The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 22, 1879, Image 2

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Friday, Augtii-M, Qii, 1871).
ov riTTsiiuncm.
i. k. iniiDiNi:.
Democratic Standing Committee.
liloomsburg K. David Lowcnberg, chairman.
" W 1. V.Clark, Secietary.
Heaver James T. Fox.
Hcntoc Itohr Mcllenry.
llerwlck nor. Wm, T. Snyder.
lirtarcrcekM. U llouseknecht,
Cataw tssa-M, V. 11. Kline.
Centralis, ltor. I. F. Ilurke.
Centre F.Jward Ilartman.
Conyngham N. Not reported.
Flshlnjcrcex 8. c. Crevcllng.
franklin Wm. Rohrbach.
Greenwood A, J. l)err.
Hemlock N. r. Jloore.
Jackson lram IH-rr.
Locust Ooo. Knlttle.
Madison Wm. filuglcs.
Maln-J, 11. Num.
Miniln-I). II, Montgomery.
Montour-IicnerlUo lthodes.
lit. Pleasant John Mordan.
Orange-0. A. Mogargelt.
line .lohn F. Fowler.
Poa'rlngcicek .John Mowrer.
Scott South John Kressler.
sugarloat A. .T. Hess.
Scott North Jacob TerwUllger.
Grant has bad the good sense to declare
in a reception recently given him at Tient
in, China, by Prince Kune and I.i-IIung
Ckang as follows In regard to his proposed
nomination for the, Presidency :
''Your excellency is very kind, but there
ihjuiu ue no wisn moreaisiastelul tome than
wnai you express. 1 have held the office of
President as long as it has ever been held by
hny man. There are others wbo have risen
to great ilistincliou at home, and who
earned the honor, ,who are worthy, and to
mem it iiciongs, nut to me. 1 have no claims
to llm ollice. It is a place distasteful to me,
a place of hardship and rraiinsiidlliia.,
When I was a youuger man these hardships
were severe- and never agreeable. They
would be worse now. No man who knows
what the Presidency imposes would care to
see a friend in the office. I have had my
share of it-have had all the honors that can or
should be given to any citizen, and there are
many able and distinguished men who have
earnuu too omce. lo one or them it Bhould
do given."
"Standing upon the broad ground of our
constitutional power, and hedged about by
precedent upon precedent, we make the
issue that the ballot must be free, and cheer
fully accept all the responsibilities this great
issue carries with it. The contest upon
wnicn we have entered will never cease till
the sacred right of an American freeman to
deposit his ballot free from the intimidating
presence of deputy marshals, free from the
overawing array of troops at the polls is
secured, or the Forty-sixth Congress ex-
pires by its constitutional limitation."
Hon. W. S. Itlaclburn in the J louse of Sep
resemaiicet, April 3, 1879.
Tho Louisviilo Courier Journal savs :
Republican organ jn Philadelphia recently
complained because the Legislature of Penn
sylvania left nearly all tho charitable institu
tions of tho State without a cent of money
for the current year. The trouble is that un
der Republican management the Treasurer of
Pennsylvania has been milked dry ; extrav
aganco has marked every ateo of the llennh
lican administration, and the taxpayers are
bled most painfully. In New York two Dem
ocratic administrations havo reduced tho ex
penses of the State from $15,000,000 a year
under Republican rule, to 7,G86,103 tho
present year. Tho contrast between tho two
States is interest and instructive.'
Hero is the polite language the Leruars
llowal bentmel addresses to tho colored man
It is a Stalwart among Stalwarts, favoring
Grant's re-election for an indefinite term and
the wiping out of all Stato lines :
What we need is encouragement, not
curses ; protection, not violence.
W clip tho above from the New Orleans
Heekly Louitianian, edited, owned and print
ed by niggers, who sent us a copy asking an
exchange with tho Sentinel. Wo will grant
the gentlemanly darkies the boon they crave,
that they may study African ethnology from
a btalwart stand-point. 'What we need is
encouragoment, not curses ; protection, not
violence.' That is nigger all over. Why,
you great, wooly-headed boobies, what you
need to learn is to 'corso' and practice 'vio
lence,' and all theso other things will bo add
ed to you. If you havo not sand cnoucli
to stand up anil curse theso lantern-jawed
brigadiers and their white-livered retainers,
then tho Republican party mado a great mis
take hi giving you your freedom. If these
unhung traitors dare molest you when you go
to vote, shoot thcui as you would so many
dogs. If you havo not tlio courage to do so,
get on tho auction-block and let them sell you
to tho highest bidder. A six-shooter is what
you need, Mr. Nig.'
Tho cable telegram from London on Sat
urday quoted consols at 97 9-10 for money
and for the account. United States bonds
were quoted at 101 for tbe Cs, 109J for the
IJs, and 1001 for the 6s, 109J for the -Us,
and 105J for the -Is. Tho rate of discount
for Blxty days' to three months' bank bills Is
J 01 percent, and for trade bills in the
open market is (n)l per cent, which is 1
(j 1 per cent below tbe Dank of .England
rate. Silver in London is quoted at Sld.
per ounce. The bullion value of the 412J
grain silver dollar la about 80 cents.
We do not see that It makes much differ
ence to tbe public whether Stewart's body
is found or not, and we wish the telegraph
companies would let up about it. They
might as well quit alio about Charlie Koss.
One died aud bis body was stolen and the
other was stolen alive. It has happened to
other people before, and we presume will
happen sgaln.
A despatch from Montreal announces that
brokers were asking J per cent, premium for
greenbacks, j
The following communication hai been
received irom Uen. J. K. Slgfrlcd, which we
publish for general Information,
iiEADqiunTKiisail)nioAi)i:,N.O. P.
l'orrsvtm:, Aug. so, 187!).
W. II, A li noi t, Ksq ,
Secretary, Citizens Meeting, llloorav
burg, Pa.
near Sir . our kind favor of 18 Inst, at
hand. You will accept my thanks for tho
interest tnken by the good citizens of your
town. Wo shall gladly avail ourselves of
your kindly oiler to f urn Uh us the horses
&ii., required on the Uth of September, the
day of inspection, I am not yctnhlo to say
how many we shall require, hut wllllntruct
ItlV fit,',. fa- Tn.n I.. ...... .. T
my Quarter MaMer to inform you soon ns I
hear Irom t)en. Latta. Wo shall require no
saddles or bridles, each officer will have his
Col. Stead, expects to go Into camp with
his Heglment, tho 12th. on the SaturJay
provious to tho inspection, and remain in
camp until tho afternoon of tho 9th, this I
s " "l ve ODJiionauic to tho
citlz-ns, as they will bavo all that they will
require for camping, except the ground.
I expect to get there with my stall' on
Monday the 8th. Generals Ilartranft and it more rich in all that charms the travel
Latta mid stnlT I. presume will get there Lr'a pvb than tlinvnllnv iirnnpr nfil.n VHl.
wnue liiiie doting tho evening of the eami.
...,. win nruoyuu again as ine lime mi-
Very truly yours
J. IC. Slant: ti,
Stewart's Iloily.
New York, Aug., 13. Tho JteralJ de
votes lour columns to tho recent developments
in (ho Stewart cravo robbery cac. It says
in January a Nassau street lawyer received a
letter from Moutrea! signed 'Romaino,' en
closing a retainer of $100, and askini: him to
take chargo of negotiations with Hilton for
the return of the body, which was offered for
a quarter of a million He aho received, In-
express, as evidenco of the good faith of the
writers, tho silver knobs and parts of tho
handle of Stewart's coffin, and the coffin plate.
iho lawyer communioated tho fact to tho
police, but asuied Hilton the only way tho
body could ho recovered was by the payment
ol the quarter of a million demanded. II il
ton refused tn negotiate, and threatened tho
arrest of the negotiating party. Judge Hil
ton lias been informed that tho remains aro
in uu excellent stato of preservation, and that
tho body wa, even to-day, easily rocogniza
b'.o by any one who had been acquainted with
the merchant prince during hislifctimo J that
though there was considerable disfigurement
aoout the eyes and part of the lower cxtiem-
itics, the fingers, and oven the feet and toes
had, nugularly to wiy, been kept remarkably
intact. Uaielte it Bulletin.
Sprague Itampant.
New York, Aug. 17. The latest advices
f .. . ... . i
..uu. isartugauii. pier are sensational in
iub extreme, n seem since tne nrst out-
nreaicot his wrath, that bprague has been
trMtintr nrarlnalltf m.l,l.. n.l I I I
o s e. j ulUUc. ,... uiuiuci, uu
oas unauy wouua up cis wralh Dy locking
airs, oprague inner room and relusmg to at-
tow anyDody to see her, without first giving
sumcieni reasons ior tne interview, tie
..!-! I
stauus guard over her door. Sobodv
is anowea to enter the house and all tele-
w I
K.a...s mm messages, no mailer wnere irom,
. msi. u,,cucu iy oprague oeiore tney are
delivered to her. If anybody calls they are
"J"-,CU lu "K,u cross-examination ueiore
iney are allowed to enter the room where
airs, eprague is conhned, and are kept
i...u3uiuuy uuuer me eye oi tne cver-walcli-
ful governor as long as they are allowed to
remain. Some think Sprague I crazy, and
mob uio uuiutsuc nnu unanciai matiera l
pressing so heavily upon him at the same
nolo Havo uuseiueu nis mmu. nis most in-
v....o.o jiicuua mo Btratu oi mm, and ue acts
anu laixs iiko a man whose-mind is slightly
uuscuieu, losuy mo least. V urtlier inter-
esiing ueveiopments in mis national drama
."oj uo iuuiicu iur booh, ior a scanuai mat
.cincu, iUEci.,.seiueueecner-iiidetiaiiair
n out smoldering beneath the embers that
nave already neen poked up by the muzzle
of Sprague's shotgun,
A Cyclopedia for $10.00.
l'erb aps tho most remarkable literarv en
terprise of the time, is the publication of tho
Library of Universal Knowledge, in 20 vol
umes of nearly 1,000 pages each, handsomclv
bound, for C cents per volume, or $10.00 for
tbe set. It is a reprint entire nf thr. Inst
(1879) Edinburgh and London edition of
Chambert' Encyclopedia: A Dictionary
UnivertalKnowtedgcfor the J'eonte. withverv
largo addtions upon topics of special interest
to American readers. The amount of matter
will somewhat exceed that of tho Cclon e
tui ot Appleton or Johnson, though the
price is but a fraction of their cost. Volume
one is to bo rcadv early in September, and
the others will follow at very short intervals-
The remarkab v low nriee are nrnnted (,
by tho method of sale, to the subscribers di.
rect, saving them tho largo commission, often
50 or 00 per cent,, paid to agents or dealers :
aiso, by tho recent great reduction in the cost
of making books, and by making very large
sales 'Ibis certainly is a work that the mil-
lions will appreciate. Special inducements
aro offered to early subscribers and to clubs.
The samo publishers IWn mfWl ;.,!
editions of Ctamben' Cyclopedia of r.nqlith
Literature, 4 vols., ?2.00, formerly sold in
2 vols., for 9.00 : also, Jlollins' Ancient lib
tory, aud Joicphu' WorU, large tyro e-di-
lions, for $2.25 and S2.00, and Smith't Jiible"0? ia tllB world. Wherever the eye
Dictionary, $1.00.
They also publish, in August and Seniem.
ber, tho Acme Library of Ilionranhu. 12 vols.
auu ins ire j.wrary o Moaern UiaMcs, 9
vols., tho former at 35 cents and the latter at
50 cents per vol. In these series aro present
1 .1.- , f.'f .r . .
ed such authois as Carlylo, Macaulay. Gib
bon, Goldsmith, Lauiartino, Michelet, Thorn
as Mooic, Walter fccott, and I'ouque, and
such subjects as C;csar. Cromwell, Hums,
joanot Arc, vicar ot Wakcheld, Picciola,
Jalfa llookli, iVc. L ull cataloguo ol publica-
tions, terms to clubs, Ac, will bo ccEt freo on
request by tho publishers, the American Hook
j-ccnanye, oo iieCKiuau St., 1 ,
Failed for Five Millions.
London, Aug. 10. Tho well known fi
nancial agent. James McHenry, is unablo to
meet us liabilities. A tremendous run ex
ists at his ofiico in Victoria street, Westmins
ter His liabilities aro estimated at f5,000,.
uuu. ilia assets aro bcueveu to bo very
Art.. ml . t , , .
Tbe activity of our Iron industries is at-
tcsted by tbe putting in blast this week of mentors. They bhould know that Kidnoy
the largest furnace of the Reading Irou Wort acts on Iheso organs at tho samo timo,
Works, which has been idle for four year, causine them to throw off tho poisons Hint
and the building by tho company of a new
tube mill, to employ 200 additional bands. I
OS Till! XllllTII llltANCII.
lj!ooiisnuii(i and its PlCTtmEscillH' sHti-
We reprint the following portions of a
letter published in the Philadelphia l'rcis,
In show what strangers think of in.
lli.otiMHiuitn, Pa , August 10. Tivrnty
mis mlln northeast of the ancient borough
of Northumberland, where, amid grandly
plcturo'(iie scenery, the North and Went
lrAticle of tlm Siuquehanna mingle their
rllvery waters, Is Wootmbiirg, feat tifjustlce
nl Ciiliiinhla coiinly and tho homo of sever
al widely known mid prominent statesmen
and politician. The town I ncrcihli by
two railroad the Lackawanna and Illooni
burK, terminating at Northumberland, and
I . .... '
tho Catnwlwa division of the lteadine rail.
mail, which extend tn Wllllamport.
No Stato or Territory of the Union excels
I'ennsylvanla In the varlctv, beauty and ex
tent of landscape scenery, which at one point
will rival the abruptness nud grandeur of
the bwi's Alp, while at another tho eve
dwells upon natural beauties a soft and en-
i 1
tlclng a ever entranced the vision of tho
tourist In the South of sunnv Franc or he.
nenth Italian skies. And while this I Iron
branch. Itich in both mineral and ugricul
tura wealth, tin reir nil n nn,1
Illoomsburg bears the unmistakable impress
nfilirlltnnd prosperity. In point of fact,
tho entire county exhibit a succession of
thriving village and highly improved farms.
Driving from this point to Derwlck, a dis-
tunco of twelve mile, over a road as level
as n lloor and as hard a a rock, a stranger
is like to receive the impresinn that it is
one continuous village, so closely does one
succeed the other. Tho dilves in this vicin
ity are unsurpassed, If equaled anywhere m
the country, Visahicknn will not compare
with Catawissa and h'ishlng Creek.
In point of hotel accommodations IIIooiiie-
burg is fully up to the day and npe. Tho
hxchange, .Messrs. Tubbs it Chaniberlln,
proprietors, is one of the finest and moat
complete in it appointments ill the Slate.
It ha accommodation fir about two hun
dred guchts, and I elegantly furnished and
fitted throughout. Several Philadelphia
families are summering here, although no
elliirt ha bten, a yet, made to make the
hotel a summer resort, l-'or next season it
is the, intention of tho proprietors to tiller
special inducements 1 1 families in tho citv
who desire lo spend the summer term in i
pleaant and health-giving region. Boating,
fishing and hunting are unsurpassed'
an ancient borough, was founded by Hvan
Oiveu in 1783, and is noted as being the
highest point ever rrached in the attempted
navigation by steamboats of the North
branch, flight at the base of the hold bluff
upon which it is ljcated, overlooking the
river, are the Nesrnptrk full, nnd hero on
tho 3.1 of May, 1S2G, occurred a disaster
which c'eiiioniiratid tho impossibility of
successful navigation of 'The river of the
winding shore.' A boat built at lliltimoro,
commanded by Captain Collin, and named
the Susquehanna, made a successful trii
from Hum-..! nr in H.iw .mint l.
on tho afternoon of ihn ,f T.,i- I,, il,
, . ...
year already mentioned, when 'the Siisque
hanna.'iier decks covered with excursioi
ists from the. various i,mn l.elmv. rpnM,,l
the fall. and under n lull l,Pn,l nt ie.nm t
tempted tne pa-age. About half tho dis
inn i,,i i.. .n,i k .i
nnu n '.v uiiu uiauu illicit llir PltruiIiC
struck a rock ami exnlndP.l h,-r b,,llUr ti,
crowd upon the shore, which a mo-iient be
f.ire had been cheering the gallant craft
rushed to rescue the crew and passengers,
wfio, mangled and scalded by tho ese-apin
steam, were either dead or struggling in Hie
water. This trade event ei tied all attempt
at cont nuoii nav k-nt uu of Hip rii-,.r tl,
ill-fated Susquehanna beins; tho onlv boat
which eveml-amed from the Chesapeake to
tbia no nt.
As a mattei of history it may ho written
that it was at Itenvick on tho 4th of Julv
ISiS. that tlin irrniinil .is ir.L-o,i f.,r il.,
construction of the North brunch canal, now
one nftho most mnnrlant. ut.r,.,,..!,.
fares in the Stale. Ilerwick for Imanv vears
was rai her h eoi.i. u,rt .f .. '....n ,!ti.
In the past decade ha awakened from its
lethargy, and now bid- filr to become at an
early day one of the most important manu
facturing points in the State. Tho cause of
this metamorphosis is i hii-fly elue to the en
crgy and enterprise, of Jackson & Woodin,
the well-known iron manufacturers and car
builders. Originally established in 1819 as
a foundry and agricultural works, employing
ten or a do;n men, the industry has grown
until to day the shop cover a space of sov
oral acres, employing over einht hundred
wommeii. nveive eicnt-wiieel box cars, or
twenty ,ol,r ' "rs, are daily turned out
comP'e, wlille llio foundry averages two
humlrei1 car wheels and tho rolling mill
twenl' '"u of """bid bar iron and axles as
' prouueuou. ino cars manuiactured
here are used upon nearly every railroad in
I I. IT. LJ1..1..- 1 -i
oiaies, iuua aim ooutn Amen-
ca- Tbe l'rival0 residence of Captain C. O.
Jackaon ij "e "f 'be fiuest in the State. In
'-u'lc""" "eauiy, eieganco and symmetry
" 18 unsurpassed.
ihe sceny in the neighborhood of Iler-
wick is of tho grandest character. Sitting
on the eastern verandah of the Williams
House iu the late afternoon and lookinc
southward the eye rests upon a laudscape of
rarest beauty. At your feet are the fall
bcyud winding its sinuous way through
' rocky orge, is Netcopeck creek, and
81111 mrthcr in the distanco stand out in
bolU blue outllue 'be Catawissa mountains.
M0"1 west the rays of the setting sun are
"fib'1"!? up with a mellow radiauco one of
tlle moat highly cultivated and beautiful
turb8i fast or west, north or south, a grand
'"scape panorama is presented.
" Touched by a llht unknow n-
A k-loryneuT eune
A lott on tky atd mountain wall "
(Jeneral En ing t'onlldent of .Success
Washington, August 10, A letter was re
celved here to-day from General Kwlnif. II
says be U very confident of his election
tjovemor of Ohio, that the neonlo nre en
thusiastic and that the vote will be lame
He says also that he believes ho will get tho
whole Greenback vote.
Last day for registration, Thursday Sen-
temuer-j, i7'J.
Last day for being naturalized, Saturday.
October I, 1879.
Last day for payment of taxes, Saturday.
October 4, 1879.
Hon- to (Je t Well.
Thousands of persons aro constantly troub
led with a combination of diseases. Diseas.
cd Kidneys aud co'tivo bowels aro thoir tor-
have clogged thcui, uud so reuowing tho
whole man.
OatawissA, Aug. lf, 1879.
Kmrons CoLU.MiiiA.Vi Sim. Ily your
permission I desire lo pre'cut to your read
ers tlio following aunlysisUl the convention,
held August 12,
Tlio convention consisted of delegates W.
Tho convention had to It presented, candid
ates 10. Tho whole voto for delegate) was
2239. This number (2239) divided by tho
number of delegates (07) glws to make a
delegate vote in the county, a tatbi of nearly
33, The following table presents the
analy-lj a I make it by the latio (33J) also
tho voti nf each candidate, and the number
of elelegates by the ratio, and those counted
In the convention.
S Smith
A K Smith
J O Jacoby
S Jacoby
I havo nllowed for tho larger fraction In
making a ratio delegate. It is lo bo clearly
seen uy uio nuuvo lablo that ciinlidalus un
der tho Rules of our convention really get
all they cn ask Delegates in proportion
to the vote polled.and thoahovo table would
not change the result.
In truth I must say I was not very friendly
lo the ISule, but the more they are consid
ered, and vole analyzed, the more firmly am
I convinced that they nre the best system of
convention rules extant. Under the work
ing of the present rule, coirupllon, buying
and selling ha nearly or entirely ceaed.
Ten years ago, whole delt-g.itlons would not
go Into convention miles a check was given
them in advance, (though fortunately some
time) theie was no money in bank) to Insuie
their vote. Now mark tho delegation. All
como to time, with credentials and voles.
When the rule is carried out allowing only
one delegate to every forty vote cast at State
elections, then look for peace and less politi
cal backsliding.
Should the abovo bo acceptable to you
and your readers, perhaps I may give an
analysis of some township and see If there
arcanydiscrepencies between voting strength
of candidates, and ratio or convention vote.
Democrats, let us try to understand our
conventional law, perfect it, vole only for
good tinn, and true demociat, rather than
seek to abolish our rules, ami go back to
tricks and trades.
K. M. Tewkshuky.
Wi:i:iivii,i,i:, ICi.k Co , Pa. Aug. 13, '79. .
Kmroi: Ciii.I'.mihan :-To inotrnw we
expect to Itavo this "cool and shady retreat"
for Drifiwood. I dread coing. I fear I will
find it uncomfortably warm out-ide this val
ley. If coolness i nn item taken into con
sideration in searching for summer i csorts,
Wcedville certainly deserves to be one.
Perhaps you think this a small place;
please rid yourself of such a delusion. The
town extend from the deep cut, where the
Low Grade 11. 11. enters the valley, on the
east to the llill school-house on the road
that climbs the ridge toward ClearfiVId Co ,
on the west; a distance of thrt-ei miles, and
from the 11. It. that winds in and out at the
foot of Iho mountain)-, along tho creek bank
on the south to where the hill h'conio too
steep nnd rocky for clearing, oil the north a
distance of two miles. A of magnifi
cent distances pamciilarlv beliiceu 111
J hi re uro several very lino families here
and many more scallt-riil Ihrougli Iht-nir-
rounding country, must of whom are en
gaged in lumbering. The er.ish of llm lino
Old fnii-st king a they tall beneath the
laborer's axe and their rush down Iho log
slides lo the streams make a in nun un
accustomed to such sounds look hurriedly to
tho sky to see the clouds that brought the
thui.der. When water is plentiful tho buzz
of Iho mills is a continuous sound, not slop-
pine at night.
I ho mountains surrounding Weedvillenro
not monotonous in ouiliue hut present every
variety from the peake d and jugged to tho
smoothly rounded nnd are rieh in broad
glades and winding glens and deep ravines,
I visited n glen that wa a Wntkins on a
small scale. It was charmintr but so cold
we dared not linger. I think the cold air
from the-o numerous glen, together with
the nearncsj lo the clone's, is what necessi
tates warm clothing and fires night and
Sitting on the porch we have an unob
structed view of the sunsets, and it seems us
if each evening strore to surpass tho pro
ceeding one in loveliness. It is said the sun
rises nro equally gorgeous, but a previous
engagement witli Morpheus always pretenU
us from greeting Sol when he make his first
15ut the best is not yet spoken. Trout
oh, tho trout! The log and sawdust ruin the
fishing in the larger streams but tho smaller
ones abound in them.
Why thirteen inch speckled beauties nre
caught with no more expenditure of patience
than it takes to catch three inch one up at
Cole's. Uurris run, a wild and rugged stream
three miles from here, deserves to be fam
ous for lis largo and numerous; fish; but I
suppose it would not stay famous, for that
reason very long. However its grand scenery
is worth the tlresomo trip, even if there
were no trout.
If you have any idea of visiting Weed
ville, come soon or you may not bo able to
find it for rumor say Mint Jes.-o Weed, the
first settler, is going to inovo away, and I
thiuk if he goes lie will take the name of the
town with him, tho remaining inhabitants
choosing ono not quito so suggestive.
Respectfully your,
Funeral nf liMion (lileiilieimer.
Nkw iortK, August 17. Tho funeral of
tho lato llishop Odcnhcimer will take place
at St, Mary's chuich Uurlington, N. J., to
morrow afternoon nt two o clock, llishops
Potter, ot Now lork; Doano, of Albany:
Scarborough, of New Jersey, aud others will
bo present, also a largo representation of tho
clergy and laity of New Jersey, Now York
and Pennsylvania. Tlio dod prelate will bo
nteired in St. .Mary's churchyard, whero oth
er members of hi family and tho remains of
llishop Doane, hi predecessor, also lies. No
decision wus reached yesterday as to pall
heaicrs', but it is likely that tho delegates to
the general convention and the standing com
mittcowill act in that capacity.
It costs about a hundred dollars to go to
tbe Mountains or to the Seaahore,but If you
want to tone up tho wholo system, you can
do it just as surely by taking ouo or two
packages ol Kidney Wort, nnd so save your
money. It is a sure euro for Kidney com.
plaints, Piles, Constipation aud all bullous
Iiiiporlnnt lo Voters.
'As voters nre an nnnual product in this
counly,plther on becoming twcnly-ono years
of age, or by naturalization, too much can
not ho said to direct all in tho right nud le
gal channel.
The legulnr assessment nr registry Jlst for
t lit) coming ball election have already been
made nnd sent nut by the Commlsslorcrs,
and are now to bo found posted Btjpolling
places In tho various districts of tho county
a required by law. Under the New Consti
tution every person desiring to voto at the
approaching November election must hnye
resided for tho period of Zero months nhty
ilnyaUi the election district where ho oilers
to vote, and If over twenty-two year of age,
shall havo paid within two yean n Stato or
Coiinfy tax, which shall h.iyo been assessed
at least two month, and paid al least one
month before tho day of tho election. More:
77ie citizen who remove from one borough or
towiirliiji to another between the Third of Sep
tember and election day loses hit right to vote,
because ho must swear, if challenged, that
he ha resided at least sixty tlays in the dis
trict where ho oilers to vote. And if he
has resided but five, ten.or twenty days then
he cannot dcclaro that be has lived sixty
days therein. Those who wish lo voto the
coming Kail had better examlno the list of
voters now lu the hands of the Aesoi (or
the ono tu be louud al tho election house),
nnd sec if their names are enrolled, If not
on the list, Inform Iho Assessor of tho fact,
Tho omission of names produces more con
fusion nnd trouble on election day than all
defects put together, and yet, it i one of tho
simplest duties enjoined upon the Assessor,
and It is equally simple If Iho voter does not
know that his name is not on the list until
he offers hi ticket and some one chailenes
film. It becomes tho duty of the citizen
from tliis until the 3d of September (lxty
day before tho election) to apply to the As
sessor if ho wants hi unmet placed on tho
list. It i theduty of every Assessor to re
main at the election house in hi respective
elistrict on the 3d and 4th day of September
next, when those not rcgistcred.can find him
nnd hae theirn.iines put on thelistnf voters.
Under tho change made iti.onr election law
an Assessor renders himself liahlo to a fine of
$100 and three months imprisonment for
assessing n tax against any person after the
time specified in the law for closing his
Si'Kr.R's Pout Giiaim: Wi.vnm'on Weak
ly Pep-sons Thi excellent product of the
grapo is prescribed and u-ed by the
leading physician in thu country, and by
tlio llie most fashlouahlo families at even
ing entertainmcnts.aud by churches for com
munion. For sale by O. A. Kleini, Illooms
burg, Pa.
The emigration from Canada lo the Uni
ted State is about equal to Canadian immi
gration from the old country.
Dyspepsia. Dyfspop-sia- Dyspopsia.
Iijsis-Iislals the most pjrple.sliiL- of nil liunun all.
incuts. Ilssjioptoms uro almost lnllnltn In iiieir
variety, and the forlorn nnd despondent victims of
thodlsenso often fincytlicnisiMve tho prey, In turn
ot ciery known mMiuly. Tills Is due, In part to tlio
close sympathy which exists between tho stomach
and tlio brain, nnd In part also to tho fact nnv
dUturbanco of the dlgestlvo function necessarily
uiwrueis 1110 uver, llio bowels nnd the nervous sys
tem, nnd affects, to soma extent, tho imaliiv or iim
K. r. Kunkle's Bitter Wlno of Iron a sum i-urn
Till Is nota new preparation, to bo tried nnd found
wanting j It has been prescribed dally jr many
years In the practice of eminent phrslelans with un
paralleled success; It Is not expected or intemie.1 m
cure all the disease to which tlio human family Is
subject, but la warranted to euro Dyspepsia In Us
most obstinate ronn. Hunkers Hitter Wlno of Iron
novcr falls to cure, sj mntoins of Dvsnensla nre ins
of appellte.lvlndund rising of tlio food.dryncss of the
moiitli.hcaiiburn.dlhtension of tiiQstninneiin,iiK-.
els, constitution, headache, diz.lness, sleeplessness,
aniipow spirits. Try tliogreatrcmedynwlbuconUnt
ettot Its merits, elet llio genuine. Take only Klin
ktl's, which Is put only In N bottles, nepot, Ki
Nonh Ninth M., Philadelphia. Advice by inah'fiee,
by sending 3 cent stamp. Try ono bottle of Kimkel's
lion and bocouWiueduf lis merits, .sold by drug
gist nnd stoi o keepers oven " here.
Worms, AVorins, Worms.
licmou-dutlfc. Tapo Worm remou-d ullio In fiom
twotothreuhours.wllh u-getiiblo int-dlilou, lle.ul
uiu uu passing; iroiu ino system nllto. No ti-a till passes, ino noctor never falls In reinoio Tape,
neat, 11 n and btomaeli norms. Ask your druggist
torn bottle or Kuiikers Worm Sj nip. Piles, ffper
"". iinciLTriiin-or senn to Dr. Kunkel,
.win .Minn street, Philadelphia. P.i . fnr i-imuin-
wlth full Instructions, by enclosing a cent slump for
return of samo. Ktmkel's Worm Myrup Is used for
viwurenor auuitswitliperfeetsafety, nslt 1 ege-
uiuiu. uuy h, nnu try it.
O. I, G
Fertilizers, Coal, find family sup-
plies at reduced prices. Country
piouuce nnu railroad ties taken
in exchange for the same at
H. W. Aul's Hard Pan Grocery
oppostto Jiapy JJepot D. L. &. W.
K. It., Mute D. Snvder & Co's,
store rooms,)
.Faugh s pure ground hone and
dissolved hones 8.57.75 to $-12.40
per ton.
Baugh's pure Ammoniated el is
solved bones '$'12.25 per ton.
Baugh's pure Super Phosphate
0i....imnw uiiaiyois un t'ilCIl Uil"
$2o.00. jier ton.
Land Plaster $7.00 per ton.
Narieuhural Salt $0." 0 Tier ton
Chemicals for niitkintr one ton
buper Phosphate onlv Sl2.;m
uiseount ot b per cent will
he given from the above prices if
uiultcu on or oeiore Aug, IJ1
AvoiKlalo Coal by the car No.
t, vj.ou, rs'o. o, HW, io. (i, 1.J50
per gross ton. Coal sold hv tlm
single ton.
, ,
J'amily llourCGO ner bbL nm-n
UIIU I l.Li) ICrilJUl )3. 1(1W 11111 o r.
orl 5.00 to 7.00 per bhl. Salt by
tne sack or bushel.
A share of your natronac-o vn.
spectral y solicited, II. AV. Auu
aug, tt, tn.
pertonshuilng claims ugaUist tun ostato iri 10'
Snt'riffSJ ??tlli-ment and those
. - ..uLit, niiuum ueiay.
p u- m,.. ...... Admlnlatratrlic,
C. . -tllLt.KIt, Att 1. Iti-nvr 'vjn
UUg, TI, llH',
Letters Testamenlnrv nn thu ,.L,r..n ... ... .
Ijeibylalo of Montour township, Columbia 'emuidiv
Pa" alld "Sl'ni.uniff0X'i,y 'tonfe iwlsburg;
la, and . 1. M.uscr. Montour townshln i:IU
lumbt.1 county, I't-unsylvanla, l'ostonico, Itiinert
lersons hailuL- einii,
IB ..T, VZ r.,.ri"";L.
them for settletnenu and thoso Indebted to tboi
tato to make navintnt to tn.. im.ii.Ju iOHiT
tors without delay, -
JOHN LEIIIY, Lewlsburg, l'a.
W. I. MALSEit, itupert, pa?
aug, 11, Cw,
Rowell & Go's. Advt'ti.
1 Onfl pronts on BOrtij-slnvcslmcntof fi-l fr
iJ.aJJ linict.ll lienor!, free- OJLUU
Proportional returns every week on Mock Options
in rn, oi'i" .,ui. mi-
rtri-T. Potter Wiuiit ; Co., Iintikcrs, ts Wall si.,
is. i r nu. w iy -tw,
Wo will tinv .Wi-tiLiis,jiliirvfjl miuii'.r month
In 1 1 ! I,., ,f iiliovr it Urn, cuninil-.lon, toavtl our
tll'IT All'l WWDiWhll InT'-tltl'Vl 114 ftfC'l l"M '!H.
-"Am- lrr- 0. AllnliSn-lKlllsAl''.,AlAtsbKltlMicIi.
III?. 21, '79-4W,
4.77 a Month and expense guaranteed to Agents
- i-uini nre.
nu-f !7, ';-tHT
li'7'7'7A VEAlt nna expenses lo ncents. (ml lit
rroe. aiiiiil-sb I . u, 1 1
ICUUIIV, Atiitustn,
miff. v. 'imw.
fJA.Ml'l:i l'l!l-:l)i:i!If'ICS. I'.nin
O dry hulnoR near Catawlssi. Kew work and
repair n.-iitly, quickly and cheaply done. Plows,
it nn iiri-is, Hi., niaiiiii.iciniTii or rcnaireu
nil?. !!, '!.
JUCGH I ,,,r sending sa cents, with nee,
wli. I litclit, color of ejesnml Imlr, )ou
1 OK I will reeo 10 by return mall a t or-vriTTne-TM
ti I rt-ct pk turn of nur future Iiim
iUUl.jI.Lij:, tjnndor ''.te.ivlllinnmoniidd.ito
tu mnriiiijro
Address, w vox imx 77 1'ultonMlle, N. Y.
aug. 22, mn,
The undersigned ndtnlnlstrntor of I.Vbwca Stnlih,
I.Uu of tin- tunnslilp of Mudlsoii In tho euiinlj of Co
lumbia, deceased, will expose to puollc sale by vir
tue uf an order of the Orphans' Court of said county
In proceedings In partition, oa Uio premises In said
tow nshlp of Madison, on
Stiturdtty, August :50th, 1870,
at, one o'clock in tlio afternoon, tlio following de
scribed real estate lato the estate ot said decedent.
.NCI. A certain tract of land situate In tlio said
tow nhlp ot Madison, bounded by lands ot Abraham t deceased, Conind Kienliit-r, William Miultz.
A. K. Smith, tho land below deseilbed as No. V, nnd
laut of tlio heirs of laislia 11. smith deceased, con
end fourteen perches, more or less, situated on tho
public toad leading from Ujcrs' eiroio lo Whlto
Hall, nearly nil eleareiirind under cultivation on
which Is a
frame barn and APPI.Il OIIUIIAItli.
No. a. The undlilded one-half part or moiety of a
eeibiln lot ofland situate In said Madison township,
of which the Raid decedent wn seized as Iciinnt In
common Willi A. K. Mnllh, bounded by tho nboi
mentioned tract No. 1, and Iho said public road and
land of William Miultz, containing
more or less cleared land In good cultivation, on
whlih I a
Frame Dwelling Hoobo,
oiil-bnlldlngs, a good well of water and fruit Uee. KALli Ten percent of one-fourth of
Iho purchase, money to be paid at the strlkliiir down
of tho property, the one-fourlli less Iho leu ivi- cent.
in inu conurmnuoii or sale, nnd the remaining three
fouilhs In ono rear theieallcr wllh lulerest from
conllrmailon nll.
Peed lo be paid for by the purchaser.
CONHAI) mti:AMi:it,
Jerscj tow n, l'a.
Aug. 1, To-ls.
To the heirs and legal representatlies of Andrew
Oliigles, l.uoof 1 out re tcmnshlii, deceased, to-wit:
,,1ll'i;rfa!,.'ilau tirpuans' court held at mooms
burg, In nnd for tho county of Columbia, the twelfth
day of Ma, A, P., ls;. before the Honorable Wm.
I.Iwell, President, nnd hi associates. Justice of iho
said court, tne petition ot Jlathlas Olngles, a brother
of Andrew tilngies.lalo of the said tow nshlp, In the
s.ild county, deceased was presented, silting forth
l lutthosnldAnilroweilnglesdlcd on or about sell
il iv ot J.nreb. A. I). 1S77, Intestate, relzed In his
?hI?clir";-'Y"!17e? ,"f ,lH undivided one-half or nil
that certain lot of hmo stone land In Cenli-o
township, Columbia county, Pa. lioumltd and de
setlbed as follows, to-wit: lieitlnnlngnt a none on
Iho north side of tho Lackawann and niooinshtrg
i.'?' ."Il'1' ',"C11C0 bv ,!la,', l"" of I'hllln .Miller
north 2S'j dogroes wo t, 23 perches to 11 stone:
thenco by tho same south 7 -P. degrees west 0 perch
es to a stniie; thence by other llmeslono lot south
f. ! fK"'1"! cls't2.,, 1-eiches to said Uckawanna
and liloomsburgltallrond; thenco along, the same
nor 11 iji4 degu-es east 5 perches lo tho placo of
beginning contalnlngone hundred and nrieeu sciua-e
perches be llio samo more or less (except Ing ant.
SnL"8',!".!011.1,08.'11"'""1" S'lller his heirs and
?,3n3"1.1.,1 10 timber 1m or they may waot lor
rnnelngwllhln tw o year from Iho 19tn day of So
veinberA. D. isto.) Also leserMng llio nso and oe
rujuncy of the noith end of iho said lot so far as
tho siiuio can bo farmed unlllat sueh lime or times
that the samo shall bo wanted for quany purposes.
Also nil that certain piece or lot of ground sltu.uo
In Centre- township, Columbia county, Pa., bounded
and described as follows, lo-wit: on the north by
tho public road lendlm-from liloomsburg to Iterwlcp.
on 1 he east by land 01 Hie heirs of Kliza Thonir
dereased.onihe souili by kind of Tinman Nagle
!'.',',? "J'.wstby sehool hoiiso lot, containing
i iy,l'!.B'1.' ,Kr.c. l,a'u? to sunlio Mm .1 wid
ow, tiary Ann eilngles. anil tho rollowlng natntd
brnlhernnil sisters of full blood, lo-w II: -tourpetl-iiunt-r,
.susm Ann Intel man led with 1athh1s Heller,
sar.ihi.lngies, .Mary InU'rnni ried with .lohn Will
anis, and llio follow Ing named sisters of iho halt
r'.'... ".'! siiuiiiii nt mo samo miner, to-wlt:
1111 iii-ii.ingies, Marlluliiteriniirrlcd with Samuel
vviiii ,,.V 1V1, i 1 ?. ""'louniy, except Mary
11.; VT ,,t , . ' .,utJlul ,u" "ear nnoxv.ue,
lluirlete.ingiesiihols a lu-ddeut of Kansas neat
sr-i mi n!.' ? ,.: "nJU (i,1JC"-'3 who Is a resident ot
i,illM..'.1V,',!!',""l'"'ir fMlllrcal n,M hailng been
had, tin in-iitioner showing mat he Is a paity In
nt- rest, prajs tho court lo awaid an inliuest to
...,wu ul ,u ,,, lt.u, t-iuLu in anu among
tho li'l't es act on in. tn r.,c..,.,i. i. h
In lu-eoidanco with the abovo named writ i'wlll
l.n.'!"'n inout-st on tho sal t premises In Centre town.
snip, uoiumoia couniy, I a , on
SATURDAY, August 23. 1879.
Su tn Sff.f'iV?" V,'?".an" K,Kro ya 1"'0 letiuest
ed to attend If you think proper.
Mienrr-s orilce. Iilooomsburg,
July is, juiIN W. HOI'F.MA.V.
- ""uu oi sunary writs Issued out of tho
Court of common I'leas of Columbia county and
to mo directed, will bo exposed to publlo salo nt tho
u-uiiousumtuoiown of liloomsburg Columbia
'"') i i-imsj ivania, at ono o'clock p. m on
Saturday, September Gth, 1S79,
All those certain lots or pieces of land situate In
auuuiusuurg, i oiumuia county, Pennsylvania, bound
ed and described as follows, to. it t nna mt
tier ten In plot ot Ilarton addition bounded on the
east by street, on tho south by other lot of
Casper I Thomas, on tho west by an alley, and on
tho north by lotofshafferand lloirman, being Mty
feet In front aud ona lnm,ii-H,i on,i i... .,
In depth upou which Is erected a wagon shed and as
mum ui uio uarn ns is on said lot number ten
r , . ... . .
,i. uuiiiuer eleven oountled On Iho oust. I..- i-tc
.... .,..,u, ,a,lu toi or William nigger,
u, uii miey una on tlio noith by lot
number ten aboio described, unon widen i i.r,.,..i
am.Kuiiaimiiiouse, oarn and other out-buildlngi
...v.uiuu uu mo aooio aescrlbed lot a well and
i......,, aim an underground sprlnghouse,
llio above lota nro well supplied with fruit trees,
"I'l-'V, lllCllj, AO.
Ono other lot on Itallroad street We iiim,.i,
Imillllli'll (,,1 II.,, nnpll, I ......
Iho lrondalo railroad, on Iho south hi- tr.i t n.
Ifarllnnn nrt II ;
: ' -.uu uuuuruu ami Hxiy-slx reet
-.v,.i..u.oui ieas, on winch aro erected a doublo
iu iurgo suoies and other ont-bulld-
Seled, taken In exwuiinn m ,i. .
Hughes assigned to 0. li. luxton ,i,, ,."'..,
Thomas and to b0 told as tho proinny of CasU-rl
HfCKALiw, Attorney , A vl
All that certain real cstatflsiiiinini,, .i. . ...
liloomsburg. In Iho county ot Columbia, and State of
lennsjlvanla, bounded and rtoseriti .
o-w 1 1 , (in n10 nortll h). mge M(.yt m lho cast
lutofUoyilMu ploss, on tho south by .Main or See.
owl street, and on tho west by Centre bluet, being
twenly-iourfiet four inei,o i .i.i,,, ... '"!
street, and two hundred r,t.,. ', " . ",u
es in depth nl ong Centre street, on w hleh aro t i ectl
..... .... ., 11Uiuo sioro room and dwelling.
good frame stablo nnd out-buildinirs.
Seled, taken In execution at tlm mt n.,.i ... t
sejih It. to the uso of George llughi-s
vs. II, c. aower and Oeorgo Cavanco, and to 1 sold
... i-ivjiciij vi ii. v. iiower.
MRLEii, Attorney.
At tho same thno and place, nil tht ....
cstato bltuate In tho illlami nr n,i ...
thOCOUntvnfC.nlml., .. 7. W.. ""5 ,U
funded and described il vuTem ?S
east by laud of Phoobo .Miller, on ti. "?
b landotEinaimclKlkcndallatidon tho north by
a publlo road, containing ono quarter of an aero
more or less, on which uro cre.-t,.,t fM " ..-..'
andout-bulldlngs. "
Ketod, taken lu execution att hn cm, . .,....
IlartzcMidinlnlstratorotMary li. neUer, dece uod
JIilliu, Altorney,
aug,it,u. bhetla-
U.l.,r., I1 It. Allilhl.
calalsa-. M. Urubst, Ailhnr ltoberttt.
lilooia-tAil N. e ox, N. II. PoiMer, lVlrlck Mcl d
den. wignrlonffrwliiii
M 1 ill I -1 1 1 rn l ii Dikriitli.
Mnlne -loseph llllgi'I,
Muntiiur Klias (lelger.
I!eiiver-tiilren Ilunslnicer.
Si tt Klla Kt inn
tin iiwood Sum' el Klsner
in nl, ui -Mtniie' I', Krlrktiaiim.
Iierwli klames Mlihail, William Meplicin,
lirlanreek-iiooiifo W. Miller.
e onyiiKliain - Ntnltt-w l(isiiey.
Madison -.lohn M. "inlili.
Ixii-iisi Isnl.ih'lialTer.
Pino- It I'. Wlillinojer,
rbliiiigereek lohn winner,
Centre Uanli I MUIiiioie.
list ok .ruitoiis.
Hi'iiier-s, r, Iiennlnger,
llenton- V lllinin Apiileiiim,
ltoli-- ilellenr), .lohn Wiu-u.
Kamiiel H.igenbiieh
Iilnoinsbiirg simiiel llill.
liilariieek l'rra IViwIr-r.
Centro-U-it Alkiiini, l.n-ob Hill, Charles MarKh,
Calawl,i .losepli Carl Henry uele, Ixint id
ler. rrnnklln Chilsllaii Ashley, Andrew Uilitlnm.
rislilngereck M, A, Aiiiiiierni in, Thos.J. Hutch
lsoo. J lines . -lontifl.
(iri-eiiwiKjd-Ulislii llnjiinn, Dinlel Wclllier,
llemloi k-l.llas I it
l,oeiist-,lolin llrufeo, Plilnen Thoinis,
Madison Andrew- J, catr, lid eirahani, Jacob
Jtiniln-Mlchael ltellor,, I II. Heller.
Montour Kiiuiiuci harsius, P. s. Karshncr,
Alt. Pleasant .losepli H. Sand. Amo Wanlck,
orange II, c, Conner, Cyrus Mellcnry,
lloarlngcreek Wlllnui IlouCk,
ScoltW. K. Iileterlek,
Heaver I!. U. Hennlnji r.
Iiliiomsliurg II. Ilroadt, William crosslv, Charles
Meeker, II. Il, I'reus, p.m. (human, ned rk-lmln, II.
II. Vaniiiilla, .l.ic-ou Waiileli, sr,
Iierwli k Isiro Mumui 1 Hi eh.
liil.iieieek-.I. N. Conlncr, reter Ilavinan. ,
con) Puirlek Ilrennan.
Catawissa Henry eielgc. lohn Walter.
Cenlralla-Tlioinas eierlty.
l'lsh'tigereek W. W, sjutlllT,
(ireinwood Chiindleo Kies.
Hemlock Lnnrunco Jl. Ilarl
Ixxusi-Uarlel.l. nine.
Madison Mlelia I Ilelhelm John Moscr, (leorge,
Ili-oeee, Hnshiiiglon Welllur,
Jiuilll('-l .l.t'll
tnlilirll Siilnnr.l Ki liw fitini.iiTiUer.
Ml I'li-.-Lsaiil Jiilin Mordan, diunuel Noliou.
Or.i ge lerry I oinsloek.
Itonriiigeretk .lo'in Tiumii.
biigailoiif-.lohn.Moori-, John Lewis.
Scott Oeo, Tronsue
1 HUM, 1S71I
John II. (Ijcdinan s. lohn Sanger,
catliiirlno Hlee vs cimrle-i l.i-o.
.lai'ob Uvuns' ei-s vs 'I nomas II. ileddes.
Iielllahc. Mhls .s Wlliiitiu .Mills.
T. W. si-liw-cppeiiliclser i. I. u. Miincppenliclscr.
Aaron oiingis,lohn K. lining.
.MerevA Yoiiiig'.inlmrvs.loliiiK, Young.
sarnliMc'ieorj vsJohuK. Young.
H. li.i-ol.iis.l. li naeon.
Jacoii.lnlinsoii is K. melts', rut.
Mm. Strut lir-iH et us s Margaret CJiilnn.
I-'. I.. Sliiiinaii is sninh liisiii-r.
IMJlli-.U'lllef Mfir. CO. IS W. ttiiimnliiixli
.lonallun I'urlnei-, tisovso 1). I Kostcnbaudcr.
Sugslliinf .soh.inl lllstllit is W. A Kile.
II. K. Hawks A ci, is steimr ,t Jones,
li.inlel Mori I i Willi in '-orrv,
IllllCkWllV A! Chi, 11 K l'.,M, ,.;, ,.. n.l I'.Hlrnll.
l'linrllMllit. ' " "
MeKelvy A Seal vb I'enn.i. Canal Co.
John Kesieris.lulin iiant-t,
Ch.vl-Krug.l M c. Hank.
T II. I dgur no vs.), ', Chapin.
Kamiiel .Miner v w. II. lfelnbold.
saruh liowervs W. II. Iteinnold.
Mary II. Ilow-er v M. c, Moiiduaiil et nl.
Wni.llognrtva Manila AP.e -Iton,
Dai Id Tison . 'I hoi, in cierroghiy.
' !!' I,1,""l,"'s ,s i-elMiigion eager et nl.
M. i . l4llglisi.sMi.iimgton , eager
.1. l. S.Ull-l 11, l'l I,.. XtlWII ,1 l,..ll.lln.. 1 L .. Ion of lllooinvbiiig.
ullsioes s n iii in-8.' iiiiinr et al.
' ' ,"' ' ,H 11 ''. II. It. co.
John iilllig vs llenrv nclulgct nl.
.lame. I'niii,s,in usn is lllrnin I'.iusj.
Isaae I.,(ihtnn is i'hllln Mum
liOO L'U S (It M'll k ..) .v.iii.
i II. leiisworih vs 1), J, Waller
e onrail ltieillH.inii.i'H usn im .t,w.,.t, ninn..i...n.i...
OI.VUNT'S iN'OTU.'l-:.
iSOIleo Is In re iv i'H,.ii in iu,. ,.,.,..iiin,v n, ,i.n ....
ilerstgin-il and tu .ih person whom it may cmecrii
tint he will npjily to iho conn or coininoii Pleas of
laws of Mils Cuininuuwealth. on Mon. Ui). tho ist, day
o( September . li Mil at which tline any person
having liny objer Hon to his lliul dlseliaifce a an
nsoliei.t debior t..u appear and mil,o tho same
Aug, 8, '7'J-w,
DM I MS I' It ATOIl'ij N( ) I'luH
fietters nf AdnilnUtr.itjiTi .in ii,.. nu,n,n ... .. n,
Melleuil. late nf .tn. t.m, lin .i.i ,. ..Vi
.l" en granted by the Ite-glstei- of salj
county ms. . Mclleni-y ot.lncksou. All persons
having claims nyralnst tho estate are icnuesti'il to
piijieui mem ror seiiiemeni and I hose Indebted
to make payment without delay. .
s. w. McllUNItY,
aug.4,w. llenton, l'.u
Letters of Administration on tho i stato of .Mary
Iteniley, late or risiiingcr:ek township, Columbia
countj , decexsed. haio bee.i granted by the lleglstcr
of said county to llio undersigned admlnUlraior.
Ail iie-rson lui Ing claims against llio esuto aro re
"'sted to present them for settlement mid those
Indebted to make payment without delay.
bTEPHIlN II. mix,
t,, ... Administrator.
IaTi.Es, Attorneys. aitg. li, eiw.
Lotters ot administration on tho estate ot Abni
prm,.)l?cr to,tu .r Jfc"st townshlo, Columbia
IS n.,VyJL '?5J ,.ui,,il; deceased, havo been gra ted
KiV". 'fflsterof tun county to tho iiiidei-slgned
fbi?e?tm k'nf'.-i.Att, 1'erS0,nS ha',nK cla"1" til"-t
Iho estato of iho deceased are requested to present
hem for settlemct, and thoso Indebted to the es-
tHuTwThoTOSy!11 t0,l"--un(lcreln "ImlH
Ixicust tow nshlp. ra.
aug.15.ow. Administrator.
i'riX5 Testamentary on tho estato of silos
!.',K.".rn,,,la.te of Uenton township. Columbia crunty.
en nsslvaiua, deceased, have been grained iv llio
ieguuro sld county' to tho tiii&isigh?d
.u!.r,,A!1, Pcrsc"' hailng claims Jgalnst tho
su-itoot iho decedent atu reauested lo present
Uie nfor settlement and those Indebled to tlio es
withoutnd"day"J'm!llt 10 tUo ,1I"Jt'''sl-'I-'1 xecutor
... Ksecutor.
Cnmbr.q. l'.i
i?'ir gS? CIo,tl!i,n" bin"3 ,Mt Car at Oakllallncar V rquartcr
of a millmn dollars, and for 1S79 the new plans will malec 1 the
house more popular and inc.c.4 the business much more
EiRhtccn years in the pcojilu's service at the old corner of Sixth
and Jlaikct has taught us how to do the business wcl
ni.-itcvcr may be said, no hou ;e in the United States sells inv
n ihdcTnhiat.U 0tl,i"S ai Uctail M " a"'' "
it exmeTssK. fr ' ,
and no "otficr nal-o ,,r i 1 '
tolil L cheaply" L ' S
famous fi8cf u i. r Ls' ioy partner of the
with Oa k llu n 1 "-n C-" w Y.ork who is now associated
cm crience to m'mliV'1 iC'V hiSr whole en"Bi nnd valuable
LMicricnct to unnrovine; the manufacturn nf , it... .t
i-iounnj?. We c o nr.t
impressions have been erroneously -riven to
Mr. John Wanamakcr, who founded DaC Hall is
the old store, and that it .W 1. ' V ls.
contrary his ownership of it .cmains unchanged
1 one of his love for it. KVcry day finch him sii
departments. Mr. William II. Wanamakcr
uiu uaK riau business.
pi OAK HALL, 6th & Market Sts., Pliilatl'a.
Tho undersigned Adinlnlstrntor of Peter r ,
otseolt township, deceased, will extwse ' '.J
salo on tho premises nt two o'clock p. m on
Ki'itluy, August 22d' 1H7)
"----iiui-u iuui esinte.bouiid,
scribed a follow to-wlt i Onthonort i,
s. 11. "SiivlH-rt nnd esuto of Pntep t-..
1 ile.
lands of eslaloof Peter tint nnd Abrnlu k'
and on thowesl by lands ot John Keiclin'r '
and eieorxotinMii, containing about 01
Tho propvrly liuliides bnlh banXs cf n, . ,
creek, on w hleh Is creeled a largo I story '
Frame Giisl and Ffdnrfnic Mill
uu ui niuiii- wiui'ii i nrratiged f, t
men hunt m-country woik.or both comblii
mill h.i now a l.u-go inn c( rountrr ciist.'i,,
Iheio Hiilsoat'Iliet'hMt SAW Mli.h on t ,i
w.lline-iipacllyef cutting a feet of lum '
tr -t
r psr
Tract No. 1. Isatann of
and l.-iipctches bounded nmt il scribed as ,
to-wlt I """
On tho north by lands of M, ji, si,,,,,,.,
tho cast by 1 mils ot tho cstaloot W. It inl ' ?
White, nnd William White, on tlio south b'v I L. ,
Abraham Ouster, and on tho west by tn, t' .
on which Is erected n good '
wllhUun aiidoulliou-,cs. Thulaiidlslnai
of ciillliailon.
TFII.MS of NAUC.-Tcn per cent, of the on .,
of tho purchaso monoy to bo paid nt tho -,ir u.
down of Iho property, tho ono-foiirlh lo the
percent nt tlm rnnni-nintinn r.t ...... .. lra
... v. omu nun ijjq . .jrii
nglhrec-fourtlislnotioyearthcrcattTwii , 0',''
est from connrinatlon hlsl,
t-ZAt, II. E..T
1-lghtstr. t.i'a,
this count
and n Cow MUfoi- me
o Forinera wh ,.c u
gcnts. cut tin , ,il tmt
address with st,nni
SMITH A; si iM,
atlleyM.,-, Y.
July a,, im.
Namo tills paper.
IV.IM'lill 1.11.111111 1 ATlil.V.
Seventeen young men to learn Tclegraplu . (irwvi
situations guaranteed. For rartleulars, nddresi
with stamp,
. SlIliltlllAN a; hi mi,
'W&lm. w 0btr,,"' ,,W0'
$75 00 for $1.00, $5.00 for 1 cent
1 pav largo prices for many dates of Old Cor-nor
and shier coins. Send 10 cents at, oneo torinyc'at.
, ...... . inw ...ot, nuviicu, v. . , r.l,nillS
Jit. Pleasant, l'a.
July ''3,1m.
and Public G-rounds,
Iho rollowlng shows tho Picket llothlc. ono of the
sou-ral iieaulirulsijlcs ot Fcnco liianufacluuil by
Ihoundcrslgued. '
For Ilianty and Duratilllty they aro unsurn.iil.
glvo s !ttsfacUonCrlenCCa "umU' aDa 'varru"ua t0
Prices and Specimens of other Designs
cent to any address.
Bloomsburg, Pa,
July is, '70-rm
"state fair.
Twenty-sixth Annual Exhibition
or tiii:,
Main Exhibition Buildiny,
Fairmount Park Philadelphia,
SKl'TIIMHim Klh TO SOlli, 1SHI, I.NCLlsIlH
Entries and Gompefiiion FREE '
Ilnlry Hooks w ill close at the omce, VorMiwest
corner Tenth aud Chestnut Streets, septunbi-r 20,
SI 5, 000 in Cosh Premiums.
Cash Frizes for Live Slock,
.,4.!"n,r!,?r oxerclso and parado ot llorn.3 anj
Cattle, will bo provided.
blberal Premium aro also oflered for Fruits, Hon
crs. nnd Ornamental Plants, products of Hi" 1 arm
and Hairy, T ols. Implements, and Machinery Tev
tiles. I- urnlture, .Manufactured Uoods Ac, JCe.
i:curslou TIckoU nt greatly reduced rates on all
railroad centering nt l-hllailelnlila, and liberal ar
rai gements lor transpoi tatlon havo been made.
I). W. SEII.E1I, l:ijmitXIE M COUKEV, Wit. S. IllsMJIA,
ltecordlng Seo-y. corresponding sec'y. I 'resident,
nug. 15, '7ii-3w.
i, is.
linv lllti.M.. t!l. .1. . .
(i ".u uie ucaicrs, out maice
i1-0," stock h splendid,
r' haV as "lUch mcrit' or are
tho effect that
not interested in
attention ; on the
anil lie lias lost
ncrvisini- nil it
anamakcr spends his entire time
May ,T8-tm,