MOCXWATk XIiWSUn Xillm. BLOOM8BURG, PA. Friday. July 11.1870. JUW1K WOODWARD. tn"it tail week' i.uo llio Republican ro' prints from tho VYm retorted interview with Hon. V. J. Woodward, lonnctly Pre iJcut JuJge in tins county, and now a Judge ol our Supremo Court. From our knowledge ,of Judge Woodward wo feci assured tint tho whole tnallcr ik a forgery, but if correctly ro iHiricd, every Democrat iii the State would leiiict Invinx elevated liim to Ida .-present exalted position. The following front the I'hiluUlphia Timet should, howover, nettle tlio qietton, cccially ai uppoacu to scna lional liesrxay pulil'islied in tuch nn untelia tile sliect a the l'rtu : Mr; Jutico Woodward of the Supreme. Court, returno I from HarruWg to his home at Heading nutuo of June, vry til. and l.n rriiminod an invalid ever since. He is now tcp'CM'ntcd to bo free from disease, but i-xtit-ntt-lvr niwk. nnd his titlllljr propo'0 to remove him. within a few days. 'to a summer icidcnuo in Delaware conniy,.Ncwiiiilt, for partii"ilar caro during the period .of expected 0 11 'nl tfeenrc. Sinco the beginning ol June lie lia-4' seen no letters or newspapers, has known nothing rT th proceedings of t) 'ti-ru,- and has not liadcoturnuuicatcd to Mm, lor very prudential reaous, any knowledge of 11 late letter from a correspondent of the I'm nt W.vliin 'tint, or f comments of the news- piiicrs therein. Tlic-o facts rcnmvo all tis THE COLUMBIA AD JMOCRAT,BLpO COLUMBIA, COl TY, of a Danbury (Oonm) I TMekliB SlMf., JtlcM aid CnUUK. H" xfifl Olover Bombshell. I A Matuor.' llonci. I l l,l. w1n,l lf.'. I I I 1 ' I ........ I PA. The divorced wife of ft Dan bury (Conn.) man la tli lit r1 tiiiran nf tils ftNnnil nlfft'l baby. Mary llolt'a father was wealthclr than any I other farmer' in' Wondsod county, KDsa and she received a more careful education It li well known that a rlilonhtp xlu than was usually bestowed upon the girls of tvtwMn InltM. nn.lln.lmn. kldner d senses tint nnrt ol tho eounty. iter parents in vl , .-r-.--, , I. ..... . . and liver troubles. In1 Kidney Wort w hare tenjett that ho fchoolii marry a proiessmnai areundr'.ilistuctnon the enteral mlem and man, but she perversely fell in love with restores eenilr aiding nature's Inter. Jsnic Athburn. a young farmer, who was nal processes. Druggists keep it. njt at all the man they would hsro chosen. Ashburn and Mary wero married secretly, A Mtir at Tlrle Teari. Tho gnt ou,( ari(i Ashburn, paid that n. rviii.i ... .1... t... u,.i.,t. . they might as well confess tho truth to Mr. glrlllTlng several miles from Bellon, and d M; Holt, taklHg the con.equenccs. M aty .I. ... m.r.l .,, I,.fnr h ws was tetnfi'd by tho idea. She had always been obedient, and she know that her liar cuts' grief and dUappolnltuent would be deep. Hath r than go through tho ordeal, sho poi.v nned herself to death with sirrchnino Ash- burn d'clared that he would not survive her, and his friends guarded him closely to prevent him from committing suicide ; but while his wile's funeral procession was pasing tho I10UMS he obtained a pistol and shot lilnitelf. His aim was wild, however, and tho wound was uot fatal. Poisoned Milk. New York. July 5. Thomas Doyle, la borer, with his family, consisting of wife, on and daughter, who reside at, 84 Sackett etreertliooklyn, partook of somo milk pro- I'lired'frniu a grocery store to'day, and after- Worcester, Ma., July 6. At half past ward became very HI, exhibiting all the two p. u., yesterday tho sleamer Col, Isaac I ymptomi of poisoning. Mrs. Fannie Davis,, a pleasure boat plying on LAke Rounds and her two children, and JUlla Quinslgamou'd, was upset while lying at her Huffman, also living In the same bouse pur- moorings, at Lincoln Park, and about a (doIc of the same milk and were also taken hundred persons wero precipitated into the tick, as also were Patrick Gilmsrtin's three water. Of these five hive been taken Out children, llvltie at 44 Carroll street. The twelve years old, gave birth to a female in fant, The mother is not thirteen years old, and will not be until September. The child mother and her babe were doing well at last accounts. A'orA Georgian, ' HacratufBtil Wiie. SneorN l'ort Grapo Wine is a pure, unin- toxicatiog wine, from the finest native grown l'ort Grapes, especially for tho use of Chris' tian Churches, and guaranteed to retain Its grateful' flavor and essentia) qualities unim paired for any period. Much used for even ing parties and by invalids. For sale by 0. A. Kleini, Dloomsburir, t'a. A Stcasiboat Upset. THE ACT TO BNLAKOB THR JUIHSTJlpTIO OK . ' TDKFOnMKR AND TO tlKOl'LATR Tltlt'Fa'EA OP TI1K LATTBR MAKIN'0 'SALES UNUEH THE ACT. On this subject, the "N. V. Mar" saj-s I Thus tha game weAt on until the House of ltep- rcsentatlTes tpecsmo llemocratJo and Mr. (Hover's committee wss sppolntcd. A rattling of dry bones ensued Immediately, and eterr eoncelrsble Inlrl- n. r.iunn. '.. 1 1.. r 1.,. r Kue was resorted to In order to Impede and psraljie following is the full text of A law of The wareli which .r.olorer'searncstlionesty rend- ered Incvltaile. l)cpllo all obstructions the In. iiulry was carried on t and although wmii wore lounaw BV1119 ineirport :in' yunjfn.'su.i it uwa uu. to-day to tho people through tho columns of "The War," The iocument la a lengthy on", but all who nur. suo It will readily appreciate why John shermsn and his liadlcal confreres was o snxlous to SMolh. er It. It lifts the root off tho Treasury for the first time In twontyj ears. It shows that tho swindling llureau of Engraving and Printing has absorbed H7,imo,ouo of public money, tho greater part of which was wasted or stolen. It shows that Interest on United Mates bonds has dead and about thirty were injured. gro.-er was 'arrested, 'charged with selling adulterstid milk. Physicians were unable to decldr whether the poisoning resulltll from adulterated milk or from mineral pol- I son contained in the ran. New York, July C Nil deaths have be lt would seem to be bcltlcdby actual ex Deriuicnt that it Is an extremely liaiardous nihility i( fairly imputing to Justice Wood-1 a, well as a brutal piece of sport to explode ward the exprcssiou of any opiutou. or views firecraci;ers under the feet of women. Mi ZwxlWvTiSfc C"'A"iDe ?? ' 6h,eeDf l:M'e curred amorg the' p.Kiple poisoned by milk tho last month Ol the session wnon me con- du oiuj jbiiuio uuumr, 6m I purchase I from fepparu, me grocer, in test between the two houses and the Froap Matfeawan. N. Y., were burned to death by uti, Urnnklvn. Friday, but many co'titinue dent was mainlv waged and gaye rise jo moan3) ftcr ggo hours ot intenso suf- vry Thirty new victims ate reported r.iia iiui uiwmHuuraa u. iw.. j P .u ih,,.n(V,. These noor girls ... i...x. ..t.i. h.i.n inr. A fiiend to the Judgaamt nn sou assure uiq - - '""7- - 3nifs that tho lottcr in the hrett, professing were tho victims of a barbarous custom as I ie(.per 1 the' neighborhood) and it Is In rcfVcat certain statements niado by the I dangerous as it is annoying 'and cruel. 'thought some ot tbem' may ha'v ut poison very general Interest hero : Bccrio. 1. He,it enacted ,ks., that tho al dermen, magistrates ind Juitlces of tho penco in this commonwealth shall have concurrent jurisdiction with tho courts (if common picas of all aelions arising from contract either ex pieced ot implied, and of nil nctiou ol trcs luss and oftrovcriKlconvcrslonlnrherein tho sum demanded dts not exceed thtco hun dred dollars, except in cases of real contract where Uia titlo to lands or tenements mnv come in question, r action upon promise of been frequently collected for jcars by an outsldo Inortino. I r " I m. in all actions brought uelore n shows tint tho thieves wero protected and any u.t en nl the iirace. tii-iirl.trnln or n iter. Shielded by Treasurer Wjman snd other high of . nn .f mnl..l ll.o l F ' l""!" vu ...... uu. cy. eitner oxpresicn cr implic't, it the plain i, dlrt-ctyluiollcates John Sherman, who noi only Iff shall file at any I i 1110 beforo tho isuing of perpotiuted the corruption he round beforo hlm.but tho summons in any such case, an affidavit mnltlplled It for the purresc of rewarding partisan -, 1 , , , ., . .. . , services as, for Instarce, when he altered tho Cus- slating the amount he verily believes to bo Wms regulations 0n our Canadian fronUer snd ruin- uuc I rem tlie Ucleuuant togrllicr with a copy ed hundreds of merchants, solely for tho sake of In- of ihMiodk MititM ot- in.triimoiil nf wr I n creasing the tees 1.1 a nepumican senator s protege, ... -1 ! i M ,,L. : 1 . 1 . i I Tlie Glorcr report demonstrates that the Federal uinrn "".ii ""-""" uiuugm, Ui "'-' Hecrot Berv loo Iiuresn Is a Unk of rottenness and tho claims aro not evidenced by writing, if blackmail. In which no honest man (on a tompt to tho n il miff shal file nsaforoaid sn affidav t perform his duly n Ithout incurring tho penalty of . ,1. ... 4 i.i.'i.i ..., r certain dismissal. t uu, ,u, "; '.. " . "v" u lncidontally examines tho Southern cotton tho fame, it Shall bo tlio duty ol the justice, Ucisures, and details how Hon. William E. Chandler, aldermau or magistrate lo niako a cony of having seemed a full list of these cotton claims such affidavit, duly certify tho same and ilo- wf enllb'1c,4 ? rnsln 1,13 Plt,on, " A'SJ?" .uS J rntnrv nf I in Trnn ipv orirl (ttnn at nnit Intnft. 'lilr ivur 11 iu iiiu uuuaiuuiu iu nuui iiiu sum- 1 ,irrtPt !! wnnii inn mm mons H issued, which certified cony slinll bo Iiuttbo mostbtarUlng disclosures ot tho entire KPrrP.1nMltnt.mrt an.l in li mnnnnf ihnt report refer to the MIqU &nH to tllO UUrCaU Of Kn scivico is made ol tho summons in tho case, miA kn0W8 how Ulldcl.mttn ruffc4 th0 nonanztt and the jiKtico, magistrate or alderman shall mines In omclal reports and mndo a fortune out ot render jndgmeut in f.ivor of tin pl.-iiutiff for tlie ay ladle. Hut ltls not so will known thslaatuuch the .mount of his c'aim. unless ,l,e defend- Z X, . , ant at or leloro the time at wind. Iho sum-1 miny oUierocrlsfiiK8. as well a dtflclU in vnr mens n made returnable Minll have filed wiih I lousdcpflrlmenu, have kecn concealed under false K l.ict;, 1,,-ir.J.tMtn nr,, 01, nfiiili eiitrtrs and foiceil talflDcos In tho Treasury books vit of defenso setling forth fully the nature bery nnd robbery has never been presented to any nuil c iiiraclcr ol the same: nroviJed. t hut tlio civilized nation. Tho cUarzes are almost too start- gfn.l.-icir ri.nnim.l hv tliM t.m.ilnn mnff im ini.ln I hng for credence, but they are no less true. It Is 1 .l . 'i .1 . . . . 1 1 huralllatlrgtoti3asapeople lhatsucli thleveryhas 1 j- me ngciii ui u.o pariy w ueio suei ageni is 60 toleriledi butiit vmia unspoauabty cognizautol tlie lucts cuuslitiiling the en use infamous to nioak or condone lt. Hew ,to the line, of action, or defense, ot other matters set lei tho chltall whero they may f udgn about ingtoo, is bot puulio men anu anaira ai tiaso- th untrustworthy and unjust. A MYSTERIOUS MIIUIIF.K- The pardon mill at Harrisburg is running just as smoothly and quietly u though there never had been atiy now Constitution with its provision for public sessions of tho Pardon in iVnrmrd's milk to mln'hls'tradtfi A fiill lnve-dUt on will be Held iW to1 Swim. " John F.Savraour. brother io law of Bishop - .t. 1 1 nrnnA n a a I I AJUUrUs naj a.iw - J3ey.nt)urottl.o f.piscopslc iurc .,wa, ,ouua I which is likel v to provoke scandal is to 1 I...IU. ;n lf hwistil in 1 . . urnu Willi a uunci, u - ..t.ij , ,! .,1. u,.l " nnrl Ihon. vh.n .. . -i... ., . ITI I II C-.. I ui"...... p tno gronnas 01 .ne ura mu,;.. nnblic attention is diverted, the recommenda toary at ew or. on naq '" Uoq 1. mitfa, the piidoo is signed and tho These grounds aro a resort for tramps and and the (he pub. Mr. Seymour was in the habit of 'ordering them away. Oa Thursday night about ten o'clock he left his wife in tho house, saying ho was, going out a little while, tlis wife fell asleep, and when she awoke her husband had not returned. It was about two o'clock in the morning. She awakened her brother, The ediior of the'Tiondon TnM, after ob serving that probably not one in' twenty of the persons who Indulge In boating on f ho!i(lav 'esn sWiin. iiroeewls to tell tilt read ers how to' acquire' tlils accomplishment, . V...l.lMt,.a .ut-i'XI. t.ii.ra euav licknows ortt tswhenanewspape ' 'cP;'eM Uir ttlr '.. bt by ,u owner VlnfcV; Happens io mcci mo bwouuic. uu .u . . , . . ,.,.,.- , ..ttlj, lt any line slowly draw in his bresth as he The quinine monopoly which has. for many draws back bis legs and pu.bes torwata ms years been a mine for a singlo Philadelphia anil', retain ill wbihM.e is preparing ior tne fi'nn,l from hich even conercssmen aro slroko which U (t prd.el him,' itnd slowly the BUhoo. and toiether they went in search ..M ,, ....-.i m,k.i, ,.,, ml n allow it to go tlirouuli hiir lip-, as hi arms of him, and soon found his dead body ly''nB black eye in the House. Under a suspen- are. paswl bsck from before hi head to his on Ibarras. There are several theories as I .: c ,1,- -i - , m,r it .... ihn sides, and hi legs sre stietolieil liut. the to thdeauseof hts death. It is supposed by I iv- iu, omj l,ias ir,S2. TIir nim,iuik. action of tbe.slroke houlrt tint tit-iiuite nort- Bome thai he liad an encounter with tramp', I Mnstitnents of a hundred congressmen zonlal, hilt ..bould t.e inude nn b slight de who shot him. while others believe that he hlve cl.mored tor this relief and foriyears tho clinc downward. Tlie real reason why peo was killed by,' stray shot from tho seminary I monopoly enjoyed by a.favored few,who were pie take wi cks to learn how 10 swiniHbe window, fired from a pistol in tho hands of a L,owing rich off their . suffering countrymen cauie Hwlnimlng pn.ftsWirs eilher di liot boy 14 years of age, as a lady living near says nM jn tho most glariog of many scandals know or do not choox- to leath the pbiloso. attaching to our ill-adjusted tariff system, phy f breathing. o a 10 render the u uy There aro others .beside, the quinine monopoly buoyant. I would engsg- in mike any one that need attention. Zioufer nWijeneer. toleraiiieswiminer 111 an uour, u.. be a congenital luiot forth. And provided further, that nothing contained iu this act h bull be construed to alter, Impair or abridge tho right of any pers-ou to appeal from the judgment of (he justico of tlie peace, magistrate, or nldcitiian, or to certiorari tho proceeding to lh court of common plea of tho proper u unity, a in oilier cases ; and piovidcd further, that noth ing contained in thi act shall apply to mag istrates in the cities of the first class ; and provided further, that tho fees allowed lo constables, uuiler this act, on all tales made. bo as lollows . For all sales amounting to less than fifty dollars three per cent., for all sales amounting to less than ouc hundred dollars two per cent , lor all sales above one hundred dollars one per cent. SkctioH 3. All acts or parts nf act in consistent heicwilli be and the same are here by repealed. This became a law duly "th, agreeably to the constitution. Won't You Take a Drink V sho saw,ii flash and, heard a report from the window about the timo Mr. Meymour is sup posel'to have been killed. The boy denies firing the shot, while some of tho students say he shot with a toy pistol with a blank cartridge. The polico or'Hew xorlc arc working up tho case, and no doubt will con vict somebody, guilty or innocent. Tho con Temessee Crops. Kxnt-B&We Luxury .Nashville. July u.-ine report 01 me commissioner of agriculture, statistics and 'i-h Harilord Su,tl 111 Jourifil tell the fol duct of the policemen who found Bishop I mines for June show the wheat crop to be I lowing story, which local deiiliMs will do well Seymour and his sister bending over the I three-Iourlbs ol an average yieia anu a very 1 .lrorlt bv . jt was u jeutist and no a body and forced them to eo immediately to I superior quality of grain. The corn crop I JaUgl,tL-r of wealthy, parents, accomplished tho station house, was simply brutal, and will ezjeed the average, and is reported fine Lod.irrenistible from all that luxury, culture in all sections ot tne state, xooacco is and travel in IbreiL'o lands coolor. lie was promising, but the crop will not be so large treatiog a lender U iw iu two or .three of her as last year hy probably a third. Grasses I brilliant aud pearly 'teeth, auj WI1M1 ho had have been materially damaged by drought iler mouth filled with wax and her lovely arms Cotton is very promising, the dry weather pinioned fast 111 tlio chair leM she muht strug' having been propitious. The Increase of gl,wicntiumiclttiel struck suddenly ou a acreage Over 1878 is fifteen per cent. delica'c uerve, sho looked s sweet and teuipt 1 ' iug tlut a sudden leiuplation overcame him noose uianrjr uu , . ,.0.)l)Cj 0(j,icuj. and Imnrinted three ISjnu nil KiiC lilVrtlir Kriit TtlPII llP tWHlt Ikll't Ol KICHFOBD, Vt-, July u.-ai t-ast rn- .-.,.,, - . ,llm t(nin .. : 1.5, t.m. ham, Quebec, there is a boy who says his Tbeyouug l-dy f, ft , h'bsopher as well as He TlieCincimintl Times says that Tom Harts- liorn ws mqt last evening by 11 reporter and asked how he was getting nlong with his, new temperance buslm-, viz., the nu'li-treat liiowiilrllt, Sueeeediog splendidly ," replied Mr, Hartshorn, with enlhn-iiiism. " I in lavor of it, iunl nlniot every one wh Is approached sign i' at once, and eluer 111 011 lily way, TJip pedge is not to pay for other person's drink, or allow any person to pay fir your think, find will go into effect just ns soon us I litvc secured five Imnilrei signatures Tb li.-t will then bo published and I ho pledge go into effect Irom the . 1110 ment nf ptibliculioii, nnd 11 regular Association will lie formed. .Members of Uhtv .aociation will be known by the publication, of llu-ir name. find by n red rilibon in their button hole. This movement is striking directly atth heart of the wliolo evil of drunkenness. Th temperance people fi-iht against it morbid We print below two very singular cases of appetite supposed tn exist in every drunkard cures by prayer. Unless tho subjects of these 1 or drinking man for liquor, when in .reality cases ars impostors or religious monomaniacs I no appetite exists hi nine cases out of ten, the age of miracles has not passed away. I It is this absurd American custom of treat MISS ADELE siiattuck ANU UEit ALLtocD 1 ing that works out four-fifths of the damage MirtACUIxiUS relief. ud makes that nronort on of the drunken ness and misery. It Is the idea of convivi ality and good fcllowship.uiid hail-fellows- well met that makes thedrlnkiug. Fellow THR EFFICACY' OF I'llAYKIi. should be severely punished by the authori ties. Murders and suicides aro becoming alarm iugly frequent. llergirr'a Wrapper Steal. Ausinv, July 7. A singular cas) of bcUcf in the power of spiritual faith to euro physical ailments has come to notice In Saratoga County. It happened In West (Inlway. a small hamlet or (0 population, In the extreme western part ot the county. The In habitant are principally farming people, exceeding ly simple, and fur remove t from any city. Tne reglo , Is mountainous and sterile. Four years ago Adt-lu hnattuck, a youn; woinin is years old, became paralyzed from the effects ot a violent ner vous attack caused byhraring of the sudden and nccldentul death of a brother to whom sho was greatly attached, sue went Into convulsions, was In a comatose condition for set eral days, aud when her mind recovered Its normal condition, she could neither talk nor use her limbs. For four years this One of the cleanest steals about the State Capitol among the thousand steals is I Bergner's little wrapper steal. On page 80 of tho Stale Treasurer's Report, for 1878, we rind that 0. II. Berguer was pabj tor printing Senate wrappers $486, aud for i.r r... .u. it ,or. .....i I uamu 19 , .mi L -,inn.,. n, th H... fn, description of the missing boy very well. 233( for wrappers tor the two Houses for one session. By the wrappers is meant the cheap film sy paer jo which the useless Legislative Record is done up. and tent by members to their constituents. The law intends that the Record be Bent says he was brought from New York by two men a long time ago. He lives with a ' man who cannot speak English and is reticent and sullen when' questioned about tho boy or him self.' lie says he does not know or caro who the boy is. He is paid (150 for keeping the Here Dr. ....14 ineiaw inienus mat toe jtecora oe Bent 1 , , . , . . . it' r xi v 1 ..; j. ..... ,. ..I boy, drafts, being sent to him from New York UUl OTCIJ UU UUI1UK IUD BCSB1UU , UUV II 11 ' ' , . . m . - , aentoutinbunche, containing four or five f.I b..mootl-a. These drafts are signed . . ., r; , , "Edward Pierson," and are payable at Mol- f. t ... u ij c. I son's Hank, Montreal. Mr.Hosand parties ..n.nM,U ami onon thl wr.nMr are expected t? investigate the matter. ia printed the .name sud postoffice address of I Killed by Flrecraektrii, luecossuiueui uoioing more, xne-iegis- lature.alta, uy 18 week., which would re- Mattewan, N. Y., July 6. As Mlts Jessie quire iu 01 tnese wrappers per memuer. Dunbar, music teacher, was walking yester Uhere are 200 members of the House, which d,. uernoon in Toohey's grove at this would make 45,000 wrappers for the House. pUce three boys threw down tome firecraek xoese wrappers can ue prmeuiori.U per b, h ejpIode1 UIlder her clothing. i.uwi, or 9ii ior mo wuoie .ot ,or mo nnuw wb,ch ie lgnitedi ,nd her at- ana leave decent prom-yet uergneraraw.tracte(lthe ,ttenti0I1 ofgome meDnearby 1,7G8 above what would be good pay for who ,ck, ,m. ,0 her wUtince. She tuts kind pi work, an any printer in me horribly scarred all over her body, the oiaw win giauiy use me couiract ior iuo. jjel(U beUK luroeil 0Ten up to Jier ueiui i ne oenaie is compoaea oi aoom one inira wbich cbre(1 ad blackened. The cor as many members a the House and Bergner 1 03er, Dr. J. P. Schenck, attended her and draws $480 for the Senate wrappers, more took hfr gnte.mortem Element. Every man uouoie wnai win pay r ui two iiou, lbIe tffort W4, mue to .lleTlate ber ,uf. T . I f -1 a a. a t Ci . I ees. runner, wo nave u tuea inai me cute fer)ng,( whlcn were of tbe most terrific na pays ior me paper oe.iues in us enormous ture- At,gbt O.clock- la!t evening death ataiionery mil clB)e to ber reUe(. Tbe greatest Indlgna n e uu uot javur auugiueas iu payiug ior syren, aud was prepared to settlii ou short no tice. She too' had a bill to lender, winch does ample credit to the woman's wit. is his bill : Miss , to Dr , Totilliug teeth... i..i .... Aud here is 'hers : Dr. . to Miss . To three kisses , $10 He paid the difference 'very cheerfully, but says that family obligation wi'l forbid tho indulgence of a luxury so txpensivo hereaf ter. . U'iu iisifiliatirviiA In ttinr tlita 1 mt liruTu irmduativ wnsipd. until the siin was iiriwn ii-oitiv I else doesn't nropose to have another : and so over tho bones, and tho nesh assumed a milky or I men'stand up to ft bar and driuk rouud after cream eolor. Wlsssuatluek was a deiout member j j t (lf , jjt nml clcancd of thH Melliodlst Church. Hho &s fclnrn hpr nrrt. I ' b J ... t'atloa persisted in Iwllevlae that blio would bo out oi money, kt tuu cu-seo, Miiy iitiu resto'edt health, and sbe expressed her faith in 1 custom is put an end to, then no man will the enicacy of prayer to brln? about her recovery. fir:nk exceDt wlieti La w-utB Ir. iiuI uutiUit Hltw. .euItb imt l.aclnv hun trtallv lialnlaca I 1 ' MV.H'V..U. I , , ,. , , I , f ur vears. and hcluir regarded as incurable, tho uu enougu . B .u n u..r u., UUJ ... young woman ono day waited down stairs, and I There would be mighty little such drinking mronncd her wonder-stricken parenta, hy signs, doile I can tell you. If there win no treat- thn her limbs have gradually becomo strong and pliant. Last week, at her request, tho clergy and members ot the three churches in West Oalway met at her father's, and held a meeting for tho especial purpose of praying for spiritual power to enact a further cure Iu this joung person's case, and restore to her the power of speech, began singing and tailing. Tho case Is vouched for as a fact by the village folk, one of whom gave this account of It to tho reporter. any kind of work: we believe in allowing a man a ialr profit, but we do oppose steal. Ing. Economy does not embrace mean stinginess which Is on par almost with teal-' ing. Can't some .Member or Senator catch this little mouse in the wrapper business ? Centre Reporter, Harder aii BiieUe. l'rrrenuito, jury v. Joscpu Atkins, a fruit gardner, livlDg a few miles from Green- burg, Westmoreland county, shot and instant' )y killed his wife yesterday afternoon, and af ter telling his nearest neighbor that he had killed "the old woman," placed the uiuxile of tbe gun under his chin and fired, killing tlon exists iu the place.aud excitement runs high against the alleged guilty parties. Uf Interest to Candidates. Tho following resolution was unanimously adopted at the last County Conventiou, und witli the hearty approbation of tlie party. It was intended to have effect iu overcoming the evil complained of, and it is brought to the attention of candidates and voters with the hope that its publication will have tho effect desired Resolved, That whereas traveling the coun ty bv candidates seeking the nominations of tbe Democratic party has been carried to such extent tbat it has become an evil and brings reproach upon the party, we, as representa tives of tho Democracy of Clinton, do em phatically condemn and discountenance it. himself. Tbe trouble is believed to have arisen from a quarrel about a little piece of I and urge upon the voters to pat their face property where they lived. Aikins had against , anu insist upon ranuiuaies simpiy . ...... i - ,n .. I announcing their names and leaving thedis- aeueaineianu .o ins w.iB some nme ago CU8sioD of ,heir rc.pectivequalincatrons to the ua memiu wbuhi iu u w, out auo i people unpressed by personal solicitations, always refused, and the matter was cause lor I iMt naven uemocrat. frequent altercations. wifo 73 years of age. Tbe Democratic State Convention will inict at Uarrlaburg next Wednesday. With out doubt Daniel O. llarr, will be nomi nate!. We counsel wisdom and harmony, lly united actiou we can undoubtedly win. Any effort by contesting Philadelphia dele gations to kick up a "rumpus" should be Kjuelched. There should be patriotism enough among them to harmonize their dif ficulties, or at least not to obtrude them up en the Convention, Aikinwas'l and his I It would save candidates much expense, and tho people much annoyance, if such a rulo wero adopted by the Democracy of this county. It is rather rough on the Republican or gaus, juit as they have got well into swing depicting the outrageous conduct of the Dem ocrats in appointlcg ex-rebels to office in pre ferenco to Union Boldiers, for the administra tion to give tho snug berth of codifying the tulca and regulations relating to the army to W. II. Roberts, who was a lieutenant colo nel iu the Confederate cavalry service. 7Si, Jli-xiiau Mutineers. i ' , ... Havana, July 7, An Kuxhsii stiainer from Vera Ctuz brug advicoi from 'tlio City of. Mexico up In June "Oth : On Juno ll "Cth, part o Mm crew ot ilio .Mexican war steamer Liberled in the harbor ut Vera. Cruz muntinicil and seized tlio steamer wiuie tne commander was ou shore. Simultaneously some of tho officers of the Vera Cruz garri son attempted to ralso a icvolt at ihc instiga tion of some of tho discontented persons, Nine or tho rebels killed The steamer Libertad went to sea. The war steamer In depeudencia and other steamers had gono iu pursuit and the will doubtless bo overtaken. Accounts ot tne event in Vera Cruz are very conflicting. Tho government has apparently mastered tho situation, but since the revolt of the garrison a reign of terror has prevail cd there. All Vera Cruz merchants aro lios tile to tho government 'In consequence of the parage of tho law against contraband trade, and they have ever since been iu a state of quai revolt. It U generally believed that ntho ine rcvolters who were killed wero as sassioated in the guard house where they were taken, and that they were,killed on tho pretext that they had attempted to escape, I.ATKR. Havana, July 8. Additional advices from Mexico anoounca that tho Mexican war ves scl Liberiad, the crew, of which mutinied returned to Vera Cruz on June 30, and sur rendered to the authorities. Thero were sev eral dead bodies and prisoners on board, some of the crew having made counter revolt at sea. Mr. Noyes and Mr. Scbell, Democratic State officials of Pennsylvania, have dis missed one Crawford, Superintendent of Public Grounds, for complicity iu tbe cor. rupt attempt to pass tbe"four million steal." That bill was a distinctively Republican measure, was urged in tbe luterest of tbe Republican party of the State, and managed by tbe rullog Republican leaders. The Democrats, as we judge by the action of Messrs. Noyes and Scbell, are de termined to purge themselves of the smallest taint of tbe scandal ; but Mr, Quay still re mains Secretary of the Commonwealth, and we have beard of no Republican movement looking W tbe repudiation of lllll Kemble. A", y- Htm. have got so they take i'. as an insult if yo refuse to driuk with them when they in vile, you. Men drink.wlicu they don't want to, and drinking at another man's expense obligates you to keep your end up and pay for his drinks. If n man calls to take drink he is liable to be obliged to ask for four or five, because they chanco to be ut the bar or around there ; and after he has treated ,itis considered menu if some one Newburih. 'July 7. On' ISalurday some I ones of "ntinastodorr' 'wero discovered In'n swamp on the farm of llttgli Kelley, in the town ol New Windsor, seven miles south-1 west of this city. Kxcavatloniwerelmmedl- telv begun and still contlhuo:"' The follow! tig parts, have been secured and it Is thought I the entire" ikolcton wilt bo found : Dlmen Ions iu Inches skull, 43, long, .28 wide, 21) I high and 23 between tbe.eyes j diameter of nostrils, U inciics, nostril cxtcnuing lino ine i head two feet, l'our teeth were found In each jsw, In an excellent state of preserva- on, The enamel Is ot a bluish tint nml un broken, The four hack teeth are eight- pointed, measure 7 by 3J Inches and stand four Inches out of tho Jaw. The four front teeth are stx-polntcd nnd measure -11 by 3) Inches. All of the bones of tbo legs have been found except two pieces. The length f the fore leg, iucluding the shoulder-blade Js seven feet, and the shoulder-blade thirty- six by twenty-seven nud oiie-liulf Inches. Tho sockets of tlio knee-joints arq from teven to nine inches In diameter, Twenty-four lbs have been found thus' far, tho longest i measuring forty-six Indus. ' Numerous vertebnc have bteu excavated with part of the feet. Tho pelvis nnd other portions ol the skeleton have not yet been discovered, It Is suppoud the iinlniiil stood twelve feet high. Tho bones have been found in muck from too to four feet deep, nnd were resting on blue clny in the same swale where the famous skeleton mentioned in nil the works on paleontology nnd now In lioston was fotlnd In 1815, nnd three miles distant from that fpot. The strongest chested, It not tho sweetest singer ot tlio world la ouo -Morro, who In tin nerlln Variety Tneatre treats his oudlctces lo rt-lcctlons from the I rroubadour,"whllea weight of too pounds rests I upon his breast lie challenges tho Singers of the I world to coinpeto with him lu his specialty for s purse ot too marks. An Indiana Clergyman has come to the polntln this hour of tho nation's peril with a proposition to hang alt the cx-l'ontederates. When ho reflects I that extreme mnasurcs like this would destroy a portion of Hayes Cabinet and relievo our foreign I service of simeof Its brightest ornaments,, we are I convinced that tho Indiana clergyman will modify hlg views some. "limes." The country during 1st! Is to he treated to a fair I amount of politics, ns will be seen by tho following statement of elections to he held : Kentucky AU- gust 4, State onicera and Legislature. California September 3, Ftato and Judicial officers, four Con-1 gressmon and Leglslalure. . ilalno September s state officers nnd legislature (ihto-octobcr Mite officer!, in part and LegltOatuio., Ma.1 Aieliu.M tta, Minnesota. Mississippi. New Jersey, I New York, Pennsylvania, VlrgluU und Wisconsin I Novembers- In Ihu chuleoot tho Ohio and Ciilltor- i.ULeglslatuies, fulled Stat-s Nenvtdrs an- Involv. I odlu place of s-cnatois Ihurmau und Uootb. K. V, Kiinkel's Hitler Wine of Iron, flhestoneto tho stomach, Improves the appetite aiidas.slslsdlgeitlor.,e.eItestlielwcls to healthy action, expelllnj all the fpul humors that contami nate tho blood, corrupt the ircretlohsandoltendihe breath. It excltts the liver to a healthy action and strengthens the neries, Imparting that glow to life that proceeds alone from perfect healUi, 1 liousands In all walks ot life, testify to the virtues ot this excellent medicine In correcting the derangement of the dtgesilie organs, (let the genuine,. Sold only In one dollar bottles. Ask lorK. 1'. hunkcl's Hitter. I Wine of Iron 'and take no other. Dyspopsia, Dyspepsia- Dyspepsia. K. F. Kus'kei, s IIittrh WiNsoi' Ikon Is a Buro cure tor ttils disc. f,o. It has been pntcrlbed dally for many) ears In tho practice of eminent physicians with unparalleled success. .Symptoms are loss of appetite, wind and rising ot food, dryness In mouth. hejidache, dizziness, sleeplessness and low spirits, net the genuine. Net bold In bulk, only In Jt bottles. Do you want something to strengthen 0Uf Do you want a good appetite? Do you want to get rid of nervousness? Do you want energy, sleep well, or be cured ot .dspcpsla, kidney or liver disease? Try K. K. Ki'Nkel's IIittek WiNB of ISDN. Every bottle guaranteed to, do as recommended. , Depot and office, 'at North' Ninth Street, Philadelphia, I'a. (let tho genuine. Bold by all druggists. A 8k for E, V. Kuulel s and take no otner. All I ask Is a trial of j thlssaluable medicine. Ono bottle- will convince you, (let six bottles tor live dollars, one dollar for one. Tape Worm Removed Alive. Tape Worm, Pin, Seat and Stomach Worms re moved alive In from two to four hours. No fee until head ot Tape Worm posses alive and la one. Ask 0ur druggist for Kunkel's' Woau 8 Titer. Sold only la one dollar bottles. Usd for children or grown persons. It never falls.' Or send for circular to Dr.Kunkle.No. 1159 North Ninth bt., rhUadelphla. Advice by mall free, Send three cent stamp fur return ot letter. TDK CASE OF THE KBV. W. II. SWAKTZ, WHO WAS C'UHKU OF SEVEUK ILLNESS. ing about half tho saloons would have to close." Uow mauv tignatures have you now ?" "About 150. Every niun of common sense is in favor it. It doesn't, ol course, shut Jllss Shuttuck soon gentlemen off from setting up the wiue for their intimate friends, or at lunch. It merely seeks to stop this bar room system of treat ing, which makes men drink with people they dislike, anil mares paupers anil drunk ards aud the bummers who lout about ss loons on purpose to get invitations to drink." Itev. w. II. swartz, of Heaver Falls, ra., who graduated In 'the class of 17, Allegheny College, preached at tho Stale Street Church, Meadvllle, recently, when ho said It was hot his lnlentlon to preach a sermon, but to give testimony, and he related a wonderful story of tlio efficacy ot prayer la restoring him to health, n inch lu brief Is us follows; After his graduation ho received au ap pointment fiom the Krle Conference to preach at Itldgway, ra. Alter a few months' labor h was Btrlckoa wltti disease and was compelled to resign his charge. After btlj.g compelled to leive his work at Itldgeway, he went to hit father's home, near Heaver Falls, vhere he grew rapidly worso.but through the aid of eminent physicians he was parti ally cured several times, but relapsed Into a worse condition each time. Two suits were made to Clif ton Springs, but llnally medlclno failed to have any effect upon his system and a gradual but suro de cline was taking place, lie had become so badthat ho could not read nor converse, when a letter was I ground toiler, llutthls labor was Utile as received from his brother, CUrk Swartz, who Is now c3im)ared with that which succeeded. One m iicston, Massachusetts stating that llev. Dr. Cul. I , , . r .i i lis, of that city, had performed many wonderful hundred aud thirty fathoms ot further depth cures by prayer if It was the Lord's will tlut the bad to lie rescued uy 111" uesceni oi perpeu patient shouu be cured. Accordingly a letter was I dicular ladders. This safely done, the low ucn.ereu iaj lit, iuiiis uy ino urouier. i ,, mln .. Unon receivlng.tholetterhekneltlnrrayerandUDcn "uu ,"'u"v I " ' ...... v aruingsald : "Tell jour brother ho will be well." I plored, and a trophy gained, lu the torm ol The word reochedthe Invalid the Tth day of Arrll a iu,., 0f ore. dug by the no longer fair ll?'?.. reddened climber. The work vua uiuvu ucktci , uuu uu (.it v ftu at use iiuui uia ucu i ... . . In perfect health, both physically and mentally, of the boring machines, driving and Ulast and hat been no ever since, able to work I ing huge vughs, or spaces left by the re on nis fathers rarm during the week and to preach moved ore. and rich denoalts of the ore were seen. I'he homely und kind miners were An American (lirl iu u Cornish .Miue. The CbrniiAmnn gives tho following ac count of the descent to the lowest depths of Dolcoathof MlssT,e)la A. Noble, a young lady of nineteen, of Home, (la., United Slates: "Accompanied by u friend and a ikilful miner, th plucky explorer passed first to a depth of 1,500 feet by the man-en gine, stepping from the small platforms ou the huge moving rod to the fixed stages at the sides of the shaft with the cool und steady step which takes away all danger from the use of this friend to tlie under- every Sunday, After delivering tho above testimony demonstrating that miracles are performed In this age, Itev, Swartz, made an earnest plea. U lllng tho lessons to be learned from his experience, and Im pressing the audience with the power of faith and tho efficacy of prayer. President Eliot, of Harvard College, has put himself on record In the most unqualified manner in regard to the subject of education which is receiving so much attention at pres ent. His words are words of wisdom. He says : I may as well abruptly avow, as the result ol my reading ana observation iu the matter of education, that I recognize but one men tal acquisition as an essential part of the educatiou of a lady nr gentleman, namelv. an accurate aud refined use of the mother tongue. Qreek, Latin, rrench, German, mathematics, natural aud physical science, metaphysics, history and rcithctlcs are all profitable and delightful, both as training and us acquisition, to bim.whu studies them with intelligence aud love, but not one nf them has tho least claim to be called au a'qulsitiou esseutial to a liberal education or an essential part of a sound training. A thorough knowledge of one or two of them obtalne I in college, added to a very rleiuen tary knowledge of several of them obtained iu school, makes a richer, stronger and more fruitful mlud tbanasuierficial acquaintance with each and all of them. The fruit of liberal educatiou Is not learning, but tbe capacity uid desire to learn ; uot knowledge but power. profuse iu their compliments. Duo of litem said : 'I'd ruafher taake the trouble to put ber In the bottom of Dolcoath than I wed a strange miner from another bol ; wusnt thee you V The trying ascent was now to be made. Hand over bund upright ladders which would reach to nearly twice the height of St. Paul's hid lo be climbed 1,200 staves to be used. The firm nnd skill' ful way In which she took hold of the lad ders caused a miner to ejaculate, I never teed a young laady kl?m with a moor bowlder and.shoorer step In my life.' Turn ing to his comrade, ho continued ; 'She can klem, you, better'n scores of men I have seed dowu here. This 780 feel accomplish ed, 1, 000 more, or nearly eight times tin height nf the monument, had to be done hy the mau-engine. About S p. m, the bold iniue'rcHs from the far west regained the sur face, after being uuder ground and constant' ly exertlog herself for four hours and a half, without showing signs of great fatigue, cer tainly not of exhaustion, and without a mishap of the slightest kind," Somebody once called disappointment "mediclue for the soul," It Is a good deal like castor oil It may be wholesome, but it is very disagreeable. Caudidates. ITho following persons have been proposed for nomination by tho next Democratic County Conven tion to bo held August lsth, Istd. candidates an nounced In this list are pledged to abide by tho de cision of the Convention. FOIt SHKHIFF, E. UNANGST. WII.UAM MILLER, of Centre, A. K. SMITH, of Madinon. SAMUEL JACOBY, of Bloom. JOHN O. JACOI1Y, of Jterwiet. JOHN O. QUICK, of Montour, JOHN LORE, of Pine. CHARLES A. KNOUIt, of Jlloom. SAMUEL SMITH, of Fxthingereek, II. C. KELCHNER, of Scott. tvi tlis-fnco of everything, Wnnamakcr & Drown increased of a million dollan. and for iE?rj the new ptoria will rnatco the house more popular nnd increase lln ii.urtcss much more. EMrtcen yens A tho people's twice at the old corner of Sixth ami Market has tauitht us how to do the businc.3 well. Kl I u 1 I Ini Whatever may bo said, nd house In the United States sells finy thlnp like so much Clothing at Retail as Oak Hall, and no house in Philadelphia sells more than a quarter as many Roods i ns Mr. Wanatnakcr sells in ClotUUvj alone. Doll S this larrje business shows the people's regard for our goods, and enables us to buy cheaply ahd sell at small profits. , New patterns have been made thia year and ncvy styles intro duced throimh Mr. Robert C. 02dcn (formerly partner of the famous firm of D-vlin & Co., New York), who h now associated with O-k Hall, and will give his whole energies and valuao experience to improving tho manufacture of our lifiys- and Men s Clothing. Wo io net buy Clothing like the dealers, but mhke it expressly for our' own calc3. Tlio Spring .stock iJ splendid, and no other make of coods, so far1, have asjnucli merit, or aro sold as cheaply. Impressions have been erroneously ;iycn to the effect that Mr. John Wanamaker, v. ho founded Oak Hall, is not interested In tlio old store, and that it docs not have his attention ; op tho contrary, Ids ownership cf it lemains unchanged, r.nd lie ban lost nono 6f his love for it. Every tl.-.y finds hirt .ttipcrvrsinjj nil its departments. Mr. Vadium II. Wanamaker rpends his entire time on the Oak Hall busincis. A VlSlt THIS SPRING PARTICULARLY INVITED. WANAMAKER & BROWNj -a.. OAK, HALL, 6th & Market Sts., Philad'a. THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN AMERICA. i May i.;i-ciit. r SO SIMPLE J 4 p... ...' ioia r roaPATlTICUlARS AUDRfcs 5 . WhiteSewing Machine Co. Cleveland, ohio IsSr? junco-4w THE WEEKLY SUN , A large Eight Page Sheet of Fifty-six broad Columns, will be sent, Post Paid, to any Address, till .Jan, 1, 11880, FOR HALF'A DOLLAR. .Address THE SUN, New York City. June), )m. SHERIFFS SALE Hy v Irtuo ota writ ot Fl. Fa. Issued but ot the Court ot Common Hens nt Columbia county and to me di rected, u Ul be exposed to public sale ut tlio Court Houso th ttiMo'vrn 91 Blcoinsbuitri Columbia county, rennnylviiLlii at two o'clock tym-. ori Saturday, July 20, 1879, All that certain piece or parcel ot land situate In Scott tovvn'liip, Columbia county, l'oun'n., bounded and described aa follows, to-wit: beg I nil hi k' at the corner ot land late or now of It. Fullmer und John Meltck-, thence by Hue, ot land now or lato of 11 Fullmer, north 18 and one-half at frees' east, it aud 1-10 perches, thence north C8,'; degrses west, 3 aud 8.10 percnea to a post, thenco north ssy degrees east, 9-:o perches to line ot land now owned by John a. Funston In trust for the Hloumsburt; lianklnf Company, thence by last mentioned Hue nuuth ;i degrees cast, 13 and three tentlis porches to a post, thence by E-amo south six and one-hair degree i w ebt, to line of an alley or passage way thonej to the public i-jad leading from light Street to Iilooms burg, thence by said public road to Hue of lot now' or lato ot Harry J. Kyer, theuca by lluo of said lot aud land now or lato ot John Mellck-, south "3( degrees west, S2 and G-10 perches to the placo of beginning, containing DS perches, mora or less, with tho appurtenances, on which is planted an apple orchard. Seized, taken In execution at thu suit ot 11. II ftrotz, tor tho use ot the ltloorasburg Hanking Com pany und to be sold as tho 'property of James' W. suukey. Terms cash. JOHN w. HUFFMAN, July 4, ln'S-ts Sheriff. SHERIFFS SALE. Hy virtue of a writ or Vend. Kx. Issued out ot tlio Court of Common l'leas ot Columbia county and to mo directed, will be exposed lo publlo sale at tho Court lloue In tho town bt Hloomsburg, Columbia county, renns) lvanla, at two o'clock p. m. on FRIDAY, JULY 18th, 1870. All that certain lot or piece .of ground situate In Koarlngcrcelf township, Columbia county, Penn sylvania, described as follows, to-wlt : Bounded on the nortli by land of Wllllatn Ycager, on uio easi Dy land ot William Drlebbach and others, on tho west by land of Conrad Houseman, containing ono hun dred and thirty acres more or less, on which aro cregtod a house, bank barn and out- buildings. Seized, taken la execution at tie suit of Tho Ash land Saving Fundi Loan Association against Sam uel Houck with nulce to terre tenants and to no sold as the property ot Samuel Ilouck with notlco to terre tenants. Mum, Attorney. JOHN W HOFFMAN, Sheriff. JulyM.ts. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TIT" II. HUAWN,- "AT T O K N K Y-A T-h A W , Catawtssa, Ta. onicc, corner of Third and Main Streets. I) ISSOMJTIOX NOTICE. Is hereby elven. Unit the narlntnhln lately subi-lMIng tictween W. II. Abbott and W. It. Ithawn. of cauwfssa. t'a , under the linn name ot Abbott Ithawn, Attoroeys-at-Law, was dissolved on I lie turn day ot June, A. I). 1879, by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said firm are to be received by said W. II. Ithawn, and all demauds, on said partnership aru to uo presented to htm for payment. The prac- uo land buMm-ss of tlie said partnership will be adluxii-d aud settled by said W. 11. Ithswu, at the onlco formerly occupied by sail partnership In catawlssa. Erasure! made b'fore signing, WlLlir-KM. I II. Itlllll-k'WAV W.H. A111IOTT. YV, II, KUAWN. iOUTOlt'S NOTICE. lriT( OF WILLIAM WITKIXE. PXCCISEI). letters TesUmontary on the estato of William NVltmlri-, late ot Centre township, Columbia erunty, I'ennsj lvanla, deceased, have been granted by tlie lti-glater of said county to the undersigned Exec utors. All persona having claims ugalnst the estate of the decedent &it requested to present them for settlement und thoso ludebled to tho es tate to make payment to the undersigned Executor mvuuuv uciuy. HIRAM WITMIItK, Kxeculor. June 8, TH-ow' Whltmlre, r. o. $2 ,uoo A YUAlt for honest. Intelllirent business men or ageuts. New business; light work. Addiess Co-OriKiTlvn AotM-r, .Madlson.lna- June it, isiu-jui TAX NOTICE!"." Tho undersigned, treasurer of the town of Hloomsburg, lit reby gives notice that he U prepar ed to receive the town tuxes of said town, assessed and uscerulned for thu v tar islli, on und after Sat. urdtyJuuetllst, 1S7. at his on Ice on Maui street tlvo doors above Centre street. In suld town: and all tux-puyt-rs aro hereby required to pay the same. Any tux unpaid ut the expiration ot thirty days from the said xlst of June shall be paid with live per lent uui penalty upon the amount, added tturo- FHANK V. HILUIVKK. Town Treasurer, Itioousbuivi Junolii, isit, JunoiM.sw. FXJJBZjXC sale OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE 1 ho undei signed administrator Ac, of the estate of Hugh Shultz, lato ot Jackson township, deceased, w 111 expose to public sale, lor the pa) mcuc of df Us, on the ptemlsrson hialurtlay, August 2d, 1879, the follow Ing described real estate to-wlt I All that certain tr act ot land situate lu Jackscn township, Coluinbu county, l-u, bounded o-i the north by lands of Uenlamlu Hess, ou tho cost by lands ot John W. Kile, on tho south by lands ot WlUtain Yorks, and ou tho cost by lands ot Asa Yorks, containing G 5 A 0 R K S murr or less, about twenty. (He acrea of ulttcu 19 cleared and the iMlaiice Is In t.uitxT. JOHN M. HilULTZ, Central 1. . Col, co. I'a. AUmlrd-ttrutur, ThitMs aho t'oNuiTiosa ok 8ai k. Ten jr cent, cf tho onu-fourtn of tho purcLaso money to It! paid at tUebtrtWlnff downof the property, Ihu OLe-Iourlli less ten per cent, at confirmation absolute, and Uie remaining three-fourtlw lu one jear thereafter w Itli Interest from confirmation nisi. liVTHECOUItT. July 4, ts. DMINlSTKATOU'S NOnU tSTATK OK KEl'BKN BKEMIKNNKH, DECKiHEU, Ut lersof admlnUtrntlon (n the estate of Reuben Urtdoenuer, Uto oi leaver lowrhhln. Columbia count k. iVnnsjlvanlA, deceased, havo been crat.ted by inn Hc'lsteror ruU coutity to tho imderbhned uuunuiijiruinx. am tenons naviny eiainis a (jam hi tho ehtat ot tho deceased aro reuueiU'tl tu rrenent them fur we tile ment, and those luJebted to tho es tate ro make pavment to thu undersigned admlols- CATUAltINK lUtEDItE K Kit, July 4,CVk Administratrix. lteaer Volley, i'a. Dauchy & Go's. Advt's. C mt tn-turnsTn 30 days uu MrinvestoT.i o iVtl'nelal reporw nnd liiforinatlun KIIKK. Llkepronm weekly on stock options ot tlototjii. Address'!', roTTKK Wioin iCo.. Uankikh, ss Willi ou, I., i. u juiy i,.iw A GREAT OFPERIJi'W piSI; Jjjiltf. uitMiiriU, niit mted 11 jeiir. ti""il nn ut wiirriiiiirii. I'J.liMJ' niltl lKM.l?tN lit KXTUAOUDINAUY IOW vrWvn lur CASH. Ciiluluiiue Mnlk.1. llOKAi'i: WATJiUS. Agl., -1(1 1-t 1 tlh HI., N, V, 1, O. tut U53U. July 4iv SANFORO'S JAMAICA GINGER. liulamrU.VIur l.l, 1811), I'rlre I'lirhnimril. The only combination of tlio true Jamaica (linger with choice uroiuatlcs and French brandy, for ior. uctlng intemperate habits, regulating thu stomal u aud bowels, bn-aslng upcold., chills un-i fevers, Is Hanioho's JiMiicA tiihUKK. For relieving gouty and rheumatic pains, preventing malarial levers and nro- ask ior an- luollngsueplt (s truly wunderful. IUIU.i U June i -4w JOIN OUR COLONY Maps und pamphlets free, J, V, uioul,Va. a MAMCHA, Clare. juuenMW SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of a writ ot Vend. Kx. Issued out of tho court of Common rieasof Columbia county, and to mo directed, will bo exposed to public sale on the premises in Franklin township, Columbia coumy, Pennsylvania', at 1 o'clock, p. hi., on SATUItD.YY, August 2, 1879, Tlio following described real estate, to-wlt: All those tbreo certain pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being In Franklin township, county of Columbia aud Mate ot Pennsylvania. The first of said tracts or parcels ot land contains Mxty-One Acres, neat measure, and Is bounded as follow s, to-wlt : lieglbnlng at a Red Oak south viyl degrees west, 25 perches to a Chestnut, thence north C9tf degrees west, 7 and 3-10 perches lo a stone; thenco south ss degrees west, 74 perches to a cor ner with Solomon Artleyj thenco south 19 degrees cast, nyj perches to a pine knot; thenco south 6-svj degrees cast, oljf perches to a stone; thenco north CV( degrees east, 48J," perches to a post; thenco north 19 degrees west, 139 perches to tho placo or beginning. The second of Bald tracts or parcels ot land con tains Flfiy-blx Acres, and one hundred and fifty seven jwrches, neat measure, and Is bounded as follows, to-wlt: Uegtnnlcg at a Maple, thenco north 44X degrees east, ftf perches to a stone; thenco south M degrees cast, si and 1-10 perches to a post; thence south S3V degrees west, 14 perches to a post; thence sotth 4 degrees west, tin perches to a lted Oak; thenco south Sivj degrees west, S3 and 1-10 perches to a Chestnut; thence north 81 degrees west, 7 and 3-10 perches to a post; thenco south 361t degrees wt st, ttt and 8-10 perches to a pobt; thence north IS degrees west, 83 and 8-10 perches to a Btone thence north 78f degrees west, 9 perches to a stone; thence north 8 degrees west, S perches to a stone, thence north n; degrees west, so and 9-10 perches to a stone; thence north lxf degrees west, as and 6-10 perches to a stone; thenco south 81 degrees east, Cl aud 3-10 perches to a Btone heap; thence south degrees east, isf perches to tho placo ot beginning. And the third of said tracts or parcels of land contains Four Acres, aud forty-six perches, and Is bounded as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a lied oak, corner with Samuel Hoaglaod, thence north 5 de grccB cast. 87 ana 7-10 perches to a stone; thence south J9 degrees east,1i;and -10 perches to the centro uf tho public road leading from Catawtssa to Elys burg; thenco soutli vs degrees west, so and S-lo perches to a stone; thence south 83 degrees west, 3 and 8-10 perches to a stone; thence north 19'. degrees west, 4 porches to tho placo ot beginning. Tne abovo three pieces of land l In r contiguously and forming ono farm tract, comprise lu the vvbolo one hundred and twenty.two acres and forty-thrco pcrxhes; and will bu sold in two parcels to suit purchasers. The one be ng the Farmjiroper containing lis acn a and 18 perches, in a lino Btate of cultivation, and whereon are erected a commodious nnd comforta ble dwel'lng house, a largo bank barn, wagon hea and corn-crib combined, cider press", and all neces sary out-bulldlnga. It has abundance of excellent fruit, a well of water at the house and one at tuo barn, and Is convenient of access by public roads. The other conUlnlng 4 acres snd perches where on aro erected a large custom grist anil llouilcg mill, with four run of stone, a dwelling house, a dry goods 6toro and dwelling house, a bsw mill, and other Improvements; together with tho water power, aud the appurtenances thereto, and tho right to maintain the dam at Its present height, tor the uw of tho suld grist mill, saw mill, Ac. Seized, taken In execution and to be sold at tbo sultof udenreld vs. Clinton Mcndenhall, Ell Men denhall Ellas Mendenhall, and K. It. Urloker, the tlllu at present being In E. It. Drinker. Khklzb, Attorney, Terms cash. JOHN W. HOFFMAN. I II tl , sheriff. PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at this Office ON SHORTEST NOTICE A I' AT TllK MOST REASONABLE TERMS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers