THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COINTY, PA. Poetical. HIVB MB TIIR OLD. Olte me old tings, hit mo old songs, That thrilled my besrt In sunny youth-. When earth a nonlr'r Elen seemed, And nit Uilnga wore the stamp ol truth! A ml when t cross t ho (Uric, dark stream that bosrs me Into perfect dsy, My steps tha i then I ho !Hracr bo If their loved echoes cheer the way. Hire me old pths-the sun Hi glado-' Tho velvet turt my footstep trod When hoars were never leaden winged, And violets raise I their eyes to God. The trees hsve there a greener hue, The "I'd b'rds trill a sweeter Uy, Ar.d thove who wandered with me there Wcw Idols fashioned o'lt of clay, tllve me old homes, with their old rooms, All fitted with relics or the past 1 he chair In which a father sat Tho picture that U g.ited on last; Tlio myrtle xxm a mother prized Death long since kissed her placid browi The books that sisters dear have conned They're readlug with the angeli now, (live me old friends, tho staunch and true, Who sailed with mo o'er summer seas, Whose spirit throbs kept tlmo with mine When waves ore smooth and mild the breeze; But when my little bark wont down, And left mo helpless on tho shore, They took me to a sheltered nook And loved me In my grief tho more. Cllre me old friends, tho good old friends; And wh n eternal (lay draws near, Their trusting tk anl words of faith Will drlvo away my doubt and fear, And when the veil shall be removed, I know they'd linger at mr s'de. An I write vu motiuiicntal sume, "Mio lived, she loved, she died." Charlotte S. Hell. A IVKTlOAtj UONTIUSr. THE DOVE AND THE KAVEN. Vow poems have been more widely read than IVjo's itavin," so peculiar In Its st le and gloomy In Its thougnt and conception, for long years It has hung over the human heart with a iiaik, despondent chilliness, and wiio -e sorrow and loss and disap pointment had round a lodgment In a weak and en sttlve nature. It has made the gloom darker, the loss heavier a d tae oisaopotntuient still greater. Ech -log thro'igu the sad portal of bereaved and lonely heart the rutraln of ".Nevermore" has been the death knell of hopes that might have been nursed Into renewed life by a more cheerful faith and a brighter anl tuppler visitant from "Alden." with this vlu of the matter In bis mind, Hev. J. It. Martin, D. a, pusior of the First Presbyterian chuivhot Atlanta, has written a companion poem The Dove." which takes a more cheerful and sou). Inspiring view ot the "dear departed." Inttead of a dark.wtugeU messenger or sorrow and gloom, a bird or brighter plumage and sweeter voice comes back from "Alden" to the silent chamber of the bereaved lover. To Christian hearts that look beyond mere literary oxcellnoc, this tender poem of faith and hopo wilt provo most aoc 'ptable. exchange. The Doto. A COMPANION TO POK'8 RAVEN. KIV. 3. H. MARTIN, D. D. Once upon a summer evening. As I lay reposing, dreaming, While the twinkling stars were beaming, And their light was faintly gleaming, Through the window of my room. Suddenly beside my pillow, like the murmur of a billow, or the Blgh of weeping willow, 'Mid the shadow and tho gloom, There was hoard a gentle sound Floating on the air around. As an echo from shore; And I, waking, saw a dove rerched upon tho whitened head of a statue near my bed, And it seems with soft, low cooing. My lone heart to soothe with wooing, Like an angel from tno sky, or a spirit hovering nigh. While 1 lay entranced and dreaming, startled by the echo seeming To be whispered from above, In the starlight faintly gleaming, With Its form of beauty beaming, 1 beheld the snowy dove With a thrill ot wonder gazing On the visitor, amazing, I demanded: "Who are you" And the gentle bird ot whiteness. With Its snowy robe ot brl ghtness, Answered with a coo : "I am sent." he said, "from Alden, By a fair and lovely maiden, With a message unto theo : I am come to sootho thy sorrow. Bid thee from despair to borrow Hope that thou her face Shalt see ; For thy cherished one Is living. And her thoughts to thee Is giving, On a bright and distant shore ; And I come, her carrier dove, With a message from thy lsve, Who Is thine forevermore." By this Joyful news excited, ltaptured, ravished and delighted, 1, the snowy bird addressing, Asked, with earnest voice Inquiring, What my soul was most desiring, That her name to me expressing. He rould set my heart at rest Still the tumult In my breast. And assure me that Mr maiden, In the distant fleld3 of Alden, Waited for mo on that shore Would bo mine forevermore. Then I spoke with greater fervor, I. the maiden s ardent lover: "Does my own departed live t" (To the bird ot whiteness listening While my eager eyes were glistening, For the answer he should give): "Tell me, O thou carrier dove, or my absent cherished love, Whom I knew In days of J ore ; Has she passed the shining portal Of the blessed land Immortal, doing through tho golden door? Dues she move In light and splendor, Do the graces all attend her, On that tar and distant shore t" Words and tones and looks revealing All my depths of Inward feeling, Moved, affected by my pleading, And my anxious question heeding, Thus the drve, my soul discerning. Answer m tde, these words returning: "In the distant fields of Alden, On a bright, Elyslan shore. Dwells a talr and lovely jaaldeo, And her name Is KUaore ; 'Mid the nowers about her blooming, 'Mid the odors Bw eel perfuming AU the balmy air around. She, arrayed In robes of whiteness, Walks an angel In her brightness, With a wreath Immortal crowned." Then the bird his wings unfolding, Lett me as I lay beholding, Filled with transport and delight ; With a soft sonorous coo, Nodding, bidding me aileu. Through the open window new out into the gloomy night. But the bright, enchanting vision Of the distant fields Elyslan, And my cherished Kllnore, Asa fair and lovely maiden. Dwelling In the land or Alden, Is my light forevermore. "There shall I, my Iqved one greeting, . At our future, early meeting, On that distant, radiant shore. With ecstatic Joyand'gladness, Free from parting, pain and sadness Clasp again my Kllnore, Call her mine forevermore I A Fool Once More. 'For Ua yr mj wife ws confined to he.r bed with such a complication of ailments that no doctor could tell what was the mat ter or cure her, and I used up a small for tune in humbug stuff. Biz months ago I saw a U. S. flag with Hop Bitten on it.and I thought I would be a fool once more. tried It, but my foil proved to be wisdom Two bottles cured her, sbe Is now as well and Btroug as any man's wife, and it cost me only two dollars, Sucb folly pays. il V Detroit, Mich, An apothecary asserted in large a company "that all bitter things are hot." "Ho," re plied a physician ; "a bitter cold day Is an exception," A guide in Maine, who ought to know, estimates that the trout caught by tourists In that State costs them three dollars a pound. , Said the nurte to the Doctor : "Sure sir I only know of one good medicine for the Baby, and that It Dr, Bull's Baby Syrup, Items. --Outward bound Books. Loat at sea The sight of land, A tower of strength The towboat. Hone is the incur coatlnir on the nlll of in " i ue. Dasd men toll no tales, but dead walls are well posted. -Bookkeepers hare the ruling passion strong in lifo. If von want to 'wet vnur whistle, liana- it nut in the rain. -A speed? method to ston vour credit Is to let your account run. Mosquitoes are coming 109.729.84 1. 72G.81 1,000,000,000,000 strong. Slxlooii llioimnd persons In the pris on of the United Statos are unemploy ed When a man calls his wife's maid "an angel,', It is time for tlie wife to make her An atom of an owl swlnelne on anoxy- lined silver hoon Ig the latest device lor ear ring. A farmer was killed br his lilred man. and the coroner's virdlct was, "Death by his own hand," A ttilevlnir bov. who the other day was apprehended tor stealing a pigeon, Bald he look it lor a lark. Some men have little scarlet buttons pu' on their whit" vests. Othprs simply tal strawberries and "slop over." -Wooden posts have been brought to premature decay by painting them before their moisture bad evaporated. Tho Japanese persimmon, introduced t-l.. ' . I ! f I 1. r. . .. ... i ... t , ! iil'u uaiiiuium. uni uiaujr laiioiic., aum .a equal to a good pear or peach. -Emerson never'packed more sense Into a sentence than when he wrote, "Mood man ners are made up of petty sacrifices. 'The Lome' is the newest horror in fan cy boots. It is made of a yellowish brown kid, with gaiter tops of Scotch plaid. A book lust published Is entitled "Say ings and Dolntrs of Great Men." We notice that the "Sayings" have a large majority. -Can the man who ffoss to a aurreo n' office to have a felon lanced he legally ar rested tor entering with felonious intent I The horse is now to b met with In everv habitable country exceot'Larlland and Greenland, amid the region of eteraal snows. A snlendld national theatre Is nroiected in London after the idea of the Grand! Opera House in Paris to 'cost about $16,000,! 000. A gentleman calling at a grocery store) for boneless cod, the proprietor requested hla cleric to snow mm a specimen oi "desecratea codfish." ' 1 A small boy threw a lump of lee at another boy on Royal Street, and came very near being arrested for carrying congealed, weapons. 1-IV.Hnn .at1 HUT. .1.1. t -f WGIIUIOUUHIU. ' I U mUUUI ICpCli. U. having eaten too little." He never went out to 6sh all day without taking break- last Deiore tuning. A Texas chan shot five men. and no at tention was paid to it : but one day he stole a mule, and in less than an hour tho infur iated citizens banged him What la more deservinc of our sympa thy than a young man with fifteen cents in his pocket, and a girl on each arm. and sev en ice-cream signs in sight? Tbe placidity of expression worn by a man who is "next" in a lull barber shop cannot be counterfeited, even by an old main witn ner nrst love-letter. "Lord of Righteousness and of many White Elephants" ls"a' narf 'of- the title of his drunken and his bloody high-mightiness, tbe Burmese king at Mandalay. -In Geneva, Switzerland, a new school for watch-making has neen opened, and the. latest machinery. Including the American manufacture, has been introduced. "You cannot hare another drink tn-dav you're drunk 1" exclaimed tbe landlord to a troublesome inebriate. And Ibi toper laughed, and said, "That's all in your rye." -Never a Ffench doll seta her tlnv paint ed foot on the soil of this free conntry with out paying Uncle Sam for the privilege. In 1877 the duties on dolls amounted to 110. 000. A bov at a recent examination in an Engli-h school was asked who discovered America. 'I wish I may die," says a Brit ish editor, "if he didn't answer Yankee Doodle I" Only one duel has been fought In Illi nois; one combatant was killed on the spot. and the other was tried and hanged for mur der. Cli'valrv coul In't develop under such an order of thins". We nominate Haves for President and Tilden Vine President on the Republican tleket. and Tilden President and Hayes Vice President on the Democratic ticket. - We aim to please. The Fat Contributor remarks that it Is a very poor newspaper office that hasn't got at least one compositor that ned tosettype right along Bide of Artert.m Waid Two little girls wera talking to tt ch other recently, and one said, with the great er naivete, "We have a new school ma'am, aim sne nnn t Know nothing (a pause) she don't know how" to whip a scholar." No more eren flags in San Francisco St. Patrick's Day parades. .That is one of L . i-: ir i Lt. r . . , me luiugi jveuruey aim uis irienos nav" ac complished by the new constitution. Only the state and national flags can be borne in public. They have discovered a tree in South America that gives milk. Pshaw I any milkman of this country can show vou a tree trunk, with a handle on one tide and a spout on the other, which gives nearly all the stock in trade, Tbe Cincinnati Saturday night is re sponsible for tbe following paragraph : When the slern old scotch warrior said,"The hand of Douglass is his own." was it in re sponse to an insinuation that he held a pair oi acrs tnai amn t ueiong to mm I The Boston Transcript says you mav lead youug persons up to the piano, but you cannot always make them practise. We find It different in tbe locality where we reside. The difficulty we' experience is not to make them practice, but to make mem stop practising. The fact that the Chinaman wants to work and doesn't want to vote is thought to adapt him exactly to tbe uses of the Southern planters : and already measures are on foot for introducing into Louisiana and Misfit sippi the class of laborers which the Pacific coast Is so anxious to discharge. An English physician says the idea that early rising promote health and longe vity is all foolishness. We discovered this lact come years ago. We got up before daybreak to run to a fire, when we went down stairs in too much of a suddennes, and tl weuidn t knock ten years on our longevity, we at least felt very uobealthy lor about two weeks. It you were to accuse Miss Analine De Flukey of overweening self-conceit, you would not abash ber in tbe least; she would retort that one has a perfect right to admire the masterpieces of Nature. Tbe day after tne announcement oi ner engagement to rretl Dory, an old friend onered his congra tulations. "Not me," she said, and she twitcned tier nose haughtily "congratulate jrriii." llonortd and liltsitd. Wbea a board ofemlueut pbystcItDs ud cbemists auuoucced tbe discovery that by some well known valuable remedies tbe most wonderful remedies were produced, which would cure a wide rang, of diseases that most all other remedies could b, dis pensed with, many were sceptical; butprool of its merits by actual trial has dispelled all doubt, and to-day the dlscoterers pf tbst great medicine, Hop Hitters are honored and blessed by all as benefactors. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE For CATARRH INSTANTLY RILIEVE3. 6,000 FEET ABOVE THE SEA. Tt) following ttMlrflntitaH ro from Mi mm. .T, 0 PonnoRTK Aid, lHn.tir, Col., InrjM urnl n ilnrntUl dingtiliti. Ttiey report uniirocetlrntfdlr lit run Ml en it n t nnlTercftl ntl'tieUon. Ho other i1Imiim I po ftitrminirlj' prrtnlmt In thut rfiftnn. 1 her upcnk of tlia ifcnlletiicu m union tliulr bol cititcusi SORELY AFFLICTED. J, O. ftwrorth f Ot, ptnrer.CoI.f nfmrt, rronitcl by ftlltr-fn lliirf lor Uk-po Kinictrd ltti CftUrrh, I wfph to mil mj t.Mlmonr In be-inT of ronn'i ItiDiCAL Cm rn Cat tit u. I htro hwn ure iv ttmirtcd with 1 ill fearful dirrte for lour yrnrp, ml liitvrt trltJ fvrr known rrnmty xiiliimt nvitll, until 1 lion it 'it a tmlMA or tho rtora Ct'RK from yon, v tilth K mo aluiopi IiWft'it rfiirf. It brlntf n conml tntluiiH. up well r lornl rmneiij-, I b- Crve it to ltf All tliftt 11 cUlmeri for It, a Knrllrnl turn tor CftUrrh, Ver jr t ml yonrt. WI, AMI.TI VF!, DenTr,Scpt,as 1S75. WUU Jcnon,mirt& Co. GREATLYAFFLICTED. Mt J. O. Bvwrt .f (. lanrrri t1entttmentl titke I'll ftmr o in rocnmmendintf bAsroitu'n Haimcai tin ruK Catarrh to H do rn mirtctl with thli a jrritr ftlierwrni tit 1 wan Mkcn ftjruln w Itli L'rtarrh qnlio ti'vrrvly, nl InimciIIMely nut for aiiolbir Imtllt, which JUrtlme nil rlirht. KiTintftnn rilk-f mm tho fWtt done. I it n conflflt ttt ifmt this) remedy will da All Hint hrl-itmMlvtrlttftnd more too. Wlnhimr you iuccoi la lit liitrouuctlOH, I ftm,Try imlr your, A W. IM mi; of fctnlth A Doll. Dcnrer, Oct. 4,1!7J. TRIED EVERYTHING. Mttr,J. O. nomenrth if fttnrer Cat.: (7rntlemtnt I lis vi lut'd 8Arortii'ft ilAMrtt (,i be rn CTAtn;iu ftnd It hai (flvrn porUtt tlfnctlm. 1 hurt) trlod almost etfrjtbiug, rml It in tho nty thtntf ttiAt Ims fllTfti nflr"ll' t. I tixrM.'re ttke Lleamro In rrroin mending in ufl to hMffllle A with f'atftrrli of any klud, and offer thli aa ruy totimonv to lt bonrfU. Very tru y, V. b. DECKER. CenTer.OcUl.lffS. REV. J. H. wTgGIN SAYS: On of tho TfmV.le for Cafirrh,rmy tho brt remedy e Innorom. i lu t It'ctimti of aiulvrliiK I Hak roiiDV, i i'it It U nut tsiifleHsant to tako through tlio nostril, a. xltuero cumeswitu cncli boiilo a am nil claRStnlia fr m In lolmUtlon. It rlfurt tho head anJihroiit t thoroOKhly that, tnkfn rachinmu Itiifon riflnjr, t'irro ard ni QiipVuNAtitarcrrtlOMaand nj dliairre ablo )awklri( durlnjc tho fi.tlrc da?, hot an mi prp rdrntcil tfantiH'f olcoant1rrpplrtory ortfanp," Iit9. . II. Wiigin,tn Vorthetteft Ma.t Jliacvn KachrttrVaro contains Pr, Fanffrd'ft ImproTfd In bftilr.jr Tube, v.ith full rtirfctlons tor up In alt rnsia. rrlte.ll 00. For t a' n by all Wholeaa'o and K tall Ijrtitr flftia and Italert thronehont tbn United htt and an art ft. v WKf.KS A I'OTTEU, Grueral AfftnU aud hoh ai DrupKlaf". Bob ton. laa. COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTERS For lipoal raln.Iir.ineneM. Borpnea,Walc. D6M, WumbncM and Inflammation ofth Lungfla Ilver Kldnoyn. Bpoen, Bnwclw, Bladder, Heart, and Mucle arq cquo.1 to, im army of dootora, and aore of plants and ahruba, Even In Faralywla, Epilcpwy or Pitt, and Nervous and InvOluntay Mui cuTar' Action thla Plaater, by nwllying the NeryouB Force, hna effpct,,d Curii whn erery other known remedy hna failed. aft f?OTlt'a. Afk I'r ColllnV VoUaio Plaster, and In i't on having it. Bo'd by nil "hnlosalo and Bet all Druggista throughout the tlitod pndanndnaiWEKiig ft FOTTEIt, Proprietors, Boston, llnai. June 13 TJ-X L ... BylUrrratand tboroafb Uood-parirylnf proper Menivr. rrkrce'f Oolden Mdlcar Diacorery rurta all wmmh. from xbe worst arAiU to a com mo a Htotob ital or Emptl-a. Mercurial dlMaap, Mineral Tolaon. aad their effect am eradicated, and Tlforoua nealtli and a sound roDttltvtton vatab Ushed. .Eryatpcta KcJWsVeaw, Faver aWav aWlr t nMchftklMfla ahoriall dlaeaaea cauwd by bad blood, are conquered by tali powerful, purlrrlnf , and invigorating; medicine, ERneclAlly baa li tnanlfeated It potency la nirlaf Tetter. Bw Baak. Bo IK Ctbc1 Im y 9rtfihmm HorM m4 SwtlllaM WUU BwUlnf, Mtr or ThkJk Nrck, and JEalre4 lla4a. If you ft-el dull, draw ay, dcbiuuud. bara aaUaw color of akin, or ytllowliJ-trowo apota on face or uuuj. nrurui khkvs u uumswss ismi is. tnouin,- Internal beat or ckllto altcraatod with boa flukbea, low cplrlta, and gloomy fbrtbodlnxa, trrrrular pnetiip.ana tonano rated, yoq are atunrlnglroni TarpU tlvtsts or BUIfawaaa.,rt In maay caaei of ' Llrer I'lapalalwl' only part of Ibeae aymptom exporiearM. as a remMrror au auen caaea, nr. Tiercel Golden Medjcal DlKortry baa no eraal, aa It elleeU perlsxl and radical com. early etajres of Oai medical faculrr. as Miami lahad thfl medical faculty, and emlucnt ftbyaklant proooouco It tbe creatcat medlci dlacorerr Ileum th aeTtreat Concha, it atKajrtneaai m viKUTcrj vi im an. ttiuiv uUMayatcm. ktirl tk. "-- Rnkl bv drusraiata. K.V. riS.HCt.. M. I)., rropT, Worlds OlapeaaajT ftnd InTftUda' liota, 2toJnUo,X Y, x CON D ll-.ltTillH im TT ' .. hiiinliii iraidkl power f the rorfT ttMf oyt m SoS MttapVlr'llwwnlwIlirUitM'.TelltC Tier ninr-nsud swf tMksed I In sUu bolltei. CATARRH itb scs(UcUsrsu numsjimlftL iilhiiiln atr. In nllUM dn. slr. wmiT. or 1BIUMM ss xjMtnln un. or ntrurtVea. of the aaaJ aaa af to eii?n tbwt tSral?na, ftcfroia tiTccrt, . foleo altered, aaaal tieat oSenalve braata. Unpaired ir total dapriyat lo of aaaac of eaaaa nad Uat. ill- 1 luw cj UxJ iritipuim. UXdrto pttnl lo sir I ;im si ou llmf. r" ' " DB. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY product! rsdlcsl nm f tlx wontttM or CiUtrh, in mtMr or bow lou tuaSlw. .Tt. liquid raptor . nT be nmlM,or bVlut oplIl bj lb. bh oI Dr. enmac Doucbc. TbU ! Iho only rorai of butru siest Ttt ImtMUd VU wblch SttU BKtu cu be :utM biou vr iiATnm. rruf to HI paru rf ti tltaMtf UMl WHM wltba cbu Sr. or uTlittt tiali ike wwumb wbkb Mir cj ud ulttrt frtrtuenttr cxlit, nd rrou vbleh b cMrrbl dlKkirn tbrHy WeUi. U UH ,A blciout uU culfr witnUfoiJnaa Sljaillita kcooMarlBS etch tMlnuaeuL pr. Base's - ' IW" by . few ApUe.itoni, It li nils ud p)et. ut U uh. OAUbain Co tu&uor routle drui or S . v. piKucOdTlx, rrert.WMhli ci. leuwr surutoUd' Uota, UuSsla, N. V. The 'Only itoown, Remedy THAT ACTS AT THE SAVE USE 03 THE LIVER. THE BOWELS, J and the KIDNEYS. 7V.ii eomttneil action fitti it vvn&erJSil pmur to curt alt dluattt. Why are we Sick ? Encauu U4 allow Out great ergaiu to, be come clogged or torpid, andpohonout humort art therefort forced into tht Hood that WU is expelled naturally. 1MDICAIXY CURES iiatioisxsss, wtis, cowirATiox, KIDXEI CQ PLAINTS. V'ttlXABT DIS EASES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, AND KEBYOVS DISOBOEUS. py earning fret action of that organi and Yettoring their itrength and potter to throw Yff dtuate. Whjr Ssff.r BIUUm uUsu4sclMl I Wbj t. tornUd with FUil ssd Conllpitlos ll lVbr rrlfkus., i.rdliordmd Kldstti I Itbr esd.r. atnsss kidubl tad ili,lMk alfblil Vu KIDNKY.WOUTand rij'lc It Utala UUa dry, r0ilaJ. comjeun4 d ou iVm w1 mk ttm lurit tt MidklM. mtU, UCBAUCOH A 09., frclrttii, luUi(tm, Tt Usrca I, urs-iy o oal am BUM . H, T, HELMBOLD'S aovTFoxjJsriD FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU PHARMACEUTICAL A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES OF THE BLADDER & KIDNEYS For Debility, Loss of Memory, Indisposition to Exertion or Husi ness,Shortnesn of Brenth.Troubled with Thoughts of Disoase,Dimness of Vision, Paiu in the Baok.Chest and Head, Rush of Ploodtothe Head, Pule Countenance and dry skin. If these symptoms are allowed to go on, very frequently Epilep tic Fits and Consumption follow. When the constitution becomes af fected it requires the aid of an in vigorating medicine to strengthen and tone up the system which "Helmbold's Bucliu" DOES IN EVERY CASE. HELMBOLD'S BUCI1U IS UNEQUAL J3D By any remedy known, it Is prescribed by iho most eminent physicians all over the world, In Rheumatism, Spermatorhcea, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Indigotion, CWtipation, A dies and Pains, General Debility, Kidney Diseases, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility, Epilepsy, Head I roubles, Paralysis, General 111 -Health, Spinal Diseases, Heiatica, Deafness, Decline, Lumbago, Catarrh, ervous Complaints, Female Complaints, &c. Headache, Pain in tho Should ers, Cough, Dizziness, four Stom ach, Eruptions, Had lasto in the mouth, Palpitation ot the Heart, Pain the region of tho Kidneys, and a thousand other painful symp toms are the offsprings of dyspepsia. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU Invigorate llic Momncli. And Etim'ulates the torpid Liver, Bowels and Kidncvs to hcalthv ac tion, in cleansing tho blood of all impurities, and imparting new hie and vigor to the whole system. A single trial will beouite suffi cient to convince the most hesitat ing of its valuable remedial quali ties. PRICE $1 PER BOTTLE, Or 8U RotllcN for Delivered to any address free from observation. "Patients'' mav consult bv letter receiviug the same attention as by calling, Uy answering the following questions : 1. one your same ana post-onice address, county and state, and your neare'.t express onico 7 s. Tour age ana s t I. Occupation l Married or tlDKler s. Height, weight, now and tn health t e. How lonr have you been sick J T. Your complexion, color ol hair and eyos t s. Have you a stooping or erect galtt l. Itelate without reservation all you know about your ease.' Enclose one dollar as consultation tea Your letter win then receive our attention, and we will give you tho naturo ol y our disease and our candid opinion concerning a cure. Competent physicians attend to correspondents, All letters should be addressed to Dispensatory, ivii, ruoert strret, rnuaaeipnia, j'a. H. T. BZX.MBOLS, DrnrgUt and Chemist, fUILADELTnlA, FA. SOU) KIERIWIIKIIE March T,isit-ly - V "lift n L4ftA HdW la rrt ' iv-.'t-'. r ' - BLOOM SB URG STATE NORMAL SC HCOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. Su&nK wimabountllulsupplyofrurcsoft I. Mo.lel School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. , . . A.liunct Courses: I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course In Music IV. Course In Art. V. Course in Physical Culture. Z Zll and c.a,M,a. Conrs,, aro IMtorKSSIOSAU and Students graduatmt therein, receive , state U.loma,, conferr n? I , . Wtowln corresponding Degrees; .Master or iho hlementsj Master of tlio sciences i Master ot ttio Classics, urauuaici "'ncoot stud rnreserliS ThnStnt.rn,!iitn.ftM1rh(rnrilnrnf clt zenl 0. ThO pent and eniclent Teachers for her schools. To thls llliU llieir lairnLH, llllieillN. lUIUIBUU.l inuiuisva iuuiuhb.mvi.u. ,.v..w.u, .. Uatnloguc, nddrens the I'rlnrlnal. .,..,. WM.I.IAJI i:i,Vl!l,l., rrrlilrnl llonr.l of TriMlrra. sept, s, 'is.- WHAT TO WEAR AND HOW TO WEAR IT- CALL AND SEE THE NEW GOODS AND LATEST STYLES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Consisting of an elegant line of Cloths Diagonal and Cassemeres of English, xrencn, uerman anu uomestic manuiiicuue, FOR DRESS SUITS, FOR BUSINESS SUITS, &c. Tie Mm&j IMe BiepaFtmoinit Is now replete with all the LATEST NOVELTIES at VERY LOW PRICES. Neck-wear, Collars, Gloves, Scarfs, Half Hose, Hats, Caps, &c. PEARL SHIRT ALWAYS ENDORSED BY OVER ISMIM Si. MACHINE EXHIBITORS AT THE EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE, Paris, 1878 AND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, PHILADELPHIA, 1876, A. btlng" Vtiy STRONG, SMOOTH, tnd EXCELLENT THREAD. rkiniinArr Home industry ssVZJ April 13, '10-ly oltainalfor ne w invcntlont.orfor improvements on oUt onea,ortred(cal or other compound, tradt marki and labels. Caveats, Attignments, Inter' ferences. Appeals, Suits or Infringements, and all cases arising under the 1'nti tit l.tttrs, prompt ly attended to.- Inventions that ir been ly the ratent Of. I Jice mav still. in I most eases, be patenttd 0y ns being opposite the r. 8. Patent jyepartmtnt, and engaged in Patent lusiness ex clusively, we can make clostr searches, and secure Patents more vrotnvttll. and tcltU Lrontler rtatmm inan inae cnn ar remnt rrfm Wi ummmmi than thnse tehn art remnt frtm Wash tngton. srna us a mod rl or hketch oj towr devipet ip wxttrruHuitoni aim tuivuc as to patentability, free of chary e. All correspondence strictly con. Jidenttat. Prices tow, and A tt ( H.tlUiifU.S- We refer In, Washington, to Hon. Postmaster ? General J). M. Key, Per, P, ft, poirer. The tttrman m American Rational Pank, to vfictnls in the V. S. A Patent Pflce, and to fienatorsand representatives iin Congress and especially to wr clients in every tfuftf fit the Pn tun and in Canada. AJ'rt.iS Opposite PaUut oyue, Hutlnngton, J), a Feb.7, iMy BUBIKEFH CARDS, VISITING CARDS, LjerrsnnHADS, BILL 1IKADH, Neatly ami Cleaj ly j rinlfd at the 1IIAN 1'fPfP THIS I'AfER 18 OH 11I.K WHO ROW ELL & pKESMAH . Advertising Agents, wio cuoivin ts r rnnx. w). J OB P1UNT1NO OF EVERY DE8RIPTI0N EXECUTED l'BOMPTLY At tub OoiiuiiiAN OfntE l - W!, t R16S dellandlt. Ills OllOOt tlwp linpoDJOCIS Ot For :0:- THE O-TSISTTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT Is now full of the latest styles of ON HAND. 4sVs4s)4 THIRTY SEWINS rS.ET. tZTABUSNeD IBSG. MANUFACTURED at ; I0UNT HOLLY. N.J. mRTiBROumnD)At;EUTC.mrii 'MtDALS 1PARIS. PHILADELPHIA. 'AWARDED I NEW YORK BOSTON. NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO., lluttlo Creole, Slloli. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE "VIBRATOR" THRESHING MACHINERY. THE HtchUt Gritu-Sivlnir. Tlme-ST!nf, ucl UooeT-SavlDf Thrnbrri eflblt dt tod fttttrtv flu. Bryond U rittlrf for Krl4 ft ork, ftrfeei CUtnlit, STEAM 1'oner ThroxlierH b Sperliltf. Special im ct 6rpatori mala tiimlj fat Buna pir. OH It l'n rlf lift rStrara Thrpihtr tnjtlnM, both ForUbl ai TrMtian, with TaluUU lmprenv. mtati, fr tw jond nij nber nk r Hod. TIIK FNTUti; Tlirt-Kldnff Eipenift find oftn IbrMioDfa tlatci tbtt mount) fc totul lit EiUk Qtila SAVED by tbett lmjrd U whlfcii. GRAIN Kalstr it III not lubmlt to the nor bioui utag ef (J rain nd tb Inferior work doo kf sUl vthtr BMblnt. wbea nc jtotWi en tbt 41fTtrn. NOT Onlr Vastly Surtrlor for Whfit.O.ti; Birley, ftjf, Dil Ilka Grtloi, but tbt 0tf Sbm( ful Tbrohrr In FUi, Timothy, Ulllct, Clover, tod Ukt Eqirtret us "ttatbmtnu" tt " rctiuildlBi " tbttfi Una Grilo to Seed. IN Thorough Workniinh1p, Elffftnt Flnlih, f rrfMtloa of PkrU, Complrtent! of Equipmv&t, U. uf ' Tuuto" Thraher Uulflu 4rt I&oooiitrtbl. TVfAUVn.OL'S for SluipUrltr of 1'irti, mlnr sWb WUiai.Mi.kJf tbtuiJIleJLiMidQuil. MftkM Cteu Wwk,lih no lJurin( or Bckiwrlui, rOUB Mitn or Kparalors Mnilf, BsVoftUr fro a fill WTweLr llr tlM, tad twokljltl Of Uuubi d Hwm ftwtrt m UkWb. TWB PirtifuUrK, fill on oar Delrt or s wrtMuvifcrlUuiUkkdClnulu.ahlohvvulJbMt J. E. KHUMM ii KliO., Tl'BBOTVIIXK, PA., Agents (orNorthuroberloud, Montour ana Co lumfcl L'UUUIICH, Jan. 10,. cm r ICKNDALT:SSad5.Wf rcmarkablo euro spav. In. Unlint Curb. Callous, tc. or anv eularifement. AM) WILL HEllOVIfi THE UUxClI WfniOUT Gl A A71XT DLI8TKKINU or causlog a OI iV V 111 sore, o remedy etir dla coverwl equala H for certainty of of action In fcioyplnfr tbe Umenetia and rcmoTlDK thebuiicn. I'rlce 11. CO. Heiid for circular el flue plinn I'KOOF Bold by drugplsts, or bent to v -i li ij ujr tuiurcM uy lup myrutur, n. j, Kendall, M, !., bnosturgb FtlU, Yt, MojrrUrou. A o t lioomburff, I'a, T EQAL BLANKS OF ALL KINDS XJ ON UAND AT THE COLUMBIAN OFflM. 11 1. AMia tAs. iu IUS .?i"'l""V.iVi.i.alr,.l..lmnrr.vnlli?lr time V V 11IU.MYEH, Secretary, r- 1 r-" -.".' C. 23. DUALS!! IN Silverware. Watehes.Jewelry.Cloeks.&e, ST- Ilemovedto tho Tost OOlco building, tlrsidoor aboie theKxhango Hotel. All kinds rf Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neat ly 1 cpaircu ana warranieu. way 11, '(s-Li SApnminition or nnn itiirint ininirnur iti'l .tmW-llnti. villi nil I lie lit -t nn-1 nint run the. -iMMtlisDfallt'tlicrBirt rritnii clhoprfiit-i uctx in I'tiriiirr. iiltt't i?t"-:iitttort anuuic oand ilciilili I.t-tiiortii Attntoucni li. S Xo ell rascnrlll li nii run lfl? rrht fgwlioro Iltsp i:itt. rurt;uscj,tu Ari.a ai.a iicrivtt 3 tro ilielrojirrat'i i . l Thry five new tui vnr (t t!i te 1 3 nni Infirm, r? To allv hota mi ulsrn ! -t rl-u Uy of 'ithc liowt'la nr nrlTi.ii vcri.nnfl.rr Ji t nrilrtmi n SmstliT. Tonic n n I mfUl MtTi.i.i int. Li It cm nr M Lj!naiualileUtlimit tnliixlntlliii'. J 3 Nomattfrwlittjottr fcrilnjra or fviritori nrc.M jwliiutlic di1-! n-u t r iilinicnt It, r llii Uttd r 3 tU.ui ot lltifc 'lil n--'i ti Hitters n I i.ticc. it Iiiu7l ssao junr inc. it u s.ivm nunuuaj. 1 l iU(l Trill lf ral.l for ft jbp liifT will not rnrr o.' jtiLip. lhtiinthttiUr nurltt yoiirfrlriiti mffii, Lui, gusu unu urj-'f im 111 IU uku iioji J nit i n. 1 rrmrniScr. linn IMttfrnNnoi Hr.i'mpprd.flrnriV pen rnHirmn. ininlip I'urritt nru Utt-i u Iin-1 t il L-.iimiirtMio'ii.vnii(i i t it mi mm in pr" hiiu.j Fjnuptrctuor .imiiycnoma do vnnout iiicin. rj lict sMiiiiv tn in ny ?u?3sl Hop Corin Cir.K M tho mrrettst.nafeFt una Uca'Cfl Ono IIni Tn for Minnnrli, pt Pti.l Ktdticj-fl 1 1 niiiUTiiir 10 iiiniiiiiT". iMvitru,-yiair, T r it an nl,u,.l,K.. .i.i.l iFNiclitsKIn cxm fr.t flijmr.kennt s usy of oplii'n, totj iccohikI nirc-ttlcs B. All k 1J b) dru-l-U, 11 i I IttmMf r.Oh HosLWr, N. V May 2, lu-tf. TTTTG T A T7?T? mny 1 fount! rm nie at Ora AdiertlaltiK Jlur-'ftU t ill Wprucc Slr'fli uliorf nihcr- llMliur i.. .nt rnnlo t.iuu I.. ... ...I.. t.,i. 1 1 iv vrir VflllU feb. 14, TT-lf r The most extensive Manufacturers of Billiard Tables in existence. The J. M. Brunswick & Balke Co. CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, ST. LOUIS AND 724 Broadway, New-York, Newest and most elegant styles of BILLIARD TABLES AT LOWEST I'RICES, Elegant Parlor, Dining, Library and Bil liard Tables combined, size 3x6; slate beds, perfect cushions, complete with balls and cues, $50. Addicts whichever home it nearest your city, Tho 3, M. Brunswick & SiMko Co. Feb. 7, AND Paper Hanging. WM, F. BODINE, HON ST., 11ELOW SECOND, I1LOOMSUURU, I'A. Is prepared to do all kinds ot HOUSE PA1NXINO rialn and Ornamental, PAPER HANGING, BOTH DECOKAT1VE AND l'LAIN. All UluilN or I'uriiiliii'c Itcpiili t'd. anil Hindu HH KOOil is 111W, NONE HUT FIKST-CI.ASS WOHKMEN 1 JII'LOYEI) Estimates Made on all Work. WM. F. I10D1NE. Oct. 1,1 87S. ESPY PLANING MILL. The undersigned lessio rr inn Espy I'laulns Mill, Is prepared to do all kinds o( mill work, Doors, Frames, Sash, Blinds, etc. made to order sn short nollcr. Satisfaction guar, anteed. Kurd, lllocinsDurir, Vc. I'riviite Sale! Tlie lollowlns Taluablo property, tbe Estate ot tho late John 8nlsher,deccasod,wlll be offered at private sale up to SEl'TKMHEH 1st 1879. The pr operty Is situate In the Ullage ot Jersey town, Columbia county J'a., and contains about FIFTY ACRES of excellent farming land upon which aro T"WO HOUSES, 33 -A-It 1ST, and other out buildings, and Is one of tho llnest localities In the county. There are Tl GOOD ORCHARDS on the premises, I srfor Information concerning the property ap ply to O, H. Iirockway, of Bloomsburg, or T.J. Hvrlsher, of Jersey town, Hay !9,.ts OB PRINTING I Neatly and cheaply executed tt the Columbian Office. nmtumuimiutumvu u " i nin nun nrnnnir ULU IIUU IILMIloLUl Jl)n. BANroiw's Ltvnii iNvioonATon l- UU.1rt..1 T.'.....I1.. 1 1.. . in 1. x iiuiiij i.uiiii'tiy lor S J iliscuscs of Hid Ijlvf r, Sloinnch fift S nnd Bowels. 11 Is Purely Vl L i jVegctnlile. Jt never W t SUcbllitntcs-ltiii flll IPS Vi . 0 k'.fr' S 0'. r . . n i . vj r .u r - . " a.- h h m m m v- j j l v n v t Innrrnrfifn.? I " O p JiaS UPPn TtanA in tav tirii d bv tho niiliii ! mora tlmn flfs -Anw.' ' , w" J " O j 0 "With tirjtrneeflpnfAi1 vnen- i m pv- -"iuio, K SEND FOR CIRCULAR.; f HTIIRI'QOISTniLtTILLTOUITSnirl'nno. Apiil is, 'iu-iy. RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES OHTIIEKN CENTRAL 11A1LWAY WINTEIl TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday. November 10. H7S.tho imtn. on the Philadelphia & Erin lia lroid UU lslou will run US IUI1UWS I WESTWAIII). Erie Jlalt leaves PhlladelphU 11 as n m " " llairhburi; 4 25 am " " Mlllamp(irt 8 85am " " Jersey hliore 07 a in " " lck Haven mo a in ' " Henovo Ho am " arrlro at Krle 7 PS p m Niagara Express lcarcsi'lillndclpnta 7 so a m ' " llnrrlsburg low am " arr. at v llllamsport 2 i p in ' " Lock Haven a 25 pm Fast Line leaves Philadelphia 1 W it m " Ilarrlsbnrg ssspm " arrlvo at Wllllnmsport 7 25 n in " " Lock Haven 8 40 p in EASTWAHI). Pacific Express leaves Lock Haven c -in n m " " Jersey Sl.oro 714 am " " vvuitamsport 7 6vam " arrlvo at Harrlsourg 11 53 am " l'htladelphla 3 40 pm Day Express leaves Lock Haven 11 20 a m " " V'tlllainsport 12 40 pm " arrlvo at Harrlsburg 41opni ' ' Philadelphia 7 2i)pm Erie Stall leaves lienovo 8 35pm " " IjOck Haven' 9 4pra 11 " llllamsport 110,'ipm M arrives at llarrlsburg 2 45 a in " " Philadelphia 7iuam Fast Lino leaves WTlumiport H35am ' arrives at llnrrlsburg a ns a m " " Philadelphia 7 40 am Parlor cars vv 111 run between Phlla iclphla ail Ulamport on Niagara Kxpress west, Erie Express vveHt. Philadelphia Express eait, Day Exp res east aud Sunday Express cast. Sleeping cars on all nlgM YV.M. A. lUI.mWN, General hupt. VT"OKTIIEUN CENTItAL ItAILWAY XS UU.lUAPil, On and after November 'Mil, 1973, trains will leava NOltTHWAIlD. Erie Mall c.20 a. m., arrive Klmlra n ,r, " Cnnandalgua. . s.ssp, a nochester c,15 " Niagara 9 40 " Ilenovo occommodat Ion ll.lo a. m. arrive llllami. port 12.65 p. ra. Klmlra Mall 4.15 a. ra urrlvo Elmlra 10.20 a. m. Buffalo Express 7.16 a. m. arrlv 0 Iluffalo a. a KniiTnw'AiMi ' Uurtalo Express 2.50 a. m. arrlvo Ilarrlsburg M a. ' Baltimore S.40 ' Elmlra Mall 11.15 a. ra arrlvo Ilarrlsburg 1.60 " Washington 10.30 " " Baltimore 0.30 " " Washington s.30 " Ilarrlsburg accommodation s.40 p.m. arrive Harm burg 10.60 p. in. arrive Baltlmoro 2.25 a. m ' Washington 6.13 " Erie Mall 12.65 a. m. arrive Ilarrlsburg 3 (15 a. m, " Baltlmoro 8.40 " " Washington 10.35 " All dally except Sunday. D. M. BOYD, Jr., Ocneral Passenger Agest A. J. CASSATT, (Icueral Manatii "piIILADELI'JIA AND KEADINCI HOAD AUKANGEJIENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. -May II, 1870. TRAINS LEAVE KCPKKT AS I0LL0W8(6CNPAV FXCEPTW For New Vork, Philadelphia, Heading, PutlsvuK Tamaqua, ic, 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,15 u. in. 7,21 ond 7,35 p. m. For WUllatnsport, 0,28 9,03 a. m. and 4,oo p. m. TKAINSrOR BCrKKT I.E1VS AS FOLLOWS, (St KDAT II CKITED.) Leave New York, 8,45 a. ra. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a, m. Leave Reading, 11,65 a. m., rottsvllle,l2, and Tamaqua, 1,3s p. m. Leave Catawlssa, 0,20 8,50 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave vvtlllamsport ,9,45 a.m.2,15 p. m. and 4,50 p, n Passengers to and from New York and Phllad phla go turougj withoat chango of cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Manager, C. O, HANCOCK, General ncket Agent. Jan. 14, is70 tf. D ELAWARE, LACKAAVANNA AM VYCaiKltN 11A1LUUAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. Time-Table No. 89, Takes effect at 4:30 A. 1 DDI. faTATIONS. Scran ton Uellevuo Tnjlorville.,.. ...Lackawanna-... Plttston .. West Plttston... Wyoming Mai toy Bennett. Kingston soum a.m. p.m. p.n V HO 2 10 0 1' 2 16 ( 9 45 2 21 i S i SO 6 9 53 2 34 2 41 t 41 2 49 1 Ml '.'53 S9 gll ill 10 07 10 18 3 16 7 Kingston 10 3J 3 15 I it 3 10 1 If 10 2j 3 15 7 a 3 Si 7 a 10 S4 3 26 7 II 10 49 3 35 8 14 10 65 3 50 8 11 07 4 03 8 15 11 13 4 10 8 11 2-1 4 IS 9 j 4 29 I 9 19 I W nymouin juuc. ...Plymouth..... Avundalo Nantlcoko llunlock's creek, ...bnicksuinny..., ....Illck's Ferry.... ....Beach Haven... ........ Berwick .... Briar t'reek ...Willow drove.... Lime ltldge... espy........ ...Bloomsburg llunert 11 39 4 4J I 11 45 4 49 'a IIS IBS li Catawlssa Bridge. 11 IT K 11 I SB" 12 18 5 13 SB 9 IS u 30 9 51 1J 45 8 45 SO uanvuio Chulosky...... Cameron .Northumberland, n m. n.E .m. s.n W. F. HALfTBAD, MPt- Superintendent's Ofllce, Scranton, Juno i". 1IS' "7"A1NWRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE OHOCKHS, 1'UILADSLrnlA, Dealers In TEAS, SYltUPS, COFFEE, bUUAll, MOLASi'Bi, 1UCB, SPICKS, BICABB SOOA, SiO., tO. N, E, corner second and Arch streets, Itrorders will rocclve prompt attention. THIS PAPER IS KEPT ON Tltt nmEisNo PHILADELPHIA NOItTn. p.m. p.m. a.m. 9 SO 4 12 IK 9 23 9 17 9 37 9 US 9 811 8 3 3 61 9 21 5 61 8 10 9 19 8 40 3 41 9 14 1! 41 12 OS 8 S3 3 30 9 04 8 13 3 10 b 44 8 SJ 3 20 8 65 8 12 3 12 S 47 8 01 S 04 8 39 7 61 2 61 8 28 7 34 2 39 8 17 7 .'2 ! 31 8 12 7 25 2 23 S 00 7 13 7 14 7 10 7 02 2 r4 7 44 6 66 1 67 7 33 0 60 1 61 7 S3 6 45 1 46 7 29 0 27 J !7 7 11 6 15 6 00 1 CO 6 45 p.m. p.m. a.m. lur, tin mint and Klolilii Vitio rmlva AUvtrtlwmrnU 7or this lap". ESTIMATESrT. kud USc. for AYEU it SON'S MAMl'A-