f TUB COLUMBIAN. - wTA DIIHOC""'"" ur " """Til AH1ICOLCH' issued wookty, every Friday morning, at rju,0I!sllUIW, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. , dollars por year, 6n co nts discount allowed RATES OF ADVERTISING. SPAOl. IM. tM. Im. ti.to 11.00 tsoo 4.10 6.10 S.IO tint too tm 7,t 9IKJ 1B.0 s.oo lti.no 16.M) 11.110 1S.IH) 96.(10 js.oo io.oo 60.no ii !.'' One Inch. S.oo TwoUishts , I I.tv S.Vii'so will charged. To subscribers out of thol 15m tho terms aro ft per year, strictly in advance. nntf the terms aro M per year, strictly in advance, '"i! nincr discontinued, except lit tho option ot tlie JmiFsIicM, 'in"' arrearages nre i paid, but long in " oVl creIIIR aflcr tlio expiration ot tho llrsl llllt! ILCIH'S. ,.,.,., 4.1 IP Koiir Incliis.i ......... 6.0o KM to, otiniier columii, o.oo V6.(n! tooe naif co 1 in ii nuxi 0 ...mi nnt. Im irlvon, one column 9.oo lOU.'v irai If '"i n Diners sent out of I ho stato or to distant post S . must bo paid for In advance, unless a rcsnon-, i.wn in Columbia county assumes to pay the nmB l-.!.i.. rtun nn ilemnnd. Yearly ndMrtlsnuenls pajable fiuarterls. sientaiiieriiM'iuenisuiusi ih Paid for beloreluseiUi except where parties have accounts. 1 piisTAiiKlsnolongcroxoctfldfrom subscribers In eia ad( rt scmeBU tv. u dollars ner Inch for three Ithfl county. Insertluns, nnd at that rate tor addutonallnsertlur wiuiout reicrcncc to lengtn. Executor's, Alnlnlslralor's and Auditor's notice llirpn flnltnrH. MiiAt 1mi nntrt for uhfn Insprlpd. Tnn.toehlcif Department of thoCoLtniniANlsvcry; I -moioic, and our .1 p I'rlnllnir will comparo tavoro- tfi ti, ELiWELL, 1 - J. S. BITTENBENDEB, I preprletcri. Translentor Local notices, twenty cents aline ,..ir irttll tMtOI 1110 largo Clues. flimurK uonoon imhiwI, neatly and at tnoderato prices. titl- rrt ftirtitiw vrT viiT ,41 rcKuinraavrriiRcinem nan mien. cards in tho "Business Directory" column, one dollar per J ear for each line. iiiu LfWiiumiuini ami, UOLUMIllAIlEMUnilAT, VOL.XL1V, NO. M TJT iirkTM"CTTTT)rL OA T7TTTA"V nnriiAHT?T) n i orrn I tS I 4 I 44 t 43 Kl ID ! 63 t I 61 IM I (6 I 10 I IS T It I 10 1 1 I 16 T W I SI 1 85 114 ! I 83 S 04 110 I 03 8 43 I 10 8 Co I 18 9 05 I 25 t 15 I 89 tl III T80 1 49 8 m I 65 8 Si i on s I 18 8 91 I 18 I ' , 80 9 66 I 43 IM ASSES, .. Arr! i rt I - - - - i.restdettUtidgo-Wllllnm Hlwcll. Awiutc Judgcs-1. K Krlckbaum, P. I,. Shuman. rWonutnrv" M.-W llllam Krlckbaum. i-nart Stenographor-H. N. Walker. Sjister.C Ueeordcr Williamson II, Jacoby. his tr ct Attomcy-llobert it. Little. si crlir-Jolm w. Ilonman. sir", o'-t un-iol Neylurd. rr ash rcr II A. iwpppenhclser. ommlssloners-stcphcn Pohc, Charles lllchart. Vi'n" Manors' clcrk-J. 11. Casey. A.i'lltors-s. II. smith, W. Manning, o. D. Bee- 8 j'J'rv'cominlsslonors-KIl Ilobblns, Theodore Y. eJvmnt superintendent-William II. Snyder. iiioomPoor Dlstrict-llroctors-lt. . Ent, Scolt, Win. Kramer, llloomsbtirg and Thomas Hecce, iCOIt, Bloomsburg Official Directory. president of Town Council 1, 8. KUIIN. t'lerk-Paul K. Wirt. Chief ol 1'ollco-1). Laycock. President of Has Company S. It nor r. Secretary C. W. Aliller. lil,w,nsoiirg Hanking Company John A. Funslon, president, II. II. (Jrniz, cashier, John Peacock, Tel ler. fir' National Hank Charles It. raxton, President J. p. Tusttn, cashier. Volumbla County Mutual Saving Fund and Loan Aswlitton-E. 11. Little, President, C. W. Miller, spcreta ry. " HMomsbiirg Building and Saving Fund Association -u'm. Peacock, President, J, II, Hoblson, Secretary, Bloomsburg Mutual Saving Fund Association J, I urowcr, president, P. K. Wirt, secretary. CHURCH DIMECTOKY. BATTIST CnCllCIl, ttnr- J. . Tuslln. ISunnlv.l mmdav Services -U'M a. in ana ok p. m. MiniLw school 9 a. m. rrnvcr Meeting Every Wednesday evening at tx boais'frec, Tho public aro Invllcd to attend. ST. UATTnSW'8 LUTUEIUN CHCKCH. Mlnlsler-llev.O. n. S. Mnrclay. Sunday Scrvlcc9 lo a. in. and 1i p. rn. Sunday school 9 a, m. praverMeellng Kvcry vVedncsday evening at la Seal's tree, Nopows rented. All aro welcome PKKSBTTEKt AN CHL'ltCII. Mlnlsier-ltcv. stuan Mitchell. Sunday Services lojtf a. in. and X p. m, Muiday School 9 a. m. prayer Mcoilng Ki cry Wednesday evening at 6tf Mats'frei). No pews rented, strangers welcome. MKTIIOUIST Kl'ISCOrJtLCHUBCU. Presiding Illdcr ltev. W. Krans. Minister Iter. K. II. Yocum. siinday Sericcs-10j and CX p. m. suudav School i p. m. Iilblo ciass-Kvcrv Monday evening at da o'clock. Vuiing Men's Prayer Mcoltng-Kvcry Tuesday t7L'nlng at o'clock, (lencral Prayer Mcctlng-Every Thursday evening ; o'clock. KKKORMEO CnURCII. comer of Third and Iron streets. Pastor licv. W. K. Krebs. ile.sldcnce Corner 4th and Cntharlno sirccts. Sunday services oyj a. m. and 1 p. m. sundav school 9 a. m. I'rajcr Meeting Saturday, 7 p. in. All aro Invited There Is always room. ST. rAUL'SCHCBCU. Hector Pev I Xahner. Sunday Services 10s a. m., p. m. Sunday school 9 a. m. first Sunday In tho month, Holy Communion. Services preparatory to communion on Friday evening before the st Sunday in each month, pews rented ; but everybody welcome EVANOEI.ICAIi CI10UCH. Presiding Elder Hev. A. L. Ucescr Minister Kov. (leorgo Hunter. Sunday Service 2 p. m., In tho Iron street church. Prav er Meeting Kicry Sabbath at 1 p. m. All aro Invited. All are welcome. TIIK CHURCH Of CHRIST. Meets In "tho llttlo llrlck Church on tho hill," known as tho Welsh Ilaptlst Church-on ltock street C pegular'mectlng for worship, every Lord's day at- teeam?So7a0nd1tl1e public are cordially Invited to attend DCIIOOL ORDERS, blank, just printed and neatly bound In small books, on hand and f jr sale at tho Colombian omco. BLANK DEEDS, on I'arcbiujnt and Linen Paper, common and for Administrators, F.xecu. turs an J trustees, for sale cheap at tho Columbian MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES ,iut printed and tor sale at tho Columbian omco. Minis ..... .1,7. u,..r,,.i nnii.iusiiepiisiinuld suDDly them- I ' felies with these necessary articles. JUSTICES and Constables' Fee-Rills for sale attho Columbian onice. They contain tho cor rected tees as established by the lost Act ot tho Log s'lturoupon the subject. Every Justice and con table should hnvo one,. VENDUE NOTES just printed and for sale cheap at the Columbian office. BLOOMSnURO niKECTOUY PHOFKSSIONAL CAHDS. fl 0. HARK LEY, Altorney-at-Lnw. Office j. In Hrower's building, 2nd story, ltooms lit Ii. ROHISON, Attorney-al-Law. OUite In Hart man 'h building, Vain street. SAMUEL KNORIi. Altorueyat-Law,Office In Ilnrt man s liulldlng, Main street. t. W.M. M. REIiER, Surgeon and Physi I ; clan. Olllce Market .tieet. Abovo6th East side. I R. EVANS, M. D., Surjredh and Physi cian, (onice and llebldence on Third street, IS. McKELVY, M. D., Surgeon and Phy sician, north side Main street, below Market, MMcIIENRY, M.I),, Surgeon and Phy-.slclau- OHlco N. W. c. Market and Fifth St, sea ot tho ej e a specialty. aug. 29, cm. DI, J. 0. It UTTER, PHYSICIAN SSUItQEON, omce, North Market street, Bloomsburg, Pa. OCt, 1, 19. D It. I. L. HAULS, PRACTICAL DENTIST, Main Street, opposlto Episcopal Church, burg. Pa. t"" Teeth extracted without pain, cct. 1 16TJ MISCELLANEOUS. 0 M. DRINKER, GUN and LOCKSMITH, sewing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re- dalred. oriKA Housa Building, Bloomsburg, Pa. D AVID LOWENBERG, Merchant Tailor Main St., aDOf e central noiei. 3. KUIIN, dealer ii, Meat, Tallow, etc., Centre street, between secona ana -i mra. ROSENSTOCK, Photographer, , Clark Wolfs store, Main street. 1 ilflTTSTIJS FUEUND. Prnclical homeo. i nathlo llorso and cow Doctor, Bloomsburg, Pa. tee. 14, 19-tr "y Y. K ESTER, MEUUll AiYi TAllvVJAt, RoomNo. 15, OriRAlIccss Bclldino, Bloomsburg, prlll9,1878. TiRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE CO 1). .., The asutR of fnpfcA old comoratlons are all In' 'Ktedln SOLID SECUWTILS audarellablo totho mara o: nre only. IchhfH l'HnupTi.Y mid tinhTLY adiusted and bald u sm n as determined by christian F. Knait, tpe- uw fluent anu AQju&ier, it oombuurif, ,-euu . ILpfltlTptiiinf mlimititn rnuntv Miould Ddtronlze tteugency where losses, If any, aro adjusted and yam one oi ineir own cuizeus, uuv.io, ti-i; TJItEAS BROWN'S INSURANCE AGEN X CY, Exchange Hotel, Bloomsburg, 1'a. Canttal. flna.lnsco., of Hartford, Connecticut... 6,600,ooo Uwrpool. London and Olobo aymo.ooo ko) ai ot Liverpool is,60O,oou LAnmnahlrn in.lHMtllM) l 'it Association, Philadelphia b.iim.wio I Jumers Mutual of DanvUle l.uoo.ooo 1"vme Mutual ,,, , o.uuu tae, New York. 5,6O0,iio S0,631,0o0 A I the agencies are direct, policies are w rltten for ueltisnru.l uith,,un,,Hni.uin,l,p nfrtf a ntltlnnmi!. rtn 2,TI j B, P. HARTMAN KIPBEBEKHTni VOIJAWINO AMl'TMfAXT twoiui , v-,,.. mill A VI CQ !. x rtA1 iiioujVAiwr, v-jui j , .j Ijjjmmgor Muncy Pennsylvania. teM)l?inlaof B7er,t,r York, Pa. I fuoverof New Vnrt-. "U6ait4uiof " " Market Street No. , Bloomsburg, Pa, WUM.lJ.ly, PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS rnnted at this Office I ftVT . v SHORTEST NOTICE A 0 AT THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. IiAWYEtlS. n n. imooKWAY, A T T 0 II N E Y" A T-I, A V, Coi.iMsiAN llriLMxo, Illoomsbuw. Pa. Membrr of tho United stntn. t i ( II "coutlill lull c" U iffAo? ,n tIiy rart of 'nrlca or Europe: E. WAI.LEIt, Attoi-nov-nt-Law. Increase of Tensiens eltained, Collcetlcas made. viuw, wconaaoorrrom 1st National Bank, IlLOOMSIIUHO. PA. Jan. II, 1579 J" U. KUNk, Attoi nnvn.M mir Incrcaso of rcnuons Obtained, Collections mane. IlLOOMSIlBRH. PA. oraco In Ent's Uiu.Diiia. H A W.J.BUCKALEW, ATTOKNEYS-AT-LAW, liloomBbarc. Pa. Offlcoon Malnstreet, first door below courtllouso I OHN M. CLARK, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW,' Bloomsburtr.Pa. omco over Schuyler's Hardwaro Store. ATTOKNKY AT LAW. OrncE-In Harmon's Building, Main street. Bloomsburg, Pa. H. L1TTLB. 0I 'I. R. LITTLI. II. h R. . LITTLE. AiruiiMKYS-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, Pa. p W. MILLER, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW omcoln Urowcr'sbulldlng.second floor.room No. I llluonisbtirg, Pa. B. FRANK ZARR. Attorney-.' it-Iw. I1I.00MSUURG, PA. Omcoln Unasost's Uiilpino, on Main Btreet Becond tioor auovo centre. l!au bo consulted in German. Jan. io, la-tt i rco. k. kiavki.i.. ATTOKNE Y-A T-L A W, Columbian IluiLbiNa, Bloomsburg, Pa. Member of tho United states Law Association. Collections made In any part of America or Europe oct. 1, 1979. CATAWISSA. M. L. EYERLY, Al-l UH K -AT-LA W, Catawlssa, Pa. Collections nromotlv made and remitted. Offico y II. RHAWX, A T T U 11 JN li Y-A T-L A W , Cntawlssa, Pa. omco, corner of Third and Main Streets. July 11, TO-tt gAMUEL FREDERICKS, upi.NjiitALi uuismiY uusijnp;ss, NEAIt CATAW1SSA. done Plows, Waler-Whecls, sc., manufactured or reiMiieu aug, 22, ,9. BLATOHLEY'S PUMPS ! Tho Old Eeliable STANDARD PUMP lU For Wells 10 to 75 feet Deep 3 5fi3 XTnm Dninn T in! Ton 1 10' AT- nr.w i i n.n i , i .1.111 i in l' .LIU II J J-flUl VUU, j J.M ADDRESS ;.;. m.i'ix'Hi.rv, 4 40 MAKliET hT.,FHILAlVA, April 11, 1979-Cm iVERY DIRECTOR. TEACHER AND l CT11IIVVT Should subscribe for THE EDUCATOR, A Live Educational Monthly, published at ORANG EVILLE, PA., torso cents per year. Send six cents for specimen copy. C. K. CANFIELD, Ildltor. April is, 1879-tf $2 ,000 A YEAH tor honest, Intelligent business men or agents. New business; light work. Aaurcss uo-ui'bkativb aui-m;,, .HUUiauil, Ju June 27, isi9-4m Rowell & Oo's. Advc'fl. FRESH BEEF uo wri:i nv hTi:.3f. BOSTON BEEF PACKING CO. 1H7 CniitfrcMK street, llo.luii, .Vlnis. SOME rilINd NEW, Excellent, Economical rood for Families. 1'1'IIE. WIIOLIOME Jli;AT. savn KueL suio Bother. Convenient and Of liclous Cold, while so many, nice dbhes may bo intuto from It. AMrvnurdrccerforlt. Ask our Butcher for It. Filly per cent, more nutriment In a given (lunnttty I ot this 1'resh Beef than In any oilier canned Push Beet. Soui iy ui'ocoi'M uciicraiiy. bept. 19, 4w. r 1 V. n.,.. n l,n lM (liormiulitv rruilliir In tVte bOWdS Is luliljs liable to diseases as he that Is Irregular. He may bo allacked by contagious diseases, and so may the Irregular.but ho Is nut nearly as s ubject to ouisiao innuitnces. i no u&e ui Tnrniiil'M'lUer AimtIciii, secures regularity, and consequent Immunity from bicKncss. SOLD HY ALL DRUtlOIST'S. r sept, 19, 4W, Atolisers.Jl.Geo.Plwell&Co's Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce St., New York, can learn the exact cost of any proposed Hue of AUVKit i iM.Mi in American isewM'tipe-s. tP-IOO-nilKO t'uniimit'i, iuiv .-6 sept. 19, 4W, r T nnn profits on 80 days Investment of 01 Art OJ.aJJl. limclal llenorts. free ?J-JJ Pronorllonal returns eiery week on stork options ofl.'o, . t:a, - luo, . .'no. Ad dress!'. Tonsil Wiout & Co., Bankers, 36 W all st., n, v r seji. ii, ii-wi Tr-. i, w ivi'thv kf-m v a i,v. Tim llamon. l. I "l iu,,,,lti(.l An . N .l .fnrlth Ki.-es. We ex cel lnhcalthfuluess,conenlence, disci phne.thoroujh teaming, noine couiionsnn'i nioueru-ictuois0- sept, i, 4w, r .(ii:T WANTPli for Smith's man lueunnarv and iiiii,3AN'.. PTnTnnrAI. H K ,HS Prices reduced, circulars free. A. J. 110LMAN & CO.. Ihlia. sept, 19, 4w, Invests! In Wall St.. Stocks makes fortunes every month. Book sent rr., nxnlnlnlnir evervthlng Ad dress BAXTEH H CO., Bankers, I srpt 1 V, 19-1 w, ww a Month and expenses tnsrantced toAgentii v i uutnt iree. sept.. J, 19-4 w KUAW & CO. Al'OCSTA, MA1NX, r M nnnl YEAIt aro expenses acenU. Outflt JP Free. Address p, O. VXCKKKY, Augusu, Maine, MPU19,19-4W, -.T JL VJCLlUcU. UIIMANUK. BY OI.ITKE WENPRLL U0I.MK8. Oh l she was a mahl of laughing eye, una sue uvea in a garret cold and high, And ho was threadbare, whiskered beau, And ho lived In a cellar damp and low, But the rosy boy of tho cherub wing HaUi many n shaft In his slender string, Ana mo youtu below and tho maid abovo Wcro touched with the naming dartaof love ; And she would wako from her troubled sleep, O'er his tender billet-doux to weoo; or stand like a statuo cold and fair. .na gaio on a lock of bis bright red hair. And ho who was lato so tall and nroud. With his stop so firm and bis laugh so loud, Ills beard grew long and his face grew thin, -na no pined in solltudo oi cr his gin. Butono soft night In the month of June. As sho lay in Iho light of a cloudless moon, a voice came noaiing sott and clear, To tho startled maiden's listening ear. oh, then from her creaking couch sho sprung. Ana mo langlea tresses back sho flung, she looked rrom her window far below, And ho stood beneath, her wlskcred beau I Sho did not start, with a foolish frown, But sho packed her trunk and hurried down, And there was her lover tall and true. In his threadbare coat of brightened blue. Tho star that rose in tho evening shade, LooKcn soniy aown on tho weeping maid j 1 ho sun that camo In his morning pride. Shed golden light o'er a laughing bride. Select Story. AN "Al'RII, FIIDI," STOltY. BY MRS. S. VAN BENSCHOTEN. From Chicago Inter Ocean. Eva Phillips sat in her fatlier'a library, with her dainty feet encased in the tiniest slippers, and covered with bows and buckle9 perched on the fender, while she gazed with a far-away look into the fire. Her eyes Wcro red and her face pave ono the impression that she had jut buried Iter last relative, or had quarreled with her latest lover. The little hands were clasped tightly to gether, and one could see by the very cloe' neas of their grip that she had made up her mind to do something desperate, 'I II not care a straw nny moro 1 I've made up uiy mind he is not worth crying about. So, there's an end of it. He shall not have the satisfaction of knowing I ever cared about it. I wouldn't care much if it wasn't for May and the other girls. They'll laugh at me, for I always have bragged so about Harry s devotion.' A door was softly opened, nnd her father stood looking at her for eomo time, with a sad, sober look. At last he spoke her name gently, and Eva turned and rushed to his arms, say ing: 'Why, papa, I didn't know you had come home. How tired you look. Mother and I have been so worried about you.' 'Poor little puss,' said Mr. rhilhps, 'you will have more to hear than I shall. To think of that scamp, Harry Miller, desert ing you under such circumstances! I neter would have believed him capable of such uvarioiousness,' And Mr. Phillips sat down, and taking Eva on his knee,caressingly stroked her hair and sighed wearily. Never mind about me, papa ; I shall get over his desertion shortly. I don't believe I rare as much about him as I do about what Coinin May will say. Sho alwayo liked 1Iarry,Jyoii know.nnd has often told mo 'she could get him away from me if I wasn't a greater heires than he.' I wish I had let er have him a long tlmo ago, and had fill leu in love with George Starr instead of such a treacherous fellow as Harry is. I blieve I should if May hadn't called him 'prosy and stiff,' and raved so about Harry. serves me right, for being so proud ol liar ry's preference for me, in the face of May' beauty and expected weallh. Hut I've made up my mind not to care, and am glad we released him from the engagement.' Mr. rhilllp-ground his teeth with rage at Harry Miller's perfidy, and felt like rush ing out and scalping the young vagabond. He thought Eva's tears fell on account of her disappointment and unrequited love. He didn't understand woman's nature enough to see how her pride could be the cause of her grief, and that after she had crushed that, no love would be !t upon young Miller. I!ut ho sent the note, at Eva's request, giving Harry his freedom, longing to say what he thought of the "young scamp, and wishing him all the Ill-luck possible. Mr. Phillips had been a wealthy business man all his life,his business interests having been handed down irom two or three gen I eratlo us. At his father's death Eva had received a her grandfather's largo proportiou of ealth. But Mr. Phillips had erred in judgment when he sold off the greatest part of her es tate and invested it in mining and other great paying bonds. As the times grew harder and harder, he had drawn more and more upon Eva's re sources, hoping eventually to recover him self and reimburse Eva two-fold. But the mines failed to return an eighth of what had been promised, Tho railroad stocks went down so far that instead of de daring a large dividend, as they hail done when Mr. Phillips first invested, they were a drug on tho market, Now nothing was left but their homo nnd a small country house a little distance up the Hudson river, and to which Mr. Phillips had determined to go as soon as their home in New York was rented. This turn in her alfalrs did not effect Eva as much as it did her father, Sho was al ways hopeful, with very little false pride about wealth. Beside, she was a littlv romantic, and when her father gently broke the news to her of their losses, she received it with s much ease, and built so many castles about their happy little country home that Mr, Phillips felt himself growing more hopeful than he had been for years, Eva sat down and wrote a little note to Harry, telling him to come immediately to see her, as something of importance had happened that might cause him to wish the engagement broken But down in her heart she trusted him, with a trust that knows nu shaking Sitting in the twilight, wailing for him to answer her summons, ehe'bullt many a castle in the air, and laid many a plan for the fu ture, when she aud Harry had nettled in their sweet little cottage. . - . When sho thought of her offer to releaso Harry from their engagement, she would blush to think with what pride sho would point to this devotion when Cousin May should come to consolo with her about her losses. As tho twilight shadows' crept slowly along, nnd the gaslights outside began to glare and throw out a dazzling brightness, a lonely feeling began to take possession of her, and over her stol'o a sickening fear ot desolation and a dread of coming evil. Perhaps Harry had not received her note! Perhaps he was out of town 1 He might have been waylaid, and even now was lying r.car her, bleeding and dying I Just as she was getting nervous nnd ex cited over his non-appearance, she was startled by a ring at the door. But it was only a note for her father, and so she sank down again on tho sofa, with her fears in creasing, until she received a summons to "como to the library.' Mr. Phillips held before him an open let ter, and as he saw the startled look on Eva's face, felt almost afraid to let her see the con tents. But she had recognized tho writing, and seeing his pained look, said : 'Let mo read it, papa,fot I must know the worst.' Mr. Phlllids watched anxiously the varied expressions passing over her face, and felt that scorn was the most prominent of all. Still he feared for tho future, and won' dered greatly at her calmness. The note was only a cool, matter-of-fact business note.asking 'a release from the en gagement,' 'stating that he. had learned of their losses, and knowing that it would be years before he could support Eva properly, thought it best to free her.' Said he. 'thought it best not to answer Eva's note in person' as 'it might cause a scene,' which he always avoided, when possible, and request ed Mr. Phillips to forward a formal re lease. But Eva passed that night in tears and sorrow, She began to realize her disap pointment in Harry's steadfastness, and felt at times, as if no one in the world could be trusted. When the morning dawned she felt weary and nervous, but had analyzed her feelings, and found herself able nnd willing to give him up as far as hpr love went, but cou'd not bring her mind to face the sarcasm and derision of her young friends, and especially Coz May. Harry Miller heard with dismay of the disasters attending Mr. Phillips. He rushed wildly around, inquiring of this friend and that, until he found one that could state positively how matters stood. Finding that Mr. Phillips had lost Eva's fortune, as well is his own, and that nothing remained but the home they occupied and their country house, and that the city home must be rent ed, to support them in their country home, he satdown to plan some way to rescuehim self from this dilemma, as be considered it. Eva was the girl of his choice, and, as he admitted to himself, the one he would mar ry ifhe was rich enough, 'even if she hadn't a cent.' But as he had nothing but his pn fession, he must look for some one that would bring money to him, even if he had no love for her. He could never wait, for years, toilingand delving, to make a forlune for himself, and to pledge himself to make a fortune for both wss too much. So he looked at it in a business way,aud at last sat down in a business manner to write the note, which miiiht, perhaps, break the heart of Eva Phillips. 'She had always seemed to be a very sen siblo girl, so when she knew how ho was situated, she would not blame him. lit hoped she wouldn't make a fool of herself, and with a slight tinge of regret, but a great deal of philosophy, a.s ho termed it, he sent the note, to Mr. Phillips, requesting a re lease. Lighting a cigar, lie seated himself to await the answer, and think over the many chances and few heiresses awaiting him when his freedom should be proclaimed. After enumerating half a dozen, or more, he suddenly paused at the name of May Barrows, Eva's cousin. 'Sho doted' on him he knew, and, beside wasn't she the heir to ler grandmother's large estate? Hadn't Eva told him so, beside stating, 'May would be worth one hundred thousand in her own right V Suppose it wasn't half what he ex pected Eva to have, wasn't It a pretty snug fortune for these times ? The old lady was over SO years of age, and was now very ill, with no hopes of re covery. Tho family was eminently respecta ble, being descendants from the first settlers. Wasn't that something to bo looked at? Be sides, she was Eva's cousin. Of courso that was better than being no relation whatever to Eva. Haifa loaf was better than none, as far as the relation was concerned, aud the fortune tool So Harry Miller, after receiving an ac ceptance of his request, felt free to seek the beautiful May Bowers, the belle of the sea son : and before the season was over Eva received a letter from her cousin, detailing at great length her future prospects and the numerous wedding parties her friends in tended to give her, with a description of her trousseau, which grandmother's money was going to furnish, Grandma Kirtley had always entertained greater affection for May than lor her other grandchildren j for May's mother had died when she was only a few months old, anil the care of her for some years had devolved upon the old lady. To Eva she had always been very kind and when she heard of her engagement-to tho rising young lawyer, Harry Miller, was proud and happy over It, seuding her word to that effect. Allcr Mr. Phillips had lost everything, learning of Eva's kindness toward her par ents, and the hope which she infused into their hearts, she sent letters of encourage' meut and substantial mementoes of her love But when she heard of Harry's desertion her anger knew no bounds. At oue time she was going to sue him for 'breach of promise,1 at another she threatened to write bim 'a horrible letter'as soon as she was able, and so on, until Eva was forced to go to her and assure hor that she 'was very happy, and even glad, that Harry had left her, for she had now fouud him out, Tho old lady learned also that Geo. Starr, a sou of an old friend of hers, and at one time a lover of Eva's, had called In frequen ,ly of late, and had been warmly received by Eva And her parents. Still the old lady was not entirely satisfied nt Eva's looks. It seemed to her that all the old brightness had gone from her eyes. Perhaps It was 'only care,' as Eva said ; but the old lady was so suspicious that she mado up her mind 'that Harry Miller was the one to blame for her granddaughter's sadness,' and hated him ac cordingly. And so the time wore on, May wrote to grandma Kirtley, telling her of her engage ment to a fast-rising young mau ; that dear papa was very much pleased, and had given her lots of money to buy wedding clothes j that she was going to bring him to see her in a week or two. On the receipt of this letter the old iady Kirtley sent a check for $1000, and begged her'to bring her future husband as soon ns possible to see her, as she was very anxious to know what and who he was before she died.' Tlio first letter from Eva, on her return home, to her grandma, gave particulars of May's weddtng, and also stated 'that Eva's old love, Harry Miller, was May's promised husband.' This was too much for Grandma Kirtley. She sent for her lawyer, and, before another day had passed, added a codicil to her 'last will and testament.' ISut no one knew of the change but old Lawyer Black and her self. And so the days flew on, and on a bright nnd beautiful spring day May nnd her 'future lord' stood side by side beneath tho marriage bell and wcro made one. Beautiful beyond any comparison, she looked every inch a Queen, as she swept along in her wedding robes. But btr cold, haughty beauty filled every oue with awe, and while many looked on her with envious eyes, they were glad to rest and refresh them selves by gazing on tho vision ot loveliness that floated by in the person of Eva Phil lips. Her face was one that no one could pass without feeling drawn toward her by love. Her dark eyes were filled with a sympa thetia look which pleased the sight, but did not chill. And, as sho leaned on George Starr's arm, with such assurance and composure, mort than one pronounced them as 'fiuo a couple as the beautiful, haughty bride and elegant looking groom.' A few weeks more, and Grandma Kirtley passed beyond the pleasant earth. Sensible to the last, 'but strangely queer,' as May afterward asserted, she left word for her will to be read 'immediately after tho funeral.' The friends and relations assembled, not expecting anything themselves, but to see the new bride aud heiress aud congratulate the husband on his wife's good fortune. Grandma Kirtley had left a letter, to be read to her friends and relatives before tho reading of the 'last will aud testament,' but May had not come in yet, as she thought the letter was of no consequence to her ; but Harry Miller was waiting at the door for her appearance. His hat was banded with deen crape, and his elegant suit of black set off his figure to advantage. Suddenly tho lawyer's voice arrested his attention. Fixing his eyes on Mr, Black with a look the old lawyer never for got, as he finished his remarks about the 'codicil,' he listened to the reading of the letter : "Di:ap. Fkienps : You will find, by my latest will, that I have left everything to my granddaughter, Eva Phillips. 'As many may wonder why, I will only say, as Eva has lost both lover and fjrlune and May has won a lover and husband, and bus never had any fortune to lose, I feel thankful to be able to place at Eva's com niand enough of the world's goods to partly counterbalance both losses, hoping thatsh will sometimp, in the near future, find a lov er who will be true to her, and help Ler bear the loss of this fortune, if ever mis- fortuue should overtake her again. Yours. Grandma Kihtley." Harry exclaimed : 'It is only an April fool,' But ho was soon assured that it was n 'April tool' only so far as he was concern ed, and rushing frantically up stairs, startled his wife by shouting: "You've fooled mc. 1 11 not stand such treatment I" He soon found that his bride was not to be dealt with In such a manner, and, after bringing her out of half a dozen 'hysterical fits,' rushed wildly off to their hotel, leaving the doctor to escort his wife. George Starr was pleased at Eva's good fortune, but felt as if he had been 'fooled,' too. He had planned and studied how be could make the most of the little he had, set his mind on working hard to support his little wife, that was to be, and now it seemed as if he could do nothing to show bis great love for her. Old Mr. Phillips declares 'it was the best April fool' he ever heard of,' and declares that 'Grandma Kirtley knew sho would be buriedon 'All Fools' Day,' when she ordered Lawyer Black to read the letter and will im mediately after the funeral." The Cabul outbreak, though it was the result of reckless firing begun by the British troops themselves, against Afghan soldiers who had been wronged by the withholding of their pay, provokes a howl for vengance In the enlightened city of London. One leading newspaper says that "the very least that cau be done is to level the walls and citadel of Cabul, and to leave it an open city to clear away a large portion of the inhabitants of tho cut throat inhabitants, as we cleared away a portion of Delhi,' This authority further holds it to be "an act of undeserved mercy that we do not wipe the city fro'm tho face of the earth. Consider ing that the English Embassy had forced itself upon Cabul, and tho exasperated sol dlers probably looked upon it as the money power behind the Ameer, while their earn ed wages were refused, and finally, that the troops of the Embassy were tho first to open fire, killing a large number of the people before they themselvts perished, it would bo rather a singular act to take revenge by wiping Cabul from the face of the earth, ,V. 1'. A'un. When P. T, Ilurnum, a young man, poor and in debt, said to Judge Whittlesey ; will pay that bill when I get rich,' the Judge drewtlov. ii his judicial features and disdain' fully replied ; 'ihatwill be when n sisvo holds water,' In a few years tho vlaiouary young man was In a condition to pen the following brief letter to the Judge i 'I fixed that sieve.' AN AMIIUIiAUK toll ACCIDKNTS. Suddenly a loud. toned bell, Atldlblo throughout the building, strikes four, and the gates are open for a white ambulance, which a moment later is pulled up before the main entrance, 'Surgical,' a voice mut- trs half unconsciously behind u., and look ing round we see a patient, 'Four strjkes for surgical, threo for medical,' he explains ; nnd it is by the bell that the ward attend ants aro forewarned of the nature of ambu lance cases. The ambulance is used in nearly nil cases of street accident', somo cases of disease and mauy casess of violent Inebriety. It can be summoned by telegraph from any police station, or from nny alarm box of the fire department, by tapping the Moisa key twenty times and sounding the box number. It is'familiar in all localities and at all hours a covered wagon with a neatly uni. formed surgeon sitting behind. Over six teen hundred cases are attended by the am bulances of Uellevue In a yoar, and two sur geons are constantly employed in the ser vice, responding to calls day and night. The alarm is received in the telegraph offi ce on the first floor of the hospital, and thence transmitted simultaneously to the stables and the room of the surgeons, where it is annunciated by nine resonant strokes on a small gong. No matter how active the dtctor is, the vehicle is usually at tho door before bo is at the bottom of the stairs, and he has to spring for his seat behind as it rolls out of the hospital yard, It is con structed on a plan to minimize pain in car rying a sufferer to tho hospital for perman ent treatment, and the surgeon has with him instruments and appliances for giving temporary alleviation, such as splinting and binding a fracturo, or sewing up a wound. When we reach the yard a spring mat tress moving on castor wheels has been with drawn from tho bottom of the ambulance, and planed in a slanting position between the tall -board and the ground. Under tho patient, who is covered with blankets, and over the mattress, is a canvas stretcher with tubes along the sides, into which the attend ants insert long poles, and 'the case' is thus carried to a cot or into the surgery without any Ufcessnry exertion or moving on his patt. The ambulance surgeon is a brisk, business-like ycung man, and having trans ferred the case to the house surgeon who is now responsible for it, and given a few par ticulars to the clerk, lie bounds up stairs to waitfo another call. Good Company,Kum bcr One. PADDLING IX PRISONS. The man who yields the paddle at Clin ton prison, New York, is Hugh Fitzpater ick. He is about thirty-five years of age, and of immense size and strength. He looks like a prize ox, and certainly he seems to enjoy tho work. In the summer of 1877 some of the men, having been given bad meat for dinner, carried parts of it out in their hands, to throw it away. As they were going along the gallery one of them threw a peice down into the hall, and John Clabby, a boy, who was walking behind him, followed his example, and flung down the peice he was carrying. At that mo ment the kitchen keeper stepped out of his room, and the piece of meat struck him. He saw Clabby throw it, and at once report ed him. I think Clabby was the youngest and smallest boy who was ever sent to a State prison. He was only fifteen years of age, and his waight was about 110 pounds, but lie was dragged into the guard room, lashed like a full-grown man over the block, nnd that giant, Fitzpaterick, paddled the little fellow nearly to death. I don't know how many blows he got, but ho was laid up for sever.il days aller the flogging. When ft was able to como out cf his cell I asked him about the paddling, and ho told me that when he felt the first blow ho thought it was not the paddle. It was so heavy,and gave him such a shock, that he thought was a rafter that had tumbled down on him from the ceiling, He was greatly frightened, and cried that the building was falling j but Fitzpaterick only laughed,and glied his paddle more vigorously than be fore. 'The warden ot Clinton Paion had one theory, and that was that a convict was only good or to be flogged or knocked down. Under his managemeut the punishment ot paddling became shamefully common. Sometimes it was administered to a prisoner because he was caught talking in work hours but uuusually the first ouenso of this kind was punished by putting the man's head mo an iron cage, whicti we was compelled to wear at all times even in bed. You may suppose that it is not possible to obtain much sleep with the head confined in such an apparatus, and I have often seen men wearing them whose faces plainly showed that they were utterly exhausted for want of rest. If this treatment was fouud not to ave the desired effect, and the men were again caught talking, the paudle was rought into play, and the punishment, need hardly say, was generally successful. I remember that in tho winter of 1870 two men working in tho mines were caught talk ing. Ibeir heads were put into tho iron cages, and they wore them for a short time, but one of them in some way obtained a key which opened both cages, and they took them off. They were wild, harum-scarum fellows, and they thought it a good joke to put the two cages on tho bead of Deacy, the keeper of tho mine, aud make him walk across the yard in view of the prisoners' They waited until he came near them j they rushed at him aud endeavored to force the two cages on his head, but he struggled vlg' orouslyand shouted for assistance. Anoth er keeper went to the rescue with a drawn revolver, and the two convicts released Dea' cy, wnose head was slightly cut in .thejscu' tie. The two men were taken Into th guard room at once, lashed to the block, and given fifiy blows each with tho paddle They were then taken to their cells, au chained by the feet to the floor. Tho nex day thoy were again taken into the guard room and given f'irty strokes each. After that they were again chained to the floors of thel cells and were absolutely kept in that po sition for several months, having uothln to lie on except straw mattresses. A little girl in the infant class of a Sun day-school thoroughly appreciated the di fereuce between good from choice and from necessity. At Urn close ot tho school one day the teacher remarked, 'Beckie, dear, you hnvo been a very good little girl to-day, 'i ea rn, I couldn t help being good, I got 'tiff neck, the youthful Beckie replied with perfect seriousness. FItlKNIIStlll' IN TUB KAMIliY, It is undoubtedly trim that, although many things that render life precious to ui ate f Hind in the family, friendship, as wo commonly understand it, Is not often among them, They aro strong tics of mutual Inter est nnd aflVctlon, based partly upon natural and instlnctivo feelings, partly on the habit of close and coustnnt Intercourse, and partly on tho duties, responsibilities and dependen cies which theso relations, involve. But when e look for friendship, either In Its pot try and romance, Its thrilling intercourse, or Its sympathy of purpose and endeavor, it is usually outside not within the circle of near kindred. Many reasons may be alleged for this, the most cogent of which is probably tho blunt ing Influence of continual familiarity. Liv ing always together, tho members of one family are kept to become monotonous and uninteresting to one another. Having had such abundant opportunity, they fancy they baro entirely fathomed each other and that there is nothing more to find out. There is no longer the attraction of curiosity or the stimulus of variety. They aro not vividly impressed nor do they feel ablo to impress in their turn. Bo there comes to be a lame ness and insipidity about home life which is supposed to bo Inherent in it. The feeting of the uselessnejs of effort deadens cfibrt,aud a lukewarm spirit of calm good-will is all that is even aimed at. That this is the case in numerous families may be proved by the change which they experience On the arri val ol' any valued guest. New life and en ergy seem to enter with him. pervade tho hitherto listless household ; each one feels a new pleasure and an unwonted desire to please, which are equally exhilarating ; but after his departure, they gradually sink back into the old apathetic routine. Of course the eager heart of youth especially cannot be satisfied with this : it must put out its tendrils nnd cling to something; it craves auimated intercourse, warm sympathy, earn est purposes, strong emotions and finds them in oiilmle friendships. Now, while such attachments are not to be indiscriminately discouraged, bringing own special advantages and pleasures, it is to be sincerely deplored that friendship in sult the home are so exceedingly rare, aud that the young are so generally growing up in the idea that they aro impossible. There are, of course, many honorable exceptions to this, where not only husband and wife have been life-long and devoted friends, but also parents and children, brothers and sis ters. Yet the careful preservation of these instances, and tho extreme respect accotded to them, ptnves their comparative rarity Probably each of us can recall a few such cases, which stand out in bold relief against the multitudes of households who consider themselves highly bhssed if they only suc ceed in avoiding contention and preserving a tolerable civility among one another. et it would Bccm as if nearly all tho ma terials for earnest and steadfast friendship might be found within a circle already join ed by bonds of instinctive affection and mu tual interest. There is sufficient similarity of taste, purpose and position, to win sym pathy ; and there is sufficient variety of age, sex aud circumstances, to prevent monotony. There is every opportunity for elevating a natural fondness into loftier affection, for developing the germs of respect and love in to tho rich and full growth of noblo friend ship. All the more delicate relations of sex are fulfilled in their utmost purity by tho friendship of mother and son, father and daughter, brother und Bister, Why then should years spent under the same roof bo often sepura'c and scatter the nllVctious of childhood, instead of cementing and HtrpnjthenluK them into the rich and stead fast friendships of mattirer life ? Probably the chief cause of this is that people rely on tho inatiucliveuess of natural aflection as being all-sufficient, without ef fort. They imagiuo that family love is troug enough to take care of itself, so they take but little palus to preserve it from the shocks and jars of daily life. And they al- supposo that they are so well known to each other that it is not worth while to pre sent their fairer side. In all this they are mistaken. Natural affection offers a fire foundation on which to erect the edifice of a firm and enduring friendship, but it will not rise up of itself. We must build it.stone by stone, if we would possess it. If we have a valued and respected friend, what pains we take to cherish his friendship ; how careful ly we endeavor to pruno away from ourselves that which would displease bim and culti vate those qualities which he admires ; how e strive to gratify him by pleasaut surpri ses and to avoid all that could wound or trouble him I Yet, let tho familiar house ioor Bhut us in, and how many of us take the same palus ? Here we throw off restraint, we air our worse side, that has been sedu lously hidden, and allow our better qualities, that have been in full exercise, to fall asleep, How many of us anxiously make the most and best of ourselves to our own families? How many of us regard the homo as tip arena lor giving, not getting pleasure, for preadiug, not absorbing comfort? It is tho. imple working of a natural and inevitable law ; that which we sow we shall surely reap, If we cultivate home friendships with the same assiduity that we give to those out side, they will yield us even richer aud fair er returns. There is no friendship so pure aud beautiful in its nature, so rich and full in its power of blessing, or so singularly rare lu its occurrence, as that between par ents and their grown up sons and daughters. wuere me pareniai anu nual instincts are supplemented by that higher and more spir itual affection that binds together minds in intellectual communion, and souls in heart felt sympathy, few deeper or more delight ful friendships cn be imagined. The guar dianjnnd dependent gradually lose them selves in the dear companion and true friend of later lite; and youth becomes wiser and ago brighter, and both nobler aud happier, in thi loving and abiding union. If, how over, we would enjoy any of the precious friendships of home, we must preserve the delicacy and freshness of each family rela tion ; we must cultivate ilinse qualities which endear us to one another ; we must have faith in the power of love, and regard its obligations as our highest privileges, VhUmlelpMa Ledger, The foreign Imports at Philadelphia dur lug August amounted to 52,135,370, an . . ' crease of $122,1-12 over the corresponding month last year. Of these Imports $2G1,0C0 were free goods and the remainder paid du ties. About one-helf of the total importa tions came in American vessels, Items. No roan is hurt but himself. A man must become wUe at his ( wrl expense. As If you could kill time without In juring eternity. ' It is our bare we are to cast upon God, not our work, A great deal of mischief Is easier done than little good. We can do more good by being good than In any other way. Many whom we cannot convlnco by ar gument may be won by love. The essence of knowledge is having it to apply it, not having it to confess it. Gratitude is the music of the heart when its chords are swept by kindness, Mind not difficulties, but overcome them, and go forward in the right as fast as possible. The superiority of some men Is mere ly local. They are great because their as sociations are little He who walks uprightly before God will walk honorably before men ; and is cafe in every place and condition. -There is no wise or good man that would. change persons or conditions entirely with any man in tho world. The shell may be coarso that encloses the peatl. An Iron safe may hold treasures of gold. Poor men may be rich Christ ians. We should givo as wo receive, cheer fully, quickly and without hesitation ; for there is no grace in a benefit that sticks to tho finger. No man can tell if he is rich by turn ing to his ledger. It is the heart that mak es rich, lie is rich or poor according to what he is.notwbat hehas. If a man waits too long for something to turn up, it will be his toes. A certain railroad in Peru cost$32,000 000, but only one train a week is run upon It, and that frequently has but one passen ger. David Swing says that in Cincinnati thirty years sgo Ihcie was a lawyer who would not tell a lie. Never be angry with a man who threat ens to blow your brains out. He Hatters you. A cook who could not make pancakes informed her mistress that she objected, on principle to fritter away her time. The oldest vsrse in existence Tho uni verse. For 'successfully making its mark in the world, kays the Graphic, small-pox can pit itself against any known disease. About one a day is the average of kero sene explosions. No country or nation ever became great and prosperous that permantly paid a largo rate of interest on its debt, and Secretary Sherman is acting ou this truism. Louisianians claim that no State in the Union has a greater variety of wood than theirs, and yet all the furniture and other inanufatcures ol wood used there nre obtained foom other States. A shirt-front is a thing to be studded. Clething can be made of paper, so that a man, like a book, may be-bound in cloth o: paper to suit the taste. Dr. G. Frost gives iu Nature this striking proof of mind in animals: His cat used to wait in ambush to catch the birds that were fed by him with crumbs from the breakfast table. When he broke off the practice, the cat imitated her master by spreading over the grass the bait lor tier own victims. They were strolling along in the moon light. Something put it into his head that she wouldn't be very angry If be snatched a kiss ; he resolved to do it, but in the ecsta cy of tho moment he forgot that he had a lighted cigar in his mouth, and they don't ktroll in the moonlight any more. An old buchelor says it takes a smart woman to make n first-class fool. Probably some ordinary woman has mado a s-cond class fool of him, A Mystic,Conu clergyman received on Iy four dollars and n half salary last year. It is thought he worked overtime for tho four dollars. An unsuccessful effort wasmadein the British House ol Lords to repeal an old law making marriage with a deceased wife's sis ter illegal. A London chemest has named his five daughters respectfully : Glycerine, Ethyl, Methyl, l'epsinc, and Morphia. He calls their mother Dynamite. Green turtles Those that allow themsel ves to be caught. A pleasant smile is the sicu of friend ship but trying to borrow five dollars is the lest. Instead of calling your silver-haired friend an old dog, why don't you hail him as a grey-hound? The rage for art embroideries is at a fever heat. In a year embroidery will re nte into the background along with the china craze, aud people will wonder how tuey ever could nave wasted so much time. "Iowa has two hundred and twenty-four brass bands." Now we understand the drift of a long editoraal entitled "The Gloomy Outlook," which recently appeared in an iowa paper. The young lady who gave the mitten to the young man who wouldn't go in the house where it was comfortable, but persist ed in keeping her out at the front gate, now refers to him as one of her cast-off gaters, All of Mrs. Nellie Grant Sartorls' bridesmaids except two Miss Banes, and Miss Flth- are now married. Miss llesaie Conkling was the sixth of those eight young ladies. In a list of "Maxiums for Youne men." a cotemporary includes, "Make few promis es.' But, in that case, how is a fellow to be a promising young mau? The youth who sets ud Sun- - '.Iay n'Sm? la .8erv'"P .'J16 .l,.ubli.0 uvmi mi.-, nc Ai.u.in, ,, urn iuc I'UUilu B arleep. and the watchman drowsv. he is the chap who discovers incendiary fire. The London fun has noticed that '.it is easier for most people to "marry aud settle" than to "bettle . aud marry. The hrst may be done by a proper tie, but the other can- . i. .. . f.i . nut ue euecieu wuuuur property. "A green monkey and a red monkev have been added to Iho collection in the Philadelphia Zoo." A "green" monkey is ono that tightly grasps a red-hot penny thrown from a second-story window, instead of approaching the coin gingerly and cau tiously. -There are no accidents so unfortunate from which skilful men will not draw some advantage, nor so fortunate that foolish men will nut turn them to llielr hurt. What can be more foolish than to think that all this rare fabric of heaven and earth .should come by chance when all the skill of art is uot ablo to make an oyster. We cannot live on probabilities. Tim - 1 faith on which we can live bravelv and die in - i ixace must be tettaiuly.so far as it pro- I f.io- j 9 . I -l fa till at nil si I a n.iil. t fes'C to be faith at all or it is nothing. He that speaks ill of another, commonlv before ho is aware, makes himself such a one as he speaks against; for if he had civility or breeding, be would forbear such kind of language. - &