The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 29, 1879, Image 3

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II 1, 0 0 II s n u n n. f n I D A T, AtlUST 20, lg;g
IUII Uoail time Table.
Accommodation Train
Mali Train t.89 A. M
1-ast Train 1.I M.
Express Train .M 1'. M.
Accommodation Train 0,S3 A. M.
uiaular Express ............ 4.04 P.M.
Tli rough cars on Kxpross train oil her to New York
or rnltaitolplil . Accommodation t rain runs between
Calawissa and Wllllamsport.
i.t 1'. M
11.49 A. M
,M r. M.
11,49 A. M
CivtrmA and bioomsbcro. Lcavo Catnbra Monday,
wtdnosday and Friday nt (1:30 a.m.. nrrUont
nlooioburg by ll:3t) a. ni. Leava Llosjinsburg on
same days alter arrival of riilladelpUla mall.
llLOOM'tiCKii Ami LAiRnsvm.x, Leave Ijilrdsvllle
Tuedy. Thursday and Saturday at, 7:30 a, m.,
arriving at llloomsburg by 18 m. Leavo lllooms
burg on same days alter arrival of I'nrladclpbla
mall Tho Btngo lino terminates at Mlllvlllo.
lirnlon and llloomsburg. A dally stage lino leaving
lienton In tho morning and returning In tho eve
ning of thosatno day,
VniTE lUi.t. and Ur.ooMBUiii.-Lpave White Hall
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 0:30 a. in.,
arriving at llloomsburg by 10 n, in. Iavo lllooms
burg on samo ilajs alter arrival of l'hlladelplila
Iiistos Atm I)i.oosrrR(i. Lravos nonton Monday,
Wednesday and Friday nt 8 a. in., arriving nt
llloomsburg at 9 p. m. Leaves llloomsburg Tues
day, Tnursilay and Snturuay at s a. m., arriving
ntlisntonat .p. m.
Conrad Krcamcr, administrator of Hebeccn
Smith, will sell real otnto, on the premises, in
Madison township, Saturday August 30lh, 1871)
at 1 o'clock, p. m.
See advertisements in nnotticr column.
There are so many delinquents on our list
that we are again compelled to make an appeal
to all who owe on subscription or book account,
to pay up. Statements of hook account have
been sent out by mail, and tillU for subscription
are being sent out each week in the papers, anil
tills will bo continued until all who are indebted
to us In any way, shall have received notice.
We do not go to this trouble and expense just
for amusement, but because we have a large
ampunt standing out, and ne need the money
Do not throw your hill .isido as a matter thai
can be attended to at any lime, but scttio it at
once, and save us the trouble of sending you
another notice, nnd yourselves the annoyance
of being dunned. It gives us no pleasure tu
dun those who owe us, but as those whom we
owe have no hesitancy in asking for their pay,
we are compelled to urge prompt payments to
us in order that we may pay our own bills. Of
course, the above is not intended for any one
but those who have received notices. tf,
lrol. Henry Carver formerly principal of
our N ormal School ha, recently opened a
school at South Orange N.J.
Hon A h Krcsslcr, formerly a member of
tho Legislature nnd now n practicing phy,Ic.
lan at W llkesbarre, Is In our town for recrea.
tion, and visiting relatives nnd friend".
The Presbyterian Congregation have com
monccd tho erection of a pnrsonngo on tho old
silo of their church nnd grave-yard opposite
Judge Klwdl'a residence.
In somo of our exchanges wo havo seen a
statement lliat ft signal service station is to bo
etnblislicd in llloomsburg. Wo don't know what
authority there may bo for tho statement but
wo hope it Isproperly authenticated, HepMU
U.O. M'nples, superintendent of Glove Bro
thers' quarries nt Lime Itldge, Informed us
that two hundred tons of eicellcnt limestone
aio taken from the quarries at that place nnd
sent to Danville every month. This is con
sidered a good yield. Danville Reeonl.
"Pinafore" was performed at the Opera House
on Saturday night by the Danville troupe. The
atlendenco was good, and with better manage
ment would have been larger. Those present
speak of the singing and acting as being excel
lent lor amiteurs.
On Friday nnd Saturday evening tho iilh nnd
Gtli of Sept, Signor llelletti with his 'Temple of
onder will nppear m tho Opera House. Tho
Signor is highly spoken of by tho Press ns n
great ventriloquist nnd prcstl ligltntor, and in
hisentcrtninmentherc will bo assisted by Miss
Neva Unydu the plienomounl pinn'st nnd
Miss (letlio Woodward.
The Democrats of Montour had a lively
time at their convention last week. That
little County, however, can generally get
up more excitement and fuss lo tho square inch
than any other in the State, Jacob Shelhart
was declared the nominee of the Convention for
Sherill. Tor Jury Commissioner, William
Sunday, nnd for Chairman of Standing Comi
mittcc, Michael Ilreckbill.
See D. Lowenberg's advertisement on
Tho Odd Fellows ot Pittston will hold a pic
nic nt Kupcrt on tho -Mi of September.
Don't forgot to pay your subscription when
you attend Court next week.
The Methodist Sunday School will have a
pic nic at Kupcrt this (Friday) afternoon.
The wife of Daniel Bowman who died lat
week ofconsumption was buried on Monday.
The Gospel Temperance meet! ng will be held
next Tuesday evening at the Baptist Church.
On Monday last G. M. & J. K. Lockard
commenced work preparatory to rebuilding their
car shops.
This office lias been awarded the printing of
the posti rs, &c. of our Agricultural Society
111 is year-
McClure of the Times favors Gen. Hartranft
for Sheriffof Philadelphia. "Birds of a feather
flock together."
On last Saturday the Calawissa Silver Cor
net Band came to us by train . They were
splendidly uniformed, and gave us excellent
music- We return thanks for tho compliment
of a serenade, They returned afoot. To in
sure against surprise, Ihe column was divided
nto three detachments front, centre and rear.
There were not three distinct bands, as has
been asserted, and although the big drum was
heavy it reached Catawissa safely.
Members of Democratic County committees
should nee lo it that every voter of our parly
has complied witli the law.
Failure tu pay tax in season deprives the
voter of the privilege of sufl'rage. An elector
cau swear in his vole, though he be not assess
ed, lnt the neglect may cause him mucli
We regret to learn that Geo. Risewick's
health is not ".improved. If anything he is
worse than he ever was.
Eat oysters only in the month that have an
"r" in their names, and driuk whiskey only in
the months that have a "k" in their names.
Did those nice young men from Calawissa
accent the Invitation to attend the Children's
matinee on last Saturday afternoon?
Murray Shipley of Cincinnati, Minister of
the Society of Friends preached in the Presby
terian Church last Sunday evening.
One of the finest trout ponds in the County
is owned by II. I), Applenian near Buck Horn,
Some of tho fish are at least fourteen inch
Peter Ilerdic has again been arrested This
time on a charge of conspiring to cheat the
Williamsport passenger railway company of
Mr. L. Gross of Ihe New York Clothing
Store has left for Philadelphia and New York
Look out for bargains in Clothing, Boots and
Shoes when he returns.
O. D. McIIcnry of Fisbingcreek, Cnnip-
bell of Fishingcreek, Perry Welsh of Orange,
James Fritz of Orange, Ernest Sloan of Orange
Evans of Briarcreek, and Herring of Bloom, we
learn have left the County for Lafayette College.
We wish them success, and trust they will prove
on honor to their county and friends.
Samuel Moyer, a young man who was boat
ing with William Thomas, met with nn acci
dent nt Epy on Wednesday of last week
while currying ono of tho mules which he had
tied to a lence with a chain. On loosening the
chain tho mule becamo frightened nnd tore
loose from the fence,and the boys' arm becom
ing entangled in the ichaiu, he was dragged
some distance, me young man is .lying in a
very critical condition.
We received a call one day this week from
Mr. J W. Sankeyof Light Street, Columbia
County who we were informed is on a limited
visit In our town. Ho reports Ihe business
outlook from his vicinity as being flattering in
the extreme, and that the indications in both
ricultural and mechanical pursuits would
point a relief from the past depression of the
times through which wo have passed, Mr.
Sankey is a gentleman of the genial bearing
and culture that makes him a pleasing visitor
and we heal tiiy wish him success. SSullhan
Tho Normal School opened on Monday. We
understand there is a largo number of new
students, nnd the senior class bids fair to be
the largest ever in attendance.
J. L. Girton is improving tho stable of the
City Hotel by putting a roof over tho yard
leading to tho same. This will give him in
creased facilities for stable nccommodation.
Che-iv JACKSON'S HkSTMvci't .Nnvy Tobnrro.
The first Sunday law was made by Constan
tino the Great in the year 321, when by an
edict he prohibited the pursuit of secular em
ploymen ts on that day of the week.
According to modern ethics a man may be
"moral" if he is sober, a good "family man
and a member of some orthodox church. And
yet that man may be a scoundrel.
We havo not yet heard of any independent
candidates for Sheriff, and trust there will be
none. Men who submit their names to a Con
venlion should abide by Ihe result whi n honest.
ly obtained.
There were no services at cither the Kpisco-
pal, Lutheran, or Methodist churches last Sun
lay evening, as the ministers of the several
churches are now Inking their bummer vaca-
The lot on which the lately burned car shops
stood Is being filled up with cinder which i.
brought directly from Neal & Son's furnace,
This will make Ihe new shops a great improve
ment on the eld.
Wo have been having a fine rain hero. Tho
farmers say it is good for tho buckwheat,
which is good news for those of us who nro
fond of buckwheat cakes.
Dr. Ammcrman has taken a journey to tip
per Lutcmo where ho has friends.
Tho number of students nt the Academy has
steadily increased since tho opening. It is now
high! in tho nineties nnd bidi fnir soon to
reach tho limit of nccommodation. There are
two clubs for gentlemen nnd one for ladies in
successful operation. Theso nro in charge of
teachers who bonrd with tho students, Tho
cost of bonrd in these clubs docs not much
exceed $1.00 nnd wo hnve been told that they
havo very comfortable living. Provisions nro
very cheap hero.
Mr. Miller n recent graduate of West Point is
visiting at A. 11 Stewarts.
Oliver Covanhovnn is putting a now roof on
li is shed and tho appenrnnco thereof is greatly
Notwithstanding (lie law in regard to the
hunting ofgime Is so frequently printed in the
newspapers there Is a demand for Information
every year Jwlien the season is about lo
open. Below we append, the dales
when the season commence' fjr killing game
and w hen it closes. Hunters by cutting this
out and preserving it can see by a glance when
to commenre the slaughter and leavo oil.
Squirrels September 1 to January 1.
lUbblts October Id lo January 1.
Wild ducks and geese September 1 lo May
Wild turkeys October 15 lo January 1.
Upland or gras plover July 15 lo January
ltullVd grouse, pheasant or pinnated grouse
October 1 lo January 1.
oodcock July 4 to January 1.
Quail or Virginia partridge October 15 lo
January 1 .
Deer October 1 to December 10,
It is unlawful lo shoot at any time a night-
hawk, whippoorwill, sparrow, thrush, martin,
lark, finch, chimney swallow, bam swallow,
woodpecker, flicker, robin, oriole, red or cardii
nal bird, cedar bird, tanager, cat bird, blue
bird, or any insectivorous bird under a penalty
of five dollars each, or to destroy their eggs or
nests under a penalty of S10 for each ollense.
A trap, net, (marc or torchlight e'nmot be used
in taking wild turkeys, ruffed grouse, pheasant,
partridge or woodcock, or rail or reed bird or
pinnated grouse under a penalty of S10 for
each offense.
By a tilling ot the I ost olhce department at
Washington, much mail matter that heretofore
was first'dass and cost three cents for each half
ounce postage, is now admitted at third-class
rates, that is 1 cent for two ounces. The mat'
ter intituled under the above cheaper rates of
postage embraces bills of merchandise, wny
bills, bills of lading, invoice, mortgage,deed?,
papers of legal procedure, insurance polices and
various document of Insurance companies,
hand bills, posters, chromo", lithographs, pho
tographs, slereoscopie views, printed cards,
printed blanks and, in fact, everything that
does not partake of llio nature of a personal
Look rort Youit Name. Duplicate copies
of Ihe registry list have been placed in the
hands of the assessors of Ihe different (.wards,
boroughs and townships of the county, and these
have been posted at the places of holding elec
tions. This is done for the benefit of the voter,
and every citizen should examine the list per
sonally to ascertain whether hit name is prop
erly registered, and not depend on the assessor
entirely us the information very often i not
given him correctly In tusking his rounds. It
costs nothing to attend to this, and at the same
time it may save the voter lime and trouble on
tho day of the election. Democrat, see that
your name is on the' litt properly, and do not
depend upon others,
In accordance with the drifiof tho times the
Trustees of the State Normal School havo re
duced tho rate of tuition in the model School
to tho sum of 23 cents per week. This daces
the advantages of this excellent School within
the reach of nil. Miss Brewster, in charge of
tho Model School, is n graduate of a Stale
Normal School, was a post-graduato student
and has added to these qualification years of
successful teaching, A visit to her school will
convince tho observer that her pupils nro in
tho enro of no ordinary teacher. Tho teaching
by the Seniors is under the direct and constant
supervision of both Miss Brewster and Prof
Noetllng, so that nowhere nro the principles
underlying all instruction more constantly np
plied. Go and see to bo convinced.
llloomsburg Pa. Aug 23 1S70
Messiis. Editohs !
As perhaps you are aware
there lias lately been organizes! in this
dace n "Game & Fish Protective Association."
Tiie members propose to wile away a portion of
tneirleisnre time in shooting at ball thrown
from u trap. They have therefore purchased a
trap and ball for that purpose. The balls are
of a composite substance readily dissolved by
the action of the weather and are said to be an
excellent fertilizer, It was our good fortune
on last Saturday afternoon to witness the firt
ball rhooting by the club on the Fair Grounds.
As it was their first efl'ort in that line of course
perfection was not to be expected.
Johnny G , who is said to be quite a Nim
rod succeeded in breaking quite a number of
balls. D. I. . did not seem to be aide to get
the "bead" on them nnd made a fine gooe egg,
A. S. . fiiied to meet the expectations of ihe
lookerson but it would seem from some
fault in the powder or gun rather than from Ids
ability as a marksman as we understand he
brings as much game into town n any of the
many hunters here. M. H . after many in- attempts finally "gave it up' ' II
should not be discouraged he should remember!
the story of Bruce and the spider. lie will no
doubt be able to break a ball in time- W
uinit not forget the affable buok seller, G. A.
C who probably made as good a record as
any breaking half Ihe balls he shot at he shot
at lwo One of tiie most active and efficient
members, J.R, S although, present owing
to a severe headache was not able to shoot.
Otherwise it is to be presumed that lie would,have
well fertilized would take too much
of your valuable space to particularize further,
and I will simply say that they all handled
the balls carefully.
We learn that the club have two barrels of balls
if tiiey are careful to select good sod for the
ball to fall upon it is likely that they will last a
long time and none need decline joining the
club for fear of the expense of ball.
We have no doubt, however, as time moves
along they will continue to improve and bo
credit to tiie town,
must exercise great care through the hoi wratln
er to keep up the standard quality, When tho
pastures begin to dry up nnd butler gels light
colored tiso Wells, lllcliardson & Go's I'eifrrled
Butter Color. It will enable you to gel the
top price In market.
On Mondiy last Christian Hush vMled
Bloomsburg.At 1). W. Bobbins' store he bought
two pint bottle of whiskey tendered a $10
bill received $3.80 change, and started toward
Irondale furnace. On Ihe road lie was me t by
Hon. T.J, Vnndersllcc, who had some conver
sation with htm, nnd who says that nt that lime
about noon he was entirely sober. Ho was
next seen at Irondnle about 2 o'clock p. m,, and
about 7 p. m.wa found dead In the tail race.
It was raining hard most of (lie time. A Cor
oner's inquest wa summoned, with Justice
Browcr as acting Coroner, nnd the following
men as jurors: John Keller, Isaac Miller, M.
C. Woodwaid, Wesley Eyer, G. W. Spalding
and A. L. Fritz. They proceeded lo Ihe wa
ter's edge, where the body lay, and after view
ing It, adjourned to meet nt Justice Brower's
office at 8 p. m. when the following witnesses
were examined. We give Ihe substance of
their testimony.
Jacob S, Evan sworn. This afternoon I saw
the deceased near the shops at the Irondale fur
nace. Did not know who he wa. Asked
Smuuel Shaffer, who said he thought it was
Matliia Apl'leman. The man then pase'd on
30 yard. Tills wa about two p. tit. The de
ceast-d answers to the description of (lie man I
saw a to clothing, appearance, &c. Think it
.vaslhe suiie man. He appeared lobe a ber.
Ho was going toward the fjot bridge over the
race. Saw him half way there. Have sincr
examined the bridge. It seems as if he had
fallen oil' on the near side. The weeds below
were broken down. ITIicro was a railing to
the plank. He could have fallen into Ihe wa'
ter belore reaching the railing.
Samuel Shaffer, Jr. sworn. Alont Ihe lime
mentioned by Mr. Evans saw a man pass be
tween the carpenter and iron shop, Did not
know him. Saw him coming thru' the rain.
Hnve examined tho bridge. Saw nothing
special there. Think tiie man was sober, and
that the deceased was the man.
William Lewis, sworn. Had been fishing at
the old county bridge, About 5 o'clock p. m.
was making my way home. Went around
the tail race,and saw somellng thatl firstsuppos'
ed to be a log. Then saw a face and hand. Went
to the Irondale store and gave the alarm. The
boily was in Ihe middle of the tail race. Mills
Cbemherlin got the body lo the shore, and 1
helped land it. Tiie man was dead.
Richard Drinker affirmed. On the alarm
being given by Mr. Lewis, 1, witli other went
tithe race. Saw decease.! lying in the race
abo il 20 or ."0 feet below the bridge. The
body was on its side face lowardj the creek
and head out of the water.
Mills Cbemherlin sworn. Mr. Lewi called
at the store and told us there was a man drown
ed in tho race. I went there and saw Ihe body.
Waded ill and pulled it ashore, and Lewis
hcljied to Hill it out of tiie wa ter. The man
was di'ad then. Saw nothing lo show that he
ad fallen from it, or that there had been a
struggle. The bridge is about S feet above the
water. Current is swift under the bridge and
below. Where found the water is about 14
incites deep. Above considerably deeper. Body
pulled out about u. 15 p. ni. It wa limber.
No effort wa made to resuscitate. Il was loft
lay there after view on the ground, in the
Mr. WoodwarJ, oue of the Jurors then staled
(hat be had examined the body nnd found no
marks or bruises. No physician (was present.
He found on the person two pint bottles full of
whiskey, some tobacco, a bandanna handker
chief and $3.80.
It was this I "Trust In Ood ami keep your
bowels open." For this purpose many an old
lorlor has advised (he habttually costive lo lake
KldneyiWorl for no other reniedr so efTeoltl-
lly overcomes this condition, and that without
the distress and griping which other medicines
cause, It Is a radlcat euro for plies.
Notice I hereby given that propositions will
. . r , , . .. .j tuv n WU....V, u( iiubuuk rrm -lino,, uu litw nwi, wiiisuiiiuh o.a- " .
be received from any anil nil persons In Hcliuyl- n6 wj. ee w)iere tm glren(,t, an j auor ty-slx feet In wldUi and twi hundred and fourteen Noah Drako and to Is) Bold as tho property of John
trill nl.nn Vn.t l,n.l.i1a n,i 1aI.....1. Ia ami ..... I . . ... .- ...-it. H I tlmkn.
kill, Carbon, Northumberland, Columbia and
Dauph in counties, for the donation of suitable
grounds upon which to erect n Stale Hospital
for injured persons, under the provisions of an
act of the Legislature entitled "An Act to pro
Ide for the selection of a site and erection of a
State Hospital for injured persons, lo be located lng 'lf9 Interminably for tho family dinner, Ul0 following described lot of ground situate In tho
Ily vlrtuo of sundry writs Issued out of tho
Ihe counties of Schuylkill, Carbon, Dauphin, To be good, nearly every kind of pie should .own county and TrllTZSTlZrZ,
Northumberland and Columbia, to be called the 08 "e J " " i e Bnme "'.' "' "" ",'".L h it in in. t of nioomsbnnr Columbia
i. . . i .. ... i west nna houiji huu iql ui mu new t jtokwu uii niu i - .. .
Stale Hospital for Injured persona of the An- I' "ccu lu u0 Su" i"roBu wiui every ca.t, teln(, about forty ,uet in width and about six-
raclle Coal Regions, and for the management morning, oomu sauiy pampereu nousenoius ty feet In depth.
the same, and maklnt. nn annrnnrlatlnn make IMS demand on a housekeeper's eizea,uikenin cxccuiionannoauiioi Aiircuu,
making an appropriation
Iheiefor," approved the eleventh day of June strength three times a day.and usually reap
D. 1879. the fruits of their lolly In miserable years of
The above mentioned propositions will be re dyspepsia And a hundred kindred ills
ived until Saturday, September 13, 1879, by It Is mainly In cooking that a house-wife
the chairman of the Commission appointed by can save herself, and that too with equal
the Governor In pursuance of Ihe above recited profit to tho family purse nnd health, Sim
act, and all such proposals will receive full and ply cook vegetables in abundance, a bountl
lue consideration. ful dish of oat mea 1. with rich m ilk and su
Address, gRri f yol, ij.e it, bread and butter, and
D. A. Bkckley, Chairman, meat 0f some sort, make a bill of fare fit for
jiloomsburg, 1'a
Oko. S. Holmes, Secretary,
Attention should be called to tl
carelessness of certain employees ol
ing II, It., on Friday last from which the most
serious consequences might havo resulted.
ust after tho 11:45 train down had come in nt
Kupcrt, and while the passengers were getting
If, a freight train was deliberately backed
own tost the depot between the passenger
beautiful, and that length of days may be
andsUeteof Pennsylvania, boanded and described
nn fnllnwn. tn-wlt. ! Noiilliwarcllv bv Heventh street.
trnln nnd the platform, directly through the granted to them. Let us strive to do notti- eastwardly by lot of Pat. Markln, northwardly by
crowd of persons, some of whom narrowly cs- lng that shall work against either, and let the .Delaware Lackawanna and I Western i Rail ltoad
caped being struck nnd killcd.while part o.the us bo equallylcareful to avoid shortening Xtt
number who were driven across the track had our own days, by unnecessary over work. street and two hundred feet In depth more or lebs,
to tako refuge between the passenger cars and Ex
tho runnmir freight train, lf such carelessness I
on tho part of employees were reported nt MJ ,or payment ol taxes, Saturday,
headquarters wo doubt whether it would ban-1 uctouer , isJ.
pen m?nln.
Last day fur being naturalized, Saturday, JVLa.rna.QeS.
uciouer i, ioiu.
The sale of the Mill properly and farm be
longing to the estate of Peter Ent on Friday
laatwa adjourned to next Saturday. The bids
stood $0000 for the mill, and $1600 for the
The manager of Ihe Danville llecord (Green
back), for Columbia County somehow don't get
in anything about Columbia county. But then
there is no Greenback, National, Labor, lie
form, &c, news here.
Representative) Knlttle was in Harrisburg
this week to appear beforo the Grand Jury
that is expected to indict Kemble, Butler, and
others connected with tho attempted "Four
million steal" of last winter.
l'OBSALE. Several goodjiouses and loU In
me town of llloomsburg Pa. Inquire of Miclp
el P. Eyerly at tho office of Freeze and Eyer'
ly, Iloomburg.
Aug. 22 3-w
Several hundred people assembled lo celebrate
on laBt Saturday in the grove adjoining the
farm of Aaron Smith in Hemlock township.
At noon all werecalled together to partake of a
Bumptious dinner provided by the farmers and
their wives and daughters. AtlwooilocU Ihe
Union Sunday School of that place marched in
procession singing hymns, to the seats which
had been prepared a Is usual for a bush caiup-
meetlng, beaded by Aaron Smith its Superin
tendent and Ihe teachers of their respective
classes. After singing and prayer by IJev.
John Thomas, the congregation was addressed
by lawyer K. H. Little and Itev. John Thomas
from a text selected Ircm the international
Sunday School lesson fur Ihe ensuing Sunday,
"Let this mind be in you which was also in
Chriet Jesus." After inging by Ihe school
candies were distributed among llio children
and the meeting gradually dispersed, The
Sunday School appeared to be very large and
there is a reason to hope thai Ihe Superintend
ent and the teacher are fiilhfully doing the
work that Ihe Lord has given them to do.
The lie nio held under the auspices of the
'Milton Social Club" boarded the train for
Kupert at half past eight o'clock on Wednesday
morning last. Conductor, Jno. A. Logle, gave
the signal to go ahead and the train moved oil'
witli as lively and good nalured a cargo a it
ha ever been our fortune towilnes. After
run of something over an hour Itupert station
wa reached without Incident or accident wor
thy of note. The basket containing the prov
ender for the participants were quickly got in
hand und carried to the ground leased for the
occasion. Theo ground, located to the left
of Ihe railroad,scarcely a stone's throw from the
station, are ''beautiful for situation." clean and
wellkept, swing and tables erected and cro
quel ground hid out solely for the ue of ex
cursionlsts. Arrived, the crowd broke into
small parties, eacli intent on spending the day
to its own particular liking. Some took
angling in tho waters of Ihe famous Fishing
Creek, some to swinging and croquet, while
others wended their way to llloomsburg, two
miles dhtant, to view the town and its many
points of interest. A fier a short season of en
joyinent the call to dinner was sounded, and
appetites sharpened by the pure mountain air
wero satisfied with pic nic fare. Ihe afternoon
wa passed in plays, games, walks 'and drives
and long ere the weakest felt weary came the
hour when she cars should start on their return
trip. The verdict unanimously rendered at
the depot just before starting homeward was
that this pic nic, In its management, lis pleas
ures, and in everything that goes to make
time enjoyable, was a grand success, and that to
J. Moran Carotbers, President of the Club, was
due a large measure of praise for providing the
means acd superintending the details of this
most pleasant affair.
Tom Haag and President Carotbers exploied
the c eve in Tuhb mountain and secured sev
eral fine specimens of stalactites.
Gen- lb Its and others look dinner at Ihe
Exchange Hotel and are loud In their praise o
the meal set before them by Proprietors Tubb
& Chamberlain.
A look through the office of Ihe Columbian
fall, ties a visitor thai it i n good thing to have
what is legal in the way of advertising.
Hie Normal School building nnd the new
jail were much admired by visiting Milton
C, Belies gained lo pounds in weight on
till trip, He laughed .and grew fat,
Vocal music of a high order on our journey
homo .
Lieut. Bogle Inspected the camp ground at
llloomsburg and pronounced It an elegant situa
Win. Strine was the most polite min ou
boaid the train. Uiltonian.
A letter from Cartaret county,
Carolina, published in the World of Aug. scoter 11. O, Kaufman of Brandonvillo to Miss
2olli, reprents that the recent great storm Maggie G. Metz of Catnwissn.
alone the Atlantic coast destroyed so much Erwine Lunwio-In Beaver Valley, on the
property in that county, which extends one nn, ist., by Jns T Fox, Esq Mr Chas Erwine
undred miles along the seacoast, that the I to Miss Cathnrino Ludwig, botli of Beaver
nhaliilant are actually in need ofthe nee Valley,
essanesoi inc. Jjumiings wero razeu to tne i .KY WimiiP.v At tlm nmn ,,lnr n,l
round, the gathered and standing crops de bv tho same on tho 24lh Inst. Mr Miles Kilev
stroyed, and live stoclc swept away, so tna' to Miss Li?zie Witchey,
ttio people are utterly destitute, ihe letter
ha been written by a lady from New York
Isiling her son there, with the view of ob
taining aid for tho sufferer.
The Sterling Book Cover. We have
purchased tho richt to use theso covers in this
county, nnd have on hand an assortment of Aaron W. and Hannah M. Orover of Main stone, from thence along land of Wright Hughes
sizes. They mnko the nentest nnd most con- iwp-t UK " BCU u '""'" " " uuyn.
cuient form for doing up noto heads, letter I Anoell. In llloomsburg, August 21 Inst,,
heads, bill heads, notes, checks, Ac, and a Richard Lewi son of K. B. B. and E. M-
cover will be given nwny with every order of Angell, aged 5 months and 18 days.
1000 Trv it onro nnd vnn will not dn with- I ?Fi?M""""BM,MBM"Si?"M"BM,?J"!?H
out it. It is tho best thing of the kind ever
nventcd. Call nnd examine.
Such i the melancholy fate of "old Christyi
ns he was familairly known, and at an old age
after many viciitute,lie dies a sudden death
For years he has been living down the valley
and for some time past with Daniel Coiner,
It is said that he has a boy aged about 19 years
living in Germany. From the dockel of C. W
Miller, Esq., we gather the following data!
tged "1 yrs. a resident of Montour Twp
Col. Co, enrolled in Capt. Isaac S. Walerbury'i
Co. G.53 Begt. P. V. on ihe 17 day of Aug
A. D. 1EC1 and was honorably discharged at
Beaufort S O. On tho 31st of Dec 1803 re
enlisted as a Veteran Vol. in Capt. Geo. II
Miller's Co. G. 55 Kegt. P. V. on Ibellstof Jan
uary 1SG1 and wa honorably discharged at
Petersburg!! Va. 30th Aug. lSOo. While
the service aforesaid and in the line of his duty
lie received a gun siiot wound in thu right hip
ball entering at the hip and running down tl
leg near the knee where it lodged and was cut
out by tho surgeon, while in an engagement
with the Uebel at the battle of Petersburg Va
on the 10 of June 1S03. He was treated
Hampton Hospital, Fortress Monroe,for three or
four weeks, then removed to a hospital on I)ng
Island and remained there about two months
nnd then returned to his Kegt ,was captured at
Fort Gilmore on the 23 ol Sept. 1801 taken to
Salisbury N. C. and paroled on the 23 of I eby,
1835 sent lo York P.i,, then returned to liar
risburg wliero lie remained until discharged
He wa also a Private of Capt. John Nevins'
Co. E; 15 Kegt. Pa. Vols. Enrolled 1st of May
1801 to servo for 3 months ; discharged 7tl
Aug. 1801 at Carlble Pa. by reason of expira
tion uf term of enlistment."
We understand that a few days ago he
cived an instalment of about $270. Hi body
wa taken charge of by the directors of the poor
in the absence of other claimants, though
should not be understood that lie died a paufr,
Daniel Coiner, with whom he forniely lived
releived our Directors ofthe Poor of respons
bilily ns to charges because lie had mo ins of
his own and he was buried in our Cemetery ii
the soldiers circle by hi friends.
See a woman on horseback in another col
umn, riding near Speer's Vineyards, with
buncli of Grapes from which Speer's PortGrap
Wine is made, that Is so highly esteemed by
the medical profession for the tiso of invalid
weakly person and the aged.
Sold by Druggist.
June 27 1-y,
Bl.ooMS,iiuitei, Aug 21, 187!
Tho citizen's meeting convened as per fad
journment in tho parlors of iho Exchange Ho
tel at 8.30 o'clock, with D- Lowenbe
Chairman Presiding,in tho absence of W. II
Abbott, Secretary ,on motion J. C. Brown, was
elected temporary Secretary. Tho committee
on arrangements through its chairman J, C,
Brown reported progress. A letter from Col
Stead oi the 12th Kcgimcnt was received
thanking tho citizens for their interests ia se
curing tho Fnir grounds, for li is encampment.
Mr. Lowenberg stated that tho Secretary had
received a letter from Gen. Sigfried of wide!
tho President gave a synopsis. Committee
horses through G. W. Spalding, Secretary, re
ported progress. On motion llio Committee on
decorations was enlarged by tho addition of tho
following members, L N Moyer, J W Kyo
W O Holmes, E K Drinker, O M Vander-lice,
G A Clark, Isaiah Hngcnbuch, Jnmes Sterner,
and Paul E irt of Bloomburg, John W
Evans and 0 II Jackson of Berwick, J B Yet1
ter and Geo. Jteif-nyilcr of Calawissa, Cnpt.
II J Conner ul Orangovillo, Daniel Morris of
Locust, Cyrus 11 McIIcnry of Still Water, Itobt
Bryson and I). I . Curry, ol Ccntrnlln, On
suggestion of Mr, lleckley It was ordered that
tho members of committee on decorations 1.
notified to tecuro what flags and materials foi
decorations they can in their several localities
Adjourned to meet on Thursday evening Aug
2th at tho same hour anil place.
Jas. C. BnorvN,
Secretary pro (tin,
Sick hesdaohes Incessanlly distract many.
Let such use "Sellers' Llrer Pill.." 25o.
How a lloasekefp'r May Simplify ilrr Work.
Ily vlrtuo ot sundry writs Issued out ot the Court
of Common l'leas ot Columbia county and to me di
rected, will be exposed to public sale at the Court
House In the town of Illoorasbuig, Columbia county,
fennsylvanla, at one o'clock p. m., on
All that certain lot of ground situate tn tho town
of Dloomsburg In the county of Columbia and state of
(leorge Cadwaltader thence by the samo south eighty-nine
degrees east ono hundred and thirty-one
nd six-tenth perches to a post, thenco by land of
James D. McIIcnry north ono degree cast sixty-
four and three-tenth perches to a chestnut, thenoi
by land ot John Heller north clghty-nlne degrees
west one hundred and thirty-two and seven-tenth
perches to a pine, thence by land of Itillllp Apple
man and said Cadwalladcr south stxty-four and
Uirec-tenth porches to the place of beginning, con
taining llfty acres more or lcss,onwhl:h arecrcct-
Tlicro Is ono subject well worthy tho care
ful study of every housekeeper ; and that is,
how she mar simplify work. If she will sit
down dally with pencil In hand and jot Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to- cd ia W'J,m
. .. .. ..... i wit i i-Tfifiiinir nn HPrnnn nnvi nr muii inwn. nvi.u, mbi,u vawuuvm mv h-i.
down Items as llicy occur to the mind when ,.,,,-. nnlin rttt tual liuilding and Bnvmg Fund Association of
running through mentally tho day's routine, lot of Joshua Fetterman on tin west, containing six- llloomsburg against John Drake, Lemuel Drake anil
may he very properly saved. A simple pud
ding fur desert lakes much less time to make
than a plo or two, and Is far more healthful
and quite as appetizing. Yet, how many
women slave over a hot kitchen stovo bak-
fcet sit inches tn deolh. whereon are erected a largo Drake.
threo story brick tavern house with kitchen attach. Itosisov, Attorney,
cd. nald house contains forty bed rooms, parlor. Terms cash.
sitting room, dining room, bar room, omcc, rcstau-1 Aug. 8, is,-ts
rant, kitchen, wash-house, Ac, also, a large barn,
Ice house, Ac.
IX Fa.
(llbson against John Layeock and to be sold as tho
property of John Layeock.
Littles, Attorneys. FL Fa,
All that certain lot, piece or portion of ground sit
uate In tho town of Uloouisburg, county ot Colum
bia and state ot Pennsylvania, bounded and describ
ed as follows, to-w It 1 Fronting on Seventh street
on tho south titty feet, on the west by Iron street
two hundred feet more or less, on the north by the
Delawaro Lackawanna and Western Hall Koad llfty
feet, on the cast by lot ot (I. A. Potter two hundred
feet inoro or less to the beginning, whereon aro
a princo. Indeed, the littlo princes across erected a two Biery irnnio aweuing nouso ana oui
,t. .. nt, .tm,.i., n, , ,.1,11. buildings.
t.iu nu o.u., .v. ....... uu. ...... . , , , .Tr,i!lrt nt. Ihrt R!t. ftf Tlift
he cnlpablo dren' RnJ re n0t n,loweU lo ,Mte 'llB 1,i8h llloomsburg .Mutual saMng Fund Association TUcre aro on
f,, 1 . ly spiced, elaborate dishes such as our good against tl, A. Potter and David J. Wallsr and to pump aclstei
i .t ieJlcau ll0U9ewives Bet jaily ., tb(!ir ,abIeli besoldasthoproportyofn.A. rotter and DavldJ. Thonbovelol
county, Pennsylvania, at one o'clock p. m., on
Saturday, September (Mi, 1879,
All those certain lots or pieces of land sltuato in
Dloomsburg, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bound
ed and described as follows, to-wlt I One lot bum-
ber ten In plot ot Harton addition bounded on the
cost by East street, on the south by other lot of
Casper I Thomas, on tho west by an alley, ana on
tho north by lotof ShaHerand Hoffman, being titty
feet In front and oue hundred and ninety-tbreo feet
In depth upon which is erected a wagon shed and as
much ot the barn as Is on sold lot number ten.
Lot number cloven bounded on the cast by Kost
street, on the south by land lot ot William (turgor,
on thu west by an alloy and on tho north by lot
number ten abovo described, upon which ts erected
a largo framo house, barn and other out-bulldlngs.
o on tho above described lot a wen anu
cistern and an underground sprlnghouse.
lots are well supplied with fruit trees,
apple, cherry, Ac.
,,(,. ..t !-, w 1 , 1!fT. I '..,.
iiign puysiuu cimure haim iodk mo are , w,i. w. Kn.
nnniiIf-Tatlnn fnr nnaalhln lifiir-i tn n crnwn. I a rcn
' I i.iiOr i , ... i,.!i tiv,,.
T , I 1 . I .... . . ... I U1IQ UURT 1UI UU JMUIIUttUOUVVb ui,i- uiVAiuiowui tj
i iu sure wi iiiuiuersucsiro ipiiie s oiruug- Ail mat. certain ioi,pieco or portion oi grouna su- toun4c(t oa tn0 norttl by nn ancyi 0n tho east by
lytoseoour children grow up Btrong and uateln the townof moomsburg, county of Columbia Ule Ironaaoranroad on lhoBouUl by ,ot or Ucnry
Kaufman Metz. At llio M. K- Parson-
North ago in MiflMnville Aug. 3d by Kcv. C. Ii. Den1
on which la erected a two story frame dwelling
houso and out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken In execution at the suit of The
Dloomsburg Mutual Sat lng Fund Association a;alnst
(J. A. Potter and to be sold as the property of (1. A.
Littles, Attorneys. Kl. Fa.
All that certain tract ot land situate In Minim
tow nshlp, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as follows, to-wlt: Heglnnlng at a
public road running from Abraham Sctiweppc nhel
scrtoUcorgo Nungesscr M1U, tbeueo north sixty-
two degrees west eight perches to a stone, thence
by land of Abraham Schweppcnhelser north secn-ty-nve
degrees west eight torches to a stone, thence
south six degrees east seven and eight-tenth perch
es to said road live perches and live tenths to the
place ot beglinlng, containing Ufty-slx perches
more or less, on which are erected a frame dwelling
houso and out-buUdlngs.
belzcd, taken in execution at the suit of Jacob
Penebecker against Aaron A. llredbenncr and to be
sold as the property ot Aarou A. Ilredbenner.
Ikelek, Attorney. FL Fa,
All that certain tract ot land situate In Locust
township, Columbia county and state of Pennsylva
nia, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: De
ginning at a post In Hue of John I'. Kegclrlser south
John. In Main twp., Aug. 18th Mr. Stacy
John, Aged CCyeirs 21 days
GnoVER. Ada Valetn infant daughter of sixty-nine degrees west twelve and a lulf perches to and out-bulldlngs
llartman, and on the west by nn alley, containing
tirty feet tront and ono hundred and Blxty-Blx feet
deep moro or loss, on which are erected a double
frame house, two largo stables and other out-bulldlngs.
seized, taken in execution nt tuo suit or ..!. ti. l'niton against Casper 1.
Thomas and to be sold as tho property of Casjier 1.
Ucciiiaw, Attorney. Al. FI.F.
All that certain real estate situate in tiie town ot
llloomsburg, In tho county of Columbia, and state of
PennsiUanla, bounded and described as follows,
to-w It i ou tho north by ridgo alley, on the east by
lot ot I.I05 dsha plcss, on tho south by Main or .sec
ond street, nnd on tho west by Centre street, being
twenty-four feet four inches In width on Second
street, and two hundred fourteen feet six Inch
es in depth aloDg centre street, on which aro erect
ed a tuo story frame store room and dwelling, a
good frame stable and out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken In exe-cullou ut the suit and or Jo-
stph It. Vnmlersltcu now to tho uso of Ocorgo Hughes
s. 11. C. Howe r nnd eieorge ua.ance, ana to do soiu
as tho property of II. O. Hower.
M1L1.EB, Attorney.
At tho samo time and place, all that certain rea
estate situate In the Ulago ot Hctlcrvllle in Uio
tho county ot Columbia, and Stato ot I'ennsylvnnla
boanded and described as follows, to-wlt : On Uio
cast by land of Phoebe Miller, on tho south and west
by land of Emanuel Klkendall and on tho north by
a public road, containing ono quarter ot an acre,
more or less, on which are erected a rrame nouso
The bark Kentish Tar, from Padang, passed
on Thursday August 21t in latitude 3S dcg.
51 min. and longitude 73 deg., a sun-fish the
surface of winch measured at least 1UO square
The aliove is ihe biggest fish story we have
seen tills season.
Business Notices.
Boot hcadquarters at McKinney's.
Admission free at McKinney's.
School Books at I. W. Unrtman's.
Kemember that Lulz & Sloan sell black
and colored bilk Velvets cut bias for trim
Fob Sale. A 4 A. fount of 25 line wood
letter in excellent condition, at a low piicc.
Wo olTcr it for snie because we have two fonts
nearly alike nnd need but one. For inspection
at tho Columbian office.
south ono and n half degrees west slxty-two pe r 'lies
to a stone heap, from thence north eighty and one-
fourth degrees east twenty-nine and a halt perches
to a post, from thence north twelve and a half de
grees west sixty-four perches to the place of begin
ning, containing eight acres and seventeen perches
more or less.
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit ot Wlll'ain
J. Iielwlg, Trustee for Catharine Helwlg, against
Henry Iielwlg and to be sold as the property of Hen
ry Helwlg.
lxELiK, Attorney. Plu. FL Fa.
All that certain piece of land situate In Benton
township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as tallows, to-wlt : On tho north by
lands of Samuel Applcman, on the east by lands of
Jonas ltantz and the Benton savlog Fund Assocla-
tlon.on the south by lands ofJonas Kantz and on the
west by lands of Tuomas Siegfried and Alfred Kantz,
containing llfty acres moro or less, on which are
seized, taken In execution at tho Bult ot William
Hartzcl. administrator of Mary K. Uctlcr, deceasod
vs. Stephen Miller and to bo Isold as tho property of
Stephen Miller.
MIL1.KB, Attorney. tl. ra.
TKHM8 : Cash on day of sale, otherwise property
to be resold at once.
aug,1s, ts.
Cash paid for 1000 bushels of good white erected a framo house, barn and out-bulldlngs.
or yellow Oats nt Light Street by
July 18 3-w.
Blank books of all kinds at I. W. Hart-
Single Width Cashmeres all colors at
Shoe Store below Court
It is well that that instructions have been
sent to the representatives of this country at Lutz& Sloan's for 1i cts. a yard.
the capitals of Chili and Peru, directing
them to proffer the good oflices ofthe United
States in effecting nn honorable settlement
of the differences between the belligerent
Governments. These instructions havo
been communicated to the Governments of
Chill and Peru, but sufficient time has not
elapsed for a reply. Thero is reason to
hopo that this act of friendship will bo ac
cepted in a like spirit, nnd that tho result
will be a speedy termination of the existing
hostilities. This action is not without pre
cedent. During the first term of General
Grant's administration the mediation of
the United States was sufficient in relieving
Chili, Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador, const!
tuting the allied Republics of the Pacific
coast, from a state of war with Spain. It
is plain that our Government should bus
tain relations to the South American He
publics of so friendly a character that its
influences may at any time be successfully
exerted in the promotion of international
peace and good will. Jteeora.
Kubbers at McKinney's.
Slates, Writine paper, pens and pencils.
at i. w. uartman's.
Cotton Warp Black Cashmeres Irom 25
to -15 cents and all wool Black Cashmeres
from -18 to $1.10 at Lutz & Sloan's,
Wanted. Good Wool at Lightstreet by
Silas Young.
juiy !), -iw.
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit ot A. 1'.
Young, Administrator of Mercy Ann Roberts de
ceased, against John ltantz, Jonas Kantz and Abra
ham llartman and to bo sold as the property of
John Kantz.
Ieelek, Attorney. FI. Fa.
All that certain piece of land situate In Benton
township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania,
and described as follows : Dy lands ot Da
erts on the north, of Michael llartman on tho cast
ot Joseph Ilutt on the south, and of John Kobcrta on
tho west, whereon aro erected n plank dwelling
house, a stable and other out-bulldlngs, consisting
of tw enty-ono acres more or less,
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit ot Orayblll
Co., against Edward McIIcnry and to bo sold as
the property of Edward MCIIenry.
kKOHii, Attorney. Vend. Ex,
All that certain piece or parcel of ground situate
In Fishingcreek township, Columbia county, Penn
sylvania, described as follows, to-wlt : Bounded on
tho north by land of Lazarus and Thomas Hutchi
son, on tho northeast by land of eieorge Tealer, on
the southwest by land of Philip Unangst and Ed-
ij.ttr.r9nt Administration on tho estate ot John
Paierson, lato ot Heaver township, Columbia coun-
... H..on iTMnfivl i,V lh UPL-lStfr Of
said county to the undersigned administratrix. All
persons naving claims bkiuubi. caww
,,nttiii tnnresnt them for settlement and those
Indebted to make payment without delay.
C. W. MitxBii, Att'y, Beaver Twp.
aug. in, ow.
Cash paid for good lambs and fat sheep at ward Unangst, containing forty-seven acres and
Light Street by I stxty-four perches, on which aro erected a frame
SILAS XOUNO. nouse, nam ana oui-Duiiuings.
Julyl8 2-ra, Seized, taken In execution at the suit ot tho Or-
.-, I nngevllle Mutual Saving Fund and Loan Assocta-
If you wnut a nice Store room, cheap and Hon against William Unangst and to bo sold as tho
nttea up to suit, call on i. W. mrtman property or wiiiiam unangst.
before the 15th of September.
New prints, muslins, shirtings, flannels,
ic, at uiaric a son s.
CoLLECTon's Wahkants. We have prepar
ed a form, and have on hand a large quantity of
blank "Collector's Sales," which have been ap
proved by the highest legal authority in the
Courts of tills county. At SVwify Oili per doz
en we mail any number to the Collector order
ing lliem. A Collector, when compelled tn ad-
If you want a Black Silk Dress remember
that Lutz Si Sloan have not advanced the
price yet aad have a largo assortment to
cnoose irom.
Want good live calves that weigh 120 lbs.
to 125, 130, 140, 150, 100 and upward at
Light Street by
July 18 2-m.
"Wnnled 9flft tnna nf iwul Rnrk Oak
vcii.-g pruperiri i"" u,, uui in. ujrK uy Silas loung, islglitstreet.
three notices in the most public places in his july 25, 4 w,
borougli or township.
"A new lot of choice Mackerel in Quar
ters, halves and barrels, iust received which
r . 1. un.t, I " '
i win buii tiicup lui ui9u ui piuuuuo. uuas
xoung, Ligutstreet.
juiy 2o, -tw.
Boots and Shoes cheap at McKinney's.
Miller, Attorney. Al. Vend. Ex,
All that certain lot of ground situate In the town
ship ot Calawissa, Columbia county, Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to-wlt : Begin
ning at a corner ot a lot ot ground belonging to Sar
ah Hamlin In the north side ot the public road lead
lng from tho town of Catawtssa to McKelvy,s mill
and running from thenco by said lot of Sarah Ham
lin north llfty and a quarter degrees east ono hun
drcd anil thirty-six teet, (ISO ft,) to a corner of a lot
of Ilebecca r.relsli, thenco by tho bamo thlrty-nlno
and threo quarter degrees west forty-four feet,
(tl ft.) to a post, ihcneo by land of Catnwlssa semi
nary Association south llfty and a quarter degro;s
westono hundred andtwenty feet (120 ft.) to a post
on the norttl side of the aforesaid public road,thence
by the same south eighteen and a half degrees east
forty-seven and a half feet (iTja- ft,) to tho place of
beginning, whereon Is erected a largo two story
frame dwelling house, kitchen and other out-build-
Tnttora -TstJimpntArV On thQ estALe Of JaCOb
Lciby late of Montour township, Columbia county.
1 CnUSyiVUUia, UeVUUBCU, MUD WCU g.U.M.U "J w.
lltrlcpr nf Rnlrl r-nnntv to John Lclbv. least Buna-
Jr,T , lo t?wnshIn,Unlon county, Fa. postofllce Lewtsburg,
, bounded and w, r, M.user. Montour township, Co
Hid Rob-1 lumbla county, Pennsylvania. Post office. Rupert
ra. Alt persons naving ciouus agnusi, uiu
estate of tuo decedent aro requested to present
them tor settlement, ana inose mueuwuwuww
tato to make pa ment to the undersigned Execu
tors without delay,
JOHN LKIBV. Lcwlsburg, ra.
W. r. MAUSKlt, Itupert, ra.
aug. J'2, Cw.
Letters ot administration on tho estate ot S. M.
Frvm. latn nf Minim townshln. Columbia Co., de
ceased, havo been granted by tuo Register ot said
county to tho undersigned Administrator, to whom
all persons Indebted aro requested to make tmnie
dlafe payment and those having claims or demands
against, mo esimu win iuu&u iucui n u w
mlnlstrator without delay.
KLKAZKlt bl'llVt&rrK.'lllBiaBil,
Aug. 8,
niSlUr APOWbBB "
riii-r nf Administration on tho estate of Absolcui
Mcllenry, late ot Jackson twp., Columbia county.
aeceasea. nave ikvu kh-ulvu vj w "h,. '
county to s. W. Mcnenry ot Jackson. All persona
having claims against the estate are requested to
present them tor settlement and those Indebted
to make payment without delay. .,,.
. n.nviii.,,,,.
Benton, ra.
aug. t, ow.
Dauchy & Go's. Advt's.
A HUNTS WANTIIll l or tuo nest, taiiu luawov
t seiung iictonai wooss uuw v...
dueed 33
, 33 per cent.
adclphla, 1'a.
d Aug.29, T9-IW
While the season thus far in this country
has beeu very favorable for the crops, there
is general agreement In Great lirittain that
the farmors have not had a worse summer
for a generation, ihe weather has been Large wash basins, pie plates, pudding
cold and wet almost without intermission, dishes, jelly plates, large basting spoons
and it has grown worse rather than better many articles m tual kind on i. w.
..." . . I WDrrman'u r.t in I, In
,i;.1i nimrnnnl, f , f. r v t I mna I uUi
of late the cable ha reported violent storms
In various partH of the Kiugdom, and nil 1 1
il 1 I.. -A. 1 1.1 -V t. Al I
aiioeuer oocurrtu.u, inougiu JMz & g,oan g00(j
mum w .uo wu('a i mr cts. a yard and tne nest lor Bets,
than its predecessors. That the complaints
-r.i.. i..ii.u r. ..i. i.. .i... Wanted this fall "00(1 lha nf nlin 1rlwl
Ul me 4.uB,u .,,.uc.3 au.,ui mo neuiuer -- T " " j ofjf,-,) fuf on the southby Und ot Michael Drover's helm, ou
have had more basis than the otdlnuy hVrl forVtilcii I will w IhT vew yr.t ia of miitam Ptwr. contniiiir lien.
grumuuug to which tney are auuicieu is highest market prices,
A new lino of black and colored cash
meres at Clark & Son s.
seized taken la execution at tho suit o Abraham
V, cool assigned to tho catawlssa Deposit Bank
against Jacob En In and to be sold as the property
of Jacob Ervtn,
Vbskzx, Attorney. Vend. Ex.
All that certain plecn ot land Bltuate In Miniln
township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, describ
ed as follows, to-wlt; Hounded on
lands of John Atcn, east by II. Schw
south by land of Thomas Aten and on the west by
Charles Kllngamon, containing ono hundred and
ten acres, more or less on hlch aro erected a frame
house, barn and out-bulldlngs.
Ono tract of land situate In same township, bound
ed on Die north and east by land of Thomas Aten,
0 1 O Af 1 returns In 30 days on xusi i "w;,Eit
SlzUUnclal reports and Information. EK.
Uke pronts weekly ou stock options ot $10 to i $M.
Address T. I-otteh WwuT i Co., UASXias. 85 V .all
st,, N. V. d Aug. CT.-tw
Osmn often makcstprontawreKinouj-ia.
nl IJU T...arn.anianfttnrvpircuiaraBentrree.
lllckllng & Co., AS Exchange II., N. V. They enjoy
th e till cinildenceot their numerous patrons. M
Y. btar. d aug.SK.lw,
AOESTS WANTED for Smith's Bible Dictionary
andnoi,M.N' pftyrnRTAL BIBLES
Prirra, reduced. Circulars freo. A. J. HOLM AN 4
CO., Philadelphia, d
aug. ! TIMW
the north bylMiPrTTfl "WANTED
eppenhelser, I 1 Jj ii U 11 II U 0 l0o or aim per month i
...,., , u i,,t.r vnr full nan cuiara aauress,
j c. McCUItDY A; cel., 1-hllaaelphta, 1'a.
u . -
July 18 4-m.
Silas Yousa.
Call at McKinney's for Shoes,
Beautiful Silk Hats New Soft Uats,
Wool Hats, Fur Hats
For Men for Boys and Children
At the Popular store of
D. Lowenberg,
conclusively proved by the report just made
by Mr, Scott, a well-known agricultural au
thority, who estimates that the grain crops
will be a third less than the average, involv
Ing a loss of fully 25,000,000 to tho culti
vators, and requiring tho Importation of
from sixteen to seventeen thousand eiuarters
of wheat, lie also estimates that the de
liciency in the potato crop will cause a loss
to the cultivators o'f 10,000,000, nnd the
deitciency in beans, peas and rye, 3,000,
000. It is probable that tho American farm
er will find it difficult to restrain a feeling
nf satisfaction at such assurances of a for
eign demand for his crotis. but the news
which come simultaneously that almost a ciSverseeO . . '
famine H already prevailing In tho west of E'Sis?"0 '
Ireland will make it a little difficult fur him I Kgirs ..
to reioico over the failure of llritisli crom. 1'ouitous'"."
even If it does furuUli a market for his wares. P,almdgApples
77 I Sides & Shoulders
MUU 1V1 WUUU ............................(( til
Dr. Kendall's celebrated treatise on the Beeswax ....VV.1V.I!V.V.1V.V.'."'1"".'."" ii
horse, for solo nt O. A. Clnrk's book storo and Tin0" Sec?1,'T;;'.';y,';u;.'.v-v'--.
- - - vfuuiaii u.i a rim iisi,
ut tho UOLUMU1AN oilico tor M cents. Thu .".o. ua n uan
liftnlc should lirt In tlm linnrt nt nmru mn uU I 7n ii
owns a horse. 1 bibiiiiiii ",v""r .uo
Wheat per bushel..
Hye ' ..
Corn, new, " .,
ty-fouracres moro or less, on which ore erected
rrame house and out-bulldlngs.
One tract bounded on the north by land ot I. K
Schweppenhelser and Samuel Snyder, on the cast by
Lawrence Walters, on tho south by Abraham
schweppenhelser and on tho west by John Aten,
containing thirty-four acres more or less, on which
are erected a frame house, barn and out-bulldlngs.
Ono tract of land bounded on tho north by land of
Stephen tiearhart and others, on the cast by land ot
I. K. schweppenhelser, on the south by land of John
Aten and on tho west by land ot Joseph Cearhart,
contalntng ono hundred acres more or less, on w hlch
aro erected a frame house, barn and out-bulldlngs.
One lot of ground situate In the town ot MalnvlUe,
Columbia county, Pcnns) Iranla, bounded and de
scribed as follows, to-wlt : Bounded by land of J, E
Longenberger and two public ltoads, being a corner
lotln8aldtown,onwhleli are erected a two story
brick store house with the appurtenances.
SeUed, taken in execution at tho suits ot Esther
Goarhart and Columbia County Mutual Sating Fun!
and Loan Association against I. K. Schweppenhcl-
ser and to be sold as tho property of I, K, schwep-
LiTTLB A MiixiK, Attorneys.
t 8.00 per TOD' Allthnt. rrtain Irttrt nr lnn.1 ftllxata ,n v,..
ioeio .1 I creek township, Columbia county and statt btl'ena
1 1 ml u I filhaftla. bounded and deacrthnf ns f.llAua kn-wit
a rn?.J'r w A NTF.D &
only rtchWiliriislratiyd.iuthtntlc and low-i rlced v. ork
Gen Grant Annua tne worm
billion. J.!T. Ileadley. the princo of descriptive au
tnors. LoVo nollme'as the demand Is slinply to
Inrt i,.rrir.,rv betni? raDldly taken. Wilt out
Sell any other book. For lull particular!. . address
IIUmiAUU Ml.i I" Ksmoum -, "., STTw
i' tioi Tnm nm? muiNYi
11. UV, ww.. - ' -
la tlOIIO.
Maps and pamphlets freo. J. F.
moot, Va. d
aug. 15-Aw
lliilnrsrd.tliiy Ul, 1N7II. Prlre rnrUiiunril.
The only combination ol the true Jamaica (linger
w lilt choice nrotnatlcs and French brandy, for cor-re-cling
Intemperate hablls, regulating the stomuch
and buwela. breaking up colds, chlila and feiers, is
HAKi'OHb's Jamaica Uikukr. For relieving gouty and
rheumatic pains, prei entlng malarial fei ere and pro
moting sleep It Is truly wonderful. Ask for son
lord's. d aug. 15-4W
,u I
Name this paper.
and a Cow Milker freo
a Farmers who act as
gcnts. Cut this out and
address with stamp
July S3, 8m.
JTIDBT! I "y sending 35 cents, with age,
s-jVJ I hlght, color of eyes and hair, )ou
FDR I will receive by return mall a cor-
future hus-
natno and date
ui luurimgv
Address, W VOX, box It Fulton. Ule, N. V.
aur, N, tin.
....f... 4 w UegiunlngtathesmuMkcenwr U laM lilt u