tt. t.'jr THE COLUMBIAN. II I, II 0 n UII 0. FltlBAT, JUt.T II, is;o Unit Roan! Tlmn TMi. ,AritAWANNAilU)OMSllUI!0n'Ail.IltlA!') tOKTII. Hm.-TT!. Accommodation Train 7,51A.M. Hull Trim ...i T.89A.M 4.1 r. M M,t Trflln... . M. 1I.UA.U gxt.ress Tfatn .......).... tMV.'M, CATMVtJSSA 11A1I. I!OAD. feokTU., ' S0UTD Accommodation Train ..,.i.',!3 A.M." ,M p. M, titular Kxpre3S .M r. M. 11.4J A. M. Ttirongh bars on Expross train clttinr t6 New Torlt or I'litladclpnlfi Accommodation train runs between CuLiwissaani! Wllllamsport. 8TAC1E I.INK.i. CkMimi An lttooiisntmn. leave Oambra ItoniUy, "v-iliic-iclay and 1'rlilay at fcaoa. m.i nrrlvoit utunmsburg by liana, in. Leave I'.loeinsburg ou sumo dijs attcrrurlvit of rnilaaelphia mall. iiuKiMsncBii A f, I-cave, ljilrdsTllle Cirtny, ThurscHv and Saturday at 7:30 a. m., arrlTlnor at lllooinstiurg ly i in. Leao lllooms-i-iira pn samp da) a after arrival ot l'nrladeipbla mall 1 be btigo line termimtes at Jlillvllle. iv ntnn on Illoomsbunr. 'A dally stags l'no leaving Hcnten In the morning and rutin ulng In the eve ,,lnj ot tbe samo day. r ' , MAIL ltOUTES. tuiTB It it I. inn Hio?tJito.-tayo Vhlto Hall Tuesday. Thuraday and Saturday at ":30 a.m., arriving at Moomsburgby 10 a. nu Iave ntooms. bur; on same da a alter arrival ot PhtladelplUa malL, iiESTof and Itt.'ioiisBttnn. I)avc3 Denton Monday, w cdoosJay and Friday at 8 a. m nmvirjg at liluouisbnri at 3 p. m. Leaves llloomsburg Tues day. 'inursdaynnd Saturday at 8 a. m., arriving miuntoitatsp.m. TO SUIlSCKlUGns. There are no many delinquents on our list th:il we are t-fciin compelled to mske an appeal 10 ill who owe on subscription or book account, lo pay up. Statements of book accounts bave ,ccn sent out by mall, ami !j i 1 U for subscription ore being ccnf. out each week In tbe papers, ami this will be continued until all who arc indebted lo in in any way, Rlia 1 bave received notice We do not go lo (bin trouble and expense just for amusement. but because wo bave a Inrge amount standing out, and we need the money Do not Ibrow your bill asida as a matter can be attended lo at any time, but settle it at oncc.and' save us the trouble of sending you another notice and yourselves tbo annoyarcu of being dunned, It glvis us no pleasure to dun those who owe us, but as those whom we owe have no hesitancy In asking for their pay, we are compelled to urge prompt payments to in in order (bat we may pay our own bills t Of course, tbe above is not intended for any one hut those who have received notices. tf. Judge Ulwell will return home on Saturday. The Kpiscopal eundny tcbool had n picnic at (lie Hupcrt groe on Thursday. Wo are Informed that Ilon.fico. 1). Jackson U seriously ill. 0. fl. Murphy nnd lamily have landed at Queens! iwn, Ireland John 15. Casey, Comm)sMoneia' Clerk, has been finite ill for several days, Spring. chickens nnd now potatoes wanted at this ollice on subscription, nt market prices. Tbo Friendship Fire company nnd the 4 Hand made a fine appearance on the street on the Fourth on their way lo nnd from tbe depot. Klins Qcigcr has leased the grass in ' the Fair Grounds. Why it was not put up to auction as formerly we cannot say. W6 regret to lenrn that the mother of Michael Meylcrt died this week at Lapone. She was an aged and estimable lady, Kvening services at tbe Kpiscopal church will be held at half past six during the warm weather, commencing next Sunday. William R. Rupert, son of A. M. Rupert re turned home from the west on Tuesday after an 'absence of over three yeais. Hon. Mehrling, Supt. of the Muncy Creek Kill road visited our town on Tuesday last, and met a number of old acquaintances. The name of the 1'ost-Oflico at Witmirc'a in Centre township, this county has been changed to Fowlersville, Kdward Wagner, post.master. The Town pound used lo be near .the corner of Main and .East street. The Court House yard is nojv (unofficially) used for that pur pose. Senator Gordon's sheep ranch in Georgia comprises 40,000. Negro convicts will enclose it with a stone wall, seven miles ol which has been completed. Quite a number of nur townsmen went lo tbe Catawissa Shooting match last Thursday, and were forbidden shooting at Catawissa, but they went to Rupert and enjoyed their sport. The musical portion of tbo commanccment exercises waj well executed. The playing of l'rof. Hoffman and Ambrose Metherell on tbo Violin and Piano, was particularly good. There are several board wslks in town that need rtpairing badly. Property owners should attend to this and save themselves the expanse of having it done by the authorities. On last Fourth there was a serious cave in one of the mines near Ccntralia on the Ml, Carmel road. It took tbe public road for about fifty feel. A team had just passed over. Thero is a fellow traveling about the country and obtaining assistance by exhibiting a card showing that he is a member of the Episcopal church. The card may be genuine but tbe man is a first class fraud. Look out for him. Since the gifts have been replaced leading lo tbe Court House 'yard, the cows have lhe luxurious grass, It is better than a pound as the owners can let them out and in when they please. One advantage Is that lhe place is daily manured, Dr. Kendall's celebrated treatise on the horse, for sale at (1. A .Clark's Ix-ok store and at lhe Coi.umuun office, for 25 cents. This book should be in the hands of every man who owns a horse. Cou.KnE 1)ecjkee. We are pleased to notice that at the .recent Commencement of Union Coliegj, N. Y., the honorary degree of A- M, 4s conferred upon the pastor of tbe Lutheran Church, of this place, Rev. 0. I). S. Marclay. N'o man can be suspiciotH of others without Ul&kintr nlhora BMQt,itnn.i nf litm nrul tin tlllin can spend his time in talking against the hon iiy oi nincrs witnoui exciting ine leenng inai he himself will hear watching. The Sunday School Celebration at Light Street on Saturday July 5lh was well attended, Melherel's Iluck Horn Hand furnished music lor the occasion . A came of Ha'e Hall v I'lyed between the Espy and Light Street '"II clubs. The wife of Samjson Townsend of this place jil on Monday last, aud was buried at Light Slrtet on Wednesday. She was a pious lady Rood neighbor, and beloved by all who knew, AhlOllir the llilnn- that nlr,ir-ln,t imipli nt tjutiou at lhe Normal School last week, was "o Art Department In one of the recitation "uis Hero urrnnged Oil paintings, Paslcllo "irons, Water colirs, Crayon fetches, uigiu. nnd blackboard sketches, making m, I.:,: ; . . , . -v.Huu m in is department superior to any ""Koi tbo kind ever exhibited hero before - ircmi u uue to Miss Juine, the teacher v 1'ieso branches, for the very excellent work u me studenU under her direction. 1' crop will be unprecedently Urge . year. Our ci.l.e,,. are giving bo,. ad ...rmion 10 irillt culture every year. The result is not only an ample supply of the best q l ties for home use, at little expense, but surplus for stle. ' Our Munk, are duo II, It. UutTor, a graduate or this olhco fr C0,y of lll0 tWee i ', lM"M ' Tnlequah, Cherokee the ( bcrokio language. The letters are more peculiar than the Hebrew. On lj.t Saturday, whlla t u we saw on the farm of .Mm Ap, leraan one of tbe finest oage orangd hedes In il.. r t. i. only two month, old, and Is 2000 feet In 'length. iu,jr general planting of such !i edges wouui oeviliry tur farms, and infinite u-e. prove of A. 1. Flint, the general agent of A, S' Dimes & Co, was In town this week. He represents Watson's Independent Readers, Monlelth's l'enn'a clltiou ,f Geography, Ilarnes Hl.lory, and Peck's Arithmetics. He I "lhe princs of good fellows." and Nrl,! .lloard, desiring change-, should examine Ibis popular series before making changes. At the May session of Court the Grand Jury recommended the repair of a leaky tank on top of lhe jail which aupplioslho water. TheCourt suggested Immediate action. Nothing has been done by the commissioners, and In lhe mean llmtUhe walU and plastering are being serious' ly injured, The crops tr ,s county are manually good ihi year, nud nands are tcarce. For several years many of them could not get work. This proves that libor is at last finding full employ menl,;and If.not at former high wages It should bo rememheitd that the cost of living Is much reJuced. Wb see by lhe lltpuUican, lhat what is left of their parly had a caucus hero,(orconvention7) which numbered on paper eight ilclegales, at. inougii one ot them told ushewasnotlhere. Of course their labors were machinework.asdelegate elections were not held. This time J. C. Drdwn and Silas Conner go to the State Convention to vote :n Cameron tells them. A large number of our citizens went to Sun bury on tbe Fourth. There was a large crowd there and there were eleven fire companies in procession. Only four fires secured during the by". The Sunbu.-y people ought to have been libt-ral enough ' to furnish one fire for each company. .IIami Hlown Off. During lhe morning of the lib n number of bova from Centralis were lirijig salutes from (be hub uf an iron mining r.irlwIiM-l, Reuben Xiieler was about loucb- ug' cjra charge '.villi. a miner's muib,.wbeii it irciiiatiirfly explodedflie charge and the shot bore olTZeigler's left band. ' r large number of people from Centralis. wero here on Thursday uttcndir.g'un arbitra tion between A. W. Kreamor aud tbo Potts- ville Insurance Company. It would seem that Kreamer s houso in Ceutinlia burneil down, ana he demanded tho insurance money. Ihis they rcluscd, but rebuilt tbo house, as be claims, in a defective way. Hence the suit. ClIEltltV THEE ACCIDENTS. Minerva Wolf, daughter of John Wolf felj from a cherry tree on .Monday and broke her arm ab ive the elbow . Emma Fisher fell from a cherry tree on Tues day ami bruised her head badly. W illiam Darkle fell from a cherry tree on the prim isis of U. It. iluckalew, ou Wednesday. Ni d tmage. Next I 0 i Monday last Sheriff Ilofiman Bold the Catnwbsa Masonic Hall to G. S. Gilbert and J, K. S'jarplesa for $2300. The building and furniture cost aboul $17,000. Alo the real estate of Samuel Houck to J F. l'lihler for 3,200, being the farm. The wood liud was sold to the same for 25.00. The sale of the Casper I. Thomas properties was adjourned until the 18th Inst. A. P. Flint and L. R. Fowler, agents for A, S. Harries & Co's unrivalled publication of School Rook's were in the county this and last week looking after the interests of their princi pals. Tbev are not only active business men, but aflable and courteous to all whom they met Tho books are a series of geographiereaders spellers, and arithmetics. The books are neatly and durably bound, printed on fine paper and with excellent type. The literary selections are unsurpassed, and each particular one well adapted to the diflerent grades of stu dents. The State Public! School Appnornii. TIONS.-State Superintendent Wickerahaui states that there is now over $200,000 ready for dis tribution to the public schools of this common wealth. He requests all the newly elecled tieasurers of the several township,, lo Bend him their reports nnd names and he will at once temit their respective sums. Owing to the many recent changes in township treasurers of school boards lie has been unable to remit as be would have done had he been notified when the new treasurers took their places. Diss Fish I Mi. Bass fishers thus far tnis season are not meeting with very good success Those caught are mostly small and many of them are returned to the water again in compli ance wiih the requirements of lhe law, which forbid the keeping of fish less than six inches in length. The reason assigned for this is that the larger fish arc caring for their young and will not bite tint bey are safely reared. Let us hope that by d by we can haul out the "big uns." ICcho. THE FOUIfUI IN 11LOOM. The day passed very quietly here. Many family plc-n ics went out to the woods and f pent tbe day. In the afternoon a fine game of base-ball was played on the fair grounds be tween Nanticoke aud Bloom nines. The score will bo found .'elsewhere. In lhe evening a large crowd of people went out to ll.e end of Rock street to see a display of fire-works, for which they were indebted to Messrs, Lowen" berg and Drinker, The Hand festival afiorded a resort for many. There was butlillle drunk enness seen on the street during the day. That ably edited nnd enterprising Demo cratic paper, the Elmira Free JVr, truthfully says : "It is amusing to see some of those felbws who kept safely at home during the war, tiy lo look solemnly oracular, and talk about "our" having to fight the South over again, and put the rebellion down, as "we" supposed it was put down before "How we apples swim," If there was to be another war lo day, they would only stay at borne and howl as they did before, They know, perfectly well, that there is no more prospect of war than thero is of the drying up of the Pacific Ocean." Now is n good time for the Town authorities to pass an ordinance requiring ail dogs to be muzzled for the next two months- Frequent cases of hydrophobia are reported in the papers, and from tbe number of dogs in the town our chaiicis are us good as anybody else's. Something ought to bo done to protect the public. Not one third the dogs in town are taxed, and alt the dog in town are worth about as much as the tux that i paid on the onu thiid, If the Inw is notenforced inregurd to taxation, 'let another method to keep down the number be tried, and that is, lo pass an ordinance requiring every dog found on tho street without a muzzle , before the lir.t of September to bo killed. Wo have no Idea that anything ol this kind will be done until some one falls it victim to n mad dog. TTTECOUTMBlAN AND Tiir Sterling Hook Cover. We have purchased the right lo use these covers In this county, nnd havo on hand an assortment of sizes. They make the neatest nnd most con venient form for doing up nolo hosds, letter heads, bill heads, notes, checks, Ac, and n cover will be given nwny with every order o 1000. Try It onto and you will not do with, out It. It Is tho best thing of the kind over Invented. Call and examine If. On last Friday afternoon a very Interesting game of base ball was played ou tho Fair grounds. The contestants being the Nanticoke nine and o picked nlno from town. From the score as given below by Innings it can bo seen Ihnt the gome was unusually well played. At tho end of the sixth Inning tho scoro was even, 1-4. In tho eighth Inning tho Nanticoke nine, through an error of nno of our boys, were allowed to make the winning run. Ono feature ot tho gnmo was lhe very fine catching of -iionagnan oi lhe iitoom nine. The game throughout was noticeable for the fine fielding of both nines though the homo nine excelled in that, as the usiting nine did at tho bat. Innings, 1 3 1 fl ti 7 8 0 Bloom, . 1 I (1(1 (1 2 0 0 01 Nanticoke, - 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 00 oltOI.VANCE No. 2(. An Ordinance h pment (iillle from ninni'n? of forge in the Tvten rf lloombur(. Section 1. lie it ordained and enacted by tho Town Council of tho Town of 1)1 lomsburg, nnd il Is hereby enacted by authority of the same! That on and after the 2Jd day of July, one thousand eight bundled and seventy-nine, it shall be unlawful for any cattle to run at largo nt any time within tbe limits of tho Town of liloouuburg J Any cattle found running nt large within the limits of the Town of Blooms burg shall bo liable to bo seized and disposed of In tho same mnnner as horses, mules, goats, sheep, swine and geese, may bo seited and disposed of under an ordinance of lhe Town pR-scd May 13, 1870, and the fees for tnking and impounding shall bo fifty cents for each head, which shall bo paid by the owner, together with oilier costs and expenses, includ ing the care ami keeping while impounded; And nil ordinances,- or sections, or parts of ordinances, inconsistent with the provisions hereof, nre hereby repealed. Passed July 0, 1879. Atltcst, IsaacS Kdhn, Paul E. WtitT.Sec'y. President of Council. I'll e ivJic KSON'S Ilnr.SnrM bnxr Tobnrro. ALUMNI MEETING. As stated last week, the Society of the Abm, ni of lhe Norm;)! Scho,,l ijiel at tbe school chap el on Thursday ajternboii, J. T. Aikman was elected chairman pro ton, anil Mls A. Arm strong -Secretary. After reading the minutes of last n,eelng tile following officers' were elected for the ensuing year: President J . T. Aikman, Corre-ponding Secretary, F. P. Billmyer.Treas. nier.-G. A. Clark, Recording secretary, Miss A. Buckingham, Executive Committee, Misses Ida TJrnbicli, Eva R ipert, Agnes Bucking, ham, Messrs. Levi Waller and Geo. Elwell Orator. C. A. Albert, Essayist Miss E.Jones, Miss Rogers read an excellent po-m and re ceived a votcof thanks from tbe Association. After. the adjournment the company proceed edlothe dining hall to partake of an elegant dinner prepared, under the supervision of Steward .Well J Tbe Board of Trustees, the Faculty and clergy were among the invited guests vA Iter alUiad done ample justice to lhe numerous good things. Order was called by F. P. Billmyer Esq., who proposed as the first toast of the occasion, "The Normal School', and called upon the Principal, Rev. D. J. Wal. leJ Jr., to respond. Mr. Waller stated among oilier thing, that the Mhool is in a beallhy condition, and that tbepiospects for the future are bright. Mr. Wallfj, then, acting as chair" man, proiosed a toast to the "Board of Trus lees'' which was respended lo by C. G. Barkley Es. The last toast of the day was "The Ladies," to which Geo. E. Elwell Efirespond- ed. Tbe compauy then sang "Old Hundred" and retiredto the parlors where after spend inn a short time socially, they feparaled and went to their respective homes. The Seniors' recep tion in the evening was largely attended, and very pleasant. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, s Tbe regular monthly meeting of council was he'd ou Monday evening, the 9tli Inst . Presi dent Kuhn and all the'members were present On motion of K. R. Drinker, C. 'C. Wirt was appointed secrelarv ro tern, Minutes of pre- ceeding meeting read and approved. Mr. Drinker reported that the committee on sione, chain, and lanterns, had ergsged stone of O. A. Jacoby, and that Rollins, Holmes & Schuyler will furnish chain for lhe Hook & Ladder Company for 7J cen IS per" ound. Report ac cepted nnd committee continued. Letter of W. 1. llauthett concerning hre plugs was read but no action taken. Tbe following is a copy of tbe letter: Oweeo N. July 8lb 1871. Paul E. Wirt, Esq., Dear Sir : -Your let" ter and Postal cards were forwarded lo me here' I have been West Bince I was at your city there fore have been unable to give the attention to your matter that it demanded. Mr. Wiley will be here on Wednesday, as soon as be arrives we will give your matter our atttention at once You may expect to see me or hear from me the last of the week, Yours truly, W. P. Hancuett. . The petition of R. Stiles for building permit m Third street was granted. Petition from citizens praying for an ordinance lo prohilit caitlo from running at large, was read, and an ordinance was adapted by a vole of 4 to 3. The ordinance is printed elsewhere. It prohibits cattle from running at large anywhere within the town limits. Petition from residents of Scott town asking for two lamp posts, one at the corner of Third and Railroad streets, and one at Third and Leonard streets was granted provided that the Gas Company extend their gas pipes to'.tbat portion of the town. A commit lee consisting of Sharpie?, Rabb and Holmes was apointed to confer with the Gas Compauy on the subject. .On motion a committee on printing was appointed, consisting of Holmes and Drinker, The lullowing bills were passed : G A Clark, stationery, $1 83 I) Laycock, olic service 2 00 Gas Company, strtet lamps -It) (lij I S Kuhn, rent uf engine room 2 )00 P E Wirt, secretary 15 00 M C Woodward, constable 8.33 Street Commissioners bill C5.12 The street commissioner was directed to repair the crossing on Market street between K, R, Ikeler and J. E. Wilson's so as to carry water into tho gutter instead of on the. pave ment. Tbe bill of G. W, Correll, for serving tux notices, $10,00 was laid over for con. id, eration, Bill of CM, Ynnderslice for pub lishing tax notice, $3.00, was referred to the committee on printing. Newton Boono was elected collector by a vote of 4 to 2, The complaint of F. Dentler of tbo gutter at Mnrket and Fourth streets was referred to the President. On motion it was ordered that the duplicate be Landed the collector at the end of thirty days, On motion the bond of ibu collector was fixed at $7000. sureties to be approved by t'-o President. Tbe Fifth street opening was discussed, and tho street coniiuis. sioner directed to go on with the wcrk. Adjourned. Frte Shade, Middletex Co , 'a. Having used Or. Hull's Baby Syrup in uiy family wjth the greatest degrco of satisfaction, I uuhesitatingly recommended it as the be$t remedy that I know of for childieu; Thomas Y, Juwmw. DEMOOK AT,BLOOMgBUE&, COtYrivltl 'rhffi5S$I; WYOMINO SEMINARY AND COMMERCIAL COL. LRUK. The thlityflfib annUeisary of this honored Institution of haiiilng was one of unusual In. ieresl. The exercises nf lhe week began Sab bath morning, June 15 At 10.30 o'clock Rev. D. Copeland, Ph. D., I). I)., the principal, de livered the anniversary rermoii at the M. E. Church before a large audience, thf oongiTgallons of tde village uniting for the day. The theme of discourse was "The Relation of Bight, Reason, and Faith with Reference lo the system ofChrlstaln Belief." the ermon was able, eloquent, convincing full of pathos and power. It will be published by tbe class. At 7.30 v. M. tbe alumni termon was preach ed by Rev II Wheeler ,of the Phlladelphla'con ference. Bro. W. being will known and high ly respected In King. Ion as a former pastor, Is always listened to with pleasure. Mondav, Tuesday, and Wedneslav forenoons were occu pied In the examinations nf classes. These ex aminations were tlose, and generally very we'l sulalned. They gave Indication of great faith fiiliiesi on Ibu pnrt of the teachers, and, in most instances, diligent application on the part of the students. As lo the faculty, we arc pleased to ndd that they nre thoroughly devoted to their work ; earnest, enthusiastic, of large experience, and tried worth. This Institution has been fortunate that, In the lhe malu, It has been able to secure Instructors of superior ablli- to, and lo retain them until they became thoroughly Identified with the success ol the school, In no other way can the highetl ad vancement and success of our Conference ?em inarles be attained. Tuesday evening the annual musical soiree occurred in the Seminary chapel. A full hone attested the InWest which the atrnns of thn fcbool display with reference lo thisdepartment of Instruction. Pro'. Stadler conducted the exercises. Wednesday, at 2 1'. M , a delighted audience crowded the chapel to listen to the ladies' diss day exercises. Tbe class consisted of seven graduates, Miss K, Minnie Wheeler, president As there were just seven, it was railed the "rainbow class," each lady being designated by a prismatlo cobr ou this occasion., For more than three hours the audience listened lo lhe class history, prophecy , poem, address b the president of the diss, (which was virtually a valedictory, pilhetic and eloquent,) and other exercises, which were bristling with wit and wisduui from beginning to end, The color of this "rainbow" blended beautifully, and shone resplendent against the clearest June sky The exercises of the clas-slay of 1879 will long linger in the memory of all present. At 7:30 another large concourse gathered to listen lo tiie annual address before the societies, delivered by Rev. J. O Peck, I). D., of Brook lyn. By special request, Dr. Peck laid aide the lecture he bad promised to give, and presented his popular lecture, "Pluck in. Good Luck." For an hour and a half ttie speaker both pleaded and profited his hearers, eloquent thoughts' and mirth. provokirg allusions and ancctlotes swifily succeeding one nnother. It was pronounced one of the most practical, and at the same time enjoyable, addresses eyer giveo before the Seminary societies, II Thursday, at 9 A. .M., lire Coulmenciraent exercises 'proper occurred,, tile jiure," cool, delicious atmosphere makingjll only a pleasure to be present. An audience, jrathered! from far and near throughout thta valley, assethbled to listen to tbe orations and essays of the, graduat Ing class. Twenty-nine-young ladies ahd gentlemen took part in) jhe exercise". Dr. Copeland nddressed a fewJarewell words to. the graduate', tender and advisory. "Thus closed a Commencement of unusual interest. One of the largest classes that ever graduated received their diplomas on this occasion. At 2:30 I'. M. the alumni meeting in honor of the late Rev. Reuben Nelson, D. D., for twenty-seven years principal of this institution, was held in the chapel. Stanley Woodward, Esq., of Wilkesbarre, presided. Addresses were made by Governor H. M. Hoyt, of Harrislmrg; Judge Rhone, of Wilkesberre Hon, Hubbard B. Payne, ot Kingston; Alexan der Farnham, Eq., and Rev. II. Wheeler. All of these speakers pronounced eloquent and tearful eulogies. A letter of great interest was received from Judge'Ketcbuoi, and read to lhe audience. Tne Committee appointed lo take into consideration what form tho, "Nelson Memorial" should take, reported through Mr. Payne that they recommend it to be a statue, thus to recall the person, the man himself, aud at a costof about $G,000. The meeting voted to accept tbe Committee's suggestion, and hooks were opened at once to receive -subscriptions Many ol the audience quickly responded. The entire alumni and other friends of Dr. Nelson will have an opportunity to a'd in this enter prise. The absence of this great fr lend of the Sem inary was keenly fell, the first Commencement which he has not personolly attended for thirty" four years. His death having left the office for president of the Board of Trustees vacant, at a meeting of tbe Board, June 17, Payne Pet tebone, E'q., was elected to lhat position. At 8 P. M. the alumni reunion and annual levee was enjoyed in the chapel. Tbe exchange of friendly greetings, and the usual social priv ileges ot the " last evening oiine term" were participated in by the students and many of the friends of.the Seminary until a late hour; and so closed a prosperous year and a delight ful Commencement season. Despite the "hard times," the general pros perity of Wyoming Seminary is very well marked. This school is eminently worthy of confidence and most generous support of the patronizing Conferences. In intellectual op- iwrtunities and moral tone it ranks among the best. Multiply its patrons ; pray for it j endow it with your wealth give It a large place in your thoughts and effeclions- H. M, Cbyiiexwise, Wyoming Conf. W. K. Macxeal, Philadelphia Conf. C. W. Scott, Sec. Board of Visitors. Till; TItAMf of gen. Davis and Mlt. MICUENER. The following extract from tbe Doylutown Democrat, will bo read with interest by many of nur readers : Our next day's tramp, Sunday, was a long one, thirty miles to Bloomsburg, in Columbia county. We left Sullivan county just lief oro we renched Hagar's, and now passed through tho corner of Luzerne. We were on tbe march at six, und in about three miles struck Cole's creek, which we followed down to Fishing creek nnd down this creek and its alley all day long This is one of tho most beiutiful and lerliRj valleys in lhe interior of the State, growing wider as we go south, the farms improving in appearance, and the buildings more lid p. We passed through Benton, Stillwater, Elysburg, Orur.geville, and Ligbt.Strcet. From various points as we crossed the hills we caught delightful views of the widening valley. Just below Benton, a sweet little girl came to the fence and said to us, "If you find a garter down tbo road please leave it at one of tho neighbors, for I lost mino to-day, coming from Sunday school at Stillwater," Upon being questioned about her lost treasure, the little lady said that it "was red, and white, and speckled." We looked diligently for the garter, but could not find it, much to our regret. To save the little maiden from a broken heart, your correspond ent did the most gallant thing left for him, purchased a new pair, and Bent them to her by tbo baud of a friend. If this does not embajm us in the heart of one of tbe future mothers nf America, we would like scmcbody to tell us whatwili Just below this maiden's home we stopped on Fisbingcreek to lunch and rest. A lady near by gave us a pitcher of milk, but in doing this sho believed she was giving charity to a couple of bona fide tramps, and I urn satisfied she was relieved when we moved on, It commenced to rain now, but we put- or. our gossamer gum coats, and walked two hours through a severo storm, At 3 30 wo were wllbln six and a half miles of llloomsburg, hut the storm had blown over, and tho afternoon was now clear and pleasant. A mile from Orangevillo we stopped at a farm houso to lunch on pie and milk and found our host to be n brother of the late Gen. Wellineion II. Hut, who commanded one of the regiments of ldfcitflif awns'1 .. j t Democratic candidate for Auditor Gf-nernl nf Pcnnn. Our reception and entertainment were cordial and our hospitable host refused in reifhe pay. 'I his wns the rule nlong tbewholu route. We now hunlid on lo our lnco of destination, climbing several sleep hills; but the landscape about lis was always charming. At 7 o'clock, as wo nearedt Uloomburg, we stopped U pay odr reppects' to f tod. Ohal'lcs R. Buckalew, who lived on tbo roadside. Wu found the philosopher-statesman si' ting on bis porch reading a book, but it wus laid liable in n moment, and his welcome was most cordial Your conespondent had hardly seated himself upon the porch, when a large ebcphctd dog seized him by the coat collar, but no harm was done. Unsophisticated persons might think the conduct of tint canine was not ns friendly as it might have been, but.lhen tho welcome of tbo master ih'.ro than counterbalanced the Ill-will of n store Of (furit- If h6 'bad seized upon Mr. Micbcncr, the organs would have instantly sen some political significance In It. Our journey to-day was down through what is facetiously called the 1 Confederacy" of Fishing creek, where the administration tried hard to get up n small rebellion during the wnr. and where n thou-and men of war stormed a pig ity and captured a half dozen old men, and n siiperanuated jackass. Mr, Buckalew accompanied us Into Hbomsburg, and took us to tbo Exchange hotel, tho best in thd place, whero respectable tramps nre well lodged, and vouched for us- This is n beautiful town, .the county.sent Of Columbia, with broad streets,' good buildings, nnd n population of nearly live thousand. lis educational facilities nre increased by the presence of a Normal school, situated on high ground al the head of the main street, overlooking the town. Heret we rested Sunday night. Amohg the gentlemen wo ict wns Captain C. B. Brockwav. editor. bc Idler, lawyer, who did gallant servico in the latu vnr, nn old acquaintance; of vour corres pondent, llloomsburg Is, to all intents nnd purposes-Mr.) I nckidew's 'bailiwick, for ihv'tb hi cumulative sutcm of oting prevails In all its purity, and from what was told ns oflts workings, it does appear lo bo a good thing to have about good lor tax-payers, but bad for politicians. The politbal organization is that of the town of New England' instead of tho borough, the boundaries including the wholo township. It could do no harm to try the system elsewhere. Fishing creek empties into the Susquehanna, which llows about a mile from the town. Here the valley opens wide, is rich, and highly cultivated. We turned our backs on tho pleasant town of llloomsburg on Monday morning, the IGth, and walking down the broad main street-were soon beyond the houses on the way to Sliamo kin, distant about twenty-five miles. We followed Fisbingcreek until we came to the Susquehanna, along a pleasant, shady road ; and then by the river to the bridge which lends Id Catawissa, which it cost ns four cents to cross, Thisis:h rather 'sleepy-looking town; but. we did not tarty long enough , in it to partake of its drowsiness, for we hastened thr6ugh its shady streets and plunged among the hills which surround it. o bad climbed these hills, nnd tramped through the vnlleys ten miles or more, when weenmoto n stand-still because tbe road here forks, and, without niap or guido we knew' not whether to" go to the right pr to the left It wasn't nafe to rub any risks, for we had no relish for getting olf the road and thei tramping buck ngain So the column halted. Your correspondent sat upon n stone to make some, holes in his diary, while Alicliener.lay lull length upon the greensward and hummed a few staves of Pinafore, varying his musical performance by paying attention to ii small toe that was a little tut worse bf weari Your two trampists felt ns if theyr didu't care whether school kept or not. We waited here until a man with a wagon came' along,- who directed us aright, when we again started on nnr winillmr wiiv. Tins rnuntrv is lulli- nnd 'rough,' but not mountainous,- although short mountain ranges-were constantly in sight;' the land is well cultivated ana the roads good. Striking Roaring creek we followed down it. Tbe most considerable villapo we nnsscd through to day was Elysburg, n little over half it snriK'little valley, mud from whoso surround-r ing bills one gets a View that doe's the eves good to loos at. Just before coining to this plne we put ourselves a little .on our mttle and had no trouble' in Teeling4. off a mile in 15 minutes, not fast traveling but respectable going under the circumstances. Beyond Elysburg wo stopped at n farm house nnd wanted to buy milk for a lunch, but the good nousewilo relusul to receive pay lor as mticiii as we wished to drink. We cbatled with her about tbe crops and tho prices. nnd she declared with emphasis that 12 cents per pound I is enough lor butter these limes. Co!.i.ectou.'9 Wakkants, We have prepar ed a form, and have un band a large quantity o blank "Collector's Sales," which have been op' proved by the highest legal authority in the Courts of this county. At Twenty Oenta per doz en we mail any number to tbe Collector order ing ihem, A Collector, when compelled lo ad vertise property, must post up not lea than three notices in the most puliic places in his borough or township. ' If. STARVING TO DEATH. 1 bousands of men and wouien are starving themselves lo death. They dare not eat drink this or that, fearing il will increase their tlesh , Life depends upon continuous self-denial. The only safe) and reliable remedy for this terrible condition Is Allan's Anti-Fat. It is wholly vegetable and perfectly harmless, its use insures a reduction o( from two to five pounds per week. Sold by druggUts. Buflalo, N. Y, June 13th. 1878. To lhe prop's of Allan's Anti-Fat ; Gentlemen The following report is from the lady who used Allan's Anti'Fat: ' It (lhe Anil Fat) had tbe desired effect, reducing lhe fat from two to five pounds a week, until I bail lost twenty five pounds. I hope never to regain what I have lost." Y'ours resp'y, Powell & Plimpton, Wholesale druggists. A PATENT RtOlIT SWINDLER .GETS HIS UESEItTS, A smooth spoken man, having the appear ance of a farmer, drove up to the residence of John Witmoyer, in an upper part of Berks county, several days ago, and wanted Witmoyer to buy a township right for tbe sale of a patent corn shelter, Witmoyer happened to have been a juror In a case in which a farmer had beeu swindled by a device similar to this one, so be concluded to draw the man on. He told tbe agent to prepare the agreement, which be' ing done, was handed to tbe farmer for his signature. Witmoyer, however, astonished lhe agent by saying be would just read il, when it was discovered that the agreement was a prom, is.ory note for $300, So John called in his two big sons, and together they carried tbe patent right man to the horse trough in the barnyard, where they baptized him. Then they gave him a number of kicks apiece, put the dogs on him, one of them tore off a large patch olbis pantaloons, and so cheered him on his way. The agent has quit business in that part of the county. Jxtriot. STOl'I'l.NO THE PAPER, An exchange has the following allegory, which has always an application ; "A certain man hit his toe against a p'.-bble, and f-ll headlong lolhegrouud. lie was vexed and under the inlbierce of anger and silf sufficiency be kicked mother earth right saucily With imperturbable gravity he looked to see the earth dissolve and come to naught. But the earth remained, aud onlv his uir font in. jureil In tbe encounter'" The subscriber who takes odince at a newspaper paragraph and stops his paper is very like this man. He waits to hear the cratli. He fin la sweel solace in the bitter responsibili, ties of the rival papers. He expects very soon lohearof the titter annihilation of the estab lishment he has ceased to patronize. He loses sight of the probable fact that two new uh- scrlbers have taken his place, and is astonished ultimately to learn that the newspaper la just exactly as llirilty and popular as ever. W hen man goes iu a ury gooiia nouie, or a grocery, or any other establishment to purehase, ho does so became he expects to get bargains.- When be goes to a newspiper office to subscribe, bo is BiipKMttI lo do exactly the same thing, and if he is gelling a live paper for a little money. when he stops Ithe is the' loser noboe'y else. Montrose Democrat, t . - . . 1 1 you neeu loqing up .uou'i lake poisonous liquors or Litters. Kidney-Wort is the r feet tonic- -u .C'AL'i n muMinii nil liurrc n m n bun! ibe Is in, tltlit'l;snr. Mlit spewed "by the medical piof.-(on 'tA flifi'fVoi Invslfd weakly pets3ii ahd Ihetazeil. '". JUI sold by iWg.stf: J 'WO, Htarojilng done br Ml Ann!(Ktiprt, Msrk etsfreel.' A large number of new and tlrgsnt pal(ern just received ,Juneft.'l:w The',2'ienr Preit, of Si- Paul has An afjlife by il. A. Tanner, who says ! "The.besf.w'sy b avoid colorless, sickly-looking butler Iri wjnfer, Is lo use Wells, Richardson & Co's PcrfcctttJ nutter uoior, tue.nwenlla' principle being 'tji same aSjia lhe yellow dandelion blossoiiis." Too Many SlitlftflTihe Public Hth'sols. "Our schools are buulened with too many studies, ologles, Isms, and crolcliets of ec centric examiners, who exact of others what they could never do themselves," lately said an experienced teacher .In one of the public schtiols of the cjty, j and tliero was ample justification forlho remark-. v All parents are aware' that their children nowadays arc atUfled with a variety nnd a quantity of information which it Is Impossi ble for them to digest, and that in the njr tempt to acquircit their health fillers, and their overrcclgfied faculties areMibpaffeii un der tlpj stralu. Instead of being taught a few things well, they get n smattcrlug of' all sorts of knowledge, passing fioni one study to another without having thoroughly mas-' tered any. A schoolboy's arms are hardly long enough to Stretch around tho text books with which tho city provides him, And to which he must address his dazed InteRcct. The people whojean-ofTord to aerul. their children to private schools must took' out for, themselves to see that the instruction he boys and girls get is, to develop and strengthen their intellects, uot to clbg aud rxhnust them ; but It Is the business of the publitu make sure that tho (raining In the frecj schools, where a vatfmnjority of tho children of'tbe city receive their tultioD, is so regulated as to produce only the best re sults,, and is simple, thorough, aud.practl cal.i , Of late years all sorts of fantastic theories, and notions havo crept into the 'profession of teaching, and In consequence tbere..has been bred a lot of pedagogues, who are uoi satisfied with training young people in the ordinary elementary branches of reading. wriing, nnd arithmetic. The resulf islbat in our public sclii&!s'''thef6tce.afJtStruet- ors is swelled by a great crowd of fancy teachers who divert the attention of the pu pils from substantial studies, and load thejr minds, with a mass of facta and theories they arelunabte to digest. For instance, we find in thecourse.oUnstr'usiien.lald .down. by', the. Board of Education for the grammar schools) that "the meaning and use, of at, least twenty Latin-roots" are required; valu aoie miowieuge, uouoness,, lor ooys 10 ex-j peer, to get a complete aim elegant educa tion before they , are 'done with their school ing, but of no , use to ninety-nine out of a hundred of tho the .youth' who attend the school! ;tor which be people pay. Draw ing also "dower .forms, original designing historic ornament, pottery' forms, and, geo metrical figures" consumes a considerable port of the time, of the pupils, and among the obligatory studies aro astronomy, tbe structure of the human body, natural phil osophy, music, aud the analysts of sen tences. These are things about which It is, highly desirablo that men of liberal education should know, but nobody can get more than a mere surface view of them except by( long and special study. They form no such essential part of an education for tbe ordinary purposes of life as those elementary branches to which tbo schoolmaster of old gave his attention, and iu which the boys and girls at tho public schools can barely spare the time to gain any proficiency. In stead of extending the range' of the valua ble Information of tne i scholars, tbe hours spent upon these fancy Btudies withdraw ihem from proper diligence in the pursuit of those homely but essential parts of a practical education, reading, writing, and arithmetic. A boy or girl who has only a few years to spend in school, and who must, leave it to earn a living, has no time to waste in learn ing things not necessary, and hardly time lo pursue' those branches which" are the prime objects of rudimenUrytraining.OurmosT intelligent and faithful Principals of'gr'a'm- miir scuools are.weu aware omnia laci, anu would gladly simpllfthe course of Instruc tion, but they are, powerless to, do It.1 Crotchety Trustees aud Commissioners have fine theories of education, which they ire bound, to try a,t, the expense of botli teach era'anil'pupils: :N.'YSuni ' ' Suggestion is a privilege all can make use of, and we would suggest to tho myriads of sufferers from Bilious Fever,Fcver and Ague, indigestion, etc , to use Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pills, whose curative power over theso disea ses) is gratefully appreciated by thousands I'rico ouly 25 cents. The Iter. McCorty of Syracuse, relates tho following of a Louisiana planter: "A planter bad two daughters with colored blood In them; tbev were sent to France and nigtuy educated; returned Home when the planter offered a white man $100,000 to marry one oi tne gins, ine young man loved the Ctrl but was in danger ot the nenl teoliary. as it was a crime for him to mariv thus; but be solved tbe problem ; he bared his arm lo tno Burgeon anu bad colored blond Injected into his veins, and then he could swear that he bad colored blood In him ; thus he evaded tbe law, took $100,000 and got a good wile in tbe bargain." ADvfci to 111THKHS The lfoval Humane Knraetv of England has Issued the tollowtng seasonable od- nee uj uauiers : "Avoid oainingwumn iwonours altera meal, or when exhausted by fatigue or from any other cause, or when the body Is cooling after uersDlratlon. and avoid barium? altotretiier in th open air. It, alter being a short time in tbe, water mere is a sense or cnuuness, witn numnness of the hands and feet, but bathe when tbe body Is warm. yiu uieu uu uuio is lust iu gviiun? imu uie water, Avoid cumin? the body bv sIIUdl- or standi"? un. rinwej on lhe banks or In boats, after hatini; been In lhe water, or remaining too long In tho water na me dlately there Is the sllirhtescreellng ot chilliness. 'Uielgorou8 and strong may baths early In the morutuT on an empty stoiaaeh.but the young aud those who areweuk bad better bathe twoor three hours alter a meal ; the trot time for Buch Is from two or three- hours after breakfast. Thos win hth subject lo attacks of Lrtddlaesa or falntneas and who Kuner from palpitation of tbe nam, bhouldlnot uuuiu wuuoui nrsi consulting tueir medical auvi acr. Marriages. Behninoeb Dewitt. July 31 1879 at Cat awlssa, by. Itev. G, B. Dechant, Mr. Franklin .M. Ilernlnger lo Miss Anna 11. Dewllt, both of Mainville, Columbia county, Pa. juujiv jivAs. j my oiii jsju, by the same At the house of Mr. Joseph Ltbr, In Beaver township, Mr. Philip Sluuiy of Beaver, lo Miss Kale llyan of Zionsgrove Schuylkill county l'a, Business iNotice s Boot headquarters at McKinuey's. For tbo cheapest and finest patterns of iruu i dice gu iu o. iu. ilfss, llloomsburg, Pa. McMoueys bhoe Store below Court X louse. 11.60 will buy i barrel mackerel at D, T1TT '1 11 1 I ,Uji.l. I . I 1,1 sill,. Call at -McKlnnoy'a for Shoes. , S3 .. .. . Spring Styles Spring Goods Wprlng Styles, Call and see The New Oood.i,; Tho -New Styles at the mew rrice, Cheaper than ever. Must be seen to be believed, better1 goods' at icwe-r prices - m - - , at 1), 1Owcuberg'a.j Kbbbers at MtfKlnney'Z Beautiful 811k Uat.lf.'ew Soft Hals, , Wool Hats, Fur Hals, Pol" Men for Hoys and Children At lb Popular store of ' 1). Lowenberg. , ; Arbuckol's Coffee 20 ct. at D. A. Creasy ', 1 f Ml.l 11.,t. . f ' Aamlsslon free at McKlnney's. A fine selection" of" Ladles' Gold Wftkhcs and Chains, both' American and Inlported uy ine best makers at 1j. Uernliartl's Jewel ft Store. Boot and Shoes cheap at McKlnney's. ''A' Sugar lo'cui'at t). T. Creasy's, Fanners attention I H. M. Hess. lllooms burg, Pa., now offers cheap for cash or grain an kiniis oi iarniuig implements, Golden Syrup, -48 cts. nt'l). A. Creasy's. , DOBBIN'S ELEOTKI0 SOAP. HaVlng 'dbtnliled the agency of this Celebrated Soap for Iiloomsburg and vicinity, I append the opinion uf some of our best neonle as to its merits. , "I have used Dobbin s Electric Roan made by I. L. Cragln & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., for washing about-ten years, and' think it superior to any other, Mrs.,0. G. Barkley." "We have used Dobbin's Electric&iap and fihd It superior to any other or nllotheri. Mrs. W.'Il'. Jacoby, Mrs. 11. HI Stohner. I desire all my friends ahd customers to (live tliii.'Soan onti 2Wu, so that they may know just how, .good, the Best Soap iu tho , United States is. ". I 11 M.-. i , ii, i-iAir.i., july 12, '78-ly llloomsburg, Pa. New Goodstlthls'' D, ,A. ,Creay, i Ailentown Bone Mantirp.Salf arid Platcr, for sale' at1 SharnleBs' Foundry.' 'Blooms-' burg, l'a. juiy,U,'.70Hlwi Dobbins Electric Soap, 10 cents at I). A. Creasy's. 1 I have opened a slock' of leather and shoe findinrrs. at the stand on conler' of Main arid Mhrket'streets, to which the attention of dealers throughout tbe county I invited.. J.,JJ.,YV,I5qN. Juuo 27 3-w. ,,,, t;maiik:i:kpok'j:s. BLOOMSBURO MARKET. Wheat per bushel. i i...... I .... .. ......W H 11.10 .! ..Ho &.IHJ 3.50 .15 U . 7 Hyo corn, new. Hals. Hour per barret' ..i ...., cloverseed Flaxseed ,i'-.Av.ii.-.. nutter Eirirs "......-..-.....';.'. Tallow It.! Potatoes Dried Apples-.. i 04 Rams , Uif Sides Shoulders . ten Lard per pound ......., .., . Hayperton ; ' ioM iu-fawiLX....i.. - va Timothy Seed .v 'z.w i veui Aiiuflsrun iuai. No. 4 on Wharf I S.eo itr 'I ui- No.a " " ;it... ..i. S.15 - No. S" " j.jj ,.,.. j 1,1,'"' , ' Hiacxsmith's curup on vt nan i a.i.r i nitumlnoiia fr, v'-. 4 ou . r TRUSTEES Of valuable REAL ESTATE '! ! L . 'Ill '1 The undersigned' Trustee, appointed by tlic Or phans' Court of Columbia county to make sale of the real estate of Mary Gorrellt late ot the borough nt Central la in said county, deceased, under tho Act of Assembly In such cases mode nnaproUded, will ex- posq to public site at1 the Court' House In Blooms- burg ou Wednesday, July 30thj 1879, at one o'clock In the afternoon, all the right title and Interest ot the said Mary Uorrell la tho follow, lnir di-senbed real estate. iso. i. All mat certain messuage anu tot or piecu ui i-round situate In thn borough of Oentralla In tho county ot Columbia and statu of Pennsjlva nla. Consisting of tholobi numbered eight (S), nine (), ten (Hi), eleven (11) and twelve (1!), In block uuiiiut-ieu iuneiy-bi& oo; on luv Hi'imui luup ui plan of aald burouh, each of said lots being twenty- live (tt)' feet In width and itogelher one hundred aiid twenty-live (US) feet. In wldlh and extending of that width to depth ono hundred and forty (140 feet, Ith the appurtenances, consisting ot a two- story frarne-dwelltiiir house, 'and one-t.tory frame onicc. Also No. ', A certain otner mcwuagc and lot or pieco of ground Bltuate in Raid borough of Centralla,and con slating of the lots numberedone(l),and two (2)ln block number nlnety-&lx (;) on said general man ot tho borough of Oentralla; each of said lots ot ground being twenty-live (25) feet In width and together ntty (5o) feet In' width nd extending of that uidih n depth one hundred and forty (Uv) feet with tao appurtenances, consisting of a two-story, tramt dnclllug houso and a ono story frame dwelling house. Atso,i No. 3 A certain other messuage and lot of ground situ ate In bud borough ot centralis and numbered on the general imp or plan of said borough one (i) in block number' (9?) being twenty-flve (2.1) feet In width and extending or lhat width In depth one' hundred and forty (lio) feet Also, KO. J, A certain other messuage and lot of ground situate lu said borough of Oentralla, and numbered onep) In block number one hundred and four (lei)on the general map or plan ot said borough, being iwenty-flve (U) feet In width and extending of that Idtb lu depth one hundred and forty (U0) feet with tho appurtenancescoDststlng ot a one and-a- half story plank stablo and warehouse.' TBltMSOK SALK. Ten Dercent ot one-fourth ot the purchase money to bo paid at the striking down of the property, tie one-fourth less the ten per cent at the confirmation ot sale, and tho remaining three fourths In ono year thereafter with Interest from confirmation nisi. WILLIAM II. OI.ARK, , . . Trustee, llloomsburg, June 37, lS'v-ts. DMINISTKATOH'S NOTICE! KSTATK OK AMTUCNT SNVDKH, DECEASED, Lotters of administration on Uie estate of Anthonv Snyder, late ot Ml ram township. Columbia Co.. de ceased, have been granted by the lteglsur of said county to the undersigned Administrator, to whom uu perouus muuuieu are reque&itia to make imme diate payment and those having claims or demands aguiu&L me eaiaio win uiaite uiem known to tne Ad ministrator without delay. L.'liAUl,aa A. KauiiK, Administrator. June 90, ts-tw llloomsburg, DMINISTUATOIt'S NOTICE KSTATK OF HA8A1I BVUVKHS, PKCEASKP. Letters of Administration on the estato of Sarah Hummers, lateot Hemlock t p., Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by the Heglbter of said county to N. V. Moore of Hemlock, All rous having claims against the estate are requested to present them for settlement and those indebted to make payment without delay. n. v. MOOKE. C. W. Miller, Att'y. Administrator, -lime!, '7K-HW AUDITOR'S NOTICK, luthe matter ot the estate of Ucurv Lehr. tie ceased. The Auditor appointed on exception 111- d to tho second account ot Joseph I hr sunlvlng Executor ot the esute ol Henry I ehr, deceased, v. Ill meet all parties Interested fur the purpose ot his appulot ineulou Monday the slut day ot July IStv. at lu o clock, a. in., at his Law umce in llloomsburg. A. D.111 1 II, June 8T-fiw Auditor, NU'I ricK. Tbe undersigned hailnir obtatnfnl control nf the Ky Kerry, has put It In thorouirn reoalr. a new wire hating been obtained aud It u now open to tbe dud Jic. 'i ne cnannei win De oiNned mi thai, tiin riv tr can be ferried at all umea of tbe j ear, and ntgnt auq aay, up osite Khpy inert are beautiful DlciUo irrounda. wellsuDi'lietl wlLb udi-Idi? water, aud ka- uuucu (row interruption or annoyance. DAVID OBISINGBlt, Ka jy. June tttu, 8m N OTICK. Notion Is herebv t-tvetl unnllr-xllnit will Iia mad j at the next meeting of the Hoard of 1'uMbua ul llsrrlsbiirg, Pa., for the pardon ot Hubert Van-lykt- who was convlcttid of Larceny In the Couil oi ijuarujr i-esi-ious or l uiuinoia county, at February n-Mluiu -9l,,au. ocuirurcu lUIHU eilTg UipriHOll K. It. IKELEII, Att'y lor Vandyke, OTICK TO TKACIIKHS. Abnllcallon for tearhcr-4 for lllnnmiiliiircr ri. District will be rt-ctlvi-d un tu Hih iih nf .luiv at which lime the teachers for the ecsulug year will O.S. KLitilAN, , , Secretary tf Board July Ma, A UDITOR'B NdTfcE. In the matter of the distribution of lhe funds la Court ,rom llM al0 ot tn0 property of Monro Crcve- llnsw J. McEwntf, . vs. jIoohk Oastti.tHd. l No, 1S May Term, 1ST. . ' Plur. M.i ra. Now, May nth, ls-s, the 'Court appoint tiro. It. nsui miuiiur tu nifeiriiMMti lilts luuun in iw i ns Ing ttom sale bf teal nsuitei by agreement ul routi ne i 11 L ' UitMtfiUd ptnu, Itf'TniCoiraV. . I'lirsisnt In the above SppOltilment'Uie under Mgncvt nil. Mlat tils cjfllixj In )linom.tbttrff on Kalur dan July nth, ist, at ten O'clock: in the. forenoon, where and wheu all persons Intcristed.are ruiinlred to I resent their claims In tore said auditor or bu ie barred iroin eoininpin for a share of Mid fnfid. 1E0, 1:. hLWKI.I, ,!uno tt 4w Auditor. 4 I'MTOH'S NOTICE. the matter at Ihfl estAtA nf t. Jnhn A; Son. an. signed to j. m. pmnn, ror nenent oi creditors. Now, Juno S, istt, on motion of Messrs. freeij and Knorr, U. (I. Iiarkley, Esq., Is appointed auditor to distribute lunds In hands of J. M . s mlth,asslghcc, as round by Auditor's lleport of ,LV u, liaikjey, among the creditors! BT TnR COCST, . Parsuant to tht, above appointment lhe under. signed wlllfltatblsontro In llloomsburg on .Mon day, July sist. is;, at o'clock, lu the forenoon, where and when all persons interested aro reonlrert to present their claims before said auditor or be lie haired from coming la for a share of said fund. O. (1. 1IAKKI.KY, Juno i-4w Auditor, unnoH's iNoTicK. . ffiilie Inatlt-r of tfib lixceirtlona Id tho nrst and sec. und accounts of the AdmlnUtiatur Jt Jacob uurnijoy, talc or scott township, deceased. The undersigned, appointed Auditor by the Court on exceptions to tbe aiiove named account will stt at htsonicoln Uloomsburg on Saturday, Jul snth, at ten o'clock a. m , to attend to the duties of his ap. polutmem, at which time and place all parties In fercstcd may attend tt they think proper. . 11. L'LAltK, Jtinctr.'iMw .Auditor. PORT GRAPE WINE t'sod o tho principal churches for Communion purpoRes. KXrELLENTFOl LADIES AND WEAKLY PEBSOilS AUD THE AOiD. Spear's Port Grape Win ! FOUR. YEARS OJ-D. rphls Celebrated Natiio Wlrie Is inado from the X juice ot the Op0rto,(jrupe, raised In thls.t ounty; I ' Its Invaluable lohio and Strengthening Properties are iinsiirrnMcd)y any oilier Katlo vine. Heine the pure J ilca nf ih (trup--. produced -under Mr. nriii r it iiTM-imi hhmtvisiuu, un imniy una ir-'liillneuebs .mo irunrunUx'd. 'rttoiYOtuiircat child mav pa-tiiko of ttgcueroU!Uallk's,and the weak est Invalid ue1t lo advantage, tilt Is particularly benrjK lal to tne aged aod debilitated, and suited to the v.Hous nllineiiM'tlt&t affect lhe weaker sex. It Is' lu, every reapectvA .Vl.NKTtl,l(p ItEI.IKIJ o.i., , ,SPKEIVA i Ik P. J. SllClTJ . , The V il. SlIBItltr Is n tVine ol Buncilor Character.. aud partakes of the golden qualities ot the grape, from which It u made. For rurlty, inclines?, Flavor, and Medicinal properties. It wll be found uncx-jclled. SPKEU'Si J. J. ItraiKly. Tbi BrtANnV stands unrivaled la this Country. being far superior for medicinal purposes. IT IA A rtlHE distillation from tho eriipcniul con tains valuable mcdlclaul properties. It has u delicate llivor, similar lo that of tho grapes from which it u distilled, and Is In great fiwor among itrst-clasa families.: t Si that tho signature ot AI.FItED HI'EKIt, Passilo N. J., Is over the cork ot ench bottle. SOID BY O. A. KlTEIM. pine it, lKTU'tt Rowell & Co's. Advc'B. EMPIRE THRESHER MANUFACTURED A T HAGERSTOWN.Md, srri&HAGCfisrawNsm.wENGUJCuuciiifZ.A THE BEST IN THE WORLD. JudcG, 'td'ttm. SUMMER TRAVEL. If Ou lournev for busluea3. health or recreation to tliu Mountains, Ijikes. or shores, over land ornver aea, Uont rail to secure the protection of ACCIDENT lNbUItANi'K In Till! TltAVELEitN, of Hartford. Any regular Agent will write u yearly or monthly l'oucy lu a few minutes, or a 1 Icket from one to thirty daya. Tho tost la so small that any one can afford It v. ho travels at all Cash paid for Accidental Injuries over 'j,(xH),ooo. r JlllJB7i1W 1 nnn prollts on UOdayslnvestmentor&l nn JL4UU omclai Huports. Ireo 9 AUVI Proportional returns every week on Stock Options oTfiO, .'0. $11X1, tMO. Ad-dri-wiT. Potter wuqt & Co., bankers, as wall st,, N. Y r JuneST,N-lm FilM'iiis.iii'ssWililiMi dMI fiin m)k ru iiiiu Bill We willpuy AKt-nU Hilary ot tiuupcrmoni fiv and woaucrrul luvftiluma. Hf m(wvviat wny4 Mmpl frie. addreiatiattMAi&COpMMsb&UjMklu Juno 2T, 79-1 m r SEND Til V. 11. HICIl CO., rnrtland, Maine, for best Agency llustncss lu tho World. Kxpcnslvo ou'nt rrce. JunuST, a-iw. 717 a Month and expenses guaranteed to Agents I ( uutntfrev. Suaw co. acqcsta, Maine. June m, "w-iw r tHriri rwK YKAIt ana exrensM tn ugenta. (lutnt VII Free. Addrcts r. 11. VICKEUY. Aueuna. aimue. r Juno 7, l-iw, I ttr-Mitinnninni ' JUnes Inserted one week tn ARVmlXnfflfilll330 newspapers for ill Send UU I Ul UuUillljUliuo. tor loo pago pamphlet, a. 1'. ItOWELf. Jt CO.. N. Y. juuo ,isi iui r t3 Ml lis? VS p mi Eql -1 ffgR-s iwll g g g 1 ImHI a, creasy . Ms) s, 'K-ClL-