THE COLUMBIAN. OLSmU MMOCRAT.STAB Of Tn NORT1I AND, BUNCOHSOMDITID.) lisuott wcokly, overy Friday moraine, at nwoMsuono, columdia-cqustyiPA, r-t ,Mg not-t.RS per year, no mnn niseoflrit HHowca' vruonpiililtR advance After the oiplration of the vearfa.wi win uo chuikou. xusuuacriocraotitof lh 'r..'.. ilia tnrma nrn t9 nor vaap htrlntl.. in - t.- uo "rpVpeMiaci. MUllfawrf, until 11 arrearages are Bald) but lone .iiniinil crcil ta after tho oxnlrat on ni t.o ! J"" til ftf hn fflvnn. moil All papers sentout of tho Stato or to distant post Wees must bo paid tor In atlvanco, unless a respon this person In Columbia county assumes to pay tho rOHTAOKU&OlODrexiKtodfromBtibscrlbQrsl&i job m,i3srTi3src3- TneJobblEK Department of thoCoiEmiiANtsvery nmnletn, anil our .1 b 1'rlntlng will comparo favem. (omplfto. hlr wlttl t blTlntlflff Will pnmni pnf.tAf A wr: L'J 'SS,"'. Jc"fe.L a"" on jdemand.ncatly and at n.uiwuiiaMj)iiii;i;ai Columbia County' Official Directory. I'rosldcnt .tnrtgo William Elwell. Associate Judges-fl. i, Krlckbaomj p. t shuman. Frothtmutary, &cl-'luiam KHck6a,um. Court stendgraplic r H. N. Walker. BojUtcr fi Hocordor Williamson II. Jacopy. Ul.irlct Attorney Hubert K. Little. Suorltl'-'John W, Hoffman. Siirvevor annuel Neyhard. Treasurcr-rii. a. sweppenoeiser. L'lmlMSHionerB atcum Stephen roho, Charles Illchart, A. 1. uurrintf- ooriimlIO!ierstcierk-f.r. 11. Casey. , Attniora a it ciiiuid, vy.jauinning.u. D. 6ec- bllUll, iiifv nommlssloners Rll rtnhMnft. TTinmiAra tr County Supcrlntendont William It. Snyder. liloom Poor District Dlroctors-lt. 8. KnL Scott vm. Kramer, Bloomsburg and Thomas Iiecce, aoott, BJoomsbUrg Official Directory. rrwidont of Town Council t. B. KlfriN. ClerK-Vaul K. Wirt, cnief of Police D. Ijiycock. President of (las Company S, Knorr, secretary c: w. Miller. UtoomsOurg Banking Company John A.Punston, (resident, It. II. Urntz, pashlcr, John A'cacock, Tel ler. First National nante Charles It. raxton, President J. I'.Tustln, Cashier, 1 , Columbia County Mutual Savins Fund and Loan Asaoclatlon-E., II. Llttlo, President. C, ,W. Miller, Secretary. ' i 1 . ' liloomsburg Building and Saving Fund AssoclaUon -Wm. Peacock, President, .1.11. Itoblson, Secretary. Uloomstiurg Mutual Having Fund AssoclaUon J, I, llrower, President, P. B. Wirt, secrotary. cSupCH DIRECTORY ' ' bIV-TiSt cntJRcn. " HOT. J. p. xusiin, (supply.) Sunday Services lu.x a. mi and jfp. ml Etunaay wcnooi a. m. Prayer Meeting Kypry Wednesday evening at tlf clock., scats frco. The public arc Invited to attend. sr. HATiniw'B urrnnKlN cntrscn. Mlatstcr-'-ilev.ui D.' S. TMarclay. Sunday Services via a. m. and 7KP- m. Sunday School V a. la. pra vcr Mee I ing Every' rTcdnesday evening at 114 clock. Soatsfrc. Nopcwsronted. All aro welcome. PHKSBTTRKUH CHUKCn. Mlnlster-Itev. Stuart Mitchell. Sunday services lov n. m. and in p. m. Sunday School 0 a. m. prayer Moeilng Kvcry Wednesday evening at x clock. Seals froe. Nopows rented. St rangers welcome. KHTHOD18T BPlHOOrALCUDlll'II. ' ' Presiding Klder Hev. W. Evans. Minister Uev. K. II. Vooum. Sunday Services lutf and 0i p. m. Kimti.iv School '1 rj. m. lilulo Class Every Monday evening at 6tf o'clock, t'ouniT' Men's il'ravcr Mooting 1.1 Uvoty Tuesday evening at oy o'clocic. (lencral Prayer Meeting Every Thursday evening 7 O 'ClOCK. RKFOHUEP cnuiiuu Corner of Thlltl 1 attd Iron streets 5 eldei.ce enrner 4th nTjofCatharlno Birtfets, Sunday serrtcos iotf a. m. and 1 p. m. Sundatf School 0 a. in. I'raycr Meeting Saturday, 7 p. m. All are Invited There is alwa s room. ST. I'AUL'a CnDKCH. Hector Itev L. zahner. . , i Sunday Services 10f a. m., 1i p. m. Sunday school 9 a. in. lflrt hnnrtnvln thn Innnth. lfnlv Communion. SfrvlcGs-ipreparatory to communion on Friday etcnlng botoro thoi ,st Sunday in each month. ' Pqw rented; U( uuy uverjuuuYjnMuuuiu. pn-Rlrtlno Elder-liter. A. L. Heeser ELICAL ClICKl'lI. r. A. L. Heeser iihtltiin Ift 3nnrcn lliintRM 1 I Sunday Service 9p. ra.,ln tho Iron street Church. Praver Meeting Every sabbath at a p. m.' All aro Invited. All are welcome. TIIK CII0RCII OP ClIKt.HT. Meets In "tho llttlo P.rlck Church on the hill," known astho WcLsh UaDtlstiurch-on Kock street seats frco; and tho public aro cordially Invited to attend l . CCKOOII OKDKK3,lblankr. jlist printed and tioatly lioun in small, ,books,',on hand and tit sale at the Coi-oudiah office. 1M.ANK, JJEKDS, on rarchniintand Linen I wper. common and tor'Attminlsirators,Execu ti'ri and trustees, for sale cheap at the Colombian OMce. JUSTICES and Constables' tee-Bills for.sali hrthe-CottnraiAKomce. They contain the cor rected fees as established by tho last Act of the Leg s'tiro upon the .subject. Every , Justice and ConT table should bavo one. ' - 1 1 ! i ... i . 1 1 ArKNliUE NOTES just printed and for sale .V pheapattne'coLuiisiAHonicu. BLOOMSBURG DIRECTORY. ritOFESSIONAL CARDS. .. ... . t: ,i.r. n ., D.BAIUCLEY, Attorncv-at-Law, Office )i -in': Ilrower'B bnfldtngMd storyj Hoom'sl n t B.-ROIUSON, Xttowiey-at-Ijiw. Office In llartman's building. Main s street. SAMUEL KNORR. Attorneyat-Law.Office 'In llartmani Uulldlng, Main street. n. WM. M. REBER, Surgeon and Physi cian, omce, Market.fiir.eet. AbovootU East side. r lt.,EVAlir3,,jrrK,aaur'geori and Phjsi , clao;(O0lce and ltesldonco-on,.Thlrd.str!et,'S&gcin and'Pliy , slclan, north sldo Mam bclcW- Market. McIIENRY, M. D., Stirgfon. and 1'by -slclan- oaice N. W. CMolket and Fifth SU Hldcast ilauaaes of the eye a specialty. X iaug. ni Hsu... D RrJ:C:"RUTTER; PUyBlplAKSpjtOJSOIf.pjrj- - Oct. 1, "75. BIoomsS)urg,"p;, . V DR. I. L. RABP, Main street, opposlto'EplaeopalChurclii :Uloomn burg, Pa. t i , , ""v; tv Teeth extracted without pain. , Oct. I 18I9 ' " 1 1 -Mr3c"LE5Kfii5u'Sr ri M. DRINKER, GUN and LOCKSMITH, Bewlng Machines and .Machinery xI all kinds re dalrcd. Ofkea Ilorax BuUdlng. Bloomsburg, Fa. DAVID LOWENBERO, Merchant Tailor Main Bt.j atqvo pentral UoteL I sTkUHN, dealeiiTireat, fallow," etc., CentrnBtrcot, between Second and Third. HROSEN8TO0K, 'Photographer, , Clark, poll's Ptorc, Mala street. i ,1 : A U01 UGUBTyd FRkUND; Practical liomeo pathialldrse and.Cow -Doctor, Bloomsburg, Pa. Y. KESTEK, MERCHANT TAILOR. HoomNo. 16, omA Uocsi Bcodiko, Bloomsburg. annus. iffis: r REA8 BROWN'S iNSURANfiAaEN--. F CY, Exchange Hotel, Bloomsburg, Pa. . 1 ' , Canltsi. tna, Ins Co., pf Hartford,, Connecticut... ,60o,ooo Liverpool, London andOlobe...,'. ,. 110) at ot Uverppol..;.i.U... t.l.oelMi Mre AssoctaUon. I'hUadelphU... v Pirmi-ra Mutual of UanvUle 1.000.000 Dinillle Mutual.-. , -tt.eoo uome, Now York,,....,....-., o.ouu.imj t80,31,0O0 As tha airenoleH am direct, nollcles aro written for the insured wltnout any delay In the omce at Blooms- vurir. March sa,'iO y B. F. HARTMAN nKPKEfltNTH Tnl VOLLOW1MO A MKRICAn INSURANCE COMPANIES!' Mcomingof MuncyPennsjivania. North Amclcan of Phlladefphla, Pa i ran kiln, of " j'ennsylvanla of " farmers of York, Pa. Hanover of New York. omce oil Market Btreet No. e, Bloomsburg, Pa, oct, M.ts-ly. M J1RB INSURANCE. CIIHISTIAN F. KNAPP, BIX)U8BUIiU, PA. BRITISH AMKU1CA A8SUHANCK COMPANY. OKItMAM 1'IllK INHUIIANC'K COMPANY. NATIONAL PIKE INSUICE COMPANY. I1iee nrn muMn iTtnwa am wpll 'fieilttOail tnamf sad lIUKTaSTEU and Iulvb never vet had.jr kiy sou tld by any court of law, Their assets are all Invest J m uuu sEcimrriu ana aro noioio uig-niuara Of nst only. ii u a II 4 ti f UHtaett PHnuiTiv mil unu.irriv nAliifttMl ttn natd U noon as determined by cukwtiam p.-Ukaw, sro-' ULdCEUT .tin llill-Lirvu lit iMuutt-uil 1. .The people of Columbia oounty should patronlta we cy W(jere iosh,, 11 any are bottled aud paid tiy one ot their own cltliena. Nor IJ'SU. W"' A DSAUNU .TTITinv I By undine It cents, with aire. vvti I hfght, color of ej is and hair, j ou tUa I will receive by return mall a cor vfMTT3oTitTi rect nlctuie of tour future bus. 'vuouus, bund or lie, w fih name and date ui marriage' Address, w VOX-t Box JI 1'ultonTUlB, N, r. - ""I uuu. 3H P T'tTrrw j'g 'BTTTPMrTT.MT,t.B rrotrlslor.. ----., wMuvuilf I f n. nnnmrwAv AT T 0 H N fa Y-A T-L A1 W. CotcxBtiw BoitWNo, Bloomsburg, Pa. ! Member of tho United w.i. t . "VSffiSS? ln My part of America orpe J, E. YALLER1 - ' : . , ; Attoi'ney-at-Law. Icerci3o ef Tcssiens ettainei, Celleetlcns made.' pfflce, second doorfrom 1st National Bank. BLOOMSBURO, PA. Jan. 11, 1S78 J" U. KUNK, AttOPnn vfir-T jiw ' Increase,' pf Pensions ' Obtained,' Collections BLOOMSBDIta, PA. ODlco ln Ent's Bcii.nmd. Q B 'AW.J.BUCKALEW, " ATTOIlNKYa-AT-tAWi Btoomsbnrcf. Pa. Oraco on Main street, first door below couf mouse JOHN M. clark; ATTOKNET.-LAW, Bloomsburir.Pa. Offlce over Schuyler's Hardware store. BILLMEYER, ATTOItNEY AT LAW. Orrici-In nannan's Building, Main street, Uloorosburg, Pa. . 1. L H. UTTU. E01T. 1. LITTLX. JP H. A R. R. LITTLE, ' ATTOBNEY8-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg; Pa. Q W.MILLER, ' ' ATTOI attobney-at-iIaW Oiaco In Browcr's building, second floor, room No. ' Bloomsburg, ra. B. FRANK ZARR, Attornov-nt.-T.nw, BLOOMSBURO, I'A. Office In UNANaPT's Boildiko, on Main street second i aogr.aooyoj. en i re, 6' J4 (!un bo cnrj'Ulted in German. Jan. 10, 'so-tt Q.EO-aj-ELWELL, ' 3 A T TO R N E Y-A T-L A W, , CotmsiAN, UoilMno, Bloomsburg, Pa. Member ot tho United' States Law Association. Collections made In any part of America or Europe 0Ct.I,llS7. CATAWISSA. ' '.I M. L. EYERLY, j , i ' iCalaVl teaafla. collections pron,ptty"made and remitted. Office Obposlte catawlssa Deposit Bank. m-S "yy iiTrhawn,, ATTOKM lu Y- at-law, Cntav, Issa, Pa. omce, corner of Third and Main Sticcts. 'CAMUElj FREDERICKS, - ' ' GENERAL FbuNDRY"BUSINESS,V NEAIt CATAWISSA. ; New work and repairs &SSSSSf aoue. riows, vtaier repaired ' THE DAVIS. THE EATESTIS THE BESr. 3n Don't fall to iee.thiswondertul piece bl per fection, tne iNew uavis vertical eea enuttie eewiog macnine. mar.iiac- tured at Wate'town.'New; York.' Willsbe on exhibition at , ' the' Bloomsburg fair ground durjng the-, " fait;-' : v All are-cordially ' invited to calLand in sped the' Si'w- Machine aud obtain -samples of work; beautiful 'land deslrableHhan ever before accomplished and "utterly impossible for' any lother to''ddplicate. -Tliousands'witnesalng tbfe immense range of work, and discarding their old machines for tbe NEW .MACHINE, is suincieiit prooi oi iti Rimprinrltv nnil tinni? tnf. Lne UAYIS a trade mat runs me iaciory 10 us iuiicbi. ca pacity. The Vertical Feed, Which 'suncroeaes' the under feed, is tbe hinge upon which Bwinga the unparalle- ed SCCCESS, Composed of Only 13 Working Parts, while, otherThliye trom seventy-five, (nakijig th Iait compUc.sted,!the most dur- able and most reliable machine-in use. It .lltu.W. ..,Ii 1 nthers. DOlNrt AWAY ith' all basting: Vnd" is the lioiitst RUN- ninq shuttle machine in the world I Ij ,ji. i .... ,r...i umi i, anu gives geuer "'. "w"" av ItlH reteui pupuiar aniiuLtw ou,.,,, PHICE3. cam pica oi work tree. J. SALTZER. Gen'l Agent. llloomsburg, Pa. oct. 3, '79-ly. fctW STOMACH n- iibn thtAvea. Atioric the weak. Fortify vouTonrarlliaUon with tha Bitters, and It will resut fJ:7..!S!rS .,. rntnrB which dlaorderthe coiistltu- iSnsot the feeble. Ihtrois vitality In It. It Isa V".. " uiimiiliuir- a ram aterallie and antl- biTlous iocdlclne, and has not a harmful element among lis many Ingredients. '.,,, t or sak) by all Urugglsu and respectable Dealers generally, ooti, ly, RSMHSHllviSilfllV Poetical. A LITTLE IlOY'f TUOUIILES, nr carlotta rsnaT. , I thought when I'd learncd'mylettcrs, Tliat all of my troubles wore ilono j But I find myself much mistaken ' They only have Jut begin. 1 Learning to read was awful. But nothing like learning to wrltoi I'd be sorry to hate you tell It, But my copy-book Is a sight'! Tho lak gets over my fingers Tho pen cuts nil sorts ot hhlnes, And won't do at all as I bid It i The letters wontstayon the lines But go up and down and all over As though they woro dancings Jig Thy are there ln all shapes and stzos, Medium, llttlo and btg, Tho tails ot tho g aro rent rary, Tho hand'es get on tAo wrong sldo Of thed'sandlhek'saad the his. Though I've certainly tried and tried To inakp Ibem Just right I It Is dreadful, . I really don't know what to do, I'm gelling almost dlslructrd- My teacher says she Is too. Thcro'd bo some comfort ln learning If one could, get through i Instead Ot 1 hat, I hero, aro bo ks awaiting, Quito enough to craze my head., " There., Is the multiplication table, , And grammar, and-oh, dear me, 'There's ho good place for stopping, When one has begun, I sec. Mr teacher says', llttlo by llttlo TO the mountain tors we climb, It tsnt nil dono ln a minute, Bnt only a step at a time j ' She says that alltho scholars, All tho'wls'o and learned men, J rtad each to begin as I do ; if that's so whero's my pen ? Wide Awale. Select Story. I'UOK JESSIE. Before I'set ont for the Yortshiro"coast,t bad been assured by my fiieod,, Lord Ain sleigb, that in the person of Ir.'Elgood Garth, svrgcint bf tae coast jjuardl I Would meet n' rematkable character, who wnild tyeinetlio af uonlarn ,,of what had long been' known as the 'Olelismere tragedy. Ujiou arnv(tiE,at tbo little fishing village ol R-rrgVvhere I aiiticlpaltd u stay of nouie days,il was .informed by the inn keeper that the oliject'of my Search was some miles down the.'coast .making his, weekly, round of the Kuard under ihis,cuaige; . It was still early morning, arid'tlie weath- er'was clear an'd'Uracing,' though cold. ,1 bad diuicUlty in procuring a horao and set ting out at once in search of tho isear- gennt. ' I lound him near another little' flsliiug Tillage, engaged in testing the qualities of a new telescope which had recently been set up in a Hmall observatory on tho cliffs. He appeared by no means a creature of romance. A wet mist had gathered in from the sea, and he was clad to meet it that h in ctumsy waterproof verclothing, wj(h an immense hat, like, ft Thames waterman's. From under the' ample brim appeared a t0' 'Yorkshire face, made still broad- er by sandy leg-of-mutton whiskers.but ani- mated and intellectualized by small, pierc ing gray eyes, litre Illuminated beads, Ho met my, preliminary advances with caution and reserve, but soon brightened up, and'invited me to accompany him to the' neighboring, tavern'. As,we,rod along,tue clul he low to a wild and desolate cove, wherein tbe tumultuous' waters of the sea appeared to have but littjo rest, and the rocky head of which was reached by a tortuous footpath from above. 'That,' said be, 'is Glenatnere. You can not see from this point the mouth of tbe 'great cavern which was formerly used by the smdgglers, because ijt, is averbrowed by tho crag : aud the tide will not admit of our 'approaching it'by way of the sands.' we were soon seaieu in mesatiueu panor of the cosy little tavern, with a bowl of smoking punch between us, and, under its generous influence, Sergeant .Elgood Garth speedily dropped what remained of his offi cial reserve, and even' became' loquacious. He was so full of present; business in hand, and of confidential revelations respecting his private opinion of his superiors, and the chances of his own promotion' to a lieuten ancy of the guard, that It was some time be- tore I could fasten him down to tho Glens- mere affair, but at last hn swelled up with its recollection, and told me tho story as follows 'It is now nigh on thirteen years ago, Although I had been a coast guardsman for a number of years, and was even then hop ing to get uy appointment as sergeant every day in the'week, I BtUl continued to live in the large town of F where I was botn and bred, though its distance from tbe coast nearly nine miles sometimes caused me serious Inconvenience In the performance 01 my duties, 'I had known and loved Jesse Holt, the parson's only daughter, ever since I was a youngster; but, though ehe would always treat me as an old and near friend, she wuulJ aiway8 iaUgb or in eome otuer wty. .,, , !..... i ,,., , . ,,M """v.. . 6.o.. .r""1!! threatened to declare my passion. However after her father and mother died, and she I . . .. : . was thrown upon the needlework lor her only support, and I, at the same time, had juit received my appointment on the guard which almost any young man, in the town would have sold bis soul for I thought that I would have it pretty mueh my.own way seeing that little Jesse had a bard time of It while I was well able to support a wife, be sides being not bad looking, and haying reputation for sobriety and industry. 'But little Jessie, to my surprise and mor tification, after listening to my story very attentively, candidly told me that she could never be my wife. 'Oh. do not look so tad about it, Elgood eaid she, beginning to blubber to herself. 'It makes me so unhappy to see you take it so hard. Indeed Indeed I can t marry you I can't marry you I I have known you so long I like you so well I would if I could bnt I can't I can't 1' And she broke right down, aud cjied so bitterly that I felt ashamed of myself. 'However, I plucked up grit enough say : "I see how it is, Jessie ; there's some'oth- er lad in your eye that's it.' 'And then her words smote me like tb blow of a list, as she replied 'Yes, Elgood, that's It.' Jessie,' says I.'I'm not the man to want girl who cau't love me ncr to bate the lucky 1 tellow wbobas proved mote attractive than is a RATES 01 ADVERTlSINjG. Mil I III M&l As, MMj f A, -, w , , .:, ;ViVairn:::,,:5'n.. . mp i in in 1 1 x 1 1; 1 1 :m:m " knY-nwsrs BLOOMSBURG, PA., FIIID myielf j' but I've known you ever since you wero knee-high leaalrrtse, long enough to ask you who the.other chap Is.' "Well, Elgwood says Bhe, blushing right roueli her tears. MtV Guy Uarnett. the young ntllst.' "What t' I cried, sort of dumbfoundered like. 'Why.he's a young gentleman. Jessie! And though the gentleman ho be, he ain't got do more than a quarterly remittance from London, and that's hardly enough to kcef.hlra frorn statvlpg,' ' I did not sell my love to him, El (rood Garth,' says she mighty proud. 'And be tes, his remittance Is going to be Incrcas- , and lie says lie knows a way to make oney enough to enable Us to get married fine style. ''Well I hope he may, and I wish you joy I' says I bitterly; and I bounced away In a huff it made me mad to, heat her .suramin up so coolly her chancci with another man, when I had known her ever since she could Idle, and had carried her to school on my back, and fought, the big boys that' made faces at her, and all that. But I soon thought better of It : and even began to like tho young gentleman, too. 'Nearly every one liked him. There was Bort of mystery about him. He ,was known to get a small sum from London four times year, with which he occupied 'A large. heerless room over tho green-grocer's, tak- g up most of "bis time with, sketching and painting the wild scenery Jof the coast1; ix- cpting at regular intervals, when he would mysteriously disappear, and be absent lor many days, looking, on his return, ready to drop with fatigue and trie anxiety of some thing weighing heavily upon his mind. But he was as handsome as a picture, dressed In free-and'easy, picturesque wayi and had a bold, off hand, familiar manner, well fitted to plenae simple, 'townsfolk ; and, as I said before, every one liked him, while many a rl looked on Jessio Holt, with envy when was given out that she was engaged tp him. When I was convinced thst ' I had thoroughly conquered myilove for little ,Jes- ie, I felt so far satisfied wilu, .myself that I took an early opportunity of giving Master uy my hand and wishing him well with his marraec. He laughed merrily, and jet in ajsortof leyrisn way. it Fcemett tome, saying that he was striving to make all the monev he I could; bo as to bo married as soon us.'possf' e. "I suppose you are working hard, and sel ling a great, many pictures ?' Bays I, en couragingly. , He looked at mo In a vacant wa7 fr a minute, as though ho didn't quite under: stand me; and (hen-said, with a short laugh: Uh,yes,rm working very much harder than. any pf you know of,' 'After this it was noticed that he disap peared much oftener, and remained awayi longer than ,had been his custom, always coming nome naggam ana worn, us it by l pitrnmB fnVnn Wnn. jLon it r ..ntii that Jessie appeared to share in her lover's. unnaa nes. as tlinimh h brl et . h-r.Jntr. some secret! and. from tho merrv. liirht- henrtMi oiri T h.a,l alwav. ImAwn har .1,.1-n ' - 1 I came silent and auspicious like, and would arcely speak to anyone. 'But as the" cold autumn months drew on biv duties on the coast crew no arduous and constant that I had little lime to think of anything else, and even moved my lodging down to this little village here. The times were troublesome, and a vastdeal of smug- It gling was said to be going on under onr very I nose, though tbe coast guard in this district I was doubled, and I was made a full corporal. I itory rumbling, and then a deafening roar, A large number ot the poorer gentry ip the Uhe explosion occurred. Tlio only damage I ...... T - ... r ... . . , Is, fl..,, A,i I . . .. ii . e lutcuur vvcio Buspeuieu ui oeiog lu league ith the smugglers. 'waten as we might, onr plans were near- ly always defeated, Baleaamlboxes-of goods ere landed on the lonely shore at midnight and carted far Inland before we knew what we were about. 'The most notorious of the.smuggler was bold fellow named Allan' litlrt, who had been wonderfully successful ou' tbe Cornish coast, and afterward gave us his individual attention. We laid innumerable traps for him, but only got down on tbe shore In time to see his swift schooner 'scudding away be fore the wind, anu to scratch our heads over tho probability that a rich cargo from her hold was already on its way to tho wine eel arand private store rooms of some of the estates of the interior, 'At last, howovcr, we discovered that the freebooters bad a cave at Glensmero. Tbe entrance was very small, and could only bo approached and then with considerable difficulty at tbe lowest tide. Two of our men entered to exploro it, and never re turned. So we concluded that they had been lain, by men concealed within the very cav em, aqd were very cautious in our plans. The lieutenant In charge of the coaat de termined to mako a grand effort to capture the cave and all id all the smugglers connected 'o'receTved Uustwjrjljyjnforraa- Uan Burt was to inake'an attempt witttUV He, tion that Allan Burt was to'inake'an attempt to lnd good on a certain nlght,-"and took his measures.accordingly. I A revenue cutter was bid away .behind the Long Headland, ready t r to steam ont'at'a moment's notice.aud cutoff the escape of the schooner, shoud she put In an appearance, The majority of the guard some thirty in number were concealed Uuder'the -cliffs alodg'tb'e beach, reidy to ta'ckleT the smug glers as they landed at Glensmere ; and I, with four men uuder my command, .was to take up a position in that little footpath which you saw winding down the faco of the crag toward the cove, "Garth.' said the lieutenant, when tbe preparations were about complete, the thieves have many confederates ashore, and in case of discovery ,1 believe they will make a signal, and an attempt will be made jo blow up tno cavern, wnicn i nave an along suspected to be mined forthepurpos. Your position will be directly over tho cave, and you will bavo the opportunity' of'grabbing any -incendiary who may be luiklng around. "Yes. sir.' sayB I. scratching my head.and feeling anything but cheerful at tbe prospect of being,blown higher than a kite, 'And do .. . .. .. . .. ... .'. I understand you to hint, ilrv.tbat there Isa reasonable chance of promotion for a poor fellow who does his duty' uuder?sucti'clr- clr- ta cumstancts ? "Garth, aaya be, 'there -ti a chance very reasonable chauce.' '" "Then, sir,' Bays I, 'You can. count on toe through thick and thin." . ' . . , That afternoon, as I was going along tbe cliffy one of my men, who had Just come from the town here, aoted oie If I knew tlmt Jessie Holt and Master Guy Ilaruett were I going to be married in three days. AY, OCTOBER SJ. "Ko I' said I, 'Then t supposo tbe young man has got the money be was so anxious about?' "He's mado nlcntv of .It. anvwav.' a'v tho man, 'and has mado Jessie Borne splen- uiu presents. A hey said ho went,up Lon don several days ago to get,, his weii'dlng suit.' , Well," says I, 'i wlsb 'em happ'jness ad a long life.' Ve, crawled down the narrow path, anil took up our position about balf-w'ay 'bpf twecn tho summ of tbo.cUff and the sandp, and just at the edge, of a narrow crevlpe in the roct, whlch.ciit .thtough.thejpattij.liea kn,lfe, and sconied 'to plerce,away(l(lown,evor do deep, as the noise p't "the iods.ened' stones we sent rattling down was bear$ a lont tlme.beforo It (lied away. 'It was a disagreeable afternoon, ,wth fog and. rain, and, a (itavy ,vind, .from seaward. The storm grew apace lis, jt grew Jatef,(wltn lightning In dazzling Bhcets.and tfiiinder the loudest. and'longest.I, hid oveT.haardi- 'Suddenly one of the men'jumped up, and shading his eyes from the lightning wlthlhis hands, cried out: 'ThereU the schooner craftj by Jbve I They're coming tight int6 the trap.'- i " "Well, you needn't raise any alarm- about It P I criedrf angrily, ' .1 " 'It was the schoonerj euro enough J They had probably thought that wo would be on, the lookout at 'inldnightaod hadttherefore chosen an earlier houtifbr' their attc'riiptf J 'Wo sAwdicr lay to Intlthe'bfflngjtas near shore as she dan come, and presently: two boats put off from hJrJthfoUgh tho surf.j They had 'noti gained more than half'tbe distanos'between her' and the shore, how ever, before the revenue cutter, under n full head of '.team, ehol'out fromi the' 'shelter of the headland, UWo an arruw.anr) Hrlng"a sh6t from her'bow chaser arf siro'flBw.i - v 'its' The-Twain hiHMl tiithi Wrnat i f A their imminent danger, and the' schdonerHigrit"w'e' hau'ledllhirn outsld ran mi hr lnnnil-,'S-ai,r In ilOV Tl,,f !, I T&A .." . 6li wastoolat'e. 'The autter was alfead'y on iier I seaward side, and she must ,givp In or fight I tor it. sue niu tns latter, but nrt in n r ,. r,. 1l'tr" '.."" 1 - rocket whlr.,ing up in the storm. ,. horn no ' im.n n. hall .ttM,; tr, .tr.. whizzjng,bymy)head and, disappearing,, .?t'i u.r i.Z.., i' :''! ? to tne creyices arny feex. ; h j l( 'I gave, a shout,, an,1pri,'nglirjl up,,tbe ipptpatli like a. goat,, set; a goat,, seized tbe form of a, I nrnmAH in 11 , , L, n - . .. II 1 and Dut vise. a groan returned mv scrutiny with stdbborn. defiant flfnrp thnnirn pr'fap'rt oYnrAauMt'tha ntl.ll I uneasiness and excitement. A host of bus- I P'cions rashed across, my mind, in an instant ul" u" "mo " lu siiStB. "Down tho cliff, men 1 down with von 1 The mine isfired.jf, there is any 1' I ahouTll B ed : and still bearing the irl in mv arms-.I.I led the way down the breakneck nath. ex- . . ... . II iicctlmv evorv instant to tiH lifted from mv leet by an explosion. 'We'heard shot after shot in rapid sue- eeAkinn. anrl when v rAi.lioH thA Ba,la tl,u .. - r t. :7 .r-v-"i coast l-uara worn in ar-.tlva rnnllie Willi thn pmugglers.who had been bfjulled into land li'Pg, but who, were now, endeavoring tolte gain thetr.boata through tbe surf. Hack, I' I, cried 'back 1 the, mine is 'fired I1 At this very instant, with a law, premon l" wucvu, uu,Tvcvcr, xtwt w uiuwmuui. itag- jmcnu of rock at the mouth of the cave, I Nyuhouf detriment to either, parity, as' the I fight was going on, further ud tbe beach The smugglers were almost equal, to the coast I guard in numbersand were making, a gal . . Ilaqt.reaistance. Theyfwere.led by.adash ing young fellow, whose faca .was partially conceaieu by a wide, felt hat. 'The running waves were almost over his I bigh-top boots, but,- with a pistol ln one hand, aud cutlass iti the other, be beat back the guard,while somo of his comrades joinod I hands, and endeavored1 to reach out to "one of the boata,- which was being 'drifted away. ' 'At length a shot struck' him I up his hands, and fell forward upon the 1- l ,.!. 1. ..IT- 1, , I , ' Icauua. a, ma nut, leu uii, anu uu ruiieu uve. bh'his back, I recognized'tbe bandaome face bf the young artist, Master Guy Harnett. Jessie tore away from me, and threw, her- self with a desolate shriek on the bosom of her expiring lover. 'A moment later, a bright light shot up from the smugglers' schooner which had been fighting bravely, but unequally, with liersingle gun and in a few moments more the was Wrapped In flames. After a brief res,'tRn ur wf "10USh resistance, the remaining Bmugelers in the Allen Hurt, with the, men who remained f ",m '"Pnoonef, tijexi in mo m ia- eQ vaei. it transpired mat ne.was a rem i.' f i li.iii il fiyo oi uuy iiarnevi, wnom pouau auoweu o much a year to prosecute his studies wth r-. .. ......, ..... - meuts for him to enter upon his own wild hnt hn liarl i-nn nm w lio.l mil intln... and desperate course of life. The young tnan had only fully yielded when sourred bv the nrosoect of his marris and had rained pnlydeathand dishonor.' That is the end of the Glemmero Btory, sir." o... .v.. t i- uuv iuo kiii Jeoaic wuafc uecftiuu ui bert' I asked. Llsten 1' said Sergeant Elgood Garth. lifting up his finger. 'Do you not eveu now .' . , ' n . "'' ' near ner aimriucz' I did hear wild.croonInf voir-fi from a - A somewhere out In'tha foe. and said so. 'Well, that's Bhe, pow, wandering i day.' T looked flirnnc. Pf the little- tavern.-and'iaw-the desolater forlorn figure pf .a.womani still young, stray- It .1 ,il. , . ... , , a-'-y 1,-r-w : ng through the 'driving mist, and waviug per arms wiwiy about. 'Yes, that', Jessie Holt,' said 'the coiV guardsman. Poor hlngl .he s got no end of friends ,n he village and town and need fant for nothing, but she' been light In the i ... . . i . . upper story ever since, and will go wauder Ing In the rain,' - --The, champion leaper of five continent! never exhibits any vain glory or emotion I when tho ringmaster announces tu tbe rural audieuco that he draws a larger salary than 1 the Govetnot of the Slate. 1 Had bepomo so lntert.ited Jntliascena "emenum, u, ruu uunn imuo waier. unt that I bad; fprgot'ten, ,all aboti tJjoutJe'q or iM f me:bbfc' wllhTinrjUcifllls1 pa my iiositipn ; but, a,moment'af(er"fh)eir'9pk- Bhotifllf 'It turh'edbilt,tliat,he"lia'ljecn',firi et ha'driscn.'and , disappeared,lt( was gudden- ed bvTtifieVorriur'o'wh' Vgntitiefi,' who ft, recalled 'to thereby a, bal'i' of fire. ,liko ii mistook' hilii forcfaivlln 'Irtdi'ah! 'There , t r,.l fl!nu TT- 1 c tl-j I wl tn a'npfln snlriiAV plftful nr Mm' amino- I "!.n'r,V .!'"(; W- "wyjijqjiflj.i-- ." T . .j ,.-,. . ,fp " I in.o auryect ot larceny asony.pttter, kipu.qt She,k,trnggle,d miy to te8, topf P P at wen o uus; M every person so steal, itwaaofno oval; I held her, 1 ke a . Wrd' &keakef me U , hni and taHnaaway auchi,doe.,snal be lia. I tore the, veil from hot face, and gave otffc The fcolired hero thus, addressed b'lt to pw'secMtionVftnd lojlfctment in ttho as I recognited Jess a. Holt. She I wnose name tne natratot could not, recall, ;,- f ...!. n !,! ,rn n.prnnwAr.(l anrlmnrtAnriannpra In ..-- . . , 1 i. .. I .... -i... ........ I r r. prstouunq mil closes on or be tore the I JlUUl'ALllI l.n 1.UIA HIU.H S.AKl. Ullts. to ue drpppeij in olhceihoxcs or. Bent grat- a large number of them had been lh)rteen'(h nU 'ibe ' crops: which are gafe- nilously through tho post to the'desired tele- previousiy wounded. tred once a r wi,i , . u i , - i . neadera Vvlli bo startled to learn that ac- ?,ai'n omce iboutasshe does day after I accuracy. It i? urgently recommended. I unquestionably be greater even than b the dlrtv window naneabmcers of agricqlluralbocietlfs and clubs pleasures are not takento eradicate, as far r' , ,i,i, i,it m. mnii,r .u it ' r t. ' At ' ' ' ''!' I i.I.HUHIO' . " ' ' ' ''''.It ii till )f in a n. " i 1'" ' " l&ffl. i;i vi ; ). r t 'i s 1 1 lf , .JTAipE WAYE, Titqoi'ERS. THEORY QF-,ItEirt' flUIJFERlHpa VPEU ,..' i"PP.ifnT!W T"Pcue. ' t. 'l""' I -"l ft J , i ii f " For the first three daysj .accqrdhig, Jo, i thopecys and boJcm wjjo,e, "there, (the situation, wM.'cht'cfly horrible Jro'mVthti con- Tl'-L' f III III.' uJV. "r r311 r n ' ' .PJPfect, frptti, thctJpdlao, fire. 'Every ,few minutes,' says one, 'you Ticard tbe, .dying uvui. miliums, wuicu tuev couin .id .no. wav R.a,rlP'lrV VWf Pl.n,nj7nl. 8'lhopgh often bea ajrayafti jng.iria rnen ajiivm inorencnej. .wounded horse leaped, In hla agony ui tbe, pit we haduqr tho.woundC(l,w,here W..Km' Ikam t 1ai1 A I "P'sung io aegs mi Aiicgncnyunesier, rionnamp i f'A rr.H T?rtr!ala'iOl" , tOAScUivlkUlaaaiJinoastercoiiuaes.! . nnenpif a rrtnn firA nn lho1! Ci-ririr.iir tT ii, . r'',5 vy,rt nno'r," blnOs, 80 as Wmako.the Uteaj itopfirlngd' ,pfctlyq cler'koUthoi courtpC under cover, of this.fusllade .a lot of our I .l0'nr ,(, ,.,i:o r aii.i,, ,. oisumpeuup.aiiuuauicpieomgufoi' Northampton, ,SdiuvJkiU ,and Lancaster, '.K? tfc!j,Wd1f?jyt-.9!i5iC0U.tttiyj?1!r' nail.MBOoq.afterthopasagof thUactas WWa-S!! ,V-rP. Pt possleprpcureatjcief, ,at.t,he oxpenw M'MeVA-lVl miSWWe of ,tbecounty, for l,he tegiste;ing.(of dogs, I'-Vft 'fi v"- 5!!i 1-1",unBu 'W' nli ?P in lbo mauner.fpllqvvingto.wit: 190Ulfl,'(le,liaK,'S?r.w.eW., "tIH"???, ,pr,lWljr of any doe with n tbe counties lW,'S,Vh.S KW'Wt 5.u.'fti.'?,?itMd LCh.citer, Nprthamptqn, chyy T,'. ' Fftij .7rwWuW.hW.'?Sefnil! ,catcwbohall (urnlsh .tp.the Trv," .jrif.'.fi'nt-r W.PK .tb. Sa,Y0,,bl9.horia's Jlfe. ...... , .. . of his .fore' it ??r;iu"rJ"uhXhM"-mV n tn mo onil I .1 .1T ol v i-fULj I t.l r , .tf : 'ir - iru ,!V?rSl?fi.?n?.i.fifll?.;y. Sm tm,KW WK.ktmW,&. hy&WWm?0 ni tno norne turneo, anu nut, a nail, in rieut U.1.1-.1 I.J I jl''.' if V . h.. J. ujuiuu ins leu ear anu uropnea nim. xpat witn tnei ''There were several pet'dbgsin the"'cmji, mdng them'a.beautifurgrefhound belongl -A ,a TIa.I,a..1.VI nhLL.. IT' LL.1 1. "'ti .irip...,. wnn, i unu m ifi h'imluit df imSr pit occalbiill,'. 'days' the Wan nothing to-dn'Wit tllrtbfr poor low to save'him misiTy.11 1 'One,rhbt-nirig'"k' soldier '6f Payne's 'ion mattcT, WbUttded'iBi the arm and so' i..-V7 m mm. i lii mat nfrnsti had no appetiMIor two' days, ttlrn- m, II M Il.-imi Wllllllr rllMH 1 1 V film U.HIO' " I laflWered 'not'a w6rd,"but set to. work. Thero wAVb6 COfTeO in'thn nit. hllt"trierft WAS Bflme I in'the next one, which" wai tossed over, fuat n w matn the fife without wood,that, f "iv..., ,'ated the chances, mado a break.for the sut- ,er 8 wgon. snatcnea a looto side or a pro- T,s,uu uo ana came oaci witn a ouuei nole ,n the board; which' wis meant' for hown uooy. inen no maue a lire in a corner i.-J- mi- .7, , . . lne P" no preparea tne conee ior nis Pa"ent- , , tuu ouvici rj n ojmu nan a lai l iai(Cl( nuu th satlerhimself was hit Inlthe'leg while .making 'an incautiou-t approach t6" it.1- ;It' ihad a timlfed supply of provisions'-the 'reg11 ulation hardltacfc nd raw'bacon'and a'lltlle iquor, which was1 'of ireat'-Bervice to'-the woiindeil.. Another vehicle which1 W on Iview hero tpidayl'ahd wilt doubtless be' pre- 1 , n , - herved at Fort Steele rw a pet relic 6f recent :iiitoryj- h tbe ambulance taken down by I laibr Thornburgh. .It stood out with tbe agons, near the centre of the oval 'space upled:bythe troops, and iai ventllateil by 1 omei'thijty .bullet holisl- ' Rankin,-' the I cout,.got nnder itoneday for a map an'd 1 is awakened f the epokes f his head. Ni Y.' Herald. . 1 " I PflUDUCJIONS UP AUmCUUUKU l.N THE CENSUS . The'agrtcultural ct of 1850, ho'AbfdfMarch' TenthOnsui I . . .1 productions of agrcultun I lanHcl Inn. 1 I 1 Nnw.therft ta'nnI(t nrf Olri'lpnlfllral VnBr which ends on the first 6fJune,and thero is no . ,, ,, , . t. .. l !?n t0Me L?' tb l1?1" ot.T ' many of the principal products, embraced . ! i . ' iortions'of two' different crops, inasmuch as he Jentiraeration was protracted' througli h'ree, four, and even five "months. Bv the Act 'approved Xfarch. 3 187D. it is rovided that' tbe lenth Census shall be tak en' ahd'cAm'pleted'durjng. tbe month of June 1880. This provision gi'e'aiiy reduces ' lte l!abUtlv tdrrbr wbicli hasheen noted. 1 1 u.i '.'.' 'i bne side or tbe other of the, dividing line; Thus the cotton crop repotted In the cen- Ids'will be 'that of '1879. gathered irf 'the' - .. j , , .' . -. .. lall ol that year : while tho. wool clip or "wool crop" will be that' pf the spring of I lOOA -I- f n.ltr I. iicAtt,iiu uuniuiioui amuiuia im Texas, where both a faU'and a" spring clip are secured. I Pnr certain nfilm nm.lnVilnn. nf ,ipul. I lira ImwAtliir' .,. i. i,orAat t d,n uiua'l sense oftbafteim : but tbe product is gathered week by week, orday by day .as :n. i....Tr- . r-n i iwttmiw, iu,,, uunvi. niTcav, lucai. Into this class. ' I In view ot the requTrementa nfthe law. I and aflhe'great importance o'f accurate sta i liL.i il,.' i,-i. . i i... i naiicai iniurmaiion relative to i:. w-- ' I is deemed to be h chlv desirabln that farm I era should prepare themselves In advance 6lve VUD"F"5' l "'is announcement, and Is announcement', arid ged 'ln agriculture who I ""i persons engaged I .. ... ..!.... ..,.. .t..n.. . -1 ..... I ahnll l-ec.icn InU plrpnlAr ntti. uaa f "'"f "'-(--'. ---"- v- "!' "" of tbe TU".M a"d.,va!uea 6lhf,.r win. . i crupa K-uiercu. uuu uiu uuiuuer o i ucrea.oi orJef , aUteme,) wl)enlma,' t'Q the enumeratora( may w 0 ,,,,,,, ..i,,,,,,,, ' 3 WiE AvfAKi; fur November Is an excel leut uuiuuer, with Its uual amount iiBtructivq aud Interesting matter I foe tho young. Thln Isooeiottho I magazines for childran-that ii, publiabed, I aud only J2.00 a year. D. Lotlirop PublUhersBoston.Mass. wnnn. .a iripnn nr tnina. trnr. turpn nmnn 1.1 uiu lei by n ball which' strnck on'C f.' , TOe"""", un, v ...... . i priiuii nu wiuivui uruer .or ceriiuuaie iroui Wlthltl tWO InChCS1 Of tbe top ' 7,llii"'nf ho'n'.i. n.'.'MlrmVninfiiV,. schedule annexed1 to the be teqUited or fee allowM h any1 justice br 'faah'ionable' in New Y'ort andThiladelnlna. which is also made 'a part of J AWermam or ;'dermen theritor, v0,' sale bv O, A'.- Kleim-'HIoomshhrV 4 '1870, providing' for the r ,. , " requires a reptr of the chief , , ,v f , -. ,. , ... ,T, -,. uuringtne veari i as kuti cuuuierauuu cuuiuieuces uii lue And there nho goes I give the Information with, promptness and venomous species, else the mortality would w, of remark's she puts in her troth ' therefore, that agricultural journala aud the t Is to be deplored that more strenuous , 7,'Vnor,1 YT h v t T. ' 'TnR'cor.tnrtiiANLVofi.nt, v sCOLUMBIA DIMOOBAT,1VOIi.XLlVHO.'"kl jAtj'JlAnEiisi. ' bops-' 'The-actior 1878 relating 'to1 tlio registering! 'ofi'dogi had biieil deferred 'to In Ihln'paor Wo glve'beldw tho act In 'full!" ' '"-'' ' ' Alt ACT1 '"" ' Extending Lhe pro,vlslons of, an act, relattog to dogs) In Allegheny. Chester, Nortbsmpton, Hcliujl)iH Snd fancasterrtun'tloi. aprrtried tho 'sixth day of April Anno Domini on' tnrAirtnd' 'tight hundred andHfty-fonr,to aJlrtiio counties of , this commOn-( wealth. , ' WRC.'l. Tie il (nacted. etc., That tho sever- April, Anno Doiiilni' b'ne ttibusand. clgbt hundred add fiffy-'fdur, which enacts as fol-1 lowi ! ' "AN ACT , ' a , , , .., . ., . dku, j, jic ii cnaafa, arc),, , .Tbfipwner; ofAlleghenv.i l.klll aml.Liin-! ,clerk,pfotq-j .P?"l uescr uuon oi jus or, iitr.uog,, giving Ihn name una enlnr lielirht nrf .neb niher iL-VlnV B'WWl'-D "V aiw may peaoie to Rlv.a,, txa ,cjerk phai qn Jengti,pix.,hlsi (Jpekerand! er with a certificd copy, of madefor which services the receive the silui of one 'dollar. one-half.for the u, Mho county'in which such registry is mado.-f vaT RUCi. Wl'0,.on presenting, tljo amo. ,tp,',thq;clOrk, sliall nqtothetransfniipn hUdQpVet,and iodex thejsamolnthenairie inf,t(i per;n,piirebii'r jng,aud,the.sau)csliallstan,,-t(,bi-or.hpr,liepBr ftt.agd j"f.all(,future(,piircbaier4 olwerv ing tb prpviajout-oLjlhis ,toflliopK x(uJy,aml efjftyallj j.for, hg. pwpn; jn.wipsp'iisme li;iyiio fitj) iyii.irx-gijierFu, .iorw!icu eu. try, of tranxndL jt(dfx,i.pi thp,,8mQithe clerk,,sl)all,beentitlfJto, fepjiva;,the,ssin3 of twelven, halt'ents, ,ij ,p - a , ECt 3., I.hailjlajl o;ogregi,8ter8g1aecoriiing - t - - - . , - i i 10 rl'.Rii0'l.stpnriol tui8ract,,are tierey.,ue- . i. 't- l . i ....i. i- clareio bqperentrr9perty,and,8iicUiogs, o rigisteted,ps afuresfcid ,hsll,ilba, ji paucU . , , . , .... . . V,-f,-f..'ii V.k "L'..i' ",-. i, n0 t 1-V i'l'. I' ui.l. . .1 . : impriiopuient,.9rtipthr as, lliacourinttbeh; iscreupn rnjay mpK proper,".; ue anu fne same; are.liefeibyexteuilsd to althp counties ot tb!lscommynwealthf , , ., , i ' .. Relief 'for' Pa.uperji ' ,In th September -6th, i, we pub-. lished a, ihprt,iteniftotn,:an exchange, slat'-. incthat,"ppicauU fqrtelief,frOMtthe poor, directors are no longer required to.-procure. certificates of their poverty from a justice of the peaca,ii:Tlielr own' personal upplicatlon is now tuuicicnUo get admission, to the al house or relic'from Vhe' 'directors of t mi tlio P00r-' UponiexarnInationLtlo-,law, Aloes I1?01. ?PPt;o,bo bo general as.tU.atj.It leaHaj !Al2"olr i . . c' 1 ' ! " II. ii H - t r , rV.l-i k . .- aTovIdlngtpr the more, speeayrellof of poorandln. I dlgeiitpeiM'lhroor'districts'wheradlrdctora'ot ' ihopooc aro appointed by tho courts ot quarter Ii r-'W?i,, iv TV-' Vm v.m' WV rfi'6r'air,6cthr1of anv rohf dlatrlcf. thWU or ahall ba' appointed by the' court of'ijnarter' sewns any.ol the conn pu tho poor book, grant' relief 'to or1 admit td1 the.itoor bouse iif.'hiat'proper 'districti any poor orindigcut .pew.ta eufitled ir orjiuuigeut persan.ori ipersous; euiiueu oy thelaws of this, coBimqnwcalth to such Id todUtrjcU.wbere totiove'riteers or directors Beaaions1' and noJwhere thev are elected bv . , T 1 ; ' board i)f direcrs, and the vacancy Is, filled Z'ZHZ T . .7 i i I has irreAter nowp.r than th rflmnlninf mpm. has greater, power, than the remaining mem' bera ot, the board, a3 be ca, granti relief .without a certificate of Ajuatice, which seems Bonjewnat peculiar,, Tho regulatiuniconcern- Ing fees of the justiceapplies only where relief isigrantwliby. an-annotated d'uector and not in ordinary-cases where the directors pre elected, Jnauch caiea the lawremainsi fincuaugeu. cordl Mflp. eir lives n India during the rirevious k. : .-'.. l . .r . - - year by snake biles. This lamentable eac rifice is pecasioned not only by the cobra 1. f .. . 1. .. - .1 .1 1,- 1 1 I nu ran, uuv uy uiuer ueauiy opwieioim. notably by a snake barely a fpot long, , tbe I c!rl carinata, known.alao by tho name I r,r Dnn n,o nrmlneeil hv I ti- i.!. .,. nnr,ii' in i i, n UTliuV the bile of thn cobra produces coma it and speedy death, whereas, the poison ..I ..: Ii W. .. ..ui. ' I Ulliers, aucii u- jvuaseii a viper, reaaivo pain, cnnvuUlpns and usually death., The bite of EchU carinata cauaes blood - oWfrom tbo porea of tho victim, who, ,. I i i. , 1 ,. . rv -.-- ,:f r 1 " i r.r nne-erinr- inr n week or more. succumDS - tn thn fatal nnUnn. Tho number of harm to 1 leaa snakes la enormbualv In excess of pa possible, a tribe of animals, so deadly I jia possible, a trjbe nf animals, so deadly man. CItamler't Journal. I' . n ' A World or Uood. f One of tho Diont popular medicines Sr.o. 2. That the owner of any dog so stbrefd selling 'the same, may. transfer certificate of registry to the purchaser. i or.reiiei, anu in, no case snaii bucu pruer pas oocome a great lavonte amone the most inc to a return Dublished In January. I I A; Nature nronoses that car- hnmnn hplnfrn I ft before the American public, is Hop Bitters. 'ou see it'every where, People Uko it with 'good ellrct. It builds them up.- It is more like tha old fashioned bone set tea that done a world of good. If you don't of I Iu,t right try Hop HUtera. iVuma At bust A vote for Dan. 0, Batr i a vote fir I houest management of the State Treasury, Co. I uncontrolled by tings of Public plunder. lKeep the organization solid for 1S&0, .. .oo t.po le.oe is. iltt.o", l.on .le.oo s.oo tfW,OU SO.W W.VU Bl'.W IWBy lr advertlst-mcnts payable auarteriy. i ran lent advi-rltscmonuf must De paid for belore inseruo ozcepi wnere paruea navo accounu, Legal advertisement two floTlarsrcr Inch for three insertions, and at that rata tor addflloiiallnscrtJou without reference to icngtn. . v Kxecutor's, Aminlstrtori:Aba Auditor;i notices . )wiit lrf nln for when Inserted. . inree aouars. rcgularndvt'ttlftcmttiUlitflf rates. , ' ,,, cards In the ''Business utrcclory" column, one Trftnslentnr I.neal nnllcefl. twenty cenis Kline aouapcxerifir.eacniine. f r ''K.I. i . ,"3.a ! Ml punster tp, nn . fi t 1 JJtrow us sal olUH.'U. ti Tho. bitt'SCBson-fbH leari year parlies WhaNi Ills IshislorKiWhat fa missed is mystery Sediment or mucus In the urine is asure Indication rif ' disease. Tako Kidney Wort. Tho proper placo for boys to play leap frog Is on the b'ack'stoop. ' 'Arc you paring your nails?' asked Jones. 'No.' said Brown, 'I am repairing them. ii' i 'Infallible js tlio! Verdict of Ibe -sffllctod when referring to' tho merits of "Sellers' Liver' Pills." Women inurnaliats are multiplying In Chicago. ,-, Frankfort. Ky"..' has ilwenly-bne; .wljn'ws and nineteen widowers Under thirl y-fivp years nBge. ,,,,,, ; , .' When may a man's enat-pdeketbe empty and yet have something In "117 When there's a hole in It I .,,,.-,. Columbus made the. egg' stand, but Italians ot leas renown have made.the pea nut stand. ,, ' A few men can Ire'ad betVeen tbo lines.' but nearly all men go out' between the acts of a play. " . ,.. , What is the difference' between., a fish erman and a lazy schoolboy f One' baita bis hook and the other hatri his bouk. A rriati ,w'yri'b'oiJglta''bHxb'fofgh rs,when asked what they wer.c, replied : 'Tickets for a course of lectures ircmi my wife.'- A beAcon In distress is 'Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup,' the most efficacious remedy, for coughs, coUU, and whortplng congHJ 1'ricu 2oa. . ' What did the donkev do to deveMivlh doctrine of evolution 7 He braycd'nhtil he became a little hoarse. n. - Clown l h' nirXt4 ' 1Tirn' Iniltna anil g-ntll'ln'en; WVpntiy. Ji.i you' will eee, I can uo Willi lilin wliatpver ho liken. Four linrf n-er,i ltllle.1 on a rocnnl Sunday in hauling id of paienger-t to tho uoxaickie camptiiecting. .Moral: Circus horses-reat op, ijnayj",, ,,,,, Tnv-iigstor' wants to know jvhat is fur cabbage worms. Illewij ..yqur s.pul, man. cabbaMs, otcgurs.ii,- A good plump cablnga will Imt Kevcral worn8,a wect., Indian babies never.cryii If tti'ey find an iticn of pitisticking ialo their legs they quietly wait for "ome'one to pull it out, in stead of disturbing the whole village. ' lljd bbiod always csmes' trouble." ' it may be a fa'mfligrjt, or1qqje,pimplcs,itch tetter, &c: ; but no matter. 'l)r. Lindaey's Ulodtle earcher? ia.tho cure-all.- it. t A'lnd'in'trtio of'o'Jr Wilblio schools be ing Hi''l,-'.Vlmt; ia-llhodetlsland celebrated fjr,;i' tepUed i 'It, It tbo only one of Ibe New Kjllandtjales which 'ia tho smallest. .Wbe,ri UU comin, Charlotte Dunne, was married,, Jones, sajd. It wat.Dunno before It was pVgtm, Iluhne while it was being done, and. hot JIu'nuoAvhcn'it was done.' . " Forty-five thousand American bouse, door were shipped toJJngWnd tbeotLcr day' on one steamer. Wo'ye,, going to close up the old country Jbeforo sho is a year old- ; ir-'A .Oleroymaji'si Opinion. Having i had an opportunity to teat tho excellent' Iqualitits ofjDr.JUuirs Cough Syrup, I hesi tate jiottp say, it is, the best remedy Ilhava oyer uied in my, family.- lley. Wm. Chap man, I'aalor, M. E. Church, .Georgetown, D. C-.i' " --Upright leclala'tor 'What, sir I You. take me for one who can be bribed ? You insult my sense of honor. Hut incase I waa such a man, how much would you give?' iMtss ilary 0. Wells, of Hartford.Conn. takea t)ie piizei of $200.;offered her. for tho uesieutrance examinatioq aujomitp uoiiege, in Northampton, Mass. A Heliablo Wine. Mr". A.'.'fepeer, of New Jersey, whose Port jQrapo Wiue has such a-wido reputation,and iwhicli phyaicians preacriboso generally,was Hhe first in this countnrtff Introduce the art hfmaklhfrl'wmii'iVnW Vhfl' Ofinrta 1 flrsnp i ... . -. r-i Kwhich i8Dojy ,the best wine, to be had, and feaid that etch of Quppp Victoria's journey K?ot' f excessive precautions taken mat no acoiaeuts may, belall her, --One hundred ftrres nf nbeflt. ml with a feapejykeepjng six binders going, was tbe mim ui ocoicn lassie oi L,exiugton,,inu. Bhe-used three pairs of horses in relays, but jireq tnem u.put, , I -Martlo.Fearlng, of Plain City O., waa uiu uy an apiiuriiKiii iu uig ior goiu uouer iri'old wall'on' his farm: He begaii'digglng the other night.andthe wall caved in on hlmj.breakingothJIegs. The, telegraph i ecluBively- In tho bands of the Government in Italy. An In novation is telegraph cards for the 'words, er ptgeous be used to bear news of ap- fasB?.f! W' W ?. " t rieu out iu rea live njnureu mnea Dy out- - UnW .t,mir n,l i.n.iehl lih !, weather, news aheadiof. tha weather Itself, ,.a trnmp saw a bnrsewodged in a trestle ugl the railroad track near Vincen- of nea, Ind., on Sunday night, and running I back waved burning paner in front of an I vn coming engine. He saved the train and HS B'Ten'"1 Illace on the road" of , At a funeral at TIeihl, N. Y., all tho piourners were tiressou in- wnite, in one- i , , - H ihi.nrrwi hlMk. as beintr exnensivn anil slir- to nlficant nfnnvthing but H hannv ending af - 1 6f this, life, aa well as lost hopes for ,thi ' I fnlhrp. I :.. .. , . l . . .... i i-. - line,; crlcaa - I It ia not the truth in her remarks, 'said the "Uttering nuiiuanuiioinung at nia it, thnr a(ti.rtivnl4 mn lint If. 14 thn rrlmhlnrt to j ay( mai wbat is tho t dlers who don't play ?' to iay ma, wi,at U tho use of all those sol- I I .. ... An auctioneer was endeavoring 10 sell a fowling piece, nnd falling tn get a bid, a bystander who had read tbe papers Bald ; now! ill Blow in the muzzlo aud it will go off.' "( Dmi't W'nut A I'lastf r" taid a kick man, to a drugg!tt,'can't you give has me something tu cum me? Ilia symptoms (were a lame bark and disordered urine, and were a mre Indication of kidney dbrare. The druggist told blm In ute Kldnij-Wcit and in a short timo it effected a rompleto cure. Have you tbee fjmptoms ? Then get a box to-day before you become incut able. It la Me cure ; iafe and suic. feel the 0 11 1'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers