The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 15, 1879, Image 3

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Rail Road time Table.
noun. SOOTH.
Accommodation Train..,
Mall Train m. r. t
11.15 A.. M
T.M A. M
IS.00 M.
Fast Train. Train .r .
Accommodation Train e,M A. M. T, r. M.
Regular Express 4.04 P.M. 11,45 A.M.
Tnroiigh care on Express train cither to New Yorle
or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between
Catawlssa and Wllllamlport.
niunRt Nn Tiloouro. Leave Catnbra Monday,
Wednesday anil Friday nt e-.3oa,m., amvoat
uinomsburg by 1 1 ran a. in. I-care uiosmBburg on
Jamodays after arrival of Philadelphia mall.
...nnvHRCIUJ AND I.AIaD3VILL, LcaVO ljllrdsVllle
Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 1:30 a. m.,
arming at Uloomsburg Dy u m. Leave Blooms
Iiureoiisamodajs after arrival or rnrladelpbla
inalT The stage lino terminates atMUlTllle.
iienton and liloomsburg.-A dally stage I'nctoavlng
teuton In the morning and returning In tho evo
iilnB ot tho sanio day.
.1T- tiai.i. and ni-ooiisBORa.-LeaTo Whlw Hall
Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at :3na.m.,
arriving at Illoomsburg by 10 a. m. Iavo Blooms
burs on saino days alter arrival ot Philadelphia
ntvTOX and Bloomsbcwi. Leaves Benton Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at 8 a. ra arriving at
illoomsburg at s p. m. Leaves Bloomsburg Tues
day. Tnursday and Saturday at 8 a. m., arriving
atlientonatap. rn.
Tho administrator of E. A. llucknlew will
tell real estate in Fieliingcreek township, on
the premises, on Saturday, August 10th 1879,
at 2 p. m.
The administrator of Sarah Summers,
deceased, will sell real estate in Hemlock town
ship, on the premises, on Saturday, August 23,
1879, at 2 p. m.
The administrator of Peter Ent, deceased,
will sell real estate in Orange township, on the
premises, on Friday August 22d, 187'J, at 2
Conrad Krcamcr, administrator of Rebecca
Smith, will Bell real estate, on the premises, in
Jtadisou township, Saturday August 30th, 1879
nt 1 o'clock, p. m.
J, M. Shultz, administrator of Hugh
Shultz, deceased, will sell real estate on the
premises, in Jackson township, on Monday,
August 18lh, 1879, at 2 p. m.
See advertisements in another column.
There are so many delinquents on our list
that we are again compelled to make an appeal
to all who owe on subscription or book account,
to pay up. Statements of book accounts have
been sent out by mall, and bills for subscription
are being sent out each week in the papers, and
this will be continued until all who are indebted
to us In any way, shall have received notice.
We do not go to this trouble and expense just
for amusement, but because we have a large
amount standing out, antl we need the money
Do not throw your bill aside as a matter that
can be attended to at any time, but settle it at
ona, and save us the trouble of sending yon
another notice, and yourselves the annoyance
of being dunned. It gives us no pleasure to
dun those who owe us, but as those whom we
owe have no hesitancy in asking for their pay,
we are compelled to urge prompt payments to
us in order that we mav pay our own bills . Of
course, the above is not intended for any one
but those who have received notices. tf.
Yellow fever is on the Increase in the South.
Water works nre now an established fact.
A cool wave struck here last week and contin
ued for several days.
Persons having property to sell or rent can'
not do better to advertise in the Columbian.
Many ladies misinterpret their sufferings
Tryaboxof'Sellers'itverPilU." Sold by all
. .druggists.
The youngest child of James W. Chamber
lin, fo.-merly of this town, now of Plymouth,
was buried at that place on Wednesday.
Judge Krickbaum was in town on Monday .
He has recovered from an illness of about s
Levi E. Waller Esq., sailed for Europe last
Saturday in the steamer Ohio from Philadel
phia. He expects to come home in November.
We wish him a pleasant trip aim a safe return
The town was very lively on Tuesday. The
Democratic convention brought In a large
crowd from all Darts of the county. Good
order prevailed throughout the day.
We congragulate C. G. Murphy, Esq., and
his family on their safe return from Ireland,
where he has a father and mother still
For tho information of our correspondent
wa would state that constables are not authonr
ed to interfero at Delegate elections except to
preserve the peace.
During the past ten years Bloomsburg has
had Gve different Presidents of Town Council
and only thirty-five different members of Coun
cil out of a possible sixty.
It is rumored that the Berwick Independent
I.aa been sold by C. B. Snyder, and that he
will take charge of the Hazleton Sentinel. F.
I. Cosper and B.Bowman are the purchasers
of the Independent. We wish them success.
Thomas Penrose and Thomas McCormick
were buried here on Wednesday afternoon
They were killed in the mines at Mill Hollow
Luierne county by a fall of coal, lliey were
formerly ot this town.
On last Wednesday night tho pattern and
core shops of Jackson & Wooden were dlscov
ered to be on fire. The flames were speedily
extinguished. The loss Is estimated at $1000.
The fire nrobublr originated In the ovens of
the core cliop.
William P. Furey , a veteran editor, has been
in our county some days, with a view to pur
chaslnc the Berwitk Independent. We learn
that he has failed, because Messrs. Cosper
Bowman outbid bitn- He is an accomplished
writer an elegant speaker,and well versed
Edwin Forrest, a trotting horse owned by
Robert Bonner of New York, recently trotted
inilein2.11J. This is Ihe fastest time ever
made. It is believed that this horse will be
Able to go the same distance in 2.0G.
As election officers at Democratic primaries
are not Bworn, the habit has become frequent to
not only ascertain the voters preference them,
stives, but tt, hand the tickets over to Candida'
ts In order that they may see who voted for or
against them. In many caae-i It has resulted
in persecution. A man cannot vote for all,and
being entitled to a choice, should be protected
by a secret ballot.
We have no rmirrel with the drutreista of
Bloomsburg. We can't be dragged Into one,
Oar assertions are nevertheless true. Still
further, a member of the present Columbia
Oiunly Medical Society gave a prescription, it
M filled, Ihe medicine was administered and
'he patient was carried to the grave. We know
thereof we speak. Republican,
The above Is utterly absurd. Every physii
ii in the county has "given prescriptions, they
were filled, and their patients were carried to
the grave. People will die sometimes even If
the most harmless prescriptions are given.
oytforth.i:utton of John O'Nell and
1 eler M' Mollle M.Bulr conTlcte.1 In
Northumberland county for the murder of Cor
ooerlWnearfih.mokln In U874, and An-
. ,7... wl10 ,,,ot hU cou,ln yo"g 'df
In M'Kean county last fall. The executions
will occur on the 9th of October.
We are Informed by reliable authority that
"u.cuiur noyi nas appointed Mr. I). 8. HeN
wig, of Locust township, sealer of weights and
measures fir Columbia counly. Now keep an
open eye for Davy, he will soon be around.-
We have no objection to llm annnlnim.-.i
!nt believe no dealer nnl hav I.I.
and measures sealed tin leu tie want. in. A
ca-e nas Carton county court to test
iuo question.
Fort Sale. A 4 A. fount of ai line.
letter In excellent condition, at a low price.
u o oiler it for sale becauso wo have two fonts
early alike and need but one. For inr,.ciim.
at the Columbian oIKco.
The Episcopal church yard is In a dlhnl,!.-
ted condition. Many graves are almcBt lost
from want of proper care, and the weeds, brush
im grass have grown up bo that It makes a
very Inviting camp ground for snakes. This
ought not lobe so. Those whol
Interred there should see to It lht il,i- ....
are properly taken care of, and the church au
thorities should keep the grounds In order.
By so doing proper respect would bs shown the
ilead, anil an eye-sore, to the living would be
removed .
Chew JACISON'S BxsTHweet Navy Tobarro.
It is probable that thero will be an inspection
and rovlewof the 3rd Division of tho National
Guards In Bloomsburg on the 9th day of
September) This is the most convenient point
for tho troops to reach, and we understand that
the General in command, Sigfreid, favors it.
The fair ground will make a convenient
camping ground, and its use will undoubtedly
bo given by the Agricultural Society. If
Moombtirg is selected, it will bring nearly
two thousand troopshere, with tho Commander-
n-Cliief, Gen. Hartranft, and the Governor,
and their staifs. An abundance of fine horses
will be furnished for the use of the officers,
ml our citizens extend a cordial invitation to
the National Guard to hold the inspection
Remember I the only perfect proprietary
medicine as a "Blood Searcher" is that bear
ing the name of "Dr. Lindsey," and which may
be had from druggists.
Last spring Mr. Hairy Reeder, of this place
on returning from a visit to rlorida, says tin
Watsontown Itecord, brought with him a pair
of genuine young alligators. Shortly afterward
one of the young 'gators escaped an i nothing
wa heard of it until Tuesday, last, when
parly of boys discovered it in the river near
town. One of the boys caught it ; threw it up
on the bank, where It was seen and identified
by Mr. W. Fisher, but it got away and took to
the water. If this is a man eater and lives to
the usual sine we will have to import n few
Florida "niggers" to keep him in grub. It ii
hoped he will live, remain in tli is locality, and
exercise his jaws on those parties who persist in
seining the river and committing other depre
ditlons in violation of the fish law. Williams-
port Sun.
See a woman on horseback in another cob
omn, riding near Sneer's Vineyards, with i
bunch of Grapes from which Speer's Port Grape
Wine is made, that Is so highly esteemed by
the medical profession for the use of invalids,
weakly persons and the aged.
Sold by Druggists.
June 27 1-y.
The Greenback Convention, if it was a con
vention, was a tamo affair, and but few citiiens
knew that a solemn conclave of 22 men met
n Furraan's nail to select a ticket. Tho mo
tion of Mr. Howell that "ft committee be an
ointcd on declaration of principles" shows
that up to this point there is not in the organi
zation any fixed principles. The resolutions
and proceedings published in another column
for which we yield space, will be the subject
of future comment.
As to the nominee for Sheriff Capt. U. II
Ent we admit that he was a gallant soldier.
n good business man, and in every way qualified
to fulfil the duties of tho office for which he
named, and can only regret that he has gone
outside of the old organization to seek an empty
Miss Florence Wirt, corresponding secretary
of tho "Woman's Home and Foreign Mission
Society of St. Matthew's Lutheran Church of
Bloomsburg," at the regular monthly meeting
on Wednesday evening of last week gave an
nteresting, carefully selected, and artistically
executed reading from Rev. Prof. Clutz'
Sketch of Muhlenberg Mission, Africa.
The Society was organized within the year and
promises very timely aid in the Missionary
efforts of the chnrcb, meeting regularly the
first Wednesday of each month. The mem
bcrship is already Jquite largej the following
named ladies are its present officers : Mrs. B
Frank Zarr, President; Mrs. S.Turnbach,Vico
President; Mrs. Phebe Wolf, Treasurer; Miss
Allie Kuhn, Secretary; Miss Florence Wirt,
Corresponding Secretary; with the following
ladies as soliciting and executive committee
Misses Annie Bittenbender, Dora Evans, Hntti
Graul, Lizzie Feiterman, Minerva Wolf, Mary
Unangst, Kate Bidleman, Lizzie Robbins, and
Mrs. Charles Savage.
Tnc Stehlinq Book Cover. We havo
purchased the right to use these covers in this
county, and have on hand an assortment of
sizes. They make the neatest and most con
venient form for doing up note heads, letter
heads, bill heads, notes, checks, Ac, and
cover will be given away with every order of
1000 Try it once and you will not do with'
out it. It is the best thing of the kind ever
invented. Call and examine.
In Raymiller, Venaogo county, Penna, Au
gust 4th 1879 Isaiah Cole , aged 79 years,
months and 7 years.
Mr. Cole resided In Benton township, on
the property now owned by Mr. Swartwout
from the year 1800 till 1859. liecoming em
barrassed during the hard times of 1357, he
lost his property aod was obliged to abandon
place whero he had lived for more than half
century. Few men were belter known In
the county than Isaiah Cole, and no man wa
more highly respected. His family was among
the early settlers of Columbia county, and th
very large family of the Coles is second to no
nther amone us for all the characteristics of
good citizenship.
Mr. Cole was a member of the Episcopal
church and exemnlary in all his doings, He
leaves a wife, and we, believe two sons and
three daughters, to mourn his loss.
Cor.i.ECTOR'a Warrants. We have prepar
cl a form, and have on hand a large quantity of
blank "Collector's Sales," which have been ap
proved by the highest legal authority in the
Courts of this county. At 7Vm(y Venu per uoz
en we mall any number to the Collector order
Ing them. A Collector, when compelled to ad
verlise property, must post up not less than
three notices In the most public places In his
borough or township.
alarm nf (Ire utarllnl mil atltnfl
from their slumbers on Monday night a little
iit twelve o'clock. The car shops of Q. M. &
J. K. Lockard were discovered to be In flames,
and tt took but a short time for the devouring
element to level the building to the ground.
fliucn valuable machinery and many patterns
were destroyed. The shor were formerly
those of the Columbia Iron Works, and were
purchased by M, M. Jackson of Berwick at
Assignee's sale several years ago, and leased to
ine Ajockaril brothers, who were doing a large
business In the manufacture of cars. There
was about $20,000 of Insurance on the building,
machinery, material, Ac, In different compan-
i lie origin of Ihe fire Is uncertain, but it
luppnseil it started near the boilers.
We arc Informed that the works will be re
built, and it Is to behoped that this Is true,
they furnish employment to a larca num
ber of men.
A LAno. I would inform Ihe citiiena of
Bloomsburg anil adjacent country that I nm
still making Photographs of superior excellence
my gallery, corner of Main and Iron streets,
am constantly adding New Accessories.
Backgrounds, &c. that go to make a stylish
looking Picture, and in regard to truthfulness
f likeness, graceful position, suncrior finish
and the cheapness of such work, I will not bo
outdone by anyone. And with increased
facilities for producing good Photographs in a
rapid manner, thero will bo no delay in
finishing. It is not necessary for tho day to
be particularly bright, except for babies who
are to be caught In a short time. I take
particulsrpalns that all work Is satisfactory
ueiore allowing it to leave the gallery. Asking
lor a continuance ot your kind patronage, and
assuring you that I will put forth my best
endeavors to please you, I remain
The Public's Obedient Servant,
Pursuan t to adjournment the citizens met In
the Opera House, Saturday evening, August 8,
187U. Ihe meeting was called to order by
Hev.U. J. Waller. Sr., President. The com
ittteto solicit stock subscriptions, through
Wm. Neal, chairman, reported, that there had
been obtained in bona fide subscriptions, stock
the amount of about $28,000. On motion lb
report of said committee was accepted and the
committee continued. On motion of Col.
Knorr, seconded by W. Neal, It was unani
Retolvtd. That a meetlnz of stock.halders he
eld in the Opera House on Thursday evenine.
August 14, ism, ai o o clock lor the purpose
of organization, and that public notice of the
same be given by printed posters, and a copy
of such notice be served on each stockholder,
Dy man or personal delivery, and rurluer,ranlt
P. Billmeyer. Secretary of this nieetine is here
by authorized and directed to have said posters
printed, posted anil served.
On motion of M.Chamberlin, each subscrib'
er of slock was authorized to canvass and solicit
ubscriptions until next Thursday evening,
Additional subscriptions to the amount of $500
were secured, when the meeting on motion
adjourned ,
Frank P. Billmeyer.
He is successful, becaune he has the manly
courage to rise above all personal motives or
interests and casts his vote and influence on
the side or measures which will contribute to
the well being of his fellow men. The good
of the many, even though It proves injurious
to the interests of the f few, is the maxim of
the wise legislator. But certain men will
never admit the wisdom of this doctrine, any
more than 'some selfiish private practitioners
will admit the superlative value of Dr. Pierce"
Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Pur
gative Pellets, because these remedies have in
jured their practice. Of course, no man in
his right senses wll pay a physician $5.00 for a
consultation, a bottle of bitters, a few powders,
and a prescription, when a bottle of Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery and a bottle of his
Pleasant Purgative Pellets, both costing but
$1.25, will accomplish Ihe same result viz :
cleanse the liver, and blood, regulate the tone
of the stomach, and impart a healthiul action
to the bowels and kidneys.
Notice is hereby given that propositions will
be received from any and all persons in Schuyl
kill, Carbon, Northumberland, Columbia and
Dauphin counties, for the donation of suitable
grounds upon which to erect a State Hospital
for injured persons, under the provisions of an
act of the Legislature entitled "An Act to pro
vide for the selection of a site and erection of a
State Hospital for injured persons, to be located
in the counties of Schuylkill, Carbon, Dauphin,
Northumberland and Columbia, to be called the
State Hospital for injured persona of the An
thracite Coal Regions, and for the management
of the same, and making an appropriation
therefor," approved the eleventh day of June
A.D. 1879.
The above mentioned propositions will be re
ceived until Saturday, September 13, 1879, by
the chairman of the Commission appointed by
the Governor in pursuance of the above recited
act, and all such proposals will receive full and
due consideration.
D. A. Beckley, Chairman,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Geo. S. Holmes, Secretary,
On Monday, September Stb, the Twenty'
sixth Annual Exhibition of the Pennsylvania
Stale Agricultural Society will open at Main
Building.Centennial GroundsJ'airmount Park,
Philadelphia, and continue twelve days, clos
ing on Saturday, September 20th.
From present indications this exhibition of
the Society will be the largest, grandest, and
most varied that has ever been held by any
State Society, and will be second in numbers
and merit only to the ever-memorable Interna,
tional Exhibition, held at the same place dur
ing the Centennial Year. The premium ltsti
hich can be obtained from the officers of the
Society, at their office, North west corner Tenth
d Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, is the
most complete and thorough that has ever
been presented by any similar organization, and
offers for competition in the Live Stock Class
alone the handsome sum of $9000. In the
Dairy, Fruit, Vegetable, and Floral Depart
ments the further sum of $4200 Is added, be
sides a large number of elegant and valuable
gold, silver, and bronze medals, whose intrica
te value will aggrigate the entire sum of more
than $15,000 in actual cash.
The display will Include a large number of
Imported, Throughbred, tine lired, and
Draught Horses, herds of Short Horn, Devon,
Holstein, Jersey and Guernsey Cattle, the
choicest breeds ot Sheep, Swine, Ac., together
with a Mechanical, Vegetable, and Manufac
turing Collection seldom, If ever, brought
together in any community. Excellent and
commodious stabling has been prepared within
the building for Horses and Horned cattle, and
a suitable space assigned on the grounds ad
jacent for Ihe accomodation of Sheep and Swine
The Machinery, Dairy.rruil, Moral, and Do
mestic Departments are all provided under
cover, and will undoubtedly prove attractive
features of the Fair. A space has also
been assigned for the exercise and display of
all the entries in the Live Stock Classes, Green
food will be supplied all the Milch Cows on
exhibition, and hay and straw furnished all
entries gratis,
Excursion tickets will be furnished by all
the railroads centering at Philadelphia, and all
articles Intended for exhibition carried on
liberal terms.
orangbville items.
The quiet of Oranitevllle is about to be
disturbed again. Tho Academy opens next
week and already our little town begins to
look livelier.
A letter has been received from Mr. Laufer
saying that" 17 boys from Monroe county expect
to come on Saturday. Prof, MoLaury comes
on Thursday.
An armory for the reception of tho cuns Is
bolng fitted up in tho academy. CapU Conner,
who is still nt tho North Mountnln House,
expects to return In about two weeks.
Lowry Klino who has been In poor health
for a year past Is growing weaker,
We heard a little story the other day about
n doctor not n hundred miles fiom Omngcville,
which proves that doctors don' t like medicine
any better than other people. This doctor
always thought it quite foolish when the
members of his family rebelled against taking
pills and ollen laughed at them: but the day
came when Ihe Dr. had to take a pill nnd if
our story is true, ho got Inughcdat too. When
ho attempted to lake tho pill ho found it as
hard a dost aa others do and made as much
fuss about it. At last his wife out of pity
offered to hide the pill in applo sauco. She
soon offered him a teaspoon of applo sauco
and tho Dr. tried to swallow it, but that hidden
fill was too much and he had to give it up.
But what was tho delight of the family and tho
chagrin of tho good Dr. when his wife
informed him it was only a teaspoon of apple
sauco as she had put no pill in it. This
reminds us of another Dr. story. As Ernest
Sloan was riding over Summer Hill lately, a
woman called to bim, "hold on Dr.," and
immediately came rushing out with a baby in
her arms for him to proscribe for. His ouly
answer was, "I guess you ate mistaken in the
man." "Well I guess I am," she said, and
carried the baby back to tho house.
Truly yours,
The National Greenback Labor Convention
met in Furman's Hall, at 2 p. in., Monday
August 11th, 1879, and having been called to
order by Jackson M. Hower, Chairman of the
Counly Committee, proceeded to organize by
the election of J. R. Jamison, of Maine, as
President, and Capt. J. B. Robison,of .Bloomsi
burg, as Secretary.
The credentials and returns being referred to
a committee consisting of R. 8. Howell, A. B.
Herring and N. L. Campbell they reported
that Capt. Uznl H. Ent, of Orange, had receiv
ed a majority of the votes for Sheriff, where
upon be was unanimously declared the nomi
nee of the party for that position. Jackson M.
Hower, of Bloomsburg, was nominated for
Coroner, and Lemuel Kisner, of Pine was nom
inated for Jury Commissioner.
The Committee on platform consisting of Jas.
C. Silvan, Samuel Mnsgrove and Wm. M.
Hartman reported the following platform which
was unanimously adopted :
WnEBEAs, The National Greenback Labor
party has been called Into existence by the
necessities of the Deonle. and is onnoaed tn all
class legislation favoring the few at the expense
ui many. dDU
Whereas, The financial legislation of the
past presents one of the darkest paces in the
financial history of any civilized government,
has stopped industry, made an army of tramps,
crowded the insane asylums, crammed the
prisons and swelled the suicides.
Therefore. We the farmers, mechanics.
laborers and business men of Columbia Counly,
in Convention assembled, having deemed it the
uesi interests 01 our country to separate our
selves from the so-called Democratic and Re
publican turtles, who by their actions have for.
feited the confidence and respect of Ihe people.
do therefore adopt the following platform as
ine exponent 01 our principles.
llemved, That the real Issue before the
American people is Involved in the money
question, which the Democratic and Republican
parties by the laws they have passed, the plat
forms they have adopted, and the candidates
they have nominated, have ignored, and those
parties do not represent the wealth producing
people of the land, but are the servants of a
gigantic money lending power a power that
aiMoma an anu procuces notmng.
J!orl That it la the duty of the govern'
ment to establish a just standard of distribu
lion to labor and capital, bv providing a nure
ly national circulating medium, based on the
laun ana resources 01 toe nation, issued directly
to the people without the intervention of any
system of banking corporations, which money
shall be a legal tender in the payment of all
debts, public antl private, and subject 10 such
restrictions. as Congress may impose.
Kat&Kd, That we demand the abrogation of
an laws tuat uo not bear equally upon capital
anu labor ; ine removal ot unjust technical!
ties. delays and discriminations in the admin
istralion of justice; and the adoption of mea
sures providing for the health and safety of
those engaged in mining, manufacturing and
building pursuits, believing as we do, that
humanity is more precious than'prosperily.
Radml, That the right of the legislature to
regulate and control the railroads and other
corporations by the Stale must be vindicated.
established and maintained as an essential of
the Stale government.
Iltiolml, That we recognize and accept the
piatiorm 01 principles adopted by the malional
State Convention at Altoona, July 15th 1879,
and we dedal e our firm attachment to the
lUxslved. That we heartily endorse the nom
inalion of Peter Sutton, of Indiana county for
estate 1 reasurer, anu pledge mm our hearty
Resolved, That under the National Green
back banner, with these declarations inscribed
on Its tolas, we engage in tne conmct ; and we
earnestly appeal to patriotic men of every class
without regard to parly names, or past differ
ences, to unite with us on terniB of perfect
equality in the struggle to rescue the govern
ment from the hands of dishonest men. and
redeem it from the flood of corruption which
threatens its ruin.
J. C. Sylvis, 1
Samuel Musqrove, -Com.
Wu. M. Hartmak, J
The Committee on Rules for the organiza
tion of the party, consisting of Thomas E.
Geddis, Clark Merrill and A. B. Herring re
ported fourteen rules which were adopted.
We omit these rulea for want of space.
A committee of eleven was then appointed to
take steps toward the establishment of a Nation
al newspaper. After providing for the appoint
ment of a standing committee and a chairman
thereof the convention adjourned.
J. B. R08ISON,
A leading democrat of Burlington, Mr.
M. Sutton speaks in tbe highest terms of the
curative power of the celebrated Kidney-Wort'
It first cured him of a distressing Kidney dii
ease, and he now uses it whenever be has any
symtoms of biliousnesa or needs ton ing up. It
acti efficiently on the bowels, and cures the
worst cases of piles.
First National Bank of Ashland.
On Saturday last I. 8. Alden, Esq., the
receiver of the First National Bank of Ash
land, paid the depositors of the bank an in
stallment of 2fl per cent, which pays the
depositors the full amount of their deposits
with G per cent, interest, and reports a hand
some surplus to be divided amongst the
stockholders. This fact reflects credit on
the management of Mr. Alden, as well aa it
establishes that tbe bank has been more
than ordinarily well managed by Its recent
cashier, Wm. Torrey, This is said to be
the best showing of any bank In the state
that has gone Into liquidation, Tbe confi
dence of tbo Ashland community In this
bank and its management Is such that a
prominent depositor, when receiving his last
Installment, said he had nut drawn the mon
ey on any of his Installments and further,
that If the bank would opeu its doors for
business he knew rf a large number of de
posltors who would Immediately put their
money In the bank, JtttUvtlle Chronicle,
Steivarl's Body.
Kvcry morning at 9 o'clock, when Mr.
William Llbbcy, or tho firm of A. T. Stew
art it Co., reaches his private office, a small
leather box is plawd in Ills hands, which is
locked by a key in tlio possession or Mr.
Libbcy. At 4 o'clock in tho afternoon, the
same box in carried away by tlio confidential
messenger ot Mr. Libbcy, to no body knows
where. A reporter of the iV YStar, having no
ticed this strange proceeding has unravelled
the mystery.
In the latter part ol November or early iu
December four moil who for many years had
becnngagcd as night watchmen and port
ers by A. T. Slowart & Co., wcro found miss
ing by tho other employes and new mon in
stalled in their places. Tho old watchmen
did not oomoncar tho store and it was rumor
ed among tho employes that they had been
caught in some dereliction of duty and sum-
! - ! 1 J
uiarny uiscuargcu.
Aoouttno nmo 01 iuo disappearance 01
theso men Sir. lltnsdale, tho manager ot tho
tcwart property in uarucn Oity was sum
moned to tho private residence of Mr. Lib
bcy, Judge Hilton's residence being at that
time under tho surveillance of tho reporters,
and was told that the crypt intended as a re
ceptacle for tho remains of Mr, Stewart and
his wlfo must bo made ready by a specified
imo aud that no money should bo spared to
attain that object.
Accordingly Mr. Hinsdale engaged n large
force of artisans, and on tho plea that tho
crypt should bo ready before tho sovcro weath
er of January set in, the work was hurried
up, and tho crypt was under roof oven bo
foro tho tiruo set. Mr. Hiusdalo reported
that the crypt was ready, and ho was told to
remain at homo on tho second night following I
tho interview, and have the boss mason and
several stone-masons on hand.
On that night, about, 9 o'clock, a coach
drovo up to Mr. Hinsdale's house. Four
men alighted. They carried a heavy box be
tween them. Ono of tho men gave a letter
to Mr. Hinsdale informing him that the box I
contained the body of tho late A. T. Stewart,
that it must bo put In tho crypt at once aod
that tho crypt must bo scaled with a heavy
stone slab, which must bo fastened with ce
ment and sealed with lead. This order was
carried out to the very letter.
Tho four men introduced themselves as
the guardians of the Crypt, and taking letters
from their pockets showed their written in
structions. Two of tho men have to remain
constantly on duty. They arc provided with
two sets of tell-tale watches, and
have to account for every moment of
their hours of duty. Kvery morning four
watches arc sent to Mr. Libby, who examines
them personally, and returns them tho same
ay by a messenger. The good people of I
n.ln (;iv UU il .inin n V,
nimriln to tlinifm in te nnv vitVidrol Vint
r I
wiey are m reaiuy guaruiug an mat ruuiaiuai
- 1 . I
i"it Im rrroar tyiomlionr nnnrwt I
Dr. Kendall's celebrated treatise on the I
horse, for sale at G. A Clark's book store and
at the Columbian office for 25 cents. This I
book should be in the hands of every man who I
owns a horse.
Tbe Ball pot in Motion.
Philadelphia, August 11. Charles B.
Salter was arrested this afternoon at the in
stance of the riot bill investigating committee
on the charge of corrupt solicitation of mem
bers of the legislature in connection with the
riot claims bill, and entered bail for his ap
pearance in Dauphin county. William II.
Kcmblo was also formally notified to enter
bail at Harrisburg on a similar charge. The
investigating committco held a meoting to
day at Harrisburg, when the details of the
prosecution wcro arranged.. They have en
gaged as attorneys for the prosecution Sena
tor Matt Carpenter, of Wisconsin,! Judge Jcre
Illack, of Pennsylvania, ?and rranklm B
Gowen, president of the Philadelphia and
Reading railroad company. Chairman Wolfe
states that the case will be vigorously pushed I
and tho trial is expected to come on early in
Dolmok Crawford. At the home of the
bride, on tbe 7th inst. , by Rev. A. Houti, Mr.
Frank Dolman of Eycrs '.Grove to Miss Lav-
ilia Crawford of Mt. Pleasant.
Laves Beaver. Aug. 10th, 1879 at Cata-
wissa, by Rev. O. Ii. Dechant,Mr. Isaac Levau
to Miss Lydia Beaver, both from near Mill-
grove Col. Co., Pa.
Rittek. At Catawissa, August 7th 1876,
Gve Ann, daughter of David and Elita Ititler,
deceased aged 37 years and 20 days.
Paterson. In Beaver twp., Aug. 10th 1879
John Patterson, aged 40 years, 4 months and
10 days
John Patterson was killed on the railroad
near McCauly station on Saturday eve. about
10 o'clock p.m. by a passing train. He sat on tbe
end of a sill, anil iseupposed to have been asleep
it was near a curve and before the engineer
could blow tbe whistle the engine struck him,
and when found immediately afterward, he was
Business Notices.
Boot headquarters at McKinney'a.
Admission free at McKinney'a.
Lutz & Sloan have a full line of black
and colored Silk Velvets.
I. W. Hartman pays 20 cts. for Butter aud
iz cts lor eggs.
Cash paid for 1000 busbels of good white
or yellow Uats at street by
July 18 3-w.
Shoe Store below Court
I. W. Hartman sell
tt itrhnnl lionkfl and
all others for produce.
Rubbers at McKinney'a.
I. V. Hartman baa lust ordered hli fall
stock of lllack Cashmeres. Call and see
lirlng your samples and compare
with Lutz & Moan's black Dress Silks.
and I
you will be convinced that tbey will sell you
as cneap aa you can get it in tne city.
Get all your School Books. Paper. Ink.
etc. etc., at I. Vi. Hartman's Book Store, I
corner Jiam anu Alarm streets.
Our stock of woolen yarns now open, tbe
Largest Stock and Variety iu tbe county, at
uiarE son 8.
School Slates, wholesale and retail, cheap,
at I. W. Hartman's.
New Prints, ShIrtings,TickIng and Mus.
11ns just opened atOlark & Son a.
Butter, eggs, dried fruit, etc., wanted at
i, w. mriman a.
Wanted. Good Wool at LIchtatrMt hv
nil. ' I
nas loung.
July 20, 4w.
Cash paid r,.e onn.1 ImIm and ft Wn at
Light Street by
. . " I
Silas Young.
July 18 2 m.
Want good live calves that wfieli 120 lbs.
to 125, 130, 140, 150, 1G0 and upward at
Light Street by
July 18 2-m.
-A good buggy either
Inquire at this office.
lumber or a horse,
"Wanted. 200 tons of good Rock
liaric by Hlias Young, Lilghlslreot.
juiy zo, iw.
"A new lot of choice Mackerel In quar
ters, halves and barrels, just received which
I will sell cheap for cash or produce. Silas
Young, Ltghtstrect.
juiy -a, 4w.
Boots and Shoes cheap at McKinney'a.
Wantwl tbl. fall 2(MV1 nf nlc .1rM
Rasnberr es. and 2000 lbs nfn cedr ed r, 1
ted cherries for which 1 will pay the very
highest market prices.
Silas Younq.
July 18 4-m.
Call at McKinney'a for Shoes.
Beautiful Silk Hats New Soft Hats,
Wool Hats, Fur Hats.
For Men for Boys and Children
At the Popular store of
D. Lowenberg.
Wheat per bushel 11.10
lire " . )
r.A II .IS
oats' " t-M
cloTeiSeca8.'.. !!"""""!!"!".".'.""'.'.". a!w
Fiaxscca .
Dried Apples
sides As Shoulders
f Anl nor nound OT
nay per ton 10.UI
Tlmothyseeo'.'!!.V.'".V.'.'.'.".'.'.'!'.'.!!! i.m
No. 4 on Wliart 1 8,00 per Ton
NO.S " s 1.ID
No. " ' s.oo
Blacksmith's Lntup on Wharf.- 1 3,00
Bituminous " ........... W bo
The undersigned havtne obtained control ot tho
Espy Perry, has put It In thorough repair, a new
wire havlnir been obtained and It la now oncn to tho
public. The channel wilt be openod so that tho rlv.
I cr can bo ferried at all times of the year,
and nhrht
I and day.
on 1 oslte Esnr there are
; bt
leautlful plc-nlo
I grounds, wei
veil supplied with spring water, aad sc-
I eluded from Interruption or annoyance,
Juno !7tb, !m
Letters of administration on the estate of 8. S. Run-
ceased, have been granted by' the Register ot said
county to the undersigned Administrators Miiwhom
nonlnnt. thn rnitAtn vrtll mnL-A them lrnnnn tn Urn Art,
minisiraior wiinoui. aeiay.
ii! All! AISH 1 A x ,
. '
July 18, '79-ew.
Jersey town. Columbia Co.. Pa.
The undersigned administrator of Rebecca Smith,
late of the township ot Madison tn tbe county ot Co
lumbia, deceased, will expose to publlo sale by vir
tue ot an order of tho Orphans' Court ot said county
in proceedings In partition, on the premises in said
township ot Madison, on
Saturday, August 30th, 1879,
at one o'clock In the afternoon, the following de
scribed real estate late the estate of said decedent.
No. 1. A certain tract of land situate In the said
townshtp of Madison, bounded by lands of Abraham
Ilroadt deceased, Conrad Kreamer, William Shultz,
A. K. Smith, the land below described as No. s, and
land ot the heirs of Kllsha B. Smith deceased, con
end fourteen perches, more or less, situated on the
public road leading from Eyers' Grove to White
Hall, nearly all clearedjind under cultivation on
which Is a
frame barn and APPLE ORCHARD.
No. s. The undivided one-half part or moiety ot a
certain lot ot land situate In said Madison township,
of which the said decedent was Bclzed as tenant in
common with A. K. Smith, bounded by the above
mentioned tract No. 1, and tho said pubUc road and
land ot William Shultz, containing
more or less cleared land In good cultivation, on
which is a
Frame Dwelling House,
ouUbulldlngs, a good weU of water and fruit trees.
TERMS OF SALE. Ten percent ot one-fourth of
the purchaso money to be paid at the striking- down
ot the property, the one-fourth less tbe ten per cent,
at the confirmation ot sale, and the remaining three
fourths In one year thereafter with Interest from
confirmation nisi.
Deed to be paid tor by the purchaser.
Jerseytown, Pa.
Aug. 1, 79-ta.
ESTATE or iNUttlw uinuLrn. ueukaski'.
Tn tbo heirs andleiral rcureaeoUUves of Andrew
nimrlwL 1M or Centra LownBhlD. deceased, to-wlt: urpuaiia toun ueiu ui uiwnia
hunr. in and for the County of Columbia, tho twelfth
day of May, A. D., 1S79. before the Honorable Wm.
Elwell, President, and his associates. Justices of the
said court, the petition of Mathlas Gin glee, a brother
ot Andrew OluKlcs.late otthesaldtownshlp.lnthe
saia county, ueceaaeu. wtw iircNeuu-u, twiuuif iuriu
i hrl inn Knui ADuriiw uiuifics uiou uu ur auuub vm
day of March. A. D. 1817, in tf state, selied In his
aemesneias 01 ree 01 uu uoamueu uue-uaii ui an
tuat certain lOv 01 nine uue iuuu niiuauj iu teuirrj
townahin. Columbia countv. Fa. Bounded and de
scribed as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a stone on
tho north side of the Lackawanna and Illoomsburg
uauitoaa, tnence py ianas iaie ot rmup .Miner
norm 194 uugrevs nci to w a nwuoj
thence bv the same south U V iWrecs west 5 perch
pr to a ttone: thence bv other limestone lot south
MV degrees east 3 perches to said Lackawanna
and liloomBburg ltallroad; thence along the samo
north 14 V degrees eafct 0 perches to the place of
beginning containing one hundred and nrteen squar e
perches bo the same more or less (excepting anu
reserving unto the aald Philip Miller his heirs and
assigns all the timber he or they may want for
fynclng within two years from the lth day of No
vember A. 1. 1670.) Also reserving the use and oc
cuDancvof the north end of the said lot so far as
the same can be farmed until at such time or times
that the same shall be wanted for quarry purposes.
Also all that certain piece or lot ot ground bltuate
In Centre township. Columbia county. Pa., bounded
and described as follows, to-wlt: on the north by
tho public roadleadlngfrom Bloomsburg to Berwick,
on the east bv land ot tbe heirs of Kllza Thomas
deceased, on the twuili by land ot Tillman Nagle
, and on tne west ny scnooi uoueo 101, conuumn:
nlnetveli?htrjerches.leavlnetosunlvehlm a wld
ow, Mary Anu, and the following named
uiuuicr nuu bum-ih u. iuii viuuuf a i h.. tuui jicw
tloncr, Susan Ann intermarried with Mathlas Heller,
Sarah in tries. Marr Intermarried with John Will-
lams, ana me 10 uu wing uameu bisien ui iuo una
blood all taelncr children of the same father, to-wll:
Harriet Ulngles, Martha Intermarried with tt&muel
fchuman all residents of this county, except Mary
l Williams who is a resident ot lowa Bear Kuoxvlliu.
ITarrlet dingles who 18 a resident of Kansas near
iw uaatiTi iuiu t'ui au uiuivo n uu m u iiatuii ui
Dcuuvikiii coumy,
That no partition of said real estate havlnir been
I had. the ttetltloner showing that he is a party In
1 101
I Interest, prays the court to award an inquest to
nial-a nnrilMi-tn i"if thn Bald wtnl Aafata tn .nd amnnt'
the Dartiea accordlntr to their reaDectlTe nebta.
jn aucuruance wuu uu) uuuyb uamru writ i wm
bold an Inquest on the aald premlaea in centre town
snip, coiuiuoia cuunvy, ra., un
SATURDAY, August 23, 1879,
at o'clock, a. m., when and whero you aro request
ru uj aiuinu u juu uuuk jrui-'r
Hherlrf'a Ofnce. Tllooomfiburir.
July 18. H7. JOHN V. HOFFMAN.
1. 1
I'ltit i: (nut
0 OO Makes a perfect bed-no mattress or pillows
ii' reiiutred-belU'r than a hammock, as It fits
llierjoavaa bleasanllv. and la utmio-hr vnin.
or opened instantly, self.faatcnliig : just the thtilir
icruoieis, ouices, rotiages, camp meetings, tnirt
men. etc. Good for the lawn, piazza, or -ihe cuoipst
lorcireuicrs. sent on rtceipt of price, or C. O. 1),
1 or AO rl... extra, with order. I will nr.nnv v.
prMsage to any station on line of It. It. east of Miss.
Isslppl River and north of Mason Dixon line. Km
v. t, uu uiucr, I wui pi
7a !. In Minn., Mo., and lowa. 1IEKMON w.
I.ADD. 10K Fulton St.. Boston I mi rn.i m .
York ; 165 North second St., Fhuadelphla.
August s, lbT ,w.
-gig VitlSHT UU. OAVaCUS ft. Sgg
liy virtue of sundry wrtta Issued out of tie Court
ofCommon Ilea of Columbia county and to mo dl
tiutfoil will han.nn.ul tn Mt,IM Bain at (hn flflnrt.
nouse In tho town ot Dloomsbui g, Columbia county,
rennaylvanla, at one o'clock p. m., on
All that certain lot of ground situate tn the town
ot Bloomsburgln the county of Columbia and dtato ot
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to
wn 1 Fronting on Second street of said town, Mil
lers alley on tho east, line alley on tho south and a
lot ot Joshua Pettcrman on the west, containing sl-
ty-slx feet In width and two hundred and fourteen
feet six Inches In depth, whereon aro erected a large
three story brick tavern house with kitchen attach,
ed. Hatd houso contains forty bed rooms, parlor,
Bitting room, dining room, bar room, office, restau
rant, kitchen, wash-house, Ac, also, a large barn,
Ico house, Ac.
the following described lot of ground situate In the
town, county and state aforesaid, adjoining rlne
alley on the north, lot of Martliew Wynkoop on the
west and south and lot of Mai hew Wynkoop on the
east, being about forty feet In width and about six
ty feet In depth.
Seized, taken lu execution at the suit of Alfred c.
(ilbson against John Laycock and to bo sold as the
property of John Laycock.
LlTTLts, Attorneys. FL Fa.
All that certain lot, piece or portion of ground sit
uate In the town of Woomsburg, county ot Colum
bia and state of lcnnsylranla, bounded and describ
ed as follows, to-wlt t Fronting on seventh street
on tho south lltty feet, on tho west by Iron street
two hundred feet more or less, on tho north by tho
Delaware Lackawanna and Western Hall Koad nrty
feet, on tho cast by lot or (1. A. Potter two hundred
feet more or leas to Uie beginning, whereon are
erected a two stery frame dwelling house and out
buildings. Helzed, taken In execution at tho suit of The
Illoomsburg Mutual Having Fund Association
against O. A. rotter nnd David .1. Waller and to
bo sold as tho property of O. A. rotter and DavldJ.
Littlxs, Attorneys. riu. FL Fa.
All that certain lot, piece or portion ot ground sit
uate In tho town ot Illoomsburg, county of Columbia
and Btate of Pennsylvania, bounded and described
as follows, to-wlt : Southwardly by Seventh street,
cast wardly by lot ot Pat. Martin, northwardly by
tho Delaware Lackawanna and Western Itatl Koad
and westwardly by lot of saldo. A, 1'ottcr and D.
J, Waller, containing nrty freet front on seventh
street and two hundred feet tn depth more or less,
on which U erected a two story framo dwelling Krvln, late ot Minim townshla Columbia co.,de
i, ,, , ,..,.... I ceased, havo been granted by tuo Iletrlatcr ol said
houso and out-bulldlngs. I county to the Hndenslcned Administrator, to whom
rcii'u, ulal'u ui caucuuuu at uiu suit, ui nm
Bloomsburg .Mutual Saving Fund Association asalust
O. A. Potter and to bo sold aa the property ot (I. A ,
Uttlks, Attorneys. Fl. Fa.
All that certain tract ot land situate In Mimin
township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded
and described aa follows, towlt t Beginning at a
public road running from Abraham Schweppenhcl
ser to Geergo Nungesscr Mill, thence north sixty-
two degrees west eight perches to a stone, thence
by land of Abraham Hchweppcnhelscr north seven,
ty-nve degrees west eight perches to a stone, thence
south six degrees east seven and eight-tenth perch
es to aald road rive perches and nvo tenths to the
place of beginning, containing fifty-six perchoa
more or less, on which are erected a frame dwelling
house and out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of Jacob
Penebccker against Aaron A. rtrcdbinner and tn be
sold as the pro)erty of Aaron A. Ih fidbenner.
Ikblkr, Attorney. Ft. Fa.
All that certain tract ot land situate In Locust
township, Columbia county and state of Pennsylva
nia, bounded and described aa follows, to-wlt: Be
ginning at a post In line of John P, Kegclrlscr south
sixty-nine degrees west twelve and a hilf perches to
stone, from thenco atong lands of Wright Hughes
south one and a halt degrees west sixty-two pi rjhes
to a stone heap, from thence north eighty and ono-
fourth degrees cast twenty-nine and a half perches
to a post, from thence north twelve and a half de
grees west sixty-four perches to the place of begin
ning, containing eight acres and seventeen percnes
more or less.
Seized, taken tn execution nt the suit ot William
J, Uelwlg, Trustee for Catharine Ilelwlg, against
Henry Uelwlg and to be sold as the property of Hen
ry Uelwlg.
Iiilir, Attorney. Flu. Fl. Fa.
All that certain piece of land situate in Benton
township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as fellows, to-wlt : On the north by
lands of Samuel Appleman, on the cast by lands ot
Jonas Rantz and the Benton Saving Fund Assocla-
tlon,on the south by lands of Jonas Rantz and on the
west by lands ot Tuomas Siegfried and Alfred Itantz,
containing fifty acres more or less, on which are
erected a frame house, barn and out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit ot A. P,
Young, Administrator ot Mercy Ann Roberta de
ceased, against John Rantz, Jonas Itantz and Abra.
ham Hartman and to be sold aa tho property of
John Rantz.
Iiilir, Attorney. FL Fa
All that certain piece of land situate In Benton
township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded
and described aa follows : By lands ot David Rob
erta on the north, ot Michael Hartman on the east,
of Joseph Butt on the south, and of John Roberts on
the west, whereon are erected a plank dwelling
house, a stable and other out-bulldlngs, consisting
of twenty-one acres more or less.
Seized, taken In execution at the suit of Graybtll
& Co., against Edward McIIenry and to be sold as
tho property of Edward McUenry.
Knobk, Attorney. Vend. Ex.
AU that certain piece or parcel ot ground situate
In Flshlngcreek township, Columbia county, renn
sylvanla, described as follows, to-wlt : Bounded on
the north by land of Lazarus and Thomas Ilutchl
son, on tho northeast by land of George Fealer, on
the southwest by land ot I'lilllp Unangst and Ed'
ward Unangst, containing forty-seven acres and
sixty-four perches, on which are erected a frame
house, barn and out-bulldlngs.
seized, taken In execution at the suit of the Or.
angevtllo Mutual saving Fund and Loan Assocla,
tion against William Unangst and to bo sold as the
property ot William unangst.
Miixir, Attorney. AL Vend. Ex.
All that certain lot of ground situate Is the town-
shlpof Catawlssa, Columbia county, Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to-wlt : Begin,
nlng at a corner of a lot of ground belonging to Sar
ah Hamlin in the north bide of the public road lead
ing from the town ot Catawlssa to McKelvy.s mill
and running from thence by said lot of Sarah Ham
Un north fifty and a quarter degrees east one nun
dred and thirty-six feet, (130 ft.) to a comer of a lot
of Rebecca Brclsb, thence by the same thirty-nine
and three quarter degrees west forty-four feet,
(I It.) to a post, 'hence by land ot Catawlssa Semi
nary Association south fifty and a quarter degress
west one hundred and twenty feet (ISO ft.) to a post
on the north side of the aforesaid public road,thence
by the same south eighteen and a halt degrees east
forty-seven and a halt feet (UK ft,) to the place ot
beginning, whereon Is erected a largo two story
frame dwelling house, kitchen and other out-build
Seized taken In execution at tho Bult o Abraham
V. Cool assigned to the Catawlssa Deposit Bank
against Jacob Enln and to bo sold as the property
of Jacob Ervln.
Kkeiii, Attorney. Vend. Ex.
All that certain piece ot land sltuaU In Mlniln
township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, describ
ed as follows, to-wlt: Bounded on the north by
lands of John Aten, east by II. Schweppcnhelser,
south by land of Thomas Aten and on the west by
Charles KUngamon, containing ono hundred and
ten acres, more or less on which are erected a framo
house, barn and out-bulldlngs.
One tract of land situate In samo township, bound
ed on the north and east by land of Thomas Aten,
on the south by land of Michael drover's heirs, on
the west by land of William rarr, containing twen.
ty-four acres more or less, on which are erected
frame houso and out-bulldlngs.
One tract bounded on the north by land ot I. K
Schw eppenhelser and Samuel Snyder, on the cast by
Lawrence watters, on the south by Abraham
Bchweppenbelscr and on tho west by John Aten,
containing thirty-four acres more or less, on which
are erected a frame house, barn and out-bulldlngs,
One tract of land bounded on tbe north by land ot
Stt-phen Clear hart and others, on the east by land of
i. h. Kcnweppenneiaer, on the south by land of John
Aten and on tbo west by land of Joseph Gearhart,
containing one hundred acres more or leas, on which
are erected a frame house, barn and out-bulldlngs.
One lot of ground situate In the town ot Malnvllte,
Columbia county, lvnnsylvanla, bounded and de
scribed as follows, to-v. it : Bounded by land of J, B
Longenberger aud two publlo Roads, being a corner
lot in said town, on which aro erected a two story
urick store uouso wiiu tne appunenances.
Seized, taken in execution at the suits ot Esther
Gearhart and Columbia County Mutual Saving Fund
I v..., .
I anJ Loan A300 h Hon against I. K. Schw eppenhel
bci nuuuiiwKjjuftiiuq property or i, iv, ncuviep-
Lima MIU.ER, Attorneys.
All that certain tract ot land situate In Fishing.
creek township, Columbia county and stato of Pecn
sylvanla, bounded and described aa follows, to-wlt i
lKgnmDgatachestnu;oakconer ot land late
George CadwaUader thence by the same south eighty-nine
degrees east ono hundred and thirty-one
nd all-tenth perched to a post- thence by land of
James l. Mcrtenry north one degree east sixty
tour and three-tenth perches to a chestnut, theno)
by land ot John Uellor north eighty-nine negroes
west one hundred and thirty-two and seven-tenth
perches to a pine, thencoby land ot Phillip Apple
man and aald Cadwallader south tlxty-tour and
three-tenth perches to the rlacc of beginning, con
taining fitly acres more or less, on wbuh are erect
ed a log house, frame barn and out-bultdlngs.
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of Tlio Mu
tual Ilullduig and Saving Fund Association ot
Illoomsburg against John Drake, Lemuel Drake and
Noah Drake and to bo sold as tbo property ot John
IIobisoh, Attorney. Kl. Fa.
Terms cash. JOHN W. HOFFMAN,
Aug. s, 1819-ts Sheriff.
WHEREAS, tho Hon. William Elwill
President Judgo ot the Court of Oyer and
Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Court ot Quar
ter Sessions of tho Peace and the Court of Common
rieas and orphans' Court In the ttth Judicial Dis
trict, composed ot tho counties of Columbia and
Montour, and tho Hons. I. K. Krickbaum and F. L.
Shuman,Asaoc!ate Judges ot Columbia county, havo
lasued their precept, bearing data tho Itth day ot
May In tho year ot our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and seventy-nine, and to mo directed for
holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Court ot Common
Pleas and Orphans' Court, In Illoomsburg, In the
county ot Columbia, on tho first Monday, being tbo
1st day of Sept. next, to continue two weeks.
Notice Is hereby given to tho Coroner, to the Jus
tices ot tho Peace, and tho constables ot the said
county of Columbia, that they be then and there In
their proper person at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of
said 1st day of sept, with their records, Inqui
sitions and other remembrances, to do those things
which to their offices appertain to bo done. And
those that aro bound dy recognizance to prosecute
against the prisoners that are or may bo in tho Jali
of tho said county of Columbia, to be then and there
to prosecute them as shall be lUot. Jurors aro re
quested to bo punctual to their attendance, agreeably
to their notices. Dated at Bloomsburgthe llthday
( 1 of May tn tho year ot our Lord ono
Jus. thousand eight hundred and Bcventy-nlne
I y I and In tho ono hundred and fourth ear ot
tho Independence ot tho United states ot America.
Kbcrtn's omce, John. w. hoffman,
Bloomsburg, Aug. 8 to Sheriff.
Tjtt.prftnf fiilmlnlHtratton on tho cataU) Of 8. M,
alt persona indebted arc rcquvBtccl to mako Imme
diate payment and those havlog claims or demands
against iue estate will make tbem known to tne Ad-
lll 1 1113 iruujr wiuiuul una;.
Allff. 8, T-w
Dauchy & Co's. Advt's.
Mars and pamphlets tree. J. F.
inout, Va, d
lltlg. 15-4W
KnliirKi'cl .May Inl, IH1U. Prlrr t nrhangcl.
Tim nniv combination ol the truo Jamaica Glnwr
with rhnifR HmmaticK and French brandy, for cor
recting intemperate habits, regulating the stomach
and bowels, breaKlngupcoldschlUs and fevers, is
HANronn's Ji h ica (Iisiis b. For relieving gouty and
rheumatic pains, preventing malarial levers and pro
moting sleep It la truly vtunaenui. abk lor nn-
rorus. u aug. 15-iw
Many a Dollar formerly spent on expensive sul
phur Hatha Is now saved by substituting therefor
which la just as benenclal but infinitely cheaper
l jh'aI dtsHUHfls of the ttkln. rheumatism and trout aro
ollrellocdbythU Btandird remedy. Complexlon-
ai uiemisiies uroeraaicaieu uy u. anu ii huutib w
the cuticle a pearly whiteness aud veltety bcrtness
uhlch greatly enhances rcmalo cliarms. sold by
aug. in, iw u
nr AWnaam oikianh. 91,100 rianos.
XXV S0onty 1 gmourgans only
sl'm.S.'i iiio organs only 873.75. Tremendous
HpilntMlnn tliirlniMtio MltLmmmer months. HavlnB
been Kiccfc-U. Mayor ot my city and cntursted with
ItH Ponds nhould be sulllclent proof ot my responsi
bility. Ijitcbt circulars and Illustrated Newspapers
free. Address Damil P. lliArrr, Washington N. J.
aug. i, .i-iw. u
44JGNTN WANTKU-For the best and fastest
selling pictorial Hooks and lilbles. Prices re
d S3 per cent. NiiiomL Pes ushino Co- Phil
adelphia, Pa. d AUg.l,1-4W
S HAH returns in SO days on 8 1O0 Invested. Of
. i4UU nclal reports and Information Fit KB.
Like protlts weekly on stock options ot (10 to sso.
Address T. Pottik Wiout 45 Co., lux una, 35 WaU
St., N. Y. d Aug. l,-w
aug. 1, TIMW. d
Far Internal and External Une.
CIJUHH N'-uralcla. Dlnhthcrla.
Croup, Asthma,
Dronchltls, Intluenza, Sore Lungs, bleeding at tho
Lungs, Chronle Hoarseness, Hacking Cough Whoop
In tr Cough, Chronic Rheumatism, Chronic Dlarrhcca,
Chronic Dlsentary. Cholera Morbus, Kidney Tronb
les. Diseases of tbe Hplno and Lamo Back, Sold
every nuviv.
Aug. j, '4V w, u
Rowell & Co's. Advf a.
Palulm blraalu. It locates diseases. When
ever the bowels become irregular, use
Tnmnit'M Mrllzrr Aprrlrnt,
It will save much pain and danger. Naturo some
tlm.s Is so outraged by the burden sho Is made to
carry, through tne heedlessness of her children,
that she openty rebels, and punishes fearfully.
uvii b uegiuci uie proper ireaiiueub wiicu uua djiup
toms first appear. Resort to the aperient, and get
well Bpeedtly.
r July 35, 4 w,
i nnn pronta on 30 days Investment of ti Ofi
iXAUUl official Reports, tree vAUU
I'roDortlonal returns every week on Stock Options
otiiO. - ., $100, tSOO. Ad
dress T. Fottih wiuut Co., Bankers, si Wall sU,
N. Y r juiyi,7-.w.
vie will w.v AeonuuHaiary of tiuoitermout
nd ttpita, or Tlow Urge com citation, IomI) our
nt nd wonderful Infcntiout. K t fta Mal ux toy
bftUflti free. AoMrti tui. ACo,, Muthttl, Mien.
July W, 71MW. r
$10 to $1000:
Invested la Wall St.. Stocks makes
fortunes every month, liook acne
free eiDiaininc evervtuinor. Aa.
areas uaxtku & co iianfcerB,ii wall tsu N.Y.
TO 1-. (i. men & CO., Portland,
Maine. lor best ABf ncy Business in
tho World, Expensive outnt Free.
r July i5, H-4w.
77 a Month and expenses guaranteed to Agenta
vll Outnt free, buaw & Co. Afocsra, Mains,
4lv7l7f7A YEAR ana expense to agenta. Outfit
P Free. Address P. O.VICKKKV. August.
Maine. r July 3, n-4w.
The undei signed Administrator of E. A, Bucka-
lew, late ot Hshlnrcreek township, deceased, will
expose to public sale on the premises at 1 o'clock p
ni. on
Saturday, August 16th, 1879,
Uie following described real estate to-wlt : Tbe un.
divided one-fourth Interest lu the following describ
ed tract of land situate in Flshlngcreek townshtp,
Columbia county, bounded as follows, and
known aa tract No. s ot the estate of William "Buck
alew deceased, east by land of John M. Buckalew,
north by land of John. M. Buckalew and John
White, west by land of Harman J, Hess and Monroe
Markle, south by land of John Hun and White N,
Hossler, containing
more or less, to acres of which Is cleared land, on
which Is erected a large barn and small frame
TERMS OF SA VS. Ten per cent, of tbo one-fourth
ot tbe purchase money to bo paid at the striking
down of tho property, the ono-fourtb leas tbe tea
per cent, at the confirmation ot tale and tho remain.
Ing three-fourths In one year thereafter wltb Inter
est from confirmation slst.
July w, ta.