The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 29, 1879, Image 1

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Issued weekly, every Friday morning, t
t , i wo boiaab; per year, 60 conU discount allowed
iionpaidlti,ivT'ioo, After tho oxplratlon ot the
rear AM wl" M chunteil. To subscribers out of the1
Jounty the tormi aro ft per yoar.strlctly in advance 1 1
No paper discontinued, except at the option ot thd
wilill sners, unui an arnwragen are paid, but long
continued credits after the oxplratlon of tho first
rw'",.Sfi,'t,f th.Rt.i
imees roust bo paid for In advance, unless a rcsnon.i
lblo person in cotumoia county assumes to pay the
he county.
job FR.insri'iisra..
The Jobblcg Department ot the Comjmbian is very
jompleto, and our J b inntlng will compare favora-
- .. Hnntltr anil nt. tunAnrtla nHiuia 1
Columbia County Official Directory.
President. ludgo William Klwcll.
Associate Judg-es-1. It. Krlckbaum, F. L. Bhuman.
Prothonotary, c William Krlckbaum.
noun stenographer R. N. Walker.
ncirWer llocorder Williamson It. Jacoby,
nistrlct Attorney-Ilobert 11. Llttlo.
SlitTltl John W. UofTman.
surrofor Samuel Noyhard.
Troasurcr II, A. Swcbpcnhelser.
Commissioners Stephen roho, Charles Mcliart.
A. h. llerrtnir. , . , .
commissioners' Olerk-T n. Casoy.
Audltors-S. II. Smith, W. Manning, C. D, Beo
sholtz. jury Commlssloncrs-Bll Bobbins, Theodore W.
Oouniv auperinivuuyiii minium it. enyuer.
ninrtm Poor District-
Wm. Kramer, liloomsburg
iiirectora n. s. unt, Scott.
ana Thomas Recce,
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
President of Town Council I, s. KU1IN.
Clerk-Paul K. Wirt.
Chief of Police D. Lnycock.
President of das Company 8. Knorr.
secretary C. W. Miller.
Illooinsburif Hanking Company .John A. Funston,
President, II. H. orou, Cashier, John Peacock, Tel.
Firs' National nank Charles It. Paxton, President
J. P. Tustln, Cashier.
Columbia County Mutual Saving Fund and Tan
Assoclailon K. II. Uttlo, rrcsldcnl, c. W. Miller,
liloomsburg Uulldlng and Saving Fund Association
-Wm. 1'cacock. President, J. 11. Hoblson, secretary.
Hloomsburs Mutual Saving Fund Association J.
I nroirer, President, r. K. Wirt, Secretary.
llcv. J. P. Tustln, (Supply.)
Sunday Services lux a. mt and o p. m.
Sunday School 9 a. m.
prayor Meeting Kvcry Wednesday evening at s?
Scats free. Tho public are Invited to attend.
ST. MATinKw's LtrrnEKiNcnoBcn.
Minister Itev. o. D. 8. Marclay.
Sunday Services lox a. m. and p. m.
Sunday school a. m.
Prn-vcr Meeting Kvcry tVcdnesday evening at in
Seats freo. Nopews rented. All are welcome
Mlnlster-Rov. Stuart Mitchell.
Sunday Services 10 a. in. and ,V p. m.
Sunday School 9 a. m.
rraycr Meeting Every Wednesday evening at ta
Beats freo. No pews rented. Strangers welcome.
ubthodist KriacopALcuuRcn.
Presiding Elder Ucv. W. Evans.
Minister llcv. E. II. Yocum.
Sunday servlces-Wf and nys P. m.
sundav School 2 p. m. . .
ntblo ciass-Everv Monday evening at ex o'clock.
Voting Men's Prayer Meeting Every Tuesday
evening at ex o'clock.
General Prayer Meetlng-Every Thursday evening
I o'clock.
rkformkd cncKcn.
Corner of Third and Iron atreets.
I'nstor-Uov. W. K. Krcbs.
itcsldcnco Corner 4th and Catharine streets.
Sunday Senlcea lox a. m. and 7 p. m.
Sunday school 9 a. m.
prayer Meeting Saturday, 7 p. m.
All are Invited There Is always room.
Hector Iiev L. zahncr.
Sunday Services 10f a. m., 7tf p. m.
Sunday School 9 a. m.
First Sunday In tho month, Holy Communion,
services preparatory to Communion on Friday
evoning before tho st Sunday In each month,
rows rented ; but everybody welcome.
Presiding Elder-Hev. A. L. Ilecser
Minister llcv. Georgo Hunter. ,
Sunday Service i p. m., In the Iron Street Church.
I'ravcr McctlDg Every Sabbath at 3 p. m.
All aro Invited. All aro welcome.
Tim citcacn ot christ.
Meets In "the little llrlck Church on the hill,"
mown as tho Welsh uaptlst church-on Kock street
'st of Iron. . .
Regular meeting for worship, every Lord's day af-
.moon nt a o'clock.
seats freo ; and the public aro cordially Invited to
SCHOOL ORDERS, blank, just printed and
neatly bound In small books, oo hand and
or sale at tho Colombian onicc.
I LANK DEEDS, on Parchmint and Linen
I) Paper, common and for Adralnlst rators, Execu
tors and trustees, for sale cheap at the Colombian
- T ARRl AGE CERTI FICATE8 ,)ust printed
1VI and for sale at tho Colombian omco. Jllnls
ernot tho oospel and Justices should supply them
selves with these necessary articles.
JUSTICES and Constables' Fee-Bills for sale
at the Columbian ortlce. They contain the cor
rectcd tecs as established by tho last Act of the Leg
.lititro upon the subject. Every Justlco and Con
table should have one,
VENDUE NOTES just printed and for sale
cheap at the Columbian office.
CI G. BARKLEY, Attorney-at-Law. Office
j, lo Hrower's building, Snd story, nooms 4 a s
B. ROBISON, Attorney-at-Law.
In Hartmun's bulloUng, Main street.
SAMUEL KNORR. Attorneyat-LaWjOffice
In Hartman's Uulldlng, Main street.
DIt. WM. M. REBER, Surgeon and Physi
cian. Office Market street. Abovo 6th East
R. EVANS, M. D., Surgeon and Physi
clan, (onico and llesldenco on Third street,
B. McKELVY, M. D., Surgeon and Phy
sician, north side Main street, below Market.
, J. C. R UTTER,
Office, North Market street,
liloomsburg, Pa.
Main Street, opposite Episcopal Church, lilooms
burg, Pa.
tv Teeth extracted without pain,
aug in, "77-ly,
Sewing Machines and Machinery ot all kinds re-
dalred. Opkra IIouss uulldlng, Bloomsburg, ra.
TiAVID LOWENBERG, Merchant Tailor
U Main St., above Central Hotel.
S. KUHN, dealer ii. Meat, Tallow, etc.,
ROSENSTOCK, Photographer,
, Clark & Wolfs store, Main street.
A UGUSTUri FREUND. Practical hotneo
r palhlo Horso and Cow Doctor, Ulonmsburg, l'a.
leo, it, riv-u
ltoomNo. is, OrBBA Housk llciuiiKa, Bloomsburg.
The assets of tneso old comoratlons are all In-
vested in SOLID SKCUltlTIEH andare liable to the
liaiardof Fire only.
Moderate UneB on the best risks are alone accepted.
Losses phouiTLT nnd honbstlt adlusted and Dald
as suun as determined by Cuxistian F. KNArr, spe
cial Agent ana Aaiusier, ii oomsuurg, renn-a.
Thtt Hlt7pnH nf rnlnmhla countv fchould natronlze
theugency where losseB. If any, ore adjusted and
pain oy one oiueirown citizens,, -,i-i
. CY, Exchange Hotel, Bloomsburg, Pa.
tsa, Ins Co., ot Hartford, Connecticut...
Uierpool, London and Ulobe ),wxi,ooo
Hojalof Liverpool ls,60O,ooo
Lancanshlro oo
Fire Association, Philadelphia
Farmers Mutual ot Danville 1,000,000
Danville Mutual 7s,ooo
Home, New York, 5,O0,00O
As thfi R(rrnftpa nrn rttrfVf. nfillrlpa &ra vrltten for
the insured without any delay In the office at Blooms-
March M.T7 y
Lycoming ot Muncy Pennsylvania.
Jjorth American of Philadelphia, fa
franklin, of "
l'ennsyivanla of "
f, ariaers of York, Pa.
Ilanoverof New York.
Manhattan of "
Offloe on Market Street No. , Blootnscurg, pa,
You can get a Tborougn Education with the
lor Catalogue, address the;rrlnclpaL.
AprlllS, 1879-tf
a. Ei ELwELL, inn Proprltton.
E. WALLER, " "
lBen!.' ' PentIoM elW. ColleeUoniBidt.
'iovuuuooriromistNaUonal Bank.
Ian. 11, 1578
t Attorney-at-Law,
incrcaso of Pensions Obtained. Cnll
cnsions. Obtained. Collections
Offlco In Knt's Bcilbino.
CotUMBiAN Buildino, Bloomsburg, Pa.
Members of the United
Collections mado In any part ot America or Europe
Bloomsburg, ra.
omco on Main street, first door below Court House
omco over Schuyler's nardwaro Store.
-In Harmon's BuUdln:
lng, Main street,
Bloomsburg, l'a.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
omce In Brower's building, second noor. room No,
! Bloomaburir. Pa.
Ofllco In Unanost's Bciuuva, on Main street second
Can be consulted in German.
Jan. 10, ta-tf
Catawtasa, Pa.
Collections DromDtlr mode and remltttld. Office
-yiy h. rhawn,
A T T UKfiE Y-A T-L A W ,
Catawlssa, Pa.
Office, corner of Third and Main streets.
Doors, Sach, Blinds, Monllines, Brackets,
and dealer In LUMllElt and all ktnris r r iiT'ii niNn
May l, 79-sm'
; New work and repairs neatly, quickly and cheaply
done. Plows, Vater-Wheels, Ac., manufactured or
aug. 22, t.
The Old Reliable
For Wells 10to 75 feet Deep
New Price List Jan. 1,1819.
April 11, lS79-Cm
fRADE MARK. Is especially recom-TRAOE MARK.
inenaea as an un
falilnir cure for Rem
lnal weakness.ypcr
matorrbea, lm po
tency, and all tllseo
sea, nuchas IXHJS of
memory, Unlrer&al
uissuuao, i-am in.
neiore lamgor m-. Tak
many other Olseascs thatlead to tnsanlty.consump
tlonanda Premature Grave, all ot which as a rule
are first caused by deviating from the patnoi nature
and over Indulgence. The Specific Medicine Is the
result of a lite study and many years or experience
in treating these special diseases.
trim particulars in our pampmeu,wuicu vru ucmjv
to send free by mall to e ery one.
The specific Medicine is sold by all Drurclsts at 11
per pack ige, or 8ti packages for ti, or will be sent
oy mail on receipt ui uio uiuur; wwcmuib
No. 10, Mechanic's Block, Detroit, Mich.
Sold in liloomsburir by C. A. Elelm, and by all
Druggists everywhere.
liarns m awihk, n uuicbiuo ai-oma, . utwuit.
aept, , 1M1
Manutacturera ot
Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs,
First-class workalways oniand.
Prices reduced to suit the times.
Jan. e, 1817-tt.
Should subscribe for
A Live Educational Monthly, published at
forw cents per year. Send six cents for specimen
Km tor.
April 18, 1879-tf
ft iVeoo A YEAR for honest. Intelligent business
ik men or agents. ew bubiuess; ukrui won.
Jj. Address Co-orBKATiv aubkcv, Madison, Ind'
Tuna OT ,a.m
Private Sale!
The following valuable property, the Estate of the
late John Swlsher,deceased,w 111 be offered at private
sale up to
Tho property Is situate In the village of Jersey
town, Columbia county ra and contains aoouv
of excellent farming land upon which are T"WO
HOTJSEBi BABNi and otner oui
buildings, and Is one of tho finest localities In the
county. There are
on the premises.
ftarFor Information concerning the property ap
ply to O. B. lirockway, of Bloomsburg, or T. 1.
Swisher, of Jereoytown.
May 83,-ts
Printed at
Una Office
As thro' tho land at cvo wo went
And pluck'd the rlpen'd cars,
We fell out, my wlto and I,
We fell out, 1 know not why,
And klss'd again with tears,
And blessings on tho falling out
That alt tho moro endears.
When wo tall out with those we lovo
And kiss again with tears I
For when wo came whero lies the child
Wo lost In other years, .
There above the little grave,
Oh I there abovo tho little gravo
Wo klss'd again with tears.
Paris, from throats of Iron, silver, brass,
Joy-thundering cannon, blent with chiming bells,
And martial strains, the full-voiced pican swells.
Tho air Is starred with flags, the chanted mass
Throngs all the churches, yet tho broad streets
With glad-eyed groups, who chatter, laugh and
In holiday confusion, class with class.
And over all the spring tho sun-floods warm I
lnthe Imperial palace that March morn,
Tho beautiful young mother lay and smiled i
For by her side Just breathed tbo rrlnce, her child,
Heir to an empire, to the purple born,
Crowned with the Titan's name that stirs tho heart
Llko a blown clarion one more nonapartc.
Horn to the purple, lying st&rk and dead,
Transfixed with poisoned arrows, 'neath the sun
Of brazen Africa I Thy gravo Is ono,
Forefated youth (on whom were visited
Follies and sins not thine), whereat tho world,
Heartless howe'er It be, will pauso to sing
A dirge, to breathe a sigh, a wreath to fling
Of rosemary and rue with bay-leaves curled,
Enmeshed In tolls ambitious, not thine own.
Immortal, loved boy-Prince, thou tak'st thy stand
With early doomed Don Carlos, hand In hand
With mlid-browed Arthur, Geoffrey's murdered son.
Louis tho Dauphin lifts his Uiorn-rtnged head.
And welcomes thee, his brother, 'mongst tho dead.
Everybody knows that there are thirty'
eight States and that originally there were
thirteen colonies, and most people can re
peat the names of these1 States and Colonies
as glibly as their alphabet ; but we venture
to say that very few have ever heard of a
State called the State of Franklin. And yet
history recognizes the existence of such a
State, and ono that In its day enjoyed no
small degree of celebrity.
It is well known that after the Revolu
tion most of the thirteen original States
claimed jurisdiction among themselves over
the territory stretching indefinitely to the
westward. The sepaiate jurisdiction of each
State was ill-defined, and to avoid any troub
le, to give the General Government what
seemed its due, and to assist it in throwing
off the debt incurred by the War of Indc
pendence, the Congress of the Confederation
requested the various States to cede their
claims to tho General Government. The
matter was not definitely settled until after
the adoption of the Constitution ; but the
Slate of North Carolina attempted to cede,
iti compliance with the request of Congress,
its western lands, which now form the State
of Tennessee, and it was this attempt at
cession which brought about the complica
tions that shortly afterwards resulted in the
brief existence of the State ol Franklin.
North Carolina ceded,but Congress, vacil
lating and vigorless, hesitated about accept'
ing the cession. Having made the cession
North Carolina gave up all interest in her
border settlements, and Congress refused to
accept the charge which North Carolina had
thrown off. The consequences were serious
for the fortunes and happiness of the Ten
nessee settlers. Their borders were overrun
with criminals and fugitives from justice,
such as always infest a pioneer community,
and ytt the action of the mother State left
them without courts to assert justice and n-
flict punishment. They had at all times to
be on their guard against marauding bands
of Indians, and yet they were without a
regularly constituted militia for their de
fense. They were, in fact cast-offs, and did
what one would naturally expect them to do
under the circumstances. The three north,
eastern counties of the Territory Washing'
ton, Greene and Sullivan lying In the
northern part of what Is now Eastern Ten
ncssee, then the only well-settled portion of
the State, met In Convention at Jonesboro,
Washington county, in August, 1784, and
after a long discussion, in which the Decla
ration of Independence was read and cited
as a fit example for them to follow, they de
clared themselves Independent of North
Carolina. After a variety of fortunes the
little Slate was organized, and In honor of
Renjamin Franklin, was called the State of
The new State was short lived, but so
long as it did exist it presented a very slngu
lar spectacle. Let us imagine to ourselves a
wilderness threaded here and there by rivers
along which the bottom lands; sparsely dot
ted by rude log cabins, bore the only marks
of cultivation to be seen in the whole region
No cities, no towns, not even villages dn
servlog the name, and these shut in by lofty
mountains and almost impenetrable forests
There was scarcely a wheeled vehicle in the
State. Farmers ground or crushed their
own corn, and their wives and daughters
united their homespun clothes with the skins
of'wild beasts to furnuh them with clothing,
If anything beyond what their own farms
produced was needed thero was but one
way to procure it. Gold and silver, money
of any description being an almost unheard
of article iu the community, a system of
barter had to be brought into play. There
were well understood allowances to be made
for each article of commerce. A bear-skin
was worth so many iaink-skins,or vice verm,
The State Government established a ached
ule of values which it applied to its own
transactions, and probably the people of the
State in their private business conformed to
these rates. An Idea of how primitive the
Government really was may be inferred from
the fact lhat its officers from the Governor
down received their salaries in articles of
commerce, such as otter skins, beeswax, rye,
whisky and "good peach and apple brandy,1
The State Capital (Greenville) was a hamlet
of perhaps a dozen long buildings. Proba
bly it contained a store. We know that it
" ' ' i
iV wry mm iHMU (ill it
had a tavern and a court house. What tho
general character of the buildings was may
be luferred from a description of the court
house, in which the Legislature of the State
of Franklin nag wont to assemble. It was
built of unhewn lbgs, and had neither floors
nor window. Between the logs were a few
cracks where tho logs fitted badly, and these
It was thought, would serve well enough for
ventilation and light. It is almost unneces
sary to Bay that the State had no printing
press ; and the only knowledge which the
freeman of Franklin got of the laws of his
Government wss through common report
and their annual promulgation on tho mili
tia field or from the steps of the court
The chief interest which the State of
Franklin has for ua to-day comes from two
or three striking characters which its history
brought Into prominence. The principal of
these, John Bevier, a Virginian by birth,
but a Huguenot by descent, is one of the
noteworthy characters in the annals of Ten
nessee. Sevier was one of those men who
seemingly without effort or pains, attract
other men Instantly to them to form a group
of which they are always the centre. He Is
said to have been much like Qen.Sam Hous
ton, of Texas, In this respect 1'oBsessed of
this magnetic Influence, he had in addition
to it the bonhomie which is so pleasing to the
men of the frontier, and the fearless spirit
that so commends its possessor to all who
live amid scenes of peril and danger. These
qualities Inevitably made Sevier a leader
wherever he went ; and when his fortunes
turned him to the mountains of Tennessee,
from that moment he was tho foremost man
in all the councils and enterprises of the
men who afterwards formed the State of
Franklin, He was the commander of the
Tennessee Riflemen at Kings' Mountain,
and was chosen as the first Governor, and
continued to be the only Governor of the
State of Franklin.
Sevier fought hard for the State, but after
the first year of its existence the fight was
a losing one, for North Carolina, after the
first abandonment of her offspring, suddenly
turned about and reasserted her jurisdiction.
She had all tho powcr,and had the commun
ication between the two States been easy,
and had she asserted her rights with vigor
and promptness, the revolt of the western
counties would have been crushed in its ln
cipiency jbul the fact that these two conditions
were entirely wanting necessarily made the
policy of North Carolina a "walting"one,and
this pollcy,as3isted by feuds and divisions in
the Stato of Franklin, made a peaceful and
bloodless settlement of the difficulty possi
ble. There was, however, one slight scrim
mage before the new-Stato passed out of
existence, which we shall presently refer to.
In order to introduce this episodo properly
however, we shall have to refer moro par
ticularly to another of the prominent char
acters of the State of Franklin.
Major John Tipton seems to have been as
unlike Sevier as it is possible for two men to
be. He had none of Sevi r'a suavity of
manner ; he was brusque and uncompromis
inga man to whom it was impossible to
endure a rival, who aspired to leadership,
and who was jealous of all who contended
for it with him, Yet ho had qualities which
enabled him to hew his way through diffi
culties, and by force of will, if in no other
way, to make himself a formidable oppon
ent. This man bad supported the State of
Franklin in its early days, but afterwards,
probably because he saw that Sevier's influ
ence was likely to overshadow his own,
threw the whole weight of his influence in
favor of a return to the jurisdiction of North
-Carolina. He was materially assisted in his
efforts bv a general feeling among the
Franks" that North Carolina having again
taken the counties under her protection, and
having set up the requisite Courts, and hav
ing appointed the necessary Brigadier of
Militia, a return to the old allegiance would
be the wisest course. So rapidly did the
fabric of the new State perish that three
years alter its establishment, in the words
of a recent writer upon the Bubject, "no
Legislature at all could be assembled, and
as it was one of the duties of the Legislature
to elect the Council, and as the Legislature
at its last session had failed to do this, the
Council was soon a thing of the patt. To
complete this catalogue of misfortunes,
Judge Campbell, the head of the Judiciary,
accepted office under the government of
North Carolina. Gov. Sevier was left alone
in his official dignity. Even this sole relic
of the Franklin government would nor, in
the natural course of events, remain loug
exempt from the general wreck, for the Gov.
ernor'a term expired on March 1, 1788,and
it being a constitutional function of the
Legislature to elect the Governor, and there
being no Legislature to perform this duty,
it followed inevitably that after March 1,
1788, there would be no Governor of the
State of Franklin.'
Such were the facts, and the State of
Franklin thus ended, but its closing days
were marked by the culmination of the ri
valry between Tipton and Sevier in an open
encounter between the two and their respec
tive forces. During a temporary absence of
Sevier on the frontier, Tipton had confined
in his bouse certain slaves taken from Se
vier's homestead by legal process. On hear'
Ing this, Sevier marched with one hundred
and fifty men to Tipton's house, and for
threo days laid siege to it. Tipton had a few
men with him, and, when Sevier called upon
him to surrender, he replied that Sevier s
force might "fire and be damned." Neither
however, made a direct attack upon the oth
er, Tipton not doing so on account of infer)
ority of force, and Sevier because he was at
heart a peaceable man, and did not wish to
cause useless bloodshed. At length, on the
morning of the fourth day, a detachment
from Sullivan county came to Tipton's as
slstance. The morning was bitter cold, snow
was falling, and Sevier's scouts had all come
into camp to warm themselves. Seeing the
state of affairs, the Sullivan militia moved
cautiously up,and when close enough "raised
a shout which seemed to rend the heavens.'
and the besieged, beaded by Tipton, also
rushing out, a panic seized Sevier's men
and they fled in every direction.
Meanwhile Sevier's term had expired, and
tho last remnant of (be State of Franklin
had disappeared. Sevier himself was ar
rested, through the assistance of Major Tip
ton, of course, and taken to Burke county
North Carolina, for trial. On the day fixed
for the trial some of his friends from beyond
the mountains came to bis rescue, The man
net of his escape Is thus described by an
eye-witness i
"The Franks had approached as near to
the town as they deemed prudent, when four
of them concealed themselves near the road,
while two of their number, James Cozby
and Nathaniel Evans, went forward into the
town. They rode to a convenient distance
from the Court-house, tied their horses to
a limb of a trce.near to which they hid their
rifles, and boldly entered the town, their
capacious hunting shirts concealing the side
weapons which they had prepared In case of
need. Soon they had mingled with the
crowd and had easily passed off for country
men attracted there by common curiosity,
Evans had taken charge of Gov. Sevier's
celebrated race mare and led her up to the
front of the Court-house door, the bridle
thrown carelessly over her head ; he was ap
parently an unconcerned spectator of pass
ing events. Cozby entered tho house, and
there, arraigned at the bar, sat the object of
their solicitude. Slowly he turned his head
and their eyes met. Sevier knew the rescue
was at hand, but he was restrained from any
outward demonstration by a significant
shake of Cozby's head. During a pause iu
the trial Cozby stepped forward in front of
the Judge, and, in that quick and decisive
tone so peculiar to blm, asked the Judge if
he was done with that man. The question,
manner and tone caused every person to
start and cast their eyes on the speaker, then
on the Judge, all in amazement. In the
meantime Sevier had caught sight of his
favorite mare standing at the door; taking
advantage of the confusion he mado one
spring to the door; the next he was in the
saddle, and with the speed of thought was
borne from the wondering crowd."
Sevier met with no moro trouble from
either State or local authorities. He re
turned home, and, although for a time suf
fering from political disabilities, ho finally
became Governor of Tennessee, and, for
many years, served in tho House of Represen
tatives at Washington. dn. Commercial.
General Grant did not ask an audience of
the Emperor. The Emperor is a child sev
en years of age, at his books, not in good
health, and under the care of two old ladies
called the Empresses. When the Chinese
Minister in Paris spoke to General Grant
about an audience.aud his regret that the sov
ereign of China was not of ago that he might
personally entertain the ex-President, the
General said he hoped no question of au
dience would be raised. He had no person
al curiosity to see the Emperor and there
could be no useful object in conversing with
child. This question of seeing the Em
peror Is one of tho sensitive points in Chin
ese diplomacy. The Chinese idea is that
the Emperor is the Son of Heaven, the titu
lar if not the accepted king of the world,
king of kings, a sacred being, not to be seen
by profane, barbarian eyes. Foreign powers
have steadily fought this claim, and have
insisted by every means upon the Emperor
landing on the same level as other sover
eigns and heads of States receiving and Bond
ing ministers, and taking an active and per
sonal interest in international affairs. These
arguments went so far as to Induce the last
Emperor to receive the foreign ministers in
the palace. This was a great triumph. It
made a sensation at the time. I have seen
picture ot the audience, drawn from mem
ory by one of the interpreters. There are
ministers standing in a row, the Emperor on
his throne, mandarins in the back ground.
Prince Kung on bis knees handing the cre
dentials of the ministers to the Emperor.
The audience lasted some minutes, and was
confined to the utterance of a few words of
Tartar language to the effect that the cre
dentials would be considered. That is the
only time in recent years when barbarian
eyes looked on sacred majesty. The Em
peror who then resigned has,to use courteous
speech, ascended on the great dragon to be
a guest on high. The youth of the present
sovereign has preveuted any audience, for,
of course, an audience would be a comedy,
with the sovereign a timid, unhealthy boy,
who had never seen a foreigner, and who
would probably run off crying. Tbo Chin
ese, therefore, have postponed the audience
question until tbo Emperor comes of age.
At the same time, the foreign ministers
have always madeapointofan audience. The
fact that General Grant had been the head
of a nation and had corresponded directly
with the Emperor gave him the right to
request an audience. There was no reason,
even in Chinese logic, why such a request
should be refused. Many of those well in
formed on Eastern questions were anxious
that this request should be made ; that it
would render things easier in dealing with
the Chinese ; that, in fact, the only way of
dealing with the government was to hammer
and hammer, and always to hammer, until
all these prejudices were broken down. But
the General, as I have remarked, had no cu
riosity to see a boy seven years old, and the
question dropped, JV. Y. Herald,
A darkey was once attempting to steal n
goose, but a dog raised an objection and
Sambo retired. The next night, during a
thunder storm, he attempted it again, and
just as he was on the point of getting away
with his fowl the ligbtuing struck close by
and tho noise nearly frightened the poor
fellow to death. Dropping the goose, he
started away muttering, "Pears to me dar's
heap of fuss mado about one old goose 1'
Ladies, you cannot make fair skin, rosy
cheeks and sparkling eyes with all tho cos
metic of France, or beautificrs of the world
while in poor health, anJ nothing will give
you such good health, strength, buoyant
spirits and beauty as Hop Bitters. A trial
is certain proof. See another column.
Pigs for fall killing may be forced from
the start. A run at grass, a little milk, and
regular, steady feeding on bran and meal
slops, will help to make a large growth
which is atterwatd quickly filled up with
fat. The low prices now prevailing, must
be offset by making more pork than former
ly out of the same feed.
Lose not thy own for want of asking It
Lose not your infant for want of Dr. Bull's
Baby Syrup, which any druggist will sell you
for 25 cents a bottle.
'I would box your ears,' said a young la'
dy of lielfast to her stupid and tiresome ad
mtrer, 'if ' 'If, what?' he anxiously asked
'If, she repeated, ' I could get a box larg
, enough for the purpose.'
Prince Demtdoffowns the malachite m Ines
of Russia, an!, it Is said, does not know
what his income is. He has collected a
rich variety of treasures from all parts of
the world, and seems to be Influenced more
by n love for the beautiful than the unique.
We went, a party of six of us, In a tram
car, and, walking a short distance, entered
a lodge where the custodians were hand
somely uniformed. The grounds are really
nothing astonishing. They He low and
level. There are pretty bridges and pavil
ions, rustic work and bronze animals, and a
most unique stucco, or rocky entrance to a
swimming bath of large dimensions. Tho
arrangement of statuary, of figures fishing
or crouching in niches and unexpected
places, has a very pleasing effect. Thtre
are forty-five servants employed in the
palace, not Including secre'taries, clerks and
stewards, and they include Germans,
trench, Russians and Italians, except in the
grooming department there only English
need apply.
The palace seems to be built on threo
sides of a square, and has one hundred and
twenty apartments. In the piazza the seats
look like cushions that might bo shaken up
or thrown about at will, but they were of
ajolica, In imitation of gaily figured
cretonne or glazed cambric. We entered
and turned to our right into the chapel.
The doors, in beautifully carved woods, dark
and rich, are a reproduction ot the famous
doors of the Baptistry In Florence, which
Michael Angelo said were "fit to be the gate
of Paradise," but of course, they are much
smaller. The ceiling is also of carved wood,
exquisite in design. The chapel is in style
of the Russian or Greek church, although
some say Prince D. is a Catholic. Life-size
saints are beautifully frescoed on the walls.
A figure of the Madonna and Bambino have
the crown and dress ornamented with gold
and precious stones, and the books of service,
In glass cases, Are decorated in the same
way. Many valuable church ornaments are
to be seen. The whole room is a gem of
architectural design and taste. The arrange
ment of the hall seemed very grand as we
came out of the chapel, but we did not stop
long to examine it, as the magnificent stair
way absorbed our attention. It has all been
remodelled within the past four years, and
in Oriental style. The carpet is a solid,
rich red. Gobelin and other tapestries
adorn the walls, and the celling is a pointed
arch, with the rafters all gilded and worked
in true Oriental style. Mirrors aro
arranged at the top of tho staircase, where
are vases and tall heavy columns of a most
uncommon and peculiar marble. There are
sixteen or more of these columns In different
places, each surmounted with a gilded
chapter, and an immense vase of Sevres,
Japanese or other rare china. Innumerable
lamps, with exquisite pink globes, are closely
arranged around, and all this combined with
the width and gradual ascent of the stair
case must make the effect at a ball very
imposing. The marble, which attracted my
eye at once in columns aud vases, is black,
with what seems lo be quartz all through it,
hicb, in the light, has a beautiful effect.
At the second landing is a reception room,
and a balcony is so arranged that a band
in playing is In view of room and stairway.
This balcony is a gallery of tho fifteenth
century, exquisitely carved in bold relief,
and now gilded with fine effect. Tho ceil
ing of this room is beautifully frescoed.
This was a reception dining room, and the
table and chairs were rich mosaics in wood,
and in all points the room was grand indeed.
Some rooms have tapestries of great worth
on the walls, and some have satin tapestry
of different colors. One is hung with em
bossed leather, and is lovely in effect. The
ceilings are of infinite variety. The man-
tlepiece in each room is different, and some
are old handsome ones, with beautiful bas-
reliefs ; some of inlaid woods; and in one
room it is of modern and ancient Florentine
mosaics. Photographs in nil varieties of
lovely frames were around the rooms of the
Prince and his wife. In his reception room,
the arrangements for comfortable sitting or
lounging are complete. Quite a number of
the divans around the room were only a
half foot from the floor, and tho pillows and
cushions were covered with India shawls.
Everything that a refined idea of comfort
and luxury can suggest has been collected
from all countries.
The gem of all the apartments is a long
narrow gallery or hall, lighted from the top
and containing the choicest ot original pict
ures. They are mostly of the Flemish
schools, and there is a fine collection of
Ruysdaels. One of the choicest of the pict
urcs a Rembrandt cost the sum of 10,'
000, and another near it 8.000. None of
the pictures were large, but all of choicest
fame. The walls of this room were cover
ed with a light olive green velvet tapestry
and furniture of the Bame. The picture
frames were of ebony, finely carved and
gilt. Beside each picture was a candela
brum or high lampholder of Bilver. bronze
or brass, so arranged as to hide and reflect
the light.
In one large room are cases of rarest chi
i. One plate, Viennese china, cost 720.
In this same room is a long case witli rare
fans. In another room is a collection of
watches, interesting and rare. One belong
ing to Napoleon. Another room is draped
around with the rarest old embroidery and
needlework. The collection of old valuable
vestments of priests, bishops, cardinals, etc.,
Is immense and choice. In one room
grand fire screen of ebony frame is filled
with an old robe of Louis XlVtb, most ex
quisltely embroidered in flowers and gilt.
Of one room, the entrance door and furui
ture were all of malachite. In many rooms
were splendid cabinets of rare and choice
workmanship, and, turn which way we
would, wo were face to face with a treasure
of some kind. Cbr, ritttburg Chronicle,
Feasibility of .Navigating tbe Susquehauua.
The secretary of war has approved the
orders proposed by the chief of engineers
(uen. Wright) to commence a survey of the
iiuequehanna river with a view of ascertain
ing the feasibility of navigating some por
tions of, the stream. This scheme, it is stated
originated with Hon. Hendtick B, Wright
who entertained tho idea that the branches
of the river were navigable. The survey of
the busquehanna, however, Is admitted to
be the most sensible thinp lie has done, and
may add some fresh knowledge of the navi
gable possibilities of that vast but now
practically useless, for commercial purposes,
fluvial route for rafts from tbe mountains to
i tbe bay,
When we aro told that at the present
time over 1,800,000 gallons of petroleum or
earth oil are brought to the surface every
day in the oil regions of Pennsylvania alone,
the mind Is staggered by the contemplation
of the magnitude of this comparatively new
Industry. So lavish is Mother Earth of her
hidden stores of oil than it is tent lo tho
surface much faster than it can be taken
caro of, or Btored, and at the present time
800,000 gallons, at the lawest estimate, ran
to waste every day. The great Union ripe
Line, and other methods of conveyance ut
terly fail to convey the oil to market, and
the enormous tanks for storage are full to
overflowing. There are tanks owned by
companies which hold 6,000,000 barrels of
oil, and all of them are full. The wooden
tanks owned by individuals and private con
cerns amount In their aggregate capacity to
as large a number of barrels, and these are
also full.
Thus It will be understood that thero are
great lakes of oil above ground, as well as
below; but there Is good reason to believe
that the subterranean deposits may with
greater propriety be called oceans rather
than lakes. The oil workers are evidently
pumping from inexhaustible supplies in
the rock chambers below, and what are
called the "spoutiug wells," deliver their
vast currents with tho same impetuosity as
when the drills first tapped the pent-up
stores. An interesting inquiry arises as
regards what becomes of the soil that cannot
be secured; into what does It flow, and where
is its final resting place? Any one who has
visited tho oil regions will know of the
country, and readily understand that much
of the oil flows into brooks or small rivers,
and in time finds its way into the large
rivers, and is lost ultimately in the Gulf of
Mexico or the Atlantic Ocean. Still larger
quantities are absorbed by the earth in
ravines and marshy places, and thus it is
lost t view. In the famous district one Is
lead to exclaim, "Oil, oil everywhere, and
no untainted water to drink." There is oil
in the soil; oil in the springs; oil In the
bushes and trees; oil In the atmosphere, ap
parently, oil on the clothine, and in the
mouth, eyes, and hair of the workmen; tho
bread and coifeo of tho region have the
odor of oil, and the beds are saturated
with it.
How wonderful is all thisl Well do we
remember when tbe first vial of "rockoil''
full into our hands. It was called "Seneca
oil," and it was claimed to be a most effi
cacious remedy for a' variety of Ills to which
the human body is subjoct. The statement
that it flowed spontaneously from a spring
in Pennsylvania was received at first with
much credulity, as that was regarded as
impossible ; but in a Bhort tlmo the truth
was knowu, and the oil was no longer
regarded as a mixture devised by human
American petroleum oil is now used as a
source of artificial illumination in nearly
all parts of the world. It goes along with
rum, powder and muskets to the savage
tribe of Africa, and the mud houses on the
banks of the rivers of the interior of the
Turkish Empire, in Persia, in Egypt, in
Palestine, in China, in Japan, and In the
remote islands of tbe sea. For the paltry
sum of fifteen cents we can purchase a
gallon of the clear refined oil, and the cost
of the light afforded, in comparison wltn
gas as furnished at the lowest cost in cities,
is one to twenty In its favor. It is just
now the most formidable antagonist of gas.
and we can scarcely hope iu the utiliza
tion of electrical force in tho future to
secure liorbt at a lower expense. Votlon
Journal of Chcmittry.
The custom is said to have lately grown up
among young ladies of good social position
in England of having various devices tat
tooed indelibly on ono or other of their legs.
This peculiar freak of tho aristocracy of Great
Britain has been made public through an
advertisement announcing tho mysterious
disappearance of a well-connected young la
dy. But in this very advertisement is dis
played a comical want of knowledge ot the
customs of this country. The friends of the
missing girl evidently believo she has fled to
America, and they tell us she can bo identi
fied by a cross in tattoo on her right leg. This
is doubtless an infallible sign, but who Is to
mako tho investigation which shall reveal the
fair runaway ? If aboriginal styles of dress
prevailed here, as our British cousins evi
dently think they do, all would be easy
enough ; but when tho very clocking of a
damsel's hose is largely a matter of conject
ure to the most assiduous of lookers-on, how
could even a Paul Pry among fashion writers
get at tho cuticular ornamentation beneath
tho silk ? The task is hopeless. The miss
ing maiden might wander among U3 with
both legs figured like a pair of Cleopatra
Needles and wo would not be tho wiser for
it. Wo must have a more extended bill of
particulars. A squint, a wart ou tho left
forefinger, even u strawberry on the nose,
would serve to establish her identity ; but, so
far as her pictured leg is concerned, slio has
the receipt of fernseed' and walks invisible.
Tho Wtitinituter Ileview for July (repub
lished by Tho Leonard Scott Publishing Co.,
U Barclay Street, N. Y.) opens with a long
article on 'Freo Trade, Reciprocity, and For'
cign Competition,' denies that the stagna
Hon of British trade is due to i'reo Trade
policy, and combats the- principal arguments
urged in favor of Protection ; recommends a
reform in the land laws ; discouragement of
tho liquor trade &c.
2. 'The federation of tho English Empire'
Dwells fully on tho subject of emigration.
3, 'Aryan Society.' An attempt to com
pare tho views expressed by the greatest of
ancient writers and thinkers on the nature,
origin, and history of somo of the most im
portant institutions of civilized society.
4. rtaie i apcrs. uuaries i. a very in
tercsting chronicle of many events in that
reign taken from Stato papers recently pub
5. 'Tho Life of tho Prince Consort.' Sets
asido the political portion, and treats only of
pcrwual matters.
0, 'llicophrastus touch.' This, George
hliot s latest work, is described as a book of
valuablo essays on feelings and foibles, en
livened here and thero with tho most genial
The contemporary Litcraturo is as full
usual, and there is another long article
'India aud Our Colonial Empire'
Reprinted by tho Leonard Scott Publishing
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one column. ss.oo so.oo to.oo looc
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Yearly tsdverllsrmcnts payable nuartrrly. Trar.
slent advertisement mustbc raid for before inBcrteo
except where parties havo accounts.
Legal advertisements two dollars per men ror inrtt
Insertions, and at that rate for addlllonallnsertlons,
without reference to icngtn.
Executor's. A mlntstrator'a and Auditor's notice!
three dollars. Must tie paid lor wnen inserieo.
Transient or Local notices, twenty cents aline
reguiarauvenisemenwnaii rairn.
uaraa in in, "iiusidhhh iiimvwrj uuiuutu, uuc.
dollarreryearioreacniine. ,
'Please shut tho door" has been
Do poets havo to nay
for iKiotical It-
cense ?
The elephant is the first traveller of tho
season to havo his trunk coveted with can
vas. Seaside mosnnltos aro now lookiuc over
tho hotel register to see what rooms nro
In Lapland dead human bodies aro
frozen hard. This is a kind of ico crema
tion. Now that tho thunder storm season has
arrived, tho reckless small boy Is more
prompt at prayers.
An exchange has iust discovered that
the nil rase 'Excuse baste and a bad pen
was tbe parting salute of a runaway pig.
A cotemporary knows a man over nine
ty years of aeo who hasn't a Cray hair on
his head nor one of any other color.
Jemima Susan, did vou eet mr let
ter?' 'Yes, Dick.' 'I sent iu hopes of rais
ing a flame.' 'Richard you succeeded, for
it lit tbe gas.'
In carving a turkor in the presence of
strangers it is a breach of etiquette to stop
more than twice to spit on your hands and
take a new hold.
About this time vou mav see men in
their shirt-sleeves, sitting on piazzas, and
swearing at a mark. Tho mark is tho ther
mometer. The first ordination of a Chinaman to
the Protestant Episcopal ministry in the
united .stales took place in ban Francisco
What is the worst side of naval war
fare ?' asked a school teacher. 'The broad
side,' replied tbe boy in the back scat. He
went up Head.
An Irishman has always an answer for
any thing. A Corkonian, on being asked nt
breakfast how he catno bv that black eve.
said that 'he slept on his fist.'
The dlsapnearuuce of the silver three
cctit pice is unregretted, except on Sun
day moruing, when mom y lor tbe church
collection h watittd,
It was the nullinc of the skirts of fair
ones on the stairs ou their way to a military
ball, iu war time, that originated the Bong :
'The Camp Belles aro Coming,'
A little uirl. to whom her father ex
plained that bantam chickens miirlit bo re-
cognized by their feather stockings, wanted
to know it tue liens woro garters.
Sara Bernhardt is bv no means stout.
still this does seem to bo a little exaggerated:
'An empty carriage drove up to the door,
auusara lierunardt dismounted Irom it.'
By a recent decision of the United Sta
tes Court, muncinal bonds are held to be
good against the city issuing them, which is
..uiujiciicu tu icvy ittxs iu utscuirgc- mem.
The Rochester man who cot his foot
tangled up in a saw mill and broke twenty
eight hundred dollars' worth of machinery
should confine himself to agricultural pur
suits. Mr. Huxlev savs the nlesiosaurus is ps.
necially distinguished by its powerful jaw,
but it is due to the community to state that
tnts assertion was made belore he was mar
ried Amherst's reputation is not without
foundation. It is eaid that one- fourth of
all the missionaries sent out to foreign ccun
tries by the American board are Amherst
College graduates.
Tho Czar of Russia makes nearly $.15.-
000 a day out of his position, and when he
knocks on in ino middle ol ttie day lo gn
out and play base ball or fed a horse raco
he isn't docked a cent.
When a man has sat tin till mldnicht
writing poetry and goes home with bis soul
allamo with inspiration, nothing, pleases
him so much as to get in bed and .find that
the baby has been eating a cracker there.'
A youne man mav do a creat munv
foolish things, but he will never wear a pair
of white pantaloons to a picnic but once.
lie will never forget the large amount of
fun he didn't have on the first occasion.
Baniror. Me., has been settled one hun
dred and ten years, and has been a city for
loriy-nve years, nut tue mayor olected there
recently is the first native of that city who
has been chosen to fill the mayor's chair.
A Providence bov started to school on
the opening day of the term, and before he
had gone five blocks from home he bad
lamed a dog, lost bis geography, scared n
horse, broke his slate, and had three
Baron, tbe singer, is of such unusual
height, that when he went, tbe other day,
in Paris to consult a doctor about a severe
cold in bis head, the physician said: 'My
menu, you must nave got your leet wet last
Two sophomores enter a horse car : the
first takes the on ly vacant seat.
and the second Bits on his lap.
Presently a young lady enters, and the
second soph, ris'ng, says, 'Take my seat,
madam.' Fact.
A Sprinnfield butcher was invited tho
other niht to attend a minstrel show, but
positively uecuneo, even wnen a tree ticket
was offered him. When pressed for tho
reasou he replied : 'If I should co I should
Bee so many people who nwe me for meat
mat it would spoil all my luu.
'There's our Jeremiah.' said Mr. Shel-
ton, 'he went off to make his own living by
his wits.' Well, did he succeed?' inquired a
friend. 'No said tbe old man with a sigh
and significantly tapping his head, 'he fail-
ta lor want oi capital.'
What do you charee a nuart for vour
milk here ?' aked a man, as he put his
head at the door of a milk shop. 'Eight
cents,' was the reply. 'Ain't you got any
lor seven cents ( 'JNo,' said the proprietor;
'but,' he added, "we can soon make you
The other day a would-be fash ionabln
lady called at a neighbor's at what she
thoueht would be sunner time. 'Come in.'
said tbe neighbor; 'wo are having a tableau '
-i am so giau,- said me visitor. 1 thougut
i smeu 'em.and l like them better than any
thing for a late supper.'.
It Is whispered that.if American manu
facturers have been moro honest than their
British brethern in tbe matter of 'loading'
cottons, it is because tliry didn't know how
ramer man necause tbey didu't want to.
And it is further whisnered that thev lmv
at last learned how.
One of tho customers in a barber's shon
sees a dog of ungainly aspect sitting oppo
site intently watching him. 'Why, does
that dog look at me so?1 'Why, Fir, oc
casionally my band slips, and I am so un-
loriunaie as 10 snip ou a nit oi ear.' 'l.liV
and what then ?' 'Why, then he eats it.'
One of the Chicago rectors of the Re
formed Episcopal Church announces that
henceforth Sunday sermons will bo furnished
Sunday evening iu twenty minutes. We
retrain Rom giving Ihe name of the church
were short sermons will prevail, fearing that
all the other houses of worship would be
The ruling passion strong In death. At
a funeral down town, tbe other day, the
minister nan just, reached 'we susll miss Lis
chrerful presence in our midst.' when the
corpse sprang up and shouted, 'And so will
his sisters, his cousins and bis aunts.' Upon
investigation it was learned that tbe deceas
ed bad been scratched with a 'Pin afore' he
Co, l liarclay Street, tf. Y.)