THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOC It AT, B LOOMSB U KG , COLUMBIA COL NIT, PA. olnmliiao. 0, E. SLWSIiL, Elltsr J. E. BITTSWBSNDiB, PnMliior. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Fvid tvy. Ont 0. 1870. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FOR STATE TREASURER, DANIEL O. BARR, op riTTSimnau. COUNTY TICKET. FOK SHIilllFF,' A. K. SMITH, FOIt COKONKIt, I. K. DI1.D1NK. FOK JURY COMMISSIONER. KM nOHUINS. Democratic Standing Committee. llloomiburff K luvld Lowenberg, ChAlrman. v t. Clark, Secretary. Jfcsaver .Urnes T l'ox. lientoo-liobr Mcllenry. llcrlck lior. Wm T. Snyder, llrlarrreck M. I. llouieknccht, Citawlssa M. v. II. Kline. Ceutralla Uor. P. F. Uurkc. Centre F. IwarJ Uartrrnn. Conynirhara N. l'atrlck Ilrennan. " S -lohn Monroe. VMilnicreet a. 0 Crereltnf. Kra'ikUn Wm. Kohrbacn. oreenwood A. J. Derr. Hemtock N. P. Moore, .la k-ion Irani Uerr. Locust (J ). Knlttio. M.iJIson Wm. tilugles, JlalnI. n. Nuw. Mimin D. II Montgomery. Mnnuiur Henovlllo Huodo. Nt. Pleasant John Mordan. Orange o. A. MosrargcU. TMno John K. Fowler. io.irlnircieck John toowrer. Scott south-John Kresslir. Siigarloaf A. J. lies. Scott North Jacob TcrwIUlgcr. Vigilance Committees. BLOOM EAST. rauiK. Wirt. J. U. Casey. Amurtli Noble. James Lennon. Job ii Yost. eter solleder. Hugh Buckingham. Charles ilasscru BLOOM WEST. li. II. Little Ellas Farman. William liirrett. o. W. sterner. BENTON TOWNsniP. Charles Gibbons, Samuel Appleman, T. U. Cole. BERWICK. A. D. seely, F. s. iluot, David Gross. CEXTRALIA. I). F. Curry, uwen Cain. CONVNOHAM NOltTU. Thomas Chapman, Charles McGulre. CONYNOIIAM BOOTH, lohn P. nannon, Jas. Monagtian. IMPORTANT NOTICE. The members of the Standing Committee elected by the people in their respective dis tricts have im0'tant duties to perform. Neg lect or failure on their part prevents thorough organization and entails a heavy loss. It is all important that they should select Vigilance iCommittces for their districts al once, and re port their names to the Chairman. The men choten should be the most active and intelligent mho will serve. Worh and not compliments aro demanded. See that every man is duly assessed, properly registered, and has paid his taxes. The rceiatry books are now in the proper places. Delay In such matters is fol ly, and so to work at once. D., Chairman. TUE SUPREME JUDGESHIP. The vacancy on the supreme bench of the State, caused by the death of Judge Wood ward, has enabled almost every county in the State to discover that some one of Its distinguished lawyers would be the proper man for the position. Williainsport pre' seuted two candidates for the appointment Judge Linn, and William H. Armstrong, Wilkes Barre had Judge Harding and Stan ley Woodward, the Utter a cousin of the de- ceased Judge, and son of the late Chief Jus lice Woodward, Judge Agnew was spoken of, also Thayer of Philadelphia, Pearson of Dauphin, Livingston of Lancaster, Williams of Tioga and Hall of Bedford. The Cover nor has put an end to all speculation on the subject by the appointment of Hon. Henry Green of Northampton. The Hunisuurg J'atriot says : "Mr. Green, bears the reputation of being an able lawyer while he is a man of the highest probity of character. The design ol the new constitution is to maintain as nearly aa possible the political equilibrium la the supreme court by proving that when two judges are to be elected for the same term ol service eacli voter shall vote for only one and when three are to be chosen be shall vote for no more than two. Under this pro vision Judge Woodward was elected at the same time with Judge I'aison. But there is no way of making this provision" binding on a governor when he tills a vacancy caused by death. As Mr. Green Is au ex tremely moderate republican Gov. Hoyt has adhered to the spirit ot the constitution as much as his party predictions and obllga tions would permit. In appointing a publican successor of a democratic supreme judge he has not imitated the example of party conventions by the choice of an ex treme partisan. The appointment is one which we have no doubt will prove entirely acceptable to the people of the state." A MISTAKE. The following paragraph has been going the rounds of the papers. Columbia County Democrats resoluted a their recent Convention in favor of Til den. The Columbia County democrats dldnoth ing of the kind. No resolutions in favor of Tilden were adopted nor were resolutions of any other kind offered or passed. Our Cot ventlou was-held August I2th, Its business was transacted and the convention adjourned without wasting any time In passing rosolu tlous a year lu advance. Jefferson Davis having promptly and pos itively declined the United States Sena torship froiu Mistitsippl, to which be iras nominated by some of the leading republU can editors of the north, they have now taken the liberty of presenting bim as a democratic candidate for vice president. Their method of warfare is to set up some sort of a rag man and then proceed with great vigor to knock the stuffing out of lilui. TIIK INTERNATIONAL RACE. At one o'clock last week Monday morn ing llio flrth content Tor tlio Astly liell In Mml Iron Square canlen, Nrw Yotk City. The bolt U the gift of Sir .lohn Antly, of England anil In ruV to be retained mutt be won three timer; In succession, when It be comet the propiny of the winner forever. O'Leary won It twice, In the third race It wat wrested from him by Kowell, the KnR llshinan, frum whom It was captured In Lea- Ion lait June by Weslon, the American. A-lde from ilk Intrinsic value which la about tjOO, It represents the championship of the world fur long distance walking. I'lillnnlng la a list of the contestants, aa entered for the race. Chas. Howell, of ChoUerton, Cambridge, England ; Kdward Payson Weston, of New York ; Geo. ltazacl, of London, England : I'eter J. I'anchot, of ISufltlo. N. Y ; Frank II. Hart, of Boston ; Norman Taylor, of Vermont; Joliu Entil, of Chicago ; Iilram Jackson, of New lied ford; Wm. Dutcher,of N. Yi Samuel Merritt, of N. Y ! Cleo. Guy on, Chicago; L. 1'. Federmyer of California; Fred Krohne, of N. Y. Dutcher gave out the first day, I'anchot walked until Wednesday when he succumb ed, Jackson failed on Thursday. The race ended 'on Saturday night at nine o'clock, Howell winning the belt. The score iw as follows : Howell made 030 miles, Merritt filG, Harael 600, Hart 482. Guyon 47l,Ves. ton 455, Ennls 450, Krohne 450, Taylor 250, The total receipts at thegate wasover I73.- 000, and the expenses Ac, reduced it to about 45,000, of which Howell pockets one-half, the balance to be distributed amongst the other walkers in proportion to the distance walked by them, as Sir John Astlcy shall direct. Weston, who made 550 miles in London recently, came in sixth, It is probable that there will be another match soon In Knglaod when Weston or some other American will win, so as to give Rowel! a chance to come back here and capture the belt and $50,000, This shuttle cock business will be kept up just as long ns the people will continue to patronize such shows, It pays a man to car ry bis brains in his heels now-a-dayg. Civil Rights. Some weeks ago the School Board of Wll- llamsport refused to admit colrred children indiscriminately into the public schools, In accordance with the opinion of James Wood Solicitor. A few days ago Nathan Morgan, Abingtnn Harris and James A. Payne, three colored residents, appeared before United States Commissioner B. S. Bentley and swore out a warrant for the arrest of Super intendent Fraseau, Mary P. Brown, a teach er, and tlio entire Board of directors, con slstlng ol twenty-five members, tor a viola. tion of the United States laws by unlawful ly resisting their execution and relusing ad mittanco of colored children to the schools in the Fifth ward on account of race. The warrant was served ou the accused by Deputy United States Marshal, who released them at once upon their recognizance, to ap pear before the Commissioner on Monday morning last at 10 o'clock. After the hear ing Commissioner Bentley stated that he supposed the information was intended to be against the parties therein named as com posing the school board of the city of Wll- llamsport with the exception of S. Tran seau, superintendent, and Miss Piatt, i teacher in the public schools. But so far as any evidence in the case was concerned, nothing had been offered showing that any of the prrties named in the information were members of the school board, or that said board had ever passed upon the ques tion, or had anything to do with the matter in any way. There was no testimony show that any of the parties named, with the ex ception of Mr. Foresman, had any know! edge wbatevor, individually or officially, of what had been done in the premises. The case was argued in the afternoon, and the commissioner dismissed the complaint. Deadwood la Ashes. A Fearfully Debtbuctive Fire. THE ENTIRE BUSINESS PORTION OF THE CITY DESTROYED. At 2 o'clock a fire broke out on the morn ing of the 20 th ult. at Deadwood in the bakery on Sherman street, and the flames spreading rapidly almost the entire business portion of the city was consumed. Thou sands of peoplo have been made homeless and left in a destitute condition. The loss is roughly estimated at from $1,500,000 to $2,000,000, on which there is little or no in surance. The Sre was fanned by a light breeze with nothing to combat it but a small and intra dent fire department. The fire spread with such wonderful rapidity that any attempt st saving anything would have been useless. All along lis con ire terrific explosions of gunpowder, petroleum, liquor, &c, were o frequent occurrence. Many buildings were blown Into atoms. The hook and ladder and hose carriages were the first thing to burn, leaving nothing but a few feet of worthless hose with which to battle against the devouring elements. The new water workB were tried for the first time the day betore and they were put to their full ca pacltywith little success in subduing the flames, on account of the scarcity of water, The hillsides were almost a solid sheet of flame. Hundreds of people escaped with only their night clothes. Every team witn in mites of the city was called into service to help sav what could be got out. There are probably about two thousand people who are homeless, and many destitute, About 125 buildings, besides fifty or sixty dwellings wero destroyed. While it is utter ly impossible to get any definite figures rc garding the loss, well posted business men place It from one and one half to two mil' Hons. Trying To Dupe. The policy of the Radicals in couutle where they are hope less to'elect one of their candidates on a fai contest is to foment strife among the Demo, crats, by urging defeated candidates of that party for a nomination to boll and run in dependently, promising tbem their support, They have succeeded in Columbia and a few other counties in Inducing Democrats to run independent of the regular ticket. But any Democrat who Is so shallow as to put faith in their promises will in the end find him' self duped, The sole object aimed at In all this political chicane is to get the Demo crats divided, and the Radicals will then poll a solid vote fur their own candidate and elect him. Democrit should guard against fulling into any such trap. Danville Intelli genctr. Governor Hobison Accepts Gover nor Robinson has Britten a letter accepting the renomlnatinn of the Syracuse Democra tlecooytrutlou, and says thut be considers It ru approve of tlio parnest effort he has made to uphold the supremacy of )pe constltutio and laws.snd to reform the abuses of govern raent. He will address Jil,wself vigorously to the campaign and means io fight Jam many to the bitter end. The Fall Elections. Suppose the Hepubllcans should carry the remaining Slate elections this fall. It Iocs not by any means follow that they will have a majority on the popular vote, or that the Presidential contest will be materially ffected by such a result. Of course success would increase their confidence for the time being and encourage their hopes for the fu turn. Tlio leaders find comfort In very slight blasting. Maine has been a Hepublican State since the organizition of the party, and has al ways been reckoned with as much confi dence on that side as Kentucky has been on the other. Last year divisions and discon tent led to a defeat of the machine, by a combination between the Greenbackers and the Democrats. This year the Hepubllcans partially recovered their lost ground. That is to say, they have regained the Legislature which elects the Governor and other State officers, there having been no choice by the people. But the old-fashioned majority of ten or twelve thousand, which hardly wavered for more than twenty years, has wholly dlsap peared, and the Republicans are in a minor it, small, it Is true, but still a minority of the popular vote. And this is the result af ter an unexampled canvass, the expenditure of a very large sum of money, the open purchase of votes In the cities, and a resort to every form ot trickery known to udscru pulous politicians. Yet Mr, Blaine had the cheerful effrontery to claim a great victory, when barely saved by the skin of his teeth from Ignominious defeat. Ohio is a close State, which may go either way now without any special significance as bearing on the Presidential contest in 1880, A Hepublican Governor was elected in Call' fornia a few weeks ago, known to be it sympathy with the mighty corporation that has long ruled the Stale and to which great majority ol the people are opposed. The Central Pacific managers knew how to divide their opponents and thus conquer. Tbo fall elections will settle nothing, and may foreshadow very little, as far as the Presidential 'question is concerned. The events of the approaching session of Con gress will shape that question long before the two National Conventions meet, and will shape It in a way to leave little doubt as to the final issue. The programme of the Republican stalwarts is to force a sectional campaign and to nominate Grant as its ex ponent. If the Democrats are weak or foolish enough to fall Into this trap they will deserve to be beaten. If they are wise and know how to profit by a dearly pur chased experience, the way to the White House is open before them. It may be necessary to run out of the old ruts, and it Is indispensable to discard Bour bonism. One thing above all others must be borne in mind if success is desired. The Democratic candidate in his own person, by his antecedents, and by his recognized character, should give the country assurance that in the event of bis election there would bo an end to sectional agitation. No other sort of candidate can hope to win, and It is bet'er that that fact should be clearly understood now than when it may be too late. Ar. 1'. Sun. Cnange the Scene and Suppose. Mr. George Truman was a republican acd an officeholder. lie was brutally assaulted on the highway, maimed and murder d There does not svem to be a palliating cir cumstance, unless drink be so regarded. Suppose tins murder bad happened in Mississippi, which is not entirely free from social disorders, what interpretation would have been put upon it ? Would there or wouldn't there have been ingenious theories spun oat to show that a R 'publican's life was not safe in that region ? Then supposo the affair had been kepi dark for a week, though a policeman was on the spot when the murder was committed, what order would tlio bloody shirt press of the North take on that dark lantern a lministra' tion of justice? But Mr. Truman was a Hepublican, in He publican Philadelphia, and nobody would be tool enough to try to give the crime any po litical importance Chronicle-Herald. What Senator Bruce Says of the Freedmen'a Rank Investigation. The Evening Star of the 25th ult, publishes an interview with Senator Bruce, chairman of the Senate Committee to Investigate the Affairs of the Freedmen's Bank, i i which the Senator is reported to have said that, in asmuch is he was the only member of the coron itteeat present in the city, he felt con strained to keep a padlock ou his mouth, "But," said he, "when we do make our re port there will be startling revelations which I cannot now speak in. Now, there is one great trouble 1 find i ur ex eils have it. lal aucing the books, and that is that just when they reach that poiut Hhtch ought to lead to some impoituut developments, they find that three or four pages t,l the ledger are U r I out What I want to do is to induce Cougiuss to buy the Freedmen's Ilauk building and the properly up to the corner of Sixteenth street If such a sale can be effected I will guaran tee that an additional dividend of twenty per cent, will be paid to the bank's creditor;. Thirty percent, has been already paid. Fifty per cent, is all I think ever will be paid. What ought to be done by Congress is to buy the building and discharge the three Com. mlBsloners who have for years been drawing a salary of $2,000 pi r year. The Harrlsburg J'atriot of the 1st Inst says ; The democratic difficulties in Columbia county have been adjusted by the withdrawal of one of the candidates for sheriff. There is but one democratic candidate for sheriff and that is A. K. Smith, who re ceived the nominatloa of the party fairly and tquarely, aud against whom no charge of any kind have been m ide to the contrary. One defeated caudidate for nomination lu the convention, has been talking of running as an Independent. Jf he has withdrawn we are glad to bear it for his own sake. Important to Voters. The next election in Pennsylvania will be held on Tuesday, the 4th of November. Voters who have not paid a stato or county tax within two years next preceding tho elec tion (except such as aro between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-two years), must pay such tax ono month preceding tho election, that is, on or bclore Saturday, October 4. l'Yiluio to pay tax in gcason deprives tho voter of tho privilege of suffrage. If an elec tor have paid a state or county tax within two years next preceding the election, or it he bo between the ages of twenfy-ono and twenty two years, he cau secure his vote by making proper proofs to tho election board by his own affidavit and that of a qualified voter of his precinct, though be bo not registered. Members of democratic state, county and eUypommittees should co to it that every voer of our party complies with the law. ' ' ' Sept, 12, 3w. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS SELLERS' COUGH SYRUP ! SO Yeara Before the Public. Pronounced by all to bo tlio most I'lrn.nnt and rfllcnrlou remedy In mj, for th3 euro nf rough, colds, croup, liximriirvv, tickling sensation ot the throat, whooping cough, etc. OVl:lt A MILLION BIITTI.KH NIILII WITHIN Till! LAST PI2W TEA Us. It gives rel let wherever used, and has tho power to Impart benefit that cannot bo had from tho cough niliturr now In me. Sold by all Dnugtsts at 25 cents per bottle. Hltl.l.lMts1 i.ivilll I'lLt.s are also highly re commended for curing liver complaint, constipation, slck-hcadachos, fever and ague, ami all diseases ot tho stomach and liver. Sold by all Druggists at za cents per box. B, E. Sellers & Co., Pittsburgh, Fa oct o, 'ii-iy. THE DAVIS. THE LATEST ISTHEBE8T. The Greatest Sewina MacMQe of the Age Don't fall to see this wonderful piece of per fection, the New Davis Vertical Feed Shuttle Sewing Machine. Manufac tured at Wate'town, New York. Will be on exhibition at the Bloomsburg fair ground during tbe fair. All are cordially Invited to call and in spect the New Machine and obtain samples nf work, more beautiful and desirable than ever before accomplished and utterly Impossible for any otbcr to duplicate, Thousands witnessing the immense ranee of work, and discarding their old machines for the KEW iiACHlNE, is sufficient proof of Its superiority and bring lor the Davis a iraae that runs the lactory to us luuest ca paclty. The Vertical Feed, Which supercedes the under feed, is tbe hnge upon which swings the UNI'ARAI.I.E ED SUCCESS, Composed of only 13 Working Parts, while others have from f rty to seventy-five, making the least complicated, the most dur able and most reliable machine in use. It positively leads all others, doing away with all bastinir, nd Is the lightest run ning SHUTTLI! MACHINE IN THE WORLD ! and gives general satisfaction. Will be sold at the recent popular REDUCED SCALE 01' trices, samplei ot work tree. J. SALTZER, Gen'l Agent, Bloomsburg, Pa. oct. 3, '79-ly. W STOMACH Diseases, like thieves, attack tho weak. Fortify your onronlzatlOQ with the (tutors, aud It will resist ana baiUo alike the virus or epidemics and tbe changt'B ot temperature which disorder i he constitu tions or the feeble. There is vitality in It. )t is a pure vegetable stimulant, a rare altcralhe and antl blllouB medicine, and has not a harmful element amontriumany Ingredients. For sale by all Druggists and respectable Dealers generally, Oct 8, ly. THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE- Whereas, the world renowned reputation of the White Sewing Machine induces many unscrupulous competitors to resort to all kinds of mean tricks to Injure Its reputation, we beg to o tutlon all Intending purchasers not to buy a White Machine except from Its regular authorised dealers, whs will be sustained by the following warranty. Vf E WAItHANT THE NATDIIAL WEAK AND TEAR Of TflE White Shuttle Sewiim Machine, PLATE NUMllKIt 103311 KOI1 FAMILY PUltPO- A Nil IIEEKKUY AllKIEK TO KREr THE NAME IN HKI-AIlt (UK THE TKKM OF FIVE TEA KM PRO tl THIS DATE, FUEE OF CIlAlllllC This warranty excepts the breakage of needles, bobbins and shuttles. ThU warranty will not be sustained unless the plate number above given corresponds with the number on tbe shuttle race slide, beware of defaced pr altered numuers. V IIITE SBWINO MACHINE CO, Tbo "WHITE'' Startle Sfflrlqg Machine Has oaaitiu cmcitr ,an any ether family jewing ...V ww, ....v., u. J, HALTZElt, General Agent, lilooinsburg, I'a Oct. S, 1 ly, S1500 TO WOO A YKAK, or $5 to f W a uay in yourowu lacauiy. none. Women do s well as men. Many maku.inorothaQ the amount stat- eu auove. no one can jaw '0 make money fast. Anyone can do the work. You can make from pentu to fa an hour by devoUntf your evenlugs and Kptrettmou) the busi ness. K costs nothing to try the business. Nothing like It for money making ever offered before. Hutil ness pleasant and strictly houorable. Header, If you want to know alt about the best v&s 111' business be fore the public, send us your address and we Mil send ou full particulars and private terms free; samples worth i also free i you can then u ako up IUUI U1IUU IVI JVUIOCIIi AUV1VN UlaVIIUIII DlllinUil & Co., t'orlland, Maine. oct. 9, n-iy J OB PRINTING OF EVERY DESRIPTION EXECUTED PKOMPTLY Al THE GOLUKBUN ClHOl NEW ADVERTISEMENTS... ORPHANS' COURT SALE OP VALUAI1LK REAL ESTATE ! Hy virtue ot an lllas order of tho Orphans court ot Columbia county, Tennsylvanla, tho undersigned Administrators ot Jacob Harter, latoot MIRltntonn ship, Columbia county deceased, will expose to pub lic sale on the premises on Sntimlity, November let, 1879, at ten o'clock in the forenoon tho following valuable real estate, to-wlti All that certain tract or two tracts of land sltuatnln Mlfllln township, Columbia county aforesaid. No. I, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt i lleglnnlngntn corner In road by land ot Jacob lions thence south seventy-seven do greos west thirty-five and five-tenth pcrchcB, thenco by land of Christopher Ilortong north thirteen de grees west one hundred and fifty-three and one- tenth perches to n stono, thenco by land ot J. 11. Uetlor north elghty-nvo degrees west twonty-two and five-tenth perches to a publlo road leading from Mtnilnvllle to Conyngham, thence north thir teen degrees west twelvo and two-tenth perches. thenco by land of 8, H. Swank north seventy-seven degrees cast Ofty-scvcn and nve-tcnth perches, thence by land of Elizabeth I.uU south thirteen de, grees cast ono hundred and seventy-two and ono- tenth perches to the placo of beglunlng, containing FORTY ACRES and sixty-three porches strict measure. No. t. Beginning at a stone by land of Uonry lletlsr, thence south twelve degrees east thirty-four and two-tenth perches to a stone, thenco by moun tain land north seventy-eight degrees east twenty- three and four-tenth perches to a stone, thence by land of 8. II. Swank north twelve degrees west thir ty-four and two-tenth perches to a stone, thence by and of Jacob tfons south seventh-eight degrcos west twenty-three and four tenth perches to the plase of beginning, containing FIVE ACRES strict measure with the appurtenances. TERMS OP SALE Ten percent ot one-fourth of the purchase mo noy to be paid at the striking down ot the property, tho one-fourth less tho ten per cent. at tho confirmation of sale, and the remaining three fourths In one year thereafter with Interest from confirmation nisi. J.U.IIETLEK, J. 11. HA11TEII, C. W, Millir, Att'y. Administrators. Oct. 3, ts. EXECUTORS' SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! ! The undersigned Executors ot Joshua Drink, late of Denton township, Columbia county, deceased, will expose to public sals on tho premises in Benton township, on Saturday, October 25th, 1879, at ten o'clock In tho forenoon, the following describ ed property : Uouadcd on the west by lands of the estate of Montgomery Cole deceased, and lands of John Swartwout, on the south by lands of J. F, Chapln, on the cast by lands of J. F Chapln and James Lunger and on tbe north by lands' ot James Lunger and tho estate of M. Cole deceased, contain Ing 82 -A. CBES, 90 perches, whereon is erected a Frame House and Frame Barn, now occupied by Joshua J. Drink. Terms made known on day of salo. I. K. KIIICKDAUM, WILLIAM I1KINK, oct. 3, 4w, Executors. EXECUTORS' SALE OK VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! ! The undersigned Executors of rhlllp Shultz, late of Benton township, Columbia county deceased, wm expose to public sale on tho premises in Benton town, ship on Tuesday, October 28th, 1879, at ten o'clock In the forenoon tbe following describ ed real estate, to-wlt: Beginning at a post at a corner on the Luzerne county line thence along land of E.tas Shultz north thirty-three and one-half degrees west ono hundred and sixty-seven and seven tenths perches to a post, thenco along land of D. C Moss one and one-half degrees, east etghty-Klx and two tenths perches to a corner form erly a whlto oak, thence along lands ot Samuel Wil son and John Wells north eighty-eight and one-half degrees cast one hundrod and thirty-four porches to a post, thenco along land of James Wilson north eighty-two and one-nail degrees cast forty-nvo and eight-tenths perches to a post on Luzerne county line, theace along said county line south eight and one-half degrees west nlnety-slx and four-tenth8 perches to a post, the placo of beginning, c-jntalnlitg NINETY ACRES, sixty-two perches and nltowauees, foriv-tlve acres if which are In good statu of cultivation, uheicon Is erected two Frame Dwelling Hornsea, frame barn, and out-bulldlngs. There Is n good spring of water, a good b arlug AITLU OIICIIAIH), and other fruit trees on the premises. Terms made known on d ly of sale I. K. KKICKBAUJI, DANIEL SUULTZ, Executors, Oct 3, ta. UDITOK'S NOTICE, KST1TE OF CATITXRINK FK1LIS DECEASED, Kotlce U hereby clven that the undersli-ned an. pointed an Auditor by the orphans' Court of Colum bia county, to make distribution ot the funds in he hands ot the Admldlstrator of decedent, will ntu-nd at hts office lu Bloomsburg, on Thursday the etu day of November A. V. 187), at ten o'clock In the forenoon, for the purpose of bis said appointment, when and where all persons having claims upou the said fund at e required to present them, proiwrly au thenticated, or be forever debarred from coming In on said fund. ' juu.n u. FKKKZE, Auditor, OCt,3,4w. jUDITOK'S NOTICE. ISTATI OF JOHN BOTES, DECEASED. The underslcrned auditor aDDOtnted bv thn Court of Columbia Co., to make distribution of the money In the bands of the Administrators, to aud among tbe parties entitled hereto, will attend to the aa ties of his aDoolntment at hfs orrice In lllonmAhurL-. on Monday November s, 1879, at 10 o'clock A. M. at wuicn ume ana piace an parties lnteres-ea must ap pear, present and prove their claims or be debarred from a share ot i aid fund. J). FRANK ZAItlt, Auditor, Oct. 3, ta. UDITOH'S NOTICE. Notice Is herebv riven t jat the undnrsifnod un pointed by the Orphans' Court ot Columhta county to make distribution of the money in the baud of the Administrators to and amomr the parties enti tled thereto, will attend at his omcu in uioomshurs. un lursuuy uiu jiui uay ui rnuvcmuer a u.,thi9, at ten o clock lu the forenoon, for the purpose of hl& said appointment, when and w tie re all persons hiv lmc any claims upon the said fund are required to present them, properly authenticated, or bo ueharr ud fruni coining In on said f untl. tJUllNU. yjtKlCZB, . - Auditor. Oct, 3, THW, -FOK TIIK- COLUMBIAN, ONLY 25 CENTS FOR THREE MONTHS, ONTIJi JANUARY Isfc 1?8Q. TERMS, $2.00 A YEAR. 1 50 PKR ANNUM, IN ADVANCE, ONE MILLION WiriTEBri.owBaiiy Plantsi Bulbs I A t; klUr br ( lil Ui frlMd LIitMi which I 3Cortlandt S)trt. M.w York. oct , 4v, aid SUBSCRIBE NOW NEW AVDERTISEMENTS. ADMINISTltATORS' SALE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! ! Iiy virtue of an alias order of Iho Orphans' Court ot Columbia county, the undersigned ndmltitstrator of Iilram Lunger, deceased, will expose to public sale on tbo premises In gujarloat township, Colum bia county, Pa., on Saturday, October 2oth, 1879, at lea o'clock In the forenoon, the undivided one hatf Interest In certain real estate situate In sugar- louf tnwnshlp in said county, bounded and dnacrlbed as follows i lleglnnlng at a white oak, corner 0( l esters' land, thenco by ether land of Joshua llrink north wi degrees west lUtf perches to a post, thenco by said land north R5 degrees, west 63 perches to a chestnut tree, thenco north so degrees west 10 perches to n post, thenco by land of Montgomery Cole south U degrees wr st 81 perches to a post! thenco by land of said Joshua llrink south 43v4- de grees, east 44 perches to a post, thence by said land south 14 degrees, west 89 perches to a post, thenco by said land south 4.1V degrees, east el perches to a post by a public road, thenco south To degrees east 03 V perches to a post, thenco by land of 1,10 estate ot William .McKclvy north !',' degrees 'east, 89 perches to tho puce of beginning, containing 85 Acres, nnd G5 Perches, on whtoh Is erected a FBAMK DWULLINO UOU3B, barn, and out-butldlngs, good orchard and good water. TEHMS OF SALE, Ten per cent, of the one-fourth of the pii'ihaso money to bo paid at tho striking down of Iho property, the one-f'iurth less the ten per cent at tho confirmation of sale and the remain ing three-fourths In ono year thereafter with Inter est from confirmation Llsl. A. J. IIKSS. Administrator. October 8, 'T9-ts Central 1". O. PUBLIC SALE OP VALUAULB REAL ESTATE ! The undersigned Kxecutors of Jacob Leiby late of Montour township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, deceased, will expose to public sale at the late resi dence of said Jacob Leiby, situate along the public road leading from Uloomsburg to Danville, on Tuesday, October 21st, 1879, beginning at 10 o'clock In Hie forenoon, the following described valuable real estate, vli: All that certain mcssuago and tractot land situate in Montour township, Columbia county, l'ennsylva. nla, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: begin ning nta stone corner in Hoe of land ot M. S, Apple- man and running thence by lands ot said M. 8. Ap pleman and David Mauser south seventy-two nd a half degrees west, ono hundred and fifty and three tenth perches to a stone In line ot land of Wm. r' Mauser, tbenco by land of said Wm. 1'. Mauser, south eighteen degrees east one hundred and one tenth perches to a cornerof land of William Lazarus thenco by land of said Wm, Lazarus north eighty- one and three-eighth degrees cast lirty-two and eight-tenth perches to a stone, thence by samo south thirty-three and three-fourth degrees east ten and four-tenth perches to a stone, thenco by same south six and three-iiuai tor degrees east twenty -six perch es to a stone In line ot land of I'hlllp Krumm, thence by land of said Philip Krumm, Levi Thomas and Polly Lynn (north eighty and one-quarter de grees east fifty-six perches to a stone corner ot laud of Jackson Leiby, thence by lands of said Jackson Leiby acd other land ot tho estate of said Jacob Leiby, dee'd, north two and a quarter degrees west. one hundred aud fifty-seven and four-tenth perches to the place of beginning, containing 105 ACRES, snd fifty-four perches, less three acres nnd sixty, four porches, belonging to tho Philadelphia Head ing Railroad Company whose road runs through sold rarm, leaving one hundred and one acres and one hundred and ilfty perches of land neat measure, on which Is a- GOOD HOUSE, born and out-bulldlngs, a good orchard, good spring and a well of water at the barn, nnd the land Is In a good state of cultivation and convenient to good maikeis. ALSO, one other messuage and tract of land situ ate In township, county and state aforesaid, bound ed and described as follows, to-wlt: lleglnnlng at a stono corner In line of land of M. S. Appleman and running thence by other land of the estate of said Jacob Leiby, deceased, south two and one-quarter degrees east, one hundred and twenty-three and six-tenth perches to a stone, corner of land of lack- son Leiby, thence by lands of said Jackson Leiby and William P. and David Mauser north eighty and one-quarter degrees east one hundred and fourteen perches to a white oak, cornerof land of M. S. ap pleman, thenco by land of said M. B. Appleman north seventeen and a half degrees west one hun dred and thirty-four and six-tenth perches to a btone lu a public road leading from Uloomsburg to Dan, vlileandlhciicebylubd of M, 8. Appleman south scvciity-tno and a half degrees west elirhty and four-teuth perches to the place of beginning, con taining 7"7 ACRES, and slxty-jl x perches, less two acres aad twcnty-tlvo perches belonging to thu Philadelphia A- Heading Itallrad Company, vvuo&e road runs through said farm, leaving beventy-nve acres and forty-one perches of land neat measure. Suld land Is In a good state of cultivation and convenient to good markets, tht-re are ou tne premises a UUOD IIOUSB, ll.VHN.A OUM1UILPINGS good spring, well ot water at tho ham and a good orchard. ALSO, All that certain messuage and lot ot ground situate In the township, county and state aforesaid, bounded and described aa follows, to-wlt: Beginning al a stono In the public road leading from Ulooms burg to Danville, and running tbenco aloug line of land of Jeremiah II javer north nineteen and u half degrees west tin perches to a stone in line ot land of Henry Lazarus, thence by laud of said Henry Lazarus north eighty-one and a halt degrees cofet eU lit pei ches to a stone In line of land of William P. Mauser, thenoe by land ot sold William I', Maus er bouth. nineteen and one-quarter degrees east ten perches to u stone In at iresald publlu road and thence by sail rood south eighty-one and a half degrees west eight perches to Uio place of begin nlug, containing 78 snd SE-TE1IIH SWAEE PEBCH2S of land, ou which are a dwelling house, blocktmllh shop, stable and out-bulldlngs. ALbO, All that certain tractot woodland situate In the township, county uud state nforcs-ild, bound ed and described as follows, to-wlt: beginning at a stone in line of land or t'hlllp ,Poust, and ruunlng thence by land ot Kut Uroskway north sixteen and one-quarter degrees west eighteen and ftve- tenth perches to a chestnut oik, thenco by lanl of Michael sceckroui north twenttwo and a half d erees west twenty-three and olgbt tonth perches to a chestnut oak, thence by tlio same and land of I'eter Helmbach north ilfty-seven and three-quarter degrees cast, fifty-three and eight-tenth perches to a pu t, thence by lands of said I'eter Helmbach and i'hlllp toust south ten and threo-q larter degrees east, rifty-nlue and seven-tenth perches to stones thence by land ot sold I'hll.p l-'oust bouth eighty-two and a half degrees west, twenty-three and two tenth perches to a post by the side of a public road and thonce by tlio same south pevcnty-lhrce and quarter degrees west nineteen and three-tenth perches to the place or beginning, containing 14 ACRES, and thlrty.slx perches, neat measure. Tskms of Balk Ten per cent, ot tho purchase money to bo paid nt Hie striking down of tlio pro erty, one-fourth less the ten per cent, on tho first day of April isso, when possession Is to bo given, and the remaining three-fourths in two equal an nual payments with Interest from the II rat day of April USD, payablo annually. A liAKXLcr, Attorneys. octo 3, '79-ts UDITOH'8 NOTICE. ESTATE OK JAUES TUOHNTON, DECEASED. E. V. LVTZ, Account confirmed September 8. 1S79. Mr. Freeze moves the Court to aDnoInt on Auditor to dlstrihnrA tbe funds In the bunas of the Kxecutor to and among GUIIUCg IWCW UClUlJVil . UHUM II, j.ujfcicy lauppuiuieu. liy Jilts LUUIH, The AuUtor In pursuance of the foregoing ap DOlntinenr. will attend to the duties tliprnor nr. h . omce in lilooinsburg ou Wedsesday the s day of 'o vetnber next kt ten o'clock A. M when and where an par iiea luieresiea win presem ineir claims or De tfciHurvu irurn loiquig ,u uu sum junus, 0. 0. HAHItLKV, Auditor, Oct.?, H-U. ' i UPITQB'S NOTICE, NT" IfAlTSHOf THE SlI.E 01 1T4TE priUE UA-J ATIOS OF f ATA j.TLVt.lnIt, y II Court of common SOWC AbaoctA W1SSA, SOLD I'leas ot Columbia co, TUE BHIHItr, nd now Kept, 4, 1SI9, on motion ot Meters. Freeze, Miller and Uuckaluw aiioi neys for creditors the Court appoint 8. Kuorr, Esq , Auditor to make distribution of the proceeds lu the bauds of the Court, UYTUBCOUUr, Tho Auditor In pursuance of tho foregoing ap pointment, will attend to thu duties thereof at his office in Uloomsburg on Friday the Tib day ot No vember next al ten o clock A. M., when uud where all parties Interested will present their claims or bo debarred from coining lu uu said funds. HAMUKL KNOItll, Auditor. Oct, 8 'It-la. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PRACTICE -IN PURCHASE OF DRY GOODS IIV DEALtSO PlUECTt.Y WITH ' STRAWBRIDGE in no olhcrwaycan THE CONSUMER Approach so closely to THE JPRODUCEK. Wo nro showing COO STY LIS DKEiS (1001)3, Having a vvldo range of prices, IN I.OW-1'I.IOE FAURIC3, We mention BOET-WOOL CASI1MKHES XO. KXTIIA CASIIMEItKS 13 C. MOMIK CLOTHS 20 c OMIIRKCASI'VKUKS - B C. O.MB1IE CHEVltONM U C. ALL-WOOL CI1KV10TB , C. KNdl.IHH CHEVmiNN 374C FKENCII CVS1IMKI1E8 4S C. And hundreds of other styles within tho samo rango of prices. We have about 400 PIECES. Ileautlful TOltKIGN NOVELTIES AT ONE DOLLAlt. Compilslng CORDUIIOYS, iFOt'LK MKIANUB, 1 .inniniur--, AKMims. SHAWL EFFECTS, MOM IE EFFECTS, SILK WOOL OLACE, CAMEL'S ll.MH FOULE SC., iC, 4c., ALL-WOOL FKEXOH PLAIDS, In new eflects, MOM 20 cts. to S1.2!3. BLACK CASUJIEIiES & ! MEMNOES. We Invltflcspcclil attention to tho great advan tages we offer In llicse foods. Our sales aro so Im mense that wo have unusual facilities in contracting for them. Keeping no Inferior gooiH, wo begin with a good quality. ALL-WOOL FKENCII DUCK CASIIMEIIU, at 40 cents' And ndvancc regularly 5 cents per yard. OOP. T3 CENT NUMDEH Is having an Immense sale. Wo offer a good quality LUPIN'S I1LACK CASnMEHB, at 30 cents LUPIN'S IILACK MEHINO, at 45 cents. Our Immense purchases last spring IN BLANKETS, Knablo us to extend opportunities to purchasers noitobe found elsewhere. Is now organized w 1th such perfect system that wo can guarantco All Orders Filled the Same Day as Received, Whether for koo1s or samples. ST IMW1SR I DC E dfc CLOTHIER Eighth and Market Sts., PHILADELPHIA. GStalUllsVaa order business and when rttclo wanted, person. When take them back. clerks, who are ablo to we aro enabled to glvo customers who leave the choice to u. With a reputation of twenty years at retailing, wo eannot afford to lose our good name by lack of proper aervlco to absent customers. Write plainly, and describe fully what Is wanted, and about tho price desired, Address. John Wanamaker, Largest Dry Goods House, Philadelphia. Octobers, tf. , THCBCST THC would solo er S1500.00 rORPARTICULAHS "WBfR ON an- ADDRESS ! WhiteSewing Machine Co. Cleveland, ohio. sept yd, 4w. A D.'Langell's Asthmas Catarrh Remedy; w ---- i AMI.IIIEU , .7," ' , J, . -w. JMM, wrtUii I). .ma ill, your fcM d WJ wife. Em I H i .1 h. A,Uuu fa,tu "lu- ihe a year old, Vhl(.n u now Iblrli yean. ' ' ..... upnm, M9. p. LaaaiLL. Dear Bin-1 M". WUI vorld. GEO. COBK, Jjj4 CV..A, Ollo.-.t A. ..nil. th.i I a.uu, .o4MBUlti. Geo. A. Kclley & Go. Wholesale Agents.Pittsburg, Pa. September!!, "79,1m. QI'KCIAL LIST OK JUKOKHFOK OCTO O IIKKHI.19II. . iiloom I'kllllp I'naoKst, John c. Jones. I'eter Illu me) er, AUfustua llabb. Iierwiclt-llciirj' 11. Mirks, J. M. Kecslioltz. Ilrtarcret'K-(ltorB hcUecUterly. talaiilsau-N. u. unroian, fliarlea Wanleli, Reu ben bliuinun. ' Cenire-FraDk II. llliodea. Hd. Henry, Win. tcott. t'onrrt-liam-fiavlil Huelianen, ' KlnhiDKcreek-c. II. JHellenry. IreenxooJ-fliaff. Uvea, John W. Kves. Hemlock Win. lilrton. f I Jcin-t lieu. w. Veairer, .Toscnli llellc. Madlwn-iuuq i;iin(lpa, liraslus llcnaeraliolt. alno N, II, w. Drown. 1 Mimin-S.c. Ijrowii. IloiTn"Ur-Wm' iUlCf' " Al stnSPri "euben Oran't'e M. II. I'aUernon, Samuel Sliarpleai, iA.?V!l?ias ")ronr. Win. HouRliton, John LsOLt JC. , I.,VOHS. gcott Kitaf iiummol, John Turner, uutaiHWi-.illtlmH WCB, mi l n IstFatou's notice' ESTATE OV UA1IUAKKT K. SUITU, DECEASED. ItUrs i of Administration on Ihaestaleof. Margaret it. hmltli,-lali ot Madison twp., L' co inti deceased, bave been cranted by tho lletisu-r or sal county to underalifiied Admlnlstralora. All persons having claims analnst thoestato aro renuestod to Erehent Ihera for bettlcment and thoiw Indebtxd make prompt payment, II. J. SMITH, . . A- WITH, sept W, w. Admlnutraters. ECONOMY TIIK- IILANKKTS nt (1(0 nt lw nt , t !'"5nl llTH.nt..; at fin at., WM'at... at H.iS at ix.iv.wnt at .!( at ,,. r, mint ' at M.91 at ow,at., at (3 Mint!at. MM K'l . ,D.l , llt.i)i . I4II0 I10.IW Wo name OUR -I.IIO BLANKETS As being tlio largest nnd best blanket ever oreroa at the price. The vvdght is nearly nven rounds, CRIB BLANKETS Fnml.!-,to mo. COMFORTABLES. We have on sa'o 80 OASES OF THE BEST 00008 It Is posslblo to produce. They nro all t CALICOES IJIthTONNES. SKltdl'.S I.MlOltl'EI) CI! Made from the best ) CHIXT7IN riucu wiin pure wuiio cotton, and equal t0 n, best possible home-mado We shall offer them ,. (1.2.1 , fl.M ,.(1.75 .J2.WI ll.M .I.B ..13.50 And nt (3.00. T II E F L A N N E L D E 1' A R T M E X T Exposes for salo (he largest nnd best assortment of these good? to bo found anywhere. We have all grades of WHITE FLANNELS. All grado.i of SOAHLET TWILLED FLANNELS. All grades of FLANNEL SUIT1NOS. All grades ot PLAIDS STHIPK AND 1IASKET FLANNELS, All grades of BMDUOIDKRED FLANNELS. All grades of orBltv. AND CASIIMEItE FLANNELS. Our stocks of MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, CANTON FLANNELS, LINENS, CRETON'Ni; Ac, Ac. Is offered to tho consumer nt even lnss prices than the wholesale iui)Uliuns for similar qualities hyhe case. BSeIEuL H people WM' not com r travel, may hi Out of town people who can not conveniently travel, mny have bam- ples Bent them of Dry oocls nnd nil other goods we Bell, if they will write ub. No charge, and no need to if not suited. Wo make it n to attend to such letters quickly; orders como wo Bend tho exact and at exnetly samo price CLOTHIER as other customers pay when here buying In goods are not as ordered, we Having trained and responsible uso discretion in filling orders, great satisfaction to tho many SO SIMPLE . WAKKAHTCO n(PATNTTiD,J ' A VIKQ itruf (le4 twenty jcra bttweeu M tad .ib with iSTUM 1 r I'HTMiaiC, ud bec utftWd tt UMt aulacui pbjuclioi wlUuai melt l u! tuat, 1 cimtUd, MliiMiort, WijrtmeutODiuf Mlf. ' looin m bad thai I ompelleU to tit on bt chtlr dj t4 uifM, ilklotof for mr truth, mj lufltnni wtr M liUtii tbtt liji, !( u tuti t u dcMtii them. AIwmi l.'? li-f nttJra bid pro? tiled rmtdy,lf it oouUl enl L round, I cAminauurd caMvm,'t$ rouU andfcerbj, nol Inbaltug lb t odor from tbeiu, when 1 furtuntlelf dlwd t mm woDdtrryl rttnedy tad turtcurt tut ASTII M 4 and f ATAKMII, I noi ofltr la all afllkted witb tba abvt named dlieitc. tb Untflt of wj 4lri7, tad If thy will ItuproM liVani?BVz tlklftlTl8,ndtllUatlf itflUdottntotWiiagjjftieurufurutlT. At a furibw guarantco 1 (iroptna to an? irao) not fully aatliflt J, ifir uitiig one-tliifd Ut ounieuU eraag. (loattbir ihl lilUfrUTAIiiIIItar(urn the remaining t-o-lbird.lolte proKlUir,odtlia.urtbaiiueir-y will f flu titled ty return wall. 1 ill aay furtler. U lb forcfoln(i.n!o,IUoa U in aatUfaiiuij, nJ your name and addreii. and I wll) MM yU n trial iacka Ckrg. frbonld your druijUl fall to laepiLie letuedy. I bare t larit unlyon band, j ut up In icrong iekaei with full direction! ow lo dm it, whUh 1 can aend ly tuaU tu any fcldreit on rolpl f tbe t'rlte. 1.00 per Package. Bold hv CruffiriBtn nnH -MAIr-l,. rv..i.. nuu II AT K I HI ID it, BAT ABOIT IT..C3 C.T.H1RD Tt. all n' peerpiri-IUTlni len eeerely aBUcti with Catarrh In tbe teal, I waa periua W ttt try jour lob alio Keindy, abUh tffecil lucfa an uumlablof cure, tbat I fUe It f-ubllu iceiliuuuy m bclnf t cuccreiful and tdy cure fur Caunb. R. I. BE DWELL, rnry Ct, Cl. 1. L 40111, par Blri Yeur Anhma and Catarrb betuedy it truied lo U alt ju claim fur lu I bate ne Uafuaje that will eireii tte amount f benefit I hate already reeel 4, urj I wlib W lay M tbt alBkudl-Ae JUUf Uie M, Alnjurten. druifc IT 1 IAVK, KEL1AULE Ak. TELE. JDMINISTKATOK'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF OEOHOE C, SCOTT, DECEASED. Letters of administration on tho cstnte' of Ceorr C. Kcotr, lato of t atawlssa, deceawd, haie tt' Branted by tho Ueirtsu?r of said county to ttw ? dcrslirned AdralniWrator, to whom all per9009,"1' debted aro requested to make Immediate pal'1"' apd those baung claims or demamls agalnu ire lute win mako them known to the AUmlnls'r"'1 Without delay, r r ' J.K. H01I1N8. CatanlssJ. iihawk, Att'y, AuuuirntrJ,or' sept.0, dw. " A UUITQK'S NOTICH. IK THE JUrrEU. OP TUB 8IIBR1PI-S SALE Or ItKAt EiTiH Of WILLIAM tAIION. H'sanna iiakt ) No. 429 May Term, 1JT, vs. J- Wiluau Lamok.) Fl. fA.Ho. til Sept. Term, The undersljned Auditor appointed by IK V?SiI of common I'leas of Columbia county to aulrlbuw Uiofuiidsurlslni; from said suit) to aud ainvni; W' ties entitled Ihereto.wUHH at hla ottl'o lu "t"V?r burn on Tuesday, October Wth, 1-I, at tuoilocE i" Iho forenoon ut Hhlch time and place all Il"iB"J terested 111 attend and prove thilr claim or W ot-" burred from recclvlui; any share of said lund. W.H.AUUOTJ. Auditor, sept, n, AW.