TUE COLUAI1JIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOM SlURG, COLUMBIA COINTY, PA. Mi.seelUnjieous. Hiaiit. Whn nn cntlinii.(l(j letm nt Pan l'mn ciw tnl I (limit itio other thy that tliero vruto many in tlmt eiiy nlm wnuU liU In s'c liim l'rrsMcnt ntn'in, lio ninwerci., tlip Innmlically, 't dnn't n?pfro.' fjtitl further prcvi'il to my wlicllicr lio would !o n comli il.ito in n ccrlniii tuiitiiifreiicy, lio looked to ward Ilia ecannd took rcl'iuo in filenav 1'lii is ilio mii t of (jiimo which Imi bpen Jilaycd lor iho prut two jwri", whilo Iho man ngers of iho jjninc have been ulcndin,r that (Irani was not h catididalo lor 1S8IJ As ho ha.4 approached llu piint from which ho started out, some of tho disuiso ha bicn th own olT. It U no tecret that tho voyage round tho world was part of a plan to put Orant in training for a third term, lie dented to go abroad, and that wish fr.tcd In with Iho dc aircaof llioi-o who wanted hitn away foin party strife", and out ot d.iugcr of Iho com mittals and complication which would lo al most inevitable should ho remain at home. Ho was put in (he Trny'i,rjiuin.nali.rpoMi.M of money, enough to brer hi expend ilurci of travel on a liberal s.ile, without seemingly havii.g tn incur any obligation Tho nrrango meiit was lar more delicate than tho subscrip tion to iho find in his behalf in 1SGS. Hut tho patties lo Itare ns well known as were Ktsli, Horic, Childs, Drew), and tho others who flourished during two tonus as tbo pow cr I o ind tbo throne (Irani U as much a candidate, now as ho wa in isns or in 1872. All the King chiefs and a great number of leader in tho Hepub lican party are for him first, last, and all tho tiuio. Th'ey'Kavo WtrcharTgfdirt' tho least degi-eo, or abated a jot in devotion. Their programme of a sectional crtuado has been oigan.'zed'wIlh.rcferenV'to' Oraut. All the platforms arc tuannfaclured io ono mould, and they Veartho impress of a preconcerted , plan of cauipiign for loSO, by forcingi an Is i Ma with I In South, and claiming that a man p with mi iron grip u doniauded iu'lho Kxecu live dukci. The traditions of the Presidency fiom Wahlng'on lo'vn count for uolliinj; with this faction. They want power, patronage, Ih-Tirnmry, iho hith honor", .and a s-trong g.iverniiicnt. backed by a great Standing army, ail increased navy, and Kurnnean forms and. msiotu, without regaid lo oxpen'c The . glitter of a court at Washington, with class - dilinction, enormous out-lay, parade, pila cos for the Cabinet, and extra, sppropiiations for maintining the dignity, of their stations, li'C all comprehended in the chemo of a res1 tiralion of OrMitisin. Urantjisjj;, anil ,)n(,j, noj tncan to cn rr (lie Convonlions with any ordinary chance of losing tho nomination. His expectation i to conquer it in sdvanco, so tint there will be nothing more than a ratification of tho machine's decree, when tho delegates get to gether eight months hence. He turned aside from au Intended journey lo Australia in obe dicneo to a oll from tho wiro pullers, who told him tho time had cmie fur a personal participation on his part. Hence his "return by way of California for the proposed ova tions. Vet, when interrogated about the Presidency, he replies, 'I don't aspire.' A' Y. A'ttn. 0I1IIWT1I UK tIKEUIlX ANII ASIIIXHTOX TKUltlTOIUKS. There has been a lame settlement-in Eas tern Oregon and Washington Territory thU season. The immigration into that region lias been larger tban at any time since the original settlement, of the country, by, the white. The cause U not hard to trace. The pioneer settler lias llttle now' lo fear from attacks by roving band of Indians. The Nez Perco have been removed entirely, The other predatory tribes have been com pelled togoupon reservations. In addition one large Indian reservation has been thrown open to pre-emption and Iionictead settle ment. Ooa effect of this large immigration is the Increased development of the agricul tural resource of the country. It lias been estimated thi year at least 80,0U0 tons of wheat will be shipped fr.im Entern Ore gon and Washington Territory through Walla Walla alone. This estimate do.es not include a vast stretch of territory wherj the farmers must seek on other outlet. It Is evident that Eastern Oicgon and Washing ton Territory will in the future contribute largely to the grain exports of tho Pacific coast. Another effect of tho lettlemrnt of the county is the Impetus given to railroad enterprise. The people are most anxious to secure railroads, and the State Legislature has offered Inducements to Esstern capital ists to enter upon such undertakings. San Franciico Bulletin. Cologne Cathedral is at length nesr com pletion; and August next year wi'I see it finished. Begun in the very midst of the 'ages of faith,' hen monarchs beggared themselves to raise inagnificlent structures, of which only picturesque ruins now remain for tho world to look at, this extraordinary temple lagged bebin 1 all its cotemporaries in the work of construction, saw them reach their mature glory, decline, and sink to ' ruin, itself bping all the time an 'unfinished labric. The firtt stone of the Cologne Cath edral was laid in 1248, wheu" the 'grand edi fices now left, perfect or ruined, in Europo were eilher just finished, or like tin Notre Dame, in Paris, were in rapid progress j but while the most elaburale of Iheuj took only three centuries to bring lo perfection, Cologne has absirbed more than double the time. It took nearly three centuries to complete the choir, and ilnc'j tint date, it has required liberal aid from nearly all .the sovereigns of Europe lo lep the construct ion going. What now remains to bo done is the last stage and crowning decoration of tbo stately towers. (let out Doors. The close confinement of all factory work, glxes tho operatives pallid luces, poor ap' petite, languid, miserable feelings, poor blood, inactive liver, kidneys and urinary troubles, and all the physicians and medf cine in the world cannot help them unless tin y get out of doors or i'se Hop Hitters, the purest and best remedy, especially for such cases, having abundance of health, sunshine and rosy checks in them. They' cost but a trille. ife another column. A strict observance of Sunday is being urged in Germany, and is looked upon with faur eeen by Ihottjwhoarennli'hurcb-goerg, Jt .is social and economical and nut u relig ious movement, and therm! desired is not a tumley lite mat oi J.:iiar,ii or Ainerica,um Cue ou vtliich ibeie shall be rest and re-creation for all and particularly or tho arllan andbC-ca lrd laburiug cls-ses, employers nut to be permittee! to exact worlcon tuutuay ex cept incases tif absolute nei'tssily, tnii,e!nv iu Germany has not been invested wild much of a sacred character. In tho ChiIu llu parts (it ihe country all cluavs go to i huicb, but ihiy Kpeud the rest of tht) day In dancing, leei-liiiikirpJund othtr vigor lUS hlnut me Ills, in I be Pinleuirut Me ti us Ihry do nut even go lo church. The houses nl worshili are lew ollcn not .mnio Ihnu lino to a til z ill vlllsges.md In equally small proportion in the cities and the small num ber then sro ill attended. At the same time tbcie are fewer ( deuces against the public peace luau cnurch-golug Eng. laud. I'AVIN.ltt.NCI.noNK.KT."!., WITH JIKTIIOl.S OF TIIRAT.MKNT. The horse Is our nob'ol domestic nnlmal, ''"V. i '." "V,cl,,r'j lniiolng In nppe araim , lull l lif liilell'gihro nn-1 when dimity trcatiii ginnit In reiilin an allectloil linnl limnim in ll nxt'irr, ami pi-rf, nK in t,c at point of rndiiramuihe tasks Iimih(iI, and we hist nlil Is ton oltcn sniveled u llie lisnlesl and hsrsli et li-nge of any nfiim- auluisli. And prohibit fur Ibis reason Is llie most liable lo dl,o.c and lilrtni'litK. Jlanv.an othernls!! vnlusl le hnrte ( dl-flfitr til tnt f'fd and rendered more or lex until ft servlre hy uglv slurlns, misijtliiljr rlngtioi.T, spllnls, etc. H iinellnies tliee difficullies en not of a n-rioiM nature, lliat Is, do not lmc the horse, or mskn any iimlerhl difl'-rence In llm abllily for perf inning wntk on ihe farm lu such animals aro n-ndereil nnaslntle, or Ifdi posnl of, it mint lie at a tacrlfu-e of price. (I n erslly,liocver,llie liore Is pelnnnentlj lame I, unless Ihe r.iue Is reiniied, which Is very ill dom and often entirely ruined fir travil ir work, Sinvins are tnos I generally produced by a slrsin or overwork in dmwiinr- The bony ct crestenceor subtanceof which It is compo id will grow quite fast and Koinctlmes give lliu rr)i pearsn oof an cnlargid joint, and unless lit tended to In season will suon btcome dill'iculi lo mshace. Many rcuied its have liein ilethisl lor IliU dlfUcullV, Cut usually with very indilll-rint succe". Illlslering la gcaerilly rrsorlul in whtn aurlhipg Is Blltinpltd, at d will In some easts, whtn jiroperly jh?i f niml, stop llie liiuwlh of hi- f svln but will nut remote lie bunch nl reaily formed or cure the latncni-s, besides the proic isapait.ful me pii ducii g soreness nini rcniUrlng Ihe horse mote or lea unfit fjr service. Some f,nir years ago I)r, 11. J. Kendall ol Euos'jursh lalb, Vt., bating a hotse Iroubbd with spavin Iried hliterlng lo cure it. 'Jlie 6pcrallon appeared so painful and unaatitfactrry that it was abandoneil with llie Ulioi lliat remedy 1cm torturing in lis application m.d more certain in its UlVrt mixlu he dtvlml. Accordingly, the Doctor ait hlmsdf to work, and being a practical physician and druggist, snci ceedtd in preparing a remedy that sirce its in troduction lo public notice, has achieves! a suc cess that is of the most salisfaclury character About three years hince, hearing of several ia es whero "Kendall's Spavin Cute," as llie rem edy is termed, had been used with goon ell c I look some paiqa toacertain llie tact in ibis case, and reported the same for several of our leading ngricillliiral journals. I give a few in stances to wh Ich 1 am personally knowiig. Mr. It, A. Gains of Berkshire, Vl., owned a valuable horse having a spavin of llie sin of half a hen's cgg.and producing severe lameness, Afcer trying the usual remedies with no cfl vl. learning of "Kendalls' Spavin Cure,' a hoitle was nhiained and used according lo directions, The application produced no blistering, did mil a ppiar to be painful, and left no scar or callou, A.iud er tiotiib mas imed and it cured the spavin stopping the lameness and removing llie Imrih. I examined llie K-ua canf illy and could timl i.u itlllerence in the sise of joints, and could lot to'l upon which the spivin was lo;at2d. The nurse lias been worked hard since and upon i J amlning him a second time a while since, site an interval of three or fjur years, was plea-td to find no return of llie difficulty in any shape or manner ; one leg is as Bound and perfect to all appearance as the other. ill. X. P. Weld also-f-'v-1r-:-:-n -V. t till " ul erKinru, t, 2i2j(KKrof spavin wilh this remedy snd in six weeks ihe lemenesa was gone, llu bunch nearly removed and he considered llie norse cured, i here lias been no return of the difficulty sine, although the horse has been worked hard. A. A. Slmpkins of West Enue bnrgh, V.t, has had an experience, similar lo the above, ami oiliers miglitbe given, but (litn may'be ronsidered suflicient to establish the fact of Ihe curative lowers of this remedy, ai d alo, which is equally important, the perman ance of Ihe cure ; the relief afforded being not temporary, but lastinc In effect. Enual bhi- ces lias been had with 'Kendall's Spavin Cure' in uib ircnunene oi spurns, curb, ringbone, bruises, strains of different kinds, callous. c-c I wih to call natticular attention In ilu'a n humane method of treatment, the remedy.whilc o i ruiuieiii in uoeration yeiooes not prouiue pain or soreness, as is the cae with moataDidi- cations; This feature isdeservinc of noticeand is receiving commendation from many nromira cnt gentlemen in this country, among whom 1 would mention Mr. Charles A. Currier, special agen t for the Massachusetts Soeiely for the prq vention of cruelly to anImals,I!o9ton,Masachu setts, and others. Although this remedy was originally design ed fir the treatment of horses, yet it has bid uaeu tor unman ailments, such as different firms of rheumatism, or deep seated pains of long standing, with equally good effect. "Kendall's Spavin Cure" has been introdnc ed lhroiighout the most of Ihis country, an ' is being put into the hands of all the leading wholesale druggists from which it may be ob tained, or through whom ll may be ordered by every druggist. Dr. Kendall has also compil ed a small work or "Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases," of about 100 pages, fully initia ted, and giving In a small compass a Urge amount of useful infjrmation.fiee from all neb' nical terms and which will be worth many times Its cost, of twenty-five cents, to all oui ers o f horses. Something of Ihe favor will which this wort is being received by the pnl -1 c may be inferred from the fact that one bur dred thousand copies or over have been sold since April list. Should any one desire fur ther Information upon any matter contained in Ibis article, they will please address Dr. 11. J, Kendall, at Enosburgh Falls. Vt. E. B.TOWLE. West Berkshire, Vt., Sent. 1879 Wh are informed that the 'Kendall's Spavin Cure" is now s il I by Moyer Bros. Uloomsbnrg Pa, and by all of the leading wholesale drug gits and a lerge number of prominent n lull druggists. beautiful Pictures for All. The great Art Publishing House of George Stinson tc Co,, of 1'ortland, Maine, move's steadily on Iho even tenor of its way, appar ently not feeling the dull limes. During the year 1878 they Bold over Four Million pictures ot all descriptions. Ihey publish every do ecription of fine pictures, and the prices range from ten cents upwards to twenty dollars per copy. Their corre'pondence for this large business is immense; they receive, on an aver age, over one thousand letters per day. Mcs-rs. btinson & Co publish only tho better class of pictures, ann it is well known that anything coming from tins reliable house is of standaid merit. We have jist received copies of four very fine sleel engravings, which they have just brought out. The plates were engraved in IoxnoN, at an expense of four lliou-aid pounds sterling, or twenty thousand dollars, to which great sum must be added the customs duty of twenty five per cent, on account of their being imported into tho United States. these engravings are alter paintings by great modern' masters ot art, and the artists who en graved the plates stand in the front rank of the woild's renowned engravers. It is believed, and generally conceded, tint these engravings make np the fine-t and most elegant set of works of high art ever brougl: out by Ainericau publishers. This enteri ris iug firm, though many years In the Art Put; llshing business, have not grown old and tin progressiw, but pu the other hand make i provement and progress year by jear, giving the people better and better pictures fur Ihe same or less money. They may, we feel sure, fairly claim to stand at the head of the Art Publishing business in America. Wo can only understand tho culoisat proportions their (rale jias assumed uy remembering that this is a great and mighty nation of nearly iiliy mil lion neoide. Wo cam ot better illustrate llu magnitude of their business limn to state tie umouut ot money pniu ny mem lor postage stumns dunnn ihe years 18,11. 1S77 and 187S. We have the figures direct from the.tirin.or we would think there was some error, in iPitithcy puid for postage 533.101.ua, In 1877 they naid for no-tace S37.1M8.7C. In 1878 the amount ol money that they paid for p staue stamps was simply enormous a utile oyer $0.000 00. Stinson A Co, stand omiuiil' the largest and most judicious advertisers in tho country and a short time since paia in n single day Slil.OOO-uu in cash on a contract Mr an vertising They einnloy ngtnls eveiywliere throughout the Uiiitid Mates and Dominion ol tiii.nda for Hie nil-of tl.eir iieiures by sub. scr ption ) w call atteull u to lli.ir udrerliso muut 1't agents ill another column Thoso who rex d pleasant, profitable work should corres pond witli tin m, Betides laying Iho Urge amounts of post ago sti'ed ah ive. their expiess and froitdit lulls nro enormoH8 only su all i iders sre cnt l.y piail, the brgor b'ing sent byixpioss mid freight. Alueiieau II me hnuld be lua'u b nu'ilnl by nlbcd works o arl, and prices for really iueri-"liou pictur s uiu now o low iliat lliei' eun bono excuio for tb ' walls to remain gloomy, urai'onicd and cheerless American homes should bo made beauli , and Iho tendetidency of ibis will 4.0 to mako morn rc-lined and beautiful the lives of all dwellers thereiu. atarrH CaUtrh cf tho Nasal Cavities, Acute,, Chronic, nnd Ulcerative, Hay Fovor, or tloso Catarrh, Catarrh of tho Eyo and Ear and Catarrh of tho Throat, scccr.ssrcLLT TI! hated kith SAND'S RADICAL CURE, (lATAItRH Is ft dtBrift of tli mncond mintrrtifl J Temperaments nd count Itntlcma ?nrr Iti vutftlir In IntllTl'lual cmcr, Ctrrh injf rln trom n cnitl or a PticcPMlon or coM, irom lutltlrn c nun ire of itmoo Mirrr. wetirtntr wet clottitnif, or FXposnnt t-t Irtclciuont ttirr. Ami liconiin(r ttiurontl.lr chtlluI hpn iho iilfTcntlTo prKnn aro In morbtij or laictlva conrtition, snd thontrcrKth ntnlTltnl forccncxiintihtc'1. Tim rti--cntftmsynrlny frotnafcrofiilous rondlilon nrtliaMoctd. from Hctrlct Fever, McmIph, a ml IHphiticrJu.ln which cnrt Iho f ye And vat are genrrallr Inrolrfd tnl clnmiiqtitntitlpcf m titer. Th dlchrifc (romth nrp, tlti iHitlnctlrefcitturaln ftltcnttrrhMciuifla From wliatcrcooihcy arlap.rnaybotriln hnd watery, and to acid m tn cAvta rcdtifna And excoriation of ilio fit In with whlrh thcyromoln contact, or thick ai d ydlow lRh. f mlttinjf n Totil odor, or clear and whita II ko tho whlto of an reg. There pay bo an entice lack of aocro tlon, ihn nrf iccabilnff dry mfl feTcrUh, tho face, trnnl nnd tinpT part of tho hend feellnff nneomforiaMo, and naif II was encircled by fi tight, tinyleldinKnanil. IhU latter plmie w cftlled my ratarrfi. Tho free rjatterr OIcharireB ca-ta iho tiMnrt to incll and m coino thleKFned.rcntlTlDK nrvathtniT thronsh the noao dim cult or Inipoanthlo, and tho auTerer ftnd It nciMnrr to brcflilio through the mouth, therrhr ticrmltilnir cold air to r directly to tho brctichlallnbea nnd lunjra. 1 ho matter paBin down t o throat create a ennatant dpflro to hawk ana cincrtornto to throw H offi but when the membran It dry nnd feverish, tnatcad of pajfilnir freely down fromtha rt"-) nnd throat, tho mn cua becomes nird and forms Into araba. Incrustation, ana hard lump, tthlch ndhrro ao firmly to tho naal rasfiaea and throat as to requlro very pcrslntentctTort o dialodire them. Tho eye In praipathj becomes In flamed, red, wen It, and waterv.or In tho morning tho lleis may be found Klucd together, and matter Is ao cretedlnmoroorli'Mqnantity, The raralao becomes crlouAly afft.'cteii.dlncfiirBtmf qnunt It lea of matter, b tides being vUlted by tho nost violent neuralsle piUna. ending frequently In Indamrnatlni,, ulceration, and finally ueafiicaa. Tn -tnrnarl;roncliUltubeB,andlT)nra aro In many cwi affected by catarrh, and hen pro tmtlon of the oerrons ayitctn 14 aupcraduodiBuch af fc.-tlnns becomo alnrmtntf. Abrlcfanrvey of this mopt crlotiartIaf,ae warns all rho are afflicted It n ttto nmVo ppecdy preparation for lis treatment bcf.irn It becomea chronic. Tho ad ran tatres offered by Bafocd's IUdical Ctrnn we confl dcntly hello vo nro to bo fonnd In no other remedy. T.veryatep In lis preparation, ercry lino In tho direc tions, mark It a narientlHo remedy, calculated to meet every rhajo of tho rthcaao. Thontimeronstcatlmontals from tho beat pooplo in tno United States attest tbe ctfem In which It Is bld by thoso -Alio have been frredfrr'mth" bto'-tui-Ptiiirtlvo nnd dangerouauiscaao who wuicn LUiUii.iuu u wtiny uiuicioa. JUST rUBLISIIED. A carpfully reTlscd Treatho on Tatarrh, with an ao ruraio description of aymptoma nnd eymnathetlo die caa together With mlnuto directions for effect! ojf with FANroBD'a itADtCAL Cobb a apcedy and pcrma r.rr.t enre. Also obaervatlona on diet and tho general I cAih, of vast Importance, to nil afflicted with catarrh. It H wrapped about ea-h bottle of tho ItADioALCunx. or will bo inallud frco oa receipt of stamp. r-.eh racVafrfl of Ranfobd's Ratitoal Cni contalni fir. ftantord'a Improved Inhallnfr Tube, with full direc tions for iwo In all cases. l'rlce,fl, Botdbyallwholo lalo nnd retail druRpWia throughout the United States ant) Canada. WfXKft & rOTTEU. Oeoeral Agents and 'WliOlceolO Urugglf U, Doston, Mass. COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTER Curos Pains and Actios. It equalises tho Circulation. i muuui'i jnuammtiiorT aciiod; w curin uumurci anil Dtrains. IremovraValn and Horenew, t cures Kidney Co up taint. t strengthens llie Musclca. t curea lUieu mat lira and Kcaralgta. t relaxes StUTencd Cords. tcores Nervous Shocks. t It invnluablo In Paralysis. (cures Inflammation of tho Llvefw t removes Nervous rains.- t currt Pplnil Weakiic- k i vji tv..at uTooothlng. tenrea tnllBDir or Fits. It la Bafe.ltcllablo, and Economical. ciaprrHcriDen oy i nyPicuns. i la Indorsed by Electricians PRICE 25 CENTS. He careful to obtain Collins Voltaic Plastm, ft combination of Electric or Voltaic Plates with a highly Medicated Plaster, as seen In the above cut. Bold by all Wholesale and Ketall Iiruitslsts throughout the T'nlted Mates and Canada, and by WEEKS efcTOTTEU, Proprietor. Jtnmon, Maps. PERMANENTLY CURES I KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, Constipation and Piles. lHMt.1l. CLAKK,8outli1Ier,Vl.,arisl 'ejweeaf KIDNEY THOCBIXS itfcael I acted Jlle m charm. It baa cared tuny very I badeaeeeorriLES Had baa never failed to I 1 act efflclently. KEL80t FAICCTTILD, of SUAlbana, VC, I I aare. U la ofprlcelcM value. After a-tUea I years ol great suffering- from Pile and Cos I I uveneee It completely cured me." O. S. HOC All OX, rBcrLidilre Mf, nie 1 I Mckaae has done wonder for me In com- I pletely curing A severe Wver and Kidney I I Ceatplalni." IT HAS laTIf 170 I WONDERFUL IT II I L run t,ri. JIECACSK IT ACTS ON TIIEl I MTtll.TIir. IIOWXLS AND KID-1 INEVS AT THE SAME TBIE. Becauoo ttoleaneea the system of u I the poisonous humors that develops I in Kidney una urinary diseases, on lousnosst Jaundice, Constipation, I I Piles or In Rheumatism, Neuralgia, I and Female disorders KIIINEV.WOKT I. drr vficloUo cam- I fad sad cB be Hit hj mall prepaid I One parkag0nlllmaVeflxt of medicine U.r at the Irucr1t. Price, ,1.00. WILIS. liniAlSCKT i CO.. Frnrletgn. I S nurUnclon, Vt. PORT GRAPE WINE rsedlutboprtnclpil CUnrchea for Comrannlen liurpjaes. i:s:ELLi.!!rro; ladies and wsaklt PSBSOSS AHDTH2 AQt E, Speer's Port G-rape Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. fphls Celebrated Native Wlno inaio from the i j'ncooi uio upono urape, rauea iu iiiiauouuiy ltd Invulualilo Ton:o ana Strengthening Properties are misurruf-no ty any other Native utne. lielne the pure Juice of tU- (irap. produced under ilr. ttpcer'ii own personal supervision, lta purity and ffpnului'ncisa are guaranteed, 'llie youDjfest chllxl j uay pa-tu Wo of 1th Keueroim iuatitles, and i lie uatc eht Invalid use it to udvanta. H U particularly U1 ue Ida 1 (o the a?ed aud dHbiiltated, avd suited to the various aliments that aftert the weaker sex. It Is iu tvery respect a wink to nic msutuuN, 1. J. Sherry. The I1 .T.HNKUUVIsa Wine of Kuiwrlor Character. and partakes jf the KOlden quilltle of the crape, fruiu which It Is made. For 1'urlty. UlciinewH, Flavor unci .Mcunuiui rruptruvti, it win ueiouuu uuexeeueu sruKirs 1. .T. lli'siiiriy. TI.N llll NI1V stands unrtvalfd In this Country, U'lnff f.ir K'liwrlor (ur m. dlclnul purpOhcs. IV HA I'I'll h: ilHllllatlon rrr in t e urupoandcon. talm valuihio nuHllil ,u pruix nlfi. II hm a dcllca'n llivnr. similar to tlmt or the jraHi, irom whlcii ll lsi!Ktllled,andliln;rtatra(jr anions t)rHt-:!a?s rariiillea. Hid that thu thrnatureor AI.KIICI) KI'KKII. l'unstlc N.J., Uovcrlbucuikuf onili U.Clio. SOI.n UY G. A. IvTjEIM. J'ino 21, UTV-tf Tina ricr.R is on rtt.r wim "OOWELL & Advertising Aaonts. y v - SELLERS' COUGH SYRUP ! 50 Years Boforo tho Public. 1'ro'iminced lij nil lo bo tlio most I'lrn-nnl nnil riiicftcliMuromiJy In uv, tor tho mtr f rfMiul,-, cold-, irnili, ln,iirrnr.-, tickling 80111 llloll Ot tlio throat, whoo.ilnit couih.otc. OVIIlt A MILLION IIOTTI.IN Mlll.ll WITHIN Till! t,1T WAV YUAUs, it kIvm relict whorcier iwuJ, anil his tho power to Impurt benent lint ennnot lio li.nl trom Iho CO'igh mttiiirritiowln Httf, Siil.lbynlllirilghMnt 2S centsiwrtiullli. siM.i:us MVlJIt I'll. I.i nro also hl'lity re commn led fiir curing liver c .mphilnt, constipation, alck-hcndaches, tcver nnd niruo, and all diseases ot tho stomach and liter. Sold by all DrugfrhU at lb cenM per box. R. S. Sollors & Co., Pittcburgh, Pa. oct 3, 'to ly. olfiit.ierfor nrio invtnHonn.or for improvmrntnti on pM tintt.fur wedlcal or other compoumll, trade mnrkt nnd tnbrl. Ctirrntt, Atttqnmrnt. Inter ftrenrel. Appeal, finitufor Infringement, and all raitlnrUlna under the Pat tit iMirn.rrromvl- ill mirniifu ro ini'fimniM mill nmit nrrn ll the ratentof- fiet mtw tttlt. in 7n((flfMl I'tl vt. litimi inimii'f the t S. Potent clitxtvtltt, ice fin mala chitr $mrche, and nnrurt VaUnti more promptly, and with broader claim, thrn fmw trh.t nr rvmnt from Uth(nahn. I sena vt a tnw el or sketch of vmtr device.' we mam examinations nna iiunaiM lojxatnta'jilils, frre if charff All tnrrtnorutfnct ttrtctly con ftdentlat. PTtrfthafi.midAo CIIAUOU UX- X7;.v.s iurxwr js siwum:i. Werrfer in, Wathlnnton, to Hon. Pontmatter Gmernt J. it Kejt, J!ivt F. D, PuiPer, The flerman Atnertcon National Jiank, tn oprtalu in the V, N. J'atmt Oijicf, and to fienatortatid Ilepremntutlvtt in ( HHrrfKt! and tspertaltit to wrcllenttin every Mate in the f nn nnd In I'anvda. Add r its Qp)'vaite I'atent Oj'ice, Mathinytont D, C THIS PAPER IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE OFFICE OF LADELPHIA BUIXDINO Cor, Chratnut nnd Klglitli fits. Who rccclvo AdvcrtlFcment i ioi it Ci or this Taper, r-riTlllA!ATro nt w" tain Atatea co i iiiini to n-ei ror Mm rVrmanarAdrtrmina-.. fiend 5c. for AYE.Il ifc SON'S MANUAi- W inirtnlM It la tjtrj tw, nstttri not tit hw lent lUnd. Inc or how dcrply nwtpd, H Ito la.UBt rolur, ondiom tbo no,, chroofo ro.t. la from coo lo tr.ro work. If uied dlrtot. Jd. I oUmllod hnmorr of tritln.ool: ron be riioo if do.irod. koibll mo ok la a trUI. lo ron.lt.ro ,1,., l,.iouri hrn all oiber moon, bare fallrrt. KM ly all drolrra lu oiedkloe. W oriit 'rr Uitilr. s, trooon rrr.l) I of rrko, I j JlttBM'tLTZ.Grnrralascnt forl'.S anilCana'at 1:111 liiinKllii hi.. llHllliuurr, .11,1. CAII iroiiloo bare trade mark ood kfvi-ature ol I r J, VI o IU at) ara'n rr sept :i "3-lj-. J W It CO. INSTITUTE. stabllobodlnlS72fortheours bwwmbmw nv. t.u.,a. uiiu naau aviarnaoua wltrtoot tUo tiso of knifo or load ot blood aud Uttlo pain. Jj'or Information, circnlara and reterencoa, oddresa lr. 1'. 1. I'U.Nb, Auiora, hauo Co., Ilk I3.'7 l. THIS NEW ELASTIC TRUSS Hm a FU fllfftrtnr from ill '.bm, to et)p-thip, with elfAdji)iUBf mi U fUr, edapta ItMlf to til Iiiou of tbf be, Ula tha AU -ht mtmmm tht Hernia ll btld mcbmIj 4U, od nibi. r.r.kl aur . UJo. lllsM,aurbltiirfclip, StbrsiiilL Ciraut.ra Eggleston Trass Co,, Chlcaao, IIL, sept. 13, 79-ly, J w & co. TUG JOHNSON HLVOIVIM. HOOK-CASE. Jlade of Iron, beautifully orna mented. Adjustable shelves. Cheap and strong. Cannot pet out of order. Four sizes. Bend for complete circular and price list. Send 25 cents for our new Illustrated Catalopiio of School Merchandise. Every Puroif r Temlter thould have it, BAXER, FBATT & CO., Headqjartert for all School Supplies, 142 A 141 (JUAMJ STltELT, KEW TOEK. J-cpl I-', IV THE WHITS SEW INS MACHINE- Wlieress, tho world renowned reputation ot tho Wluto Sewing Machine Influeps manv unstrrunulnua pnnmatltirs tn rpjtnrt tn all Mods of ineao tricks to Injure Us reputation, we bej: to caution all intcndlnff purchase" not to buy a White Machine except, from Its regular authorized dealers, who will be fcualnloea by the following warranty. WB WAHIIA.NT THK NATURAL WK H AND TKAIl Of TUB While ShDtllB Sewing MacMie, MATH Nl'MIIKIl 1(133311 I'OIt KAMILV l'UltPO. SKS, aNll I1KKKHY AdUKKTIl KKKl' TUB NAMK IN IIEI'Allt Kill! TIIK TKIIM UK l lVli VKAIIS KUO l THIS 1) VTE, KilEKOr'L'llAnmt. Th'ri warranty excepts the breakage of nrodles, bobblr.H and bhutllfH. Tills wnrranty will not be sustained unless the Plata number" sbo.e trlven corresjiond Willi Ihe nniatier on Ihe Miullle race slide, Ueware ot defaced or altered numbers. WHITE REWIND MACHINE CO. Ths "WHITE1' Sbutt o Sowing Machine HaOHKATKK oapacity thsnar.y elherfninlty Rewlng Machine f jr doing every variety ot work, J, SALTZEIl, fieneral Agent, llloomsburg, I'a. Oct. 8, ly, ONE MILLION winiE.ri.ovaiiiiu Plants! Bulbs bltr Uller fur "BrUI lm Prk4 LUl."U wWlekl ' Li fiiuiiJ luau it, ileal for CitlUrt. I 3B Oortlandt Slraat, Maw York. (IS,4T, lvl mm mm timfs nu llaallBaSaBlS P H dm mm H9 &aBaH a mt numm mm mmm nmmmm a. o KM Jmfjm mM mw9 Mawm " in mmmw mw m mm M ITaaaaaiaijaTaaBaaaaia ST O BBlra(j IT n I w JBS"Pr 7 laBaBasl 3fl aBSaB BUt I -Tk& UBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBllSlkSBBBBBBBw LV waHu Q1sRvSbV T ' I 'a... .. - aBTIaa-SaBatr-Jaaalr Weft Wwm rtSMfgft. tamnHI IT I ' riHata. aBaTaBTatarT1 TTT aBaBaaBaWa'arsanT ' I r -!l-?r;J f. laia . 1 3 BLOOM SB URG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH N01U1AL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. TIIIH SCHOOL, an at present constituted, odcrs tho very best fucllltlcs tor I'rofowtonal and Classical loarnlne. nulldlnirs spacious, In.ltmg and commodious-, completely heated by steam, well ventilated, lighted by gas, nnd furnished with a bountiful stiuily or pure.son 8PUKatlon'liealthful, anu easy of nccoss. Toaehers CTporlenccd, cfflclcnt, and allto 10 their work. Discipline, rlrin hut kind, uniform aud thorourl. Kxpenser moderate, fitly cents a wi ek deduction to all expecting to teach. Student admitted at any tlmn. Kooms reserved when desired. Courses of study prescribed by tho state i I. Model School. H. Preparatory. III. Eleineulary. IV, Clasnical. Adjunct Courses! I Academic. II. Commercial. III. Coupe In Music IV. Course In Art. V. Courvc In Physical Culture. Tho elementary, sclcntino and classical Courses aro I'HOl'm-IIUtfAt., and Students irraduatnsr therein, recelvo stato Diplomas, conferrlns tho followln corresponding licCTces ' Master of the Elemental Master of tho Sciences s Master of tho Classics. Uraduatcs In tho other courses recelvo Normal ccrtlncalcs their attainments,, signed liv tho onicers ot the hoard of Tustet . Thccoursoot study prescribed by ihe state Is liberal, and tho P :lontlflc and Classical courses are not Inferior to thoso ot our best Colleges. The state renulresa higher order ot citizenship. Thotlmos deiiandlt. Ills one ot the prlino objects ot Mils school to help to secure It. byfurnlslitnclnieiil irent and efficient Teachers for her schools. Tolhtscndlt sollclls youug persons of good abilities and good purposes, thoso who desire to iraprovo their tunc and their talents, as -tudents. To all such It promlsos aid In developing their powers, andnbundant opportunities for well paid labor alter leaving school, for Catalogue, acinres. inn iTincnmi. KIN. U'll.l.l.Ol lil.U'lil.l., President llonrd Sept. s, ,(.- IDOIsT'T But conic at once and look IN THE IK VB CANNOTjjJHr-TN 'READ Y-M AD E, . WE CAN SELL YOU THE CLOTH, on TAKE YOUR MEASURE, AND MAKE YOU A SUIT IN CITY STYLE IIK1TEU AND OTr0i!!,m THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN TOWN. CLOTHS, CASblMERES, SOLD BY THE YA11D. Now selling at the RELIABLE STORE OF BATED) WWEMEm. ENDORSED BY OVER MACHINE EXHIBITORS AT THE rypncmrtM irfjivrncr! I p Paris, 1878 AND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, PHILADELPHIA. 1876. Ai blreVry STRONG, SMOOTH, ani EXCELLENT THREAD. rilAnnn a r r- Home industry rs il r l kl r mr win aT April 18, 'if.lv THCBtST SOLD BY J or:.:.', ijr i SLJKT 9iaTAMR0O I NEW YORK &. BOSTON. MHMMiPtMiiiiiiiMi nun S15OO.O0L BtVARl i aa. "'HtHUHBIRt fOUFAATICULARS ' "UHBin" - ADDRESS: WHiteSlwino Machine fcept HrJ,.4H. The only improvement ever made on the common POROUS PLASTER. It conUlns greater1 nnd moro powerful . PAIN-RELIEVING, STRKNUTHENINtf, ANI, CUUATIVK l'KOPEHTIES tlian tbo common Porous Plaster, and la far superior to liniments and tho bo-called electrical appliances. 1'ltK'i: Si l!l!NTS. OCt t, 4W. 1 ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES. SUITA1IL15 FOR YAHDS, CEMETERY LOTS, and Public Grounds. The follow luk' thows tbe Picket Qothlc, one of tlio nnveral beautiful styles ot Fence manufactured by the undersigned. For Beauty and Uura'.Ully they are unsurpassed. I'ut up by eiperlenced hands, and warranted to gltesullsfactlQu, Prices and Specimens of other Designs sent to any adaress. S- 3VC. HESS, Bloomsburg, Fa, juiy 'JD Orn S300I A UONTli guaranteed. (IS a day at home made by thu Industrious, capital not required t au will start )oii jiieu, wuuieu, uojs ana gins make money faster ut work lor than alamlblnir else. 'Ibe wurkia lght and pleasant, and, such as anyone can go light at. Thoso who ore wise who see this notice will nnd us their addresus at emca and sue for tuemseltes. Costly Outat and terms tree. Mow Is toe nine. j note aireuuy ai. uo jaiug up large sums U money. Address 'IlllK & Co.. Augusta, Maine. oct a, '4-Jy of Trnstren DELAY" through the largest stock of OOUNTY. NOVELTIES, Huts, Caps, &c, Vor Men and Boys, Pearl Shirts, Under Clothing. Pretty suits for little boys, Cheap suits for Men, Cheap Overcoats, Trunks, Satchels, Bags, ifcc. Gum Clothing, &c. THIRTY SEWING W rsrARttfurn iJt.ttr. rMArJUFACTURED at : 10UNT HOLLY, N.J. mRriBRO(iiuircD)ACUTS.mrit MMMtMl SB SltlPLC . .WAMAKTtB ..illOfB Co. Cleveland, ohio. K.i! I" I I V lals U a remarkable U i J jIj O medlclno will cure spav In, Splint curb. Callous. &c., or any enlargement AM) WII.I. 1IEMOVE ,1IK IIUnCH WII'lIOUT Q I) A VIM HLIBTKUINO or causing a 31 AV 111 sore. No remedy ever dis covered equals It for certainty of of action in stoyplng the lameness and removing the buncn. Price ll.oo. hend for circular glUng 11 TP I? I'HOOK Hold by drugglsu, or sent to J U XV Vj any address by the Inventor. II. j, Kendall, M7T)., Knosburgh r ails, Vt. Moyer liros. AKtruis njuoiusuurg, ro. May S3, '.v.-ly XT ff) Q Ti rend tr, sents In stamps or curren. XI W lacy for a pew lltilisK hook, it ireuis ui un uiae'ases, uassa line engra.ings snow log pocltluns assumed by sick horses, a table of doun. n UCM 'arga collection ot VAf.UAllt.KHKC. IJWl l U'f.M. rules for telling the ago of a uurie,wiiu an engraving su owing leeui or eacn jear und a large amount of valuabln horse Inlorinat Ion. Ur. Wm.II. Hall says, "1 uae bought books that 1 paid is and 10 fur which I do not like as well as I do jours." hiku kob a Ciiirti.111. Agents Wanted. II. J. Uendall, M. Ll., Enosburgh l-'alls, VI, May V, t.ly THIS COLLAR and a Cow Milker free to farmers who act as .gent - cut thU out and address with stump 8MITII SON, S4 Uey St., V. V. Jul; 11, 3m. Name this paper. D issor.unoN or i'aktnkksiiu', mo nartnertihlD hereioforo pxli.lt nir betucn C. II. Drockuay and (ieo. K. Klwell &n the nrm or Uroclc. vayi: Klwetl, engaged In thu publication ot .Uo co Li'Uiinw, Gtnlln tl)oprac)iet)Cfuw, H Uils day ti bolvt-d by mutual con wot. llie books ot lliu Unn will remnlQ at tbo cou ubun oitlco or wUk'iiu'Ut. rdiI all iHTaoiis k'-owluk' Uieianelvea to bo Indebted tutlifl llrm v.111 please mil and Bcttlo, and thoaeUav ltiir ckUius ai;tUnit tbe nrm will please prebet tnelr bills. O. I), IIROCKWAY. OEO.i ELWKLU BCpt 86, iW, Y, V, Ult.LMYKll, Secretary. C- 33. SAVAGE, UK ALE 11 IN Silvorwaro. Watchcs,Jewelry.Clocks.&c( 2 v Itemoved to tlie Post omco bulldlntr, flrsT door a-iovo tlio ExUnngo I totcL All kinds rr Watches. Clocks nnd Jewelry neat ly repaired nnd warranted. may 17, '7s-lt rno verbs. ruovF.nns. "For linking tpelli, UU, tUtzlnrBR, pul nl ta tl 0 a sdiI low snlrlU, relxjullopJJItUru." "Ilcad of, rrocora and ubo liopoifttcrfl, End you vii) ttfl rtrons eftluy and happy." "Ladles, do you Want to no itroncr, healthy and beautiful? Then ue Uop Uittern. The (treatPBt ap wilier, etomaeh, flood and liver neu-Utor-Uop Ulttcn.'r Cncnrymon, Law ye Kdltori, Hank rrm and Lndlr nctd Uop Hut era dally." ITop nittcn hat re lored to sobriety nnd health, perfect wreck from Intemperance. Sour etomaeh, nick headache and dlzzl nem, JlopIUtteracurca "VW vn be raid for a caflo that nop lnttera will not euro. orhclp.H lion Itittrra hntldi np, etrcugthem and ouroa rontinaailr from the flmt doc." 'Kldncy and Uri nary complaint! of all k I n d a "permanently ourvd by Uop hltuntj Hop Corait Cent ! the wee test, safest and beat. Aalc children, TV,. TTnn tl.n fitomaeh, LUvr and others. Aalc UrneEiata. T. t n t. -v i... and IrroBlaUblo cure ht iirunsennenn, oao of opium, tohacco and and narcotlca. au -v.. , m v drupfrlirta. IlopUltters f-iBimiiiviurinK. to- larUVUUOlCr, Pit X .Circular. TTTTG T A DT7T? mar be found on fllo at Orm xiijwi j a uit I, itowt u Co' No w jui per Ualncontrucumayboiuadoltirlt l.N NKIV YOltK, feb. H. TT-lf r Feb.7, '79-ly AND Paper Hanging. WM. P. BODINE, HON ST.. 11ELOW SECOND, 111-OO.MSUUItO, PA Is prepared to do all kinds of HOUSE PAINT1NQ plain and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, 110TII DECOKAT1VE AND PLAIN. All klmlN ol'l'tiriilliirt: Kciitilrcd. aim niiuie an goon in v. NONE I1UT F1KST-CI.ASS WOHKSIENEJirLOVKD Estimates Made on all World WJt. F. 1IOD1NE. Oct. 1,1878. H. C. SLOAN & BRO. IILOOMSIIIIItf., IM, Manufacturers or Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sloighs, PLATFOltit WAGONS, 4tc. nrswiass workalways on.uand. HKI'AIUINO NEATLY DONE. ITlces reduced to suit tho times. MINNESOTA in dakotT UVtH 1,000,000 ACRES OF FINE FARMING LANDS IV Ml VWVta.a'r a a . At from an ta alM t - . ' r , w " n " ui on 1 1 turn icnua. ri.i! Ia iatb ,r" Ullr lh 1"rh. -.iT . i iu aakpicn io tb! fro 1 1, or Tlif jr are Free rrom Iiiriimbrniirc. Quid luL 1nnl. .1. .. .. . .,. IMAM ' "" "V""-. na k aimmuriDt -im t oair nti6t.tr, Mention t Mm paper in trritina. A'-f THK OHANliKVILLK ACAD KM You can get, Tuorougn Kducutlon wltu tlio LKABT OUTLAY OF MONEY. For catalogue, address the principal, . . .. ltKVl 0 K- CANKIELI). A prills, l87-ir BU81NEK8 CAI.DH, VISIT1NO OAKl.8, LlfPl'KH HKAUM, PlLLlIKiDrl, PuaTiKB, CO., to.. Neatly and Cheaply printed at the Colum BUN Office. ia.. 0LO AND RELIABLE. 5 Drt. BAJtrortD's LtVEft ItrvtooiuTort' la n BtamlnrJ l-Vmilv llmrvltr r... . S t dlscttsca o( tho Liver, Stomncli .dA 5 ftnd Dowels. Itlal'itrely HSmiMlt Yrgotablc, It tiOTcr.ag afl UobUltntcft It is mm I V! lOathartioand lati. a. ilOBlO, J a'il". ft 1" aOT.rtO. a"tn Invitroratorl linn In my nrnotlr.. and by tho public, more than 85 renn, ' with unprecedented result.' SEND FOR CIRCULad S T. W, SANFORD, M.D., fg""". 1ST BireoisT mu TILL TOO iT. nrm- ' , RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE? M-OUT1IEUIS CENTKAL KAILWAY JL. 1 SUMJIEU TIME TABLE, On arid after Runrtay. .luno 23. ilia, the irMu on the Philadelphia & l.rln H, Iro-irt Division wn r;i na frtlanwa , WKSTWAIID. Erlo Mall leaves l'hlladrlphU 11 s pin " " llarrlsburi; am " " William' port s 35 a in " " .Terscy llorr ! 11: g m " " lack Uaen 9 41) a in " " Kenoro lie "am " arrive nt Erlo 1 R5 p m Niagara Express leavesPhllailelphla 8 no n m ' " llarrlaburg 1148 am " orr. nt'W iillamsport S3, pin ' ' Iocklla.en B.wpm " Kenovo 5 2:, p m Fast Line leaves Plill.idelnhla II 4', am INrrlaburtf 8 Mpm " arrive at wiiiiamsport 7 25pm ' " Loekila.en Stopm KASTWAIID. Pacltlc Kx press leaves Lock Haven c taain " .lerrtey.sl.oro T 1.1 am Iillamsport 1 u m " anlvo at llarrlsOurtt IMS air. " ' Plilladelphla s 11 pin Day Express leaves Henovo lunfiam ' Lock Haven 11 211 am " Vllllamsport 12 4iipm " arrlvoat linrrlsburif 4 10 pm ' ' Philadelphia 1 20 pin Erie Mall leaves Henovo 8 511pm " Lock Haven luiiupm " " Wllllarosport 11211pm " arrives nt ll.irrlsburg 300am M " Philadelphia 7 40 am Fast Lino leaves N Iillamsport 12 3.1 a ra ' arrives at llarnsburg 3 55am " " Philadelphia 7 40 a 111 Erlo Mall westand Hay Kxoreis East make cIm connections nt Northumberland with L. A: p. It, It, I Lruius iur , iisesuarre uuu rKTunion, Eric Mall West, Niagara Express West and ht Line West muko close connection at WlUlomypon w lib N. O. It. W. trains north. 1 Niagara Express West and Day Express Its makoclosoconncctlun atLocklla.cn with 11. E.V, it. i(. iraius. Erlo Mall east nud West connect nt Eric 1U trains uu L. M. ,t M. 8. It. It. ; nt Corry with ti.t.t A. V. It. It. ; at Emporium with II, N. Y. P. It. K. ana ai. iinuwooa wiin a. . u. jc. Parlor cars will run between Philadelphia and Wlllamport on Niagara Express west, Erie Erea west. Philadelphia Express ca, Hay Exp rt-sa east and Sunday Express cast, sleeping cars uu all Bight WM. A. IIALDW1X. (leneral Mipt. -VTORTHEUN CENTRAL RAILWAY XI L U.nl A IS V. On and af ler November 20th, 1973, trains will lean ouuuury un iuiiuwh : NOUTIIWAItD. Erie Mall s.so a. ra., arrive Elmlrn II .5 " Conondalgua... 3.35p, n I llochcstcr 6.15 Niagara 9 to 11 Kenovo accommodation 11. lu u. in. urine ViiliM- porti2.es p.m, Elmlra Mall 4.15 u, m., urrlvo Elmlra 10.20 a. in. Buffalo Express 7.1s a. m, arrlvo llutrolo s.cci a. a SOUTIIWAltU. IlulTalo Exprcas 2.C0 a. m, arrlvo Hamsburg i.M a. " Baltimore fl.40 1 Elmlra Mall 11.10 a.m., arrive HantskurgLU " Washington lo.so" " Haltlmure 0.311 " " Washington t.30 narrlsburg accommodation 8.40 p. m. nrrUe llarfj Dure 10.50 d. m. arrive Baltimore 2.23 a. d I " Washington 0.13 Erie Mall ls.es a. ra. arrive Uarrlsburg 3 05 a. ra " Baltimore 8.40 " " Washington 10.35" All dally except Sunday. D. M. BOYD, Jr., (leneral Passenger Ajt'.i A. J. CASSATT. Ocneral Manaftl nUILADELPIIA AND REAWNO ROAD JL ARRANGEMENT OF l'ASSENGEB TRAINS. May 11, 1S79. TK1IN8 LEAVK BCPEBT IB '0L1.0W8(8frlDAT KXCEFTH For Now York, Philadelphia, Heading, Pottbrtlt Tamaqua, ttc, 11,45 a. m For Catawlasa, 11,45 a. in. 7,21 and 7,33 p. m. For WUUamsport.o.K) 9,05 a. m. and 4,M p. in. TltltNSrOlt BCrSllT LKIVK IB fOLLOWB, (BtKMTII CKPTED.) Leave New York, 8,45 a. ra. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Leave Heading, ll.wa. m rottsvllle, 12,39 p.m and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leave Catawlssa, c,u 8,60 a. m. and 4,oo p. m. Leai e WUllamsporl ,9,45 o.m,2,15 p. m. and 4,50 p. m passengers to and from New York and Philadel phia go througa lthout chango of care. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Manager. V, U, JlAlNUUUli, tieneral llcket Agent, Jan, 14, is7-tf. ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA A.NB WESTERN KA1LKOAD. BLOOMSBURQ DIVISION. Time-Table, No. 39. Takes effect at 4:30 A. H arrxii.av r,Tx,o ,n .... m 9 VP ILt' STATIONS, KfltnTL a.m. p m. p-o 9 S5 S 10 4 scran ton ueuevue .....Taylorvllle.... ,,. Lackawanna.,. Hllston ,. West lltlston... Wyoming .......Mallby.,,,.. .Bennett, Kingston Kingston. .Plymouth June. ...Plymouth Avondalo ...... Nantlcoke 111 io 2 2J 8 2 SO 0 a 8 34 W 2 44 41 2 4, 0 r.l IS 9 45 9 53 10 07 S6I W 10 18 3 18 7 J 10 33 3 15 111 I 1 1029 315 i 8 91 7 M ,11 or 9. vit T 41 .Uunlock'a (.reek. 10 HIM JJ 10 65 3 60 9 11 07 4 03 f 11 " 4 10 U ti 4 IS 9 J ,Hhicksiiinny.., ...Hick's Ferry.... ...Beach Haven.,. -Berwick ,,,, ....Briar Creek ..Willow drove... .,Llme Kldge ..........spy.... .Bloomsburg... ItUDCrt S 7 ill IK 11 39 11 67 6 IKJ t f U 18 6 S S . Catawtssa Bridge.: i.,,.i'unvu.uM...... Chulasky.H.. Cameron .Northumberland, ,. 5,1 155 U 45 6 45 W P'Hi . P.'"-,, W. r. HALSTttAU, -tr tPiparlateadent'a omco, Bcranton, Jane 10. "YjTAINWRIOIIT & CO., WllUUlbAa.Ja UlIUUbHO, I'UIUl8l-rBU, Dealers In TEAS, SYIIUI'S, COFFEE, SUQA1I, M0LASSK3, KICK, artOIS, BIC1B9 8001, C, otC. N. B. Cornerseoond and Arch streets, ivordcriwui recolve prompt attention. NOHTH. I p.m. p.m. a.m. 9 so 4 pi 9 40 9 23 9 17 9 87 9 OS 9 30 8 68 3 51 9 21 8 61 3 40 9 19 8 43 8 41 9 14 1 41 11 0 8 33 3 30 9 04 8 13 8 10 8 44 8 23 8 SO 8 55 8 IS 8 IS 8 47 8 04 3 04 8 89 7 61 8 61 8 88 7 38 8 39 8 11 7 IS 8 34 8 18 7 25 S 28 8 00 7 13 7 14 7 10 7 US 9 04 7 44 0 M 1 67 7 33 6 60 1 61 7 83 1 IS ll 7 29 87 1 87 T 11 0 15 00 I CO 6 45 p.m. p.m. a.m. 1