The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 15, 1879, Image 2

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Prlil tvy, August 15. 1870.
Kl.t 110BBINS.
Pursuant to a call of the Chairman, the
Democracy of the county assembled In con
vention, at the Opera House, on Tuesday
tho 12th Inst.
The attendance was quite large of repre
sentative men from all parts of the county
and although the caucusing bad been lively
and animated during the preceding after
noon and night, still the best of feeling pre
vailed and thereseemed to exist a unanimous
sentiment that Columbia county would not
fall to roll up her usual emphatic majority
In favor of Democratic principles and the
candidates nominated.
At 11 o'clock, the convention was called
to order by Chairman Lowenberg and an
organization etfected by the selection of J
M. Clark, En., as chairman. Col. A. 1)
Seeley, of Berwick, was placed In nomina
tion but declined.
Upon taking the chair, Mr. Clark, In n
brief but well timed and pertinent speed:
returned his thanks for the honor conferrei
and counselled a unity of action and sent!
inent on the part of the convention.
For Secretaries, Alegars. F. P. Billmyer,
V. H. Snyder and C. M. Ammerman, were
unanimously elected, and the roll call of th
townships and presentation of credentials
was then gone through. The following is
the list of Delegates.
Beaver Franklin Rhoades, Isaac Kllnger
man, John Bond.
Benton Daniel Kama, Cornelius Shultr,
Washington Knouse.
Berwick Bor. Isaiah Bower, A D Seely,
Bloomsburg E Pat McFadden, E Jones,
John Kelley.
Bloomsburg W Clinton Sterling, John M
Brlarcreek Geo Miller.Martin Houseknect.
Catawlssa E M Tewskbnry, Wm KRussel,
Joseph 0 Fletcher.
Centralis Bor Owen Cain, James Quigley.
Centre J A Hess, John Wanlch.
Conyngham N Thomas Manley, Thomas
Conyngham S Ed Barret, John Monroe.
Fisblngcreek Chas Asb, Michael Bishllne,
J J Stiles, Hiram Karnes,
Franklin Benjamin Sheets, Jonathan
Greenwood John Eyer, John B Shultz,
Hemlock-J Ohl, H D McBrlde.
Jackson Frank Derr, B. F Fritz.
Locust John Brofe, Chas Bellg, L Yeager,
David Yeagcr.
Madison W J Allen, Geo Beagle, Wesley
Smith, substituted for S Farnsworth.
Main Joseph Geiger, Geo Bretsch.
Mifflin Jeremiah Kelchner, 0 W Hess,
Lewis Creasy.
Montour James Quick, Wm P Mouser.
Sit, Pleasant Ellas Howe, Joseph Ikeler.
Orange Chas Amerman, Wm II Snyder.
Pine J L Long, G H Gordner.
Boarlngcreek Samuel D Levan, Jerry
Scott East Henry Angle, John Turner,
Sugarloaf David Roher, J B Hess, W A
Scott West Jacob Terwilliger, J M 0
The following were returned as members
of Standing Committee:
Beaver James T Fox.
Benton Bohr McHenry.
Berwick Bor. Wm T Snyder.
Bloomsburg E David Lowenberg.
" W-G A Clark.
Brlarcreek M L Houseknechr,
Catawlssa M V B Kline.
Centralis Bor P F Burke.
Centre Not reported
Conyngbam N Not reported
" g "
Fisblngcreek S 0 Creveling.
Franklin Wm Bobrbach.
Greenwood A J Derr.
Hemlock N. P. Moore.
Jackson Iram Derr.
Locust Geo Knlttle.
Madison Wm Gingles.
Main J. B. Num.
Millliu D II Montgomery.
Montour -Bencyille Bhodes.
Mt. Pleasant John Mordan.
Orauge 0 A Megargell.
Pine John F. Fowler.
Boarlngcreek John Mowrer.
Scott South John Kressler.
Sugarloaf A J Hess.
Scott North Jacob Terwilliger.
One or two substitutions of delegates
were made and the organization being per
fected the convention then took a recess
until 1:30 p. m.
At 1:30 o'clock, p. m., the convention
reassembled and the Secretaries proceeded
to call the roll of delegates. A full repre
sentation being present, Mr, Tewksbury
moved that the convention proceed to vote
aa per Instructions, which was agreed to.
The table of votes cast at delegate elec
tion Is printed in another column.
Seven ballots weVe taken for Sheriff, as
follows :
A K Smith
S Smith
14 Quick 0
13 Lore 4
10 JO Jacoby 4
8 Unangst 1
liavldg the lowest vote was
dropped, under the rules.
2nd ii allot.
Miller f Ml Kelchner
A K Smith V H Quick
Knorr 10 JOJwpby
S Smith 8 Lapfr '
Jacoby and Lora were dropped.
3nn ballot.
A K Btnith 10 Knorr
Miller H) Kelchner
S Hmlth 13 Quick
Quick was then dropped.
1th iullot.
A. K Smith 18 Knorr
Milter lb' Kelchner
S Smith 13
Kelchner was dropped.
firii n allot.
K Hmlth iiO S Smith
Miller 18 Knorr
Knotr was dropped.
Grit DAM.OT.
K Smith S Smith
Miller 23
S Smith was dropped
7th hai.i.ot.
A K Smith 34(i-0 Miller
The chairman declared A K Smith to be
the nominee of the Democratic party for
.her I IT.
I. K. Dlldlne was then nominated for
Coroner, and Kll Robbing for Jury Com-
nilsile-ner. The convention then adjourned.
The Standing Committee met Immediately
after the adjournment of the convention and
organized by the election ol David Lowcn'
berg, chairman, and G, A. Clark, secretary.
A harmonious convention and good nom
inations. Democrats, fall into line.
It is altogether likely that the Conkllng
boom may end In the bang of Spraguo'a
Mr. Chas. A. Vanderoof, the artist, has
just gone to England on a sketching tour for
Scribncrt Monthly.
The house Fly. his origin, his business,
his torturing ways, and his peculiarities of
structure, are tho subject of a short illustrat
ed article announced to appear in the lorth
coming, September number of St. Nicholas.
The author is Mr. S. F. Clarke, of Johns
Hopkins University.
Don't go to (he Sea Shore
unless you are able ; but if you need a tonic
to overcome the depression caused by the
summer heat use the celebrated Kidney-Wort.
It has wonderful invigorating properties, but
acts on natural principles as it is prepared
without the use of liquors. I
& Co., a lieutenant of the 'king of the roos-
ters' Chas. B. Salter, was arrested in Phil-
adelpbia on Monday. After considerable
difficulty he succeeded in raUing the ncc-
canary bail, $1000. It is understood tbat bo
will, also, be indicted tor perjury.
The prohibitionist intend holding a state
convention and nominating somebody. We
suggest tbat tbey ratify Mr. Quay's candid
ate, the Hon. Samuel Butler, of Chester.
Ho was a warm supporter and advocate of
the local option bill in the last legislature,
thus filling the bill so far as requirements are
concerned ; besides, by this arrangement,tho
prohibition party would poll a decidedly
larger vote than it ever has before.
Butler, Quay's, Kemble' s and the republi
can ring candidate for state treasurer says
be will have the solid vote of the repub
licans of Philadelphia. This is probably
correct. He is certain, at least of that large
ly preponderating element known as the
"rounders" and "roosters." His Tote in the
Legislature against the expulsion of the no
torious Petroff, settled that business.
Bumbergoris not altogether unanimous
in his support of Butler for treasurer. The
Armstrong County Statesman fails to see
the fine point of discrimination indulged by
Mr, Quay's candidate In voting to kick him
out of the legislature while he sustained and
vindicated the noted rooster of Kemble's
coop, Emil J. Petrofi. To bts friends, pri
vately, Bumberger declares that he will not
take the stump or travel rainy nights for the
purpose of aiding Butler's election.
Maryland Democratic Nominations.
At Baltimore Friday the Democratic con-
vention unanimously nominated Hon. Wil
liam T. Hamilton, of Washington county,
for governor ; 0. J, M. Gwinn was unani
mously renominated for attorney general,
and Thomas J. Keating unanimously re
nominated for comptroller. There was do
other nominations for these offices and they
were made without the formality of a call of I
the roll.
A remarkable homicide has occurred In
Luzerne county. Frank Walker arrived at
Wilkes-Barre, called on thq District Attor
ney and represented tbat he had killed a
man at Jeddo, la that county, by striking
bim on the side of the face with the edge of
his open hand. An Investigation corrobora
ted his statement, and it was learned that
the name of the deceased was Thomas Jev
era. There were Borne half-dozen men sit
ting upon the turf, when there were hot
words, and the blow was given, resulting
fatally. Walker says tbat he traveled sixty
miles in order to arrive at the District At
torney's office before au arrest could be
made. He Is now In jail. Commonwealth,
Among the claims against the estate of
Mrs. Elizabeth Vassels of New Bedford,
Mass., was that of Nathaniel Hammond for
'twenty-four visits, with medical advice,'
at $1 each, and 'nine gold pills' at $7 for the
lot. The fact tbat Mr. Hammond is not a
physician led the administrator to refuse
payment, which brought on a lawsuit. Mr,
Hammond testified that he doctored Mrs.
Vassels at her urgent request, and prescrib
ed pills made of solid gold, nine of which
actually cost $7 to make. He thought they
wouia Btrengmen tne patient, ii iron was
a good tonic, why should not a more precious
. ii i , ., 1 "
metal b better 7 Mr. Hammond's account
book was put in evldeuce. It was an alma
nac, inscribed 'Doctrin Mrs. Vassels,' and
tbe visits were marked at the corresponding
Dauphin and Perry counties will soon
rank with the mountain districts of Ken
tucky and tbe borders of Kansas, In the
number and fiendishness of the
perpetrated In their limits. A couple of
months ai?o. at Dauphiu Station, there oc.
cur red a horrible murder and sutchle ; tbe
victims being respectively a young and beau
tiful girl and au infatuated wretch and
drunken bloat who ended tbe drama by
blowing out his own brains. On Tuesday ,of
last week, a young man, a resident of liar-
rlsburgh, was shot and killed, in tbe pres.
enceofh snew v made w fe. bv a ea oui
rival, as the pair were waiting to take the
tr.!n .t Mnntmr. vrr irr. i
It Is hardly necessary, now-a days, to overM
haul our Southern and Western
to get up a fiist-class chapter of horrors,
Some one in Atlanta asked General
Toombs the other day If he would be a can
didate for Governor, "No, slrl" was tbe
emphatlo reply; ' I have not a single qualifi
cation never made a damned agricultural
speech In my life and don't know a single
Sunday School nymn,"
Among the numerous names presented to
tho convention on Tuesday, from which to
select a candidate for Bhoriff, It was hardly
possible to make A bad nomination. Of
the ten aspirants for tho place all were
"good men and true," Individually compe
tent to faithfully and efficiently discharge
tho ilutlc-i of the position. Consequently,
under theso circumstances, It U a high com-
lillment to the character and sterling honesty
of A. K. Smith, that he was selected from
among mkIi a list nf candidates to be the
standard-heftier of the Democracy nl Colum
bia county, fur the most Important office In
their hands to bestow.
Mr. Smith was born and raised In Madi
son township, and comes of sturdy, old-fash
ioned Democratic stock. Madison has nev
er had a sheriff since the division of the
The name of Mr. Smith has been thrice be
fore presented In convention fur the nomi
nation and on the fourth trial ho has been
successful. To his credit be it said that
when previously defeated for the nomlna
tlon he submitted with the best of grace and
taking off his coat worked earnestly for the
election of his successful competitor. Ho
has never held an office, is In the prime of
vlgoroui life nod his election Is assured by
an overwhelming majority.
The convention made a prudent and prop
er selection in the nomination of I. K. 1)11
dine, E-q , of Mt. Pleasant township. While
there Is nothing political In the duties of the
office, It is at least a fair recognition of the
claims of the township, as well as an en
dorsement of an active, hardworking and
worthy Democrat.
The re-nomination of Eli Bobbins, E q.,
of Fishtngcreek township, for the position
of Jury Commissioner, Is a well-earned com
pliment to a faithful and conscientious of
ficial. The Hon. Charles 8. Wolfe, and other
members of the committee designated by the
legislature to prosecute to conviction in the
courts of Dauphin t ounty, W. II Kemble
Charles li. Salter, of l'hiladelpnis,
A.eieunuB, u. muCu vmiu, .m
Iomer lesser iry, lor mu wen proveu aimuipi
to corruptly secure the passage of the Pills-
burgh ri, bill, by which S400.000 were to
be taken from the treasury, for tho hem fit
f HD overshadowing corporation and the
ring-masters of the rcpuhlican party arc
now in llarrisburgh arranging for the trial
which it is expected will take place at the
ensuing term.
It is possible that Kemble may desire to
plead previous good character and It is to be
hoptd his claim may not be barred. It may
be tbat the following letter written by him
twelve years hu, to n prominent republican
wire puller and middle-man at Washington,
in behalf of George O. Evans, who was de
Beited afterwards by this same Kemble. was
consigned t a fe'on'g cell, will fum'sh a
valuable reference :
'Uabhisbuiio, March 20, 18C7. J
"Mu Dear Titian : Allow me to intro
duce to vuu my particular friend. Mr. Geo,
u. isvans. lie lias a claim ol some magni
tude that he wishes you to help biui in. Put
bim through as you would me. He under
stands addition, divMoi, and silence.
W. H. Kemble.
To T.J. Coffey, Esq , Washington, D.C."
If after a caieful perusal of the above,
and a rt -refreshing of thir memory in re
ferencc to all the surroundiug of the Evans'
swindle the grand Inquest of Dauphin county
fails to give Willi tm H. Kemble A. D. S.,
full credit for past intentions, then justice
has indeed
" flown tn brutish beast'",
And men have lost their reawn."
After Sherman.
A portland paper having vatiutingly de
dared that 'Mr. Sherman will pitch the key
0f tho campaign,' the Portland Argus picks
up that ambitious politician's record on this
finsLcial question which lie burps upon. It is a
curious list of quotation!, and wo commend
them to theaileiition of tlm public
If I had my way I would grant the power
to issue circulating nots tn uo ttato corpora
tion and to no individual, but confine it solely
to tho Uniied States. Speech of John Sher
man, May 13. 1S74.
I would not euro if theic wero only one
kind of circulation in the country, and that
a United States note convertible at the pleas
ure of the holder in'o a proper bond, or in
to coin. Speech of John Sherman in the ,Si
ate in 1874
fur one l am tree to say that win In our
public debt exMs I aui fot uiuintaiuiug in
circulation the United States notes to the full
amount at which they cuu be maintained at par
in gold Speech of John Sherman at Marion
in 1875.
Your idea that vc propose to r pudiato or
violate a proinke when wo offer to redeem
the priucipal in lcval tenders is erroneous.
tuluk the bondholder violates his promise
when ho relives to take tho same kind of
money he paid for the l ondt. Utter from
John Sherman, March'20, 18GS.
The hondholdi r can demand only tho kind
of money he paid, and he is a repudiator and
extortioner to demand money more valuablo
than ho gve Letter from John Sherman,
March 20, 1808.
We must place all the obligations of tho
people of the United States upon the Milid
basis of gold and silver coin. Speech on the
Strengthening Act, 1809, by John Sherman.
What is the first section of this b'll ? It is
simply a boletnn pledge of the United States,
that notes and bond?, shall bo paid in gold
"7 ., 3 . " ,' 7 7 ,, 8
I and silver com. Speech on the Act to Strength.
I .i n ... ,or.
en me l uoitv i,rcuii, jouy, oy .wnn onerman
I say that equality and justice are amply
sati.-fied if we redeem these bonds at tho end
of five years in the same kind of money, of
the same intrinsic valuo it had at the time
they wero issued. Speech in the Senate, 1809,
by John Sherman.
How shall we approach resumption! Not
by any further contraction of the currency,
Our contraction now is unexampled in the
u,Mur' 01 ou' "" "t"' "J "
man, 1809.
Odo hundred and forty millions has been
withdrawn in two years. I think tho people
have a right to bo relieved from further con
traction. Speech of John Sherman, 1809.
Further contraction will destroy all tho bus-
ineM of tho country, and the people will not
""" lu -"""' -v
If the d,oIco wust U mada betweca 8reea
backs and bank notes, I am in favor of green
bauks i but 1 ,,,iBk , both ou6ht to U
maintained in circulation at par with each
other and with coin. John Sherman, 1878,
It would seem not only legal, but right, in
tho broadest senso of the word, that we should
avail ourselves of the rapid and rcmarkablo
fall of silver bullion to rccoiu tho old eilver
coins, including the old silver dollar, tho old
est of our coins, acd with them pay our do
I predated notes, and thus restore tho old coin
i atandard. Spttc A of John Sherman, 1870,
Table of Votes Oast at Delegate Election, Aug. 9, 1879.
TowNsmrs. iFLiaSfLbaB
I I ill ? I f ?
Ileaver .......... ilH i 1 IS A
licnton 4 is fj 11 t ii
licrwicic ......... 1 1
lilootnsnnrg K. St s JJ CO 8 1 II 1 S3
ltlnomsliurK V. 40 11 u s 1s 1 J
llrlarerock I It 7 s S 1 00 '
ctnlnwlwn ii a s 40 4 a 1
Central! si Si
(Yntro ci is II s
('oiiyngtiam N. s so 8 I
Conynnliam 15 I s
Ktshlnircreek.. 185
franklin 1 s II is 19
Orcenwood..,.. s 19 13 60 t 6
Hemlock 31 1 1 1 so si 1 1
.larkion s 1u SI 8 in 13 I
Un'iist 3 3 7(1 aa 0 91
Madison 9 a 119
Main a 13 II 95 I 1 1 St 9
Minim i n ii n II 4 1 15
Montour,. si 19 1
Mt. Moaiant.. s a 3 so 93 s
orange l 19 1 9 19 8 I
l'lno s 87
IloitrlnTcreck.. 9 8 95 is 1 8 9
Hcott East 1 1 S3 SI 8 1
Kugarloaf 1 39 1 Is 1 11 1 1 9
Hcott West Sn I
Col. S. I. Rase as n Spiritualist.
The first Association of spiritualists are
holding n camp meeting on tho Bound Itrook
Boad, and the following from the Sunday
Tunis shows that Col. S. P. Case, one of the
founders and builders of the Heading & Co
lumbia B. B,, Is boss of the meeting. It Is
a racy sketch :
One of the funniest little disturbances
that has helped to lift the camp meeting ftf
fairs up out of the depths of monotony was
created by the appearance upon tho grounds
of Mrs. Mary E, Tillotson, tho reformer.
Mrs. Titlotson comes from Vineland, N. J.,
and she wears a bloomer costume. Her
woolen skirt only reaches to her knees, the
lower portion of her nether limbs be
ing encased in baggy pants. She is said to
be a really good woman with a screw loose
In her bead, which permits tbe ventilation
of some queer ideas upon the question of
dress. Her strange appearance and her wild
talk proved a counter-attraction to the talk
ing match that the Spiritualists were hold
ing, and everywhere that Mary wen', the
crowd was sure to go. This so aroused the
Ire of the camp meeting mauagers that Col.
P. Kase, the chairman of the committee,
ordered the lady from Vineland off the
grounds, because, as he said, her short skirts
were simply disgraceful, and the book she
was selling, entitled "Love and Transition,"
wns nothing more than a Free Love pamph
let. The dress reformer made the retort
"I don't know why," she said In loud
tones, so that all around her could hear,
'Col. Kase should object to toy short skirts
when at a seance held recently in his house
a spirit appeared dressed in little more than
nothing and Col. Kase urgently invited her
to come again. My limbs are covered with
decent pants." Mrs. Tillotson's tongue
proved itself so long and so sharp that the
chairman of the committee was r.lad to beat
a retreat, leaving the wearer of the bloomer
costume mistress of the situation.
Nearly every person connected with Spiri
tualism, or at least those who have attended
the camp meeting, liave a peculiar history
Upon the stand the other day was a small
gathering, each member of which has a re
markable story surrounding his or her life,
In the party were Col. Kase and Mrs. Kase.
Dr. T. B. Taylor, P. O. Tomson, Mtdium
Mrs. Mary Dartin and Medium Mrs. Dr.
Rogers, formerly Miss Mary d'Holien, and
Medium James A. Bliss, remained upon the
staud long enough to have Ins ghost show
advertised. The story of each is interest
Col. S. P, Kase is known among his ac
quaintances as the Railroad King, or the
man who can build a railroad without mon
ey. He prides himself upon looking like
Geo. Washington and his spirit friends flat-
terhim by calling him the ''materialized
George." He is u man of splendid physique
aud stands fully six feet four inches in
heiitht. Ills hair Is white. He is about
sixty-five years of age. The town of Dan
villa, up in Montour county, Pennsylvania
is where ho halls from and where he is
best known. He built the Diuvillc and
Haz'etnn Railroad, and through it had his
great difficulty with the Pennsylvania Hall-
road Company. The Danville road was a
failure and some time since it was sold out
He It was who had surveyed und staked out
and chartered the road through the Dela
ware river valley, un the Bushkill aud Mil
ford, tapping the Erie Railroad at Port Jer
vis. It is understood that New Yorkers
have now obtained possession of the pro
posed r.ute. Among his friends Col. Kase
passes as a man possessing wealth estimated
at $000,000, but ns to this matter opinions
diflVr. His house at the northeast corner of
Fifteenth and Oxford streets is held In his
wife's name, and, a couple of farms that
he has in Maryland are nominally his rum's
possessions. Li is first introduction to Spiri
tualism, through an affair made up of a lot
of twaddle about Abraham Lincoln Isruing
the Emancipation Proclamation through
spirit intervention, has frequently been ex
plained in publications. In 17 he mar
ried tbe present Mrs. Kase. Now a word as
to this remarkable lady.
As Col. Kase so he thinks, is tbe exact
impersonation of Geo, Wasbingtion to with
a peculiar fitness does Mrs, Kase imagine
that she is tbe perfect image of Martha
Washington, Wily mediums, after addres
sing the Col. as "Materialized Geo." makes
bis wife's bosom swell by refeilng to her as
"Materialized Martha." If the wife of tbe
Father of his Country weighed something
over two hundred pounds and was nearly as
broad as she was tall, then does Mrs. Kase
possess one point ot similarity. The Col's,
estimable wife does possess a really magnifi
cent head, but it is a masculine head. It Is
so much like a man's head that it renders
Mrs. Kase quito a curiosity. If her husband
Is not at her side one might think tbat she
had borrowed tbat portion of him that tow
ers above his shoulders. Her hair is gray
and very short. She parts it on one side
just liko a man, has a bald spot ntar the
parting point just like a man, aud brushes
it back with her fingers just like a man. Her
first husband met a violent death down In
Texas. After tbat for about twenty-five
year she lived as tho wife of ex-Fire Mar
Bhal Baker, of New York, and as Mrs
Baker she raised a family. Baker had been
married and had separated, but not actually
divorced from his wife. The present Mrs
Kase, when termed Mrs. Baker, developed a
Spiritualistic craze and notorlously-fraudu
lent mediums made her house in New York
their headquarters and received every en
couragement at her hands. She honestly
believed in their truthfulness and honesty.
Fatal Termination of a Knil.
Scranton, August 13. Dr. (lullck, of
Hyde Park, while Intoxicated tried to as
sault Dr. Gibbs at his bouse last night and
was shot by tbe latter, Gulick then assault
ed Mrs. Gibbs, stabbing Iter with a penknife
In the body, Mrs, Gibbs is probably fatally
Injured. The cause of the allYay was au old
family feud between Gulick and ,(llbbs,
who are well known physicians of Hyde
0 81 I0I14XI XI II 13 4 4
WASHiNdTON, August 11. Tho town is
all agog over tho reports in circulation con
cerning tho afiair between Senator Conkling
and ex-Senator Spraguo, at tho rcsidcnco of
tho latter at Narragansctt Pier on Saturday,
Washington gossip has for some time rolled
under its tonguo tho sweet morsel of scandal
afforded by tho apparent intimacy between
Senator Conkling and Mrs. Kato Cliaso
Spraguo, wife of cx'Scnator Spraguo of
Rhodo Island. Tho reucontro betweon tho
men at Narragansctt on Saturday lias given
a now impetus to tho talk about tho relations
between Senator Conkling and Mrs.SpraRue,
It is now recollected how tho New York sen
ator exerted himself to havo a bill passed
through congress to get tho taxes on Mrs'
Spraguo's country residence, 'Edgewood,' re
duced : how during tho pendency of the bill
Mrs. Spraguo was in tho habit of meeting
Senator Conkling in his committee room
(that of tho committee on commerce of which
he was then chairman), and how that they
were sometimes closeted in that room witl
bolted doors ; how that Mrs. Spraguo would
sit in the gallery and writo notes to tho sena
tor of the Hyperion curls and how the sena
tor would write replies, which interesting sen
atonal Dy-piay so disconcerted tho reporters
that they actually on several occasions missed
important parts of the proceedings ; how that
Mrs. Spraguo grow strangely pale and well
nigh fainted in the gallery during the violent
feccne between Conkling and Lamar at the
last session, and how after it was over sho
immediately sent a messenger to Conkling,
who at onco wrote her a note ; how Conkling
spent much of his time at Edgewood, and
how tho senator was frequently seen driving
Mrs. Spraguo behind his spanking pair of
horses ; and much uioro of a similar nature,
Tho story that tho difficulty between Conk
ling and Spraguo originated in tho efforts of
the former to prevent tho latter from chas
tising tho German tutor of his (Sprague's)
children finds few believers hero among thoso
who havo been cloo observers of tho social
side of senatorial life. They regard it as
very thin disguise of tho truo 6tate of the
case. Word was received hero to-day ironi
Narragansctt Pier that ox-Senator Spraguo
refuses to bo interviewed, saying, 'it is pure
ly a family matter and tbo public can havo
no possible interest in the affair.'
Tbe Mormons.
The editorial comments of the London
Timet on an American protest against Mor
man emigration, sent by cable, were doubt
less called forth by the circular dispatched
to the governments of Great Britain, Ger
many, Sweden and Denmark from the state
department to the following effect :
That under our statutes bigamy Is a crime
in any of tbe territories of the United
States, and that men or women destined for
Utah go there with the intention and for the
avowed purpose of violating this law; that
by the act of July 1, 1SC2, every person
having a husband or wife living who marries
another, whether married or single, in
territory or other place over which the
United States has exclusive jurisdiction, is
guilty of bigamy, and shall be punished by
a fine of not more than $500 and by impris
onment for a term of not more than five
years. Beference is next made to existing
obligations on the part of tho governments
'of these countries not to allow persons to
depart trom their jurisdiction for the United
otaies who are Known to nave criminal in
tentions, and further explaining that all
who come to this country for the purpose of
affiliating with tho mormon church do so
with tbe avowed intention of becoming
criminals and subjecting themselves to the
penalties of the criminal laws. Therefore
the United States will consider it a friendly
act on the part of tho governments of these
nations if they will also regard the matter
In this light. Attention is called to the
large number of women who are induced to
become emigrants, and who therefore aid
and abet tbe crime of bigamy, aud to the
principles of the mormon chuich, which re
quires a plurality ol wives. uslonists or Lackawanna county
held their convention Wednesday, and nom
inated a decidedly 'mixed' ticket, the effort
being particularly directed toward selecting
candidates who would satisfy tho various
elements of the combination. The princl
pal interest attached to the contest for the
Judgeship, in which Hon. F. D. Collins was
Bucoessful. Much satisfaction Is felt over
the defeat of Stanton. It is already announc
ed tbat tbe latter will now organize a party
ot his own, call convention and have bim
self nominated, or if such a proceeding
should be too tedious, to come out as an In
dependent candidate. Stanton's friends say
that be was defeated by tbe liberal use ot
money j that a large number of delegates
pledged to him, and elected In his Interest
were corrupted by Collins' friends. Stanton
undoubtedly has a considerable following in
Lackawanna county, and It is not certain
tbat he would not poll quite as large a vote
as an independent candidate as Mr. Collins
will as tbe nominee of the Combination or
Fusion party. This campaign, ns it now
stands, oilers a splendid opportunity to Stan
ton to ascertain precisely how papular he
Mr, Collins Is wbat Is popularly called as
a good fellow, but ho has no known fitness
lor the position, as u lawyer. He would If
elected, doubtless do the best he knew how
but that Is not the kind of man the judiciary
demands. Wtlkenbarre lUcord.
The cause of boiler becoming lighter In
summer, Ii llie change in the fml when the
pastures begin to dry up. The best farmers
use Wells, llichardson li (Jo's Perfected Hut
ler Color as soon as needed to keep up the June
standard of color. Sold by druggists,
Tluflnnnsia. DvsDfinsnv 1)78
livatSinsi&ls tho most wmlexlni! of all fiimati all-
tnents. Its symptoms are almost Infinite In Uiclr
variety, and tho forlorn and despondent victims of
the disease often fancy tbomsolves tho prey, In turn
of every known mMady. This Is due, In part to the
close sympathy which exists between the stomach
and tho brain, and In part also totho tact that any
disturbance ct the dlgettlro function necessarily
disorders the liver, the bowels and the nervous sys
tem; and affecta, to tomo extent, tho quality of tho
K. F. Kunklo's Hitter Wlno of Iron a stiro euro.
mils Is not a new prcparal ion, to bo t rlcd and rutinn
wanting It has been prescribed dally for many
years In tho practice of eminent pluslclans with un
paralleled success It Is not expected or intended to
euro all tho diseases to which tho human family Is
subject, but Is warranted to euro Dyspepsia In Its
most obstlnato form, KudLcPb Hitter Wine of Iron
never falls to euro. Symptoms of Dyspepsia ave loss
of arpotllr, wind and rising of tho food.dryncsa of tho
lnoulh,hearlburn,dl9lenslon oiliiostoinicn anuuun
els, constipation, headache, dimness, sleeplessness,
andilow spirits. Try.thc (treat remedy and be com Inc.
ed of Its merits, tietthogonulne. Takoonly Kiin-
kel's, which Is put only In 1 bottles. Depot, itm
Noah .Ninth St.. riilladelDhla. Adricc bymahfree,
by sending s cent stamp. Try ono bottle ot Kunkel's
Iron and be convinced or Its merits, wiui ny urug
gist and storo keepers everywhere.
Worms, Worms, Worms.
Hcmoved alive. Topo Worm removed olivo In from
two to threo hours, wllh vcgctablo medicine, Head
and all passing from tho system alive. No fco till
head passes. The Doctor never falls to reinovo Tope,
Seat, 1'ln and Stomach worms, ask your uruggisi
for a bottloot Kunkel's Worm Hyruo. Trice, 1 per
bottlo. It never falls tor send to Dr. Kunkel, sw
North Ninth Mreet, Philadelphia, Pa., for circular
w 1th ruu Instructions, by enclosing 3 cent stamp for
return ot samo. Kunkel's Worm Syrup ts used for
children or adults with perfect oalety, as It Is vege
table. Uuy It, and try It.
By virtue ot sundry writs Issued out of tho
Court of Common l'loas of Columbia county and
to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at tho
Court llouso In the town ot Bloomsburg Columbia
county, Pennsylvania, at ono o'clock p. m., on
Saturday, September Gth, 1870,
AU those certain lots or rtcccs ot land sltuato In
Bloomsburg, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bound
ed and described as follows, to-wlt ! One lot num
ber ten In plot ot Barton addition bounded on tin-
east by Ea6t street, on tho south by other lot ot
Caspr I Thomas, on tho west by an alley, and on
tbo north by lotof Sharrerond UoOman, being fifty
feet In front and one hundred and ninety-three feet
in depth upon which Is erected a wngon shed and as
much ot the barn as la on said lot number ten.
Lot number eleven bounded on tbo cast by East
street, ou the south by land lot of William Uigger,
on tho west by an alley and on tho north by lot
number ten above described, upon which Is erected
a large frame house, barn and other out-bulldlngs,
Them are on tho above described lot a well and
ump. a cistern and an underground sprlnghousc,
The above lots are well supplied wltli fruit trees,
apple, cherry, ic.
Ouc other lot on Railroad street West Bloomsburg
bounded on the north by an alley, on the east by
the Irondalo railroad, on tho south by lot ot Heniy
Hartman, and on tho west by an alloy, containing
llfty feet front and one hundred and Mxty-alx feet
deep more or less, on which aro erected a doublo
framo house, two large sUblcs and other outbuild
Seized, taken In execution at the suit of M. n Paxton against Casper 1,
lhomas and to bo sold as tho property of Casper 1
BcciciiAw, Attorney. Al. Ft. Fa.
All that certain real estate sltuato In the town of
Bloomsburg, In tho county of Columbia, and state ot
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows
to-wlt : On tho north byrldgo alley, on tho cast by
lotof Lloyd Sha'pless, on tbo south by Main or .Sec.
ond street, and on tho west by Centre street, being
twenty-four feet four inches In width on Second
street, and two hundred fourteen feet six Inch
es In depth al ong Centre street, on which are erect
ed a two story frame store room and dwe'llng,
good frame stablo and out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken In execution at the suit and ot Jo
seph It. Vandersllco,now to the uso ot George Hughes
vs. II. c. Ilower and George cavanco, and to be sold
as tho property of II. C. Ilower.
Miu.eb, Attorney. Al. Fl. Fa.
At the samo tlmo and place, all that certain real
estate sltuato In the Milage of HetlervlUe In the
tho county ot Columbia, and State of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to-wlt : On the
east by land of Phoebe Miller, on tho south and west
by land of Emanuel Kikendall and on tho north by
a public road, containing one quarter of an acre,
more or less, on wMch are erected a frame house
and out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken in execution at the suit ot WlUlam
Hartzcl. administrator of Mary E. IleUer, deceased
vs. Stephen MlUor and to be sold as tho property of
Stephen Miller.
JliuiB, Attorney. Fl. Fa.
TERMS : Cash on day of sale, otherwise property
to be resold at once.
aug, is, ts.
Letters ot administration on tho estate of Mary
Itemley, rate of Fisblngcreek township. Columbia
county, deceased, have been granted by Iho Register
of said county to tho undersigned administrator.
All persons having claims against the estatt) aro re
quested to present them for settlement and those
Indebted to make payment without delay.
Littles, Attorneys. aug. is, cw.
Letters of Administration on the estate of Absolem
Mcllenry, late of Jackson twp., Columbia county,
deceased, bavo been granted by the Register of said
county to s. W. Mcllenry ot Jackson, All persons
having claims against tho estate ore requested to
B resent them tor settlement and thoso Indebted
make payment without delay.
Benton, Pa.
aug. 4, ow.
Letters of administration on tho estate of Abra
ham Yodcr, lato ot Locust township, Columbia
county. Pennsylvania, deceased, havo been grafted
Ly the Register ot sold county to tho undersign" d
administrator. All persons having rblms against
the ceUiU) of tho deceased aro requested to present
them for settlement, and those Indebted to tho es
taui to make payment to the undersigned adminis
trator without delay.
Locust township, Pa.
AAltU." I UUH.K,
aug. is, ew.
LelUrs Testamentary on the estate of Silas
Y. Karns, lato ot Ueutou township, Columbia crunty,
Pennsylvania, deceased, havo been granted by the
Register of sld county to the underslgued Exec
utor All persons hating claims against tho
estate of tho decedent are requested to present
them for settlement and those Indebted to Lhe es
tate to make payment to the undersigned Executor
without delay,
aug, 15, Cw. Cambra, Pa.
Twenty-sixth Animal Exhibition
Main Exhibition Building,
Fairmount Park Philadelphia,
Entries and Competition FREE !
Entry Books will close at the ortlce. Northwest
corner Tenth and Chestnut streets. September d,
' $15,000 in Gosh Premiums.
Cash Prizes for Live Stoci,
A Ring, for exerclso and parade ot Horses and
Cattle, will bo provided.
Liberal Premiums are alsi offered for Fruits, How.
ers. and Ormuuenlal Plants products tit tho Farm
and Dilry, T ola. Implements, and Maihlnery. Tex
tiles. Furniture, Munutucturtd Goods Ac., Ac.
Excursion Tickets at greatly ledueed rates on all
rallruads centering at I hllailelDhl.i, and liberal ur
rat gementa for transportation havo been muile.
D. W., Klukiimik M'Conxicy, Wm, s. Insssu..
Recording hec'y. Corresponding hec'y, President.
aug, 13, 'lu sw,
"Vrlairrcek-M, V. II. Adams.
ratnwissa m. n, nruusi. Anmir iwuvi. ...
liloom-lvl N. Cox, N. II. Kowlcr, Patrick McJ ad
don. navis.
MlUila -Hiram Kckroth.
Malno Joserh iicKrer.
Nor lour Wins (lelgiT.
Heater -a mlrcw liuiislngcr.
Scott-Ellas Krum .
fireonwood Samuel Klsnrr.
iinnrnn Knn.iiwi '. Krrvnm n.
Ik iw ck la-ncs Michael. llllam Stephens.
Hrlarcroek-Ucorgo W. Miller.
ivncham Andrew Hoot
Madison-John M. Smllh.
IiOciHt-lKalah liafTer.
lino It. F. Whltmuypr.
Kl-hlngcrcck John Winner,
centre Daniel Whllmoro.
lienver-S. F. lienntiiger, ,,,
lienton-U llllam Annlpinan. Samuel llngenbuch
Hour Mcllenry, .lolin Warns.
lnuuiilMJiirg nuiiiiief inn.
Brlarcreek rreas Fowler.
ccntre-Levl Alkman, Jacob Hill, Charles Marscli,
L'atewlssa Joseph carl Henry nclse, Lewis let
ter. ... . .
I-ranKiin tnrisuan Asnicy, Anurew uniniuwi.
1-lshlnucreek-M. A. Aininennan, Thos.J, Hutch-
Ison.JrtiuesN.Jones. . , ...
HrcenwiXMi misna uayman, iiAnit-i l-iuvi.
Locust- Join lirofeo, I'hlneas Thomas,
Madison-Andrew J. Carr. Ed. Graham, Jacob
Miniln Michael Heller, j. ii. neuer.
Montour Kinanuei Ijizarus, P. H. Hardliner.
Mt. Plcnsar Juiepl! H. Hands, Amos Wanlck.
Grange II. ('. Conner, Cyrus Mcllenry,
lloarlogrrcrk Vt llllam llouek,
Scott-W. Jl. Wcterlek.
Beaver E. E. Hennlnger. ,
lilooinsburir -II. Ilroadt. William Crossly, Charles
Decker, H. II. Frens, P. s. (larmau, Fred bchwlu, ii.
II, Vannattn, Jacob Wanlch, Br.
itcrwicK noro Namuei nucn.
Brla-creek J, N. oo-dncr, reter Hoy man.
I'onyiigu.un- ruinoK urennnn,
-llenrv neliri
loliu Walter.
I'entri-lla -Thouias Gelt,
I Mitngcrcok -w. w. wit
Greenwood ChautMee Eves.
lleiuhKk Law.auco M. Hartman.
Ixx-'ust Daniel J. silno.
Madison Michael Hclhelm John Moscr, George,
Breere, W'ashlngton Welllver. . .
Maine u. J. Campbell. Samuel fccnweppcnnei-ser.
Mt. Pleasant John Mordan, Samuel Nolton.
Grante Jerry Comstock.
Roarlngcreek John Trump,
sug.i.luaf JohnMooro, John Ixiwis.
John II. Goodman vs John Sanger.
Catharine Rico vs Charles Ic.
Jacob Evans' exr's vs Thomas E. Geddes.
Delilah C. Mills .s William Mills.
T. w. sciiwcppcnhelscr vs. I, K, tchweppenhelscr.
Anron Youngvs John K. Young.
Mercy A Young's adinr s John K. Young.
Sarah Mcllenry vs John K. Young.
II. Ii. Colo s.l. 11 Haeou.
Jacoit Johnson s Robert H. Ent.
Win. Struthcrs et ux vs Mareaict (Julnn.
P. 1 s Sarah Klsiler.
CnyugdChlef Mfg. Co. vs T human W. Ilagcnbuch
Jonathan rortner.s use vs O !. I Kostenbauuer.
Migarlofit school District vs W. A. Kile.
II. P. Haw ks .V Cu . vs sterner .t Jones.
D.ihlel MnrrN vs Willi' in Tnrrv.
llnickwav .V Ehvellvs Cunrntrhnm anil Centralla
.Mchc'vy I .Neni vs pennn. canal co.
John Hosier vs John Hnntz.
t'lurles Kiugvs.I M, I'. Hank.
T. II. Edgar ustivu, 1'. ( liapin.
Sainue' Miller vs W. II. Relnbold.
Sarah llowerva W. II, Relnbolil.
Mary E. Ilower va M. c, oodwanl et ai.
m. Hnjart vs Martha Aloertson.
DavldTyson vs Thomas Gerroghiy.
M.G. Hushes s Wellington eager etal.
M. G. Itughisvs Wellington Yeinrcr.
.1. W. s.lokev Use 8Thu Mutual Hutldlne and Sa-
ihb rniiu AbHjemiiun in inuoinMii'rg,
r-uriui lumsiocK va win jiess- niunr ei at.
J. 11. Iletlrr vs 1) L. A- W. It. II. Co.
John llllllg Mr- vs lleury nelwlg et nl.
James Patterf-on uso vs Illram Pansy.
Isaac L, Girton vs Philip Kium
George H. Gilbert vs t'onynghnm and Centrnll,
ruur iiiMriii.
'. II. To.i -north vs I). J. Waller.
Conrad i i dbenner's uso vs Jacob lllltenbcnder
et ul.
'otlei-N herebv riven tn thR rreiUtnrM nf thn nn.
derslgned and to all jiersons whom It may concern,
thai ho will apply to the Court of Common pleas ot
Coluintita cuiiuiy, for Iho benent or the Insolvent
Hws of this Cominonwcn'lh, on Monday, the 1st day
ot September . H. 1S7N. at which tlmo any person
having any objections tn his nnal discharge us an
Insolvent debtor can appear and make lhe samo
Aug. 4, 1ST. JOHN W. GOltliNER.
Aug. S, '7U-3W.
Tho undersigned administrator Ac, of tho estate
ot Hugh Shultz, lato ot Jackson township, deceased,
will expose to public sale, for tho pay inent of debts,
on the premises on
Monday, August 18th, 1879,
at 2 p. m. tho following described real estate to-wlt'
All that certain tract ot land situate in Jackson
township, Coiumb'a county. Pa., bounded on tbo
norti by lands of Benjamin Hess, on tho east by
lands or John W, Kile, on tho south by lands o
William Yorks, and on the cast by lands of Asa
Yorks, containing
more or less, about twenty-nvo acres of which Is
cleared and the balance Is In timber.
Central P. O, Col. co. Pa. Administrator.
Tekms and conditions of Sale. Ten per cent, of
the one-fourth of the purchase money to bo paid at
tho Btrlklng down of tho property. The one-Iourth
less ten per cent, at contlrmatlon absolute, and the
remaining three-fourths in ono year thereafter with
interest from contlrmatlon nisi.
July 4, ts.
Tl the face of everything, Wanamaker & Brown increased
their great Clothing business last year at Oak Hall nearly a quarter
of a million dollars, anil for 1S79 the new plans will make the
house more popular and increase the business much more.
Eighteen years in the people's service at the old corner of Sixth"
and Market has taught us how to do the business well.
Whatever may be said, no house in the United States'seUVany-'
thing hko so much Clothing at Retail as Oak Hall, and no house
in l hiladelphia sells more than a quarter as many poods as
Mr. Wanamaker sells in Clothlnu alone. Doing this large
business shows the people's regard for our goods, and enables us
to buy cheaply and sell at small profits. -
New patterns have been made this year and ncvTstyleT intro?
duced through Mr. Robert C. Ogdcn (formerly partner of the
famous firm of Devlin & Co., New York), who is now associated
with uak Hall, and will give his whole energies and valuable
experience to improving the manufacture of our Hoys' and Men's
Clothing. We do not buy Clothing like the dealers, but make
it expressly for our own sales. The Spring stock is splendid,
and no other make of goods, so far, have as much merit, or are
fold as cheaply. 1
Impressions have been erroneously given to the effect that
S ? i? imWa"am nfir' ,foundcd ?a Hall, is noHnfcreld in
1, Mre anJ 'i1?' "r docs not have llis attention ; on the
contrary, his ownership of it remains unchanged, and ho has lost
rjono of Ins love for it. l-.vcry day finds him suncrvisini? all its
OAK HALL, Gth & Market Sts Philad'a.
Slay s u-om.
solo sr
fORfMTicuim ""WrfflfRONSn--- ADDRES S I
WUiteSewimo Machink co. Cleveland, ohio.
Tho undersigned Administrator of retcf Ent, uuj
of Scott township, decent it, will exposo to publlo
salo on tho premises at two o'clock p. in. on
Friday, August 22tl, 1879,
th" following described real cstate.boundcd and de.
scribed ns follows to-wlt t On tho north by lands ot
H. II. Seybert and estate of Peter Ent, on tho east by
lands of eslatoof Peter Ent and Abraham Cuiter
and on tho west by lands ot John Kelchner & Soil
and George Oman, containing about
7"0 ACKES.
The property Includes both banks of the Fishing,
creek, on whkh Is elected a large 4 story
Frame Grist anil FIonriDE Mill
with tour run of stone w huh h arranged tor either
merchant or country work, or both combined Tho
mill has now a largo tun of country cimtom. And
there Is nl0 a CIRCULAR SAWMILL on this tract
with ii rapacity or cutting swio fict of lumber per
Tract No. s. Is a farm of
and II' petches bounded and described as follows,
On Iho north by Unds of S. B. Seybert. on
thoeostbylaniNcf the estate of W. H. lint, A, M
White, anil Wlliuim Yt lute, on tho south by tandi nf
Abraham Cilster, and on tho west by tract No. I
on which Is crccttd a good ' '
wllh barn and out houses. Tho land Is In a high stale
of cultivation.
TERMS OP SALE. Ten tier cent, of I Uo one-fourth
of tho pufuhnso money to bo paid at tlm striking
uiwu ui uiu irupen.j, u,u uuu-iouriu less tno leu
lcr cent al the contlrmatlon ot sale and the remain
ing turee-touruis in ono year thereafter with inter
est from confirmation nisi.
July 25, ts. Llghtstreet, Pa.
To Rebecca, wlfo of Frederick Wnrl. m-
Mary, wife ot Isaao Slngley, Illinois, minor children
of Angelluo Summers, names and residencoa
COLtjuniA cocntt, as.:
Tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to Marv.
Intermarried with Isaac Slngley, Rebecca, lntermar.
rlsd with Frederick Wade, Daniel Yeagcr, August
llohnhart, guardian of Amos FrankTn Yeager
minor child ot vinos Yeagcr nnd tnli or children of
Angolliie, Intermarried with Sllaa Summers, heirs
of peter Yeager, deceased.
Anil now. Mav 10. 1879. Court irrant. a rn in m s,
cause why specMc perfornnnco of contract shall
not bo decreed with Daniel Yeager.
Y"ou and each of you laying asldo all business and
excuses whatsoever, are hereby cited to be and
appear bofure our Judges at Bloomsburg, the Ilrst
Monday ot September next, then and there to show
cause if you have any why said decree shall not
bo made.
Witness Honornblo William Elwell President ot
our said court at Bloomsburg, the 15th day of July,
July 18, '79 iw M. w. nuss. Deputy.
and n Cow Milker tree
w rarmcrs who act as
gents. Cut llili o'lt nnl
address with stamp
24 Dey St., N. Y,
July ii.',, jui.
N.imo this rapT.
seventeen young men to learn Telegraphy. Good
situations guaranteed. For Particulars, address
with stamp,
SHERIDAN & liunn,
Box f7, Oberlln, Ohio.
July S3, lm. w
$75 00 for $1.00, $5.00 for 1 cent
I pay largo prices for many dates of Old Copper
and silver coins. Send 10 cents at once for my i rat-
aiogvo ana rnco 1.1st, Aaaress, v. . wkuiiiuns,
Mt. Pleasant, Pa.
July 25,im.
and Public Grounds.
The following shows tho Picket Gothic, ono of tho
several beautiful styles of Fence manufactured by
the undersigned.
For Beauty and Durability they are unsurpassed.
Put up by experienced hands, and warranted to
give satisfaction.
Prices and Specimens of other Designs
sent to any address.
s. iivr. HESS,
Bloomsburg, Fa,
July 18, '79 cm
July 11 -iw