THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, B LOO MSB U11G , COLUMBIA COINTY, PA. Miscellaneous. A VIHKIUN AKIlllNAlir MISSIM1. 'tnt. Jit'in Vl lltn fofemn aernnittil, whti N well kimwii tlmiiitfliiiut llii xtutn in i ll n'l 'ti'nii)in In liia lare bMloon '1'alli llinjcr,' fniin l.ltnlntl pirk, St, Liu pi, recent ly, nnd hill lot been lieinl frum ol nee. It l feared llmt hi' Iim met llin lain that trtnn Inevitably In fill lo tho lot nfnrrnnaiil, and Hint ho Iim ma Id liU U't nce nilnn. I'rof. WUi w n ftccnmpatil IhyOi rgn ltnrr, re ceiiin;: teller nl lIiciHl. I'ui- tintlonnl 1irnk, mill m tin lldlnga have vet hern received nf them ttm opinion Uigmwlna; very strong that tlicy have mK llio mini fate as Don alds tn nnd GrlmwnoJ, vrbu ascended from Ohioy'i several yenr Riri. t'rof, VIe had made 10'J sticcesjfiil voy pge., iiml wni th(iniii;hly tonvemint with everything crt xl nl tt In the Bclence of bal (mining. The Tiithfinder' was a new bal loon, ami made only n few ascension. The hst was at St. rllnjr,Illlnol, nn the 19th ult., when John w, jr, ft gramUm of I'rof. Wlie, readied an attlludo of three mills, and made a vivace of elahli en miles. In the aociiImi from St. IViuif, I'rof, Wleo Inlendid to remain In (he air ai long at the puvtainiiiir ucr of tlm lulloim luld out. Tin' inceinion wai "n ido solely In the Inlertsl of denco, particularly meteorology. A hrlit hreus a Wowing when the faH enttitu were cut looo, which carried the bal loon In a norlhuly direction for perhaps two miles at nil tlev.iii.,n of from l.2!H) to 1,500 let I. It tlien turned due rant and sail ed away mitror night. I'rof. WNo expected to cull r what he c-lls a permanent eatern wind current at an elevation of about 1,600 to 'J 000 feet, which he deilrtd to keep in If poj-Ible and make observations ; ami to ellect thl more surely, hU ballast consisted only of a tli'ree-qti.trtcr inch rope, 1,800 feet long, which traibd from the Imlloon. Wbci the gas becime exhamteil tho b.ilioon wn to dcscend,ind the end of .the rope, dragging on the ground was to reliovu tlio balloon ol part ol ltx weight and hold it steady in the ctirnnt. Mr. George Uurr, who acended with I'rof,. Wine, had previously made three nsoenalons, and to..k gre.U iulereat iu the surg ct of air mvfchllnn . AlitOAb UECIaMN. The following anecdote illustrating the subtlety oflliudoo, is told by Dr. ScuJder, of llr.ioklyu, formerly n missionary in India: Four men, partners In husinesss, bought some coiton biles. That the rats in ight not destroy the cotton, they purchased a cat. They agreed that each o'ftho four should own a particular leg of the cat, and each adorned with beads and other ornimenlslhe leg thus apportioned to him. Ine cat, by nccident, injured one ol legs. The owner of that member wound around it a r.i soaked In nil. Thd cat, going too near the hearth ,sct this rag on Ore, and being In great pain, rushed iu among the cotton bales where she was accustomed to bunt rats. The cotton thereby took fire and was burned up. It was a. total loss. The three other partners; Wught a suit to recover the value of the cotton, against the partner who owned this particular leg of the cat. The judge examined the c.isu and decided thus: 'The leg that had the oiled rs on it was hull; the cat could not use that Meg in fact, held up the leg, and ran with the other three legs. The three unhurt legs,therefora, carried the flra to the cotton, and alono are culpable. The. Injured leg is not to be blamed, llh three partners who owned the three V'g with which the cat ran to the cotton will pay the whole value of the bales to the partner who was the proprietor of the injur ed leg,' The November Siribner is especially strong in a class of papers that seem to be more and more in demand with this maga zine, viz , authentic papers on topics imme diately or recently occupying public inter est. Such in this number are : 1. The pa per on 'The Mtaissippi Jetties,' by the res ident engineer, Mr, E. L. Uortbcll ; the first completu accouut nf this important work, with a portrait of Captain Bads and a num. ber of plans ; 2. An account by Clarence Cook, Esq., of 'Mr. Morris Moore and his Old Master?,' one of which, tho 'Apollo and Marsyas,' of Raphael, may now be purchas ed ibr America, This topic was lately i good deal discussed in the newspapers, and as the picture ha? never been engraved, at least in America, the editor of fc'cribner ' has had a large cut made of it by Mr. Cole with other cuts, accompanies Mr. Cook's ac count of the discovery of the picture by Mr Moore and bis expose i f the uiistnae ageracntc.f the National Gailery,eiu.,etc. 3. The present revival of interest in agricultural subjects in England and America is rt fleeted in several papers ; one on the 'Dintress In Great Jirit ain,' showing the unfortunate slate of affairs In the kingdom ; another on 'Kapnaa Farm ing,' a very diilerent picture, and others on 'Success willi Small Fruits,' tic. A contest between a rattlesnake and -a sow and pig occurred in Montgomery county, Georgia. The snake first bit the pig ; then the old sow attacked the snake, aud In her turn was bitten. jhe succeeded in killing the snake, but when Mr, Bridges, the own er of the farm, reached the spot, ho round the reptile and the animals side by side, dead. This would fecui to contradict the opinion that the hog is pi oof against the bits of the rattlesnake. A resident In the county of Clare, Ireland, writes to the London limes that people who know that county well consider that there are two Ireland the Ireland they read of in the English papers, generally represent ed by a class who do not own property, and whoue intelligence is wrapped by these ex tremely one-sided views, and tho Ireland In which they live, where every day they meet affectionate people who are most grateful for their acts of kindness, and whose manners may vie with those of any nation on earth. - . j, fcciEKci:, The world will never ully know how much it owes to science'. a scientific' man, who has been investigating i he coal-oil regions of Pennsylvania, has come out with the alarming theory that the oil conies from the bearing of the earth's axis, and that I hi earth will cease to turn when the lubrication ceases. Therefore lie holds the opinion that tho government ought 10 inttrftre at mice, and put a (.top to this pumping and boring for this gudgeon gre.uo of thu universe. 1'oh-om:ii. An English i MM six months .old wh sticking a pllre of green wall paper, which wasnt oncti token away, Nev.rthi. less, It died in xt day. A large quantity ol lead was f.und In its rtr.mach. Oxide in citbohatt" ol' was found al.o tin the pa per. The coroner Hiulbly icm.irktd ihut green wull-papcr ought to be ubollshed, us It uot only contained po'tnnous matter, but was very dctiimrntcl to health, i WHAT TUB KAHMKIt SHOULD STUDY. The farmer liould study the laws nf con ccnlrallon. HeshntiM leani how In cn rrnlrate tils crops Into the best paying ar ticles. Docs hn consider that,lnitter,rli.e, beef, pork and mutton rcpretent only a cer tain amount of grass, hay and grain that his farm produces? That Instead ofsollltig the raw commodities, lie can, by putting thetii Into these articles, get much betlcr returns for his products t ills iltidy should be to know how to transform the l.w products of his farm into something that Is concentra ted and that will bring him most money. What he raises has to go to somo market. Ily considering It, little freight will have to be paid, and thus much will bo saved. A farm Is not only a farm ; It Is, or should be a factory lor changing the raw products In to articles of general consumption and that have a commercial value the world ovn that are of the best quality, that keep well and sell well, and briug prices that will pay well for tho skill, labor and capital emploj ed In producing thorn. Tin: L.uin and tub L'otr UtTixwr.. A curious family Is now amusing the ltot slans at the Zwloglcal Garden of St. l'o tersburg. There are in a largo cage two young lion, two bears and two dogs. The members ot this family live Iu perfect pence, playing heartily together." It is proposed to add to the family a pair of young hyenas nml a couple of young wolves Tho managers hold thai the pence of the happy family will remain undisturbed, even at er it is thus en larged. Cnannn.v Bonu to Suffer. A Gret i. River Kentucklan has given his feven chil dren the following names: Robert Godericli Channlng DoAusbrr? Phelp , Q iltman Fio mont Iturblde Cadwallader l'lielps, i!el chis Zenobia Semlramls Tliolps, Jam.g Richard Augustus I'help, Hotheuia 1', r meliaMclvina Phelps, Esau Malmrsnl Al hashbar Phelps, Dlonysius Edric Dob Turn er Phelps, Thompson Baker S.impnn Iloan erges Phelps". Aud the enraged census lak er always tries to kill that man. A wrilcr in (ho Southern Farmer pays : 'To get a largo yield of iLh milk give cW every day water slightly warm aud slightly failed, in which bran has been stirred at (l o rate of one quart to two gallons of water. A cow will give twenty-five per cent, more tui k immediately under the t fleets of it, and will b-con) attached to tho diet AMo rcfiue to drink clear water, unless veiy trfirsty. Hut this tho will drink at any time, and ask tit more. The amount necessary is an ordinary pailful at a time, morning, noon, aud night ' Facts vs. Theory. In regard to the method of coloring hut ter. The theory is that cows when well f.d and cared for will make yellow butter ; the fact is that not one in ten will, except in times of flush pasture. This is just the reason thft.t the very best Dairymen in this country use Wells, Rich ardson A Co's Perfected Butter Color. We warrant it to add at least five cents per pound to the value or white butter, a return of one dollar.for every cent it costs, Charles L. Pullman, a brother nf il. Pullman Palace Car Company's fresident, una Doen ngunng extensively in St. Louis f s a swindler. Using his brothers name, with out authority, as an introduction, he'borrow . ed money right and left, forged several lel- tors, lormed a pretended mining company, fooled an acquaintance out of a valuable watch, and finely fled. Andrew Tracy, sentenced to be h HP (TP 1 1 fn McKean county, October 9. for the mimL. of his cousin, has been reprieved by the Governor untll'November C, in order tot.. cure another hearing before the Board of rarnons lot communication of the death sentence to life imprisonment. It is claimed that Tracy is of unsound u.Ind. The anniversary of Napoleon's surrendu at Sedan, to judge from iu celebratijn thi year, bids fair to become to the German.. what the Fourth of July is to the Ili.I.e.l States. Its observance has heen r,,..ln more general every year, and has become a fixed fact with the young generation. It i. not likely to augment French love for the leutouic conquerors. IlumCagged Again. I saw so much sa'ld about the merits of nop unters, and my wife who was always doctoring, and never well, teased me so ur gently to get her some, I concluded to be humbugged again ; and I am uUA I ,ltt f. in less than two months use of the Bitters my wne was cured and she has remain, d m, ror .eighteen months since. I like such huu.- uuggtug. U. T., St. Paul. S1500 TO tmoo A YE Alt, or $5 to $n a miike more than ih n.,,r...?.t J.... Ari v A.V-.f - u anyone con da tho j v" ' ivt" p- ucuiB 10 f t au Lour dr devoUnc your eTeotnga ana Bpare time to tiw i'mJ. like It for money makine ever onred before. Vwi ness pleasant and btriclT: lioiioraule. Header, it o.i want to know o nttnnr. ihA i.r mnnr. .,.... .. .1 : lore inepumic, send ua your atftlrpsa and ho w(U lmrf "u town jtw fn. Addre83 "KOltdE SXIXHI.N . wvu wK,'i-iy JVEKY DIREiJTOl!, TEACHER AND Shouia subscribe (or THE EDUOATOEi A Lire Educational Moathlr, published at OIUNGEVILLE, PA., for 50 cents per year. Bend six tents rorsne. line copy. 1 . , , ,, C. K. CANFIEI.D. April 15, 18I-U IMItir. Rowell & Go's. Advi'a. ORGANS n Stops, s set Golden Tooeuo IWiiuutO'se VN arut'd 11 ears! Slool lioolf, only tin. New 1 ucu nauu, mvuL laver Hook, unly IH3.7J. Lit est iiiustraieu rewspa)er sunt tree. Adareis HAN OCtlO,4w. r AuVerlisers.I.Gso.Plwell&Co's Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce be K oi jiuvkhtisi.nii lo Anierlcun Nestwlers. fOw-linne- I'uiulililel, lOc.-Ml I OHO Profits on 80 days Investment or Ci nn UU unkui fr.. tiUU rroporuoou! letiirns every week on 8toekOitlous 1. . r.Hj, - QIUU. - R.,IIU. All urrna i, i uttih hiuut uo., naiikere, 85 wall t r oaio'oMiv. $25to$5000i .t,M ,.rtn-r..hiif I4KI.. ti. Ku' I .nail. imi. j.I'... Holt tv Ih.'i LiMrf 1 L.t, li Uim4 LI., It, V. Olt II', iW. r ma ltf.nlliondex.eLte6 i-uaroiitetd toAgeuts UUtntllfU, hUlW tU Al'IICSTA, JIllNS. ut 10 , 4w r S'7'7'7A JE-Ml "a rxreu.ei io nuenls. imtilt Ht I I free. Admess V, o. VICKKhV, Auirii'ia Hlue, oct. iu, ly iw. JOB 1'KINTlNu OF EVERY DESRIPTI0N KXEOUTED PUOMPTLY rnv Ooiumbun OrFicE At aTarrH CatartS cf tho Nasal Cavities, Acute, Chronic, and Ulcerative, Hay Fover, or ftoso Catarrh, Catarrh of tho Eyo and Eaf and Catarrh o.tho Throat, BCCCnSSFCLlY TItr.lTFD !nn smmm radical cure. (lATAttUn I ft (Itncvo of thrj mncoo memhrfin. j Yen tner rtniont (intt conntltntlon wxy It tuverlir In IrtJiTidual case. Catirrh i.injr arlno fitnii n cold rr r fucccMlun of coMa, irmn ul(trn chutieo of ntino t tn rr, wearing wrt tluthlnjr, or rxpOBiiro in riictrment vr tiilicr, necumlntf thurouRlii chilled whin tlio olfruttvit nrirmii'art' In i morblit or lnucth condition, find ihoftntntrlh mid vital forcmeihruintccl. Thu din tana in lynrlBii irotiiticryfnloua condition of tlio Mood, frum bcnrli't Kercr, Moaalcfl, ami Dlphtticrln.lnwhlcli ram s tlio cyo a ml cur aro Kencrally Involrca and 4l cliarvo quantities of matter. Tho diacbarffca from the nnrc, tlm rilHtlnctlTO feature In all catarrh nl cases from whatrvrrcauBOtliey arifcmarbetldn andwatrry, and to n I I n in i fiuio redneM and rxcorlntlon of tho kln with uhlcli tlicr come In contact, or thick a- d yellow l4h. t?mlttitn? n fonl odor rr clear and whlto ilkutho wJiltoofancfr Thera tnaybo an cntlw lack of secrc ttrn, tho aiirrtce vrinx ilry and feverish, tha fac. front rn 1 nnper part of the henJ fectlnjf uneomforUhlo, nl na if It wai encircled by a, ThU 1 lit -r ptme la called Dry Vatarrfi, The free rjattf ry tlUchftrura catire the pafltica to twell ami Ifccomo thlckfnod.rcndorlntf broAttunff throiiRh tha nnnndlUl cult or Irnpoanlblo, and the aulTf rrr findj It neccMery t i treat ho through the mouth, thereby pcnnlttlnircold air to pnaa dtroetly to the bnmrhlAl tnbii and lunRi, The matter paaalnn down t' e tToat crentra a comlant derlre to hawk and expeetomtfi to throw It ofTt but when the membrano 14 dry and fevrrlh, Invtead of pan-.ino; freely down from the noai and throat, tho mn cu becomeatiard and forrra Into Beabu, lncrnstutlonF. and bard lnnn, n lilcn adhere so firmly to the nana! rasfflffea and Ihroat ai to require very pertlctcnt rfTorta o till I od ro them. Tho eye In sympathy becomes In- famed, red, we a It, and watery.or In tho morning tho Ids way be fonnd fclued toclber, and matter Ts po crctcd la more or loanuantlty. Tlm, ear aioo becomes seriously alTi'ctod. dlehnreln'rqiiiititMlcs rf matter, bo sides bclntr visited by tho niot violent ncnralfflo ptln. ending frefniently In fiiUainmntlon, ulceration, ana fliiully dcafiicnn. Tb"tliroat,brotietiin tubes, and lonit mo In nitinycas"if nfTccted by cntnrrii. nndwUrnprca tntlon of Ilia nervous pjsUta ti aupLruduod(6ULUaf fcttloni becntno ntarmlnjr. A brief umy of thia ihpf t Borlonn (Hflewe warns all tio are afllleted with 1 tto nml.o speedy prcparatton for Its treatment before It becomes chronic. Tha advan taea offered by SaxroRp'a Uadical Ctrun tb ronfl dently believe aro to bo found In no other remedy. Jlvcrystep In Its preparation, crcry lino In tho direc tions, mark It aa a sclent Iflo remedy, calculated to meet r cry phono ot thi Rcato. Tho numerous testimonial (mm tbo best people In tno United Etates attest tho eteem In wbk h It p hcM by thoso who havO been, frr-erlfrnmtliol)in"til"ftntrtlvo and dantferouadisoaao JUSl1 PUBLISHED. A carefully, revised Treatise on Tatsn-h, with an ao-c-raie description of symptoms and sympathetic dis eases, torether with mlnuto directions for eUectlnjr with GAiroKD'a Hadioal Cdeb a speedy and perma nent cure. Atso observations on diet and the general cnith, of van Importance to all afflicted with catarrh. It ti wrapped abont ca'hbottlocf tlio UAtucu.CcR, ir wlil Uo mallud frco onrctlpt of stamp. Taeh nftcVncn of CijrronD's ItimcaL Crns contains f r. Ban ford 'a improved Inhaling Tnbe, with full direc tions lor usolo alt cases. Price, fl. Bold by alt whole i lie and retail druifglsts throncbont tho United fitatea end Canada. WEEKS ft TOTTEIt, General AkcdU tnd .YlioleBaloTJmeKiftA, Iloston, Uasa. SCOLLINS'i VOLTAIC PLASTER Cureo Pains and Aohes. t equalizes the Circulation. t subdues Inflammatory Action: t cures Ruptures and Strains. t removes rain aua Boreness. t cures Kidney Complaint. tstrcitcthcus the Muscles, tcurra lllicumatlittn and Xcuralsla. It relaxes Stiffened Cords, icarva Dcrvouii nnocitB, 1 1 Is 1-ivtra ibo In I'araU t !s. t cures Inflammation ortUo Liver t remotes Nervous Pains. t cures Cplnit Wcakntn. t Is Or trial and Booth! uij. t cures Kpllepsv or Fits. It ts Cafe, 1 tellable .and Economical. it Is nrfscrlbed by Pnynl clans, it is Indorsed by Electricians. r PRICE 25 CENTS. T!o careful to obtain toLtiHs Voltiio Ptisntu, ft eotnbluallon of Electric or Voltaic Flatus with a hluhly Vedlcated Plaster, aa seen In the above cot. Bld by s'l Wholesale and Itetall Dmsvlsts throutrhont the t'nltrd fttatea and Canadas, and by WKEU.S i. I'Ol TEIl, Proprietor, Uotton, Mhx, THE ONLY MEDICINE That Acta at the Same .Time on THE LIVER, THE BOWELG. and the KIDNEYS. These) irrcat organs aro the natural cleans ers of the system. If they wcrk well, bcaith will be perfect: It they become clogjed, dreadful diseases are suru to follow with TERRIBLE SUFFERING. niUovsness, Headachy JJyspepila, Joni- dice, Consttpatlsn an.nilei or Kid ney Complaints, Gratel, Diabetes, Sediment la tho Urtoo, Milky or Sony Trine j or Rhea t motle Tains and Aches, I are developed because the blood la poisoned with tho humors that should hare beta expelled natural!. KIDNEY-WORT will rcit ore the healthy action and all these destroying evils 111 ho banished i neglect them nud yoa will live but to inffer. Thouaandshavebeencurel. Tryltsndyon will add one more to the number. Take It and health wllonce pore gUddeuyonr heart. Why suffer lonRerfrom the torment of nn aohlns taack ? Why bear euch (Jlotrooo from Con tlpatlon and Pl!i3?v 7hy be eo faarTul bocauco of dis ordered urlna? UiDSKT-WOETWlU euro you, Trrapack" aco at once and he satisfied. ( is a urj Teyeiauie tomrouna ma One rarLage malei six quarts of Medicine. votl, ntw upon nuoui'j u. i ntii-w, Will 3, nliaiT.T rrHitcn, f (WKttr-tr llurliict, Vt. b 7 1S7J- PORT GRAPE WINE tysed la the principal Clftrchoa for Coramunhia purpu3ca. teELLEKTFO LABIES AUD W3AKL7 AMD TH2 AG D. Speer's Port Grape Wins ! FOUR YEARS OLD. lima CelebrnU-d Native Wlno Is marto from' the L Julca ot the oporto drape, raised Iu this county , Its Invaluable $onic ana Strengthening Properties are unsurr awed by any other Native Wine. Heine the puro Jute ol tin flrop-. produced under Mr. Hneer'S own wrKr.nnl kmrvl.lnn ttc m.Hiv n.i genuineness are truantnictd. 'ii.,n,.T,wi niiiM P1"" or itSBenerousnualltics. and iho weak- iZ.Z. lr i . "7f iu 11. is particularly Iwnerlclal lo t ie uged and dui.lutated, 'd sullixl ti the various ailments that alleot tho eaker sex. it is u v,v,j iiD)vi.i t use liij HliLIliU ox. SI'EKK'S P. .T, Slierry. 2Uo '"; J; s" v la f 01 Superior Clunicter, and iiartnkes or the Lroliien 111141111. ..r ,i.u ,rru. 'rom which It Is ui ulf. Kor I'urlly, ltUhnes, f Uior SPHUR-S IB. .T. Ki'stBadj . TtlimUNnVstniids unrivaled In this Countn-, iK-lnfr rr Miin. rlur ri.i ......H. ir.t ..... ' n .w. .... uiviunt (lUIIMKB. IT l A I'niKiINiil'atli.n iroiu t io grapiillndnb tains valuable mdUl .a pro,H rilos. It has a uVliei 0 lliror. Umllar in that of tht Kin pes 1 rom which it w distilled, una U iu ureal rvi,r among llrbm;lutt faniilus. fcee that the signal lire of AI.r'IIEDNl'KKIt.l'aajiW H, J., Is over tlio cork of each buttlo. SOLD HYC'.A.KLEIM. Juno ai, I j7-lf tiiis rai'CK is on vrm ROWELL & fKLSMAN . Advorilslng Agents, I SELLERS' COUGH SYRUP ! 50 Yours Before tho Public rroiioiincoillij' nil to bo tho most I'lcmnui una pIllrnrl.MM rclilOtly 111 Hl lor ItlO run T rounti., nidi., rrtitiir, tiitnrMrtir4 tickling ffcnmttoti of llio throat, nliooplnj coitjh, ctJ1, (IV lilt A .ill I.I.MIN IIOTTI.I.M Mll.l) WITHIN Till! I.VST I'liVV VliAltM, It KHoirclli I wlierevcr uil, nml Ins tlio power to Impart benont it caanot t lia'l trom tlio cough ml vlnri' now In iw, HolJ by nil Drilglsta nt 2.1 centi per bottle. Slil.l.tilt.s' 1.1 lilt I'll. I, -I aro also highly ro commented ror curlnj liver complaint, constipation. nick-headaches, fever and ngu", and all diseases of the stomach nnd liver, sold by nil Druggists at ts cents por box. R, 3. Sailors I; Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. c tatnettor ntii) (nrmllon, nror tmprovemrnts on clt ont .fir n'rdiVril cr fither compnvniig, tradt liffilir anil IhUU. (irralt, AmlgnmiM. Inter frrtners, Jii)iinf, Svttifnr Infrivptmtnht nnd all cans drilling untlrr the Vnlrul l.ntr,prompt' ly nttfvitfl tn, flMvllldH. that tiner fivrll in r tee viau still. juttmttit by vt lit ing opposite the tr. ?. Patent l)tpartmr,it,ttnd rwQngra in Patent lnintt$ tx ctutirflu, tee can make closer trnrcUt, nnd tcbvre 'iittt. tnori projnptlv, and tc((A bronder claim tt thnfr thnt irhn or rmntt from Wcttihtnghn. ITrV3Tt -J 1 C.Vi''iir'ifVII " mod' 9 m a t pj ft, your dfttcr,' v make examinations amiadt ist aa to pnttntahllityf frr? nfthnrtc. All correspondence ftrlvtlij con Jtdmtial. Prices loi, nnd JVO C II AJWU US JllSH VATJJXT SS SKVUlWlh Wtrrfcr in, )Vttshtrtoton, to Hon. Postmaster General I). .V Knj, Utv. F. T. Power, The Herman Amertran National Hank; to oflclafl In the U. S. Pitttnt V$ce,und tn'fienatorsand litpretrntuttvtt In Ctjiitirts-n tnd t special! it to ourclUntsln 'very Statu in the I'v'' n't-mt iu raventa. Address r;ojtr l'litint fit-r, ii uitilngton, D, 0V THIS PAPER IS KEPT ON TlXB AT THE OFFICE OF ttmt!s nulianriDUii BTJfLDINO rniLHUELfnit (.r. Cllrilnllt ami A.1CI1II1 HI. Who receive Advcrtlements for thl rapcr. rcTIM ATCO nt Lowest Cntli Kates to I llVlnl tOftrftfnrNewin)Pradtri1lliir. Beud 113c. tor AVKll ib SON'S MANUAl- w m iTe lUiriaul It In fit H,. It. pi nnl Af V 1m. ) or bow Aeri-lj rooUd. It lf loitint rttlf, .odcurei thai aoitchroiifa rn. Iq rrrni ma lo time vrtkv, Ifaard at dlraru lulimltrd nnmUr cf tMrimt nlal can t (ltt If rtolrarl, ul alloc aak li a trial, la cut lurp Dial It will cure hn til ftlberiucaniliatt railed. Sold all dratvra In medlclaea, 0 UMi rr Imlllr SriH 1rrt rn lnl I ft ) rlre, t-r J((ii: VALTZ((;i-nrrnl ajent for 1. S an1 ( anaa i:t( FrutiUUu St., tliiltlinm.-, ,Mi, fjt? It uiilne bv tnde nifk and ltuatnra fl Ir' 3, W, rjf tprt tfl, '".My. J W & CO. INSTITUTE, I EfltAbliflhodinlST2forthoeiir of CiinctT. 'rumurt. Ulciri. Isernfuln. fimt hkin IJihohbph. without thousotif fculfaorloss uf bltxxl and little pain. For lufonnatiou, circular and rcforencea, aUOresa lir l 1.. ru.NU, Aurora, Kauo Co., Ill, TMI9 NEW ELASTIC TRUSS Il.PfcdfllffTia from ait eltiarsLU cap-abapa, wtlh fWlCAdjaitlnf Hall la canur, 4apU IImU lo all poalileu f taa bodv. wblla U a III m ih. Ulo. nUMiy,durablaaTiehaap."8qi by malL Ciraatar ? Eoflleeton Truss Co., Cbicaao, IILP sppt. u; '7iiytl J w & co. Till: JOHNSON ItEVOLVINtJ ItUOK.CASE. Imle of Iron, beautifully orna mented. Adjustable bIioIvdr. Cheap and HtronR. Cannot cct cut of order. Four sizes. 8end for complete circular and prlco list. Bend 25 cents for our new Illustrated Catalogue of School Merchandise. Every Parent r Zacher sJwuld Aatv it. IAHEH, PHATT & CO., Headquarters for sll -School Supplies, UZ k Ui OltAND STBEtT, 10 UK. t pt li, 1 THE WHITE SEWIN& MACHINE Whereas, tha, world renowned reputation or Hie White Sewing Machiuo Induces many unscrupulous coraptltore to resort to Sll ktnrt.4 nf mrflri trliY-t t., Inlnrt. Itu rnuttlnn. viu betrtocaullon all Inttndlns purchasers not to buya White Machine except, from Its rejular Kuthnrlj:e1 dealers, who will VE WAI1HANT THE KATUHAL WKiH AND TEAlt OF TUB White Shuttle Sewing: Machine, VLVTE NI'MBKIt 10311 VOIl lAMILY 1'UHI'O- HHS. NI. 1IKKHI1Y AllUKr"TO KffKi TIIK HV1K IN KEl'AIlt KOIl TIIK TKHM OF 1'IVK VIM11S r nii i into ji vita, riiKK ut' uiiakiju. IU'h warranty excepts the treaLaro of'neetlfo3. tmt.tilr.d nnd whriMlno This warrutity wilt not hi feustatned rftlens tho aUi numlMT ntave Ktn rorivp5nai wiu tlifl umber on the KliiutKj racu bllde, lkiware ot dofacttl uraiicrea numoura. W1IITR KKWINO MAfMlINRHO. Tho "WHITE" Shutt o Sewing Machins Has GHEiTtu crAcrry than any olherfinlly twlDg jhuuiud wi uuiutfuvci; vuiiri ui nuilk. J. SALTZKH, (leneral Airent, lllooinsburi;, I 'a. OcL9. '. ly. ONE MILLION WllfTEB'VLOWIHINU Plantsi Bulbs 111 t (wuaiI lamtMUwai fin CuJlw. 3S Oortlandt Itraat, New VorU. net 3, lj NW1 ' H J m k! -vnHI Z 1 I kvTfBPKP m Ml v rii 1 s. m tn in 1 I ' Jul OCt I, 4W, bid lk -r BL00MSBURG STATE NORMAL SGH0 SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DIST1UOT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. 'limit -vint nrcsent conslltulcd. oiKra the vcrvtwstfaellllU'iifor I'rofisMonil and Mimical raclous?ln R"tlS5 and coinraodlous i TOinplrloV heated hy Meiim, well vonlllatcd, lluhtod by TIIISSCI llulldlnin spacious. "TSloi'i li'alllifiil. an.i exsv of acew. Toachera cxnerlenceil, clllelent, and allvn to their no. k. lllsclfllne. tlrm but kind, iinllorni and thyrou;ii. migrate. RIlj , wiili a week deduction lo all u.octii to l-wli. Stuileuts adoilltod at any tlmo. towie 1 when lieslre.l. Courses or Miiuy prebenueu uy iuu oiuw i I. Mmlct Hcliuol. II. I'rcpar,ilorjr. III. HUnienlnry. IV, Clawical. 1,1 rin.iiNM! I Acii'iIpiuIc. II. Commercial. .III. Coure In Munic. IV. Conine In Thn Eir-mentnrv Hclentlrie and UlanMeal t'oursei corrcspondinitliesrecs! Mn-terof tho Kleinunui f hpraiinn o : slid v irescrliied by iho state Is liberal, and thus ilentlno and Classical courses aro not Inferior to those ot our best Colleges. J.!le S9". "L.i":'.'. .KlKv.J:ii. i.T....5S.ii r,!im... Hi,nn.nt. 1 1. 1 4 nnn.ii ihn niimo nbiecLs ol ds Hchoo to helo to secure. It. bvfnrnlshlnirlntclll "11 3 . S fnv. i.ji'i,n.,u xn till, aiid their taients, a i -ludents. To all such It promises ON.Vli rrr.lilrnt Hoard Sept. s, '111.- ZDOILnFT Hut conic at once nnd look through tho largest stock of Beady -Mad Clothing IN THE COUNTY. IP Wi: CANNOT SUIT IN READY-MADE WK CAN SI5LL YOU THE CLOTH, on TAKE YOUR MEASURE, AND MAKE YOU A SUIT IN CITY STYLE MCITRU AND j-r,nrps"BE i THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN TOWN, CLOTHS, CASblMEHES, SOLD BY THE YARD Now selling at the RELIABLE STORE OF BAYED L(QWEIB1B(GL ilMHIIIHIMM ENDORSED BV OVER MACHINE EXHIBITORS AT THE EXPOSITION UNIVERSf LLE, Paris, 1878 AND INTERNATIONAL- EXHIBITION, PHILADELPHIA. 1876. Ai blne"Ve,ySTRONO,SMOOTH,.nd t.XUCLI.&Nr ThHLAU, ENCOURAGE . IE INDUSTRY ISI NO April 18. T3-IV . THE BEST rncwoitto SOLD BY ArRS, a tw m. X. X 500.00 : I ilk mw. mm' -mm mmwm vsl. mm mr -m v WhiteSewino Machine Co. Cleveland, ohio. ti'pt li, 4 IV. J?mmikmSXi&iZtVZl PjVjUVJIVWiiIL J 3WrpW HBSKWa irTTiiiuiiiriirfTrr Thd oiUiJ improvement ever made on the common POR 0 US PLASTER. It contains greater and inoro powerful PA1X-UEUKVINU, STKMUT1IENING, ANII UUKATIVK PUOPEUTIES thjin the fommon J'orous I'lastcr, ondisfartuperlorto llnlinenta ana the BO-called electrical appliances. oct io. 4w. d ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES. SUITABLE FOR YARDS, CEMETERY LOTS, and Public Grounds. rriie rotlowlnt; Miows the picket (inthlc, oyo'cl llio Min ml bpaulllul etyles or l'cuco luanulactured by tile underulirned. For lluauty and liuraVillty (hey are unsurpassed, rot up by eipcrlunced Hands, uud warranud to Kite satlblactlon. Prices and Gpocimons of ether designs sent to any adaress. S- HESS, Elocmsturg, Fa, July 1, 'ts-tni A UONT1I L'uaraiitid. flu n dar at home luado by thu liiduitiluui. I'lpluilnul iniulrcd ; e will Mirt oii. ilen. women, bo;u and KlrU iniiko monev luhtfr at woik rnr thuu utuuvthlnir tlhe. Tlm worku Chi and pleasunt, and, uch an anyone c-au uo rlitnt ut. Thoiie mho aro wlbo who tee this uotlui will Mind u their uddnsus at once and roe tor Ihenurlves. Costly UulUt and trrmslree. Now la Uie lime. 1 hot It vuitc aro laying up.lanre sums it money , Addrtu T1IUE a Co.. .Augusta, Maine, ottS, Sly are IMtoKISS'ilo.MAU and HtuJenti sriduatns; Maveror tno rwiencra i wuuriii uhuuski. uraumra nun oraijiraio., uu. end it solicits vounir nersons of coo ubtlltles and (rood nld In developlns their powers, and almmUnt opportunities for well paid labor a of Tra.lrr.. P. P. IltLLMYEIl, Secretary. DSL NOVEI.TIKS, Hats, Caps, tfce., j'or Men and Boys, Pearl Phirts, Under Clothin Pretty suits for little boys, Cheap suits for Men, Cheap Overcoals, Trunks, Satchels, Uags, &c Gum Clothing, etc. THIRTY SEWINQ tSTABUSttrO fSJC. MArJUFACTURED at : MOUNT HOLLY, N.J. nARUBRauiuirco)ACUTs.unrst r MEDALS IPARIS. PHILADELPHIA. AWARD ED I NEW YORK fc.BOSTOMj IIWMIIIII KIj'XT 1" All 'LI Ihls Is a remarkable IViM D t I j! J O medicine will cure spa? In, Kpllnt euro. Callous, Ac, or any cnlariremuiit AM) WIM. 11E.MOVK THE IIU tell WITHOUT DIM ATI Xf ULI8TKUINU or causlnff a Ol IV V llsl sore. No remedy ever dis covered equate it for cerialnty ol or action in htojpinc; the lameness and retnowng the buncn. I'rlce Jl.ou. Keud (or circular giving " I T U I? 1'ltOOK Sold by druclts, or tent to j LJ Iv LJ any address by the Inventor. II. J. Kendall, M . I)., hnosburgh fulls, Vt, Mover Urcs. Agents llloomsburg, 1'a. May ti, T.-ly a w , Send SS Bents In stamps orotirren nl'irv lor a row IHillsK HOOK. It treats or uil uHeases, has 5 line engiavlngsshowlDg poblilons axhuuied by kick horses, u lublu or doses, a 111 w II. miKn ITIIietllltll ui ? A LUAIII lir.u- l) ) IV li'ts. rulea lor telllnc the jiito or ts horhe.w Ith an engraving allowing leelhor each) ear uuu a lure uiiiuuii l ui tuiuauie jtuibe iniurniai iuu. Hr. Win. ii. Hall i.a)8, "I hate bought books that I uiildj', uui do lor whlcu I do not like as well as I do yours." Hind kok a L'ikci'I.ak. Agi nls Wauiod. p. nenuaii, ji, u., Aiio&uargu rails, t Hay t, THIS COL. I, A II and a L'ow )Ulker tree to Farmers who act as Agents. Cut this out and oddreas with stomp SMHIIi SON, SI Bey St., V. V. July ts, 3m. Namo this paper. IIIMMHlHl . SOS1HPLC A TySSOI.UTION OF I'AHTNKHSHU', i no partnersldp heretofore exlatl r.g betw een C. 11. llrockway and lleo. K. Klwell on the llrni or tirock. KlMcll. eniraged In the publication or the ro tl'uuuN.und In Ibe practice c(law,4 this day dis solved by mutual consent. The books or the rlrin will irmaln at tho coliubun onico lor bettlement, and all in-rrfms knowing themselves lobe indebted to the tlrm will please rail and settle, and Uiose hav. Inir claims against the firm will please preso..f thtlr b f). U. nROCKWAY, UGU.K. ELWGLU uptve, 4tv, 0L learning. if a, ami turnHlied Willi it boiihtlluUni.-ily or pure.stfl Eptniiir Art. V. Conine In Physical Cullure. therein, recelro. Htalo Diplomas, , eonfcrrlns tho 'ollowlp purposes, lhoo who desire to Improve their tlmf C. 33. SAVAGE, IlKALRH IN Silvorv;aro. Vatchcs.JewelryiClceks.&c. !r" Uemovcd to tho Post onico bulldln?, rirsidojr IIVHJ,!' llie.UilllU llOIOl. All kinds of Watches, CIocU and .lewelry neat, ly i (-paired Btid warranted. n v it. '7 tr ruovF.niis. raovEans. "For pinking spells, Bta,dlZ7lnr.s, nant Uon nnl low prtfrlu, rely Hop Ultltriy "Read of, rroenro and um lhipllltteri, End yoa will bo rtrong ealuy and happy." "Ladtea. do yoa want to tie strontr, healthy and beautiful Then uo Uop Uliuiri. "The greatest ap petizer, stomach, plood and llvrr rrcu utor Hop llltlcrs." Clerprmen, law yers. KJIlciri, Honk ers and ladles need UoplJlttcrs dally." "flop Hitters has re stored to eohrlel y and health, perfect revks from Intern peraucu. "Soar stomach, rick hpftilrhM ,ml Hlrrl. ."50O IU he rati for a caso that llop litttera will not cura orhelp.H "nop nitters bollJi up, sfreatftbena and oures cnntlnnslly from the flrat doMi." "Kidney and TJrl naryromplKlnttof all ktndi "pennsnrntly cured by llop luuers. Hop Coron Craata and beat. Aik children. Tho nop Pad for Stomach, Liver and Klrinova i ...u.ln. to a'l olhcrT Ak D.I.C.Iaan ahaolato and Irrcalatahlo cure of npliun.intiaccoand aodnarcoUca. Alt nhvA v drumrlaii. Itoplilttrra Maimfaemrln. Co nes,Hop hlttcri curua liocneaur, J. i Send tor. Clrcnlar. Alio v, "tn-it. TI T T S 1 A TMJ'T? mn,r b" found nn file nt deo n, . .. J J I V 1'. Howell (t Lo'a Newsp,ia r Jliirt-lltl (111 b,nilV Kir,,1 m HIT" ihiut uaii'K .'u.ruriniuujr uu juaUOIor 11 IW YlllCIt feb. 14 H-lt l'eb.T, "ID-ly AND Paper Hanging. WM. F. BODINBi HOM ST., IIKLOW SECOND', III.OOMSUURO, l'A is prepared to do all kinds or HOTTSZ1 PAIWXINO Plain and OrnamcntaL PAPER HANGING, BOTH DECORATIVE AND I'LAIN. All UliuU ol'l'iirniltii u It(iiiilrc4l, uud Hindu u a guud UN ntw. NONE HUT FlltST-CI,ASS WORKMEN EMPLOYED Estimates Made on all Work, y.M. F. HOD1NE. OCt, 1,1818. M. C. SLOAN & BRO. III,UO.HSni7RGa PA. Manulacturers ot Carriagos, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs, I'LATFORM WAOONS. to. First-class workalwoya ou.hand. RUPAIIIINO NEATLY DONE. I'rlcea reduced to suit the times. MINNESOTA BaDAKOTASMBrad DAKOTA UVtH 1,000,000 ACRES OF FINE FARMINC LANDS For nl tyh WINONA A ST.rMEUU.n.iO.. It rrom 9 lo 08 pvr Atr. end on Ulnnl tenni. Wt. ud r. tgukllr tdtumi tm tit iNtik of ttF enim, TttubUi, i4v Th cliutw U uitw pui4 lut bttHtfylutii. They are Free from Iiirmtilirimrp, hW took, Mtf; tV-tatUnf fuli invrvuuutA, I CHA8, E. 8IMMON8., Mention thltpaprr in writing. AT TIIK OUANGKVILLH AOAIMiMV You con get a Thorough Education with the MiAST OUTLAY OF MiJNBy. For Catalogue, address tho. t rlnclpal, ItKV. 0 K. OAN FIELD. A prill. HH-II B fJHlNEKH 0AKD8, IDl i inn UAnua, LHITKIt IIBAUd, UIL1, JlttAUS, ttl. Neatly aud Cheaply printed at tlio Coll'm BIAN Office. At mn mn rfiuoic " Dn. BAKrono'e Iitvnn IrtvicioriATon is a Standard Family Homed v t nr ? .11 IH..T1 r.i. , uisuuwoui uiuuivur.awmaRn J and Bowels. It is Purely I vcgovauic l liovor , DcblllUtcs Itl8J uniunrurjana , Tonlo.' , Tnv jfi raa mm . va :v. s ' in1'.! M'r X v vnu: i B . tV iX- IIU' - oi 1 mrm u 1 rir " t IfSf has been nsedj .tjF in m v nmii..' V A "WO. and by tho pnbHCJ more than 85 vnn unprecedented rranH. SEND POP niDrni S. TiWi SANFORO, M.D., i?iwB?SSS f iiTDrooisTiriitTittTooiiitri'tnn. ttmtuimuutiuuu....... . ' Ami IB. "79-lY. RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE"? KAIUVAY 6UMMEK TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday. June S9, 1S79, the tialti na Inllnur, . " ' u" li uiu I ui'uuc iiuiu n. ivnn iiil iruun liiinRinn uil .... WESTWA1I1). Erie Mall lcaica I'lilladelrlila " " Ilarrlsburi? " " William' iHirt" " " derscy hhoro M " Lock Haven ' " Kenovo " arrlvn at Krlo 11 r, pm 4!3am 8 35am v in a in 9 4i) a tn lit) am 1 M p in s M a m 11 4b am ! 3' p m at,-, pin r n p in it 43 am 83 p m , Tit.', n m 8 in p m oiaatu " 13 am 1 tti a iu 11 41 a in 13 pill 10 us a m 11 sn a i.i 14 41) pin Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia iiarrisourg " air. at Wllll.iinspurt " lock Haven " " Itenovo Fast Line lenvea Philadelphia " llrtrrlsburg " urilve at wtlllamnport M " Lock Haven EASrtt'AIlD. Pacltlc Express leaves I)ck Haven uersoyauoro " ' uilllamsport " uriiioatllarrlsburir " ' Philadelphia Day Express leaves Kenovo ' " Ixick Haven " . llilamsport urrivu ui. iiarnuiirir ' " PhlladclpCla Erie Mail leaves Kenovo ' ' Lock Haven 4 iu p m 1 'in p ia o iu p in 10 mi pm 11 m i io 3 on a m 7 40 am H 35 a ra " " WllllaniBport " arrives nt Harrlsburg , " ' l'hllndclfnihi Vast Lino leaves u Mlamsport arrives at linrrlsburir " " Philadelphia 3 ft5 a ia T40am Erlo Mall west and Hay Express East mako clos euuutuuuiiB uvioruiuiuuerianu iyhu u. & u. It. a. iraius iur HKOauarru uuu ncranion, Krle .Mall West. Niagara Kxnrnqs U'nqt. nnrl Va Llnu Westmiko close connection nt WUllomsport with N..C. it. w. trains north.. Niagara Express West nnd Day Express East msKo eiose connection at lock uaven v,uim. .v, it. ii. trains. Erlo Jlall east and West connect at Erie with trains on UH (t.M.S. It. it. ; at Corry ltli o.c.s . V. It. It. ; at Emporium with 11, N. Y. A- P. IL K. unu at. iinttwooa v,iui A. v. it. u. Parlor cars will run between Phlla'ielphla and VllIaraport on Niagara hxpress west, Erlo Etpress west Pblludelnhla Kxpress east. Dav Kxd ress east and Sunday Express cast, tilceplne; cars on all night WM.A. DALDWIlf, ' ucneral bupt. VTORTHKUN CENTKAL KAILWAY XI COMPANY. on and alter November rati), 1873, trains will lean NOItTnWABD. Erie Mall a. ia., arrive Elmlra h ,5 " Canandalgua... 3.35p,ra Rochester 5.15 Niagara, 940 Kenovo accommodat Ion 1 1.1 u a, m. arrive Williams. port 12.53 p.m. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. m., arrive Elmlra 10.20 a. m. IluSalo Express 1.15 a. m. arrive Uuffalo 8.50 a. a SOUT1IWA1ID. Uanalo Exprcas 2.60 a. ra. arrive Ilarrlsburg 4.60 a. " Haltlinore 8.40 1 Elmlra Mall 11.16 a.m., arrive Harrlsburg 1.N) " Washington 10.S0" " Baltimore 0.30 14 Washington 8.31 Uarrlaburg accommodation 8.40 p. m. arruo Harm burg 10.50 p. m, arrive Baltimore 2.2.1 a. a " Waahlugton e.13 ( Erie Mall 19.55 a. m. arrive HarrlsburK 3.08 a. m, " Baltimore 8.40 " " Washington 10.35" All dally except Sunday. D. M. BOYD, Jr., General Tassengcr Agett A. J. CAS3ATT, Oeucral Manager "PHILADELI'HA AO HEADING KOAD AKRANGEJIENT OF TASSENGEB TRAINS, May II, 18T9. THUMB UiTX HOrXllT AS )OLI.OWB(ECNDiV SXCBnlO For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, PottsUle Tamaqita, &o,, 11,45 a. ra For Catawasa, 11,43 u. m. 7,21 and 7,35 p. m. For Wlllliimsport,ii,M 9,03 a. m. and 4,05 p. m. THitiisroa bchkt uirg is rOLLOwa, (acNDiTix CirTZD.) Leave New York, 8,45 a. ra. Leave Philadelphia, 9,43 a. m. Leavo lteadlng, ll,5Sa. ro., rottavllle, 12,39 p. m and Tama'qua, 1,35 p, in. Leave Catawlssa, 6,20 8,50 a. ra. and 4, 00 p. rn. Leavo wuilamsport,9.45 a.m.2,15 p. m. and 4,50 p. m passengers to and rrom New York and Philadel phia ko througd w ithout change or cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, Ueueral Uauagor. O. O, ITANCOCK, Ueneral Ticket Agent, ? Jan. 11, uie tr. D ELAWARE. LACKAWANNA ANB WE3TE11N ItAlLKOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. Time-Table No. 39, Takes effect at 4:30 A. M MONDAY. JUNE 10, 1818. NOHTH. b'lATIONS. SOUTH. mfv. HV t rj . u 0 mmm m mm mwm . n - .111 m urn mmm mm mi a.t"nna m mm w.ti' .c I I JPTt mm ari.H wsr. jyOUTHEKN CENTltAIi p.m. p.m. a.m. 11 so 4 12 9 411 1) 23 17 9 37 9 OS 9 30 tt 63 3 51 9 21 S 61 3 45 9 19 8 45 3 4l 9 14 19 41 12 M 9 33 3 30 9 04 8 13 .3 10 8 44 in tn 8 55 8 12 3 12 8 47 8 04 3 04 8 39 7 51 2 61 8 28 7 38 2 39 8 11 7 12 2 31 8 1! 11s nn a 05 7 18 4 7 14 7 10 7 02 2 04 7 44 t Ml 1 67 t 38 0 50 1 61 7 83 45 1 49 7 29 tt 27 I 21 III 5 15 00 I 00 9 45 p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m ....Scran ton. ...... .....llcllevuo. ...... Taylorvllle.... ...Lackawanna.., Ptttston .. West Pltuton... 9 33 2 10 a io 2 15 6 20 9 45 2 22 25 2 30 6 3 Jj 6 40 2 44 6 43 2 49 6 60 2 63 t5 n 57 59 9 58 ..Wyoming.. 10 07 IH..JWtl ilaltby. Bennett. .. Kingston..... Kingston ..Plymouth June. . .Plymouth..... Aondale Nantlcoke .Uuulock'st reek, ...Milckshlnny.... ....Hick's Ferry.... ....Beach Haven... Berwick .... Briar creek , Willow drove.... Lime Itldgc... .....Espy.. ...Bloomsburg..... ltupert Catawlssa Bridge. ,,...lunvlUe,..... Chulasky Cameron .Northumberland. 10 18 16 7 10 10 S3 8 IS 7 If a iu iia 3 13,7 25 3 21 7 S3 3 25 7 41 3 35 8 04 3 60 8 23 4 03 8 IS , in a ts 10 tj 10 34 10 4 'i 10 65 11 07 11 13 iiai 41s jv; 4 13 ' , 4 29 7 23 4 33 7 30 11 39 4 42 I 11 43 4 49 8 pi !17 6 .8i? 1 !! H V is .. SO 9 55 12 45 6 45 9 50 p.m. p.m. a,n W. F. nALSl'KAD, btiPt- w AINWRIOIIT & CO.. WHOLESALE UUOCEIU, PuiLaoktrnu, Dealers In TEAS, SYltUPS, COFFEE, SUOAIt, MOLASSES, bicx, srnia, biciib bodi, ic, io. N. E. Corner Socoad and Arch strocta, larordera will teoclraprompt attention.