The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 27, 1879, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN. in. o o s n u it (i. n i a r, jun: m, iuo llnll fiomt Time TaMe. ACKAWANNA IILOOMSIIUIKI HAIL HU At) ' NORTH. Boctn Accommodation Train,. Mall Train Kxpre.ii Trnln . ...( A.M. , t.SW A. M ,. UT 1'. M. UATAW1SSA I1AII, ItOAK. NORTH, ...ommmlatlon Train MS A. M. Express . K.OflA.M, 4.49 I'. M 11.45 A, M socTn T,8 P. M, 11,41 A, M, , 4.04 P. M. Thrown cars on Express train cither to New York or I'liiladoipiur. muiu.iiu ....... . .,,., .i..i UutavUssa and Williamsport. Tliere will be n Temperance meotlng at the Melhodlst church on Tuosday evening next. On Wednesday morning tho young son of Mnry Lewis, on Iron street, fill from llio liny mow of Michael Casey's stable and broke his arm. The people In and about Cenlralia who own goals are mueli ahrmed about their destruction. They are found dead In iLo hu.hes, with a flight wound In the throat. Seven were found dead In one spot. Some of the cople say the killer l a wolf. Wo are Informed that Attorney-General Palmer will attend Court here on Saturday to nrguo n case. MT.MIK LINES. , luititt jni tliJ)nnimu. IiCalo 1'ambra Monday, u"dnclav ana Friday al. fcnun. m nriheot tiiiMiiistntrjr by ll!'11". '" Lcao Mosmsburg on iame ll ai rival of Philadelphia malC !nAunnui and LAiniwiu... lao lAlnlsvlllo 1 iiiHi l'ly Thursday anil Saturday at 1:30 a. m., irriuns at llioomsburg by u in. Iavo blooms i, ire on same) dais atler arrival ot Pnrladelphla mall The stage n0 terminates at Mlllvllle. n nton and nioomsburg.-A dally stage lino leaving iienion in the morning and returning In the co mug ol 1110 Bamo Ua'' MAIL HOUTKS. Clin ItALI. AND lltaOMSBl'llll.-LralO WhIU) Hall -iwidny. Thursday and Saturday at C:M a. m., arrivlnir at llioomsburg by in a. m. uvo lilooms i, ,Vff onsamodajs atler arrival ot Philadelphia mall. 10 "Pete." Wo are sorry to be obliged to SSSSfWm "ject your communlctlon, but must do so H uomiuuij, it v- ." ' is min hi iti-uu uiai jmi iuvb noi given A iv Tnursaay and Saturday at s a. m.t arriving . t,, , " gtfentonatip. m. us your correct name. Il Is a well known rule . " ; that no articles will be published IW ne.n. A new pavement has been laid In front ol the pers unles-i accompanied by the retlaatne of the The Governor has signe.1 Ihe bill appropriat ing $GO,000 lo build a miner's hospital. Ily the terms of the act the Governor Is In nimnlni .tr commissioners, two from Fchiiylklll one from each or Tour oilier counlies, vl! Columbia, Northumberland, Carbon and Dauphin, who are to select a she within CO days. I)ill4 representing nearly a thousand dollars have been sent out from this oflice on book ac counts, during Ihe past two months. About enough has been' received to pay for the poitag0 stamps used. Persons who have received no tico s and paid no attention to them must not be surprised if we get out of patience one of these days, jail lot. Miss Mattte 'Wells' new porch adds greatly lo the appearance of her residence. Mls Anna Sloan left Thursday for Canada where she will spend the summer with friends. Prof. Wilber preached at the A. M. E. church SunJay evening. The Young Mens' Christian Association hold a festival In the Opera House this Friday and Saturday cvenlngj The Hand went to Catawlssa last Saturday night, where they entertained the people with seme excellent music. writer. If you will tell us who you are we shall be glad to hear from you again, and will publish your letters. M. C. Sloan&llro. are doinga rushing business, During Ihe past ten days they have turned out the following work: W. M. Monroe, a family carriage ; John A. Funston a family carriage, one Dexter top wagon toltenshaw at Plymouth- They have twin buggies for twin sons of Ste phen Fain, one of our County Commissioner which will be delivered on Saturday. We are gratified to learn that the Iron works in our sister town of Danville are being put In operation. This will give employment to large number of people, and of course cause the disbursement of a large quantity of money there and in the vicinity, it will also give a mark WATEll MKEtTNO. Piirsuanllo adjournment Ihe citizen met In the Opera House, Monday evening, June 23 1870. Meeting wa4 called to order by Hon, Win. L'lwell, president. The citizens commit' lee, through Mr. Iiowcnberg, chairman, mado a general report of progress and submitted the action taken by Town Council to wltt BiooMsnona, June !20 1878. Special meet ing of Council at call of President. Present, I, 8. Kuhn and all Ihe members. The meeting being called pursuant lo a request of a commit, tee chosen by the cltltens of llie town ofllloomv burg to discuss the matter of Ihe erection of water works in the town of Illoomsbiirg, and take such action in the premie as they deem meet, Ac, whereupon Ihe following resolution was uuereu oy ur uoimcs : Remind) That In the event of the erection of water works lo sntinlv I he Town of II nmi. burg with water, the said town will require for present use for protection against fire, .to., forty lire-plugs, and that Ihe Secretary of Ihe Town Council be Instructed lo corresnond wllh nar. ties protioslni! to erect the sa d water work. with the view of ascertaining the amount that will be charged for each of the slid fire-plugs and rejiort at the next meeting of Ihe Town (council. Seconded hv Mr. Kabb. and carried unant mousiy. Uu niollon adjourned. Paul K. Wim, Secretary, On motion of C. 0. Buklcv, En , It was un animously Jieaolied. that this meet inc affirm the action of the Town'CnuncIl as being judicious and (hat wo request their further action, as nromnt v as may be reasonable, lo encourage t and advance me construction ol water works, ami that in view liiereol our commiltee request the Council to employ some competent engineer to advl mem. On motion of John G, Freeze, Kq., the clti1 xens committee was continued, to make further reKrt at a meeting lo he called by the chair man of said committee. On motion of C, 0. Hartley. Esq., the follow Ing was unanimously pa&red : The Sterlino Hook Coven. Wo have purchased tho right to uso llicso covers in this county, nnd have on hand an assortment of sizes. Tlicy make the neatest and most con venient form for doing tip noto heads, letter heads, bill heads, notes, checks, tic , and n cover will bo given nwny with every order o 1000. iryit onro and you will not do with out It. It Is tho best thing of the kind ever Invented, Call nnd examine. tf. Commencement exercise at Lafayette Col !.. will take idace on Wednesday July 2nd at et to the farmers of that county and many in ,. tiocv n m. Itils. Wo trust that the resumption may be pcrnianen t. The real estate of David S. Hower was sold on Friday last by Sheriff lloflmati to Jacob Yeager for S2'J,00 (IEN. llltlNULIS SUCCESSFUL. As many are aware, General William Ilrln- dle was sued some time ago in the United Sla tes court, Philadelphia, as a defaulter on his bonds as receiver of public moneys at I.ecomp ton, Kansas, from 18.17 to 1801. When suit was brought the general got congress to pass an act permitting him lo put in his set-ofTand set tle all dlderence between him and ttie govern. ment, and on List Friday, upon the termination of llie suit, the Jury rendered a verdict In his favor for $51,000 Gazette A liaUdin. CJIIL1IHEN OPPEAllSOLWEItS. It has heretofore been held by the pension office that in cases of minor children the limita tion began when the child reaches Ihe age of sixteen years, and that no claim on account of minor, could be entertained that was not fill ed prior to the date on which the child became twenty-one. Tho new arrears law wipes out all limitation , and any child now over Iwenlytwo years of age who would have been entitled to pension, and failed to apply before reaching majority, can file a claim and prosecute It suc cessfully. Claims In this class, rejected under (lie rulings of the oflice, can be re-opened and allowed. (From tho Public ledger.) THE (JAMB LAW. Mr, Emtoitt Will you Iw kind enough In your next Issue to give to Ihe public that por tlon of the game laws relating In birds, slaught ering birds at this time of tho year, and oblige an old subscriber, C. II. E. The game Itws of I'innsylvanla provide that wild ducks and geese may Ims killed only wllh "such guns as'art habitually raised at an arm's length and fired from the shoulder,'' and for bids the use of a swivel or punt guns. Wild turkeys may not be killed between January 1 and August 1 j Woodcock between January 1 and July -1; cjunll or Virginia pirlrldge between January 1 anil -November 1 ; milled grouse or pheasant and pinnated grouso or prairie chick en between January 1 and September 1 J rait and reed birds may only be killed in Ihe months of September October and November. The killing of all insectivorous birds, such as sparrows, larks, thrushes, (Inches, robins, wood peckers, is absolutely prohibited at all time', unless the birds are killed " for the pur pose of scientific Investigation or having the samo stuffed and set up as a specimen." The robbing of birds' nests, "save only those of such predatory birds a are destructive of game and Insectivorous birds," the killing o.- ill turbing of wild pigeons on their nesting or roost" ing grounds, and llie taking of birds by "any blind, trap, snare, net or device whatever," are also forbidden. The penalties fjr violation ol the law vary from $5 to S10 for each bird llie gaily kilted, and the exposing for sale or having in possession of game birds killed out of season Is punishable by the samo penalities. Shoot lug or hunting on Sunday Is al-o prohibited under n penalty of not more than $25 or less than $10.1 The llmbandmnn, an agricultural Journal of high character, asys of the Perfected Color of Wtlls, Itlcbsrdson A Co., of llurllngton, Vt.t All report whirli we have received from Ihe life of llil 4 article give it high pral-e." Jtr. A W. Cheever, of the AVtr England lnntr con. urs In Ihe commendation. Jlcsohcd, That we request tho'e persons, who navo been active in llie matter of getting water works, if they cannot succeed in their forts to obtain sufficient capital at home, to cor respond with other parties and engage foreign capital in Ihe work of obtaining a suppiy of water for our Town . On motion adjourned. Frank P. Hillmeyer, Secretary. It EN TUN NEWS. Doctor Krebs of Light Street extracted Cherrystone from the ear of William Muflley's Utile daughter that had accidentally been forced The lVumouth Herald, a bright little weekly In five years ago. The foreign body apparently published nt Plymouth, Luzerne county, by doing litlleniischief until lately inflammation set Frank H Snyder, is for Bale. in threatening disease ol the brain. It was mule it relief to bolli parents and child when Kev, Dr. Mitchell delivered an interesting (,e atone was removed. sermon to women on Sunday. The subject will be continued next Sunday. is very and give W. II. Abbolt Esq., has removed his office from Catawisaa to the Ent Building in llie office formerly occupied by John M. Clark E-q. Dr. E. Rutter of Calawissa proves to re move to lierwlck. He is safe and sound physician, and deserves success. The Record of the. Times of June 20th says : During the shower yesterday afternoon small Hakes of snow fell for a few moments. This ex traordinary occurrence was noted on Xorthomp: ton street, and we are informed that the flakes were plainly visible. Weather prophets, take noticeof lliis fact, and note it in your diaries for 1870. Died. Mrs. Hannah Applcman died at her residence on East street on last Sunday morn inc at the advanced age of 83ycars. She was the motlier'of John,!!. D.,and It. Appleman.and of llie wives of Issacher. Dr. J. K. and A. J. George Tustin, son of Kev. J. P. Tustin, is at Evans. She was an estimable lady, respected home spending Ihe summer vacation. He is n by all who knew her- She was buried in student at ISrown University, Providence, Kosemont Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon, and Do not forget that the Town Ordinance pro hibits tho uso of any kind of lire-works within llie Town limits on tho Fourth of July and at nil other times. It has been decided that a promise to pay the debt of aolher will not suppcrt an action unless the promise he founded on a precedent liability or a new consideration. Hut if, by tho arrange ment between the promisor and creditor, the orignal debtor is discharged and a new debt created binding on the promissr alone, Ihe promise whether vctbal or written, is supported by a valuable confideration the detriment to the promisee in the extinguishment of the orig inal debt and is vnudhough no consideration passed from the original debtor to the promisor, and there was no privity helwecu them. Led-gtv. t'liew Jackson's HESTMwprt Nuvy Tobnrco. Ithode Island. Kev. J. F. Diener will bo installed at the Lutheran church in Catawissa next Sundiy morning. Kev. Mr, Marclay will deliver Ihe charge lo the congregation. John Lnvcock. Proprietor ol the central Hotel, has last returned from Kelvidcrc, New .Jersey, where ho was tending tho funeral of Isaac Lnycock, his brother. Communications from all parts of the countv are solicited. The true name of the writer must in nil cases accompany letters for publica tion. In such letters personal hits are not de sirable. Send in llie news. C. G. Murphy and wife of Centralia, sailed for Europe on Wednesday. They will visit Ireland during their absence where Mr. Mur phy's parents reside. We wish them a sale and pleasant journey. A match game of llaso Hall will be played on the Fair ground on July 4th, in the afternoon between the Nanlicoke Base Ball club and a "picked nine" ofthis place. Priceof admission to the ground 10 cents. You can get a genuine American watcli in coin silver or gold open or hunting case fully warranted, at about one half of former price. Call at L. Bernard's Jewelry store and be con vinced, W. J. Knorr Esq. is our Berwick collector Persons knowing themselves to be indebted on subscription can settle with him, and those who do not call upon him will be called upon by him and requested to pay. The first patent ever granted to a negro in th's country was taken out May 18, 1878, by a colored man raised in Virgins, His in vention was a fire escape, which has been very favorably spoken of by those qualified to judge, The annual meeting o I the Alumni Associa tion of llie Normal School will be held in Nor mal Hall, Thursday July 3d at 2 o'clock p. m. John M. Garman is tho oralor and Miss E. C. Kogers, essayist, The Alumni dinner will be eaten at 3 o'clock. was foil wed to the grave of relatives and friends. by a large number C'ol.t.ECTon's Warrants. We have prepar, ed a form, and have on hand a large quantity of blai.k ''Collector's Sales," which have been ap proved by tho highest leeal authority in the Com is of this county. At Tucnty Cents per doz en mail any number to the Collector order ing them. A Collector, when compelled to ad vertise property, must post up not less than three notices in the most public places in his borough or township. tf. The folly of a town council cm best bo illus trated in buying ground at an extortionatejpricv for a public park, and then (arming it out year ab-ise our pitienco ? after year for nothing. Not a tree has been planted on it, and not even a decent fence sur rounds it. The President of llie Pennsylvania Keserve Association, Hon- Andrew G. Cuilin, has noti fied Major Chill. W. Hazz.ird, Ihe correspond ing secretary, officially, that the board of con trol has determined to hold the usual annual reunion this autumn at the time and place here after to be announced. He desires thesecrctary to give the matter publicity, thus early, in or der that the veterans of the Old Guard may an ticipate a re-assembling of the association an occasion which in other years proved a source of so much pleasure. Last week, when Gen. Davis nnd his compan. ion were tramping through this County they stopped justaboveSlill water to inquire the road of a Utile girl. After giving necessary informa tion, sho remarked that in coming from Sun- daySchool she had lost a garter ; that it was red, blue, and speckled all over, and if Ihey found it to love it wilh some neighbor, The nau ete of the gi'l so charmed the general that he determined to get her a pair of new ones. We received tnem aaturuayi and immediately forwarded them to their own er, who undoubtedly will wear them next Sun day , Our citi zens have been waiting for some lime very patiently to hear that Ihe Town Council has taken steps to rid the streets of lhat common nuisance, cattle at large. They have wailed in vain, and are beginning to ask.why is this thus? Last year when it took Ihe council two months lo let the cows out, they were laughed ot for their bungling. It is now time months since the present council wuit into office, wllh a ma jority in favor of shutting up the cows, and yet nothing has been done beyond giving notice that un ordinance would be presented, lias the Council forgotten Its duty, or is it afraid to per' form it? How lMigO City t'.uliers, will ye PEES OP JUSTICES AN' I) CONSTABLES. Hereafter, by reason of a recent law Sherifl's Inquests on tho sale of real estate, and in pro ceedings in partition, !cc the jury will consist of six men instead of twelve. We regard ibis as a good measure, It saves expense and incon venience, and the duty can bo performed by the Uss number as well as by the greater. After spending $13,000 of the public money, advertising for proposals to furnish stationery for the state government, the state officials got thee hi Iders, and the contract was awarded at about llie prices that any retail store would supply the arliclea asked for. An Imnorlant act has ben passed by the Leg Mature allowing the Courts of Common Pleas ing the same, to fix monthly return days, This will enable parties to make collections more promptly and Jivold many arbitrations. Besides, litigants will be less likely to go before Justices In cases in' volvlng between $100 00 and $300, By an act approved May 19th last, it is pro vided thai Ihe lees received by justices of the peace and constables of the several counlies of llie commonwealth shall be as follows . The sum received by justices of Ihe peace for oil acls in or about tho commitments of vagrants shall be twenty five cents for each vagrant as committed, and the fees received by constab es for every act in or about the arresl or commit, ment of vairrants shall be lwent-five cents for each vagrant so arresttd and so committed and mileage as now allowed by law for the same service! Provided, That the provisions ofthis act shall not apply to counties containing over live hundred thousand inhabitant; and provid ed further, That this act shall not apply to counties liavlng a local or special law regulat- Messrs Editors: Local news scarce, but I will do the best I can, you all that I can glean. ihe weather in this vicinity nppcars to set hard on those who are subjected lo rheuma tism, There nro several persons in this vincily who nre sull'ering wonderlully with this dis tressing disease. Mr. Charles Fullmer, one of our enterpris ing townsmen bus erected a beautiful portico in front of his dwelling house. Mr. Fullmer knows how things ought to b, and he will havo them that way, regardless of the pnnicy times. Our townsmen, who compose tho Benton Cornet Band, appear to have a great deal of difficulty in all meeting together evenings to practice. All should be punctual in regard to it, ns it is aggravating to the Captain to go to the trouble to notify them nil, and then not not more than half be present at the time tip pointed. Benton will have a daily mail to Bloomsburg instead of a tri.weckly, which goes into effect tlio first of July. It is to leave Benton at 5 o'clock in the morning and arrive nt Blooms. burg at 12 o'clock; leave Bloomsburg nt 2 o'clock in the afternoon and arrivo at Beir ton at 7 o'clock in the evening. Our bus iness men leel good over it, and it w ill, undoubt edly, bo more comcnieut for them than heretofore. Your correspondent has overheard several compliments passed on those hills printed at ihe CoLUsiuiAX office, for the Fourth of July Celebration, to be held in Matter's Grove near Benton, ai a very neat and attractito job. It is evidence of a well stocked ollico and a prac tical printer's work. Our town is well supplied with lame dogs If some of those who indulge in such tnhum conduct, were the victims themselves, it might bo that they would learn to get nt some other business instead of abusing dumb brutes. The best thing that they can do is to keep it quiet or they may ho afflicted with sore heads, as the owners of theso dumb animals aro very indig nant about it, Look a little out I You who nre guilty of tho liendi-h act I ! Mr. Edward Musgravo met with a piiuful accident on the 18th iust-, nt Albertson's steam saw mill, in Mr. Eli Mendenlinll's woods, about ono and one half miles from this place. There were several men carrying a largo stick of square timber, about eight by ten, nnd twenty feet long. Mr- Musgrave by some means slip ped or caught his foot and fell, tho stick of timber fulling on three lingers of his right hand, and masking them almost off, the third finger just-hung by a small bit of skin. His lingers were badly mangled, nnd it very likely will bo quite n time before he will be able to to do anything with tho hand. Dr' I. E. Pat tcrsou was summoned to dress the wound, When last heard from, Mr. Mufgruve was get ting along as well as could be expected under the circumstances. The Benton Cornet Bind have received, and accepted with pleasure, an invitation to bo at Orangevllle on next Friday, to help enliven the enjoyments anticipated thero on that day. The Orangeville Cornet Band nro going to havo an Ice cream Festival in tho afternoon and evening, in Low's Hnll, the proceeds of which are for the Orangevillo Band, Mr. ltussell Kami is going to havo a dance in this place, on tho evening of the Fourth. The Fourtli of July Celebration to be given in this place is prospering toward having a lively time, and no doubt ono that will long bo remembered by the citizens of Benton and vi Icinity. Tliere nre to be three Cornet bands present, instead of two tlio Orangevillo Cor net Band is to be added to the Picture Kock and Benton Bands Tho.-e who fail lo attend will undoubtedly miss a grand day of enjoyment. Mr. John Heacock our cheap confectionery and assistant Post Master, intends building a porch in front of his already cozy hou.-e. He has the iron ready for that purpose, and also, part of the lumber. It will add to the nppeirnnco of his house much, besides being more conven ient for tho&o who don't like to bo in hot sun to sit down in tho shade. Wo have quite a number of such men in our town. The Mail horse gavo out yesterday on the way from Bloomsburg to this place, which caused the mail to be later than usual, Tin horse when last heard from was in quite a crit ical condition, Yours Ac, ohanqeville items. The chief topic of conversation hero nt prcs cut is the Anniversary of tlio Academy which takes place Thursday and ! riday of this week Tlio Anniversary dinner on Friday appears to trouble tlio ladies considerably. Preparations are being msde to feud a large number and if c pleasant weather continues, we have doubt but what a largo crowd will bo here to bo fed. But they may all come for the "Ladies f Orangeville" are cquul to any emergency. The cherries are ripening fast. A lew have nlready been brought into town for sale. The crops are looking well. The farmers ex pect good wheat crops. Mr. L. K. Fowler ol Dunmore, 'ngent for A S. Barnes k Co , of N- Y., in company witli Mr. Beckley of the I!?publican was in Orange ville on Monday. Misses Ella Block and Gertie Harder tliorsburg had a runaway last week as they were returning home from school. Tho shaft of the wagon breaking frightened the horse and he became nnmanageablc. Fortunately some men stopped him before tho girls were injured moro than a few bruises. Very truly yours, W1I.KEN3 MlCAWUER. WHY WILL YOU Allow a cold to advance In your system and thus encourage mote serious maladies, such as neumonia, Hemorrhages and Lung troubles when an Immediate relief can be so readily at' tatned. lloichee's Gcrmah Syrup has gained 111 largest sale In the world for the cure of Coughs Colds and the severest Lung Diseases. It 1 Dr. Boschee's faraousGermaiijprcscripthnjand is prepared wilh the greatest care,and no fear need be entertained in administering it to the young est chil l, as per directions. The sale of ihii medicine is unprecedented. Since first intro duced there has been a constant increasing de mand and without a single report of a failure to do its work in any case. Ask your druggist as lo the truth of theso remarks. Large size cents. Try it and be convinced, aug 30, '78-tf Hook Notices. See A woman on horseback In another col unin, riding near Speer's Vineyards, with a lunch ofOrapes from which Hpeer a Port Gripe Wine is made, that Is so highly esteemed by the medical profession for the use of invalids, weakly persons and the aged. Sjld by Druggists. June 27 1-y. SuiciDK. One of the patients at the Asv urn committed suicide, last Friday morning. He was among a gang ol men from that Institu tion who were engaged In fencing In llie lot of ground above town which was reclaimed from swampiness by under-draining. He wandered away, but was missed In a few minutes, nnd search for him was instituted. His hat was discovered floating down the canal, but this a. first was considered as a ruse lo favor his escape. It was not till some hours after that his body was found in the canal. The name of the leceased was Clem. Moore. He was sent lo the nstilutlon from Susquehanna county. His form of Insanity had been manifested by a desire to set fire to buildings. Danville Intclligeneer of last vreck. SUElUbTS SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias issued out of nn rvwi-t nf fVimmi'in 1'Ipiw of Columbia count in1 tanar Uaifll IfiTa II nnnaartnif tl Mm COUft I ..j um n nnhilr) ajnlA At '" " "i '- ;v ':" I ana lo lire uin.w:u nni w t iwnru n mim ""' l u1j3UA, .iuli ein,iaiy. am tlmf rv-rluln ribf. nr nnrnel nf tnni situate OD 'nnner. and (Itipcti thatnotlre of this decrco shall I .,. ....... ... ti-rnl t.tonr itiilherrv be published In the hoixmsuk. weekly newapop" , ,h tU,,h nr iwrwifL- bound- rubllshed at liloomsburir, fir four succeeding weevs. and tine MreetMn the borough or iterwick, oouna- ii-.iijis . .-a - I -.&-.. . ......II. tr.t r t A nt rn tar Vnttlrf ftilAl . riHANGK OF" NAMK. Tn tho matter of the petition ot Uizlo Plsher, presented to the Court In open session, February the prayer ot tho petition Bhould be granted, the IVilii-t. hortiv tnnL-f... ilix-ron thAf. t.tin natne Of tllfl petitioner bo changed from Llzilo Klalier to Llztlo ion f-orMMnil fmtn thn Itm-md. Juno 6, Hill, VI m. KIllCKllAtl.M J 1S-4W lUfll ITotlionotary. A UDITOK'H NOTICE. IN HIS I8T1TE OF AMOKKW OINOLtS, DICIASID. Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho Court ot Columbia Co., to make distribution of the balance In the hands of the Administrators, to and among the parties entitled thereto, will sit at his onice, lu Illoomsbiirg, on Saturday, Juno s, into, at ten o'clock n. in., for tlio purpose of his appointment when and where all persons Interested suatl appear ond prove their claims or bo debarred from coming In fora share of said fund. C.O.DAI1KLEY, May 9J-ta Auditor. A DMINISTKATOK'S NOTICE. ESTATE Or ISAAC I.CTZ, tllCIiSID. Lutz, late of Mimin township, Columbia county, de cfAMil. hafl bfen trraiitcd bv ihe lteirlster of said county to tho undersigned Administrator to whom For the informs tion of the numismatics the Journal of Commerce publishes a list of the dates by years of the issue of the different denomlna. lions of silver coins, Includlrg one and Iwo cent KtetesWdrUesI pieces : Pattern cents called the "Washington I cents," were irsued In 1791 and 1792, and a few other pattern crnts bearing a diflerent le gend about Ihesametlme, A few silver "Disme" and "Half Disme," as patterns, were coined in li92. The first regular copper cent was coined In 1793,and thence yearly except in 1815, when none were struck. In 1791 a dollar, half dol lar and half dime were struck , and thence year ly nil fw.rttnn. ltiilpht-i! nro ri-mipatwl to make ItCmc dlalo pavment and those hating claims or demands analnstllho estate will make them known to the Ad ministrator without delay, UE.NItV IlETLElt. May so, "79 Cw. Administrator. A I'DITOII'S NOTICE. lutho matter of tho distribution of the funds In Court Irom tho salo of tho property of Mooro Crcve-llng. UINRT J. MCKWIX, 1 No ,M May nrT?, 18J0. i-iur. j-i. iu. MOORK CKKVSLINU. Now, May 18th, 1879, tho Court appoint Geo. E. Elwell auditor to distribute tho funds In couit arls- trom sale or real esiaic, Dy agrecineni. 01 couu- HvtiikCocbt. I'urauant lo the abmo annolntment tho under signed wilt Bit at bis onico In llioomsburg on satur- Husqmhnmia rbcron the loutli, ami lot of llapllst Church west, ono hundred anil scum feel, more or less, In Iront, and thrco hundred feet, moro or lesa. In depth. Itoservlng and excepting the right of way In and over tho sumo occupied by tlio Delaware, Lackawanna & Western It, It., and Pennsylvania Canal Company. Stled, taken in necutlonatlhe stilt of Andrew Fow Icr, against Oiorgo A. licam, and to bu told as the property of tleorgo A. Ileum. Thompson, Attorney. Terms cash on day of salo. JOHN W. IIOFl'MAN, Juno 13 'ISMS sheriff. SHERIFFS SALE Py Mrtuo of a writ Alias Vendex Issued out of the Court of Common picas ot Columbia county and to me directed, will be exposed to public aalo nr the Court House In the town ot llioomsburg coluinbl county, l'cunsylvanla, at two o'clock p. m., on FKIDAY, JULY lltli, 1870. All that certain lot or piece of ground, sltuato In the town of Catawlssa, county ot Columb'a, and htato of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows I Beginning at a post set for a corner for said lot at tho Intersection of the two publlo roads leading from tho town of Cataw lasa, respect Ucly to llolilngshead and McKclvy mills, and run ning from thence by tho north sido or said roaa leadlBir from McKelvy'a mill south eighteen and one-halt degrees east ono hundred and forty-five feet six Inches to a Dost . thence by land of J. 11. Knlttlo north ntty and ono fourth degrees, east one hundred and five feet to a post north side of afore said road leading from Catawlssa to llolllDgshcad's mill, thenco by tlio samo i ortli sixty-four degrees, west ono hundred and fort -four leet lo place of beginning, whereon Is o lected a thrco story brick aoy, Juiy m u u hTM, lhn , ,nr , . ,.,.h ,.,,, , inrn aDU wneu nil licrnuiia uiiemicu iuu icnuuvu to present their claims before said auditor or be de barred rrom coming in tor a snuru vi uiu muu. UEU, E. ELWELL, JunolJ-4w Auditor. TAX NOTICE! Th iinrirrRlo-npii. 1 refiRurcr of tho town of The first quarter and first dime appeared JS3lt$S3ZXS& w!f? "J"' rooms, ono occupied by a dry goods and grocery merchant and tho other vacant, second story ny public hall, and third story by. Masonic Lodgo and Chapter i also, a one story frame, ware house, being tho ground upon which said buildings, sc., are erected, bonndoj by tho roads before mentioned, and tn tho rear by property now or late ot Uio Cata- Stamping done by Miss Annie Kupert, Mark et utreel. A large number of new and elegant patterns just received June ?0 4'W. A LUCKY HECOVEItV. Klkctic MaiMim:. The July number of tho Elect ic, just isunl, begins a uew vol utnc, aud is n good ono with which to com menco cither a yearly or a half-yearly fuh fcriptiou. The engraving this month is a finely expressive likeness of General Albert J. iMyer, the 'Old Probabilities' of the Weather Bureau at Washington. The con tents of tho number arc as follows : 'On the Study of Natural History,' by Professor St. George Mivart ; "A Speech at Eton,' by Matthew Atnold ; 'Tho History of Games,' by K. B. Tylor, L. L. D. ; 'John Brown : A True Story ;' 'Sydney Dobell ; A Personal Sketch,' by Robert Buchanan j 'On Chinese Fans ;' 'Mr. Browning's Dramatic Idylls ; A problem in Human Evolution,' by Profes sor Grant Alien ; 'Madeuioiscllo do Mersac,' a novel, chapters X. to XII. ; 'Spring's Gifts,' a poem ; 'Two Impostors of the Eighteenth Century ;' 'Peter the Great ;" 'Literature and Medicine ;' 'Flowers and their Unbiddcu Guests ;' 'The Melancholy of Educated Englishmen ,' 'A Coquette ;' and a biographical fcketch of General Albert J. Myer, to accompany the portrait. Be sides these thero aro tho usual editorial de partments of Literary Notices, Foreign Lit ary Notes, Science acd Art, and Varieties. Published by E. It. Pelton, 25 Bond Street, New York. Terms, $5 per year ; single number, 15 cents ; Trial subscription for three months, $1. in 1S9C, and thence annually. Three cent pieces of silver were coined in 1851, and chang ed again in 18o3. The nickel cent was intro duced in 1830. The twenty cent piece was au thorized by act of March 1, 1875, aod its fur ther coinage prohibited by act of May 2, 187S. The two cen t copper coin was authorized 22d April 1,864, the three cent copper and nickel piece March 3rd 186-3, and Ihe five cent copper and nickel May 16, 1866, KIDNEY COMPLAINTS of all discriptions are relieved, at' once, and sfecdily cured by Kidney-Wort. It seems in tended by nature for the cure of all diseases of the kidneys caused by weakness and debility. Its great tonic powers are especially directed to removalof this (Uss of diseases. Marriages. Cor.s Christian. Arthur Cole of Green wood township to Miss M. L. Christain ol Pine at lierwlck by Kev. W. Cattell June 19th 1679. Savitts Lono. On the 21t Inst., by Kev. W. E, Krebs.Mr. Benjamin F. Savitts to Miss Mary A. Long, both of this place. and ascertained for the tear 18T9, on and after Hat urday June 21st, 1979, at his onico on Main Btrcet tltedoorB above Centra street. In said townt and ail lax-payers aro nereoy renuirea us pay uhj saini-. Any tax unpaid at the expiration ot thirty days fiom the said 31st ot June shall be paid wllh nve per centum penalty upon tho amount, added there- W" FHANKP. IHLLMYER. Town Treasurer, llioomsburg, June 1, 1S79. Juno no, 6w. A UDITOK'S NOTICE. In the matter of tho estato of I. Johns Son, as signed to J. M. smith, for benent of creditors. Now, June 5, 1S79, on motion ot Messrs. Freeze and Knorr, C. (1. Iiarklcy, Esq., Is appointed auditor lo uisiriDuie mnus in uanas oi u. . biuiui,u,9ikui:i--, as found by Auditor's lteporl of C. o. Hartley, among tho creditors. IlTTOI! corKT. l'ursuantto tha aboe appointment the under signed will nt al his onico In llioomsburg on .Mon day, July S'st. 1879, at o'clock, in tho forenoon, nlii-rn nntl whtn nil nprsotm Intirnsti-d art! rcUUired to present their claims before Bald auditor or bo de burred from coming 1H tor a share of said fund. C. O. UAKKLKY, lunemMw Auditor, DMINISTKATOK'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF ANTU0NY SNYDER, DECEASED, Letters of administration on the estate ot Anthony Snjder, late of Mifflin township, Columbia Co., de ceased, hao been granted by the Itegtstcr of said county to the undersigned Administrator to whom nil persons lnoeuieu aro reuuesu.-u w um.w luimc dhLlH nui-mcnt nnd those havlnir claims or demands ngatnst tho estate will make them known to the Ad ministrator without delay. U1IAKLKN A. K.-SUIUI, Administrator, June 90, "79-ew llioomsburg. Seized, lakt u Into execution and lo bo sold as the property ot the Catawlssa Masonic Association, W.H, Hiiawn, Att'y. Terms cash. . ... John w. norr.w ais. Juno no, '79-ls LVA.Ii sheriff. Business Notices Call at McKinney's for Shoes. Spring Styles Spring Goods Spring Styles. Call ana see The New Goods. Tho New Styles at the New Price. Cheaper than ever. Must be seen to be believed, better goods at lewer prices at u. ixjwen berg's. Rubbers at McKinney's. Want Wool at Light Street. SILAS YOUNG. June 20 2-w. 4 UDITOK'S KEPOKT Pugarloat township ot supervisors ot roads fo the year ending April Hlh, 1S79. Andrew Hess and John Lcwts, supen Isors. Dr. Cr. TO amount of duplicate of road tax in Andrew Hess' hands for the ear or 1873 $W 3 To amount of unseated land tax.... ns C'l Uy work done on road Itv time as HUDervlsor Hy receipt and others redeemed... Hy exonerations Hy orders redeemed To order 57 4S6 67 4S 70 113 SS 1 911 4 1)6 J195 SI I To amount of duplicate of road tax in donn uevtiii nanus lur uio earotlS7S 301 O) Ily work dono on road Hy time as supervisor Hv cxhoneratlons rrt rtan 111,,, tUa I. ah, rvtalra nf I fi,. T"0 OTderS S 39 .UU VAU UUJ IUU UIMD Ul IMHUE IU, I 33S 3 89 37 3 30 12 cents per yard at Clark & Son's. f 920 83 1920 S3 All wool Buntings at Philadelphia prices Work $34528 at Lutz & Sloan's. In Blackwood's Magazine for Juno, repub lished by tho Leonard Scott Publishing Co., 11 Barclay Street, New York, we havo the conclusion of the serial, 'John Caldigate,' sdoiy, Mr. W. C. Montgomery, of McEwensville, an estimable gentleman, made a narrow escape from sustaining a serious financial loss on Sat urday, lie had been making a visit to Jersey, town, Columbia county, having on his person about $1,700 in cash, which had just been paid to him before starting, and which he had not time to deiKwit. While resting himself uiion a lounge, with his coat which conlaiaed the and a spirited continuation of the now money thrown across him, the contents 'Hcata ; or, hat s in a Name. of the pockets slipped to llie floor. Mr. Mont- The chapter on "Contemporary Literature' gomery left in the evening without discovering takes up I'rcnch novels, to which it devotes ins ios,an.i iiauproceeueua,.iar as r-xenauge, twcmy.Six pages, inscribes ihcin as cliarac- Canned Peas 10 cents per can or three wueu iie reai ueu mai ui luuurj- nau uiniquicai- terizcu oy an intensity 01 realism, ami gives cans lor 25 cents at llartraan liros, ed. His first impression was that he had lost a ruunini: coiniuentarv on the iiroductions of the money as he drove along, he having been tll0 mojcrn jrcl,cll M100i from Victor IIuko, . ",D,reAl V. ' . e irnimr at a lively triit. He retraced his Hens n n n c.' .i ..., a... j ' su. . i"" . " D ' I iJiiiix.;. uiiuiua, vjuu.iiu uauui uuu uut uunn over a good part of the dUlance, making a t0 Hubert , Helot, Sandeau, Clarctie .Daudet, i-.i uful In? iliu 11.fl r f a Ifinrprti I 1 1 .1 1 rk...v.., , iiud jO a. llie la-st-iminiHl author hcintr urn l n..- r t n,i:..t ni.i iu he happened .0 remember about lying on Ihe 1, tf "K French novelets. by the best makers at u. liernhard s Jewel The other articles arc 'Tho Destruction of r? tore' zegedin,' from the notes of a member of a Boots aud Shoes cheap at McKinney's. l:i-. ..!...- ...i-i. r 1 - ,u ,""7 ""'"" '"B -"'!' " s organ.- gpt,ng Qvercoats-Spring Overcojts, .V.W UMV4 UUl 1.UU4 WUUrt-.WIII WII IUU I 'f. pfln . , ,M f fl m B. PSI fttl ll P. W The above is the Indebtedness for tho year 1S78. We, tho Auditors of Kugarloaf township have cx- Siaal Hay Rope lOcts per pound for cash, amlncd tlio supervisor's accounts and ilnd It as .Manil a Mav Itnnn -'Acta npr nnllnil Inr 1 s"3 su,ltu. cash. Over four loot to pound at Light street. Silas Youno. june 20 2-w Beautiful Silk Hats New Soft Hats, Wool Hats, Fur Hats, For Men for Boys and Children At the Popular store of D. Lowenberg. Silk Umbrellas suitable for sun or rain Admission free at McKinney's. Ily order ot Auditors, KLIJAII I'KTEUMAN.l AAKON KltlTZ, J-Auditors. J. II. DAVIS, J Attest, ANDREW LAUUAC1I, Clerk. June Is dw EF.POKT OF COMMON SCHOOLS OF SCOTT TOWNSIIII'. JACOB TEltWILLIClKIt, Treasurer, CU. Hy cash pd. S. W. Edgar,tachcr,5mo.$t40 o " John CrevelliiR, " 110 uo SHERIFFS SALE. Ily virtue of sundry writs issued out of tlio Court ot common I'leas of Columbia county and to mo directed, will bo exposed to public sale at Uio Court House In tho town or llioomsburg Columbia county, 1'ennsj lvanla, at two o'clock p. m., on MONDAY, JULY 7ih, 1879. All that certain lot ot ground situate In the town ot Catawlssa, In the county ot Columbia, Btte of I'entisylMinla, liounded and descrlii'd as follows, to-lt! Ilc'Elnnlngat a post 8"t for u corner for said lot ut tho Intersection ot Mil two public roads leadlnc from Uu' town ot Catawlssa i-vspectluly lo and McKcKys Mills, suutli elirhtcen and a halt dtktei'b, o.v-t ouo hundred aud lorty-ouo foot six Inches to a post, thenco by 1 inds ot Joseph B. Knlttlo, north ntty and a quarter decrees, cost, one hundred and live feet to a post on tlio south side of the afuretoiM road leading froin Catawlssa to McNlnch's .Mill, thenco by I hu samo north sixty-lour degrees, west one hundred and forly-four feet lo the placo of boglnnlni:: on which aro erected a three story, brick building, store room, public hall and masonic hall. seized, taken In execution nt tho suit of C. II. nrockway against Kobert llorrell with notice to Catawlssa Masonic Association, garnishee, and to bo sold as tho property ot Catawtss.i Mosonlo Asso ciation. I'lur. Vend. Ex. Vkock -av. Attorney. A LSO All that trad of I.uid situate In thu town ot Bloomsburg, viz : Lota 10 and 11, bounded on the nortli by land of Shaffer and Hoffman, on the cast by East btrcet, on the south by lot ct wiutam Olgga', aod on tlio west by strawberry alley, containing one hundred feet front by one hundred and nlnety-olght feet In depth, being two full lots, on which are erected a two story rrame dwelling house, stable aud other out-bulldlnss. AlO, ono other lot on Itallroad Btrcet, West llioomsburg, bounded on tho north by an alley on tho east by tho lrondalo railroad, on the south by lot of Henry Hartmau, and on the west by an alley, containing Wty feet front and ono hundred and sixty-six feet deep, more or less, on which are erected a double frame house, two largo btables nnd other outbuildings. seized, taken In execution at tlio suit ot M. o. Hughes, assigned to C. 11, I'axton, against Casper I. Thomas, and to be sold as tho property of Casper J. Thomas, W. J. Hccxaiew, Attorney. Alias II. Fa. Teims cash on day of sale. JOHN w. norFMAN, Juno I3-79-ts sherin. SHERIFFS SALE. Sarah O Snvder. S. A. Worman, store bill, V. H. Kob'nson K. II. l'ursel, fixtures li. W. Anl, coal. P, E. Ilomboy & sou, repairs, s. A. Wormun. glass, etc. . . . W. K. Dletbsrlch llarinan liassert E. II. l'ursel, repairs 110 IM 5 47 5 SO 10 U 9 37 I 5 II 51 1 77 1 00 3 41 - I07 03 The colieries in and about Centralia are work Ployment. We liot.e this slate of affairs wiU graduates cont m ed, not be marred by any foolish strikes. It Is belter to have steadv eiun ovment at low wages than to lie idle half the time for want of high er rales. Com.mkxcemknt Wkeic The following is iho nroerammo of exercises for next week nt tlio Slate Normal School: Sunday, Juno 20th 7 0 p. M. Sermon by the Principal, to the graduating class, Luther, uu Church. Monday, Juno 30th. Kxaminatton of under Tuesday, July 1st, Examination ol under- graduates concluded ; 8 p. M, Annual address beforo Iho Literary Societies, llev. W. ft. .Mon roe. I). 1). Opera House. UVilnedav.Julv-3dU.SlJ A.M. I'llial All " ... . Jacob L.GIrion. lwleior of the Citv Hotel i 1 l'. M. Llass.lay exercises, ui.i has secured the services of Mr. Frank Smith, as. pus : 7.30 1'. M. re-u.uou. rU,b ..... r. i.. r um..itA,rH Thursday. July 3d, 'J.30 A. M. Comme -..-.., ,,, - -..,. f,,, Sn.'.tv where he was conneclid with one of the lust ment excrcw , - - .7 . i,.i. r. c i..M.i..t .t.i nntlp. of the Alumni in Uinpeij J i. w, .iiuuuu t.,4n ..l 1 i . . M llinncr. ftcUOOl AUUIli: Aimi.o, ju ".M nun Knows now iu caier iw uio nui.. vi , ... . the public. 1 Keceptiou, hcliool rariors. ounge. lie proceeded in great haste to the hotel in Jerseytown and had the gooif fortune to recover his cash just where it had fallen from his pocket. He was, of course, very much gratified at his good lortane. Those who know Mr. Montgomery will also rejoice to know that he escaped locitig such a snug sum of money, as ho fully deserves his good luck, Gazette iC' llulletin. TltUTH IS MIQIITV. As the little leaven hid in the measure of eal, made all leaven, so truth gradually over comes all doubt and uisbeliet. When Ur. Pierce, of Bufl'alo N. Y,, announced that his Favorite Prescription would positively cure llie many diseases and weaknesses peculiar tu wo men, some doubted, and continued to emloy the harsh and c untie local treatment. 11, it the mighty truth gradually became acknowledged Thousand-of ladies who had uselessly under gone untold torture.-) at the hands of diflerent physicians, emi loved the Favorite Prescription and were speedily cured, Many physicians now prescribe it in their practice. So sanguine is Dr. Pierce of lis power lo cure, that he now sells it through druggists under a positive guaran tee. I). Lowenbergs. I, THE AUltlCt'LTUltAL MEKTINll. F.xecutive committee met at Ihe Exchange Hotel, liloonuburg, June 21st 1879, Members present: A. P. ioung: 1'.. J Mcllenry, M. O, Hughes Freas Fowler Chau.llee lives, l'. II Km, N. II. W. Brown, Peter A, Kvans, Wm. Shall'er and M. W, Nuss, Meeting was called to order by A. P. Young, Chairman. Minutes were read and approved, On motion of Nuss and Mcllenry, the dial apiwinled Nuss, Mcllenry and lives a commit tee to revise Ihe premium liat and report to the Executive Commiltee at ils next meeting. On motion duly seconded, Hughes, Ent and Youngwereelected Delegates to thetate College lo elect Trustees, On motion it was agreed that the hay on the "Fair Ground" be awarded to Ellas Olgger to be made for the half. Adjouri ed to meet July 25th 187U. first uews of serious danger ; 'Bank Failures Just received at ...i . i,.,;. 1).,.., ,!:.. ...- (-.,. c i:,:,.,i ttllU M.VII iH.Ull.Ult,-, OUIUB IUIIU U HUllltU I . , o f TT - Tl ,. , .... , . , , . ..... I rarmers aueuuuu i o. u. jiess, mooms liability OCing HlggcstCU , ami a Sliort critl- lllir now nfr.rsMiean for cash or ,-ratn ... .,. - !..t- . P t II, 1 ,. I - I .. C. .'....'. asm on me auko oi Argyll's late speccn on all kinds ot larming implements the haatern policy ot tbe Uovcrnment. M(II1T STRKKT SCUOOL. Hy c. M.Terwllliger, teacher, i mo.. 140 ti " Wm McDowell 110 lo " I'hcebe Snyder 110 no " J.Tcrw linger, coal, brooms, cto. . 43 70 AKTON ScnOOU Hy Douglas White, teacher, 5 mo 14010 W. w. Moorhead, ,! 110 00 " A. .11000, plastering, eie iu iw " (leo. W. Creiel.nir. cual. etc 17 DO " A. Mood, blackboard 19 23 CK0SS ROAOS SC1IOOU By A. IT. Vanderellce, teacher, s mo. I 4U3 ;c tm is Tho periodicals reprinted by the Leonard Scott l'ubli-hing Co. (41 Barclay Street, N. .)arsas follows: The London Quarterly, Edinburgh, Wat minster and Ilritish Quarter ly Reviews, and Jllactwood's Magazine, Price, $1 a year for any one, or only J15 for all, and the postago n prepaid by the Publishers. Wide Awake for July, 1S79. The July Wide Awake, which, by the way, is a thick number,' having a sixteen page Natural History Supplement, cele brates tbe national holiday with a frontis piece full of battle-smoke, and two capital patriotic stories, Bunker Hill Revived,' by J. H. Woodbury, and 'General Washington aud the ltagamutBiis,' by Annie E. Preston 'The Children's Hour at tho Old South,' by l'.mina L. Brown, is also full ot patriotic reminiscences, nnd is illustrated with thir teen fine drawings by Miss Humphrey Then there is also a humorous Fourth of July poem, 'The Fire Cracker and Torpedo,' by Clara M. llurnham, illustrated hy 'Boz,' A verv Iarce assortment of Parasols chean at l.utz ot Sloan s. ' David Jones, coal, noorlng, et:, ' J.Terw linger, ccal, etc 140 00 35 3S 3 V9 - 1179 47 A large assortment of New Shoes just re ceived from New York which I will sell at low prices, A stock of from $1500 to $1800 worth of boots and shoes to select trom. Children's Misses' and Ladies' Slippers, Gaiters, Morocco and Kid Shoes, lace and button. Ladies' Slippers for CO cents, G!i cts, 75 cts., 90 cts. $1 00, $1,25 to 1.40. Children sand Slisses Shoes, 30 cents. 40 cents, 50 cents, t!0 cents,75 cents, 90 cents, S1.0CLS1.25, $1.40, $1.50, il.GO, $1.75. Ladles' ualters and nones lor 70 cents, w ients,$l 00. $1.10. $1.2.r. $1,40. $1 50.S1.6O. $1 75,$1.90, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $2.G0, $2.75. Youths' lioys" and Jlens" Shoes, ou cents, 90 cents, $1.00, $1.10, $1.20, $1.25, $1.40, $1 50, $l.G0, $1.75, $1,90, $2.00, $2.25, $2.40, $2.60, $2.75 at Light Street by juneb-iw BlhAS YUUNU. DOBBIN'S ELECTRIC SOAP. Having obtained the agency of this CnLnnrtATL-n Soap for Bloomsburg and viciuitv. I append the opinion of some of our best people as to its menu. MISCKLLANKOCS EXFCKSES. Ily dupllcato to E. II. l'ursel " 6 copies school Journal " school books, 1. w. Hartman, " salary Secretary, E. U. l'ursel -- Auuiioru.. 5 35 7 en It 70 3-J in) 3 U) 1 nrlntlnsr this renrrt a 01) 1 cominlislon to Treasurer, So 97 (95 OS 14S 6S 11591 11 Br. Juno 23, IS7S, cash from Henry C Kelchner, lato treasurer June ,"79 cash receued trom collec tor UN White, during j ear. . . . 3S4 CI 1139 M 11594 II JUS CS 131 4S (51 11 Ilalance In bands of treasurer Amount In bunds 1 f collector Amount of exonerations SAMT. A. WOHMAN,1 O.U.TUENCII, -AUdltorB. CLUtK KllESSLEtt,) Juno 1S-3W Hy vlrtuo of a writ of Klerl Facias Issued out ot tho Court ot Common pleas of Columbia county and to me directed, wilt bo exposed to public salo at tho storehouse, on tlio first described property In Centre township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, at ten o'clock a, m. on THURSDAY, JULY 10th, 1879, All Ihoso pieces and parcels ot land with tho ap purtenances, bounded and described as follows: ono piece situate In Centre township, Columbia county, bounded on the north by a public road leading trom Whltmjer's storo to EvansvlUo, eastwardly by George K. lle&s and Jesse Freas, south by M. W. Jackson, Paul zahner and John Hirer, and on tha w est by a public road, by Aaron Kelchner and Ellis ltlngroe, containing one hundred and flfty-four acres more or less, all improved land, on which aro erected ouo storehouse, two small frame dwelling houstH, two largo bank barns, ono stablo and ft wagon shed, on which Is a good apple orchard, being the same premises purchased by defendant at Or phans' court sale as tho property ut Gilbert It. Fow 1 er, deceased. ALSO, Tho right, title and interest ot defendant In all that tract of land situate In township ot llrlar creck in said county on which the defendant now resides, bounded on the north by land heretofore of John Vanpelt, now M F Jacksou and ot John lleavener, on iho west by said Heavener, now Adam Dleterlch and Francis Evans, on the south by land heretofore owned by P. M.Traugh and now owned by rettlo and on tne east by tho Ball Fettle and others, containing two hundred and twenty tuo acres, more or less, about ono bundled and titty acres ot which aro cleared on which aro erected framo bank barn, frame dwelling house, with other outbuildings, on which Is an excellent npplo orchard and other trull. ALSO, ono other tract ot land sltuato tn said town, ship of Ilrlarcreck, bounded on the cast by land of Hannah Slticr, south by land of Isaao Hower, on tho west by William hitler, and on tho north by Yost's esuto, containing forty-seien acres, moro or less, ull itnprou-d, with an orchard thereon. seized, taken In execution at the suit ot Susan ah Hunt against William Uunon, and to bo sold as Ihe propertyof William l.ainon. Jackson son, Attorneys. Terms cash ou day ot sale. JOHN W. HOFFMAN. Juno IS, "79-ls Micrlt $311 la I'lllt W.ARTTEPS & students IOO or SSOO srti'r 1 i "Sv,;1 'ATIHN. For full particulars v.. jivtitiii a 1 iit. rnii.nt n ilk. i-a. "I have used Dobbin's Electric Soap made " June e iw by I. L. Cragin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., " for washing about ten years, and think it JBEHSTSO'tT'S who also illustrates the funny double-page superior to any other. Mrs. O. O. Barkley." CAPCINE POROUS PLASTERS e nave useii uonuin's wectric soap and CURE LAHE AND WEAK BACK INSTANTLY, find it superior to any other or all others., w. it. Jacoby, Mrs. B. II. Stohner. I desire all my friends aud customers to n.'..- C uttc iiih mtuji unc Anui, THE SUl'ltESIE COUKT. Among llie judgments entered in Ihe premc court 011 .Monday were tho lollomng lining to Ibis section : Tho proceedings of Columbia county court requiring city councils of Williamsport to pay ntcrestdue bondholders aro alhrmcd. Ihe upreme Court says : "We regret to seo a dis- osition only too uparcot upon tho faco of these poem, A Had 1'iJt.' Palmer Cox has a records to evade our decree of October 4th humorous picture of tho advance-guard of 1877. No man or corporation in Pennsylvania I summer Insects, entitled 'Coming I' He al is strong enough to resist tho decree of this so has some excellent crayons for his own court. From the date of our decree to tbe I poem of 'The liens' Adventure.' Clara present time tho city of Williamsport has not, Doty Bates also has an illustrated poem, 80 luat they may know just how good the to our knowlcUco. voluntarily paid a dollar of 'Choos ne a Kitten. 'Prv 111? Lizzie.' hv l "' luD ""cu interest to lis bondholders. 'Ihe payment oi D. G. McDonald, is a capital storv for in this indebtedness is resisted on tho ground that cpjisitive little girls. 'Archery for Boys' is the amcunt ot bonds issued was in excess 01 ai0 very seasonable, the constitutional limit, which the supremo The two aitlclea of nennanent value. lmw ever, are No. VII. of "Our American Ar tists' series, relative to J, J. Etinekiup, with a portrait aud studio, drawn iu pen-aud-iulf by tho artist himself, aud a beautiful en eiiitravine Irom Mr, Knuekinz's charcoal drawing of his painting, 'Winter Twilight v"y ,low I"''s. and see them at at Hyde Parle:' and No. XXIV. of the Lla,k bo" ... - - Poets' Homes' papers, about J. Boyle O'. I have opened a stock of .leather and shoe i!in ii, r.i.l, ,,t n,l n, .iiin. of ,i, undines, at the stand on corner 01 Alain ..... . ...v ..., ,,. , , ,.,M.,l. .!. .1.... lit. I,l.ln. l .l, .. , ,..,.. .ura.,., mid mitmimi Judge- '"'.' " '""""""-i of dealers throughout the county is Inviltd Dauchy &Co's. Advt'a. J. II. Maize. Bloomsburg, Pa. SOLI) HV ALL imi'GQISTS. SBAUUIt V 4: JOHNSON, Prop's. SI Piatt St., N. Y. d Junet-lw vir,7M" JOIN OUR COLONY ! Maps and pamphlets free. J. F. MANCIIA, Clare- ...uu, u juneMw july 12, '78-1 y Hoot headquarters at McKinney's. court two years ago decided did not justify the city of Williamsport in repudiating its obliga tions." Chief Justice Agnew and Judge Woodward dissented- But the opinion filed Monday sets forth that "tho court is a unit in I tho enforcement of our decree, This record is entirely barren of error, and tho proceedings are alhrmcd upon each writ. It will be Iho duty of tho court below to compel prompt obedience to its order, (loodman vs- Sanger, Columbia, ment reversed and new trial awarded 1 Burns vs, Lycoming Ins. Co, lirror to C. P. Montour Co, Affirmed, Kipp's Kxr's 11, Hunter. Krror to C. P Montour Co. Afliruicd. Woidonhammer vs. Murray, Error to C. P., Montour Co. Affirmed, SANFORD'S T A M A TP A For the cheapest and finest natlerns of U XllllXllxJll Iron Fence go to S. SI, Hess, Bloomsburg, I -j T"KT N T"1Tv fa. McKlnnevs House. Shoe Store below Court We want to close out our Btocic of Para- and his portrait is very pleasing, Altogether this number of wide Awake, taking in tbe three eeriais, 'The Dogberry Bunch,' 'St. OlaveV and 'Don (Julxote, Jr.,' is one of the best yet issued. Only t2 00 a year, Ella Fannan, Kditor, D, Lothrop & Co., Boston, Publishers. Juue 27 3-w. .1. I), WlIJiON, Lutz & Sloan have the largest stock o( Lawns in Bloomsburg. Big bargains tn Dress Goods at Clark & Son's, l.nhirKi'il.Uio l.l, isjll. Price I'liflmimnl, ... ' cuinuinauon or 1110 true Jamaica (llngir I w lib choleoarouiatlcs and French brandy, for lir. rectlng Iutemperat4 habits, regulating the stomuch uuu nuncis , oieamogupcolds. chills un i feters. Is SAMouh-s J a in ii-A iTimixr. KorreilcWng gouty and rheumatic pains, presenting malarial levers and pro-1 IllOtillir Blet'It II I trulv u.rtf,rft, ..1. .... J.... I folds, d ' lune'i, 1 T 4"iDO 17. Send S6sentsln stamnaur ctirr,.,,. Ilw ixqilicy for a now miltsft HOOK, it treats ot all aiseases, has S3 flieengrurtngs show lag positions assumed by sick horses, a ublo ot dow i,, S I l)lf.r largo collection of VAl.t aiilkiim . I JJUUIV lfES, rules for telUng tu ago of u horse.wlth an engraving show Ing lecth ot each ) ar T ;.T """usuio iioree imormai iou. lr. m. II. 1 atl sals "I han tmturlir l.LB,i.a, paid li and 110 for which I do not like as well a I I do jours." ksnd -oa a.Cikci'Lah. Agents Wanted. I May , TMjV "t vCvBiii, sK!BtlHj o S3 I P 3 a K. o t3 nil May s, ID-Cm.