THE COLUMBIAN. otmiBtt or Tn mouth and colcii. Issued wookly, every Krld ay morning, at tlLOOMSIIUItO, COLOMBIA COUNTY, PA. .1 iwotioM.nper year, eo cents discount allowed iiwnpil'lm ft-lranco, After tho enpiratlon of the rp,riS,80wlll Oo charged, Toaubscrlbersoutoftho! toonty inoicrun iim mi jvu.,iMin;ujr in aavahen, . iJ.nnr d leontlnupil, ctccnt at tlio option nr ih atiblllsliers.untllnll arrearages aro. paid, but lonir sontlnuod crcniw nncr mo captation or tlio first All ninorssentoutoftuoHtato or to distant post' in-eea must o paid for In advance, unloas a rcsnon dWe person In Columbia county assumes to pay the iinicnpiioimuuuii uviiiiiin.. posTAtlBIs no longer exacted from subscrlboraln he county. ,TOB Is.-R,I3SrTI3SrO. Tne.lnl'blcgHeprtmentof thoOoi.tmuiNtsvery lomnletn, and our J u Printing will compare favora- Ill l iiiin lh 1 tin Inriro rlllea. All !,rk-rln,,A lomand.ncntly and at moderate prices. . apica. Iv. Onelncb ttJX) Two Incurs I.uo Tbree Inches 4.1 ti Four Inches .eo uartcr coinmn .no alt column I0.00 one column .....MM 0. B. BH0CKWA7, , . 0. E. ELV7ELL, ' Edlteri anS Proprlter. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, JULY 4. 1879. TITE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XIII, N0.23 COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, VOL.XUV, NO. ! Columbia County Official Directory. president .tuflso William Gltvcll. Aswclato .Indies -I, K Krlckbaum, P. L, Khuman, prothonotorv. rtc Mlllain Krlckbaum. Court Monographer H. n. Wnlkcr. 'tr'iter.c iteeord'jr Williamson 11, Jacoby. oistrlct Attorney Itotn rt It. Little. MierinWulin W. Ilnrfman. s irnwor -umuol Novliird. Treasurer H A. swoppcnbelscr. I'TnmHslonera Stephen Pohe, Charles Iilchart. A 11 llerr'ng. Cj ii nUiloners'ClorK- I. II. Casoy. Au litors-S. II. smith, W. Manning, o. II. Sec. 8lnlr5'Uomtnl3sloner3 nil ltobblns, Theodore W, SC IVntv superintendent William It. Bnyder. hiuj ii Pir nutrlct lilrcctorn K. 8. Knt, Scott, Wm. Kramer, nioorasburg und Thomas Iteecc, jooit, RATES OF ADVERTISING. Of. OH. IK. 11.(0 H.ou ts.oo 4.10 a.oo 4.M loo Imii t.iki .no l.0" s.00 1o. 16.10 11.00 I MO 18.00 SS.00 10.00 It IMC l.Y . S.V eoog (0.00 100XH; Trat vparlv silierfJsfmtitA nsv.bto nn&rterlv slent advertisement mutt tie paid tor before Insettco except wnere paruea nave acvuuDia. Ival advsrt lsementji two do Mars rjr Inch for in ret Insertions, an at that rate for aildlllonal Insertion! wiinoui rererence vo icugui. Eiecutor's.Arotnlatrator's and Auditor's notlcel itirMilnllara itnst lu, hnld for when Insetted. Transient or Local notices, twenty crnis snnr regular aovenisemenia najr rain Cards in the "business Directory" column, one dollar per year tor each line. 4 LAWYERS. E. WAU.ER, " Attornoy-nt-Luw. Increase ef Tensicas ebt&lned, Collectlem made, omce, second doorfiom 1st National Hank. iiLooMsnuim, pa. Jan. tl, ms j" U. FUNK, Select Story. A MYSTKKY OK SKA AND l,ASI). Attoinuyat-Lnw, Incrcaso of Pensions Obtained, Collections Made. bloomsbuiw, pa. once In Knt's Ucildino. jgROCKWAY &ELWELL, ATTORNEY S-A T-L A W, CottutiiH licitniKo, Bloomsburg, Fa. Members of the United states Law Association. Collections mado In any part of America or Europo Q A W. J. UUCKALEW, ATTOHNEYB-AT.LAW, Uloomsbnrtr. Pa. onico on Main street, nrst door below court House JOHN It. CLARK, ATTOIINEY-AT-LAW,' Bloomsburcr.Pa. omco over Schuyler's Hardware Store. Jfl P. BILLMEYER, ATTUKNEY AT LAW. Ornck-In llarman's Building, Main street. iiioomBourg, ro. TTLI. BOl'T. B. UTTL1 II. & R. R. LITTLE, an uiihkyh-at-law, Bloomsburg, Pa. 1'r.ivcr.Mccilng Every Wednesday ovenlng at )f 1 V.AIlL,LihK, clock. . ,1 J , AHUIUJSI.AT-LAW Bloomsburg Official Directory. Prestdent of Town Councll-O. A. Herring. Clerk Paul E. Wirt, chief of I'ollco .las. c. sterner. President of lias company S. Hnorr, Secretory C. W. Miller. moo n-iuurg Hanking company John K. Funslon, President, II. H. urnlz, Cashier, John Peacock, Tel er. Kirs' Na'lonal llank Charles It. I'axton, President J. p. Tustln, Cashier. Columbia County Mutual Saving Pund and Loan AsiOcUUon K. II. Utile, President, c. W. Miller, .fprpf nrv. lilooinsburg Uulldlng and Saving Pund Association Wm. reacocK, i rcsmeni,.!. u. iioDison, tecreiary. llloomsburg Mutual saving Pund Association J. j urower, President, P. E. Wirt, Secretary. CHURCH DIRECTORY. BAPTIST CIICRCII. Her. J. P. Tustln, (Supply.) Sunday scrvtcea-lux a. m.- and la p. m. aunriftr School 0 a. in. prayer Meetlng-Every Wednesday evening at ex soats treo. Tho public are Invllod to attend. 8T. MATTHEW'S LCT1IBHAN CHrKCn. Mlnlster-Itev. o. t). S. Marclay. snmlay Services oys a. m. and Ttf p. m. Sunday school-9 a.m. Prnvcr Mcollng Every A'ednesday evening at Ttf Seats free. Nopows rented. All aro wclcomo. PnKSBYTBIUAN CI1UHCU. Mlnlsler-1!ev. Stuart Mt'chcll. Sunday Services lays a. m. and &X p. m. Sunday mciiooi a a. in. sea'lsfrcc. No pews rented, strangers wclcomo, MKTI100IST ErlSCOrAI, ClICBCH. Presiding Elder Hot. W. Evans. Minister llev. M. L. smjBcr. Sunday Services lux and 6)i p. m. siindav school p. m. tilble Class-Everv Monday evening at ex o'clock. I'oung Men's Prayer Meeilng-Evcry Tuesday e7enlng at ox o'clock, (lenerol Prayer Mcctlng-Evcry Thursday evening T o'clock. BKFORMBDCnORCn. Corner of Third and Iron streets. I'astor-llev. w. E. Krebs. itesidei.eo Corner 4th and Cnlharlno sireets. Sunday Services lox a. m. and 7 p. m. sundav school 9 a. m. prayer Meeting Saturday, T p. m. All aro lnt Itcd There Is always room. ST. TAUL'S CUDKCH. Hector IteT L. Zahner. SuncUv Services lox a. m., 1H p. m. Sunday School 9 a. m. First Sunday In tho month, Holy Communion. Sen Ices preparatory to Communion on irlday evening before tho st Sunday In each month. Pows rented", but overs body wclcomo. KTANQKL1CAI. CIIUKCII. Presiding r.lder-ltoT. A. L. Itccser Minister Hev. George Hunter. 1M simday Servlce-2 p. ra., In tho Iron street Church. Prav er Meeting Every Sabbath at ! p. m. Alt aro Invited. All aro welcome. TltBCIICBC110FCniU8T. Meets In "the little Ilrlfk Church on the hill," known as tho Welsh Baptist Church-on Kock street C"uegularmeetlng for worship, every Lord's day at- ,Cs?at?co?andtno public are cordially Invited to attend omcoln Brower's building, second floor. room No, 1. Bloomsburg, Pa. J FRANK ZARR, Attornoy-at-ijaw. BLOOMSBURG, PA. omco in Unanost's BcttniKO, on Main street second uuur uumu .euire. (!an be consulted in German. Jan. to, Ts-tt OATAWISSA. yyjl. L. EYERLY, Catawlssa, Pa. Collections nromotlv mado and remitted. Office QLARK F. HARDER, UUI1.UKH ANI MANUF ACTURER OF Doors, Sa:h, Blinds, Honldlnjs, Brackets, and dealerln LUMIiKItand all kinds of BUILUINO .MA'IKKIAL, I1AHI)WAHE,IC, THIItl) ST1IEET, CATAWISSA, PA. May 16, "rt-itn' C1CI100L ORDERS, blank, just printed and j neatly bound in sman ooui.3, "i"" or salo at tho colcmbiah onice. nt.isif liHHUS. nn 1'nrcbnunt and Linen 1") Paper, common and for Admlnlst rators, Execu tun and trustees, lor salo cheap at tho Columbian otneo. TAIUUACiE CERTIFICATES ,jut printed HI nndforsaioat immuimi; ut. ;'" t r-uir tlio (lospel and Justices should supply them selves WltU thCSO BCCUHsary ui iii;n.- T USTICES and Constables' Fee-Bills for sale l atthoCot-CMRiAK omco. incy cuuii rected tees as established by tlio last Act of tho Ug- ..Aturoupon mo huujulu .,ci table should havo ono. "TfEXDUE NOTES just printed and for sale y cheap at tne Columbian unite, BLOOMSIIURO "DIRECTORY. 440 April 11, 1S79 -6m PltOFESSIONAL CAHDS. ( O. BARKLEY, Attornev-at-Law. Office lu Brower's building, Snd story, ltooms till I IS. ROBISON, Attorney-at-Lnw. Office 'J . tn Ilartman'sbulldlng.Maln street. s AMUEL KNORR. Attorneyat-Law.Office In llartman's iiunaing, .Mam sircui. 1) 1( U't J ltl.MtKl! S,irienn anil IMivsi- ilan. onico Market ueel. Aboo(tU East i yirivu t ri c.m. .n.l Pliudi. clan, (Oltlco and ltesldenco on Third street, B. XIcKELVY. M. D.. Surceon and 1'hy slclan,north8ldeMaln street, below Market. It. J. C. MUTTER, PHYSICIAN fi SDKQEON, onice, North Market street, Bloomsburg, Pa. D R. 1. L. RABI5, PRACTICAL DENTIST, Main Street, opposlto Episcopal Church, Blooms burg, Pa. tf Teeth extracted without pain, uug u, '77-ly. MISCELLANEOUS. c nr nntvi'TO fiiTM-.iTnr'r.'arrTtr I are nrst caused by deviating rromme pam oi naiuro ji. .jw.. wuu...... , indnlirence. The Soeculo Me Redwood Morton WA,perliai", the young eat ship owner in Philadelphia. He had In herited his wealth from a father who had prospered In liuslnesj.and the name ol Mor ton was worth everything on exchange. At the date of the openlne of our story, he owned but ono vessel-and she, even, was for sale. He said he Intended to leave the maritime trade, and many people believed that he was Roing to marry and retire to quiet life on his wealth. His riches did not make him ostentatious His bachelor apartments were well, but not luxuriously, furnished, nnd his large circle of acquaintances wondered why ho did not come out more to their liking. Hut ho had his reasons, his prejudlcfs, and, as the read er shall see, lit bates and loves. 'So you are going down in the Petrel.'one of his acquaintances said to him one bright afternoon, 'Not down to tho bottom of the sea : but down to the orange groves of Cuba,' smiled Morton. 'As the Petrel will be sold upon her return I have determined to take leavo of her In last voyage.' 'Willyou take any passengers?' Jtone. Did you wat t to go V No; but a female acquaintance of mine would be pleased to sail in the Petrel.' 'A woman, eh ?' ejaculated Morton, with a merry twinkle in his hard eyes. 'Why, our conversation is getting romantic. Where does the lady wish to go?' To Havana.' We shall touch there.' just to ner liking ; out as you say you will convey no passengers, she must content herself a while longer on terra firma.' No j do not consider me positive, Far land,' Morton hastened to say. 'A lady pas senger might add much pleasure to the voy age ; and, beside, an affaire du creur might result from it. I am a bachelor, you see." parianu stmieu, aim tne l'etrel s owner produced some wine of Rhenish vintage, 'If your acquittance would call,' Morton remarked, as the conversation had returned to the would-be passenger. I will seo that she docs. You sail- when?' To-morrow.' 'She will call this afternoon.' 'Good I I will brush up a bit, dust my furniture, and prepare for her reception,' A few minutes later Dott Farland left Morton's quarters and walked away. 'Ha ! you'll never seo Cuba if you take her with you 1' he muttered to himself. 'When you see her I think you will-udhero to your determination to take no passengers. Redwood Morton, you think I have over looked your Beechwood trick, and that Bbe For Wells 10 to 75 feet Deep has forgotten your jilting of her. Time ueais some wounus, Dut not sttcu as you make.' Dott Farland was a good-looking man of limited means. Though barred from the best society of the eity,hls poems were read and admired there, and he loved to boast that verses, written on the gaming table, wero quoted in the model family circle of the best avenues. He was a fertile poet,but his associations kept him down. From Morton's house he went straight to a well-known European hotel, in theparlorof which be met a tall woman, with great blue eyes and fair auburn hair, She sat at the window, attired in walking costume, and smiled when he entered. 'Well, what success?' she asked, anxious ly, and with much impatience. 'Tolerably fair,' he replied. 'He wants to see you.' See mel' exclaimed the woman. 'No, no; at least not now. 'Then you caunot sail in thel'etrel, which departs to-morrow. You can dissemble, Bertha ; be will believe that you have for gotten the past, and he will gladly take you out with him.' 'Once at sea, and he will know that I have not forgotten,' cried the woman, clenching her hands while her eyes flashed. 'To sail in the Petrel, you think I must see him ?' 'I know you must,' said Dott Farland. 'To-day, then ?' 'Before night.' 'Then be it so. I will go at once,' Ber tha said, firmly. 'I must sail In the Petrel.' The afternoon was drawing to a closo when Redwood Morton received the would-be pas 'You'd make a good Margaret,' ho said. 'Come, now, llertha Walker, haven't you studied tho character?' It takes no study to hate you,' she an swered. 'I wish you wero beneath my feet that I might grind you to powder. By all 'I took tho first men who came,' said the captain. Ono Is a thorough sailor, who was in tho wreck of the Harbadoes, and the oth er appears to be morelland-lubber than sea man, I almost wished I hadn't shipped him ; but ho was so eager to go that I hadn't Supplement to an act to equalize the taxa-1 Relative to assessments for sewers In bor- tlon of corporations, I oughs. Relative to the incorporation and govern- To regulate places of amusement In cities tnent ol street railway companies in cities of of the llrst class. the second class. Amending the mine ventlllalion act. Making nn appropriation to the western Institution for deaf and dumb. Requiring magistrates In cities of tbo first, second and third class to tat-o acknowl edgements and administer oaths free of Enabling wives of lunatics to release their To create poor districts and to authorize charge to soldiers and widows of soldiers that Is good, I will be revenged, But, why the heart to refuse hlra. Perhaps we'll teach right of dower In the real ostate of their the purcbaso of lands and erection of build- or purpose of drawing pensions. multiply words? Perhaps you have done hlin some salt waler lesson on tho voyage.' well in refusing to take me out In the Pet- Redwood delighted In the presence of Lot' rel. I might prove n femalo Jonah, and tie King, and did not look after the affairs of that doll-eyed girl of yours might watch in tho ship, but entrusted such service to his vain for the man to whom I once foolishly ofllcers, lit whom he had the utmost conD listened. Good-bye, Redwood Morton. This dence; and the Petrel sailed southward like shall be our last parting, for you sail to- a swallow, morrow, when the storm Is about you when the waves my curses at work dash over the Petrel, think ol a woman's ven geance. Language cannot tell how I hate you. Good-bye.1 But the pleasure of tho voyago was doom ed to be broken. Rough weather set In unexpectedly, and gale after gale struck the staunch little ship. Sho rode proudly through tho troubled wat- Her right hand made a parting gesture as era, and Morton declared that he would nev the last words fell from her lips, and tho j er sell her If she took them safely to Cuba next moment Redwood Morton found him- I land. BLATOHLEY'S PDMPS I The Old Eeliable STANDARD PUMP New Price LMJan. 1, 18 ADDRESS V.ti. HI.ATCIII.EY, MARKET ST.,PIIILAD'A, BLOOMSBURG TANNERY. r G. A. HERRING T) ESl'ECTFULLY announces to tho public XVtnatno nas reopeneu SNYDER'S TANNERY, nlrl stiinrt HlivimRhnrtr. Va... at the Forks Of tllG Es- nv ntin i .irrnr Mrppr rnnn. wnerR nil (lt'HcriunuiiH 01 (nuttier will hpi mmln in tho most Bubstantlal and workmanlike manner, and sold at prices to suit tlio I tme s. Tho hlgue&t price In cash will at all times te ivi io r of every descrlDtlon In the country. The rmbllcpatr TonaKtt is respecuuuy ftoncuea. uioomsuurg', ucu i, lots. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY I GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK. Is especially recom-TBADE MJK. meuaea ua an uu- railing cure ror sem inal weakness.Sper matorrliea, Ira po tency, and all disea ses, Buch as Loss of memory, Universal Lassitude, Pala In tne liacK, Dimness self alone, for she had swept Imperiously from the room, 'What a passion 1' exclaimed the ship owner, 'liut hates and curses do not sluk ships. I believe that Dott Farland has a hand in this. I have not forgotten the time I dashed a goblet of wine into his face at Beechwood for the sake of this same Bertha Walker. Then her beauty dazzled me, but, when I saw the conquest upon which she was bent, I turned away and incurred her ever lasting hatred. Lottie, I fear for your dear self, now,' he said in a low tone. 'She ridi cules the love I have given you ; bad she been a man should havo resented the in sult. Girl, if you will, you shall sail in the Petrel to-morrow, for now that the tigress is unchained, the hart must be protected.' He ceased, put on his hat, and left the house. The city lamps were lighted when he entered an unpretentious house among tho suburbs. A fair young girl met him in the parlor ana blushed when he kissed her. This girl was Lottie King, and the person called 'doll-faced' by Rertha Walker in her anger. She had not passed her eighteenth year, was fragile, but very beautiful; and not so tall as the ship-owner. Her father was dead; hut she lived with her widowed mother whom sho helped to support with her needle. I do not know aught of her first acquaintance with the shipowner, but it was plain that they had long been friends anfl lovers. Before the mother Redwood Morton laid bis plans. Ho was going out in the Petrel on her last voyirgu under his ownership, and he wanted to take Lottie with him that she might enjoy the tropics. The scheme delighted the girl, and before he left that night he had the prom ise that she would go. When he reached his quarters he found the Petrel's captain awaiting him. The old salt bad to report that several of the crew had deserted, and received orders to secure sailors in their places before sailing. That very night two men entered a small law office on Arch street. One was well clad and handsome and the other was a sailor, as his peculiar walk indicated. After entering the room no gas was turned on, but the men Beated themselye3 near the window, aud the light of the moon fell upon them. 'I'll give you $1,000 to do the job said the well-dressed man. The sailor opened his eyes. 'I will take it if you will tell me why you want the job done, 'That is none of your business, to be plain about it,' was the reply' If you do not want to take the offer, I will hunt another man, for I tell you that the Petrel must be sunk on this voyage.' The speaker roso to his feet and picked up his hat which ho had placed on the table. 'We can't bargain, then,' he resumed. 'Come, let us go down.' No, I'll sink her tor one thousaud,' said We cannot bo far fiom the coast" ho said to the Petrel's second officer on the third night of tho storm. If wo can but weather the gale till day all will be well.' 'But I fear we cannot ; the storm Increas es at every moment, and to add to our peril, tho Petrel is aleak.' 'Aleak, cried the owner ; 'the bark Petrel aleak in such a storm as this?' 'Aye !' 'Why did you not tell me before?' I dared not. Your sweetheart Is on board, and I could not, Morton. Great fate I' exclaimed the owner. Are we sinking rapidly?' Not very rapidly ; but we are liable to go down suddenly. Methinks I hear tho water in the hold now. Wait for another hash of lightning. There, I saw a long stretch of coast then. Did you see It ?' 'I thought' At that moment the captain's voice was heard. 'We aro going down, master!' he cfied. 'The coast is not far oil'. I will lower the boats.' 'Quick, then 1' cried Morton, and sprang toward Lottie King's stateroom. 'Bertha Walker's curse P he ejaculated. 'I never thought it would be heard.' A minute afterwards he reappeared on deck with Lottio in his arms. The lightning flashing every minute, revealed the pale fa ces of the crew, and the first boat dropped over the straining Petrel's side. We've been scuttled, master,' the captain said, coming up suddenly. 'One of tho new men did it the sailor, I think. 'Where are they?' 'The sailor is missing; there stands the other tho landsman.' Redwood Morton ltoked at the person designated by the captain, and a gleam of astonishment lit up his eyes. 'Watch him,' be said to bis officer. 'I will first seo Lottie in the beat,' He saw tha woman he loved deposited in the boat that rocked on the billows at the Petrel's bide, and was about to reascend to the deck when the ship was suddenly torn away, and the next flash revealed her set- ling. The master saw the boats tall over her, and the men lowering themselves by the chains and ropes. 'Look. Lottie I' he suddenly cried "Be hold that person w'lio remains on deck I' 'I see,' said the cirl. 'Why does he not try to Bave himself?' Cherished plans may fail. That person is Bertha Walker I' 'No, no Redwood I' cried Lottie. 'Surely she would not follow you in such attire I1 For vengance what will not a maddened women do ? But, look 1 seo how the Petrel lurches I Hark I' A piercing cry came over the sea ; the person on deck staggered back, aud the ship fell over on her side. 'It was Bertha Walker I Herman scut tled tho vessel,' said Morton, as bu men began to pull away. husbands, To create the 4 per cent. loan. To remove the disability or disqualifica tion of married women for acting as corpo rators or officers nf associations for purposes of learning, benevolence, charity or rellg ion. Regulating the mode of charging premi ums, bonds at interest of mutual saving funds, building and loan associations, in ad vance of withdrawals of repayment and col lection of loans, etc. Providing for the erection of poor houses destroyed by fire, Amending paragraph 18 of section 2 of an act to provide for the Incorporation and regulation of certain incorporations. To provide for the appointment of trus- Ings to furnish .relief and glvo employment to destitute poor and paupers. Making an appropriation to the Pennsyl vania state lunatic hospital at Harrlsburg. Providing for the payment of a salary to Judge Hentlcy. Declaratory of tho authority of houses of refuse and reform schools. Regulating the compensation of auditors and commissioners. Fixing the terms sodomy and buggery as used In laws of commonwealth. Permitting prosecutors to testify In cases of forcible entry and detainer. Permitting receivers or buyers of stolen goods to testify In their own behalf. Supplement to tho act regulating boroughs. Supplement to the act relating to unseat- el lands and providing for special sales of Preventing tho obstruction of toll gates such lands when not sold by county treas- for the purpose of evading payment of toll. urers. Authorizing tho trustees of tho Indiana Supplement to act of April 3, 1850, ro- normal school to place a mortgage on the latlng to lost dockets of justices of peace, building and grounds. Supplement to act relating to tresspassing Makiug an appropriation to the western on railway trains. penitentiary for salaries, etc. Granting power to boroughs which have Providing for the time from which wills Issued bonds to redeem tho same before ma- tees, durante absentia, defining the powers shall speak and take effect for the vesting of turity and Issue new bonds at less rate of and duties of the same, To enable chartered religious corporations to hold and convey titles to real estate which bad been held prior to amendment of chart er Providing for the registry of real estate in cities of tho third class. Providing for tbo more efficient collection of delinquent taxes in cities of the first class, Supplement to an act for the division of new counties. Amending the first paragraph of section 1st of the act for the division of cities into thrco classes. Extending the power of county auditors, authorizing them to settle, audit and adjust accounts of poor directors, Extending the time for the completion of public works by corporations. Providing for the completion of the equip ment of tha National Quard, Directing county commissioners to pro cure a place for holding courts in the event of the destruction of a court house or the insecurity of the same. Supplement to an act providing for the division of counties having 160,000 inhabi tants and providing for the election of coun ty superintendents. To define and punish tramps, Requiring county treasurers to enter pay ment of taxes upon unseated lands in the proper book and prescribing the form of re ceipt to be given, etc. Amending certain clauses of the general corporation act relating to local companies. To prevent the spread of pleuro pneumo nia among cattle. Relative to agricultural societies and in corporated driving park associations. Relative to partition of real estate. Relative to fees to be paid to, collected, and charged by clerks of courts in cities containing over 500,000 inhabitants. Authorizing the transfer of Pennsylvania reform school property to the state. Regulating the price of permits for re moving the contents of privy wells In cities of the first class. lapsed or void devises of real estate in the residuary devisee and for the execution of powers over personal and real estate by gen eial devises or bequests of real or personal estate by the person in whom such powers are vested. Authorizing the governor, superintendent of public instruction and attorney general to purchase the real estate of normal schools ou which the state has a lien. Making an appropriation to the Danville state lunatic hospital. Supplement to an act to exempt from tax ation public property used for public pur poses, etc, Enlarging the jurisdiction of courts rela tive to granting, impairing or amending charters of turnpike road companies. Providing for the current expenses of the state board of agriculture. Authorizlng county commissioners to levy and collect the taxes necessary to pay the expenses necessary for the erection of poor houses destroyed by fire. Fixing the date of commencement of terms of township officers and of auditors' settlements. Authorizing banks and savings institu tions to divide their capital stock into shares of par value not less than $50. Amending the act to regulate proceedings under requisition upon the governor for tho apprehension of fugitives from justice. For the assessment and collection in cities of the third class cf the cost of improving streets running in whole or part through rural districts. For the better treatment of female insane in hospitals. Requiring every person holding any offi cial position under the state government to Mkn and subscribe an oatli or affirmation . Making an appropriation for the enlarge ment of the western penitentiary. Making ac appropriation to the Pennsyl vania training school at Media. Making an appropriation to the Pennsyl vania reform school. Applying the laws for widening and straightening roads to navigable streams Supplement to an act defining the duties I affected by the tides of the ocean. of recorders in cities having less than 30,- Joint resolution providing for the pay- 000 inhabitants. ment of the expenses of the inauguration of Providing for the extension of intluent the governor. pipes in citi33 of the second class. Joint resolution authorizing the governor 1 Supplement to an act to regulate tho sale to procure a settlement exhibiting the titles ol clams and oysters. I and powers of corporations created by and To authorize the planting of trees along holding their franchises under special legis- the roadsides. lative charters. Amending an act authorizing the registry Supplement to the several acta providing sewing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re- dalrcd. Opkiu Hocsb uullalnir, uioornstmrg, pa. AVID LOWENBERO, Merchant Tailor Main tit., anove central Hotel. 8. KUHN, dealer in Meat, Tallow, etc., t centre street, between eecono ana inira. Before Taking ' vision. iTcma-jrs?, . ' turo old Age, and&ner, iaimg. ilty.Consump rhlcb as a rule oatli of nature (SiSSlLiK senger into his sitting room, and when she oi experience ..,..! c :ril mnnv nrhpr ciseaaes that lead to Insanlty.Consump- tlon and a Premature Grave, all of which as a rule D H ROSENSTOCK, Photographer, , Clark & Wolf's store, Main street. .A path ieb. 14, UGUS'lUd FREUND, Practical homeo pathic llorso and Cow Doctor, Blonmsbure, Pa. Y Y. K ESTER, nnrt nver Indulge result of a llfo study and many j cars ,n ,p.intlnr- thtOA Sn,f-ln1 lltKPftaPS. run pariicuiara iu uur iamiJuicM,nuM ,u utio to send treo by mall to ejery one. Thn crw-ifln m pdirinn Is sold bv all Dructrtsts at tt ner nackiire. or six packages for f5, or will bo Bent by mall on receipt of the money by addressing THE QUAY MEDICINE CO., No. 10, Mechanic's Block, Pctrolt, Mich. sold in BloomBbure bye. A. Klelm, and by all DrugKlsta everywhere. . Bept. C TS-tt M, C. SLOAN & BRO. MERCHANT TAILOR. ItoomNo. 16, Oram llocsi Buildu-o, Dloomabur;. aprlll9,lS7S. TJRITISII AMERICA ASSURANCE CO NATIONAL FIHE INSUKANCE COMPANY" Ti,A nccMR tneho old cornoratlona are all In vested In M)L1D hEC'UltlTlts andaiellablo totho hazard of Fire only. Mmifrnie. linen nn Mm best risks are alone accented. losses ritoMi-Ti v and uonehly adjusted and paid I as fcom as deLermlncd by Ciihutum K. Knut. spe cial Acent and Adjuster, Il-oomiburt', penn'a. 1 lie cltliens of Columbia county khould patronize the upeucy where losbcs, If any, aro adjusted and paid by one of their o n citizens, 'Il-ly REAS BROWN'S INSURANCE AGEN CY, Exchange Hotel, Bioomsours, pa. Capital, ., 6,500,000 , 20,000,010 . 13 60O.OUU . 10,000,' 00 'Etna, Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut, Liverpool, Loudon and Ulobe ltojalof Liverpool LancanRhlrn fire Association, Philadelphia , 3,100,000 Farmers Mutual of Danville 1,000,000 DftavlUa Mutual 7K.0OO I IIome.New Yor.".." ... tSO,G31,000 As tho agencies aro direct, pellcle8 aro written for iuu lusureu wunouv any aeiay in me uiueu ui. uiuvuio- Ma'rch M.IT y liLOODISIlUliG, l'A, Manufacturers of Carriages, Buggies, Fhaotons, Sleighs, PLATFOKM WAOONS, to. First-class workjalways onihasd. ItEPAlKINO NEATLY DONE. Prices reduced to Bult the times. Jan. 6, 187T-U. HARTMAN KKPRKSBMTS T1IK FOIXOWINO AMERICAN INSUKANCE COMPANIES: E Ljcomlngot Muncy Pennsilvanta. form American of Philadelphia, Pa rranklin. or " lennsylvanla of armors of York, Pa. lianOverot New York. Hanhattjincf onice on Market street No. 6, Blootnsburg, Pa, Jr the OltANGKVILLK AOADESIY You can get a Thorough Education with tho LEAST OUTLAY OF MONEY. For Catalogue, address the f rlnclpal, . JtKV. 0 K. CAN FIELD. ,nrEUY DIRECTOR. TEACHER AND STUDKHT fchould subscribe fo- TI-113 EDUCATOR, A liio Educational Monthly, published at ORANGEVILLE, PA., torso cenU per year. Send blx cents for specimen copy. April 18, 1679-tf C. K. CANFIELI). liditor. -w-r j'Tr-A-r kpmi n spnta In atauiDa or curren, MlJKblW tor a pew HOUSE book. It treats of all dlneases, has 85 nne engravlngs's iowlng nosltlons assumed by Mck horses, a table of doses. a KIM )K lps, rules for telling thu ago of a horeofwltti an engraving Bho log. teeth ol 'each year and a'largo -Amount of valuable horse Informal Ion. lr. wm. luitau mjs. raised her veil, au ejaculation of surprise fell from his lips. This is a surprise, Miss Walker,' he said, recovering. We have not met lor live years. Indeed, I did not know that you were in the city, and had no idea that Mr. Farland referred to yon iu his conversation several hours since.' 'I am the lady referred to,' she replied, with a faint smile.' I desire to go to Ha vanna.and must thrust myself upon your kindness, The Petrel, I believe, sails to morrow ; no other vessels follow for several weeks, and they are very precious to me. I have Interests Iu Havana that must be look' ed after; hence my eagtrness to depart.' She finished, and waited for him to speak. For a while Redwood Morton looked his vis itor in the eye, and slowly rose from the chair, Miss llertha Walker,' he said slowly, tho Petrel will sail without you.' The next instant the woman was on her feet, facing him with flashing eyes, Her face was white, and her lips quivered with Illy-smothered passion. 'I am content,' she said, 'but let me tell you that I will yet havo my revenge. Red wood Morton, you do not know me as some men do. I have crushed hopes before this, as I would crush an egg shell In my hand, My very fate drives ships upon rocks, and mv hate will drive you to despair. I know that doll-faced girl who believes thit you love her. You love a woman 1 pshaw 1 Red wood Morton, the thought is absurdity, lot a penny .I'd throttle her aud hurl her at your feet. I say this to tell you how I hate you and everything on which you smile The very grass you tread the nag that waves over your ship. I will encompass vour destruction, and boldly this, I will curse your ship till heaven, to close my mouth, enwraps you In a tempest which shall seud you to tho bottom you and your accursed bark.' She looked like a rjueen of tragedy as sh the sailor. 'I guess I ought to know why you want the work done, Good I your hand on that, said the em ployer, 'Now, go down and enlist to night ; nk the accursed ship and come here for our money, Tho men left the attorney's office together, and after an hour had passed one returned alone. The sailor had been accepted by the Pet rel's captain Everything works well,' tho man in the law office said to himself. 'Redwood .Mor ton, there is more than one way to win a woman, and after my man sends you to the bottom of the Bea, I will make a bride of Lottie King.' Ah I he did not know that Lottie King was to sail in the Petrel. When the morning came, he emerged from a fine hotel, and went down to the an choraee and looked at Morton's shin. Mine at last, Lottie King,' he murmured and turned abruptly, for he heard tho echo of the name. 1 Dott Farland Blood near conversing with amau of his own age. 'They will marry on their return, I sup nose,' uott sJcompanionsaiu. 'If they ever return yes,' was the reply, If the Petrel reaches Havanna, all on board safe, they may wed there. The face of the listener grew deathly pale, and he glanced from the men to the Petrel, whose bright sails were beginning to nil. 'There she goes,' exclaimed Dott Farland, May the wind and the waves send them to the bottom of the sea.' 'Yes : and the girl he has taken with him Come, Dott, let us drink to his destruction,' The men walked away, leaving the mau who had sent the sailor on board the Petrel standing alone. His eyes seemed ready to start from their sockets as he gazed at the vessel slowly mov Ing out, aud all at once these words fell from his lips: Heavens I what have I done? Lottie is on yon ship, and I have hired a man to send it to the bottom of the sea I' He watched the Petiel till her sails were hate bought books that 1 1 i, ,i . thnuirh tho Petrel's owner was rtaid 15 and lit) for which I do not like as well as I I di-"-vi , , , ,, ., So yours." sn VoK i cikccub.. Agents Wanted. U&le, a sarcastio Bmlle lurked beneath the 1 long hairs of his moustache. Through the storm the land was gained ; It proved to be the coast of Cuba. The next morning several pieces of the wreck drifted ashore, and to one clung the dead body of Bertha Walker I Lottie dressed her for the grave, and kiss ed the hand that might have sent her to the other world. Redwood Morton beleived that the re vengeful woman had planned the scuttling of the ship, if, indeed, she was not au actual participant : but she knew nothing of the dastardly deed. She was following the own er for the purpose of wreaking her revenge In some other manner : but the work of Morton's unknown rival baffled her. On Cuban soil, with flowers over her, sleeps the schemer who hated Redwood Morton, and in a happy homo in the Qua ker City, Lottie, now Mrs. Morton, tells her buys about tbo wreck of the Petrel. But the name of the man who sunk her may never be known. Dott Farland, the poet, ; fled when he heard of the escape of the man be hated, and a manuscript found afterwards on Ber tha Walker s grave told that he had vis ited it. or transfer of certain bonds. Authorizing cities of the second class to issue bonds to an amount equal to the street bonds and temporary loan bonds uow out standing, not exceeding $6,000,000. To provide for the counting of tho re turns of the election for state treasurer and auditor general when elected nt the same time. Providing for the erection of new town- for the discipline and conduct of the Na tional Guard. The general appropriation bill. An act to provide revenue by taxation. An act relating to mechanics Hen and au thorizing the amendment of the same. Giving priority of lien to registered mu nicipal claims except in cities of 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th class. A supplement to an act relating to thi seated lands returned to the county commis sioners and sold for the non-payment of I taxes. Providing for additional copies of Stnulrs Legislative Hand-Book. Reducing the number of common coun- cilmen in cities of the third class containing act. Relative to actions brought by husband and wife for separate property in cases of desertion. An act relating to turnpike and plank roads. Relating to actions of ejectment uponti- twenty wards or more to one for each I ties acquired by sheriffs, treasurer's or com- THE LKGISIiATUItE'S WOUK. NUMnCU OF BILLS RKCEIVEII AMD SICINED BY THE OOVIlKNOlt. ward. Authorizing corporations to borrow mon ey to redeem provious loans and providing for the payment of mechanics liens. Providing for the appolntmentof a mes senger for the state library. Providing for the speedier relief of poor in districts where directors are appointed by courts. Authorizing select and common councils of cities of the second class to name the hour for holding their sessions. Enabling hospitals, schools, charitable, literary and religious Institutions to pur chase real estate sold by the sheriff. For the protection of aids to navigation established by authority of the United Slates light house board. missioner's sales and limiting time for bring ing such actions. Providing for better security of life in ca ses of Crcs in hotels, etc. Supplement to an act relative to fraudu lent debtors. Authorizing cities of the first class to fix tax rate and time for opening and closing tax duplicates and regulating appropriations and expenditures of said cities and prescrib ing penalties for violation of act. Authorizing salaried county officers to pay all fees into the county treasury not order ed to be paid into the state treasury. Providing the manner of decreasing cap ital stock of banking corporations. Supplement to an act In regard to bound ary monuments between New York and Pennsylvania, with an appropriation for interest. Making an appropriation to marlc the grave of Gen. Anthony Wayne. Providing for the protection of fish. Making an appropriation for insane hos pital at Warren. Providing for the erection of a hospital for the anthracite coal region. Making an appropriation for eastern pen itentiary. Making an appropriation for Pennsylva nia institution for the blind. Making an appropriation for house of ref uge, Philadelphia. Making an appropriation for normal schools. Making au appropriation for northern home for friendless children, Philadelphia. To prevent the burning of woods. Makiug an appropriation for geological survey. For the protection of fishing Interest!. Providlntr for the contlnua'nco of soldiers' orphans' schools. p,i,i:., f.. .u i,or,i Jtv.iiu-cuari-tles. For the collection of borough and town ship and school taxes which collectors have becime personally liable for. Making an appropriation for tho insane hospital of south eastern district of Pennsylvania. Relative to contracts for supplies for tne legislature and various departments of the state government. Relating to the salo of the property of bridge companies. Directing the printing and distribution of reports of geological survey for the use of the legislature. Providing for the holding of courts In certain cities. To enable laborers to secure their pay for work done in stock of saw legs. Authorizing appeals to be taken in equity cases when special or preliminary injunc tion has been refused. Supplement to the corporation act of April 29, 1874. C1I1LK--LIFK ON THE AMAZON'S. Mr. Herbert II, Smith, writing in the July Scribner of "An Indian Widgeon the Ama zon!," thus detcribes a very interesting phase of tropical life: Child-life hero is an exceedingly curious study : the little quiet creatures nre so dif ferent from our romping American boys and girls. Tbey get few caresaes and give none; mother-love is mechanical ; there is nothing of that overflow of tenderness, that constant watchful care, that sheds such a halo around our homes. The babies vege tate In their steady brown fashion, seldom crying or laughinc, but lying all day in their hammock cradles and watching every thing around them with keen eyes. As soon as the little boys and girls can toddle about they are left pretty much to their own ships out of old ones where they are divided formation of partnerships, and changing tho resources, tumbling up the hack stairs of llfo by new county lines. I number of managers and providing for the I on a diet of mandioca meal and hah. Ihe Repealing an act giving the several courts election of other officers. parents seldom punish their children, lor jurisdiction to inquire of, hear, determlno Authorizing action In certain cases for they are very docile; when they do the lit- and punish persons charged with the first mesne profits, be commenced before recov- tie ones pucker up their mouths and look offence of receiving or buying stolen goods cry in ejectment. sullen but do not cry. Pleasure is express- or chattels. Supplement to an act relating to tho re- ed by a smile, among the littlo girls very Regulating the right of redemption of turn of writs, extending first section of often by a broad grin, with abundant show of bills. Of this number oue hundred and ninety-four bave received the gubernatorial signature aud are now laws. Ho has found objections sufficient for nonapproval of fif. teen legislative measures. Eleven bills aro Blill In his hands awaiting action. These will probably be acted on Boon, The constitution provides that all bills that are not acted on within thirty days after the adjournment of the legislature shall become laws. Quite a number ef local pension acts will be permit ted to be legalized by limitation under this provision The following is a list of the titles of gen eral acts which have been approved Providinc for the election of members of no longer visible, then turning away with an ti10 ,eiect council of cities of the fiah class oath ou his lips, he flung himself Into a wi,ero thev have not been divided into chair in tho law office where Ue bad made warjs. the villainous compact. 'How do you like your men f ' The question addressed to Redwood Mor ton, fell from the captain's lips after the Pet rel had gone well to sea. 'Indeed, I bave not noticed them,' was the owner's reply. 'But I trust to your judg ment, believing that It Is, in such matters, far superior to mine. To ascertain and appoint the fees to be received by the recorder of deeds lu counties containing more than f0,000 Inhabitants, Creating a lieu upon real estate for taxes the city controller ex officio to be poor con troller in cities of the fifth class. Providing additional remedies for the un lawful removing or Injuring of any break water or eubankment along property front ing or abutting on any river or stream. Regulating the assessment aud collection of taxes In cities of the fifth class. Regulating proceedings against attorneys at-law. For tbo division of real estate In cities of the third class into classes for purposes of taxation, etc. Authorizing councils of cities of second class to make an amicable settlement of I municipal liens, etc. teeth, but an articulate laugh is a rar- ity. It is interesting to watch (how the mental traits of the race appear even in the young babies. If a plaything is given them, tbey examine it gravely for a little while, and then let it drop. Observe how different this is from a white baby a actions. A bright little six months old at home has four dis tinct methods of investigation ; first, by looking; second, by touching; then by put ting the object in iU mouth ; and finally by banging it against the floor. The brown tnening just looks , he does not investigate at all. As the children grow older, tha same trait is apparent in almost every case. An'Indian is content to hear or seo a thing, without troubling himself about the whys and wherefores ; even such incompressible pursuits as fossil-collecting, or butter-fly catching, or sketching, provoke hardly any curiosity. The people look on quietly some times asking a question or two, but soon dismissing tho subject from their minds as something they are incapable of understand- Gov. Iloyt has received from the legisla- To allow plaintiffs or defendants to choose Pennsylvania, with an appropriation for in8- With all the crowding to see the lady ture, which adjourned finally on the Oth of referees in cases before justices of the peace continuing provisions of said act. of our party, hardly a person asked .why she the present month, two hundred and thirty and the manner in which they shall be Relating to judgment dockets. came. So, too, the babies are unambitious; clioseu. Ampn.llmrHPPtion four of an set relailni. they do not cry alter pretty colors, or stretcU Relative to the house of representatives fc preparing and keeping of indices in out their hands to a candle. And men have Regulating the fees of justices of the I no annarent desire to better their lot. Thev peace and constables. . .nnrm.riatlon to ih. Iri it. co on last as their fathers did : submit to Providing for levying a poor tax the city hrarlan for the nurcbaso of books relatine to the Impositions of the whites, a little sullcn- tieasurer ex officio to be poor treasurer and Pennsylvania history. ly, but without a thought of rebellion.unleas Authorizing cities of the first class to fund 'here is a white or half-breed to lead them, present floating debts and to refund existing The children do not care much for play loans by creating new loans and providing things ; we rarely see one with a rag doll; for redemption of same, the little boys delight in bows and arrows, Relatiug to tho voting shares of certain hut Hey 'ae them as a part of their train corporations, ing. Scmetimes the people have dances, in Supplement to an act providing for the lUon -f the festa, ports; and we hear division of counties. them humming the waltzes and quadrilles Permitting Inmates of state Institutions to ' quicu ears nave c.ugiu iron chose their own religious advisors. tho musicians. As an Indian will paddlo Regulating the satisfaction of mortgages e'esJily a11 dar wMe uU wlfe at bomo when navment of same has been made In ceR8es mouuiouuu. tonoii-oeauug, full aud mortgagees have failed to record sat isfaction. Making an appropriation to the Pennsyl vania working home for blind men, For the protection of children from cm- To repeal all local nr special laws, regu- and assessments for local improvements in Mating or fixing the lates ol fare to be charged I elty and relating to their employment, pre cipes of the fourth class, by city passenger railway companies in cit- tection and adoption. Supplement to an act for the division of lea of the third class, Supplement to act of June 13, 183G rela- counties and the creation of new ones. Conferring upon councils in cities of first tlve to roads and bridges. To provido fur changing the location of class the power of fixing tho number and Fixing the compensation of coroner's the principal office of certain corporations. I salaries of certain employees, jurors. monotonous cotton-beating, so the little ones have an inexhatifahle gill of patience. Where a white child would fret and cry, the brown ono tits all day, perfect ly still, but watching everything around him To see a little Indian boy In a cannc, ytu would bay nothing of him was alive but -his eyes. If your tongue is coated or if you have a bad breath take a doso of Dr. Bull's Balti more Pills May , 1-ly