THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT,BL00MSBUEG, COLUMBIA COl NTY, PA. if Uttttlllf il 9. E. StwaUi, Elltor. J. 2. BITT2KBSMD2E, PnMliler. BLQOM3BURG, PA. Frld ay. Oct. 81. 1870. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FOR 8TATE TREASURER, DANIEL O. BAHR, op riTTSBuaati. COUNTY TICKET. FOIl 8UBRIFF, A. K. SMITH, FOtl COliONBH. I. K. DIL.DINE. FOR JURY COMMISSIONER. ELt BOBBINS. Democratic Standing Committee, Bloomsburg K THvld I,owenberir. Chairman. w l, v. Clark, Secretary. -Beaver James T. Fox llentoo Rohr Mcllenry. Berwick Mor. Wm T. Snyder, llrlarcreck M. L. Uouseknecht. Catawlssa M. V. n. Kline. Centralla Dor. P.F. Hume centre Edward llartman. Conyngham N. ratrtck Hrennan, ' 8.-John Monroe. FUhln!ro 8. 0 Crevellng. Fraoktln Wm. Rnhrbacb. Greenwood A. J. Uerr. Hemlock N. P. Moore. Jaskson lram Uerr. ljcnst Geo. Knltt r. Madison Wm. dingles, Maln-J.ll.Nuw. Miniln D. II. Montgomery. Montour Henevllle Kbodes. ML pieaaant John Mordan. Orange O. A. Megargell. Fine John F. Foxier. Hoartngcccek-.tob.n Mowrer. Scott Houth John Kressler, Sugarloaf A. J. Bess. Scott North Jacob Tcrwllllger. Vigilance Committees. BLOOM EAST. rani K. Wirt. J. U. Casey. Amurth Nobis. James Lennon. Jobs Yost. Fetor solleder. nugh Buckingham. Charles llasserU BLOOM WEST. R. R. Little, ' Ellas Furman. William Barrett. O. W. sterner. BENTON TOWNSHIP. Charles Gibbons, Samuel Appleman, T. B. Cole. BERWICK. A. U. Heely, K. S. Hunt, David lro33. CENTKAL1A. D.F. Curry, owes Cain. . COKYNQUAM NORTD. Thomas Chapman, Charles Mcuulre, , Thomas Knnll. CONYNGHAM SOOTH. John P. flannon, Jas. Monaghan. FISniNOCREEK. Cyrus McHenry, Ell Bobbins, Darld Tost. MIFFLIN. Samuel Snyder, John UeUer, X. Hchweppenbelscr. Important to Vetera. The next election in Pennsylvania will be held on Tuesday, the 4tb of November. If an elector has paid a State or county tax witbin two years next preceding the election, or if be be between the ages of twenty-one and twenty two years, be can secure his vote by making proper proofs to the election board by his own affidavit and that of a qualified voter of his precinct, though be bo not reg istered. notIi'e. As my name has been used in some parti of the county, rinoe the holding of the Den ocratic Convention, as a Volunteer Candidate for the office of sheriff. I take this method of informing my democratic friends that lam not a candidate, (notwithstanding the treach ery practiced and the illegal votes polled against me in my own town at the Delegati Election, which bad a great deal to do in lessening my strength in the convention,) and do not desire my name to go before the peo ple as such at the present timo as it is By intention to support the nominee of my par ty. Thanking my friends for the very flat' tering support given mo in the country dia- tricts before the convention, 1 remain as ever, democratically. Yours truly, Charles A. Knorr. Bloomsbnrg, Oct. 21, 1879. Vote for A. K. Smith for Sheriff. APPEAL TO DEMOCRATIC VOTERS. . The political campaign throughout the State has been a quiet one, but it is none the leas the duty of every individual Democrat to bestir himself about the vote in his im mediate neighborhood, and bring it to the polls. It is a device of the enemy, ever watchful and vigilant, to encourage in Democratic counties, various side organizations, to draw votes from the Democratic party. Green backers, Prohibitionists, Volunteers, are Intended to break down the regular Demo cratic Organization. They have everything to gain and nothing to lose, whilst we have everything to lose and nothing to gain. Democrats, do not allow yourselves, either out of spite, or on account of favor to sup port anyof these republican side shows. The Greenback and Prohibition vote last fall amounted to 85411 and the result showed that the republicans were In a minority of the whole vote, of 62904. They earnestly desire that tbe opposition to them shall this fall again be split Into factions, well knowing that if it Is solid against them they will be shivered to atoms, Will not even the bard school of experience teach us anything? Let the old men whose heads have grown gray in the service speak to the young voters and train tbem to follow In the footsteps of their fathers. In their days Sheriff's sales were few, offibial embezzlements were still fewer, and. fifty thousand dollars a year salaries did not exist. Tbe sweat of the face of tbe working man waa drawn out in labor for his family, and not, as now, in maintaining bigh priced officials who do nothing but draw their salaries. Democrats, tbe true watchwords of the Party are Home Rule 1 1 Low Taxes 1 1 These things can be secured under a Dem ocratic administration, but under no other, and with them will come to us aU work and Kagei and protperity. We have a good working majority ot two thousand in Columbia county, bnt It will be useless to us, either for State or County purposes unless'we Vote the Ticket, the Whole Ticket, and Nothing bot the Ticket. By order of the Committee, D. Lowenbero, Gimrgk A, Clark, Chairman. Secretary, I CAUTION. BOGUS TI0KET8ABE IN CIRCU LATION. KEEP YOUB EYES OPEN AND SEE THAT THE NAME OF A. K. SMITH 18 ON YOUB TICKET, FOB BHEIUFF. NO DODGING. The Republicans are again at their old game ,encouraglng Democrats to vote against their nominee, and thus aid the opposition, by giving their vote to the Greenback, or Temperance candidate, thereby weaken ing the democratic) ticket and strengthen !ng the Republican candidates. This dodge works well In some counties, In Luzerne and In Schuylkill counties It has worked so well that a large per centage of the emolu ments ofofflco has pasied Into the pockets of Republican officeholders. In the heavy Republican counties throughout the State you will not see this sort of thing being practiced. Is It not about time the so-called Democrats in these 'counties, where the Republicans have grown fat and strong through their foolishness, straighten up and look over the fisld, see what they have been doing towards assisting the common enemy In trying to destroy the old Democratic party, and resolvo at once to return straight Into the ranks of tho party of their first love I This is a good 'time. The opposi tion party may as well spare them now a at any other time. Last fall tho whole country waa full of political electricity, it was no wonder that some men should go astray; but just as soon as the smoke and smell passed ofT they plain ly discovered their mistake. In this State the Greenback party did not elect a single Congressman, If we skip Yocum. lie waa elected by Republican votes. So It will be observed, as a party, the Greenback party Is dead In the State. The election. In Ohio settlesth'e question as to what it amounts to out there. An d, consequently, wherever it Is being worked up. It Is done to assist the Republican party, In this county for no othei reason. The Democrats understand this, and will not be gulled out next Tues day, but vote for Barr, A. K. Smith, Dll dine and Bobbins. Give them the full vote of yonr district. Vote for A. K. Smith for Sheriff. State Tax. DECISION OF JUDGE PEARSON THE COUN TIES MUST PAY THE TAX. Judge Pearson of Dauphin county has tiled three opinions which decide questions in favor or tbe Commonwealth raised br the appeal taken by thirteen 'counties from the accounts settled against them by the audi' tor general and state treasurer, under the act of 1811, for taxes due the state on per sonal property. He decides that the action of the board of revenue commissioners could be corrected only by an appeal taken under the act of 1878; that that is the specific statutory remedy and offers'the only redress which counties can pbtaln, and that the counties having failed to follow it, have no remedy by the appeal under the act of 1811 He also decides that where counties have made payment ot the amounts assessed against them by the revenue commission! rs. tney are voluntary payments and the coun ties are stopped from recovering them back from the state. The counties interested in this decision are Erie, Clinton, Crawford, jenerson, .Lawrence, Bradford, Snyder, Tioga, Columbia, Indiana, Northumberland, Butler and. Mercer. Deputy Attorney Gen eral Gilbert contested the right of appeal and General W,H. Armstrong, ot Lycom ing and James . W. M. Newlln, Esq, of Philadelphia,appeared for the.countiea. The matter will be, in all probability, carried to the supreme court. Vote for Bobbins for Jury Commissioner. The Indian Trochlea. secretary bchurz on tbe 26th Inst, re ceived a dispatch written by Special Agent Adams, from Plateau Creek, on tbe 21st Inst., from which it appears be did not take the surrendered captive (namely, Mrs. and Miss Meeker, Mrs. Prlci and two children) to General Merrltt's camp, but immediately sent them with an escort to Lake City to proceed thence, via the Del Norte, to Den ver. He adds in this dispatch that "tbe Indians are anxious for' peace, and desire a full investigation of the trouble.' Agent Stanley telegraphs to tbe Secretary from Los Pinos,23rd inat,, as follows!:. 'Wo men and children given up. The Utea want peace. Ouray will do all he can.' A des patch waa forwarded by Lieutenant General Sheridan from General Merritt, via Lead' ville, announcing the arrival of Special Agent Adams at White Biver, and tbe aafety of the captive women and children. Secretary Bchurz and General Sherman bad a conference wi th the President at the Exe cutive Mansl on, and subsequently Secretary Bchurz telegraphed additional instructions to Special Agent Adams, who is expected to arrive at Los Pinos Agency on tbe SOth They all continue to tblnk that tbe pros' pect of an early and satisfactory settlement for the Ute troubles are very encouraging. Vote for Dildine for Coroner. Tbe nomination for Sheriff in our County Convention was fairly made and is entitled to general and. generous support. Our can. didate when unsuccessful in obtaining nomination on former occasions manfully acquiesced in tbe nomination of rivals, and now he has a just claim upon every Demo crat in the county. Tbe candidate next-lo him in vote In Convention was from Centre township, a district which has bad a full share of nominations in recent years, Del elates took thts fact Into consideration In casting votes for a Madlsin candidate, and their action In doing so waa right, reason able and proper, 4 Vote for A.-K. Smith for Sheriff. In selecting county officers, the office of Sherlfl is generally the one most; contested both as to nomination and election. We 'had ten names before tbe nominating Coo vention, and it was inevitable that tnr.ny persons should be disappointed attbe result, But as tbe nomination was of a competent man and was regular aud fair, there is no ground for complaint, nor any reason why the candidate selected should not receive full party majority In tbe county, cheerful ly given. VoU for Bobbins for Jury Commissioner, Chairman Hoolen, of the Republican State Committee, has Issued his final hoot. It U chuck full of "blody shirt," "rebel brigadiers" etc., and calls attention to the fact there was a war in this country about filteen years ago, and there will pcobably be another rebellion unless tbe Democrats are defeated In this Stale. We hear lb ssme kind of a howl every year, and It is getting rather mcnotonous. It availed but little In 187C when Tilden received a majority of a quarter of a million, and we fear it will not do tbem much good in 1880. The Iisum. QUMTioits ow wnicii toe n?ortJi of rimr- (8YLVAN1A WILL PASS JUDGMENT. The Democratic State Oonventl6ndopted series of resolutions whlcbtpreaent to the people of Pennsylvania tbe issues involved in this political canvass. On these issues the intelligent and deliberate judgment of the voters of the state Is demanded. The nomination of Daniel O, Barr, represents tbe affirmative of the propositions submitted by the democratlo convention, that of Sam. uel Butler the negative, A vote for Barr Is therefore a vote to affirm these proposition as a correct exposition of the principles of republican government, while a vote for Butler is a vote to condemn them. Bead, therefore, reflect and render an honest and patriotic judgment : That the just powers of the Federal Union the rights of the states and the liberties of th'e people, are vital parts of one harmonious system ; and to save each part In its whole constitutional vigor is to "save the life of the nation." That tho democratlo party maintains, as it ever has maintained, that the military are, and ought to be, In' all things subordi nate to the civil authorities. It denies, aa It ever has denied, the right of the Federal administration to keep on foot at the general expense a standing army to Invade the states for the political purposes without regard to constitutional restrictions, to control the people at the polls, to protect and encourage fraudulent counts of the votes, or to Inaugu rate candidates rejected by the majority. The right to a free ballot is the right pre servative of all rights, the only means of peacefully redressing grievances and reform ing abuses. The presence at the polls of a regular military force and of host of hire ling officials, claiming the power to arrest and imprison citizens without warrant or hearing, destroys alt freedom of elections and upturns the very foundation of self- government We call upon all good citizens to aid us in preserving our institutions from destruction by these imperial methods of supervising the right of suffrage and coerc ing the popular will ; in keeping the way to the ballot box open and free, as' it was to our fathers : In removing the army to a safe distance when the people assemble to express their sovereign pleasure at the polls, and In securing obedience to their will when legally expressed by their, votes. That Rutherford B. Hayes having been placed in power against the well known and legally expressed will of the people, is the representative of a conspiracy only, and his claim of right to surround the ballot boxes with troops and deputy marshals to intimi date and obstruct the electors, and his un precedented use of the veto to maintain his unconstitutional and despotic power are an insult and a menace to tbe country. That the democratic party ,as of old, favors a .constitutional currency of gold and silver, and of paper convertible into coin. That we are opposed to tbe system of sub' Idles by tbe general government under which during.the, period, of republican cendancy, political rings and corporations profited at the, people's expense, and to any appropriation of tbe public moneys or the public credit to any object but tbe public service. The reforms and economies enforc ed by tbe democratic party since its advent to power in tbe lower house of congress have saved to the people many millions of dollars, and we believe that a like result would fol low Its restoration to power in the stata of Pennsylvania. That tbe democratic party being the nat ural friend of the workingman and having throughout its history stood between him and oppression renews its expression of sym pathy for labor and Its promise of protec tion to its rights. That we look with alarm and apprehen sion upon the pretensions of tbe great trans portation companies to be above the funda mental law of this commonwealth which governs all else within our borders, and un til they accept the constitution of 1873 in good faith tbey should remain objects of tbe utmost vigilance and jealousy by both leg islature and people. That tbe recent attempt under the per sonal direction of ruling republican leaders to debauch tbe legislature by wholesale bri bery) and corruption and lake Irom the Com monwealth four millions of dollars for which its liability bad never been ascertained,, is a fresh and alarming evidence of the aggress iveness of corporate power in collusion with political rings, and should receive the signal condemnation of the people at the polls. That tbe present condition of the State Treasury, a bankrupt general fund and even schools and charities unable to get the money long since appropriated to beir support, b a sufficient illustration of the reckless Ouan clal mismanagement of, the republican party. Vote for A. K. Smith for Sheriff. In some of our townships it-Is reported that certain Democrats are not going to vote tbe ticket, aud are actually upposlng the regular nominee for Sheriff and support ing the Greenback candidate. This can hardly be tbe case, at least to no very great exteut, as no Democrat has a ny rea son this fall to oppose tbe ticket What would be gained Ut the party suould tbe nomlpees be defeated? No man having any feeling, wish, or respect, for tbe sujceas of the Djmjcratlo ticket, will turn In and help defeat its nominees, no difference who may be runuing agaiust them. If we have any such men in our party, and we hope not, they certainly will be found out, and their treachery fully exposed. This county has a good record at borne aud abroad for being steady, never waveriug and changing about from one thing to another. Once in a great while a bad nominee Is made by our party ,and when that happens tbe people cor' rect the mistake ; but if tht Democratic vot er has no blunders to correct at the polls this fall, the only thing to be done is, to vote the whole Democratic ticket from top to bottom without a scratch. Vote fur Dildine for Coroner. Tbe republicans of this state have discov ered that tbey have made an egregious mis take in relying upon the Ohio boom to carry their ticket. Tbey are not organized half so well as tbey were lilt year. Tbey will consequently fail to poll anyt hiog like a mil vote, ineiroverconnaence nas given .i. j . . . ,. . . . me uemocrau an opportunity io steal a march upon them. Hence their desperate efforts at tbe last hour to rally and enthuse their men. But their real ization of tbe sit uation comes too late. Ine campaign on tbeir part is utterly void ot enthusiasm and earnestness and their eleventh-hour card lo tended as an appeal lo rellgoua fanaticism evokes no sympathetic response. If domo crats will but do tbelr duly, their whole duty, tbe fourth of November will place Pennsylvania In the column ot tbe demo cratic states, Onlv democratlo apathy can possibly bring about tbe defeat ol Daniel O, Barr. Mark that! -Wrtot. Vote for Bobbins for Jury Commissioner, CAUTION. BOGUS TICKETS ABE IN OIBOU- LAT10N, KEEP YOUB EYES OPEN AND SEE THAT THE. NAME OF A. K. SMITH 13 ON YOUK TICKEl.FOB SHEBlFF. Cameron's llarpalu Mr Samuel Butler's nomination for Slalo Treasurer was the c'oslng transaction in the atrangeinenls connected with the elec tion of the Hon, J, 1), Cameron for a sec ond time to the United States. Butler wss nominated and elected to the' Legislature as an anti-Cameron man by the Re publicans of Chester county. When the Legbiature met ho took an active and apparently slncero part In the councils of the anti-Cameron Re publican members. He became the posses sor of their secrets.and when the time arriv ed he went Into the Cameron caucus and mov ed that the nomination of Cameron be made unanimous. As u reward for this service ho has received the Republican nomination for Slate Treasurer. There wero other Repub licans before the Stato convention for this nomination with whom Butler could not be compared on the sc6rd of party service. But Senator Cameror) Insisted on paying off his debt of gratitude 'and Duller received the nomination, though many delegates went off making fists In their packets. It remains to be seen whether the people will ratify this last dfllie Cameron bargains In the election of Samuel Butler to the office of State Treasurer. Commonwealth. Whip the Devil Ilouad the Stump. The JStar of Jfope, a temperance organ, aaya that Mr. Barr, Secretary of the Repub lican Btate Committee, was on hand at the meetiog of tbe Prohibition State Conven tion at Altoona, and that his purpose was to prevent the Prohibitionists from endorsing and supporting Mr. Butler, the Republican candidate for State Treasurer, on the ground that if the Prohibitionists aupported Butler It would cause him the loss of thousands of votes among the liquor men ; aud, further, that be urged them to make no nomination, How does that look for such high moral and temperance party as the Republican party claims to be ? The Star of Hope also says that Hon, D. J. Morrell, a member of the Republican State Committee, was at Altoona the day before tbe Prohibition Con vention met, and for the purpose of prevent ing an endorsement of Butler by the Pro hlbltlonists. Vote for Dildine fur Coroner. llootoo, the Howler. Chairman Hooton Is a howler. He Issues an address which evtn some of the republi can papers ridicule. He waves tbe bloody shirt, aud cries that there is going to be an other war that the rebels aro Invading Washington, and will conquer and ruin the whole country if Butler, tbe ring candidate is not elected State Treasurer. What insan ity I National politics have nothing to do with' this matter 'whatever. Tbe question is whether the people of Pennsylvania will en dorse ihe Cameron, Quay and Kemble ring; and hand over tbe funds of the State to the keeping of the men who attempted to lobby through the four million steal last winter, Or whether they will elect Mr. Barr,an hon est man who has no connection with any ring, corporation or clique.but who will con duct the affairs of that office in the interest of the whole people. Erie Observer, (dera, Vote for Daniel O.-Barr, for State Treat urer, if you would keep tbe people's money out of tbe bands of a corrupt ring. The Republican State Convention refuted to adopt a resolution favoring only honeet men In office, and then nominated Butler for State Trea-urer. Daniel O. Barr does not stand on that kind of a platform. Hanlan is opposed to going to Washing' ton to row Courtney over again, but if tbe latter will pull him nowhere else he will even go there, providing the nec. ssary guar an toes are forthcoming thai the Union Springs cculler will row and that Soule will pay, the purse. Hanlan Is so determined to meet Courtney that he would even travel to 'Australia' t do It. He re-ognizn tbe fact that he might catch 'a tarUr, but avows that pe would sooner be beatm than have mat' ters as tney are at present. Courtney was t Auburn, N. Y., but contrary to expects tions left for his home at with put doing anything in regard to the pro' posed meeting between Hanlan and him sen. Vote for Bo bbins for Jury Commissioner Don't forget that Daniel O. Barr is tb Democratic people' candidate lor State Treasurer and that a more honorable and competent man than he is does not live in all Pennsylvania In the strong Republi' can county ' f Allegheny, where he is best known, a large number ot honest and Inde pendent Republican business men will vote for him, because they know him to be just, and because they know that Butler Is tbe representative and mere tool of Quay, kemble, Petroffand Co, Carbon County Democrat. If the people of Pennsylvania are alive lo their own Interests they will elect Daniel O, Barr their State Treasurer as a check upon ring rule at Harrisburg, All parties in power are none the worse for watching ; and the previous record of unbroken Republican power at the State capital shows that a Dem ocratic watch-dog at tbe Treasury has saved and would coutluue to save a good many thousaud dollars of the people's money from being abstracted In the shape of "divy's1 among party "roosters. " Spirit of Jierkt, . We hare a speedy and positive cure, forratarrh, dlptherla, canker mouth, and head ache. In HhUoh a catarrh remedy. A nasal Injector free, with each bottle. Use It It you desire health, and sweet breath. WtAa KJI H.nn Unlri T 1 1 t -, ,. A Strange People. Do you know that there are strange people In our Community, we Bay strange becauhe tbey seem to prefer 10 suffer and pass their days miserably, made u uj uu i tiptua, iuiu uvcr i;uiuuiaiui, imiigc&uuu, constipation, and general debility, when Shlloh'i vitamer is guaranteed to cure them. oiq by J, ll, fkujjiurut. Kive Hundred Thousand Slroog. In the past few months tkere has been more than bottles of Shlloh'B onTtt sold. Out ot the vast number of people who have used It, more than i,0"0 caaes of consumntlon have been cured. AU coughs. eroup. asthma, and bronchitis, yield at once hence it u i nat every ooay speau in lu praise. To tnose who have not used It, let us say, if you have a cough or your child the croup and you value urojdon't tall to try It. use Nhlloh' rur jauie uocit. Blue or cuosi, UUIUUB UUUILCr. DU1U UY J. II. pons. NEW AQVERT1SEMENTS jyjABTER'8 NOTICE. William I, Oreenough ic,"i court of Common Pleas vs. I of Columbia Countv. The Danville, Ilstleton f December Term 1817, WUkesoarre KaUroad Co. J No. s. The undersigned Master appointed br the Bold Court to mske and n-port distribution of the. fund arising from the sale of toe rillroad and property of the defendants In this case wUI meet the parties In terested for the purpose of his appointment at bis omce no- sis tsouui rourta uunliii we city ot mil. i dflphla. Pennsylvania, on Monday Deoeub-'r 1st, ItTl, at IV o'clock p. m., woen and where all per- i)BQKUK M, DALLAM, aL.oet.llMt ...... fyllst,.ri NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. fellERIFffS SALE By virtue bf sundry writs tanned out ot the Court ot Common plean of Columbia county and to me di rected, will bo czposcd to public fuilo at the Court House In tho town of Bloormbutg, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, at ono o'clock p. m., on Snturtliiy, November 22nd, 1870. All that certain lot of land situate- In Benton town ship, Columbia county and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt t on tho norm and cast by lands of Samuel Ithono, on tho south, by lapd ot Alfred oberhaltztr and on the west by publlo road, containing ono halt an aero more or loss on which Is erected a house and outbuildings. ALSO, One other lot situate in tho township, county, and state aforesatd,bounded on the north by another lot ot suas J. Benjamin, on the cast by land ot William Masters, on tho south by lot of John Itcacoclcand on the west by another lot ot Silas J. Benjamtn.con taming ono quarter ot an acre, moro or less, on which Is erected a houso and outbuildings. . ALSO, Two other vacant lots sttuato In tho townshln. county and stata aforesaid adjoining lands ot Rich ard allies on the north, ou the east by lands ot Wtlr tlam Masters, on tho south by other lot of Silas J, Benjamin and on the west by lots ot Miles Williams and Boyd Mctlenry containing one halt an aero moro or less. "ALSO, One part ot a lot south ot Benjamin McIIenry's storo adjoining lots ot Benjamin Mcllcnry on the west, Boyd Mcllcnry on the north, other lot ot Silas Benjamin on the east, and lot of John fleacock on the south; on which lserectcdabarn, Seized, taken In execution at the suit of A. B. Stewart against Silas J. Beojamtn and to be sold as the property ot Silas J, Benjamin. Bccciuws, Attorney's. Fl. Fa, ALSO, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate In Benton, Columbia county, Pa., described as follows to wit t Bounded on tho north by land ot Benjamin Mcllcnry, on the east by public road, on the south by an alley, and on the we&t by land of niram Ever ett and Benjamin Mcllenry, containing three quar ters of on acre on which aro erected a two story frame dwelling house, storo house, shop and stable and outbuUdlnirs. felted; taken In execution at tho suit of the Co lumbia County Mutual Saving Fund and Loan Asso ciation against Samuel Ileacock and to bo sold as the property of Samuel Ileacock. Terms cash on day ot sale. Littli mulir, Attorney's. 'Plu. Fl. Fa. J0D.N W. HOFFMAN, Oct. 51, TJ-ts Sheriff. W1 mOWS' APPRAISEMENTS, The foUowinir nDnralsemcnts ot real and mrsonal property set apart to widows ot decedents lave been tiled lu the onico of the KegUter of Col umbia county, under tho limes ot Court, and will be irtiscaica lor ausoime coDiirmauun uj uit urpuans lourtto be held In Iiloomsbure.ln and for sold coun ty, on Monday. December 1st, 1879. at two o ciock p. m., oi Baia aay unifHS excepuons vo bucd conurmauun ure previously niea. ui wmcu au per sons lntcrustea in saia epiaieswm taxe nouce; 1. widow of John Patterson, late of Beaver town- 3. Widow of Silas F. Korea, lato ot Benton town- Buip, ucceasea. 8. tlldowof M.K.Jackson, lato of the Borough of 4. Widow ot Abraham Voder, lato ot Locust town- buip, decease a. s, Widow ot W.'Ulam Garrison, lato tho Town of iiioomsourK, aweaea. . widow of S.M, Erwln,late ot Mifflin township. ucceasea. 7. Widow of B. K Eves, late ot Greenwood town 'snip, acccascu. 8. Widow of John lllcks, late of the Town of Blooms- f . Widow ot John Ilaup, lato ot Franklin township, UtJVVlUH'U. 10 Widow of George C, Scott, J ate of Catawlssls,, UCVCBSCUs 11. Widow of Thomas Davis, late of Benton town- aeceasea. Register's omce, 1 Bloomsounf, Oct, 81, 1870. j W.H.JACOBY, Kestster. T EGISTER'S NOTICES. Iti Notice is hereby triven to all legatees, credi tors and other persons interested in the estates of me resDeciive aeceaents ana minors, tnattne roi. low In I? administration and cruardlan accounts have been filed In tbe omce of the Register of Columbia county, and will be presented for confirmation and allowance in tne urpnons court to be neia 'u DLuuinBuurg, ua jauuuar, ueceiaDer jdl, ibiv, at x o ciock, p. m. on mua aay: 1. The account of John McAnall, administrator of T utlA 117 nAiDAn lain nfftha UAHHinh nt II.BlAh ajiuib iArusuu,iai7 ui rm jnjiuugii ua issa n avv deceased, as Bled by F. B. Hunt, administrator oi jujra jacAiuui, aeceasea. I. The account of John McAnall, administrator of j. u. poason. late or me uorouen or uerwicir, deceased, as hied by K S. Uont, administrator ui douu mcAnaii, utceaaeo. s. The nntl account of C. O. Jackson, guardian of uuiucb j. reiuve, uiiuur juiuju ui a. a. rcarce, tutu ui uieouruugu ui trcrnrjcK, aeceasea. administrator of Maria Biggs, lato of the Town i ui juooinsuurg, ucceasea. i S. Tbe first and final account of Joseph Toirnsand, Trustee to sell ileal Estate ot John Townsand, late or,aiaaison townsnip, aeceasea. 6. The arstand nnal account of John Appleman, Trustee to sell real estate ot Ann winner, late ol UCUUWK WnUBUIl, ULWIHCU, T. Tho account ot Lloyd H. Wlnterstcen. admlnls. ' trator ot Levi Creasy, lato ot Main township, 8. Tho first and Dartlal account of P.M. Mill. ad. mlntBtrator of Sarah Kelthllne, late of the liur. ougn or uernicK, aeceasea. a. The account of Wm. Martz, administrator cum , testamento annexo, ot Ludwlg 'ihetl, late of Lo ' cust township, deceased. 10. The tidal becount of John 0. Jacoby, guardian otAnnaM. Poet (late lllank) a minor child tf Bamuel M. Blank, late of Centre township, de ceased. 11. The first and nnal account of Ihomis Butler, admlnlstratorde bonis non cum testamento an nezo, ot Elizabeth Slurry, late of Columbia county, deceased. 13. The first and final account ot William Edwards executor of Ann Btubl, late ot Brlnrcreek town ship, deceased. Keirlster'somce. 1 W n. JAronv Bloomsbunr. Oct. 31, 19 I Oct. 8l,'J9-tc. HeuU-ter. UDITOR'S NOTICE. Comma COUKTT s. s. Among the Ilecords and proceedings of tho court nt Quarter sessions In and for bald County, Inter alia It Is thus contained. In tbe matter ot the Auditor's report ot C. B. Ill ockway, to distribute money In Court amougst the creditors of Centralla Borough No. 19, 1'cb, T, 1S75. And now Oct. is, 1ST,, on motion of 8 Knorr. the report Is referred to C. B. Brockway, Esq. Auditor, to ascertain the order In which the Judgements of the borough should be paid ; the money now ordered to be paid Into c jurt.belng raised by mandate, tbe Act of Assmbly ot 1BU directing a special tax hav ing expired. Br Till Codet. Certified from tbe Ilecords Oct. 25, Ibis. WM. KKIL'KIUUM, Clerk n. 8. Tho Auditor In the above case will meet the parties Interested at his omce In Hioomsburg, Pa., on Hat urday, Nov. Wlh. 119, at 10 o'clock a. m. In pursu ance of above rule. C. II. UIIOCKWAY Oct, si,-ew Auditor, Warner's Safe Kidney and Urer Cure. A vegetable preparation and uta onlv aur rwmitdj In t&a world for Brtcbt'a 111 . lllMU,and A1X Uldavy, Li ver, u4 Urinary DUrMM. M-TaaUmoQlali of tha nig heat order In nroof Of thaaa autemenu. WWr tbe cure of Dlftbetaa, call for War Oer'a Hafe lliilete 4 ur. "For the cure or Urlsht and tha other dUeaaea, call for Warucr'a ftjiXe lildner ) Liver Cure. WARNER'S SAFK BITTERS, It il tha bait HlfWMl PbpI fl. and lim nlatM evrry function to mora healthful action, aiid It tbua a txmcflt in all dlaeaaea. It cure Mrrofuloaa and other Hfcln Erup tlona and DlieAiee, loduuMuj Caueorm, IJU eera, and other Murea. Oyaprpel, WeMkneei of the Htom-h, Constipation, JllaalaeM, Uvnrral lbll. twjt ate-, are curra oj me aaie HiiMt. it ia unequaled ai ait apttlieraud regular tonic. lioUlea of two u we j prlcea, Mas. and $1.40. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickly givtn R and Bleep to tbe lutferlnr. cum llMidurit and Neuralgia, preveuu t,ftllll t'lu, ntlellevee Narvoua Ire tratlot oroucbt on bj exreeilve dnuk. QVvri . 8wffil M If ifVQ atou rYn ad eootbe di turned Wtryw. it nvr Tnjuree tbe eyitera. wb tlber taken In amall or larva doeea. HvitlM of two alwa ; prlcea, &)c. and 11.00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an Immediate nd active itlmulue for Twl 4to, i and oura foil am. CriptpiU, Bit- ivaiaajM, sMikiue viar boa. Malaria. fm ta At: and itiould e uatMl wbenever tbe bowels) do not opvrate fruely and rt-atularlir. wart, r rUsj la eta. a WirMf') afk tUw4U w MM k Draff taU lftW la atoitoi frrark!". H. H.Warner i Co,, traritsr, EOOHESTEE, N. T, M lit- fUUtl Oct, 81, 187?.. ly Fa; Bros, wnsBBBBrssffra NEW AVDERTISEMENTS. SHEmfrJF S SALE. Ihe court 6t Common neas oi Columbia county and to rrSet dlreofcowlUbe. exposed to publlo lalo at tho Court'llouso In thiS town of Hioomsburg Columbia county, Pa., on Monday, December 1st, 1879, at one o'clock, p, m., all that certain houso and lot of ground situate In the town of Hioomsburg, Columbia county, Pa, front logon Market street, of said town, adjoining a lot now owned by E. J. Thornton, on the north, Mum mcy's Alley on tho west, a lot of B. V. nartman on the south, being thirty feet front and one hundred nndntntty-clghtfcotln dentin whereon arc erected n two story brick dwelling houso with a two story brick kitchen attached, a frame- stable and other out-lmlldlngs. Also, All that certain lot of ground situate In tho townof Bloomsburg, Columbia county, Pennsylva nia, bounded and described as follows, to-wltl begin nlng nt tho corner ot Jefferson alley and first street of said town: thenco along the lino ot First street, westward ono hundred and ninety-eight, feet three Inches to Oser'a alley: Ihcrce along tho lino ot Ojcr's alley southwardly two hundred and fourteen feet and six Inches to lildgo alley; thence along the line of ltldgo alley eastward ly one hundred and ninety-eight fect three Inches to JcfTerson alleys thence alongthc lino of Jefferson allcv northwardly, two hundred and fourteen feet six Inches to tho err ncr of Jefferson alley and First strco', tho placo of beginning. Atso.l he undivided one-third part of all that certain piece of ground with the water power thereto, Bltu. ata In tho town ot Bloomsburg, Columbia county, ra., adjoining Flshtngcreek on the west, lands now owned by llcuben lless on tho east, and the North Branch of the Pennsylvania Canal on tho north, whereon nro orocted a large 8-story Flouring or Grist Mill, a two story frame dwelling house, stable and other out-bulldlngs known as tho aqueduct Ortst Mill property. Also, The undivided one ninth part ot all that certain piece or parcel of land situate In Centre township, Columbia county, Pa., adjoining lands of Isaac lless, Joseph Poho, McKelvy' Neal Co., Joseph and A. II. Hess and tho Lackawanna & Hioomsburg llallroad Company, containing about fifteen acres, being farm land, limestone quarrys and dump gruond, whereon are erected six lime kilns and ono lime houso and blacksmith shop. also, tho undivided one ninth ot all that certain piece and parcel of land situate In Centre township, Columbia count, Pa., adjoining lands of McKelvy Neal K Co., II. C. Barton, Lackawanna k Hioomsburg, Itallroad company and L. w. wooley containing about three and one-half acres, whereon are erected one lime houso and Ulna and ono dwelling house, also, The undivided one-ninth ot all that certain piece and parcel of land situate In Centre township, Columbia county, Pa., adjoining lands of 1. W. M a. L. Low, the Pennsylvania Canal Company and Joseph Pohe, containing about four and one-half acres whereon aro erected a two story stone store house, two dwelling houses and stable. Also, The undivided one-ninth ot all that certain piece and parcel of land situate In Centre township, Columbia county, Pa., adjoining lands of Joseph Pohe and E. W. M. Low, containing about one acre whereon are erected three dwelling houses and a b table. Also, Tho undivided ono-nln;h of all that certain pieco and parcel ot land situate In Centre township, Columbia county, ra., adjoining lands of E. W. M, Low and L. W. Wooley, containing about one-fourth of an acre, whereon is erected a dwelling house, Also, The undivided one-ninth ot the undivided one-hiflt of all that certain piece and parcel of land situate In Centre township, Columbia county, ra., adjoining lands ot Lara) cue Creasy and McKelvy, Neal Co., and others, containing about one-fourth of an acre. Also, The undivided one-ninth of the undivided one-half ot all that certain tract of land situate in Main township, Columbia county. Pa., adjoining the Susquehanna Itlver on the north and lands of Ste phen Oearhart on the east, lands of William KelcU- ner on the south, lands of Richard II. Aicn on the west, containing thirty-two acres more or leas, unimproved land. Seized, taken In execution and to be sold as the property Drinker. , ALSO, the following described real estate to-wlt: First, All that certain lot of ground situate In tho town of Bloomsburg, Columbia county, Pa., fronting on second or Main Street, of said town, adjoining an alley on the west, a lot ot A lira Snyder on the south, a lot of Alice Snyder oh the cast, being feet in front on Second street and In depth about one hundred and sixty feet, whereon are erected two story brick store house, a two story frame shop, a large frame stable and wagon house and other out-bulldlngs. SicOHS.All that certain lotof ground situate In tho town of Hioomsburg, Columbia county. Pa., adjoin. Ing on alley on the north, an alley on the east, Third street on the south and a lot, ot Sarah Pctrlkln on tho west, being fifty eight feet In width on Third street and about two hundred and fourteen feet In depth, used as a lumber yarC. Third, All that certain lot ot ground situate In the town ot Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pa., front ing on second street of said town, adjoining an alley on the west, an alley on the south and a lot of William Snyder's heirs on the east, being fifty feet In front and two hundred and fourteen feet I u depth, whereon nro erected a two story frame dwclllnghousowlihaone story kitchen attached, Ice-House, a frame stable and other out-butldlngs. Fourth, All that certain lot of ground situate in the .town ot Bloomsburg, Columbia County,, Pa, fronting on Canal street of said town adjoining a lot ot Matutas Kindt on the west, the north branch of the Pennsylvania Canal on the south and lot ot Mary 11. Mendenhall on the east containing three quarters of an acre more or less, whereon are erected a two story frame dwelling house. Fiitu, All that certain tract ot land situate In ,1'lne Township, Columbia County, Pa., containing fifty acres more or less. Hounded and described as follows, on tbe east by land of Mary U. Mendenhall, on tho south by land of Henry Itlchle and others, on the west by land of niramlt.; Kline and others, and on the north by other land of Ellas MendenhaU, whereon are erected a two story frame dwelling house, bam and other out-bulldlngs. ,S!xtu, All that certain tract of land situate In Pine Jownshlp, Columbia County, Pa., containing three hundred and Blxty acres more or less, bounded.and deacrloed'aS follows to-wlt: adjoining lands of Mary B. Mendenhall on the ot Ellas Mendenhall and ol hers 01 the soulh, land of Michael Kesbler and others on the west, and lsnds of Iianlcl Bren er and others on Ihe north, It being a timber tract. SsviKtu, The undivided one-half of a l that cer tain tract of land situate lu pine township, Columbia County, Pa, con.alnuYg three hundred und titty acres more or less bounded and described as follows, to-w t: adjoining lands ot Valentine Kressler and others on the north, lands of Oeorge stackhouse and others on the west, lands of fleorge Yuung and others on the south and lands of Joehua Hobbles and ethers on tho east, whereon aro erected two .-story frame dwelling houses, two stubles, a steam Baw mill and oiliir out-bulldln.s. KiauTU. Tho undivided one-half of all that certain tract ot land situate In Pine township, Columbia County, Pa., containing seventy-lour acres more or less, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: ad Joining lands of John K. Yuuug.on the east, by lands ot John Loekard and other, ou the south, lands formerly of Oeorge Stackhouse on the west and lands of Mendenhall & Barton on tne north, whereon are erected aa old house, being principally timber land. Seized, taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Ellas Mendenhall. Friizs, Attorney. JOHN W. HOFFMAN, Terms Cash. sheriff. October 91, 1879-ts JTOTICE. .votlceto the, members ot the Citizens Building and Loan Assoclailonof Centralla, Pa. I hereby Ktve notice that Ihe constitution and By Laws of said association has by a two-third vote of the share-holders been changed to read as follovs : Article IX of constitution amended after the words "loaned out" to read : The members shall be bound to take up the loans at the lowest prein turns fixed beginning with that member who shall hold the. largest number of shares unincumbered, but lo one snail b j compelled to take In a single month more tlian one loan la this manner. Article XX Section 1st of by-laws amended after tbe word "reason" to read : The members who still hold tree shares are bound to take up tbe same ao cording to Article IX of me constitution, at the low. est premium fixed, then It shall pe done In the f ol lowing inmner I That meiober who holds the most free shares,shaU first take up a share, then tho bolder of the next highest number, one ;and so on unlit all the mem bers ho hold over Rve shares shall have received one thereor. Then tbe succession begins again with the first, until all the shares ot one and tho same holder are reduced to dve at the highest. Then If necessary the same rule shall le apphe d to too holders trom five down three shares, then from two downwards until thedlstolutlon ot tbe association. Sic, :nd. If two or more members hold an equal number of shares. In such cases the succession shall be determined by lot between them. Bso. Sd. Such Involuntary loans shall Irt secured by the transfer ot free shares to, tho association, and If the are not sumcleqt, by such security as the directors, mav nud to be good. Hy oKler of the iTesificnt, Attest t J. E. TtEILLY, lKt.ii,-W becictary. Jtotice. f.otloa Is hereby given that the Mlowln? accounts have besn died lu Ilia Prothonotary's otno e of Co lumbla Uountv, and will bo presented to tbe Court ot common 1'leasof said county on thexndday ot December 1819, and confirmed aftr tha fourth day efald term unless exeepuons be Hied within thst 1. Pinal account of of James Keller, committee of Daniel Uearbart a luoaUc ?(?' f1?, Oaal coutol W. li, Abbott, assignee ot Ilatletlne Steele. Mrs' Jd final account ot Moses Uower, osi-knec of Davids. Uower, i. First and final accouut of Adam Marks, aasleneo of James Koulenbauder, ' 5,AwaKwoe.NeUeWl&l1 Klt,en' """f"8 01 rw m , WM- KHICKBAUM, Oct. M,-to Prothoaotajfy, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ALL WHO BUY Should not rail to inspect THE LARGEST STOCK OF DRY GOODS, AT DISTRIBUTING . CENTRE, Eighth and Mark'et (Sie;ncu), OUT OF A SILK STOCK OF $150,000, Wo iinnio ft few items rcmarkayy clicap, which rcprotent many other lota loo numcrou! " fJOLUKKU AiNU Ill,U1V lyAlU'tO, m AND SA'I i3.6i $2.00. $3 00 and U 00-SAT1N IIHODEIUE ALL SILK, nt Sl.fiU liljAurv uAiiAsnn, ui i-ir,ijvt,i AMI) 'INSTKIl'ES, at J300 .lAUlUAItl' Vl.i.v I'.in iimu onnn ut, at B-LYONSSILK VKr.VETS, from $3.G0 tn 112 OO-KICJII HAT IN DAMASSBS at grandest collection of ilLAUK AN JJ UUlAmBU.BilJiva over piaccu on snio in l'liilstM. nia, wuicii lor ricnness oi mioiuuiui uu (S End)' OUR PRESENT STOCK OP IDIEISS C3-OOIDS,- . IN COLORS ALONE Is nearly equal In value to our stock of Silks, and surpasses all wo have over shown In magnitude, iiswirtment and moderation of prices. LUPIN'S FRENCH MEKINOE3, al 45 and fiO nl EXTRA FRENCH CASHMERES, at 45 ci FUENCn MKRINOES AND CASHMKRE3, 60.02,75,87 cis. and SI 00 FRENCH SATINS. t 37 Cls-FRENCII MELANGE, at 50 rts FRENCH ABMURES, at 75 cts ELEGANT STYLES FRENCH GOODS, $1.C0-CAMEL'S HAlR'FOULE. nt 80cto-NOVELTIE- FOIt TRIMMINGS, in all Hie new eflVcis-D V MASSE CASHMERES, st 371 mR-VOOL FACE CASHMERES, at 37 tls-34-INCH CHEVRONS, at 37 cls-E.N0. LISH FANCIES), at 37 na TRIMMING STRIPES, nt 31 c Is ALL-WOOL SUITINGS, tt 25 cis HALF: WOOL SUITINGS, at 12 cts AND THOUSANDS OF PIECES OF OTHER DRESS GOODS, Of which 'he above list it but a representative. Sinned), OT BLACK GOODS. We exhibit a stock of about $75,O0O. We bnvi secured at Ut less than present prices, CASES ON CASES OF BLACK CAStl MERES,I)L VCK MEKINOBS.SILK WARP HENRIETTA CLOTHS, and HUNDREDS OF PIECES OF NOVELTIES IN BLA'CIv GOODS, comprWng ARMURES, MOMIE CLOTHS, CAMEL'S HAIR CASHMERES. .INDIA CASHMERES, CRAPE CASHMERES, PEKIN 81 RIPKS, WINTER HUNTINGS, NEW EFFECTS IN BLACK -FAHRICES, COURT AULD'S CRAPES and CRAPE VEILS, (Imported direct), besides o Iher Fabrics loo numer ous tn menlion. Especially in ' BLACK CASHMERES AND MERINOES, D we claim to offer advantage tn buyers, as our arrangements for their production are well nigh perfect.. Tha prices in BLACK CASHMERES, begin at 40 cents and run upwards In 40 QUALITIES, tn 2 00 per yard ; and In FRENCH BLACK MERINOES (double twilled), with LUPIN'S GOODS, at4S cts, and run upwards to $2.00 PEH YARD. (Signed), STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER. i a .bvery lady witbin reach of Philadelphia, should not fail to inspect our magnificent line of FOREIGN COATS, MANTLES, WALKING JACKETS, ETC. These garments are all of the most carelul manufacture and perfect fitting, as the best custom work, while the prices are ho moderate as to excite surprise. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS and SACQUES in unequalled variety. J Wo aro constantly assured tbat the display wo are making in this department has nev er been even approached in Philadelphia. (Signed)', STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER. Besides tbe above.wehave '29 lKIAKTMEIWTS IN DRV GOODS ALONE, and goods strictly appertaining thereto, including all tbat can be needed for personal attire or household needs. Tbe six: floors of our large building have been Insufficient to contain our Immense stock this season, and we have been forced to secure large additional storage room. No such stock of dry goods can be found elsewhere, and every buyer within reach of Philadelphia should not fail to avail of the advantages wa offer. (Signed), STRAWBRIDGE & OLOTniER. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER. Eighth and Market Sts., PHILADELPHIA. order ilness and when Lrtlcle wanted, as other customers pay when here buying In person, when take them back. clerks, who are able to we are enabled to. give customers wAe Uve ths choice t u, 'With a reputation of iwenty years at retailing, we cannot afford to lose our good name by lack of proper service to absent customers. Write plainly, and describe fully what Is wanted, and about tho price desired.,. Address, John Wanamaker, Largest'.Dry Goods House, Philadelphia. MiiiiMthiJiiiJiiilitlllil Octobers, tf. Weaver & Oo'a. Ada. P5 P A T C H For raendln? tin, brass copper, lead ot Iron without acid or soldering Iron. Anv lady or cbUd can mend wltbfr, will scutl L1 one sample piato bymull(wtb directions) that will cut mviucu square patcUesou recelptoHJcta.8iori,iootorlo,(i'o. eJ'.K,,i1.p!,J,t,!elvt!U faah).AtN18 WAN I'KU. Can carry one dav slock in Ph your pcx.K,et. saleswUiiieiaistosiMM-r day, our4paii8 Illustrated C'atuloiue ol elurumos, Jewelry. KovelUes, btalfon- OITY NOVKL'fY H '!? H0?1.1 btl 8t-i MdladelpUla, ra. fl ri H 1 . . , lit W 4 CO INCREASED PENSIONS K soldiers wbosy rate of pension Is toolow.aa compared wltb present liberal laws, or wboae aieabiliiisbavo increased since pension was urautedV TMuaands are entitled, and sbouid at onoo apply uousanu3 BOUNTY "a" ! soinWs'dlscharcedlor , . " x wounds, rupture or oiberln. Jury (not disease), wbo have taUed to nive tbe amount promised, also to tboio ivno eilttted bS tween iwrtiary lat. lues and April 1, ism, tors years wbo bad previously served a Vrn'ofi momlS Tor more audlallcd iorecotvoa bounty 'ut uSi itor last senlce. sum Una all a ldic who ealtaUrd lor a yews prior io July ssdlbSl. and were muswred bo lore AUKU.HH lfdl. regardless ol time served, ray jar ratwnsw bile prisoners ot war, mil dui; ;. We Uave had alony and extensive experience In colleciK claims aoeTiurulsb the best of reference Wa"veSntV;?,ITd,- .0u,' H'1 charged and i ray until lalni Is allotted, so that It ttnTts i ou nolb- &W2,W11,,!,.E?i;.Iu11 lalormatlon adOresaV MeK!U, e MUCH, r, o. liraner I Washington, Mralwajs Inclose stamp forreply. OcUlMm woq DRY GOODS, TUB - Sts.,Philadelphia. BTRAWHHIDGE It GLOTHIErt. l.w - Ol un. UI1UIIU.JU, i iv . lir.AYl nnd SATIN FJSKIN IlltUUr BiK, nmlth. nnu. ,.,.i, r..i.r, ..nonunjuai, BTIlAWUniDGE k OLOTUIEU. STRAWBRIDGE A CLOTHIEIt. Out of town. people who can not conveniently travel, may have aam plee sent them of "Dry Good and all other good that we sell. If they will write No charge, and no need to If not suited. "We make It a to attend to euoh letter quickly; orders coma we send the exact and at exactly same price goods aro not as ordered, we Having trained and responsible use discretion tn filling orders. great satisfaction to the many , Want a FARM or HOME with in; yOU. depends nee and plenty to iow THE BEST TU?Na IN TUB WEST is TUB Atcliisou.Topeka & Santa Fe R. K. LANDS IN KANSAH. Circulars wltli map, giving fuil information, free Address A. . Johnson, LantfCom'r, Topeka, Ka. A LIVE PAPER. fl I en a io cm. to 11. i, iiaauotpsi .uriu. """r forsmontuBBubscripUon, tor the best PaP aa.. .... . i. il ItAatnn. 1 1 ho country 1 larpa paitreH;four distinct PPJ5 devil : full-page pictures; no puffs i r adwruse meats. Mr. Burgeon said "Tho best paper W mmui tn ma t n I.. t nnrt V Wild I AbOUltoe Ubest paper In the country," tl per year. AKenis Wauled t Good pay for ministers. workers,can vassers and agents. wtco oct M-"tt HI TO KWOO A YEAH, or 15 M l day la yourown laeallty. No: Women do s well ae men. Maw make more than tho amounts!"; ed above, mo one can fall io"'" w w w money fast. Any one cm ; : worlc You can make from to cents to f) an hour" devoting your evenings and spare time to the nta. Il costs nothing to try the business. tWgP like It for money making ever offered before, buau leas pleasant and strictly honorable. Header, ui" -waul to know all about the best pajlng business uy fore Ihe public, Bend us your address and . send you full particulars and private terms, ircj sumplea worth 13 also tree) you can then M S" " your mind for yourself Address OKOIIdK bllN".- i. CO., rortland. Maine. "ct JOB PBINTIWQ K.stlr and cheaplj executed at tha OOLOMIUM Offioa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers