The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 22, 1879, Image 1

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... DMOCBiT.STAll Of Till HOUIH 1KB COtVlti
issued wccHr. ercry rtw&y wofnihir, at
. ;..,.untlli(l. COLUMBIA COUNTY. PA,
l inn Dor year, 60 co nto discount allowed
'I'S n advance, After tne expiration of tho
2?f M will M cnarifed. To subscriber!! out of tho
Sntr therms are fi por year.strlctly In aavanco.i
in niiiwr d sconunuou, vxui-ii , mo wi ui in
..E.?,F.Er .until all arrearages are paid, but long;
cmitiniicd credits after wo expiration 01 wo nrst
KMmiSenftur!c!f tho Stale or to distant post
iw Dcrsonln Columbia county assumos to pay tbo
Wfia"PS5!cUd from .ubscrlbcrs.n
S? HtT tKt of tho large citiV All worn ilono on
imanrt.nently and at moderate prices.
Columbia County Official Directory. Blwcll.
S5 Judges-I. K. Krlckbaum, P. L. Bhuman.
MSrt i sicnosrapiicr-s. N. Walker.
M 'tir i iftcorder-Wllllamson II. Jacoby.
mi It Altorncy-llobrrt It. Uttlo.
Sheriff-John W. Hoffman.
SLirroior-iamuel Noyhard. (
c'mralsslTOors-Btepnen Pohe, Charles Klcuart.
A. l2"?:,.. rterk-J,.!!. Casev.
uoiii ii"'v..... , -h ... ..-
Auditors o. ..
Manning, 0. B. Seo-
' jurvCommlsstoncrs-
Ell ltobblns, Theodore W,
Riinty superintendent William II. Snyder,
moora Poor imtrlct-Mrectors-H. s. knt, Scott,
wra Kramer, liloomsburg and Thomas licecc,
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
rrrildent o( Town Council 1, 8. KUI1N.
Jlerlt-Paul E. Wirt,
chief ot rollco-U. Laycock.
President ot tlas Company S. Knorr,
i....rn. w. Miller.
iiiuoinsbarg Hanking Company .Tohti A.Funaton,
Firs' Na'lonal nank Charles ft. Paxton, President
t p Tustln, Cashier.
Columbia County Mutual Saving Fund and Loan
liloomsburg nulldlng and Saving Fund Association
u'lll Peacock. lTCSKlcni, J. u. uooisun, necreiary.
nioomsburg Mutual Having Fund Association J,
I, Mower, President, P. B. Wirt, Secretary.
ltev..T. P. Tustln, (Supply.)
Sunday scrrtccs-iux a. m: and p. m.
u.ininv M-hnnl Q a. m.
i'rayor Mcctlng-Every Wednesday evening at M
seais'f rco. Tho public are Invited to at tend.
st. MiTrnsw's urrnsRiN cncacn.
Mlnlsler-ltev. o. D. 9. Marclay.
Sunday Services lof a.,m. and IJp. m.
.. ..... uhnnl an. m.
prOTcrMcollug-Kvery iVcdnesday ovcnlng at IX
seats tree. Nopews rented. All are welcome.
Jtlnlslcr-ltcv. Stuart Mitchell.
Sunday Servlccs-iotf a. m. and x p. m.
prayer Mcollng-Kvery Wednesday evening at x
seats'froo. No pews rented, strangers welcome.
MBTnonisr bfiscopal cncacn.
Presiding Ktdcr ltev. W. Evans.
Minister Itov. E. II. Yocum.
Sunday Servlce-10X and 6f p. m.
?.....- .S.. winro'MnTiiinv ovenini? at vf o'clock.
young Men's Prayer Mcoilng-fivcry Tuesday I
evenlnir at 6Jrf o clock. . ,
olsncral Prayer Mcetlng-Evcry Tnursday evening
7 0-C10CK.
RKFORii id cntmcn.
Corner ot Third and Iron streets,
i-astor ltev. W. K. Krebs.
itesldence Corner 4tU and Catharine sreeta.
Sunday Services 10 a. m. and 7 p. m.
Sunday School 9 a. m.
Prayer Meeting-Saturday, T p. m.
All are invited There is always room.
bt. riUL'a cnCRCn.
Ilector Hev L. Zahner.
Sunday Servlces-10 a. m IX P- co
Sunday school a. m. , ...
..nHA.r ,n ihomnnth iTniv rnmmunlon.
Services preparatory to Communion on Friday
evening oeioreuui 'ubDuuusj
pews rented; but everybody welcome.
Presiding Klder ltov. A. I. Heeser
Sunday servlco-a p. m In the Iron street Church.
Praver Meeting Every Sabbatn at J p. m.
All are invueo. auhtc neiwwc.
Meets In "tho Ilttlo Urlck Church on tho hill,"
known as tho Welsh Baptist Church-on Hock street
C uegullFmeettng for worship, every Lord's day af
SlteeTand thepubuo are cordially Invited to
at te no
QCIIOOL ORDERS, blank, just printed anil
Mailt, iinnnd in Rmall books, on hand and
or aalo at the coloiibuh offlco.
LANK DEEDS, on Parchmait and Linen
turs an,
trustccs, for sale cheap at the Columbian
and for sale at tho Columbian omce. Minis-
era of thooospeianajuHuceuuuiu .. v-.-
seives wuntueau ucv:i;aatt j
1 USTICES and Constables' Fee-Bills for sale
rVeted fee Tia" established by tho last Act of the Ug
h tmhiMtt. Everv Juatlco ana Con- I
.1 at the Columbian omce. ;iuvs vu.ULi".'i iHzfX
tftblo snould have one.
rE5DUE NOTES just printed and for Bale
1 O. BARKLEY, Attorney-at-Law. Office
J , In llrower's ouuaing, una awry, uuvuu.
11. ROBISON. Attorney-at-Law. Office
'. in nartman'a building. Main street.
AMUEL KNORR. Attorney-at-Law.Office
in Hartmans uuuaing, warn sireeu
OK. WM. M. REBER, Surgeon and Physi
cian, offlco Market atreet. Abovo otb East
f R. EVANS, M. D., Surgeon and Physi-
) , clan, (omco and Hesldenco on Third street,
Ti irr.'i?r vv r r CJ,. n , ,1 pi,-
slclan, north side Main street, below Market,
Offlco, North Market Btrcet,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
R. I. L. RABB,
Main Street, opposite Episcopal Church, lilooms
burg, I'a.
tin Teetb extracted without pain.
aug 84, H-ly.
ewlng Machines and Machinery of all kinds re.
dalrcd. Opkra Hocsb Ilalldlnff, BloomsDurg, Pa,
AVID LOWENBERG, Merchant Tailor
Mam St., above central uoiei.
S. KUIIN, dealer lu Meat Tallow, etc,
, centre street, between oecona um iuira.
ROSENSTOCK, Photographer,
, Clark Wolf's store. Main street.
A TTfllTSTIM FREUND. Practical homeo.
J pathle Horso and cow Doctor, Bloomsburg, Fa.
ICO. 14, i-u
RoomNo. is, oriHA uocbb JJcodino, Bloomsburg.
The aiwets at thete old corporations are all In
vested in bOLID SECURITIES and are liable to the
hazard ot Flro only.
MnrtprnfAHnpfi on tlm best risks are alone accented.
Losses raourTLY and uonestlt adjusted and paid
as M,n as determined bv CHRISTIAN K. KNAFr. tipc-
clal Agent and Adjuster, B'oomsburg, l'enn'a. I
Tbe citizens ot Columbia county anould patronize I
ine agency vtnertj losses, u auj, uru w
paid by one ot their own citizens, coi
CY, Exchange Hotel, Bloomsburg, I'a.
.Etna, Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut... t.soo.oos
Liverpool, London and Globe -. 20,UX),0U)
Itojafof Liverpool I3,60o,oou
Lancanshlre 10,ooo,o
Fire Association, Philadelphia
Pinners Mutual ot Danvtua 1,000,000
Danville Mutual
Home, New York, ,
As the arenctea are direct, nellclea are written for
the Insured without any delay In the offloo at Blooms.
March M.TI y
Lycoming of Muncy Pennsylvania,
form American ot Philadelphia, Pa
franklin, of "
I'ennsylvanla of
Farmers ot York, Pa.
llanoverof New York.
Manhattan nt
Offloe on Market Street No. , Bloomsburg, Pa,
vvw Ml, ! I -1 J .
You can get a Thorough Education with the
f For Catalogue, address the;i'rlnclpa),
0. E. ELWILL, r !Un and Propriiteri.
Increase of Pensions rtUlned, Celleetlens mtie.
vuitu, Di-cona aoor rrom 1st National Dank.
DLOOMSnurtrj. PA.
Jan. 11, 1978
Attor no vnt?I jiw.
Incrcaso of Pensions Obtained, Collections
liLOOMsnuna. pa.
omco In Knt's iicildiho.
CowniBiAH BciLbiKO, liloomsburg, Pa,
Members of the United States Law Association.
Collections made In any part of America or Europe
Dloomsbarg. pa.
Offlco on Main Street, nrst door bclowCourtnouse
omce over Schuyler's Hardware store.
Orrics In Ilarman's Building, Main street,
iiioomBDurg, ra.
liloomsburg, Pa.
Office In Brewer's building, second noor, room No.
l. Bloomsburir. Pa.
Office in UKAnosfB Bdilbino, on Main street second
uuur auuvo vuuire.
Can be consulted In German.
Jan. 10, 7-tt
Collections Dromntly made and remitted. Office
oupuaito uaiawussa uevonx, iianK vm-ss
yyr it. riiawn,
Catawlssa, Pa.
Offlco, corner of Third and Main Streets.
Doors, Sath, Blinds, Uosldings, Ernie.!,
and dealer In LUMHKlt and all kinds ot BUILDING
May le, 1-sm'
The Old Reliable
For Wells 10 tO 75 feet Deep
New Price List Jan. 1,1879.
April II, 1879-m
rRADE mark. Is especially recom-TRADt
menaea an an un
failing cure for sem
inal weakness,Sper
mutorrliea, Im p c
tency, and all disea
ses, such as Loss ot
memory, Universal
La&sltude. Pala In..
pVrYTT' $
.Before Taiingct
tbo Hack, Dlmnesa1
ci vision, rrcma- fo fpv:
ture old Age, and&" iaxing.
many other diseases that lead to insanlty.consumn-1
i ol nature
and over Indulgence. 1 he Specific Medic!
ledlclne Is the
result of a life study and many years of experience
In treating these special diseases.
Fuu particulars in our parapnieuswuitu wu unm
to sena rree c-y man 10 every one.
rjer pack ice. or six packages ror is, or m iw bcbi
by mall on receipt ot the money by addressing
No. 10, Mechanic's Block, Detroit, Mich.
sold in Bloomsburg by C. A. Klein, and by all
Druggists everywhere.
Bept. e, is-u
Manufacturers of
U2UTlclgOS CUgglOE, .TinWWnfl, OlOlgflSj
FlrstpClass workfalways onihand.
Prices reduced to Buit tbe times.
Jan. d, isji-u.
bhould subscribe for
A Live Educational Monthly, published at
forw cents pe'year. Send sir cento for specimen
April 18, isi-
,000 A YEAR for honest, Intelligent business
men or agents. New business; light work.
Address Co-orsKATivt aobxcy, Madison, ma-
June ST, isis-4m
Private Sale!
The following valuable property, the Estate of too
late John Swlshedeceased.wlll be offered at private
sale up to v
The property la situate In tho village of Jersey
town, Columbia county Pa., and contains about
ot excellent larmmg iana upon nuituure-o.- w j
buildings, and la one of the finest locallUes in the I
county. There are
on the premises.
isc For Information concerning tne property ap
ply to 0. B. Brockway, of Bloomsburg, or T. J.
I Swisher, ot Jersey town,
May 83,-to
T.r-. ........ Kltith Sla.
Yfho receive AdvertlemenU Tor thlj rper.
t-n-rin A-rrr l I-oct Caah IUte
fcuid Hie tor AVBH idHfU MANU,
tO I I ITin I tOrforKlwlPWASTM1Ulnr.
"O-u-n," said Crace to Willie
"W hat does that spell 7" "1 don't know."
Ho Is three and she Is seven.
"(l-u-nl (loose t" "Oh, dear, no 1"
"Koosterj Boy? sttckj" Each time
Grace shook her curly head.
"Taint conundrums I am giving,
nut a lesson-word Instead."
"When a little boy shoots
At a rat bit, what goes off ',
Grace said, her face a study,
as she quelled a Ilttlo cough,
Thinking he would surely guess It.
You re so stupid I'm nulto hoarse
Talking to you." "What goes off j
Why, the rabbit does, of course."
The shadow of the mountain falls athwart the low
ly plain,
And tho shadow of the cloundlet hangs above the
mountain s head
And tho highest hearts and the lowest wear tho
shadow of some pain,
And the smllo Is scarcely rutted ere the anguished
tear is Shed.
For no eyes have there been ever wlthouti-a weary
And thoso lips cannot be human which never heaved
a sigh;
For without the dreary winter tbera has never been
a year.
And the tempests hide their terrors la the calmest
summer Bky.
So this dreary Ulo Is passlng-and we movo amid Its
And we grope along together, half in darkness, half
in ugnt ;
And our hearts are often hardened by the m) stories
ot our ways,
Which are never all In shadow and never wholly
And our dim eyeB ask a beacon and our weary feet
a guide.
And our hearts ot all ltto's mysteries seek the mean
lng and the key;
And a cross gleams o'er our pathway, on It hangs
tne crucined.
And He answers all our yearnings by the whisper,
'ronow no."
Select Story.
iom Chrittian Telegraph.
'Oh I he's only a printer,' exclaimed Miss
Ellen Dupree, a flirting and foppish girl, to
one of her female friends, who was speaking
in terms of praio and commendation of
Mr. Barton Williams, a young and very In
telligent printer.
'Well, Miss Ellen, you seem to speak as
though a printer was not entitled to re
spcctability. I hope you'll explain your
self,' replisd Miss Mary Grossman.
'Well, I hope you'll excuse me. I do not
think it becoming for a young man who has
to labor for a living, to try to move into the
society of those who are his superiors. And
moreover, he might win tbe affections of a
girl superior to him in rank ; and then do
you think her parents would be pleased ? I
know I would rather live an old maid all
my days than marry a poor printer a man
who has to toil day and night ; and then
Lh I to think of being ranked among the
poor I' whined out Miss Dupree,
'Then you think they are beneath you.
'Yes, ma'am, of course.'
'Both in worth and intellect too, I sup
pose ; do you not V
'Yes everything.
'Are you superior to a Franklin, to a
Blackstone, to a Campbell, and many other
eminent men who were printers ? Or do
you believe your intellectual powers soar
above those of a Forney or a Willis, and
many other distinguished printers of tb
present day ?'
'0, now and then you may come across
one that is respectable ; but they are 'few
and far between.' And as to Mr. Williams,
I do not consider him a Franklin or a Black'
stone, or any one else much.'
'Nor do I consider him a Franklin or a
Blackstone either; but I do think him a very
intelligent and handsome young man, and
worthy of any young lady's attention, and
I expect to treat him as such.'
'Well, I expect to consider him beneath
my notice.'
'Now, Miss Dupree, I think you ought to
reflect upon what you are saying, and have
some regard for my feelings. You know
not what you may come to, before you die.'
'Well I don't think I shall ever come to
be tbe wife of a printer, or any body who
has to labor ; nor do I intend to counten
anco such.
Miss Crossman remained silent for some
time, while her face reddened with indigna.
tlon. Mr, Williams was her lover, and a
very good looking man, he was of ordinary
size fair complexion, dark bair, beautiful
whiskers of jet black, and a high and promt'
nent forehead lively and intelligent in con'
versation, and fluent and affable in his ad'
A gentle rap was heard at the door, and
the servant Immediately announced Mr.
Willliams. He entered tho parlor, and Miss
Crossman rose and introduced them
Miss Dupree, Mr. Williams.'
Miss Dupree affected to be polite returned
i a Biignt dow, ana coony saiu
i , .. ,
'Good evening, sir.'
Mr. Williams and Miss Crossman con
versed freely, mostly upon literary subjects,
upon which both were well posted ; and, of
course they entertained each other pleasantly
while Miss Dupree sat as though she was In
despair now and then giving a lazy nod of
assent or dissent to any and everything said
to ber. Mr. Williams was gone, and Miss
Dupree turned to Miss Crossman
'Mary, I am really astonished at you
I Ynu are certainly In love with, that fellow.
. .. do ,ik but j
I vou pn never condescend to keep company
1 W(U a printer,' mumbled JU las Uupree.
Ten years were past. A man aud his wife
were seated before a blazing fire. The even
lng was extremely cold, and the wind blew
fiercely and keen. Yes, and the editor of
the "Tribune" was housed, with his wife, lu
their Btately mansion, furnished In tbe best
style, and lighted brilliantly with costly
chandeliers, They were the happy parents
of four intelligent and Interesting children,
It was about the hour after Bundown and the
bell had rung for tea, A rap was heard at
the street door and upon opening it, there
stood a woman, pale and dejected, and ap
parently not fur from the grave, She bad
with her three ragged children, shivering
wib cold. The gentleman and bis lady
I kindly asked them in to the fire.
'Sir,' said tho poor woman, 'will you bo
pleased to give me a little money Is buy
some bread for my hungry children 1 My
husband has been drinking for the last three
weeks, And left me without a morsel to give
these poor Innocent, or any fuel to keep
them warm,' and then she wept bitterly.
'Where do you live, ma'am?' said the
'In the garret of the old Phoenix Hotel,
How long has your husband been ad-1
dieted to drink ?' asked the gentleman's I
'About three years.'
'Madame,' rejoined tho generous editor,
'I am truly sorry for you, and of course shall I
bestow upon you such charity as I think you
Will you relate your misfortunes? I always
feel a deep sympathy for the unfortunate.
'Mine is a sad Btory. I was bro't up in
affluence j my father was a wealthy mer
chant In Chatham street. My husband was
also rich when we were married. We took
a tour to Europe and returned home, and we
lived happily and prosperously for twoyears. I
Mr. Brooks was a gay and fashionable young I
man. He spent his money freely, and we
lived extravagantly. Three years more and I
he was considerably on the declining ground I
and Anally, by high living and unnecessary
expenditures of money, we were dispossessed
of our home and reduced to abject poverty,!
and then my husband took to drink, and now
am a beggar, with these children depending
on my success for a living. And as such I
beseech you , in behalf ot my poor little
children, to bestow upon me such charity as
you feel disposed to give.'
Her story was told and met a kind re-1
spouse from a generous heart. The lady of
the house recognized the poor woman ; but I
she did not yet feel disposed to make herself
known, but ushered them into the dining
room, and sat down with them to a warm
juadaine, saiu tne lauy, 'wnat was your
maiden name?'
'Ellen Dupree.'
'Oh I Ellen, have you come to this ?'
The poor woman was so. overcome with
gratitude and surprise, that she could not
utter a single work. She thought the lady's
voice was a familiar one ; she had heard it
before, but could not remember when or
where : and after a long time she murmured
'1 think I have known you in time, but I
can't remember your name. What is your
name, my good lady ?'
'Mary Crossman was my name when I
knew you.'
'.Mary wno (
'Mary Crossman.'
'My God I Who is your husband 2'
'Oh 1 he's nobody but a printer.'
The poor woman remembered being ln
troduced, before her marriage, to Mr. Wil
Hams, and she remembered, too, how coolly
and indifferently she treated him on that
occasion. Yes. 'nobody but a printer' went
like a dagger to her heart. That 'printer'
was now her benefactor and her friend.
Young ladies, if you marry an industrious
and Intelligent young man, and become I
wealthy in your old age, you do well, but if
you marry a vain, foppish dandy, of the non
compos mentis order, and Bhould be brought
from affluence in youth to beggary in old
age, you do worse.
Remember that, ladles,
and make the I
proper improvement.
Ghost-Stricken Schuylkill.
It is only on raro occasions that the people
of Schuylkill county tako any stock in ghost
stories and when they do the witness must be
of unimpeachable character and not given to
exaggerating. Such a story, however, comes
from reliablo authority at the foot of Broad
Mountain, on the Centre turnpike, and those
who have heard it are inclined to believe it.
Tho two young men who had their hair curl
ed by the apparition are James R. Porter
and Henry Iledioghouse. Ou one occasion
they drove out of Newcastle to visit the
house of a friend named Kirshlings' who
lives on Broad Mountain, and they left Kir
shilings about 11 o'clock for home. After
driving a mile or so, Redioghousc noticed
that the horso was trembling violently and
evinced a dosiro to stop. He applied the
whip freely and under its influence tho horse
moved on a few yards ; but then came to a
standstill and rofused to bo either coaxed or
driven further. While the occupants of the
wagon were debating who Bhould get out and
lead tho horse, Potter looked down tho road
and to his horror saw a Btrango whito object
riso out of the ground. Bedinghouse saw
the apparition about tho samo time ; but sup.
posed it to be a cow, Tho horso now became
perfectly wild and uncontrollable and tbo
wagon was backed off tbo road until tho hind
wheels rested in a gully. In the meantlmo
tho spook took the form of a gigantic man,
clothed from head to foot in white, aud
marched toward tho now thoroughly fright
ened men with majestic strides. When tho
liBuro was within about fifty vards of tbo
.nn u vtnnn,1 ond Wrnnmt th men
to aonroach. It is DerhaDS unneccsiary to
eay.the invitation was not accepted, although
Potter asserts that he did not feel as frighten
ed then as ho did when tbe spook vanished.
The ficuro remained in the road about ten
,intQ H, VnrlKr lli nl l.nt Ueil nrr-
house is confident that it was there much
longer. Thomeu also differ in their stories
.... . , o
about the way the ghost disappeared. Port-
cr, who by the way seems to have been tho
lion of tho party, states that after remaining
in tho road about ten minutes it walked slow
lv to tho west side and molted into a c oud of
tnUt tViat floated awav nn the midnight nir.
r .1 .i.. t...i ini,
thB 'snnnlr nfler walking to the side of the
road disappeared in tho ground aud out of Mb6- His bead and his hand are co-labor. That a remedy made of such common, aim
the hole through which it made its exit came er"- He reaua tbo papers and profits by pie planU as Hops, Iluchu, Mandrake, Dan-
th eWl of lhrht smoke that Porter saw waft-
i,1 nwav hv tho wind. Rodlni-houso also wanta
it distinctly understood that tho apparition
was at least 15 feet Inch, bad creen eyes and
vnn lnri ton ixtota. hut Mr. Porter remcm-
I nnnn nf Ihnsn characteristics of his chost.
ship. After tho figure disappeared tho men
whinond un the horse and drove to New Cas-
tie. where they told their Btrango story before
going bome.
Both men were sober when
thev reached New Castle, and they state that
no Ihuor had passed their lips that night.
" . . .......... i .
Although this road has been traveled at
- . ' -
all hours of tho night, that is tho first stoiy
of tho kind ever located iu the vicinity of
Broad Mountain, and consequently many per
sons do not accept the story as gospel, ItU
villi Journal.
Are you bilious ? Do you feel drowsy ?
Have you the 'blues' ? Take a dose of Dr,
BuII'b Baltimore Pills. Price 25 cents. All
druggists keep them.
Scene, a theatre. Heated In the orches
tra a lady and gentleman ; the former
much enamored of the latter, In
tirous of winning htm. The lady, however,
has flirting tendencies, and indulges them
with a handsome party In the circle. The
escort Is not unobservant of this little by
play, and, finally, asks smilingly : 'Do you
know that gentleman with whom you are
tuning T
An embarassed negative Is the reply.
Tho escort immediately crosses the thca
tre, puts a similar question to the other con
spirator, 'Sir, are you acquainted with the
lady at whom you have been smiling this
naif hour,
No r
'Would you like to be?' pleasantly,
Very much surprised, 'certainly,'
'Then come with mo.'
A moment later the escort introduces the
not altogether comfortable pair. Then tho
mild expression leaves the Insulted gentle'
man s face, and he says, sternly ;
'Now, sir, you may accompany this lady
With a bow he takes his leave, and the
woman who loves him never hears his voice
The old-fashioned method of plowing un
der manure has become obsolete. Good
farmers now no longer follow old fashions
because they are old : but having become
used to think for themselves, and knowiue
much more of the scieuco of their art than
was known a score of years ago, they are
ready to strike out new paths for themselves,
The common method with manure now is,
to keep it as near the surface, and to inter-
mingle It with the soil, as much as possible. I
We have discovered that in feeding plants
wo must not only place the food within easy I
reach of the roots, but must also supply the I
best food in the best condition. These con-
ditions are secured by a thorough mixture
of the manure in as finely divided a condi-
tlon as possible throughout the upper three
or four inches of the soil. I
Aue oest practice is, to spread the manure I
upon the plowed ground and to work It In
with the harrow. This is most convenient
ly done by having manure In fine condition.
Fine manure may bo made In two ways
eithet by piling it and rotting it in the heap,
or by using only short litter. It Is found in
practice that it pays to cut the litter with a
fodder cutter, so that it will not only absod-
ingmoreoi the liquid manure.butthat it can
kn Anatl ...nA.I I C L rTll - - 1!
harrow will then mix the manure with the
soil in the most effective manner. With
cftotu Bficwi nucu iieau. me urumirv i
long manure the work is not so easily done,
out it may ne accompnsnoa by presevering.
ihe manure will be drawn into heaps,doubt
less, but by freeing the harrow and spread'
mg these, and harrowing again, and again
if necessary, the desired result will be at
tained. X here are some improved kinds of
narrows wnicn ao tnis worlc mucn better
than others. The sloping-tooth harrow acta I
lavorabiy ny pressing tbe
manure into the
.rth over it ! tho
iL. . - a .
"oil, and drawing the earth
flexible chain harrow has the ame effect
but tbe steel disc barrow not only does this
but it cuts and breaks up the long litter, aud
reduces it to fragments. This harrow con'
sists of a series of thin, sharp-edged discs,
which revolve upon axles in a different di
rection from that of tbe movement of tbe
implement. Each disc thus not only cuts
into the soil behind it, this latter effect be
ing assisted by the concave saucer shaped
form of the disc. The result Is very satis
factory either when sod has been turned
down (and this comes under the head of ma
nuring) or when coarse manure is to be
spread ; tbe soil, is left in a very favorable
condition for sowing or planting. These
short hints may be found seasonable at any
time, because tbe makug and use of ma
nure is a work of every day in the year in
one way or another, or should be. Ameri
can Agriculiurut.
He considereth a field and buyeth It. He
looketh well to the title that his children
may not become outcasts. He fences it
around with a strong wall. His flocks and
herds do not trespass upon the domains of
neighbors,but increase and fatten within his
own bounds. He ploweth deep. He bar-1
rows liberally and manures abundantly. He I the Bought for bone still remaining some
feeds the earth with rich food. At tbe bar-1 where else ? Ah 1 no, my dear brethren,
vest he reapeth much grain. He dots IiIb
land with fruit trees. His apples fill his
chamber and his vineyards run over with
pure wine. He riseth with the lark. Tbe
morning sun finds him at labor. Ho Cometh
from his fields when evening shadows gath
cr, but be resteth from his labors in the heat
of tho day. He bulldcth barns and store'
U0U8e9' UIs cattle increaso in numbers and
his purse is filled with plenty. Whatever
oelh prospers, for his labors are direct.
ed by the wisdom of experience. He pays
cash for his necessaries. Ill name is not
found on the ledger of the merchant. His
name is not a familiar one In the courts of
He pays tithes without grumbling.
, .
ue" 01 'ne PUD uumens.
" . ballot as a free man, and seek,
" " uwiuiy.
I; lowers and vines in great abundance please
the sen educate the taste and purify the
80ul; His sons and daughters are known In
no office,
lne ,8nu- lne' ""Pense nis coariues, xne
I noor. the sick and afflicted are souebt out
and receive comfort and relief. He atoreth
chambers of his brain with exact knuwl
feir teachings. Jte gives from his foun
ol Knowledge to all who ask. Ho is
not PDlle UP wllu vanity, or uiieu wun sen-
conceit and arrogance,
A teacher In one of the public schools
w18 tartled the other day at the answer Bbe
g' one bright little fellow. Ou the
"""""""ru wo picture 01 au ostricn,
Bnd tlje teacher described Its great strength
Rnd powers of endurance, closing by saying
I It tl. I.! ..1 ..kll. -
was tn on'y M upon which a man
c0"1" "ae
'I know another,' spoke up a little chap.
'Well, what Is it it V
A lark.'
Unsuspectingly the teacher asked :
How can you provo that, Johnny V
'All I know about It la' Bald the boy, 'that
mother every little while says father's offon
a lark, and when he gets home he looks as
if he bad rode awful (vit.'SpringJiell J(.
The following exhibits the method upon I
which the average parson constructs his de-
lectable discourses i
'Bretheren, the words of the text are i
Old Mother Hubbard, she went to the cup
board ,
To get her poor dog a bono :
Rut when she got there the cupboard was
And so tho poor dog got none.'
'ibese beautiful words, dear friends, car-
ry with them a solemn lesson. I propose
this evening to analyze their meaning and
to apply It, lofty as it may be to our every
day life.
Old mother Hubbard, she went to tho cup
board, To get her poor dog a bone.
Mother Hubbard, you see, was old :
there being no mention of others, we may
presume sho was alone ; a widow, a friend-
less, old solitary widow. Yet did sho
despair 1 Did she sit down and weep, or
reau a novel, or wring her bands 7 No I
the went to the cupboard. And here observe
that she wtnt to the cupboard. She did not
hop, or skip or run, or jump, or use any I
other peripatetic artifice; she solely and
merely went to the cupboard.
'We have seen that she was old and lone- I
ly, and we now further see that she was
poor. For, mark, the words are 'Mr cup-
board.' Not 'one of the cupboards,' or the
'right-band cupboard,' or tbe one above or
the one below, or tbe one under tho floor,
but just tht cupboard, the one humble
little cupboard the widow possessed. And
why did she go to the cupboard? Was It
to bring forth golden goblets, or glittering
precIouB stones or costly apparel, or feasts,
or any other attributes of wealth ? It was
to get her poor Hog a bone I Not only was I
the widow poor, but her dog, the sole prop
sf her age, was poor too. We can imagine
the scene. The poor dog crouching in tbe I
corner, looking wistfully at tbe solitary cup-
board and the widow going to that cupboard
in hope, in expectation, maybe to open
it, although we are not distinctly told that
it was not half open or ajar to open It for
that poor dog.
But when she got there the cupboard was
And so tho poor dog had none
'When she got there i' You see, dear
bretbern, what perseverance is. You seo
tbe beauty of perseverance in doing right,
,he got there. There was no turnings and
twistings, no slippings and sliding, no lean
ing to tbe right or faltering to the left,
With glorious simplicity we are told the got
liaVl It
ed V
'The cuoboard was bare 1' It was bare 1 1
Ann nnw ven ntr nnn a piinrr rnwRM.
There were to be found noither oranges,
cheesecakes, nor penny buns, nor ginger-
break, nor crackers, nor nuts nor lucifer
matches. The cupboard was bare I There
was but one, only one solitary cupboard in
the whole of that cottage, and that one, the
sole bone of the widow, and the glorious
loadstar of the poor dog, was bare I Had
there been a leg of mutton, a loin pf lamb, a
fillet of veal, even an Ice, from Gutti's, the
case would have been different, the incident
... . .. . -r. . ..
would have been otherwise. But it was
bare, my bretheren, bare as a bald head,
bare as an Infant born without a caul.
Many of you will probably say, with all
the pride of worldly sophistry. 'The widow,
no doubt, went out and bought the dog a
biscuit.' 'Ah, no 1 Far removed from these
earthly Ideas, these mundane desires, poor
Mother Hubbard, the widow, who many
thoughtless worldings would despise, in that
she had only one cupboard, perceived or I
might even say at once the relentless logic
of the situation, and which had enabled her
without deviation to reach the barren cup.
board. She did not attempt, like the stiff.
necked scoffers of this generation, to war
against the inevitable ; she did not try, like
the so-called man of science, to explain what
Bbe did not understand. She said nothing,
'The poor dog had none 1' And then at this
point our information ceases. But do we
know sufficient ?
Are ,we not cognizant of
'Who would dare to pierce the veil that
t,-,l i..i. r-t. f nu r,i,.
Hubhard. the nonr dmr. th mAhnard. nP
the bone that was not there f Must we im-
agine her standing at tbe
oDen cuoboard
I door, depict to ourselves the dog still drop-
ping his disappointed tail upon the floor,
I we are not bo permitted to attempt to read
tbe future. Suffice it for us to clean from
I this beautiful story its many lessons ; suffice
it for us to apply them, to study them as far
at in us lies, and, bearing in mind the nat'
ural fraility of our nature, to avoid being
widows ; to shun tbe patronymic of Hub.
bard; to have, If our means aflord It, more
than one cupboard In the house; and to
keep stores in them all. And, 0 1 dear
friends, keeping in recollection what we
have learned this day, let us avoid keeping
I dogs that are fond of bones. But brethren,
if we do, if Fate has ordained that we should
I do any of these things, let us then go as
I Mother Hubbard did, straight, without cur-
veting or prancing, to our cupooard, empty
though it be-let us, like her, accept the In-
hu., u i:uUc ; .nu .uuum we,
like her, ever be left with a hungry dog.and
an empty cupboard, may future chroniclers
be able to write also of us In the beautiful
worua 01 our text, -Anu so tne poor uog got
I none.' Ex.
dellon Ac, are such marvelous and Jwonder-
ful cures as Hop Bitters !do ? It must be
for when old and young, rich and poor,
Pastor and Doctor, Lawyer and Kdltor, all
testify to having been cured by them, we
must believe and doubt no longer, See oth
er column.
There is some humor in Texas. The oth-
er day a man brought out a forlorn, spavined
looking steed and addrenaed the citUenH
1 !.... .
luuo 4
r enow citizens, wis is the lamous horso
Dandy Jack. Look at him.-He's perfect,
ii. J r i. '"m""uulu,UB
could be done for him. What shall I have
for the matchless steed ?'
'What will you take for him ?' yelled the
'Two hundred dollars.'
'Give you
Take him. I never let 1195 stand .be
tween me and no horse trade.
We must remain as yet some little In
doubt as to the methtds employed by the
old artist to perfect theso miracles of taste.
We have, however, the absolute certainty
that these auclent maulers were familial with
tho diamond, and that their best work was
made by using this, the hardest of all sub-
stance, as a tool. A splintered fragment of
the diamond served as a tcraplng tool, and
they were well acquainted with the drill.
Prehistoric man worked a drill at tne very
commencement of his existence. A phcenl-
clan gem a Hon attacking a bull shows
how the drill was used. A number or cir-
cular depressions are found in the gem, which
mark the extremities of tho figures. This
was dono not only for the sake of effect, but
but'.to show the artist the limit of his work
as to depth. After the holes were sunk, the
artist united the various portions of his work
as to depth. After the holes were sunk, the
artist united the various portions of bis work
by scratching. Now the use of the diamond
point or splinter, bxed in a style or iron
socket, allowed a certain flexibility ol hand-
ling, which our modern procesfes of gem-
engraving do not permit. To-day the work I
Is done by means of a minute rotating disk
of copper, which is whetted with oir and
diamond dust. On the least application of
tho substance to be cut to the disk, it is the
disk which bites Into the stone. The differ.
once In manipulation is, then, that to-day It
Is the stone which goes to the tool, and not,
as In olden times, the tool to tbe stone. It
is more convenient, then, in 187'J, to bring
the cart to the horse. It can now be readily
understood why, In modern work, time and
labor being spaied (the art conception not
entering for the present into the subject)
why this work of to-day is inferior to th
art which is past. It is purely a mechanic-1
al process now, for a rotating disk will no
more draw lines which have feeling than
will photographing processes paint pictures
It has been Btated that we are not entirely
acquainted with tbe methods employed by
the old glyptic artists. 1 his becomes quite
evident from this fact, that their best work
seems to have been both cut and polished
at one and the same time. To-day we have
no tool, no substance, which will accomplish
this double feat. Mr. King, dwelling on
the diamond point, says 'its extensive use is
tbe great distinction between the antique
and modern work.' Barnet Phillips,
Harper'i Magazine for September.
'Your wife going to the country ?' aBked
Green as he met Brown on the avenue yes
B"ss not, I offerad her fifty dollars .0
Be' 'eady but she declares right up and down
lnat BUe won 1 (
uu "' -""-
'Well, I tried to, but she has gained thir
teen pounds since last January and never
looked better than now.'
'Can't you make her believe her nerves
are relaxing ? That plan generally works
pretty well.'
'Can't do it. She sleeps like a brick and
her nerves were never stronger.'
'A,nd he ,doa ' "n,t ,to 8ee her mother
'IT (t mnfnpr la rllii '
Her mother is dead.
'Digestion good ?'
'Splendid. She eats everything from a
radish to limberger cheese and I can't talk
change of diet to her,
Green fell to musing and by and by con.
'Mr. Brown, you have been a good friend
to me.'
'Well, I hope so.'
'Yes, you have stood by me like a brother
and now I'll do you a favor. I tried every
dodge I could thiuk of but she was bound
to stay borne. At last I hit it. She had
'Ah 1 Egad I So has mine.'
'Nothing but the country air in June
cures freckles.'
True true. Peels 'em right off in from
four to eight weeks,' leaving the complex'
ion as fair as a babe's and without in
J" 10 lDe moal "encaie eyeorows.-
x ou seo
I 11. t ! . .. 1 , t . , 11
-wr. ween, a we .1 .. . x uu uever
lorgev your KiDunesa. lu iot lunu a weec
I ...
my lreckled wile will De in uerrien county
ana yu 8na 1 cu "J out tin two o cio
lB ,ue morning ana then go home to my
house and sleep In the best bed with our
boots on. Mr. Green, Lor' bless you shake.
Any time you want a favor you may rout
me out at midnight and command 1' De
troit free Pren.
Of all the great cities, London on the
whole, contains the most to interest and in
struct Americans. It has doubled In popu-
lationin the memerv of men still young,
Mo8t re.der9 . 'u. . Macaulev'a
author contrasted the grandeur of the mod-
1. 1.1. .u v 7 im 1 it .
eru city with the London of Charles II, and
boasted that the number of inhabitants bad
increased from little more than five thou
aand to at least one million nine hundred I
thousand. In the brief time that has pass
Lj ,tuC0 Macauley wrote, the one million
niDe hundred thousand has become totlS?JtrZLll fill
mlUion9. BosVn mgh.' as a thriufry1
A few contrasts taken from the bet es-
tlmate4 wiu give Bome ,UKBe8tion8 of ,ho
immense magnitude of tbe city. It is aptly
described as a province covered with houses,
vaw York is eoual in Dooulatlon to the air
rt.r j xr ti ui 1
gate of Maine and New Hampshire. Lon-
don equals Maine, New Uatnpthire, Ver-
mont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Mass-
. ' ., . ,. . m
achusettsaud California alt together. To
equal the city of London, here we should
have to bring together the people of the fol- Anderson's College, Ulaigow, Bcotland, Iec
lowing cities :-New York, Philadelphia, lure on tne ubJec
Brooklyn, St. Louis, Chicago, Boston. Baltl-
more, Cincinnati, New Orleans, Buffalo,San
" ""'"fa""'
The transient people lu New Y ork are about
tblity thousand ; In London one hundred
and Blxty thousand.
'ITnur lnfifv wttl It 1.A lAfnrn tiat .1,1
work done ?. a lfl(Iv to . .mirpnlif.ft
i '
who was painting her houne. 'Well, I don't
kuow lna.atn - saId he . .the ha8 jU8t
gone to look for another job.,
I'll be done to-morrow, but if he don't I'c
afraid it'll take me all next week,'
'Bash, sinful man,' said upbraidingly the
chaplain to tbe prisoner, 'suppose you were
to die now, what sort of conscience would
would you die with, eh ?' 'Ob, my con
science is as good as new ; never used it a
bit,' uld the prisoner, proudly.
... IM
.... 4.(0
.... coo
... .M
In. In, IV.
H.eo ii.oo is oo
4.00 6.00 8.00
4.00 T.OO 11.00
T.00 t.00 11.00
a.oo lo.oo 18.W
60 00
Two Inches
Three inches, ,
narter column,,
all column
... 11.00
11.00 It. 00 IS.00
Ono column. .
JO.OO J5.00 10.00 S0.00 lOCOf,
Vearlr advertisement
payable quarterly. Trab
lie paid for beforelnserteo
lent advert Iscraenta must
eicept where parties havn accounts,
1 ifl ndvart inemeMa two dollars ner Inch for thret
Insertions, ant at Wat rate for additional Insertion!
wiinoui reierenco 10 icngru,
Kiccutor's.Amlnlstrator's and Auditor's notice
three dollars. Must bo paid for when Inserted.
Transient or i.ocai notices, iwcniy ci-uib ur,
regular odTcrtlsemcnt, hall rates. '
cards In thc"0u8lnta, Directory" column, one
dollar per year for each line.
Minnesota has a town called Quod
People that have hens tu 'shoo' iseldom
go to tbo cobbler.
Our best Irish bacon is sometimes
ported direct from Ohio,
The pedostrlan'd mission, like
physician's, Is toe-heel,
'Come to my alms,' as the poormasler
said to the tramp.
The cobbler who works all night sings,
"It's never too late to mend."
"His profession I What Is his profes
sion ?" "Madam, be pedals music."
White flannel suits are made for ladies
to wear in mid-summer at the sea-side.
A facetious critic observes that there
are many-crew-ditttes In 'Pinafore,'
Floral horseshoes have taken the place
of wedding-bells at fashionable mar
The breath of sSndaTT
too much lor cloves.
An old ladv living In Ixiudon County.
v., i, the mother ofH children, all living,
whose ages range from 42 to 70 years.
It is Bald that Mississippi farmers are
thinking of going into the corn and cattle
trade, and leaving cotton severely alone.
The longest pine root has recently been
d"B up on a plantation, n few miles from
oavannau, ua. ii was iotv iuuj.
The Ancient and Honorable Artillery
was nearly lialf a century old two hundred
years ago.
. r a ...1 .1 I .....
,,",,, "t Nw7mrt mowW the veWet
awns in front of the nabobV houses,
wlien ,iri,Bn mn reela from his
Laddie to tho ground, and his horso stands
on him, which is the lowtT animal
Vnn Uulow savs that music can be cul
livated with success in those countries only
where the sun shines and the grape ripens.
At Leghorn more than 1.000 womenare
employed in tbe manufacture of coral beads
lor necklaces, wnicn promise to uo raamuu-
In shoolnir a fly the more experienced
blacksmith uses a clnlh instead of a ham
mer. It is not so liable to damage the fur
The man who makes wheels is a wheel-
wrlgbt, but that doesn't prove that the man
who makes anchors is an anchorite, by any
Alwavs water plants with a sponge.
Get the largo, coarse kind, and yau wilt
save yourself much annoyance and spattered
Catechism: What is an island? A
body surrounded by water. Give an illus
tration. An editor in the city on a summer
. . ... i
th "cfrX. ABeingTed in Sunday-school
wnBt j,, ne meaning of 'Selah,' replied that
idea of
It was ancient lor -wnoa, fcmmai
The lover who vows he Is willing to
die for the object of bis choice, means no
more than the man who borrows five dol
lars and agrees to 'drop ip to-morrow.'
This h the season of tbe year when
the little boy is more afraid of tbe warmth
of his mother's slipper than he is of the
coolness of the water.
The eruntion of .'Etna now in nrosresa
Is the seventv-ninth eruption of this volcano
of which there is a record, and promises to
be one of the most memorable ones.
Dirmitv becomes a man. but wh en vour
bat and a gentle zephyr have about a rod
the start of you, dignity becomes of as lit
tle account as a last year's calendar.
-What a feeling of relief comes over a
woman as she enters a church and discovers
that ber neighbor's wife has the same fea
thers on her hat that she wore last sea
son. A narrow minded individual objects to
having army officers commit suicide. He
says they have no right to shed brains which
be has been taxed tor educating at west
'The moon is always just the same,' be
said languidly, 'and yet I always find some
new beauty in it. -11 s just so wun tne cir
cus,' she answered. He took the hint and
bought tickets for two.
Somebody has discovered the !cl!maz of
thouehtlessness. which is. being seated on
an omnibus, to pull a handkerchief out of
your right-hand neighbor's pocket to wipe
your left hand neighbor's eye.
-It doesn't take long for a rural neigh
borhood to find out what kind of carpets
and furniture a newly married pair possess,
after the usual round of formal calls have
been mado by observing women.
I envv the man that kan talk 3C5 days
in a year an one subjeckt and think be iz
original and interesting all the time ; but I
don't want tu be a sun-in-law ov these kind
ov people. Joth MUingt.
'Mamma, may I go to Bridget's cousin'
funeral to-morrow ?' Mamma. 'No, my
dear. You went to a party last night and
the matinee to-day. I think you have had
amusement enough for the present.
'There is truth in my remarks,' yelled
out a scolding wife to her suffering husband;
and he meekly answered, '1 11 grant all the
tru,tU the!? U ia your, re,marks' 1 'la,"11"
-Jhe charge of telegraphing Irora Kew
York to Yokohamt Is J3.05 per word; but
thB or c.Dhe, u B0 wcTi av8temtized
bv certain mercantile bouses that a single
- 1 word serves for a dozen when trauscriu-
- 1 When one of our army commissaries
MkJ Gen. Grant how much his store
. ,
; n," 'jt Aweary wafting for nic!
tures of hories on the fences, and so they
- dine on lace curtains, or whatever ever
I aruoue a week's washina
I .. . L! 1 , . 1 1
A little dog in the front yard will make
m.orB noi.8e ,lia" wh?le, meagarie- ,,,io
the lrontdnnr without mak e
, T,h0nf"mf "?.',yic'orJK '"!. are ,7
desirous of acquiring a knowledge of agrl-
cultural chemistry that they travel forty or
fifty miles to hear Mr. Maclvor, formerly of
the front door without making any noise,
and the old folks happen to sleep right over
the front stoop.
A policeman under investigation for
conduct unbecoming his office wait called by
- I a frtftnil fin , It a titreet tltn nt!,rF flnv ! 'Ifal.
lof you've lot one of your buttons.' 'I am
1 i : t ,l ln.In 1 1,
in imminent dancer ot losing them all.'
replied the blue-coat.
The year 1816 was known throughout
Europe and the United States as the cold
est ever experienced within the degrees of
latitude which bound tboee countries. It is
called tbe year without a Bummer, Snow
fell iu June, July, and August,
To vote in Massachusetts for members
of tbe school Committee, a woman must be
twenty one years old, able to read and write
and have paid a tax within a year, and Ire
sided for that time In the State, and six
months in the town where she is to vote.