The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 26, 1879, Image 1
THIS COLUMBIAN. OOLOMIU PlMOOHlT,STR Or TI1R KJltTU AND COI.CM- Issued wockly, every Friday morning, at tlLOUMsnUll'l, COLUMMA COUNTY, PA, nnl.l.lR Per year. 60 Co hta discount, all,.. . S-uenpddln ndvanco, After tho expitallon of (he wir tm charged. Tosuocrliicrs out ot t el rounty tuo terms nro J per ycar.Mrlctly In nrtvnnr ' M piper in """"i .tii, ui, 1110 upiinn or tin Aiibll UeM, until nil arrearages nro paid, Imt i. ontliiimil credits nricr uio oxplnillon of tho first ,, nrnlll not ho given il papers sent out of thoHtata or to distant nost iireos must be paid for In ndtnnce, unloss a rcsiion. ttoin person In Columbia county assumes to pay tho! "rosTAUli Is no longer oxactcd from suuscrlbrrin ,110 C0UU1.J JOB itixTTiisra- The. Inching Department of tho Coi.CMnumsvery ....nlot. flllll our J ll l'l Inttntf Will nilnnnMh..' bir wiiii i 'ii',"' ' niivn. rtn worn uoncon 1emnd,neatly nnd at moderate- prices. Columbia County Official Diroctory. j'rcMdcnt.ludgo William Klwcll. AiB'iclato Judges-I. K Krtckl.amn, r. L. tshuman. I'rotlionotary, c. -William Krlckbnuin, C ,urt stenographer H. N. Walker. ,t 'txr.t Hecorder -Williamson it, Jacoby, OislrlctAlloriiey-Hobertll. Uttlo. u rlir .lolm V. llnlTman. s ii , ir imii9l Noyh-ird. i asurer 11 A. .swrppennctscr. iiinnlnloners Stephen robe, Charles ntchart. A H. Herring. i in.nml,)ners''liSrk-J. II. Casey. Auditors S. II. Smith, W. Manning, 0. II. Fee fthoitz. .1 hi v commlssloners-Ull Ilobblns, Tlieodoro YV. Sfoiint superintendent William II. snvder. ftloo n Poor District lUroctore It. H. Knt, scott. Vm. Kramer, Illoomsburg and Thomas Hecco, Hcoit, Bloomsburg Official Diroctory. l'rrldent of Town Councll-I 8. KUIIN. Clerk-Paul R. Wirt, chief of I'ollco D. Laycoek. President of (las company S. Knorr. secretary 0. W. Miller. liuo-nstiurg Hanking uompiny John A.Funstnn, I'r jtJcnl.H. ll.Urnlz, Cashier, John l'eacock, Tcl- Kin' Va'lonal nnnk-Uharlcs 11. Paxton, President j, p.Tustln, Cashier. Columbia County Mutual Having Kund and Loan A wl.i'ion-E. II. Utile, President, u. W. Miller, -e -rotary. ItloomsDiirg llutldlnz nndPnvIng Fund Association -Win. Peacock, President, .1.11. Itohlson, secretary . Illoomsburg Mutual Snvlng l'und Association.!. I Drawer. President, 1'. K. wirt, becrelary. CHUItCII MKKCTOHY. mrTt3T ciicitcii. . Itcv. .1. P. Tuslln, (Supply.) Sunday Services Iiijj n. m. and tys p. m, similar Hchool 9 a. m. prayer Jloetlng Every Wednesday evening at Otf clock. free Tho public aro Invited to nttend. ST. MATTHEW'S LCTltHKHN CllCKCn. Mlnlster-llov. o. I). H. Marclav. sundiy Services 10) a. in. and T;p. m. Sand iy school 9 a. m. Pravcr Meo'lng Hvcry .Vedncsday evcDlng at TJtf tloi'k. Pouts free. No pews rented. All nro welcome. ntKSBVTEKtAN CIIUKCII. Minister Uev. Stuart .MPIhcll. Sunday services tufe n. in. nnd 0 P. m. Sunday School & n. m. Pravir Meoi Ing livery Wednesday evening at Cf clock. seal s tree. No pews rented. Strangers welcome. MKTIIOOIST KPIICOrAI. CltUHClt. Presiding Klder llev. W. Evans. Minister Itov. K. II. Yocum. Siimlay Services lti and 04 p. m. iiinoav .cnoni t p. ni. lllolo Cl.iss llverv Monday evening at tyi o'clock. Voiing Men'a I'racr Meoilng-livcry Tuesday e7enlng at (lif o clock. Ocncral Prayer Meeting Kvcry Thursday e enlng I 0 ClOCK. nPFOKMRn CltUUCll. Corner of Third and Iron streets, castor ltov. W. K. Krelis. itebldonre Comer 4th and Cntharlno sheets. Sunday Services 10 a. in. and T p. m. sundav School 11 a. m. Prayer Jieetln',' Saturday, 7 p. m. All aro Invited There Is always room, st. vaci.'s curncn. '.lector Itev L. Zahticr. Sunday Services lox a. m., 1 p. ra. Sundav school 9 a. in. First Sunday In tho month, Holy Communion, services preparatory to Communion on trlday evening before tho st Sunday In each month, pows rented : but everybody welcome. BVANOKLlOAli C1ICKCII. Presiding TUder Uev. A. I- Heeser Minuter llov. (leorgo Hunter. sunilny servlco 2 p. m., In the Iron street church. l'rn er Meeting livery Sabbath at 2 p. m. All aro United. All nro welcome. TIIR CIIt'KCII OC CtlKIST. Meets In "the HUM Hrlck church on tlio bill," known as tho Welsh llaptlst Church-on Hock street alii of Iron. , lingular meeting for worship, cvcr' lord's day nf tcriimm at 3ys o'clock. ients rteo j nnd the public nro cordially ln ltcd to atlend Ot'IIOOI, OHDKUS, Wank, jut printeil ami neatly bound In small books, ou band and f jr sale at tho Cm cmman (inico. I LANK DKKOS, tin Varelir.i.'iit ntul Linen 1 I'n per. common nnd for Admlnlsi rators, Kxecu tiirsuu.ltiiitecs.for salo cheap at tho coluuciak onic. MAUIAOK CKUTll'ICATKS.iu.t printed nndtorsrtlo nt (he cou'mwan Olllie. Mlnls ersof the (lospel and .luMlces should supply them boH es with these necessary ni llcles. .7 USTlCKSmid Coii'taliles' I'ee-liill for sale ) nt tho Columbian oniee. They contain the cor. r-oted Tees ns established by the last Act of tho I'S - ....... thn cmiiiitn. Vrorv .tiKtlCH nnn (:on- tahle should have ouo. Y EXnL'K XOTKS j(it printed nnd for ale cheap at the colvmcias oniee, BLOOMSUUHG DIUKCTOHY. PHOFESSIONAL CAHDS. 0. HAHKLKY, Ollice In Prober's building, 2nd story, Itooins 4 4. r. c b II. ItOIIlSON. AUorney-at-Law. Olbco a . in l'llartman's building, Main street. s" AMUKL KNOHK. Alloriieyat-Law,Offieo in Jiartman s uunuing, .muiii sueet. I) It. W.M. M. ICEIIEK, Surgeon and I'liysi- ot ml.... t.trl-at jim-r hni'j rill Vict side. li. EVANS, M. D.. Surgeon nnd I'liysi ) t clan, (Onico and Itosldenco on Third street, II. McKKLVY, JI. D., Surgeon and Phy sician, north sldo Main street, below Market. MMcIIENltY, M. I) , Surgeon and I'liy-.blclan- omcu N. W. c. Market and Fifth St. sea ot tho ej o a specialty aug, 29, cm. " D U. J. C. KUTTER, PIIYSICIAN t SDItQEON, Olllcc, North Market street, Mar.:: '74 Illoomsburg, Pa. D K. I. L. KABB, PRACTICAL DENTIST, Main street, opposite Episcopal church, Illooms burg, 1'a. ttr Teeth extracted without pain, aug 24, '77-ly, MISCELLANEOUS. c, JI. DRINKEH, OUN and LOCKS.M1TH. sewing Machines and Machinery of all kinds rc- dalred. Oi'Eka iIoisk llulldlng, Illoomsburg, l'a. AVID LOWENBEHO, .Merchant Tailor Main St., abovo Central Hotel. 8. KUIIN, dealer ii. Meat, Tallow, etc., ueniro mrect, ueiween ccoDa ana i uira. KOSENSTOCK, Pliotograplier, , dark & Wolfs More, Matn street. A UGUSTUS FIIEUKD, Practical liomeo r patLle Ilorso and Cow Doctor, Illoomsburg, l'a. ifb; 14, 19-tt Y. KESTEK, MEItOHANT TAILOR. ItoomNo. 15, Oi iRA llci'sj liiiujiho, illoomsburg. aprlll,lS78. B AITISII ASIE1UCA ASSURANCE CO NATIONAL FIHE INSDItANCE COMPANY. The assets of tnese old comoratlons are all ln vested in solid sECUKlTlts andaro liable to tho ha7ard of Fire only. Moderate lines on the best risks are alone accepted. Losses phouftly and UOM.BTLY adlusted and Dald as soon as determined by Ciikistian K. KNArr, spe cial Agent and Adjuster, Il'oomsburg, I'enn'a. The citizens ot Columbia county should patronize the agency vthere iobscs, It any, aro adjusted and REAH BROWN'B INSURANCE AGEN. CY, Exchange Hotel, Illoomsburg, l'a. Canltal. HStna, Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut... ,NX),ooo Liverpool, London and Globe , 20,iku,chi) Hoa'of Liverpool is,aoo,ooo Lancanshlro 10,000 00 Fire Association, Philadelphia,.,, , 8,lM,ooo Farmers Mutual of Danville 1,000,000 Danville Mutual 711,000 Home, New York. ... 5,noo,ooo 150,631,000 As tho agencies are direct, policies are written for t no Insured without any delay In tho onico at l):ooms- March M,n-y B, F. HAHTJIAN HKf RKSEKTS TUB FOIXOWING AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES! fcoraingor Muncy Pennsylvania, orth American of Philadelphia, Pa franklin, of " J'ennsjlvaulaof " f.armere ot York, ra. Hanover of Now York. Manhattan ot " oniee on Market Street No. t, llloomsDurg, Pa, PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at this Office ON BHORTEST NOTICE A I) AT THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS, 0, B. BIIOCKWAY 1 0. E, E WELL, ' Editors n4 Proprleten. I'AWYEUS, , R WALLER, I Attoi-noy-at-Law. :nnS,iC eii".s!.ens eitalrcl Collectleasaaie. onico, second doorfrora 1st National Hank Jan iiuJUJISHUItO, PA. II. 1979 Y U. FUNK, AtlnMif.i..n(.l increase of l'cnsimi, Obtained, Collections untie. , . . lILOOMSUUHa, PA. onico In lint's Uni.niKo. c 11 ft W.J.BUCKALEW, ATTOHNRYS-AT-lAW, Illoomsburg, Pa. onico on Main street, nrst door below Courtllouse OUN JI. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-T.AW, Itlnftmohn... 1 onico over Schuyler's Hardware store. P. P. 11ILLMEYER, ATTORNEY" AT LAW. OrncK-ln Harman's llulldlng. Main street, illoomsburg, ra. I. MTTI.K. ROB'T. K. LIITl. E. U. A R. R. LITTLE, ATTOHNEYS-AT-LAW, Illoomsburg, l'a. Q W. -MILLER, " ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW oniceln Hrower's building, second No. IMoomstmrg, Pa. B. FRANK ZARIt. Attoi' ULOOAISBURG, PA. Oftlee In 1'nanost'b (JriLiuso, on Matn street second uwi nuii.u v enire. (Jan bo consulted in German. Jan. 10, '79-tt CATAWISSA. JI. L. EYEItLY, ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW, Catavclssa,I'a. Collections Dion.ntlv mado and remitti-rt. omee onposlte Catawlssa Deposit Bank. Cm-39 II. RHAWN, A T TO II N E Y-A T-L A W , Catnwlbsa.l'a. oniee, corner ot 1 bird and .Main Streets. Jnlyil, '79-tf gA-MUEL l'REDERICKS, lii;M;itAL 1UUM)RY IIUSINESS, NE.Mt CATAWISSA. New work and renntrs neatli. miltflv nm rtmoniv lone. Plows. Wate '-Wheels. Are.. in.'iiiiirii.' n'r repaired aug. 22, 19. BLATOllLEY'S PDMPS ! The Old Reliable STANDARD PUMP For Wolla 10 to 75 feet Deep 9 Nrw Pricp. List Jan. 1. WW i-SSr) ADDRESS . :. iti,.iT iili:v. 4 40 MAltKET ST.,1'I1IL.MVA, ApU IK tSTO-Cm Mrc. SWAM & BRO. tJI.OO!SlU'IS;, P.4. Manufacturers ot Carriages, Buggies, Phaetcns, Sleighs, l'LATFOHM WAtiONS, SC. FIrsUclass workpalwaj s on'.hand. HEI'AIKINO NEATLY DONE. Prices reduced to suit the times. Jan. 0, lsn-U. iVERY 1)1 RECTO P.. TEACHER AND STUDENT Should subscrlbo for TI-T13 EDUCATOR, A Live Educational .Monthly, published at ORANGEVILLE, PA., for to cents perjenr. Send six cents for Bpeclraen copy. jt i. u.( r ir.1.11, April IS, lSTO-tf i:dltor. $2 ,wm A YEAIt for honest, Intelligent business men or agents. New bustness; light work. Address Uo-Oikkitive agbkcy, Jladlsoii.lnd- June ST. l$T9-tm Rowell & Co'a. Advii's. FRESH BEEF It()Avri:il HV sTH.KI. BOSTON BEEFPACKINGCO. 187 ('(MinrcH Slreel. IliiMton, 3lttwn. SOMETniNO NEW.-Kxcellent. Eoonoralcal Food for I'aralltes. I'I'ItE, 'HOI.i:ostH JIKAT. save fuel, save Pother. Conventent'nnd Delicious Cold, v Idle so many nlco dNhes may bo inuite ' om It, Askynurdrocerforlt Ask our Itutcher for It. Pi'tv ner cent. ..lore imminent In a riven nuantltv of this I'resli Heel than In any other canned 1'resh ueei. Sod hy iii'onci'N (Jcnerally. sept. 19, 4w. r No nun lm l tliiimualilr rrauliir In the bowels Is hilfas Table to dl ases as he that is Irregular. Ho may ba attf"ked by contagious diseases, and so may the lrregular,but ho Is hot ncaily as s ubjoct to outsiao iununces. j no use ot Tiirritiit'uM'ltzi'r Atirrlt'iil, secures regularity, and consequent Immunity from BOLD HY ALL DHUOQIbTS. r tept, 19, 4w, Advertisers Geo.P.Rowell8dCo'! Newspaper Advertising Unread. 10 Spruce St.. New York, can learn the exact cost of any proposed lino or .)uv km um.mi in American ?ew&p.iern. ' :tf-l( I'umlililel, l()i'.-i sept. , 4W, r n nnn prontaon BOdayslnveslmentof 51 n(l SXaUUI omciai lteoorta. free CXUU Pronortlonal returns even week on stock options or mzu, -u, - pmu, dressT. Pottsh Wionr t Co., Hankers, 85 w all St., N, y r sell, l 'l-aw. PHNMNtlTON MMIINAItV, Thon. nanlon, D. D , 1'ennlngton, N.J., tor both sexes. We ex eel lnhealthfulness.eonvenlence, dlsclpllne.thorou-jh tcacning, nomo comioris unu moueraio cuurges- sept. in, 4W. r A(u:nt tVANTIlli for smith's Hlule Dictionary uriiioMiAv PICTORIAL BIBLES Prices' reduced, flaulars frco. A. J. HOLMAN CO., I hlla. sept. 19, iv. to Invested In Wall St., stw ks makes fortunes every month. Hook sent tree exnldlnlDL' even thin? Ad' dress UAXTB1I & CO., Hankers, T Wall St.. N. Y. r sept 19, 1-lw, ma Month and expenses guaranteed to Agents Outfit free, buiw Co. aiuvsti, Miisn. sept, si, imw r $777 Maine. A YEAH ana expenses to agents, outfit Address 1". u, -titKEKif, Augusta, r lept.l,n-4r, He Poetical. TUB TONOUi: IXSTItUOTKD. (luatil well thy lips ! none, none can know ITov. xlll. . hat evils from Uio tonguo may now James 111. 5,6, what guilt, what grief may bo Incurred Judges xl. 53. Ily ono Inciutlous, hasty word. Mark Tl. SS, ST. Bo " slow to speak," look well within, l'rov, x. 19. To check what there may lead to sin j . . James I. !C. And pray unceasingly for aid, Col. lv. 9. Lost unawares thou bo betrayed. I.tiko xxl. 34. " Condemn not, judgo not "-not to man . James lv, !. Is given his brother's taeus to seen 1 Cor. lv s. Matt. Ml, 3. John Tilt. T. 1 Cor. x. 10. Lain. 111.22. Ps. clll. s. lJim.lll. 23. Titus III, 9. Ono task Is thine, nnd ono alone To search out and subdue thine own. Indtilgo no murmuring, oh, re3lraln Those Hps, so ready to complain; , And It they can bo numbered, count Of ono day's mercies tho amount, snun vain discussion, t rining themes Dwell not on earthly hopes and schemes Dcut,l. 4-7 James III. 13 Luko vl. 45. Gen. xvll. i. I's. exxxix 4. Let words of wisdom, meekness, love. Thy heart'strue renovation prove, set God before theo ; every word Thy Hps pronounced by lllra Is heard . Oh, could st thou rcaltzo this thought I Matt xll. 3d. hat caro, whit caution would be taught, Luke xtl. 3. 'Tho time Is short," this day may bo 1 Cor. Ml. 29. The cry last assigned tolheq; , , Eph. v. 16. So speak, that should'st thou no' r speak more. . y d. Thou mayst notthls day s words deplore. ' " ' ' " Horn. xlv. 12. Select Story. MISS. t'AY'S IIAIKUIN. Tohn l-'ay wasleaviug the breakfast table. He laid a roll of bills besiile his wife's plate. 'The fifty dollars, Atiuic, I promised you for your new diess.' 'Kilty! Then you have really made it fifty f What a good John 1 I shall be able to tflve entiui;h out of it to buy Aunt Mnrin a real nice New Year's present. There nro very irood cloaks, shaggy and warm, marked down to $10 and $12 at Morton & liner's, and I am distresed Sunday nfier Sunday to see her walk into ohttrch in that old shawl. I could draw thn pattern of it with my eyes shut, nnd know that nothing but perversity keeps it Irom breaking away on her poor sharp shoulders.' 'Well, do as you dense; only make tho most you can of tho money. Fifty dollars do not grow on every tush in these times, and I should hardly have felt able to give it to you now but that Morton has been look ing at one of our steam heaters for his store though some parties down in Hartford of fered him one at a discount. So buy the cloak of him by nil means, if you get one.' And John struggled into his three-years old overcoat and hurried away. Little Mr. Fay turned the bills over nnd over in her hand. She had scarcely heard her husband'. last words. It was enough that he could nllbrd to give her the money and that it was hers to spend. He was her conscience in regard to money matters. With the intricacies ot business she had nothing to do. Should she run around to Mrs. Jupe's tit once nnd talk it over, and fiud out exactly how to send to New York fur sam ples of dress doods ? TheJupes were stylish peoplo who had recently removed into the neighborhood, having bought the very large lawn and the Very Binall cottage with a stable in the rear, which gave an air of elegance to the street of the pretty New England town where the Fays lived. Retweeu Mrs. Jupe and little Mrs. Fay the most, intimate relations had been established. They ran back and forth at all hours, a blind gate having been dis covered, at the foot ot Mrs. Fay's tiny flow er garden, which opened directly upon Mrs. Jupe's side lawn. The latter had already advised in regard to the new dress. 'You will never think of buying it here,' she had said. 'Morton & lirier's dress goods are so common I Every body in town dresses the same like mourn ers at a funeral I Why not run down to New York and buy something made up? You would save it in your dressmaker's bill.' Run down to New York I Mrs. Fay re garded a visit to the metropolis as the event of a lifetime to be ardently desired, but scarcely to be hoped for. And as for a dress maker, one day for such a functionary, for the purpose of baiting nnd 'trying on,' with three or four more from Susan Jane, who went out for seventy-live cents and was thankful to get that in these hard times- was the limit of her desires. And so Mrs. Fay had gone home filled with a desire to do this. To send to New York, to the envy of her less well informed neighbors ! To appear in a dress unlike any thing displayed in the town I She was not ordinarily a vain woman, but Mrs, Fay's ambition took fire at this spark of sugges tion. Hut John's countenance assumed a doubtful expression wheu the plan was spread out before him. 'I don't know about that,'he said, slowly, 'Do as you would like to be done by, is my motto, and how should I like to have everybody In town to run oft" to Haitford or New ork to buy the goods I offer lor sale. Patronize home Institutions, Annie ; spend your money where vou make it, and help to build up your own town, 1 say. Why, the country is going to ruin for the same reason Nothing in America will do for people, un less the maker Is shrewd enough to brand it with a foreign mark. We spend all our time and strength in gathering dollars to be sent out of the country. And what do we get for them? A lot of French fripperies nnd manufactured articles which need only to stand Bide by side with our own to show their inferiority.' 'Yes, John, but the dress I' Exports and imports are matters to be settled by graver heads, or to settle themselves. 'Iluy at Morton & lirier's.' They trade with me, and I should like to turn my inon ey Into their hendi,' BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 'Hut their goodi are so 'common.' John. And wo all dress alike -like mutes at a fu neral,' 'Like what?' John Fay burst Into a loud laugh, 'You aro a dear little womau, Annie but you never originated that remark. I don't believe I like the style,' ho added, nf. ter n pause. 'But do ns you please, dear.' It was hard to say 'no' to his little wife. 'At least you can buy the cloak at Mor ton A. IJrlfr'a j and be sure and make the money go as far as you can.' 'I will, John j It shall go as far as New York I' she repllfd, with n happy laugh, throwing her arms around his neck and glv ng mm an enthusiatio hug. She wrote her letter to New York nt Mrs. Jupo's dictation, nnd tho samples came in due time. John turned them over quizzically. 'Couldn't you Judgo better of the color nnd quality to see them in a whole piece, rather than In such a scrap as this ?' 'O, what a silly John 1 Of course not : when I can examino them at my leisure now, with no saucy clerk to snatch them out of my hands or talk me into buying what 1 don't want nt till.' A long hour was spent In this Inspec tion. 'Do do you think it had better bo mixed goods or pis I ii?' John was good natured. He laid down his ncwpaper to raise the bits of cloth again in his great hands. 'Doyou call that mixed?: singling out a scrap all knobs and long.loose hairs, and vicing with Joeph's coat in col ors, the latest fashion of woven ugliness. l es, to be sure. 'Well, then, dear, I shouM say, let u have It plain.' So she chose a soft, warm basket cloth in dull maroon. Six yard, fight dollars I Hut it was double width, and these new goods were expensive. Tho prices ran ns high as five dollars a yard ; three was moderation. And there would be enough for a long sacrjue, and then last consideration of a prudent mind it would 'make over' ad mirably. Then the silk for this was to bo a hand some suit Mrs. Jupe had said that Bilks were to lie got at almost any price now. Anil not to be mean or buy a poor quality, Mrs. l ay hail fixed her price at n dollar and a half a yard. Hut a scrap at two dollars just matched her cloth. And as most of the samples ranged at prices even higher, with an im petuosity which characterized the move ments of the small woman who mildly rul ed the Fay family, she decided upon this. Seven yards no, eight it was well to have a piece left, nnd there should- be a bonnet to match. Eight it must be. he ser.t her order in haste and then waited the result in excitement which held in it more and more of repentance as the days went by. I.arly in the afternoon oithe third, an ex press wagon, a man nnd an enormous book appeared at her door. She ran to open it. She took the precious parcel which bore her name and placed carefully within the sanc tities of the parlor, while the man was fum bling for the bill. 'Thirty-four dollars, ma'am.' She had the exact amount in her hand. She had had the exact rmount within reach for the last two days. ' rite your name just there.' And Mrs. Fay wrote her name where the purple and black finger pointed grimly in characters a gootl deal' like the trembling ones with which she had written. 'Yes dear John,' two years before, in reply to a certain letter which uecd not be further mentioned here. 'And a dollar for tho express.' 'I thought it wrs fifty cents.' 'lloth ways, ma'am, you know, C. 0. D.' No, she did not know, not at that moment certainly j but she slipped a fifty-cent piece slyly back into her pocket and paid hi in the ilollar demanded. She did not open the parcel at once. She sat down to do a sum in mental arithmetic. Thirty-five dollars from $50 left $15; and there were the linings and trimmings, the dressmaker and Susan Janes to bo provided for. And Aunt Maria's cloak 1 She had entirely forgotten the cloak 1 There was no Impatience in the fingers that untied the strings as she prepared to inspect the dress. She had lost her enthusiasm over it al ready. Horror of horrors I Could that be her silk ? as a broad ray of sunlight struck upon it. It was by no means of the same shade as the dress. Could the dealers have made a mistake ? Hut no ; she compared a scrap of the sample which sho had chosen and a bit of the sample which she had withheld. It was the same. Was it possible that it could appear so different when seen in the piece. Hut there was no help for it now ; and with that reflection the last ray of pleasure in her new purchase vanished from her mind. Not even John's commendation could enliven her,' Why, you're pretty as a picture,1 said lie, the same night, wheu she had twisted the soft woolen stuft" about her fig ure and stood waiting under tho gaslight for his inspection. The silk she had prudently and thankfully banished from sight, Tho dull maroon hue had brightened to a rich crimson under the light. 'And did the money hold out ?' 'Y-es.' Hut the reply came faintly, and Mrs. Jupe running in the next morning, found her friend poring over the 'supple raeut' to a fashion psper, her smooth fore head drawn into two dreadful wrinkles. while she studied with despairing eyes this sheet of lines and angles, bicycles and in sano parallelograms, hopelessly coufused and inextricably entangled. 'They are patterns I' said Mrs. Fay, as though she would have added, 'Could you everbeliovo it?' 'I thought perhaps I might cut my dress myself.' flnndness, child I Did you ever do such a thing V 'No ; but' 'They dou't begin with a handsome suit, however. Do you want to spoil It to ruin the whole dress, beside wasting the material and the money you have speut for it ?' The last was an argument, and Mrs. Fay laid by her sheet of hieroglyphics with a sigh, and prepared to listen to reason, as Mrs. Jupe called it, by arranging to take the latter's dressmaker off her hands for one day, which Mrs. Jupe desired to Bpend out of town. Perhaps she could make up for this expense by cutting otT three of Susan Jane a days. Tho day and the dressmaker came. 'It i a good heavy piece of silk,' said the latter, testiug It between thumb nnd fore' finger. It was. It weighed liko load upon Mrs. Fay'e mind. Tho dressmaker laid it ar.alnst the woolen goods, opened her lips, then closed them again, prudently j but Mrs. Fy saw tho movement. No j It did not match. Had not Mrs. Jupe already remark ed It? And was not the maroon turned to purple by the proximity of tho silk, as any ono could see ? 'I should have thought that you would have bought American silk. They usually ofler it at Morton & Hrler's to make up with these heavy goods. It wears so much better and costs less, you know, by n good deal ; being so much wider, too, It cuts to better advantage.' 'It came from New York,' said poor.crest fallen Mrs. Fay. Hut there was no pride In her voice. Miss Mudge was measuring it off from her nose to the ends of her lingers. 'Eight yards I That will never do not If you take olf three-quarters for a bonnet and (ace the kirt. It will not trim it handsomely.' 'I thought It a large pattern,' faltered Mrs. Fay. 'Well, yes of American silk. Hut a cou ple of yards moro will do j and you had bet ter send for it at once. Terhaps you may as well say three while you are about it. A scrap over Is never out of place. This Is n very pretty basket cloth,' she went on. di- ploinalically, for Mrs. Fay's face revealed her chagrin. 'I saw the samo at Morton's j two dollar-i and a half, was it not ?' Two dollars and a half! It was three. And it cannot be the same. I sent to Now York for this.' Mrs. Fay could have cried with vexation. You sent to New York I' The dress maker's sharp eyes meaured Mrs. Fay and tho plainly furnished bed irom where the cutfihg'wns going on, with one keen, calcu- ating glance. Hut she said nothing more. And Mrs. Fay sent to New York for threo additional yards of silk. Her heart sink as she broke her last ten dollar bill to pay for thHnntl'the necessary 'linings and facing, tuitions and cord, without which no femlnino garment edit be brought into existence. And Aunt Maria's cloak shrahk moro in its pro portions until it enlire'y passed out of ight. 'I shall do the rest myself,' she said to Susan Janes, as the latter laid by her work at the end of her third day. 'Do you think you cau ?' Thtro was dis appointment in Susan's faded eyes. 'That' blind stitch is hard to do nicely if ono is not used to"it.' PoorSuan ! Even ono more day would be something. It would earn the price of n New "York dinner. Work was not easily found in these days, and sho had depended upon at least a week here. 'I am sorry ; and I know it isn't easy to do.' The tea J were in Mrs. Fav'a eves. Was she not worn out already ? 'But indeed, Susan. I must do it.' So Suan folded tho waist neatly and laid it with a lingering hand besido the skirt on Mrs. Fay sown bed, then donned her old, worn cloak and went away. When the dress was at last finished and put nit for John's inspection, the night be fore New Year, not even the warm bright bun could bring a trace of color to the pale, worn face of its wearer. But John did not notice it. 'Yes,' he said absently; 'it is very pretty lear, and I'm clad if you enjoy it but it has cot me more than I can well afford.' A shiver ran all the way down little Mrs. Fay's spine. She could not ask what ho meant. Was it Susan June ? Was it 'I suppose you told somebody that you got t in New York. At any rate, Morton & Hrier heard that my wife had been buying a fifty-dollar dress in New York, and Morton said that two could play at that game. So ho went down to Hartford and bought the steam heater he had been looking at for the store, and Hrier ordered another for his house.' It was that dressmaker I She must have told it. I always thought she looked like a spiteful thing, and I didn't ask htr to our table,' gasped Mrs.Fay, growing whiter still 'Very likely, I only know I have lost their trade, which is a.good deal in theso times. tint uon t let it uistress you, dear.' tie was frightened at the expression of his wife's face. It is too late to mend It. Let us think of something else.' And he drew her down upon his knee. What have you got for Aunt Maria.' 'I have got her I have made her ,' Mrs. Fay began hysterically, '0 ; John I have got her a ginger jar 1' 'A ginger jar I 'No wonder Fay stared. 'Don't laugh.' And Mrs. Fay proceeded to further astonish her husband by bursting into tears. 'It is decorated, you know, and and looks like Kioto, Mrs. Jupo says. I can t tell you, John but everything cos, so much, nndjthe Bilk was too narrow, and I had to get more, and and thero wasn't any money left for the cloak ' 'I see how it is,' said kind John, who knew more than shn dreamed. Ho gather ed ber up in his arms and essayed to soothe the frightful sobs, 'We have learned a good lesson, though a hard one, haven't we little woman ? V o will patronize homo institu tlons at least until we can draw our income from abroad.' The next day John Fay took his old over coat quietly to tho tailor's and had it re bound, countermanding his order for a new one. and Aunt .Maria had ber new cloak af ter all j and happening to meet Morton on the street, who gave him the cold should er, he stopped him aud told him the whole transaction, since it wa9 too late to benefit himself by tho story. The result of which was that it was not too late at all, The truth had been only halt told. The Hart ford order had been threatened, not carried out, and the steam heaters were bought of John Fay himself. Susan Jane was surprised by an invitation to a dinner on New Year's day. Of course she came, and she contrived to take a few needful stitches upon the new dress. That 'blind stitch had been indeed very trying to the unskilled fingers. And the dinner was a happy affair John'even proposing a toast at its conclusion : 'Our neighbors let'us do unto others as we would that others should unto us.' 'Dear, Wondering John! Both Susan Janes and Aunt Maria took It to themselves, and thought It extremely appropriate, and drank It In cold water with tears ol gratitude lu their weak eyes, Hut John Fay and his wile etnlled another meanlDg across tho ta . bio it each other, 26. 1879. IIUAL ESTATfi IX LEADVILLB. ( Tho October Scribncr contain., n notable paper on Leadvllle, written by Ernest Ing ersoll, nnd Illustrated by Mrs. Slary Hal lock Foote and Mr. J. II. Mllls.from which wcquoto this account ol an Interesting phase of mining life! All this excitement nnd influx of masses of men and the consequent Irregular squatlng upon unoccupied ground, began at once to produce discord and a fever of speculation In real estate. A certain cor poration claimed to own the whole town .site tinder a patent from the government, and tried to exact payment from every ten ant ; but the Illegality of this was asserted, and pending decision, everybody not only laughed at the company but proceeded to buy and sell original squatter-claims as though no better title was ever In existence a supposition, probably truo at that tlmo. Tcwn-lots roe from nothing to fabulous prices In a day, and fortunes were made and opportunities neglected accordingly. Next came a period of 'jumping' that Is, getling;forcihle or fraudulent possession of property. Men would call with a paper having a legal appeaiince and politely In form some man occupying the cabin they coveted that they had.bought the properly from the owner. 'You know, pard,' they would remark, af fably, 'that you just settled down here 'cau.e It was convenient like, and nobody said nothing about it j bul now the ownc.'thiuks ho orler have some good from his property, and we've bought it. We don't want to bo onpleasant, but it looks like you'd have to vamoose.' 'That's all right, no offense,' the shaggy, headed cot'ager would reply, quietly; 'but I reckon ef the owner or anybody else wants this ycre cabin they've got to take it, and they've got to hold over me, nnd get up Ight 'arly in the morula,' too.' aud he lays a loving hand on tho hilt of his six shooter, while the would-be jumpers anathe matize their way out of the door. Tbcrtwere, however, clear cases of len- ncy of land where no title was held, and ero tiro occupant, if unruly, was likelv to find his .cabin timbers faMiier'about ills pars ti the middle of the night, under tho vigor ous stroke of a band of citizens who propos ed to tee the real owper put in poisession tbeu aud there. Heedless fellows would in ist upon putting their trailing shanties or welling-bouses anywliee in the streets aid alleys bet apart for public use,' and then own would come nequadof police, with a span ot hones to the underpinning and raze tho obstruction in ten minutes. Hard oids wero a matter of couno in all these ittle public and private t ansactions in real estate, and every day or two a man was shot or beaten half to death ; but public opinion and the numerous witnesses quickly and oudly decided the right of tho case, and the coroner's jury was very likely to formu'ato the popi'lar verdict. Truth to Bay.the voxjiop uli in thete cases was usually about right. Odtside of a case of robbery by 'bunko theives,' if a man ge's shot in Leadville, it is fe to conclude that ho has got his des erts. Speculatioi in town-lots did not last very long, however, and now real esta is down to n pteity solid basis of value. Tho prob ability is that the future will see a decline in prices, as a whole, rather than an en hancing of the value ol real estate within the corporate limits, as no doubt Leadville has seen her highest tine-mark of popula tion l'UllE-IMIKI) ANiTcOMMUX FOWLS. The views of the l'ouitnj World on this subject are expressed as follows: A certain writer discredits the claim that pure-bred fowls aro better flesh and egg producers than common stock. While admitting that they do usually furnish more meat and egga than are furnished by the farmer's flock, he thinks this is due to superior care and feed- ng. He says that a person who pays two or three dollars for eggs, or a higher price for fowls, will be very apt to give them cx tra care I here is, no doubt, much truth In the saying that 'ihe breed is in the feed,' but it is only the statement of a half truth. Good feeding and care will compel any flock of Howls to do their best; but, after all, the charactertistlc differences ot the varieties remain, and cannot be changed by feeding. these dlllerences are, in many cases, consti tutional; that" is, by a long course of selec tion and local influences, certain traits have become permanently, '''xcd. The blood of certain varieties is very strong and will show itself for generations in each successive cross. The Game cock will transmit his game qualities, his proud carriage and close ness of feathering; the Leghorn his spright ly disposition and wonderful productiveness; the Asiatic indoleut habits and tendency to lay on flesh and fat ; all " these being marked features of the breeds men tioned. Now, feeding will not aflect these distinctive tendencies at least not to any extent. They wero formed by climate in fluences, operating for thousands of years, aided by along process of selection, some times natural nnd sometimes guided by man. In late years we have taken in hand the several families of domestic fowls, and by careful selection and breeding have ex aggerated, as it were, their peculiar traits, until they have become veiy strongly mark ed. To say, therefore, that the average dunghill fowl will lay as many eggs as a well-bred Leghorn, or will produce as much flesh as a Brahma will do in eight or nine months, it to affirm what a fair trial will show to be false. PACTS ABOUT FLOUII. Flour is peculiarly sensitive to the atmos pheric influences, hence it should never be stored In a room with sour llquids,nor where onions or fish or kept, nor any article that taiuts the air of tho room lu which It is stored. Any smell perceptible to the sense will bo absorbed by flour. Avoid damp eel iors ur ions woe ra a iree circulation ol air cannot be obtaiutd. Keep lu a coo), dry nlry room, and not- exposed to a freezing temperature nor to luteuse summer or to artificial heat for any length of time above 70 to 75' Fab r. It should not come In contact with grain or other substances which are liable to heat. Flour should be sifted and the particles thoroughly dlsln tergrated and then warmed before baking. This treatment luiproves thj color and bak ing properties of the dough. The sponge should be prepared for the oven as soon as the yeast has performed its mission, other wise lermeoiauun sets in ana acidity re sults, THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XIII, NO 10 COLUMMADKMOCKAT, VOL.XHV, NO. al A HKIKIIO IIKKII. The Elmlra l'ite l'rest gives an account of the heroic action of a youth who was in atle ndance nt the lato Centennial celebra tion which took place there. It says! On Thursday, the 28lh of August, tho Ulng hamton Hatteryunder Capt. Olmstead, ar rived here for the Centennial. They went at once to the field to tako the guns In po sition for the next day's work. Tho spot selected was about blf way up tho hill, di rectly hack of the camp of the Prauklln GiiBrds, and ou the brow of a steep descent. It was a tug, even with four horses, to move the heavy guns and cairsons up the hill; but this was done at length, under direction of Harry 0. Olmshead, the sixteen-years-old son ofCaptaln Olmshead. Oa the brow of I the declivity they halted, and took olT the horses, intending to turn,tho pieces around, but one was too near tho edge, and in an Instant the heavy gun, with cahsion and all attached, star'rd down tho hMl, Now it appears that young Olmstead had beard, on his way up, that the tents of tho Franklin Quards were filled with ladies and children, and here was the cannon charging straight for that campl Not an instant was to be lost. Tho young hero looked almost cer tain death in the face, and deliberately sprang on the tongue of the piece, endeav oring to turn the terrible charge of the gun away from the tents. Down, down It thun deled, witli the boy clinging to the pole, and doing his utmost to plunge it into the ground. Farter and faster it tore down the hill, but o one siuV of the tents. The boy had succeeded, but at n heavy cost, for, before the eyes ol'lhn breathless spectators, ho was thrown violently olf, while the gun brought up way down the hill, after demol ishing several fating places and booths. lender hands raised the lad and ho was carried to tho camp he had saved. It was found that no bones were broken, wonder ful to fay, but he was terribly jarred and bruised, and his frort teeth knocked out. When they tried to find nut his name he re fused to give isnyin, 'It might get into the papers, and I have u mother at home who would be worried.' All Ihe day of the celebration helay In a house near by, where Geo, Sherman went and praised his heroic deed. To his father he siid : 'I knew there were women and children in those teti's, and I knew that if I I did not try to save them I would not dare to 1 1 ink you in tho face, sol jumped on. and I would do so again.' He was moved on strelul'er to Hitighainlnu aud is doing well, aod he may list satisfied that in the roll of heroic and sell sacrificing deeds in this woild's vcord he won't come last. AXC1EXT IHSruilY IX A UAVE. A remarkable cave has been discovered on the larm of David Samuels, 10 miles from La Cross, Minnesota, The cave is SO feet long, 13 feet wide, and about 8 feet high. Aoovo the quarry and, which has evidently drifted in and covered the floor to the depth of from threo to six feet, upon the walls, aro very rude carvings representing men, arms, animals and implements, and some appear o be hieroglyphics. One picture represents men with bows and arrows shooting animals, three buffaloes nnd one labbit. Another epresents three animals which if large must have been like the hippopotamus ; another appears to represent a mastodon ; on anoth er picture a moose is quite plainly delineat ed. There are eight representations that are canoes much carved, or hammocks which tney more resemble, une sketch ol a man is veiy plain ; the figure wears a kind of chaplet or crown and was probably chief of his tribe or clan. T icre are many fragments of pictures where tho rock had decomposed. The rock is a very coarse soft white sand stone. On one side of the cave is a space of about two feet high and three in lengtl made in the rock. Above are the fragments of pictures aud below aro lower fragments, showing that they were made when the rock was entire. Fiom the depth to which de compositions reached in this dry and dark cavern the inscriptions must be quite an cieut. If the carving mentioned represents the mastodon tho work must have been by mound builders. The accumulated sand need" to bo removed to get a full view, and possibly human remains may be found. The entrance to the cavo has evidently been cov ered by a land slide there being let. only a small hole where traps have been set for coons. The large number of these animals which were caught led to the belief that tho space Inhabited by them must be large and investigation led to the discovery of the cave. Over the entrance, since the land slide, a poplar 18 inches in diameter has grown, which shows conclusively that the cave has not been occupied by human beings lor more than a century. Ex-Governor Horatio Seymour, address ing the farmers at a fair in Onedia county, . Y., the other day, said: 'I am not much of a farmer, and havo lit tle right to stand before you as such, but I brought over here for exhibition some po tatoes that certainly exceeded my speech In reference to the depression of the times let mo recpll to you an ancient fable, There was once a giant bo powerful that ho could not be overcome. Hut he derived hi strength from his mother earth, for no mat ter how exhausted ho might become, he re gained his powen the moment that he came in contact with thn soil. Tho way in which he was finally overpowered was by coming Into contact with an opponent so Btrongthat hp could lift him from tho ground aud hold 1. 1 ... i i , . . . ... . nun nuspenucu in toe air until he was strangled to death. Now there is a lesson in this for us. So long as this people of ours can seek its support from mother-earth, so long u cannot ue overcome. There never yet was a presidentnl the United States who. when ho left his office, did not Beek th country aud retire to his farm. Washing ton did this, bo did Adams and Jefferson, Our greatest stateiinen have sought for rest, health and peace iu retirement to thci farms witness Webster and Clay.' "Don't kuoiv half their Value." 'They cured meof Ague, Hiliousness and Kidney Complaints, as recommended. had a half bottle left which I used for my two little girls, who the doctors aud neigl: bors said could not bo cuied, I would have lost both of them one night if I bad not giv en them Hop Bitters. They did them rmuch good I continued their use until they wero cured. I hi'. Is why I say you do not know hall the value of Hop Uitters, and do not recommend them high enough, B Rochester, New York. RATES OF ADVERTISING. net. IM. .IS 00 . B.OI . 4.0 lv. 1 2. Ml 4.10 4. no 7.00 IM. . fl.Oll ft 00 (.10 S.I1I 1 t 11.00 00 ll.l' "lO.MI 1. t4 11 lino Inch J0 1 wo inches rhi cp Indus is.n 10.11 ts.(. to s 100.1 Four Inches. ti.nO oimrter column, s.isi iiair column .ii.of One column . .. ".iio H.HO &' Bt.lS) SO. Oil M."" Vrnrlv nitverllMinintfl tunable nunrttrlv Trai slenl advertisement muslbc paid for btlereincrt.,i except w nero parties nave accounts. l,cgal advertisement twodoilsrsper Inch forth ret Insertions, and ((that rate for additional Inscrtlosi wunoui rcrcrcnco to icnguu Executor's, A mlnlstrator's and Atidilor'n notice threo dollars. Must bo paid for when Inserted. Transient or Local notices, twenty cents aline regular advert Iscmcnt s half rates. cards in tho "liuslness Directory" column, one dollar per year for each lino. Items. A cheap country seal a stump. A bread elavator the yeast cake. A stick of time saves nine boys Out of ten. To htm that lives well everv form of Ufa Is good. When it begins to thunder the milt nows its sour lias come. Manv men who raise too many classes can hardly rul.-e a loaf of bread. Durintr the deluce Mr. Noah was lu tho habit of calling his wife an ark angel. A hltr head Is no more an evidence of brains than a piper collar Is of a shirt. Those Interested in tho culture of fat hogs say tho pen Is mightier than the sward. Wo know a man so opposed to games of cards that ho won't say 'you cur' to a dog. A San Antonia mockinz bird whistles for help so naturally that policemen run aud hide themselves lu n quiet place. The chair of tho sneaker of tho Penn sylvania house of representatives at Harris burg is one in whicu John Hancock presided er the deliberations ol the Uoulimental ingress. Times have changed indeed, when Shef field cutlers nre compelled to seek employ ment In the United States. A company ot ne hundred and thirty of thoio landed In New York recently. The man who has nn empty cup may ray, anil should prav that It may be nlled, u t lie who has u full unu ought to pray hat he may hold it firmly. It needs prav In prosperity that wenny liavo grace to ue it, as truly us it needs prayer in poverty at we may liavo grace to bear It. Don't live in hope with Your arms fold- I. Fortune smiles on those who roll un Ihe sleeves and put their shoulder to the heel that propel t them ou to wealth and happiness. Cut this out and carry it about with you In your vest pocket, ye who idle in bar-rooms nt the comer of the streets. The life that Is devoted to knowledge pas-ies silently away, and It is ' very little llversul uy events. Iiilalk m public, to ink in Milittid-. 1 1 read and to hear. In iuiiiiirn, an,) tn ntisner Inquiries, i.s the bus!- ne of a scholar. He wunders about the world without pomp or te.ror. and is uci- er known nnr value 1 but by men like nuelf. - Did you hear that fellow make that pech' "lcs." What doyou think of it?' 'Well. I tell ou what's a tact, ho cau brlmr nn arumeut lunntoapint about as quick as auv feller I ever saw ' 'Yej.' replied the other, 'but he can bring a ouart of whiskey down to a pint a heap quicker'n that.' A party of Irishmen went to a cloth log store to buy a suit of clothing in which to bury a dead comrade. All varieties ot garments were examined aud discusjel bv the mourning friends, but none could be de cided upon until one of the nartv held ui a light I hin suit, saying. 'Bctrcorrn. let's take this, b'ys ; it's thin an' cool, nnd poor Pat ill find it.tuighty comfortable.' Two cramnieries were wrancllnc. one contending that it was only proper to Bay my wages is High, while the other noisily insisted that the corricttbiug wrs'mv wages are high,' Finally they stopped a day la borer, and submitted the question to him. 'Which do vou sav. your wages is high, or 'your wages are mnf U, oll.wld your nonsense, be said, rcsutniug his pick, 'yer naytliur ov yo nt ; lie wagei is low, bad luclc to It.' --We met Snoodies. the other dav. with a counteuauce that looked as if a Kansas C7clone had mat swept over it. After in quiring into the cause of such a Saharahian cast ot leatures, he answered bv reaching rth his hand and ottered to bet us two dollars and a half that the party who in vented pillow shams was 'a bo'n idiot.' We wouldn't bet not that wo cared about iosinr the money, oh no, but it turned out nooMes' wile nod pulled his hair for lying n the 'shams' with his greasy head. -'I am tired of this monotonous lifecried voune man whose home was anion? agri cultural scenes in a far Eastern State. 'I feel I here is something in me that reach i far above my humble sphere, but thero is ncthing here to call me out.' He resolv 1 to go where thro was something to call him out, and he did. He went to Texas, and he hadn't been there twenty-four houis before - man called him out to fight a duel I Ho is back on the old farm. As he was ascending the pulnit stena one of tho Elders buttonholed biui to whisper nn additional caution : 'The liquor-dealer has just come intochurch, and ho gives us a II, . sometimes. I wish you would be particular not to allude to the l- skey Business or tho temperance ques tion.' The youns minister, getline fnebt- ned to see the moral ground thus steadilv narrowing before him, inquired : 'Whom shall I preach agaiust, then ?' The Elder's reply camo like an air of triumph : 'Preach against tho Mormons ; they haven't got a menu in nwu,' FASHION NOTES. Felt will be worn this winter, in Btiitn of prodictions to tho contrary. Polonaises of shot silk nre worn over underskirts of muslin or gauze. Black silk walkiuir sulfa hava miuVil sashes of velvet or silk brocade. Hustles Tof all lengths aro shown, for wearing with all kinds ot costumes. Some of the new suits havo tho pocket vuy near the lower edge of the skirt. The lower skirts of autumn dreasns arn short both in front nud at the back. Wider ribbons will be used this wtnfr than have been In vogue this summer. The overskirt and lower skirt are fasteneil together on nearly all the fall dresses. The sunflower, in combination with blarlr velvet, is used for chair backs and cushions. Plaid silkstwlll be used to tirlchten tl.o dark costumes worn by young ladies this winter. Some of the new gauzes mado for milliner's use have small figures in a striped ground. Shaving fringe will still bn worn in thn fall. Lace will be worn on dresses but not on outside wraps. When the dress is looped un st ih !,! by being pulled through a ribbtn the style is tne gooscueru. Piece silk hemmed in a roll, nnd satin arranged in triple folds, are to be used on some of the autumn bonnets. A bright brocatelle. with cashmere strltien and interwoven gold threads, is one of the stuffs provided for trimming winter hats. Largo hats and bonnets for driving and small ones for walking is the rule, but wo men who have no carriage and have bought large bonuets defy the law. Short full paulers on each side of tho skirt ;sre worn by young ladies. Those which begin in front, and ara united by a simple band, are preferred by older women. Stripes and figures are equally well rep resented in Iho autumn importation of silks, the figures are small and set in orderly rows, and tho stripes are only about an Inch, wide. Fan-shaped brooches are again In fashion I tney are very elaborate, being enameled with flower designs In bright colors, and having turquoises and a imall-mlrror set' lu the sticks.