'PUIS COLUMBIAN. OOLCHI.I '"0C.4;T.AA?.,'T.,iIn?"n """".I'M.. tind weekly, ovory Friday mornlntr. at BLOOUSHUItn, COLUMDIA COUNTY, l'A, iounty'thc terms nro fi par yo.u.Mrlclly in advance, so nipi'f discontinued, except fit the option or the tniilnll nri-pnrntrn ipn nni.i t . - Vnilnuil Tliw after the expiration of tho nisi "'aii pipits sent out of, Hie stale ortortlstnntnott I B? iiiut lio liulfl for In advance, tiniest a respon-1 ithto person in uuiuuiuui wjuiiLj- ikvuiuics 10 pay the ilunrlplloiHliio on demand, I I'OSTAiiK Is no longer exacted from siibscrlbersin tie counly. J job oainsrxiisro. I TiieJoonicR department of tliecoi.rMnuMltvcryi f -ornpieie, ul1 "'" " " "ii"h "n Lunipuro invorn Ibir wltn tnstof tho large cities. All workdonoon I jcmand.neatly and at moderate prices. Columbia County Official Directory. President. Tuduo William lilwcll. Atgociato Judgcs-I. K, Krlckbaum, V. L. Hhuman, Prolhonotary, sc. William Krlckbaum, Court Mennirraphcr fl. N. Walker. BeirHter Iteeorder Williamson II, Jacoby, liistilct Attorney lloberm. Utile. Sheriff, lolin W, 1 lomnnn. surv or -vimitol Noyli ird. Tr .uurer II A. sweppcnbelser. (.-j.nnilstloncrs Stephen I'oho, Charles ltlclmrt. A. 11. Herring. Co nuiustonors' Clerk J, 11, Casey, Mnlltors S. It, Hinlth, W, Manning, C, 1). Sfc- ''n'rv Commissioners-KU ltobblns, Theodore W. j'nitv Superintendent William It. Snyder, lil.ioin Poor l)lstrlct-l1rcctors-Ii. s. Knt, Scott, Win. Kramer, liloomsburg and Thomas lteece, JCO't, Bloomsburg Official Directory. president of Town Councll-I s. KUIIX. t'leik-l'nul K. Wirt. Chief of Pollen it. La) cork. President of Has Company s. Knorr, Secntary-C. W. Miller. iluiomsnurir Hanking Company .tohn K, Pttnston, President. II, II. (Irniz, Cashier, John l'eacock, Tel. ler. Firs' Na lonal Hank-Charles II. Paxlon, President J, p. Tustln, Cashier. Columbia County Mutual Saving fund and ton Astoria' lon-IL II. Utile, President, C. W. Miller, secretary, lllnomsbtirjr ltulldlnyandSavlni? Fund Association Win. Peacock. President,.!. 1). Kulilson, secretary, llloomsburit .Mutual savlnir Fund Assoclailon J. I iiroiver, President, P. K. Wirt, secretary. CHURCH DIRECTORY. BAPTIST CHURCH, Her. J. P. Tustln, (Supply.) Sunday Services vim a. in. and ex p. m. Sunday school 9 a. m. prayer Meetlnz Every Wednesday evening at tys clock. Soaisfrco. The public arolnvlicd to attend. ST. MATTHBW'rt t.UTIIRnAN CHURCH, Minister IMv. o, I). S. Murclay. Sunday Services lOtf a. m. aud IXP. m. Sunday school 9 a.m. Pravtr Meollnjf Kvcry A'edncsday evening al 7tf clock. Seatsfreo. Nopcwsrentod. All aro welcome rilKSBTTRKIAK CHURCH. .MIntstcr-ltev. Mtuurt Mlichell. Sunday Services lOJtf n. 111. and OX p. m. Sunday school U a. 111. Prayer Meeting Every Wednesday evening at OX clock. He.11 fl free. No pows rented. SI rangers welcome. M RTHOP11T KIMCOVA I. CHURCH. Presiding Cider ltcv. W. Kvans. Minister ltev. E. II. Yocutn, Sunday Services lnjtf aud r.,V p. m. Sunday School 2 p. m. lilblo Class Everv Mond.ty evening at 0,v o'clock. Young .Men'H Praver Meoilng-Every Tuesday CTfiilng at OK o'clock, (loneral rraycr .Mectlng-Every Thursday evening r o'clock. RKFORMEP CHURCH. Corner of Third and Iron streets. Pastor ltev. W. K. Krebs. Kesldciice Corner 4th and Calharlne sjreets. Sunday Services low a. in. and 7 p. m. Sundav school') a. in. Prayer icctliig Saturday, 7 p. m. All aru invited There Is always room. ST. I'AUI.'S CHURCn. Hector llev I,. Zjliner. Sundav services WJ4 a. tn., IX P. m. Sunday school 9 a. in. First Sunday In the month, Holy Communion. Services preparatory to Communion on today evening before tho st Sunday In each month. Pews tented 1 but everybody welcome. RVANOKI.lrAt. CHURCH. presiding Klder ltev. A. I.. Ileescr Mlnl'icr ltev. fieorgo Hunter. Sunday Service 2 p. m., In the Iron street Church, Prav or Meeting livery sabbath at 8 p. m. All nro Invited. All arc welcome. TUK CHURCH OF CHRIST. MeetR In "tho Utile lirlck Church on the hill," known as tho Welsh llaptlsl Church-on Hock street 01lleKUlar0mectlng for worship, every Lord's day af- freehand tho' public aro cordially Invited to attend OCIIOOI, OKDKHS, lilank, just printed anil 7 neatly bound In small books, on hand and f r s.H at tho colcmiuan Offlcc. 11IK DISHDS, on l'arclimitit and Linen I Paper, coinmou and tor Admlnlsi raloi s, Execu toMuii.rtrustccs, tor sale cheap at the Columbian O'lln". JUSTICES anil Contaliles' Fee-Bills for nale nttheCot.UMBiAK onice. They contain the cor reci ed roes us established by t ho last Act of tho leg s ituroupon tho subject. Every Justice and Con tablo should havo ono. V MNDUK NOTKS .jiit printed and fur Rale cheap at the cot.ua sun omce, HLooMsnunci nuincTouY. PltOKlISSIONAI, CAIIDS. i (1. BAHKI.Ki', Altoriiey-at-I.aw. Office I , In lirower'a building, Slid story, Itooma 4 .t 5 1 II. KOUIHUX, Attorney-at-Law. Office 1) . In Harlinan'sbulUllng.Malnstiect. SA.MUKL KNOKK. Altorney at-Law.OHUe In llartman s lliilldlng, Jlaln street. 1 K. WAl. M. ItEIIUH, Surgeon and 1'liysi I clan, onico Market ilieet. Above 5th Cast side. 1!. KVANS, II. I)., Surgeon and 1'liysi . elan, (Ofllvu and Kesldenco on Third stieet, J 11. McKKLVY, M. D., Surgeon and Phy sician, norlh side .Main street, below Market. M.Ml'IIK.NMIY.JI.D, Surgeon and l'hy-.slclan- nftlcu N. W. o. .Market and l lflh st. sea ot the eye a specialty aug. 'i'J, fra. D u. j. c. nurrun, PHYSICIAN SSUKOEON, onice, North Market blreet, liloomsburg, Pa. Oct. 1, 11. "f-lt. I, L. itAIlIl, PRACTICAL DENTIST, Jlaln street, opposlto Episcopal Church, lilooms burg, Pa. Tcet'i extracted without pain. Oct. 1 167J MISCBIJNKOUS. c M. DIMNKEIl, GUN and LOCKSMITH. &ewlng Machines and Jlachlneryof all kinds re- dalrcd. Ortu Hoi'se liulldlng, Bloomsburg, ra. D AVID LOWENIIEUO, Merchant Tailor Malu St., above Central Hotel. S. KUIIN, ilt'iiler in Meat, Tallow, tie, ut'niru airiiet, teiwe en bixuuu uuu i uiru, H HOSENSTOCIC, I'liotograplier, , Clark & Wolf's store, Jlaln street. 41 UOUS'lUrf l'HEUNO, Practical liomeo pathlo Horso and cow Doctor, liloomsburg, Pa. 14, "79-11 Y. KESTEI1, JIEHCHANT TAILOll. HoumNo. 16, orsKA llet'ER liciuua, liloomsburg. apilltg,is,). 17REAH BIIOWN'S INSURANCE AGEN ; CY, Exchange notel, liloomsburg, Pa. Canltal. itstna, Ins Co., ot Hartford, Connecticut.., ti,wo,ooo Liverpool, nonaon ana uiuuo ,utww,uiv Itoja'of Liverpool ,. 13500,000 I.aucaoshlre IO.ikio, no Fire Association, Philadelphia Farmers Mutual of Danville Danville Mutual s.loo.ooo l,ooo,ou T, llil.1 Home, New York ... 5,coo,oou )41.C31,0OO As the agencies aro direct, policies aro written for the insured without any delay in the onice al lilooms burg. March M.'so y F. HARTMAN nirmseKTS tuk roixowisa AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES: coming of Muncy Pennsv Ivanla. AorthAiuclcanot l'hlladgfphla, i'a ran kiln, of " " Pennsylvania ot " armers of York, Pa. Hanover of Now York, Manhattan of " unice on Market Street No. e, uioomsDuxg, Pa, oct, I8.19.ly. ESPY PLANING MILL. Tho undersigned lemee ot the Espy Planing Mill, Is prepared to do all kinds of mill work, , Frames, M, Blinfls, eic. made to order on short notice, an teed, Satisfaction guar. Ciuhlks Kara. Ulocmsburg, Pa. IIITlflt' I Hy tending 85 cents, with nge( TjiS" I hlght, color of eyes and hair, you 1 uTl l will rifuive bv return mail acor VftTTIJCft W rectplctuio of our future hus. iUUXtSiiJji , band or v ne, with name and date Address, V I'OX Dux 71 Fultonvllle, N. V. aug. B), iu. D lA"- . , i wo not um Por year, M ra bU discount allowed w.ionptfdln advnnoo, After tho expiration of th0 0. E. EI.WEM,. 1 . BITTEN BENDER, f '"PHttON. T'AWYKllS. I fl II. 1IH0CKWAY, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian lititniKii, liloomsburg, Pa ColiecTnn.?' 1,"VTn,,ei1 """ Uw Assoclailon. "T.,;J?al0 1,1 M" lrt ' A'nlca or Europe. T E. WALLER, Attoi Increase ef Pecsier.s cHalacd, Collcstleas tsads. onice, second doorfrom 1st National Hank. Ill-OOMSHUIKl, PA, Jan. It, 157s Jyl" U. KUNn, Ai,toi ncy-nt-I.nv, Incirasc of I'cn-ions Obtained, Collections Mntic. , PLOOMSDUltO, PA. onice In Ent's Hcii.mNo. c, II A W.J.BUCKALEW, ATTOHNKYS-AT-IiAW, llloomsborg, Pa. omco on Main street, first door below Court Houso JoTlN M. CLARK, ATTOIINEY-AT-LAW, omce over Schuyler's Hardwaro store. ' P. BILLMEYER, ATTOItNEY AT LAW. Hi rice In Ilarman'a liulldlng, Main street, liloomsburg, Pa. n. itm.K. ROB'T K. LITTLX. P II, & R. R. LITTLE, ATTmivmvu.A' ATTOItNEYS-AT-LAW, liloomsburg, l'a, Q W. MILLER, " ATfOItNEY-AT-LAW onicoln Urower's building, second noor.room No. liloomsburg, Pa. B. l'RANK ZARR. Attornov-at-Taw, IlLOOMSBURG, PA. onice tn TjNAMsT'a iicilbino, on Main street second uuui itutMu v emre. Can he contulted in German. Jan. 10, M-tf G 4.1CO. E. ELM-ELL, A T TO R N E Y-A T-L A W, Cot-UMbiAN lluiLbiNo, ploomsburg, Pa. Merber of tho United stales Ijiw Association. Collections made In any part of America or Europe oct. 1, IS7D. CATAWISriA. yyM. L. EYERLY, ATTOHNEY-AT-IJIW, Catawlssa, Pa. collections promptly made and remitted, omen opposite Catawlssa Deposit Hank, em-3S w; II. RHAWN, A T T ORX E Y-A T-L A W , Catawlssa, l'a. omce, corner of Third and Main Streets. gAMUEL FREDERICKS, GENERAL FOUNDRY RUSINE3S, NEAK CATAWISSA. , ..uii'niiii. tiui, icuu - ucunjr, quiubiy nny uUCUpiy done. Pious, Vater-Wliccs, ,tc, manufactured or repaired aug. 22, '79. BIjATOIILEY'S PUMPS I The Old Reliable STANDARD PUMP For Wells 10 to 75 feet Deep ffg New Price LisUan. 1, 1879. ADDRESS ;.;. iti,.VT iii,i:Y, 4 40 MAUICET ST., PHILAD'A, April 11, lS79-cm EltY DIRECTOR. TEACHER AND STUDENT Should subscrlbo for TH13 EDDCATOlli A Llvo Educational Monthly, published at ORANGEVILLE, PA., for 60 ccnU per year, bend six cents for specimen copy. C. K. CANFIEI.D, April 18, lSIStf IMItor. $2 ,000 A Y'EAlt for honest, Intelligent business men or agents. New business; light ork Address Co-orsiUTiVK Aobncy, Madison, Ind- June IT, lS7D-4m Rowell & Oo'b. Advs. FRESH llF iio.wriin nv HTi:..ir. BOSTON BEEFPACKIBGCO. IH7 ('onarcs Mreel, llo.tiini 3In.. sOMErilINO NEW. Excellent. Economical Kood for families. Pl'UE. WIUiLCnoMK MKAT. Save I'U"1. saenotner. convenient aua neiicious t oio, while so many nlco dlslvs may bu made from It. Akk nur (irorer for It. Ak vour Ilutcher for It. Plfty per cent, moro nutrlmeiit In a given quantity (t this fresh Heef than In any other canned Prcsh Deer. Sold by J roiiers Ocucrull)'. sept. 19. 4w. r xpn u ,t..,r.Miiiiiv r..uiiiiir In tho bowels Is lHlt.as Uablo to diseases as he that Is irregular. Ho may bo attacked by contagious uiseascs, uuu u niav the lrreiruiar.but he H not marly aa a ublect to ouisiue inuuences. i uu usu ui TurrniiCn elui'r Alierlenl, Becures regularlt-, and consequent Immunity from bicKuess. SOLD HY ALL DnUGQISTS. r sept, 19, 4w, Atotisers.Jl.Geo.P.Eowell&Co's ..u'nnnAp Artvfi t Klnir lllireau. 10 SnrUCe St.. NCW York, can leurn the exact cost of any proposed Hue of ,i) Kit rii,H in American .-.evtbuupiTb. 1IOO-iiii ire i'liiniililet l)c.-4 sept, 19, 4w, r nnn pronts on so days Investment of ft! Q Q v w uu.nai iieiui w,. ucu Proporlional returns every (ek on BtockOptlons ofo. :.(, 100. - ,W.'''.iA? -....1, ,n tnnVam ft VCntl fcf . Un nil I, I llll" ,U1, WW., W-UBV. a, w- im'wim'tiiv hiiiiiN.iitv. tiioh. i anion, n. I 'li' lmilniMnn. N. .1 . for liolh sexes. Wo ex cel In hcaltl'tulnesp.eonventenie. dlscipllne.thorouga teai ning, noine coiuiuris uuu uivuviu v iuu,. sept, iv, 4W, r AlillNT-i WATi:i for smith's Hlble Dictionary II lees reduced. Circulars free, A. J. 1IOLMAN 4: CO., 1 hPa. bept, 19, 4W, $10 to $10001: Invested In Wall St., stocks makes fort inn s ev ery month. Hook fcent rrt-i, exnliitnluir evervih uir Au wiya Month and expenses guaranteed to Agents ouiniirfe. hiiaw & tu, fliui.u, i.,,,, sept. 22, fSMw r -UrrrrrjA YKAltana expense; to agents Outnt 59 Free, Address P. O. VlCKEtiY. Augusta, Maine. r -i.it He Poetical. A F0IIK.ST FANTASY. nr fcrnxt. tank. far la the forest a fountain It leaping, llubbllng and clear In Its pebble-strewn cup J Ferns cluster round It nnd mosses come creeping Down to the waters that never dry up. Clasping some trensuro with delicate fingers Singing sweet songs to tho solltudo dim Close by the fountain a watcr.sprito lingers, Llko a palo flower on Its moss-covered rim. My Fairy Prlnco hail ono heart of gold, Never jet by nymph possessed. For counterfeits lurked In every told. ot his pearl embroidered vest. He climbed the stairs with fie sprites ot air, Andplascdlnlho fields of bluoi In Jeweled caves where the gnomes repair, Ho has laughed and frolicked too. Ilej ond the blue nnd beneath the grass, Thoso counterfeit hearts wcro known, Ah ! nymphs saw not they were only brass Till they had given their own I 1 sit alwjy by my fountain's cup, And watch that It never dries . -My Prince camo here ere the moon w at up, Together wo marked her rise. Here did he linger till break of day- Mnger nil noontide was past 1 Why did he laughingly sip away, Leaving me lonely at last 7 This Is no counterfeit heart I hold ; Was It not plucked rrom his breast 7 Tills Is that heart of the purest gold, Never yet by nj mph posscst. Night passes on. To these forest recesses Moonbeami steal trembling a silvery band (llanco bf tho water-sprlto's Illy-decked tresses Light on tho count :rfelt-dropt from her hand. Godey't, Select - Story. Wild TOOK. IT V THE STOSY OF A TWENTY POUND HASK NOTE. 'Will j'oti take clinrge nf twenty pounds till to morrow morning, Mnrtin?' Take charge of twenty pounds, Harold 1' echoed my wife, in amazement. 'What do you mean V I settled myself down lo nn explanation. Explanations are thing I hate, nevertheless they are necessary sometimes. One was due on this occasion. 'You know, my dear Martin,' I hegan,with a btisincst-like air, 'that the failure of Hard niro Brothers threw scores of men, women and children in this neighborhood out of work, in the very hardest part of a very bad year. This evening a meeting was held with a view of enlisting thesympathy of the pub lie. A subscription list was got up, nnd a collection made there and then to the tune of twenty pounds. As nothing else could be done with tho money to-night, I was as treasurer, obliged to bring it home ; nnd very nervous I felt' I can assure you, at coming along these lonely roads with such a sum. However, I have reached home safe ly, in spite of my fears, and now I shall de liver it over to you until I can get rid of t.' 'And so free your mind from all responsi bility,' added my wife, with a smile. She knows that one of my chief weak nesses is a dread of responsibility. 'As far at possible,' I replied. Wo immediately went into a consultation as to wbern tho money should be put, I Mi rpeted the mpat-safe, as a place to which thieved would never dream of going for money, but my wife pnob-poohed the idea, as well as several other suggestions of mine, which I thought were not so bad. At last nn idea, struck her in the shape of the wine-drawer of Ihocupboard of the side hoard. Ily this means the money would be ioubly safe, she nrjued.for the drawer might firtt be locked, In addition to locking the door. I looked rather contemptuously on the plan, for if tho truth bo told, I felt it was only due to myself to do so, since my wife treated every suggestion of mine in a simi lar manner, Roth nf ut failing tn hit upon anything better, the wine bin was agreed upon ; and, aa I looked over my evening paper, I watch ed her place the black japanned box in tho drawer, lock it, lock the side board, and place the key in her own purse. 'There I' she exclaimed, triumphantly, 'I shouldn't think any one would get at that before to-morrow morning, for this purte goes into the well of my dressing case to night, aud that will he locked and the keys put away in my dressing-table drawer, so wo are doubly and trebly secure.' In spite of these precautions there was a load on my mind that I felt would only be removed when the money was safe in tho bank, I envied my wife her happy insensi bility, for in less than half an hour she was quietly sleeping, while I tossed restlessly to and fro, thinking about the money, and wondering whether any ono could possibly get at it. At last a grand idea struck me, which was to put it ini-ide tho piano. Who would dream of searchiug for treasure in such a place ? Whereas, what robber coming into a house would not go to n sideboard 7 and tho very fact of tindiiig it doubly lucked would make him suspect that something was hidden there. Plainly enouuh, Mistress Hariun, with all her cleverness, had chosen the very worst place possible. Should I go down and remove it ? I knew where the keys were to be found, I had half u mind to do so, if only for the sake of quieting my mind and getting a little sleep. No doubt I should have done so, had not a cir cumstance intervened I fell asleep. It seemed scarcely an hour afterward that I awoke and heard soiinJs of life in the street below, Well so far all was safe e nough, no robber had molested us, aud I felt o comfortable and easy now that all danger was over, that I began to laugh at my nerv ous fears. How stupid it would have been to have gone down stairs in the middle of such a bitter night ! Thank goodness, I had been too strongmiuded for that, I fell olT into another doze, and, as natural consequence, was late fur breakfast, That mial was a hurried one, and when it was over and I had my coat and hat on, ready to start off on an Important case, 1 remineded Marian of the money, and begged of her lo get it out quickly, 'I had quite forgotten it I' she exclaimed 'Here Marian, run up stairs aud fetch my pur.e outof my dressing case ; the keys are in my dreeing table drawer. Marian Hew up stars to do her mistress' bidding, while I stood and chafed in the bull and submitted to having my coat brushed. In a moment ihe returned, bring' ( litf I til Mil If f Ifft BLOOMSBUTIG, PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10. ing the purse, and Marian ran Ito the din ing room. Two or three minutes passed, and Marian was still fumbling about at the side board, I entered tho room Impatiently, Marian looked at me crossly. This is quite too bad, Harold. What have you dona with the box ?' 'Done with the box ?' I exclaimed j 'what do you mean, Marian ?' 'I won't stand this trilling any longer,' replied my wife. 'It's a shame to glvo me tho responsibility of that money and then leave mo like this ?' 'What on earth is tho woman talking about ?' I crled.bewlldered. 'Say what you mean In plaiti words, I beg.' 'The money's not here. It's gone, box and all,' Marian replied, with a white face. 'Gone 1' I cried, 'gone 1 Where's It gone, ' o'r who has taken it, I should like to know? You must be raving. Let me come and look.' Marian moved aside and I knelt down to the drawer. No sign of a box was there, As my wife had said, the money was gone. Hut how, when, or where? The drawer was locked, the cupboird wat locked, tho dre'sing cae was locked, the purse was in side it, tho keys In the dressing table draw er. These things my wife and Martha were suroof. A man placed in such a position is bound to have an Idea on the subject and to assert It, so I suggested that Martha mutt be tho culprit. 'No, no, don't say that,' criod my wife, excitedly. 'I'd as soon believe that I was tho thief as she. I've known her all my life. No, no, it isn't Martha.' 'You talk liko n child,' I replied, with an air of superiority, for really women have no reasoning powers whatever not even the best nf them. "Can you suggest any one else who by any possibility could have taken the money?' 'Indeed I cannot,' Marian replied. 'It could not bo a, housebreaker, for the locks were jutt 9 I feft them j nothing had been touched, apparently.' 'You admit that it could not bo any one outside the house, so it must be Martha,that it plain logic,' I said, with as much evenness of temper at I could command at the mo ment. 'It isn't Martha,' replied my wife, stub bornly j 'I'll never believe it.' For my part I felt sure that it was Mar tha. And as It wat quite impossible that she could easily recover it. Rut sbo denied the charge so emphatically that it was with a very anxious heart I be took myself to the bedside of ray patient. The case wat a complicated and peculiar one, and my mind soon became so interested in the progress of the various symptoms that my, own caret becamo at things of nought. After paying one or two minor visits I re turned home. Martha opened the door and immediately retired into the kitchen, with out a word. Marian wa9 nowhere to be found. I went up stairs in search of her. She was not there, but a little table in the corner, covered with writing materials, be trayed her recent presence. An open letter in a handwriting I knew and detested, at tracted my attention. Husbands have cer tain prerogatives. I atserted ono at that moment and read the letter. If you can do tho same, here it is ; if not, skip it : "Dr.Ar. May' If you don't contrive to sond tue ten pounds before this day week, it will be ruination for me. If you Bend it you will enable me to retrieve my former posi tion, and become a credit to my famly. Yours, affectionately, FrtANi:." 'The young rascal ; what fresh mess has he bsen getting into?' I exclaimed, angrily, Tho same Frank had been the source of un told squabbles between myself and Marian ; holding a fairly good potition in the city for an unmarrid man, and always getting into debt. Presently I heard Marian enter the hou'e. With the letter in my hand I confronted her. Sliotiirnol first whiteand then red, and atked me by what right a gentleman enter ed a lady's private room and read corres pondence. I paid no attention to this high flown lanzuage, but replied by asking her whether she had been out to post a letter. She ad inittcd she had. 'To Frank?' I inquired. 'I decline to say,' she replied, haught- Hy. 'Containing money?' I asked. "That I also decline to say,' she re plied. Here was a pretty pass things had conio to my own wife openly refusing to answer my questions 1 I think any one else in my plac would havo come to the samo conclu sion as I did namely, that the letter was to Frank, and that it contained money. A few inquiries at the Post-office confirmed my supposition. From the time of this dis covery a cloud seemed to have settled over the usually happy household. Marian was sullen and angry, and sat at the head of the table without speaking a word. Between meal times I scarcely ever saw her. Martha sided with her' mistress, and always looked at me reproachfully, In the meantime other cares were press ing hard and fast upon me, In spite of a rigid examination I could discover no clue to tho lost money. Of course I bad been obliged to make it good, and, jn order to do this, had drained myself of every available farthiug. lheio events happened at a time of year when it was impossible to call in many outstanding d(bt3 ; so that after a while of desperate struggle against our unfortune circumstances, I was compelled, sorely against my will, to appeal to my father. All this while I had not been Inert about the lost moriey, but bad hold several discussions with a defective. A fear of incurring ad ditional expense had deterred mefrom sit ting him to work ; but as ho seemed to think that lo ttace the money would be the easiest thing in the world, I at last gave him au thority to commence a strict investiga tion. From the detective's 1 went to my father; and plainly statiug the facts, asked him if he woul d lend me the sum I bad lost. This he agreed to do, and the conversation turned ou family matters generally. The uuhappy coolness which had arisen between myself and Marian wat presently discussed, and when uiy father taxed me with iiukindness toward her, I felt bound to explain to him Frank's demand, aud her resentment of my interference. My mother started up suddenly from a fit of thinking and plied me with questions. 'Wat Marian the only person who had access to the sideboard?' 'As far as I knew, the only person,' I re plied, 'And did you say her letter to her broth er Frank contained money ?' 'Yes a 1. 0. O. for ten pounds. 'Had she ten pounds of her own?' 'Not that I know of.' 'Was the'.likely to have saved It from her allowance for housekeeping or private pur pases ?' 'Very unlikely, Indeed.' 'Then,' my mother continued, 'it seems to me that the nearer home you look for your money the sooner you will find It,' When I arrived home my mind was torn and distracted by conflicting opinions. I felt very anxious to discover some sign of innocence, or, may be, guilt. 'Marian,' I said, as gently as I could, whcrodld you get the money from that you sent to Frank ?' Sho started, and turned quickly round upon me. 'How did you know I sent money to Frauk ?' 'Never mind how I knew it,' I replied. 'Where did you obtain it ? You must an swer me that question before you leave this room,' I added, more sternly ; for her eva sion of my question ditquieted me. She looked at me steadily in tho face for a minute, thcn.dropping her eyes and clatp ing her hands tightly together, she ex claimed : 'I see now the drift of your question. The money wat lost at the same time that I sent some to Frank. Harold, you suspect me your own wife, of being the thief, and you have sent that man (I saw ho wns.a detective directly) to track mo out, and prove this against me. Do you intend to send mo to prison? 'Marian,' I answered, excitedly, 'when I sent that man here, no such suspicion had ever occurred to me, and now that I must confess it has, ono word from you will dis pel it ; or, if It should bo otherwise (here I extended my hand to her, hut she flung it from her), you have only to acknowledge it to obtain my free forgiveness.' 'Your forgiveness 1' she added, haughtily, 'I do not need it,' and without another word she left me. For some minutes I remained stunned by this new nspect of affairs. Could it be pos sible that my Marian was guilty ? I would never believe it. And yet she had not at tempted to deny it. Again, the anxious fsce she had lately worn, to-gether with oth er circumstances of the case, served only to confirm the Idea. Would that it had nbt beeu so, or even being so, that she would come to me for the reconciliation I was long ing for and the forgiveness I was only too anxious to bestow. A day or two after this 1 found a note awaiting mo when I returned home to din her. Tho handwriting was Marian's, aud my delight at seeing it was so great that I kitted it again and again. Kagcrly I open ed it and read it. It ran at follows : 'The society of a thief cannot be congen lal. For that reason I have kent out of your way till I had made up my mind what to do. 1 shall not trouble you any more, Ilaby and I have gone to my father. I know you can claim baby if you like to do so, but I think you will see that it is better for him to he with me. Do not ask me to como back I never can. The miserable life I have been leading lately would soon have killed me, and my life is precious to my child. Your unhappy wife. MAF.IAX.' That wat all, except a few words at the end that had been hastily scratched nut, of which I could distinguish only, 'Oh, Har old !' Strange as it may sreni, this note did not shock me at the discovery of Marian's guilt had done. I felt so angry with her for her unreasonable conduct that my tenderer feel ings remained almost untouched. My love for the Marian of former days had not de creased one whit, hut my auger with the p'e'eiit Marian was for tho moment para wont. The child wat better with her, and for the present sho should keep him, for I had no idea of fetching her back. She had lei. me through no uukindnest of my own, and no wife could he justified in leaving her husband in the way Marian had left me. I wat beginning tn get a little accustomed to my renewed bachelorhood, when one, night, very late, a telegram was brought ine, worded thua : 'Come at once to baby.' The night train would leave in about an hour's time. I packed a few things aud started to catch it. In about three hours more I wat conducted into the room where Marian was sitting witli our little ono lying In her lap, struggling hard for life. Some medical man was already there, bending over tho child and auxiously gaziug at its contnrtrd and livid features, but, at far as I could see, dol og but little to assist in the bat tle against death, He left at once, and Ma rian looked up into my face, and said : 'Thank God, you have come 1 He was doing no good. Oh, Harold 1 save my ba by ; save my child.' 'I will do what I can to save my child,' I answered. I called a servant and gave ray Instruc tions. In a few minutes the room was filled with vapor, every vent carefully guarded. The cloud of vapor kept on steadily increas ing, till diops of water began to trickle down the walls. Still the child on Mariau'a lap lay almost choked, its struggles growing fainter each succeeding timo. The cloud was still pouring out into tho room, aud nothing more could be done, so I stood at Marian's knee, watching for the approach of some favorable symptom. Only once Ma rian spoke, and thet it was to ask me with blanched face and faltering lipt if there was any hope. 'To the last moment, yes,' I answered.and she was relieved at once, hardly compre hend from my words how faint that hope wat. Presently the struggle grew more freouenl; gradually the almott lifelesi limht became imbued with fresh vigor, the heavy lids re laxed, the gasps for breath became more ef fectual, aud with a mighty eflort nature as sertcd her sway, In u short time baby was nestling peacefully In .Marian's arms, wrap- pea in a sweet, lite-giving slumber. When he was laid iu hit cot, his mother turned to me and said pathetically : tri. tr n . un, uarom i wiieu uaDy was so near death, and you fur away, I could not bell seeiugbow wicked I had been to leave you as I did. Will you forgive uie, dear, and take me back, tor baby a sake ?' 1879. I could only kiss her, and press her lo mv heart. Alter a while I said : 'It was only thoso words, 'Will you for give me?' that I wanted. If you would have spoken them sooner, wo need never have parted. 'Oh, Harold! how ran you? It was not that I was asHng you tn forgive me, but my folly in leaving you. I am at innocent of taking that wretched money as my own child, Won't you believe me ?' 'I do, my darling, I do,' I replied, with genuine delight. 'I would havo believed you then if you had said this to mo; but you know you never deigned me a word.aud what was I to think ?' 'I wat so horrified nt your evon suspecting me that I fancied it was beneath mo to de ny it. I cannot now understand whattcould have prompted you to think such a dredful thing of me. It Is very hard to bear.' I was beginning to wonder, too, how 1 could have suspected my own Mnrlan. Cir curattances'and my mother wero moro to blame than I, however. In answer, I murmured somethiug about Frank. 'Ah, that letter to Frank, I remember it. You were always so hard on him that I didn't like to tell you about it. He really had been trying to keep on steadily at the post your kindness had obtained him, but old debts were constantly coming in, and his limited salary would not meet them and keep him as well. There was one- man who pressed him bard for .CIO. IIo had spent has Inst quarter's salary within a pound or two, and more would not bo coming for some time. He wrote and told me this, asking me to help him, but I could not. Ho wrote again, and said be must draw on his salary, but I begged him not to do bo, so soon, I wat sure bit employers would think it a bad sign. The man threatened to expose his former habiu to the firm, which vou know might have ruined him with them. I re solved to help him this once, and in order to do so sold my diamond brooch, which I scarcely ever had occasion to wear. I got 10 for it, and I sent him notes to that amount he little gues'ed at what cost,' 'My poor, persecuted, self-sacrificing lit tle woman ; why did you not tell mo all this? Why could you not trust mo ?' 'Why could you not trust me?' Marian demanded, half playfully, half pathetically. Then she added, earnestlg : 'I havo been very much to blame. I wat proud and self willed and all sorts of bad things, and then leaving you was worso than all. Harold, dear, I am so ashamed of myself for that1 No women is justified in leaving her hus band on so slight a pretext as I had.' I thought so too. She was becoming the most sensible little women in the world! but I had been to blame too, but I was not going to let the magnanimity be all on her side.,' We were both to blame,' I replied. I am nntgoing to exonerate you quite, little wife, but am going to own to my fault. I was a brute to doubt you. Marian, you must lor givo me, dear.' 'Oh, Harold 1 we shall be so happy again now, shan't we ?' the little woman replied; and then she wound up our reconciliation in a truly womanly stylo, with tears and smiles and kisses. Iiut the mystery of the money was still more dark after Marian's explanation, and it was months before we penetrated it. We did so at last, however. Our piano being sadly in want of repair, I sent ton piofesional man to como and 'do it up.' I was in tho room when he proceed ed to take it to pieces. As soon as the front wat removed I perceived a little black box snugly lodged inside, which I immediately recognized. My grand idea now flashed in to my mind. Hero, then, was the clue to the mystery. I was the thief. In my anx iety I had placed the money inside the pia no, while still under the influence of sleep. Marian was delighted. Sho actually sbed tears of joy when I told her of my discove ry. 'Ob, you abandoned man,' she said, shak ing her head at me, 'to suspect mo when all tho time you had stolen your own money 1' IN KEMI'KIt COUNTY. The Republican press of the North, which fairly held its breath when Stewart L. Woodford said he would travel South with Mrs.Chisbolm to attend the trial 'f the man charged with kflling her husband, seems to be very much put out that he got back safe. That he did Tnot fall the vic tim of a shot gun of some unreconstructed rebel is a matter that apparently grieves the stalwart editor. But it trouble! them still more that Mr. Woodford announces that the trial was a fair one. The jury list was fairly made up' and 'fairly drawn ;' of the fifty one persons fr-Jtn whom it wat select eil, twenty-live were black and twenty-six white ; the district attorney 'did hit duty wen anu oraveiy : lie prepared uis case 'with care and tried it with good sense and siund professional judgment,' assisted by ai;ex-chaucellor aud a Mr. Morris, from Vicksburg, 'one of tho most logical and forcible criminal lawyers' that Mr. Wood ford ever met; thejudge tried tho case fear lessly and justly, erring, il'at all.on the side of the prosecution, Personally Wr. Wood ford says, he received entire courtesy and civility from everybody whom he met. This is hit testimony. What do tho lunatics think of it who were predicting that ho and his ward would never get back alive ? Mr, Woodford says the verdict wat against the law. We will conclude for tho argument that he la right. This is nothing iu the Northern courts. Wo submit that when juries are fairly selected from the whole body of citizens, honestly drawn, prosecu tions pnshed with zeal and cases fairly tried the government and the prevaling political majority have done all that can ho reason ably asked of them to secure justice and promote peace, Kemper county has been sadly racked with political feuds. For tin anarchy, mob hw and murder that reigned there fur yearn, it is admitted that the dead Chisholm wa. largely responsible. H had killed bis man. Wood auswered for blood and the avenger Blew him. We de precate the act and it should have been vin dicated hy the outraged law ; hut, while w caunot excuse, we can understand the feel ings -which led a jury to the verdict they reached, Jiowervo wrongit may havo beet Mr. Woodford's testimony fully acquits tli court of responsibility for it He attests that those who liav coutrol of public nlhiirs in Missis Blppi are resolutely determined .to substi tute law and order for misrule and anarchy. Lancattcr Initlligetwr. THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XIII, NO.42 COI.UMnlAllEMOCHAT.VOL.XUV, NO, K3 tiik miniums of siiikkian kxii.k- Of the treatment ol political exiles In Si beria, I have before me a thrilling descrip tion from tho pen of Mr. Robert Lcmke, a German writer, who has visited the various penal establishments of Russia, with nn of ficial legitimation. He had been to Tobolsk; after which ho had to make a long, dreary Journal (?) in n wretched car, until a high mountain rose before him, In its torn and crAggy flank the mountain showed a colossal opening similar to the mouth of n burnt-out crater. Fetid vapors, which almost took away his breath, ascended from it. Pressing his handkerchief upon his lips, Mr. Lcmke entered the opening of the rock, where ho found a large watch-house, with a picket of Cotsacks. Having shown his pa pers, he was conducted by a guide through a long, very dark nnd narrow corridor.which judging from its sloping descent, led down into some unknown depth. In spite of his good fur, tho visitor felt extremely cold After a .walk of some ten minutes through the denso obscurity, the ground becoming more and more soft, a vague shimmer of light became observable. 'We aro In the mine 1' said the guide, pointing with a sig nificant gesture to tho high iron cross-bars which closed the cavern before them. The massive bars were covered with a thick rust. A watchman appeared, who un locked the heavy iron gato. Entering a room of considerable extent, but which was scarcely a man's height, and which was dimly lit by nn oil lamp, the visitor asked: 'Where are we ?' 'In thn sleeping room of the condemned I Formerly it wat a product ive gallery of the mine, now it serves at a shelter,' The visitor shuddered, This subterra nean sepulchre, lit by neither sun nor moon, wat called a sleeping-room. Alcove-like cells were hewn into tho rock ; here, on a couch of damp, half-rotten straw, covered itli a sackcloth, the unfortunate sufferers were to repose from the day's work. Over each cell a cramp-iron was fixed, wherewith to lock up the prisoners like ferocious dogs. No door ; no window anywhere. Conducted through another passage, where few lantera were placed, and whose end wat also barred by an iron gafe, Mr, Lerake came to a large vault, partly lit. This was thn mine. A deafening noise of pickaxes and hammers. There ho saw some hundreds of wretched figures, with shaggy bcards,sick ly faces, reddened eyelidt, clad in tatters, Borne of them barefoot, others in sandals, fettered with heavy foot chains. No song, no whistling. Now and then they shyly looked at the visitor and his companion. Tho water dripped from the stones ; the tat ters of the convicts were thoroughly wet. One of them, a tall man of suflering mien, labored hard Willi gasping breath, but the trokes of his pickaxe were not heavy and rm enough, to loosen the rock. 'Why are you here V Mr. l,euike asked. The convict looked confused, with an air almost of consternation, and silently con tinued his work. It is forbidden to the prisoners,' said the inspector, 'to speak of the cause of their banishment 1' I.ntombed alive ; forbidden to say why 1 'Hut who is tho convict ?' Mr. Lemko asked the guide, with low voice. 'It is number 113 1' the guide replied, la conically. 'This I see,' answered the visitor ; 'but what are tho man's antecedents ? To what family doe3 he belong ?' tie It a count,' replied the guide ; a well- known conspirator. More, I regret to say, I caunot tell you about Number 114 1' The visitor felt as if he were stifled in the grave-like atmosphere as if his chest were rested m by a demoniacal nightmare. Ho hastily asked hit guide to return with him to tho upper world. Meeting tho comman der of the military establishment, he was obligingly asked hy that officer. 'Well, what impression did our penal es tablishment make upon you ?' Mr. Limke stiflly bowing in silence, the officer -teeme I to take this at a kind of satis fied assent, and went on. 'Very industrious people, the men below ; are they not?' nut with what leclliigt,' .Mr. L.emke au- wered, 'mutt these unfortunates look fur ward to a day oi re-,1 after the week's toil I' 'Rest I' said tho officer; 'convicts must al ways labor. Thord is no rest for them. They aie condemned to perpetual forced la bor ; and be who once enters the mine nev- r leaves it I' 'Hut this is barbarous 1' The ollicer Bhrugged his sbouldeis, and said, 'The exiled work daily for twelvo hours; on Sundays, too. They must never pauie. Hut, no ; I am mistaken. Twice a year, though, rest it permitted to them at Lister timo and on the birthday of His Ma- jetty, the Emperor.' Karl lllind in (he Cbn- tcuiporary Review. STItANOK STORY UF A WOMAN'S FOLLY. Miss Coulter wat the beautiful and ac complished daughter of deaf mute parents of rotuville, Pa. The family removed to Philadelphia, where Miss Coulter was wojed and won by F. Lear Smith, a wealth law- yer of Reading. Mits Coulter accepted Mr, Smith's proposals, but stipulated for a mar riage seiuemcnt oi yiuuw. wulcu was agreed to. They were married on July 2nd, but for some reason the marriage portion was not paid over at once. The honeymoon wat a loiig and brilliant one, aud was spent In an extensive briaal tour, taking in a num ber of the principal watering places. Returning hoin, they went to housekeep ing iu a splendid residence, left to him about a year ago, on the most fashionable street of Readiug, both house and grounds being fur nished with all tho luxuries that taste and money could procure. But a wealthy, in teiligent anil Cevoted husband and a luxu rious home were not enough to make thi uon jii, omul! nappy, a lew weeks ago she leceiwd her marriage portion, aud on Srturday tdie dUatineared. She has been traced to Philadelphia, whither she fle.l In cumpany wiin a young man whose name It wiiuneiu, ami her husband, has begun, or win uiiiMi uejiiii proceeuings ior a divorce, u is now saiu mat the whole affair was plot on tho part of the young woman an urr iuvcr iu secure a portion ol air. smith fortune. Almost Young Again. '.My molher was afflicted a long time with .-euralgla and a dull, heavy inactive condl lion of tho whole system; headache, ner vr.us prostration, and wat almost heirless. No physicians nr medicines did her any good. Three months ago eho began to uso Hop Hitters, with such good effect that h seems and feels young again, although ov 70 years old. We think there Is no othe medicine fit to uro in the family.' A ladv. ! 11 II T ' u i juviueuce, it. I. RATES OF ADVERTISING. srAci. Jnelnch.,., . PwnlDches fhrcc Inches. . rour Inches. .. quarter column, ItsP column jna column 1. m, .(a.oo fs.co . B.l 4.10 IK. . H.on IS.dO 6.KI S.IKI J.liO It.lO .0fl 1(.U lll.dtl 16.H0 It t9.ni HAD; 4. t.0 in.t . . ft.OO , 0.00 te.oe ".W l.no Ij.mi ts.eo 1H.IHI t.'w ro 'v tn.M to.w H. t Yearly advcttlsHuetils navaM mtarterly. Iral stent ud v el IIm limits must be paid for befot e IhMt U except where parties have accounts. I,riral advertisement two dollars rcr Inch for llire. Itiwitloiis, and at that rato for additional insert lort wiiuoui reicrenee 10 icnitm. Kiecntor's, Amlnlstrator's and Anditor'n notlcv threo dollars, iust bo paid for when Infcrted Transient or Local notices, twenty cents alln regularndverllsementshalt rales. cards In the "Holiness Directory" column, one dollar per i car for each lino. Items. Caught on the fly Trout. It Is hard lo tell which la the popular now, Government fours or Finn mres. There Is no difficulty In weighing n man's credit when he has a big balance at the bank,) T!.e man who 'stuck to his colors' was a painter who sat down Iu one of his paint pott. From the number of sporting degs bred now-a-days, we should judge there Is about one dog for every game bird in tho coun try. Duck hunting commonces when tho man of the house begins to overhaul the upp;r closets for bis white waistcoats. Mr. Bergh has arrested a Central Parle keeper for sticking a pitchfork into an ele phant. Now if Mr. Bergh vvill arrest soma of the fellows who pitchfork trunks about on the railways, travelling public will rise up and bless him. 'Persons owing bills for board will bo bond for bills,' Mark Twain says. A woman in New York who dashed pep per In her f.tlse lover's eyes wat arrested for Vault. Tho wheels of a clock always travel in cog. Members of Congress nro born talking? soldiets never talk, says Joo Hooker. If you arc over-anxious lo know why tho elephant wears a trunk, irritate him suf ficiently, and you will discover that ho car ries hit choler in it. Charles Summer was no musician. It is rolated that n lady friend on en told him if bo were to buy a music box set to 'Old Hundred," she did not believe that he could make it play 'more than seventy five.' Contentment abides with truth. Y.iti will generally suffer for wishing to appear other than what you aro, or moro learned, tho mask soon becomes an instrument of tor tue. To know a thing it rleht, and not to do do it, is a weakneis. When you know a thing, maintain that you know it; when you do not know it, admit the fact; this is wisdom. Fear not poverty ,but fear missing the truth It is not work that kills men; it is worry. Work is healthy , you can hardly put more on a man than be can bear. Worry it rut upon the blade. It is not the revol ution that destroys the machinery but the friction. Making the best thing it the art of all aris, without which no trade, profession or calling will ever insure success. It Is tho secret nf order and cimfort of our homes. Young men often fill to get on in this world because they neglect small opportu nities. Not being ftithful in little things, thoy are not promoted to the charge of greater things.- The child leirns more by his fourth year than the philosopher at any period of his life ; learns to fix an intelligent sign to every outward and inward motion by a single impulse imparted by his lips to the air. We are born with faculitics and pow ers capable of anything, such at least as would carry us further than can bo easily imagined : hut it It only the exercise of those powers which gives us ability and skill in anything, and lead us towards perfec tion, Tis a sillv conceit that men without lan guage are alto without understanding. It's apparent iu all ages, that some such have been even prodigies for ability ; for its not to bebeleived that wisdom speaks to her disciples only in Latin, Greek and He- rew. Self-aclivilv isthe indisnemablo con- lition of improvement : and education is only education that is, accomplishes iti purposes only by allonlinu objects and sup plying materials to this spontaneous exer tion. Strickly speaking, every man must educate himself. Let us not listen to those who wa think ught to be angty with our enemies, and ,'ho believe this to be creat and manlv. Nothing is more praiseworthy, and nothing more clearly indicates n great nnd noblo soul than clemency and readiness to forgive. Reading maketh a full man. confer ence a ready man , and writing an exact man1 and tnereloie. il a man wntp little lin had need have, a good memory : if ho con- ff little, ho had need have a nresent wit. and if he read little ho had need have much cunning, and to seem to know that he doth not. If all means of education which nin scattered over tun world, and if tho philo sophers and teachers of ancient and modern Imes were to be called together, and made to bring their combined efforts tn hear upon an individual, all they could do wouia oe to anora the opportunity or im provement. Lifo is a stream which mntimiAllv flows' on. but never returns. W'n ili dally; for each day takes away some por tion outie; llio present moment Is only our own No man can succeed in all his under. takings, nnd it would not be well for him to do so Things easily acquired go easily It it by the struggle it costs to obtain that we learn to rightly estimate tho value. Tho love of elorv. tho fear of sham tho desircof makintr a fortune. Ihe desire nf rendering life easy nnd agreeable, and the humor nf pulling down other people, are often tho causes of that valor so celebrated among men. The French peasantry are not vet tlrH ofshuDlng about in wooden shoes, and r ranee produces about four million pairs yearly. They are very economical, and keep the feet dry. The best ore made of mapie, ana.ln provlnclaltowns, ladies often wear them. Greeley's "On West " savs the Tlim. ville Herald, has broken up many a Ifaiilly, filled many a rail mod car, 6old many a farm, built up many a State, left many a creditor in the lurch, gave thousands the 'shakes' of fever and aguo, and made Ihem acquainted with tho grasshopper to their sorrow. It is comparatively innocent thlinr to take a nensnaner. but tn tal-n thn e.lltnrV advice aye, there's the rub 1 Brunswick writes tn ili nn?iio. TI,.,o It a!ladv. well known in Kw Vnrir ;,i.. whose distinguishing charoclerlistin is an mailable appetite, When i-he goes lo an entertainment where the eatables aro served irnui a side tsule, and powd around lo tho guests, she lakes her chair nnd draws it up In Ik. I.LL 11.1. , ,n . iu iuci nuir, uuu iicips nerseu. vvneii Hie eals all she wants, she fills her pockote, or tellt a waiter to do her up a small parcel of the good things tn take home with her. J'hls Is a well known fact that now, when i iauy is going togivfl a party, she tells the caterer that there will be so many persons and Mrs, .and he knows how to provide, The friends of n citizen of Baltimore haie staked for the appointment of a guar dian for him, in II ground that he is in sane, and i iqtisi de ring his property. They say bo bmieht 1(10,000 worth of furniture, ud put u (OKlly nutwood tet, with satin damaik ,ovrriiig, in the cellar, where chick ens loi.st upon It and mado their ncstr. Al to, that he purchastd eighteen clocks and its many bronzes, and when remonstrated with, laid that he tiurchreed litem for ettrlitem houses he intended to build in Washingun to let to Congressmen, i