THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU EG, COLUMBIA COl NTY, PA. Miscellaneous. VflTCIIKS' M0I1T- From the earliest 1 1 men men have been trying to look nlicnj The ancient Kjyp Un had oracle where their godi were sup posed to answer the questions of men by dream and other ways ; the ancient Greek nlin hail Turnout nracleo, which people came from fiir-oir landi to consult ; the Roman killed crrttln fowl nr animals, and guested at tho future liy the looks of their Internal organs J tho Hebrews and the Ilabvlonlans had their own peculiar ways of finding out what wa4 to happen, The world has not yet outgrown the longing to look ahead. Tho Hindu to-day sets a lamp afloat on his sjered river, and JudRos ol the future by the length of time It burns ; tho Chinaman con sults Ids 'wlo men,' who pretend to under stand dgns ; tho Ignorant African takes no tice of t if an of birds and nnlmnls ; tho English not long ago tried to learn by help of what thoy call 'witches' ; and Splr Itualls' even now, believe tha predictions of n 'nil din in No serious attempt to look Into the future has been made for a Ion; tlmo by Intelligent people, and the old customs have become a fro'lcijnio trying of 'charms,' especially on nnu tilirht of the jcar. It Iscuiimis enough that the nlgbt selected Is the eve of the fes tival of All Saints, which was established in tho seventh century by a pope of Rome, In honor of all the saints who had no particu lar day assigned to them. The Romans brought Ibis festival to England ; there It became All Hallows, and the evening before It, Hallow even or Halloween, and that was the night sacred to charms and gems. In tho seventeenth century, England gave up the night to feasting and frolicking. Nuts and apples were plenty from one end of tho Island to the other, ami Nut-crack Night' was tlio name given to it. In England, the revels were for fun, such as diving for apples floating in a tub of wa ter, and, of course, getting very wet ; nr trying to snatch in tho teeth an apple on one end of a stick, which had n lighted candle at the other eud, and, being hung by a string, could be spun around very fast, so that the players often seized the candle in stead of the fruit ; or a playful fortune tell ing by naming nuts, roasting them before the fire, and watching their conduct when heated whether they burned steadily, or bounced away, or burst with a noise, each movement of the charmed nut being of great importance. One nut test was tried by grinding and mixing together a walnut, hazel-uut, and nutmeg, making into pills, with butter and sugar, and swallowing them on going to bed. Wonderful dreams would follow (which was not surprising). In superstitious Scotland, the night was given entirely to serious and sometimes frightful attempts to peer Into the future by beans of charms. One way of trying fortune was to throw a ball of blue yarn out oi a window, and wind it into a ball again from the other end. .Near the last something would bold it fast, when the winder must ask: 'Who holds?' The answer would name ono who was to have importance in the questioner a future. Another Scotch custom was 'pulling kale stalks.' A young person went blindfolded Into the garden, pulled up the first kale or cabbage stalk he touched, and carried it in to the house. The wbole future was read from that stalk ; the size indicated the stat ure of the future partner in life : the quan tlty of earth at the roots showed the amount of his, or her, fortune ; the taste of the pith told what the temper would be ; and when the stalk was placed over the door, the first name of the person entering was the fated name. The island of Lewes, on the coast of Scot land, had some curious customs. Young women made a 'dumb cake,' and baked it before tho fire with certain ceremonies and in perfect silence, expecting to see wonders; and the people also sacrificed to a sea god called Shoui., 'hrowing a cup of ale into the sea, and railing on him to give them plenty of sea-weed to enrich their grounds. Iu another Scotch trial, a girl would go into a barn, holding a winnowing sieve, and stand alone, with both doors open, to see her fate. The fashion of trying charms Is now near ly out-grown among English-speaking peo ple. It survives in America as a pleasant frolic for a social gathering. In our own day, young people 'sow hemp-seed', 'eat ap ples before the glass,' 'go down the cellar stairs backward,' holding a candle and a mirror. They also 'pop chestnuts,' 'launch walnut-shells' holding tapers, and try the 'three.aaucer test of the future. In some of our cities, the boys on Hallow een collect old tea-kettles, boots, large stones, etc., and deposit them in clean vestibules, ringing the door-bell and running away. Thus the 31st of October set apart by a pope as a religious festival became, in su. perstitious times, 'The Witches' Night;' crossed the ocean as a season for frolics, and ends with a street -boy's joke. Oliver Throne, in Si. Xicholai for October. HOW ARB TUB MIOUTY FALLEN. To-day there is a man going about tbe streets of this city, ragged, dirty and pen nileu, subsisting on free lunches and the charities of gamblers, and has not slept in a bed for months, who, during tbe war was one of the most dashing cavalry officers in tbe Union army and was promoted from tbe rank af first lieutenant to full Brigadier and Brevet Major General for brilliant exploits on the field of battle, and who for a long time bad a largo and important command He has been here for two or three months. under an assumed name, being ashamed to dim tbe brilliancy of bis record in the ser vice of his country by an exhibition of bis degradation under his former honored name. He Is generally very reticent, having very little to do with any one or talking but little. save, when 'engineering' for- a drink, at which be h remarkably successful. Night before last, while lying helplessly drunk in the rear part of a Third street sa loon, some men thought to play a joke on him by stealing his shirt, and proceeded to strip him. Underneath his shirt 'and sus pended by a string around bis neck, was a small canvas bag, which the men opeued and found to contain his commission as Bre vet Major General, one from Grant and one from President Lincoln, a photograph of a little girt and a curl of hair a 'chestnut shadow' that doubtless one day crept over tbe brow of some beloved one. When these things were discovered, even tbe half-drunken men felt a respect for the man former greatness, and pity for bis fal len condition, and quietly returned the bag and contents to where tbey found them, and replaced tbe sleepers clolhea upon him. Yesterday a Kcwt reporter tried to interview this man and eudeavor to learn something of his life In the past few years, Ibut he de clined to communicate anything. He cried like a child wheu told how bis right name and formpr position were ascertalued, and with tears trickling down bis cheeks, said. 'For heaven's sake don't publish ny deirra- datton,my name at least, If you are determin ed to say anything about it. It is enough to know myself how low t havo fallen. It will do you nn g.iod and will do my friends a great harm. Rather let them think I have died, In South America, where I went at the close of the war.' 'Strong drink and the gambling table,' ho said, was the cause of his downfall. Aan- at Cily AVu. DltVINd AND CANNING AITLKS. Wo always dry our apples In the oven of the conking stove as quickly a is possible to do without cooking them and when they are sufficiently dry put them Into their pa per bags, tie them up securely so that no in sects ran gain access to them,and hang them up lor a white lit tho kitchen before they are put away In the store room. Fruit dried in this way is never wormy, as the insect moths never get a chance to deposit Ihelr eggs. When apples are likely to be scarce in late winter and spring, and especially when ap ples are keeping poorly, we fill our cans, that have been emptied since the canning season doted, with apples ; If tbey are sweet, we put a handful of ralslus to a can to flavor them. Our pet way of putting up sweet apples is to paie and then core them Ith an apple-corer, leaving them whole, slick two or three cloves Into each one, and cx)k them till soft In a syrup made in the proportion of a pint of sharp vinegar to a quart of sugar. We prefer to keep them in air tight cans. Fooling the Ilritlsh Farmer. The case must be desperate when the British Fremler finds it necessary to mis state and contort facts for the sole purpose of deluding British farmers. It is hardly conceivable that Lord Ueaconsfield can be lieve that our Western farmers are desert ing our own fertile lands to build up the Ilritlsh North American wilderness. It is equally bard to believe that so well-Inform ed a man does not know that the tide is run ning the other way. Canadian farmers are encouraged to come to this country,and tbey are coming. If Lord Ueaconsfield is found ing any considerable part of his policy on tho hope that "Canada will outstrip tb United States,"there is going to be an awful miscarriage of plans. With a fair show, freedom from old world broils and plenty of hard work Canada will go ahead, but in the meantime we shall not stand still, and Lord Biconsfield's prophecy will be as far as ever from fulfillment. What a future British Premier will see Is tho wiping out of the boundary line and the peaceful absorption of Canada iuto the United States if Canada will ask it, and we shall be too neighborly to decline a request so politely put. It is difficult to see what good end is to be served by official efforts to mislead the British people. They read and they must know sooner or later, that the government has been trifling with them. False promise is being held out to the disheartened and discontented farmers just as, in the early days of the commercial depression, mill bands were told that tbe American manu. faciurers would break down as competors and once more give up the field to British looms and forges. That dishonest illusion haa been dispelled and the latest cheat will go along with it. The truth must be faced that Great Britain can no longer make the wares she needs nor raise tho food she eats. Chronicle Herald. HOW ADAMS HANDLED A MUSKET. In 1777, John Adams was appointed com missioner to France, to take the place of Silas Dearie, and embarked on board tbe Boston frigate. Iu the course of the voyage, the commander of the Boston saw a sail, which carried the flag of the enemy, and tbe temptation to engage with her was so strong, that, although contrary to his orders which were limited to carrying Mr. Adams to France, he determined if possible, to cap ture ber. Having obtained the permission of the commissioner, be made sail in chase ; and when coming up with tbe enemy, be represented the danger of remaining on deck : the courses were clewed up.a'll hands beat to quarters, bulkheads down, decks sanded matches lit, and tbe fight begun. In the midst of it, the captain saw, to bis surprise, that Mr. Adams had escaped his confinement below, and, with musket in hand, was doing the duty of a marine with great dexterity and composure. He im mediately went to bim and said, 'My duty, sir, is to carry you unhurt to France, and as you are unwilling to go under hatchets of your own accord, it is my duty to put you there;' and seizing tbe future President of the Republic in bis arms, he had him con veyed to a place of safety, and took measur- ea to keep him there, which were effectual. A Wise Deacon. 'Deacon Wilder, want you to tell me how you kept yourself and family well tbe past season, when all the rest of us have been sick so much, and have bad the doctors vis iting us so often.' 'Bra. Taylor, the answer is very easy, I used Hop Bitters in time ; kept my family well and saved the doctor bills. Three dol lars' worth of it kept us well and able to work all the time. I'll warrant it has cost you and tbe neighbors over two hundred dol lars apiece to keep sick tbe same time.' 'Deacon, I'll use your medicine hereaf ter.' Certain it is that as nothing can better do it, so there is nothing greater, for which God made our tongues, uext to reciting His praises, than to minister comfort for a weary soul. Great Britain, it is estimated, now holds 130 000,000 of United States bonds, and Germany, France and tho rest of Europe about 170,000,000. A rise in tbe price of breadstuff is antici pated in England, and there is great destitu tion among the working classes in that coun try. "Don't know half their Value." 'Tbey cured me of Ague, Biliousness and Kidney Complaints, as recommended, I. had a half bottle left which I used for my two little girls, who tbe doctors and neigh bora said could not be cuied. I would have lost both of tbem one ulght If I had not giv en them Hop Bitters. Tbey did them so much good I continued their use until tbey were cured. That is why I say you do not know half tbe value of Hop Bitters, and do not recommend them high enough.' B., Rochester, New York, (ISSOIiUTION OF l'AKTNKRSHIl'. be DArt&erabln hereb)for exl.Mntr n n Iirockway and ueo. K. Klvrell as lite ana ol Urock. r j ciwcii, viiv.Kru iu iuo publication or tua I o IXKUiiu, and In tbe practlcocriaw, H tbls day aia- -- "J W.tVM huUHUU IU. MAJK. VI Uitf 111 III will rrmalo at IUe L'olchbuv uffloo (or nettlemsnt, and allpfrsons knowlnir Uirmwlvea lobe Indubttid to tbe nria will please call and settle, and Uiow rutv. luir claims against tnu nria 111 pleu&e preseiit tnelr Wilis. C. B. DttOCKWAr, . . QBO.K. BIWKU. acptiw, w, Catarrh of tho Nasal Cavities, Acute, Chronic, and Ulcerative, Hay Fever, or Roto Catarrh, Giltrrh of the Eye and Ear and Catarrh of the Throat, r.cccrssFCLLT treitkd w tin SJ.NFORD'8 RADICAL CURE, rtATATtltn ll ft dltciiA of ths mnConi memt-rnn, j 'Stmt triniei.ts nmt rPiibtlttitloni vary In euvciirr la lnlltimiKl cpk'. Cntprri. mar ftflio from t c l I tr it lucctisiuu uf ciiMi, I rum tutidru ihAiiKQ .f,itrot I lit rr. wetiiug wtt rlntitirjjf.or citohum to UtU nivnl wcitllirr, ItccumlUK llioruuat.ry cliltttiil win n tho tilfTt'itlvu tn-mM iro In n morbid or inictlm cugriitlon. ond tlmMrotirfih nj Tltil fortttr xhttuttetl. Th til cm e tiiir ru irom ntcrtrfiilou comlttloti of tlit MckmI. ironi hear I ct FTcrt MpmIc. nmt IMnliilirrl.i.ln wlilch cuei tbtiryt mid ear are gennully irtrulroJ ftrvl dK ctmrifs qaAtultK'M of matter., Tli . dlocharcei fromtii none, tiKMiwinetlrtf fi'Mun In all catarrhal riuei rrom vliatrvrr cruio they arlif.tntty lo thin and watrrr, n o nc11 na tit rnuifl mlnrM and ricnrUtlon of thr kln with tilth thvr room In contart, or thick a dTrlloi I it. Diltitt)u a foul odor, or clear ftnd hit Tik.t tha v-hitenrnncKfT, There timy ho an ertlw lack of peer lion, tliftt'trfiera brln dry atid feTuttiih.thtrnfo.rnl nl nppf r prtof ih' r If It m tnrlrrlM bra tlrht. im iicb a i-vun vjicomionnuic, una 1 bra tlrht, unyleMlnir bn I Thta trrl Tlrr I'm lrrh. Tha iti natter frlln tlnmmiTirlfil.ln ami Itlt-r finale ta called l)ry I'atarrh. Tht frre r, m ndrrlM bn tlrht, unyleMlnir hm I Tata trhirifMi enn llm ift(tca to wt and UTcortvi t'ilck",nr'd,rrn'l'rlBir brr ttinnjr through tho nne drta f jor Impwlbtvi, and tba auTcrrrflnd tt necruarr t ttrratnethronaTh tho month, thcr by mrmlt lint coll rlr to pnM directly to the brrnchlAUnhci and Innr. 1 he matter pasting down Vt ronl crrstri a conilnni I.. tire to dik ma expcctorr-ti to throw It effi but when tho mtmhrkne U dry ami rcTrrlsh, Instead of rotinir freely down from tho nni ant ma. cm become Ttsrd and forms h.M ar fibs, Incroiut lotto, and bard imm, which adhero at firmly to tha natal ratttftei throat m lorrquira e ry persistent ctrorio li dliioddo them. Tho eyo In aynipailiy becomta In, weak, and wtt err. or fct th morning tho 1M may bo found tlned togotl rr. and mntter Is to crctedlntnorenrlcMO'nntliy Th etralto hmmti t'Tloulr nirctcri,ll-trh irglntf qnnntltlrt of Idea being Tlsltnl by toi trtt vloleLt pcnrn1le bains, en'tlng frean nllr in liifiimmatlon, ulceration, and ii tally d can icft. Th-throat, I rortchiM tunes, and lonrt am In many rwt affoctc 1 by c jttnrrh, anl whri pros IntioTi cf tho ncrvoui system It superadded. aui.:i nf I.cllon brconr) alannlng, Abriffsurrtof this tnoptserlonsdlieme wurre alt Tiio are mulcted Itti It ti mako spceily prcpnrtUir tt for l.a treatment before It hrcmnrs chroulc. Tho odrtn t4?rt oUcrrrt by Battold'h IUoical Curh wo cooa deiitty b"lKro rro to bo found la no otier remedy, iTeryrt' p In. Its preparation, ercry line In tho direc tions, mark It aABcleniiaa remedy, calculated to meet erery rthatonf ihqdlacaw. Tin numerous tetttoionlalo from tho bet paonlo In tho United States ettett tbe eMr-rm tn which It fa h-ld by thosi who haro be a frrM fTMit inn mot d-ttmtlTo und daagerouo dlioaao wltu v, Men maukmd It to-day tflllcted. JUST PUBLISHED. A carefully revised Treatise on Catarrh, with ma ae-rurr.-e description of symptoms and tytupathetlo dl-ta- is. together with ml auto directions (or effecting Ith tUxroRD's IUdioal Ccbb o speedy and pcrmo i.crt euro. AlsoobeerTatlona on diet and tho general I r.Hli.of Trutlmportano ito all afflicted with catarrh. I S Ii wrapped about en b. bottio of tho IU&ioal Ccu, i r will bo mailed froa on rcc. lit of stamp. n.vh nac' ngn rf Sawto: d's Itimcut CctM contains T r. Muniurd'aTuiproTed InballngTubo, with full direc tions lor use Id 0 caeca. Prtco,"l. Bold by all whole 1 ,1o and ri tail draegiMs tu rough on t tho ITnltod fitntsa tnd Canada. WKKK- & roTTKU, General Agent cj J VbolLsalolJruf gists, Boston, Mau. COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTER Cures Pains and Aohes. It equalizes the Circulation. ItsuhdUi't Iuniainniatory Action. It cures Kopturcs and Strains. It removes Paia and Boreneu. It cures Kidney Complaint. Itatrcngthenttiio Muscles. It cures iihcamatlaoi and Neuralgia, t relaxes Stiffened Cords. I tores Nervous shocks, t ll latiiluiblfi In farnlrtll. II cm res InlHmmatlon oftUo LlTeT. 1 1 removes Nervous 1'alns. Itrurespln ,1 Weakness, t U (Ir itTul and Hon thing, ltcnn-s Epilepsy or Fits. J l is Safe.Ttellahte.aud Economical, t hi prescribed by Phyttcians. It Is Indorsed by Electrician. PmCE2TcCNT8 Be careful to obtain CotLtm' VoLTiloPuinm, a Combination of Electric or Voltaic riates with a highly Medicated Platter, as teen la the above cut. Bold by all Wholesale and Hetall Druggist throogfaout the United State and Canada, end by WEEKS VomtIL J'roprlctori, Itotton, Mot THE LIVER, THE BOWELS. and tho kidneys. TheMtrcUorcui aratli. a.tor.1 cleo I will b. perfect l If thcr breom. cloar.d, I TERRIBLE SUFFERING. DUlouncu, Ileadache, Dyspepela, Jain dice. Constipation and rites, or Kid ney Complaints, Gravel, Dlabetoi, Sediment In the IVUe, Ullky or Hopy Urine ) or Bhen aaatlc Tains and Aches, I are developed because the blond Is poisoned with the humors that tbould have bean expellvd nuturally KIDNEY-WORT will restore Uiebcal'by action and all these iicttroiii.g evils III be UvnUhedj neglect HH1I1 HUU JOH Will llB UHHU1BUU. i iiAiitanriahkvnbesnenred. Trvltand von 1 will add one mora to tbe number. Take It and bcaltn will once more gladden your heart. Why nuftor longer from thvtormnt , of nnocf.lna back? Why boar cuch cllt tross from Con t! nation and PlTe?' " vny no Kinui owautv uihib- orJorodurino? KiDSKT.WoBTwIU cu-o ion. Try o pacL" ago tt once and be tat is (let. Jiti a dry vtgtwst roripvunm ana Ono Package makes tlx quarts of Xedlrli l'tjf liruandt km tt. or trM jmu, InM v:oi katluj u. strict, SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE Csed la trie principal Churches (or Communln purposes. EXCELLENT F03 LADIES AND WEAZL7 PSUSONS AND THE AOiD. Spoor's Port Grape Wine ! FOUR. YEARS OLD. rrthls Celebrated Native Wine Is made from the X juice oi ine uporto urape, rained in wis county Ita lavaluablo Tonio and Strengthening' Properties are unsurpassed brany otner Native Wine. Being the pure Juice o( tho (lrap- produced under Mr. Hpeer'a own personal supervision, IU purity and genuineness are guaranteed. Tbe youngest child may partake o( IU genero us qualities, and the weak est Invalid use It to advantage, it la particularly bcnenclal to tbe age and debilitated, and suited to tue various ailments that asect tbe weaker sex. It la in every respect a wink to ub ItKLIKU u.t. SPEER'S P. J. Slierry. Tbe P. J, 8I1ERHY Ls a Wine of Superior Cbiracter. tuid D&rtakes of tbe irolden au&Jltle or the tj-rune. from which It Is made. For nirlty, mebnes, Flavor SPEElt'S P. JT. ISraiidy. ThU BKANDY standa umlralcd In this country, uciiiB im suiiur wr iutmii.uiai purpuww. IT IB A I'llltB distillation (mm ttie grape and con tains valuable medlcloal properties. It has a delicate flavor, similar to that of tha grapes from wblcn It is duuiled, and is In great favor among nrst-ctaa families. Hoe that the signature of ALVIIED HI'KKII, l-aasale n, u urer tue curs oi eacu uotue, SOIjD by o. a. kleim. June T, 1S79-H Tins rarsa la on nut vrra ROWELL A. fNESMAN . Advartlting Agent, tHIIt CHEITNUT T.. TLOUli, Mt- BSBjBBSBBBSSBBSJBBSBSSBa When you Bubacribo for a NEWSPAPER Take tho ono That gives you tho most for your money. THE COLUMBIAN IS THE LARGEST PAPER, In the county, HAS THE Largest Circulation, More Reading Matter, r More Valuable Information, More Interesting Selections, Than any other -A-lSnD COSTS O .WILTS' IN ADVANCE. OUR Job Department xs ooxmra, And we are prepared to do the BEST WORK FOR THE LEAST MONEY. FH8T-ClA38 firtAJEI'V- AND Firet-Clasg workmen only are employed. JOB WORK CAN BE ORDERED BY MAIL, ESTIMATES Made on Application. The Columbian, 'Bloomsburg, Pa, BLOOM SB URG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOllMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. TWS SCHOOL, aa at present constituted, oners tbe very best facilities (or Professional and OaaMcal learning. h.,'..,,,,,, .ni, ft ItutldlnessDaclous. Inviting and commodious Location healthful, anu easy of access. Teachers moderate. Fifty cents n week deduction to all expecting to teach. Students admitted al any time, ltooms courses of study prescrioed oy ino state i I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Clawlcal. Adjunct Courses : I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course In Music IV. Course In Art. V. Course in l'liysical Culture. The Elementary . scientific and Classical Courses are I'llOKKS-jloSAU and students graduatnit therein, receive state Diplomas conferring tho followln corresponding Degrees ; Master of the Kloments j Master of the Sciences j Mailer of tho Classics, uraduates their attainments,, signed by the omceraot tho lloardotTuitot' , Tnecourso oi tuay orescnoea oy tne nuiio is iiDerai, nna uw a sienuuc anu l-iiishiciu coursua uro uui micnui w muau u, um ,-uni;n. ThnHtAtnrenuirenhlcrnernriirnf eitiznnahin. ThRtimna del land It. It Is ono of the nrlmo oblects of this School to help to secure It, by furnishing In CM- gent and emclcbt Teachers for her Schools. To this end It solicits young persons of good abilities and good purposes,-lhoso who deslro to Improve their time and their talents, as students. To all such It promises aid In developing their powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid labor after lea lng School. I or catalogue, naares, ids rriucipai. IMS. WIl.M.m lt'.WKM.i President Hoard sept, 8, 'is. But come at once and look IN THE IF WE CANNOT SUIT IN READY-MADE, WE CAN SELL YOU THE CLOTH, OR TAKE YOUR MEASURE, AND MAKE YOU A SUIT IN CITY STYLE BETTER AND THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN TOWN. CLOTHS, OASfclMERES, SOLD BY THE YARD. Now Belling at the RELIABLE STORE! OF BAYED) WWMWfim. ENDORSED BV OVER MACHINE EXHIBITORS AT THE CPU? EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE, Paris, 1878 AND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, PHILADELPHIA. 1876. A, btlng" Vtry STRONG, SMOOTH, tnd LXGB.LLENT THREAD," . . rwnniiRAfir HojviE industrVi i n w April 18, ja-iy btaiHtdor nno invention, cf for improvement n eld one, for mtdiealor other compound, trade mark and luUU. Caveat, Jtttgnment. Inter' ference. Appeal, Suit for Infringement, and all eat ariting under the Patent Late, prompt ly attended to.' Invention that have brm by the Patent Of- Ace tnav tlll. in pattntui by w, living vvpueUe the r. S. ratent Department, and tngagtd in Patent lutlnes ex etueivety, v can make ctoter erarchet, and eecur Patent more promptly, and with Iroader claim, must r in. am genu vr u. rnoa el or ikttch of vour device: tee make examination andadviet a to patentability, free vf charge Ml torretpctMltnce etrictly con fdeutlat. Price lout, and JVO ClIAliOE CY Z.XHH PATENT IS SXCUltlCD, We refer in, Wathtncton, to Hon, poetmatter General V. M. Key, Jirr, F D. Power, J7 German American national Bank, to ojlctal in the V, S. Paitnt Office, and to Senator und lieprtitntatlve in Cengre: and eepecinlly to our client in every Ptu lit tw t.wuiw ana in i arifljia. Aiiart Oppoeite Patent Vjfice, ahngten, D, a THIS PAPER IS KEPT ON FH AT THE OFFICE OF LADELPHIA Car. ri,.lnnl mnA Vlvhlk At. Who receive AJitrriicmenU Tor tlilt Taper. TCTI U ATCO IW" Cih Hate. LOl IIYml tbrrror KeTOi(rUifrll.l.r. ud DSC. far AVKll sdvii MANU Am THIS COLLAR and a Cow Milker free io farmers who act as cents. Cut Uils out and address wltb stamp SMITH A BON, 14 Dey Bt., K. Y. July w, Jm. Name tbl paper. TTmnK I liy aendlse u cents, wltb ace. " T-i. Iufirtit,colorofeye8 and liair, ) ou FOB I will receive lir return mall a cor. VATTTieiii ci I rect picture of our future bus- ivuajw Dander vue, v.itu name and oato or mamaire' Address, W VOX Vox JI rultonvUlc, N.T. aug. is, im. JOB PBINTINO OF EVERY DESRIPTI0N EXECUTED PROMPTLY At the Oolumbiah Offioe 1 ir" HI Ml TIMES DUI BuiXiifiNQ rni wTnwno. )U3 , OOmpieiiy UeUlLU UJ SI UUUl, CII lUiiViittWU, lltiLVU vj tup experienced, etllclent, and allvo to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and thorou-.'n. of Trunt through the largest stock of COUNTY. NOVELTIES, Hats, Caps, fcc., For Men aud Boys, Pearl Shirts, Under Clothing. Pretty suits for little hoys, Cheap Buits for Men, Cheap Overcoats Trunks, Satchels, Bags, &c. Gum Clothing, &c. THIRTY SEWING S FT. ! . aVI HArJUFACTURED at ; r MOUNT HOLLY, N.J. TUAKTiBROiiiMiTCD)ccurs.mmi WIPARIS. PHILADELPHIA. 'AWMDCD NEW YORK &. BOSTON, Kli'TVir A TT 'O This ls a remarkable lui LiVJilj C) medicine win cure spav In, Splint Curb, Callous, Ao or any enlargement ANU WILL KKMOVB THE HUNCH WITHOUT Ol) A 7T IV BLISTKUINO or causiDir a lti i V I 1 it sore. No remedy ever dis covered equals It for oertalnty of or acU3b In btoypln? tne lameness and removing tbe bunco. Price tl.oo. Reud for circular giving niTDI? mOOF Sold by druggl8ta,ortcntU) j U XV III any address by tbe inventor, 11. J. Agenta liloomsburg, fa. HOESEcT; treuta of all diseases, ;. Send S3 Bents in stamps or curren. 'lev for anew HOUSE HOOK. It .lseases. hass5 tine eoirravlnesaliowlncr positions assumed by tick borses, a tablo of doses, a lrTf largo coUecUonot VALUA1ILKHKC DWllV Il'ES, rules for telling tbe age of a horse, wltb sn engraving showing teeth of each year and a large amount of valuablo horso Information. Ur. Wm. 11. Hall says, "I have bought books that I paid ti and 110 for which I do not like as well as I do yours." Send Foa A Cikcuur. Agents Wanted. II. J. Kendall, M. v Enosburgb Falls, Vu May , ns-ly ESPY PLANING MILL. The undersigned lessee of the Espy rianlng mil, la prepared to do all kinds of mill work. Doors, Frames, Sash, Blinds, etc. made to order oa short notice. Satisfaction guar anteed, CniauaXaco, Dlocmsburg, Pa. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES. SUITABLE FOB YARDS, CEMETERY LOTS, and Public Grounds. The following shows the ticket (lolhlc. one of tho several beautiful sljlm of fence manufactured by tbe underslgued. For Beauty and Uurastllty tbey are unsurpassed. Put up by eiiierlenccd bands, and warranted ui gtte satisfaction. Prices and Specimens of other Designs sent to any address. AUDHES3, S- 3VT. HESS, Bloomsburg, Fa. July is, 'it-cm fOB PRINTIKO ) Nestl and cheaplr executed at the Ooldmiiaji Office, nuu iHiuiaui.u ,.,vu uvuu,,..u. UUWt,.., u. , -. Expense? reserved wnen acsirca. in tne otner courses receive normal ixruucaies . r. Y. r. D1LLMVER, Secretary. C- 33. S-A.'VA.Ca-B, DBAtKH IN Silverware Watchcs.Jowelry.Clocks.&c, t ltemoved to tho Post office building, OrsT door abovo theKxliange Hotel. All kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neat ly repaired and warranted. may IT, Ts-tl 1'UOYKItHS, ruovEnns. 'Fop Pl-Ulnff upplla, nta,dJK71liri, n-iIpllrV tfnu nn a lo t'Jrlu. rUyju Jiojijilttur.' 4 "Yien-l t f, rrrtcnro Am! uhj 1 -nltitteri, nrdrouT ..iliiftroriK . Mt500 will ba pld for a cats ttiat Hop Hitters will not euro. urueip. ITop ritteri batlJi ap, itreuUicni and curei continually fruiu tlioflrbt loo." "Kldnff ard VrU naryruuiriliil-itBOf all kinds FirriiinnrMW healthy und liupy," "Ladtcs. do yoa want tu io etroiir, henllhynnd benntlful? Ihea uno Hop Killer. cun.dbynonllueiu t MTll8 CITIltPlt JlTi. Hop fornir Cwv 5 K tvtlzir. Ktnmrtfll. . ttlU RWl-i-lfiiK ifri.r R Uuur hup Lmerai."' aiidbm.Akkiiir.urUt. P Thn Ttrm far B CIcrirvTiiMi, Law- Ptnnwcli, tnr cn.l v ira Brut Jj(.it'4 innl nop jk.itciiuauy." nnd Iru'slst ,l.iti i-uiu i niri i hi purine itni lu'itlt'l, p tU ft . .t iLa - . uiuiiftii.i , ii-u f I't-tJa- ho nil dlzil- I (dnyffMi. JIopHithia 'Maptii.ifiurlrtr. Co- f LJMCUtibLLr, A i. t Send tcifd . Clrcu:.!!-. I May 3, '79-tf. TTTT SPA PVT? rin fm1"'' up nt ov f-, 1 f-p J, 'V J-J IV I'- ftowi.ll K C'o'm NcwHpaiier Advcrtlxliitt Huri'ini i.u bpruw S(n--ti. wriprt whrf tliUnKOuiaraiMiiuy tw nude fur U IN NEW VOUK, feb. ii, T-l r Feb.7, Wy AND Paper Hanging. WM. F. BODINE, RON ST., BELOW SECOND, BLO0M8UDRO, PA Is prepared to do all kinds of HOUSE PAINTINO Main and Ornamental, PAPER HANGING, BOTH DECOHATIVK AND PLAIN. All kliHlH ofFurnituro nriuilrcd. ana manu ax good nn utyv. NONE BUT FinST-CLASS WORKMEN EJtrLOVEI) Bitimatoi Mado on all Work. WM. F. BODINE. Oct. 1.1S78. M. C. SLOAN & BRO. iiLoomsnvRG, pa, Uanufacturcraot Carriagos, Buggies, Phaotons, Sleighs, PLATFOltM WAUONS, ta. llrBt-cIasa womialwajs onhand. HEPAIBINU NEATLY DONE. Prlws ifrtuced to Bult the times. Oct, 1, 1&79. MINNESOTA. m . wssa nurn i nnn nnn ifnr r. FINE FARMINC LANDS TA.'.' S"U bT.rETEIl ll.ll.Co!, r! M u Pr Xrrr, tti id llter.l nt Ther arc I're from Iiiriimhrnnrv. CHA8. E. SIMMONS, Imirran, ,, W.jiaj).r (it wrldiiB. 8PU 5, 1.,1JW TUB 0UANUEV1LLE ACADEMY You can get a Thorougn Education v. Ith the LEABT OUTLAY OF MONEV. For Catalogue, address the.l rlnclpal, APTUlttlllMt "V.O K.CANK1ELD. BU8INE8S OAKDH, VUITINU GAUDS, LSTTKB UKAD3, BILL HE AIM. POUTBKS, tO CO., Neatly and Cheaply printed at tbe Coldm BUN Office. SDn. Bani-oiid's Ijtvr.n IsvinonATon i is n SUndar.l F.inilly llTindy for . S.ii- ..r n.t ! at , ! Jnnd llowcla. It la rurolySa'j SUobilitatcs Itl Sn.ll at KjnuiuTuo nn(i trm n mj r 3n t . A tJ..J 2 P'.W i:a 5 W0" lit tt At, . 2 U1 kInTigoratorJ & -.vmiBaiKxri... i III 1 1 1 &f7 ueen nsca SlllJs. 'or mre than 85 years. S I PL 'w,tl1 unprocedontcd results S (V 3END FOR CIRCULAR.: 5s.T,W.SAf0R0,M.D.,wBSS Aplll 1, 'lll-,J, RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES" tint j-miTUKKN OENTIUL RAILWAY feUJIltElt TIME TABLE. On and tlttor Rnnrlnv .Tnnn OA 1on tt a oa tho I'lilladeiplila A jfrtfl lta lroad Dl Lion will run fL3 fOllOWS WESTWAltD. Erie Mall leaves Philadelphia 11 53 p m !! !.!hfl&bur(f . "am " William' port s as a in " .Tersey dhor v of a m 4 lXK?k Haven 9 jo a in ' ltcnoro n oi am " arrive at Erie 7 a.1 pin Niagara Express loaves Philadelphia 8 30 u in ' " Hsrrtstmrg U4aiu " arr. nt Wllllamsport a 33 p in ' " l ock Haven s 55 p m ... , " itraovo 5 23pm Fast Lino leaves Philadelphia 11 45 n m " llniriburir s ns p m " nrrlve at WltlliimsKrt J S3 p m " Lock Haven s 40 p m KA8TWAHI). Pacific Kxprcss leaves Lock Haven 40 a m " " .lerHeyShore 7 15am " vuillnmsport 7 6nam " arrive at HarrlsDurg 1145 am " , " Philadelphia a 15 pm Day Express leaves Kcnovo i0 05 a 111 " " Lock Haven 11 iiinm ' " Wllilamiport U 40 p in " arrlvo at HarrlHOurif 4 10 p m ., , " Philadelphia 7 so p m Erie Mall leavoa rtcnovo 8 30pm " " Lock Haven 10 00 p m . Wllllamsport ltaopm arrives at Harrlsburir 3 00 a m ml.. . " rhlladelphii 7 40am Fast Lino leaves Wliliamsport is 38 11 m .' arrives at HarrUburg- 3 55 a m " Philadelphia 7 40am Erlo Mall west and Day Express East mako closo connections at Northumberland with L. ic u. It 11 trains for Wllkcsbarro and Scranton, Erin Mall West, Niagara Express West and Vast ? est make closo connection at Wllllomsport with N. c. If. W. trains north. Niagara Express West and Day Express East make closo connection atLockllau'n with u. is. v it. It. trains. Erlo Hall east and West connect at Erlo with trains on L. B. & M. s. It. It. : at Corry with o. c. c . . It. It. i at Emporium with 11. N. Y. Jt P. It. It. and at Driftwood with A. V. li. it. ..,r,?1',or care wlu run between Philadelphia and Wlllamapprt on Niagara Kxprcss west, Erlo Express west. Philadelphia Express catt, Day Exp rcaa east andSunday Kxprcss east. Sleeping care on all olght WM. A. BALDWIN, (leneral Hupt. JORTHEItN CENTRAL RAILWAY on and ancr November 20th, 1873, trains will leave Sunbury as follows: NOHTIlWAliD. Erie Mall a. m., arrive Elmlra 11 .s " Cauandalgua. . . 3.S5 p. in Itochcstcr S.15 " Niagara. 0 40 " llenovo accommodation 11.10 a. m. arrlvo William - port 12.65 p. m. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. m., arrlvo Elmlra 10.20 a. m. Buffalo Express 7.15 a. m. arrive Buffalo 8.60 a. ni SOUTHWAltD. liurralo Express 2.60 a. m. art ivo Harrlsburg 4.60 a. " Baltlmoro 8.40 ' Elmlra Mall 11,16 a.m., arrlvo Harrlsburg 1.50 " Washington 10.80 " " Baltimore e.30 " " Washington 8.30 " Ilarrtaburg accommodation 8.40 p. m. arrive Uarils burg 10.60 p.m. arrlvo Baltlmoro 2.25 a. m ' Washington 0.13 " Erlo Hall 12.68 a. m. arrive Harrlsburg 3 05 a. m, " Baltimore 8.40 " . . .. " Washington 10.38 ' All dally except Sunday. D. M. BOYD, Jr., General Passenger Agent A. J. CASSATT. General Manager JpiIILADELPHA AND READING ROAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. May 11, 1879. TRAINS LKiYX RCFKKT AS rOLU)W8(SUNDATRXCErTBD For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, PottsvlUe Tamaqua, &c, 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, ll,s a. m. 7,st and 7,S5 p. m. For Wliliamsport, e,2S 9,05 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. TUAIKS FOB BCrlai AV A8 FOIXOW8, (SCMDAT IX CKI-TED.) Leavo New York, 8,45 a. ra. Leave Philadelphia, 9,4s a. m. Leave Heading, 11,55 a. m., Pottavllle, 12,39 p. m and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leave Catawlssa, 6,20 8,50 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave Wliliamsport ,9,45 a.m,9,l6 p. m. and 4,60 p. m Passengers to and from New York and Philadel phia go througj without change of cars. J. S. WOOTTEN, C. O. HANCOCK, General Manager. General llcket Agent. Jan.l4,isi if. DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA AND WKSTEItN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. Tlme-Table No. 89, Takes effect at 4:30 A, M NORTH. JKUPUJAX, JUNK IU, ISIS. STATIONS. south. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m 9 80 4 12 9 23 9 46 9 97 Scran ton Uellevue Taylorvlllo.,,, ...Lackawanna... ...... Pltuton .. West Pltuoon... 9 38 9 43 1 IU , la 2 13 6 20 1 VI h tS 9 17 9 OS 8 68 3 51 9 30 2 30 8 3.1 9 21 9 lfi 8 51 8 4S 9 68 2 SS 6 40 2 44 6 45 8 49 tf 8 it 9 41 19 41 12 9 14 Wyoming.. 10 07 ..Aia lAlfhv. :b iu 2 67 C 6'J ,n ,a o , Till 8 S3 .lienni'tr. S 8 13 3 10 Kingston Kingston ..Plymouth June ....Plymouth Avondale TJnntlralro 10 83 3 15 7 IS 3 10 7 IS 10 29 8 15 7 25 8 91 7 35 10 34 IU 7 42 8 S3 8 20 8 68 8 19 8 li 8 47 8 89 8 28 8 17 6 12 8 00 04 3 04 9 61 .Uunlock's rreek. ...shlckshlnny.... ....lack's Kerry.... 7 61 7 88 7 19 7 25 7 18 10 4'2 S 3ft 8 04 2 89 2 84 2 28 111 07 4 03 8 45 III KK o kii a vn ....itcucu iiaven... Ilorwlplf . 11 13 4 IU U i 4 IS V vo 4 IS 1 15 4 29 7 23 4 33 7 30 7 14 7 10 Briar creek ...willow urovc.... ,.,Llmo Ridge.,... Espy......... ...Hlooiubtmrg..... 7 02 2 04 8 66 I 67 7 44 7 88 7 33 7 UQ 111 89 4 41 7 44 11 43 4 49 8 (11 It 61 4 63 8 31 11 67 6 00 8 U' 12 18 6 18 8 11 0 60 43 6 27 ( 13 6 00 1 61 1 41 1 27 Catawlssa Bridge. 7 11 .jjanvme........ ,Chulasky..... V 15 w u SO 9 65 1 00 6 48 .Northumberland. 18 4 5 6 48 9 to p.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m Superintendent's Office. Scfanton, Juno 10, W, F. nAIASTEAD, supu AINWRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE OllOCKRS, PUIUDILTUIA, Dealers In TEAS, SYRUPS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, BICI, SPICIS, B1C1IB SODA, tC, tC. N. E. Corner Second and Arch streets, l"Orders will receive prompt attention. in j r .sDitn mt mmrjm-t n 3