The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 05, 1879, Image 3

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in.uoMnuim. FiiiiiAT, 5,is;n
Hall Hoait Time Talilc.
Accommodation Train T.3SA.M
Mail 'l'raln Ms A.M wv. t
fist Train " M. 11.48 A.M
Kxprcsi Train .M 1'. M.
NOaTIt, (Ol'Tll
iimmod.illon Train ...... MS A. M. T.SC 1". M.
Hos'ilar Kxpress 4.M1M1. 11,41A.M.
Til ron nil cars on lixpross train cither to Now York
or I'Mladclpbli. Accommodation train runs between
Catawissa ana wunuuisporu
camska Avn ll!.oOM.BtJni. Leave Cambra Monday,
Wednesday and l'rlday at, 0:30 a.m., arrive at
Iiloorosourg oy iim'.u. in. ia'uvj luoninsuurg on
same dajs niter arrival of Philadelphia mall.
llinoMJBOllil AND I.AInDSVII.I.I!, Lfa0 l.alrdSVlltO
Twsd iy, Thursday nnd Saturday at Titm a. m.,
arriving at Woomsburg by is m. Learn Ulooms.
burg on samo days atlernrrlval of I'nrladelphta
mall Tho stage lino terminates atMlllvlllc.
nmlnn anil l)loomsburg.-A dally stage lino leaving
lienton In the morning and returning In the eio
IltDtT ot ihc B""10 tlav-
(hits Ham. and Hi noMsiintn.-Iavo Whlto Hall
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at (Mil a. m
.in It tag at llloonuburgby Id a, in, Ieao lllooms.
burg on samo da s after arrival of Philadelphia
Pknton and IlLOOMsatmo. leaves Uenton Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at 8 a. in., arriving at
Itloomsburg at 1 p. m. leaves llloorasburg Tues.
day, Tnursday and Saturday at 8 a. m arriving
otli;ntonatp. m.
There are so many delinquents on our list
that we ore again compelled to mnlto an appeal
to nil who owe on subscription or look occotint,
to pay up. Statements of Jioolt accounts linvc
kfen sent out by mall, anil bills for stiu'criplion
nre being sent out each week in (lie papers, and
this will be continued until nil who arc indebted
to us in any way, shall have received notice.
We do not go to Ibis trouble and expense just
for amusement, but because we have a large
amount standing out, and ire ticm the money
Do not throw your bill asido as a matter thai
can be otlended to nt any time, but settle it at
once, and save us the trouble of sending you
another notice, and yourselves the annoyance
of being dunned. It gives us no pleasure to
dun those who owe us, but as those whom we
owe have no hesitancy In asking for (heir pay,
we are compelled to urge prompt payments to
us in order that we may pay our own bills. Of
course, the above is not intended for any one
but those who have received notices. tf.
Espy has n brass band. Happy Espy I
Mrs. Dr. Hood of Washington is visiting
friends in town.
M. M. Ilrolist of Catawissa wns foreman of
the 0 rand .Jury.
The public schools opened on Monday with a
large attendance.
J. h. Richardson has removed from town to
a firm near Danville.
Mrs. Mary Heichart of Leiglilon, Iowa, is
veiling friends in this county.
I. W. MclCelvy's stoto will bo clos.d on the
Olh, the day of inspection.
There was quite an agricultural display In
front of the Court IIouso this week.
TheMonlour Co. Democrats have nomina
ted Jacob Shclhart for Sheilf.
The Ureenbackers of Centre county have en
dorsed D. O. Ilarr for State treasurer.
h. E. Waller and party landed safrly on the
other side of the Atlantic In good time.
Repairs have been made lo some pavements
on Third Street that needed them badly.
The Methodist Congregation and Sunday
SW.ool bad a pleasant picnic at 11m pert last
M. W . Nuss' Iilile daughter, Mary has been
admitted lo the School for deaf mules at Phila
delphia. Mrs. M. II.McKinney and daughter return
ed last Saturday from the sea shore whero Ihey
spent several weeks.
A. T. Goldbeck Ij of Philadelphia a law
yer of considerable repu latiou and fine ability
was in town on Saturday on legal business.
Services at S t. P.iu l's Episcopal Church on
Sunday next at 10.30 a. m., with the Holy
Communion, and 7.30 in the evening.
The regular meeting of the Bar Association
will be held at the Law Library next Tuesday
evening at 7 o'clock, A full attendance is re
Two Frenchmen accompanied by two Itua
eian bears passed through the streets on Wed
nesday. The bears were well trained, and evi
dently bad more intelligence than their mas.
Samuel Yorks.president of ihe lslNaticnal Bank
of Danville, died in Washington City last
week. He had been feeble for a long time.
The funeral took place at Dinville on Friday.
Miss Ella Unger of Danville, who personated
"Josephino" in "Pinafore" nt Ihe Opera IIouso
recently, was
a guest for some time nt tho
Cily Hotel.
Daniel and Abrnm Snyder who were arrested
for conspiracy hist week, had a hearing beforo
Ksip Iirower on Saturday, mid were discharged
there being no cvidenie to bind thorn over.
If Iluycs' order about Civil Service lteform
intaiu anything, P. M. Beckley had better step
donnandout. Ho his owned and run tho
rickety Republican machlno in this county
ever sinco ho has been IWmastcr.
Dr. A. Kobeth, a celebrated optician and cc
ulisi, of Philapolphla has been in town for the
patt few days . He will remain until tills Fri
day evening. All in need of bis services will
do Hell to call on him at Ihe Exehancre Hotel.
Messrs. L, Wlntersleni and Hubert Bucking
lnai were admitted to the Bar on Mondav list.
Tue fjrmer was a student of Col. S. Knorr and
lie Ultcr of O.G. Hartley. We nro informed
lht Ihey passed an excellent examination.
Ihey have our best wishes for success in Ihci
'loien profession.
I'rof. Belletli tho great magician, and Miss
am iiuydn, tho wonderful pianist, will gii
H'tertainments at tho Opera House this Fi
and Saturday evening- It is a first chi
performance, and every body should attend.
roa sale. Several good houses and lots in
1'etownofBloomsburgPa. Inquire of Mich.
' l.yerly at tho oflice of Freeze and Ever
'Ji Woomtburg.
AUg. Zl il'W"
furors were dicrlinn,il Miu,lm n,n.
lnSi all ihe criminal cases having been dUpos
esof. It is very creditable to n county having
"eiSO.tlOO inhabitans that tho crimes commit
M from .May to September can bo disposed of
li "oirt la less than three days.
The Town Council have made a new contract
"tli the Gas Company fur lighting the slrtets
" olgbt, for five jtnrs from September 1,187"
11 ll cost 7B8u year, or only n little over
"uru luoro ihmi U'n linvn lipnn rmvtnrr Car
'(out half as much light. Tho petition adiing
ot tMs change was kignedty n lrgo number
" thiieus representing fully two-ihirds of the
It is a wise action on the part of ihe
The Dcmorrflla nr r.,i...-i
, . "' -"iiimuia county linvn
WVa e.i lor the nomination three times. Ho
oo "ken good IX,,Wr.l, gave t
i.:: ' R ". "ipfort. and now
n'T, re,m1 0f 1118 fl-WHy-CKnta.
"n Saturday last (he mill and farm l,,1n,
lug to the estate of Peter Enl. l
ng township were sold ,y the Administrator
Wl. I . II. Knt, to Sheriff tollman for$8,o00:
. nt half. ,f their appra!.ed value, ltdoesnol
..... .... H-iwcver, inn the buyer and seller will
oin iiige resiliences,
The llughesvillo Kntcrprue says that the
and HftiiU trod. In i . '
.ewuayssmc we saw ihelr passenger coach
II llhi nn ! I .. I i . .
' "l "tj'mciion wiin the Hca.line Itoad
e were tnljrniw I hut I U mi.l 1
Otie ll-ieni?er trii nn.1 ilii la I n r.t j- .i
" Muimjr ui ior uie
accommodation of cattle. Evidently something
i iu ipu none wan lliisroad.
For tho informalinu nf il. t...l.n. ,
fay that Col. .Stead llio Commander of iho 12th
ltcgiment will issue an order tint no stands
fortliesaloormerclmndi.o will bo permitted
'"""""T'"( grounds; nil civilians
win irnre iiio canin hem Rn'oWk - -
( . " . 111, UI
each evening nnd his command will hold dress
parade on .Market
unlay evening. It would be well for nil per-
r.n ,1Mtiu Hum in uqm oMQrfi.Jirpubtienn
At (l)f pterlinn nfll.i Ir.t 1.1.1--. ..e
' "Vinci's UI
- " J iit'uia ui uilU
4 o'tlock on Monday, fjepl! 1st the following
persons were elected managers for the ensuing
year: I). J. Waller, J. (1. Freeze, S. Knorr,
I. W, Harttnaii, I,. II. Kupert, J. IC. (Irolz, p.
iioimni)i i.i tiw crv iiuitt...n ti... i -m .. i
unniigsi, n m. ieai, s. 11. .Miller, 0. II, Urock
way and J, J, Iirower.
An adjourned court has henn nr.lo.l
Tuesday Oct. 21t for the trial of Hie flood,
man vs. Sanger and Ilookes vs. Danvillo Rnm'
caso as Well as for the transaction of other ap
proprlate business. A venire of 30 jurors lias
been ordetcd. The expenses of the two certifi
ed cases do not fall upon Ibis counly.
On September first tho Daily Intelligencer
ofLancnster entered upon ita sixteenth volumo
This paper although it has always been one ol.
tho best in appearance as well as one of tho
most ably edited in the state has been much
improved in every way.
What is tho mailer with the imitation slates.
mm and editor of Danville? Is the "Fuss and
?athers" trash called out by the fact that
loimsburcr was silectcd for dm insnpptlnn !n.
slead of D.tnvllle.or is he disappointed because
lias not been invited lo deliver his cilebrated
iropean lecture before the trootis? Ti In nn!i
likely lliat he inspection will be held just the
me as tiiougli our preparations met with the
lariy approval ol the distinguished traveller
and statesman of the lntellinencer,
The Montgomery county Commissioners have
resolved to call In all counly bonds on the first
day of April, 1S80, and reissue new coupon
bonds payable lime within ten years, at
fi per cent, in teres t, payable Femi-annually on
the 1st day of April nnd the 1st day of October
yearly. All bondholders who hold bonds of the
issues of ISfiS, 1S70, 1S74 nnd 1870 are to have
the preference in exchanging the same.
by cannot our Commissioners do the same?
The credit of our County is excellent, and if
the Government can refund at a premium at
four per cent, and the Slate and other counties
at five per tent, wo certainly should be able lo
do so.
There will be a festival in thu Drove at Or-
ungovillo on Friday evening and Saturday af
ternoon and evening, September 12th and 13th
A supper will be provided by the ladies from
3 p. ui. m 10 p. m. Two comet bands will be
in atti-udnncu viz : Orangcville and lluckhoni. everybody como and enjoy this grand fea'
lival. The object of this festival is to meet a
debt on the M. E. Parsonage.
T.O. Cleks,
Pastor of M. E. Church.
Nkw Law in Kefeuenceto Poor Diuec-
toks By the provisons of a new law the
county audilors are required to audit tho ac
counts of the directors uf the poor. By the
sime law applicants for relief from the poor
directors nre no longer required to procure cen
tificates of their poverty from a justice of the
peace. Their own personal application is now
g'lllicicnt lo get admission to the almshouse or
relief from the directors of tho poor.
The committee on decoration nnnointed at a
meeting held nt the Exchange Hotel, respect
fullv reauest the citizens nf Itlonmsbiirir tn dec
orate their dwellings and places of business
with flags Ac. on Monday morning next and
continue Ihe samp until Tnpjdav pvpnim,
Tho.e having Hags that they do not intend to
use will please report to the undersigned.
Geo. h. I-.LWELi.,
Chairman Com,
George Risewick died at his residence on
First Sticet on last Monday morning. His
health had been very poor for some time. The
funeral took place fiom the home on Wednes
day afternoon. Mr. Ilisewick was well known
here and universally liked fur his many good
qualities, Mrs, Ilisewick died a few years ago,
mil now two young children are left entirely
leselate. It is supposed that they will have
some means lefl them. May thu Protector of
the helpless watch over them I
On Monday last Sherill' Hotluian mado tho
following sales :
Tho hotel and rear lot of John Laycock to
I. S. Kuhu, for tho former $3'J00 and for the
latter SCOO.
Lot, house, Ac., of G. A. Potter to the
Bloomsburg Saving Fund Association fur $10,
00. Lot, house, ,Vc, of G. A. Potter and D, J.
Waller to tho same for $20,00,
Tho real ettato of Henry Helwig sold to M,
0. Hughes for $5,00., .
Thu sales for the other properties advertised
were either stayed, or continued until Satur
day. When such a sleepy old town as Northum
berland fult the revival of business, times
must certainly be gelling belter. A special
corresdondentof the Harrisburg Palriot says
"Last evening at a general mass meeting of the
citizens of this burg it was moved and carried,
amid genera) excitement and universal approv
al, that I lie car shops situated here nnd lor
some lime not in operation be purchased by the
citUens and presentel to Mers. fl M. Lock
ard A Co., of Bloomsburg.
The news nftliia movement spread
like wild Gre, and soon on every hand were lo
be seen the greatest manifestations of approval
Hon lirtd illuminated the lonn from every
quarter and the air wns heavy with the roar of
cannon and firearms. At Jloilockp. m, the
laboring clas'ea turned out in a gorgeous torch
light proceisiuu. They' took it us a herald of
better limes and rtjuictd exceedingly over the
We are not Informed whether or not tin
Lockard Bros, have accepted the abova pro)'
sitlon, Whlls not wishing any ill fortune lo
the "Ancient borough," we clncvrcly hope that
Ihe works will not be run mil from here, Ihey
give employment to a large number of our men
and naturally benefit our entire community.
little more public spirit on the part of our mon
led men would not only retain such enterprises,
but would attract others here.
Tlin ti .. ... .. ...
... ..r,,,iy,in ,yCutuy convention will lie
linlil nn 1, I1.I !--. t.i ...
lll5, ,ncrn j,ro cnomjh jej,
oivdIaa t. ..... . ... .
no held nt tho Opera
HOIISC! nlliei-iui.... Ii.- .1.1!! .! ... .
- - iieuuerniions win take
vdarn in I l,n 1,i,.li- .1... .... .
".in iuuni HiiiiQ posi oiuce
l'nhlishcr.i after September ht will n.,t bo
permitted lo uso tho cxccptiotnl Advantage
B.ieii ui mem y mo law so as to defraud Iho
postal department In
extra numbers of their publications ordered by
ii.ncruscrs, or by campaign committees, or by
Other persons. In bo sent In si.coifio.l i.,1.trn..n.
and apparently intended, from tho nnliiro of
iiieirconiemsorot mnrked poitions thereof,
to the busincis. nollllcnl fir horiAnn tnlfl.!,.!.
-it ...... w. i .iruiiits uittuata
oi mo person or persons ordering the same.
Such conies nre third cln n,i i.
prepaid by stsmps at tho rate of ono cent for
each two ounces or fractional part thereof.
Any person who shall conceal or inclose any
mauer oi a higher class In that of a lowcr
class and der.osit for cnnicvnncn 1,o ,nll i
less rale than would be charged for both such
niguer ami lower class matter, shall, for every
such offense, be liable lo n penally often dol
lll'dKHOItN fKSriVAL.
Buckhorn. Scnlcmlier 1. 1H7n.
Dear Editors! The feslivnl ns localcd In
ir valuable inner for Ibis idnco I, il, M
Church. Was a crrniid Tl.n a . .
being the first feature of the evening was such
una ns is scidcin partaken of, too much cred
can not bo given to Ihn nU " ai.i
two hundred persons can testify to its merits,
iur mat many or more pnitook, Your genial
townsman C. Pecker, was tirPHOttl n,l r-m,....1
out one hundred quarts ol ico cream for us,and
o iaci mat it was nil eaten proves the
lalily. Tho cakes Were tllfi (in phi in nnnnn-.
mice numbers and taste imaginable. Among
incm were noticed one given by Clark Boat
which cost about three dollars and weighed
twelve pounds. 'J his cake was as nico and
i good as it was large. Another noticeable
lillg WHS "II. M. S. Pmnff.ri. ' t.i, III r.,,,1 fn,.
rigged by Mr. John Front. Tl.n ,.
enlivened by good music from our band, which
wns appreciated by such a crowd of people as
o eeiuoni seo at any gathering. Good order
as maintained throughout. Tho receipts were
no hundred eighty five dollars and seven cents
5185,07), expenses fiflv-fonr dollnrs nnd fifw
ono cents, lSol.51), The members take this
opportunity to relurn their sincere nml 1im.ia.1i
thanks to any and all who aided in making this
iuuunuKing such a success.
"Member "
Fon Sale. A 1 A. fount of2."i linn wnn.i
letter in excellent condition, nt a low price.
o oiler it for sale because we have two fonts
;arly alike and need but one. I or inspection
tho Columbian ollico.
Tho Grind Inquest of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania inquiring for Ihe body of the
County of Columbia, respectfully report that we
have, pursuant lo our required duties calmlv
anil deliberately investigated all the Bills of
Indictment presented lor our consideration and
have passed upon them according to their mer
its. That we have examined Ihe public buildines
and found the Grand Jury Hoom badly ventila
ted and would ncommend that another win-
low be put in the north side of the same.
The roof of the new Jail is ill a leaky condi
ion and needs repairs to prevent damage to the
building. A ventilation nine should be nut
n tho cess pool of the same to carry oil' the
foul air, which now returns to the building
causing a stench which in a short time will
make Ihe place almost untenable. Also the
water closets for the convenience of the Court
House should be looked after and disinfectants
furnished to be thrown into the Vaults occas
ionally to destroy the effluvia arising from
These recommendations wo make for the
good of the buildings nnd in tho in t' rest of
health. We call attention lo lliesc matters and
most respectfully submit this our report.
M. M. Bkobst, Foreman
Sept 3d 1S79. of Grand Jury.
L'liew JACKSON'S Best .Hivret Navy Tabnrro.
On the 30th of August the Lutheran Sunday
School of this place held a pic nio in the beau-
liml grove of Lmanuel Stout. The day being
line (lie picnic proved a grand success. In the
morning the ciowd that had collected at the
Sunday School were formed in line and pro
ceeded lo Ihe grove, The procession was led
by the Falls Cily Drum Corps. There were
quile a number of wagons in tho line and -they
were all trimmed up with spruce so that they
preseyted quite a holiday appearance. In one
wagon there was thirteen young girls dressed in
white representing the thirteen original Stales.
This wagon carried a banner on which there
was u life sizo portrait of Washington. When
the school arrived at the grove they were met
by another school and tho two joined together
o piss away the day in quiet enjoyment. Over
flOO persons were supplied with a good dinner.
During the day speeches were made in behalf
of the Sunday School, "ihe Patriotic Order
Sons of America," and thoGotpel Temperance
union by the Itevs. Shadow and Bodine.
Our well known friend 0. II. Swank of this
place left on Saturday for Swanksville where he
expects to attond School the ensuing term. We
wish him success as we know him to he worthy
of it.
John iVolfofvour town who was formerly
for many years Superintendent of Ihe Lutheran
Suuday School of this place visited the School
last aunuay and received n warm welcome.
Everybody being pleased to see and meet their
old Superintendent. Z. U.
The following is tho meteorological Summary
or record of tho weather at Catawissa during
tho month of August 1879, complied from
observations by W. G. Vetler.
Barometrio pressure correotod for temperas
turo and elevation. II igheit pressure on the
lit 30, 182 inches! lowest on lhe2lth 29. 713
inches j monthly range,U.4U9 averago for the
month 2U.9C.5 inches.
Temperature of the air. Highest tempera
ture on Iho 2nd 88 Jdegrecs j lowest on the
10th 4SJ degrees i monthly range JO degrees
average tempo raturo for the month 70.3 de
grees ; average for same month in previous
year 1878 71.7 degrees, greatest daily range on
the 31st 30 degrees j and the least daily range
on tho 18th, 2J degrees.
Moisture. Mean relativo humidity 77 per
cent i number of days on which rain fell 11 .
amount of rain lull 2,93 inches; rainfall dur
ing same mouth in previous year 1878 2,11
Wind Tho prevailing wind was from tho
North and the highest hourly vtlieity during
the month was 29 miles from the Southeast pn
the ltith hist.
Thunder Storms occurred on the 3d,lth nnd
10 lusts; slight frosts were reported on the
lOtli in.t.
Collectoh's Waiiuants. We have prepar
ed a form, and have on band a large quantity of
blank "Collider's Sales," which have been ap
provtd by the highest legal authority in the
Courts of this county. At Tvcnty Cents per doz
en we mall any number to the ColUclor order
ing them. A Collector, when conitlled to ad
vertise property, must Kst up not less than
three notices In the most public places ia his
borough or township.
Col Cnldwclt has just Issued general order
JNO ,1, in which he (alls Attention lo tho
tion order. Ho sayi: "Too much caro cannot
bo taken to maintain tho ler.ulatton for
'solidity' and roldicrly Waring nlrcndy estab
lished, llio miniilet details nlsting lo
equipment nnd discipline, should bo rliridlv
enforced, AH officers will appear in full slnlo
uniform." Tho following aloft" appointments
nie announced! First Lieutenant, O C Kubnch,
niljiitant; l irst Lieutenant 11 llryson McCooI
quartermaster; Captain Win Gable, commlssa
ryj Cnptaiu Harry W Woman, Inavmastcn
Major II S ltobins, surgeon; First Lieutenant
thnrlcs 1 Palmer, assistant sureeoni First
Lieutenant S S Chevcrs, Chaplain; II C Bayer
sergeant major; James It Deegan quartermaster
sergeant; I: A Kline, commissnrv sergeant
Win Tn)lor drum major. They will be oheved
and respected accordingly, ''The commanding
ouiccrsoi mo regiment takes this opportunity
lo thnulc the officers of this command for the
uniform courtesy they have always shown
mm. During the five years that bo has had
the honor to command tho 7th regiment lie has
had your support- In the future as in the past
he will bond every effort lo subsirvo not only
me iincrcsis oi nis command, but the Interests
of tho Knlionnl Guard of Pennsylvania. He
nsks your earnest and cheerful co operation
Cnpt Wctherill, of Iho Light Infantry, has
determined not to havo a poor report for his
company nt tho Bloomsburg inspection, nnd all
members who do not attend tho intervening
drills will bo dishonorably discharged. Extra
drills will lako place beginning on Friday
night. Guweu guards had a full dress insprc
tion last evening. Tho Guards havo commenced
brightening up nnd will open the inspector's
eyes nlso. Both companies will bo in fine
condition. Vuttnilk Chronicle.
Attention all I Mr L Gross has returned
from theCily with a full llneof Clothing, Hats,
Caps, Boots and Shoes, which he will sell at
such low prices that all will be astonished. If
you wish to securea bargain go to the New
York Clothing Store, two doors above the City
See a woman on horseback in another col
umn, riding near Speer's Vineyards, with a
bunch of Grapes from which Speer's Port Grape
Wine is made, that Is so highly esteemed by
the medical profession for the uso ol Invalids,
weakly persons and the aged,
Sold by Druggists.
June 27 1-y.
Court met on Monday at 10 o'clock. His
Honor, Judge Elwell and associates Hons. I
K. Krickbaum and F. L, Sliuman on the
bench .
The const ililes made their returns. Michael
Waller, O W Foster and Chas R Housel were
appointed tip slaves for the first week and
Evan C Jones and Elijah Shutt for second
week. Henry Geese and Samuel Heacock tra
verse jurors were excused.
Com vs Jsremiah Houck. Recognizance of
defendant and John W Shuman each in sura of
S500 taken for appearance at next term of
Petition of J L Tronsoe for discharge under
the insolvent laws presented nnd Court fixed
first day of next term for a hearing,
Michael Sollivan to the use of Ed Murphy
vs Conyngham and Cenltalia Poor District.
Judgement reversed by agreement.
Order for Fale of Leonard Adams' estate con-
Ettate of Hiiam Lunger deceased, sale set
Auditor's report in William Milligan's estate
confirmed nisi.
Return of sale in Estate of Mary Gorrell con"
firmed nisi.
Auditor's report in Sherill's sale of real is-
tate of Moore Crevellng confirmed nisi.
Exceptions to Auditor's report of the estate
of Jacob Bomboy confirmed nisi.
Report of the sale of real estate of Hugh
Shlulz deceased, confirmed nisi. ,
Partition inestateof Andrew G ingles con
firmed nisi.
Partition in the estate of Sarah A. Pealer
confirmed nisi,
Appeal filed by leave of Court to the finding
of two justices in a pauper case between Dan
ville and Mahoning twp., and the township of
Auditor's report in the Sheriff's Sale of the
estate of Solomon Yeager confirmed nisi.
Com vs William Walp. Tho defendant and
Aaron Kelchner, each held in the sum of $300
for the appearance of defendant at next term.
Petition for partition of Real Estate of Benj
Miller of Catawissa township, awarded.
Estate of Abraham Yoder. Petition for sale
of real estate awarded.
Auditor's report in estate of Lydia Yohe con
firmed nisi.
Estate of Anthony Snyder. Petition to sell
real estate awarded.
Estate of John Ent. Petition to sell real
estate awarded.
Com vs Mary Piatt. Charge shooting at a
perton with Intent to kill and Assault anj Bat
tery. Jury find the defendant not guilty of the
first count but guilty of second. Court sentenc
ed her lo pay a fine of 10.00 and costs of prose
J.G. Freeze, ERIkler and LT Thompson,
Esqs., were appointed a committee to examine
Robert Buckingham and L. S. Wintersteen.two
applicants for admission to practice as attor
Cora vs Sarah Hopper, Indictment, Assault
and Battery. Not a true bill and prosecutor
pay the coals,
An adjourned Court for the trial of the cases
of Goodman vs Sanger, and Brooks vs the Boro
of Danville was ordered for Tuesday October
21, and a venire of 3d jurors was ordered,
Com vs G L Kostenbauder. Catching fish
by other devices than hook and line. Verdict
of jury guilty on second count.
Com vs Isaac Thompson. Assault and H li
ter. Not a true bill and the prosecutor Jacob
L. Sliuman lo pay costs.
I L Edwards, Charles Gibbons and Peter
Kase were appointed viewers for a road In
FUhingcreek twp., near A. J. Kline,
Sale of the estate of E. A. Buckalcw confirm
firmed nisi.
Seott vs Stohner. Reasons for a new trial
overruled and judgment affirmed.
Return of sales of estates of John Gulliver nnd
Peter Ent. Confirmed nisi.
Petition of lunacy of Lloyd Kressler. Io,
quest awarded to be held at Ihe Court House
on the 10th, before Judge Krickbaum,
Com vs Margaret Brogen. Assault and Bat
tcry, Continued to next term.
Com vs Emanuel Ashton. Maliciously
throwing down a fence. Not a true bill and
prosecutor Alex Earnest lo pay costs.
David Yost, L M Crevellng and John Rhin
nrd appointed viewers of a road In Benton twp
near ll, 11 (lavis.
Com vs Elijah Alhertson aud Gilbert Hess,
supervisors of Sugarloaf twp. Charge, not
ojienlng a new road. Sentenced to pay u fine
ol tpio each and the costs of prosecution.
Com vs David SHower, forcible entry and
detainer. Not a true bill and prosecutorJ'W
Li l.yerly lo pay costs.
Com vs Chas R McAnall, fornication and
bastardy. Defendant pleads guilty.
Tin Sthrlino Book Cover. Wo have
purchased the right to use these covers in this
county, and have on hand an assortment o
sizes. They make Iho neatest and most con
venicnt form for doing up noto heads, letter
heads, bill heads, notes, checks, Ac, and i
cover will be given away with every order o
1000 Try it once and you will not do with
out it. It is tho best thing of the kind ever
invented, Call and examine.
Convention met, pursuant to a call, on Satur
day August 30, 1870, and was railed to onler
by Rev. O. I). H. MircUy, who read a portion
of Hcrlptii c and offered prayer. Minnies of
last ronventlon were read, and Io the (all fir
this. On motion, Rev. Marclay was continued
as Chairman, And JI. P Itiz asStcrelarr.
On motion, Rev. Dr. Mitchell J. L, Richard',
son ami Prof. F. P. Mmhart, were appointed
committee on resolutions.
On motion it was agreed that Ihe nomina
lions be made In ripen convention.
Tho committee reported Ihe following resolu
lions t
llcnolml. That In view nf tlm llnansnalr tile
evils flowing from the use of strong drink, the
waste of property, Iho loss of life, Ihe corruption
pi morals, tne disorders in society, it Is the pol
icy and the dulv of Ihn Rini. tint nnlv In t-o.
utrlctfn liertlofore, but to entirely prevent !1r
rule an n ueYfrnge.
Jlesolwd That llio emmnlfl nt
communllles, and of the State of Maine, shows
jinn inu iqieu ssie oi liquor can lie suppresses.'
y irginiiiun aim lauuiui adralnlsira'
lletolial. TLat we are in favnr nt ihn no..
sage by the legislature cf Pennsylvania of the
law recommended by the Slate Temperance
Convention of April last, and that we are,
unmiiviiiie. in i.avor rn arm vinv vifTcrmia in
the liquor traffic all restrictions contained
in mo existing laws.
llesotvcd That it la of Ihe utmost tmiinrtm.o
io uavf men in pnoiic c nice Who will support a
prnhih torv law. and will ralilifnlU .nf.., .11
i.tu imiiituvu leKiriuiiun we now possess.
Hcmlml, Then fore, that we will nnm tnnlp
a counly ticket to be uresenled In tlm vnlets nf
uuuniuia bounty, nnd wo earnestly urge all liaiera n't etc. tn
..nn iviui us in supporting it.
jMoirca, 1 hat we appoint a delegate to the
niaie aemperance uonvenllon to be held al
.uoona, September
iiisoicrf. That we almoin t a standing, com.
I'uiiee, consisting oi one member Irom each
voting district in the county.
Ilcxolved. That We extend ft vnlA nf llisnlra in
ihe newspaper which have kindly published
iiiu uiiii ior mis convention.
TiWmf, That we civo our thanks to the
proprietors of the hall where we meet for llmlr
kindness in affording us the use of It.
On mntio.i, the resolutions were adontecl.
after whieh the following candidates were nom
inated; Aaron Smith, of Hemlock township, was
nominated as candidate for Sheriff.
Dr. L. B. Kline, of Catawissa, was nomina
ted for Coroner.
aron Kestcr, of Mt. Flraaant. was nomina
ted for Jury Commissioner,
A county Standing Committee wns then elect
The following preamble and resolutions were
adopted !
WliKUEAS, The success of the temnerano
cansp depends uponjthe enl'gbtenment of the
people; f
iViofteif, That this convention urceuiion all
friends of temperance the duty of circulating
emperanco literature.
HaioU-eil. That this convention recommend
Ihe circulation of the, Bloomsburg Journal, a
paper puuiisueii in our ccniniy ami tievoteu to
Ihe advancement of temperance principles.
J. L. Richardson was appointed delegate to
the Slate convention.
Rev. Dr. Mitchell pronounced Bedediction
and the convention adjourned.
-M. P. Lutz,
Left Alone to Die-
Tunkuannock, Pa., Aug. 20, 1879.
On Aug. 23. the Times published the
following item, under dato of Tunkhan
nock :
A young man about twenty years of age
came to this place in May last, and regis
tered at the Keeler house as Harry Dalton,
Philadelphia. Mr. Dalton was quite feeble,
evidently sulferiug with consumption. Some
two weeks later be was taketi down and uu-
able to leave his room. He has since been
removed to a quiet privato house on Slocura
street, where he is now confined to his bed,
unablo to speak abovo a whisper. Nothing
is known as to his relatives or friends, nor
does he care to say anything in relation
thereto. Why is this ? is the question with
Tunkhannock people.
Mr. Dalton came here on the2Sth of May.
He was without money, and a sufficient sum
was soon raised to make him comfortable.
His gentlemanly manners and his pitiful
story of sickness mado many friends for him
who wero willing to contrlbuto to his wants.
When asked concerning his relations his re
ply was that he had none. His father had
owned and lived upon a plantation near New
Orleans, so he said, but both father and
mother had died with yellow fever in 1873,
when he was sent to Baltimore, Md. While
there a guardian was appointed for him, but
the guardian and he did not agree, and he
had for the past two years been traveling for
a drug firm In Now York, He would be 21
years old about the 1st of September next,
when ho would come Into possession of the
property uow in the hands of bis guardian.
He only asked to live until that time. He was
first taken sick at Altoonain December 1878.
From there he went to Lewisburg, where he
boarded for a time, thence to Bloomsburg,
Mauch Chunk and from thero to Tunkhan
nock, where he broke entirely down and
consigned himself to the charities of the
Such was the alory told by the young man
when pressed for facts in regard to his life.
The littlo item in tho Timet set peoplo to
thinking and there was a suspicion that all
was not right. On Sunday Dr. F. D. Brew
ster informed Dalton that he could live but
a short time and he had better prepare for
the worst. On Sunday afternoon the Rev
GeorgoT. Keller called upon him and then
tho young man broke completely down
ml made a confession. His real name
he said, was Charles P. Smith, son of J. J.
Smith, of New Windsor, Carroll county,
Maryland, and Ins father and mother are
both living there now. Then came a sad
story. It was that of a young man well
educated and surrounded with everything
calculated to make his life a happy one,
driven from friends nnd home by his own
rash acts. For two and a half years he was a
fugitive from justice,wandering from place to
place under an assumed name. Once during
his life he seems to havo repented, Like the
Prodigal boa he turned his face homeward.
but no one camo out to meet him, Under
cover of night he ventured to his father's
house, but the door was Bhut against him
"Never come again," was what his father
said to him j "never como here again, for
even if your dead body should be sent home
to me I would not bury it."
As soon as the young man's true history
became known his father was apprised of
bis condition. In reply to the telegram the
following was received ;
New Windsor, Md,,Aug. 20, 1879.
Rev. Geo, T. Keller, Tunkhannock, I'a.
Alfalrs at home will not permit my leav'
ing. If Charles dies telegraph me.
J. J. Smith.
l"o this Mr, Keller sent tho following
reply ;
Tunkhannock, Aug. 25, 1679,
J. J. Smith, New Windsor, Md..
In God's name relent. Take pity on the
pooruyiug ooy, nee i-iue xv., 11 32.
Rev. Oko. T. KuLLL-it. ,
No answer was received. The reference
to the Hible is tho story of tho Prodigal Son
The secret of the crimes committed by the
unfortuuato young man were confined only
to Mr, Keller and be would have kept the
story to himself bad the young man lived,
Onthe2.3th ult.Bt 10:30Sinlth.llcsl. Noneof
bis relntlvfts were here tn see him breathe
bis last. The following In brief is tho con
fession made fo Mr. Keller ! "My true
name Is Olnrles 1. Smith. I will be twenty
one years of age Monday night. I ran away
from home In March, 1877,and was married.
My wife and child now live with her father,
In New Windsor, Md. In April, 1878, 1
forged the namo of J. E. McDaniet to a note
and sold It to A. A. Packer, of Kaston, Mil.
A reward was offi red for my arrest. I fled
to Seaford, Dob, and was there arrested,
but was released ou some legal technicality,
slfico which time I have been a fugitlvo from
justice. I bad It reported that I died of con
sumption at ABbury Park. I believe God
has sent this disease upon ino ns a just judg
ment. I have been guilty of other graver
vices and Immoralities, and sinco coming to
your town have lived the life of an Imposter
to evade the hand of justice. I have greatly
deceived tho good people of this place nnd
cruelly abused their generous sympathy and
hospitality. I beg you to nsk those I have
so basely wronged to forgive nnd pity me,
and may God himself, for Christ's sake,have
mercy on mo in my dying hour.
Tho funeral took place at five o'clock on
the 20th ult. from the privato house where he
died. It was largely attended and his re
mains were Interred In a private lot donated
for the purpose by a citizen. Considerable
feeling exists here against the young man's
father, who refused tn pardon his son aud
comfort him lu his dying hour.
As stated above Dalton, or rather Smith,
spent some time in Bloomsburg. He came
here from Lewisburg, some lime in April
last and boarded for about a month at the
Exchange hotel, where he made a good Im
pression by his gentlemanly deportment.
The best remedy for liver complaint is "Sel
lers' Liver Pills." Only 25c. per box. Sold
by all druggists.
Notice is hereby given that propositions will
be received from any and all persons in Schuyl
kill, Carbon, Northumberland, Columbia and
Dauphin counties, for the donation of suitable
grounds upon which to erect a State Hospital
for injured persons, under the provisions of an
act of the Legislature entitled "An Act lo pro
vide for the selection of a site and erection of a
State Hospital for injured persons, to be located
in the counties of Schuylkill, Carbon, Dauphin,
Northumberland and Columbia, to bo called the
State Hospital for Injured persons of the An
thracite Coal Regions, and for the management
of Ihe same, and making an appropriation
therefor," approved the eleventh day of June
-V.D. 1S79.
The above mentioned propositions will be re
ceived until Saturday, September 13, 1879, by
the chairman of the Commission appointed by
the Governor in pursuance of Ihe above recited
act, and all such proposals will receive full and
lue consideration,
D. A. Beckley, Chairman,
Bloomsburg, Pa,
Geo. S. Holmes, Secretary.
A few years ago no farmer expected to make
good butter in hot weather, but now by the use
of improved methods, In setting milk, and of
Wells, Richardson & Co's Perfected Butler
Color to keep up the standard color, the bad
efl'ects of hot weather are overcome.
Ex-confederate General J. B. Hood, died
of yellow fever in New Orleans last Satur
day. Ills wife died a few days before and
a daughter only a few hours after, all of the
same disease. Another daughter died a few
days afterwards.
Why Buffer such distress from Piles and Con
stipation? Kidney-Wort will cure y'ou.
It seems that the Russian Czar Is satisfied
with the vessels built for him in the United
States, aud wants more, and parties have
arrived in Philadelphia with full authority
to make extensive contracts. One or two of
tho vessels already remodelled here aro now
occupied in conveying condemned Nihilists
to the Russian convict depot atSaghalien.
It is noteworthy that an American firm sup
plied the Spaniards with the gunboats which
did such effective service in running up the
rivers and inlets of the Cuban toast during
the recent insurrection on that island ; an
American firm furnish the Turks with the
rifles which do such execution at Plevna, aud
now the Russians themselves have recourse
to America for a supplementary navy. A.
1". Sun.
One Box or Six Hetties.
If you are suffering from a combination of
liver or kidney diseases, and constipation, do
not fail to uso tho celebrated Kidney-Wort,
It is a dry compound as easily 'prepared as a
cup of coffee, and in one packago is as much
mcdiciuo as can be bought m six dollar bottles
of other kinds.
'Ihe First Gun.
Wilmington, Del., September 2. The
municipal election to-day resulted in
sweeping democratic victory, Harry Guthrie
was elected president of council by 391 ma
jorlty, and and John Guthrie city treasurer
by 103 majority. The new council will stand
IS democrats and 6 republicans.
It is 6ald that souio of tho Northwestern
Indians aro suffering for tho necessaries of
life. Tho government authorities are send
ing supplies to tho most needy ones. Not
withstanding the privation and suffering there
is no disposition manifested to commit depre
Dr. Kendall's celebrated treatise on the
horse, for sale at G. A. Clark's book store and
at tho Columbian ollico for 25 cents. Thi
book should be in the hands of every man who
owns a horse.
Brigham Young's executors wbo wero ini
prisoned for contempt of court on tho 4tli of
last month, wero discharged on tbo 23th by
the touprcmo Court of Utah Territory.
'Sinoo taking 'Dr. Liindsoy's lllood Search
er' that old toro of mino is entirely cured.
bold by all druggists.
Yellow fever still rages in tho south, and
is spreading. It has broken out in New Or
Do not give a tired horse verv cold waler,
as it often produces colic. Many allow wa
ter to stand for some time In buckets, Ou the
road horses should be watered once in ten
miles at least. The stomach of a horso isno
small, lu.comparlson to bis body, that large
draughts injuriously distend ((consequently
small quantities at regular Intervals is the
best rule.
Oraye Wine for Cotuuiuuion.
Tho superior quality aud entiro purity of
epeer s fort urapo vuno, ot New Jersey, and
me wcniM tuut pnysicians navo had by its
use has induced them to writo about it, and
caused huudreds of others to prescribe It in
their practice as tho best and most rcliab'e
wine to bo had. It is held in great favor for
evening parties, and for oomiaunion purposes.
ror saio tiy u. a. liloitu, Bloomsburg, Pa.
Habtmav LAzimus. At the Lutheran
Parsonage, Main street, Bloomsburg Pa , Au
gust.ll Inst, by the Rev. 0. I), S. Marclay,
Mr Wm Hatlman tf Montour twp and Miss
I.ydla R Latum ofCoIumbla county.
Sommovs Siiucuns In the same place, on
Ihe fame day and by ihe same, William J Somr
muni of Catawissa, and Miss Jennie S Shtigais
of Shenandoah .
KLINK. In Orange twp on the IStli Inst,
Wesley It Kline, aged 1 year, 2 months and 2
IlnwRR In Bloomsburg, August 31st Inst,
Irene, infint daughter of Chas C and Mar
Ilower, Aged 2 months. Interment at Free,
side Church Sept 1st.
Business Notices
ttoot headquarters at McKlnney's.
Admission free at McKlnney's.
Shoe Store below Court
Rubbers at McKlnney's.
Wanted 2000 lbs of nice dried Rasnber.
rles, at 25 cents per round. And 2000 lbs
of nice dried pitted cherries for which I will
pay tho very highest market price.
StLAH YouKfi.
July 18-fim.
I.titz&Slonn havo a very largo stock of
urcss goods anil nt very low prices.
"Wanted. 200 tons of eood Rock Oak
Bark by Silas Young, Lightstreet.
&ept. o, urn.
For a mod suit of clothing cheap co to
the New York Store.
Wanted. Good Wool at Lightstreet by
Silas Young.
July is, m.
Silks. Satins nnd Velvets cut bias at Lutz
it Sloan's.
For n (tood bat go to the New York Store.
Flnnti'ls and cantons at last years' prices
at Lutz A; Sloan's.
Want good live calves that weigh 120 lbs.
to 125, 130, 140, 100, 1G0 and upward -at
Litgiil street uy
July 18-2m.;
For n good pair of boots or shoes no to the
New York Clothing Store 2 doors above City
Cash paid for 1000 bushels of good white
or yellow Oats nt Light Street by
SeptS, 2m.
Bracelets for
3 cents a pair at Lutz k
Prime Timntbv seed for sale by Silas
Young, LighMreet.
Sept 0, 3w.
A new lot of choice Mackerel in quar
ter-, halves and barrels, just received which
I will sell cheap fur cash or produce. Silas
Young, Lightstreet.
July 25, 4w.
Boots and Shoes cheap at McKlnney's.
Call at McKlnney's for Shoes.
Beautiful Silk Hats New Soa Hats,
Wool Hats, Fur Hats,
For Men for Boys and Children
At the Popular storo of
D. Lowenberg.
Whoat per bushel
ltro " . .50
corn, new, "
oats, ' " so
Kiour per barrel e.uo
ClOTerseea 3.50
nutter ts
Eees ti
Tallow .t.i
Potatoes 33
Dried Apples Ui
Hams 18)
sides Shoulders 09
Lard per pound 07
Hay per ton 10.00
Deeswax es
Timothy tseea 2.uo
Mo. 4 on Wharf $ 5.50 per Ton
No. 5 " ' s
NO. 6 " 1.60 "
Ulacksmltb'sLutup on wharf i.u
Ultiiralnous s 4.M
Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia- Dyspepsia.
Dyspepsia Is the most perplexing of all human all-B
menis. lis symptoms aro almost innnite in their
variety, and the forlorn and despondent victims of
tho disease often fancy themselves the prey, In turn
of every know n malady. This ts due, In port to tho
close sympathy which exists between tlio stomach
and the brain, and In part also to tho fact that any
dlsturbanco ot the dlgestlvo function necessarily
disorders tho liver, the bowels and the nervous sys
tem, and affects, to some extent, tlio quality of tho
E. F. Kunkle's littler wine of Iron a sure cure,
Tills Is nota new preparation, to be tried and found
wanting ; It has been prescribed dally for many
years in tho practice ot eminent physicians with un
paralleled success ; It Is not expected or Intended to
euro all the diseases to which tho human family Is
sunject, out is warranted to cure Dyspepsia in Ita
most obstinate form. Hunkers Hitter Wine of iron
nevor falls to cure. 8) uiptoms of Dyspepsia ore loss
of appetite, wind and rising of tho rood, dryness of the
mouui, heartburn, distension of the stomach and bow
els, constipation, headache, dizziness, sleeplessness.
nnd.low spirits. Try the great remedy and be comtne-
ou ot Its merits, tlet tho genuine. Take only Kun
nei s, which is put only in II bottles. Depot, 159
North Ninth St,, Philadelphia. Advice by mail free.
by sending 3 cent stamp. Try ono bottle of Kunkel's
iron ami bo convinced of Its merits, sold by drug
gist and store keepers everywhere.
Worms, "Worms, Worms.
Ilemoved alive. Tape Worm removed alive In from
two to three hours, with vegetable medicine, Head
and all passing from tho system allvo. No fee till
head passes. The Doctor never falls to remove Tape,
Seat, lln and Stomach Worms. Ask your druggist
tor a bottle of Kunkel's Worm Syrun. Price, tl per
bottlo. it never falls ; or send to Dr. Kunkel. iM
North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa., for circular
with full Instructions, by enclosing 3 cent stamp for
relurn of same. Kunkel's Worm Syrup is used for
children or adults with perfect safety, as It Is vege
tauie. uuy it, and try It.
A complete record of tho Journey of (leneral 11, s
Grant, through England, Ireland, Scotland, Prance,
Snaln. Germany. Austria. Itjilv. Iiflplnm sutt,.
land. ltUHKlo, Egypt, India, China and Japan, with a
graphic lUkcrlpilun of the places vMted. manners
and customs ot tho countries. Interesting Incidents,
enthusiastic orations by Emperors Kings, aud
the people of all climes, richly embellished with
numerous artlsllo Illustrations; also, a tine hand
BOtiio stl engruted portrait of Hen. I rant, sure
success to all ho lako hold j w III positively outsell
all books.
and the ouly authentic low-priced book on tho sub-
.... Address 11. W, K KI.LF.V & CO.,
Ill Sunsoin street, Philadelphia, pa.
Aug.m.-iw '
Rowell & Co's. Advc's.
Proponlonul returns every week on Stork options
drtKsT.PorricK Wiuut & Co., Hankers, 85 Waltsu,
u mil , Aifi'iiuusalaryul luoi.t uioutU
ciriili li.3 ir HHlrscumu.lMio&,loBlluur
""( I", l IIIIMMIW.1. Uiiuaililuu,,
ai Iv Irvc. AaJiwM.Miimui A Co., Uuibsll, Mich.
aug. tt. 1-4w, r
$77 ".I"!1.1' uai expenses guaranteed to Agents
vii Outntrree. suawl'o. Amnkr. M.,n.
aug. 8, T-4w f
Sw772 iAnana expenses to agents.
v. I
aug, VI, T-w,
Uy Tlrtuo of sundry writs Issued out ot tne
Court of Common 1'leas ot Columbia county ana
to mo illrecleil, will tw esposM to public sale at the
Court IIouso In Itm town of IHootnsbuiy Columbia
county, Pennsylvania, tt one o'clock p. m., on
Saturday, Septtinber Otli, 1879,
All those certain lots or pieces ot land situate In
lUoorasburB, Columbia county, Pennsi iTanla, bound
ed and described as follows, to-lt t One lot num
ber ten In plot of nation addition bounded on the
cast Uy East street, on tho south by other lot of
Casper I Thomas, on tho west by an alley, and on
the north by lotof hhatrerand Hoffman, being fifty
feet In front and ono hundred and ninety-three feet
In depth upon whleji Is erected a wagon shed and as
much ot tho barn as Is on sold lot number ten.
Lot number eleven bounded on tho cast by East
street, on the south by land lot of William (Jigger,
on tho west by on alley and on tho north by lot
number ten above described, upon which is erected
a lanro frame houBe, barn and other out-buUdtugs.
There aro on tho above described lot a well and
pump a cistern and an underground spnnghouse.
The abovo lots are well supplied with fruit trees,
apple, cherry, c.
Ono other lot on Railroad street West Bloomsburg
bounded on tho north by an alley, on tbo east by
tho lrondalo railroad, on tho south by lot of Henry
llartmau.andonthewest by an alley, containing
fifty feet front and ono hundred and slity-sli feet
deeDinorotirless, on which aro erected a double
frame houBe, two largo stables and other out-bulld-
seized, taken In execution at tho suit or n. u.
lluehesasslenedtoC. 1L Pajton against Casper I
Thomas and to be sold as the property of Casper I.
net iii...w, Attorney. Al. FL Fa.
All that certain real estate situate tn tho town of
llloomsburg, tn the county ot Columbia, and State of,
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as ioiiowb
to-wlti On tho north by rldgo alley, on the castuy
lot of Lloyd sha'pless, on tho south by Main or.Scc
ond street, nnd on tho west by Centro street, being
twenty-tour feet four Inches In width on Second
street, and two hundred fourteen feet six Inch
es In depth along Centre street, on which aro erect
ed n two story frame storo room and dwelling, n
good frnmo stablo and out-bulldtngs.
Seized, taken In execution at tho sun and oi Jo
seph it. to Uio uso ctdoorgo Hughes
vs. II, C. Howtr and Ocorgc cavauec, ana to no sota
as the property of 11. c. Ilower.
Milleb, Attorney. ai. n.ra.
At the same time and placo, all that certain ro
estate situate tn the Ullage ot Itellcrvtlle in t
the county of Columbia, and Stoto ot I"eunsylvan
bounded and described as follows, lo-wlt I on tn
east by land ot Phoebe Miller, on tho south and west
by land ot Kmanuel Klkcodall and on tho north by
a public road, containing one quarter of an acre,
more or less, on which aro erected n framo house
and out-bulldlDgs.
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of William
Ilartrel, administrator ot Mary K. llctler, deceased
vs. Stephen .Miller and lo bo sold as tho property of
tepUen Sillier. Attorney. n-ra.
TERMS i-Casli on day of sale, otherwlso property
to be resold at once.
aujr. 15, ts.
Lettered Artmlnlstratlonon tho estate of John
raierson, late ot Heaver township, Columbia coun
ty, deceased, hae been granted by tho Register of
said county to the undersigned administratrix. All
persons Having claims agalntt the estate are re
quested to present them for settlement and thoso
Indebted to make payment wtthout delay.
C. W. Mii.iSH, Att'y. Beaver Twp.
aug. V2, aw.
Tttprs TpRtfimentArv on the estate of Jacob
Lcibylate ot Montour town snip, Columbia county,
HcclsUirotsaia county to John lclby, Kast Uu Ha
lo townfihln.Unton county, I'a- Postofflco Lewisburg,
Pa., and W. 1'. MhUatr. Montour township, Co
lumbia county, I'chusjlvanla. Post office, Rupert
Pa. AU persons tuning claims against the
estate of the decedent aro requested to present
them for BetUement, and Ihoae Indebted to the es
tate to make payment to the undersigned Execu
tors without delay.
JOHN LEinv, Lewisburg, Pa.
w, r. MALflKK, ltuperc, ra.
aug. 22, cw.
Letters ot administration on the estate of 8. M.
Ervln, lato ot -Miniln township, Columbia Co., do
censed, hao been granted by tne lteglster ot said
county to the undersigned Administrator, to whom
all persons Indebted are requested to moke Imme
diate payment and those having claims or demands
against tho estate win make incm known 10 me au
mtnlstrator wtthout delay. ..
Aug. 8, TS-SW
letters of Administration on tho estate ot Absolem
Mcllenry, late ot Jacksou twp., Columbia county,
deceased, have been eranted by the lteglster of said
county te s. W. Mcllenry of Jackson. All persona
naving claims againsi. uio esuiui uv rcquroiu w
B resent them for settlement and thoso Indebted
make payment without delay.
lienton, I'a.
aug. 4. 6w.
estate vr ibkauih tooek. ueceasbu.
Letters of administration on the estate ot Abra
ham Yoder, late ot Locust township, Columbia
county. Pen nsj ivanla, deceased, nave been frra fcted
by tlie Register ot said county to the undersigned
administrator. AU persons having claims agulnst
tne estate or the aecca&ea are requested to present,
them tor settlement, and those indebted to the es
tate to make payment to tho undersigned admin ls-
trator without delay.
Locust to.vcMi'p. I'a.
aug. 15, Ow,
Letters Testamentary on the estate of Silas
1', Kirns, late ot Uentou township, Columbia ccunty.
Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted by tho
Register of std county to tne undersigned Exec
utor. All oersons having claims atr&lnst tbo
estate ot the decedent are requested to present,
them for settlement and those Indebted to the es
tate to make payment to tne undersignea Kxecuwr
without delay.
aug. 13, ew. cambra, l'a.
Letters of Administration nn tho estate of Marr
Hemlev. late of Plahtnircreek townshln. Columbia
county, deceased, have been granted by the Register
of said county to tho undersigned administrator.
au iiureoDs imving claims against ine estate are ro
quested to present them tor settlement and those
indebted to mako payment without delay.
Lirrus, Attorneys. aug. 15, 6w.
Dauchy & Co's. Advt'a.
i MEN'
dueed 33 p
NTS WANTKII For tho best and fastest
selling pictertal Hooks and Bibles, races ro
per cent. National PCBLisniNO Co.. Phil
adelphia, Pa, d Aug.tra, 'ia-4w
CI OAnreturnsln SO days on 3 1 OO invested. Of.
i514tlUnclal reports and Information FItEK.
Like prutlta weekly on stock options ot f 10 to ISO.
Address T. Pottsh Wiuut 4 Co., mums, 33 Wall
St.. N. V. d Aug. S9,-iw
JftlOn often make8W)Oprontweeklu 6tocka.
fcv' w Write for explanatory circulars sent free,
lllckllng Co., it Exchange PI.. N. Y. They enjoy
thetullcontldenceof their numerous patrons.' N.
.Mar. d aug.w.jw.
AGENTS WANTKli for Smith's Ulblo Wctlonarr
Prices, reduced. Circulars free. A. J.1ILMANC
Co., Philadelphia, d aug, !9 n-iw
i- iJ: . ,0 or suu Per month dur
ing I all nnd Inter, l'or full particulars address.
J C. MccuitDV tc CO., Philadelphia, Pa.
d aug. J9, 4w,
Gen Grant Anna the Worlfl
byllon..I.:T. Ileadley. the prince of descriptive au
thors. Lose no time as the demand Is suuply Im
mense, and territory being rapidly taken, will out
sell any other book For lull particulars, address
111 111IAHI1 llltt. ., 73 sansom St., PSUadelphlo, I'a.
d aug. X9, w.
1'Ut.MK t(
lu tlOOII.
Maps and pampblvts free. J.
P. M4NCIIA. Clare.
iuuui, o. a
Knlurs. d .!! t.i, kiii, rrler rurbuimrd.
Tho only eomblnaltou of the true Jamaica Olntrer
with choice aromailrs and French brandy, tor corl
reeling Intemperate habits, regulating the sumach
and bowels, breaking npcoldchula ana Inere. is
s a n roup's jAU,A Gikuik. Vorro.iotnggouty and
rheumatlo pal us. preventing malarial Icwra Tand pro.
mottag sleep ttTs truly Wrful.' AikfTr fa.
aug ic-4w