The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 03, 1879, Image 3

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    I'HE 0OLUM1AN.
iii,((iitsiit;uii, mintr, owoiiKit ,i, m
Itail llonil Tims Talilc.
mnTU. SOL'Ttl
Accommodation Train ;,8sa. M.
Mall Train 7.89 A. M 4.49 1'. M
Fist Trnln i.w M. 11,45 A. M
express Train W!'. M.
Accommodation Train ,88 A. M. !,s r, M,
nciiilar Kxprcss .o r. m. 11,45 a. M
Ttironahcarson KxpresstratnclthertoNow York
or I'lilladclphlt . Accommodation train runs between
U.tUtt Iss i and wimainsport.
.un 11inusnt-im Tf.mii Pninfien
Wednesday anil Friday nt fcaon. ro., arrive a
HloomvuurK uy iiiaua.iii. Loai:j i.ionnsnurt; on
same da j s after urriral of ruimdelphla mall.
lii,ooinci' 1K" t AiRiwn.t.n, !avo ljitrdivlllo
TUfsdiy, Tiiurwiay ana Nuiuruay at iim a, ,n
nrrlrlni at llloomsburir by t in. mo llloomu.
hurtf on samo dai n after arrival of I'nrladelphta
man i nu nuiu ,iu ivi tuiiiuwa lit, ..limine.
Denton and llloomsburir. A dally stace 1'no leaving
HCIIlOU in "iu iiiumm nnu itiuiuiUK 1U W1U Oil!'
i.lrnr of the samo day.
t nirx Hau. anp W.ooMsncRn.-i,oavo Whlto Hall
Tuesday, mursuay anu naiuniay at 6:.nia. m.,
aprivini? at llloomsburir by In a. in. I-cnvn ntnntn
burg on same daj a niter arrival of l'hlladelphla
Dxktox anp IlwOMsntrnd. Leaves ilenton Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at 8 a. m., arriving nt
Uloomsburc at a p. m. Leaves Illoomsbure Tues
day. Tnursday and Saturday at 8 a. in., arriving
atlitmtonat sp. m.
A. J. Hess, administrator of Hiram Lunj;or,
deceased, will fell volusblo rcnl ostnte Satur
day, Oct. 25, on premises in Sugarloaf twp,
John Leiby k Win. 1'. Moustr, executors of
Jacob I.eiby, deceased, will sell valuable real
estate on premises in Montour twp ,on Oct, 21.
J, II. Heller, & J. II. Uartcr,administrators
of Jacob Harter, deceased, will sell valuable
real estate on premises in ililHiu twp., on
Nov. 1.
I. K. Krickbnum, & Win, Brink, executors of
Joshua Brink, deceased, will sell valuable real
estate on premises in Benton, twp., on Oct.25.
I. If. Krickbaurji, Ic Djniel Slmltz, executors
of Philip Shultz, deccacd, will sell aluab!c
real estate on premises in Benton twp., on Oct.
See advertisemonls in another column.
Notwithstanding the change in this office as
announced last week, the dales on llie piper
rhoninR up to what time each one has paid,
will remain as before, and all payments on
subscription will be applied to back accounts
the same as though no change had occurred,
unless otherwise specially directed by the person
making payment. In this way there will be
no confusion and everybody will know from the
slips on their paper each week, for what time
they are indebted. We sincerely hope, and
earnestly request, that a.l who have not paid
up to October 1st 1879, will do so soon, as
Brockway & Klwtll desire their uccoun Is to be
settled at as early a day as possible. From the
numerous changes that have taken place in the
Col-UMUtAN in the past eight years wo are
aware that many people think that whenever a
change occurs, they are going to be sued by
Bomebody. We desire to dispel this impression
and assure our subBcribers lliat they need fear
nothing of Iho kind, as no suits will be brought
except in a few cases of those who are several
years In arrears, and show no disposition to
pay. In such cities the names will be stricken
from the lists and nccotmts collected unless paid
within a reasonable time.
Judge Ktickbauni was in town on Tuesday.
Miss Sarah Derrickson spent last Sunday in
town with f'.icnds.
"Leaves have their time to
drawing near.
fall" and it is
A largo crowd alteudcd the sale of Iho prop
erty ot George Kiaowick, deceased, yesterday
There will be services as usual at the KpNco
pal church nextSunday
K. II. Litile attended
County last week,
Court in Sullivan
Edward Drinker caught a pike fourteen
inches long in the creek on Tuesday.
The Misses Brower, and MUs Freeze have
been visiting friends in Bellefonte during the
past week,
There were no services at cither Ihe Episco
pal or Presbyterian churches on Sunday last,
the ministers being abient on vacation .
James B Neil went to Danville on Tuesday
where he will study medicine under Dr. Straw
bridge. James Armstrong Eq., son of Hon. W, H.
Armstrong of Williamsport, has been admitted
to the Bar in that city.
The Sheriff of Bradford County destroyed
ten eel racks in Ihe Susquehanna river ls'
week Tuetday, below Towanda
William II. and Edward B. C'ark arc spend
ing ihe week at Mooresburg, Montour County,
with relatives.
The Monthly Union Temperance meeting
will be held in the Presbyterian church next
Tuosday evening, October 7th.
Tlio celebrated White Sovtxci Machine
will be on exhibition at the Fair. Go and see
it, J S.illzer, agent.
J. H, Burns Enq., a member of tho bar, and
editor of a legal paper in Lackawanna County
was in town a few days since on business,
Bruce Clark of Clark A Son Is now In the
Cily buying fill goods to add to their already
large block, Call and see.
The Berwick Independent is much improved
under its new management. The inevitable
"Washington Letter," lias disappeared from
the second page,
Capt. A. J. Trout of Williamsport who had
a relapse after attending the iuspeclion here,
will have a benefit this Friday evening, gotten
up by printers.
Some very interesting extracts from letters
written home by L. E. Waller Ivq., describ
ing his travels In Kurope are being published
in the Republican.
The Episcopalians will occupy Ihe dinner
lent on Ihe Fair Grounds during the Falr.where
all present can get their meals at a reasonable
The largest cornstalk of the season is on ex
hibltion at this office, measuring thirteen feet
and two inches. It was raised on (lie farm of
William Cox, of Greenwood twp.
J. II, Maize has sold his grocery and pro
vision Btore to Peter Billmeyer, who will con
linue the business a t the old stand. An a
count of Block lias been taken, and Ihe store
will probably be opened again to-day,
Having been nomiratcd bv the Natit
Party for tlio office of Sheriff I take th
method of informing my friends irrespco
oi party mat i am a candidate lor elec
"on, nnu respectlully solicit their suppo
at the election to be held Nov. 1th 187D.
tf. U. H. Ent.
Last Saturday was the da' of Atonement In
Ihe Jewish calendar. It was Ihe tenth day
after Bosh Hoehanna, or the Jewish new year.
This eeason is observed by all Ihe pious of that
failh, who abstain from food and seek pardon
lor their sins.
Till lt-tt, t . .
a 111 i i . 7 eM "I'l'" to l"3
" livclr and In erent no In .
H l a suctcm.
MftJohn lCaMerfctiBwIrof (hi, ,un
ofllughes.ill,, .ycomittg county I,,,
which he U manufacturing railroad tie, and
"Ipi'lng them to Wllkes.IUrre, and the baik
to n sirani tannery in Danville.
The rumor lhatC. B.Fun.tonof La parte
t lake ihe Central Hotel Is corrccl .
r.nguuenl. to that ellect having been made a,
The relationship of man and woman In rainy
wealher.atcordlrg . ihe Albany Jounml, is
' "-unenii. II lliey no lovers, Ihi
man wilt I.nve nil tlio umLrolla, and the
"uuicareaiigiiowwHliegels. But
an. married. It Is jutd the opposite.
If they
The manuitript of our Hamburg eorres
poi.denl, whose letter oppctrs in another col
limn, is Ihe most exquisite penmanship lhal
wo have seen In many n day. Such writing
glad Jen, the heart of ihe printer who has to se'
the type.
Tnc Bloonnlmra corresnondeiiinf iU ;?.
if Mtpcmlent n-k, tot Information concern-
ing the wild rice project for which
lion was taken up la.t fall. We do not know,
hut suppose Ihe wild rice was nurclms.d ,!
sown along the river, as the genllemen having
the mailer in chnruu
Weeds on gravel walks may bedestioved and
prevented from growlnir airaln bv mnlm.
dressing of the cheapest salt. This Is a better
method Ihan hand. pulling, which disturbs ill-
gravel and renders constant raking and rolling
necessary, uno application early in the sea
son, and others as may be needed, while the
weeds are small, will keep the walks clean and
Iced Fruits. Nothing is easier to nrenare
than iced fruits, and there are few nretlier
dessert dishes. Din nice bunches of anv kind
of fruit in gum arable or white of egg, sift
powdered sugar over them and let them dry.
being careful not to allow one bunch to lie up
on another.
Men who arc put in public positions should
always be careful not to squander the money of
their constituents by devoting it to useless or
unnecessary objects. Making a contract wiih
io water company for a public supply of wa
ter is neither useless or unnecessary. It is
simply voting the money of the people back
into the people's pockets by protecting their
property from fire, and adding to the healtln
fulness of Ihe town.
Judge Woodward was exactly sixty years of
age on the day of his death. The year is com
pleted on Ihe day before Ihe birth day, and on
ihe first hour of it, there being no fractions in
such a cae. Having been born Sept. 21lh
1819, he was fully sixty years of age Sept, 2.T
1879, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. F.
Mr. G. B. Markle will in a few days slart on
a trip to Kurope fir Ihe benfit of his health,
accompanied by U'n fiinily. He will rest
during Ihe winter nnd next summer travel lei
surely through Kurope. His health hns not
been benefitted much by his tojourn in Maine,
whero he spenl several months this summer.
Hashlon Sentiml.
Michael Iliiuck and Wellington Wright weie
brought before Ksq , Ilrower on Tuesday on a
warrant sworn out kby John Leggott of Green
wood township charging them wilh selliug fire
t) Ills house ill Pine township on Sunday Sep
tember 1875. The house wn.s unoccupied at
the time it was burned. The defendants enter
ed bail for their appearance before the Juetice
nextSiturdav morning at 10 o'clock.
The b miugh council of Sunbury have unani
mously declared themselves in favor of the
erection of water wurka in ihst place, and have
recommended "that a contract be entered into
as n on as possible for the renting of as many
lyilranls for supply purposes and for such sum
each us may be agreed upon between Ihe bor
ough council and the water company at a future
meeting." The Sunbury water company asked
that borough to take SO hydrants at $50 apieie
a year, and the committee of the council has
reKrted in favor of it.
At the next meeting of the Town Council
wo petitions will probably be presented, one
asking the Council to make a contract with the
water company for forty plugs at forty dollars
per plug a year f r five years, and the other a
remonstrance against such action. How many
have signed each petition we know not, but it
asserted that an examination of the assess
ment books of the town will show that those
who have Bigned in favor of the movement rep
resent a much larger amount of taxes than
the opposition. As the whole opposition to
the project is simply a question of taxes, it
seems as though the petition representing near
ly two thirds of all the town taxes should be
granted rather than one having simply a major
ty of names.
l-.iis. uoi.u.muian; It strikes me that every
laboring man who signs a remonstrance against
a contract with the water company on the
ground that such contract will increat-e his
taxes, is simply biting his own noso off. The
works would probably cost in the neighbor
hood of $ 10,000 of which nearly If not quite
$20,000 would be spent n Bloomsburg ,for la'
bur and material, thus giving every laboring
man plenty of work during the winter, and put
ting u large amount uf money in circulation
rUht here, while the additional lax of the
laborer would be less than a dollar a year.
Again, if the water company should conclude
to go on any way, bow many of the signers of
the remonstrance will be employed on the
works ?
Yours Ac,
The candidale of the prohibition isls, Mr. J.
L. UichardkOii, is well known in this neigh
borhood. He was formerly a resident of Lu
xerne county, where he figured as a Presbyter
ian minister, as school teacher and as county
superintendent of public sehools, He was also
more recently connected with several temper
ance papers In ihU and adjoining stales as can
vasser. lie is now a citixen of Bloomsburg,and
is editor of u small temperance paper publish'
ed at that place. In whatever capacity Mr,
Blchardson served Ihe public, he was always
well regarde I, lie has for many years been an
uncompromising prohlbltlonlst.and urged hi
views upon public attention iqioii every con
venient occasion, The honor conferred upon
him Is an empty one. He will oil the full
prohibition vote, that is to say, of llmt portion
that prefers to show its strength at the polls,
inranton Jiepubhcan.
The .officers of Ihe Agricultural
Society held a meeting at the Exchange Hotel
on Friday afternoon last, The printing of the
premium list in the newspapers was talked
about, but ll was concluded not to have it don
this year as the list had already been printed
in pamphlet form, Ihe following appoin
inents were made for the Fair : Marshal, Col O
K Hughes; thief of police, James Thomas
Policemen, W, W. Barrett, Joseph Waller;
Stand Police, W M Ilariman, John Parage,
Asa Dally ,G V. Foster, O B House, D. M
Wilson and Newton Boone; Gate keepers,John
Pursel, John Dally, II C Grolz, L T Conner B.
F Fisher nd Edward Henry.
l'ive have kit expelled from
IfincflnnOnilegetirnilsnimliict In Trenton,
Theyanend.da Ihealre win re they occupied
a box, and ciealid much disturbance. Alter
wards they Brrcttd by policemen and
bound over to appear at court f .r br.aklng In a
door of a hn.P, The faculty piomplly .lis
mlsned Ihem when the facts caiuo to ihtlr ens.
We very gladly correct a statement which
appeared In this paper recently, lo ihe effect
thatSenalor Jackson was gradually falling, as
we are informed by the very best authority
mat ibis Is not Ihe case, but llmt his health Is
Improving and his friends exnrnt llmt l.a will
bo able lo attend to buslnc-s before long. Our
statement was made on Information clven ns
y a genileman who had lint returnei! IWim
Sullivan County ,bul who we are happy to learn
was misinformed. We expect to see our iron.
lal Senator down this y, ay ogaln, as lively as
The funeral of Judge Woodward look t,Wp
at vVllkesbarre on Saturday afternoon last, At
1 o clock the members ol Ihe Luierne lti
Association met in their room, and after hear
ing a preamble and resolutions in relation to
the deceased they marched In a body to Ihe
re-ldenco of Stanley Woodward, where Ihe
funeral services o f the Hnl
church were read byll.iv. II.L. Jones. The
ull bearers were Gov. Hovt. A.T. MrOllni.
lock, C. II, Bnckalcw, Chai. Parrish, J- llagcn
buch, A. F. Boa, (, 1), Ktttzel and J. Kit-
Columbia county was represented by Judire
Klwcll, K. II. Little, Col. S. Knorr. and C.
B. Jackson. Among others in attendance were
Judges Mercur, Turnkey and Paxson of the
Supreue Court, Hagenman and Sassaman of
the Berks County bench, Judne Albrinht of
Allenlown' Senator Eruientrout. F. B. Gowen,
Simoo Cameron, and a large number of mem
bers of the btr from Beading. The remains
were taken to the Hollenback cemetery,
where the Ilev D. Jacob Fre of the Beading
l-.piscopal church officiated, and deposited in
the family vault.
d IS, 1879.
We will have the bieget Fair we ever bad.
Bring your wives, your Bisters, your cousins
and your aunts and have a cood lime eenen
lly. Come on Wednesday anil bring every
thing yon have worth showing and get a prem
ium for it. Come on Thur.dav to eo the
Big Ox. Come on Thursday to hear Benjam
in F. Butler, Alex. K. McClure and Frank W.
Hughes, who have been invited to be present.
Come on Friday to see the Band of Indians and
the "Great Moral Show."
Come on Saturday and see the biggct"IIos
Bace," you have ever seen. Noted "Hoaes"
from a distance will be here.
You are all invited to come by the officers.
K. J. Mellenry, J'iei'i(oi(
A. P Young, T
M. (i. Hughes, I Vice I'midenta.
Frea Fowler, f
U H. Ent. J
N. II. W Brown 1
P A. Evans, V Ercculin Cum.
Win. Shairer, J
J. F Peacock, 2rm.wrtr.
Chandlee Eves, Librarian.
M. W. Nuss, Scmtary,
The following is a meteorological summa
ry or record of the weather at Catawissa dur.
ing'the month of September 187!),cotnplied from
observations by W. G. Yeller.
Baiometric pressure corrected fortempcrature
anil elevation. Highest pressure on the 20lh,
30.4 12 inches; lowest on the 3rd, 29.733 inches;
mouihly rangeO 701 inches ; average for the
month 30.131 inches.
Temperature of the air. -Highest temperature
on the firt SO j degrees, lowest on the 2Glh
33 J degrees; average temperature for the month
G0.2 degrees ; average of same month during
previous year (1S78) B3 5 degrees; monthly
ramie, 53 degrees ; greatest daily range on the
iOlh, 28 degrees ; and the least daily range on
the 3rd, 7i degrees.
Moisture Mean relative humidity 77 per
cent; number of days on which rain fell 9:
total amount of rain fall, 3.00 inches ; rain
fall during same monlli in previous year (1878)
2.99 inches.
Wind. The prevailing wind was from the
South and the highest hourly velocily during
the month was 31 miles from the west on the
17th inst.
.Miscellaneous items. thunder storms oo
cuned on the 3rd, 7th and 21th, frosts occur
red on the 21st, Both, 20lh and 27th, ice formed
in exposed places on the 2Glh inst.
I should be homo in mind by practical
dairymen, that the Perfected Butter Color of
Well', Itichardson it Co., Burlington Vt., is
the best obtainable in the world. It is abso
lutely pure and harmlees, free from odor or
fiivor, cannot ? in any weather, is in 11
piid form and ready for instant use, costs but
litt!e,and is of a uniform standard as to strength
nnd intensity of hue. Use no other.
There was a great sensation in town Sunday
morning when it was discovered that a thief
hail been here in the night. He had broken
into Bobbins' shop and got a chisel which he
used .in opening the window in Davis notel
where lie helped himself to two watches and
some money. He tried Sloan's store, as tin
chisel marks on the door showed, but did not
succeed in making an entrance. He then open
ed a window in the barrroom of Hagcnbuch's
Hotel where he found about $10 in ihe drawer
which he appropriated. He wat tracked as far
as Bohrsburg but there lost trace of. Nothing
has been heard of him since.
Dr. M. V. B. Stevens Ihe Phrenologist h;
paid Urangeville a visit lie told us a great
deal about ourselves. Some of it we knew al
ready and some we had only susf ccted.
Mr. Cleea of the M. E. Church has started
protracted meeting at the McIUnry
school home.
The Presbytery of Northumberland will
meet here next week. Preparations are being
made for their entertainment. The people of
Orangeville are equal to.tlie task.
The Academy military company were out
will) their guiiB on Tuesday afternoon. They
made a good apppearance with their well
cleaned and shining guns,
The new number of tlie Educator is out and
appears to be a very interesting magazine.
The Statement going the rounds of the pa
pers that an act was passed by the last icgis.
lature providing Ih it no partridges should be
shot for one year from November 1st, 1879, is
Incorrect, No such act appears in the official
list of laws passed by Ihe leglilalure of 1S79.
Sportsmen can therefore bang away at ioor
"Bob White" as usual during the shooting sea
sonbut aa partridges are becoming ecaicer
every year, hunters should forbear and give
them a chance to multiply in Ihe land. 1'otU
liun ledger,
If you have a friend suffering from any dlsor
der of the Kidneys aend Ihem a package of
kidney., ort, and you will make them happy,
lis great tonlo power is especially directed to
these diseases, and Itqukkly relieves the ills.
tress and cures the disease. Have you tried
llAMtiunci, Berks Co.. Sent. 28. '79
Messrs Editors of ''Tub Columbian" i
Among tlio subscribers lo jour valuable pap. r
IS ono whoso address is Hamburg in tho conn.
ty of Berks, a stranger in n strnngo land whom
tho people speak n strangn linguag) called
"Dutch," drink more beer, kill fat oxen n- d
It Is somotimes assorted "v lo tor Jackson."
Be this, as it may your corresnondenl'n heart
is made glad every Friday evening by Iho ap
pearance of the Columbian nnd In perusing
Its columns ho lorgels for Iho time his troubles
with customers who will talk dutch In Mm. n
language that ho cannot understand, much less
speak without having his tonguo split, and the
gills who will not let h im be. Hamburg is n
town of somo twenty five hundred inhabitants.
on the enstctn bank of tho Schuylkill river.
Just halfway botween Pottsvillc and Beading
on tho J'lilla.and Beading Bail road, and is
tho largest borough in Berks county. Its bus-
incss depends more upon tlio ricli agricultural
region surrounding, limn manufactures, al
though ihcso help trade considerably,
Our ro ling mill which has been idlo for
about three years will commence riinnlngognin
in a few days, imploring about one hundred
nnd fifty men, and psying out nearly ten
thousnnd dollars per mouth Ibis In addition
to the Foundries nnd Carriago shops will employ
our people fully.
Yesterday I attended a pic nic. What, you
sny, a pic nio on Sunday ? Yes, it is quito cus
tomary here to have Sunday School celebra
tions on Sundny, and they aro very largely at
tended cspeciallyby the political aspirants,who
mnnoge to see the people, fix up matters gener
ally, and sometimes even consent to address
the Sunday School yesterday. Hon. Daniel
Ermcntrout, ono of our prominent candidates
for Congress was present and delivered a very
plcnsing as well as instructive address lo the
assembly. I was favorably impressed nnd
think ho will do honor to our district if he
should bo elected. His chances are good al
though Clymer, Wanner and somo others are
also in the field. Y'our correspondent is still
true to democratic doctrines and principles,
as well ns h is brother, wh 3 was recently chos
en Lhairman of tho Democratic County Con-
mittec and is to conduct the campaign of 1880
in old Berks. It seems to me I havo wander
ed from the pic nic into the political field-
well, a good democrat will leave a pic nic any
time to attend to politics. I must mention a
fruit farm within sight from the pic nic grounds
it is one of the largest in the Slate, and tho
ownerhasr.ow in li is ico-room several hun
dred barrels of apples from last year. His
crop of Bartlctt pears just gathered is Eight
hundred buhels. "The farmers in this county
aro generally well fixed," tho gentleman ro
marked by whose side I was riding; "and live
at homo," ho continued as ho drew tho lines
over four fine horses. I was n competent wit
ness in nil far ns one was concerned whero I
in tho uniform and company of ihe Hamburg
Hand had sat down to one of the most bounti
fully spread tables in my life's experience.
haul Band was engaged to furnish the muic
during Iho Celebration and in passing I may
remark that it numbers twenty six men in
eluding the major and noted ihoroughout eas
tern Penna. for their skill in playing and fine
appearance as a band. At these pic nics the
Band frequently leads the singing, and in their
playing anything is in order fiom a reel to a
overture. One notable feature is that it is led
by a former citizen of Columbia County.
Biding by, the driver gave me an opportunity
to see tho country through which wewere pass'
ing, nnd certainly from the Mississippi Biver
to the Atlantic no moro beautiful or prosper
ous section can bo found. The immense
barns nnd fine dwellings, well cultivated
fields, clean, white wabed fences and stacks
of grain on almost every farm betoken
the prosperity of these German farmers. At
about eve ry two miles along the turnpike from
Hamburg to Beading is a "watshaus" (Hotel)
where yo thirsty dulcbmen can get a glass of
beer. As Josh Billings has it, they are "num
erously numerous." Your correspondent is only
advanced far euough in the customs of the
country to drink pretzels, and ignore tho beer.
About lat but not least among , the farm pro
ducts are an abundance of girls who nre all in
the market matrimonial ; but I .would not
advise the young men to come here unless they
first learn to talk dutch. They might get an
introduction lo take one of them, nndutch to
see her safe home, and find out that she could
not speak a word of English. I do not speak
from experience, but I can fully appreciate
the situation.
I regret the confusion of tongues at the
building of the towcrof Babel, because it seems
likely to add one to tho long list of bachelors
a matter that personally concerns
Very truly yours,
F. P. H.
Kidney Diseases.
Kidney diseases aflllct thn greater part of
the human race, and tbey are constantly on
tho increase but whero the virtues of Kidney
Wort have become known, they are held in
check and speedily cured. Let those who
have had to constantly dose spirits of nitre,
and such stuff, give this great remedy a trial
and be cured.
A Xeiv Counterfeit.
Tho treasury department furnishes the
following description of the new counterfeit
f5 on the National State bank of Troy, N.
Y'., of which $1,700 were found upon tho
person of Wm Clulf when arrested in New
Y'ork city, Saturday evening : The coun
terfeit has the narao of John O. New, treas
urer, and a pointed seal. The genuine note
bearing tho same name has a scalloped seal
and the words, "series of 1870," in colored
ink, which the counterfeit has not. The
genuine issue of this bank which has the
pointed seal bears the name of F. K, Spinuer,
treasurer. In the counterfeit the word 'trcas
ury' under the name Allison is spelled 'tres
ury.' The note is printed from the skele
ton plates sold by Henry O. Cole, before his
arrest, to New Y'ork partied. The printing
is much below the average of this class of
Dr, Kendall's celebrated treatiso on th
horse, for sale at G. A. Clark's book store and
at the Columbian office for 25 cents. Thi
book should be in the hands of every man who
owns a horse.
Integrity of Judge Woodward.
s illustrating tho official character of tho
lato Judge Woodward, an intimate friend who
was with him during his last illness, relates
tho following ,- Tho Judge seemed to suffer
greatly from tlio thought which came to him.
time and agaiu, that while he was drawing
his salary from the State, lie was'unable.'to
render au equivalent, being disabled from
writing opinions in eases submitted to him.
Although very feeble ho penned, with great
difficulty and with frequent pauses for rest, a
letter of resignation to Gov, Iloyt. This be
ing dono, ho seemed to feel easier. In a day
or two tlio letter came back Irotu the Gover
uor, with auother, declining in tho haudsom-
est terms, to accept tho resignation. Both
tho letter and tho reply reflect credit upoii
their respectivo authors. II', Jl, Jlecord,
bee a woman on horseback in another col
limn, riding near Speer's Vineyards, wilh
bunch of Grapes from which Speer's Port Grape
Wine is made, that Is io highly esteemed by
the meoicat proiession lor the use ol Invalid
weakly persons and Ihe aged.
Sold by Druggists.
June 87 1-y
If you are bilious you will find poiltlvo
relief by using "Sellers' Liver Pills,"' Sold
by all driiggisls.
As nor reporlcr tame slong Water Slrtet
last night, filtering with ihe thill nigh! alh
and drawing Jilsnverroit llghtlr skull him,
lie Hibi.ghl, "ntw Is lioi time for mils aftd
cou'gn-," lAit lpoor mortals onlf knew what a
certain cure Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is, how
few would long suffer, ond then It costs only
twenty- five cents Sanduihj (Ohio) ifryi's
ler. Let your first attack of Indigestion be the
last. Itouo the dormant energies of the
stomacli with the Hitters. Tho tone thus
imparted will remain. This is a fact cstab
llshed by thousands of witnesses, whose tes
timony Isslmply a statement of their own
experiences. Those mulcted with general
debility of every phase will find this medi
cine an unfailing agent in building up nnd
renewing their strength. For sale by all
Druggists and rosptctable Dealers general
ly. A Clergyman Killed.
Tho llov. Dexter L. Lounsbury, Pastor of
Christ's Episcopal Church atStratford,CoDn.
was shot and instantly killed by his wife on
tlio morning of Sept.-, 25, as he lay in bed bo
s'tdo her. When Sir. Lounsbury came to
Stralford from Bridgeport, a year and a half
ago, it was known that his wife was liable to
fits of insanity, of more or less severity, and
had been ailing for sixteen years past. Tlio
deed is generally regarded as having had no
provocation except tlio freak of a diseased
mind. As soon as Mrs. Lounsbury fired tho
fatal shot sho rose nnd tan upstairs with tho
revolver in her hand to tho room of Mary
Cumuiiogs, a tervant, and awakened her. She
(old the domestic what she had done and the
latter went with her down stairs to tho -deeping
room of tho rector and his wife and tlicro
found that Mts. Lounsbnry had indeed killed
her husband. Tlio servant, accompanied by
ittto Anna Lounsbury, the clergyman's 11-
year-old daughter, ran out and gave the
alarm. Dr. Allen was hastily summoned,
and when he reached tho house found life
extinct. Tho weapon was a six-bairoled
Peerless revolver, and when Mrs. Lounsbury
came down stairs with tho servant she laid
it on a bureau in the bedroom. When found
it contained five loaded shells and one which
had recently been discharged. Dr. Allen
found that tho bullet had entered the back
of the head, and had lodged iu tho base of
tho brain. Lverything went to show that ho
was lying on his right side, and that t-ho
reached under the pillow where she had put
the revolver, secured it, and then in the dim
light of the early dawn placed the muzzlo of
the weapon within a few inches e.f her hus
band's head, and fired. The pillow and his
night shirt were both blackened with powder,
and a great pool of blood had trickled down,
and formed in the depression in tho uiiddlo
of the bed. Death must havo been instan
taneous. Tlio details of the tragedy catue
out moro fully at the inquest. Tho jury met
at tho rectory. Tho body of Mr. Lounsbury
lay on the bed in the position in which the
physician found it. No blood was visiblo on
the body, nor wero the features disturbed, and
but for Iho pillow,at the first glanco ono would
havo thought the pastor slept. Mary Cum
mings testified that.ehe had been a bervant in
tho house for the past seven weeks. On
Tuesday Mrs. Lounsbury had seemed some
what excited, and in conversation with tho
wituess about her illness bad said that Mr.
Lounsbury wished bcr to submit to an opera
tion ; that she had refused and had asked
her hu-band if ho could make her, and that
he had replied that if sho would not consent
he would put her out of the house ; the
thought of tho operation seemed to greatly
excite Mrs Lounsbury ; about 5:30 A. M.,
the witness heard a noise as of something fall
ing in the lower part of tho house. Soon af
ter Mrs. Lounsbury came lo tho door iu her
night dress with a pistol in her hand and
cried, '1 have killed my husband.' The wit
uess said, 'Oh, no, you havo not.' 'I have, I
have.' Mrs. Lounsbury answered. Witness
then went down stairs, as has been nanated
Mrs. Lounsbury seemed greatly agitated, and
was crying and wringing her hands in great
distress. As far as the witness knew Mr.
Lounsbury had always been a kind and lov
ing husband and had attentively ministered
to his wife's wants. Sirs. Lounsbury was in
clined to be fretful when ill. AnuaM. Louns
bury testified that she was awakened by the
report of tho pistol, she thought, about 0 A.
M. She hastily dressed and went down stairs
to her parents' bedroom and shook her papa.
but could get no answer. Mrs. Loun-bury
testified as follows : 'I am willing to tell all
I know about this dreadful afiair. My bus
band did not know that I bad tho pistol. Af
ter burglars tried to get into our pantry, anil
succeeded iu getting into Mrs. Bunett's house
next door I spoko to my husband about get
ting i pistol, but ho would uot hear of it.
l'tually I became so frightened when ho left
me alone that one day when I was in New
Haven 1 bought a revolver. I used to keep
it in a box hid from my husband. Some
nights I slept with it under my pillow. All
I recollect about Tuesday night is that we re
tired as usual. During tho night I remem
bcr waking my husband and asking him to
get up and get mo a drink of water, which he
did. I know I shot him, but I cannot tell
how or why. I did uot do it because I wish
ed to avoid any pain or danger. I am willing
to sulfer the full penalty ol the law, but
cannot tell why I
l-ilnvl him . TTo fllnnra
kiuou mm.- no always
treated mo kindly.' Tlio jury brought in a
verdict that 'Dexter O. Lounsbury cauio to
his death by a pistol shot at the hands of his
wile, Mary, dooe on tho 2-ltli of September,
ut about 5 o'clock A. M , the act being com
mitted during a condition of temporary do"
raugement of tho mind occasioned by disease
Mr. Lounsbury was nearly 3G years of age
and a graduato of Trinity College. Ho first
practiced medicine nnd becaiuo acquainted
wilh his wife by being called to treat her
professionally. The wife, uot being in the
habit of receiving callers, is almost a stranger
to the members of Stratford parish. She is
very much prosliated by the shock. Mrs,
Lounsbury is of very full habit and is subject
to rushes of blood to tho head. She remem
bers sufferiug with one Tuesday night.
Chew JicxsoN'a BasT 4 tei Nm y Tubm-ru.
Denuis Kearney, the California agitator,
called at the Palaco Hotel iu San Francisco
and scut up his card to General Grant, but
the Ueneral declined lo receive him, by which
action ho displayed very good sense.
Tho condition of things in Memphis is said
to bo improving. Tho number of yellow fe
ver cases is ou tho decrease.
Wine with Cake for Eutfrlaiuuients.
Wo tako pleasure in directing tho attention
of tho publio to Speer's celebrated l'ort Grapo
Wine, a puro and unadulterated article, up
on which vcry ono may most implicitly rely.
This wino is tuudo at Speer's Vineyards,
Passaic, Now Jersey. It has a rich' flavor,
mellow juiciness, and brilliant color ; and is
uot only an ngrceablo beverage, but is highly
beneficial in all its properties for invalids and
aged persons. For talo by 0. A. Kleim,
Hloowslurg, Pa.
Sote firs, teller, salt rheuni,.rc.. am cured br
"Dr.Llndsey's Mood Marcher." Sold br all
LI'S. Coi.UMMAN i Mir .S'lrs.-The two
last Issum of yuur paper Iihvo cuntalned.the
Indirect Information that the Grangers (Pa
trons properly) had put In nomination can
didates for olfico In this county. Y'our week
before last Issue, says : "wo are not positively
assured Ike.'' and, your Inst weeks Issue, says,
after naming the candidates of tho rations
other parties as being nrescnl nt the Repub
lican Convcntlou, that "Air. the gran
ger candidate was present." Now, who Is
Mr. ? I have been Secrelary of Po
mona Orange No. C. for the whole time ol
Its existence till the present year ; to date
have never missed n meeting and know
something about the grange business, nnd 1
most emphatically declare, there Is not, and
never lias been a granger candidate, ai such,
for any ollice In this county. Further, po
litical subjects are never discussed In our
meetings. Ours Is an Agricultural organiza
tion, not a horse racing society. Neither is
It a place whero political stagers congregate.
o try as grangers to "mind our own busi
ness," advance the cause of agriculture, and
the best Interest of society thereby, and
desire tho co-operarion of all classes In so
clely. We make no thrusts at any party
or man.
A former editor of your very valuahlo pa
per moro than once requested me to bring
beforo the grange, the subject of supporting
only mch men as would pledge themselves
to loner salaries of public offices and kin
dred reforms. Even this vtry salutary hint
was never taken by us.
As a body, wo are a grange individually,
democrats, republicans, greenbackers, last
but not least temperance. I believe your
paper as friendly to tho grange as any In the
county, and trust you wilt insert this letter.
E. M. TnwKsnuitY.
Catawissa, Pa., Sept. 30, 1879.
It matters not the age of sufferers from
coughs, or croup, "Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup
is good for all alike. Price 25 cents. I
Business Notices.
All wool black castimers 48 cents to $1.10
a yard at Lutz t Sloan's
Lutz & Sloan have received their new
stock of Mme. Demorest l'attcrns. Call at
their Store for n catalogue.
Good Canton Flannels for 8. 9. 10. 12 Si
15, 1C and IS cents ner vard at Silas Ym ?!
Light Street. Sept. 19-2m
McKlnnevs Shoe Store below O r
Zephyr finished Grrinaiitowii wool S cents
per oz.
toliet land Wuol HI cents per oz
Saxony wool 1C cents per oz. nt Lutz &
All kinds of stoneware. J. 1. 1 and '2
gallon flat and high pots, and 2,3, -1, 5 and
G gallon apple aud cream pots, with i
. ..:.t...i l.-J- -i r s.i . i
miiiuub iiu, iu price iioui i ci. upwmii
j, 1, 2, 3 and 4 gallon iugs, for sale a. Lis. A
Street by Silas Y'oung.
sept, it) 2-m.
Felt skirts 52 inches wide at the waist for
G5 cents at Lutz & Sloan's.
Boot headquarters at McKinney's,
Wnnt good live calves that weigh 120 lbs
to 125, 130, HO, 150, ICO and upward
Light Street by
Sept. 19 3-m.
Large ladies can net felt skirts to fit them
at Lutz & Sloan's.
Rubbers at McKinney's.
Wanted 2000 lbs of nice dried Rasnber.
rips, at 9.r ronta tier t.nnnrl And OftAfi ,,a
nfnicftdripd t.iKnr! rhPrrip fnrwhirh I uill
.. . . . ... I
IlflV Ills Vorv litfrlidse miifL'ol nrina I
Silas Young.
July 18-0m.
Admission free at McKinney's.
New shawls and skirts at Lutz & Sloan's.
Cash paid for 1000 bushels of cood whit
or yellow Uats at l.igtit street by
SILAS iouno.
Sept 5, j!irK
Boots and Shoes cheap at McKinney's.
"Wanted, 200 tons of good Rock Oak
nark at to per ton uy situs lounir, u: I
Street. Sept. 19. 3m.
The largest assortment of dress goods ever
offered by Lutz Si Sloan now in stuck,
Call at McKinney's for Shoes.
Beautiful Silk Hats New Soft Hats,
Wool Hats, Fur Hats,
Tor Men for Hoys and Children
Al the Popular store of
D. LoiYWib
New fall stock of dry goods at Lutz &
sloau s.
tt .units . nun (nil ..linn. v-v-
lumbla county, do hereby make known nnd proclaim
to the nualliled electors of Columbia county that a
generaf elation will bo held on TUESDAY, THE
JOHN W. HOFFSIAN, Illxh Sheriff of Co-
OUMII til.' NOVKMBUlt, ts; (belngthe Tues
day next following the tint Monday of said month ,
ior me purpose oi eiecuugiue syverui persons nere-
luuiicr utuiicu, ui-nii;
One person for State Treasurer ot Pennsylvania,
ono person for High Mierirr ot Columbia county.
Ono Der&on for coroner or Columbia countv
Two persons for Jury commissioners ot Columbia
I also hereby nuke known and give notice that tho
olaces ot hotdlne- Ihe nforosnld election In the sever.
al wards, boroughs, districts and tow nshlps within
-outy of Columbia are aa follows, viz:
Beaver township, at the publio houso ot Joseph
II. shuman.
Benton townshln. nt the nubile nouse of Hiram
iirss, iu me iom n oi iiemon.
Last llloom. at uia court House, in llloomsburir.
West Bloom, at the Court House, in BloomsburL'.
Buroueh or Berwick, nt tho ontce ot W. J. Knorr.
in iuu uoruugu 01 ucrwicK.
iiuruugnoi vmraiia,itt.uiopuuiio uouse oi ywi-lijinl-elfer.
Brlarcrt'ck township, at tho public school hoase
near Evansvllle.
Catawissa township, at the publio houso ot hamuel
nusivuuauwvi, lit lilt? mnu Ul ai,llss;i.
Centre township, at tho school houso near Lafay.
etto creasy's.
North Conjnghain District, at the school house
near the colliery of John Andersun x Co.
houlu Conjughaiu District, ut the huuso ot John
Flshlnircreelj township, at tho school house neur
l. i. i iiilo s.
rruusuu inwnsmp, nt too uiwrencq school house.
Oreenwood township, at tho houso of Joseph It.
Heml'uck township, at thn public houso ot Clus, It
iin'iu'ui u, in iuu iuwu in nock uorn.
Jackson Un nshln. ut I ho houso ar Kektel (Nile.
Uicust township, at the public house ot Daniel
Kehres, in Numedla.
Mlilllu township, nt tho publio house ot Aaron
Hess. In the town of Mtmiuillle.
MadNin township, at the publio school house In
Mt. Pleasant township, at tho house ot II. W.
Montour township, at tho public house of lteuben
Itauch, at ltupei t.
Main township, at the public house of Jeremiah E
SiiKVlluvi Ki-I.
1'o.irtngcrcelt township, at tho houso ot Hamuel
orange township, at tho public houso of it. J
Da is lu Draiurui llie.
lino township, ut tho Centre School House, lately
11 liv n vi.i.. ..r tl... r.i,i ... l .t.i ........ ...V.
"J " .'. ..." k.i.&ri.a v. USUI IU..US.1IU. tOWllShln. nt till, lintlsjmf Allnns iV.l.i
, tt neon ai luy puoiio nouso or jotin Kikrotu In
i.iKiii. pirc-i
bast kcott township, nt the publio houso of Jaeol:
Miller, lu Sspy,
At all elections hi-ninfter linl, 1 iinrter llin 1UB,.r
thlscominonwcilili, the election polls dull bo open
ed Utselell U'cluck In Urn fnri'luum. 11ml klii.ll .......
tlnuo open without Interruption or adjournment
un III been o'clock In tho eieulug when the till,
w 111 bo cluscd.
That eiery person excepting Justices of the Peace
and Aldermen, Notaries Vublle and 1'cmiis In tho
Inllltl.i serueu of the stale-, who shall hold or shall
Ilielltof lirolltor trust under the I'rllMl k.ia,!.i ....
this state, and city or certiorated district, whether a
toiuinlssloncil onlocr or otherwise', u subordinate
omcer or agent who Is or shall be employed under
the- Legislature, Executive cr Judiciary Department
of this Mute, orot any city or ot any Incorporated
? ?. V fe '.Sri'iW.1'.' m''!nb;'r..1" Congress
...... . aiu.uiv, ow ui iuu se'eci or
cuminan coum ll ol auy city, or -voinialloncmot aiy
,uTWuu.' Lai,wu'a ."w Aucu Puwew holdiDL'
cr ext rclsjUip at tho bamo time the unice or appoint
intutol JudtfealiuKctor or ck-r W ajjy elation oj
this Common wealth, and that nolnspector, .Iiulire or
ptliernnmrof such election shall to rllill.lelo li
then voted fur.
Tho Insncetors ami .luiliro cf tho elecllons shall
meet at. tho rwiprctlve places appointed for holding
i i-il-viiuii in iiiciiiMrKT io wnicnuiey respectively
belong, before seven o'clock In Iho morning, and
c-acliof said Inspectors shall appoint one clerk, who
shnll bo a utiallilctl oter of such district.
The nualliled voters of the several districts In
this county at all general, township hor
oukIi nnd spocirii eli ' tlnns, are h"rctjy hereafter
authorised mi l requlrce to otc by tickets printed or
written, or partly printed nnd partly written, Tf r
ally classified as follows I one ticket shall embrace
the names ot all .luitres of Courts toted for, and
labelled, outside, MiiiTlelarri" ono ticket shall err
brace the names of all Iho state ontcers voted for
and to bo labelled ".state; uno ticket shall embrace
Ihe names of nit county officers voted for, Including
the onico of Deflator, anil Mcmtiors of As
siinMv, If voted for, and members of congress, If
voted for, ami lie l.iiiolicd "County i" one ticket shall
embrace the names of all township ofllcers voted for,
and Im lalicllcd "Township i" ono ticket Mian cm
mace the names ot all borough omcers (otcil for, and
be latrllcd "llorouch."
xiidcachclaaarhnilbo deposited In separato bal
lot botes.
Ptierlfmontce, Woomsburg, nherlir.
x to. !, "711-tf
Hy Mrtuo of Riindry writs Issued out of the Court
of Common Hcas of Columbia county and to mo di
rected, will bo exposed to publio sale at the Court
House In tho town of Illooinsbuig, Columbia county,
Pennsylvania, at one o'clock p. m., on
Saturday, October 25, 1879.
All that certain lot or plcco cf land ltuato In
Hrlarcrcck township, Columbia county nnd state ot
t'cnnsjlvanla bounded and described as follows, to
wlt I On the north by land of Oconto Bower, on the
east by land of Swank, on tho south and west by
lands of (leorgo Helford, containing seven acres
moro or less on which are erected a frame dwelling
house and out-butldtngs.
seized, taken lu execution at tlio suit ot W illiam
Olrton, Administrator ot ItacSocl Olrton against Ed
ward It. Uowcr and Jacob Bower and to be sold as
tho property of lldward IL Bower and Jacob Boer
Htkwakt, Attoi ney, I'l. Fa.
All that certain lot or piece ot land situate In
Kishlngcreek township, countj ot Columbia and
slato of I'enns) lvanla known as tract No. s of tho es
tate o"t William lluckalew deceased, and bounded
and described as follows, lo-wtt: On tho north by
lands of on the cost by Hands ot John
M. II ickalew and John White, on the south by land
of John Huff and John white nnd on the west by
lands or Ilarman.I. Hess and Monroe Mark!, con
taining seventy-two acres moro or lens, llfty acres
of which Is cleared land, on which Is erected a large
barn, frame house and out-bulldlngs.
selred, taken In execution at tho suit of s. II.
Warner against Jarlus Harrison and to be sold as the
iropctty of Jarlus Ilairlson., Attorneys. Fl. Fa,
All that certain lot or plcco ct land situate In Briar-
creek township, Columbia county and stato of l'enn
sj lvanla, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt I
on tho north by the public road, on tho cast by land
of PeUr llayman, on tho south by land of Peter
llayman and on tlio west by land ot Bolls, contain
ing three acres moro or less on which nre erected a
frame house, wagon maker shop and out-bulldlngs.
seized, taken into execution at the sultot Stephen
Michael against necrgc B, W. Hosier and to be sold
as tho property ot fleorge B. V. Hosier.
Mu.LEa, Attorney. Fl. Fa,
All that certain lot of land situate In Orange town-
Bhlp, Columbia county, beginning at a stono corner
lnllneofland ot lll.hard Bright north eighty de
grees westtwentj-slx nnd two-tenths perches ton
stone, thenco by the same, south sixteen nnd ore-
halt degrees west forty-seven and seven-tenth
perches to a stone, thence by land of John Henry
north tnenty-two degrees and one half east forty,
two perches and one-tenth to an apple treo, thence
by land ot John Henry north seventeen degrees
west ten perches and seven-tenth to tho place cf be
ginning containing clht acres and thirty pershes
of land strict measure, on which aro elected a plank
house, stable and out-bulMI gs.
Setze'd, taken In execution at the suit of Co umbla
County against Mary A. Brlnlit and to bo sold as the
properly of Mary A. Bright.
kiu.kk, Attorney. Lev. I-'a.
Ml those cerUlu lots or pieces ot land situate In
Miniln township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Lot No.
1(11 lsboundtd on the north by 1'iftli street, on the
east by May street, on tho south by lot No. los, and
on the w est by lot No. 100, containing two acres
more or Ichs vacant.
I)t No. tos bounded on tho north by lots one hun
dred and ono hundred and one, on the east by May
sheet, on tho south by lot No. 110, and on tho west
by lot No. 1, containing two acres more or less a
cant. ALSO,
Lot No. S5l bounded on the north by Third street
on the east by lot No. 232, on the couth by Fourth
street, and on tho west by lot No. :&), being sixty
six feet In front and two hundred and UUrty-one In.
N.7ri1. faLn In oromtlnn at t hn onlf n . U-
. bu- v. .v. .,
Creamer against John Keller and to bo sold as the
property of John Keller.
Littles, Attorneys. Vend Ex.
All the defendants Interest In a certain tract of
land situate In Oreenwood townsh!p,Coluinbla coun.
ty, Pennsjlvanla, bounded as follows, to-wlt: Be
glnnlngatastouelnllioralddloof tho road thenco
by land of James Berry north clghty-clght decrees
and twenty.three minutes webt twenty-seven perch
es to the mlddlo of little Flshlngcreek, thenco up
tho middle of said creek north thlrty-threo degrees
cast forty-six perches to a stone, thenco by same
north setenly-clgnt decrees east twenly-flvo perch
es to a hemlock on tho w est sldo ot tnUl-dam, thence
up the west sldiot bald inlll-dam forty-two perches
(or to such distance as w III secure a head and fall o1
fourteen feet at tho b.w-mlll on tho premises herein
described), thenco south thirteen degrees cast to a
stono In the middle ot the road beforo mentioned
thenco by tho same south seventy-one degrees
twenty-Uirco minutes forty-seven perches to a stone
thouce by the middle ot said raid south thirty-two
degrees, twenty-three minutes, twenty-three perch
es, io a sionc, tuence south twenty degrees, twenty
uirec miiuncs, uuneen perches a ohl- Iho mhiiiin nt
said road to tho place cf beginning, couta'lntng elev
en acres, three perches nhd appurtenances.
All tho defendants Interest In a certain tract
laud situate tu lino ond (Ireeuwood townsIilps,cQut
ty of Columbia and suuo ot I'cnnsj lvanla, beginning
atnpKt thenco by land ot Margaret Coarson, east
inrce uuniireu and eighty perches to a post, thence
by land of lluinprey Barker north one hundred and
eighty perches to a whlto oak, thence by lands of J,
J. Bobbins and J, Berry north elghty-ntno degrees
anu onu-nau west three hundred and eighty perches
to u poat, thcuco by lands of Ksther Eves south one
. j w. .oii,v, RUULU UUC
1 half degrees ct ono hundred and ten Derches to
thnip,w.f i V. . . . VKca'!a .
J60 l"aco beglnnlmr, containing two hundred and
forty-four acres and thirty, seven perches more or
less, on which Is crictcd a barn.
Seized, taken In execution ut tho suit of Thomas .T.
Vandersllce oglnst John Leggott and Alexander J.
Krlck and to bo sold as the propertyit John leccott
and Alexander J. Frtck,
ViKDiiwucK, Attorney. vend Ex.
Terms cash on .day of sale.
septic. 70-ta Hherirr.
A WEEK In your own town, nnd no cap
ital risked. You can glvotho business a
trill ltliuutoxienso. Tho best opiwrtu.
nlty ever ofrercd tor thuse willing to
urk, 0I1 Should trv notlltliL-i.thn until
lousee for Miur.splr wlim .mi ...
Iho buslnoss wo offer. No room to explain here.
iuu ran aeyow au your time or only jour spare
time to tlio business, nnil mnL-a (-rout .... ,.!..-.
hour that you ork. ttomen make as much as men.
send for special piivat- tfruiHaiidmrtlcutira.wi,ich
wemalltiej tsouttltfrco. Don't com Dial n of hard
.. :';?. ..'.. . "'ir. nut" a cimuce. Auurcss II
iiAL.i.r,ri- i iu , ruiiuuu.Matne.
cct3, 'iv-iy
By virtue of a writ ot Lev. Fa. Issued out of the
Court of Common Picas ot Columbia county and to
mo luieeieii, win no oxpos-d to public salo cn
Uiu pn-ialsca la Berwick, I'a., at o'clock, p. m.. on
iMomlity, Uctoher 20tli. JS79.
All that certain piece ol landsltuale In tlio imrnui-ii
of Berwick, Cd inibla county. I'a.. nniniiixi n n...
iiunii v) nun u i-aiii Mkeudall, and lot of Charles
A. Becker, cn the cast by lot of farah Becker, on
un- suiiiu uj i'udiii street and on the west by lot cf
., .,i,jufi, me same neing ono hundred
.... ij-iisnt iiuuu nun niontr C.msl sti-.e.
.ndfiiy-nlne and a halt feet more or less In deth-
-,... .,.,.....,.., ui luisiiumoer ininy.tlve, thirty
u maiKcu una numbered In gen
eral pl.iu ot said borough, on which m ..,i
largo tlireo story frame hotel, containing eleu-n bed
mums uuii ouier urge rooms, to-wlt t Hltlog roomi
parlor, dli.lng room, bar room. Ac. a Inn-.
buiiiii', uuii iruiue sneu. awel of iv,.i ...n,Q-
the premise i.
seized, token in execution at tho suit of ii, Wer
rctt against fhlllp snonev witii'imii ir. i...
Wugui-r, lerro tenant und to bo sold as tho properly
I tenant,
" ,
I -'less
...... j.fuv., nnu miuce io james Wagner, terro
sov, Attorney,
Lev, Fa.
'1 inns cash on day of salo.
sept, 81, t.
, A MONTH euarantip,l sis
at homo mado in u.n i..7i,,..7s...7.?
Capital not required i e wm Hift
,.... nvmcu, uujs aim girls
make money raiti.r u Vi f,,. , :
light ond pleasant, and. "such as anyone cuii Jo
ttmn nt nmltilnn ii.. ni.., ..
right ut. Those who aro wise who bee T thu Sit AS
ui seuu us ineir uaare&ses ut once nii b..
tUemwUca. CtMIy Out Ot aud tirmttS KnSft ftl
time. THuse already at work we latin c uu uriZ
wm ol money, AUdribs 'I UU K V lu s SLiffi
Mfttae, " uuc octs
T. P. Eunkel's Bitt:r Who of Iron.
tth.wnctcr tscn known lo fall In Iho inreof
weakness attended with sjmptoms, Iniltspo-dllon to
exertion, loss ot mcinoiy, dltilciilty of breadline
wcikness, horror of disease, night meats, cold
feet weakness, dimness of vision, languor, univer
sal lastltuiln of tho muscular ajstcin. enormous
appetite, Mltli tlyspcptti umptoins, hot hands,
ntnhlnif ot the body, drjness ot tho tkin, patld
countenance, unci rruptlo son the lace, purltilng
t e blood, pain In the back, hern Incss of tlioejeltds
frequent black Spots riling before the i jcs, with
suriuslon and tossof sight, want of ntter.tlon, tic.
Roldotly in i bottle ttt I th1 genulni . m not aud
onii'v t,9 Nnhh Ninthft , Philadelphia Art. In tree.
.Uk for R. I'. Ktiukd'a Itllter Winn of Iron, ami toko
no other Insko. lienulne Bold only lull boMli ,
ITcrvouo Dobilityl Noivous Debility!
Dtblllt, a itiprc-Jsid lrrllablo klatc ir inind, a
wens, ncivous, exhausted titling, ho enrnry or
animation, confjHul herd. Weak memory, lln-conRC-ipiencescf
excesses, mental overwork. 'Ihls ncr
ous deblllly nndsft sovereign cure In K. 1'. Kunke' h
Bitter Wine of Iron. It tones Iho system, dlp li
tho mental gloom ami despondency, and rejuven
ates tho entire s)stcrn. Sold only In tl bottles. Oct
Iho genuine. Sold by all druggists. Ask for B. P.
Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron, and tako no other.
Genuine sold only In 1 1 bottles or six bottles for is.
AIM ask Is a trial of this valuable medicine. It
will convince tho most tkeptlcal of Its merits.
Never Failing Worn Syrup.
n.r. Kunkel's Worm Syrup novcr falls to destroy
Sent, Pin owl Stomach Worms. Dr. Kuukcl Is tho
only successful physician who remo es 1 apo onn
In two hours. Head and all ccmplelo Lllvc, and no
fee till head passes, common aenso teaches that It
Tape Worms can be removed, nil other Worms can
bo readily destroyed. Send for circular to Dr. Kun
kel, Son North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, IM., or
ak your druggist for a bottlo of Kunkel's Worm
Sjnio. Price, II per bottle. Itncvcr falls t'sed
by children or grown persons with perfect safety.
Dauchy &Co's. Advt's.
13 Steps 3 set Itceds. 1 Kneo
swells, Mxi. A Book only ls.
i uct. I'lanos, stool, cover k
Book only 1UJ.11. Illustrated
-Newspaper wnt tree. Address OANIKL F. BKAT1 Y,
Washington, N, J.
d BCpt (i, 4W.
dut-ed lit
illNTi VANTi:ii-Por tho best and fastest
selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. lTlces ro-
a per cent. National rimisniMi Co.. Phil
adelphia, Pa. d 8ept.'2H, ';o-4w
C' I O MM ri turns in nodaysonsiooinvcsted. ot
OlWWflelal reports and Information K1IRB.
Like profits weekly on Rtock options of f 10 to
Addrc-aT. PoTTKit Wiuiit&Co., Bankvius w Wall
St., N. Y. d sept. S0.-4W
C 1 1 Tfl 01 nfWi Inverted In Wallfrt, Slocka
OH) IU vH'Oumakcs fortune-) every
month. Book sent ficoexplritutog everything. d
dreKs IIaxtkk & Co.. Hanxkhs, 17 Wall street, 24. Y.
sept 20, 'Tu-tw d
WANTHI) Accnln nnlcil lor our Spiel illd Hook
Complete In ono volume. IHuMrated with ilno steel
pi tip FntfraNlnjc. Atfeiits flolnir well. 42 orders
uikrn by uno Auent last week. Grand boot for Fall
nrd Winter. qt'AKKK CITY rUIl. UOLSE, 73 San-
som hi., rnuauelpttla.
sept, so, 4v. d
ctlve partly to act a (Jen
r-rnl AirrnU for thn siiln of
oui spsvcluiUiCS. Iluslnesare-
siK-ctablc. oooiUkh. rHpldly. Wopay a taiary or
a liberal eornnih-ion mi fc'ilci. From $un) lo a
Month rflD h imfinlr live men. Hnte chance for
inaKlnc nunn'V Admits I S, McUONAU) & CO.,
uv Clark bU, Clilcojjo.
sepu yo, 4w. il
f'inriril. A tlmnlA vftnli1n rrmctlT
for the iprtiif aal ftrmantnt cure of Conmimi'M
UonvUTOUCJUll,WUUTU, AMJiuw.nnm ait ftrooi
'and Lwj Afftctiont. AlflO u pORltlvn ruin
radical cur for Kcrvous lability and all
Nenou Cnuirlalnw, vhttn Hit test
Kept 2l!, 4V.
With Your
i brlncyouapoel-pald
EQQtl to 111 Uftgaziae rSf i,
YTlth 354 ENGUAVINCigti
and Descriptions or
Your Own Vtc, for HOLIDA V.
f lc.,ia now loreaaiiy
.obtain tnem,iviiiiani
CashOiltliy. AMrc 1
223 TJroaaway,
new York.
Ar A "UP17l" ; .!i:nt ti can
IV Vi 1.1 111 vass Hloomsburk, nnd the
ndjolnlnir towns for the best, helling hoiuchold aril
cli's In tho world. Tip toji fronts, write ut onco to
World Manufacturing Co., hi Nassau New York,
sept. I ", 4w. d
lnitrutucDli.MuIo,SaIU, Lf ,.0&
Cpi, Reltf .ronehei.Pora- g
nd Hfcti, EtuleW. Crnvt-S
I.tmrx, Standi, tad OgU
nti eon tun ha p&ge or
inuT-racjiumitir ruiciaJ.
Mftih.-a rn-.. Adjrvsi
4W tl
w, tiiiiuMi II tsrrryeiM t-sriiti si-t -r ho Isnr isSi
Isf m l..... st its r-s-m, It nhp, Is.inst evil t irA - ir,-. n.
Sin.l 1,-1, trt, IS ttMii I ts il.,- lMtflr-t
ed. I btls,ll,i bnil..M.r l-Un ,1 l.l. hi,,,
tblil s s.k th s lil.l. is iuli, an Us brn .11
ML- 1 ti. I tie IklS 1 ll"1 H . , ,f I i im lu, Jl
Ii t- ,r , ,. s in ti . s I t I.,
J tl oi; tt AlTZ.flrheriil ngeut for I . s
l;iO ViuiiUIIii Mt, HullliiHM.', Mil,
t j" III (fnuln ht UaJe iur ul .jttklur ( lr J U H
Kt rrrr
F.atablished In lRTSforthecura
ot t amer, 'lutiitirs. Ulcers,
without the usoof kudu ur 1oks uf blisjtl mid Uttla
Iin. For uifuri nation, circulars and rcfiiruucet,
addrats llr. V, L.. I'OM), Aurora, h,uiw Co., Jll.
se, '.. 13, il I), J iv a. en.
Hu Fk4 4ltTrlajt from til thrt !
Cp-hp, with ftslltAdjuaUiif Ut
1 CMUT, ftdACU IhtLf t4 Mil vailLia
f f tb tod, hli h nil ta Ik
Eggleatoti Truss Co., Chicaflo, III.,
sept, n, .9 ly, i v & o.
Mada of Iran, .beautifully orna
mented. Adjuatablu shelves
Cheap ami htrouj. Cannot Ret
out of order Kuur bixes. ftt'od
for completrt cta'itlnr at rlcts
list. Kt'hd S' crnts far our new
llhistratttl CatnlKiiu of School
JU'rchmnlKe. .tfry lUrcnt or
'Semht r thouUl have it,
Huvjqujrters for !1 School Supplies,
MS k 111 (illl.MJ STKtKT, .NKW YORK,
Sipx M, ly
i i K ir n. oii.ik kisew n s, vEcttieeo.
I.cii,rs,t . Iuu iMrutton on tin1 estute ofllccico
ltlMU : k l.m u UloOUlh'lUI , I c'UUlbl.l CO., Ji.
s-i-hsi ,i, li .. K,ii.raiitf4b) tlie It, .sterol said
county to ttiu lindi ri.iuiud Admlm-'ruior to uhtin
ull ii'ibotit ludtbt-'d uro rtuucbicl to iuuVo Inline
dlute iuj ment und those mninit ' .Itus ur demandi
apalu-l ihe eiitaie vvtH maWu thcia klowu to the Ad
uiiuWrutor without ih las-.
t . . , - AdialnUtrator.
beid. U, T-w Iilocuibbirg
1 1