The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 24, 1879, Image 3

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    -r. nnT T1 ir m I at
1 1 ir i i i i . 1 1 ivi i i n m
ntooMsntmi, rmiiAt, olioiieu u, im
Rail Koad Time Table.
" MORTH. sooin.
T.S9A. M.
.4.49 P. M
11.4.1 A. M
-commodatlon Train,.
. (Train ....... I ...I i
ill n'
T.M A. M
, 11.00 M.
Train .M P, M.
Homn. south
-mmodatlon Train 8,53 A. M. T,M P. M.
Tolar BPrcs 4.M P. M. MM A. M.
rnrcmgh cars on Express train cither to Now York
.....oiiMiii. Accommodation train runs between
,tawl3Siiand Williams jiuru
ait Invl IUVJ
D1AUU LI I I..l,
.n nivnyanntui.--LoaTO Cambra MnnilAV.
Wrdnesday and Friday at (1:80 a. m., orrlToat
UlnniiUDUrif u ii.auiv.iii. iauw iiiunwsuiincuu
iamodiys alter arrlral of Pdlladelphla mall?
..fnl AKD 1.AIS0SVIL...E. Ieave IJllnlaVll 0
.rfinnir at Uloornsburg by U m. Leave lllooms.
5 iw on same days after arrival ol Pnrladelphla
Biff iliesugollno terminates atMUlTlllo.
ntnn and llloomsourff. A daily stage lino leaving
iirnton In the moral ag and returning in the cvo-
ning of the samo aay.
imr 1111. aif iii-oOMSBrmn.-Leave VtTUto Ha l
irrtTtnn it Uloornsburg by 10 a. m. Leave Ittooins.
burg on samo days alter arrival ot Philadelphia
.un lit niUQRrnn.tinvna lti.ntnn Vnnngv
Wedniwday and Friday at", a. m., arriving at
nloomsuurir ub a v. uu LA:iieo iiiuumsuiirfr I lies.
day, Tnursilay and Saturday at 8'a. m., arriving
at it:nton at J p. m.
Jcfso Haines, executor of J. Watson Hibba,
i...,.,t. will flpll Vfllliallln Timlipr T.anil nn
t. Tnn:., n.t ..--J
.1.- XTopAmhAr. 19th IRTO .
I, K, Krickbaum and A. H. I'enington Ad-
'.!.i..lnM n f Ti.lifil Pnrlrfl: ilopenaai. . will aoll
A. J. Hess, administrator of Hiram Lunger,
, .1 ,tll tail nnl eelnla Unli...
to. Oct. 25, on premises in Suearloaftwt),
J, II. Hetler, & J, II, IIarter,ndministrators
r Un-lo,- .U.niu1 tclll Coll ,.ll.l..
..I .il.t, nn nmniiad In tlttlln I nr.. nn
t . tr!-..l r. T) l r
1. IV. iriCnUaUlll, lib 11 Ul. ..riUK, UAfCUlUTS Ol
iKQua jiniiK, uccciisuii. win nun TuiuHuio rem
state on premises in lienton, twp., on Oct. 25.
f. 1C. Krickbaum, k Diniel SliulU, executors
f Philip Sbultz, deceased, will sdl valuable
.nt nettta nn nrPin tuna tn Ttontnn twn nn
See advertisements in another column,
Tlie heirs of John Swiiber, dee'd, will tel.
on on Saturday Nov. 8lh, 1879.
The administrators of. Margaret H. Smith
re'd win sen personal property anci real es ale
i premises near Jersey town on Friday Oct.
UNTIL JANUARY 1st, 1880.
TERMS, $2.00 A TEAR.
vi r. Ik J in if m si a! li inu ibkiiiu'
Xotwlthstanding tlie cbange !n this cilice n
...'t fill.. ! 1 1 1. -
U raniuisiun anu evervuuuv win kuuw iruui
hoi oro. mrl c ft toil . W mnfprplv r.ntiP. nnfl
n ucioDir iai ioju. win a ku noon, an
rm-kwAv m KIutpII ilfmre IhPir nrrnunlH (o he
'nriiimrAv in tlm nast niiriit vrara wn nrn
i ii ; t. l i.
Liiinir oi uiu Kiuu. iia uu huiis w iii ue u uuuu t
f. 1 l .1! II l
T 1 il . fll 1. . iJ.1
Uavinir been nomirated by the Nathan
Party for the office of SherifT I take tnic
method of informinir rnv frends irresneo
tive of party that lama candidate for elec-
it the election to be Held JMov. 4tn ibl'J.
tf. U. H. Ent.
.....crone,, ,, ,he mtn h d
. """"uncing a roi walk
SmW . ' I , 1 yllkM"'" e fined
thl .l "!"wln,1,e; I' served
ied on UV L K0Ck.0f Wym,n8
TllTn ftftcrno'.t that place.
The funeral was l.rgrly attended, and all p,co
Mr I Z:r C,,tA M"e 010
kie'w him Tn" p0pular wilh lo
Fatal AcctDEnx-Oeorge Ilreece of M.dL
-on low.ll!p ftll ffom , (ree
mo lnKMlk, icaJiind 7
' ", LW,,,,p0.T ,hit ,,,ey wcte 'P-
I'ery and he lonthls foolhold.
,nnnI'C'Pr;r h" "ie 1
u "'l,k I' f'n'"',to 'ake a situation In the
joboflioeofMr. Yordy, Mr. Howman I, a
young ,,, who recently finLh.d hi, trade "at
UnhtpMcan office. We wish him 6UC.
The town council of Tow.mda ha' contracted
w lh a Iionlon company lo build water works
Illoomslmrg, which U fully one half larger
than Towanda, has hem fooling over the same
matter for jfats, Towanda people want water
lo drink, the other fellows don't.-tfutf.Wi
A man named llrookhart was sen tenced to
fifteen years in the penitentiary last Saturday
In Willianisport. HI, crimo wa3 n atr6cious
assault upon a Httlosirl. The court gave him
the full extent of the law. Hanging is too
good for such men,
The new unifirms of the Band arrived Iab!
week, and they made their first appearance on
Thursday morning. The uniform la grey
trimmed with black, with silver bands and
buttons, It Is a very pretty dress.
A.'Ij. Frilz, E'ij., who was recently married
to Ml.s Dora Evans, while attending 'the f-tate
Fair at Philadelphia, has go-ie to visit New
York, and oilier eastern cities. We wish the
couple a long life of happlnens.
Ouo letter used in our specimens at the lair
was borrowed from the Republican, but not any
ink, ns that paper falsely alleges. Considering
,t. r, .l... r. ,i. , . .
mo mti wn .uu ucpuoman borrows something
irom us every lime it gets a job, it was pretty
small potitocs to speak of our fair display In
tho way in which it did. Hereafter lit it be
distinctly understood that we neither lorrow
nor lend.
TUB FA in.
Wo aro requested to announce that' tho uex
mtctingofthe Slato Granga will bo held nt
Uloomsburg on the Oib of December. The
executive committee of the Columbia county
Pomona Urango will hold a moeting on No
vembor 7th to make arrangements for the
same. The body numbers about 500 members
and our people will undoubtedly do all in their
power for tho entertainment of lhe"visitors.
Invitations are out announcing the wedding
of Mr. rrauk B. Thornton, and Miss Linle II
Angle, both of Danville l'a. Tl.e ceremony is
pet down for Wednesday evening Ocl. 23, at the
elegan tly furn ished res idence of Mr. W ill jam
Angle, father of the bride elect. The contract'
ing parties belong to the highest circles of
Danvillo Society,and the event will undoubted
If be a most brilliant and fashionable affair.
Miss Annie is one of Danville's belles, and
numbers her admirers by the score, both at
home and abroad, Breakfast Table.
The Young Men's Christian Association of
Iierwick, fPa., have arranged their Second
tiiiuil Lecture Course as follows, to bo deliv
er; J in Association Hall : November 1st,
encral Kilpatrick, "Incidents and Battle
Scenes of the Rebellion. ' November 28lh,
Kev. O, II. Fowler, D. D., LTj, D. "Muscle
Brain,'.' December 15tli, Chaplin C. C.
McUabe. D. D. "Bright Side of Life in I.ibby
risonv" January 14th Colonel C. G, Jackson.
How we Murder the King's English." A
membeiship ticket in the Association entill
the holder to admission lo all ihe above Lec
lures. Course tickets may be had at the stores
or from'membe.-s for $1, No deduction from
is price will be made afier any of the Lec
tures. Single admission 35 cents. Persons
esiring Course Tickets should secure them at
once as only a limited number will be sold.
'ersons from neighboring towns may score
lickels by addressing Lecture Cjramittee,
Young Men's Christian Association, Berwick,
The Miners' Hospital will be located at Ash
Judire Elwell held argumeut court In Dan.
lilleon Monday
The Post office at Willow Vale has been dis
contluued by Ihe Department.
Articles lefiatlhe Fair dinner may be
found by inrjulry of Mr- Win. Elwell.
The Convocation of Wllllamtport held its
Hjular meeting In Danville this week.
Iialah Hnpert of Ha?1iton,ent a ftwdays
Blown with his family during the fair.
The Sjnod of Harrisbuig and Presbytery
of fioitbuniberland are in session at Williams.
I port.
Clarence Keller, a graduate of this office was
I in town during the fain He is now employed
is me othce or the amnion liepuwican.
Tho long wished for rain came on Saturday
flernoon,and produced a very agreeable change
in the atmosphere.
iTheAshtonsliad full houses on Friday and
Eiturday nights. Everybody was pleased with
The ladies of the Epircopsl church cleared
wrly three hundred dollars at the Dining hall
to the fairgrounds last week.
The Congregation of the Reformed church
ill hold a festival in the Operi House Friday
'tenlng October 31st and' Baturday evening
November 1st for the benefit of the Sunday
Three men In abucev. drawn bv a steer ii
'nil harness and with a bit In his moutli,creatcd
le a sensation on the streets last Friday,
Itie buegy was nroltr well filled, and so were
it .'irs. it, j, Parker at the Iron Bridge aboy
I wangevllle is an experienced carpet weaver,
l will receive ciders for work, at reasonable
The London Lancet a medical iournalof high
repute, publishes the following timely advice :
This being tho season when game killed
by shot, and probably containing the pellets, is
eaten, it may be worth while to caution those
who consume the flesh of birds with avidity
that the proportion of instances in which shot
is found is probably small in comparison with
the number of cases in which the pellets are
nwitlingly swallowed. It is a matter of
peculation how much mischief a shot may do
when passed into the Intestines, but the fact
that anomalous diseases have been set up by the
pr :ence of very small bod ies which have been
mangled in folds of the mucous membrane
renders It desirable to put lho public on their
guard. Occasionally the most disastrous re
sults have followed such small causes. We
have In recollection Ihe case of a physician who
died after prolonged and unexplainad suffer
ings from the impaction of a very small nail
which had found its way into a pudding, and
was Inadveitently swallowed. A little care will
avoid this contingency; but, remembering that
the bird had been shot, some pains ought cer
tainly to be taken to avoid swallowing the mls-
On Wednesday morning of last week the sun
shone forth bright and warm, and at an early
liour large numbers of people began to gilher
at the Fair Grounds to enter their goods for
exhibition. In the fancy and household de
partments, thero was quite a flue display, made
up a. It Is, knitting,
fancy needle work, carpets, paintings, and aome
articles with ho name. There was a larger d Is
play than usual of canned fruits, some of them
very templing to the eye and moulh. Bread
anil butter, cake and pie, were there In abundj
ance. Vegetables and big pumpkins were also
on hind. The carriage i eparlment has gener
ally been one of the moil attractive on the
grounds, by the presence of (he fine goods of
M. C, Sloan k Bro, This year their display
was small but first-class,
There were some chickens as fine as any one
can see In the larga poultry shows. We men
tion especially a pair of whllo Cochins entered
by Master Charles W. McKelvy, and a trio of
light Brahmas entered by Master ttobert
The fat cattle, pigs and sheep were about as
There was a large display of agricultural
machinery , and among Ihese Ihe Oiborne self
binding Harvester attracted most attention.
This machine cuts tho graln,rnlls it In bundles
binds it with wire, and (blows it off ready lobe
hauled In. The Oborne Mowers, Reapers ami
Rakers, were abm (hero. Mcsirs, Harman A
Uassertof (his (own are agents for (he machin
ery, '
The fit woman, Ihe white African with
bushy hair, the cheap Johnny, tho four pin
man, ihe sword swaJlower( the phrenologist, the
safety lamp man, tho flying homes, and manv
other persons and things which weio intended
to amuse, swindle or cheat the old
and young, were all there and seemed to be
doing a biisk business.
One thing noticeable was the alienee of any
displays from the establishments of our busi
ness men. Heretofore there have been fine
shows of furniture, stoves and ranges, harness? i,
itc i but none of them appeared this year.
The managtment appears , to have been con
ducted on strictly economical principles. Tho
Premium l'sl was not published in (he connly
papers, but was printed in pamphlet form, and
about 1200 of these were supKised lo be distri
buted through and be sufficient for a uuuntr of
30.000 inhabitants, while people outside 'of the
county had no means of knowing what preuii
inins were offered.
The Award list, we understand is to be pub
lished in the same way, and the people of this
county mutt be sali, tied with guessing at who
got the pre,miums. One thousand slips, which
is the number ordered,-are jut about enough lo
supply Rlootii'liiirg. The receipts this year
were from twenly.five lo fi lly dollars tinre than
last year, and as the printers cHiinot nfljrd to
publish tin; Award lit fir nothing, therelore it
is no' publinlicd in the papers (al least not any
to speak of) for fear the expense thereof would
reduce the receipts a few dollar below what
they were Jsst year. There was $300 given
away lo horse jockeys, but there is nothing to
pay for the Information of the people.
The ridicolous blunder of the Republican
candidate for sheriff in requesting us to "do
something fur him" made the Republican so
much ashamed of him that it lot its temper
cnluely with us for telling of it In tho ab
sence of what it would call'ils "experienced"
editor we excuse the youth who so intelligently
wields the shears and fills the columns of that
able journal with editorials from the New York
Tribune, for his outburst of passion. He hns
been running a paper about six weeks longer
than we have, and therefore he can call us
"novice" with impunity on account of his
much larger experience. Whilo his tutor
in politics travels aroand at tho expense
of the public, he stays nt homo to keep
his candidate straight, and gets mad at us be
cause he cant do1 it. That "friendly call"
is good, especially so ns tho caller spent some
little time in consulting different persons as lo
whether ho should come in and ak us to sup
port him, before he ventured it, and came then
with the advice that he better let if aloce if ho
ilid not wish to be ridiculous. We have had
sufficient experience to enable us to understand
tho English language, which from somo things
that appear in the R(pullican occasionally leads
s to suppose) that our neighbor has not. That
oes not happen very often however; only
hen he does nis own writing. If "Keep
agrees to pay the eight dollars and twcntycenla
the Republican seems so anxious to get hold of,
wo prefer to havo it come through other hands.
Our chances of getting it will bo thereby in'
creased. Mr, Republican At you don't want
your candidate to show his Ignorance, tie him
p, and save yourself the sweat he put you in
last week.
At D.'cemusr pensioDS oi court l7o a young
girl was brought before Ihe bar on a charge of
larceny. She had been confined in Ihe jail
some weeks previously. In court she put in a
plea of guilty, by her Counsel, and rwas sen
tenced to the House of Refoge in Philadelphia. week she juaue her appearance in town
again, but how she got here, nobody. appears to
now, On Friday morning Ihe i. ecu pants of
several houses on Market and Main streets were
aroused from their slumbers by the ringing of
their front door bells. On .answering the calls
this girl appeared and olered for sale knives
forks and spoons', saying she had to start' ."out
early as she wanted'to sell them before, ,eight
o'clock when she' wan led la leave town. Wheth
er anybodyjbpught them of her we, know no',
but are informed ihlt when the family of Wil
liam Robbins, superintendent of the Gas
Works, went to cat breakfast they had no knives
forks or spoons. This girl had slipped in
door left open fur Mr. Robbins on his return
early in the looming, and captured their table
ware, hence her anxiety to dispose of them so
early. . .
She is' not of sound mind evidently, and
should be looked after by some one. It is said
she has no friends in this section.
Messrs, Harman A Iltaicrt of this town aro
ajents for the Osborne A Co., Agricultural Ma'
chtnerr, which was on exhibition at the fair.
The Reaper and self hinder Is the perfection uf
machanlsm. It enables ouo man to tut, bun
dle and bind a halve,! will, perfecl'ease. The
mac! Inery Is not complicated nor likely to Ret
out of order, and weighs only 1200 pounds.
They are also agents for Ihe Independent reaper
and the Mower made by the same company.
Osborne A Co, are large inannfacturtrs of the
best agricultural implements, and Harman A:
Haasert aro tho right men to sell It. They are
practical machinists of long experience and
This falal disease has made many homes
desolalo tn Catawlssa recently. B. W. Forlner
lost a little lioy six years old, OT W. Relfsny-
der a little boy of four years. A grand.son of
N, FWier, two children of James McClure
also died of Ihe same malady. There have
beerrjiany olhcr caaes holh of children and
aUU1l.'Ve congratulate Ihe editor of the Cat
awlssa lien on the recovery of his little son,
The lato rain has maifo tho grass and grain
have filled up a room especially for the display Ic0.'f Er"n 1'ul tB" not fll,ed our PrlnE
oi these goods. Ihey are also extensively eie
1 ! .L IS . . .
kkcu in inc rounary anu machine business,
and are prepared to fill all orders in their
juniLEK op cmtisT cnunuii, dam-illb.
The 2Stli day of October being the 60th an.
nlversary of the Consecration of Christ Church
(Prot, Episcopal) In Dmvllle, that church
being an ofT shoot of St. Tanl's Church.Blooms
burg, Festival and commemorative services
are appointed for this week. On Friday at
7,30 p. m. Evening prayer (choral) wllh a scr- ct for Boston last Tuesday.
George Fleckcnstino has his new liouso al-
most enclosed.
Tho windows in Low's and ulso in Stewart's
Blores present a very fine appearance. Tho
buyers of fancy articles will bo ablo to suit
themselves from theso stores for we never saw
a finer display in Orai'gevllle.
Tho public school opened Monday with n
largo number of students. Mr. Herring and
Miss Eves are the teachers.
Mrs. Canficld and her cousin, Miss Proctor
E. P. Eunkel's Bitter Wino of Iron.
This truely valuable tonlohaabocnsothorougtilj
tested by all classes of (ho community ttiat It Is now
deemed Inilcspensable as a tonle medicine. It costs
hut little, purines the hlnod and ulrra lonotothe
stomach, rcnoates tie sistcm a'i.1 prol6ogs life.
Kverruoiiy nouia nave It. For the cure of weak
stomachs, General Debility, Indigestion, Diseases
of tho Stomach, and for all casea requiring a tonle.
This wine Includes the most agreeable and ef
ficient Halt of Iron we posaess-Cilrate of .Msgnetlo
oxide, combined wltla the most encrgctlo ot vegcta-
o tonics Yellow Peruvian Baric,
Do you want something to strengthen you ?
Do you want a good appetite t
Do you want to get rid of nervousness t
Do you want energy ? ,
Do you want to sleep well 1
Do you want to build up your constitution T
Do you want to feel well t
Do you want a brisk and t Igorous feeling J
If you do try Knnkel's Illiier trine of Iron.
only ask a trial ot this valuable tonlo.
Hcwaro ot counterfeits, as hunkel'a IHlter Wlno of
Iron Is the only sure and efficient remedy In the
known world for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia
mon from Rev. A. Lauderbich of Phlla. and
Rector in Danville in 1837. Saturday morning
at 10.30, a sermon from Rev. J, I, Elsegood of
Long Island, Rector In Danville In 1849.
Saturday evening a reception at the Rectory for
all the Rectors, ti which all their friends and
Mrs. James Codding of Towanda is visiting
at A. Patterson's.
Mr. and Mrs. Abnor Welsh are now in Eas-
The Lyceum exercises al tho Academy last
former acquaintances aro invited. Sunday lonuay n,K" "cro pronounced a great success.
tro lingaCom nen oratlve Discourse by thepresj The final announcement, and closing cxer.
ert Rector. Sunday aficrnoon.a Sermon al Grace ciscs of tho Academy will be held on Thurs
Church, Rlverslde,by the Rev. R.O. Page o(
Brooklyn and Rector in Danville in 1831,
Sunday evening a Sermon by Rev, Milton C.
Lightner of Ilinghamlon and Rector In . Dan
ville In 1843. All of ihe five former Rectors of
Danville now living are expected to be present.
Episcopalians and others interested nre invited
to atlend,
day evening of next week. - The prospects for
next term arc said to be very good.
Owing to tho blunder of a clerk, the State
appropriation for the Pennsylvania Institu
tion for tho Deaf and Dumb failed to be
come a law. This involves tho directors of
the institution in great trouble, and they
have, as a last resource, made an appeal to
Agreeably to promise, I will tell you more of Publ'f t0 raato B?d h 'ing bono
our Literary Society. The meetings nre held
every Friday evening in the hall of the Y, M.
C. A At the last meeting there was a selection
of pose and an essay on ''Evolution and
Christianity" read; a song, and then n debate
on "Do the signs of tho times indicato the
downfall of our Republic," Thero were six dis
putants. The Judges decided in the affirma
tive. Tho negative speakers fur Ibis Friday
evening nre to be pitied. 'Ihey are young men
and ot course have considerable rcgArd for tho
opinions of the fair, ones ; and yet they are
going to contend that "The Mental Capacities
of tho Sexes aro unequal," that i, the female
is smaller lhan the male.
Alloi.naOct. Olh 1879.
Mr srs. EniTons. Soroo kind friend sent
me a copy of the R publican in which I see the
account of a medical Comedy enacted in your
town not long since, also the letters sent to the
papers by that great "Humbug's" victims. Hav
ing been one of hit victims mycelf I wish to
give him a "dig" if you will be kind enough to
publish it. Iliad been a sufferer from that
dreadful malady Epilepsy for a long long time
notwithstanding the skill or many very promln
ent physicians and the trial of quantities of
advertised ' sure cures" for fits. I grew worse
until 1 was compelbd lo give up my work en
tirely and lost my good otl(ion at engineer on
Ihe Rail'Road. In January 1877 I applied to
Dr. Turner.lelling him my whnls situation. He
at once began Ihe treatment of my case and
at once began to Improve and never, from that
moment have had a return or even symptom of
Ihe disease. This was In January 1877 and it
has been more lhan a year sine" I have taken
any medicine and this wonderful Extortionist
charged me much less than iry owngocd family
Physician could have rendered one quarter the
services.for nor do I believe the medicine 1 hav
been taking could or wouhl have been put up
by any other Druggists for what I paid him
for (he whole services. I only wlah I could
give hlui one hundred dollars for every one 1
did pay, and I can only pray that we may have
many more of. the same kind of "Humbugs and
Very truly yours,t
O W. Mvers.
Chew JicxsoN'lllUTHweetNavy Tubacco.
week, the'quo-lion is to be of greater interest
nd importance, and is lu he discus'cd by such
ns ought to bo able lo enlighten the public on
many important point". The question is, "Are
National Banks an injury to our country. "S.
C. Jnync and B. F. Cri'pin of tho 1st National
Bank and O . 11. Jackson will sustain the neg
ative, and'F. Stewart, Dr. Freas and L. Thomp
son the affirmative.
The Independent has again changed hand3,
faction of tho State. As tho next Legisla
ture doci not nssemblo until 1881, it will be
scon that the necessity for benevolent action
Is more urgent.
Jos,:s Jemison AtlheM. E. Parsonage
in Mifllinville by Rev.C. L. Benscoler, Ocl,
9th John J. Jones of Bloomsbuig to Miss Hat
tie Jemlson of I, in. e Ridge,
Cadman Foulk On tho 10th inst., at the
M. E. Parsonage in Bloomsburg Pa,, by Rsv
E.,I1. Yneilm. Mr. Chsrlps ndmnn In Mi
lorl-ridjyot next tjM,e Foulk, both of Bloomsburg
and Debility and as there aro a number oflmltatlona line, theaco along sold county line south eight and
ono-oaii degrees west ninety-six and four-tenths
perches to a post, tho placo of beginning, containing
Blxty-two perches and allowances, forty-rive acres of
wuicnareingood state ot cultivation, whereon is
erected two
Frame Dwelling Houses,
frame barn, and out-bulldlngs. Thero Is a good
spring of water, a good b-artng APPLB ORCHARD,
and other fruit trees on tho premises.
i crms made known on diy ot sale.
Octl,ta. ' KXKaU,n-
Iiy virtue ot sundry wrlta Issued out ot the Court
of Common Pleas ot Columbia county and to mo di
rected, will bo exposed to publto sale at the Court
Houso tn tho town of llloomsbuig, Columbia county,
Pennsylvania, at one o'clock p. m on
Saturday, October 25, 1879.
AUthat certain lot or plcco cf land -ltuato In
Brlarcreck township, Columbia county and state ot
Pennsylvania bounded and described as follows, to
wn t On the north by land of Oeorgo Uower, on the
east by land ot Swank, on tho bouUi and west by
lands of (leorgo llelford, containing seven acres
more or less on which aro erected a frame dwelling
house and out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken In execution at the salt of William
Olrton, Administrator of Itachael tllrton against Ed
ward H. Uower and Jacob Dower and to bo sold as
the property of Edward It. Uower and Jacob Uower.
Stewart, Attorney. FI, Fa.
All that certain lot or piece of land situate In
Fishlngcrcek township, county ot Columbia and
slate of Pennsylvania known as tract Mo. lot tho es
tato of William Uuckatew deceased, and bounded
and described as follows, to-wit 1 On tho north by
lands ot on the cast by .'lands ot John
offered to the publlc.1 would caution the community
to purchaso nono but tho genuine article, manufac
tured by C P. Kunkel, atd halng his stamp on the
cork of every bottle. Ths very fact that others aro
attempting to Imitate this valuable remedy proves
Its worth and speaks volumes In Its favor, cold
onlyln ft bottles or six bottles for 3 Try this valu
able medicine and be convinced of ltt merits. Hold
by druggtata and dealers everywhere.
Tape Worm Removed Alive.
Head and all complete, In two hours. No fee till
hcon passes. Beat, Pin and stomach Worms re-
mo, ed by Dr. Kunkel, SG9 North Ninth street, Phila
delphia, Pa. Send tor a circular with a treatise on
all kinds of worms, Advlco free. Ask your druggist
for a bottle of Kunkel's Worm Syrup, which will do
tho work. Priced. It never falls to remove all
kinds, from children or grown persons. Directions
with It.
In the matter of tho estate of John lloston. de.
Now sentcmber 13. is,. on motion of c. w. sillier
and Ueo. K. Llwell, counsel for creditors and W. ,T,
uuckaiew, attorney for estate, the court appoint F.
P. Blllmver auditor to distribute tho monevln the
hands of D. U Chanln. Administrator of John doh-
ton, deceased.
The Auditor tn pursuance of the foreroln? ad-
polntmcnt, will attend lo the duties thereof at hta
onice In Uloomsb,urg on Friday November Uh. at lo
o'tlock A.M., when and where all parties Interested
will present their claims or bo debarred from coming
muu sum luuus.
r. 1'. UlLLHYKK,
oct. lo, ta.
The undersigned auditor amwlnted bv the Ornhans'
Court of Col. couoty, to make distribution of the
money In tlin handset John App'eman, Administra
tor. 10 anu among parties emuieu tncreio, win at
tend to the dutlea ot his appointment at the omeo of
Dawsox Fowler. On the 9lb inst., at the
reti.luiicj of the bride's father at Espy Pa,, by
Iiov. E. II, Yucuru, Mr. Moore Dawson toMias
Djlla Fowler.
Smith Cbossgbovk by Rev. G. V.Savidge
Sept. 25lh, W. E.Smith of Col. Co. lo Miss
Susan E. Crossgrove of MorUou' county.
Carb Brbece Al the brides home, Oct
Olh Diniel Carr of Columbia county, to Mirs
tho Edilor'now being Mr. Bowman, fortaerlylof K,(e Greece of
your town. He proposes printing Ins own
"outside" in a short time, devoting ono or two
columns to educational matter, to be conduct
ed by an 'old tenpher. I see no reason why he
should not succeed. Ho may bo young and
Lewis Welliver. At the M, E. Parson
age uf Jersey town, Oct 15th, S, T. Lewis of
Berwick to Ella J. Welliver of Jersey town.
Fkazjer IlEnn On Thursday October the
10th 1879 at the Lutheran Parsonage East
yet have tho ability of an nlderman. He has Main 8t. Bloomsbure bv the Rev. O. D. S.
energy, .confidence and determination, for I Mtrclay, Mr. Daniel E. Frazier and Miss Sar .h
we8t'n3- J.iHerr both of Washinetonvllle. Pa.
that thero is an organized band of thieves Moser Carr. On the same 'day .nd date
in our vicinity is no longer doubted by tho at Ihe same rlace and by the aame, Mr. John
merchants of Mifflin, Wnpwollopen and Ber S.,Moser and Miss Martha J. Carr, also both
I.L Tl, A.- 1 ....! 1 - .....
of Washingtonville Pa.
Flour per barrol
i loverseea .
wick. The former place has twico suffered
Wapwollopcn once and the latter twice. Last
Friday night, members of this band effected an
entrance into the store of P. Loeb, clothier of
this place, and made off with perhaps n hun- BLOOMSBURG MARKET.
dred dollars worth of goods : the finding of n Wheat ner buahel
large heap of coats etc., in the back yard next fgjj, new
uiuruing, reveuieu tne .met mat the 'tuieves
were disturbed,and thus did not effect
thorough clean-out which was evidently their I K!K?5el1 'S1.'
purpose, naving naa with, tnem a .horse and
wagon. Suspicion points ata few to betnem-
hers of this band, but no 'arrests have been
made, Nono of the gang are believed to livo
in town.
Hi Henry was here, had a full boufe: but
wothoughttho entertainment was very ordin
ary. The "Ashtons " find more favor but had I NoJis
Tallow f....-.
Dried Amies
Mains ',. 1)V
Sides &. Shoulders iw
Lard per pound .-. UT
Hay per ton lo.vo
Ueeswax . .25
Timothy Seed 8.00
vuoianuna ma cuau .
No, t on Wharf , 2.51 per Tor,
n smaller house. Little Dorrit is pretty and a Blacksmith's Lutuyon'wKaJi..'.'..'.'..' .V
ituuimuuua ....
very winning actress. I saw her last night us I
By the way, I don't think much ofour Fair.
Columbia should do better,
Berwick Oct: 2181879.
Business Notices
600 barrels Fine Salt .ou track hei
bosold at S1.G0 per barrel," full weight
eeq, caliBoon, going. last.
Une or the beet ways to make money is to
lo secure an agency for the
sale of an article that is jndispensible
every family j-and-Tor-whlch there is a great
demand. The Universal family Platform Scale,
ero, to
W. Aul,
Espy, Pt
Ladies Ready Made Coats, Dolmans, and
a full line ot Cloths to make from 90 cents
ub', with a full line of Waterproofs and
Cloths. Also a lures and complete stock of
Dress Goods and Trimmines at lowest
patented DecemberJiJ, JS78. h au article of pr(cea at Clark Hi Son's.
Doctor J. Schuyler respectfully offers hi
professional services to the citizens
lilonnisburg and vicinity. Having graduated
in 1843'after 20 years of practice, he was
nuiiged on account ol Dyspepsia, llheuma
this kind. .f Its beauty, accuracy and conven-
lence.seiis iia, signt loevery housekeeper; it
is made of brass highly polished or nickel plat
ed, has no weights to get lost,
an I Is always, ready for use ; the sale of these
bcalta during. the past year was so 'great that tistn. Neuralgia, &c to abandon the activ
the proprietors were unable to manufacture I duties of his profession. During this time
he has made the cause and euro of his own
illl a special study, advising with the best
meuicai talent ana witn very nappy results.
llf will make the treatment of tho same
anuoying complaints a specialty.
Yourcan eet Appleton "A" Muslin at
l.uiz a Dioan tor sets, oy tne con,
Call at McKInney'a for Shoes.
A very pleasant rain Saturday evening.
Farmers are busy husking corn.
Apples are selling at twenty five cents per
Christian Small lost one of his best horses
last Saturday evening by Borne disease
Sam Lee the miller has already ground
new corn. ho ean beat thatr
William Helwig has twenty pairs of new
boots and shoes lo mako.
Charles F, Long of Danville was visiting his
parents at this place Sunday.
Jefferson Achy of Franklin paid Ihe family
of Mrs. John Snyder a short visit ou Saturday
The Columbian Is the leading Democratic
paper in this county.
Mr. Jerry Scott has a cabbage head that
weighs Iwenlf three pounds.
Walter II illman will soon open a schod for
the teaching of vocal and Instrumental music
Fuccetr to "Bollcy," ' "
Lota of apple cuttings around here, , .
No diptherla in this couiuitinity at prssenj".
We tip our hat for this time and ah'oujd this
prove acceptable you may hear from us again
ihein last enough to fill (heir orders,,!)" Ihey
now have Increased facilities- for turning them
oulj-nnd are prepared to fill all orders a", soon
as received with a greatly Improved scale. Thev
give their sgents exclusive territory to work
n and they seldom fail to mike from S5.00 u
$10.00 per day, whicli is likely to keep up for
the coming fall and winter. We advise yon In
write lo the Ohio Scale Works. 12.5 and 127
Central Avenue, Cincinnati!, Ohio, for descrln- UnouMJanton P lannels lor 8, y, 1U, 1J.J..J4,
tl.e circulate and term, to Arrenls mentinnin. 0 ?.nu 18 cenw Per l"1 Hl'3 im
our paper. i-.ght Btreet, oept. ly-zn,
pet. 17, 3 w. JUcKinneyi Shoe Store below .Court
tll kinds of stoneware. J. 1. 11 and
Hili Inst. of I gallon flat and high pots, anil 2. 3, 4,5 and
Diptherla. John H.Oallfiider. In the 18th vear M Rallon nuple and cream pots, with -C
of his age. The deceased was a student ofNew M,.l,ut"d". l,,.'.ce Vom I2 "-'"f.'1.
Of VALtf AllI.R
lly virtue ot a writ of Lev. Fa. Issued outot Ihe
Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county and to
me directed, will be espmd lo public aalo on
the premises In llcrwlek. Pa., nt I o'clock, n. tn.. on
i uu imacrsignca Ksecutors or rump mhuiu, late Mniwlii v Nnvnmhpp 1 0f Ii 1 871)
of Dsnton township, Columbia ominty deceased, will 1 . " ' iovcnluer lum 10'v
expose to publle salo on Uio prerntsestn Denton town-
snip on
Tuesday, October 28th, 1879,
at ten o'clock In the forenoon the following describ
ed real estite, to-wlti lieglnotng at a poat at a
corner ou the Luzcrno county line thence
along land of K.las Hhultt north thirty-three and.
ono-half degrees west one hundred and slzty-sevcn
and seven tenuis perches lo a post, thence along
laid ot I). O Moss ono and one-half degrees, east
ctguty-Mx and two tenths perches to a eorner form
eilya whIUjoak, thence along lands of Samuel Wil
son and John Wells north eighty-eight and ono-half
degrees east one hundrod and thirty-four perches to
a post, thenco olong land of James Wilson north
eighty-two and one-half degrees cast forty-11,0 and
clght-tentlia porches to a post on Luzerne county
All that certain piece' ot land situate In tho borough
ot Iierwick, ColnmMa county, Pa., bounded on the
norlh by land of (aul Klkendall, and lot of Charles)
A. Pecker, on tho cast by lot of Sarah Ilocker, on
the south by Canal street and on the west by lot of
Mrs John M. Bnyder, the aamo being ono hundred
and forty-eljht andabalt feet aloig Canal street
and forty-nlno and a halt feet mora or less In depth,
being southern end of lota number thtrty-nrc, thirty
two and thirty-six as marked and numbered In gen
eral plan of said borough, on which aro erected a
largo three story frame hotel, containing eleen bed
rooms and other largo rooms, to-wlt t Sitting room
parlor, dicing room, bar room, Ac., a large frame
stable, and framo shed, a.woll of good wafer on
the premises.
Seized, taken In execution at the suit of X. Wer
nett against Philip feponey with notice to Jane
Wagner, tcrre tenant and to bo sold as tho property
ot Philip Bponty with notice to Jane Wagner.terro
Jacison, Attorney. Lev. Pa.
Terms cash on day ot sate.
sept. s, ta. . sheriff.
Knorr. Ksn.. on Saturday. Novrinber 8U1 iM7. at
en o'clock In the forenoon, at which Time and t)lacc
all parOs interested will present their clalrai or bo
debarred from com In gin on nald funds.
I Auditor.
OCt 10, U.
No'lfo Is hereby plven tJat the undcrslffned i
potr.e'dny Urn orphans' t;ourt of Columbia county
10 mflKO (iisinuuLion oi mo money in uip nanas or
the Administrators to and amon? the nartles enti
tled thereto, will attend atliiHOlllcctn Uloomeburg,
onJTuesday tho lltb day of November A l).ia at
ten o ciock in inc lorenoon, ior mo purpose oi ma
said appointment, when and where all persons hav
ing any cliiima upon tho said lund are required to
present them, properly authenticated, or bo debarr
ed (rum comlnif in on said fund.
' .lntlV II Vm.' 17717
OCU 3, 79-4W.
.4 .
estate or juun boteh, veceaesu.
The undersigned auditor anriolntcd bv tho Court
of Columbu Co., to mako distribution ot the money
In tho hauds of tlie Administrators, to and among
the parties entlt'ed thereto, will attend to the du
ties ot his appointment at his omco In ltloomsburg,
on Monday November 8, ism, at lo o'clock A. M. at
w hlch tlmo and place all parties Interested mnst ap
pear, present ana prove uieir claims or do aouarreu
rum uBuiiro u. t&iu iuuu.
Oct. 8, ta.
Notice ts herebv frtven that tho underslimed an
pointed anAidltorbytheorphans' Court ot Colum
bia countr. to mako distribution of the funds In the
hands of the Admldlstrator of decedent, wilt attend
at nis onicu lu itioombDurg, on Tnursaay tne otn
day of November A. 1). 1819. at ten o'clock In tho
lorenoon. ior tne purposo or nis sam appointment,
w hen and where all persons having claims upon tho
said fund a e required to pre. ent them, pxiperly au
ihnttcat?d, or be forever debarred from coming In
on said rend.
JOHN Ii. h ltKKZK.
i. .iuu.i ... uwr r.iiA... iiiKU ciitiiu ui iu-
lumbu county,.do hereby make known and proclaim
to tho qualined electors of Columbia county that a
general election will bn held on TUEMIAV, THE
f'OlTllTn OP NOvr.MltEU, is; (being tho Tues
day nozt following the !lnt Monday of said month,
for tho purpose or electing the several persons here
inafter named, to-wlt:
One person for State Treasurer ot Pennsylvania,
one person for lHgh bherln of Columbia county.
One person tor coroner of Columbia county
Two persons for Jury Commissioners of Columbia
I also hereby make known and trlvo notice that the
places of holding the aforesaid election In the sever
al wards, boroughs, dlstilcta and townships within
Beaver township, nt the public house ot Joseph
11. shumau.
lienton townshln. at the nubile nouse of lllrain
Hess, In tho town of lienton.
nasi uioom, at tne court nouse, in iiioomsourg.
West llloom, at tlie court House, In ltloomsburg.
Ilorouirh ot Iierwick. at the ofllce ot W. J. Knurr.
In the borough of Iierwick.
Horough of Ccntralla, at tho public liouso ot Wil
liam 1'eirer.
llrtarereek township, nt tho public BChool hoaso
near Lanaltlc.
catawlsaa township, at the public liouso of Samuel
KoMenbauder, In the town or Catawlssa.
Centre township, at lire achool house near Lafay
ette crea-sya.
North Conyngham District, nt tho school house
near tho colliery ot John Anderson Co.
South Conyngham District, at tho liouso of John
HshingcrecK townshln, at tno school house near
M. Hut kalew and John White, on the south by land
ot John Hurt, and John tV hlte add on the west by
lands of Harman J. Hess and Monroe Markle, con
taining seventy-two acres more or less, flfty acres
of which Is cleared land, on which Is erected a large
barn, frame house and out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken In execution at the suit of S. II.
Warner against Jarlus Harrison and to be sold as the
property of Jarlus Harrison.
Lirruis, Attorneys. Pi. Fa.
All that certain lot or piece ot land situate InBrtar
creek township, Columbia county andstateot Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt !
On tho north by the public road, on tho east by land
of Peter Ilayman, on tho south by land of Peter
HaymanandonUieneetby land of Bolls, contain
ing three acres moro or less on which aro erectod a
frame houc, wagon maker shop and out-butldlngs.
Seized, taken Into execution at tho suit ot Stephen
Michael against (leorgo B, W, Hosier and to bo sold
as tho property ot Gcorg'e B. W. Hosier.
Miller, Attorney. PI. Fa.
All that crtaln lot of land bttuate In Orange town
ship, Columbia county, beginning at a stone corner
In line of land of KIMiard Bright north eighty de
gree west twenty-six and two-tenths perches to a
stone, thenco by tho same south sixteen and ono
half degrees west forty-seven and seren-tcnth
perches to a 6tone, thenco by land of John Henry
north twenty-two d-grees and ono halt east forty
two perches and one-tenth to an apple tree, thence
by land of John Henry north seventeen degrees
west ten perches and seven-tenth ta tho place of be
ginning, containing eight acres and thirty perches
of land strict measure, on which are erected a plank
house, Btablo and outbutldlQgs.
Seized, taken In execution at the suit of Co umbla
County against Mary A. Blight and to be sold as the
property ot Mary A, Bright.
Ieklek, Attorney. Lev. Fa.
All those certain lota or pieces ot land situate In
Mifflin Kuvnshlp, Columbia county, Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, tc-w'lti Lot No.
101 is bounded on the north by Fifth street, on the
eait by May street, on tho south by lot No. los, and
on tho west by lot No. loo, containing two acres
more or less vacant.
Lot No. 10$ bounded on the north by lota ono hun
dred and one hundred and one, on the east by May
street, on the south by lot No. 110, and on tho west
by lot No. 1, containing two acres more or less va
cant. ALSO,
Lot No. 151 bounded oa tho north by Third street
on the cast by lot No. 252, on the south by Fourth
street, aad on the west by lot No. :w, being' sixty
six feet tn front and two hundred and thirty-one in
depth vacant. , ' 3
Seized, taken in execution at tho' suit ct A. W
Creamer against John Keller and to be sold aa tho
property of John Keller. u
Littles, Attornejs. Vend Ex.
All the defendants, Interest tn a' certain tract of
land sltuato In Oreenwood townshlp.Columblt coun
ty, Pennsylvania, bounded as follows, to-wlti, Be
glnnlngat a stene In the, mtddlo of the road thence
by land of James Horry north eighty-eight degrees
and twenty-thrco minutes west twenty-seven perch
es to tho middle of llttlo Fishlngcrcek, .thenco up
the middle of said creek north thirty. three oegrees
east forty-six perches to a stone, thenco by same
north seventy-eight degrees east twenty-nve porch
o . to u hemlock on the west slds of mtll-dam, thenco
up the west side ot said mtll-dam forty-two perches
(or to such distance as win secure a head and fall o'
fourteen feet at the saw-mill bn tne premises herein
Tho undersigned Executors of Joshua Brink, lato
of lienton townshtp, Columbia county, deceased,
wilt expose to public sale on the premises In Benton
township, on
y.'itunliiy, October 25th, 1879,
at ten o'clock tn the forenoon, tho following describ
ed proprly; Bounded on tho west by lands of tho
osttite of Montgomery Colo deceased, and, lands of
John Hwartwout, on tho south by lands of J. P.
Chapln, on tho cast by lands ot J. F Chapla and
James t.ungerand on tho north by lands of James
Lunger and the estate of M. Colo deceased, contain
0 perches, whereon Is erected a
Frame House and Frame Bain,
now occupied by Joshui J. Brink,
Terms made known on day of Bale.
oct. 3, 4w, Executors.
iMilNimiATOllS' sale"
Hyvlrtuoof nn alias order of the Orphans' Court
of Columbia county, tho undersigned administrator
of Ulram Lunger, deceased, will exposo. to public
sale on tho premises In Sugarloat township, Colum
bia county, Pa., on .
Siiturtlay, October 25th, 1879,
at ten o'clock in the lorenoon, the undivided onc-i .
half Interest In certain real estate situate In sugar-
loaf townshlpin said cnunty, bounded and doscrtbed
as fallows i Beginning at a v hlte oak, corner ot
Hesters' land, thence by other land of Joshua Brink
north fio degrees west 112 perches to a post, thenco
by said land north 35 degrees, west 65 perches to a
eliestout tree, thence north CO degrees west 70
perches to a post, thenco by land ot Montgomery
Cole soutli 24 degrees west 81 perches to a post;
thence by land of said Joshua Brink soutli 43V de
grees, east 44 perches to a poat, thence by sold land
SQQth 24 degrees, west 39 perches to a post, thenco
by said land south V( degreca, oust 61 perches to a
poit by a public road, thenco south 70 degrees cast
03j perches to a pout, thenco by land of tlie estate
ot William McKelvy north CIV degrees cast, 12
perches to the pUco ot beginning, containing
85 Acres, and 65 Perches, .
on which la erected a
barn, and out-butldlngs, good orchard and good
TERMS OP SALE. Ten per cent, of the ono-fourth
of the pi -ehaso money to bo paid at tho striking
down of the property, the one-fourth less the ten
per cent, at the confirmation ot salo and the remain
ing three-fourtiis In ono year thereafter with lntcr
eBt from conarmatlon nisi.
October 3, n-ts central P. O.
tjreciiwood town&hip, at tho house of Joseph li. I described), thence south thirteen degrees east to a
Jacob ("irons, son of I'eter Cross of lliia place
was killed at Danville lad Friday morning In
at lempllrg lo get on tie train while in motion,
The funeral look place on Sunday,
Dr. Kendall's celebrated treatise on the
horse, for sale at O. A. Clark's book (lore and
nt tho CoLUMiiUK ollice lb.- 25 ce its. Tins
book should be in the hands oi every man who
owns a none,
-At Cnmbra, on the
Columbus Academy Upon intelligence of tlie
sad news of his death, tho Principal of the
institution appointed a committee to prepare
resolutions ofcondolence.
Renolutions of Condolence,
Wiiekeas, It has pleased Almighty God in
this mvslerious Providence to remove from u
our beloved young friend, John 11. Callender,
tnereiore, ue it.
uesoiKa. mat in ma untimely death we
recognlre the hand of Him, who is "K ns of
kings and Lord of louls,' and who doelh a'l
things well, and that, trusting' lo Ills infinite
gomlness, we humbly bow to Mis will.
Renohed, That wo sorrowfully condole with
h'B berraved father and mother, who so tender
Iv watched over him during the Painful illness:
lliat we lender our hearllelt sympathy and trust
lie, who alone ran comiort, will sustain them
iinijr'thia sad affliction,
Jtenolitd, Tha t we, so'unexpectedlv deprived
ofour young ', deeply and painfully
mourn hi" loss : lliat we will miaa his youthful
but manly form and gentlemanly bearing at his
accustomed place in the Arai emy, and his ills
iwsltipn, sunny temper, and good fellowship,
on Ihe playground and in society, willingneaa
and readiness which so distinguished him both
in class room and in Ihe romnanv drill ; and
endeared to us, as he was, by Ihe lies of friend-
snip anu love, that we will cberiali him in
our fomlest rerollectiens,
Rewhetl, That In exTfsnlo i"of our lileli
Item and regret we, Ihe Faculty and students
of New Columbus Academy attend the funeral
in a iioiiy,
L', 3 and 4 gallon jugs, for sale a., Light
Street by tSilas Young.
i sept. iu am.
jlloot headquarters at McKinney's.
JWant good live calves that weigh 120 lbs.
it izo, lau, HU, 15U, lliU and upward
LjJgut Street by
b!LA8 lOUNO,
. Sept. ID 3-m.
Kubbers at McKinney's.
Hemlock townsbln. at tho nubile house ot Chas. II.
Dletterlch, In the tonn of Buck Horn.
Jackson township, at the houso ot Kzeklcl Cole.
Locubti township, at the public house of Daniel
Kehres, In Nuraedla,
Mintln township, nt the public houso ot Aaron
Hess, In tho town ot MlftUnvllle.
Madison tonnshln. at the nubile school houso In
if nvirj ii'nii.
.mu ncasani townsnip, ai tne nouso or it. w.
Men c-:.
Montour township, at tho public house of Reuben
Ranch, at Runo-t.
Main township, at tiie public house ot Jeremiah E
Puirlngcreek township, at tho houso ot 8ainu?l
Orcvngo township, at the publlo houso ot It. J.
i DaMs In OrangcMllo.
3 Plllfl tmvnithln. nt. thA CpTitrn Rrlinnl Tli.!iv lntjilv
fixed by a vote of the citizens of said townshln.
sugartoar township, at the houso ot A Unas cole.
i, ib. rcuii at iim nun ia nouaa nr joim Hi-icrotn in
Light Mreet.
( ast hcott townshlD. at the nubile House of Jacob
MUler, In tspy.
At all elections hereafter held under thn lawn of
this Commouweiilt i, the election polls hlull be open-
-u Uviuti. iu uio lureuuon, uuu huaii cui
tlnua open without interruption or odloununenl
until seven o'clock in Uio evening when the polls
will be closed.
That every rierson oxcentlnir Justices of tho Peace
and Aldermen, Notaries imbllo and Pernio, lu the
lunula bCT.ieo ui uio r-iaif.wno bliail uoiu or Mian
wlthlu to months havo held any rnn-e or appoint
ment of pront or trust under the btAU's.or ot
this mate, and city or cornorated district, whctlitir a
commissioned onlcer or otherwise, a subordlrate
Vautcd 2000 lbs of nice dried Ilasnber
tJ.B, at 25 cents per pound. And 2000 I lis
of nice dried pitted cherries fur which 1 will
pay the very highest market price.
July 18-tjtii,
I Admission free at McKinney's.
' Cash paid for 1000 bushels of good wh'tr
or yellow uais at i.ignt street uy
SeptC, 2tu.
' Hoots and Shoes cheap at McKInney'
" Wanted, 200 tona' of good Kock Oak
Jtark at $5 per ton by Silas Young. L!i 't
Street. Sept. Ill, 3m.
stone In tho middle ot the road before mentioned
thence by tho Baine south seventy-one degrees
twenty-three minutes forty-seven perches to a stone
thence by the middle of sntd road south thtrty,two
degrees, twenty.Uiree minutes, twenty-threo perch
os to a stone, thence south twenty degrees, t enty
three minutes, thirteen perches along the middle ot
said road to the place of beginning, containing elev
en acres, three perches ahd appurtenances.
All the detcndinta Interest in a certain tract ot
land situate In Pine and Greenwood to wnshlps.coun,
ty ot Columbia and state of Pennsylvania, beginning
at a i"bt thenco by land of Margaret coarson, east
three hundred and eighty porches to a post, thenco
by lands of Ilumprey Parker north one hundred and
eighty perches to a white oak, thenco by lands of J.
J. Itobbtns and J. Berry north elghtynlne degrees
and ond-half west three hundrd and eighty perches
to u post, thence by lands of Esther Kves' south one
hair degrcea west one hundred and ten perches to
the place ot beginning, Containing two hundred and
forty-four acres and thirty seven perches more or
leas, on which is erected a liarn.
Seized, taken in execution at the suit of Thomas J.
Vandcrbltce against John I-cggott and Alexander J .
Prick and to be sold as the property of John Leggott
and Alexander J, Frlck ,
VAMUiasuci Attorney. Vend Ex
Terms cosh on ;day of sale,
By vfrtue of an Alias order ot tho Orphans Court
ot Columbia county, Pennsylvania, tho undersigned
Administrators ot Jacob 1 1 arte r, late of Mtfflln town
ship, Columbia county deceased, Trill cxpoae to pub
lic salo on the premises on
Saturday, November 1st, 1879,
at ten o'clock in tho forenoon tho following valuable
real estate, to-wlt : All that certain tract or two
tracts ot land situate In Minim township, Columbia
county, aforesaid. No. 1, bounded and described as
Tallows, to-wlt : Beginning nt a corner In road by
land of Jacob Hons tlienco Boulh &evcnty-scven de
grees west thlrty-nve and live-tenth perches, tlienco
by land of Christopher llortong north UUrtecn de
grees west ono hundred nnd ntty-threo and one
tenth perches to a stone, thence by land of J, II.
Metier north elghty.tlvo degrees wost twenty-two
and five-tenth jierches to a publlo rood leading
Irom Mifllinville to Conyngham, thenco north Uilr
tecn degreca west twelve and two-tenth perches,
thence by land ot S. II. Swank north seventy-seven
degrees caft Bfty-seven and nve-tcnUi perches,
thenco by land of Elizabeth Lutz south tldrteen dc
grecs east ono hundred and seventy-two and one
tenth perches to the place ot beginning, containing
and slxty-threo perches sti let measure.
No. it. Beginning at a stone by land of Henry
Hetler, thence south twelve degrees east thirty four
and two-tenth perches to a stone, thenco by moun
tain land north seventy-eight degrees cast twenty
yiree and four-tenth perchos to a stone, thence by
land of S. H. Swank north twelvo degrees west Uilr-ty-four
and two-tenth perches to a atone, thenco by
land of Jacob lions aouth seventh-eight degrees
west twenty-three anil four tenth perches to tho
place of beginning, containing
five Acres
strict measure with the appurtenances.
TERMS OP SALE. Ten percent of ono-fourth ot
the purchaso money lo bo-paldat tho striking down
ot tho property, the ouc-tfurth les-s tho ten per cent,
at the connrraatton of fcohand tho remaining tturo
fourths in one year thereafter with interest from
confirmation nbl,
C. W.Miixxs, Att'y. Administrators.
Oct. 3. ta.
tetters of administration on the estateot Thomas
Davis, lata or Her ton township, ColumtU
county. Pennsylvania, deceased, have oeen grafted
bvulio Hegtstcof Bald county to the undersigned
ailmlulstiuturs. All persons having clatms against
the estate or tho deceased aro requested to present
them for faettlement. and those Indebted to tho es
tate to make pav ment to tho undersigned adminis
trators without delay,
. llen-oa.
Oct, it, tlw,
oracer or agent who Is or shall 1m ernplojed under U sent is TH-ts ' Shertll
the Legislature, Executive or Judiciary lioparlment "
oi inn. cuiie, or ci. any cuy or oi any incurporaieti I
uibirici, uuu aisu, mat every ineniuer or congress
and of the Mate Legislature, and ot the select or
euiuiiiuii i-uuui'u oi any city, or cuinmiysioneraor any
, is oy ii
Incorporated district, !
law Incapablo of holding
Having purchased the Oroceryof J, II,
Mi aire, corner of Main and Ccutre Streets.
Resoliid. That these retoliitiona be niiblished l lllooriibbuu Pa, .1 shall endeavor to i mulsh
In the Columbian and Rejiullican of nioom I to my customers the freshest and choicest
burg, in the Skichhiimu Echo, and In the I Oiroceriea Sri tlie market. Thorough atteu
rr.v. r. fUMibof.-. . I i.... m 1 ,.i ... ,i. i...ui..
uvi. iiiii cu gncii iii inn uubiiivb. nun rrrij
euort will be made to deserve your patron
Union Jicader of Wilkesbai re.
"W m, H. IUmtisoN'. "I
Evan li. IIeimiune, I
J . F. Walton, Committee.
A'WUJ.?!'"L I.
crexerctMni? at llio .uue time the omca or appolnt-
ii it-nt. ui aiuuKv, uiMpui'ujr ur vitTK vi any tieviiouui
Vila Comirouwealti., anJ tnat no luiwcUir, Jutltre or
utlieronicerot such election bliail bo eligible to bo
then voted for.
The Inspectors onl Judgo of tlie elections shall
meet at tho respective phices appointed for holdlntf
tho election In tho cllbtrict to w hlch they resitectl , ely
boloujf. beforo ftoven o'clock In tha monunL', and
each of Bald Inspectors shall appoint ono clerk, who
Bhalt bo a nualliled voter of such district.
Tho qufllfled voters of tho several dWtrlcUi In
this county at all general, township bor
outru ond special elections, are neM hereafter
authorised and requtrco to vote by tickets printed or
written, or partly pointed and partly written, heve-w
ally classified oa follows t One ticket shall embrace,
Urn names of ull Judtres of Courts voted for, and
v n va , uuinur, uuuniaivj uiiu U"ri (-unit vim
brace the nam oh of all the Btato onicers toted for
and to be labelled 'stute;" one ticket shall embrace
the names of till cov ty o nice .-a toed for. Including
the onico ot Senator, and Members ot As
sembly. U voted to,, and members of confess. If
toted for, and In labelled "county ona ticket shall
embrace the names of all township omcers toted for,
and be labelled 'To't,n&hlp;M one ticket shall em
nracn Hih names of an boroutrh ottlcerH voted for. nnrt
bo latelled 'lloroui;h."
And each class bhall be dcpoblted In separate VaJj
lot boxes.
hherlfTB omce. Hloomsburfc'. bherlff,
IXto.x, iv-it
I9 IS O F I T 8
ratters oT AdmlnlstratJor on the estate of MartTaret
ll4 Smith, lateot Mad'son twfi., Columbia co.'nti
uultmscu. uoth utcu i(rniiieu uy mo negisier oi boio
COUntV to tmderKlirrteil Ailmln!-trntnriL All
hatlnir claims aealnst thoestat-n mm iwinpstit tn
Uy virtue of sundry writs Issued out of tho 'Jkefomt namcDt0111 ih0aQ lnithua
11. 0. Davh. saG J
are, .t lloiilni: In have you call and examine
peace anu quality oi my iruoun.
I Bin very lleBpectlully Youra,
Peter Uilpmeysr.
How to operate successfully In Slocks on 110.123,
uur new luarginai sjsu-u
Klutln. upon application,
(50, ice and upwards, by our new marginal sjsu-tu.
A.xpianai.ory uook inaueu
Oct. IT lm
led irratls. unor
Hankers and Hroli ri,
no uroadway, Kew York.
Court of Common l'leas of Columbia county and to
mo directed, will bo exposed to publlo salo at the
NuMiuehanna Hotel In pauuvtssa, Columbia county,
renns anla, at two o'clock p. m. on
Saturday. November 8th. 1879.
All that certain messuage, tracf, piece" or parrel ot
land situate In tho township ot Locust, county of
Columbia, and state of Pennsylvania bounded and
described as follows to wit t on the south by land ct
John Earnest, on the westbylanda ot Einanual Ash
ton, on the north by lands of Jackson (Icorr-eand on
the east by lands ot lteuben Krlek, containing forty,
acres more or less, whereon are erected a frame
dwilllne house, barn and,outt:u.ldlnir3.
HeUed,taken Into execution at the suit of lohn" Earn
est against William A. Earnest with notlco to Yt. L.
Kjerly, Ass Itnee In trust for benefit of credlters,and
to bo sold, as the property of William A. Earnest.
W II. ltiiAHN, Attorrey. VcndKx.
AUthat certain rleco or tract of land situate par
tly In Cnlawlssa and partly In Locust township,
Columbia county, I'cnna. bounded by lands ot John
Fastly, I'hUlp Manhardt, John Veager and" Wllllain
IIugheB' estate, containing levcnteca acres and
fourteen perchts whereon are erected a good Baw
mill, frame dwelling house, barn and out-bulldlngs.
Deizeu, lasen m eiecutton at the suit ot J.vob
Veageragatnst K, How er and to bo sold as the
property ot Haild S. Uower
W. II, Kuawn, Att'y Vend. Ex.
'1 trms cash on day of sale.
oct It, U. bhertff,
II, ,t. SMITH,
make prompt payment,
Sept Si!, CW,
letters Testamentary on tho estate li Oeorgo
Ulillfnlk'lU. lale ot Ueinlock twp., Columbia ct uniy,
l'enns)vanla. deceased, hufe been crafted b, tho
Keglster cf sld county to tlie underblgued fciee
iibr All persons haMng claims against tl.e
eitateof ILe decedent are request, d to resent
them for settlement und thoso Indebted to iho es
tate to make pa ment tothe undersigned Kicri'tor
wtthgut delay.
I'.O. Huekhorn, lcxecutor,
Oct. IT, ew,'
I..., , , , , I, i . n i
Dauohy tSc Co's. Advt's.
C0U0 TLAN. C miMnlaf n nr- t.l)u wnr -fl.i. In
B vi,, .uu 1... r . IvaiiU. . nl i . t.(milul, will.
Ml l.l ..HI ,il H..U. ' ' "I. U'. ,....tti. aiw.4 pi", I.ta,
3 2 . 'i la nn, .,, , ,.. j r.,.lw. nlui ui
r ruiw . - i li ki.. I .'..ii,,.
i'.l! ! t,.Hi . A I 3i 4 Uol, N.w Y.W.
cctlMw, il
KU'tis S set Heeds. 4 KniA
hwells, Muoi. Hook only ins.
T Oct. llanos. Htrinl. i-npr jtr
arTiirirrrtaiTriT-ririiillock only '43 jj. HliMrati-U
.H,.Aiidiic.r st'iu inc. Auuress iJAiiirl. 1 . litid J V,
U ashlhglon, N. J.
d Oct. St, 4w.
01OfMrt,luI'n810 S0dajaonisiitK)lnestoiL of.
Ol-iUvJ nclal reporu and lutorinutlon i'UKK.
fjkepronta weekly ou stock options of fiototoi.
Address T.liTTkU Wiuuril'o.. llAXEiaa. sa wall
St., N. V. a Oct, S4.-4W