches to a Chestnut; .thenco north (I degrees
west, 7 and s-lo perches to a post; theuoe south sv
degrees west, ss and s-io perches to a post; thence
north is degrees west, es and 8-to perches to a stone
thence north 78j degrees west, perches to a stone;
thoni-A nwfh ol a,, , ... . . .
- . bu ucgitro, -mi, x percnes to a stone
thence north sj degrees west, so and -i 1 percheB
w owuc, uicuuu uormux degrees west, is. and
fr-10 DerCheS. to A Rtnnpr thnnn, ,.th St m
, ovuiu ucaiCCB CABl,
t and s-10 perches to a stone heap! thence south' sax
ucgirai com, jo perinea to me place or beginning.
And the third of said jtracta or parcels ot land
contains Four Acres, and jorty-slx perches, and la
corner with Samuel Houriand.
grees east, S7 and 1-10 perches to a stone; thence
pvuu. i,ucS unama.anao-iu perches to the centre
Df the nubile rami IpnAin' ir frAm n.i,,i.' A
, .. WUM.nuNM. w l-'j a-
burg; thence south degrees west, so and s-lo
r-uw bwuc, uicuue bouui oo aegrees west,
KnnS fi.11 MWhag a n .. ..
w pmiuci Luencernoria isjf
degrees west, i perches to the place ot .beginning.
mo AiAifo urnie pieces or iana lyin? contiguously,
and formtnpnnA r.rtn iaa mm , .1 1 l.-
a .,wwiimiii ura nuuia
one hundred and twenty-two acres and forty-three
jA-mucoj Buu win, 00 soiu in two parcels tOjSuii
Tho one belnir the Form'nrA ns-AAn,
- - u,u,wuuut iinnwca
and IS pcrtbes, In a fine, state, of cultivation, and
iv hereon aro erected a commodlons and comforta
ble dwelllrrg house, a large bank barn, wagon abed
and corn-crib combined, cider press, and all neces
sary out-bulldlngs: It has abundance 6f excellent
fruit, a well ot water at the knnnn aa ... ,
barn, and Is convenient of access by publlo roads.
on are erected a lanm,rii4tAm ? aa
A,m z:.::Tr':.r" ""i6
......,....,, u , Bigue, a awcuing bouse, a dry
tuvu3 oiuiy, sun uweiuug nouso, a aaw mill; and
other lrhnrovementji, tAcrAtht.
, - wio wttior power,
hud the appurtenances thereto, and the rlsht to
hi,lnt,lnlharim.,i,.. . . . . . o
. uw (1 t:OCIJl ucikih, ror the use
ot the said grist mill, saw mtll, ic.
selied, taken In execution and to be sold at the
suit of udenreld Vs. Clinton MendenhaU, Eli Men.
denhall. Ellas Mendenhalt .nil v y ..
... uiiuKer. me present being In E. U. Drtnkor;
raxEZK, Attorney.
Terms cash. JOHN w unmuiu
Oct-Ute Sheriff.
Dauchy & Oo'h. Advt's.
A 19?? C"""'lll"'l'-'llm.,rAl.r,l.
M U.I hli,l I,,,,,,,..., Ar, u..Bl. dl.ld.J i,a,
13 steps s set Iteeds. s Knee
I llfU-iL- nttlvr aliawt 111 . . .
d oct. St, 4w.
SI 900 a3,1."?118"1 Mdaysontjiooinvested. Of
nv'TiAV,.n,al twports. a"1 intormauon FItKK.
VaaJ: a. opilOBB Ol S10LOS5O,
Address T.I-ottib Wianv Co.; Bakxsrs. s will
Rowoll & Go's. Adve's.
is Stops, s set Golden Toniruf
Iteeds. s net' n .
''slnutcsse. Warned s earn!
sisMBBBBBiaMBastool it Book, only tas
7 net. riauo, muui. Cover i Book, only suns
est I ustrutml Ki.nn.iu, u.., ,ir"..Si..
1 n.
Address DAN
Advertisers 66o.P.Rowell&Co,:
vnrv r?ATi"? "urcf u'.1 Spruce' St,. New
,j aiivvm?iuiv-;i r . "i22?.lu'y proposed Hue
- - t. ... rtmcrioiui newspapers.
octwriw. " a-im. io..-s
S1200 ProlV!0,",0 days investment of Si nn
r,TfT.TZ:y.t"clal "L'poru. free CXUU
61 tie aio. . sflEf u" D"V."P"?
dreasT.POTTiK Wiuut i Co.. nkntpr. .TTK',,
. Ad.
r, a r aa, m n, ,
$25 to $5000$
Wk.n4 nail liuuiasiu mrli.L. n.
H.Hrlmi.l.lB..i..i 1.
rfwB,V1'' f,'pllllill.H.
tw,4w, r
$77outnnt trhr,,FtnicSe';7.ra,ltee1 AtebU
OCt 10 7 7w VU "y"A, A1AIKK,
lS777iJEAI.l;?a expenses to sgents. outfit
Maine A1?re"
Should mbscrlbo Hr
A Lite Educational Monthly, published at
for w centa per year. Send six cents for specimen
Arm 18, 1S7..W " C-K,CAN1',i
Damocratlo Tiokat
Separate, into two tickets voting the
tickets headed "Stnto" and "County"
.otiaratcly, folding no that those worda
will appear on tho outside of the ticket.
For Stato Treasurer,
'Daniel O. Barr.
For Sheriff,
, A. K. Smith.
For Coroner,'
I. K. Dildine.
For Jury Commissioner,
Eli Robbing.
Democratic) Tioket
Separate into two tickets votine the
tickets headed "State" and "County"
separately, folding so that those words
yri appear on the outside of the ticket.
For State Treasurer,
Daniel O. Barr.
For Sheriff,
A. K. Smith.
For Coroner,
I. K. Dildine.
For Jury Commissioner,
Eli Robbins.
Democratic Tickat
SeOaratQ into twn tinlrnta vnftnr ttin
tickets headed "State" and "County"
senaratclv. fold!
will appear on tho outside of the ticket
.For Stato Treasurer,
Daniel O. Barr.
For Sheriff,
A. K. Smith.
For Coroner,
I. K. Dildine.
For Jury Commissioner,
Eli Robbius.
Democratic Tickat
Soparate into two tickots voting tho
tickets headed "State'Uand "County"
separately, folding so that those words
wm appear on tue outside ot tbe ticket
For State Treasurer,
Daniel O. Barr.
For Sheriff,
A. K. Smith.
For Coroner,
I. K. Dildine.
For Jury Commissioner,
Eli Robbius,