M i Miscellapjtp,)Kr Tho Umo flxed fir tlm ,sauU (lie nlht of (Alii uf. fiily(. Slatting, cut from S.imlr lleacri. fourteen. jniVea sboTO Stony lVln't, a liooniu .lbls Jato, Wnjtie nd hlaj.200, Infantry look ujv llio line of tnnrcli over roailsainl paths ,o, txcoMlvcly liml n'(l nkrrctw'UiiiCU.VM o'tlofk In' the evening Uejortr ttio van reached thr runny' iottlin. (Jniellml to. pass .ovrr, lilgli iiioi5nt(h, ncri deep mora'sis, and through illfficult ravlnr-, the column ii ntrclclml out (hcRteHtcr putt of the Way In alniile file, undijiil rccMrHtl ts fotmhtlon Hi tlm fiml halt. ,Tha point nticre (lit J etoipd'w8 iifthe hnusc of one .Spriiig ntffl, A trtlle a li4lf from Hie Iirljlsli vriitkn. atwl thetoi Wnjne maile hi taut 'it' jHisltliiWiiir. "flia a-Muult,'' l'lrst 'ile vh'iI". liir'irjltliiikirliicliii 'rtllh'er, Mini te umnnltrcu the apim-ache In tho fort. Jle turning, Le illvlcleil hi f.rco inln two 8tormlit( column so far modifying Wmii I up ton's plan, which proposed bift ouB iucli column and HrmiiRfd nit dotalll.i it. J Interesting rinw th'iU (jh'e 6f tHJast .things the IhiUI sohllof sat (l iwn to do tviti to write n letter to friend, expressing III emotions mi the.ee oVliodpafewotklfe1,fi)ppniieu' 1if lid In hard, tml IrV rrrfuesV that tho i-lucalioii of hfii children lie provided fur ' I anfcallrd to iip,""lie wroTe, "but wherp to WaHast? Either itrUtf-'tU eoemle' lined btatriiiHUlir Thejjljo, Wijtla nf la uiKitiiAF uttirtil.'.' .. I.- 1. it t r al Vt ecideil'.UnOn was' . ii r ' - c. - advance linuffaneouiIy, on tlio right and left, and break through Into the work -from nearly opposite points. Ills right column. which Wayne made Iho ItroWe', tfri composed of FebiirerVVtrKlnta Tnen, then Mitre's Cpunpctlcttt.'ivnu Hull' Maa chunetts"7lloIng. Thtjl left consisted ol tht IVnn.yfvatilani and Marylandersyundir llntlrr. and Morfree' NorttrUarollnlan In the rear The HrnM Instruction (i the corp were pointed and imperative". lAith.Dilurnn ytm to move.t.i fhe asault with unldailed. muikets, ahd do the ork'wHb Uiedwy'onet nlnna If nnv man Mhnnlii ntle4ltaLt(l10ad IiU piece ou tho way; he"wa tlpSo 'pliV to death upoiHhe"fpo(. The utmost silence was to be' observed until the par pet of th main woVlfwai gained, when all, as they entered, weft to shout the watch-word ol the night ,!phifoti our own? To distin guish them tram tlje enemy in 'the darkne of the mtlit,Vercry soldier anilj officer' was nrileredito fix' piece of white paper -hr 'lhe mot compjeunu part of Ms bat. of cap." Tb"Ue"JWalnj!ll)odie inehtrmeet with as TewsUcieaH ' posaibi, .1 n.Hlieir for ward, course, each. ras to lo preceded b a "forlorjo'per'' "which was to net-as surprise party;, and still in, .front of.tbis were to be placed twenty volunteers, under a determlnedjBfflCe,r,;yb.'were,' to cut' away the abatis. For thp .column, the "forlorp hoi.o" 'consisted of 150 men, under tbe gal lant T)e Fleury, and the advance guard of twenty finder Jjieutenarif Knoi; ifiJaHtf, Ninth I'ennsvWanis; for, the left column Majot.Stiwaril'JSd'the.one. party, and Lift tenant'Clibbons, Of the Sixth Pennsylvania, the other. The omcers-bad been assigned 'to thrse pott j of honor;; either by lot or because of their previourknowledije or th. ground. Finally, alKthlngil arranged, tbe whole body. poqved. forward, atjhall pat eleven o'clock at 'nlglit,11 with 'al4readlne and determination that augured nothing but aucceciut As In the case of all military exploits where victory depend' npori precision and rapidity, thi was accomoltshed-'in'a5' 'remarkably brief space, of time,- 'Three-quarters of 'an hou after midnishl. and 'all was over. Even Omar a condensed dispatch would have been too long to announce'thb result; The.'ligb infantry came, and conquered. They "saw' nothing;' It was dark. Twelve. o'f Jqqk, was the tlmeiir.thp pctu charge to begin. To reach the Point within, assaulting distance it-was'necessary to cro the ihter)e"niqg"rq.4r8lv.ftjiulckly as'ppvjblea Here there was an unexpected obstacle in the overflow of the tide, and twenty minutes were lost valuable )me just. then,, but for. tunately hot a'latal loss. A the two co umns nearei) the enemy', Murfree And hi North Curzdiniann.'br previous lntroctioiis, took positlon.airecHy in fro'j't'of tbe-BritMi works; and opined a, rapid ,dnd continuous, fire, for the purpose o'f-drawing' attention to themselves while the storming parties movei on sileutlyjOii lpdeft.- Thlj r contribu'ted'To tho mglit' successIint .left.-.ThWrue success. Imme ilIately,'there.'is.(ipt.ivork in progress. Ti hoped:for tyrprUeJu out;of tlie.queslio", for the enemy' pickets have given (he alarm: In ten minutes every, man ol 'the garrison is up, -conlpletely dressed, ant), at, hhi proper station:1 If the fort is to be taken now only liard.-JieUtlng can do it,. .Meanwhile inightYTiurage and resolutlnn seem to ) nrgr on the American infantry with an i'rresistl ble ujoinentpm.i)Tiie valient U'ayne, deter mined to- ahare-the -peril as- well-as -the fflorie ofTthe 1 enterorlne. - laa'di tho r rHrlit' column, 'spearn hantl, ;Not,"a"man;'farter.1' As they approach the two formidable lines of abatis which stretched across the Point' in front of thejnaln works, the fire'from tbe enemy's mutketry.Jbecome "tremendous and Incessant.." Although ou accountr'tf .1 1 - -I '- ,r- . , . S J' ' iimuiiipw uihcu.iji lis eueci is lost, meu nevertheless here and there begin to .fall in fie rank of" ile light.infanUy. Lieutenant Colonel Hay, of Pennsylvania, "bravely ngnung at me ueaa 01 ui battalion," t woundei) jn the thigh. CaptainzraStlden, 01 i.yine, a nanasome young otticer, fresh from Yale College at tbe nptulug of the war, hut now a veteran of four campaigns, and belonging to Colonel Starr's .Con, uecticut,-recpive a well-nigh fatal wound in the sideThV;frra:IoM"of;bI(Kdi breaks Ifa taMrfjMeig'ii regiment," but Enignjcta1SAcer,Uara'tbeOTlori''o wmu iiiiutuihw la arm , ana Keep cnarg. ing on.enty.i,one ofithrad, vance pawTiMf aiwn are eltber-ktlleof.or wounae,-;wuj r,-oaiHe two coiumni.goj The aieifiTTJky,ev'eB. nfecinlto'ti;i' It takes timeopenj a passage, .through -the obttructioha, aod'pieu continue to'fall. - At vVayflefrcerT a flph A. Thinking it fatal at KrhMlil on hia tiro aidesCap trowna-Arcuer, lo carrytilm IMI die In the fort. Iiffive1 minute jeeta.orlr 1 done. Tbe'bead cf the ri$ljti)iuBin reacbe the sally-port nf the Mrnbrt'Srt, and the first man in HiDerietirtiJ"Xbe fort's' our ownl" he shoirt,'-o4'i4ben atrike the enemy' color nlh'hottu band. "Illght rlterhlm, spread itr aie ad climbing over (he para-, pet, folUWThe forlnru hope' and main' coluraB;ILIeU(eoaut Knox I the second man i.()rraent Uaker,- of Virginia, wounded Anr-t(m'e during the assault, is the third. fljttjjfeant Biiencer. from ibetame atate, 'Je,' JbeloBrth, with two wopbd. aide the.lelt'toluajn appears at nenrlyi tbef same tiMecrTofj fort' our own I tbe Jon' The Americans dash In amorgtb'e astonished" i)riuu,'im pjy 'ne uaynet wun iterfiuie energyidrlyiDg-theni Into tbe corners o( the work, land ycoaipelling tbeir instant tur-i reder.tH, P'JOHWrtwr. Jo JhrjxfrMagi utiiitfor July, woundlwifcdSlM taina rmm along, tWfCH MAKINO HIIIMlhKS IN THR DISMAL SWAMP A wo plunged "de-'l)ifr,lhfo'lb'e"fVVmp'th,ri ,tiet ioi!reatd;in;li9j Hero and. there, a Mdck po'il m water lay gleaming lullrnly, htdlligV It were, among A Inlck'lgrowlh' of rank fern and vnotnnus-looktnr,. flower's. Vipe-oovercd; cypresses rose lilijh aloll, the Inevitable streamer of gray moss banging motlonles'ly pendeht'. 'The noise of the 'stilngle cutter sounded ever iroro ctearlyi like tho rapping of a gigantic woodpecker "tal, tap, tap;1 (ap, 'UP, lap'as 'they chopped out the, slifn'les'.The sound of the voices of the fnvi.lble wotkmen and an oc casional burst of Uughter echoing mysteri ously In the gluomynd plherwlse.unbroken, sauiu'ie; anu so we came upon me suingie Centfe. 1 1 The workmen, hajl just jixcayalcd a lop, abuitor foo,part,wlthtn,n few Indies ol thos'u'faco'of the grmlhd,.lhe stem at the further end some two or .threo feet telow, At about twenty feet distance from the butt a young man, was b'ny aw Ing through the log. Ills I'fiectcs were hollow, hi feature angijlar, a gheral'dAdavenluHilnotc bituken.; Ing chills and fever.- -Thesiiwrlmd a' handle. ffnlyiiit one end, llki the.Jniitrument ' used fur rutting Ice., Thdsharpend Uruck'dceply into the ground at e.yery' movement, but was hrtt'dulled, .because Vf (.he eritfre ' licdom from grit of the iol, niinprsf(l, ,aftt i' is of decayed bark and vegetation, Wie'walih'wllh ln'tcireiA, tsklrtg a sketch In the inea.ntimfuntU the log was sawed th ro6 irUt P9,i mSil.n, section sboyt iwentyifeet long,:ntid comparatively easy to haAd'e. Tht) ianV'v coin posed nl half a doin hhdf, how' sct to work' to 'raise It from; its reitlnii-jibicr, with long lever of stouq saplings, tpe .process accompaniea wlthlroaiiy grunta niid oatbs. U.wsa.n pics turecfiue sight the men- In their red. and blue shirts -straining audtugging at the gltnt log that lay in .iis ,orig, Rtavellke cavity At length. jt start at one end with n sucking noise as it leaves its oozy bed, is gradually raisejl to the sdrface' and' is 'filially:' rolled bodily put ol, its excavation to thejresh air, where. It,lies like some1 newly, , disinterred antediluvian ' mobster, huge, black, ahd ,lm- i . ,. , , , . A purty good log," says one of ihe men, as ho) draws tbe.sle.eve of hls'red shirt across his sweatjbeaded brow. , , WJiea the log Is thUs finally raised It is sawed Into sect Ions' each about two feet In length; tlresSi W'thVn-plIt down to the requisite thlcknjH forsMngjes. ' ' TJigs are tirst uiscorereq jdv meins ot.abtiarp iron of.a stake, which1 Is 'thrust- Into Mhe' groubd wherever a slight oipumMike elevation bt inkens the probable presence of a tog or log beneath. Jf the point, of the stake strikes the hard surface of -wood instead ''!' sinkfug easily into the moras,- the' soil is ttjarcu away, and a square loot of tbe slum ex08ed. The.'pracliced eye' of the sbiugle man, can tell at once whether the log is usellil,' the requisites for use being straight 'urtilh throughout, with no. knots, soundness and no. decay. If a sound, good ldg, It' Ss. taeu uncovered,- sawed through) and raised. hen the log. was completely raised, our f uie e resumedih'is wdrk','sp)itttngthe'sawf d sect on's up lutf)Vhingles.lf-IIikinga seat.nn, oliepf the dryftt'of- Ihe-fallea' togs, He totik wooden anvine it intone woou wan a Heavy bam woojdlinillet m jfi iS-y vfuiPl0 andatone-carvem. At a liltledislance Irom hint aahaggT-.looking leTlow'with red.ahil aud, patched Irousera. iras ittlngat a nhiugle horie, shavinir' the'upllt slabs of obl ain6oth and 'lapering.' Beatd'e '.il'nflay a pile n7 clean, criap-iookiDgi shavings, emiltiug that ojpr peculiar to vfell-seaioncd cypress. The .horie udTW hiurdinarjL bo9Per''a horse ftiiil; need no special, description Krnoi tnia ipolntHhe' shfngle? are' carried to the' rpad-aide,'to be bandy tfor ,traneportaiion, HowARli Pyi,, ' In Jfarptr'i - Magattne fur Oultf. ' Grand JIaater. The :Lleutenaoti.o'f the .Orderof, Malta, otherwise knowri-B' the Sovereign Order nf gt. John of 'Jerui1etriyha' jVttben 'rtl'Jcd .by (he. Pope to the,dignl.tiOt.'QrandI'asie. Sine the beginning of the jyevnt entilry. fiU'high, tlite had',b, fii jn' a'jwynre, .Tjiit tpountidi Santa Croce, an Austrian- eer of Tyrples'ebrigiri' hpon -whom the' honor; ha devolyed,,will afonce(asumj jhe'jaV, Jif a. Sovereign rdnro ,snd tlbautitlViuf Serene nigbnesa, -which are'appe lidsites to the dig . nity ot urandlaner oMbp jKhliilit f Mata. The seat of"'he order is xat pffsenf in Koine; where iti hcsesHe aimarnificent .mao8l6ni'aitiiated"fn tho inldst' of a ianre- garden" ph lha Easi'ern sjopej, p'f .Miiiui"' yomiuo, iitusiigi jPruer. iiiaving .neep, Bupbressed in Italy, tbe Knight r Malta eiUt at tiresenr'aa'a benevolent1 riiUr, 1e- ln'llm..r 11. , ..!. " ..rcii as nu iu.cuiiilie Held. 'They posses' 'arfd'aduilnWr-hdspI. palIal,erusaleHi;Va(lwsVaffi uermanv mer nave onranlied tbree amnu lance fralns of 'forty wSgo'piT each. Vh'hSh members of thi moat ancient :ordr,, which waa founded ih'ihe'Holy Iiand in "the year WS under the title of SL John ofjeruaa. Jem, bore, for upward of two ceuturiea,, the name ot Knigbts of Hliodes, Jl'or yearanoonehaij'auppojed.lhataump ot ,Milt coal, dug from its inln or bed jn the, earlh, pooeessed any other, purpose than thai ;of fuel. It na ,njt, 'dund ''that it would afford a gas that waa eomboBtible. Chemical analyal proved It to be Vde"o hydrogen. In process of time mechanical ami chemical Ingenuity devised a mudeo manufacturing this gas, and applying it' to the, lighting of buildings and citlea on i ilarge scale. In doing thil olber' proVlucti of distillation were developed, until step by ,1 .1. - fl I , I.' .. ' '' I . icp luoioiiowing ingreaienia are extracted from it. An excellent oil to supply1 Itjht bouses, equal o tbe best sperm oil, at lower 'cost: benzole, a light sort of 'ethereal flal'd, which evaporate easily, and combined with vapor or moUt air, is used lor the purpose' of portable iras lamps", so called: uanth'a'. a heavy fluid,. uaefuj tp dlsso'lye guttapercha ami indlarubber an excellent oil, for lubrl eating purposes: aspbaltuni, which -is - black, solid substance, used in making varnishes, covering roofs, and covering over i vaults; parsffiue, a white cryatalirte. tub? stance resembling white wax, which cap. be made into beautiiil wax candief; it. .uie'lta at a temperature of lj? deg.feo, a.nd,a&"ord an excellent light, All these substances are now made from soil coal. A Fool (Jure Mere. 'J'or ten years my wire was connned to her bed with such acouipllqatloa, of ailment, that no doctor coujd tell what, w (he, mat ter or cure her, and I used up a snail for tune In humbug stun". Six month ago I saw a U. S., flag with Hop Hitter oh H.aad I thought I would be a fool once more. I tried it, but my folly proved to be wisdom. Two bottles cured her, ebe ii now W well and strong a any man's wife, aud It coat mo only two dollar. Such folly pays, if. V., "Detroit, Mich. S AN FORD'S RADICAL CURE For CATARRH INSTANTLY RELIEVES. e.OOOTEET ABOVE THE SEA. Hi following- letthntmUlf srs-frotu llrsira. J. O,, Sosvann C0.1 lwnrsr, col., mt tnd mflmntisi dnilliU. lthr,rputl,u(prtclsiiilly fsrua tslM 01 unlrrrisl Ullrtscflon. No othtr il!i.-, la la ulsnnlnslr prcTslrnt In thst rrvlon. i3hy snakotth folio vlui gentlemen ns nmongtbelr belt cltlseui SdhELV'XFFllOTCD. J, ( OoMirorth t Co.. Vnpff, CVf. Gtntltmt. rromptei'by 'reu'fllncfr lttMmiMr, wHh Cftttrrb. J vfnh lo ml J tuy twilinonjr In bttlf f Bait ron RiOiCAL 'Cititk rot (jATuhitit I M treen. oretr affile tfd lth till fotrful dleft for (our jcar it hV tHr1 'atfifV nira iiwm Tr known Temedr without- iTall, nnOUboaiLt bottlA ot ttia ibore.CpBi fromjon, mhcn ftavd mt umtt inint reiier, it inrwr a com tntlonil m well a a local rem f dr. X belifTa H to ba eo&ath ail lb a l u ciaimea ror it, uaaicar vara jot uaiarrn. 1 . Vtrrinljyonra. ivm.iAmktivR. Mtitrt J. 0, JMtrorth d Ca Pfitrer t Gentterhen,-l taka pleaanra In recommend Inf pas roan' a Hadioal Ivuroi CATAaau to alt iio ara afflicted wHh thli tllMaUIlvMtfrtfatlr afflicted -with it for a Inn ttmaA and cured it with two bottln of tha above Ccri. About yaranirardl wtitrli fliad ma rtitftit- I fonOrtftil that thli rem (claimed forltjaod mora tooinlahlnB yott.iuceeaa IQ III lUlrUUQCllvU. A Bfll) TTT alTIITTWUr. A.W.feMITli;oI6inJtti6Doll. Denfcr, Oct. 4, 1875. tried Everything.. Mftirt. J. 0, BMtrortK it Cot 'Drnret, Cot: GfMiemtn, I bava uiedBAKroRO'slUvioALUUKBPiiCATAanu. and It fiaa fWrn perfect aatlraetlon. I hare tried almost averrtblps.and It It tha onjyi thin b that hn Ikmd1U(. T thrror faka Vliin pftTti tnrAfn. meadinit it nta to Ml afflicted with Catarrh of any kladL Very trnlj. ,yj).ECKKIl. , penrcr, Oct. l.HSTS. REV. J. H. WlGGIN SAYS: Oni bf Iha Deit'remtdle ttfr fjaUrrb, tty tha'beii remedy wo bare fovnd th llfetlma of lafrerlnff, la Bait Toau'a llAMCAL t'UBi. It it but bunfeaaanftd tako ibronghthatioetrlUi and there comti with, each bottle aamanKiaietnbe for 0'b in Inliauttotr. tit clear tbe bead and throat o thoroutchlr that, taken each morn in on riilnr theri are no unpleatant ocreilohi and no dliajcraeable bawklrr durlns th entire day but an n frecedented rlearneficf t olee and mplratorf organJ. KktbjmU)iai()contl Ptj Sanford! Impi-ored I rtaiine;.! uoe. i th fnii riirrinci for ntia In all raiei. rla. SlDO, f Poraata br all TCbDleial and It tall Drtlfr M . KUta and Jpealer throorhoat tne vnuea biatee ana Canada. j WKKKS a POTTKR, OeneraltnU.aod. "Whole a1lrMritltt, Boaton, Maaa. COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTERS i 1 IT I If ,' ,1J Tor TjoenJ FJm. Tjimepel; BQfnoj.Wak. Hon, ymnbp and Inflamtaatlen 'of th.1 XuhW. 'UVV Kt4ttyn, 8pln. Bowell, Bladder, Hrt. and Muiolei, are equal to armybf footer,' and' I aar of plaat ! anA 'iliraU.'i Jfrtrn 'ln 'Ftly.Ui.'IipUp.r or Fit,' and Kerycm. land Inyoluhtay3fci; cnlar AiMon; thli' FlMUrl b)r jHnJJytoa-'tha TTerrou Wrtiew: Ihitfelfteid 'Curei iwh.n Try other kninrn remedy ha failed. Irloo,-art ,Cnt. Aalc 1'jr tfoliinn VoUafo Plarter.' and in 'at.t on' h.Vtn'g 'tf'BoTd hV all "Whol tale and Bttnll'PniatU'thrthont lh Pnltd BUfoarid" tiiniuiu.' ''nsixk'li dTOBitt X'ruprieior.y floa'ibii, W " 11 ,VOU. I 111 awl 1 vti.V IT U lha bmiv Mwiaria fn TArTiiia icuvj. ii is iwreiT irireiauie wn vciircur mitjw t acu oo in too ip ii t aunaacn, prerrtiuoi in tlt aLomach. DreTetitlnrUMon c-Terttbrt liu fat. taken Mewllnjr w iHnconfl..l' will nnw m tm jmnmm ima wihmwti.1 ilnfiUetnyttiurrrtJMrerore tbv poblic tet c urn for 07iWeakwwTi3Jta MiVy.to ctiM-r-Mattwtett W'tnmdmM 6f teflEhpala)a.Ur uatattbat 1 lunUtely-aeiit to aciirmaVb drug WrlUac for a patient from ProTldeacr, It. L. aaya, liW )hVyvhv ir4daad tMrwealAiftSitjlM " 'pouuda to )npoapda,aiid there las revMral lmproi .iuTati )u b4iia. t A.awwau iwniJQi; rroioL iios- , itou- aayat IVlthnm ipecial chann or attrntlou to 'dli; Mo.bUiW frTJtUuo'a JUrtlValedatvd T(?PIur i, vand oHKuiarier noDda.,, Tb welUkuown W bole .eal IkvirfUM. hhUtlU liOOtlXTL t 4 htrTll,ff,tt ou. Maw., writ? aa foLlowa! Jan'aTAiUl-Fat tia ;rUait.lalyJ la Due vitrmin poiMvbi ttDftbr t wetk." A Keotlfiiuui ui &UlouU1writiilMAUuua jUKUVat fedaced to twwtf pouw ba tMtf welm 3 aud aiUuretbcr have Inat twenty-D?) imhidui Btnce i THE rHOritlKlOHS OF AlXAMS AKTI-FATI tiftU-i ,-Tbt foUowttui report la from tb lady wnouiea' 'XUan1 ,iect: redueliisr'thi fti'frotbnwo tb'lKii'Doat ever r to regain wnai i nave ioi. vimi-rvi- uu' unxeal am wuat i uaic ivtt. alsMitlMirUcr ll t dtob pepUKV&j ' la tdtiVto.wtt lnnMj 'iVr uv BotA.br Llrun Lata. .I'aiuiaUl at cu Olxtt- CWUtu wauaivu., t mauaai Ky ae&t 6k'rVljJt of tiitrtU X j.4 j w a i. iim of Uins rtUranfe tMfCullar to wkoi naUiiUiu-bMrtoai ax&MtuoU-iil a ad ttotu. It ,WZiSZiZSm.'l tot. aaom is ) Tb term, however, t but-afcU axDreaaion ol tlT reMW.lU the apef Jal dteaaea lucldeut to tb tr)ixsarfni' ol winssnsv piuprvti'M w" swv tr' iwilUilAtawtaka tuy repwtatloii a pbyalcwnt and coiiOdeDtam i i tharftwmiaMa'iV'uMRim ' tH'CttV"iiloiiliirW luralld iMiy wbouufltforaoy 1 hi mm tiiueur. lulT hiEti I Tilme'l cttA-tfcr a.ud Mil it uudcr roaiTivK uiilaaiu, ivr Cuii'llllOD, ae pamplilvt wrappbbfftMlUA': Vl'Ja 1 Tbe MIwtK are antoux lboM dlaeaaee In whlcta tny FavMlU lrrliM ita wuVked cure, aa 1 by mauifl turnTsu(iiMtM(Ma.-1, .4a sM. sv. a an, tpiua, ox aninc of ui Uutos. AnterenAoir td tetrof arsionv 1 lWioriaglown HMlvopa JinUrnal, II 1 AIICirralatTv,t VI VJ ' ijuaf rw nm; i mi ttebat cxtalitlrfi unlkltMi m 1 1 unHMl dt U Ml aarwd.U'lftirthfwlntWlDa4tflBa tbeaeaub- leu cja nl.tln IA In TllK PtOIT-K'S MBWCAIAVi'a'wTif Wi SOO P "J Wwaiurea flatus.' it liiirvara.- tbat3aAatct-Kx f valaabh' rniwU tbo flVjUon. ravevtM J-il.-lLII U. V. I'ltRCK, X, 1U Wr, Vortd DUiMUiMfff UiTuioe'iiouiiaAiuoaio,- ti vrt' !;? i LIVER CPMPLAINT8, KIDNEY DISEASES. CONSTIPATIofi " and PILES. DIL C tZ. CLAIli:, Uer. VL, mji, M aeari:AXY XSOb'SLCS It ted 111.. ahona. It kaaeusJiai.7 Ttrj badecwaff riLCH aHbMMTcrfallUMtiCklcLa. 1 j. 11. fcUTTOX, of1 VMlIiactor, aays Aa alit tr tailrttlr It la wltbvwt mm cqvaL ltiaUtpr. cat a.4 anr k a4 nil bSUov (, M IXZLftOl rAIBCnnJ;r CU ATua; Vaay, tUvrprlecU-MTala. Aru,!lVtyvr,f cm at mkfttrUfrm VUv and CoattrviUMi It MtMplcUl are J toe.1 I'.fi. UOti ABOUT, aftlvrUUrr, mis mmj ia. aw boa tltua iCcra f-tr wo U H.3eUly car!- a f?Ltraa4k'Ueif CvwpUlaU't , WONDERFUL 1 POWER. mmmmmL IntoAt-sr: rr istiic oxltmidhi.ie that ACT. O.H TUEI.I VIU:, HOWtlJI AND U1D.M;V ATTUESAHETIMU IIum IU kal.ejrt.Krfiat hIw m. kwun tkl .tbvrwUp iUtcIup U nilu.tuui. Vfttm. ilfitf f rjr ratUa tmi SrU0 4m vra.k. 'Om slac. (Ill ak. sli uiti er .ltd If !. It t IW Itnsskii, h t, UI- t Wl ll 1 lt ANTI-FAT uiul raiM of tlina rtUranfe tMicuilar to waKoau. bili H. T, HELMBOLD'S ao3vi3?o,xjjsrr3 KXTLUOX . PHARMACEUTICAL A.SI'EOIFIO REMEDY FOR ALL OF THE For Debility. Loss of 'Jfieuiorv.' Iil(li8)'6.sitiol to Exertlori ot Hnsi L till . ,.r i) '-'.-...l.-riC-' 'v.i: A yjth 'riibulits' of 4)ls(nnij Diintis1 mi(l Ireiul, Kual). ot Fl6bd,to tlio llditu, rule Countemiiifo and.tlrv kin f thesu'symptotns tiro allowed toqn', ytry,ftcqu6ntly. Kpjieii tiplFitatuul Consumption follow. 'Wicn .'tliu cons'tiuti'pp.bsiCQnit's'ii.f-, 'ftctcil ,itj retinites1 tho aid of an in Igoratitig 'inediciiiu to strongtljcni uiijl tond.Hip 'the systeiii which Hbliiiboia's J3uc!ni" i DOES IN KVKUY OASE. , JL,, rt ml -i.i , , . By any rwtneUy known. It IS prescribed hy-ihomost eminent physicians all 6rcr the norM.ln I ' I'll. V'l l i 'Rheumatism. - oca, 1 XTt 1 xneuraigia, Nervoimuess, 8001)3111, . , Indigestioni' Oon.Jtipatlbn, " Adi'vsaiul Pains, Uphenii ,i)ebility, Kidney; Diseases, Liver Complitint, Nervous Debility, Epilepsy, jHe.td 'i ioublcs, Paralysis, ' (Jeneral. Ill.TlJealth, ypinal Diseases, Sciatica! Deiifiiess, ' ' Ijeciine, Lumbago, Catarjh, Keh'qiis Complaints, 'Female Cpmijlaints,' te. " iHeadnclie, Pain in the Should ers. Coutrh. Dizziness, your Stom ach,, Eruptions, Bad '.taste in the Mbuth, Palpitution .of the Heart, Piiin the region of the Kidneys, and a thousand otherpiinful symp toms are the oilsprings of dyspepsia. HELMBOLD'S 13UCHU IoVigoratrN Ihe 8toma'cli. Ajid stinvulates the torpid Liver, Jjowels anu Kidiieys to healthV ac tion. 'in cleansinsr the blood of a'l hitpuritifis, untl imparting new life. anu vigor to tho wJiole system. A tingle trial -will bequite sufli cient to convince the most hesitat ing of its valualile remedial quali- nea. PRIOE $1 PER BOTTLE, Or Six VottlcN for 95. Delivered toany address free from observation. "Patients" anay consult by, letter receiving the imo attention as by calling, by u'riswerhig tbe following tjuespiona : l. Give your name and poet-orac address. county and hum, and your nearest exprnu office r i. Tourageandsext s. QccuputkiQ, ; .J Married or (Ingle t a. iklttVelgbt, now and In health r . Howlooir'bave'loulweaslclrj T. Your coinpleilon, color of hair and ey es r h. HavByouasUioDlnirorierectealtJ . ltKlste without reeerratlon all y9u know sbout your casu. Knclow) one 'dollar a consultation fee .Voui1 letter will then ruceiie our attehtleil, and we tvtll (te you the Latum jour Ulsoase. and cmr cacdd opinion cqnocrnlncralcwe. L'vfflpetent phjslclana atteadto correspondent. All letter should be addressed, to Jilspensatory, 18 IT, Filbert Blreet, rklUdelphlu. J's, . T.aSZ.MBOZ.D, srprri't. and ciiemlat, miLADKLTltU, PA. SOLD EVEIllVllIEnE UartkT.lHs 1 BUCHU B LOOMSB'U RG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTIL NOltMAL SCHOOL DIBTKIOT. .. , k'loomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Hev. D. J. WALtiER7jr. A. M., Principal. , Til IIVIdlltlHl, Wat preV-nt conltnll, ontri th6 n-r best facilities ror lYotteMomd and Classical 'f ""'IJit'....,,,.,. - i.0,lnurul suunlv t mire.son liuiluiiiKs )jloua, ln itlinf aia comuipalous i amiiikiely heated by steoni, well ventilated, llirlited by sas, and furalsoi;il vuu,a v"M'tif suvi'ij.i I'F "-i"u". "Ktion hwlthf al. anu ea of access. .Tnaoher ctiwriencod, efflclont, and allvo to their work. lllpnc. tmrj but t ;!';.""' d ""8- Kxrtnsof, moleriite. i,itiyeenlsmveekdediictl(mtoalloxwctlni;totcacJi. Jjluajutsadmlltodalftiiy tlin. llooins u-orv(,d wlicujli-slreJ w , bourses orstndy prescribed by tbu stale! I. 'Model School. II. Prcparatoryi III. Elmilciilnry. 1 V, Castcal. " ' Adjiinif Con raw! I. Acaileinle, 1 1. Commercial. W. Omrse'ln Mmlc. IV. OmrKe In Art. V. Course In I'hjrieal Cilllure. Tio Itlcmentary hclontlllo and (JI.-iaMral tloureo ard I'tt JFRttrN'Ati Kn-i tmolM i?r.vl,Ur.tf therein, ricelvs Slato 'li:l'1n'u?,?nJ'I1r,l.!;F vl'nwllVs com-spnnllnirlieWi Master pt the KKment: Masteruf the SdenCf i Jlaster ot, tho Ulaaslas.. tlra-ltutos la tho other Ooursos n-celto .Normal Ctrtmcaits thj-rr atfeifnnictits. sfencd w tho rmieoM M the i hoar.1 ot Tmm . . rt , , r n-iu-c. I DO course or MUO y orescnueu uv pitwe w um-im, ami hib c .-it-iiiiuu uim uti-main-uuiyn ...u TiostaU'ri-.iulri'Haiilirlierijrderofcltliien-iiiln. Tuetlraoi douindU. Itls onoot Uia prime objects ot cent anil o-ni.iierii Toaeuera for hor schools.. To this una llicir Ulhlllll.as iuueilt". o lt.ll nui:il ll jiiuniises rMtfSt?!lr.mMr-i4 lhl lrltiiin.il. KIN. VI l.l.l,.u i:i,Vtl,l., l'ri-lili-,!it lloiml WHAT TO WEAR AND HOW TO WEAR IT- CALL AND SEEl THE NEW -GOODS AND LATEST STYLES I n AT THE' LOWEST PRICES, Consisting;' of 'ah elegant line of Cloths Diagonal and Casscmcrcs of Knjlclisb Freilch; German I in .i, , TOR, DRESS. SUITS, FOR -:0:- fife . B'oly :MMe Dvepsiritment 1 1 ' i . . i , Is now replete with all Ihe LATEST NOVELTIES at VERY ; . ., . LoypRICESl. f r IIS iHeQw'e'ar, Collars', Gloves, Scarfs', i ,Half Hose.'.Hats, Caps, Ac. ' ' . '' THE PEARL SHIRT ALWAYS ON. HAND. ",E.r)T7TiBE. FOB 3-Aim mwMmm& tt-.-- . . ,. . - i u - "' -- ii .", , r .ENDORSED ,BY"0VER TKlBTY 6EWN0 Fr ; .VI' A ilAbHlMEX-HibWORAT THE flfD PtPOsiTioN" UnIv'erselle, VVj tv Pkris, 1878 jGSS&- " "AND 'INTERN ATlONALEXHIBITIOtiJ i L'wjkjri. i k , PHILADELPHIA, 1876, . ICAkTjFViCJ X T : Al t.lng .r STRONG. SMOOTH, nd KVft A.f .1. fS, ENCOURAGE . ..SygtArJUFACTURED "at" " JUSTRYlB'flrt MOUNT rlOLLY.N.J. : UNO- &QySmART$,BR0UmiTD).4Gjrs.Krina MIIIWWIirMIIIMIillMIMIMIItMMSIMIslMJMIMIIIlillMlilIti ApjHiisJnin'y ebttineitforhtvt ntnillrn,orf6r mprtnmtnt on ohtont$.vrrilteal or othtr coinj)Quni9ttrade marli and Itibtft. CArrtitl, Jiat$nlnent4t'Inter ferencea Appeal, fc'u(4ir Jnfilngtmenti,ant ell eattiariitng under the l'ittt lit J.iwfprompt tJ GlttwS"th' iii 'InpfiittnnM tftitt hav bt-n tierntetapf. IJIce may at til. in UAAJkMJUsUJ virmt catt. be pattnttd l)i vs. iitiny vmwitt the V. 8, patent department, and engagta in Patent buslnett ex- istin'j vnjmtitt the t 8, patent fu(rJ, we C(iu mnitplvser eeaxehtt, ami secure oiltpttj, i j-iKii(f more prom pug, inti tc than tae rho i4rr 'WwMii tYnm 'a$htnotQA. ectui us u moil el or sketch 0 your device: tee make examinations and adriettusta patentability fret vfcharffe. All carrtapoiuhv.ee strtrtly eon jMwfM. Prieee rji.nfil Xo AMI 1 VS jiTj;.r is ,sju:ujti:n. We refer In, Washington, to JUm. Paymaster Central D. it. Key, Rev. j p, pawrr. The Herman Apitrtcon StitlonalMankttQfiJXstats in tht l ft. FJtntVffleet and IcrKenatitft ftnH Tlenfestntuttfts In Congrttt: and especially to uvri-lUnteiu every titutt in the I'nton nnjl in i'anat'a. Ait J rat TvnaTwifen ni piu J) VISITINdCAUlis, UC1TKH IIKADS. UILLHE1)S, . rOSJTEK. c, c, Neatly and Cbeaply' t rlnlcd at the C01.TJM P-tAN OfH" rt-b.7, 'i-iy this vlrrn 1 (i ni.K th QOWELL II HtSMAN X - 'Advermlnu V Anents. raivm T l tiiik w) "J OB HUNTING " ' 'of every desription EXECUTED PBOMPTLV At the Qolvubmn Osrut 'lliHilBliH a J It solWlts jDimif p.-raons M tfdmi .nullities and boo; uiuui ujiuiviuij lucu wnuia,iuuuMuuwu. l"rr.i-, and Domestic manufacture, ,,- BUSINESS SUITS, &c. THE O-TVlIISrTS1 FURNISHING HEPART MENT Ig iib-.U' fill), of Hie Jatest sty) cs. of r a. O t ' NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO., Iluttlo CrttaW, Mfrll. ORIGINAL' AND ONLY' GENUINE "VIBRATOR 99 THRESHING MACHINERY. THE Matrhlru (lrln-!ailnir, Tlmf.Ssilnr, to4 Uun,7-hln. ,Thr..litr. of tbl rtty ud nrr Hon. , lt;.nd .llrinlr 1 -r lgi-ll Kerl, rerfMl Cl..ulO, .ai fur Sattug ur.lo from ffuujc, STE-tJI l'ow.r Tlir.li r a SpetUltr. Slirclsl lie ftt Scptr.Uir. uiltt c, ,.! fur stckot r.w.r, OUIt t'nrtralM Klsm llirtther Kntflse, ttll rocubl. TrMti... ltk Tubl. IDre, ra.ti, fr t.jaui m .lb,r Dak. r tla-l. TllK ILNTIUV. TlirtKlilnir bptsus (sa ofti lhrMVOv. llm.. th.t .gi.uot) ... M u. . tb. Bltf. Urala SAV1J, tj tbc. JjoprMI vlHbl.CI. GU11N UaUtri vlll not auliralttalh. tuj. utu v.rtac. of Grain n4 lb. InfMUir verb Sw if Jl .tbrr HuUsti, ben ,uc pmuq ,n Lb. ais.rtiw., NOT Onlr Ya.ilr KuifrlJr ror'Whrst, Oati, S.rk,, Bj., an4 Ilk. Ilraloi. but lb Uatr au. rul Tbr.brr In rial, Tliuotbr, kllllct. Clnfcr, and Uk bu4a. Uwiutrc n. " Mlactn.all " r,'rcbullalli" u haa frMa (.rain I. hmJ. IH ThnroaKh tVorkmanililij. Llfffast Flsl.li. rcrrrctlon f Pan. Cunirlcluiie. i.f ,-quir.nvBt, ft.., vr " YiaTv.' Tbrtabtr uuull ar. Inognipirabl.. MlRTIi.01 for SlnipIMI (,r psrit I'silsr' k.tk.aubairth.tualU,lt,a.4M(4ll, ltc IkabVftrb.vllbb.MtfcHoitorrkaluTrlni. rOtllt Shrs or fc.paratMt Madf, Utxlos frvu SI WTwrl.frll.rMalK.Md t.Bttik WAI.a.p .IUrriwcrt.liiat. , poll rurllfular. fall (id oar Ilrsl.ra r rlM u i. iw,- Uiu.trated ClrcuUr, ..IcS BuMJ J. K. KltUMM imp., Ttanorviua, Pa., Ainu's for .Nortliuiubcrlind, Jlunlour and Co luintil counties. Jan.io.-cm r KWMT A T f 'i ""'l3 '3 a remarkable P. 11 Ufl I ll J n wedlolnollletirttspav. In, HpUnt Curb, Callous, tc. or auy t-utameuietit, ArlJ WJL.I. uciiuvis nit L'H tVll'llopT RPA VI N 1"'ISTKI11NU orciuslpaa Ol iV V 111 sore. No reiaedr twr dm. rovt-rfd f-quals -It fori cvrlalnty of of union la i-toyplDt; tho Umeness aud reuotluir tne buiicn. I'rlra 11.00. m-ud tor circular mviulr Pill? I? 1'ltoOK Sold try drupeuts, or sent to IvUlVCl ear .sdan-sa bj Uie luvcntor. 11. j. Kmuall, 11,1)., iDObturtU rails, Vt. Moierllros. A treats UioouifalHiiT, fa. 11 ay S3, 1..)y a w LEGAI, BLANKS OF ALL KIND1 ON UANO AT TllK COLUMBIAN OYYHH. , , : : i , Jr rJ 7, ,v fni-nUhlntr Intel l-i 1 1lls f.c.wd to huli W w u irH. by rarn "m?,l !ii: i 'K'yiJ-V.1,. '! 1' 'i.r irter - lvlnEchuuL iw V. l BlT.tMYr.ll.'Secrctarr. C. 32. Silverwars Jewelry.Clccka.&c, If liemocd to tliBJ'bst biilco tulldlBtf, flrsTidODr above thy KjcU.iUfu .Hotel, All kinds' rf Wntflms,' cior-ks and Jowtlry bfaO- ly r( pairca ana wan-anicu. 1 may it, 'IS-tt , 4 4 a Turrit End Rent Mctllrltio vrr )iiacml Arnminimon or iionn linrim, iintnurnkc nu jini' tic 1 inn witii niiino in ui unu iihidl rum- 11 V ortlJl-rt li nf nil iithtiF Itll tor iniikr t h rrnat. est iflnml I'lirlJlcr, Jlvrr HruulutortauaLlfc toallcuith l.tnaurlngaAKeutomjttrihtt . a , Nodl"ft9Cf)r1ll Iilth cm ponniMy lorn? ptlst where JlotV lHft4fiiui.oJ.eo Jiled rcrfcrl luiiitiruinfatwjiB. T Kit b Hn thi Trtor ! nt mm tad lilm. Tp allnboae tn.'lu.iiRntA ciiiMt Irtrffiilarlir of tho bowflaor iiTlnnr .rKin..orni rrfiiilrcnn Ap-pctlirr-Tonic vnit)iiilJfiUm!iJant.lItii Dlttcrs arc lutaiuuuio wuiiaui luioxirniiiiB. Kftntttfrwhftt)'Atii"f'tlt.!p tymptoni'iirf. whnt the (llre.ine n r allitient In, we Hup tiu t. IJon't wnttunMI j-nu ffWMr)t,M.t If jrMi only tft bad or mturnilil." us.i I La lilLtera fit finco. It mm na jour lift. Ul u4-faa(4 kunjlrtl ft.inn win tc raid f of a eSid tiipr m nl ibi t-ntc or help. Do iiotnilTcruorlrt jTOTiTlrlrntJ Buffer, Lat, ItrrafniTipr. HonPIttf ruin not np.irnpirrl.ilriitlT rrt noEiram. hut f he 1'umt ondlli M iMf-iiirls tteiJ mo(!f:tlio"ltnnll(U Kilrnii intil llnpc'ano an t;rtta or lumiiy mouia iu v unuui iiifiiw iofcavhti CWsii tMp vrt-tci,t,wlfpst tma bcit IJIV IINUItll, One Hop Pat for fMomnch.Lhfr itinl HltlncTB J )tlMay., 1M. i IXIO 1 Jl .JilV 1'. jmllft Uu'ANvHitpniiL'i AdwitMnflT RUitw i.U"SJinit'f Bfm-tl hw mlvrr UflluRcuittraHi ni.ijrbcinaatjjtyrif IN (Nf.W VOHlii feb. 14. pT-U Tbe most extcasive'M4nwfdCture,r$ af pilliard Tables li existence, TheJ.MBrniiste'&BalkeCo. CHICAGO,' c'lNCINHATI, ST', LOUIS 1 AND "?24 Broadway, New-TTork. Newcit and mott elegatit tty(es of ' BILLIARD TABLES AT LOWEST PRICES. Elegant Parlor, Dining, Library and BJ. Hard Tables combined, .ze 3x6; slate bed, perfect cushions, complete with I jails and cucs,'$5o. ' Addict! whichever houe 11 nearest your city, Tbe J. VL Eranjwiclc tkErlka to Paper ' Hanging. WM. F. U.QrjINE. ' lto.s sr., littLow se :ond', ut6o.i4uiiR(i; I'A Is prepared to do all klhda ot ' upusn PAINTINfi t'laln and Oroauientul, PAPER HANGING, UOTII IIRCOItATIVK AND I'LAIN. All llliu! ol' Furniture llt'liiilrctl unit 111 si ile an f,-ooil as nt-v. NONE BUT riltST-CLASS W011KHEN I HI'tQV'Kll Estimates Mado on all Work, WM. V, II0D1NE. Oct. 1, 1ST9. ESPY PLANING MILL. Tlie undcrsljncd lessto cr ttio Espy riaolnirMill. is prepared to do all kinds ot will wurt. Doors, Frames, Sash, Blinds, etc. made to order on short notify. Jjatlsfactloa truar. auu-ed. CuiRLta Kara, Uto.:ai8biirn', Pa. Private Sale! The tollowlus voluatiio nrorierty. tho IMatn or tno lata John SwUher.deccased.wlll 1m oirernii at nnvntn said up to - SHI'TEMlinu 1st 1 870. TtioprorcitylsBtuato In tlio Mlloco HJerecv town, txiluratilu county l'a., and contains atout FIFTY. ACHES ot'cicdlc'nt tarmlng land upon wulcli are TWO HOTJSE8, '33A.RIT, ahd other out tiuildinirs, and Is. one of tUo anest localities In the county. There aro TWO GOOD ORCHARDS on tne premises. r For Information concerning the property ap plyJto'C. U. lirodcwar,- of Uloomstari:, or T.J. Wwltiher, of Jextejtowu, way ,3,.t3 JOB l'KINTQ Neatljr and cheaply eiecuted at tLa UOLDMllAH Office USALKn . Watches, I (milTtlir tu nil in Hern. zttK JTUggWI p. I. C. U an abnohiti! rihI IrreslBtable rnra for prnnftt?tjno8, tiso of oiiiom; toMtcVu artd nnrbotlca & ii.I f. r C Irnilar. ' & li it .1 A nm aim nrtMnlc S ,.ULU IlliU ipLUIipLCl I 5 SDri, BtNFoni)'f( Tjtvr.ri. IN-inottATon 5 SI a Btandnriiriituy, llim-nlvior S SiUscftscBol1 tho Liver, Stomacli ..uffl S 2 vcgetauio. 0Tcr 5 ieoiuiaicB is la SOatliaitlonnd nl .. I & 5 o '. s WV- Q Vw 2 UW 5? liiTnrS iyIn-rigorntori lias Ucen HKccli in my tiractlcoS Bnntl by tho public, '."" for more than 85 vcara. 2 m'n. . i i i 1. iKr SEND FOR CIRCULAR.; JS.T.W.SAKFORD, H.D MKv5 iiTnni'ooiTnat,Tii.i,ToviTSKcri'TiTiot. S ........ ....... ...... fitn in, l.n-ij. RAIL ROAD TljVIE f ABLES" OUTHEUN OENTKAlf RAILWAY WINTER TU1E TABLE. On and aflor Rundiy Hovelnbor 10. 11?ithe Mains on the I'hl'udelphia & Krlx lia Inud Dlvlslun will run as, follows : I WE-STWAI1U.- Eric Mall learcal'UlladelpliU. " Jlurrlsbilrtf " " Wllllain'lwrt " " .tcrsey Miorj " " Locs llaTen " Kenovo ' " arrive, at Krlo1 , Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia ' " Ilarrlsbuii; "i an. ac vvmiamsport ' " Lock llaen Fast Line leaves I'hlladelrhla " llsrrisburg " arrive at wiinnmsport " " Lock llavc-a EASTWAIID. Pacific Express leaves Ixwk Haven Jersey ynoro " " wllitamsport ' arrive at llarilshurfr " ' Philadelphia Day Express leaves Lock Uuvcn , " V Ullainsport ll nr, p ni 4 2$ am 8 85 a in v 07 a in 0 40 a m 11 o nm T Sfi ) in t to a m 10 Mil in 3 is) p in s 23 p in 1143 am 8 85 p m 7 S3 p 111 8 40 p 111 0 40 a m 1 nam 7 I u III 11 53 a i.i mo pin 11 20 a m 1140 p m 4 in ri ni urriouv jiniTiauurir " I'Uilodelphla Erie Mall leaves ltenovo " " Ioek Haven! 7 20 p m aapia 0 45 pin 11 ii p in 2 45 am 7 mi a in is 8& 11,111 " " lllla-rsport " arrives at lurrlshtrrr " " 1'nlladclphla Fast line leaves lillamsport arrives ul iinrnsuur? " ' l-lilla(Wpnl s or, n m 140 ll 111 Parlor cars trill run between 1'htln clphla and WllJainport on Niagara Kxpruis west, Erie Kvpress weit. Philadelphia Kxpresi etut. Day Express east and Sunday Express east. Hteeptngcurs on all night trains. ' WM. A. BALDWIN, u (tencral supt. "VTOKT I1EHN CEiNTK'AI- ItAlLWAY XI company. ' " 1 on and after November 20lh, 1S71, trains will leavo . suiiuury us folio wb : NoivrnwARD. Erl Matl S.20 a. in., arrive Elmlra 11 .5 " ' Crlnittidil6'iid...-3.so'p.-m lioch'esttr 6.15 " Niagara v.u40 " Itenovo accommodat ion 11 .la a. m. arrlvo wuilami- port 12.63 p. m. Elmlra Mall 4.13 a. m., arrive Elmlra 10.20 a. m. Buffalo Express 7.16 a. m. arrvo Buffalo 8 jo a. o SOUTllWAHD. Uuffalo Express 2.60 a. m.'arrlvo Harrlsbnrg 4.ro a. i " Ilaltimoroe.io Elmlra Mall 11.16 a.m., arrlyo Jlorrlipurg 1 jo " Washington io.80 " " ' Baltlmoro 8.30 " " W'ashlngton 8.801" IIarrl3t)urg accommodation 8.40 p.m. arrive Harris burglo.oop; m. arrlvo Baltlmoro 2.2.1 a. m , " Washington ,13 ' Erie Mall 12.63 a. ra. arrlvo lta'r'r'lsburg'3.05 o.'m,' ' " llaltlmore 8.40 " " Washington 10,35" - All dally except Sunday. I). M. BOYD, Jr., (leneral rassengcr Ageot A. J. CASSATT. General Manager 1 JpiIILADELl'llA AND KEAUIKG KOAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER trains; May 11. 1.S72. raaiKs Laava scram as 0LU)w8(srNPiTExcKrTiD ITor New York, Philadelphia, Heading, I'ottsvllle Tamaqua, &c 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,43 a. m. T,21 and 7,85 p. m. For Wllilantsport; 0,28 s,5 a. in: and 4,0a p. m . TKlIHSrOB RCfXKT tZlVK AS FOLLOWS, (SCNDAY KX, , i , L-S1-TBD.) 'Leave New -ork, 8,43 a, ra. teave .Philadelphia, 9,16 a. m, .Leave Heading, 11,65 a. m., Pottavllle. 12,80 p. m and Tomaqua, 1,85 p. 'ra. ,1 Leave Catawlssa, ,20 8,60 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave Wiuiamsport,,43a.m,2,l5p. m. and 4,60 p. m Passengers to andtromNow Y'orkand l'hlladil phla go tlirouga wiuiout chango of cars. I J. E. WOOTTEN, - Uoneral Uanager. 0. G. HANCOCK, , (leneral Ticket Agent. ' Jan, u, 111 u TTkELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND , JJ WESTERN llAlUtOAD. BLOOMSBURa DIVISION. Time-Table No.-St, Takes effect at 4:.i0 A. 11 NOHTn. STATIONS. ROtl'in. D.m. D.m a.m a.m. p 111. p.m S CO 4 12 1 It scran ton Bellevue ......Tavlorvllle.,,, ...Lackawanna... . itttston .. Westllttiton.. Wyoming hfftlthv V W It 1U 0 10 2 15 5 20 9 5 2 91 6 2-1 q nil r. si V 2 Hit u m til I 61 sll 3 43 Hit 11, a si 2' SO II 21 2 19 2 14 id 68 9 88 40 2 41 5 43 t 49 t 60 ' a rjl 10 07 12 41 11 10 Bennett, 2 67 0 69 10 18 3 IS 7 10 10 83 S 15 I If r in T lt 8 S3 8 13 3 30 3 10 9 04 8 44 ...i.tiiiigsion....,., Kingston ..l'ljtixrttli June.. . ...Plymouth M...Avondole ...... Kflnf livilrA fj 23 3 20 8 65 10 2) 8 15 7 25 t (I T A.1 8 12 3 12 8 47 10 ii 3 20 7 I I 8 04 3 04 8 89 28 8 17 8 12 8 05 l.iluuloct'tt 1 reck. 10 42 3 85 111 7 61 1 61 ...biucksninny.,.. ....nick's Kerry.... ....Beach llann... .Berwick .... Briar creek ... willow Drove.... ,.,.Llmelildge... ...uibomi'tfufg.'."!1 Ilnrrr 10 65 11 07 11 13 11 21 8 60 8 23 4 03 8 13 4 10 8 65 4 18 9 03 4 25 7 13 4 29 7 S3 4 83 7 SO 4 41 7 41 A JO fl ,11 T 98 III 7 25 1 18 7 14 I 10 2 89 2 34 2 23 7 02 t Ml 0 DO 2 r4 1.61 1 51 7 4) 7 SS, 7 83 1 89 I 11 11 89 11 43 II 1 A r, fi Hi C 46 1 41 Catawlssa Bridge! 11 67 6 00 S 6" C 27 1 27 ij&nviiie........ 19 IS 6 IS s l unutasgy...... Cameron .Northumberland, 9 IS 9 01 u 90 9 65 t 15 e 110 1 00 6 45 12 45 6 45 9 60 p.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m W. F. nALBTKAC, bupt, Bapjrlntendsnfs Ollce, Bcranton, Junu 10, MS. yAINWRIOHT&OO., WHOLESALE OHOCEItS, l'uiunsuuu, Dealers p TEAS, SYllUI'S, COFFEE, BUGAlt, MOUSSiW, kick, sricas, sicabb soda, ic, Ac. N. E. Corner Second and Area streets, lirorilers will receive prompt attention. U THIS PAPEIt IS KEPT ON NIE AT the opnnr. nv GENTS, TArrc nun inn mill Bmoflfto rniLAUttrniM , for. rli..ii)iil niid,F.Klilli HI.. lio reelo AUivrllMMiienU fur thU Pawr. FCTIUATCO l LMt Cub IUIm COI IIYIrtl COrrra rnr etpair Adrfrtl.la;. ! Se, fur . YKU ii KO.Vb MAWl'Al- Wo tva ill Wj 5' II J5?"i!"jK rasa ,TtH Ttt HI HI Hal V. n b