The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 19, 1879, Image 3

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iiLounsnuiio. fiiiiut, rkptkmiieii l,is;o
ItalTilonii Time Tnlile.
NORTH, soctn.
a coinmO'lfttlon Train USA. Jt.
Mtll Train A.M 4.19P.H
Ft Train "J M. 1U5A.M
express Train 'M
Aci-ommwlatlon Train ,!M A, M. T,8 P. M.
lit mW Ksprcss OOP.M. 11,45 A.M.
Tlirousti cars on Express train either lo Now York
or ptilUitclphti!. Accommodation train runs between
CatawlssaauiJ willlamsport,
i mniu esn HijmMnriii. Iavn Uambra Monday,
dnesday anil I'rlday nt S-Mn. m arrive at
iiloomhurif by U a. I.cave Womsburg on
same iliys alter ai rival of Philadelphia mall.
uiianssDRii and l.AtBnsyn.l.ic, Iavo Ijilrtlavlllo
i a mUy Thursday and Hnturday nt T:3ti a. m.,
nrrlvlns at litoomsbiirs by u m. Leaco Moonm
Sure on wimo tlaj nttcr arrival ot I'nrladelpuu
m.ail Tlio stago lino terminates atHMvltlc.
luilon nnd llloomiburg. A dally stare I'no Icaalng
Kenton In the morning and returning In the cvo
nlug o( tlio Bamo day.
flAtt AND W,ooM8RCKn. Loavo Wlilto Hall
Tuesday, Thursday nnd Saturday nt 6:3.i a. in.,
arrtvlnint llloomsburgby 10 a. m. I.etivo lilooms
burg on Bamo (lajs nricr arrival ot 1'hUadelphla
psiroN and HLomianonn. leaves Henton .Monday,
w rvlneUy and I'rlday at8 a. m., arming at
llloomsburg nt s p. in. Leaves Woomsburg 1 uev
d.iv, Tnursday and riaturday at 8 a. m., arriving
nt'iuntonntap. m.
DavM Lowenberg, administrator ol George
Huewlck deceased, will sell personal property
in the livery stable anil (Willing, on llie prim'
es in liloomsburg on Thursday, October 2nd
t lOo'elock.
Court In Danville neit week.
Fine oysters aro now in market.
J. II. Harman recently lot a valuable dun
Now la tho time to advertise for the fall
Wheal flour wanted nt this office on subscrip
tion. Alio potato-.
L. N.Mnycr went to Philadelphia with his
faailly on Monday.
The planing mill of l-'retis ISrotliers at Eer
wick la to be rebuilt at onco.
Tliomn V. E Igar lias starle 1 the Epy plain
ing mill agiin . It bn been idle since 1S73.
The Grand Jury in Bradford County ha? elc
cMeil in favor of a free bri Ige nt Towanda.
F. Coiley has severed his connection with the
Wllkcsbarre llecord of the 'lima.
M. V. Nush went to Pottsville on Thursday
of last week to testify in the Torrey case.
The curb slone market is well attended yet.
The principal product offered for sale are
gulden truck, peachci and apples.
Hi J. Chrk & Son have had a new Bign
painted on the outside of their building.
Hon. T. J. Vanderslico will please accept
thanks for a copy of llie pamphlet laws of
rottsville hai oflered the Hospital commis
sion a site and ten thousand in money, if they
will locate there.
M, P. Ltitz of Iho firm of Luiz & Sloan has
enlarged his stock by milling a ten pound boy.
He is not for sale,
Hev . I. Kilmer has gono lo Ohio lo visit his
parent. Itev. Mr. Kerr of New York will offi
ciate at the Episcopal church on Sunday next.
The linme-i presented to Gentrpl Grant by
llie Sultan of Turkey are nn exhibition at the
Stale Fair in Philadelphia.
Nnlwitli'tinding repnrls lo the contrary that
have reachrd here, we are informed that Hon.
(I. I). Jackson, our State Seiulor, is gradually
We observe from our exchanges that nearly
all the Agricultural Societies in adjoining coun
ties publish the premium list in the County
Tho case of Ihe Cayuga Chief Manufacturing
Company against Hogenbucli & Ktlchner, which
was on trial when we went to press last week,
resulted in a verdict fur the defendants.
A. A. Chase, editor of llie Scranlon Time
was found guilty in h prosecution for libel
brought by V. W.Kcranton. He was sentenc
ed to pay a One of $200 and go to jail for 30
Gen. Har Iran ft in calling the attention of
Governor Hovt lo the 7th regiment told Mm he
might travel the slate over without seeing a
liner regiment.
James M'Parlan, t ho famous Mollie Magnire
detective, has been married in Chicago to Miss
Marv Ann Fitzgerald, the daughter of Laplain
Fitzgerald, of Pinkerton's preventive police, of
that city.
Vt'e have not jet been assured whether or
not the Grangers of this county will ruako nonv
inallons. They might as well, and thus give
everybody a chance.
Tho members o f Iho Hesoiie Hook & Ladder
Company of this place will hold their 4th An
nual Hall Thursday and Friday evenings of
October lOlh and 17tli. A cordial invitation is
extended to all.
William II. Armstrong of Willinmsport who
cime near belnir ihe Greenback candidate fur
Governor last year, Is making speeches at Ite-
nubllcm meutinea azain. There is not much
lffl of the Greenback parly.
During recent excavations for a foundation
on which to build a narsonage on the old
Presbyterian ground oppoailo Judge Elwell's
three skeletons were exhumed. We presume
that Ihev will be buried with the others In Ihe
The crowd of other mailers upon us recently
caused us to neglect to notice that F. P. Cos
per, late fireman pf Ihe Republican, has become
editor of the Jleruick Imlejiendent. He is com
petent lo make It a good paper, having gradua
ted from the Coi.uiiuian. and we wish him
every success.
Among the arrivals at the inspection of the
Third Brigade was Gen. K. W. Matlhews
Uen. Hartranfi'a stall'. He was the first Capt
of Baliery F. of tho 1st Pa. Light Artillery,
afterward commanded byCapU. Klcketta and
Brockway. He wasan able and brilliant officer
and a thorough gentleman.
Jurors were dlsehargfd last week on Thurs
"lay-all the cases having been disposed of. There
were thirty- eight cases on llie civil llsl.of which
only (wo were tried before a jury, Ihe others
being either settled or continued. There was
argument C urt on Saturday,
One of ihe most remarkable men in ou
County is Joseph Pohe of Lime Ridge. II
wa born Sept, 8th 1700, and consequently la In
I'll 0ih) ear. He la still hale and vigorous,
t'Ursulng his daily advocation with llie vigor of
lui'Ulle age, By trade he U a shoemaker, an
has managed lo earn and pay for several of ll
finest farma In the County. He was a soldier
in Ihe war of 1U2, In Capt. Montgomery
"mpany, Blepben Pohe, one of our Commli
iioneri, ! one of bis children.
i:rnp1n,ment for tho mind Is what thousand,
'land In need ol.-DanrilU Intelligencer,
A mind capable of being employed Is wh.l
I ho in. lallcn slalesman of the Intelligencer
stands In need of.
If a pension be not annlled for l.pfnr. T.
uary Ihe law requires It lo begin 0ly from U.o
dale of miking the annllcatlnn. ami iIia
average dlflircnce will be over $1,008. It Is vsrv
Important thit MI these application be 6led
Hi In year.
Tho firm of I.ocknrd A l)ro, has n1-n,l
commenced rebuilding their car shops on tho
old site. Thofrnmoworkofthe foundry nnd
hckmith shop is alreadv
juilding is 30 feet In front, nnd Inn Cm !.,
deplh. We aro informed tlint the entire works
wm consist ofthree separate buildings.
Wo are actually told that iherel n
n Iho Itepiihllcan ranks fjr n nnmlnnilnn.
What Is ihe mailer of ihe machine? l!tli
fi Drown, and oilier post-masters must look in
to Ihl matter. Heretofore Ihev have had
ilfficully to find a man who would accepla norai
naiion, anil pay for the tickcls.
We clip the f illawlng item from the Sumlav
Morning AV -Ika'er I
The City Hotel, under tho pronrietorshiii of
Mr. J. 1,. Glrton and under tin able inuiase.
mint of his nit mt, Mr. Frank Smith, has
the reputation pf being oneoflhs best Holcli In
Town, The table is superior In every tiartlcu.
lar, and is lilahlv recommended.
Many ofour subscribers complain that they
cannot pay up because they can get no money
for their product. o advertise almost week
ly for grain, flour, potatoes, chickens, and
nearly every kind of farm produce, and yet
it is impossible for us to get enough lo supply
the demand. Bring on your produce and we
will give you credit for its market value in
On last Thursday night an attempt was made
by burglars lo enter the carpet store of Henry
Hartiran. They had succeeded in boring
rough Ihe door, mar the boll, a bole about
three fourlhs of an Inch in diameter. They
must have become frightened In the operation,
as the work was abandoned, nnd a braco and
it, and chisel were found on the ground.
Mr. Carlernagne Tower, formerly of Polls-
villi-, is now owner of 40,000 acres, or sixty
two square miles, in Minnesota along the line
f the Northern Pacific Kailroad, of which he
is a heavy Hock holder. He Is laying out a
town which is to be called Tower City, which
already contains a number of houres, a church,
tavern and a newspaper.
James Hrysoi, the Labor Greenback candi
date fur District Attorney in old Luzerne is
making an active campaign among the "sand
lots." Luzerne i erratic enough to do any
thing, and James mag pull through. He was
District Attorney of our County for three years
and we must say that ho atteniled to the duties
f his office with ability and fidelity. hat
Luzerne may do Ibis year, with Lackawanna
out, is a conundrum which we give up.
A decision has been recently made by the
ost Office Department, authorizing transpor
tation through the mails of partly printed
bills, filled out in writing, in unsealed envelopes
earing one cent postage, as third clas matter,
but when such bills are receipted such unsealed
one cent envelopes must pay regular letter
ntos pcatnttc. No authority of law is given
for this statement, which seems otherwise
The candidate, for Sherifl so far a nomina-
ed an- tolerably quiet. Perhaps they are await-
the sclion of Ihe Republican convention
That I-tinner sary, a the Itepiihllcan party
n Ibis cmmly under its preffnt management,
has cMaed to be an important political factor.
Il may he lint the candidates became exhaust
ed previous to tho Conventions, and desiring
rest are willing to give Ihe people one also.
Factions may butt agamt our solid 2000 ma
jorily, but they might as well spare their time
wind and money .
Sheriff Haitian, accompanied by hi turnkey.
Dillas Gilbert, went on a fidi basket expedition
yesterday, Their first visit was to Lycoming
creek, where they destroyed five of Ihe lllejal
fish catchers. Three had been destroyed by
their owners before the sherifl arrivod. Re-
urning, the sheriff and hi turnkey made n
trip down the river, and somewhere in the
vicinity of Loyalsock creek they encountered
three of the obnoxiou trap. These they scut
teied in various directions, rul then returned
lo the city, feeling that they bail put through a
full day's work. Gazette it- JlulUlin.
The late paradogave hundr Ja of strangers
an opportunity to see the beauty and natural
facilities of Bloomsburg. It would take col
unins to reprint the good word spoken of our
Town and people by our neighboring exchanges
except from cur rival at Danville but we
cannot re rain from quoting the following from
the Hazlelon Sentinel'.
Thus ended Bloomsburg'a gala day, and
that its citizens may have future repetitions of
it iour wUh.and lhatof the Third Brigade.for
well doe tho town deserve it. Possessing list
ural facilities for such an affair that can scarcely
be surpassed, the people of the region have
unbounded quantity the sympathy with llie
cause that enables them to perform all that
could be asked in contribution to succets. This
they amply demonstrated on Tuesday and for
Itall credit should be given-
It is a very strange exhibition of economy
on tho pirt of the board of managers not to
publish the premium list of tho coming
County fair in the local newspapers. There is
not a single association m any of our neigh
boring counties but that has published its
premium list so that tlio interest of exhibitors
may bo awakened, Our fair has been managed
upon tho contracted idea that it would only be
n favor granted to tbo paper and would not bo
of any benefit to the association. If this bo a
correct view it is remarkably sirango that tho
Columbia county Agricultural Society should
bo the first nnd only one that has discovered
it. There was a time when u different policy
prevailed and during that period a surplus was
accumulated which was applied to tho purchase
of tho grounds. Since the penny.wise nnd
noun J foolbh pdicv has obtained lavor it Is
about nil that can be expected if tho ordinnry
current expenses aro paid. Hep ublican.
A visit to our Normal School under lis pres
ent management, will convince at once that we
have an Institution of learning, second to none
in Ihe State. It is al-o a satisfaction to know
that it is appreciated abroad as well as at home,
In looking over the Hecord we find students,
In attendance from New Voik City, New
Rochelle, N .Y. Stale, from Philadelphia,!!
ford, Carbon, Luzerne, Lackawanna, Lycoming,
Lehigh, Mifflin, Montour, Northumberland,
Snyder. Schuylkill, Wayne and Union counties,
and a host from Bloomsburg and Columbia
county. The school and all its surrounding!
are In perfect harmony, The Dormitory and
Grounds are in keeping wllh educational de-
narlments, showing that all connected, are aim.
Ing with one end In view, lo make it useful
.iiAila nml Immr.lilm. We can heirtllv rec-
,m,n,l It mall who ha?e sons and daughters
lo educate and especially to those who look
forward to leachln' W,
The Scranlon Jlet'Mican sayst
Having been somewhat skeptical regarding
tho statement that Mr. W. W. Scranlon lifted
1,930 pounds as men tinned In Iho J?-puWi'can,
we wero accorded the opportunity of witnessing
a more extraordinary and Incredible feat yes
terday at noon when we saw Mr. Scranlon
lifting the fibulom weight of Iwo thousand
pounds an even ton. Just fancy a man carry
ing In a Ion of coal at n single haul. One
would think It a task lor Rarapson himself, jet
this Is Iho weight lifted by Mr. Scranlon. There
arc few men who can lift one thousand pounds,
nnd Ills questioned whether there Is another
man In Pennsylvania that can lift two thous
The weather for tho last week has appeared
so much like Fall that people In the country
begin lo hurry nrotind with the work that
must be done before vVititer appears.
George Fleckensttne, with a largo number of
workmen, Is busily engaged digging Iho cellar
lor his new house which he expects to have en
closed before winter sets In.
The Melhodlst Festival otlsst Saturday noli
withstanding llie rain, was a decided success.
They had intended to hold il at Megargell's
grove but the day appearing cloudy, they de
cided lo hold it In Ihe hall of ihe Academy,
which was kindly offered them ; Ihe wisdom
of thl wasapparent when theriln came pour
Ing down in the evening. We understand that
they cleared about $S0.O0.
a very eioqueni itciure was elilivered on
Monday evening before the students of lb
Academy by Hervy Smllh Efq.,of Bloomsburg.
The theme of the lecture was embodied In the
word "Excelsior-" It was considered by the
Students a masterly production.
The military company of the Academy, under
the able instruction of Capt. Conner, Is making
good progress. Seveial Important movements
have been Itarned and the Capt, Bays they will
appear in arms next week.
East Smithfield, Pa., Sept. 10, 187U
Messrs. IlnocKWAY & Elwell,
Gentlemen: I notice in your paper of
tho 17th of July tho proceedings of Ihe
Columbia County Medical Society against Dr,
Turner. Will you permit me to tell you what
I know of tho great humbug and quack as they
style him. I hae n son who is twenty-four
years old, lie was taken with epilepsy when
two j cars old in its worst form, having from
two to ten fits in tho course of tweniy-four
hours. I employed the best medical skill this
country afforded, nnd my father, Darius
Bullock, who 1 1 ml practiced medicine in this
vicinity for oacr forty y.nrs, did nil in his
power for my sou's reliel, but to no purpose,
o purchased all (lie medicines wo enw
advertised in tho principal cities but it did no
good, and we had given up that there wns no
help for him, when my lather heard of Dr.
Turner and o cned n correspondence with him
which led to our trying n bottle of medicine,
i think in July 18i0, Binco wlucn time my
son has had but two fits nnd they wero when
my father died two years ego, caused by getting
out of tho medicine nnd the excitement of
my father's death. My son is now so that he
helps me in my store nnd 1 think will fully
regain Ins mental faculties.
I think if there is a benefactor to the human
family it is Dr. Turner, and I hope he may be
paied for many years to come. I nm called
upon dally for Dr. Turner's address by persons
who have heard of the wonderful cure of my
son, nnd it is a pleasure to me to give nil tho
information I can to nil that aro suffering from
that dreadful disea-e. 1 shall be pleased to
answer any and nil communications.
Respectfully ycurs,
M. Bullock.
The fallowing from ihe Washington Tribune
i worthy the attention of ihe widows and child
ren of deceas- d soldiers and sailors :
It has been decided that under tho operations
of the arrears of pension hw.limita lions which
under Ihe old pensiou laws, ran against widows
who remarried without having applied lor
ension within five years from the death of the
soldier and children, and brothers and sisters
of a deceui-ed eold ier who were under sixteen
years of age at the time of the letter's death
but who neirlecled lo file an application for
pemiuns beloro they attained the age of twenty
one years, have been swept away, so that now
the late widow of ihe soldier who died in the
service and in the line of duty, is entitled to
pension Irum the dalo of her remarriage, pro'
vided she lias not received the same, Also
children who have been debarred a pension un
der the old pemdon laws by reason of the young.
est having attained the age of twenty one years
without making an application, should now
apply ; also brothers and sisters who were
under eixtien years of age at the date of the
soldier's death and dependent uiKin him fur
support (the soldier having left neither widow,
minor child nor children turviving him, and
the mother and father having died before the
brothers and sisters attained the age of sixteen have a valid claim. The classes
above refeired to number tens of ihousanils.and
this good news will be cheering indeed to them.
especially a it comes so unexpectedly upon Ihe
heels of the disallowance of their claims, or In
formation that they had no title to pension.
Believing nearly one ycir ago that the pres.
ent Autumn would see tho country on the high
road to prosperity, we commenced Ihcn
make I reparations of great magnitude.
To properly arrange fur a ttock surpassing
all we had before attempted, we sent abroad
several buyers, who visited all the chief manu
facturing centres of Europe, especially In Eng
land, France and Germany,
Through them wo have succeeded In con
tracting for large quantities of Specialties,
which will be confined to ourselves exclusively,
a well a a general slock of Novtlltica and
Staple Fabrics, unsurpassed in the American
The most careful study has been given to Ihe
cheapening of supplies, and it Is believed that
with our present arrangements the consumer
who deal at our home will stand nearer to Ihe
producer than ever before in the history of the
The piodncts of the best makers, Foreign
nd Domestic, will be distributed by ua in any
quantity, small or Urge, wllh only our owu
small profit added to Ihe lowest prices (les all
discounts) at which manufacturers will con
tract wllh llie largest cash buyers.
A number of alternations and improvements
have been made lo our store property conduc
ing still further than heretofore to Ihe conven
isnce and comfort of our patrons, and respect
fully inviting visits of inspection on and after
this dale, September 15, we announce Ihe Ton
OF 1879.
Respectfully submitted by
Strawbriixib & Clothier,
Eigth and Market Stree-ts,
Collector's Warrants. We have prepar
ed a form, and have on hand a large quantity of
blank "Collector's Sales," which have been p
proved by the highest legal authority in the
Courts of this county, At 2Vmey Oils per doz
en wj mall any number to Ibe Collector order
ing iliem. A Collector, when compelled to ad
verllse property, must post up not less than
three notices In the most public places In this
J borough or township,
We hare three waste baskets full of
complimentary tlikets to fairs this fall. Per
haps the Agricultural Boclet'e have mistaken
os for Id II, Hayes.
The State Fair at Philadelphia wi I close
on Saturday)
The Centre County Fair wilt be held Oc
tober 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
The Berks County Fair will be held at
Reading September 30lh and October 1st, 2nd
and 3rd.
-The Ringtown Fair Is being held this
Tho Columbia County ;Fair will be held
October 15th, 10th, 17th and 18lh.
shall wa havkVatb works t
It Is'possible that after all the talk and
trouble Bloomsburg will hare no water works
for some time to come. It was generally under
stood that Ihe Town Council bad agreed to give
SlOOO a year to a foreign parly who talked of
going into the enterprise. No formal action
was taken by them, but individual members
seemed inclined to do that much, and hence
the water company expected that when every
thing was In readiness, the Town would agree
to lako enough water and pay enough for It to
warrant the company In putting in firo plugs.
An organization was effected, ten per cent of
the capital stock paid In, a charter obtained,
and then the Council were requested to indi
cate what they woulj be willing to contract for,
On Thursday of last week they met, and after
voting on several motions, which were lost.lhey
decided to offer $20 apiece for forty fire plugs,
and to contract for one year at that price. This
was communicated to the Board of Directors of
the water company who were in session at (lie
same time, and tho offer was rejected. A rej
solution was passed to the effect that no fur
ther steps be taken towards the erection of
water works until the Town authorities shall
see fit to pay a sum sufficient to warrant the
company in going to the expense of pulling in
plugs. Unless the town will do this there will
be no water works.
n erroneous view Is entertained by some o'
our citizens on the subject of an appropriation
for a water supply. They talk of it as though
the money paid to the water company would be
a gift from the public to the stockholders. We
do not understand that this enterprise has
been Inaugurated as a mere speculation out of
which the stock holders expect to become
wealthy. It is intended for the convenience
and protection of the entire community. Those
who own the most stock are as a general thing
among our largest property owners, and there
fore would have to pay the heaviest taxes for
water rents. When every body will be benefit.
ted they should be willing to encourage the
matter, and the Town Council should lk!
sucli steps as will insure protection against fire.
If the public does Dot want such protection, and
desires to continue to run the risk of lc-iag
more properly in one night than the water
rents from the town would amount to in ten
years then the late action of Ihe authorities will
meet with general approbation.
TION. Messrs. BROcKavAT & Eltveli,,
Gentlemen: Permit me through your
columns, as a citizen and taxpayer, to express
my disgust at the action of our ,Town Council
in tbo matter of Water Works. It is very
much to be regretted, that we have a council
partly composed of narrow minded, selfish
men, who seem to Ignore the fact, that they are
only the smnnte of tht people and that when
elected by the taxpayers they are not to legis
late to suit themselves but to suit the wishes of
a majority of the citizens who elected them.
Now it is well understood that a large majority
of our taxpayers are favorable to the erection
of Water Works, ihe very fact of their sub
scribing to raise the amount of funds proves
this, nnd should have been sufficient to guide
the Town Council in the matter of what
amount the Town would bo willing to pay for
water. The Council held a meeting. "The
Mountain conceived and brought forth
mouse-" The very liberal offer of $800 per
year was agreed to, and that mark you for one
year, a sum that would hardly more tban
compensate the company for putting in the
plugs, therefore at the expiration of one year
the Company would be at the mercy of a
Council who may just decide to do villuiul vater
altogether, and the Company would be where?
echo answers where? Now let us look at
the matter in a business light. A number of
our citizens having the welfare of our Tcwniii
view, formed a company, raised -the sum of
$30,000, 10 per cent, already collected
charter obtained, everything fair for success,
only wanting one thing settled, viz.: what the
Council would do, and now this Council stands
as an obstacle in the way of the success of the
Water Woik. Would any business man aa an
individual invest an amount of money without
some guarantee of its paying, but the
Council seems to think they ought to risk it on
the paltry offer made by them of 800 dollars
I believe the Council claims to have some
business men among its members. I would
very much like to hear their reasons or an
explanation of the stand taken by six oat o
Severn They mast certainly bo aware that the
course taken by them in this matter would not
meet with the approvnl of those who elected
them. Surely If that portion of our citizens
who pay the largest share of taxes already are
willing to still increase their share, why should
iho Town Council prove an obstacle in the way
of the greatest improvement the town ever had
or will have I Oar properties will increase in
value, our insurance be reduced, our town will
become still more attractive and healthy.
I trust the citizens will not permit this
chance to be lost, but call "a meeting at onco
and petition the Council to reconsider thi
matter and make terms with the company that
will be satisfactory to all. I write you cot in
the interest of the company but having the
welfare of our town at heart-
Willlsmsport. Pa. Sep. 16th 1870.
Whereas: The Twelfth Regiment N. G.
of Pa. having been encamped at Bloomsburg
renna. irom Sep. bin until nep, linn loll)
Whereas : The citizens of Bloomsburg
kindly furnisbed the regiment with camp
ground, firewood, straw Ac, therefore
lie it Keiulxed by the Field, Staff, and Line
Officers that the Twelfth Regiment N. O. of
Pa. extend to the several committees and to the
citizens of Bloomsburg one and all, (heir Ihanka
for their assistance and attention rendered them
and especially to Messrs. Brown, Lowenberg
and the other members of the Committee of
Arrangements who were assiduous and uni
remitting in Ihrir eflorta to make Ihe men
comfortable and afford every facility for III
tirktwp rvmiliipl nf lli fftmrv
And be it further llenolred. Thai the field
and stan oftacera extend tbelr thanks to th
Committee and citizens who so kindly furnished
them horBO and attendants upon every occasion
when neeueu.
And be it further Jlexlvtd. That the Twelfth
Regiment, appreciating Ihe compliment paid
them by the laJiea in presenting them with
flowers do. one and all. individual y and col
lecllvely acknowledge their due appreciation of
the same anil In cxtenmng their graltlul thanks
assure them that their hearts will ever beat
I warmly fur the ladies of Bloomaborg.
t or me rietu ana cttaa utneers
Thomas W. Lloyd A. H. Stead.
Adjutant. Col. eJommanding
See a woman on horseback in another col
umn, riding near Speer's Vineyards, with
bunch of Grapes from which Speer's Port Grape
Wipe Is made, that is so highly esteemed by
the medical profession for ihe use of Invalid
weakly persons and the aged.
Suld by Druggists.
June K Uj,
Lost. A Newfoundland Pop, about six
months old. Ho Is colored black and marked
hlte on tho breast. A reward will bo given
for hts return to tho owner. Bout. It, Lmt.F.
TheCntawissa Paper Mill ha been sold by
the Executors of William McKclvy to Mc-
Crcady Rro.1 , c.f Philadelphia. Possession to
be gtvon October 1st.
by buying the medicine known a Kidney-
Wort. I lis a dry vegetable compound of
wonderful efficacy in all diseases of Iho liver
and kidneys. One package makes six quarts of
medicine which contain no poisonous liquors
being prepared In pure waler.
The Yazoo Business.
Just after the war n man named Morgan,
who had some connection with the Federal
army, settled in the county of Yazoo, Miss.,
and married a' mulatto woman, engaging In
politics an an avocation. Tho population of
the county of Yazoo, at that time, whs four
fifths black.and thoroughly Iden
tifying himself with tho negroes, became
their leader. His word wa law. He found
no difficulty In being elected to any office
e chose, and finally, after trying a number
selected that of Sheriff as bolng the most
profitable. His reign was a reign of terror.
Things went on from bad to worse, until
every white man who did not profit by an
asoclat!on with Morgan found a refugo else
where. One day a man named Dixon, who
had been a Confederate soldier, and wns
wellknown as a desperato character, sent
Morgan an unsealed letter In which he terse
ly informed him that bo (Dixon) wa tired
of the way things had been going on, and
that he wanted him (Morgan) " to get out
f there." In order that ho might know
just what was meant, Dixon added n post-
cript to the effect, that if he had met him
after the receipt of his letter he would shoot
him on sight. Morgan was a desperate man
himself, but in Dixon he recognized his
master. Within the time prescribed be
found himself a new abiding place. Dixon
Immediately succeeded to his lordship and
tyrannical domination.
The negroes feared him, but they obeyed
him. He ruled them as mercilessly as Mor
gau, and by the same mean.. One day he
chased an offending colored man to a cotton
field where thirty or forty other negroes
were at work. The hunted man saw hi
omiDg and fled to the liver. Dixon rode
up to the gang unattended and forced them
by his will-power alone to capture the rtinu
way, put a rope around his neck and hang
him to the limb of a tree without any more
ado than if he had been a mad-dog. Two
years ago, Dixon met a gambler who had
won some of his money and shot him down
without a word of warning. Ills next job
was to pack a jury with negroes, and obtain
an acquittal. By this time he had become
as great a terror as Morgan had ever been,
and the surrounding country made common
cause and drove him out of tbo State. Two
months ago he returned and announced him
self as an independent candidate for Sheriff.
That meant, if it meant anything, a renew
ai of the old scenes violence, murder and
ruin. In sheer self-defence, just a they
would have united against an insane man
wllh a torch in hts hand, or a wild animal,
the citizens of Yazoo county without dis
tinction of politics or color carao together,
and informed Dixon that he would not be
allowed to turn their peaceful community
Into another hell. In most countries fuel
a man would have been hung to the highest
treo or nearest lamp-post, and but little note
would have been made of it. Here, how
ever, a quiet but determined suppression of
him ha been tortured into proscription of
the worst grade, and Northern papers have
printed column of denunciation of what
hey style "the Mississippi method." Citi
zen who have combined merely to protect
tlii-ir firesides from rapine and riot, are as
sailed a bull-dozers and Yahoo.
The telegraph now bring us the news
that Dixon has been been shot in a personal
encounter. There was n dispute, a pulling
of pistols, one or more shots, but .somebody
was too quick for him and Dixon fell dead.
Perhap this will be the end of the trouble
and consequent notoriety of Yazoo. Possi
bly not. These statements, however, havo
been made to us by one avho had every op
portunity to know that they are true, and
we print them to show to our readers, tho
kind'Of creatures on whom the Republican
papers of the North havo been wasting tones
of sympathy. Wellington Post.
The Sterling Book Cover. Wo havo
purchased the right to use tbeso covers in this
county, and have on baud an assortment of
Bizes. They make the neatest and most con
venient form for doing up nolo heads, letter
heads, bill heads, notes, checks, etc., and a
cover will be given away with every order of
1000 Try it once and you will not do w ith
out it. It is the best thing of the kind over
invented. Call and examine.
"That Cheap Encyclonxdia."
Volume one of the new 'Library of Univer
sal Knowledge' is issued September 20th, It
contains 73G pages of small but clear and
beautiful type, handsomely printed on good
paper, and i neatly and strongly bound in
cloth, half morocco and half Kussi.i, at SO
cents, 75 cents, and $1.00 per volume. The
succeeding volumes will appear about two
each month, till the 20 volumes completing
tlio work are issued. Specimen volumes are
sent to' any part of tho United States (10
cents extra for postage), with privilege of re
turn afier ten days examination. Special
terms aro offered to early subscribers nnd to
clubs, of which full particulars aro sent free
on request by the publishers, tho American
Book Exchange, 55 Hcekman street, New
That a complete Encyclopedia, first class
in character, and containing more matter than
any heretofore published in this country at
any price, should bo mado and sold for tbo
trifling sum of $10.00, seems so extraordinary
that many who wish it may be true, aro very
naturally incredulous. The same house pub
lish a largo list of standard works, all at simi
larly low prices, and tho presence of some of
them already in the hands of hundreds of
thousands of lovers of good books in all parts
of the land, is naturally rapidly transforming
tho incredulous into patrons and enthusiastic
frieuds of the enterprise. No mystery is
mado about tho cause of the low prices they
arc, tho reduced cost of manufacture to about
one-half what it was a few years ago, the
method of sale, direct to the purchaser, say.
ing him tho largo commissions commonly
paid to agents and dealers, and a very largo
sale. It is worth tho cost of a postal card to
bco their catalogue.
Dr. Kendall's celebrated treatise on tho
horse, for sale at G. A. Clark's book store and
at tho CoLUMiiiAN office for 25 cents. This
book should be in tho hands of every man who
owns a horse.
The best wine in Ihe country, that look the
hlgheatpremium at Ihe Centennial, J Speer's
Port Grape Wine, which has heroine so eels
brateJ. This wine and his P, J Brandy pro
now being used by physicians everywhere, who
rely upon them as being lha purest and best
sold by Druggists. For sale by C. A. Kllem
Blootaiburg, Pa.
"Itrilirry nt hleollons."
nr "practical i-olitician" ix u, y, in-
It has long ngo been demonslralcd Ihftt
tbo ordinary moral obligation which are
supposed to control men's action, In society
do not seem to opcrato In restraining them
from violations of tho election laws, and
many who would not admit themselves to be
criminal offenders most outrageously violate
Iho purity ol tho ballot box, tamper with
tbo political vlrlue of their fellow-citizen
and by nld and example foster the disreputa
ble nnd demoralizing system, to tho extirpa
tion of which every man of good moral
character might be expected to lend hi nld.
In the pursuit nf a nomination and In con
tending with tho agencies avhlch have been
represented to Influence) tho result I seo re
spectable men year after year yielding to
tho Importunities of the bummer element
supplying them with beer nnd whisky to
court their favor and giving them money for
their vote. On tho other hand, influential
men In the community, of high social stand
ing allow themselves to bo influenced by
such considerations. At the lat primary
election a wealthy farmer, a man of mark in
IiIh community, by reason of hi wealth nnd
Intelligence, of one of the best families in
his section, actually was paid $100 by a
candidate for one office, and avas bought by
each of tho rival candidate for another, by
his vote nnd Influence. Indeed, ho is credi
bly reported to have been so shameless a to
bring hi son, a young man, jut coming of
voting age, to Introduce him to the politici
ans a a man of rising influence, and effected
an understanding between him and them,
by which he received $ 5 hero and there lor
his support of several candidates. Another
examplo that illustrates the lavish expendi
tures by candidates Rnd tbo popular dem
oralization is furnished by another prom!
nent farmer, a man nf wealth, social posl
tion and Intelligence. He is ro very llltlo
of a politician that very few persons really
know (If he know himself) to which party
he belong j but, boing a man of mark.wheu
"money was in the air," ho wa offered and
took $100 for hi influence, which, to the
best information, avas exerted to get himself,
his son, and one or two hireling to the pri
mary elections. Those who get a tasto of thl
sort of tiling generally follow it up year after
year. It ha become known and appreciated
among tho politicians that "dlsfnterostcd''
farmers and tho class among whom the
greatest independence would naturally be
looked for aro the most importunate nnd
purchasable clns. They lake to political
bribery as a legitimate business.
Now, let u sco what the law has done to
remedy thi state of thing. Tho constitu
tion of tho state provide :
'Senator nnd representatives and all ju
dicial, state, and county oilicer shall, be
fore enteiing on the duties of their respect
ivo offices, takVi and subscribo tho following
oath and affirmation : 'I do solemnly swear
(or affirm) that I will support, obey, and
defend the constitution of the-United States
and the constitution of this commonwealth,
and that I will discharge the duties nf my
office avith fidelity ; that I have not paid or
contributed, or promhed to pay or contribute,
either direct!; or indirectly, any money or oth
er valuable thing to procure my nomination or
election or appointment), exetptfor necessary
and proper expenses expressly authorised by
law ; that I have not knowingly violated
any election law of thi commonwealth nr
procured it to be done by other. In my be
half ; that I will not knowingly receive, di
rectly or indirectly, any money or other val
uablo thing for (lie performance) or nonper
formance of any act or duty pertaining to
toy oflice other than the compensation al
lowed by law.'
'And any person who shall be convicted
nflinviug sworn or affirmed falsely, or of
having violated said oalh or affirmation,
shall be guilty of peijury and be forever
disqualified from holding any office of trust
or profit within the commonwealth,'
And, in order to define and 'expres ex
actly' what are necessary and proper ex
pense, the following statute law has been
enacted by the state Legislature :
'lie it enacted, dc, That no person avho
shall hereafter be a candidate for the nomi
nation or for the ckction to the 'Senate or
House of Representatives, or anv oflice of
the judiciary, or to any state, municipal or
county oflice in this commonwealth, shall
pay or contribute, either directly or indi
rectly, any money or other valuable thing,
or knowingly allow it to be done by others
for him, either for the nomination, elec
tion, or appointment, except necessary ex
penses as follows, to wit :
"First. For printing and traveling ex-
"Second. For dissemination of informa-
tion to the public.
Third, For political meetings, demon
stration', nnd conventions.
"The foregoing expenses may bo incurred
either in penou or through other individuals
or committees or organizations duly const!
tilted for tbo purpose ; but nothing contained
in this act shall be so constructed as to author
i:e,thc payment of money or othtr valuable thing
for the vote or influence of any elector, either
directly or xndtreclty, at primary, township,
general, or. special elections, nominating con
ventions or or any corrupt purposes whatever
incident lo an election ; and all judicial, state,
county and municipal officers hereafter elec
ted shall, before entering upon the duties of
their respectivo office, tako and subscribe
he oath prescribed by section first, article
seven of the constitution of this common
avealth (above clted).
"Every person violating either of the pro
vision of this act shall be guilty of a misde
meanor and on conviction shall be Bubject
to a line not exceeding one thousand dollars,
and to Imprisonment not exceeding one year
or both, or either, at the discretion of the
This I explicit and fur-reaching. Fro n
its provisions and its penalties lliero is no
ecape in law or conscience. Scarcely one
in a dozen nominees fail to violate it know
Inf-ly, nnd they perjure themselves when
they take the oath. Not only do they incur
its penalties by tho expenditure of money
lavishly in execs of tbeso specifically
authorized purposes; but even after nomina
tion they suli'er assessment by tho party
oiganlation to an amoimfwhlcli it' is never
pretended is limited to these necessary and
proper, and the payment ol which
Is a flagrant viulation of the law, which
alter they bcvei committed in full public
g.ize. they il uy in the oath they take.
And this law breaking and perjury goes
on ytar ulltr )iar with Impunity. A drunk
en fellow who raises a row nt the polls is
jerked to Iho loek.up j a common disturber
of the peace Is scut to jail ; but these men
who practically subvert the ballot-box
coriupt the fountain of all authority, de
bauch one branch of- the community an
defraud the other, escapo all punishment,
Nay, by the-o very devlce3 they become tho
administrators of thu law, tho guardiaus of
tho political ark. They fill not ouly oleiical
offices j but are seated as law-makers and
magistrates, They are appointed to conduct
the prosecutlou of wrong-doers, to Veep In
confinement convicts ; and I am not sum
that tho judicial robes aro free from thcsmcll
of flro.
Another ftnllfiil branch of llils samo Mil)-
Ject is the stuffing of ballot-boxes nnd alter
ation of returns, accomplished generally by
hired experts wboe-nn mako tho ballot-boxes
nr tally-papers give forth any desired ret
sulls. Ono candidate ol a dozen can Lo giv
en and ha often been given more votes from
a single box than tlio wholo number polled,
nnd Iho return are often altered nnd forged
iief libitum, nccordlng as special changes nre
necessary to. effect tho general result. I havo
known two or threo individuals to be known
and recognized to havo such c-onipleto con
trol of the returns of n district that they
avcre oflered $1,000 to change them. Won
derful to relate, Ihcy left them stand a they
were, In consideration of n contract for
which they avcro to get but $2,000. In oth
er caes, simply to decide bets a to the
second highest vote, I havo known tho ro
turns from n half dozen districts to bo just
I havo only presented a sample of the
experionco of every practical politician to
urge upon tho attention of reader that
popular stiflrpge, in partisan celebration or
victories at tho poils.ln rejoicing over results
of which so few know how they wero ob
tained, may know that they nre dancing on a
volcano. Can the lid bo kept on much long
er ? Can the eruption be averted ?
Tho rigid enforcement of existing laws
might effect much ; but tho arm of tho law
Is weakened bccaue thoe who are so emi
nently not without slii cannot bcsln tho
slonc-llirowlng which is part of their offi
cial duty. Two practical suggestions oc
cur :
1'irst. Let a number ot prominent gentle
men in every community, representing all
parties, pledge themselves to contri
bute no money for political purposes
and encourage no expenditures unless the
strict letter of tho law be observed In dls
bursemcnts.nnd pledgo themselves a a body
to prnsecuto to tho end, regardles of party
or political consideration, every violation
ol the law.
Second. Let tho sfatuto bo so broadened
and strengthened that ovcry voter, upon of
fering to a-ote, may be challenged to swear
that ho ha neither been offered nor promised,
tiducement of any kind for hi -ote, or
that of any other person, and 'ot conviction
for perjury in this matter be followed with
disfranchisement anil disqualification for
flice forrccr.
L'lieev Jackson's llysTfswri-t .Nuvy Toburrn.
'The Plain Ivsno In I'cnnsjlviinia.
Ordinarily the addresses of political com
mittee arc of email importance machino
made, and low-grade avork at that. But the.
address ol the Democratic Committee of
'cnnsylvuuia deserves to bo read and pon
dered by every voter in tho Slate. It is re
markable, because it lays stress on tho real
grievances of the people and strikes boldly at
tp powers which havo been supposed to
hold and govern that State.
Formany yeais the Republican party in
'cnnsylvania, ruled by tho Treasury Ring.
ias maintained an intimate and profitable
llianco with the most powerful corporations.
lktween tho two they owned and controlled
tho Legislature, tho Stato ndininUtration.aiid
to municipal goa-ernnicnts of tho richest and
most pppulou communities. Tho power of
is combination was believed to bo irresisti
ble until tbo people, by tho adoption of the
Constitution of 1S73, in spite of their desper
ate oppo-ition, broko tho charm of invin
cibility and taught the politician that the
line of duly as well as of policy lay in resis
tance to the encroachment of 'corpora'c poav
cr in collusion avith political rings.' But Ibe
Republican party avas hopelessly rotten ; to
cut out tho gangrcuo was to tako the heart of
the patient. I o reform it, and induce it to
stand a a guard of the people's rights again
their oppressors, avas impossible. Tho King
the corporations, tho monopolies thee were
the party tho bone of its bone and flesh of
its flesh. Without them, without their mon
oy and their power to cocrco and intimidate
otcrs in its interest, it would bo as thor
cjughly defunct us tbo Whig parly or the
Ivnow-Notliing party.
iVud it lias certainly been a most unforUv
nato circumstance that, until recently, the
Democratic parly of Pennsylvania has been
withheld from boldly following out the logic
of its principles by men in its councils avho
were cither in sympathy avith its corporato
cnctnie.s or fcari-d to strike the blow that
avould serve as the signal for tho beginuing of
a long nnd bitter struggle, in which all the
odds of power, organization, and conuptiou
fuuds avould bo against the Democracy. They
continually fiatteied themselves and their fbl
lower avith the idlo notion that the railroads,
and especially the great Pennsylvania Rail
road, would seo its interest in abstaining Irom
lolitics, or in dividing its strength between
tho tavo parties. But it never did, and it
never could. It could no more shake off tho
Republicau Kings than they could exist with
out it.
Tho Convention which nominated Mr. Barr
mado its issues so clear that uo child can mis
understand them. It said that tho corpora
tions must accept and obey the Constitution
the adoption of a Inch they so fiercely icsist
ou, arm avincii lurouH all discriminations in
rates of freight, a liich remands tho railroads
to tho legltimato business of common carriers.
and which prohibits combinations injuiious
to tho public interests, and abolishes the in
famous system of bribery and corruption car
ried on by tbo unlimited isue of freo passes.
The Convention also denounced tho Riot bii
under avhich tbo Stato wa to bo plundered of
M.OOO.OOO without even so much as a pretext
and the) robbery of tho Commonwealth by
tho Treasury Bin? plunder which a com
mittco of tho Legislature found had in a feav
years amounted to $1,200,000 in the ono item
of interest on tho public money.
On all these issues tho Republican Conven
tion avas dumb ; it put in no defenco of tho
past, nor any promise of amendment in tho
future. On tho cjntrary, it explicitly ap
proven me corrupt means employed lo pas
tho Ittot bill, openly sustained tho corruption
ists, put a gag upon freo discussion, and
smothered Wolfo's resolution in favor
'honest men in oflice.'
Tho Democratic address dwells upon tbeso
vital questions. Tbo Republican address
liko tho Republican Convention, avill nodoubt
pass them in silence. X, Y. S'n.
Ola sleepers for railroads is the latest
thlug in thai'llnc in England. The glass I
toughened by a process discovered by Fred
erick bit-men, of Dresden, the cost per ton
being about tlio same as that of cast iron
but there nre thtea times m many sleepers
In a ton.
A telegram from Washington announces
that, on account of the large accumulation
of cold coin in the Treasury, arrangements
will soon bo made to exchange gold an
sliver coin lor united States notes at
the several Sub-Treasuriea where conv
Aik for "Seller' Liver Pille." No others
possets half their virtue, 25c. per box, Sold
by all druggists,
Torpid Liver and Kidneys poison u
blood, Kidney-Wort rovlves them inrl
cleanses the system.
II. F. Iitillcr wa nominated for Governor
of Massachusetts by the National Greenback-
Labor party ofthat stato on I rlday v
tlell Phillips wa named for Ltct'tct t
If you have scrofula, don't fall to Use
Ltmlspy's Blood Searcher." Hold by all
Hit.noN CADavAUicn. AlStlllwaler Sept.
lllh 1870 by Moses Mcllenry, J. P , Mr. Wil
liam E. Ililbon of Berwick to Miss KmiJaC.I
walder of Fishing creek Columbia Count
IX Business .Notices
$3 per cord cash.
$.1.25 per cord in merchandise.
50 car load wanted, to be delivered at
Epy Btatlun dating September and Ofi"
her. Sept. 10 2-w. II. W. Avt.
Good Canton Flannels fur 8, 9, 10, 12J, J-i,
15, 18 nnd 18 cents per yard at Silas Ym
Light Street. Sept. 19-2m
Shoe Store below Ci r
All kinds of stoneware, , 1, 1 and 2
gailon flat and high pots, and 2, 3, 4, 0 and
6 gallon npplo and cream pots, with ami
without lids, in price from 12 cts. upward.
, 1, 2, 3 and 4 gallon jugs, for sale at Ll.t
Street by Silas Young.
Sept. 10 2-m.
Boot headquarters at McKinney's.
Having been nominated by tho Natii it
Parly for the oflico of Sueriff I take toU
method of informing my frieuds irrespec
tive of party that I nm a candidate for eiec-
on, and
solicit their support
tho election tn be held Nov. 4th 1879.
IV. 4ltl 1879.
U. U. Ent,
Admission free at McKinney's.
Want good live calves that aveigh 120 lbs.
120, 130, 110, 150, IliO and upward Ai
ght Street by
Sll.AH Youno.
Sept. 19 3-m.
Rubbers at McKinney's.
W'ltn'ed 2000 lbs of nlcn dried Ilaspbtr
es, Bt 20 cents per pound. And 2Q0Olfca
nice ijriMt piitci cm mis t ir wnlcn 1 will
ay tin- a-ry lilgmxl market price.
Si i, as Young.
July 18-0m.
Cah paid fur 1000 bushel of good w'n'tr
yellow Uats at Light btreet by
Sii-as YouNd.
Sept 5, 2m.
Prime Timothy seed for sale bv a.
oung, Ligbtstreet.
oept o, aw.
Boota and Shoes cheap at McKinney's.
"Wanted. 200 tons of good Rock Oat
Ilirk at $5 per Ion by Silas Youug, Lii t
Street. Sept. 19, 3m.
Call at McKinney's for Shoes.
Beautiful Silk Hals New Soft Hats,
Wool Hats, Fur Hats,
For Men for Hoys and Children
At the Popular store of
U. Lowcnb t
ttlicat per Bushel
Itio '
.' 7
Corn, new, "
uiovcmeeu .
nutter .
Dried Applos ,
Macs SUouldcra
Lara per pound 7
liaypcrton ''
lmothy Seed .
No. 4 on Wharf t 2.50 per Tot
No. r. ' " t .so
No. " " t W "
acKsmitn-sLutupon wn&rt .s;
" Bltutnlno'is ' . I .M ',
Letters of Aaratnlstratlonon tho estate oi Jot
Patorson. late of Heaver town shin. Columbia co
ty. deceased, have been k ran ted by the Uefflacer ot
s.uj couuiy w me uuaersineaaaminisirainx. All
nersons havlDtr clalma aculnt-t toe estate are r
quested to present them for settlement and tc .
mueuiea to maso payment milium ueiar.
C. Mil, leu, Att'y. IJeaver Twj,.
UUg, Tl, 6W,
Letters Testamentary on the estate of Jacob
Leiuylate ol Montour township, Columbia count
i'eniiflj ivania, aeceasea, nave ueen erantea cy tuc
Kestster of wild county to John Lelby, Kast Buffa
lo town shi p. Union county, Pa. Postofflce Lewtstmie
v. r. Mb user, mod
Montour townshlD. (A
lumbta county, Pennsylvania. Ponomce, Hupei
M. All Dei
lersons haunt: claims against the
estate of the decedent are requested to brest
them for settlement, and those indebted to tho -tute
to mako payment to the undersigned Execu
tors wltliout delay.
JOHN LEI It V, Lewlsburjr. Pe
nt, jvuuerL, i u,
auff. 22, Cw.
Letters of Administration on the estate of Ahemta
Mellenrr. late of Jtckson twn.. Columbia coinn
tteceubed, bave been granted by tho Register of said
county to s. W. Mcllenry of Jackson. All persons
having claims against the estate are requested to
iirt'hcm mum lur tuuiieiueui. ana uiaao inaeoieo
to make pa meDt t ithout delay.
Benton, Pa.
aug. 4, ow.
lettirsot administration rn fha esfAtn nf Ahrr
ham Voder, late ot Locust towr&hlD. Coluxtt.
countv. rennsi Ivanla, deceased, have been gru- lei'
uy iuo m-Kisieeui sum cuuuiy iu me unueraigoe
administrator. All persons baa In; claims agalnr'
the estate ot tho deceased aro requested to prten
Ihem for settlement, and those Indebted to the es
tate to make pat rnent lo the underMgned adminis
trator without delay.
AAHU.a lUUblt,
Locust township. IN
aug. is, Gv.
Letters Testamentary on the oat&te, ,.r A...
F, Knrna, late ot licnton towne-hlp. Columbia cruntv
1'ennsj Ivanla, deceased, have been trranted ba tti
Ki-Ktbter or Bld county to the uiiderbhrued use.
utor All persons havtDir claims uealnsi thu
estate ot the decedent are requested to present
them tor settlement and those Indebted to tho es
tate to make payment to tho undersigned xevilc
miuum uemy.
1. ft. ItUlvmUAUM,
aug. 15, (tw. t'ainbra, J'a.
Letters of Administration on the etjatA or Mm
llt-tiili-y, lat ot Mshlngcrtek township, Colli,1!,
county, deceased, hate U-t-n granted by tho Ifecifclei
oi nulla county iu mu uuuert-ignea uaminisir&ior.
All potions bm Ing claims agulnfct the ctaale erui.
queued lu present them for te-ttlement and Ibex,
Indebted to make payment without delay,
Litti vs. Attorneys. aug, 15, tw.
Ulifrsol adintulMrstlon on tlio estate of George
I' t-cotr, late of Iktaulwa, deceased, hare been
granted by the HesKter of said county to the uo
ilcrsigned Administrator, to aahom all persona io
aebted are requested to mako Immediate pa; me
nnd Ihnfci) limit) k' claims or against ti-e et
tute will make them known to Ihe Admlulstrut
without delay,
J, K. 110 BINS.
JluAwK. Att'y, AdmuUMrutor',
. 1
1 ,1